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North Sydney Girls 2020 Chemistry Trials & Solutions

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Student Number



Higher School Certificate

Trial Examination


Total Marks – 100

General Instructions
Section I
 Reading Time – 5 minutes 20 Marks
 Working Time – 3 hours  Attempt Questions 1- 20
 Write using black pen  Allow about 35 minutes for this part
 Draw diagrams using pencil Section II
 Calculators approved by NESA may be 80 Marks
used  Attempt question 21 – 37
 A formulae sheet, data sheet and Periodic  Allow about 2 hours and 25 minutes for this
Table are provided part
 Write your student number at the top of
this booklet and on the multiple choice
answer sheet.

Section I
20 marks

Attempt Questions 1-20

Allow about 35 minutes for this part

Use the multiple-choice answer sheet provided for Questions 1-20

Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval
Sample 2 + 4 = (A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9
If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the
new answer.
If you have changed your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct
answer, then indicate this by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows:


1. Which of the following structural formula for a hydrocarbon is correctly shown?

2. Which of the following conditions are required for a system to be in dynamic

System Forward rate of reaction

A. Open No longer occurring
B. Open Equal to the reverse rate of reaction
C. Closed No longer occurring
D. Closed Equal to the reverse rate of reaction

3. The following graph shows the conductivity curve for a titration as base is added.

Identify the type of titration which was carried out.

A. Strong Acid / Weak Base

B. Strong Acid / Strong Base
C. Weak Acid / Weak Base
D. Weak Acid / Strong Base

4. Which of the following formulae describes a ketone?


5. Acid X is 0.10 molL-1 hydrochloric acid.

Acid Y is 0.10 molL-1 acetic acid.

Each acid was titrated with 25 mL of a 0.10 molL-1 sodium hydroxide solution.
Which of the following statements is correct?

A. More than 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in

this titration.
B. 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this titration.
C. Less than 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this
D. Less than 25mL of X is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this

6. The diagram represents a test-tube containing a saturated solution of sodium chloride,
with some crystals of sodium chloride at the bottom of the tube.

A few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added to the solution. Which of the
following would be observed?

A. bubbles of gas form

B. more precipitate is formed
C. some of the sodium chloride crystals dissolve
D. a change in the colour of the crystals

7. 0.1 molL-1 solutions of various bases are made. Which number indicates the pH of
the weakest base according to Arrhenius?

A. 12
B. 9
C. 7
D. 5

8. 25.0 mL of a 0.100 molL-1 solution of HCl is added to 25.0 mL of a 0.180 molL -1

solution of NaOH. What is the concentration ( in molL-1 ) of OH–(aq) remaining in the

A. 0.0200
B. 0.0400
C. 0.0500
D. 0.0800

9. A student has a list of acids and is asked to classify them as organic or non-organic.

The list of acids to classify is: HCl, H2SO4, CH3CH2COOH, HCN, HOOCH, H2CO3

How many acids of the above acids would be classified as organic?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

10. Which statement best describes the end point in a titration between a strong acid and a
strong base?

A. The point at which the first permanent sign of a colour change occurs.
B. The point at which equal moles of acid and base are added together.
C. The point at which the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the
reverse reaction.
D. The point at which equal moles of H+ ions and OH- ions have been added

11. Which of the following graphs best shows how pH will vary when dilute HCl is added
to 100 mL of a buffer solution with an initial pH of 7.0?

12. Which of the following reagents would result in 1-bromopropane being produced
from propene?
A. Br2
B. HBr
C. NaBr
D. CH3Br

13. Ethene and chlorine gases are mixed in the dark. Which of the following describes the
speed of the reaction and a product?

A. A fast reaction producing chloroethane

B. A slow reaction producing 1,2 – dichloroethane
C. A slow reaction producing chloroethane
D. A fast reaction producing 1,2 – dichloroethane

14. Two solutions of hydrochloric acid are available. Solution A has a pH of 1 and
solution B has a pH of 2. Equal volumes of the solutions are separately reacted with
excess magnesium. Which statement about the volume of evolved hydrogen gas (at
the same temperature and pressure) is correct?

A. B produces twice as much volume as A produces

B. A produces twice as much volume as B produces
C. A produces ten times as much volume than B produces
D. A produces twenty times as much volume than B produces

15. In a titration of sodium carbonate with hydrochloric acid what would be the pH at the
equivalence point?

A. Less than 3
B. Between 3 and 6
C. Between 6.5 and 7.5
D. Between 8 and 10

16. Which of the following pairs are functional group isomers of each other?





17. A saturated solution of magnesium sulfate was placed in a beaker. Solid magnesium
sulfate containing radioactive sulfur-35 was added to the solution. The beaker was left
overnight and then the mixture was filtered.

Radioactivity could reasonably be expected to be found in which of the following?

A. the residue only

B. the filtrate only
C. neither the residue nor the filtrate
D. both the mixture and filtrate

18. A catalyst is added to a system in equilibrium. Which of the following would

correctly describe the effect of the catalyst on the system?

Effect on Effect on equilibrium Effect on the forward

activation position rate of reaction
energy required
A. No effect No effect decrease
B. Lowered No effect No effect
C. Lowered No effect Increase
D. Lowered Shifts to favour products No effect

19. Name the following compound.

A. 1,1,2 -trimethylpropene
B. 3-methylbut-1-ene
C. 2,3-dimethylbut-1-ene
D. 2,3-dimethylbut-3-ene

20. 3.50 g of ethanol was refluxed with 5.75 g of methanoic acid. The mass of the product
was found to be only 24 % of the expected result.

What was the mass of the product extracted?

A. 0.71g
B. 1.35g
C. 2.22g
D. 5.63g

Section II 80 Marks
Attempt Questions 21 - 37
Allow about 2 hours and 25 minutes for this section.
Answer the questions in the space provided.
Show all relevant working for questions involving calculations.

Question 21 (1 Mark) 1

What is the systematic name for the compound with this structure?


Question 22 (5 Marks)

A student has drawn a diagram showing the energy exchange that occurs in a coal burning
power plant.

The coal (C(s)) is crushed and fed into the coal burner where a fire, heavily oxygenated by
fans, completely burns the fuel. The heat produced boils water via an array of pipes called a
heat exchanger. The steam created in this heat exchanger is released across turbine fins which
turn to generate electrical energy.

The heat of combustion of coal is -715 kJmol-1

a) Determine the mass of coal needed to heat 1.00kg of water from 25oC to 100oC. 2

b) Describe the enthalpy and entropy changes that occur in the combustion of coal and
use this to explain why this reaction is spontaneous. 3
Question 23 (3 Marks) 3
What is the minimum volume of water that is necessary to completely dissolve 1.0g PbSO4 at


Question 24 (2 Marks) 2

Write equations to show that potassium dihydrogen phosphate is an amphiprotic substance.


Question 25 (4 Marks)

The Arrhenius theory of acids and bases could not explain why ammonia (NH 3) is basic when
dissolved in water. The BrØnsted –Lowry theory does explain the basic nature of an ammonia

a) Describe the differences by which Arrhenius and Br Ønsted–Lowry defined a base. 2


(i) Why wasn’t Arrhenius able to explain the basic nature of NH 3 in water? 1


(ii) BrØnsted –Lowry theory is able to explain this phenomena. Write an equation to
illustrate this. 1


Question 26 (3 Marks) 3

A student dissolved 1.25 g of calcium hydroxide in 1500 mL of water. Calculate the pH of

the solution.


Question 27 (4 Marks) 4

Determine whether precipitation will occur when 100 mL of 2.0 x 10-3 molL-1 calcium
chloride solution and 100 mL of 4.0 x 10-3 molL-1 sodium sulfate are mixed? Show all


Question 28 (6 Marks)

Consider the following system involving nitrosyl chloride, nitrogen oxide and chlorine gas.

2NOCl(g) ⇌ 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) ΔH = +128kJmol-1

5.00 mol of NOCl was placed in a 3.00L container at 400 oC. At equilibrium 28.0 % of the
NOCl had decomposed.

a) Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction at 400oC. 4


b) What is the effect on the equilibrium constant if the temperature of the system is
lowered? Explain your answer in terms of Le Chatelier’s Principle. 2


Question 29 (1 Marks) 1

In order to maintain a suitable pH in swimming pools, a buffer such as sodium hydrogen

carbonate / carbonic acid is added to the water. This keeps the pH range between 7.2 to 7.8.

Write an equation to demonstrate the buffering action of sodium hydrogen carbonate to

control the swimming pool pH.


Question 30 (3 Marks) 3

What is the pH of a 1.0 molL-1 hydrofluoric acid (HF) solution, given that the pKa of HF is


Question 31 (8 Marks)

A student conducted a titration of 0.15 molL-1 sodium hydroxide against ethanoic acid. The
table below shows the student’s results as base was added to the 25 mL aliquot of ethanoic

Volume 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 21.0 24.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
Added (mL)
pH 3.8 4.0 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.4 10.8 10.9 11.2 11.3 11.4

a) Graph this data in the space provided. 4

b) Determine the equivalence point. 1


c) Calculate the concentration of the ethanoic acid. 3

Question 32 (5 Marks)

The graph below shows the boiling points, in oC, of 3 homologous series, A, B and C for the
first 5 carbons (C1 – C5). The three homologous series present are primary alkanols, alkanes
and alkanols.

a) Identify the letter associated with each homologous series shown on the graph. 2

(i) primary alkanols

(ii) alkanes

(iii) alkanals

b) Explain the differences between the homologous series shown in the graph in terms of
the intermolecular bonds. 3


Question 33 (6 Marks)

The structure of an ester is shown below.

a) Name this ester. 1


b) Name the two reactants used to form this ester. 2


c) What other compound must be present for this reaction to proceed? 1

d) Two students decided to make this ester in the lab. Student one incorporated a reflux
in her process, while student two did not.
Which student would have produced the highest yield of ester? Explain. 2


Question 34 (5 Marks)

An example of a soap molecule is shown below.

a) The tail (left hand end) of this molecule is often described as hydrophobic. What does
this mean? 1


b) Using this molecule as a reference, identify and explain the chemical steps involved in
the cleaning process such as the removal of an oil stain from a cotton shirt. 4


Question 35 (7 Marks)
Amines and amides are two carbon-based groups of compounds, both having nitrogen in their
functional groups.
The general formula for an amine is R-NH2, while the general formula for an amide is
When ethanamine is dissolved in water, an alkali solution is formed.

a) (i) Write the formula equation to show this chemical reaction. 1


(ii) Draw a labelled diagram to show the solubility of ethanamine in water. 2

Label any significant bonds.

b) (i) Ethanamide is also soluble in water. What would be the approximate pH of a

water/ethanamide solution? 1


(ii) Would pentamide be more soluble, less soluble or have the same solubility in
water as ethanamide? Explain your choice in terms of structure and bonding. 3


Question 36 (8 Marks) 8

Assess the environmental implications of obtaining and using hydrocarbons from the Earth
and contrast with a biofuel such as ethanol.


Question 37 (9 Marks) 9

The diagram below shows two sequences of reactions starting with the alcohol labelled V.

Identify compounds T to Z and justify your answers with the reference to the information






Student Number



Higher School Certificate

Trial Examination


Total Marks – 100

General Instructions
Section I
 Reading Time – 5 minutes 20 Marks
 Working Time – 3 hours  Attempt Questions 1- 20
 Write using black pen  Allow about 35 minutes for this part
 Draw diagrams using pencil Section II
 Calculators approved by NESA may be 80 Marks
used  Attempt question 21 –
 A formulae sheet, data sheet and Periodic  Allow about 2 hours and 25 minutes for this
Table are provided part
 Write your student number at the top of
this booklet and on the multiple choice
answer sheet.
Section I
20 marks

Attempt Questions 1-20

Allow about 35 minutes for this part

Use the multiple-choice answer sheet provided for Questions 1-20

Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response oval
Sample 2 + 4 = (A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9
If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and fill in the
new answer.
If you have changed your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct
answer, then indicate this by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as follows:

1. Which of the following structural formula for a hydrocarbon is correctly shown?

Answer D
2. Which of the following conditions are required for a system to be in dynamic

System Forward rate of reaction

A. Open No longer occurring
B. Open Equal to the reverse rate of reaction
C. Closed No longer occurring
D. Closed Equal to the reverse rate of reaction

3. The following graph shows the conductivity curve for a titration as base is added.

Identify the type of titration which was carried out.

A. Strong Acid / Weak Base

B. Strong Acid / Strong Base
C. Weak Acid / Weak Base
D. Weak Acid / Strong Base

4. Which of the following formulae describes a ketone?


5. Acid X is 0.10 molL-1 hydrochloric acid.

Acid Y is 0.10 molL-1 acetic acid.
Each acid was titrated with 25 mL of a 0.10 molL-1 sodium hydroxide solution.
Which of the following statements is correct?

A. More than 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in

this titration.
B. 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this
C. Less than 25mL of Y is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this
D. Less than 25mL of X is needed to need to achieve the equivalence point in this
6. The diagram represents a test-tube containing a saturated solution of sodium chloride,
with some crystals of sodium chloride at the bottom of the tube.

A few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added to the solution. Which of the
following would be observed?

A. bubbles of gas form

B. more precipitate is formed
C. some of the sodium chloride crystals dissolve
D. a change in the colour of the crystals

7. 0.1 molL-1 solutions of various bases are made. Which number indicates the pH
of the weakest base according to Arrhenius?

A. 12
B. 9
C. 7
D. 5

8. 25.0 mL of a 0.100 molL-1 solution of HCl is added to 25.0 mL of a 0.180 molL -1

solution of NaOH. What is the concentration ( in molL-1 ) of OH–(aq) remaining in the

A. 0.0200
B. 0.0400
C. 0.0500
D. 0.0800

9. A student has a list of acids and is asked to classify them as organic or non-
The list of acids to classify is: HCl, H2SO4, CH3CH2COOH, HCN, HOOCH,
How many acids of the above acids would be classified as organic?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
10. Which statement best describes the end point in a titration between a strong acid and a
strong base?

A. The point at which the first permanent sign of a colour change occurs.
B. The point at which equal moles of acid and base are added together.
C. The point at which the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the
reverse reaction.
D. The point at which equal moles of H+ ions and OH- ions have been added

11. Which of the following graphs best shows how pH will vary when dilute HCl is added
to 100 mL of a buffer solution with an initial pH of 7.0?

Answer =A
12. Which of the following reagents would result in 1-bromopropane being produced
from propene?
A. Br2
B. HBr
C. NaBr
D. CH3Br

13. Ethene and chlorine gases are mixed in the dark. Which of the following
describes the speed of the reaction and a product?

A. A fast reaction producing chloroethane

B. A slow reaction producing 1,2 – dichloroethane
C. A slow reaction producing chloroethane
D. A fast reaction producing 1,2 – dichloroethane

14. Two solutions of hydrochloric acid are available. Solution A has a pH of 1 and
solution B has a pH of 2. Equal volumes of the solutions are separately reacted with
excess magnesium. Which statement about the volume of evolved hydrogen gas (at
the same temperature and pressure) is correct?

A. B produces twice as much volume that A produces

B. A produces twice as much volume that B produces
C. A produces ten times as much volume that B produces
D. A produces twenty times as much volume that B produces

15. In a titration of sodium carbonate with hydrochloric acid what would be the pH at the
equivalence point?

A. Less than 3
B. Between 3 and 6
C. Between 6.5 and 7.5
D. Between 8 and 10
16. Which of the following pairs are functional group isomers of each other?




17. A saturated solution of magnesium sulfate was placed in a beaker. Solid magnesium
sulfate containing radioactive sulfur-35 was added to the solution. The beaker was left
overnight and then the mixture was filtered.

Radioactivity could reasonably be expected to be found in which of the following?

A. the residue only

B. the filtrate only
C. neither the residue nor the filtrate
D. both the mixture and filtrate

18. A catalyst is added to a system in equilibrium. Which of the following would

correctly describe the effect of the catalyst on the system?

Effect on Effect on equilibrium Effect on the forward

activation position rate of reaction
energy required
A. No effect No effect decrease
B. Lowered No effect No effect
C. Lowered No effect Increase
D. Lowered Shifts to favour products No effect

19. Name the following compound.

A. 1,1,2 -trimethylpropene
B. 3-methylbut-1-ene
C. 2,3-dimethylbut-1-ene
D. 2,3-dimethylbut-3-ene
20. 3.50 g of ethanol was refluxed with 5.75 g of methanoic acid. The mass of the product
was found to be only 24 % of the expected result.

What was the mass of the product extracted?

A. 0.71g
B. 1.35g
C. 2.22g
D. 5.63g
Section II 80 Marks
Attempt Questions 21 - 37
Allow about 2 hours and 25 minutes for this section.
Answer the questions in the space provided.
Show all relevant working for questions involving calculations.

Question 21 (1 Mark)

What is the systematic name for the compound with this structure?


3-fluoro-4,4-dimetyl-2-hexene also accepted

Common mistakes for:

 Missed the F all together
 Misspelled the “fluoro” as “fluro”
 Writing “hexan-2-ene” instead of “hex-2-ene”
 Dash between letters and numbers
 Comma between numbers
Question 22 (5 Marks)

A student has drawn a diagram showing the energy exchange that occurs in a coal burning
power plant.

The coal (C(s)) is crushed and fed into the coal burner where a fire, heavily oxygenated by
fans, completely burns the fuel. The heat produced boils water via an array of pipes called a
heat exchanger. The steam created in this heat exchanger is released across turbine fins which
turn to generate electrical energy.

The heat of combustion of coal is -715 kJmol-1

a) Determine the mass of coal needed to heat 1.00kg of water from 25oC to 100oC. 2
Energy needed = 1 x 4.18x 103 x 75 = 313.5 kJ 1 mk

Moles needed =313.5/715 = 0.438

Mass needed = 12g x 0.438 = 5.26g 1 mk

This section needs review across the grade! Fundamental misunderstanding on how to
calculate the enthalpy of combustion and reverse process. Should not have been a
descriminator! Check your answer is plausible, e.g. 63 000kg to heat 1L of water!!!!!
b) Describe the enthalpy and entropy changes that occur in the combustion of coal and
use this to explain why this reaction is spontaneous. 3
1 mark – Student describes components that enthalpy decreases as energy is released
AND that entropy increases as solid to gas means more disorder. (NO half marks)
1 mark – Student states the requirements for Gibbs free energy (CAUSE)
1 mark – Student states that negative ΔG means this reaction is spontaneous (EFFECT).
Enthalpy is negative according to the data given (-715kJmol-1). Entropy is positive as the
reactants change from solid to gas. ΔG= ΔH-TΔS so -ΔH-TΔS will always be negative and
so combustion of coal will always be spontaneous.
Common mistakes were:
 Students correctly stated that the mole ratio decreases to show order, however,
mixed up the fact that this is for gases and not liquids and solids. To go from a
solid to gas is far more entropic than gas mole ratios.
 Students stated that “entropy increases for all combustion reactions”. Not true,
when you combust a metal, entropy goes down.
 People stated that Gibbs Free Energy is therefore negative without referring to
an equation or theory. Be careful of CAUSE and EFFECT.
Question 23 (3 Marks)
What is the minimum volume of water is necessary to completely dissolve 1.0g PbSO 4 at
1 mark – Student correctly calculates the number of moles of PbSO4 to be 3.297 x 10-3.
1 mark – Student correctly states the ionic product equation for PbSO 4,
Ksp = [Pb2+][SO42-]
1 mark – Student correctly substitutes concentration and moles into volume formula,
V = n/c
Determine Ksp of PbSO4 is 2.53 x 10-8
Ksp =[Pb2+][SO42-]
x2 = 2.53 x 10-8
x = 1.59 x 10-4 molL-1 = [PbSO4]
1.0g PbSO4 = 1.00/303.27 = 0.003297 moles
Solve 0.003297 / volume = 1.59 x 10-4
Volume = .003297/1.59 x 10-4 = 20.7L 1mk
Question 24 (2 Marks)
Write equations to show that potassium dihydrogen phosphate is an amphiprotic substance.
2 marks – Student shows that KH2PO4 can act as a B/L acid AND base in the presence
of an acid & base respectively OR donates a proton in water and accepts a proton in
water. Student must have correct chemistry in each of the two equations.
1 mark – Student shows one of the equations using correct chemistry.

H2PO4- + H3O+  H2O + H3PO4

H2PO4- + OH-  HPO42- + H20
H2PO4- + H2O  H3O+ + HPO42-
H2PO4- + H2O  OH- + H3PO4

 THERE IS NO SUCH COMPOUND AS KH3PO4+ !! This was the biggest

discriminator when it was designed as a band 4 recount question. 80% of the
grade need to go back to the Year 11 section on salts and revise the group 1 inert
ions like Na+ and K+. Wow!
 Please note that we accepted water as the reactant but it is not good chemistry.
Yes, Pearson does have it but better to show amphiprotic with a reactant of acid
in one and base in the other.
Question 25 (4 Marks)

The Arrhenius theory of acids and bases could not explain why ammonia (NH 3) is basic when
dissolved in water. The BrØnsted –Lowry theory does explain the basic nature of an ammonia
a) Describe the differences by which Arrhenius and Br Ønsted–Lowry defined a base. 2
Arrhenius: A base dissociates a hydroxide ion in solution. 1mk
BrØnsted–Lowry: A base is a proton acceptor. 1mk
(i) Why wasn’t Arrhenius able to explain the basic nature of NH 3 in water? 1

According to his theory no hydroxide ions present OR not taking into account action of
water. 1 mk

(ii) BrØnsted –Lowry theory is able to explain this phenomena. Write an equation to
illustrate this. 1

NH3 (aq) + H2O(l) → NH4+ (aq) + OH-(aq)

STATES were marked here. -1mk for incorrect chemistry.

Also accepted reactions with acids to show basic nature.
Question 26 (3 Marks)
A student dissolved 1.25 g of calcium hydroxide in 1500 mL of water. Calculate the pH of
the solution.
Ca(OH)2 mw = 74.1
Moles OH- = 2 x 1.25/74.1 = 0.022492 1 mk
pOH = 1.65 1 mk
pH =12.35 1 mk
Question 27 (4 Marks)

Determine whether precipitation will occur when 100 mL of 2.0 x 10-3 molL-1 calcium
chloride solution and 100 mL of 4.0 x 10-3 molL-1 sodium sulfate are mixed? Show all

Ksp Calcium sulfate = 4.93 x 10-5

[Ca2+ ]= 1 x 10-3, [SO42- ]= 2 x 10-3 1 mk
Q = (1 x 10-3)( 2 x 10-3) = 2 x 10-6 1 mk
State Q < known Ksp 1 mk
State precipitation will not occur 1 mk

Issues: Not all students realised that as the volume was doubled the concentration of
ions was halved.
Some students tried to solve this question using the concept of limiting reactants, this
approach is not valid as Ksp is based purely on concentration of ions in solution.

Question 28 (5 Marks)

Consider the following system involving nitrosyl chloride, nitrogen oxide and chlorine gas.

2NOCl(g) ⇌ 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) ΔH = +128kJmol-1

5.00 mol of NOCl was placed in a 3.00L container at 400 oC. At equilibrium 28.0 % of the
NOCl had decomposed.

a) Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction at 400oC. 4

K = [NO]2[Cl2]/ [NOCl]2 1 mk correct K expression

Moles NO = 5.00 x 0.28 = 1.4
[NO]= 1.4/3 = 0.4666667
Moles NOCL at eqm. = 5.00 x .72 = 3.6 2mks for correctly determining
[NOCL]= 3.6 /3 = 1.2 equilibrium concentrations
Moles Cl2 = 0.7 using correct volume and
[Cl2]= 0.7/3 = 0.233333333 stoichiometry
K = (0.4666667)2 x 0.2333333/1.44 = 0.035 1 mk correct substitution

b) What is the effect on the equilibrium constant if the temperature of the system is
lowered? Explain your answer in terms of Le Chateliers Principle. 2

As forward reaction is endothermic a reduction in temperature will cause the

equilibrium position to favour the reactant side. 1 mk
As [Products] decreases and [Reactants] increases, K will decrease 1 mk
Question 29 (1 Marks)

Swimming pools can experience high alkalinity causing eye and skin irritations for bathers.
In order to overcome this problem a buffer such as sodium hydrogen carbonate /carbonic acid
buffer is used to maintain a pH range between 7.2 to 7.8.

Write an equation to demonstrate the buffering action of sodium hydrogen carbonate to

control the swimming pool pH.

HCO3- + H3O+ ↔ H2CO3 + H2O

This buffer consists of the weak carbonic acid and its conjugate base HCO3- , equation
needs to show this relationship.
The sodium ions are only spectators.

Question 30 (3 Marks)

What is the pH of a 1.0 molL-1 hydrofluoric acid (HF) solution, given that the pKa of HF is

[H+][F-]/1 = 10-3.18 1 mk
[H+] = √10-3.18 = 10-1.59 1 mk
pH = 1.59 1 mk
Question 31 (8 Marks)

A student conducted a titration of 0.15 molL -1 sodium hydroxide against acetic acid. The
table below shows the student’s results as base was added to the 25 mL aliquot of acetic acid.

Volume 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 21.0 24.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
Added (mL)
pH 3.8 4.0 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.4 10.8 10.9 11.2 11.3 11.4

a) Graph this data in the space provided. 4





0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5
Volume Added (mL)

b) Determine the equivalence point. 1

1 mark correct pH or volume from graph.

c) Calculate the concentration of the acetic acid. 3

1 mk correct calculation moles of base

1 mk correct calculation conc of acid
1 mk units (for expressing conc. in molL-1)
Question 32 (5 Marks)

The graph below shows the boiling points, in oC, of 3 homologous series, A, B and C for the
first 5 carbons (C1 – C5). The three homologous series present are primary alkanols, alkanes
and alkanols.

a) Identify the letter associated with each homologous series shown on the graph. 2

(i) primary alkanols A

(ii) alkanes C

(iii) Alkanals B

b) Explain the differences between the homologous series shown in the graph in terms of
the intermolecular bonds. 3
3 marks- correctly explains differences in boiling points of all 3 homologous
series with reference to intermolecular bonds present.
2 marks- correctly describes differences in all 3, or correctly explains 2, or
correctly explains all 3 with a mistake.
1 mark- provides correct information relating to question.
Markers comments- Hydrogen bonding is a form of dipole-dipole interaction. Therefore
alcohols, for example, do not give rise to hydrogen bonding AND dipole interactions
between their molecules.

Sample Answer;
Alkanes have the lowest boiling points as they are non-polar molecules and can only
form weak dispersion forces between their molecules. These bonds require relatively
little energy to overcome and so alkanes have the lowest boiling points. Alkanals have
the next highest boiling point as the polar C=O bond allows for stronger dipole-dipole
bonds to form. These require more energy to break. Finally, primary alkanols have the
highest boiling points as the highly polar O-H functional group allows for strong
hydrogen bonds to form between molecules. These require a lot more energy to
overcome and so they have the highest boiling points.
Question 33 (6 Marks)

The structure of an ester is shown below.

a) Name this ester. 1

butyl methanoate

b) Name the two reactants used to form this ester. 2

butan-1-ol or 1-butanol (position must be given) and methanoic acid 1mk each

c) What other compound must be present for this reaction to proceed? 1

Conc. Sulfuric acid (must specify conc.)

d) Two students decided to make this ester in the lab. Student one incorporated a reflux
in her process, while student two did not.
Which student would have produced the highest yield of ester? Explain. 2

The student who used the reflux process would have achieved the highest yield

Esterification is a slow reaction. It requires heat to ensure a reasonable rate. Alkanols

and esters are both volatile substances and therefore will vaporise on heating. (1 mark)

The reflux system uses a vertical water-cooled condenser attached to the reaction flask.
As the volatile substances vaporise, they move up the condenser, cooling until they
liquify and fall back into the reaction flask. An un-refluxed system would lose the
alcohol before it had a chance of reacting to form the ester. Clearly refluxing results in a
higher yield. (1 mark)

Note: higher rate of reaction does not produce a higher yield over time.
Question 34 (5 Marks)

An example of a soap molecule is shown below.

a) The tail (left hand end) of this molecule is often described as hydrophobic. What does
this mean? 1

Hydrophobic literally means a fear of water. In this context it means not

attracted to water (1 mark)

b) Using this molecule as a reference, identify and explain the chemical steps involved in
the cleaning process such as the removal of an oil stain from a cotton shirt. 4

Soap dissociates to form alkanoate ion 1mk

Hydrophobic end of alkanoate ion attracted to oil particle 1 mk
Hydrophillic end attracted to water molecule 1 mk
Micelle formation 1 mk

Sample Answer
Soap consists of millions of molecules held together mainly by dispersion forces.
When the soap molecule pictured is mixed with water, the sodium ion is released
as it has a strong attraction to water molecules. This produces a soap anion
which is the basis of the cleaning process.
The hydrophobic tail of the soap ion forms dispersion forces with the oil
molecules which are also hydrophobic.
The charged end of the ion forms ion-dipole bonds with the water molecules.
With agitation, the oil is is removed as tiny droplets which become surrounded
by the soap ions forming a micelle. This stops the oil droplets returning to the
fabric. When the emulsified water is allowed to pass down the sink hole, the
cleaning process is complete.
Question 35 (7 Marks)
Amines and amides are two carbon-based groups of compounds, both having nitrogen in their
functional groups.
The general formula for an amine is R-NH2, while the general formula for an amide is
When ethanamine is dissolved in water, an alkali solution is formed.

a) (i) Write the formula equation to show this chemical reaction. 1

R-NH2 + H2O → R-NH3+ + OH-

(ii) Draw a labelled diagram to show the solubility of ethanamine in water. 2

Label any significant bonds.

Correct structures shown 1 mark

Hydrogen bond labelled between water and amine 1 mark

b) (i) Ethanamide is also soluble in water. What would be the approximate pH of a

water/ethanamide solution?

Amides are neutral so pH will be 7


(ii) Would pentamanide be more soluble, less soluble or have the same solubility
in water as ethanamide? Explain your choice in terms of structure and
bonding. 3

The pentanamide would be less soluble 1mark

The pentanamide has a longer alkyl chain so it there would be more dispersion forces
between these parts of the molecules. 1 mark

This would reduce the significance of polar nature of molecule 1 mark

Question 36 (8 Marks)
Assess the environmental implications of obtaining and using hydrocarbons from the Earth
and contrast with a biofuel such as ethanol.

Marking Scheme Mark

 Explanation showing comprehensive understanding of how obtaining AND 8
using hydrocarbons from the earth has environmental implications
 Explanation showing comprehensive understanding of how obtaining AND
using biofuels has environmental implications
 Explicit assessment of severity of environmental implications for BOTH
hydrocarbons from the earth and biofuels
 Explanation showing understanding of how obtaining AND using 7
hydrocarbons from the earth has environmental implications
 Explanation showing understanding of how obtaining AND using biofuels has
environmental implications
 Explicit assessment of severity of environmental implications for both
hydrocarbons from the earth and biofuels
 Description of how obtaining and/or using hydrocarbons from the earth has 5-6
environmental implications
 Description showing understanding of how obtaining and/or using biofuels
has environmental implications
 Simple assessment of severity of environmental implications for both
hydrocarbons from the earth and biofuels
 Some errors in terminology
 Attempts description of how obtaining and/or using hydrocarbons from the 3-4
earth has environmental implications
 Attempts description showing understanding of how obtaining and/or using
biofuels has environmental implications
 Minimal assessment of use of hydrocarbons from the earth and/or biofuels
 Some errors in terminology
 Demonstrates basic understanding obtaining and/or using hydrocarbons from 2
the earth and/or biofuels
 Some relevant information given 1
Question 37 (9 Marks)

The diagram below shows two sequences of reactions starting with the alcohol labelled V.

Identify compounds T to Z and justify your answers with the reference to the information

Marking Scheme Marks

Comprehensive justification with: 9
 All compounds correctly identified
 Justification of primary alcohol structure for V
 Correct use of reaction names for processes to produce structures U-Z
1 error in above 8
2 errors in above 7
3 errors in above 6
4 errors in above 5
Multiple errors but shows understanding of naming and some processes 4
Some correct names given without justification 3
Some correct information provided 2
Some relevant information provided

T is propanoic acid which was oxidised from propan-1-ol (V)

U is an intermediate step in this oxidation and so is an aldehyde (propanal)
V is dehydrated by conc. Sulfuric to produce propene (W)
The addition of HCl will lead to the formation of 2-chloropropane (X).
X undergoes an addition rn to form propan-2-ol (Y) which will oxidise to form propanone

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