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Liebherr L 524 - L 580

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Wheel Loaders

L 524 – L 580

Tipping load
7,500 kg – 18,000 kg
Stage II
Stage IIIA (compliant)
Performance Economy
Power for Increased Minimum Costs at
Productivity High Handling Capacity

L 524
Tipping load, articulated 7,500 kg
Bucket capacity 2.0 m³
Operating weight 10,400 kg
Engine output (ISO 14396)
86 kW / 117 HP

L 538
Tipping load, articulated 9,500 kg
Bucket capacity 2.5 m³
Operating weight 12,800 kg
Engine output (ISO 14396)
104 kW / 141 HP

L 550
Tipping load, articulated 12,350 kg
Bucket capacity 3.2 m³
Operating weight 17,350 kg
Engine output (ISO 14396)
140 kW / 190 HP

L 566
Tipping load, articulated 15,550 kg
Bucket capacity 4.0 m³
Operating weight 23,100 kg
Engine output (ISO 14396)
200 kW / 272 HP

L 580
Tipping load, articulated 18,000 kg
Bucket capacity 5.0 m³
Operating weight 24,720 kg
Engine output (ISO 14396)
200 kW / 272 HP

2 L 524 – L 580
Reliability Comfort Maintainability
Robustness and Quality Maximum Operator Comfort Time and Cost Savings
for Durable Machines for More Productivity Through Simple Maintenance

L 524 – L 580 3

Power for
Increased Productivity
The innovative Liebherr driveline considerably increases working efficiency. Quick working cycles,
high tipping loads and high machine availability lead to increased handling capacity.

4 L 524 – L 580
Powerful and
Efficient Machine Concept Flexibility and Versatility

Highest Level of Performance Lift Arm Variants Optimised for the Application
The high-performance Liebherr wheel loaders L 524 – L 580 The standard Z-bar linkage provides a large torque in the lower
impress in every field of application due to their great region of the lift arm. The ideal prerequisite for conventional
productivity and efficiency. High tipping loads at low operating wheel loader applications – simple, quick filling of the bucket
weight permit a high handling capacity. Strong construction leads to high handling capacity.
and rugged steel components result in reliable and powerful
performance. All of the components are perfectly adapted to An alternative is available in the form of the parallel linkage for
each other, making the Liebherr wheel loaders the perfect L 524 – L 538 or the industrial lift arm for L 550 – L 580 wheel
solution for all applications, especially for industrial use. The loaders. The parallel linkage or the industrial lift arm boasts a
wide variety of options for specific requirements also increase parallel guide arrangement and especially high torque in the
the range of possible applications. upper lifting range. The best solution for industrial use as it
allows large attachments to be fitted for transporting heavy
Continuously Variable Transmission loads.
The Liebherr driveline allows continuous regulation of
acceleration in all speed ranges, without noticeable gear Optimal Bucket Filling
shifting or interruption in tractive force. Powerful working and The robust bucket design from Liebherr allows the bucket
high driving comfort increases your productivity. to be filled quickly and efficiently. Fully filled attachments
increase productivity. The bucket’s good penetration and
High Handling Capacity simple filling mechanism result in lower fuel consumption.
Unnecessary counterweight can be avoided through the
unique component mounting position at the rear of the Wide Range of Applications
machine. Ideal weight distribution results in higher tipping The wide range of attachments means the right tool is
loads at significantly lower operating weight, compared always to hand. As a result, a multitude of uses can easily
with conventional wheel loaders. The handling capacity per be covered. This increases utilisation of the machine and
operating hour increases and fuel consumption is further raises productivity. Liebherr wheel loaders can manoeuvre
reduced thanks to the low operating weight. quickly and efficiently thanks to their compact design – the
best choice for high handling capacity.

Liebherr Driveline Higher Productivity Conventional

L 524 – L 580 at Lower Weight Travel Gear
• Optimum weight distribution due to its • L 524 – L 550 transverse installation • Centre of gravity in the middle of the
unique component mounting position of the diesel engine machine
• Higher tipping loads at low operating • L 566 – L 580 lengthways-installed diesel • Additional ballast is needed to increase
weight engine, output shaft is facing to the rear the tipping load and improve stability
• Ideal visibility due to its compact design • Components act as counterweight • This leads to high operating weight and
bad visibility

Schwerpunktlage_MG_IIIA_L0073 Schwerpunktlage_L566-L580_II+IIIA_L0168 Schwerpunktlage_Wettbewerber_L0198

06.07.2016 06.07.2016 20.05.2015

L 524 – L 580 5

Minimum Costs at
High Handling Capacity
Liebherr wheel loaders make a reliable contribution to commercial success. The fuel-efficient drive
concept reduces operating costs and environmental impact at maximum handling capacity.

6 L 524 – L 580
Low Operating Costs LiDAT

Lower Fuel Consumption Efficient Management

With Liebherr wheel loaders it is simple to do more, moving LiDAT, Liebherr’s own data transmission and positioning
larger volumes of material with less fuel compared with system, facilitates efficient management, monitoring and
conventional wheel loaders. The Liebherr driveline achieves control of the entire fleet park in terms of machinery data
a reduction in fuel consumption of up to 25 %. At highest recording, data analysis, fleet park management and service.
efficiency this reduces operating costs and increases All of the important machinery data can be viewed at any
profitability. time in a web browser. LiDAT offers you comprehensive work
deployment documentation, greater availability thanks to
Hardly Any Brake Wear shorter downtimes, faster support from the manufacturer,
The Liebherr driveline brakes automatically. The service quicker detection of strain / overload and subsequently a
brake only acts as a support and is therefore subject to longer service life of the machine as well as greater planning
hardly any wear. efficiency in your company.

Minimal Tyre Wear

Its continuous traction control, combined with automatic
self-locking differential, prevents wheelspin. Productivity is
increased and tyre wear reduced by up to 25 %.

Economical Use of Resources

The lower fuel consumption cut emissions. This actively
saves resources. While actively protecting the environment,
Liebherr wheel loaders reduce operating costs.
2,5 m

20 m

T ~ 35

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Lower Fuel Reduced Always Be Informed

Consumption Brake Wear with LiDAT
• A fuel saving of up to 5 litres per operating • Hardly any brake wear due to hydraulic • Evaluation of machine usage and fuel
hour represents a cost saving of up to 25 % braking action of the driveline consumption for economic machine
• The Liebherr Standard Consumption Test management
demonstrates the operating efficiency of • High availability and fast support from the
Liebherr wheel loaders Reduced manufacturer
Tyre Wear
• Continuous traction control prevents
the wheels from spinning

L 524 – L 580 7

Robustness and Quality

for Durable Machines
Liebherr wheel loaders provide maximum performance even under the toughest of operating
conditions. Specially-developed components, sophisticated technology and high quality offer a high
level of reliability and availability.

8 L 524 – L 580
OEM Quality Components Reliable Cooling System

Durable and Powerful Optimal Cooling Performance

Liebherr has many decades of experience in the development, The cooling system is fitted directly behind the operator’s cab
construction and production of components. Ideally adapted and is thus able to take in air which is free of dust. In especially
to each other, they guarantee a high degree of performance dusty applications, optional equipment such as reversible
and reliability. Liebherr also develops and produces all steel fan drive, fluff trap for the radiator and large-mesh radiator
components. These rugged components ensure the long life protect the cooling system from contaminants getting in. This
of the wheel loaders. guarantees continuous cooling output while simultaneously
reducing cleaning expenses. Minimal cleaning expenses
Strenuous endurance tests prove to the strength and quality mean more efficient, more cost-effective working.
of the components in use. Even under the toughest of usage
conditions, Liebherr wheel loaders satisfy Liebherr’s stringent Controlled Cooling
quality standards. This ensures reliable use throughout The cooling fan is driven independently from the diesel engine
the entire life time of the machine. Consistently powerful and produces exactly the cooling air output which is actually
machines increase productivity. required. Heat sensors ensure reliable control.

High Safe and Versatile Usage

The components of the tried and tested hydrostatic Liebherr
driveline are extremely robust and powerful. This ensures
that the machine has a long life time and will work reliably
even under the toughest of operating conditions.

Powerful Liebherr’s Intelligent High Machine

Own Components Cooling System Availability
• Ideal interaction of components to • Cooling position on the cleanest • L 524 – L 550 cooling air is drawn in
each other for maximum performance position of the wheel loader directly behind the cabin and blown out
• Maximum quality even under the • High machine availability thanks upwards at the rear
toughest operating conditions to lower radiator contamination • L 566 – L 580 lengthways-installed cooler
• Rugged, durable machines for reliable • Controlled cooling through thermostatic package for improved visibility and easier
operations control for reliable operations cleaning and maintenance
• High, safe and versatile usage thanks to
robust and powerful components

L 524 – L 580 9

Maximum Operator Comfort

for More Productivity
The cab design is optimally adapted to the operator’s day-to-day requirements. The roomy and
ergonomic operator’s cab offers perfect conditions for comfortable and productive work.

10 L 524 – L 580
Clearly Arranged Cab Simple and Intuitive Operation

Productive and Safe Working Ergonomic Controls

The modern, ergonomic cab design allows the operator to The operating and control instruments are well laid out and
work with high concentration without fatigue – this increases user-friendly. All operation-relevant data can be viewed
safety and productivity. The displays, controls and operator’s quickly and efficiently. The high operating comfort allows the
seat are carefully coordinated to form an ergonomic unit. operator to work particularly efficiently and safely.
The optional air-suspended operator’s seat offers high
seating comfort and relaxed working. Liebherr Control Lever
The Liebherr control lever allows all working and manoeuvring
Perfect Visibility operations to be performed with a high degree of precision
The generous glass surfaces of the cab offer exceptional and sensitivity. This means accurate and safe handling, and
all-round visibility of the attachment and working area. The the left hand always remains on the steering wheel. This
design of the engine hood which has been optimised for increases safety at the job site.
viewing and the optional rear space camera provide ideal
viewing towards the rear. This ensures maximum safety The proportional control of hydraulic attachment is carried
for people, the machine and the load, while increasing out by the Liebherr control lever with mini-joystick which is
productivity at the same time. optional for L 566 – L 580. The hydraulic attachment can be
controlled with great sensitivity and very ergonomically.
Well-Being Guaranteed
Optimum storage areas and stowage spaces increase
operator well-being. The air conditioning system as standard
ensures a pleasant working atmosphere. This gives the
operator maximum comfort and high productivity.

Exceptional Powerful
All-Round Visibility Air-Conditioning System Liebherr Control Lever
• Unobstructed visibility in all directions • Greatest operator comfort • Ergonomic and comfortable operation
through optimal cab and engine hood for high productivity • Control all driving and operating
design • Exceptional cooling output due manoeuvres with a single control lever
• Generous glass surfaces to 4-level air control • Precise, sensitive and safe control
• More safety and productivity thanks of the machine
to exceptional visibility

L 524 – L 580 11

Time and Cost Savings

Through Simple Maintenance
The most important points for daily maintenance of Liebherr wheel loaders can be reached safely
and conveniently from the ground. Quick and safe checks save time and money.

12 L 524 – L 580
Service Accessibility Strong Service Partner

Efficient and Simple Maintenance Safe Partnership with Strong Service

Thanks to the unique mounting position of the components, When buying a Liebherr wheel loader the customer not only
Liebherr wheel loaders offer exceptional accessibility for looks to a long-lived high-end product but also a reliable
maintenance. The positioning of the cooling package directly longterm partnership. A service network combined with a
behind the operator’s cab lowers contamination of the cooling highly-modern central warehouse is available for optimum
system, reducing maintenance and cleaning requirements service and quick replacement part provision. This guarantees
and saving time and money. short routes and rapid support in the event of service.
Round-the-clock if required.
Safe and Free Service Access
All points requiring day-to-day maintenance can be reached Competent Liebherr Service Offers Maximum
comfortably, safely and cleanly. Cleaning of the cooling Reliability
system is carried out while standing on the machine, anti-slip Comprehensive know-how ensures a first-class execution of
steps and sturdy handrails provide a high degree of safety. all service and maintenance work. This contributes decisively
to the availability and profitability of your machine. Employees
Short Service Times for More Productivity at Liebherr service partners are trained on an ongoing basis.
At L 524 – L 550 the entire engine compartment is accessible They have extensive knowledge of quick and safe service
via just one access panel. Service points are easy to see and performance. They can turn to the expertise of manufacturing
reach. Maintenance work can be carried out comfortably plants at any time.
and safely from the ground. This ensures time-saving
maintenance and increases productivity.

At L 566 – L 580 most access points for daily maintenance

can be reached from ground level, by opening one access
panel. Work on the diesel engine and pump distributor gear
is carried out while standing on the machine. Great care has
been taken to ensure maximum safety in these areas as well.

Low Optimum Service Perfect Service for Optimum

Maintenance Accessibility Machine Availability
• Less contamination of the radiator thanks to • Most access points for daily maintenance • Quick and effective support thanks
its clever position behind the operator’s cab are accessible via just one enclosure to an extensive service network
• Quick and safe control saves time and • Most important points for daily maintenance • Quick replacement part provision
money can be reached from the ground • Quick and reliable service carried
• Short downtimes means more efficiency out by qualified service specialists

L 524 – L 580 13
Wheel Loaders L 524 – L 580

Sturdy Attachment
+ Quick working cycles
+ Robust, durable lift arm
+ Flexible in use
+ Efficient and cost-optimised use
by specially adapted lift arm variants

ü High-quality hydraulic components

ü Strong steel construction
ü Wide range of attachments
ü Z-bar linkage and parallel
linkage / industrial lift arm optional

Powerful and Efficient

Liebherr Driveline
+ Fuel benefit of up to 25 %
+ High performance
+ High safe and versatile usage
+ Maximum productivity by high
tipping load
+ Tyre wear reduced by up to 25 %
+ Practically no brake wear
+ Maximum stability and safety
on all terrains

ü Most efficient hydrostatic driveline

ü Drive components optimally
suited to each other
ü Rugged and durable driveline
ü Ideal weight distribution by intelligent
arrangement of drive components
ü Continuous tractive force prevents
ü Self-locking hydraulic brake system

14 L 524 – L 580
Comfortable Operator’s Cab
+ Increased performance and productivity
+ Focused operator work is supported
+ Easy and safe operation
+ Excellent all-round visibility

ü Modern and ergonomic cab design

ü Control of working and travel functions
with one control lever
ü Generous glass surfaces

Intelligent Cooling System

+ Constant and reliable cooling
+ Increased service life of components
+ High machine availability through
minimal cleaning expenses

ü Controlled cooling
ü Heat sensors ensure reliable control
ü The radiator is installed directly
behind the operator’s cab – the
cleanest position of the wheel loader

Optimum Service Accessibility

+ Time savings in daily maintenance
+ Short service times for more
+ High availability and fast support from
the manufacturer

ü Rapid control of the most important

maintenance points from the ground
ü Safe, simple and quick access to all
points important for operations
ü LiDAT – fleet park management for
machinery data recording and

L 524 – L 580 15
Technical Data
L 524 / L 538

Engine Driveline
L 524 L 538 Continuous hydrostatic driveline
Diesel engine 4045HF286 4045HF286 Design Swash plate type variable flow pump and two
Design Water-cooled, turbo charged, intercooled variable axial piston motors in closed loop circuit
Cylinder inline 4 4 and axle transfer case. Direction of travel is
Fuel injection process Electronic Common Rail high-pressure injection reversed by changing the flow-direction of the
Max. gross output variable-displacement pump
to ISO 3046 kW / HP 86 / 117 104 / 141 Filtration Suction return line filter for closed circuit
and SAE J1995 at RPM 2,200 2,200 Control By travel and inching pedal. The inching pedal
Max. net output makes it possible to control the tractive and
to ISO 9249 kW / HP 85 / 116 102 / 139 thrust forces steplessly at full engine speed.
and SAE J1349 at RPM 2,200 2,200 The Liebherr control lever is used to control
Rated output ­forward and reverse travel
to ISO 14396 kW / HP 86 / 117 104 / 141 Travel speed range Speed range 1__________________________ 0 – 4 km/h
 at RPM 2,400 2,400 Speed range A1 – 2____________________ 0 – 15 km/h
Max. net torque Speed range A1 – 3____________________ 0 – 40 km/h
to ISO 9249 Nm 416 508 forward and reverse
and SAE J1349 at RPM 1,400 1,400 Speeds quoted apply with the tyres indicated
Displacementlitres 4.5 4.5 as standard on loader model.
Bore / Stroke mm 106 / 127 106 / 127
Air cleaner system Dry air filter with main and safety element,
­pre-cleaner, service indicator
Electrical system
Operating voltage V 24 24
BatteryAh 2 x 135 2 x 135
Alternator V / A 28 / 100 28 / 100
Starter V / kW 24 / 7 24 / 7
The exhaust emissions are below the limits in stage IIIA (compliant).

L 524 L 538
700 140 700 140

600 120 600 120

500 100 500 100

Torque (Nm)

Torque (Nm)
Output (kW)

Output (kW)
400 80 400 80

300 60 300 60

200 40 200 40

Torque Torque
100 20 100 20
Output Output
0 0 0 0
700 900 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,500 700 900 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,500
rpm rpm

L524-1355-1557-1585_Volllastkurve_LMD_LBR_enGB_L0120 L538-1493-1356_Volllastkurve_LMD_LBR_enGB_L0121
03.11.2017 03.11.2017
87,5 mm breit x 50,8 mm hoch 87,5 mm breit x 50,8 mm hoch

16 L 524 – L 580
L 524 / L 538
Axles Attachment
L 524 L 538 L 524 L 538
Four-wheel drive Geometry variants
Front axle Fixed Optional Powerfull Z-bar linkage with tilt cylinder and
Rear axle Centre pivot, with 10° oscillating angle to each steel cross-tube
side Parallel linkage with two tilt cylinders and steel
Height of obstacles which cross-tube
can be driven over mm 470 470 Bearings Sealed
with all four wheels remaining in contact with Cycle time at
the ground nominal load ZK PK ZK PK
Differentials Automatic limited-slip differentials Liftings 6.6 6.6 5.3 5.3
Reduction gear Planetary final drive in wheel hubs Dumpings 1.8 3.5 1.6 3.5
Track width 1,960 mm with all types of tyres (L 524) Lowering (empty) s 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
1,900 mm with all types of tyres (L 538)

Operator’s Cab
Brakes Design Elastic mounted, noise-proof cab
Wear-free service Self-locking of the hydrostatic driveline ROPS roll over protection per EN ISO 3471 /
brake ­(acting on all four wheels) and additional EN 474-1
pump-accumulator brake system with wet FOPS falling objects protection per EN ISO 3449 /
­multi-disc brakes located in the differential EN 474-1, Cat. II.
housing (two seperate brake circuits) Operator’s door with 105° opening angle,
Parking brake Electro-hydraulically actuated spring-loaded ­ventilation opening on the right hand side, front
disc brake system on the front axle windscreen made of laminated safety glass,
The braking system meets the requirements of the ISO 3450. green tinted as standard, side panels with
­single-pane safety glass, grey tinted, heated rear
window. Continuously adjustable steering
­column and joystick control as standard
Liebherr operator’s 6 way adjustable, vibration-damped operator’s
Tyres seat seat “Standard” (mechanically sprung, ajdustable
Standard size L 524 17.5R25 L3 to operator’s weight)
Standard size L 538 20.5R25 L3 Cab heating and 4-level air control, cooling water heating,
Special tyres By arrangement with the manufacturer ventilation mechanical controlled heating and air
­conditioning system as standard

Design “Load-sensing“ swash plate type variable flow Sound Level
pump with pressure cut-off and flow control. L 524 L 538
Central pivot with two double-acting steering Sound pressure level
cylinders to ISO 6396
Angle of articulation 40° to each side L pA (inside cab) dB(A) 69 69
Emergency steering Electro-hydraulic emergency steering system, Sound power level
optional to 2000/14/EC
LWA (surround noise) dB(A) 102 103

Attachment Hydraulics
L 524 L 538 Capacities
Design “Load-sensing” swash plate type variable flow L 524 L 538
pump with output and flow control, and pressure Fuel tank l 225 225
cut-off in the control block Engine oil
Cooling Hydraulic oil cooling using thermostatically (inclusive filter change) l 14.7 14.7
­controlled fan and oil cooler Transmission l 3.8 3.8
Filtration Return line filter in the hydraulic reservoir Coolant l 36 36
Control Liebherr control lever with hydraulic servo Front axle l 16.3 / 2.6 16.3 / 2.6
­control Rear axle l 15 / 2.6 15 / 2.6
Lift circuit Lifting, neutral, lowering Hydraulic tank l 110 110
Float position controlled by Liebherr control Hydraulic system, total l 170 180
lever with detent
Tilt circuit Tilt back, neutral, dump
Automatic bucket return to dig as standard
Max. flow l/min. 102 170
Max. pressure bar 315 350

L 524 – L 58017
Z-bar Linkage
L 524 / L 538





Excavation Bucket
L 524 L 538
Cutting tools T T T T T
Lift arm length mm 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,500 2,500
Bucket capacity according to ISO 7546 ** m 3 2.0 1.7 2.5 2.7 2.2
Specific material density t/m3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.8
Bucket width mm 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
A Dumping height at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 2,870 2,765 2,900 2,845 2,770
B Dump-over height mm 3,335 3,320 3,480 3,480 3,475
C Max. height of bucket bottom mm 3,530 3,530 3,680 3,680 3,680
D Max. height of bucket pivot point mm 3,775 3,775 3,930 3,930 3,930
E Max. operating height mm 4,860 4,915 5,170 5,260 5,230
F Reach at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 850 900 960 1,005 1,015
G Digging depth mm 80 80 80 80 80
H Height above operator’s cab mm 3,200 3,200 3,250 3,250 3,250
I Height above exhaust mm 2,860 2,860 2,910 2,910 2,910
J Ground clearance mm 460 460 490 490 490
K Wheelbase mm 2,850 2,850 2,975 2,975 2,975
L Overall length mm 6,820 6,935 7,150 7,225 7,280
Turning circle radius over outside bucket edge mm 5,690 5,720 5,840 5,870 5,880
Turning circle radius over tyres mm 5,170 5,170 5,350 5,350 5,350
Width over tyres mm 2,460 2,460 2,470 2,470 2,470
Breakout force (SAE) kN 91 85 117 114 109
Tipping load, straight * kg 8,500 7,900 10,700 10,500 10,200
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 7,500 7,000 9,500 9,300 9,000
Operating weight * kg 10,400 10,800 12,800 13,000 13,200
Tyre size 17.5R25 L3 20.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
** Actual bucket capacity may be approx. 10 % larger than the calculation according to ISO 7546 standard. The degree to which the bucket can be filled depends on the material – see page 22.
ZK = Z-bar linkage
ZK-QC = Z-bar linkage incl. quick coupler
T = Welded-on tooth holder with add-on teeth

18 L 524 – L 580
Light Material Bucket

L 524 / L 538


Light Material Bucket

L 524 L 538
Bucket capacity m3 2.4 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 4.0
Specific material density t/m 3 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.8
Bucket width mm 2,500 2,500 2,700 2.700 2,700 2,700 2,700
A Dumping height at max. lift height mm 2,755 2,640 2,490 2,370 2,730 2,715 2,520
E Max. operating height mm 5,025 5,160 5,300 5,430 5,360 5,440 5,590
F Reach at maximum lift height mm 990 1,110 1,260 1,300 1,140 1,300 1,285
L Overall length mm 7,345 7,130 7,340 7,410 7,360 7,695 7,700
Tipping load, straight * kg 8,450 8,260 7,970 7,370 10,420 10,190 9,520
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 7,450 7,290 7,040 6,510 9,190 9,000 8,390
Operating weight * kg 10,850 10,980 11,105 11,290 13,180 13,300 13,470
Tyre size 17.5R25 L3 20.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
ZK = Z-bar linkage
ZK-QC = Z-bar linkage incl. quick coupler
BOCE = Bolt-on cutting edge

L 524 – L 58019
Parallel Linkage
L 524 / L 538






Light Material Bucket

L 524 L 538
Lift arm length mm 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Bucket capacity according to ISO 7546 ** m3 3.0 5.5 4.0 6.5
Specific material density t/m3 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5
Bucket width mm 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,700
A Dumping height at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 2,630 2,230 2,520 2,185
B Dump-over height mm 3,380 3,380 3,430 3,430
C Max. height of bucket bottom mm 3,595 3,595 3,645 3,645
D Max. height of bucket pivot point mm 3,835 3,835 3,890 3,890
E Max. operating height mm 5,290 5,670 5,460 5,925
F Reach at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 1,220 1,630 1,300 1,650
G Digging depth mm 55 55 35 35
H Height above operator’s cab mm 3,200 3,200 3,250 3,250
I Height above exhaust mm 2,860 2,860 2,910 2,910
J Ground clearance mm 460 460 490 490
K Wheelbase mm 2,850 2,850 2,975 2,975
L Overall length mm 7,355 7,930 7,765 8,250
Turning circle radius over outside bucket edge mm 5,765 5,930 6,070 6,240
Turning circle radius over tyres mm 5,170 5,170 5,350 5,350
Width over tyres mm 2,460 2,460 2,470 2,470
Breakout force (SAE) kN 63 87
Tipping load, straight * kg 7,920 7,330 9,900 9,400
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 6,980 6,470 8,730 8,300
Operating weight * kg 11,800 12,200 13,600 13,950
Tyre sizes 17.5R25 L3 20.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
** Actual bucket capacity may be approx. 10 % larger than the calculation according to ISO 7546 standard. The degree to which the bucket can be filled depends on the material – see page 22.
PK-QC = Parallel linkage incl. quick coupler
BOCE = Bolt-on cutting edge

20 L 524 – L 580
Fork Carrier and Fork

L 524 / L 538
F min

F max
FEM III (500)
FEM IV (600)



FEM III Fork Carrier and Fork

L 524 L 538
A Lifting height at max. reach mm 1,690 1,690 1,781 1,739
C Max. lifting height mm 3,580 3,645 3,738 3,697
E Max. operating height mm 4,510 4,560 4,662 4,612
F Reach at loading position mm 975 1,110 939 975
F max. Max. reach mm 1,625 1,720 1,635 1,635
F min. Reach at max. lifting height mm 695 780 694 695
G Fork length mm 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
L Length – basic machine mm 6,190 6,325 6,350 6,390
Tipping load, straight * kg 6,000 6,480 7,880 8,150
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 5,300 5,700 6,940 7,200
Recommended payload for uneven ground
= 60 % of tipping load, articulated 1) kg 3,180 3,420 4,150 4,320
Recommended payload for smooth surfaces
= 80 % of tipping load, articulated 1) kg 4,010 3) 4,580 5,000 2) 5,000 3)
Operating weight * kg 10,600 11,260 12,700 12,900
Tyre size 17.5R25 L3 20.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
1) According to EN 474-3
2) Load capacity for the fork carrier and forks is limited to 5,000 kg
3) Payload on forks is limited by tilt cylinder

ZK-QC = Z-bar linkage incl. quick coupler

PK-QC = Parallel linkage incl. quick coupler

L 524 – L 58021
Bucket Selection
L 524 / L 538

L 524 L 538
Lift Bucket Material density (t / m³) Lift Bucket Material density (t / m³)
arm arm
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

GPB 2.0 m³ 2.2 2.0 2.5 m³ 2.8 2.5

2.4 m³ 2.6 2.4 2.7 m³ 2.7


LMB 3.0 m³ 3.3 3.0 3.5 m³ 3.9 3.5

4.0 m³ 4.0 4.0 m³ 4.4 4.0

GPB 1.7 m³ 1.9 1.7 GPB 2.2 m³ 2.4 2.2



LMB 4.0 m³ 4.0 LMB 4.0 m³ 4.4 4.0

3.0 m³ 3.3 3.0 4.0 m³ 4.4 4.0



5.5 m³ 5.5 6.5 m³ 6.5

L524-1355-1585_Schaufelauswahltabelle_LMD_enGB_L0133 L538-1493_Schaufelauswahltabelle_LMD_enGB_L0142
02.11.2017 02.11.2017
Bucket fillingFilling
factor Factor
87,5 mm breit 61,085 mm hoch 87,5 mm breit 61,085 mm hoch

110% 105% 100% 95%

Lift Arm Bucket

ZK Z-bar linkage, standard lift arm length GPB General purpose bucket (Excavation bucket)
ZK-QC Z-bar linkage, with quick coupler, standard lift arm length LMB Light material bucket
PK-QC Parallel linkage with quick coupler, standard lift arm length

Bulk Material Densities and Bucket Filling Factors

t/m3 % t/m3 % t/m3 %
Gravel moist 1.9 105 Earth dry 1.3 115 Glass waste broken 1.4 100
dry 1.6 105 wet excavated 1.6 110 solid 1.0 100
crushed stone 1.5 100 Topsoil 1.1 110 Compost dry 0.8 105
Sand dry 1.5 105 Basalt 1.95 100 wet 1.0 110
wet 1.9 110 Granite 1.8 95 Wood chips / Saw dust 0.5 110
Gravel and dry 1.7 105 Sandstone 1.6 100 Paper shredded / loose 0.6 110
Sand wet 2.0 100 Slate 1.75 100 recovered paper / cardboard 1.0 110
Sand / Clay 1.6 110 Bauxite 1.4 100 Coal heavy material density 1.2 110
Clay natural 1.6 110 Limestone 1.6 100 light material density 0.9 110
dry 1.4 110 Gypsum broken 1.8 100 Waste domestic waste 0.5 100
Clay / Gravel dry 1.4 110 Coke 0.5 110 bulky waste 1.0 100
wet 1.6 100 Slag broken 1.8 100

22 L 524 – L 580
Technical Data
Engine Driveline
L 550 L 566 L 580 Continuous hydrostatic driveline
Diesel engine 6068HFL84 Stage II: Stage II: Design Swash plate type variable flow pump and two
6090HFL75 6090HFL75 variable axial piston motors in closed loop
Stage IIIA: Stage IIIA: ­circuit and axle transfer case. Direction of travel

L 550 / L 566 / L 580

6090HFL85 6090HFL85 is reversed by changing the flow-direction of the
Design Water-cooled, turbo charged, intercooled variable-displacement pump
Cylinder inline 6 6 6 Filtration Suction return line filter for closed circuit
Fuel injection process Electronic Common Rail high-pressure injection Control By travel and inching pedal. The inching pedal
Max. gross output makes it possible to control the tractive and
to ISO 3046 kW / HP 147 / 200 209 / 284 209 / 284 thrust forces steplessly at full engine speed.
and SAE J1995 at RPM 1,600 1,600 1,600 The Liebherr control lever is used to control
Max. net output ­forward and reverse travel
to ISO 9249 kW / HP 146 / 199 206 / 280 206 / 280 Travel speed range L 550:
and SAE J1349 at RPM 2,000 1,600 1,600 Speed range 1__________________________ 0 – 4 km/h
Rated output Speed range A1 – 2____________________ 0 – 15 km/h
to ISO 14396 kW / HP 140 / 190 200 / 272 200 / 272 Speed range A1 – 3____________________ 0 – 40 km/h
 at RPM 2,400 2,000 2,000 forward and reverse
Max. net torque L 566 / L 580:
to ISO 9249 Nm 848 1,300 1,300 Speed range 1__________________________ 0 – 10 km/h
and SAE J1349 at RPM 1,300 1,500 1,500 Speed range 2 and A2 ________________ 0 – 20 km/h
Displacementlitres 6.8 9.0 9.0 Speed range A3________________________ 0 – 40 km/h
Bore / Stroke mm 106 / 127 118.4 / 136 118.4 / 136 forward and reverse
Air cleaner system Dry air filter with main and safety element, Speeds quoted apply with the tyres indicated
­pre-cleaner, service indicator as standard on loader model.
Electrical system
Operating voltage V 24 24 24
BatteryAh 2 x 140 2 x 180 2 x 180 L 550
Alternator V / A 28 / 100 28 / 100 28 / 100 1,600 200
Starter V / kW 24 / 7.8 24 / 7.8 24 / 7.8
1,400 175
L 550: Available for exhaust emission limits of stage II, China III, Bharat
stage III (India). 1,200 150
L 566 / L 580: Availability of models with exhaust standards of stage II or
Torque (Nm)

1,000 125

Output (kW)
stage IIIA (compliant) depends on emission regulations in respective countries.
800 100

600 75

400 50

200 Torque 25
0 0
700 900 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,500

L 566
L 580
1,800 225 02.11.2017
1,800 225
1,600 200 1,600 200
1,400 175
87,5 mm breit x 50,8 mm hoch
1,400 175
Torque (Nm)

Torque (Nm)
Output (kW)

Output (kW)
1,200 150 1,200 150
1,000 125 1,000 125
800 100 800 100
600 75 600 75
400 50 400 50
Torque Torque
200 25 200 25
Output Output
0 0 0 0
700 900 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100 700 900 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100
rpm rpm

L566-1616-1618-1617_Volllastkurve_LMD_LBR_enGB_L0176 L580-1412-1495-1456_Volllastkurve_LMD_LBR_enGB_L0137
02.11.2017 02.11.2017
87,5 mm breit x 50,8 mm hoch 87,5 mm breit x 50,8 mm hoch

L 524 – L 58023
Technical Data
Axles Attachment
L 550 L 566 L 580 L 550 L 566 L 580
Four-wheel drive Geometry variants
Front axle Fixed Optional Powerful Z-bar linkage with tilt cylinder and cast
Rear axle Centre pivot, with 13° oscillating angle to each steel cross-tube
L 550 / L 566 / L 580

side Industrial lift arm with tilt cylinder, hydraulic quick

Height of obstacles which coupler as standard
can be driven over mm 460 490 490 Bearings Sealed
with all four wheels remaining in contact with Cycle time at
the ground nominal load ZK IND ZK IND ZK IND
Differentials Automatic limited-slip differentials Liftings 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Reduction gear Planetary final drive in wheel hubs Dumpings 2.3 3.5 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.2
Track width 2,000 mm with all types of tyres (L 550) Lowering (empty) s 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
2,230 mm with all types of tyres (L 566, L 580)

Operator’s Cab
Brakes Design Elastic mounted, noise-proof cab
Wear-free service brake Self-locking of the hydrostatic driveline ROPS roll over protection per EN ISO 3471 /
­(acting on all four wheels) and additional EN 474-1
pump-accumulator brake system with wet FOPS falling objects protection per EN ISO 3449 /
­multi-disc brakes (two seperate brake circuits) EN 474-1, Cat. II
Parking brake Electro-hydraulically actuated spring-loaded Operator’s door with 105° (L 550) / 180° (L 566,
disc brake system on the transmission L 580) opening angle, ventilation opening on the
The braking system meets the requirements of the ISO 3450. right hand side, front windscreen made of
­laminated safety glass, green tinted as standard,
side panels with single-pane safety glass, grey
tinted, heated rear window. Continuously
­adjustable steering column and joystick control
Tyres as standard
Standard size L 550 23.5R25 L3 Liebherr operator’s 6 way adjustable, vibration-damped operator’s
Standard size L 566 26.5R25 L3 seat seat “Standard” (mechanically sprung, ajdustable
Standard size L 580 26.5R25 L3 to operator’s weight)
Special tyres By arrangement with the manufacturer Cab heating and 4-level air control, cooling water heating,
ventilation mechanical controlled heating and air
­conditioning system as standard

Design “Load-sensing” swash plate type variable flow
pump with pressure cut-off and flow control. Sound Level
Central pivot with two double-acting, damped L 550 L 566 L 580
­steering cylinders Sound pressure level
Angle of articulation 40° to each side to ISO 6396
Emergency steering Electro-hydraulic emergency steering system, L pA (inside cab) dB(A) 75 71 71
optional Sound power level
to 2000/14/EC
LWA (surround noise) dB(A) 105 106 106

Attachment Hydraulics
L 550 L 566 L 580
Design “Load-sensing” swash plate type variable flow Capacities
pump with output and flow control, and pressure L 550 L 566 L 580
cut-off in the control block Fuel tank l 300 400 400
Cooling Hydraulic oil cooling using thermostatically Engine oil
­controlled fan and oil cooler (inclusive filter change) l 19.5 34 34
Filtration Return line filter in the hydraulic reservoir Pump distribution
Control Liebherr control lever with hydraulic servo gearbox l 2.5 2.5
­control Transmission l 4.1 11.5 11.5
Lift circuit Lifting, neutral, lowering Coolant l 38 42 42
Float position controlled by Liebherr control Front axle l 35 42 42
lever with detent Rear axle l 35 42 42
Tilt circuit Tilt back, neutral, dump Hydraulic tank l 135 135 135
Automatic bucket return to dig as standard Hydraulic system, total l 240 290 290
Max. flow l/min. 234 290 290
Max. pressure bar 360 380 380

24 L 524 – L 580
Z-bar Linkage


L 550 / L 566 / L 580





Excavation Bucket
L 550 L 566 L 580
Cutting tools T T T T T T T T T
Lift arm length mm 2,750 2,750 3,050 2,920 2,920 3,250 3,050 3,050 3,250
Bucket capacity according to ISO 7546 ** m3 3.2 3.6 3.2 4.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 5.0
Specific material density t/m3 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.6
Bucket width mm 2,700 2,700 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,300 3,300 3,300
A Dumping height at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 3,140 3,050 3,590 3,240 3,185 3,665 3,320 3,250 3,530
B Dump-over height mm 3,700 3,700 4,100 3,900 3,900 4,300 4,100 4,100 4,300
C Max. height of bucket bottom mm 3,920 3,920 4,330 4,050 4,050 4,470 4,270 4,270 4,470
D Max. height of bucket pivot point mm 4,180 4,180 4,600 4,360 4,360 4,780 4,580 4,580 4,780
E Max. operating height mm 5,660 5,750 6,100 5,870 5,960 6,285 6,340 6,420 6,540
F Reach at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 1,020 1,100 960 1,180 1,240 1,070 1,150 1,220 1,215
G Digging depth mm 85 85 130 100 100 140 100 100 140
H Height above operator’s cab mm 3,360 3,360 3,360 3,590 3,590 3,590 3,590 3,590 3,590
I Height above exhaust mm 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
J Ground clearance mm 490 490 490 535 535 535 535 535 535
K Wheelbase mm 3,305 3,305 3,305 3,780 3,780 3,780 3,900 3,900 3,900
L Overall length mm 8,300 8,400 8,720 9,260 9,340 9,715 9,645 9,745 9,915
Turning circle radius over outside bucket edge mm 6,480 6,540 6,700 7,580 7,600 7,765 7,910 7,940 8,025
Turning circle radius over tyres mm 5,885 5,885 5,885 6,995 6,995 6,995 7,150 7,150 7,150
Width over tyres mm 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,960 2,960 2,960 2,960 2,960 2,960
Breakout force (SAE) kN 140 130 120 200 190 175 190 175 175
Tipping load, straight * kg 14,150 13,950 12,240 18,000 17,800 15,015 20,750 20,550 19,020
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 12,350 12,150 10,800 15,550 15,350 13,245 18,000 17,800 16,845
Operating weight * kg 17,350 17,450 17,440 23,100 23,200 23,620 24,720 24,870 25,540
Tyre sizes 23.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
** Actual bucket capacity may be approx. 10 % larger than the calculation according to ISO 7546 standard. The degree to which the bucket can be filled depends on the material – see page 29.
STD = Standard lift arm length
HL = High Lift
ZK = Z-bar linkage
T = Welded-on tooth holder with add-on teeth

L 524 – L 58025
Industrial Lift Arm

L 550 / L 566 / L 580







Excavation Bucket
L 550 L 566 L 580
Cutting tools T T T
Lift arm length mm 2,600 2,900 2,900
Bucket capacity according to ISO 7546 ** m3 3.0 3.5 4.5
Specific material density t/m3 1.8 1.8 1.8
Bucket width mm 2,700 3,000 3,000
A Dumping height at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 2,880 3,210 3,070
B Dump-over height mm 3,500 3,900 3,900
C Max. height of bucket bottom mm 3,795 4,145 4,145
D Max. height of bucket pivot point mm 4,075 4,490 4,490
E Max. operating height mm 5,580 6,045 6,265
F Reach at max. lift height and 45° discharge mm 1,135 1,270 1,290
G Digging depth mm 80 100 100
H Height above operator’s cab mm 3,360 3,590 3,590
I Height above exhaust mm 3,015 3,000 3,000
J Ground clearance mm 490 535 535
K Wheelbase mm 3,305 3,780 3,900
L Overall length mm 8,350 9,345 9,545
Turning circle radius over outside bucket edge mm 6,500 7,575 7,720
Turning circle radius over tyres mm 5,885 6,995 7,150
Width over tyres mm 2,650 2,960 2,960
Breakout force (SAE) kN 125 200 200
Tipping load, straight * kg 12,700 15,650 19,800
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 10,950 13,400 17,100
Operating weight * kg 17,950 24,150 25,750
Tyre sizes 23.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
** Actual bucket capacity may be approx. 10 % larger than the calculation according to ISO 7546 standard. The degree to which the bucket can be filled depends on the material – see page 29.
IND-QC = Industrial lift arm with parallel guidance incl. quick coupler
T = Welded-on tooth holder with add-on teeth

26 L 524 – L 580
Light Material Bucket

L 550 / L 566 / L 580



Light Material Bucket

L 550 L 566 L 580
Bucket capacity m3 5.0 9.0 6.5 12.0 7.5 14.0
Specific material density t/m3 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.45 1.0 0.45
Bucket width mm 2,950 3,400 3,200 3,700 3,400 4,000
A Dumping height at max. lift height mm 2,550 2,340 2,885 2,620 2,810 2,480
E Max. operating height mm 5,900 6,110 6,470 6,700 6,580 6,800
F Reach at maximum lift height mm 1,450 1,705 1,485 1,860 1,550 1,950
L Overall length mm 8,600 8,970 9,620 10,100 9,715 10,200
Tipping load, straight * kg 11,950 11,450 14,600 13,850 18,700 16,450
Tipping load, fully articulated * kg 10,300 9,750 12,400 12,100 16,000 14,400
Operating weight * kg 18,250 18,950 24,700 25,650 26,400 27,300
Tyre size 23.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and tipping load. (Tipping load, fully articulated according to ISO 14397-1)
IND-QC = Industrial lift arm with parallel guidance incl. quick coupler
BOCE = Bolt-on cutting edge

L 524 – L 58027
Log Grapple

L 550 / L 566 / L 580


F 45
F 20
A 20
A 45 I H


F max. K

Log Grapple
L 550 L 566 L 580
A20 Discharge height at 20° mm 3,570 3,570 3,520
A45 Discharge height at 45° mm 2,950 2,930 2,805
B Manipulation height mm 4,530 5,125 5,125
C Max. grapple opening in loading position mm 2,740 2,650 2,930
C1 Max. grapple opening mm 2,990 3,050 3,340
E Max. height mm 6,480 7,400 7,500
F20 Reach at max. lifting height at 20° discharge mm 1,890 2,165 2,215
F45 Reach at max. lifting height at 45° discharge mm 1,530 1,620 1,625
F max. Max. reach mm 2,820 3,110 3,160
H Height above operator’s cab mm 3,360 3,590 3,590
I Height above exhaust mm 3,015 3,000 3,000
J Ground clearance mm 490 535 535
K Wheelbase mm 3,305 3,780 3,900
L Overall length mm 8,700 9,880 10,050
Width over tyres mm 2,650 2,970 2,970
Q Grapple diameter m2 2.4 3.1 3.5
Grapple width mm 1,600 1,800 1,800
Payload * kg 6,400 8,200 9,200
Operating weight * kg 19,450 25,750 28,000
Tyre size 23.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3 26.5R25 L3
* The figures shown here are valid with tyres above (optional tyres will change the vertical dimensions), includes all lubricants, a full fuel tank, the ROPS / FOPS cab and the operator. Different tyres and
optional equipment will change the operating weight and payload.
IND-QC = Industrial lift arm with parallel guidance incl. quick coupler

28 L 524 – L 580
Bucket Selection

L 550 L 566
Lift Bucket Material density (t / m³) Lift Bucket Material density (t / m³)
arm arm
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

3.2 m³ 3.5 3.2 4.0 m³ 4.4 4.0

L 550 / L 566 / L 580


3.6 m³ 4.0 3.6 4.5 m³ 5.0 4.5

GPB 3.2 m³ 3.5 3.2 GPB 4.0 m³ 4.4 4.0

GPB 3.0 m³ 3.3 3.0 GPB 3.5 m³ 3.9 3.5


5.0 m³ 5.5 5.0 6.5 m³ 7.2 6.5

9.0 m³ 9.0 12.0 m³ 12.0

L 580L550-1562_Schaufelauswahltabelle_LMD_enGB_L0141 L566-1616-1618_Schaufelauswahltabelle_LMD_enGB_L0181
Lift 08.06.2018
Bucket Material density (t / m³) 08.06.2018
arm 87,5 mm breit, 48,075 mm hoch 87,5 mm breit, 48,075 mm hoch
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

5.0 m³ 5.5 5.0


5.5 m³ 6.0 5.5


GPB 5.0 m³ 5.5 5.0

GPB 4.5 m³ 5.0 4.5


7.5 m³

8.3 7.5
14.0 m³ 14.0

Bucket fillingFilling
factor Factor
87,5 mm breit, 48,075 mm hoch

110% 105% 100% 95%

Lift Arm Bucket

ZK Z-bar linkage, standard lift arm length GPB General purpose bucket (Excavation bucket)
ZK-HL Z-bar linkage, High Lift LMB Light material bucket
IND-QC Industrial lift arm with quick coupler, standard lift arm length

Bulk Material Densities and Bucket Filling Factors

t/m3 % t/m3 % t/m3 %
Gravel moist 1.9 105 Earth dry 1.3 115 Glass waste broken 1.4 100
dry 1.6 105 wet excavated 1.6 110 solid 1.0 100
crushed stone 1.5 100 Topsoil 1.1 110 Compost dry 0.8 105
Sand dry 1.5 105 Basalt 1.95 100 wet 1.0 110
wet 1.9 110 Granite 1.8 95 Wood chips / Saw dust 0.5 110
Gravel and dry 1.7 105 Sandstone 1.6 100 Paper shredded / loose 0.6 110
Sand wet 2.0 100 Slate 1.75 100 recovered paper / cardboard 1.0 110
Sand / Clay 1.6 110 Bauxite 1.4 100 Coal heavy material density 1.2 110
Clay natural 1.6 110 Limestone 1.6 100 light material density 0.9 110
dry 1.4 110 Gypsum broken 1.8 100 Waste domestic waste 0.5 100
Clay / Gravel dry 1.4 110 Coke 0.5 110 bulky waste 1.0 100
wet 1.6 100 Slag broken 1.8 100

L 524 – L 58029
Tipping Load

ISO 14397-1

What is tipping load? Pay load. Bucket capacity.

Load at centre of gravity of working equipment, so that the wheel The pay load must not exceed 50 % of the tipping load when The bucket volume is determined from the pay load.
loader just begins to tip over the front axle. articulated.
This is the most unfavourable static-load position for the wheel This is equivalent to a static stability-margin factor of 2.0. Tipping load, articulated
Pay load =
loader. Lifting arms horizontal, wheel loader fully articulated at 2
centre pivot.
Pay load (t)
Bucket capacity =
Specific bulk weight of material (t/m3)

The Liebherr Wheel Loaders

L0102 L0170 L0104
L0101 L0103

Wheel Loader
L 524 L 538 L 550 L 566 L 580
Tipping load kg 7,500 9,500 12,350 15,550 18,000
Bucket capacity m3 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0
Operating weight kg 10,400 12,800 17,350 23,100 24,720
Engine output (ISO 14396) kW / HP 86 / 117 104 / 141 140 / 190 200 / 272 200 / 272

Environmental Protection Can Help You Earn Money!

The Liebherr Standard Consumption Test – easy to reproduce and practical.
The Liebherr Standard Consumption Test determines the number of loading cycles that can be
carried out with 5 litres of diesel. The material is taken from pile A and carried over a distance of
20 metres to point B. The time needed for each working cycle should be 35 seconds. Discharge at
point B should take place from a height of 2.5 m. The working cycles continue until the 5 litres of
diesel in the external measuring tank have been used up. The loader’s fuel consumption per
­operating hour is calculated as follows:

400 Consumption
Number of loading cycles per hour

Values for the Liebherr Wheel Loaders

Numbers of Litres / Litres /
working cycles 100 tons hour
L 524: 2.0 m3 n = 47 2.9 8.5
L 538: 2.5 m3 n = 39 2.9 10.3
L 550: 3.2 m 3 n = 30 2.9 13.5
L 566: 4.0 m3 n = 23 3.0 17.3
L 580: 5.0 m3 n = 21 2.6 19.1

30 L 524 – L 580

L 566

L 566
L 580

L 580
L 538

L 538
L 550

L 550
L 524

L 524
Basic Wheel Loader Equipment
Crash protection, rear + + + + + Working hydraulics lockout • • • • •
Automatic central lubrication system + + + + + Automatic hoist kick-out – adjustable – – + + +
Battery main switch (lockable) • • • • • Automatic bucket return – adjustable • • • • •
Ride control + + + + + Fork carrier and pallet forks + + + + +
Parking brake • • • • • High-dump bucket + + + + +
Fluff trap for radiator + + + + + Log grapple + + + + +
Speed limitor Vmax adjustable key on the control unit • • • • • High Lift arms – – + + +
Pre-heat system for cold starting • • • • • Industrial lift arm – – + + +
Rear license panel light + + + + + Lift arm parallel linkage + + – – –
Combined inching-braking system • • • • • Lift arm Z-bar linkage • • • • •
Steel mudguard • • • • • Hydraulic quick coupler + + + + +
Steel fuel tank • • • • • Tilt cylinder protection + + + + +
Fuel pre-filter • • • • • Loading buckets incl. a range of cutting tools + + + + +
Fuel pre-filter with pre-heating • • • • • Light material bucket + + + + +
Large-mesh radiator + + + + + Load holding valves + + + + +
Cooling water pre-heating 230 V + + + + + Float position • • • • •
Multi-disc limited slip differentials in both axles • • • • • 3rd hydraulic control circuit + + + + +
Reversible fan drive + + + + +
Headlights rear, single design (on tail flap), halogen • • • • •
Auxiliary heater (Additional heating with engine preheating) + + + + +
Lockable doors and engine hood • • • • •
Chassis protection rear + + + + +
Chassis protection front + + + + +
Chock + + + + +
Air pre-cleaner TOP SPIN + + + + +
Toolbox with toolkit • • • • •
Towing hitch • • • • •

L 524 – L 58031

L 566

L 566
L 580

L 580
L 538

L 538
L 550

L 550
L 524

L 524
Operator’s Cab Safety
Exterior mirror, tiltable and adjustable • • • • • Country-specific versions + + + + +
Operating hour meter (integrated in display unit) • • • • • Emergency steering system + + + + +
Storage box • • • • • Back-up alarm acoustic • • • • •
Operator’s seat – air sprung + + + + + Rear space monitoring with camera + + + + +
Operator seat “Comfort” – air sprung with seat heating + + + + +
Operator seat “Standard” – mechanically sprung • • • • •
Heater • • • • •
Floor mat • • • • •
Clothes hook • • • • •
Air conditioning system • • • • •
Headrest + + + + +
Steering column adjustable • • • • •
Liebherr control lever – adjustable • • • • •
Radio Liebherr “Standard” (SD / USB / AUX) • • • • •
Interior rear-view mirror • • • • •
Amber beacon swiveling / fixed + + + + +
Soundproof ROPS / FOPS cab • • • • •
Wipe and wash system • • • • •
Headlights rear, single design, halogen • • • • •
Headlights rear, double design, halogen + + + – –
Headlights rear, double design, LED – – – + +
Headlights front, double design, halogen • • • • •
Windscreen guard + + + + +
Sun visor front • • • • •
Power socket 12 V • • • • •
Preperation for LiDAT + + + + +
Cigarette lighter • • • • •

All illustrations and data may differ from standard equipment. Subject to change without notice.
Printed in Germany by Eberl RG-BK LBH/PM-11695416-1.5-11.19_enGB

• = Standard
+ = Option
– = not available

Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH Liebherr Machinery (Dalian) Co., Ltd.

Postfach 49, A-5500 Bischofshofen No. 30, Wanli Street, Dalian Dev. Zone, Dalian 116600
S +43 50809 1-0, Fax +43 50809 11385 S +86 411 8733 5999, Fax +86 411 8733 5881, E-Mail:, E-Mail:

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