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Keynote 3 - UNIT 2

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you really care


about starting a
movement, have
the courage to
follow and show
others how to

Derek Sivers
Author, TED speaker


In this unit, you will ... Watch part of Derek Sivers's TED Talk.

• talk about consumer and technological trends. Answer the questions with a partner.

• read about how to identify trends. 1 What is happening in the video Sivers shows? What
• watch a TED Talk about how to start a movement. do you think he is going to talk about?
2 Look through the unit. What examples of trends or
movements can you find?

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Trends around us
VOCABULARY Describing trends

A Circle the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.

1 The economy is doing very well. It is 5 In 1980, the average age of a person in the
(growing / shrinking) fast. United States was 30. Now, it has
(risen / fallen) to nearly 40.
2 The number of young people who smoke is
(increasing / decreasing) because of greater 6 The Internet has become a part of people's lives.
health awareness. (Fewer and fewer / More and more) people
are shopping or watching TV programs online.
3 1 eat out more often these days as the quality
of food in many restaurants has (improved 7 Between 1970 and 2014, more affluent

gotten worse). households got even (poorer / richer); their

average earnings increased by 47%.

4 Unhealthy food choices such as fast food are
causing health problems like obesity to become
(less common / more widespread).

B Complete the sentences describing trends. Use your own ideas.

1 The number of people who has decreased in the last few years.

has improved over time.

is/are becoming less common nowadays.

4 These days, fewer and fewer people

is/are getting richer.

6 The problem of has become more widespread in the last five years.

C Work with a partner. Do you agree with your partner's statements in B? Why or why not?
I agree that the number of people who .

LISTENING Analyzing trends

Summarizing details

To check your understanding of what someone said, you

can respond with a summary of his or her ideas.
So you mean ? So what you're saying is ... ?

A Watch trend expert Tara Hirebet talk about the work

she does. Check (V) the things that her job involves.

O reading magazines, articles, books, and blogs

developing advertisements for companies

Ü spending time with consumers

O designing logos businesses for

is an expert on
Tara Hirebet
consumer trends in Asia.
B Watch the next part of the interview and complete the sentences.

1 Trend spotting helps companies learn about their competitors,

preferences, and new forms of

2 Hirebet has done trend spotting for , technology departments, and startups.

3 Hirebet helped an international sports brand succeed in the youth market.

Evaluating In which industries is it most important to spot trends? Why?

SPEAKING Talking about trends

A Does Speaker A like music streaming?

I just signed up for an account on a music-streaming website.

B: Yeah? Streaming music has become really popular in the last few years. So how do you
like it so far?

I love it. Especially how easy it is to search for different kinds of music. And the best part is

it also gives me good recommendations for other artists to listen to.

B: I know. It's completely changed the way people listen to music.

A: Yeah. It's so much more convenient this way. Anyway, don't have a I lot of space in my
apartment to keep CDs.

B Practice the conversation with a partner.

C Work with a partner. What are some trends you have adopted recently? What do you think
of them? Use the expressions in blue above to help you.

I just started getting into online shopping.

Really? How do you like it so far?

Trends in technology
LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing future trends

A Read the timeline. Give some examples of smart devices that you use.


The Internet of Things is made up of billions of smart devices that use wireless technology to send
information to one another and to us.

Robots may be able to learn

from one another and work
in teams to solve problems.
Two billion
devices are 10% of cars There may be a "Facebook
connected to are connected of things"—a platform for
the Internet. to the Intemet. smart devices.

2006 2012 THE FUTURE

1991 2008 2020

Birth of the More things of cars will be
World Wide connected to the connected to the Internet.

Web connects Internet than there

There will be 200 billion
computers. are people.
things: around 26 smart
objects for every human
on Earth.

B Listen to the conversation. What kind of device does the man want?
The man wants a(n)

C Watch and study the language in the chart.

Talking about future trends

I don't think there will be flying cars anytime soon.

Smart devices in home will become very popular over the next few years.
In twenty years, there won't be many people without smartphones.

Streaming music is going to become the most popular way of listening to music.

Most home appliances are going to be connected to the Internet within five years.
Robots are becoming more common, but they aren't going to replace humans in all professions.

For more information on will and going to, see Grammar Summary 2 on page 183.

D Listen to the conversation in B again. How is the device going to help the man
achieve his goal? Complete the sentences from the conversation.

1 "l think lose weight."

2 monitor how much fat I'm losing."

3 "l think for seeing what types of exercises are

better for achieving my goals."
4 "l can record the date that I started doing yoga, and
track how well it's helping me lose weight."

E Complete the information. Circle the correct words. Then listen and check
your answers.

In the twenty-first century, we 1 (have already seen / will see)

three tech revolutions: the rise of broadband, mobile, and

the birth of social media. Experts 2 (predict / will predict)

that over the next five to ten years, the next tech revolution

3 (connects / is going to connect) billions of devices to the

Internet. This is called the Internet of Things—an entire network
of devices that are able to "talk" to one another. With this

technology, we 4 (will be able to create / were creating)

"smart" devices that we can use in our everyday lives. Daniel
Burrus, a technology forecaster, believes that there are going

to be many new and interesting ways we can use this technology. A "smart" home system allows users to
The Internet of Things 5(changed / is going to change) the control electronic devices in their homes.
way we work, play, and sleep. Life 6 (will be / is) very different
by 2025.

F Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 Within the next few years, there will be

2 1 think

is/are going to become popular in the next five years.

3 By 2030, there will probably be

SPEAKING Describing future trends

Work with a partner. Take turns describing and explaining your ideas in F above.

I think within the nextfew years, there

will be more "smart" vehicles on the road.

Yeah, I think so, too. Within the nextfew years, maybe

we'll also see other "smart" objects, such as waste bins
that can automatically separate trash into different types!

Identifying Trena Map Blog D
trends Gender : • Male Female All 13-'


Skim the article. Check (V) the topics that the passage mentions.

characteristics of trends trend-spotting tools

D jobs O upcoming business trends 121121
in trend spotting
g 121
1 usinesses need to predict change and spot
emerging trends in order to stay relevant

and beat the competition. But how can they

know what the next big thing is before everyone


2 One important step in identifying trends is to
distinguishi them from fads, which don't last

long. In 2011, a craze called "planking"—where

people photographed themselves lying face
down, usually in an odd public place—became
popular. However, this turned out to be nothing
more than a fad.

It's often hard to tell the difference between

trends and fads in the early stages. But there are

several signs we can look out for. First, trends can
make money; businesses should be able to see
how they can take advantage of a new trend and
plan long-term strategies. Second, trends tend to IN SEARCH OF TRENDS
link with one another. For example, the trend of 5 The importance of spotting trends has led to a
online shopping is related to a bigger trend—the rise growing industry with a range of new jobs.
of electronic commerce.2 And third, trends usually These vary from individual trend consultants to

appear to a wide range of people. Planking fails in entire teams of people in large corporations.

all three areas, and sure enough, by early 2012, it Social media analysts—a job title that didn't

started to lose popularity. even exist before the mid-2000s—look through

4 Another way of spotting trends is to observe huge amounts of data online. Kevin Allocca,

people's hobbies. The idea for social networking whose job is to analyze trends on YouTube,
sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat came spends his day monitoring news headlines and
from noticing that people like to share photographs popular videos to help his company look out for

or personal information in their free time. industry trends.

ashboard Explore the most popular videos by city and region

17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65- Type Shares Views Help/FAQ

aded within 48 hours may not yet appear in age and gender breakdowns.

Video List

Grey Goose...
121 101 regtons

21 Mother Goose...

DONT Touch the...




Mayfield Tomado
R8K views


1 region

The YouTube Trends Map allows people to check

out the most popular videos in their area.

NEW TECHNOLOGY website that allows its members to submit business

6 New forms of technology also aid trend spotters. ideas that they think will work in their city or country.

Allocca uses organization tools such as gReader If a member's idea is featured on the website, they
Pro and NetNewsWire to help filter4 the many receive points that can be exchanged for money.
websites he monitors every day. 9 Trend spotting isn't easy, but it is an important
7 Predictive tech analyzes online conversations, skill. Businesses around the world are competing

blogs, videos, and even photo descriptions. to find the next big thing, and only those that are

Predictive tech apps search the Web for keywords able to predict and make use of trends will come
such as trend, becoming more, and recently, and out on top.

then compares the data to find common topics.

8 There are also predictive tech websites that distinguish: v. to notice a difference between people or things
2 commerce: n. the buying and selling of goods and services
encourage trend spotters to work together and appeal: v. to be liked by people
submit ideas for new trends. Springwise is a 4 filter: v. to separate and remove unwanted materials

Match each section of the passage to its purpose.

1 Paragraphs 2—4 o o to show how technology can help in predicting trends

2 Paragraph 5 o o to highlight the characteristics of trends

3 Paragraphs 6—8 o o to describe jobs in trend spotting

Complete the concept map.

Creation of new

Identifying Creation of new

trends technology

• Trends make

• Trends can Predictive tech

Predictive tech websites get
2 apps search the 6
5 to
with other trends.
work together
• Trends appeal to a to discover new trends

of people.


A Match the words in blue from the passage to their definitions.

1 emerging o o growing, upcoming

2 relevant o o study

3 take advantage of o o appropriate

4 analyze o o make use of

Inferring Work with a partner. Which statement below do you think the author would agree with? Why?

1 Jobs like social media analyst show how important trend spotting has become.

2 Predictive technologies have begun to replace human trend spotters.

How to start
a movement
DEREK SIVERS is best known as the founder of CD Baby, one of

the first sellers of independent music on the Internet. His company,

Wood Egg, advises people on how to build companies.

Derek Sivers's idea worth spreading is that while leaders get the credit g,

for starting a movement, the first followers are often the driving force.

Read the sentences. Choose the option that has a similar meaning to each bold word.
You will hear these words in the TED Talk.

1 You need guts to stand up and share your ideas with thousands of people.

a courage b ability

2 With the speed of change today, having skilled and resourceful workers is crucial to many
companies' success.

a useful b extremely important

3 Successful business ideas are those that are creative and that stand out.

a are practical b are noticeable in a crowd

4 A movement often begins with just one lone voice.

a single b clear

5 When Darwin proposed his theory of evolution, he was ridiculed by many people.

a laughed at b respected


A Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Choose the most suitable options.

1 What is the job of the first follower?

a to have the courage to stand out

b to show others how to follow

2 What do you think will happen when the first follower joins?

a Other people will want to join in.

b People will ignore him and the leader.

B Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Match the descriptions to the pictures showing the stages
of the movement.

a A few more people join. c A second follower joins.

b People rush to join in so that they d People start to join the group at a faster rate,
can be part of the in-crowd. creating momentum. This is the tipping point.


C Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk. Circle the correct words to complete the advice Sivers gives.

1 The most important thing for a leader to do is to (have a good idea / treat the first followers as equals).

2 People should not be afraid of (being the first follower / starting their own movement) when they see
someone doing something great.


Inferring Work with a partner. Do you sometimes join a movement or trend because
think that people
they are afraid of not being part of the in-crowd? Can you think of some examples?

A Watch the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words.

B Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

emulate sit on the fence nurture over-glorified

1 People usually people who inspire them.

2 Schools have a duty to the talents of all their students.

3 When you need to decide who to vote into government, you can't

4 Sivers feels that leadership is because no one becomes a leader without someone
else's support.
PRESENTATION SKILLS Commenting on visuals

As you show your visuals, draw the audience's

attention to them and highlight the important parts.

A Watch part of Derek Sivers's TED Talk. Check (J) the expressions he uses
in his talk to comment on the visuals.

so here's... D NOW, there he is ...

Now, notice that ... D so, pay attention to ...

O Can you see ... ? O So, over the next minute, you'll see...

B Work with a partner. Brainstorm more phrases you could use to draw attention to
visuals in a presentation.

C Work with a partner. Choose a video and take turns commenting on the key parts of
your video.

If you look at the man on the right, you'll see that

he's taking a photo of himself. Notice that ...
Predicting trends
COMMUNICATE Consumer trends
A You are going to read about some innovations. Student A: Turn to page 165.
Student B: Turn to page 166.

B Work with a partner. Take turns explaining what the innovations are.

This is a type of technology that allows people to ...

With this product, people can now ...

C Discuss with a partner. Which of these innovations you read or heard about do you think will become more
popular in the future? Use the following questions to help you.

Who will the product or service be good for?

What possible applications could there be, and how will people benefit from it?

What other trends would it support?

Describing probability
It's likely to . It will probably...

/ think we'll see . There's a possibility that

WRITING Making a prediction Some smartphones allow users to

Write a description of the product or service you pay using their mobile phones.
read about and your predictions about it.

Mobile payment technology will

probably become a bigger trend in the

future. Smartphones have become very

common, so people may ...

Past progressive
The doctor was examining the patient. We use the past progressive to:
We were studying ways to help the environment. • talk about something that continued before and
He wasn't working last weekend. after another action
They weren't studying when I arrived. I was watching IV when she called.

Were you helping out this morning? • show that something continued for some time
Were they volunteering last Sunday? Iwas living in Los Angeles.
• talk about past trends
The number of volunteers was increasing.

Present perfect
Cell phones have changed how we keep in touch. We use the present perfect to:
He has spent the past two days collecting trash for
• talk about experiences or things that happened
atan unspecified time in the past
They haven't met the other volunteers yet. He has been to many countries.
She hasn't worked for a charity before.
• show that something is important in the present
Have you ever done any volunteer work? The Internet has made a huge difference in how
Has he received the letter we sent? we get information.
• show that something continues up to the present
They have lived in Tokyo for nine years.

UNIT 2: Will and going to

Robots will become very popular. • We use will to make predictions about the future
Virtual reality will be the next big thing. that we are certain about.
I'm sure machines will replace people in most
There won't be many people without a smartphone in
ten years.
We probably won't ever use teleportation to travel. • We form negative sentences with won't (= will
Will there be people on Mars by 2030?
There won't be many people without access to
Will the Internet of Things really benefit us?
the Internet in a few years.
I'm certain she is going to be world-famous.
• We can also use going to to make predictions
We are all going to use technology more.
about the future. The meaning in most cases is

Machines are never going to be as creative as us. the same as using will or won't.
I'm sure humans are not going to find aliens. Connected devices are going to be everywhere
in a few years.
Are robot police going to become common?
Is the Internet of Things going to change the way we
use our devices?


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