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Sec Phys Electrostatics Problems

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Department of
Curriculum and Pedagogy

Electrostatics Problems
Science and Mathematics
Education Research Group

Supported by UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund 2012-2015

Question TitleProblems

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Question TitleProblems

The following questions have been

compiled from a collection of
questions submitted on PeerWise
by teacher candidates as part of the
EDCP 357 physics methods courses
at UBC.
Question TitleProblems I
You have two uncharged conducting spheres A and B on a non-
conducting surface:
A B After we follow the 4 steps, what are the
1 charges on the spheres?

A B A. A has a negative charge; B has a

2 positive charge.
B. A has a positive charge; B has a
A B negative charge.
3 C. A has a negative charge; B has no
A B D. Both A and B have a negative charge.
4 E. Both A and B have a positive charge.
Question Title

Answer: A
Justification: Let us go through the operation step-by-step:

Initially, both spheres A and B have no charges.
Once these spheres are touching each other
they become one conducting object.
A B When a positively charged rod comes close to
sphere A without touching it, sphere A becomes
negatively charged by induction. This means that
the negative charges in both spheres A and B will
move towards the positively charged rod (opposite
Electrons move
charges attract).
from B to A Therefore sphere B becomes positively charged
since most of the electrons will have gone to the
side of sphere A.
Solution Title

Since they are now oppositely charged, the

A B spheres repel each other.

After the rod is removed, we are left with

A B sphere A, which has a negative charge, and
sphere B, which has a positive charge.
Therefore the correct answer is A.

The method we have used to charge the spheres here is called

induction. Induction charging is a method used to charge an object
without actually touching the object to any other charged object.
Question TitleProblems II
Three balls on strings have been given either a positive charge, a
negative charge or no charge. By looking at the diagram below we can
conclude that...


1 2 2 3

A. ...balls 1 and 3 carry charges of opposite sign.

B. ...balls 1 and 3 carry charges of the same sign.
C. ...balls 2 and 3 carry negative charges and ball 1 carries a positive charge.
D. ...balls 2 and 3 carry negative charges and ball 1 carries no charge.
E. None of the above.
Question Title

Answer: E
Justification: By looking at the diagram, we can see that
balls 1 and 2 attract each other and balls 2 and 3 repel each
We know that like charges repel each other and opposite
charges attract each other. However, we were also told that
the balls could also have no charge (i.e. neutral charge).
If an object with a neutral charge is brought close to a
charged object, they will always attract each other. This is
due to induction – the charged object will induce the
electrons within the neutral object to move from one side of
the object to the other – see next page for diagram.
Solution Title
Below are two examples of induction, one with a positively charged
object, and another with a negatively charged object. In each case, it is
the electrons which move (they are more loosely bound than the
Neutral object Neutral object


Electrons move Electrons move away

towards positively from negatively
charged object charged object
Solution Title 2
Note that in both cases on the previous page, we did not add or remove
any charges from the neutral objects (they still had the same number of
positive and negative charges). Instead the neutral objects were
polarized – their opposite charges were separated to different sides.
Thus we can see that in the question, since objects 1 and 2 attract each
other they may have charges of opposite signs, or one of them could be
neutral. We know that 2 and 3 must have charges of equal signs
(because they repel), and so 2 cannot be neutral. But we do not know if
object 1 is charged or neutral. Therefore we would need to perform
further experiments to determine the charges of objects 1, 2 and 3.
Thus the best answer is E.
Question TitleProblems III
Analyze the following diagram and answer the question on the next
page. The absolute value of the positive charge is less than the absolute
value of the negative charge. Positions 1, 2, and 3 are on the same axis
as the charges. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not exact positions on this diagram.

1 2 3
Electrostatics Problems III

Roughly where could you put a negative point charge so that it

doesn't move? The negative point charge is a relatively small
charge compared to the absolute values of the two big charges in
the previous picture.

A. 1
B. 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
E. 2, 3, and 4
Question Title

Answer: B
Justification: We need to look at each of the positions that the
negative point charge could take:
1) In this case the repulsive force between the negative
charge and the negative point charge will dominate the weak
attractive force exerted by the positive charge on the
negative point charge. Thus, the negative point charge will
move to the left.
2) In this case the repulsive force and the attractive force
exerted by the 2 big charges will move the negative point
charge to the right no matter where you put the point charge
between the 2 big charges.
Solution Title

3) This situation could work. At a certain position, the weak

attractive force between the positive charge and the negative
point charge (at a short distance) will balance the strong repulsive
force between the large negative charge and the negative point
charge (at a longer distance) and the point charge will not move.


Solution Title 2

4) In this case the charge will move to the right due to the
repulsion by the negative charge and the attraction of the positive

Therefore, the answer is B representing position 3

Question TitleProblems IV
Two charges, 1 and 2, with charges +q and –q respectively are placed a
distance r apart as shown in the diagram below. According to Coulomb’s
Law the magnitude of the force exerted on each charge by the other is:
Electrostatics Problems IV
If the magnitude of F1on2 is tripled, what must be true? Select the
best answer.

A. q1 = 3q
B. q2 = – 3q
C. The magnitude of F2on1 is also tripled and its direction is changed.
D. The magnitude of F2on1 is also tripled.
E. The magnitude of F2on1 is one third of its original value.
Question Title

Answer: D
Justification: Since the force exerted by each charge is always
equal in magnitude, this means that when F1on2 is tripled, so is
F2on1. If we look at all the possible answers we see that this is the
only answer that must be true:
A) This would cause both F1on2 and F2on1 to triple, but it does not
have to be true because there are other ways to get these
forces to triple in magnitude.
B) Same as A - this would cause both F1on2 and F2on1 to triple, but
it does not have to be true because there are other ways to
get these forces to triple in magnitude.
C) Although the change in magnitude is correct, the change in
direction is not necessary.
Solution Title
D. This must be true if F1on2 is tripled.
E. This is incorrect because F1on2 and F2on1 must be equal

Even though some of the other answers could possibly be true, D

is the only answer that must be true in this situation.
Question TitleProblems V
Two charges, 1 and 2, with charges +q and –q respectively are placed a
distance r apart as shown in the diagram below. According to Coulomb’s
Law the magnitude of the force exerted on each charge by the other is:
Electrostatics Problems V
What changes can cause this force to be doubled in magnitude?

Note: The changes suggested in (i)

through (v) do not occur at the same
time. For example, if (i) is selected
then that change alone should cause
the force to double.

A. i and iii
B. ii only
C. iii
D. i, iv and v
E. i and iv
Question Title

Answer: D
Justification: To begin, the original force exerted by each charge is:

We know that originally q1 = q and q2 = – q. However, we are only

concerned about the magnitude of the force and therefore only the
magnitudes of the charges are needed (i.e. signs don’t matter).

Next, we want to see what changes in the variables will give a new
force, F2, which is double the magnitude of F. In other words:

F2 = 2F
Solution Title

From this we see that (i), (iv) and (v) give the answer F2 = 2F, therefore
the answer is D.
Question TitleProblems VI
Two charges, 1 and 2, with charges +q and –q respectively are placed a
distance r apart as shown in the diagram below. According to Coulomb’s
Law the magnitude of the force exerted on each charge by the other is:
Electrostatics Problems VI
Question Title
Solution Title
Question TitleProblems VII

Note: Ignore any effects from gravity

Question Title

Answer: E
Justification: We know that the magnitude of the electric force
between the charges can be represented as:

This electric force is equal to the net force of the charges (we are
ignoring gravity). Each of the charges experiences an acceleration due
to this force, and since the charges have equal mass (m), this can be
represented as:

We can see from this equation that the acceleration is directly

proportional to the electric force.
Solution Title

Since the force Fnew has increased to 4FE, and the acceleration is
proportional to the force, we know that the new acceleration anew must
also have increased four-fold: anew = 4a

Therefore the answer is E

Question TitleProblems VIII

An electric field strength created by charge Q is measured to be 40

N/C at a distance of 0.2 m from the center of the charge. What is
going to be the new field strength if both the magnitude of the
charge and the distance from the charge to the point where you
measure the field are doubled?

A. 10 N/C
B. 20 N/C
C. 40 N/C
D. 80 N/C
Question Title

Answer: B
Justification: Let the electric field strength be denoted by 𝐸. The
magnitude of the electric field strength (𝐸) is defined as the force (𝐹)
per charge (𝑞) on the source charge (𝑄). In other words, 𝐸 = , where
𝐹= is the electric force given by Coulomb's law, k is the
Coulomb's law constant (𝑘 = 9.0 × 109 𝑁 ), and d is the distance
between the centers of 𝑞 and 𝑄.
So we need to use the expression, 𝐸 = . Simplifying this
𝑞𝑑 2
expression gives, 𝐸 = .
Solution Title
Answer: B
In our case, since 𝑄 and 𝑑 are both doubled, the new field strength is
𝑘 (2𝑄) 2 𝑘𝑄 1
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 2 , which can be simplified to get 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = × 2 = 𝐸.
(2𝑑) 4 𝑑 2

1 1
Thus, the new field strength is 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 𝐸 = × 40 𝑁/𝐶 = 20𝑁/𝐶.
2 2

By doubling the charge from 𝑄 to 2𝑄 and the distance from 𝑑 to 2𝑑,

our field strength 𝐸 decreased by half. This happens because of the
inverse square law for the distance. E is inversely proportional to
distance squared. At the same time it is proportional to the charge:
𝐸 ∝ .
Question TitleProblems IX

Two point charges (C1 and C2) are fixed as shown in the setup
below. Now consider a third negative charge C3 with charge -q that
you can place anywhere you want in regions A, B, C, or D. In which
region could you place charge C3 so that the net force on it is zero?

C1 C2 A. Region A
B. Region B
C. Region C
D. Region D
Question Title

Answer: D – Somewhere in region D. FIX IT

Justification: With the third charge and C1 being negative, there is a
repulsive force on the test charge to the right. From C2, there is an
attractive force on the C3 charge to the left. By referring to Coulomb`s
𝑘𝑞 𝑞
law (𝐹 = 12 2 ), we know that the force from C1 is being divided by a
larger r so that the repulsive force between C1 and the test charge
becomes smaller. However, the force from C2 and the test charge is
being caused by a smaller magnitude of charge so that the attractive
force between C2 and the test charge becomes smaller. At some point
in region D, these two effects cancel out and there would be no net
force on the test charge.
Question TitleProblems X
In each of the four scenarios listed below, the two charges remain fixed
in place as shown. Rank the electric potential energies of the four
systems from the greatest to the least.
d A. B=D>C>A
4q q B. C >B >A>D
C. C>B=D>A
B. D. D >A=B >C
3q 3q
E. A>C>B=D
2q 10q

q q
Question Title

Answer: B
Justification: Recall that electric potential energy of a system of
electric charges 𝐸𝑃 depends on two quantities: 1) electric
charges involved and 2) the distances between them.

Somewhat similar to the gravitational potential energy of a two-

charge system, the electric potential energy is inversely
proportional to 𝑟 and directly proportional to the values of electric
charges. The electric potential energy, 𝐸𝑃 , is given by :
𝑞 𝑞
𝐸𝑃 = 𝑘 1 2, where 𝑘 is the Coulomb's law constant, 𝑞1 and 𝑞2 are
the values of point charges, and 𝑟 is the distance between them.
Solution Title
Answer: B
4𝑞 × 𝑞 𝑞2
For system A: 𝐸𝑃 = 𝑘 = 4𝑘
𝑑 𝑑

3𝑞 × 3𝑞 𝑞2
For system B: 𝐸𝑃 = 𝑘 = 9𝑘
𝑑 𝑑

2𝑞 ×10𝑞 𝑞2
For system C: 𝐸𝑃 = 𝑘 = 10𝑘
2𝑑 𝑑

𝑞 ×𝑞 𝑞2
For system D: 𝐸𝑃 = 𝑘 = 3𝑘
𝑑/3 𝑑

Since 𝑘 is common to all of the above expressions, we note that the
numerical coefficients determine the rank of the electric potential
energies (i.e., 10 > 9 > 4 > 3). Thus B is the correct answer.
Question TitleProblems XI
In each of the four scenarios listed below, the two charges remain
fixed in place as shown. Rank the forces acting between the two
charges from the greatest to the least.
d A. C >B >A>D
4q q B. C>B=D>A
C. B=D>C>A
B. D. B +D >A>C
3q 3q
E. A>C>B=D
2q 10q

q q
Question Title

Answer: C
Justification: Recall that the electric force is a fundamental force of
the universe that exists between all charged particles. For example,
the electric force is responsible for chemical bonds. The strength of
the electric force between any two charged objects depends on the
amount of charge that each object contains and also on the distance
between the two charges. From Coulomb's law, we know that the
𝑞 𝑞
electric force is given by 𝐹 = 𝑘 1 2 2 , where 𝑘 is the Coulomb's law
constant, 𝑞1 and 𝑞2 are point charges, and 𝑟 is the distance between
the two point charges.
Note that 𝐹 is proportional to the amount of charge and also inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the charges.
Solution Title
Answer: C
4𝑞 × 𝑞 𝑞2
For system A: 𝐹 = 𝑘 = 4𝑘 2
𝑑2 𝑑

3𝑞 × 3𝑞 𝑞2
For system B: 𝐹 = 𝑘 = 9𝑘 2
𝑑 𝑑

2𝑞 ×10𝑞 𝑞2
For system C: 𝐹 = 𝑘 = 5𝑘 2
(2𝑑)2 𝑑

𝑞 ×𝑞 𝑞2
For system D: 𝐹 = 𝑘 = 9𝑘 2
(𝑑/3)2 𝑑

Since 𝑘 2 is common to all of the above expressions, we note that
the numerical coefficients determine the rank of the electric forces
(i.e. 9 = 9 > 5 > 4). Thus C is the correct answer.
Question TitleProblems XII
Given the following electric field diagrams:

What are the respective charges of the yellow particles shown in

diagrams (a), (b), and (c)?
A. (a,b,c) = (-q, +q, +q) B. (a,b,c) = (+q, q, -q)
C. (a,b,c) = (+q, -q, -2q) D. (a,b,c) = (-q, +q, +2q)
E. (a,b,c) = (+2q, -2q, q)
Question Title

Answer: C FIX IT
Justification: Recall that the direction is defined as the direction that
a positive test charge would be pushed when placed in the electric
field. The electric field direction of a positively charged object is
always directed away from the object. And also, the electric field
direction of a negatively charged object is directed towards the object.
Solution Title
Answer: C
Since the field direction is directed away from (a) but towards (b) and
(c), we know that the relative charges of (a,b,c) = (+,-,-)
Note that the field lines allow us to not only visualize the direction of
the electric field, but also to qualitatively get the magnitude of the field
through the density of the field lines. From (a), (b), and (c), we can
see that the density of the electric field lines in (c) is twice that of (a)
or (b). We would expect the magnitude of the charge in (c) to also be
twice as strong as (a) or (b). Thus, the answer choice C is correct.
Question TitleProblems XIII

Below is a diagram of a charged object (conductor) at electrostatic

equilibrium. Points A, B, and D are on the surface of the object,
whereas point C is located inside the object.
Rank the strength of the electric field at points A, B, C, and D from
strongest to weakest.

A. B>D >A>C
B. B>D>C>A
C. D>B>C>A
D. D >B >A>C
E. A>B>D>C
Question Title

Answer: D
Justification: We need to understand the concept of the electric field
being zero inside of a closed conducting surface of an object, which
was demonstrated by Michael Faraday in the 19th century. Suppose
to the contrary, if an electric field were to exist below the surface of
the conductor, then the electric field would exert a force on electrons
present there. This implies that electrons would be in motion.
However, the assumption that we made was that for objects at
electrostatic equilibrium, charged particles are not in motion. So if
charged particles are in motion, then the object is not in electrostatic
equilibrium. Thus, if we assume that the conductor is at electrostatic
equilibrium, then the net force on the electrons within the conductor is
zero. So at point C, the electric field is zero.
Solution Title
Answer: D
For conductors at electrostatic equilibrium, the electric fields are
strongest at regions along the surface where the object is most
curved. The curvature of the surface can range from flat regions to
that of being a blunt point, as shown below.

We can notice that the curvature at D is greater than the curvature at

B, which, in turn, is greater than the curvature at A. Thus, from the
above discussion, we can say that D is the correct answer.

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