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ELECTRONICS Grade10 Quarter1 Module5 Week5 PDF

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Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5



Name:______________________________ Grade & Section: ___________Score:______

Teacher:_______________________________________ Date:________________________

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

Define electric potential energy.


1. Define electric potential energy.
2. Compare electric potential energy and gravitational potential energy.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Directions: Identify the word or group of words being described in the
following statements.
1. This is the product of force and displacement.
2. This is the energy possessed by objects at rest due to their position.
3. This is the energy possessed by objects at rest.
4. This is energy possessed by moving objects.
5. This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can
only be transformed into another form.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

The concept of electric potential energy is analogous to that of

gravitational potential energy. When force (F) is acting on a particle moving
from point a to point b, the work done (Wa→b) is,

Wa→b = force x displacement = Fd equation 1

It can be recalled that work done in a system can be expressed in terms

of the potential energy (U) and kinetic energy (K). If a particle is initially at point
a then it moved to point b, the change in the potential energy is ΔU = Ub - Ua,
the work done is,

Wa→b = Ua - Ub = - (Ub - Ua) = - ΔU equation 2

When Ua is greater than Ub, the change in the potential energy is

negative and the work done is positive as shown in equation 2. This is the
same as the situation when an object is dropped from a certain height (point a)
to the ground (point b). As it falls, the force of gravity is acting on it by doing
positive work, thus causing the gravitational potential energy to decrease.
Wb→a = Ub – Ua = ΔU equation 3

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5

When an object is thrown upward (from point b to point a), the

gravitational force is doing a negative work because the direction of the force
of gravity is opposite to the direction of motion of the object. When there is
negative work, it means that the gravitational potential energy increases, thus
the change in the potential energy is positive as presented in equation 3.

According to the law of conservation of mechanical energy, the sum of

the potential energy and kinetic energy is constant. Thus, making the total
mechanical energy conserved in a system. This law can be explained through
equations 4 to 9. The sum of the changes in the kinetic energy and potential
energy is zero as seen in equation 4 because the initial potential energy is
equal to the final kinetic energy while the initial kinetic energy is equal to the
final potential energy, so adding them up will result to zero.
ΔU + ΔK = 0 equation 4
(Ufinal – Uinitial) + (Kfinal – Kinitial) = 0 equation 5
Ufinal + Kfinal = Uinitial + Kinitial = constant equation 6
(Kfinal – Kinitial) = (Ufinal – Uinitial) equation 7
ΔK = - ΔU equation 8
Kinetic energy gain (+) = Potential energy loss (-) equation 9

These concepts of gravitational potential energy and energy

conservation are also being used in analyzing electrical interactions.

Let’s Apply
Directions: Complete the table.Describe what happens in the quantities given in
the columns. The choices are provided to you.

Motion of Displacement Force Work Potential Kinetic

Object Energy Energy
(positive or (upward or
negative?) downward?) (positive or (increases (increases
negative?) or or
decreases?) decreases?)

Let’s Analyze
Directions: Write the letter of your answer.

1. A box fell from the rooftop of a building. How do you describe the change in
the kinetic energy?
a. positive b. negative c. zero d. cannot say
2. A ball is thrown up and it fell. What is the change in the kinetic energy of the
a. positive b. negative c. zero d. cannot say
3. An object is thrown straight up. Which of the following is TRUE about the
sign of work done by the gravitational force while the object moves up and
then down?
a. Work is positive on the way up, work is positive on the way down.
b. Work is negative on the way up, work is negative on the way down.
c. Work is negative on the way up, work is positive on the way down.
d. Work is positive on the way up, work is negative on the way down.

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5


Determine the electric potential energy in a uniform field when the test
charge is positive.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Directions: Identify the directions of the electric forces 𝐹⃗ 1, 𝐹⃗ 2 and 𝐹⃗ 3 and electric
fields 𝐸⃗⃗ 1, 𝐸⃗⃗ 2 and 𝐸⃗⃗ 3 in the following situations:

1. A positive test charge is placed between q1 and q2.

2. A negative test charge is placed after q3.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

(a) (b)
Figure 1. A positive charge moving (a) in the same direction as the
electric field and (b) opposite the direction of the electric field.

Figure 1 shows a positive test charge that is placed between two parallel
metal plates. The upper plate is composed of positive charges while the lower
plate contains negative charges. Due to these conditions, a downward uniform
electric field was formed. In figure 1a, when the positive test charge is moving
from point a to b (ya > yb), the electric field performs positive work on the charge,
thus the electric potential energy decreases. In figure 1b, when the positive test
charge is moving from point a to b (yb > ya), the electric field does negative work
on the charge, thus the electric potential energy increases. Since the test
charge is positive, the direction of the electric force is the same as the direction
of the electric field in both figures.

Let’s Apply
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Choose from the options inside the parentheses.

In a parallel metal plates whose upper part is composed of positive

charges and the lower part is made up of negative charges, when ya is
GREATER THAN yb, the POSITIVE test charge qo moves ____________
(downward, upward), ____________ (in the same direction as, opposite the
direction of) electric field E; the displacement d is ____________ (in the same
direction as, opposite the direction of) the force F, so the field does

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5

_________(positive, negative) work W and electric potential energy U

___________ (decreases, increases).

Let’s Analyze
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Choose from the options inside the parentheses.

In a parallel metal plates whose upper part is composed of positive

charges and the lower part is made up of negative charges, when ya is LESS
THAN yb, the POSITIVE test charge qo moves ____________ (downward,
upward), ____________ (in the same direction as, opposite the direction of)
electric field E; the displacement d is ____________ (in the same direction as,
opposite the direction of) the force F, so the field does _________(positive,
negative) work W and electric potential energy U ___________ (decreases,


Determine the electric potential energy in a uniform field when the test
charge is negative.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Directions: Answer the given questions. Refer to figure 2.

Figure 2. A positive charge is between parallel

metal plates.

1. What is the direction of the electric field?

2. How do you compare the direction of the displacement of the test charge
and the direction of the electric force?
3. How do you describe the work done (positive or negative)?
4. How do you describe the electric potential energy (increases or decreases)?

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

(a) (b)
Figure 3. A negative charge moving (a) in the same direction as the
electric field and (b) opposite the direction of the electric field.

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5

Figure 3 displays a negative test charge that is placed between two

parallel metal plates. The upper plate is made up of positive charges while the
lower plate has negative charges. A downward uniform electric field is present
between the plates. In figure 3a, when the negative test charge is moving from
point a to b (ya > yb), the electric field performs negative work on the charge,
thus the electric potential energy increases. In figure 3b, when the negative test
charge is moving from point a to b (yb > ya), the electric field does positive work
on the charge, thus the electric potential energy decreases. Since the test
charge is negative, the direction of the electric force is opposite the direction of
the electric field in both figures.
When the test charge is negative, the potential energy increases when it
moves in the same direction as the electric field. But when the negative test
charge moves opposite the direction of the electric field, the potential energy

Generally, regardless of the sign of the test charge, the potential energy
increases when the direction of motion of the charge is opposite the direction
of the electric force. On the other hand, if the test charge moves in the same
direction as the electric force, the potential energy decreases.

Let’s Apply
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Choose from the options inside the parentheses.

In a parallel metal plates whose upper part is composed of positive

charges and the lower part is made up of negative charges, when ya is
GREATER THAN yb, the NEGATIVE test charge qo moves ____________
(downward, upward), ____________ (in the same direction as, opposite the
direction of) electric field E; the displacement d is ____________ (in the same
direction as, opposite the direction of) the force F, so the field does
_________(positive, negative) work W and electric potential energy U
___________ (decreases, increases).

Let’s Analyze
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Choose from the options inside the parentheses.

In a parallel metal plates whose upper part is composed of positive

charges and the lower part is made up of negative charges, when ya is LESS
THAN yb, the NEGATIVE test charge qo moves ____________ (downward,
upward), ____________ (in the same direction as, opposite the direction of)
electric field E; the displacement d is ____________ (in the same direction as,
opposite the direction of) the force F, so the field does _________(positive,
negative) work W and electric potential energy U ___________ (decreases,


Solve problems involving electric potential energy in a uniform field and of
two point charges.

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5

Let’s Recall (Review)

Directions: Answer the given questions. Refer to figure 4.

Figure 4. A negative charge is between parallel

metal plates.

1. What is the direction of the electric field?

2. How do you compare the direction of the displacement of the test charge
and the direction of the electric force?
3. How do you describe the work done (positive or negative)?
4. How do you describe the electric potential energy (increases or decreases)?

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Electric Potential Energy in a Uniform Field

The electric potential energy in a uniform field can be determined in

terms of the work done.
W = Fd equation 10

Since F = qoE, it can be substituted to equation 10 to get equation 11.

W = qoEd equation 11
Substituting all other previously discussed equations, it will result in equations
12 to 14.
U = qoEy (electric potential energy) equation 12
W = - ΔU = -(Ub – Ua) = - (qoEyb – qoEya) equation 13
W = qoE (ya – yb) equation 14

Electric Potential Energy of Two Point Charges

To determine the electric potential energy of two point charges, equation

15 and 16 can be used. These equations were derived from the combination of
the equation of work and electric force.

W = kqqo [
− 𝐫𝟏 ] equation 15
U= equation 16
Sample Problem

Two point charges q1 = 50.0 nC and q2 = 80.0 nC are 20.0 cm apart. What
is the change in the electric potential energy?

Given: q1 = 50.0 nC = 5.0 x 10-8 C r = 20.0 cm = 0.200 m

q2 = 80.0 nC = 8.0 x 10-8 C

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5


kqqo [(9 x 109 N· 2 )(5.0 x 10−8 C)(8.0 x 10−8 C)]
U= = = 1.80 x 10-4 J
r 0.200 m

Let’s Apply
Directions: Solve the following problems. Show your complete solutions. Round
off your answers into 3 significant figures.

1. A point charge q1 = 60.0 nC is held stationary at the origin. Another charge

q2 = 40.0 nC is 30.0 cm away from the origin. What is the electric potential
energy of the system?
2. A point charge q1 is held stationary at the origin. A second charge q2 is placed
at point a and the electric potential energy is 5.00 x 10-8 J. When q2 was
moved to point b, the electric force did -2.00 x 10-8 J of work. What is the
electric potential energy if q2 is at point b?

Let’s Analyze
Directions: Show your complete solutions. Round off your answers into 3
significant figures.

1. How far from the 65.0-nC charge should a 40.0-nC charge be placed for the
electric potential energy to be -0.270 J?
2. A point charge q1 = 30.0 nC is held stationary at the origin. Another point
charge q2 = 42.0 nC moves from the point x = 0.200 m, y = 0 to x = 0.350 m,
y = 0.350 m. How much work is done by the electric force?

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Directions: Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What happens when the test charge in a uniform field is negative?
a. The potential energy increases when it moves with the electric field.
b. The potential energy decreases when it moves against the field.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
2. What happens when the test charge in a uniform field is positive?
a. The potential energy decreases when it moves with the electric field.
b. The potential energy increases when it moves against the field.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
3. Which among the statements is FALSE?
a. The potential energy increases when the direction of motion of the
charge is opposite the direction of the electric force.
b. The potential energy decreases if the test charge moves in the same
direction as the electric force.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
4. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between
work and electric potential energy?
a. Positive work means a decrease in the electric potential energy.
b. Negative work means an increase in the electric potential energy.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

Grade 10 Electronics (STE) Week 5

5. What must be considered to determine the direction of the electric force in

a uniform field?
a. direction of the displacement c. direction of the electric field
b. sign of the charge d. sign of the work done

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from


Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2004). University Physics. Singapore: Pearson Education South

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I



Head Teacher VI, Science Assistant Principal

Principal IV

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