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Media Industry Licensing Content Whitepaper

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Media Industry Licensing Content

1. Vision
Information and entertainment unite the world. Millions of hours of quality video content is
created every year, yet the current process for licensing and distribution is so archaic that
much of it is left collecting dust in storage rooms. On the other hand: With growing
globalization we are moving closer together and the need for good, professional and curated
content increases significantly.

Content creators, buyers, and distributors still operate in offline regional environments
making discovery, networking, negotiating deals, and transacting commercials slow and
inefficient ordeals that unnecessarily raise costs 30-50%, if not more.

The world of content trading is ripe for disruption to become faster, fairer, more profitable,
and absolutely transparent for all participants.

The MILC Project will solve four fundamentally important challenges of the global media

1. Global availability of all Video Content

2. Discovery process for Buyers
3. Complex licensing for the entire industry
4. Early feedback from its audience

And for the first time, MILC will build a bridge between the audience and the content
creators, buyers, and distributors. This connection will allow the audience to directly impact
and receive benefits from the creation & distribution of quality new content.

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2. About Welt der Wunder
The MILC Project is under the development and supervision of Welt der Wunder TV (World
of Wonder TV) an independent entertainment free-to-air TV-network in Germany and
Switzerland, based in Munich and Zug.

Welt der Wunder is one of the best-known media brands in the DACH region and has been
active in the market for more than 25 years. It has professional media networks all over the
world, with self-produced programs being sold in well over 100 countries.

Welt der Wunder TV has its own program library, which was valued by EY (Ernst & Young)
at around EUR 48 M in November 2020.

The many years of experience as a producer, as a seller and buyer form the basis of the
project called MILC (Media Industry Licensing Content). Together with the Swiss television
SRG and its technical division SwissTXT, a platform has been developed that could change
the media world in a positive and sustainable way.

Our goal is to set up a state of the art industrial use case with the possibilities of today's
blockchain and AI-technology and to integrate viewers for the first time, giving them the
chance to participate across the entire global media value chain. This goal will be achieved
through the Media Industry Licensing Content (MILC) platform and the use of the Media
Licensing Token (MLT).

2.1 Highlights

Welt Der Wunder TV’s Media Content Library was valued by Ernst & Young at €48,000,000
in November 2020.

It has been nominated for the Grimme-Award and German TV Award. And it has won the
Bavarian TV Award.

Founded in 1996, Welt der Wunder has 25 Years of experience in the Media Industry.

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Welt der Wunder has: 15 million monthly viewers via TV broadcasting, and 5-10 million
monthly viewers online.

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3. The Current Problem

The problem of international media license trade has been further intensified by the
COVID-19 crisis. Even prior to that, the industry suffered from a very outdated approach to
content license trading. Around the world, all of the major programming trade fairs have been
canceled and won't likely resume anytime soon. This results in less variety, less innovation
and more and more repetitions. In addition the current climate debate is keeping the content
industry in check. Due to the climate crisis, it is unsustainable for hundreds of thousands of
media industry representatives to fly across the world every year to try to sell their content.

Currently, all relevant worldwide program trade fairs have been cancelled and their return in
this form remains questionable. Prior to this time, it was practically a requirement for relevant
program vendors or buyers to attend these trade fairs on a regular basis.

The result has been exorbitant costs for the participation in these fairs, and of course,
immense travel expenses. At the same time the discovery process for buyers to find the right
video content at such fairs is a confusing one with sometimes several hundreds of thousands
of participants and an unmanageable flood of offers. If you do not know exactly what you are
looking for as a buyer, it is difficult to find the right program.

Nevertheless, the participation in trade fairs is far from being the conclusion of the sale. A
buyer's basic intention to purchase a particular program package is then followed by the
process of actual license negotiation.

Often, lawyers work their way through a time-consuming and costly process to develop a
bespoke license agreement, which could have been more easily achieved in the form of a long
overdue international license standard.

This means that almost every license agreement is developed and implemented over and over.
Standards hardly exist to this day.

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Very often, intermediaries play a major role in the license trade. Most of them, in the form of
distributors, who offer their networks and contacts to buyers in their respective territories to
support the process of program distribution.

The respective distribution fee can easily amount to 30-50% of the sales price.

This is a major disadvantage for both the seller and the buyer. The seller has to make his
program artificially more expensive so that he can afford these intermediaries and still keep
enough budget left for his production. This often makes his program too expensive for the
buyer. The buyer, on the other hand, pays distribution fees that he knows do not go into
production and thus into the quality of the program he has bought.

The trade in valuable program licenses currently takes place entirely in an analogue form and
is an unnecessary waste of money and important resources unnecessarily.

Countless distributors and other intermediaries control the markets, preventing creators from
accessing potential buyers. Their fees drain money from the program, or make it more costly.
Additionally, lawyers renegotiate every license agreement. However, digital norms and
standards could simplify this process and thus make it much cheaper.

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4. How MILC Solves the Problem

4.1 The MILC Platform

After years of development, two European TV stations (Welt der Wunder TV Germany and
SRG – Swiss Public Television) have developed a platform that solves all the aforementioned

Two years ago, the first minimum viable product (MVP) was implemented into the structures
of both networks and under real daily operating conditions, constantly tested and transformed
into a fully operative Media Asset Management System, including a highly sophisticated
content sharing platform.

The goal now is to provide the industry with a new, open marketplace for every professional
and non-professional content provider and buyer that incorporates cutting-edge broadcasting,
blockchain and AI-technology which could become a game-changer for the entire media
content industry. MILC is the place where entertainment and community come together and
interact and benefit from each other in a way never seen before.

The MILC Platform’s Content and Media Hub provides any content-seller or buyer an easy to
execute marketplace. It includes the offering, marketing, rights management, contracting and
the final delivery of the content in any imaginable technical format. The Content and Media
Hub is the perfect new place for the global media licensing industry, and it has the chance to
take a market leading position in a very short period of time.

So far there is no competing technology or logistics in existence. Our estimation is that we

are at least 2 years ahead of any other platform for creating a virtual marketplace (virtual
trade fair) for content, that is technically capable of managing all relevant metadata of a
license. This includes all existing broadcast formats (video/audio), as well as all descriptive
and content data of a video asset. The path of content from the owner to the buyer is reduced

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to a few clicks. The MILC Platform leads the global content license trade into the digital era
for the first time. A process that is long overdue.

The MILC platform only receives a trade fee if a sale has actually been made. The trade fee
of 10% is significantly below the customary sales costs. At the same time, the platform
pricing structure is degressive, so the platform fees reduce with greater utilization. The more
trading takes place on the platform, the lower the distribution fee becomes for everyone. In
this way the platform demonstrates its willingness to share its success with its partners.

The MILC Platform will also consistently offer standardized license agreements free of
charge. These standards will cover the requirements of about 70-80% of all cases and
dramatically reduce legal fees. By constantly adding new contract standards the platform is
reducing institutionalized friction to progress the industry forward. In this regard, blockchain
applications optimized for the media industry support the legally secure storage of completed
contracts, the management of valuable licenses, ideas and property rights, as well as the
automated control of a contract expiration. It should not go unmentioned that travel costs can
also be reduced. We consider this to be urgently necessary in times of an important climate

But, there are other problems that the MILC platform solves.

Every year, TV broadcasters and streaming platforms incur significant damages due to
unintentional license violations. This means that a license that a TV station has acquired, for
example, expires on an agreed date. Due to highly bureaucratic processes, it is not uncommon
that the agreed license date is exceeded by a few days before the program is taken off the air.
In this case, the same license fee that the TV station paid at the beginning is usually due
again. This is especially burdensome if the TV station did not intend to extend the program
license a longer period of time.

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Conversely, it can also happen that a TV station intentionally continues to use a license in the
hope that a distant license owner will not notice this. The MILC Platform has an integrated
warning system that alerts both the licensee and the licensor in time. This helps to avoid
unnecessary license disputes.

The MILC Platform does not only offer a contemporary digital way in all important questions
of license trading. All major program buyers are looking for new ideas and concepts for their
platform stands. Normally, they depend on producers coming to them and pitching their idea.
The producer often has the problem that he does not know exactly what a program buyer is
actually looking for. This leads to many frustrating meetings in which the partners do not
come to terms. The platform offers the right environment via its Launchpad. Producers can
store their ideas and concepts securely in the blockchain and offer them to targeted potential
buyers via the platform. TV broadcasters and streaming platforms can get an easy overview
of the creative offer and contact a producer directly if they are interested.

In addition, the MILC Platform allows TV stations to pitch, for example, a specific genre or
type of program that one is looking for. The platform will forward this pitch to selected
producers so that they can develop it in a targeted manner. It will also be possible via the
Launchpad that interested co-investors, e.g. co-producers, get the opportunity to participate
financially in new projects.

4.1.1 Main Features

● Ingest, asset management and delivery of videos, enabling you to distribute your
content to partners and buyers
● Transparent chain of rights management
● Creation of metadata in videos implementing AI-supported automatic subtitling (ie.
editorial departments, archives)
● Comprehensive solution for the distribution of film and TV programs

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● Frame-by-frame video player for direct, straightforward editing
● Issue and manage production orders, plus a status overview for smooth distribution
● AI-supported workflows for automatic subtitling (intralingual, translingual)
● Playout for your own IP-based TV channel (linear or on-demand), including DRM via
● Automation of time-consuming processes. Can be added seamlessly to existing
systems and infrastructures
● Easy-to-use content management and control of the entire production chain from a
user-friendly front-end
● Content Marketing by launching and managing social media campaigns with
interactive elements embedded in videos, generating click-worthy calls to action can
also be used for corporate learning

4.1.2 B2C Features

● Interactive Audience Participation & Voting

● Reputation & Quality Score Generator
● Consumer-to-Creator Curation & Development
● Creator-to-Consumer Streaming
● Community Recognition Awards

● Reward system through MLT Token

4.1.3 The Social Community Hub

The Social Community Hub is an entirely new community reliance value system. The
audience is at the top and center of every segment of the value chain, with real-time
connectivity between consumers, content creators, artists, producers, and industry

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professionals. It’s the next generation peer-to-peer distributed ledger media and entertainment
marketplace. For no content creator is there a better way than to be able to interact directly
with their viewers. The content is produced and only the viewer can decide whether he likes
it or not, but traditionally, direct interaction has been nearly impossible. That's why billions of
US dollars are spent on marketing every year, just to reach the viewer via trailers, TV
commercials, ads, etc.

With the Social Community Hub, marketing money would reach the viewer directly. The
platform has developed to put viewers at the center of marketing, inviting them to interact,
support, share their opinions and be rewarded for all their efforts.

The Social Community Hub is aiming for a market leading position over the next 5 years and
a revenue market share of overall P&A Investments of 10%. Most of this revenue market
share is supposed to be invested from the industry into loyal MLT Token holders for their
creative help and support. A constant demand of MLT Tokens being purchased from the
industry in order to reward the audience can easily be foreseen.

The Social Community Hub addresses the worldwide interest in content coming out of the
media industry. Providing users with direct access to the creators and offering them the
opportunity to play an active part within the whole production chain is truly unique. On the
other hand, the MILC – Social Community Hub is the perfect tool for any media professional
to interact at a very early stage with its most important target group – the audience.

The Social Community Hub will offer a lot of interactive features right from the start, and
there will be many more along the way. The MLT Token is set up as the currency to reward
our community.

4.1.4 Faster Payments

Faster transactions are always an advantage, and they can then play an elementary role if, for
example, TV stations and other ad-financed platforms offer their free advertising time on the
MILC platform. Fast transactions are required here, which can be processed much more

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efficiently in a tokenized environment, to e.g. achieve first booking, best prices and best
matching environments. It is an important part of the MILC Platform marketing to point out
this possibility to the partners and to provide first showcases as proof.
Fundamentally, the industry is not yet familiar with the opportunities tokens can offer here.
Accordingly, the MILC Platform is also very early to market. We see this as an immense

However, in a particular environment, the MLT token will immediately establish itself as a
relevant payment option. As soon as user-generated content is traded on the platform, the use
of the MLT Token will be the only currency offered by the platform. Due to the fact that more
smaller transactions will be dominant in this area it would just not be practical to allow FIAT

We think that the MLT token will gradually establish itself as a reliable media industry token
and become more and more important.

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5. Market Potential

Around USD 500 billion in licenses are traded every year in the professional film, TV, online
publishing and streaming business alone. The marketplace for user-generated content is
equally huge. It's colorful, incredibly creative and full of new talent, but it's still hard for
users to make money with their fantastic content.

The market potential of the MILC platform is enormous. The demand for quality content is
growing relentlessly. New players are constantly entering the marketplace to court the favor
of their viewers.

It is estimated that around 6,500 TV stations already operate worldwide. More and more new
regional streaming platforms are also emerging, alongside the major international providers.
In addition, there is the rapidly growing over-the-top (OTT, meaning direct streaming to an
audience, bypassing cable, broadcast, etc.) market. All traditional publishers, as well as
online publishers, are on the hunt for good quality content.

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But also more and more companies invest in their video strategy and try to increase their
attention through professional content. This growing demand is driving competition
tremendously. This can best be seen in the advertising and subscriber revenue of the
individual market segments. In 2022 it will reach more than 550 Billion USD. However, there
are also projections that see the global value of the entertainer and media market growing to
around 2.5 trillion USD by 2024.

The MILC platform is the first global platform that can meet the needs and fuel the growth of
most existing and future video content based markets. It provides the fuel for growth for most

“Accenture forecasts that the global GDP contribution of the communications, media and
platforms sectors, which include traditional and digital-native media companies, will see a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% from 2019 to 2022, compared to a 0.5% CAGR
across all industries.”

© 2021 World Economic Forum

“Subscription VOD revenue of US$13.5bn in 2019 will grow at a 12.7% CAGR to reach
US$24.5bn by 2024, due to a surge in new, well-funded streaming offerings coming online
combined with an increase in consumer demand as a result of COVID-19. Advertising
video-on-demand is also becoming increasingly important as providers offer cheaper and
free, ad-supported tiers that target a currently underserved market.

In the short-term, the lack of new content, due in large part to production shutdowns, may
begin to strain streaming platforms without extensive libraries. However, over the next five
years, we expect that there will be an increased focus on international expansion as well as
content and intellectual property acquisitions to support growth and user engagement.”

Source: PWC - US Edition, Entertainment & Media, Outlook 2020‑2024

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5.1 The Future of Media: A New Framework for Valuing Content

“The media industry has always been based on concepts – intellectual property, cultural
impact, talent – that, when combined and properly executed, create products that are highly
valued by audiences. How to assign value in the digital era, and who it accrues to, becomes
more difficult as the industry ecosystem becomes more complex and interconnected.”

© 2021 World Economic Forum

The MILC Platform increases visibility especially for medium and smaller market
participants. It creates new participation opportunities and user experiences through audience
integration and interaction. It offers the latest AI-search algorithms, evaluates all available
global media data and makes it available to its users. The MILC Platform also offers
non-professional content providers a marketplace to monetize their content. The platform is
the relevant marketplace to ensure broad access to media content. Better competition of
relevant and quality content incentivises content creators while forcing bad content to the

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6. Utilities of the MLT Token

The Media Licensing Token (MLT) is the native token of MILC and has a total supply of
200M. The main utility behind the MLT-Token is removing the need to work through
complicated and time-consuming licensing procedures. It represents a one-click-solution
including contract signature, approval and payment. The MLT token is expected to develop
into a payment method accepted in the media world that enables fast and uncomplicated
transactions and possibly adjusts for currency differences.

The use of the MLT is mandatory on the platform. Partners can easily interact with FIAT
currencies, but it is mandatory for the platform that any payment pass through an exchange
API function to convert into MLT. In addition, discounts and surcharges incentivize
purchasers or vendors to accept MLT’s as a payment method within the MILC-platform.
Users become a part of the currency value and therefore actively support the demand.

It will be possible for the token to be used as alternative financing for creative projects. In
this way, in example, investors who normally have no access to the industry can participate in
media productions. This creates a new form of fundraising for creatives to generate
excitement within their community, and to let them participate in the creative process and
upside potential of a successful market launch.

The use-cases and utility of MLT include, but not limited, to:

● Payments: MLT is used to pay for Content Licenses purchased on the MILC
Platform. To obtain a content license, MLT is needed as a payment medium to sign
the license.
● Governance: MLT token holders are able to vote for platform upgrades and
community actions and activities on the MILC platform.
● Launchpad: Content producers will be able to use the Launchpad feature on the
MILC Platform to do fundraising for their projects. MLT holders can participate as
investors in the Launchpad projects.

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● Staking: To reward the token holders and the Community, MILC will launch staking
programs to earn interest on their tokens.

*Further functionality and utilities may be added by the development team as research and
development around the platform continues.

6.1 Payments
The MLT token is the payment medium within the platform. Payments to the platform apart
from MLT’s can also be made in fiat currencies, such as EUR/USD/CHF. The integrated
exchange API converts fiat currency payments into MLT in a seamless user experience. The
end-user is able to use the system with normal currency or crypto, without being a crypto
currency expert.

In the event that the MILC platform gains acceptance in its function in the media industry, the
use of the MLT token will also become increasingly attractive.

6.2 Governance
To incentivize community governance for the MILC Platform, MLT Token holders will be
able to propose and vote on governance proposals to impact the development of the MILC
platform and earn rewards in return. Governance is not applicable to changes on the
Blockchain protocol level since the MLT Token is issued on the Ethereum Blockchain.

MLT Token holders can propose new features, improvement of existing features, and vote on
proposed development features and improvements. They can also participate and vote on the
parameters for Staking rates, Token burns etc.

Another governance feature is voting on early script drafts, casting proposals, trailer sneak
peaks from content producers, studios, marketeers etc. for the MLT Token holders. Both the

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MILC Platform itself and the Content producers can add MLT to the reward pool for the
selected vote campaign. The vote rewards will be determined for each action/vote campaign.

Votes are weighted in proportion to the MLT Token holdings, where 1 MLT = 1 Vote. The
governance permissions and parameters can be changed by votes from the MLT token
holders. The more exposure you have to the MLT token, the more votes you have to spend.

6.3 Launchpad
Content producers will be able to use the Launchpad feature on the MILC Platform to do a
fundraising for their projects. The idea behind this is to make it easier to kickstart projects
than ever before.

The MILC Platform will allow TV stations to pitch, for example, a specific genre or type of
program that one is looking for. The platform will forward this pitch to selected producers so
that they can develop it in a targeted manner. It will also be possible via the Launchpad, for
interested co-investors, e.g. co-producers, to have the opportunity to participate financially in
new projects.

For the MLT token holders it will be possible to invest in the Launchpad projects by bidding
on certain things such as acting roles in the productions, or being rewarded with exclusive
NFT’s or other exclusive objects.

6.4 Staking
Several staking programs will be initiated to incentivize MLT token holders to hold onto their
tokens, and in return earn rewards in form of additional tokens. A staking program with a
fixed APY will go live shortly after TGE, along with Liquidity programs on AMM platforms.

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The staking rewards will be taken from the “Marketing & Liquidity” token allocation.
Staking gives rewards based on the amount of MLT tokens staked, but is not a
guaranteed return on your investment.

6.5 MLT Token Workflow

6.5.1 The MILC Platform

1. Content Buyer pays with FIAT.

2. Shared revenue payout to the MILC Platform.
3. FIAT is swapped automatically for MLT.
4. To keep the MLT treasury filled, strategic large volume buy-backs will be performed
daily on secondary markets.
5. MLT transactions serve as a contract agreement.
6. Content Owner will be paid out optional in FIAT for MLT.
7. MLT can be taken either from the secondary market or from the MLT Reward Pool
for Community reward incentives.

6.5.2 Governance Front-end

1. Depending on availability, MLT Tokens will be taken from the secondary market or
the MLT Reward Pool for governance rewards.
2. Content producers/Studios/Marketeers’ panel early script drafts, casting proposals,
trailer sneak peaks, etc. to the MILC community.
3. MILC community voting/assessments on the provided early content or other

4. MLT payouts to the community according to participation statistics.

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7. Token Value Capture

The MILC platform offers a strong incentive to invest, and remain within the

A value increase will be attained by the following core factors:

● Token Supply Cap: The quantity of MLT is capped at 200,000,000. The token supply
is limited and can not be increased when demand increases.
● Growth of the Content Platform: As for a national economy in which the demand
for money is increased by increased production, the demand for MLT’s will be
increased by the growth of the content platform.
=> More content => More license trades => Increased demand for MLT’s
● Extension of the Ecosystem: The ecosystem currently comprises B2B sales for
content and licensing via smart contracts. The roadmap for expansion can expand the
system to include B2C video platform. Or new products such as Virtual Reality or
Augmented Reality content, where the MLT acts as a payment method within the
● Token Burns: A burn mechanism for the MLT Token will be implemented through
the use of a smart contract, as a second confirmation layer for the license contract
signing. All purchases paid with the MLT Token on the MILC Platform will result in
0.5% of the total amount being burned. A payment of $1,000,000 USD results in a
burn of $5,000. The burn rate may be adjusted at any time in the future. Token Burns
will continue until 100M MLT Tokens are remaining.
● Buybacks: The MILC Platform aims for a continuous circulation of the token
between the members of the global media industry and its active community users.
Therefore the MILC platform plans relevant token buybacks from the market. This
occurs whenever a FIAT to token swap takes place. This creates a continuous demand,
even when the secondary market is not that active.

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The repurchased tokens are to be used, among other things, to provide new partners
from the industry with tokens easily and without unbureaucracy. Most of those
partners are coming into contact with tokens for the very first time. In this way, the
platform guarantees an easy entry and a sustainable habituation to this process.
Especially in the area of P&A marketing, it should be ensured that there are always
enough tokens available for community rewards.

The MILC platform reflects an enormously large market that currently operates
entirely in FIAT currency. It is an important goal of the platform to set positive signals
and incentives to actively use the MLT token.
● Direct Access: Providing users with direct access to the creators and offering them
the opportunity to play an active part within the whole production chain is truly

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8. Token Distribution

The Media Licensing Token (MLT) is the native token of MILC and has a Total Supply of
200M. It’s issued on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token. The token allocation is
distributed between Team, Advisors, Foundation Reserve, Marketing & Liquidity, MLT
Swap, Private Sale, and Public Sale. The Vesting details for each allocation can be found in
the table below.

Token Allocation % Vesting

Team 10% 12 months: then 10% released monthly

Advisors 5% 6 months: then 20% released monthly

Foundation Reserve 17.5% Monthly unlocks of 5%

Marketing & Liquidity 28% Monthly unlocks of 5%

MLT Swap 9.5% 0 months for presale/ICO. 25% TGE, 25% monthly
for Private Sale investors

Private Sale 28.5% 25% TGE, 25% monthly

Public Sale 1.5% No vesting

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9. Team

Hendrik Hey Eugen Nussbaum Ester Hey Sandra Leinfelder

Founder & Business Director Head of Sales Online Editor

Managing Director

Anna Vogt Kosta Gerodimos Theo Theodoridis Ilya Bychkov

TV Editor Technical Director Web Developer Web Developer

Manuela Peter Gabriele Franz René Salzmann Daniela della


Managing Assistant Director Controlling Accounting Director Marketing

Accounting Controlling

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Regina Sporleder Holly Hey Kadir Ozan Christian Bischl

Director Sales TV Editor Software Developer Accounting


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10. Advisors

Helmut Rebstock Daniel Benninger Robin Ribback Khalfan Mazrouei

Co-Founder & CEO & Board of Innovation Manager Founder Emirates

Chairman, TGOOD Directors, Swiss - R&D Networks - Consulting Group,
TXT ICT Projects, Swiss Royal Emirates
TXT Sports Academy,
Frontier Works

JP Mullin Yuriy Kovalev Dominik Swierkot Lester Lim

Founder & Council Founder & CEO, CMO, Ferrum Founder & CEO,
member, MANTRA Zenfuse Network x21 Digital

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Farrukh Ahmed Shaikh

Co-founder & CFO, Gather Network

11. Roadmap

2017 Q4 - 2018 Q2 2018 Q3-Q4 2019 Q1-Q4 2020 Q1-Q4

Project Implementation of Development of the Development of

Establishment the developed MILC platform Official version
together with technology by WdW
SwissTXT and SRF Development of Open Store system
advanced features development
Official Whitepaper Initial version of the
Release MILC Platform AI implementations Blockchain
ready implementation and
Development-start Automated optimizations
of the MILC MILC used translation of
Platform internally by WdW content
and SRF
Preparation of WdW
content for platform First online
usage publishers can
access and
incorporate content

2021 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3-Q4 2022 Q1-Q4

Open Store UI Public Sale (IDO) Launch the MILC Launch MILC as an
development platform to Event location
Listing on non-industry
Implementation of exchanges customers Launch the MILC
Online trade Marketplace for

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functionality Expansion of Enabling user-generated
technical staff for Governance for content, e.g.,
Website and 24/7 operations MLT token holders YouTubers and
Whitepaper non-professionals
improvements WdW TV will Enable producers to
supply the MILC distribute parts of Enable advertisers to
Start of fundraising platform with their promotion book space on
around 20,000 of its budget (P&A) to interested content
Marketing launch own program assets MLT token holders platforms via the
MILC platform
Launch of the
Official MILC Enable TV-stations
platform to offer and market
their own free
advertising space

12. Current Development and Future Vision

The instrument of the quite new NFTs (Non Fungible Token) can be seen as an absolute
innovation for a future tokenized media industry. It offers excellent opportunities for crypto
investors and program library owners as well as creative producers.

Crypto investors can participate in the proceeds of valuable program content and its
distribution via NFTs. At the same time, producers can secure additional liquidity to produce
new programs free from sometimes non-target buyer influence. These new programs are
coordinated with the MLT community and the future NFT holders and are based on the
wishes of the audience. This ensures the success of this content and liberalizes the market.

Welt der Wunder TV, for example, owns a program library whose value is estimated by EY
(Ernst & Young) at around EUR 48 million. After a detailed legal examination of the asset
class NFT, Welt der Wunder TV plans to offer interested crypto investors a share in this value
and thus serve as an example for other relevant program libraries.

It is more than conceivable that the MLT Platform will develop into an important trading and
auction site for future NFT projects in the media sector. In addition, the MLT platform is a
highly efficient licensing matrix. As such, it serves as an example for other licensing markets,

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e.g. music, fashion, consumer electronics, games and many more. When the MLT Platform
has completed its development in the media industry, it will open up to other markets as well.

The MLT Platform is the first blockchain technology driven environment for licensing
developed by professionals and can become a new standard. For this, however, it needs the
support of an awake and curious community, which helps to push the development further
and further with innovative ideas, feedback and suggestions.

Even though much has already been achieved, the journey has just begun! The team and the
developers of the MLT Platform will never tire of leading the process of a more liberal media
world with fair opportunities for all into a successful future.

Version 2.1 27

The token sale represents a voluntary contribution towards the development of this project by
its current and future team as it is described in this whitepaper. The token does not grant any
redemption rights, direct equity stake nor profit sharing. It does not represent an ownership
right or claim in the platform, revenues or intellectual property, either present or future.

Despite best efforts of Welt der Wunder and its diligence to bring this project forward, all
contributors should be aware that their contributions are not refundable and accept the
inherent risk of project failure at any stage of development, affected by either internal or
external factors that are out of the control scope of Welt der Wunder.

Furthermore, you are expected and agree to give full considerations to all risk factors,
including but not limited to the volatility of cryptocurrency prices and markets in general,
risks of systemic failure, risks of code failure, bugs, hardware failure, loss of data, theft, lost
usernames, passwords or private keys, incorrectly executed transactions and/or hacks which
can lead to, inter alia, the complete loss of the token.

Version 2.1 28

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