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Consumers of Tomorrow Insights and Observations About Generation Z

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Consumers of Tomorrow

Insights and Observations About Generation Z

November 2011

Executive Summary
Overview Behavioral Traits Marketing Implications
Source: Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Generation Z is commonly defined as people born between the mid 1990s and 2010. They are also known as Digital Natives

Generation Z is Comfortable with and even dependent on technology, having grown up in a digital world where technology was ever-present Constantly multitasking with a variety of online products and sophisticated electronic devices, and appreciates simple, interactive designs

More socially responsible, due to greater access to a large online information pool they are
more acutely aware of modern day challenges such as terrorism and climate change

Always connected, communicating through various social networking channels, often across
countries and cultures which significantly influences their decision process

Companies targeting Generation Z will want to

Adopt technology-based marketing and sales channels such as text messages (SMS),
mobile Internet, social networking portals, etc.

Aim to catch them young (especially relevant for technology companies) Enhance their virtual world presence with online product information and purchase facility Develop high value-for-money products that are multifunctional with simple and interactive

Provide green products and services or take a proactive stance toward the environment

Each generation is characterized by different experiences that shape their perspectives and behavior
Generation Z includes people born between the mid 1990s and 2010, characterized as Digital Natives
Generation Terminology by Birth Year
1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2025

Baby Boomers
Divided into Hippies and Yuppies, they were raised by the Builders

Generation X
Also known as Latchkey Kids, they were raised by the early Baby Boomers

Generation Y
Also known as the Millennial Generation, they were raised by the late Baby Boomers

Generation Z
Also known as Digital Natives, they are being raised by Generation X

Generation Alpha
Likely to be Google Kids

Born post-World War II in an

increasingly optimistic and financially stable world

Born into a world

witnessing a strong trend toward divorce and economic uncertainty Observed the popularity of the disco and hip-hop culture, and technologies such as cable TV and video games Characterized as individualists and skeptical of authority

Born into a world marked

by increasing inter-regional and inter-community conflicts Witnessed emerging digital technologies like instant communication via email and text messaging (SMS) Characterized as optimistic, techcomfortable, styleconscious, and brand loyal

Born into a world facing

challenges such as terrorism and environmental concerns Witnessed widespread use of electronic gadgets and digital technologies like the Internet and social networking sites Characterized as techsavvy, globally connected (in the virtual world), flexible and smarter, and tolerant of diverse cultures

Born into a
world newly emerging from widespread economic slowdown

Witnessed several important

social changes Womens Movement, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam Peace Movement, etc.

Expected to be
more techsavvy, educated, and materialistic than previous generations

Increased prosperity led to

growing consumerism

Characterized as idealistic
and competitive
November 2011 |

Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

What Generation Z traits and trends are important to marketers?

Competing for Attention

Design Matters

Social Responsibility

Constant Connection

November 2011

Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Competing for Attention

Born into a digital world, Generation Z is proficient with and dependent on technology, making it a critical part of how they interact, play, and learn

Competingfor Attention

Design Matters

Social Responsibility

Constant Connection

Behavioral Traits and Trends

Implications for Marketing

Growing up with the Internet, mobile phones, laptops,

and other electronic devices creates a different market in which parents and companies need to compete to get this generations attention 31% of US children, ages 6-12, wanted an iPad over any other electronic device for Christmas in 2010; followed by a computer (29%) and an iPod touch (29%)1

Playtime is still popular, but the

forums for play are changing

Greater comfort with and

dependence on electronic gadgets will lead to more early adopters and increase demand for such products. Companies will want to draw users in early and catch them young

The world for Gen Z is digital and the accessibility of technology has made them overly
dependant on it for many activities ~20% girls ages 12 and under regularly visit online shopping sites; 13% of girls regularly purchase products online, regardless of their age; and 35% of girls ages 12 and below own a portable gaming device2 In a global survey, Gen Z rejected traditional TV over streaming Video-on-Demand (VOD). In addition, PCs (51%) and mobile phones (43%) were ranked more important devices than TVs (3%)3

Gen Z spends a significant amount of

time online, in order to reach them, companies will need to adopt strategies such as: New marketing and sales channels like interactive online media portals Virtual world based marketing Detailed product information and the ability to easily make purchases online

Technology has also impacted the way that Gen Z learns. According to a study by Habbo
Hotel, the worlds largest virtual community for teens, 43% prefer the digital approach and find it easiest to learn from the Internet. 38% like combined learning from print and online; and only 16% state books as their preferred way of learning

Source: 1Kids to Santa: We Want an iPad for Christmas, Nielsen, Oct 2010; 2Global Survey on Gen Z Girls' Reveals Digital Behavior by Stardoll and Carat Network; 3Generation Z rejects traditional TV, Value Partners; Apples iDevices Top Christmas Wish List in Duracell Toy Report, News Articles; Grail Research Analysis; McCrindle Research;
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Design Matters
Being adept media multitaskers, Generation Z has a desire for multifunctional devices with designs that are both simple and interactive

Competingfor Attention

Design Matters

Social Responsibility

Constant Connection

Behavioral Traits and Trends

Implications for Marketing

Gen Z prefers media that is simple to use and interactive Notebooks and touch screen devices such as iPads appeal to
children due to their size and simplicity

Easy-to-use and simpler platforms

appeal to this generation

Interactive, stimulating activities are favored in contrast to passive TV There is a trend toward simple, clean interfaces such as Rediff,
a popular Indian internet portal, which has no advertisements on its homepage and only eight icons Ranked #10 on Alexa Traffic in India, Rediff has a significant number of young visitors, with
24% of its total customer segment consisting of women and children

Multi-purpose functionality is
essential and consumers are willing to pay a premium if the product provides more than one benefit

Gen Z are avid multitaskers and desire products that allow them to do multiple things with
one device Social platforms such as Tumblr allow users to post (text, photos, links, audio, video, slideshows, etc.) easily to their own customized blog, Twitter or Facebook accounts using one simple application Tumblrs unique monthly users grew from 4.2MM in Jun 2009 to 14MM in Jan 2010

Devices which have educational features to enhance childrens knowledge and skills are
favored by kids and parents

Consumers are willing to pay a premium for devices that provide them with a wide range of
functionality such as the iPhone (starting at $649 without carrier contract) and iPad (starting at $499)
Source: Global Survey on Gen Z Girls' Reveals Digital Behavior by Stardoll and Carat Network; Company's websites; Amazon; Nextag; Target; Kids to Santa: We Want an iPad for Christmas, Nielsen, Oct 2010; Apples iDevices Top Christmas Wishlist in Duracell Toy Report, News Articles; Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Social Responsibility
Generation Z was born into an environmentally conscious world, and with greater exposure to a wide range of resources, they are expected to be more socially responsible
Behavioral Traits and Trends

Competingfor Attention

Design Matters

Social Responsibility

Constant Connection

Implications for Marketing

Access to a large online information pool has made Gen Z

acutely aware of modern day challenges such as terrorism, climate change, etc.

Gen Z is expected to evaluate the

environmental impact and carbon footprint of products and brands

74% of teenagers, globally, consider climate change and global

warming to be a greater threat than drugs, violence or war.1 Many companies have seen this as an opportunity. For example, McDonalds headquarters encourages all their franchises to improve energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. It has also launched environmental education programs for kids to spread the message of environmental responsibility

Companies will need to consider

offering green products or taking a proactive stance toward the environment as they market to Gen Z

Corporate programs and

communication can influence product purchases as much as the product itself

Globally, teens, along with their families, are changing their purchasing behavior towards
choosing environmentally responsible products and companies About 75% of teens in Singapore stated that they care whether their family is purchasing green products. In addition, two in three said they recycle as much as possible and more than half have donated to carbon-offset programs2

Recycling and return programs can

drive awareness and adoption

61% of Australian teens said that they cared whether their families purchased green
products, and 70% actively make an effort to reduce energy consumption. 97% believe recycling is important and 82% said they recycled as much as possible3

There has been an increase in teen forums and associations targeting environmental
responsibility in the US such as Teens Turning Green, the Dream Green Festival, and KidEarth
Note: 1Survey conducted by Habbo and Greenpeace on ~50,000 teenagers across 18 countries, 2007; 2Survey conducted in Jul and Aug 2011, each of the eight surveys had an average of 1,100 Singapore teenagers, who are registered Habbo users, participating; 3 2009 survey conducted by Habbo on Australian teens Source: News Articles; McCrindle Research; AC Nielsen Company; AsiaONE News; Grail Analysis; Company Profile - McDonalds, Cut Your Footprint; Children of the tech revolution,, Jul 2008
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Constant Connection
The Internet, mobile phones, and social networking sites have made Generation Z more accessible, on a more regular basis, through different communication channels
Behavioral Traits and Trends

Competingfor Attention

Design Matters

Social Responsibility

Constant Connection

Implications for Marketing

Gen Z values constant connectivity with peers through

the Internet, instant/text messaging, mobile phones and social networking sites. These peers greatly influence their decisions and provide a broader exposure to cultures, languages, and ideas Girls are getting mobile phones at younger and younger ages; 65% of 12 year old girls and 79% of girls ages 13-15 own their own mobile devices Many children feel that social networking is more important than other aspects of their life, including their family 46% of teens select TV shows to watch based on recommendations from social networking sites According to a global survey of children1, 50% of all tweens (8-12 years) globally are online everyday and 25% interact daily with peers in other countries

Gen Z is using different modes of

communication than in the past and companies should leverage those channels in their marketing strategy

Gen Z constantly adapts to the

newest technologies and companies need to stay focused on whats next in order to keep pace with this generation

This generation prefers communicating through social networks and instant messaging, and
considers email so yesterday Youth SMS is predicted to fall 20% in the next 5 years, due to next generation messenger services (BBM, Weibo, WhatsApp, QQ, etc.)

Emotional attachment to digital habits sustains high online activity According to a study, when children were kept away from social networking devices such as
laptops and mobile phones, 79% of them displayed symptoms of distress2

Note:1Survey conducted by Millward Brown on several thousand kids from more than 70 cities in 15 countries throughout Europe, Asia, The United States and South America ; 2The study was conducted by the University of Maryland on students aged 17-23 in ten countries Source: Global Survey on Gen Z Girls' Reveals Digital Behavior by Stardoll and Carat Network; National Family Week Survey; Generation Z rejects traditional TV by Value Partners; News Articles; Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Many companies have already taken steps to target young consumers

Strategies to target young consumers are keeping pace with the technologies they use and the behavioral traits they exhibit
In 2011, Walmart introduced Geo Girl, a range of eco-friendly makeup products, specially designed for girls ages 8-12 The products are marketed as eco-friendly, made of natural ingredients and packaged in recyclable materials All products are named after chat short-hand abbreviations used in instant messages and texts including, TISC (This Is So Cool) Body
Mist and VBS (Very Big Smile) Lip Gloss

In 2008, Firefly, a US-based mobile phone company, launched a pay-as-you-go mobile phone service targeted to kids Introduced two exclusive mobile handsets for kids glowPhone for ages 5-8 years, and flyPhone for ages 9-12 years Key features include full color screen, built-in camera, games, mp3 and video functionality In 2009, Firefly ceased partner store sales and moved to online sales only, stating the channel to be more efficient at reaching their
target audience

Many major consumer goods companies such as Pepsi, McDonalds, Apple, and Dell have their own profiles on popular social
networking portals like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace to connect with the younger generation

These company profiles generally have large member lists (on Facebook, 9,781,626 people like the McDonalds company profile,
692,985 people like the Dell profile, 5,265,685 people like the Pepsi profile and 1,004,339 like the Apple profile), which provides them with a solid platform to promote their new products

Virtual world marketing/avatar-based marketing is a relatively new strategy that companies have adopted: At, a virtual game website targeted at 8-17 year olds, food companies like McDonalds, Nestle and Mars sponsor
various activities to increase their brand visibility with young customers

Habbo Hotel (a virtual teen online community to meet people, play games and create your own online space) provides a platform for
companies to market their products to teen members across the globe

Zynga, the largest developer of social games on Facebook, partnered with Lady Gaga on the launch on her Born this Way album
by providing FarmVille players with a first listen to exclusive unreleased songs is a virtual environment to engage teens in interactive activities and encourage them to associate their personal identity
with Coca-Colas brand identity
Source: Is Generation Z Ready for their Close Up?, Elle Girl, Feb 2011; Firefly Mobile's flyPhone, glowPhone target kids, Mobile Marketer, Oct 2008; Softpedia, Oct 2010
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon

Next Generation: Alpha

Generation Z will be followed by the digitally superior and well-informed Generation Alpha
Generation Alpha

Born after 2010 Raised by Generation X & Y Predicted to:

Be the largest generation to date Adopt technology faster Have increased health concerns Start earlier and stay longer in school Be more technology focused Have better career opportunities due to a skills shortage, created by
the present population leaving the workforce

Source: For a new generation, Alpha will be better, The Age, Mar 2010 ; Alpha Generation to be the biggest yet,, Mar 2010; Why the future belongs to Apple, Delhi Planet, Mar 2011; Who will the alpha generation copy?, Lifelong Fitness, Apr 2010; Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


Appendix Additional Insights

What Makes Generation Z Different?
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


What Makes Generation Z Different?

(1) The first true Internet Generation
The Internet experienced phenomenal growth and development in terms of penetration, technology, applications and adoption during Generation Z
Global Internet Penetration (per 100 population) Internet Users (Global) 1990-1995
1990 Less than 0.3 1990 3 MM


2005 ~15 2005 Close to 1 Bn

2006-Feb 2010
2009 Over 26 2009 Over 1.8 Bn

Feb 2010 on
Jul, 2010 ~ 29 Jul, 2010 Over 1.9 Bn


Dec, 1994 Netscape Navigator launched

Jun, 1996 ~29 MM users1

Dec, 2009 ~380 MM users1 Mar, 2008 IE 8 (beta) launched

Feb, 2011 ~3.3 BN users2 Mar, 2011 IE 9 launched


Jul, 1996 Hotmail launched

Feb, 1999 ~30 MM Hotmail users May, 1997 AOL IM launched Jun, 2000 150 MM AOL IM users

Apr, 2004 Gmail(beta) launched

Apr 2006 ~50 MM Gmail users

Apr, 2010 ~2.9Bn worldwide email accounts 2010 311.2 MM worldwide IM users Feb, 2011 ~ 63 MM MySpace users Apr, 2011 ~630 MM FB users 2010 ~5.3 Bn subscribers 2010 6.1 Tr messages

Instant Messaging

Aug. 2005 Gtalk launched

Jun, 2006 ~1 MM Gtalk users

Social Networking

Aug, 2003 MySpace launched Jul, 2005 ~20 MM MySpace users 2004 Facebook (FB) launched

Dec, 2008 ~125 MM MySpace users Feb, 2010 ~400 MM FB users 2009 ~4.1 Bn subscribers 2007 ~2 Tr messages

Mobile cellular subscriber SMS (Per year)

1993 ~33.8 MM subscribers 1995 SMS was commercialized

1998 ~311 MM subscribers

2003 ~1.3 Bn subscribers Dec, 2002 ~365 Bn messages

Note: 1Calculated by multiplying total number of internet users with the market share value; 2Calculated by dividing the total internet explorer users with its market share Source: Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


What Makes Generation Z Different?

(2) A unique parent-child relationship
Generation Z is experiencing a tighter connection with their parents on a number of dimensions
Baby Boomer Parents and Their Kids Generation X Parents and Generation Z Kids

Baby Boomer parents grew up with limited TV Similar Channels of Entertainment

programming, while their children had cable TV and 100s of channels to choose from Baby Boomer parents had simple games such as pinball and only experienced video games through the eyes of their children

Parents and children are increasingly watching the same TV

channels, as broadcasters offer programming for both adults and children (e.g. Nickelodeon and Nick at Nite) Video games are common to both generations. The industry is increasingly catering to the family-gaming segment by providing products such as the Nintendo Wii

Baby Boomer technologies (e.g. typewriters, Common Technology

rotary dial phones, and black and white TVs) were significantly different from those that their children experienced

Generation Z has grown up with technologies that their parents

are also comfortable with such as mobile phones, laptops, video games, online networks, etc.

Shared Brand Experiences

Brands for children and adults were quite

separate and there was no brand connection between parents and children

Generation Z and their parents are purchasing and developing

an affinity for the same brands, e.g. Gap (GapKids and babyGap), J.Crew (Crewcuts), and Polo Ralph Lauren

Baby Boomer parents were very career-oriented More Closely Aligned Family Values
and pushed their children to be high achievers, regardless of their natural inclinations As more women joined the work force, greater financial means and mothers guilt meant children were given more of what they wanted

Generation X is raising Generation Z with a high involvement

parenting style. Generation X saw a social trend of divorces and is expected to instill stronger family values, along with old notions such as work ethic, etiquette, and resilience. This, along with better education, will make Generation Z more tolerant, respectful, and responsible

Increasing Overlap Between Generations

Source: Grail Research Analysis
November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


What Makes Generation Z Different?

(3) Increased speed in technological advancement
Every generation has seen the emergence of a disruptive technology that rendered existing technologies irrelevant. New technologies continue to emerge faster than ever and innovation leaps are becoming smaller, leading to a stronger connection between newer generations

13 Years until TV reached 50 MM users

3 Years until iPod sales reached 50 MM

19 June 2009 iPhone 3GS launches

24 June 2010 iPhone 4 launches

38 Years until radio reached 50 MM users

4 Years until the web reached 50 MM users

2 Years until Facebook reached 50 MM users

1 Year until iPhone 3GS reached 50 MM users

2 Days until iPhone 4 reached 1.7 MM users

Source: Grail Research Analysis

November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


What Makes Generation Z Different?

(4) Distinct differences within the generation
While the connection between generations is strengthening, the generational span is becoming shorter, driven mainly by the ever-increasing pace of technological development

Mid 1990s / 2000

5-10 Years

5 Years 10-15 Years



5-10 Years

Generation Z1

Generation Z2

Generation Alpha

Witnessed the beginning of the digital

era with an increased use of the Internet and social networking

Born into a digital world where alwayson social networking, on-demand entertainment and touch screens were becoming the norm

First truly 21st century generation Likely to be better educated and more
materialistic than previous generations May never know of products and services such as physical storage (cassettes, VHS tapes, floppy disks), dial-up Internet connections, desktop computers (including mouse/keyboard), analog cable TV, and offline music purchases.

Characterized as tech-savvy, flexible and

smarter, and tolerant of diverse cultures

Share Generation Z1 characteristics and

are also globally connected and networked (in a virtual world), looking for instant gratification, and lacking in a sense of privacy (personal lives are constantly on display)

Source: Grail Research Analysis

November 2011 | Copyright 2011 Grail Research, a division of Integreon


For More Information Contact: Grail Research


Copyright 2011 by Grail Research, a division of Integreon No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the permission of Grail Research, a division of Integreon

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