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JBAT 11(1) (2022) 33 – 36 p-ISSN 2303 0623

e-ISSN 2407 2370

Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan
Accredited SINTA 2 by Ministry of Research and
Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency
SK No. 200/M/KPT/2020

Effect of Ultrasonication Extraction Time on Determination of Flavonoid Levels in

Ciplukan Plants

Ummul Habibah Hasyim, Fatma Sari, Ika Kurniaty, Annisya Ramadhani


Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah 27
Cempaka Putih Jakarta Pusat 10510

Article Info Abstract

Article history: Ciplukan contains bioactive substances in the form of flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids,
Received polyphenols, vitamin C, stearic acid, palmitic acid. Bioactive substances from natural
March 2022
ingredients are known to function as immunomodulators that can increase the body's
immune system, activate the body's natural defenses and restore immune system imbalances.
May 2022
Published Immunomodulators are important in studies related to the issue of the coronavirus disease
June 2022 19 (Covid-19) pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the
Keywords: extraction time on the ultrasonic method on the flavonoid yield of ciplukan plants using
Ciplukan; methanol as a solvent. The method used is ultrasonication extraction with a variable
Extraction; extraction time. The analysis was carried out by qualitative analysis using a solution of
Flavonoid; qursetin to determine the concentration of flavonoids. The results of the study obtained the
Physalis optimum flavonoid concentration at the extraction time of 15 minutes.

INTRODUCTION in Indonesian it is known as Ciplukan, each region

has a different name for this plant.
Utilization of natural materials is currently Ciplukan contains bioactive substances in
a matter of much research to be developed into the form of flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids,
useful new materials. especially during the covid-19 polyphenols, vitamin C, stearic acid, palmitic acid.
pandemic, where most indonesian people believe Bioactive substances from natural ingredients are
that the content or efficacy of natural ingredients known to function as immunomodulators that can
can be active substances that ward off the virus. In increase the body's immune system, activate the
addition, the use of natural materials is also in body's natural defenses and restore immune system
accordance with the mandate of the state, which in imbalances. Immunomodulators are important in
2022 will focus one of them on the green economy, studies related to the issue of the coronavirus
namely maximizing natural materials that can disease 19 (Covid-19) pandemic.
improve the indonesian economy. Studies related to the content of ciplukan
One of the plants that has the potential to with process technology that still tends to be simple
be researched is ciplukan. This plant comes from so that the optimization of the potential content of
America, but is now widely grown in tropical areas. other ciplukan plants cannot be utilized optimally.
Ciplukan can grow in areas with a height of 1 to With considerable development potential as a
1550 meters above sea level. This plant consists of source of herbal medicinal raw materials, it is
stems, shoots, roots, fruits and leaves. This plant is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study related
known by the Latin name physalis angulate L, and to the optimization of ciplukan plant flavonoid
© 2018 Semarang State University

Corresponding author: ISSN 2303-0623
e-ISSN 2407-2370
Ummul Habibah Hasyim, Fatma Sari, Ika Kurniaty, Annisya Ramadhani / JBAT 11 (1) (2022) 33 - 36

extraction starting from the roots, stems, leaves to solubility of flavonoid compounds. (Verdiana,
the fruit as immunomodulators. Widarta, & Permana, 2018) (Kusmaningtyasa,
It is mentioned in (Zheng, Wen, Yuan, & Laily, & Putri, 2015)
Gao, 2016) that distillation or liquid extract with Based on the literature review that
solvent is the traditional method used in the has been carried out, this study aims to determine
extraction of flavonoids. Where the extraction the effect of extraction time on the ultrasonic
method in the process of extracting flavonoids from method on the flavonoid yield of ciplukan plants
plants often requires a long extraction time, the using methanol as a solvent.
solvent is required in large quantities, and the
efficiency is low. Especially if the type of flavonoid MATERIALS AND METHODS
is (Ridwanuloh F. , 2019) thermally unstable and
easily degraded during the extraction process. Materials
Ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) or so-called The materials used are all parts of the
ultrasonic extraction is an extraction method with ciplukan plant; dried roots, stems, leaves and fruit.
the help of ultrasonic waves. Where ultrasonic In addition, in the extraction process 90% methanol
waves have a frequency of 70kHz which means they is used.
have a frequency above the frequency of human
hearing. In extracting natural ingredients with Equipments
content such as antioxidants, sonication extraction In this study, ultrasonic waves assisted
method can produce higher yields in a relatively extraction using a water bath, rotary evaporator,
short time. The process that occurs in the extraction white man filter paper, a blender used to chop
of organic compounds in plants and grains using ciplukan plant raw materials, and screening were
organic solvents is to break down the cell walls with used.
ultrasonic vibrations so that the content in the
extraction raw materials can come out easily Preparation
(Ashley, Andrews, Cavazos, & Demange, 2001). In The ciplukan plants that have been taken
this literature study, it is known that UAE or are then cleaned of dirt and soil attached to the
sonication extraction is carried out in 2 methods, roots. Then the dried ciplukan plant, cut into small
namely direct sonication and indirect sonication. pieces. After getting a smaller size, the ciplukan
The indirect sonication method is carried out with plant was mashed using a blender and sieved to get
water heating media or is called an ultrasonic water a uniform size.
bath. In this method, the extracted material or
solution is not in direct contact with the ultrasonic Extraction Process
wave sensor. (Sharma & Janmeda, 2014). In the The extraction process was carried out by
previous research method, it is known that the varying the ultrasonication extraction time starting
maceration extraction method has not been able to from 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes with a variable
show optimal results in the amount of extract yield. mass of 30 g of ciplukan sample. After getting the
In the Application of Ultrasonic Waves to Increase extraction process, then all the filtrate was filtered
Extraction Yield and Effectiveness of Antioxidants using a funnel and Whiteman filter paper. All the
and Mangosteen Peel in 2017, it is known that filtrate was combined and concentrated using a
ultrasonic extraction technology has been widely rotary evaporator until no more liquid dripped so
used to increase yields up to 30% and reduce that a concentrated extract of ciplukan was
extraction time so that it will be more effective obtained.
(Aminah, Tomayahu, & Abidin, 2011).
Flavonoids are known as polar substances. Qualitative Analysis with Determination of
As is known in the principle like dissolves like, that Quarcetin Wavelength
the effectiveness of the solubility of a compound The maximum wavelength of quarcetin
depends on the type of solvent. Polar solvents and was determined. Determination of the maximum
have been widely used in the extraction process are wavelength of quercetin was carried out by running
water, acetone, methanol, ethanol. For this reason, the quercetin solution at a wavelength of 380 - 500
in the research carried out, methanol was chosen as nm. The results of the measurement of the
a solvent which has shown the effectiveness of the maximum wavelength is at the point of 420 nm with

Ummul Habibah Hasyim, Fatma Sari, Ika Kurniaty, Annisya Ramadhani / JBAT 11 (1) (2022) 33 - 36

Table 1. Corelation Between Time of Extraction and Total Flavonoid Content

Concentration Extract Total Flavonoid

Time (minute)
Flavonoid Weight (g) Content (%)

10 19.3125 0.93 20.7661

15 137.1250 1.83 74.9317
20 59.0875 2.24 26.3783
25 20.3500 1.6 12.7188
30 57.8750 2.12 27.2995

an absorbance of 0.1158. The maximum free radicals that play a role in the emergence of
wavelength is used to measure the absorption of the degenerative diseases through the mechanism of
ciplukan extract sample destroying the body's immune system, lipid and
protein oxidation.
Quarcetine Standard Curve Quantitative analysis of total flavonoid
Weighed as much as 25 mg of standard compounds using UV-Vis spectrophotometry was
quercetin and dissolved in 25 mL of methanol. The carried out to determine how much total flavonoid
stock solution was pipetted as much as 1 mL and content contained in the methanol extract of the
the volume was made up to 10 mL with methanol ciplukan plant. The analysis of flavonoids was
to obtain a concentration of 100 ppm. From a carried out using UV-Vis spectrophotometry
standard solution of 100 ppm quercetin, then because flavonoids contain a conjugated aromatic
several concentrations were made, namely 2 ppm, system so that they show strong absorption bands in
4 ppm, 6 ppm, 8 ppm, and 10 ppm. From each the ultraviolet and visible spectrum
concentration of the standard solution of quercetin, regions.(Harborne, J.B 1987).
1 mL was pipetted. Then 1 mL of 2% AlCl3 and 1 In this study, to determine the total
mL of 120 mM potassium acetate were added. flavonoid content in the sample, quarcetin was used
Samples were incubated for one hour at room as a standard solution with a concentration series of
temperature. The absorbance was determined using 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 ppm. Concentration series is used
the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method at a because the method used in determining the
maximum wavelength of 420 nm. concentration is a method that uses a standard
curve equation, to make a standard curve, several
Determination of total extract flavonoid content concentration series are first made to obtain a linear
Weighed 15 mg of extract, dissolved in 10 equation that can be used to calculate the percent
mL of methanol, in order to obtain a concentration concentration. Quarcetin is used as a standard
of 1500 ppm. 1 mL of this solution was pipetted and solution because quercetin is a flavonoid of the
then 1 mL of 2% AlCl3 solution and 1 mL of 120 flavonol group which has a keto group at C-4 and
mM potassium acetate were added. Samples were has a hydroxyl group at the C-3 or C-5 atom which
incubated for one hour at room temperature. The is neighboring of flavones and flavonols. (Azizah
absorbance was determined using the UV-Vis dan Faramayuda 2014, h. 48).
spectrophotometric method at a maximum The maximum wavelength absorption
wavelength of 420 nm. measurement was carried out from a wavelength of
380 to 500 nm. The results of running show that the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION maximum wavelength of quarcetin standard is at a
wavelength of 420 nm. The maximum wavelength
In this study, all parts of the ciplukan plant was used to measure the uptake of the ciplukan
were used. This is intended to obtain the optimum plant extract sample.
flavonoid concentration. Flavonoids are found in From these measurements, it can be
almost all parts of plants including fruits, roots, concluded that the higher the concentration used,
leaves, and outer bark of stems. Flavonoids are the higher the absorbance obtained. The standard
natural compounds that have the potential as yield of quercetin obtained was plotted between its
antioxidant active substances that can counteract concentration and absorbance, so that a linear

Ummul Habibah Hasyim, Fatma Sari, Ika Kurniaty, Annisya Ramadhani / JBAT 11 (1) (2022) 33 - 36

regression equation was obtained, namely y = ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

0.0888x - 0.0788 with an R2 value of 0.9814. The We would like to thank the Institute for
quercetin calibration curve equation can be used as Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
a comparison to determine the concentration of (LPPM), University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
total flavonoid compounds in the sample extract. which has provided funding assistance in this
Table 2. The maximum wavelength
Concentration REFERENCES
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Based on the results of research that has Zheng, L. L., Wen, G., Yuan, M. Y., Gao, F. 2016.
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