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Saudi Arabia Allergen Draft

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The Authority is an independent body whose purpose is to evaluate and control food, medicine, and its


Its tasks and sets out technical regulations and specifications in the fields of food, drug, interface, and
herbal products.

It was imported, or manufactured locally by specialized technical committees, and the food mask has
been prepared by the authority to prepare the list

Accustomed to allergic causes in packaged foodstuffs, No. B00, and the project was prepared after

A review of the specifications of the industry, and the technical regulations were approved in a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the Authority at 00

Which was held on 00/1443 AH corresponding to 00/00/2022

Disclosure of food allergens in packaged food labels

1. Domain

1.1 This technical regulation is concerned with the disclosure of food allergens in food packages.

packaged, and methods of display.

2.1 This regulation applies to all packaged food products, and the following are excluded from the

1.2.1 Food products consisting of one food component, such as rice, tea or coffee.

2.2.1 Ripe vegetables and fruits that do not contain any pulp of ripe vegetables or fruits, will curl

in whole or disguised without any additions.

3.2.1 An ingredient or material that has been extracted or extracted from an allergen and is not

Cause an allergic reaction and Salk includes: Glucose syrup prepared from wheatgrass, including dextrose. Maltodextrin prepared from wheatgrass. Glucose syrup prepared from barley. Lactitol extracted from lactose. Fish gelatin used as a poultice, carrier of vitamins or carotenoid preparations. Lactitol.

4.2.1 One of the ingredients in the product is an allergen and has been further processed so that
it is non-irritating Likely to cause an allergic reaction, Selk includes: Fully refined soybean oil or fat. Lemon B E306 Natural Tocopherols, Natural D-Alpha Tocopherols, and D-Alpha

Natural tocopherols and d-alpha tocopherol succinate, derived from soybeans. Phytosterols and esters of phytosterols derived from vegetable soybean oil. The prepared plant stanol esters, derived from the sterols derived from plant
soybean oil.
2. Supplementary references:

1.2 SFDA.FD/GSO 09, “Packaged Foodstuff Packages.”

2.2 SFDA.FD/GSO 2281 “Packages of Prepackaged Materials, Used in the Food Industry”.

2.3 SFDA.FD 2333 "Food Requirements for Health and Nutrition Claims."

2.4 SFDA.FD/GSO 1021 “Gluten-Free Foods”.

3. definitions

1.3 Banaqah:

Any slogan, mark, trademark, or image, or any other written, published, or

Stamped, marked, etched, or embossed on the packaging of the food material in a non-
removable foil.

2.3 Explanatory data:

Any writing, pictures or drawings on the data sheet related to the characteristics of the material,
whether food or nutritional recommendations, nature, preparation or consumption, one of its
components, or any other characteristics.

3.3 Any material, whether or not destined for destined, destined, or not destined for
consumption, and includes Beverages, chewing gum, or any other material that is used to
obtain, prepare, or prepare foodstuffs.

Its treatment does not include cosmetics, perfumes, perfumes, or any materials that are used as

4.3 Any material in which foodstuffs are packaged for sale as a unit, independently, whether it is
fully or partially packaged.

It includes units or types of covers when presented to the consumer.

5.3 Nausea sensitivity:

It is a response, a reaction that will be met by the immune system in the body of the human
body towards some foods, including what may

It causes side effects that lighten up overnight, for a short time, in minutes or hours, and there is
no cure. Patients allergic to it only by avoiding the foods that cause it.

6.3 Nasal allergy triggers:

These are components that are present in food and may cause a reaction, a reaction that you
feel towards them when you eat them, and they usually form

From proteins, and when people with allergies to soft serve, the immune system thinks that
these components are Illuminates, or strange, the response, the reaction of the immune system
to these sensory proteins that Leads to allergic rhinitis.
7.3 Counting fate, to bear the burden:

Appearance of pathological symptoms in which the immune system does not change

No chemicals caused by a lack of body fat or a complete metabolism, and therefore no

bore the body.

8.3 Gluten:

It is known as a part of the protein secreted from the cap, ray, chytrid, chytriophane, or
epithelial epithelium.

hybrids thereof or its derivatives, which are not tolerated by human behavior and are insoluble
in water and with 0.5 mol of sodium chloride.

9.3 Online stores:

Stores that sell food products remotely via the Internet, for example: on web sites,

And the means of social communication, and so on, and it includes the bill from the marketing
channels via the phone or the radio

Bill in general by any means can be used, without direct communication between the supplier

and consumer.

4. Electronic food ordering platforms:

An electronic carrier or application for the delivery and delivery of food products.

4 general requirements:

1.4 Amount of treatment according to item No. B 1.2 The causes of recovery must be disclosed

If the product contains one of the following causes:

1.1.4 Cereals that contain gluten, such as wheat, chard, chives, squash, squash and
lentils Original or hybrid types or their products.

2.1.4 Crustaceans and their products such as: shrimp.

3.1.4 Pip and its products such as mayonnaise.

4.1.4 Fish and their products such as fish meat and fish oil.

5.1.4 Peanuts and products such as butter, peanuts.

6.1.4 Almond nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pectin nuts, macadamia
nuts Pistachios and their products such as almond milk.

7.1.4 Milk and products including lactose.

8.1.4 Sulfites with a concentration of 10 ppm or more in SO2, which are accounted for in
products Al-Jahah, to be consumed as recommended or after being prepared according
to the manufacturer's instructions.

9.1.4 Turmeric and products such as turmeric seeds and turmeric leaves.

10.1.4 Mustard and products such as mustard seeds, mustard oil, mustard sauce.

11.1.4 Sesame seeds and their products such as sesame oil.

12.1.4 Rays and their products, such as: squid, sea salt, sea wrap, and scallops.

13.1.4 Lupine by rehydration and products such as rehydration oil.

14.1.4 Soybeans and products such as soy milk and tofu.

2.4 Disclosure of food ingredients that cause allergic reactions to honey, referred to in Clause B
1.4. As follows:

1.2.4. Ingredients and dispersion includes raw materials and carriers by Carriers such as:
additives, flavourings.

The enzymes and reproductive aids that are used during the production process and

The product may inadvertently contain them in the final product.

2.2.4 Alternating components within the components of the compound that do not
perform any function in the final product.

3.4 When one of the components of the food product is a compound, i.e. it consists entirely of
two or more ingredients. Ingredients, the list of ingredients of the food product must be
followed by the compound ingredient Directly, in parentheses, a list of its components, by
assigning the weight (weight / weight). It can be counted. Write the supporting components in
the compound component, if the percentage of the component is less than 5% of the product.
Food with the exception of ingredients that cause hypersensitivity and food additives that have
a function Technology in the product must be written

4.4 In the event that a claim is made that the product has been fed with alkali/butyl lactose, this
must be

Claims according to the assumptions set forth in Section B 3.2.

5.4 If a product claims “no gluten” or “low gluten” is written, this must be

The allegations are consistent with what is stated in item No. B 4.2.

5 Special requirements:

1.5 The expression “what an allergen” mentioned in Clause B 1.4 may be used except

With gluten and lactose, such as “Yall peep” or “Yal soy” in common products

They contain this component, in the event that it is destroyed by another of this component
2.5 Food factories that supply fresh food factories with honey that are not intended for pulp
must Direct verification and disclosure of allergenic components and illumination of origin, leak
them out.

3.5 To be added to the package in the event that the food item or one of its components was
obtained by slavery Biotechnology, which may lead to the transfer of allergens to it from the
aforementioned materials, in item B 1.4

6. Display methods:

1.6 List the allergenic ingredients on the product package in one of the following ways:

1.1.6 Write a statement that contains….. If the product contains one of the allergens d
escribed in Clause B 4.1.

2.1.6 Writing a statement, which may contain…. Or it is described in a similar way to

describe the possibility of the food product being affected contamination during the
manufacturing or packaging process

2.6 Disclosure of the source of allergens for each ingredient, even if the product contains several
ingredients allergens from the same source, such as: [tofu with soya, tahini with sesame, etc.. .

3.6 The data on the allergens should be in Arabic and can be translated

The C language is in addition to the Arabic language, provided that the formula does not deviate
from that shown in the Arabic language.

4.6 List allergenic ingredients for packaged food products in online stores and platforms

Electronic food requests at the electronic bill channel, "that is, before the end of the purchase

5.6 Allergens may be disclosed in the ingredient list, to be clear and prominent, for the
consumer By using the prominent Arabic word or Aslwan, or by adding a yam under the text, for
example but not limited to:

[Ingredients: sugar, wheat flour, butter, cocoa, cow's milk].

6.6 Symbols or figures may be used to indicate the presence of allergens, as long as they are
accompanied by an allergen

In words and figures to ensure that the consumer understands them uniformly and avoid
misleading the consumer eg

Not limited to:


Fish and their products

Peanuts And our products

Nuts and its products

Milk and products


Caraway and its products

Crustaceans and its products

Pipe and its products

Mustard and its products

Sesame seeds and its products

Ryoyaat and its products

Lupine reflux And our products

Soybean And our products

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