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General Terms of Certification

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General terms of certification

AFNOR Certification reserves the right to add or end at any time any insertions and/or distinctive markings on
Upon written request by the Company, and subject to AFNOR Certification’s agreement, certificates may include,
in the context of system management/department Marks of Recognition (information about mutual recognition agreements, approval, accreditations, respective
trademarks and logos, etc.).
certification assessment under “Engagement de Service” Any refusal on behalf of AFNOR Certification for such a request does not provide entitlement to a claim to
compensation for the Company.
brand® Certificates remain the property of AFNOR Certification and shall not be transferred or amended in any way.
Certificates are issued for a period of three years and are renewable for equal successive periods, unless in the
event of any law or regulation change to the contrary.

Article 3.3: Claims

Should a Company dispute one of the AFNOR Certification decision, it may appeal in first instance, the General
The contract governing the relationship between AFNOR Certification and the entities requesting or holding one Management of AFNOR Certification.
or more certification(s), hereafter called “Companies”, is composed of these General Terms and the Specific In second instance, the Company has to bring the matter up to the chairman of the Evaluation and Impartiality
Terms, and is referred to as a "proposal" until the specific terms are signed. Committee of AFNOR Certification.
This contract prevails over any other document. No appeal against a decision may by AFNOR Certification results in suspension of that decision.
It becomes valid on the day the two parties sign the certification proposal and ends with the term of the validity
of the certificate(s). If the Company does not obtain its certificate(s) after three years of procedures, the Article 3.4: Trademark Rules
contract is legally terminated, without any claim to compensation for the Company. AFNOR Certification sends the Company the general rules and trademark charter of use regarding the terms of
If the Company accepts the proposal for the renewal audit by AFNOR Certification, a new certification contract use of the concerned trademark to certification.
leading to the conclusion of new specific terms will then become valid.
The Company must then authorise the renewal audit around two months prior to the certificate’s end date in ARTICLE 4: DUTIES OF THE COMPANY
order to provide enough time, if necessary, to implement corrective measures in compliance with the frame(s) of
reference. Article 4.1: Obligations related to the audit

ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE 4.1.1. General conditions for a distance audit

The Company undertakes to co-operate with AFNOR Certification in facilitating the work of inspection of
The Company requests that AFNOR Certification, who accepts, proceed with the assessment of the company’s
compliance with the freely accepted certification rules and to pay amounts owed to AFNOR Certification. The
management system and/or in the context of service certification, to assess the service in question in order to
Company states that it complies with legal provisions.
deliver the possible certificate(s) on the basis of one or several frame(s) of reference and use of related
brand(s). In the context of certification of departments, the certificate(s) is/are issued to the Company in It means particularly for the Company to:
compliance with the requirements of the Consumer Code.  provide AFNOR Certification or its authorised representatives with all required work documents, specifically
If the frame(s) of reference require the application of a guide for the specific business area, AFNOR Certification those used by the Company, in sufficient time to allow the AFNOR Certification’s work,
will provide the Company with said “application guide” for the selected frame(s) of reference.  provide AFNOR Certification with means to access the inspection site as well as any equipment required for
The selection of the frame(s) of reference and its/their versions are provided in the specific terms. its audits,
 ensure, for all personnel sent by AFNOR Certification, that all health and safety rules are compliant with
ARTICLE 3: AFNOR CERTIFICATION DUTIES applicable laws and regulations,
 take all required measures to help the proper performance of the AFNOR Certification’s audits,
Article 3.1: Audit  agree, upon AFNOR Certification’s request, to the attendance of a silent observer and/or a technical expert
AFNOR Certification agrees to use qualified auditors and will implement suitable means in order to: as long as his/her attendance is required by or through the accreditation rules or licences to operate related
 assess the management system adopted by the Company, and/or department that must be in compliance to the certification scheme, or is deemed necessary by AFNOR Certification to fulfil the client certification
with the selected frame(s) of reference, according to the Specific Terms signed, process, or contribute to AFNOR Certification’s auditor qualification process. These individuals will comply
 conduct the audits to monitor the management system and/or department defined in the frame(s) of with the same level of confidentiality as the audit team members,
reference during the validity period of the issued certificate(s) in the conditions mentioned below.  duly sign and return notifications sent by AFNOR Certification prior to any audit within the times specified
The audit conditions are subject to notification addressed by AFNOR Certification to the Company. therein. Failing a reply within such time, the Company shall be deemed to agree with the terms contained in
the said notifications,
Article 3.2: Certification  send AFNOR Certification as needed, by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, a duly motivated
At the end of the audit as indicated above, and if judged satisfactory, AFNOR Certification issues the Company request to challenge any auditor, within one day following the receipt of the audit notification.
one or more certificate(s) on an electronic format attesting to compliance with the standard(s).
The validity of the certificates can also be consulted via the portal, which is the real time proof of The Company undertakes to provide accurate, truthful and complete information AFNOR Certification and to
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the organisation's certification. The certificates only cover the activities and sites indicated in the special disclose any information of any kind that has an impact on the certification process. More specifically, the
conditions and validated during the assessment. The certificates and audit reports drawn up by AFNOR Company shall:
Certification, whatever their medium, are issued in a standard form that may be modified without notice by  inform AFNOR Certification of previous certification and/or assessment processes it engaged in and their
AFNOR Certification. outcomes,

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 1/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -
 provide, as needed, AFNOR Certification with the name(s) of the organisation(s) providing or that have  approve any annual follow-up audit specified in the Specific Terms and as needed, any additional audit that
provided advisory or similar services 1. the AFNOR Certification deems necessary.
 communicate, where appropriate, the level of actual integration of common management system to multiple The number of follow-up audits during the validity period of the certificate(s) is at least equal to two, once a
standards, this level of integration impacting the audit cycle certification. calendar year. In particular, the first follow-up audit of the initial certification cycle of a management system
must be organised within a maximum timeframe of 12 months from the certification decision date.
4.1.2. Specific conditions for a distance audit The costs of follow up and additional audits shall be borne by the Company. When the certification scheme according to the standard chosen by the Company allows it, and subject  provide all the necessary responses at AFNOR Certification’s request following a complaint or other external
to validating the choice of this option in the specific conditions, event impacting certification,
* if the Company opts for the multitasking communication tools offered by AFNOR Certification, it undertakes to  comply, during the validity period of the certificate(s), with the requirements of standard(s).
comply strictly with the rules of use of the platform dedicated for this purpose, The Company is authorized to use under his own responsibility and in their integrality, any audit report,
* in all cases, the security obligation of the multitasking communication tools and protection of the data certificate and certification document, written by AFNOR Certification in certification procedure.
exchanged in the context of distance audits is borne by the Party which ensures the implementation of the
solution. The latter undertakes to implement devices to ensure optimal robustness of its IT and communications It is incumbent to AFNOR Certification to:
resources to protect the hosting, storage and exchange of data circulating in the context of remote audits, in the
face of threats common such as worm, virus, Trojan horse, spyware, without this list being exhaustive, in order  if it has not completed the audit of renewal of the certification or if it is not in a position to verify the
to prevent any unauthorized use, and protect the exchanges against any accidental or illicit destruction, loss, implementation of corrections and corrective action for any major non-compliance before the expiration date
alteration disclosure, unauthorized access and against any other unlawful form of processing. of the certification, then the renewal of the certification is not recommended and the validity of the This Party therefore, irrevocably undertakes both on its own and on behalf of any person who works for certification is not extended.
him directly or indirectly, whether its own staff or its service providers and for which it answers, to make every  if it is not able to verify the implementation of the corrections and the corrective actions for any major non-
effort to ensure that this obligation of security and confidentiality which presides necessarily over these remote compliance within 6 months:
exchanges, is met at all times. o From the last day of the Stage 2, in certification audit on-site initial,
o which follows the expiration of the certification, in renewal of certification,
Should the Company fail to comply with this contractual obligation, AFNOR Certification, on the basis of further it must repeat the Stage 2 before recommending the certification.
information, shall redefine the conditions for carrying out the audit or implement, where appropriate, the Article 4.2.2: Exceptional circumstance audit
termination provision (cf. article 8).
An exceptional circumstance audit may be initiated when AFNOR Certification has information as to the
Company’s failure to comply with its contractual duties. In such a case, the Company cannot challenge any
Article 4.2: Obligations related to the certification auditor.
If the information is not justified, costs pertaining to such an audit shall be borne by AFNOR Certification.
Regarding the certifications delivered by AFNOR Certification under accreditation (attestations n°4-0001, 4-0571
Otherwise, they shall be borne by the Company.
and 5-0030, scope available on, the Company hereby accepts any change in the cycle and
certification process brought about by an update in the certification cycle and / or the accreditation rules, and it Article 4.3: Information obligation
acknowledges that a refusal to comply in this respect shall be deemed to be a rejection of the chosen
 The Company shall inform AFNOR Certification if any of the business(es) to be certified is (are) subject of
certification scheme and would be liable to result in suspension which could extend to revocation of the
legal or regulatory provisions, compliance with such provisions being the Company’s exclusive responsibility.
certificate(s) in question. Such evolution or update, if necessary, will be subject, if necessary, to an additional
 If the Company uses the certification to secure a reduction in legal or regulatory inspections from Public
estimate to be validated by the Company.
Authorities, or to secure an approval as part of a legal or regulatory procedure, then, should the
Article 4.2.1: The certification cycle certificate(s)being suspended, or withdrawn, the Company shall promptly inform them .
The Company undertakes to:  The Company shall promptly notify AFNOR Certification of any significant change, including as to the
 authorise an initial certification audit in two stages on site, during the initial certification cycle of a identity of the Company, its headcount, its organisation, its business, its management system (scope, level
management system. If, at the request of the Company specified in the certification contract, Stage 2 is of integration when it is common to multiple standards...), services, people with decision-making power or
conducted immediately after Stage 1, the Company shall accept not to be able to benefit from the results of their representative(s).
the Stage 1 audit to prepare the Stage 2 audit. In cases where any severe issues is detected by AFNOR  The Company certified to ISO 45001 shall notify the Certification Body without delay of any occurrence of
Certification, i.e. that could give rise to deviations during the Stage 2 audit, the Company may decide serious incidents or breaches of regulations requiring the intervention of the competent regulatory authority.
unilaterally whether or not to maintain the date of the Stage 2 audit. The Company is informed that AFNOR Certification may assess the impact of such changes for the maintenance of the certificate(s).
certification audit’s results of the Stage 1 can cause cancellation or postponement of the audit of the Stage The holder of the certificate(s) should in that event ensure that, during the transition period and until final
2. implementation, the new system and/or service meets the requirements of the standard(s). The various stages
 as regards a renewal of a system management certification, the on-site audit is required and may include of the system and/or service should be identified and followed.
two stages whenever significant changes are made to the system. In the event of doubt, the Company is responsible for informing AFNOR Certification of the potential problem
resulting from the changes, with a view to handling the issue together.

Article 4.4: Use of the trademark and reference to the certification

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1assistance services for designing, implementing and maintaining quality or environment management system; During the validity of its certificate(s), the Company undertakes not to refer to its certification and affix,
assistance services for achieving or increasing product or service quality; more general tasks whose purpose is to including on its Website, the trademarks pertaining thereto, other than in compliance with the provisions of the
achieve or facilitate a certificate; full or partial handling of a company’s management system; manual, guide and Rules of the trademark charter of use.
procedure writing.

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 2/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -
The Company may also link the trademark(s) on its website directly to the website, without the ARTICLE 6: FEES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT
express prior authorisation from AFNOR Certification. However, the Company agrees to remove the said link,
promptly, on first request should AFNOR Certification find that the contents of the Company’s Website are not in Article 6.1: Fees
line with its ethics or that of the AFNOR Group or with applicable laws and regulations.
The fee owed to AFNOR Certification is defined in the specific terms in the offer. AFNOR Certification reserves
Furthermore, regarding the Engagement de Service trademark, the Company shall respect the provisions set out the right to revise its prices annually in January. The revaluation is calculated on the basis of the last known July
in article R433-2 of the Consumer Code modified by decree No. 2008-1401 dated 19 December 2008 - art. 7 that SYNTEC index. Any delay or no-reaction from AFNOR Certification for the application of this indexation clause
sets out: “When reference to certification is made in advertising, the labelling or presentation of any product or does not mean that AFNOR Certification renounces the application of this clause.
service, as well as on related business documents of any kind, the following information to the consumer or user Transport and accommodation costs (food and lodging) related to the completion of the audits shall be borne by
is compulsory: the Company, and repaid by it to AFNOR Certification.
1. The name or legal status of the certifying body or the collective certification trademark; Should, for any reason, the certificate issuing procedure be suspended, amounts for the work conducted or
2. The title of the certification standard; initiated by AFNOR Certification shall be owed to, or remain the property of, AFNOR Certification.
3. The rules according to which certification standard can be read or obtained”.
Should an audit be postponed or unilaterally cancelled by the Company after accepting the completion dates for
Article 4.5: End of the certification contract
the said audit, prior to the audit commencement, AFNOR Certification reserves the right to ask the Company to
When the certificate(s) is/are no longer valid for any reason (non-renewal or withdrawal), the Company pay 30% of the price that would have been charged had the audit been conducted.
undertakes as, from the notification, firstly to remove any mentions of the certificate(s) and of the trademarks)
from any documents and commercial material, and secondly, to stop using its certificate and cease any reference Article 6.2: Payment terms
to the certification. For the initial certification, invoices shall be scheduled hereafter:
 upon the date of signature of the proposal, an invoice for a deposit of 30% of the amount all taxes included
The Company holds available for AFNOR Certification, who may request the same, a complete list of technical
for the cost,
documents and commercial material that it used.
 the balance upon the end of the audit.

ARTICLE 5: CONFIDENTIALITY For annual surveillance and renewal audits, invoices shall be issued upon the end of each audit by AFNOR
AFNOR Certification shall make the information concerning the Company’s certification available to the public. In Invoices shall be issued by AFNOR Certification and set the payment delays and shall be payable in euros by
particular, the Company authorizes AFNOR Certification to disclose any information appearing on the cheque or transfer.
certificate(s) and to mention permanently the said information on its Website, including in the directory of In the case of overdue payment, a penalty is due by the company, equal to three times the most recent
certified Companies and/or in directory(ies) promoting the services subscribed by the Company, in case of refinancing rate.
certification under Engagement de Service, trademark, during the validity of its certificate(s), and when Any delay in payment will cause a 40 euros fixed compensation for recovery costs.
applicable on standards owners’ databases.
Employed or subcontracted auditors, silent observers and any person involved in the certification process are Article 6.3: International banking taxes and charges
bound by a professional confidentiality duty.
In case of services performed outside the national territory of AFNOR Certification, the Company shall pay the
Furthermore, AFNOR Certification undertakes not to disclose, even partially, to any other person, any authorities and/or the appropriate local authority, any direct and indirect national taxes and/or duties resulting
information that it may become aware of during the performance of the contract, without the Company’s prior hereto and shall undertake to provide, on request from AFNOR Certification, any necessary documents
and written consent. If information is legally required to be disclosed to third parties, the Company is informed evidencing payment of such taxes and/or duties.
of the information supplied by AFNOR Certification within the limits contained in the law.
The Company shall also bear all bank charges, where applicable, exchange risks and costs of conversion
However AFNOR Certification is allowed to provide to members of the AFNOR Group2 any information it has resulting hereto.
relating to the Company, except for purely technical information contained in the audit reports. Such information
relates in particular to the identification of the Company, to respective standard and to agreed terms.
AFNOR Certification and the other members of the AFNOR Group may mention the Company in their advertising A decision to suspend the certificate(s) may be made against the company in the following cases:
material.  on its request, notably in the event of a reorganisation preventing it temporarily from maintaining its
This clause shall remain applicable until five years after the termination of the Contract compliance with the standard(s),
 on AFNOR Certification’s initiatives based either on deviations from the standard(s); or in the event of
successive audit reports questioning the implementation of the management system and/or service
compliance with the standard(s); or the client not allowing audits to be conducted in the required timeframe
or required frequency; or the client is not compliant with the guidelines for the use of certification
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Such suspension shall be twelve months at most, following a request by the Company, and six months at most
2The AFNOR Group refers to all entities within the AFNOR association and companies, associations and groups in following a request by AFNOR Certification. During this period, the Company no longer appears in the directory
which AFNOR directly or indirectly participates in or in which AFNOR exerts a dominant influence or designates of certified Companies available on the portal This Internet portal indicates that the certificate is
administration or management bodies. suspended and specifies whether this suspension was initiated by the Company or by AFNOR Certification.

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 3/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -
Upon notification of the suspension of its certificate(s) by AFNOR Certification, the Company undertakes not to
issue commercial and/or technical material containing a mention of its certification and not to mention the same
in any manner.

Ending the certificate suspension requires that AFNOR Certification carry out either a full audit of the
management system and/or service, or an initially planned follow up audit with a possible increase in its term.
Depending on the outcome of the audit conducted, AFNOR Certification decides to end the certificate suspension
or extend or withdraw the certificate entirely.
A certificate suspension does not extend the validity period of the said certificate(s).

Regarding management system certification, a decision to reduce the certification scope may be made as
regards the Company if the latter fails to comply with any of the certification requirements within the scope of
certification according to the requirements of the standard. Should the certification scope be reduced, the
Company undertakes to modify any publicity document concerning its certification.


If the Company has not taken the required measures to lift the suspension, the certificate is withdrawn and the
contract shall terminate ipso jure.

Furthermore, should any of the parties commit any material breach of any other obligation, it may be requested
by the other party to perform its obligations within one month as from the receipt of a written notice. Should the
notice be inefficient, the issuing party may terminate this contract at any time by registered mail with
acknowledgement of receipt, subject to two-months notice after receipt. The termination of the contract implies
the withdrawal of the certificate(s).

In the event of any termination by the Company, not justified by AFNOR Certification’s breach of an obligation,
the Company shall give up the amounts already paid and a penalty equal to 20% of amounts owed shall be due
to AFNOR Certification.

On termination of this contract, AFNOR Certification undertakes to destroy any documents that are no longer
necessary to it and/or to return to the Company, on request, any documents provided to it.

AFNOR Certification undertakes to dedicate all necessary means for the performance of its services. Its liability
shall not be involved other than in the event of error or negligence, of which the Company is responsible for
furnishing evidence.
In that event, AFNOR Certification’s obligation to the Company for damages, losses, costs, expenses and other
losses suffered where its professional liability is involved, shall not, whatever the circumstances, nature and
significance of the loss, exceed an amount equal to fifteen times the amount of the audit day.

The Company shall be solely responsible for the use it makes of its certificate(s), which show an assessment but
not the existence of a guarantee. The Company undertakes, in the event of any dispute by a third party, not to
involve AFNOR Certification's liability on the expected interpretation of the value of its certificate(s).

The issuing of certificate(s) and/or any other document whatever the medium, and any AFNOR Certification’s
intervention does not imply that the Company has complied, complies and will comply with law and/or
regulation. Similarly, the issuing of certificate(s) alone does not constitute a notification of compliance with the
requirements of regulation and/or law notably issued by national or international agencies.


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The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.
In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or the execution of the Contract, the Parties agree to
attempt to reach an amicable solution. Should they not succeed in doing so, the dispute shall be submitted to
the French competent Court within whose jurisdiction AFNOR Certification’s headquarter is registered.

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 4/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -

General terms AFNOR Certification undertakes not to disclose, even partially, to any other person, any information that it may
become aware of during the performance of the contract, without the Company’s prior and written consent. Any

during the pre-audit visit silent observer is bound by a confidentiality duty.

If information is legally required to be disclosed to third parties, the Company is informed of the information
ARTICLE 1: CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK supplied by AFNOR Certification within the limits contained in the law.

The contract governing the relationship between AFNOR Certification and the entities benefitting or wishing to However AFNOR Certification is allowed to provide to members of the AFNOR Group3 any information it has
benefit from a pre-audit visit, hereafter called “Companies”, is made up of these general terms and the specific relating to the Company, except for purely technical information contained in its audit report.
terms. Such information relates to the identification of the Company and to respective standards.
This contract prevails over any other document.
AFNOR Certification and the other members of the AFNOR Group may mention the Company in their advertising
The purpose of this contract is to specify the conditions of the performance of a Company’s pre-audit visit with a ARTICLE 6: COMMUNICATION
view to the possible certification of the said Company according to specific standard (s). It shall be furthermore
specified that this pre-audit visit cannot constitute an exhaustive assessment of the requirements against the The audit report issued following the pre-audit visit should not be changed by the Company, which undertakes
specific standard elected by the Company. not to disclose it other than in its entirety.



An on site pre-audit visit includes: The fee owed to AFNOR Certification is defined in the specific terms in the offer.
Such price is fixed and includes the service (off site preparation of the pre-audit visit, visit, documents, report).
 the opening and presentation meeting, Travelling and accommodation costs incurred for completing the pre-audit visit are additional to the price quoted
 a study and analysis of provisions through documents relating to the management system, (based on justification).
 a survey of the premises and workshops, and an assessment of its implementation and appropriation by the
personnel, In the event the Company cancels a pre-audit visit and had previously agreed to the dates of such visit, before
 the summary meeting and oral conclusions: auditor’s first comments. the visit is started, AFNOR Certification reserves the right to ask the Company to pay 30% of the price that
The report issued by AFNOR Certification, in the days following the end of the on site pre-audit visit, is would have been charged had the pre-audit visit taken place.
prepared on the basis of the Company’s answers on the date of its assessment by AFNOR Certification. However, a pre-audit visit, for which a work order has been issued, can be postponed once for at most six
As a result, the pre-audit visit, carried out on the basis of information supplied by the Company to the auditor, months, as from the date of the said work order.
does not prejudge of the result of an in-depth audit for certification or a certificate.
After that period, the order is considered as cancelled and the Company owes the above-mentioned fixed
 the audit report is a document on paper medium that is issued according to a standard set form liable to be
compensation to AFNOR Certification.
changed without notice by AFNOR Certification. AFNOR Certification reserves the right, at any time, to add or
end any of the mention(s) and/or distinctive sign(s) affixed on the said report. The request for postponement may be granted if AFNOR Certification is informed at least two weeks before the
date specified on the order.
Article 7.2: Payment terms
The Company undertakes to co-operate with AFNOR Certification as facilitating the pre-audit visit work and to Invoices shall be issued by AFNOR Certification and set the payment delays and shall be payable in euros by
pay amounts owed to AFNOR Certification. The Company states that it complies with legal provisions. cheque or transfer.
It means particularly for the Company to: In the case of overdue payment, a penalty is due by the company, equal to three times the most recent
 provide AFNOR Certification all required work documents, specifically those used by the Company, refinancing rate.
 provide AFNOR Certification with means to access the inspection site as well as any equipment required for Any delay in payment will cause a 40 euros fixed compensation for recovery costs.
the pre-audit visit,
 take all required measures to help the proper performance of the pre-audit visit, Article 7.3: International banking taxes and charges
 ensure, for all personnel sent by AFNOR Certification, that all health and safety rules are compliant with
applicable laws and regulations,
In case of services performed outside the national territory of AFNOR Certification, the Company shall pay the
 provide accurate, truthful and complete information to AFNOR Certification and disclose any information of any
authorities and/or the appropriate local authority, any direct and indirect national taxes and/or duties resulting
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kind that has an impact on the assessment process. More specifically, the Company shall inform AFNOR
Certification of previous certification and/or assessment processes it engaged in and their outcomes.
3The AFNOR Group refers to all entities within the AFNOR association and companies, associations and groups in
which AFNOR directly or indirectly participates in or in which AFNOR exerts a dominant influence or designates
administration or management bodies.

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 5/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -
hereto and shall undertake to provide, on request from AFNOR Certification, any necessary documents
evidencing payment of such taxes and/or duties.

The Company shall also bear all bank charges, where applicable, exchange risks and costs of conversion
resulting hereto.


AFNOR Certification’s obligation to the Company for damages, losses, costs, expenses and other losses suffered
where its professional liability is involved, shall not, whatever the circumstances, nature and significance of the
loss, exceed an amount equal to fifteen times the amount of the pre-audit visit chosen by the Company.
The Company shall be solely responsible for the use it makes of its audit report, which shows an assessment but
not the existence of a guarantee. The Company agrees, in the event of any dispute by a third party, not to
involve AFNOR Certification on the expected interpretation of the value of its report.
The issuing of an audit report and/or any other document whatever the medium, and any AFNOR Certification’s
intervention does not imply that the Company has complied, complies and will comply with law and/or
regulation. Similarly, the issuing of an audit report alone does not constitute a notification of compliance with the
requirements of regulation and/or law notably issued by national or international agencies.


The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of France. In the event of a
dispute concerning the interpretation, the formation or the execution of the Contract, the Parties agree to
attempt to reach an amicable solution. Should they not succeed in doing so, the dispute shall be submitted to
the French competent Court within whose jurisdiction AFNOR Certification’s headquarter is registered.
CERTI F 0496.18 2021-06

AFNOR Certification. 11 rue Francis de Pressensé - 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex - France – T : +33 0)1 41 62 80 11 - F : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 6/6
SAS au capital de 18 187 000 euros - 479 076 002 RCS Bobigny -

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