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STEM 434-5E Lesson Plan Final Draft

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STEM 434/534 5E Lesson Plan

Name: CeCe Cavallario Grade: 5 Topic: Magnetism and Electricity

Brief Lesson Description:
The lesson covers the difference between and open and closed circuit, how electricity flows through a
closed circuit and how to build one. It also introduces students to conductors and insulators of energy
and how to test for each.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be expected to understand the flow of energy.
 The student will understand the difference between open and closed circuits.
 The student will be able to build a closed circuit with the materials provided.
 The student will be able to tell the difference between a conductor and an insulator.
 The student will test various objects to decide if they are conductors or insulators when included
in the circuit.
 The student will report their observations to the group.
 The student will follow outlined safety rules in the science lab in order to prevent injury to self or
others in the group.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing
culturally sustaining pedagogical strategies?
The lesson was developed by researching ways to safely introduce circuits to students for them to
understand the flow of energy as well as conductors and insulators. This lesson allows students of
varying abilities pair with a partner and work together to perform and experiment and present the
results. It is important for this lesson to be hands on to reinforce the concepts. The hands-on experience
is intended to address different types of learners, especially those that difficulties attending in the

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Students will have been introduced to static electricity in the previous lesson. They will understand the
concept of an electrical charge and the transfer that takes place between two objects.

Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS

5.4 The student will 5.1 Safety/Injury Prevention 3-PS2-3 Motion and Stability:
investigate and a) Analyze why people Forces and Interactions
understand that choose to follow or not
electricity is transmitted follow safety rules at Students who demonstrate
and used in daily life. Key school. understanding can:
ideas include
a) electricity flows easily 5.2 Safety/Injury Prevention Ask questions to determine
through conductors a) Examine one’s role and cause and effect relationships of
but not insulators; the role of others in electric or magnetic interactions
b) electricity flows causing or preventing between two objects not in
through closed injuries at school. contact with each other.
Science & Engineering Practices:
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
• What exists and what happens?
• Why does it happen?
• How does one know?
• How does one communicate about phenomena, evidence, explanations, and design solutions?

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students may have some misconceptions about where electricity comes from and how it is controlled
through circuits. They may understand a little about conductors as we discuss rules about being out in
lightning storms or rules around the home like playing with electrical sockets.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions:
Day 1 (20 minutes)
Discrepant Event-The Energy Ball

Day 1 (5 minutes)
Brainpop Video on Electric Circuits

Day 1 (20 minutes)

 In the Energy Ball experiment, why do you think the ball lit up when everyone was connected?
 Why did it turn off when one of us lifted our finger?
 What lit up the ball?
 Can you make a connection between the Energy Ball experiment and the Brainpop video?
EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
Day 2 (35 minutes)
Materials Needed:
 D Batteries (dry cells)
 Battery cages
 Insulated electrical wire (3 pieces)
 Wire stripper tool
 Light fixture
 Light bulbs
 Switches
 Metal paper clips
 Empty plastic water bottles (or the lids)
 Metal nails
 Wooden golf tees
 Metal thumb tacks
 Rubber bands
 Marbles
 Pennies

 The teacher will supply students with the materials listed above.
 The teacher will help the students strip the insulation off the tips of the wire (about ¼ inch) to
expose the wiring.
 The students will build a simple circuit like the one shown below.
 The students will be given a data sheet (found here) for observations during the experiments.
 The students will try different ways to close the circuit (connecting the circuit in different ways
like both wires touching one pole of the battery, connecting the wore in the same place on the
light fixture, etc.). They will know the circuit is closed when the light bulb lights up.
 The teacher will spend time with each group to assess understanding of how the circuits are built
and the difference between an open and closed circuit.
 Once a firm understanding of a closed circuit has been established, the students will replace the
switch with one of the additional objects listed above.
 The students will make predictions about which objects will close the circuit.
 The students will observe and record which objects closed the circuit (conductors) and which
objects left the circuit open (insulators). The students will be given time to experiment with other
objects of their choice found in the classroom.
 The students will record data on their worksheets (found here) and come back to the whole
group to discuss results.
Probing/Clarifying Questions (Group discussion):
 What connections can you make between the materials that closed the circuit and those that did
 What does that tell us about the objects that closed the circuit? What materials are they made
 Can you think of an historical event that may be another example of the experiment we just did?
 Can we think of any examples of a circuit within this classroom? At home? In our environment?
 What are some instances when an insulator would be necessary? Name some examples.
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
Day 2 (10 minutes)
Insulators and conductors: Energy cannot flow through insulators. Some insulators are used to protect
people and animals from electrical shock. Conductors allow energy to pass through them. Conductors
are sometimes things we would not expect like water.
Open and closed circuits: A circuit must be completely closed in order for electricity to flow correctly. An
open circuit interrupts the flow of energy. Turning on and off a light switch is essentially opening and
closing a circuit.
Electricity- a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles
Conductor-a material or device that with transfer heat or electricity
Insulator-a substance that does not allow electricity to pass
Circuit-a complete and closed path around which a circulating electric current can flow
Current- a flow of electricity that results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
Day 3 (5 minutes)
Video on conductors and insulators

Day 3 (15 minutes)

Partner groups will share with another group and discuss any problems they had in building the circuit as
well as what materials they found to be conductors and insulators. The larger groups will then come up
with a list of examples of conductors and insulators they have noticed in their environment and reasons
they think they are necessary.

Day 3 (25 minutes)

Explore class WebQuest videos, articles and Gizmo on electricity and circuits.
Link here. (Not complete yet but will add later)
Continually (Days 1-5)
Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
 While the students are experimenting, the teacher will visit with each group to assess the
understanding of concepts.
 The teacher will observe how the circuits are being built, as well as observe whether all students
are participating fully within the group.
 The teacher will conduct individual interviews or small group intervention to reinforce learning
for students that are struggling with the concepts.

Summative Assessment:
Day 5 (45 minutes)
Formation of partner presentation of processes and results:
 5 slides (Google or PowerPoint) with the following requirements:
Slide 1: Explanation of conductors and insulators
Slide 2: Explanation of closed and open circuits
Slide 3: How they tested the materials to see if they were conductors or insulators
Slide 4: Results-Which materials closed the circuit (conductors)? Which materials did not close
the circuit (insulators)?
Slide 5: Conclusion
 Each partner must participate in preparing the slides.

Day 6 (45 minutes)

 Partner presentations of the slides to the whole group.
 Each partner must participate in the presentation of the slides.
Rubric for Electric Circuit Unit Presentation

Category 4 3 2 1

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Explanation of open and closed clearly details somewhat explains does not
circuits the parts of a details the either the explain
circuit and parts of a parts of a circuits.
how to circuit and circuit or how
correctly build how to build to build one
a closed one. but not both.

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

clearly defines somewhat explains does not
Explanation of conductors and what explains what either address
insulators conductors conductors conductors or conductors
and insulators and insulators insulators but and insulators
are. are. not both

The The The The

presentation presentation presentation presentation
explains any somewhat addresses does not
Summary of Results problems and explains the either the address the
solutions in problems and problems and results of the
building the solutions solutions in lesson.
circuit as well encountered building the
as which while building circuit as well
materials are the circuit as as which
conductors well as which materials are
and which are materials are conductors
insulators. conductors and which are
and which are insulators but
insulators. not both.

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Spelling/Grammar contained 0-1 contained 2-3 contained 4-5 contained 6
grammatical grammatical grammatical or more
errors. errors. errors. grammatical

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Vocabulary contained contained contained did not
proper usage proper usage proper usage contain any
of 3 or more of 2 of 1 vocabulary
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary words or
words related words related word related words were
to the unit. to the unit. to the unit. not used
Plan for differentiation:
 Students with high-incidence disabilities
Students with high-incidence disabilities will be partnered with a student with stronger abilities
who can help them with the lesson, exploration, and presentation of the results.
ELLs will be paired with an academically strong student for the lesson, exploration, and
presentation. Additional websites and videos will be provided for explaining the lesson, complete
with subtitles and supplemental information in their home language as needed.
 Gifted learners
Gifted learners will be given the option of an extension activity or science project of their choice
from Science Buddies. The project will be shown to the class to reinforce concepts. Students in
the class will be encouraged to ask questions.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

 How will you evaluate your practice?
I will evaluate my lesson through observation and through the quality of the presentations.
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
A struggle that can be anticipated is when the students work in partners through each part of the
lesson, specifically taking turns and including each partner.
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
There may be a lot of comparing answers between the groups and it would be more effective if
the students are able to come to conclusions based on the information they collected before
sharing with the class.
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
The lesson reflects culturally sustaining pedagogies. The needs of each student are being taken
into consideration during the planning and execution of the lesson and support will be provided
for struggling learners as needed. Gifted learners are given the option of an extension activity.
Bilingual learning materials are provided as needed.
Materials Required for This Lesson/Activity
Quantity Description Potential Supplier (item #) Estimated Price
12 D-Batteries Amazon $28.00
12 Battery Cages Amazon $42.00
24 18 gauge insulated electrical wire (3 Amazon $26.00
per group)
12 Small light fixtures Amazon $9.00
12 Small light bulbs Amazon $12.00
12 Electrical switches Amazon $14.00
12 Metal paper clips Amazon $4.00
12 Empty plastic bottles or lids Donations $0.00
12 Wooden golf tees Amazon $7.00
12 Metal thumb tacks Amazon $4.00
12 Rubber Bands Amazon $3.00
12 Marbles Amazon $4.00
12 Pennies Donation $0.00
12 Metal Nails Amazon $7.00
1 Wire strippers Amazon $7.00

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