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Business Plan For Abriham Dumerso

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Business plan for

Abriham Special Sundry Unwashed Coffee Processing


Promoter: Ato Abriham Dambi Adula

(Technical & Financial Feasibility Study and Marketing
Research Were Conducted)

Business Location:
SNNP Region, Gede’o Zone, Y/Cheffe Woreda, Adame kebele

Tikimt, 2015 E.C

Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Y/Cheffe, Ethiopia


Title Page

I. General Profile of the project ………………………………………………………….. I

1. Background ………………………………………………….……..….….…………… 5
2. Objective of the project ……………………………………………………….……….. 6
3. Description of the Project area …………………………………………….…………. 6
4. Company Background ……………………………………………….…….………….. 9
5. Market Plan ………………………………………………………..………….……… 10
6. Source of Revenue ………………………………………………..……………………. 11
7. Organization and Manpower …………………………………………………………. 11
8. Determination of Project Capital ……………………………….….………………… 12
9. Financial Study ………………………………………………………….…………….. 16
10. Financial Statement ………………………………..………………..………………. 17
11. Socio- Economic Impact Management Plan …………………………..…….………. 20

2 Habtamu Consultancy Service for Business and Investment PLC

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

List of Table
1. Manpower (Salary/Wedge) requirement…………….…….………….……..Table 1
2. Building and Construction cost ………………………………….…..……… Table 2
3. Cost of Office Furniture & Equipment ……………………..……………… Table 3
4. Cost of Electronic Equipments ………………………………………….…... Table 4
5. Cost of Machinery & Vehicles ……………………………………………….. Table 5
6. Fuel oil & Lubricant cost …………………………………………….…….... Table 6
7. Working capital Requirement ………………………………………..……….. Table 7
8. Investment cost Summary ……………………………………………..…….. Table 8
9. Depreciation schedule of Fixed Asset ……………………….………..……. Table 9
10. Annual Operating Cost Estimate ………………………….………………... Table 10
11. Revenue Forecast ……………………………………………………….. …Table 11
12. Profit & Loss Account ……………………………………………..…….. Table 12

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Executive Summary

General Profile of the Business

1. The Promoter: Ato Abriham Dambi Adula

 Nationality :- Ethiopian
 Address: SNNP Region, Gedeo Zone, Y/Cheffe Woreda
Mobile 09 16 17 71 51

2. The Project
 Location: SNNP Region, Gede’o Zone, Y/Cheffe Woreda, Adame Kebele
 Type of the project: Special Sundried unwashed coffee Processing Business
 Legality: Legal form of business
 Form of the Business: Sole-proprietorship
 Status of the project: Up grading
 Total investment capital: 19,329,410.00Birr
 Sources of finances: 30% of the total investment capital is from owner equity
& the rest 70% is from Bank loan.
 Land required: More than 1.03hectares
 Project output: Improved Special sundry yirgachefe quality coffee
 Employment opportunity created: 9 permanent and 30 seasonal
 Licensing agency : Ministry of trade
 Project Beneficiary: The Owner, Workers (community members),
Surrounding coffee growers& the government
 Project period: It is completed in one year
 Project Sustainability: After the establishment the project will continuously
process the coffee bean collected from the surrounding coffee growers.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

1. Background

Agriculture sector is the largest economic sector for the population predominantly depends on
agriculture activities for its economy and livelihood. In Ethiopia, agriculture accounts for
46.3% of the GDP 83.9% of exports and 80% of the labor force. Many other economic activities
depend on agriculture including marketing, processing and export of agricultural products.

Production is over whelm manly of a subsistence nature and large part of commodity export are
provided by small agricultural cash-crop sector. Principal crop includes coffee, pulse, oilseed and

Coffee is an important commodity and popular beverage over 2.25 billion cups coffee is
consumed in the world every day. Over 25 million small producer relay on coffee for living and
in Ethiopia has more than 85% population who depends on agriculture sector. Now a day’s
Ethiopia economic policy agriculture led industrialization has under taking attractive situation to
promote investment sector .the economic policy created conducive environment for privet sector
to potentially invest in such agriculture sector like that of Special sundry coffee processing
industries. In general the main purpose of this business plan is by considering the existing
suitable investment condition in the country and also in SNNP regional state the promoter and
owner of the project Ato Abriham Dambi Adula is attracted and decided to invest and establish
special sun dried coffee processing industries in SNNP region Gede’o Zone Y/Ceffe woreda
Adame PA.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

2. Objective of project

General objective

 To establishes special sundry coffee processing industry that would supply high quality
standard special sundry coffee to the central market and contribute to country economy.

Specific objective

 To produce high quality exportable dry coffee from the project area
 To generates income or profit for the owner of the project
 To create job opportunity in the project area

3. Study of the Project Area

3.1. Descriptions of the area

The assumed project is planned to be located in SNNP Regional State Gede’o Zone, Y/Cheffe
Woreda specifically at Adame kebele.

Gede’o Zone is one of the SNNP Region of Ethiopia. Gede’o Zone is bordered on the South,
West and East direction by Oromia regional state and from North by the Sidama zone of SNNP

It is reported that 32,815 tons of coffees were produced in this zone in the year ending in 2012;
the lion share, based on inspection records from the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture. i.e 14,587
tones were special sundry unwashed coffee. This represents that 11.8% of the regional outputs
and 6% of Ethiopia’s total output. But supply of special unwashed coffee accounts only 9,957

In addition, demand for high quality special unwashed coffee is increasing in local and
international market from time to time. Having these opportunities the owner plan and started
this business.
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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Gede’o zone have 6 woreda and 3 city administrations. Among them both woredas’ are coffee
growers including the project proposed wereda, Y/Cheffe.

Y/Cheffe woreda is found in the Gede’o Zone of SNNP regional states. It is located at 37 km
away from the zone capital town Dilla, and 395 km away from Addis Ababa, the capital of
Federal Republic of Ethiopia, and 130 km from Hawassa, the capital of SNNPR, in the southern
part along Ethiopia on the main road, Asphalt. The woreda is bounded with SNNPR (Gedeb
zone) in the south, Oromia regional state(Abaya wereda & Gelana wereda) in the west, SNNPR
(Wonago wereda) in the north and Qarcha woreda (Oromia) in the east direction. The name of
the woreda town is called Y/Cheffe. The total area of the woreda is 1871.34 km 2 and consists of
28 rural administrative and 3 town kebeles.

The project woreda, Y/Cheffe is a potential area with adequate consideration of the source of
coffee. This is the main reason why to establish this project in the woreda.

According to woreda agriculture office report 3000 - 4000ton of washed coffee and 2500 – 3000
unwashed coffee were produced in woreda in a year 2008- 2010. And the area covered by coffee
plantation was 21,758Hek in major 18 PA and the rest of PAS.

The project site is far 1.5km north east away from capital town of Y/Cheffe woreda, Y/Cheffe
and 388 km from Addis Ababa to south part of the county. Y/Cheffe woreda is one of the known
and major sources for the production of best known Yirgachefe test coffee. The site area is ideal
and more selective for such coffee processing industry at easily accessible distance for collection
of special sundry coffee cherry from farmers.

Socio Economic Activities of the Area

About 90% f the population depends on subsistence agriculture and cash crop production. The
majority of the surrounding area people of the projects area are farmers relaying on the coffee
and other agricultural activities.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

3.2 Suitability of the Project Area

Potential for coffee Production:

In Y/Cheffethere are 28 independent peasant associations, which are known by coffee

production. From the total area it is estimated that about 21,758Hek of land is covered by coffee

At small scale farmers at the garden farm and it has estimated that of 7,800 tones of clean coffee
can be obtained from the total hectares. Based on this assumption, there are almost all high
coffees producing peasant association around coffee processing industry for collection of special
sundry coffee cherry for further processing. It is estimated that 2900 hectares of coffee land with
of 0.75% tone clean coffee per hectares can be obtained and from the total land about 2,175
tones clean coffee will be obtained from the surrounding kebeles; which of these it is estimated
that 597.5 hac of land is from the business proposed kebele, Adame, and with estimation
production capacity of 627 tons of coffee annually.


With reference to weather condition the business area is categorized as woyinadega type of
climate. The altitude lies between 2000-2600M.A.S.L. This is suitable for production of high
quality coffee for national and international market.


The soil composition of the area is generally loamy black brown to dark in color which is
suitable for quality coffee production.


The climate is characterized by short dry and long rainy season. The average annual temperature
is range from 18.5℃ and mean annual rainfall ranges from 1,250-2,050 mm.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

4. Company Background

Abriham special sundry coffee processing business is capitalized with modern business
understanding which is owned by Ato Abriham Dambi Adula with initial investment capital of
birr 19,329,410.00 .

It is on the edge to capture extensive market value in the fast growing special sundry coffee
processing business and creasing coffee production in the woreda Specially kebeles surrounding
the site, Adame; Chitto, Chelba, Beduksa, Dokochare, Boyechare, Dumerso, Woche, Edido and
Tulise which is not sufficiently absorbed by existing special sundry coffee processing industry.

The marketing and financial consultant developed market strategy that is well suited to build a
large market share in the woreda. It has the potential to gain a reputation for buying greater
quality of cherry coffee to be dried that its competitors. Head industry will coordinate purchaser,
chief mechanic, daily laborers, who are well experienced the area, should meet the high standard
that the industry has set for its quality product to be supplied to central market exchange.

4.1 The Product:

The industry is brought into being for the sole purpose of collecting special wet coffee cherry
from farmers and to supply organic good quality of special sundry processed Yirgachefe quality
coffee in Gede’0 Zone Y/Cheffe Woreda in Adame kebele peasant association in the area of
1.03Heks of lands. The area is far from the settlement of private as well as governmental
organization that is adjacent to the site in both directions. Even trough, since it is basic necessity
for the industry which has to be has treated to minimize environmental pollution (Noise and
Dust) through preparation of facultative at logon distance.

4.2 Rational:

The main justification for identification of this business,

 The existence of sun dried coffee supply for hulling factory from the surrounding farms
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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

 The availability of good transportation facilities from the processing site to the central
 The availability of communication facilities and nearby financial facilities
 The existence of a favorable investment promoting policy climate at the region.

5. Market Plan

5.1 Market Analysis:

Abriham special sundry coffee processing industry marketing financial consultant carried out
substantial research prior to enter in this business. This concludes existence of surplus supply of
raw material (Dry coffee) which needs to be farther processed. On the area surrounding the
industry and to the growth of demand for high quality processed coffee in central market in

The research results were quite compassionate according to the finding of information developed
from coffee producers of project area. i.e, Adame kebele and surrounding kebele there is ever
increasing coffee growers to supply dry & wet coffee to the industries in Y/Cheffe Woreda in
general and in Adame kebele in particular where there is no sufficient special sundry coffee
processing industries. Due to this fact farmers and coffee dealers from those kebeles are exposed
to transport their dry coffee about 5 - 10 km to different surrounding coffee processing industry
found around Y/Cheffe town and that consume much energy, material, time resources and
negative impact on the coffee quality.

5.2 Market Strategy:

Abriham special sundry coffee processing business will market itself as purchaser of high quality
wet coffee cherry by relative higher price than its competitors. As part of this strategy, the
industry advertises itself by using sharp notice and calling local meetings and telling the price
they will get for their quality supply.

The preferred mode of advertising is word of mouth by which its hopes to disseminate
information to generate a significant amount of customers through referrals.

5.3 Pricing Strategy

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

In relation to purchase of raw materials (Dry coffee seed), it is planned to use psychological
pricing strategy where it will pay trivially, higher price for quality raw materials than other will.
Another means of pricing strategy is to enhance quality of outputs sundry processed coffee by
using technological advanced machineries and trained manpower in the conversion process.
Since the industry planned to produce high quality high land Yirgachefe quality sundry
processed coffee it will sell its product at higher price as compared to those who produce other
type less quality sundry processed coffee.

Coffee market majorly determined at the central coffee market lead by ECX. Therefore, there is
no market problem for the project product.

5.4 Supply Aspect:

The major input required for special sundried coffee cherry according to shortage of dry coffee
hulling factory in Adame district supply of coffee from grows. So the importance of additional
dry coffee processing factory demand will be unquestionable.

6. Source of Revenue

The price of unwashed clean coffee is datelined from the action price in Addis Ababa which
varies from time to time depending on market price. The business proposed assumed to have two
sources of revenue. To achieve the goal the promoters will collect special dry cherry of coffee
delivered clean coffee market for sale. Based on the current average action unwashed clean
coffee of Y/Cheffe. The sale price for the clean coffee is assumed to birr 5700.00/feresula/
(17kg). The other source of revenue for the envisaged project would be a service charge
collected from customers that would obtain a coffee hulling service from the coffee factory. The
proposed service price for clean dry coffee is assumed to be Birr 300.00 for quintal of clean
processed coffee.

7. Organization and Man power

The project is a sole proprietary type of organization which is owned by Ato Abriham Dembi
Adula. The owner has an absolute power for financing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring
and controlling the smooth operation of the project. The total man power requirement of the

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

project is estimated to be 9 permanent workers and 30 are seasonal employees. The total annual
salary is estimated to be 195,000.00 birr. (The detail is shown on the following table)

Table 1: Manpower (Wedge/Salary) Requirement

No Position (Job title) No of workers Monthly salary Annual Salary

1 Manager 1 5,000.00 60,000.00
2 Casher 1 3,000.00 36,000.00
3 Accountant 1 3,400.00 40,800.00
4 Machine operator 2 3,000.00 36,000.00
5 Purchaser 2 3,000.00 36,,000.00
6 Guard 2 800.00 19,200.00
7 Daily Workers 30 (60 Birr for 90 162,000.00
Total 390,000.00

8. Determination of Project Capital

Fixed Investment

8.1 Technical Study Construction

To achieve the planned investment objectives the promoter will be engaged in civil work
activities. Which would involves; the constriction of the factory house, Office, guard house,
coffee dry floor, Latrine, and fence work.

The owner of this project should be obtained the constriction permit and site plan from the
concerned governmental official of Y/Cheffe Woreda. The promoter, Ato Abriham obtain
investment license from Woreda and zonal concerning office. All the land and construction
activity within the site is completed; which include machine house, store, office, guard house
latrine, toilet, fence etc.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Table 2: Building and Construction

No Description Quantity Estimated Cost

1 Land (Leased) cost 1.03 Hec 3,000,000.00
2 Coffee hulling factory house 580M2 2,760,180.00
3 Office 40M2 1,152,500.00
4 Coffee Drying floor 400M2 280,600.00
5 Coffee Drying Bed 70 x 25 = 1750m 150,000.00
6 Guard house 9M2 15,000.00
7 Power house 9M2 20,000.00
8 Toilet 12M2 5,000.00
9 Fence and others Lump Sum 300,000.00
Sub Total 7,683,280.00

8.2 Machinery and Equipment.


The capacity of the proposed project machine is assumed about 1000 kg -1500 kg clean coffee
per hour. However, taking into account other factors that could impede its efficient the attainable
capacity as start to up is assumed to be about 70% and existing it is envisaged process about
250,000 kg clean coffee per annum.


The equipments proposed for the project includes weighting scales, moisture tester, and other small tool
and materials fur therefore; office and equipment are also proposed for the smooth and efficient operation

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

of the project. The detailed material requirements with their respective cost estimates are annexed to the
project proposal.


Vehicles is one of the most important facilitate and activate the work for un washed coffee processing
factory proposed the owner of the factory two car one for providing coffee from market source to the
factory(ISUZU) and the other is for transporting the workers.

Table 3: Cost of Office Furniture and Equipments

No Item Quantity Unit cost Total Cost Remark

1 Table
 Double pedestal 1 30,200.00 30,200.00 Completed
 Single pedestal 2 20,800.00 41,600.00 Completed
2 Chairs (Sofa Complete) 1 65,000.00 65,000.00 Ordered
3 Shelves 2 20,000.00 40,000.00 Ordered
4 Pocket calculator 2 150.00 300.00 Completed
5 Briefcase 20 24.00 480.00 Completed
6 Other miscellaneous equipments 4000.00 Completed
Sub total 181,580.00

Table 4: Cost of Electronic Office Equipments

No Item Quantity Unit cost Total Cost

1 Desk top computer 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
2 Printer 1 17,000.00 17,000.00
3 Lab top 1 32,000.00 32,000.00
4 Wireless telephone 1 2,500.00 2,500.00
Sub total 61,500.00
10% contingency 6,150.00

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Grand total 67,650.00

Table 5: Cost of Machinery and Vehicles

No Description Quat Unit cost Total cost Remark

(Birr) (Birr)
1 Dry coffee hulling machine 1 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 Covered by
2 Diesel generator & Alternative 1 500,000.00 500,000.00 Completed
3 Weighting scale 100kg 1 35,000.00 35,000.00 Completed
4 Weighting scale 50kg 3 19,300.00 57,900.00 Completed
5 Moisture taster 1 17,000.00 17,000.00 Completed
6 Sack 1000 46.00 46,000.00 Completed
7 Car (ISUZU) 1 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Completed
Sub total 4,655,900.00

Table 6: Fuel oil and Lubricant cost

No Description Fuel consumption Total Fuel cost Total Annual

(Lit/Hr) consumption (Lit) (Lit.) Cost (Birr)
1 Generator 4lit/hr 4000 20.00 80,000.00
2 Track 1lit/km 5000 20.00 100,000.00
Total 180,000.00

Table 7: Working Capital Requirement

No Description Cost (Birr)

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

1 Cheery purchase 6,000,000.00

2 Repaired and Maintenance (2month) 50,000.00
3 Insurance (Initial year 1) 15,000.00
4 Loading and Unloading 100,000.00
5 Other (3 month) 6,000.00
Total Requirement 6,171,000.00

Table 8: Investment Cost Summary (In Birr)

No Descriptions Total Estimated

Cost (Birr)
1 Manpower (Wedge/Salary) Requirement 390,000.00 Personal saving
2 Building and Construction (Renewal) 7,683,280.00 Completed
3 Cost of Office Furniture and Equipments 181,580.00 Completed
4 Cost of Electronic Office Equipments 67,650.00 Ordered
5 Cost of Machinery and Vehicles 4,655,900.00 Promoter plant asset
6 Fuel oil and Lubricant cost 180,000.00 Personal Saving
7 Working Capital Requirement 6,171,000.00 Bank loan
Grand Total 19,329,410.00

Table 9: Depreciation Schedule of Fixed Assets

No Item Original Value Depreciation rate Depreciation

(%) Cost/Birr
1 Building Contraction 662,508.00 20 132,501.00
2 Machinery 2,420,990.00 10 242,099.00
Total 374,600.00

9. Financial Study

9.1 Planned Investment:

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

The total planned investment cost of this business plan is estimated to be around Birr
19,329,410.00. Out of this capital 12,339,180.00 Birr would be for the fixed capital investment
and Birr 6,171,000.00 is for working capital requirement.

9.2 Source of Finance:

The project is expected to have two financial sources. The first would be definitely the promoter
him and the second one would be loan from nearby bank. According to the information obtained
the investor he has planned to cover about 55.14% (10,658,410.00) of the investment cost from
equity and to borrow the remaining 44.86% (8,671,000.00) balance of the investment capital
planned for envisaged business. It is assumed to get loan from local bank on the basis of current
interest rate and loan obligation. The loan would be used for purchase of Dry coffee hulling
machine and for the working capital requirement.

10. Financial Statement

Profit and Loss Statement

The price of dry coffee cherry at the project area as well as the price of clean coffee at the
auctions is so volatile that it will be difficult exercises try to forecast one’s profit or loss in this
century with any meaningful degree of accuracy. Price competition among hulling station
international market price with in turn rests up on world supply and demand for special
unwashed clean coffee.
Therefore, we have found out to be meaningful testing the profitability of the project taking the
current average minimum auction price for special unwashed clean coffee of Y/Chefe.

Accordingly, the profitability test carried out for this project shows positive result since the
operation of the project.

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Table 10: Annual Operating Cost Estimate (In Thousand Birr)

No Descriptions Business Year

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Wet cherry purchase 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469
2 Salary & wage 23 23 23 23 23 23
3 Repair & maintenance 35.6 35.6 35.6 35.6 35.6 35.6
4 Transportation 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4
5 Loading & unloading 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1
6 Full & Lubricants 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
7 Office Supplies 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
8 Telephone & Postage 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
9 Utility expense 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
10 Insurance 4 4 4 4 4 4
11 Miscellaneous Expenses 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Total 1621.4 1621.4 1621.4 1621.4 1621.4 1621.4

Table 11: Revenue Forecast from Clean coffee & Hulling Service sale

Projec Dry Cherry Coffee output Dry Revenue From Total

t Year Purchase (Ton) Cherry Clean Broken Hulling Reven
(Ton) Clea Broke processed Coffee Coffee Service ue
n n by charge
1 500 240 6 6.8 2500 30 13.6 2543.6
2 500 240 6 7.5 2500 30 15 2545.0
3 500 240 6 8.2 2500 30 16.4 2546.4
4 500 240 6 90 2500 30 18 2548.0
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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

5 500 240 6 100 2500 30 20 2550.0

6 500 240 6 100 2500 30 20 2550.0

Table 12: Profit or Loss Account (In thousand Birr)

No Description Project Year

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Revenue 2028 2028 2028 2028 2028 2028
2 Sale Tax 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4
3 Service revenue 13.6 15 16.4 18 20 20
4 Net revenue 1940.2 1914.6 1943 1944.6 1946.6 1946.6
5 Operating cost 1621.4 1621.6 1623.6 1623.6 1623.6 1623.6
6 Trading profit 318.8 320 319.4 321 323 323
7 Depreciation 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2
8 Profit before tax 270.6 271.6 271.6 272.6 274.6 274.6
9 Interest (8%) 75.1 60 45 30 15 -
10 Profit before Income tax 195.5 211.8 226.8 242.8 259.8 274.8
11 Income tax 70.1 70.5 70.3 87.5 92.2 96.1
12 Net Profit 5.3 141.3 156.3 156.3 167.6 178

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

11. Soci- Economic Impacts Management Plan

11.1 Health and Safety

In general, in order to avoid the diffusion of communicable disease, especially which are coming
from migrant workers, it is suggested to recruit work force from project areas community.

i. Dust and Noise

General construction activity and traffic on pre- operation phase and dust from the industry
during operation phase, will lead to an increase in dust and noise. This will have an effect on
people’s health: dust can cause respiratory problems and noise, when loud and frequent, can
cause hearing problems amongst both workers and local residents, and it can cause stress. To
prevent such problems, it is proposed to construct protective construction around the project

The promoter of this project will monitor’s compliance with environmental protection standards
in the contracts. These impacts can be mitigated through the provision and use of proper hearing
equipments for workers and awareness provided well in advance for local people. The impact of
dust on local people can be limited through watering the roads and controlling speed of road
traffic. The contractor will be required to address these issues in their environmental
management plan when they submit their contract proposals. In addition, the project will have its
own expert and will monitor contractor’s compliance with environmental protection standards in
the contract.

ii. Public and Safety

Every project site must be well marked, warning both workers and public of danger to their
safety. Project related vehicles would be required to abide by good driving, conduct, obey speed
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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

limits and generally follow the rule of deriving. All vehicles will be required with properly
maintained lights and audio warning systems. Night driving must be minimal and strictly

iii. Expected Infestation Diseases

 Malaria prevention and control measure should be taken to the site camp.
 Sanitary conditions of the camps should be developed and maintained to international
standards for comp constriction.
 Human excretion must be managed using proper disposal and treatments facilities that
should be located in order to ensure that seepage does not occur.
 Proper facilities for washing and bathing should be provided for the work force.
 All work and living areas must be properly ventilated to prevent respiratory diseases
including tuberculosis.
 If any symptom found on a single person, other related workers should be tested for

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Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

Basic Points for the Preparation of the Project


1. Annual working days of hulling services are 90 days (Effective 52 days)

2. Working hours per day is 8 hrs.
3. Wages and salary increase 5% each year
4. Project life year is taken as 6 years
5. Sales and Income tax is taken to be 12% and 35% respectively

22 Habtamu Consultancy Service for Business and Investment PLC

Email Mobile 09 11 79 26 70 /09 16 18 94 65
Business plan for Abriham Special Sun dried unwashed coffee Processing Industry

23 Habtamu Consultancy Service for Business and Investment PLC

Email Mobile 09 11 79 26 70 /09 16 18 94 65

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