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Aedt Icepak Int 2020r1 en Ws01

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Introduction to Icepak in AEDT

Module 1 – Workshop 1: Model

Building in AEDT Icepak

Release 2020 R1

©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.


• Build a simple model in AEDT Icepak

‐ Create heat sinks and fans
‐ Assign boundary conditions
• Generate and review the mesh
‐ Use the automatic slider-bar mesher to generate the
‐ Review the mesh for resolution and quality
• Setup the model
• Analyze the simulation
• Use post processing tools to analyze the solution

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Model Overview

• The model has the following

generic components Cabinet
(Computational 2D Intake Fans
‐ Intake fans Domain)
‐ Outlet grille
‐ Board Bridge
‐ Heatsink AGP
‐ DDR memory Outlet Grille Large Flash and
‐ Flash memory Small Flash Memory
• A STEP file will be imported for PCB
the model and the heatsink and
fans will be added DDR Memory Heatsink

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Starting AEDT Icepak

• Create a new Icepak project in AEDT as

‐ Launch ANSYS Electronics Desktop (AEDT)
from Windows start menu or the desktop
• Start → All Programs → ANSYS EM Suite 2020 R1 →
Select Icepak project under the Desktop tab
ANSYS Electronics Desktop 2020 R1
‐ Insert a new Icepak project from the ribbon
or the dropdown menu
• Project → Insert Icepak Design

• Use Workshop 01 as the project name

• You can rename Icepak Design to
Electronics Chassis
‐ Right click on IcepakDesign1 and click
Change the project name and
design name

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ANSYS Electronics Desktop Interface
Menu Bar

Ribbon Tab
Ribbon Area
Design Area


Message Progress
Manager Window
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Set Default Units for Icepak Project

• Set Model Units panel can also be accessed from Modeler → Units

Navigate to Draw tab and click on Units

Set the units to mm

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Import the Geometry and Setup Domain

• Click on Modeler in the dropdown menu and click Import

• Select the file Workshop_01.step from the workshop directory, confirm that ‘Create
groups for assembly’ is unchecked and click on ‘Open’
• To switch between wireframe and smooth shade mode, press F6 (wireframe) and F7
(smooth shade)

Uncheck Create Groups for Sub Assemblies

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Group and Ungroup Objects

• The 3D Modeler allows you to group objects in the History tree

• Groups permit you to bring in MCAD assemblies and sub-assemblies as groups
• Ungroup the group named Workshop_01 to bring all objects under the Solids node
• To ungroup, right-click on Workshop_01 → Group → Ungroup

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Solution Procedure in AEDT Icepak
Domain Setup
Conditions, Meshing Solver Setup Post
and Model
Heat Sources, processing
• Domain setup and model preparation includes all steps that are followed to setup the geometry
such as creating fans, heat sinks, etc.
• Boundary condition assignment includes flow boundaries such as openings, grilles, etc. and heat
sources such as network thermal resistance, power, etc.
• Material properties such as density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, etc. tells the solver
how much heat is retained and dissipated out of an object
• Meshing is a critical step as all the governing equations are solved in the computational cells
created during meshing process
• Solver setup tells the solver how long the problem should run and under what settings
• Once the solution is obtained the post processing step helps the user to make sense of the
simulation by analyzing the results
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Domain Setup

• Right-click on Solids and select Expand All

• Select CreateRegion under air
• In the Properties panel, input the padding values shown
• Notice that some inputs use values by Absolute Position,
and others by Absolute Offset.

1 2 3

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Create Intake Fans

Fans will be added by creating relative

coordinate systems (CS) and placing the fan • Toggle between point and
dialog entry mode by pressing
object on the Relative CS F3/F4
• Choose the Global Coordinate System from • Point entry mode allows you to
the Coordinate Systems node select a point in the Graphics
• Click on Offset Origin Icon in the Draw ribbon. • Dialog entry mode (F4, shown
• Create relative coordinate system by on left) allows you to enter the
offsetting origin at -25, -20, 10 3
coordinate values
• (Alternatively use Modeler → Coordinate
System → Create → Relative CS → Offset)
Name can be
• Press F4 and enter the values for the origin of changed from
the relative coordinate system as shown the Properties
• Rename the relative coordinate as panel
Note: Deleting the relative coordinate system will delete the associated object (in this case, fan)
11 ©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.
Create Intake Fans

• In the Project Manager, under Electronics Chassis, right click

on 3D components and choose Create → Fan… 1
• Enter ‘Fan’ for name, click Next and Enter the details as
shown and click Finish
• The process will create Fan1 in the Model Tree
2 3

YZ Plane
Radius = 10 mm
Fixed Volumetric
10 CFM
Click Next 4

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Copy the Intake Fans

• In the Model tree, select Fan1

• In the Draw tab, select Duplicate along
line (see image for icon)
• Use the Dialog entry mode (F4) to enter
the values
• Translate the fan by -60 mm in the y-
• Total Number = 2
• Click OK and it will create Fan2
Note: This method will change the properties of any
duplicates/copies of the fan. For example, if you created a second
fan by copying the first fan, then changing the flow rate for first
fan will change the flow rate for the second fan as well.

Workaround: Create two distinct fans

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Create Heat Sink

• Select ‘Global’ under coordinate system,

right-click on 3D Components and choose
Create → Heatsink

• Give the name ‘ Heatsink’ and Enter the

values for heatsink dimensions and
properties as shown Flow Direction is
based on current
• Click Next and retain the defaults for working coordinate
materials and click Finish system.

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Move the Heatsink
Use F3 / F4 to toggle between point and dialog entry modes.
• Select the Heatsink1 and from the
Move objects
Draw tab, select Move icon icon in Draw
• Hover the mouse pointer at the tab
bottom face of the heat sink until
the pointer turns into a circle. Click
to select the center of the face
• Next, hover the mouse pointer
over the top face of the AGP to
search for the face center. When
the pointer turns into a circle, click
to select the center of the face Note: The heatsink can
also be aligned to AGP
• The heat sink will be moved to the using any edge at the base
new location of the heatsink as the
anchor point
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Assign Boundary Conditions – Flow Boundary

• Click on Region under Solids →

• In the Properties window, change
the name to Domain
• Next, press F to change to face
selection mode
• Select the max X face of the
• Right click and select Assign
Thermal → Grille…
• Enter MaxX_Grille for name, use
0.8 for Free Area Ratio and click
OK to accept other default
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Assign Boundary Conditions – Wall Boundary

• Select the lateral sides of the

domain, i.e., minY, maxY, minZ Boundary Conditions appear under
and maxZ the Thermal node in Project Manager
• Right click → Assign Thermal →
Wall → Stationary
• Enter SideWalls as name in the
• Select Heat Transfer Coefficient
under Thermal Specification
• Enter a value of 10 W/(m2K)
• Click Finish

Note: Spaces are not allowed in names

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Hiding Objects

• To hide objects in the graphics area, select

the objects in the model tree
• You can select multiple objects at once by
pressing CTRL key and clicking on the
respective object names in the tree
• Right-click → View → Hide in Active View
• Alternatively, you select a body in the
graphics area by pressing O and then
clicking on the body
• Next, press CTRL+H to hide the body
• Hide the ‘Domain’ under ‘air’ in the model

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Basics of 2R Thermal Network

• Package objects ‘Bridge’ and ‘AGP’ will be Rjc

modeled as 2R Thermal Network Internal

• 2R Network Basics:
‐ The bottom face (coincident with the board) of the Case side link - Rjc
package is board side and the upper face is case side
‐ The power is specified at the Internal node
‐ Rjb is the thermal resistance from the internal junction
to board
‐ Rjc is the thermal resistance from internal junction to Board side link - Rjb
case Board

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Creating 2 R Thermal Network for Bridge

• Switch to face selection mode by

pressing F
• Select the top face of ‘Bridge’
With the faces selected,
• Press B to switch selection to the right click on the
back face Display area and select
Assign Thermal and
• Press CTRL and then select the top then select Network
face of the Bridge again
• The two faces of Bridge are now
selected as shown in the figure

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Creating 2 R Thermal Network for Bridge

• Assigning Network will open ‘ Network

Thermal Model’ Window.
• Review the Face nodes, Internal node and
Links diagram.
Click here on the
• Name the Network as ‘
Bridge_2R_Network’ name to rename

• Rename the end face nodes as ‘Case’ and

‘Board’ by double-clicking on the respective
node names. ( Double check the selected
face in GUI to confirm board side and case
side faces)
• Rename the Internal node as ‘Junction’, and
‘Link1’ and ‘Link2’ as Rjc and Rjb
Click here to input
• To edit the resistances and power values, power and resistance
double click on the symbols which will pop
up the edit panel. ( Explained on the next values.
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Creating 2 R Thermal Network for Bridge

• Use the following entries for Rjb = 3.5 C/W, Rjc = 1.5 C/W and internal node power as
2.5 W

Junction to board thermal resistance Junction to case thermal resistance

Junction power – Bridge

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Creating 2 R Thermal Network for AGP
• Repeat the steps discussed for AGP. You can hide the ‘Heatsink’ object to select the faces.
• Use ‘AGP_2R_Network’ for the network name.
• Enter the values for Rjb = 4 C/W, Rjc = 1.2 C/W, and junction node Power = 54 W as below.

Junction to board thermal

resistance Junction to case thermal resistance

Junction power – Bridge

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Add Heat Sources – Power Assignment

• Select Large_Flash from the model tree

• Right click → Assign Thermal → Block…
• Enter the Name as Large_Flash and use value of
1.25 W for total power
• Repeat the above steps for Small_Flash and
DDRs and use the powers listed below
• Tip: Multiple objects can be selected to create a
single thermal block object. The same power
input in the block panel is applied to all objects.
• Select all four DDRs and input 1.125W as the
Total Power. Each DDR will have 1.125W for a
total of 4.5W.
Small Flash – 0.5 W
Large Flash – 1.25 W
DDRs – 1.125 W
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Assign Material Properties – Board

• Right click on Board in the Model Tree
and select Assign Material…
Select Anisotropic Material Type
• In the Select Definition panel click Add
Material to create a new custom material
• Enter the values shown in the figure

Click OK to complete

Click OK to complete
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Assign Material Properties to Components

• Select the DDR components, AGP,

BRIDGE, Large Flash and Small Flash 1
from the Model tree
• You can select multiple objects at
once by pressing the CTRL key and
selecting the object names in the
model tree 2
• Right click on the components in
Model Tree and select Assign
• You can search for a material by
name or by property
• Search for the Ceramic_material and
click OK to assign the material and
close the Select Definition panel

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Assign Material Properties – Contd.

• Select all objects in the Model tree

• In the Properties box of the object, select
Steel-oxidized-surface for surface material
• Network blocks should have Solve Inside
turned off
‐ Make sure ‘Solve Inside’ option is turned off for both
AGP and Bridge objects.

Solve Inside should be turned off for

network objects
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Changing Object Priority

• Right click on Model under

the Project Manager and
select Object Priority…
• Select the DDR objects from
the model tree and then click
on Add Priority List in the
Object Priority panel
• Next select AGP and Bridge
and then click Add Priority List
in the Object Priority panel
• Click OK to close the panel

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Summary of Problem Setup
Fan Flow Rate = 10 CFM each
Object Power (W) Material Conductivity
DDR1 1.125 Material 15
DDR2 1.125 Material 15
DDR3 1.125 Material 15
DDR4 1.125 Material 15
Large Flash 1.25 Material 15
Small Flash 0.5 Material 15
Custom (35.143, 35.143,
Board 0 Board 0.395)

Object Power (W) Rjb (C/W) Rjc (C/W)

AGP 54 4 1.2

Bridge 2.5 3.5 1.5

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Solver Settings
• Click on Setup in the Simulation tab
• Enter ForcedConvection_RadOff as simulation
• Set the maximum number of iterations to 500
• Use Enhanced Realizable Two Equation as
turbulence model
• Click Radiation Off
• Check the box for Flow and Energy Equations
Sequentially (With this option 400 of 500
iteration will be used for flow iteration and
rest will be used for Energy iteration)

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Solver Settings Recommended Settings for Sequential
Solution of Flow and Energy

Convergence Criteria:
Flow = 1e-4
Energy = 1e-12

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Solver Settings

• Finally check for any errors in the model

• Under the Simulation tab, click on Validate
• Click Close to close the validation check panel

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Workflow for Mesh Generation and Viewing

Global Mesh Generate Mesh Mesh Viewer


• Slider bar • Mesh • View mesh

(automated) generation for quality
• Advanced step • View mesh
(manual) over a plane
or on a

Note: Only slider bar mesher will be used in this workshop

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Meshing the Model

• Click on Global Mesh Settings under Simulation tab

• Use the Fine setting in the slider bar for mesh
• Click OK
• Click Generate Mesh

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Viewing the Mesh

• Click on Mesh Viewer

• Use the cut plane option on a plane or Geometry/Boundary
selection option to view the mesh on objects

Cut plane Geometry Selection

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Viewing the Mesh

X plane Y plane
Mesh through through
count center center

Z plane
Slider to move cut plane center

Wire or shaded cut plane

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Mesh Quality

• For a good quality mesh:

‐ Min. Face Alignment > 0.05
‐ Min. Skewness > 0.02
• It is recommended to
check mesh quality
before running a

Min and Max values for

face alignment and
skewness are shown

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Mesh Quality

• Modify the histogram range to locate the cells

between desired range
• Change the number of bars to 1
• Click on histogram to highlight the cells in the
graphics area

Left click

Tip - Can be used to locate bad cells:

Min value = 0
Modify Max Value:
range 0.05 (Face alignment)
here 0.02 (Skewness)
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Create Monitor Points

• Right click on Large_Flash in the

model tree and click Assign
Monitor → Point…
• Enter the name and click on
• Control select all the DDR object
in the model tree and right click
Assign Monitor → Point…
• Enter the name and click on

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Analyze the Setup

• Right click on the setup ForcedConvection_RadOff

under the Analysis node in Project Manager
• Click on Analyze
• Right click on the ForcedConvection_RadOff and click
• Residual and Monitor Tab should give information on

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Post Processing

• Click on the Results tab and select Fields Summary

• Select Object for Entity Type and Volume for Geometry
• Select Board, DDR objects, Large Flash, and Small Flash
from the object list
• Select Temperature under Quantity list
• Click on Add and select Add as Multiple Calculations

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Post Processing

Results can be exported as a

CSV file

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Reporting Network Temperatures

• In the Setup Calculation panel, select Boundary for Entity Type and Surface for Geometry Type
• In the Entity list, select AGP_2R_Network and Bridge_2R_Network
• Select Temperature in Quantity list
• Click on Add and select Add as Multiple Calculations
• Note the Network Junction temperatures for AGP and Bridge

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Post Processing
• Select the all the model components from the model tree
• To select the heat sink, expand the Heat sink node and
select all the solids
• Right click and select Plot Fields → Temperature →

Click on Plot
on surface
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Post Processing: Temperature contour on the component surface

Double click on color legend to get the

property window for legend

click on

Change spectrum of colors

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Post Processing

• Expand the planes node and select Fan_Coord:XY

• Right click in the Graphics area and select Plot Fields → Velocity → Velocity
• Click Done on the Plot Fields panel to accept the defaults
• Drag the legends to show temperature and velocity legends simultaneously

The plots appear

under the Field
Overlays node in
the Project

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Save the Model *.aedtz File

• The *.aedtz file is useful for sharing a model with

colleagues and Icepak Technical Support
• The *.aedtz file compresses the model and associated
boundary conditions, material properties and mesh
• Select Results/solution files to include completed
• Additional files can be included in the archive, *.pdf,
*.pptx, etc.
• Click OK

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Ideal Workshop Outcome

• You should be able to:

‐ Build Icepak objects like fans and heatsinks in AEDT Icepak
‐ Assign boundary conditions
‐ Assign material properties
‐ Generate a mesh using the Slider Bar mesher
‐ Setup physics and solver settings
‐ Run the simulation and post process the solution
‐ Save a project and archive it for backup or sharing

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Appendix – Additional Exercise

• AEDT is able to import packed Classic Icepak model (*.tzr) except certain features which
are not yet available and should provide similar mesh and results
• To import the tzr file ( Classic-WS1.tzr available in workshop folder) into AEDT Icepak:
‐ simply drag and drop the tzr file into AEDT. You don’t have to open an Icepak design type first. AEDT
automatically inserts an Icepak design type
• Review the imported model
‐ Check for any messages
‐ Objects imported successfully should include – all blocks, 2D fans, and boundaries such as walls and
‐ Objects not imported –heat sink
• Objects that are not imported can be recreated following the steps in the main workshop.
• Physics settings should also be imported successfully
• Solve and Post process following the steps in the main workshop.

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End of presentation

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