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1617286064801-Question Paper

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The question paper consists of 110 questions & all the questions are of objective type
multiple choice questions.

One mark will be awarded for each correct answer.

There will be negative marking @U3 marks for wrong answer.

The candidate has to answer 100 questions only, out of 110 questions. !f any candidate has
answered questions in excess of the required number, the same will be ignored. However if
such questions stand evaluated, only the marks awarded against the requisite number of
answers attempted first will be irrcluded in the tabulation on the top sheet of the answer
book and the rest ignored.

Do not write your name or any other identity/symbols in the answer script/OMR sheet,
except in the columns provided on the fly-leaf of the answer sheet.

The candidates will not be atlowed to carry Mobile, Calculators, Logarithmic table or any
other Electronic gadgets into the examination hall.
While answering objective type questions, no corrections of any type like Cutting,
Overwriting, Erasing, scoring off a ticked answer & ticking another answer & modifying the
answer in any way, etc., are not permitted

ln case corrections are made,_such answers will not be evaluated at ail.

The candidates are permitted inside the examination halt only up to 10 minutes after the
commencement of exam. The candidates will not be allowed to Ieave the examination hall
until the completion of the exam.
The candidates shalt use only "Black& Btue" pen for writing the examination.

ln the event of any variation in the Hindi translation, the questions in Engtish Ianguage only
L. The two important parts of a 3-phase induction motor are
(a) rotor and armature (b) rotor and stator
(c) slip ring and brushes (d) stator and field

2. An insulator should have

(a) High resistance (b) High conductance
(c) Hieh conductivity (d) Allof the above

3. No. of contactors provided in star-delta starter

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4

4. Core of a transformer is made up of

(a) Aluminium (b) Carbon
(c) Lead (d) Silicon steel.

5. 'V' belt dropping/smoking/burning due to electricalfailure

(a) Load on Alt is heavY (b) Wrong alignment
(c) Loose/excessive tension (d) Allof the above

5. Colour of light depends upon

(a) frequency (b)wave len4h
(c) both (aland (b) ' (d) speed of light

7. Angle of overhead electrical line crossing to railway track shall be

(a) Right angle (b) Acute angle
(c) Obtuse angle (d) Angle does not matter.

8. Low tension cables are generally used up to

{a) 200 v (b) s00 v

(c) 700 v (d) L000 v

9. A.C. is converted into D.C. bY

(a) Dynamo (b) Motor.

(c) Transformer (d) Reaifier

10. The lnstalled capacity of Solar Plant over DRM Office building at Mysore is
(a) 1s0 kWP (b) so kwP
(c) 100 kWP (d) 7s kwP
11. Which of the following reduces the power factor?
(a) Motor on no load (b) Tube lights
(c) Fans (d) Allof the above

12. Which of the following ty-pe of bearing is generally used to support the rotor of an induction motor
(a) Ballbearing (b) Needle bearing
(c) Plummer btock (d) Bush bearing

13. VRLA Batteries means

(a) Cadmium batteries (b) Voltage regulated lead acid batteries
(c) Both a & b (d) Vatve regulated lead acid batteries

14. The Electrical lnspector at Zonal railway is

(a) PcEE t (b) Dy.cEE
(c) DRM (Elect.) (d) CESE

15. The capacity of batteries used for (RMpU) SG AC coaches is

(a) s2s AH (b) 400 AH

(c) 800 AH (d) x100 AH

16. What is the abbreviation of RBCR?

(a) Regulated Booster current (b) Regulated Battery charger

(c) Regulated Battery Current (d) Allof the above

17. What is mean by "suspension"?

(a) Suspension is an action where by railway servant is kept out of duty
(b) Suspension is an action where by railway servant is remove from duty
(c) Suspension is an action where by railway servant is dismissed from duty
(d) None ofthe above

' 18. The insulating materialfor a cable should have

(a) low cost (b) hieh dielectric strength
(c) hieh mechanicalstrength' (d) allof the above

Lg. The insulation resistan.. of .o..h is to be measured with

(a) megger (b) ohm meter
(c) continuity meter (d) none of the above

20. Technology of RMPU unit is

(a) old (b) Obsolete

(c) Latest (d) None ofthe above
21. IGBT stands for
(a) lnsulated gate bipolar transistor (b) lsolated gate bipolar transistor
(c) Both A&B (d) None of the above

22. What is the synonym of : BRIEF

(a) Limited (b) Small
(c) Little (d) Short

23. For blood donation, special casual leave can be sanction for
(a) 1 day (b) 2 days
(c) 3 days (d) 8 days

24. What is abbreviation of SAF?

(a) Supply Application Form' (b) Stores Application Form

(c) Supply Advanced Form (d) Stocking Application Form

25. What is the function of lnsulation control relays in LHB AC coach?

(a) Gives indication of higher insulation in panel
(b) Not indicate any thing
(c) Gives indication of lower insulation in panel
(d) lndicate supply position

26. What is the meaning of EOG?

(a) End of Generation (b) End on generation

(c) End over Generation (d)All the above

27. Number of overheat protector thermostats are required for one RMPU are
(a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) None of the above

- 28. The air conditioning system used in Railway coaches is

(a) Vapor compressor system (b) Circulation of cold water system

(c) lce activated system (d) Allof the above

29. Clearance of the conductor from the building for the HT lines should be
(a) 4 feet (b) feet
(c) 5 feet (d) 10 feet

30. A2 x 40W box type fiUing glows for 10 hrs in a day, electric charges for the month of
June @ Rs. 3/- per unit will be Rs. .........
(a) 18.00 (b) 03.60
, (c) 72.00 (d) s0.00
31. Which test is conducted on alltransformers in a manufacturing concern?
(a) Routine test (b) Type test
(c) Specialtest (d) All above

32. For a 10 HP pump set which type of starter is suitabte

(a) DOL (b) Star Delta
(c) Auto Transformer (d) None of the above

33. Clearance of the lowest conductor (across the street)from the ground for HT lines should be

(a) 17 feet (b) 18 feet

(c) 19 feet (d) 20 feet

34. Lower power factor of a DG iet demands

(a) Lower excitation currents (b) Higher excitation currents
(c) No change in excitation currents (d) None of the above

35. PVC stands for

(a) Poly Vinyl Chloride (b) Poly Vimal Chloride
(c) Polymer Chloride (d) None ofthe above

36. Processing of a tender case after the opening of tenders depends on -

(a) Estimated value of purchase
(b) Value of the case as per highest offer
(c) Value of the case as per lowest offer
(d) None ofthe above

37. One Kilowatt =

(a) 1.314 HP (b) 13.41 HP

(c) 134.1HP (d) 1341 HP

38. Efficiency of a power transformer is of the order of

(a) 100 % (bl 98o/o
(c) s0% (dl 70%

39. Nameplate kW or HP rating of a motor indicates

(a) input kW to the motor (b) output kW of the motor
(c) minimum input kW to the motor (d) maximum input kW to the motor

40. Which relayoperates ifthere is a heavy increase in load current?

(a) EFR (b)ovR

(c) OLR (dlThermal Relay

41. How many vane relays are available in LHB AC coach?
(a) one (b) Two
(c) Four (d) None

42. Children playing in the ground.

(a) is (b) a
- (d) have

43. The power requirement of the DG set is determined by:

(albase load (b) Maximum load
(c) Partialload (d) Zero load

44. The codal life of lead acid TUAC cells is _

(a) O years " (b) 03 years
(c) 02 years (d) 10 years

45. The electrical energy consumption on water coolers donated by private parties is to be borne by
(a) The donating party (b) Railways
(c) SEB (d)Through collection from pubtic

46. Rating of AC fuses to be provided in 25kw MA type RR unit

(a) 12sA HRC (b) 1604 HRc
(c) Either (a)or (b) (d) None of the above

47 . Size of V belts used for driving 110V 4.5 kW TL atternators

lal CL22 (b) c118

Gl CLza (d) Noneoftheabove

48. The normal body temperature of human being is

(a) 37'C (b) 98.5'PF
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None ofthe above

49. Output PWM voltage of inverter section of 25 KVA inverter of RMPU AC coach is

(a) 6s0vDC (b) 22oVDc

(c) 2aV DC (d) 3 phase 41s V AC

50. What is the abbreviation form of ELCB

(a) Earth Leakage Coil lireaker

(b) Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
(c) Electrical Leakage Circuit Breaker
(d) None ofthe above.
51. The size of copper wire used for point wiring in sq mrn is

(a) l.s (b) 2.s

(c) 4 (d) 10

52. The cotour of moisten silica ge! is

(a) Yellow (b) BIue
(c) Pink (d) Green

53. Which of the following is to be necessarity kept in an electric substation?

(a) First aid box (b) Stretche t
(c) Earthing rod (d) Allof the above

54. The transformer ratings are usuatly expressed in terms of

(a) Volts t (b) amperes
(c) KW (d) KVA

55. What is the capacity of alternator of EOG power car?

(a) 280 KVA (b) 490 KVA
(c) 500 KVA (d) 4s0 KVA

56. A kilowatt-hour is a unit of

(a) Energy (b) Electricalpotentiat
(c) Power (d) Electric current

57. lf pump discharge pressure is low, then probable cause is

(a) Lack of prime (b) Gas or air in liquid

(c) Bent shaft (d) Moisture in lubricating oil

58. An evaporator is atso known as

(a) Freezing coil {b} Cooling coil
(c) Chilllng coil (d) All of the above

59. ln a VED anatysis "V" stands ior -

(a) Vague items (b) Very costly items
(c) Vital item (d) Variety of items

60. Transformer oil shall be free from

(a) Odour (b) Gases
(c) Temperature (d) Moisture.
5L. The weekty duty hours of a clerk in the administrative office is
lal a2 Hours (b) 45 Hours
(c) a0 Hours (d) 48 Hours

62. The span of the OH electrical line crossingthe railwaytrack is restricted to

(a) 100 m (b) 200 m
(c) 300 m (d) 400 m

63. Quantity of refrigerant to be Charged for one AC circuit of RMPU is about

(a) About 3 (b) About 20Kgs
(c)About 30Kgs (d) None

64. Solar energy is used for

(a) Lighting (b) Cooking
(c) Battery charging " (d) All above

65. Disinfectlon of drinking water is done to remove:

(a) Turbidity (b) Odor
(c) Color (d) Bacteria

56. GI or Steel strip electrodes used for earthing shoutd not be less than

{a) 25 mm x 4mm (b} 20 mm x 3 mm

(c) 25mm x 3mm (d) 20mm x 4mm

67. Smoke detector in LHB power car works on

(a) 2aV DC (b) 110V Ac
(c) 110v DC -?
(d) 24v Ac

68. How many centrifugal double inlet exhaust fans are available in LHB AC coach?

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4

69. ln wiring circuit the fuse *iit U" placed on

(a) Phase (b) Neutral
(c) Both A&B (d) None of the above

70. Refrigerant is used in RMPU is

(a) R407C (b) R12

(c) RBaA (d) None ofthe above
71. Maximum permissible earth resistance at major $ub-stations is

(a) 0.5 ohm (b) l ohm -

(c) 2 ohms (d) 8 ohms

72. D}Lstarting of induction motors is usually restricted to

,' (a) low horsepower motors

(b) variable speed motors
(c) high horsepower motors (d) hieh speed motors

73. Which of the following is not a renewable energy source

(a) Solar (b) Biogas
(c) Wind (d) coal

74. On Sports Quota recruitment is made in

(a) Group "B" t (b) Group "c"
(c) Group "c" &"D" (d) None of the above

75. What do you mean bY HOG sYstem?

(a) High On generation (b) Head on generation
(c) Head over generation (d) None ofthe above

76. ln ABC analysis of items, "A" category items represent

(a) Low consumption value items (b) lmportant items
(c) High Annualconsumption value itefns (d) High rate items

77. > (a)756 watts (b) 746 watts
(c) 850 watts (d) 856 watts

78. The capacity of cell is measured in

(a) Ampere hour (b) Watt hour
(c) Amperes (d) Watts

79. Auto cad is used for

(a) manufacturing (bldrafting
(c) simulation (d) Programming

80. While measuring the earth leakages by double test lamp, lamps should have
(a) same wattage (b) different wattage
(c) anywattage (d) none of the above
81. Capacitor opposes
(a) tnstantaneous change of voltage (b) lnstantaneous change of current
(c) lnstantaneous change in resistance (d) None ofthe above

82. The BDV of transformer oil should be

(a) 20 kV (b) 30 kv
(c) a0 kv (d) so kv

83. The code of pfactice for earthing is governed by

(a) lS:3043 (b) 6: a3a0
(c) lS:48a0 (d) lS: aa30

84. The unit of Iuminous flux is

(a) watt/ m2 (b) watt
(c) lumen/ m2 (d) lumen

85. Which of the following is most effective method of artificial respiration?

(a) Mouth to mouth air pumping method
(b) To use bicycle air pumP
(c) Botha&b
(d) None ofthe above

86. Which of the voltage is not available for lndian distribution system?
(a) 33 kv (b) 11kv
(c) 280 v (d) 433 v

87. The maximum variation allowed in frequency of AC supply is

(al !3o/o (bl !Lo/o

lcl t+o/o ldl ls%

88. What is the present CPCB norms followed by diesel engines of EOG power car?
(a) CPCB I (b) cPcB !t
(c) CPCB lll (d) cPcB rv

89. ln case of three core flexible cable the colour of the neutral is

(a) blue (b) black

(c) brown (d) None ofthe above

90. Paternity leave can be sanctioned up to

(a) 12 days (b) 15 days
(c) 20 days (d) 08 days
91. The capacity of alternators are used for BG 110v roof mounted AC coach
(a) 3kw (b) 18kw
(c) 25kw (d) None of the above

92. Capacity of rotary switches provided in rotary junction box is

(a) aoA (b) 16A
(c) 10A (d) 1sA

93. What is the main object of the payment and wages Act?
(a) Wages should be paid in time {b) No unauthorized deductions from Wages
(c) Both a & b (d) None ofthe above

94. 110V circuit cables insulation test to be done by with...........Volts megger

(a) 23ov ' (b) s00v
(c) 1000V (d) Noneof theabove

95. Disposal of scrap may be done by

(a) Auction (b) Sale by tender
(c) Sale to other Govt. department (d) All of the above.
and undertaking

96. What is the abbreviation of WCA?

(a) Worker compensation act (b) Workmen's compensation act
(c) Worker company act (d) None of the above

97. Octagon is having sides

(a) s (b) 5
(c) 7 (d) 8

98. ln three phase 415 volts 50 Hz supply, the phase to phase voltage is

(a) 110 volts (b) 415 volts

(c) 220 volts (d) 130 volts

99. lnstrument used for measuring the voltage across a circuit is

(a) Ammeter (b)voltmeter

(c) Thermometer (d) None above

L00. The pH value of neutral water is

(a) o (b) 7
(c) s (d) 1.4
101. When was the Official Languages Act 1963 passed ?

(a) 10.05.1e4e (b) 10.qs.1e63

(c) 10.05.1e5e (d) 10.0s.1es2

102. When is 'Hindi Day' cdlebrated every year ?

(a) January 26 (b) FebruarY 14

(c) September L4. (d) SePtember 25

103.. At present how many languages are enlisted in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution?

{al 2a (b) 28
(c) 2s ldl 22

104. When was the Official Lan$uage Rules passed ?

(a) 1e76 (b) 1'e63

(c) 1e81 (d) 1ss2

105. Who is the Chairman of Central HindiCommittee ?

(a) Chief Minister (b) Prime Minister

(c) Home Minister (d) State Minister

106. !n which months, regular Hindi examination are conducted?

(a) January and April (b) March and August
(c) May and November (d) April and September

107. ln which order of languages the station Announcement are to be made?

(a) Trilingual (b) Bilingua!
(c) Unilingual (d) None of the above

i.08. Which is the elementary Hindi course prescribed for Central Government employees?
(a) Prathama (b) Praveena
(c) Prabudha (d) Prabodh

109. What is the duration for Hindi conversation course ?

(a) 20 hours (b) 30 hours

(c) a0 hours (d) None of the above

110. What is the Foreign language included in the eighth schedule?

(a) Bajpuri (b) Enelish
(c) Nepali (d) Bengali
d:: h:: : :::qim -t - eOoZ. :.: fi,.S : U

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2e. Hr *rqfr h f{q rr+c t +sffi ff ffi €rfi qGq

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30. A2 x 40w qTffi q-m1 q-fi ftc t I o dt h tr{q ftErr qrmr t, TA+ h'frq G-g( tlcs

' (q 18.00 6t) 03.60

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(q) t{e tfit'.;

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