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Pattern of Question, Syllabus & Probable Q & A of The Exam. For Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Through PSC

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Guidance for ITI / Diploma / B.Tech. Course Passed z A ppointment & Career News z Vol. 12 z Issue No.

pointment & Career News z Vol. 12 z Issue No. 46 z 26th August, 2017 z 3

Pattern of Question, Syllabus & Probable Q & A of the

Exam. for Assistant Engineer (Electrical) through PSC
The selection procedure for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) conducted by Public Service Commission comprises of Written Test & Personal Interview. The
written test will comprises of 100 multiple choice objective type question of 200 marks based on Technical Knowledge of Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Computer.
Qualified candiates will be called for Interview of 100 marks. The important chapters of Electrical discipline are as follows : Basic Electrical Engineering (Ohms Law,
Joules Law, Battery), Field Theory, Engineering Materials, A.C. Fundamental, Measuring Instruments, Electrical Machine (D.C. Machine, Induction Machine), Alternator
& Sychronous Motor their Construction, Speed Control & Different Use, Transformer (Construction, Characteristics, Use, Condition of Parallel Operation), Illumination,
Transmission & Distribution, Switch Gear Protection (Rise of Restriking Voltage, Surge Voltage), Laplace Transform & Transfer Function, Basic Electronics. In Mechanical
discipline : Strength of Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics (Centrifugal & Reciprocating Pump), Welding. In Electronics discipline : Basic Electronics
& Power Electronics. In Computer Engineering : Basic Computer Application. In this issue the previous year question paper of 2009, 2012 & 2013 and probable questions
of 2017 of following chapter Measuring Instrument, Induction Motor are discussed by Career Counsellor Subrata Kumar Sinha along with 53 questions & answers.

MEASURING INSTRUMENT 14. Electronic null detectors have 7. The temperature co-efficient of resistance manganin resistance is used in series with
20. Magnetic recording tape is commonly made from (a) low sensitivity (b) high sensitivity (c) excellent for shunt and instrument should be the instrument calculate the error caused
(a) small particles of iron (b) silicon iron (c) ferric oxide sensitivity, rugged and more expensive (d) excellent (a) High (b) Medium (c) Low (d) None of these by 100C rise in temperature
(d) none of the above sensitivity, rugged and fairly expensive 9. The function of swamping resistor put (a) 0.097% (b) 0.9% (c) 0.97% (d) 0.01%
[ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2008 ] 16. The E.M.F. of a Weston standard cell can be measured in series with the moving coil of a moving 1(b). 2(c). 3(d). 4(b). 5(a). 6(c). 7(c). 9(d).
11. By the two wattmeter method, the three phase power by coil meter is 11(d). 12(c). 13(b). 14(a). 15(a). 16(d).
can be measured for (a) Galvanometer (b) electrostatic type voltmeter (c) hot (a) To achieve full scale sensivity of the 17(a). 18(d). 19(a).20(c).
(a) a balanced load (b) an unbalanced load (c) both wire voltmeter (d) potentiometer meter (b) To reduce the full scale current
balanced and unbalanced loads (d) none of the above 17. What will happen if a voltmeter is connected like an (c) To increase the strength of the field (d) INDUCTION MOTOR
[ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2012 ] ammeter in series to the load To compensate for transporative variation 56. A 3-phase slip-ring induction motor
55. A multimeter, for measuring resistance, is connected (a) The meter will burn out (b) The measurement will be 11. Find the value of sensitivity of a 100 has 4-pole stator and 2-pole rotor. With its
to one terminal of primary and the other terminal of too high (c) An in admissiably high current will flow (d) A meter stator energised from 50 Hz source, the
secondary. The multimeter reading would be There will be almost no current in the circuit (a) 5k/V (b) 1k/V rotor would run at a no load speed
(a) zero (b) infinity (c) equal to the resistance of the 18. Two ammeters one with full-scale current of 1 mA and (c) 100k/V (d) 10k/V (a) somewhat less than 1500 r.p.m. (b)
windings (d) none of the above internal resistance of 100 ohms, and the other a full scale 12. Ohmmeter is a device somewhat less than 3000 r.p.m. (c)
[ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ] current of 10 mA and internal resistance of 25 ohms, are (a) to measure the resistance directly (b) somewhat less than 2000 r.p.m. (d) of zero
2. When a PMMC voltmeter is connected across a 50Hz in parallel. What is the total current these two meters can It consist a PMMC instrument in series r.p.m.
supply carry without any meter reading out of scale with a battery & a rheostat (c) both (a) & [ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
(a) the voltmeter will get damaged (b) the pointer will have (a) 1 mA (b) 10 mA (c) 14 mA (d) 5 mA (b) currect (d) none of these 57. A 3-phase squirrel cage induction
full deflection (c) the pointer will oscillate to and fro (d) 19. Bearing used for supporting pointer is 13. In a Ohmmeter if the resistance of motor has its stator rewound for 6-poles
the instrument will indicate zero (a) Needle bearing (b) Ball bearing (c) Roller bearing (d) rheostat is 50 & voltage of battery is without any alteration in the rotor. If its
3. Range of an ammeter can be increased by connecting Jewel bearing 100V. Then at full-scale deflection the stator is now energised from a 50 Hz
with it 20. For measuring the value of resistance, which of the value of current source the motor would run at a no load
(a) high resistance in series (b) high resistance in parallel meter will give accurate result. (a) 1A (b) 2A (c) 5A (d) 100A speed
(c) low resistance in series (d) low resistance in parallel (a) Ohm meter (b) Multimeter (c) Potentimeter (d) Vacuum 14. Insulation resistance of electrical (a) somewhat less than 1000 r.p.m. (b)
4. When the pointer of an indicating instrument comes to tube volt meter (V.T.V.M) cables is measure by somewhat less that 1500 r.p.m. (c)
rest in the final deflected position 21. The value of capacitance of a capacitor is specified (a) megger (b) protentio meter (c) somewhat less than 2000 r.p.m. (d) of zero
(a) only deflecting torque acts (b) deflecting and controlling as 1f 5% by the manufacturer. Find the limits ohmmeter (d) ammeter volt meter method r.p.m.
torques act (c) damping & controlling torques act (d) (a) 0.90 to 1F (b) 0.95 to 1.05F (c) 0.09 to 1.05F (d) 15. The deflection of moving system in the [ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
deflecting, damping & controlling torques act 0.95 to 1.5F megger 58. The speed of a 3-phase induction
5. Holes are drilled on the opposite sides of the disc of an 22. A 0-150V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1 (a) independent of the applied voltage (b) motor is controlled by controlling its supply
induction type energymeter to percent of full scale reading. The voltage measured by the dependent of the applied voltage (c) either frequency. If the speed of the . machine is
(a) avoid creep on no load (b) balance the disc (c) instrument is 75V calculate the limiting error in percent. (a) or (b) (d) none of these reduced by reducing the frequency by
dissipate the energy due to eddy current (d) increase the (a) 20% (b) 10% (c) 1% (d) 2% 16. The energy meter consist of 50% of the rated frequency, to keep the
deflecting torque 2(a). 3(d). 4(b). 5(a). 6(d). 7(c). 9(a). 10(c). 11(a). 12(d). (a) two electromagnets one connected in flux in the machine constant, the motor
6. The phenomenon of creeping occurs in 13(c). 14(d). 16(b). 17(c). 18(d). 19(d). 20(d). 21(b). series & other connected in shunt (b) an voltage compared to rated voltage must be
(a) hot wire instruments (b) air damping instruments (c) 22(d). aluminium disc placed between the two (a) increased by 25% (b) increased by
instruments used in A.C. (d) energy meters 1. A wattmeter can be used electromagnet (c) counting mechanism (d) 50% (c) decreased by 50% (d) decreased
7. The most precision type instrument is (a) Only for one rated current (b) For diffrent rated current all of these by 25%
(a) hot wire type (b) M.I. type (c) PMMC type (d) without any change (c) Different rating current with 17. The series magnet of energy meter [ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
dynanamometer type change of connection without multiplier (d) With different wound with 59. An induction motor having a full load
9. Meter Constant of induction type energy meter is currents with changes of connections and multiplier (a) a heavy wire of few turns is connected torque of 60 N-m when delta-connected
(a) K Wh/rev (b) K W/rev (c) rev/KW (d) kw only 2. The creeping error in single phase energy mater can in series (b) a fine wire of few turns is develops a starting torque of 120 N-m. For
10. To take care of change in frequency of A.C. current, be minimised by connected in series (c) a heavy wire of the same supply voltage, if the motor is
while using moving iron type instruments (a) Adjusting braking magnet (b) Use of short circuited many turns is connected in series (d) a fine changed to star connection, the starting
(a) an induction coil is used (b) a conductor of suitable loops on the outer limbs of the shunt magnet (c) Drilling wire of many turns is connected in series torque developed will be
value is used in series with the swamp resistance (c) a tow holes in the disc on the opposite side of the spindle 18. Creeping error causes due to (a) 40 N-m (b) 60 N-m (c) 90 N-m (d) 120
condenser of suitable value is used in prallel with the (d) Adjusting the shaded band (a) over compensation for friction (b) N-m
swamp resistance (d) a balancing circuit is provided 3. Megger is a combination of excessive supply voltage (c) stray [ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
11. The accuracy of a 0-100mV is + 5%. A full scale (a) Motor and generator (b) Generator and voltmeter (c) magnetic fields (d) all of these 60. The m.rn.f. produced by the rotor
reading of may be due to a voltage of Generator and ammeter (d) Generator and ohm meter 19. A moving coil instrument whese currents of a 3-phase induction motor
(a) 105mV or 95mV (b) 110mV or 90mV (c) 100mV (d) 4. The term Artifical aging in instrument is associated resistance 25 gives a full scale deflection (a) rotates at the speed of the rotor in the
90mV with with a current of 1mA. This instrument is air gap (b) is at standstill with respect to
12. A 0-100 a ammeter has been guaranteed accuracy (a) Springs (b) Permanent Magnet (c) Controlling torque to be used with a manganin shunt to stator m.m.f . (c) rotates at slip speed with
of 2% on full scale reading. What will be the limiting error (d) Damping extend its range to 100mA. Calculate the respect to stator (d) rotates at
when meter is measuring 10 amperes 5. The maximum generated voltage of a megger is error caused by 100C rise in temperature synchronous speed with respect to rotor
(a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 10% (d) 20% (a) 2.5KV (b) 25KV (c) 250KV(d) 1KV when copper moving coil is connected [ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
13. A Q-meter works on the principal of 6. Megger can be used for testing directly across the manganin shunt. 63. In a single phase induction motor, the
(a) mutual inductance (b) self-inductance (c) series (a) Open circuit (b) Short circuit (c) Open and short circuit (a) 3.7% (b) 3% (c) 4.5% (d) 5% starting torque is
resonance circuit (d) parallel resonance circuit both (d) High resisitance circuit only 20. In the above problem if a 75 (a) zero (b) low (c) high (d) uniform
[ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]
64. Capacitor-start capacitor run induction
motor is basically
(a) a two phase motor (b) a a.c. series
motor (c) a commutator motor (d) a
synchronous motor
[ PSC Assistant Engineer - 2013 ]


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