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Q4-English-Week 3

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School: Grade Level: ONE - Checked by:

(Based on DepEd Order 42 s. 2016) Teaching Dates and Time: APRIL ____, 2024 Quarter/Week: Q4 WEEK 3 Date:


APRIL __, 2024 APRIL ___, 2024 APRIL __, 2024 APRIL ___, 2024
I.OBJECTIVES The learner…
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates mastery of basic skills in English language arts; communicates appropriately, fluently and accurately orally and writes for a variety
of purposes in different social and academic context at his/her level while carrying out real life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally
literate and competent local, national, and global citizen.
B. Performance Standards The learner listens for comprehension, speaks clearly and uses appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, family, and other
social context interactions
C. Learning Competencies/ Recognize describing words for Recognize describing words for Recognize describing words for Recognize describing words for
Objectives people, objects,things and places people, objects,things and places people, objects,things and places people, objects,things and places
(color, shape, size, height, weight, (color, shape, size, height, weight, (color, shape, size, height, weight, (color, shape, size, height, weight,
length, distance, etc.) length, distance, etc.) length, distance, etc.) length, distance, etc.)
EN1G-IVf-j-5 EN1G-IVf-j-5 EN1G-IVf-j-5 EN1G-IVf-j-5
II.CONTENT Describing Words

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129
2.Learners’s Materials pages PIVOT Module pp. 12-17 PIVOT Module pp12-17 PIVOT Module pp. 12-17 PIVOT Module pp. 12-17
ADM-Module 2 ADM-Module 2 ADM-Module 2 ADM-Module 2
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource Pictures, charts, powerpoint, activity Pictures, charts, powerpoint, activity Pictures, charts, powerpoint, Pictures, charts, powerpoint, activity
sheet. television sheet. television activity sheet. television sheet. television

A. Reviewing previous lesson or In your previous lesson, you learned Recap Recap Directions: Listen very well as the
presenting the new lesson about action Underline the words that describe Identify the words that describe story is read. Then, answer the
words. Action words are words that persons. the following objects questions that follow.
show or express an 1. Tine is beautiful. 1. The ball is round.
action. 2. My friend is kind. 2. The stone is heavy.
3. Lito is a bright kid. 3. This apple is red.
Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
Help, study, run, eat, jump, play, and 4. Hannah is a lovely girl. 4. The table is big.
sleep are 5. Josh is handsome. 5. The board is rectangular.
examples of action words.

Can you give other examples of

words that show or tell action?

B. Establishing a purpose for the In this lesson, you are expected to: In this lesson, you are expected to: In this lesson, you are expected In this lesson, you are expected to:
lesson describe people, things, objects and describe people, things, objects and to: describe people, things, describe people, things, objects and
places; and recognize describing places; and recognize describing objects and places; and places; and recognize describing
words for people, things, objects and words for people, things, objects recognize describing words for words for people, things, objects and
Places. and Places. people, things, objects and Places.

Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
C. Presenting Examples/ Take a look at this picture. He is Tony. There are many things and objects Let’s read!
instances of the new lesson around us. We Read and answer th following
should be able to tell their names 1. Our house is small but nice. questions.
like table, toy and pencil. 2. Our school is far from home. 1. What words describe Dolly? a.
Tony has a black hair. 3. The church is rectangular in pretty and good b. happy and lovely
We should also know words to shape. c. brave and helpful d. industrious
The underlined word black is a describe them. and polite
describing word. Black Now, what are the describing
refers to the color of his hair. Read the sentences that describe words in the sentences? 2. What word describes the school?
the following pictures. a. far b. small c. large d. beautiful
They are small, nice, far and 3. Based on the story, how many
rectangular. notebooks are there? a. six b. four c.
three d. seven
The pillow is soft.
What did you observe about these 4. What is the color of the pen? a. red
Miss Beth is a kind teacher. words? b. blue c. black d. orange
5. What word describes the bag? a.
The describing word in this sentence is The describe places. big b. small c. brown d. yellow
the word “kind”. They describe places by their
It tells something about the character size, distance, and shape.
of Miss Beth.
The table is long.

Mr. Romero is a tall man.

The describing word in this sentence is

the word “tall”. It
tells something about the height of Mr.

D. Discussing new concepts and Describing words are words that tell How do we describe things and A describing word tells something A describing word tells something
practicing new skills #1 something about objects? about a noun or about a noun or
people, places, animals, things and pronoun. It is a word that gives pronoun. It is a word that gives more
events We can describe objects or things more information about the information about the
by their color, noun that goes with it. Nouns are noun that goes with it. Nouns are
For now let us focus on the describing shape, size, height, weight, length, words that name a place, words that name a place,

Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
words that are and quality. a person, a thing, or an idea. a person, a thing, or an idea.
used for people, such as character,
color, shape, size, Example: Example:
height, weight, length, distance. The ball is round. (shape) There is a yellow house in the
The apple is red. (color) village.
Here is a table showing some The rope is long.(size)
examples of describing The tree is tall. (height) How is the house being described
words for people The house is beautiful. (quality) in the sentence?

It is described by the color of the

house which is yellow.

The church is old.

The describing word in the
sentence is old.
It describes the age of the church.

Below are more examples of

describing words. Let’s read them

E. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice: Guided Practice:
practicing new skills #2 Choose the word that best Say YES if the underlined word Choose the correct describing word
Choose the correct describing word for describes each object. in the sentence is a for each picture.
the given picture describing word for a place, and
in every number. write NO if not.

Her bedroom is painted white.

( small, big)
The answer is YES. The
underlined word is a describing
word because it describes the
Sarah is_________. ( big, beautiful) ( square, rectangular)
color of a place which is
her bedroom.
The answer is beautiful. The word
beautiful describes
Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
how Sarah looks. ( yellow, blue) The mountain is high.
The answer is YES The
describing word in the sentence is
It describes the height of the
( heavy, light) mountain.

The restaurant is near our house.

Mrs. Manalo is _________ with a baby The answer is YES
in her tummy. ( tall, heavy) The describing word in the
sentence is near.
The describing word in this sentence is It describes the distance of the
the word restaurant from the
“heavy”. It tells something about the speaker’s house.
weight of Manalo.

He is a _______ boy. ( slim , chubby)

The answer is “chubby”. It tells

something about the shape of his
F. Developing Mastery What do we call the words tell What do we call the words tell What do we call the words tell What do we call the words that tell
something about people ? Give more something about things? Give more something about places? Give something about
examples examples more examples people, places, animals, things and
G. Finding Practical application Draw family doing things together. Draw your favorite toy and clothes . Draw your favorite palce to go
of concepts and skills in daily Use describing words to tell something Use describing words to tell with your family. Use describing
living about each something favorite. words to tell something favorite
member including yourself. place.

H. Making generalization and Describing words are words that Describing words are words that Describing words describe a noun Describing words describe a noun
abstraction about the lesson describe people, things, objects and describe people, things, objects and which is a name to which is a name to
places. places. call a person, a place, an animal, call a person, a place, an animal, a
These words describe color, shape, These words describe color, shape, a thing or idea. They also thing or idea. They also
size, height, size, height, describe pronouns like he, she, it, describe pronouns like he, she, it,
Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
weight, length, distance, and more weight, length, distance, and more they, etc. They can be they, etc. They can be
placed before or after a noun. placed before or after a noun.
They usually come before the words They usually come before the words Also remember that in describing Also remember that in describing
they describe. they describe. places, you may tell places, you may tell
about them according to their about them according to their color,
color, size, shape, distance, size, shape, distance,
weight, height, length, and quality. weight, height, length, and quality
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the correct Pick out the correct describing Choose the correct describing word
answer that best describes word in each sentence. that best fits the sentence. Write your
Underline the correct describing word the following objects. Circle the Circle the letter of the correct answers in your notebook.
inside the parentheses. letter of the answer. answer. 1. Grandmother is ( young , old ) now.
1. Catherine plays well. She is a (bad, 2. Mina and Nina like to eat ( green ,
good) player. 1. The cooking pot is ______. 1. It’s dangerous to swim in the white ) apples.
2. Mr. Santos is 65 years old. He is an A. hot B. cold C. freezing river. It is _____. 3. Metal is a ( hard , soft ) object.
(young, old) man. 2. The pencil is _________. A. deep B. shallow C. blue 4. The ball is ( round , flat ).
3. The baby has a (soft, hard) skin. A. big B. long C. tall 2. The room is _____. I cannot 5. Elephants are ( big , small )
4. Ronald can carry heavy things. 3. The bamboo tree is ______ see anything. animals.
He is a (strong, weak) man. A. short B. small C. tall A. bright B. dark C. shiny
5. Ben shares his food with Leo. Ben is 3. The tree is very _____. It’s
(generous, 4. The blackboard is ________. difficult to climb.
smart). A. circular B. rectangular C. tall A. short B. tall C. flat
5. The ice cream cone is ________.
A. circular B. square C. triangular 4. There are many activities in the
city. The city is _____.
A. quiet B. peaceful C. busy

Give the correct describing word

for the place in the


A. cold
B. hot
C. bright
Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
V.REMARKS  Continue lesson  Continue lesson  Continue lesson  Continue lesson
 Proceed to the next lesson  Proceed to the next lesson  Proceed to the next lesson  Proceed to the next lesson
 Re-teach lesson  Re-teach lesson  Re-teach lesson  Re-teach lesson

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Address: Gomez St. Kapalaran Subd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Kapalaran Elementary School
e-mail address: / 0977 245 9732

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