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Crime and

Alida V. Merlo
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

George E. Higgins
University of Louisville

G. Larry Mays
New Mexico State University
Criminal Justice Series

Crime and

Fifteenth Edition

Sue Titus Reid, JD, Ph.D

Reubin O’Donovan. Askew School of Public Administration & Policy
The Florida State University
Copyright © 2018 CCH Incorporated.

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To Dr. Walter C. Hellinger

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About the Author

Sue Titus Reid, a professor in the Reubin O’Donovan Askew School of

Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University,
Tallahassee, has taught law students, graduate students, and
undergraduate students in many states. She has served on the board of
the Midwest Sociological Society and the executive staff of the
American Sociological Association. She has served as chairperson,
associate dean, and dean. In 1985, she held the prestigious George Beto
Chair in criminal justice at the Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston
State University, Huntsville, Texas. From 1976 to 1977, she served as a
visiting distinguished professor at the University of Tulsa College of
Law and then joined the faculty as a professor and later served as an
associate dean. In 1979, Dr. Reid received the Distinguished Alumna
Award from Texas Woman’s University, and in 2000, she received a
university award “for excellence in teaching” at Florida State University.
Dr. Reid’s formal training in criminology began in graduate school,
but her interest in the field dates back to her early childhood. She was
strongly influenced in her career by her father, who was born in the jail
where his father, the undersheriff of a small east Texas county, lived with
his family. As a child, she helped her father in his grocery store and was
quite disturbed when, on three separate occasions, he was victimized by
criminals, one an armed robber. In each instance, the offender took all
the cash and checks; no one was ever apprehended, and the family was
temporarily left homeless as a result of the business failure.
Dr. Reid graduated with honors from Texas Woman’s University in
1960 and received graduate degrees in sociology (MA in 1962 and PhD
in 1965) from the University of Missouri-Columbia. In 1972, she
graduated with distinction from the University of Iowa College of Law.
She was admitted to the Iowa Bar that year and later to the District of
Columbia Court of Appeals. She has also been admitted to practice
before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Dr. Reid is unique among authors in the criminal justice field
because of her distinguished qualifications in both law and the social
sciences. She launched her text publishing career with Crime and
Criminology in 1976, and this edition is the fifteenth, making it the first
text in criminology to go into that many editions. Dr. Reid’s other titles
include The Correctional System: An Introduction; Criminal Law: The
Essentials 3d edition; Criminal Justice Essentials, 10th edition; and
Criminal Law, 9th edition. She has contributed articles to the
Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice and the Encyclopedia of American
Prisons, as well as to other books, in addition to publishing scholarly
articles in both law and sociology.
Dr. Reid’s contributions to her profession have been widely
recognized nationally and abroad. In 1982, the American Society of
Criminology elected her a fellow “for outstanding contributions to the
field of Criminology.” Other national honors include the following:
Who’s Who Among Women; Who’s Who in America; Who’s Who in
American Education; Who’s Who in Criminal Law; 2,000 Notable
Women (Hall of Fame for Outstanding Contributions to Criminal Law,
1990); Personalities of America; and Most Admired Woman of the
Decade, 1992.
Her international honors include numerous recognitions from the
International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, including
the prestigious International Order of Merit. The IBC named Dr. Reid an
inaugural member as one of the Top 100 Educators—2008, an honor
limited by the IBC “to those individuals who, in our belief, have made a
significant enough contribution in their field to engender influence on a
local, national or international basis.” Among the other international
honors received by Dr. Reid are the following: International Woman of
the Year, 1991-1992; International Who’s Who of Intellectuals;
International Who’s Who of Professionals; International Who’s Who of
Professional and Business Women; International Order of Merit, 1993;
Who’s Who in the World; International Biographical Centre, England,
Marquis Who’s Who in the World; and the Manchester Who’s Who
Among Executive and Professional Women.
Dr. Reid has traveled extensively to widen her knowledge of
criminal justice systems in the United States and in other countries. In
1982, she was a member of the Eisenhower Foundation sponsored
People-to-People Crime Prevention delegation to the People’s Republic
of China. Her international travels included a three-month study and
lecture tour of ten European countries in 1985. She has served as a legal
consultant, and she is an honorary member of the Jackson, New
Hampshire Police Department.
In August 2010, the Commission on Physical and Mental
Disabilities of the 400,000-member American Bar Association featured
Dr. Reid as its monthly spotlight on lawyers and judges who, despite
disabilities, have made significant contributions to the legal profession.
Dr. Reid lives in Texas and New Hampshire while continuing her
teaching as a Professor at Florida State University.
Brief Contents


Part I Introduction to the Study of Crime and

1. Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminology
2. The Measurement of Crime and Its Impact

Part II Explanations of Criminal Behavior

3. Early Explanations of Criminal Behavior and Their
Modern Counterparts
4. Biological and Psychological Theories of Criminal
5. Sociological Theories of Criminal Behavior I: The
Social-Structural Approach
6. Sociological Theories of Criminal Behavior II: The
Social-Process Approach

Part III Types of Crime

7. Violent Crimes
8. Property Crimes
9. Business- and Government-Related Crimes
10. Drug Abuse, Drug Trafficking, and Organized Crime

Part IV Criminal Justice Systems

11. U.S. Criminal Justice Systems
12. Police
13. Court Systems

Part V Social Reaction to Crime: Corrections

14. The Confinement of Offenders
15. Corrections in the Community

Appendix A Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

Appendix B How to Read a Court Citation

Case Index
Name Index
General Index
Photo Credits


Part I Introduction to the Study of Crime

and Criminology

Chapter 1: Crime, Criminal Law, and


Chapter Outline
The Concept of Crime
An Act or Omission
The Intent Requirement and Its Exceptions
Violation of the Elements of Criminal Law
Without Justification or Defense
Felony or Misdemeanor
The Judge or Jury as Final Decision Maker
The Concept of Law
Law as Social Control
The Extent of Criminal Law
Criminology and the Study of Crime
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 2: The Measurement of Crime and Its


Chapter Outline
Sources of Crime Data
The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
The National Incident-Based Reporting System
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
Self-Report Data (SRD)
The National Criminal History Improvement
Program (NCHIP)
Crime in the United States: An Overview
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Data
Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Data
Characteristics of Offenders
Characteristics of Crime Victims
Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Victims
Analysis of Crime Data Collection
Research in Criminology
Basing Policy Decisions on Research
The Search for Explanations
Selection of a Research Method
Errors in Interpreting Data
The Importance of Research Methods
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Part II Explanations of Criminal Behavior

Chapter 3: Early Explanations of Criminal

Behavior and Their Modern Counterparts

Chapter Outline
The Historical Background of Punishment and
Criminal Law
The Classical Beginnings
The Neoclassical School
The Positivist School
The Classical and Positivist Schools Compared
Punishment Philosophies
Just Deserts
Research on Deterrence
Policy Implications of Deterrence Theory
Deterrence and Rational Choice Theories
Moral Filtering and Deterrence
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 4: Biological and Psychological Theories

of Criminal Behavior

Chapter Outline
Biological Factors and Criminal Behavior
Lombroso and the Positivists
Physique and Crime
Genetic Factors
Studies of Families
Studies of Twins
Studies of Adoptees
Genetics and Behavior: A Modern View
Biosocial Factors
Obstetric Factors
Neurological Factors
Psychological Factors and Criminal Behavior
Mental Illness: A Brief Look
Personality Theory
Intelligence and Crime
Cognitive Development Theory
Behavior Theory
Learning Theory
Implications of Biological and Psychological Theories
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 5: Sociological Theories of Criminal

Behavior I: The Social-Structural Approach

Chapter Outline
Statistical Background of Studies of Crime
Ecological Theories
The Chicago School and Its Impact
Contemporary Research on Urban Crime and
Anomie/Strain Theories
The Study of Gangs
Cultural Transmission Theories
Crime and the Family
The Routine Activity Approach
The Conflict Perspective
Critical Criminology
Social-Structural Theories and Female Criminality
Women’s Liberation Theory
Strain Theory
Critical Theory
Feminist Theory
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 6: Sociological Theories of Criminal

Behavior II: The Social-Process Approach

Chapter Outline
Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory
Akers’s Social Learning Theory
Control Theory
Hirschi’s Bonding Theory
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s Self-Control Theory
Labeling Theory
Emergence and Early Development
Braithwaite’s Restorative Justice
Sampson and Laub’s Cumulative Disadvantages
Integrated Theories
Akers: Conceptual Absorption
Developmental and Life-Course Theories
Sampson and Laub: Age-Graded Theory
Moffitt: Developmental Theory
Cullen and Colvin: Social Support or Coercion
Tittle: Control Balance
Elliott, Ageton, and Cantor: Integrated Strain/Control
Conclusion to Integrated Theories
Conclusion to Criminal Behavior Theories
Policy Implications of Criminal Behavior Theories
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Part III Types of Crime

Chapter 7: Violent Crimes

Chapter Outline
The Study of Types of Crime
Serious Violent Crimes
Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter
Aggravated Assault
Explanations of Violent Crime
Other Violent Crimes
Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Child Abuse
Elder Abuse
Violence on Campus
Hate Crimes
The Fear of Crime
Guns and Violent Crime
The Media, Pornography, and Violent Crime
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 8: Property Crimes

Chapter Outline
Serious Property Crimes
Motor Vehicle Theft
Lesser Property Crimes: A Sample
Identity Theft
Computer and Cyber Crimes
Types of Crimes
Controlling Computer and Cyber Crimes
Professional and Career Criminals
Professional Criminal Behavior: The Early Approach
Contemporary Conceptualizations of Professional
Career Criminals: The Modern Approach
Recent Research
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 9: Business- and Government-Related


Chapter Outline
Business-Related Crimes: An Overview
Definition and Extent
A Sociological Analysis
Types of Business-Related Crimes: A Selection
Bribery and Extortion
Securities and Investment Crimes
Environmental Crime
Workplace Violations
Mail and Wire Fraud
Fraud Against the Elderly
Health Care Fraud
Government-Related Crimes
Obstruction of Justice
Contempt of Court
Political Crimes and Official Misuse of Power
Civil Rights Violations
Controlling Business- and Government-Related Crimes
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 10: Drug Abuse, Drug Trafficking, and

Organized Crime

Chapter Outline
Drug Abuse
The Impact of Drug Abuse
Effects on the Abuser
Fetal Abuse
Campus and Intimate Partner Violence
Economic Cost
Criminal Activity
The Debate over Drug Laws
The Federal Approach: The War on Drugs
State Approaches: The Legalization Debate
The Treatment Approach
Drug Trafficking
The Control of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
The Concept of Organized Crime
The History and Organization of Organized Crime
The Control of Organized Crime
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities
Part IV Criminal Justice Systems

Chapter 11: U.S. Criminal Justice Systems

Chapter Outline
Concepts of U.S. Criminal Justice
The Philosophy of the Adversary System
The Reality of the Adversary System
Other Special Characteristics of U.S. Criminal
Justice Systems
The Stages in U.S. Criminal Justice Systems
Investigation Prior to Arrest
Initial Appearance
Preliminary Hearing
Reduction of the Charge
Appeals and Remedies
Selected Constitutional Rights of Defendants
The Right to Be Free from Unreasonable Searches
and Seizures
Vehicle Searches
Person Searches
Home Searches
Cell Phone Searches
The Right Not to Testify Against Oneself
The Right to Counsel
The Right to Trial by Jury
Victims’ Rights
Defendants’ Rights Versus Victims’ Rights
U.S. Criminal Justice Systems: An Assessment
The U.S. Criminal Justice Systems and Terrorism
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 12: Police

Chapter Outline
The Emergence of Formal Policing
Public Policing in the United States
Rural, County, Municipal, and State Policing
Policing at the Federal Level
Campus Security
International Policing
Private Security
Police Personnel
Qualifications, Recruitment, and Training
Female and Minority Officers
The Nature of Policing
Police Functions
Policing Models
Police Decision Making
The Right to Stop and Question
The Sociology of Arrest
Racial Profiling
The Use of Force
Intervention in Intimate Partner Violence Cases
Intervention in Mental Health Cases
Police Misconduct
The Control of Policing
Police Professionalism and Departmental Control
Community Control
Control Through the U.S. Department of Justice
Control Through the Courts
Intelligence Led Policing (ILP)
Key Terms
Study Questions
Brief Essay Assignments
Internet Activities

Chapter 13: Court Systems

Chapter Outline
Court Systems
Focus on Specialized Courts
Juvenile Courts
Domestic Violence Courts
Drug Courts
Mental Health Courts
Veterans’ Courts
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No one being able to answer this query, French went on:
“I think we must distinguish between the letter circles on the one
hand and those of the numbers and lines on the other. The position
of the former was not altered in the faked copy; that of the latter was.
From this may we not assume that the message lies in the numbers
and lines only? Possibly the letters were added as a blind, as we
have already assumed the words ‘expects every man to do his duty’
were added as a blind to ‘England.’ Suppose at all events that we
eliminate the letter circles and concentrate on the others for our first
“That sounds all right.”
“Good. Then let us go a step further. Have you noticed the
distribution of the numbers, letters and lines? The numbers are
bunched, roughly speaking, towards the center, the letters round the
edge, and the irregular lines between the two. Does this central
mass give us anything?”
“I get you,” Price replied. He had risen and begun to pace the
room, but now he returned to the table and stood looking down at the
photograph. “You know, as a matter of fact,” he went on slowly, “if, as
you say, you take that central part which contains numbers only, the
shape of the thing is not so very unlike England after all. Suppose
the numbers represent land and the letters sea. Then this patch of
letters in the top left-hand corner might be the Irish Sea, and this
larger patch to the right the North Sea. And look, the letter circles
form a band across the bottom. What price that for the English
French crossed the room, and taking a small atlas from a shelf,
opened it at the map of England and laid it down beside the
photograph. With a rising excitement all three compared them. Then
Cheyne burst out irritably:
“Confound the thing! It’s like it and it’s not like it. Let’s draw a line
round those number circles and see if it makes anything like the
shape.” He seized the photograph and took out a pencil.
But just as in the scientific and industrial worlds discoveries and
inventions seldom come singly, so among these three men the
begetting of ideas begot more ideas. Scarcely had Cheyne spoken
when French made a little gesture of comprehension.
“I believe I have it at last,” he said quietly but with ill-concealed
eagerness in his tones. “Those irregular lines in certain of the circles
are broken bits of the coast line. See here, those two between 8 and
U are surely the Wash, and that below H is Flamborough Head. Let’s
see if we can locate correspondingly shaped outlines on the atlas,
and fill in between those on the photograph with pencil.”
A few seconds’ examination only were needed. Opposite, but
slightly above the projection which French suggested as
Flamborough Head was an angled line between GU and 31 which all
three simultaneously pronounced St. Bee’s Head. Short double lines
on each side of 24 showed two parts of the estuary of the Severn,
and projections along the bottom near X and 27 were evidently St.
Alban’s Head and Selsey Bill.
That they were on the right track there could now no longer be
any doubt, and they set themselves with renewed energy to the
problem still remaining—the meaning of the circles and the numbers
they contained.
“We can’t locate the blessed things this way,” French pointed out.
“We’ll have to rule squares on the atlas to correspond. Then we can
pencil in the coast line accurately, and see just where the circles lie.”
For a time measuring and the drawing of lines were the order of
the day. And then at last the positions of the circles were located.
They were all drawn round towns.
“Towns!” Price exclaimed. “Guess we’re getting on.”
“Towns!” Cheyne echoed in his turn. “Then you must have been
right, Inspector, about those letters being merely a blind.”
“I think so,” French admitted. “Look at it in this way. If only the
towns and coast were marked, the shape of England would show too
clearly. But adding those letter circles disguises the thing—prevents
the shape becoming apparent. Now, I may be wrong, but I am
beginning to question very much if this map has anything to do with
indicating a position—I mean directly. I am beginning to think it is
merely a cipher. Let us test this at all events. Let us write down the
names of the towns in the order of the numbers and see if that gives
us anything.”
He took a sheet of paper, while Price found No. 1 on the
photograph and Cheyne identified its position with that of a town on
the atlas map.
“No. 1,” said Cheyne, “is Salisbury.”
French wrote down: “1, Salisbury.”
“No. 2,” went on Cheyne, “is Immingham.”
“2, Immingham,” wrote French, as he remarked, “Salisbury—
Immingham: S—I. That goes all right so far.”
The next three towns were Liverpool, Uttoxeter, and Reading,
and though none of the men could see where silur was leading, it
was at least pronounceable.
But when the next three letters were added French gave a mighty
shout of victory. No. 6 was Ipswich, No. 7 Andover, and No. 8
Nottingham. ian added to silur made Silurian.
“Silurian!” French cried, striking the table a mighty blow with his
clenched fist. “Silurian! That begins to show a light!”
The others stared.
“Don’t you recognize the name?” went on French. “The Silurian
was a big Anchor liner, and she was torpedoed on her way to the
States with two and a half millions in gold bars aboard!”
The others held their breath and their eyes grew round.
“Any of it recovered?”
“None: it was in mid-Atlantic.”
“But,” stammered Cheyne at last, “I don’t follow—”
“I don’t follow myself,” French returned briskly, “but when the
cipher which leads to a maritime expedition begins with a wreck with
two and a half millions aboard, well then, I say it is suggestive. Come
along, let’s read the rest of the thing. We’ll know more then.”
With breathless eagerness the other towns were looked up, and
at last French’s list read as follows:

1. Salisbury
2. Immingham
3. Liverpool
4. Uttoxeter
5. Reading
6. Ipswich
7. Andover
8. Nottingham
9. Oxford
10. Northampton
11. Evesham
12. Doncaster
13. Exeter
14. Gloucester
15. Ripon
16. Ely
17. Eastbourne
18. Wigan
19. Exmouth
20. Swansea
21. Tonbridge
22. Nuneaton
23. Ilfracombe
24. Newport
25. Eaglescliff
26. Taunton
27. Eastleigh
28. Ebbw Vale
29. Northallerton
30. Folkestone
31. Appleby
32. Tamworth
33. Huntingdon
34. Oldham
35. Middlesborough
36. Southend

Taking the initials in order read: Silurian­one­degree­west­nineteen-­

fathoms, or dividing it into its obvious words—“Silurian one degree
west nineteen fathoms.”
The three men stared at one another.
“Nineteen fathoms!” Price gasped at last. “But if she’s in nineteen
fathoms that gold will be salvable!”
French nodded.
“And I guess Dangle and Company have gone to salve it. They
wouldn’t want a salvage boat for gold. They’d get it with a diver’s
“But,” Cheyne went on in a puzzled tone, “I’ve not got this straight
yet. If she’s in nineteen fathoms, why has she not been salved by the
Admiralty? Look at the Laurentic. She was put down off the Swilly in
Ireland, and they salved her gold. Five million pounds’ worth. Salved
practically every penny, and in twenty fathoms too.”
Price was considering another problem.
“One degree west,” he murmured. “What under heaven does that
mean? One degree west of what? Surely not the meridian of
Greenwich. If so, what is the latitude: there’s no mention of it?”
French could not answer either of the questions, and he did not
try. Instead he picked up his telephone receiver and made a call.
“Hallo! Is that Lloyd’s? Put me through to the Record Department,
please . . . Is Mr. Sam Pullar there? Tell him Inspector French of
Scotland Yard wants to speak to him . . . Hallo, Sam! . . . Yes . . .
Haven’t seen you for ages . . . Look here, Sam, I want you to do me
a favor. It’s rather urgent, and I’d be grateful if you could look after it
just now. . . . Yes, I’ll hold on. I want to know anything you can tell me
about the sinking of the Silurian. You remember, she had two and a
half millions on her in gold, and the U-boats got her somewhere
between this country and the States, I think in ’17 . . . What’s
that? . . . Yes, all that and anything else you can tell me.” He took the
receiver from his ear. “Friend of mine in Lloyd’s,” he explained. “We
ought to get some light from his reply.”
Silence reigned for a couple of minutes, then French spoke
again. “Let me repeat that,” he said, seizing a pad and scribbling
furiously. “Latitude 41 degrees 36 minutes north, longitude 28
degrees 53 minutes west. Right. How was that known? . . . But there
was no direct information? . . . Was the gold insured? . . . Well, it’s
an involved business, I could hardly tell you over the phone. I’ll
explain it first time we meet . . . Thank you, Sam. Much obliged.”
He rang off and then made a departmental call.
“Put me through to Inspector Barnes . . . That you, Barnes? I’m
on to something a bit in your line. Could you come down here for half
an hour?”
“Barnes is our authority on things nautical,” he told the others.
“Began life as a sailor and has studied all branches of sea lore. We
always give him shipping cases. We’ll wait till he comes and then I’ll
tell you what I learned from Lloyd’s.”
“Isn’t it a strange thing,” Cheyne remarked, “that Schulz should
have chosen England for his map and English for his cipher.
Wouldn’t the natural thing have been for him to have chosen
Germany and German? He could have headed it, for instance,
‘Deutschland über Alles,’ and used the initials of German towns for
his phrase.”
“I thought of that,” French returned, “but we have to remember he
prepared the cipher to mislead Germans, not English. In that case I
think he was right to use English. It made the thing more difficult.”
He had scarcely finished speaking when the door opened, and a
tall, alert-looking young man entered the room. French introduced
him as Inspector Barnes and pointed to a chair.
“Seat yourself, Barnes, and listen to my tale. These gentlemen
are concerned with a curious story,” and he gave a brief résumé of
the strange events which had led up to the existing situation. “Now,”
he went on, “when we found it was connected with the Silurian I rang
up Sam Pullar at Lloyd’s, and this is what he told me. The Silurian
sailed from this country on the 16th of February, 1917. She was
bound for New York, and she had two and a half millions on her in
bullion as well as a fair number of passengers. She was a big boat—
an Anchor liner of some 15,000 tons. You remember about her?”
“Well, I should think so,” Barnes returned, as he lit a cigarette.
“Why, I was on that job—getting her away, I mean. All kinds of
precautions were taken. A tale was started that she would load up
the gold at Plymouth and would sail—I forget the exact date now, but
it was three days after she did sail. It was my job to see that the
German spies about Plymouth got hold of this tale, and we had
evidence that they did get it, and moreover sent it through to
Germany, and that the U-boats were instructed accordingly. As a
matter of fact the Silurian came from Brest, where she had landed
army stores from South America, and the bullion went out in a tender
from Folkestone, and was transferred at night in the Channel in the
middle of a ring of destroyers. While preparations were being made
at Plymouth for her arrival she was away hundreds of miles towards
the States.”
“But they got her all the same.”
“Oh yes, they got her, but not all the same. She escaped the
boats that were looking out for her. It was a chance boat that found
her, somewhere, if I remember rightly, near the Azores.”
“That’s right,” French answered. “Instead of going directly west,
so Sam Pullar told me, she went south to avoid those submarines
you spoke of and which were supposed to be operating off the
Land’s End. Her course was followed by wireless, down to near the
Spanish coast, and then across fairly due west. She was last seen
by a Cape boat some thirty miles west of Finisterre. Then a message
was received from her when she was some 250 miles north of the
Azores, that a U-boat had come along, and had ordered her to stop.
The message gave her position and went on to say that a boat was
coming aboard from the submarine. Then it stopped, and that was
the last thing that was heard of her. Not a body or a boat or a bit of
wreckage was ever picked up, and it was clear that every one on
board was lost. Then after a time confirmation was obtained. Our
intelligence people in Germany intercepted a report from the
commander of the submarine who sank her, giving details. She had
been sunk in latitude 41° 36′ north, longitude 28° 53′ west, which
confirmed the figures sent out in her last wireless message. Four
boats had got away, but the commander had fired on them and had
sunk them one after another, so that not a single member of the
passengers or crew should survive.”
“Dirty savages,” Barnes commented. “But people in open boats
wouldn’t have had much chance there anyway, particularly in
February. If they had been able to keep afloat at all, they would
probably have missed the Azores, and it’s very unlikely they would
have made the Spanish or Portuguese coast—it would have been
too far.”
French pushed forward his atlas.
“Just whereabouts did she sink?” he inquired.
“About there.” Barnes indicated a point north of the Azores. “But
this atlas is too small to see it. Send someone to my room for my
large atlas. You’ll see better on that.”
French having telephoned his instructions Barnes went on.
“She’s evidently lying on what is called the Dolphin Rise. The
Dolphin Rise is part of a great ridge which passes down the middle
of the Atlantic from near Iceland to well down towards the Antarctic
Ocean. This ridge is covered by an average of some 1,700 fathoms
of water, with vastly greater depths on either side. It is volcanic and
is covered by great submarine mountain chains. Where the tops of
these mountains protrude above the surface we get, of course,
islands, and the Azores are such a group.”
A constable at that moment entered with the large atlas, and
Barnes continued:
“Now we’ll see in a moment.” He ran his finger down the index of
maps, then turned the pages. “Here we are. Here is a map of the
North Atlantic Ocean: here are the Azores and hereabouts is your
point, and—By Jove!” the young man looked actually excited, “here
is what your cipher means all right!”
The other three crowded round in almost breathless excitement.
Barnes pointed with a pencil slightly to the east of a white spot about
a quarter of an inch in diameter which bore the figure 18.
“Look here,” he went on, “there’s about the point she is supposed
to have sunk. You see it is colored light blue, which the reference
tells us means over 1,000 fathoms. But measure one degree to the
west—it is about fifty miles at that latitude—and it brings us into the
middle of that white patch marked 18. That white patch is another
mountain chain, just not high enough to become an island, and the
18 means that the peaks come within 18 fathoms of the surface. So
that your cipher message is probably quite all right, and your
Antwerp party are more than likely working away at the gold at the
present time.”
French swore comprehensively.
“You must be right,” he agreed. “One can see now what that
blackguard of a U-boat commander did. He evidently put some men
aboard the Silurian to dismantle their wireless, then made them sail
on parallel to his own course until he had by the use of his lead
maneuvered them over the highest peak, and then put them down.
The whole thing must have been quite deliberate. He returned to his
own government a false statement of her position, which he knew
would correspond with the last message she sent out, intending it to
be believed that she was lost in over 1,000 fathoms. But he sank her
where he could himself afterwards recover her bullion, or sell his
secret to the highest bidder. The people on the Silurian would know
all about that two or three hours’ steam west, so they must be got rid
of. Hence his destroying the boats one after another. No one must
be left alive to give the thing away. To his own crew he no doubt told
some tale to account for it, but he would be safe enough there, as no
one except himself would know the actual facts. Dirty savage
With this speech of French’s a light seemed to Cheyne suddenly
to shine out over all that strange adventure in which for so many
weeks he had been involved. With it each puzzling fact seemed to
become comprehensible and to drop into its natural place in the
story as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle eventually make a coherent
whole. He pictured the thing from the beginning, the submarine
coming up with the ship in deep water, but comparatively close to a
shallow place where its treasure could be salved: the desire of the U-
boat commander, Schulz, to save the gold, quite possibly in the first
instance for the benefit of his nation. Then the temptation to keep
what he had done secret so as, if possible later, to get the stuff for
himself. His fall before this temptation, with its contingent false return
to his government as to the position of the wreck. Then, Cheyne
saw, the problem of passing on the secret in the event of his own
death would arise, with the evolution and construction of the cipher
as an attempted solution. As a result of Schulz’s fatal wound the
cipher was handed to Price, and Schulz was doubtless about to
explain how it should be read, when he was interrupted by the nurse.
Before another chance offered he was dead.
Given the fact that Dangle overheard the dying man’s story, and
that Dangle’s character was what it was, Cheyne now saw that the
remainder of his adventure could scarcely have happened otherwise
than as it had. To obtain the cipher was Dangle’s obvious course,
and there was no reason to doubt his own statement of how he set
about it. A search among Price’s papers showed the latter had sent
the document to Cheyne, and from Cheyne Dangle had evidently
decided to obtain it. But nothing could be done till after the war, nor,
presumably, without financial and other help. In this lay, doubtless,
the reason for the application to Blessington and Sime, and these
two being roped in, the unscrupulous trio set themselves to work.
Susan Dangle assisted by obtaining a post as servant at Warren
Lodge, and thus gained detailed information which enabled the
others to lay their plans. And so in a quite orderly sequence event
had followed event, until now it looked as if the climax had been
Like a flash these thoughts passed through Cheyne’s mind, and
like a flash he saw what depended on them. Now they knew where
Joan Merrill had been taken. If she was still alive—and he simply
could not bring himself to admit any other possibility—she was on
that boat of Merkel’s some two hundred and fifty miles north of the
Azores! From that something surely followed. He turned to French
and spoke in a voice which was hoarse from anxiety.
“What about an expedition to the place?”
French nodded decisively.
“We must arrange one without delay,” he said. “I think the
Admiralty is our hope. That gold wasn’t insured—it was a
government business. I’ll go and tell the chief about it now, and get
him to see the proper authorities. Meanwhile,” he looked, for French,
quite sharply at the others, “not a word of this must be breathed.”
Intense interest was excited in the higher circles of the Admiralty
by the news which reached them from the Yard. Great personages
bestirred themselves to issue orders, with the result that with
enormously more promptitude than the man in the street can bring
himself to associate with a Government Department, a fast boat, well
equipped with divers and gear, was got ready for sea. French put in
a word for both Cheyne and Price, and when, some eight hours after
their reading of the cipher, the boat put out into the Thames from
Chatham Dockyard, it carried in addition to its regular crew not only
Inspector French himself, but also his two protégés.
Chapter XX.
The Goal of the “L’Escaut”
Inspector French had gone to bed in the tiny but comfortable
stateroom which had been put at his disposal by the officers of the
Admiralty boat while that redoubtable vessel was slipping easily and
on an even keel through the calm waters of the Straits of Dover. He
awoke next morning to find her plunging and rolling and staggering
through what, in comparison with his previous experiences of the
sea, appeared to be a frightful storm. To his surprise, however, he
did not feel any bad effects from the motion, and presently he arose,
and having with extreme care performed the ticklish operation of
shaving, dressed and climbed with the aid of railings and handles to
the companionway, and so to the deck.
The sight which met his eyes on emerging made him hold his
breath, as he clung to the rail at the companion door. It was a
wonderful morning, clear and bright and fresh and invigorating. The
sun shone down from a cloudless sky on to a dark sapphire sea of
incredible purity, flecked over with foaming patches of dazzling white.
As far as the eye could reach in every direction out to the hard sharp
line of the horizon, great waves rolled relentlessly onward, wavelets
dancing and churning and foaming on their slow-moving flanks. The
wind caught French and, as if it were a solid, held him pinned
against the deckhouse. He stood watching the bluff bows of the boat
rise in the air, then crash back into the sea, throwing out a smother
of water and foam some of which would seep over the fo’c’sle, and
after swirling through the forward deck hamper, disappear through
the scuppers amidships.
For some moments he watched, then moving round the
deckhouse, he glanced up and saw Cheyne and Price beckoning to
him from the bridge, where they had joined the officer of the watch.
“Some morning this, Inspector,” Price cried, as he joined them in
the lee of the weather canvas. “This will blow the London cobwebs
out of our minds.”
He was evidently keenly enjoying himself, and even Cheyne’s
anxious face showed appreciation of his surroundings. And soon
French himself, having realized that they were not necessarily going
to the bottom in a hurricane, but merely running down Channel in a
fresh southwesterly breeze, began to feel the thrill of the sea, and to
believe that the end of his quest was going to develop into a novel
and delightful holiday trip.
The same weather held all that day and the next, but on the third
the wind fell, and the sea gradually calmed down to a slow, easy
swell. The sun grew hotter, and basking in it in the lee of the
deckhouse became a delight. Little was said about the object of the
expedition. French and Price were content to enjoy the present, and
Cheyne managed to keep his anxieties to himself. The ship’s officers
were a jolly crowd, immensely excited by their quest, and conducting
themselves as the kindly hosts of welcome guests.
On the fourth day it grew still warmer, indeed out of the breeze
made by the ship’s motion it was unpleasantly hot. French liked to
get away forward, where it was cooler, and leaned by the hour over
the bows, watching the sharp stem cut through the water and roll
back in its frothing wave on either side. Dolphins were now to be
seen swimming in the clear water, and two hung at the bows, one on
each side, apparently motionless for long periods, until suddenly
they would dart ahead, spiral round one another and then return to
their places.
That fourth evening the captain joined his passengers as the trio
were smoking on deck.
“If we carry on like this,” he remarked, “we should reach the
position about four a.m. But those beggars may be taking a risk and
not showing a light, so I propose to slow down from now on, in order
not to arrive till daylight. Come on deck about six. If they’re here we
should raise them between then and seven.”
French, waking early next morning, could not control his
excitement and remain in his berth until the allotted time. He rose at
five, and went on deck with the somewhat shamefaced feeling that
he was acting as a small boy, who on Christmas morning must
needs get up on waking to investigate the possibilities of stockings.
But he need not have feared ridicule from his companions. Both
Cheyne and Price were already on the bridge, and the skipper stood
with his telescope glued to his eye as he searched the horizon
ahead. All three were evidently thrilled by the approaching finale,
and a slight incoherence was discernible in their somewhat scrappy
The morning was calm and very clear. Once again the sky was
cloudless, and the soft southwesterly wind barely ruffled the surface
of the long flat swells. It was a pleasure to be alive, and it seemed
impossible to associate crime and violence with the expedition. But
beneath their smiles all concerned felt it might easily develop into a
grim enough business. And that side of it became more apparent
when at the captain’s order the covers of the six-pounders mounted
fore and aft were removed, and the weapons were prepared for
action by their crews.
The hands of French’s watch had just reached the quarter hour
after six, when Captain Amery, who had once again been sweeping
the horizon with his telescope, said quietly: “There she is.” He
handed the glass to French. “See there, about three points on the
starboard bow.”
French, with some difficulty steadying the tube, saw very faint
and far off what looked like the upper part of a steamer’s deck, with a
funnel, and two masts like threads of the finest gossamer. “She’s still
hull down,” the captain explained. “You’ll see her better in a few
minutes. We should be up with her in three-quarters of an hour.”
In order to leave them free later on, it was decided to have
breakfast at once, and by the time the hasty meal had been
disposed of the stranger was clearly visible to the naked eye. She
lay heading westward, as though anchored in the swing of the tide,
and her fires appeared to be either out or banked, as no smoke was
visible at her funnel. The glass revealed a flag at her forepeak, but
she was still too far off to make out its coloring.
Now that the dramatic climax was approaching, the minds of the
actors in the play became charged with a very real anxiety. Captain
Amery, under almost any circumstances, would have to deal with a
very ticklish situation. He had to get the gold, if it was salvable, and
the fact that they were not in British waters would be a complication
if the Belgian had already recovered it. French had to ascertain if his
quarry were on board, and if so, see that they did not escape him—
also a difficult job outside the three-mile limit. For Price a fortune
hung in the balance—not of course all the gold that might be found,
but the proportion allowed him by law; while for Cheyne there
remained something a thousand times more important than the
capture of a criminal or the acquisition of a fortune—for Cheyne the
question of Joan Merrill’s life was at stake. Their several anxieties
were reflected on the faces of the men, as they stood in silence,
watching the rapidly growing vessel.
Presently an exclamation came from Captain Amery.
“By Jove!” he said, “this is a rum business. I can see that flag
now, and it’s our red ensign. What’s a Belgian boat doing with a
British flag? And what’s more, it’s jack down—a flag of distress.
What do you think of that?” He looked at the others with a puzzled
expression, then went on: “I suppose they’re not armed? You don’t
know, Inspector, do you? If they were armed it would be a likely
enough ruse to get us close by, so as to make sure of hitting us in a
vital place.”
French shook his head. He had heard nothing about arms,
though for all he knew to the contrary the L’Escaut might carry a gun.
“I don’t see one,” the captain continued, “but then if they have
one they’d keep it hidden. But I don’t like there being no signs of life
aboard her. There’s no smoke anywhere, either from her boilers or
her galley. There’s no one on the bridge, and I’ve not seen a
movement on deck. It doesn’t look well: in fact it looks as if they were
lying low and waiting for us.”
They were now within a mile of the stranger, and her details were
clear even to the naked eye.
“It’s the L’Escaut anyway,” Captain Amery went on. “I can see the
name on her bows. But I confess I don’t like that flag and that
silence. I think I’ll see if I can wake her up.”
He put his hand on the foghorn halliard and blew a number of
resounding blasts. For a few seconds nothing happened, then
suddenly two figures appeared at the deckhouse door, and after a
moment’s pause, rushed up on the bridge and began waving
furiously. As they passed up the bridge ladder they came from
behind the shelter of a boat and their silhouettes became visible
against the sky. They were both women!
A strangled cry burst from Cheyne as he snatched the captain’s
telescope and gazed at them, then with a shout of “It’s she! It’s she!”
he leaped to the end of the bridge and began waving his hat
At this moment two other figures appeared on the fo’c’sle and,
apparently moving to the vessel’s side, stood watching the
newcomers. Amery rang his engines down to half speed and, slightly
porting his helm, headed for some distance astern of the other. Then
starboarding, he swung round, and bringing up parallel to her and
some couple of hundred yards away, he dropped anchor.
Without loss of a moment a boat was lowered, and French,
Cheyne, Price, the first officer, and a half dozen men, all armed with
service revolvers, tumbled in. Giving way lustily, they pulled for the
It was by this time possible to distinguish the features of the
women, and French was not surprised to learn they were Joan
Merrill and Susan Dangle. Evidently they recognized Cheyne, who
kept waving furiously as if he found the movement necessary to
relieve his overwrought feelings. The two figures forward were those
of men, and these stood watching the boat, though without exhibiting
any of the transports of delight of their fellow shipmates on the
As they drew closer Joan made signs to them to go round to the
other side of the ship, and dropping round her stern they saw a
ladder rigged. In a few seconds they were alongside, and Cheyne,
leaping out before the others, rushed up the steps and reached the
If there had been any doubts as to the real relations between
himself and Joan, these were set at rest at that moment. Instinctively
he opened his arms, and Joan, swept off her feet by her emotion,
threw herself into them and clung to him, while tears of joy and relief
ran down her cheeks. As far as Cheyne was concerned, Susan
Dangle, the figures on the fo’c’sle, French, and the men behind him
might as well not have existed. He crushed Joan violently to him,
covering her face and hair with burning kisses, as he murmured
brokenly of his love and of his thankfulness for her safety.
French, anxious to learn the state of affairs and seeing nothing
was to be got from Joan, turned expectantly to Susan Dangle. What
could these unexpected developments mean? Was Susan, the
enemy, now a friend? Where were the others? Were the ship’s
company friends or foes? Could he ask her questions which might
incriminate her without giving her a formal warning?
But his curiosity would brook no delay.
“I am Inspector French of Scotland Yard,” he announced, while
Price and the first officer stood round expectantly. “You are Miss
Susan Dangle. Where are the other members of this expedition?”
The girl wrung her hands, and he noticed how terribly pale and
drawn was her face and what horror shone in her eyes.
“Oh!” she cried, with a gesture as if to shut out the sight of some
hideous dream. “Oh, it’s been awful! I can’t speak of it. They’re dead!
My brother James, Charles Sime, Mr. Merkel, most of the crew, dead
—all dead! Mr. Blessington wounded—probably dying! They got
fighting over the gold!” She began suddenly to laugh, a terrible high
cackling laugh, that made her hearers shiver, and attracted the
attention even of Joan and Cheyne.
French stepped quickly forward and seized her arm.
“There now, Miss Dangle,” he said kindly but firmly. “Stop that
and pull yourself together. Your terrible experiences are over now
and you’re in the hands of friends. But you mustn’t give way like this.
Make an effort, and you’ll be better directly.” He led her to a
hatchway and made her sit down, while he continued soothing her
as one would a fractious child.
But so great was the agitation of both girls that it was quite a
considerable time before the tragic tale of the L’Escaut’s expedition
became fully unfolded. And when at last it was told it proved still but
one more illustration of the old truth that the qualities of greed and
envy and selfishness have that seed of decay within themselves
which leads their unhappy victims to overreach themselves, and
instead of gaining what they seek, to lose their all. Shorn of
incoherent phrases and irrelevant details the story was this.
On the 24th of May the L’Escaut had left Antwerp with twenty-
eight souls aboard. Aft there were Joan, Susan, Blessington, Sime,
Dangle, and Merkel, with the captain, first officer, and engineer—
nine persons, while forward were three divers, six assistants, a cook,
a steward, four seamen, and four engine-room staff, or nineteen
altogether. Once clear of the Scheldt Joan’s treatment had changed.
Her food was no longer drugged, and when in a few days she got
over the effects of the doses she had received, she found her jailers
polite and friendly and anxious to minimize the inconvenience and
anxiety she was suffering. They told her they did not wish her evil,
and were taking her with them simply to prevent information as to
themselves or their affairs leaking out through her. This, of course,
she did not believe, since she did not possess sufficient information
about them to enable her to interfere with their plans. But later their
real motive dawned on her. Gradually she realized that Blessington
had fallen in love with her, and though he was circumspect enough,
her distrust of him was such that she felt sick with horror and dread
when she thought of him. Nothing, however, had occurred to which
she could take exception, and had it not been for her fears as to her
own fate and her anxieties as to Cheyne’s, the voyage would have
been pleasant enough.
The L’Escaut was a fast boat, and four days had brought them to
the spot referred to in the cipher. After three days’ search they found
the wreck, and all three divers had at once gone down. A week was
spent in making an examination of the vessel, at the end of which
time they had located the gold. It was in her stern, low down and not
far from her port side. The divers recommended blowing her plates
off at this spot, and ten days more sufficed for this. Through the hole
thus made the divers were able to draw in tackle lowered from the
L’Escaut, and the ingots of gold were slung to cradles and drawn up
with really wonderful ease and speed. They had, moreover, been
favored with a peculiarly fine stretch of weather, work having to be
suspended on only eight days of the thirty-seven they were there.
On reaching the wreck in the first instance the captain had
mustered his crew aft and had informed them—what he could no
longer keep secret—that they were out for gold, and that if they
found it in the quantities they hoped, every man on board would
receive at the end of the trip a gift of £1,000 in addition to his pay.
The men at first seemed more than satisfied, but as ingot after ingot
was recovered the generosity of the offer shrank in their estimation.
Four days before the appearance of French’s party the divers had
reported that another day would complete the work, and then
appeared the first hint that all was not well. On that last evening
before the completion of the diving the men came forward in a body
and asked to see the captain. They explained that they had been
reckoning up the value of the gold, and they weren’t having £1,000
apiece: they wanted an even divide all round. The captain argued
with them civilly enough at first—told them that they couldn’t get the
metal ashore and turned into money in secret, that the port officers
or coastguards wherever it was unloaded would be bound to learn
what they were doing and that then the government would claim an
enormous percentage of the whole, so that the £1,000 per man was
an extremely liberal gift. The men declared that they would look after
the unloading, and that they were going to have what they wanted.
Hot words passed, and then the captain drew a revolver and said
that he was captain there, and that what he said would go. Susan
was watching the scene from the quarter-deck behind, but she could
not be quite sure of what followed. One of the crew pressed forward
and the captain raised his revolver. She did not think he meant to
fire, but another of the men either genuinely or purposely
misunderstood his action. He raised his hand, a shot rang out, and
the captain fell dead. The mutineers were evidently terribly upset by
a murder which they had apparently never intended, and had
Blessington and Sime acted intelligently, the trouble might have gone
no further. But at that moment these two worthies, who must have
been in the chart-house all the time, began firing through the
windows at the men. A regular pitched battle ensued, in which Sime
and five of the crew were hit, three of the latter being killed. It was
then war to the knife between those who berthed forward and those
who berthed aft. All that night sporadic shots rang out at intervals,
but at daybreak on the following day matters came to a head. The
crew with considerable generalship made a feint on the fo’c’sle with
some of their number while the remainder swarmed aft below decks.
The defenders, taken in the rear, were shot down, and the mutineers
were masters of the ship.
All that next day Joan and Susan, terror-stricken, clung to each
other in the latter’s cabin. The men were reasonably civil: told them
they might get themselves food, and let them alone. But that night a
further terrible quarrel burst out between, as they learned afterwards,
those who wished to murder the girls and go off with the treasure
and those who feared murder more than the loss of the gold. Once
again there were the reports of shots and the groans of wounded
men. The fusillade went on at intervals all night, until next morning
one of the divers—a superior man with whom the girls had often
talked—had come in with his head covered with blood, and asked
the girls to bandage it. Susan had some slight surgical knowledge,
and did what she could for him. Then the man told them that of the
entire ship’s company only themselves and seven others were alive,
and that of these seven four were so badly wounded that they would
probably not recover. Among these was Blessington. Sime and
James Dangle were dead.
The slightly injured men threw the dead overboard and cleaned
up the traces of the fighting, while the girls ministered to the
seriously wounded. Of course, in the three days up till the arrival of
the avengers—who had by a strange trick of fate become the
rescuers—one man had died. Of the eight-and-twenty who sailed
from Antwerp there were therefore left only nine: the two girls and
four slightly and three seriously wounded men. None of those able to
move understood either engineering or seamanship, so that they had
luckily decided to remain at anchor in the hope of some ship picking
up their flag of distress.
“There is just one thing I should like to understand,” said Cheyne
to Joan, when later on that day a prize crew had been put aboard the
L’Escaut and steam was being raised for the return to England, “and
that is what happened to you on the night that we burgled
Earlswood. You got back to your rooms, then left again with Sime
and Blessington?”
“There’s not much to tell about that,” Joan answered, smiling
happily up into her lover’s eyes. “I was, as you know, standing like a
watchman before the door of Earlswood, when I saw Susan and her

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