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11-01-2024 - SR - Super60 - Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs - Jee-Main-GTM-11 - Q.PAPER

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.,India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office - Madhapur - Hyderabad
SEC: Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs JEE-MAIN Date: 11-01-2024
Time: 09.00Am to 12.00Pm GTM-11 Max. Marks: 300
1. Immediately fill in the Admission number on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen
2. The candidates should not write their Admission Number anywhere (except in the specified space) on the
Test Booklet/ Answer Sheet.
3. The test is of 3 hours duration.
4. The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 300.
5. There are three parts in the question paper 1,2,3 consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having
30 questions in each subject and subject having two sections.
(I) Section –I contains 20 multiple choice questions with only one correct option.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and ‐1 in all other cases.
(II) Section‐II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only, if more than 5
questions attempted, First 5 attempted questions will be considered.
∎ The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer
value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and
less than 11 round off is 11).
To cancel any attempted question bubble on the question number box.
For example: To cancel attempted question 21. Bubble on 21 as shown below
SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P

Question Answered for Marking Question Cancelled for Marking
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and ‐1 in all other cases.
6. Use Blue / Black Point Pen only for writing particulars / marking responses on the Answer Sheet. Use of pencil is
strictly prohibited.
7. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, mobile phone any electron
device etc, except the Identity Card inside the examination hall.
8. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
9. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the invigilator on duty in the Hall.
However, the candidate are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.
10. Do not fold of make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet
Name of the Candidate (in Capital): ________________________________________________

Admission Number:
Candidate’s Signature:________________ Invigilator’s Signature: ________________
11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _ Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Test Syllabus

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
PHYSICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

1. The dimensions of length are expressed as G xC y h z . G is the universal gravitational

 x  y x
constant, c is the speed of light and h is the Planck’s constant. The value of   is
 z 
1) 16 2) 4 3) 32 4) 8
2. An adjustable smooth thread AB is attached between two circumferential points A and B of
a loop of radius R. Time taken by a bead between these points is t. The variation of ‘t’ with
angle  which AB made with the vertical is best represented by



1)  2)

 
3) 4)

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3. A particle is projected from ground aiming the maximum horizontal range. Ratio of
maximum to minimum radius of curvature of the projectile path is

1) 2 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) 3 2

4. Intensity of sound in a medium is varying as I 0 .10 a .e  KX . X  0 is the position of the

source. Loudness (L) represented with X is ( I0 is the reference intensity)

10a L

2.3a x x
1) 2) 2.3k

L 10a

x x
2.3a 2.3k
3) k 4) a
5. Statement –I : A coin is lying at rest on ground when you approach it while riding on
bicycle according to you there is kinetic friction acting on the coin.
Statement –II : Kinetic friction acts when there is a relative motion between the contact
1) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is true : Statement – 2 is correct explanation
for statement-1
2) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is true : Statement – 2 is not a correct
explanation for statement-1
3) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is false
4)Statement – 1 is false, Statement – 2 is true
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6. Assertion: current through a pure inductor is wattles.

Reason : Phase difference between e.m.f across a pure inductor and current through it is 900

or .
1) If both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of
2) If both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is not a correct explanation of
3) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
4)If the assertion is false but the reason is true
7. Consider the arrangement shown. Velocity of the block at t=2 s is


t in seconds


1) 20 m/s 2) 18 m/s 3) 16 m/s 4) 17 m/s

8. Statement – 1: In resonance column experiment using same tuning fork, the difference
between successive resonant lengths decreases as the diameter of the tube is decreased.
Statement – 2: End correction decreases as the diameter of the tube decreases.
1) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is true : Statement – 2 is correct explanation
for statement-1
2) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is true : Statement – 2 is not a correct
explanation for statement-1
3) Statement – 1 is true , Statement – 2 is false
4)Statement – 1 is false, Statement – 2 is true
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9. Oil of specific gravity 0.9 enters a horizontal pipe with a bend as shown if figure with speed
4 m/s and pressure 2.8  105 N / m 2 . The pressure of oil at the point B is 43 K 0 ( kNm  2 ) .

The numerical value of K0 is

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
10. A point change q is placed inside a cone as shown in figure. Electric flux passing through the
curved surface of the cone is

q q
1) 2) 3) 3q 4) 2q
2 0 4 0 4 0 3 0
11. Ratio of reading of ammeter A, at t  to that at t = 0 is (switch S is closed at t = 0 )

1) 4/3 2) 2/3 3) 1 4) 1/3

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
12. The output of the following logic gate combination is 1 with the given input that shown,
with one unknown input x ,then

1) X is 0 only 2) X is 1 only
3) Output is independent of X 4) Output 1 is not possible for any value of X
13. Match the E.M. waves with their applications
Column I Column II
A) Radio waves (i) Purification
B)Infrared (ii) Security scanner
C) Ultraviolet (iii) Broadcasting
D) X- rays (iv) Television remote control
1) A(i); B(ii); C(iii); D (iv) 2) A(iii); B(iv); C(i); D (ii)
3)A(iii); B(iv); C(ii); D (i) 4) A(iii); B(ii); C(i); D (iv)
14. A single element has the current voltage function graphed in figure. Determine the element.

1) 1 mH inductor 2) 1  F capacitor 3) 3 mH inductor 4) 3  F capacitor

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15. A conducting ring of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5 m is placed on the smooth horizontal plane.
The ring carries a current i = 4A. A horizontal magnetic field B = 10t is switched on at t = 0
as shown in figure. The ring is left free to move at t = 1 second. The angular acceleration of
the ring is at t = 1 second is

1) 5 rad / s 2 2) 15 rad / s 2 3) 20 rad / s 2 4) 40 rad / s 2

16. A uniform thin rod AB of length L has linear mass density   x   a  , where x is

measured from A. If the CM of the rod lies at a distance of  7  L from A, then a and b are
 12 
related as :
1) a  2b 2) 2a  b 3) a  b 4) 3a  2b
17. In the circuit, the current through Zener diode is (the break down voltage is 10V)

1) 10mA 2) 6.67mA 3) 5mA 4) 3.33mA

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18. In P-N junction with open ends.
Statement –I : There is no systematic motion of charge carries
Statement –II : Holes and conductor electrons systematically go from P-side and from the
n-side to the p-side respectively.
Statement –III : There is no net charge transfer between the two sides.
Statement –IV : There is a constant electric field near the junction.
1) Statement I, II are correct 2) Statement II, III are correct
3) Statement III, IV are correct 4) Statement IV, I are correct
19. An object is placed in front of a convex mirror at a distance of 50cm. A plane mirror is
introduced covering the lower half of the convex mirror. If the distance between the object
and plane mirror is 30 cm it is found that there is no parallax between the images formed by
the two mirrors. What is the radius of curvature of the convex mirror?
1) 25 cm 2) 30 cm 3) 15 cm 4) 20 cm
20. A silver ball of radius 4.8 cm is suspended by the tread in the vacuum chamber. UV light of
waves length 200 nm is incident on the ball for some times during which a total energy of

1107 J falls on the surface. Assuming on an average one out of 103 photons incident is
able to eject electron. The potential on sphere will be
1) 1V 2) 2 V 3) 3 V 4) Zero
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.

21. Two coherent point sources s1 and s2 vibrating in phase emit light of wavelength  The

separation between the sources is 2  . The smallest distance from s2 on a line passing
through s2 and perpendicular to s1 s2, where a minimum intensity occurs is then p
value is________
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22. de- Broglie wavelength of an electron revolving in second orbit of hydrogen atom ( a0 is
Bohr radius ) is K a0 then K value is ________
23. A cube of wood of side a and mass M is resting on a rough horizontal surface. A bullet of
mass (m <<M) and moving with velocity v0 strikes the block (cube). And gets embedded in
it. Assume that wood offers constant resistance force and cube cannot slide due to high
friction. The time of penetration of bullet into the cube so that the normal reaction passes
xv0 m
through D is then find x  y

24. A cart of mass 4m holds a block of mass m which is attached to the former by means for
spring of spring constant K, as shown in the figure. All surfaces are frictionless. Now a sharp
impulse J is given to block m as shown. The maximum compression of spring will be
x mk
the x value is

25. The r.m.s. speed of the molecules of a gas at 100o C is v. The temperature at which the r.m.s.

speed will be 3v is k  282 C then k value is

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26. For the given diagram, the ratio of shearing stress to normal stress at cross -section AB will
be (   30o ) then x value ___________

27. A small ball of mass m is released from a height R above the surface of a planet of mass M
and radius R as shown in fig. There is a narrow grove inside the planet in which a spring of
spring constant K and natural length R is fixed at it is one end O. If the mass ‘m’ moves R/2
distance inside planet before coming to rest value of K will be then find x value____

28. The angular momentum of an electron in Bohr’s hydrogen atom whose energy is 3.4eV is
then n value__________
29. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an  particle. If the Q value of the
reaction is 5.5MeV, the kinetic energy of the  particle is x  105 eV ______
30. A uniform rod of mass m is bent into the form of a semicircle of radius R. The moment of
inertia of the rod about an axis passing through ‘A’ and perpendicular to the plane of the
semi circle kmR 2 , then k value is :

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

31. The reaction of compound P with C H M gB r (excess) in  C2 H 5 2 O followed by addition of


H O gives Q. The compound Q on treatment with H S O at 0 C gives R. Compound R

2 2 4

with C H C O C l in presence of anhydrous A lC l in C H C l followed by treatment with H O

3 3 2 2 2

produces compound S. The no. of carbons and degree of unsaturation in S is __ and ___
respectively. The compound P is
 CH3 3 C
CO2 Et

1) 17 and 7 2) 17 and 6 3) 16 and 5 4) 16 and 6

32. Which of the following pair of compound gives same osazone product ?
a) Glucose and fructose b) fructose and mannose c) Glucose and mannose
1) Only a 2) Only c 3) Both a and c 4) a, b and c
33. Which of the following is correct regarding chlorination of methane in the presence of
1) Involves the formation of carbon cation
2) Involves the formation of carbanion
3) Involves the formation of carbon free radical
4) Gives only one type of product
34. Match the following
Column-I Column-II

Peroxide II
A) P) I and II are identical

B) HI Q) I and II are different

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CH 3  C  OH
Red P / Cl2
C) Catalytic R) Mechanism of formation of I
and II are same
CH 3 Na Me  Cl
a I
Re d P MeONa
b II
CH 3
D) S) Mechanism of formation of I
and II are different
1) A  P, S ; B  P, S ; C  Q, S ; D  P, R
2) A  P, R; B  P, S ; C  Q, R; D  P, S
3) A  P, S ; B  P, R; C  Q, R; D  P, R
4) A  P, Q; B  Q, S ; C  P, R; D  Q, S
35. Statement –I : Cyclohexanol is less soluble in water than 1-hexanol.
Statement –II : 1-hexanol can form inter and intra molecular H-bond with water.
1) Both I and II are true and II is explaining I
2) Both I and II are true and II is not explaining I.
3) Statement I is true and II is false
4) Both the statements are false.

 P

H 2O / H

36. In the given reaction . (P) Will be


+ +
1) OH 2) CHO
HO   CH 2 4  CHO  CHO
3) 4)
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CHO 
KCN / C2 H5OH / H 2O

 s
37. In the given reaction product (s) would be

COO  and CH
1) 2)

C  CH C__C
3) 4)
38. Assertion (A) : Among nitrogen halides N X , the dipole moment is highest for
3 N I3 and
lowest for N F3 .

Reason (R): Nitrogen halides NX 3 , have trigonal pyramidal structure.

1) A and R are true and R is explaining A
2) A and R are true and R is not explaining A
3) A is false R is true
4) A is true and R is false
39. Assertion (A) : NaCl reacts with concentrated H2SO4 to give cololurless fumes with pungent

smell. But on adding MnO2 the fumes become greenish yellow.

Reason (R): MnO2 oxidizes HCl to Cl2 which is greenish yellow gas.
1) A and R are true and R is explaining A
2) A and R are true and R is not explaining A
3) A is false R is true
4) A is true and R is false
40. Which of the following amines can be prepared by Gabriel-phthalimide reaction.
i) Triethyl amine ii) n-butyl amine iii) t-butyl amine iv) neo pentyl amine v) Aniline
1) Only ii 2) Only ii and v 3) Only ii,iii,iv 4) i, ii, iii, iv and v

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
41. Compound ‘A’ is dibasic acid COOH  CH 2 5 COOH
A HI
 CH3   CH 2 5  CH3

 i  C2 H 5ONa  i  C2 H 5 3 N NaOH

 ii  H  C  O  C2 H5  ii  CH 2  CH  C  CH3
Compound E is
H 3C OH CH 3


1) CHO 2) CHO


3) 4)
42. Assertion (A) : In N2H4 any one nitrogen atom can coordinate with central metal or both
can co-ordinate with central metal i.e., it can act as a chelating ligand.
Reason (R) : N2H4 is an ambident neutral ligand.
1) Both A and R are true and R is explaining A.
2) Both A and R are false.
3) A is true and R is false.
4) A is false and R is true
43. The ratio of cis and trans isomers of the complex Pt  NH3   H2O Cl Br  is

1) 5:4 2) 2:1 3) 7:2 4) 3:1

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44. Silver ions are added to a solution with  Br    Cl    CO32    AsO43   0.1M . Which
       

compound will precipitate with lowest  Ag   ?

 
1) AgBr (ksp  5 10 ) 2) Ag 2CO3 ( K SP  8.1  10  12 )

3) AgCl ( K SP  1.8  10  10 ) 4) Ag 3 AsO 4 ( K SP  1  10  22 )

45. On adding KI solution in excess to solution of CuSO4 we get a precipitate ‘P’ and another
liquor ‘M’. Select the correct pair
1) P is CuI, M is I2 2) P is CuI2, M is I2

3) P is CuI, M is KI3 4) P is CuI2, M is KI3

 
46. Assertion (A) : NO3 ion cannot be distinguish from NO2 ion by brown ring test
 
Reason (R) : Both NO2 and NO3 ions evolve brown NO2 gas with conc. H 2 SO4 acid.
1) A and R are true and R is explaining A
2) A and R are true but R is not explaining A
3) A is true and R is false
4) A is false and R is true
47. Two compounds PX 2Y3 and PX 3Y2 . (where P= phosphorous atom and X , Y  monovalent
atoms). If all X atoms replaced by Z atoms and electro negativity order is X  Y  Z . Then
incorrect statement(s) is / are
i) The dipole moment of product obtained from PX 2Y3 is non zero.
ii) The dipole moment of product obtained from PX 2Y3 is zero
iii) The dipole moment of product obtained from PX 3Y2 is zero
iv) The dipole moment of product obtained from PX 3Y2 is non zero
1) i,ii 2)ii,iii 3)i,ii,iv 4) ii,iv

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
48. The incorrect statement regarding molecular orbital(s) is
1) If a nodal plane lies in the inter nuclear axis then corresponding orbitals is Pi   bonding

2) If there is a nodal plane perpendicular to the inter nuclear axis and lying between the
nuclei of bonded atoms then corresponding orbital is anti bonding M.O.
3) The  bonding molecular orbital does not contain nodal planes containing the inter
nuclear axis.
4) The   bonding molecular orbital possess three nodal planes containing the inter nuclear
49. Pure water freezes at 273K and 1 bar. The addition of 34.5gm of ethanol to 500g of water
changes the freezing point of the solution. Use the freezing point depression constant of
water as 2 K Kgmol  1 . The figure show below represent plot of vapour pressure (V.P)
versus temperature (T). Among the following the option representing change in freezing
point is : (Mol. Wt of ethanol =46 gm mol 1).

V .P  bar  Water V .P  bar  Water

1 1

ice ice

270 273 T/K 271 273 T/K

1) 2)

Water Water
1 1
V .P  bar 
V .P  bar  ice ice

270 273 T/K  271 273 T/K 

3) 4)

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50. A mixture of N2 and H2 in the molar ratio. 1:3 attains equilibrium when 50% of mixture has
reacted. If P is the total pressure of the mixture the partial pressure of NH3 formed is P/Y.
Then the value of Y is ____
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
51. An engine absorbs heat at a temperature of 1000K and rejects heat at 800K. If the engine
operates at maximum possible efficiency, the amount of work performed by the engine for
3000J heat input is ___J.
52. An organic compound undergoes first order decomposition. The time taken for the
decomposition to 1/4 and 1/10 of its initial concentration are t1/4 and t1/10 respectively. What

is the value of
t1/4   20 ? (take log 2  0.3 )
t1/10 
53. The resistance of 2.5N solution of acetic acid is 230 ohm, when measured in a cell having a

cell constant of 1.15cm 1 . The equivalent conductance is ___ ohm  1cm 2 equiv  1

54. Consider the following cell reaction 2 Fe  s   O 2  g   4 H   aq   2 Fe  2  aq   2 H 2 O  l  ;

E 0  1.67V ;  Fe 2   10 3 M , P  O2   0.1 atm and P  3 , the cell potential at 250 C is __V
 
(Round off to nearest integer).
55. How many of the following species / reagent can reduce Fe  3  aq  in to Fe  2  aq  at
2  
normal conditions  NH4 2 S , HI , Sn  aq  , CN  aq  , NaNO2 , SO2, Na2S2O3, SCN  aq  ,

acidified NaIO3

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56. An impure sample of sodium oxalate  Na2C2O4  . Weighing 0.20 g is dissolved in aq.

Solution of H 2 SO4 and solution is titrated at 70 0 C required 45 ml of 0.02M KMnO4

solution. The end points is over run, and back titration is carried out with 10 ml of 0.1M
oxalic acid solution. Find % purity of Na2C2O4 in the sample
( round off to nearest integer )

57. calculate the P H of 105 M in HCl solution is ______

58. How many of the following statements are correct
a) White phosphorous is more reactive then red phosphorus
b) Sulphuric acid is more viscous than water
c) Among chalcogens tendency of catenation is maximum for sulphur
d) Among hydrides of nitrogen family NH3has highest boiling point

e) Cl2 gas bleaches the articles in presence of moisture.

f) HClO is stronger acid than HBrO
59. 1.0 g of a mono basic acid HA in 100gm water lowers the freezing point by 0.155K. If 0.75
gm of same acid requires 25ml of N/5 NaOH solution for complete neutralization then %
degree of ionization of acid is  K f ( H 2O)  1.86kg mol 1 

60. How many of the following species are ortho para directing
COOH , CHO, OH ,  NO2 ,  NH 2 ,  NHCOR ,

COR, CF3 ,  SO3 H ,  NR3 , CONHCH 3 .

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
MATHEMATICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
61. The Minimum value of the function f  x    e x t dt is ________

1) 2 e 1 2) 2 e  1 3) 2 4) e  e  1
 
t  5 
2 x
62. If f  t    e x   dx then f 1   f 1   _______

 
0  x4  2 x2  2 
 
3e 1 7e 1 7e 1 2e 1
1)  2)  3)  4) 
10 4 50 4 50 2 5 2
2 2 x2 y 2
63. The circle x  y  8 x  0 and hyperbola   1 intersect at the points A and B. The
9 4
equation of the circle with AB as its diameter whose
I: centre is  6,0

II: radius is 2 3
1) I is true, II is true 2) I is false, II is true
3) I is true, II is false 4) I is false, II is false
dy x  y  4
64. If the solution curve of the differential equation  passes through the point
dx x y

 3,2 and  P  2,3 , P  0 then

1) 2 tan 1    log p 2  1
 p
  1
2) tan 1    log p 2  1
 p
 
 p2  1 
3) 2 tan 1  1  2

 p  1   log p  2 p  2
 
 4) 2tan 1  1 
 p   log  p 
   

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
65. Consider a family of circles which are passing through the point  1,1 and are tangent to the
x-axis. If  h, k  are the coordinates of the centre of the circles then set of values of K is
given by the interval
1 1 1 1 1
1) 0  K  2) K  3)   K  4) K 
2 2 2 2 2
66. In a group of 100 persons 75 speak telugu and 40 speak hindi. Each person speaks at least
one of the two language. If the number of persons who speak only telugu is  and the
x2 y2
number of persons who speak only hindi is  then the eccentricity of the ellipse  1
 2
is ______
595 119 129 595
1) 2) 3) 4)
12 12 12 12
x y -z 
 3 where x, y, z  N . If det  adj  adjA   2 3 then the no. of such
8 4
67. Let A  1 2

1 1 2
matrices A is _______
1) 220 2) 45 3) 55 4) 110
68. 7 people have their bags outside temple and after returning picked one bag each at random.
In how many ways at least one and atmost three of them get their correct bags.
1) 7 C6 9  7 C5 44  7 C1 265 2) 7 C6 265  7 C5 9  7 C4 44
7 7 7 7 7 7
3) C39  C2 44  C1265 4) C39  C2 44  C1265
ex  cos x
69. Lt  ______
x0 sin2 x
3 5
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4)
2 4
70. Let R be the set of real numbers
Statement-I: A   x , y   R  R / y  x is an integer is an equivalence relation on R
Statement-II: B   x, y   R  R / x   y for some rational number   is an equivalence

relation on R.
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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
1) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, Statement-II is the correct explanation of
2) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, statement-II is not the correct explanation of
3) Statement -I is true, Statement-II is false.
4) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true.
71. 5 different marbles are placed in 5 different boxes randomly given that each box can hold
any number of marbles. If p is the probability that exactly two boxes remain empty, then find
the value of   where  .  represents GIF
 p
1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2
72. The mean of two samples of sizes 200 and 300 were found to be 25 and 10 respectively their
standard deviations were 3 and 4 respectively. The variance of combined sample of size 500
is ________
1) 64 2) 65.2 3) 67.2 4) 64.2
73. Let A and B be two symmetric matrices of order 3
Statement-I: A  BA and  AB  A are symmetric matrices.
Statement-II: AB is symmetric matrix if matrix multiplication of A with B is commutative
1) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, Statement-II is the correct explanation of
2) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, statement-II is not the correct explanation of
3) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false.
4) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true.
 log 1  5 x   log 1  ax 
 , x0
74. Let f  x    x
 10 x0

Be continuous at x  0 . Then a=_______
1) 10 2) -10 3) 5 4) -5
75. Let S  1,2,3,....50 the number of non empty subsets A of S. such that the product of
elements in A is even is __________

1) 2 25 2 25  1  50
2) 2  1
3) 2  1
4) 2  1

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
76. The area of the quadrilateral PQRS with vertices P  2,1,1 Q 1,2,5 R  2, 3,5 S1, 6, 7
is equal to ________
1) 8 38 2) 9 38 3) 54 4) 7 38
77. Statement-I: If f  x    a  x n
 n where a  0 and n is a positive integer then f  f  x   x

x2  4x  30
Statement-II: The function f  x   is not one-to-one
x2  8x 18
1) I is true, II is false 2) I is false, II is false
3) I is true, II is true 4) I is false, II is true.
78. A straight line L through  3, 2  is inclined at an angle 600 to the line 3 x  y  1 . If L also

intersects the x-axis then the equation of L is ______

1) y  3x  2  3 3  0 2) y  3x  2  3 3  0

3) 3y  x  3  2 3  0 4) 3y  x  3  2 3  0
79. Let a circle be inscribed in the quadrant of a circle of diameter 4 then
Statement-I: The radius of inscribed circle is the positive root of the equation r 2  4r  4  0
Statement-II: Distance between their centers = 2 (radius of circle inscribed)
1) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, Statement-II is the correct explanation of
2) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, statement-II is not the correct explanation of
3) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false.
4) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true.
80.       
If f  x   cot 1 4 x2  10 x  7  cot 1 4 x2  14 x  13  cot 1 4 x 2  18 x  21  cot 1 4 x2  22 x  31 
 185 
then f 1  0   ________
 16 
1) 3 2) 4 3) 1 4) 5
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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 11‐01‐2024_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐11_Q.P
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.

If angle between two focal chords of a parabola  y  5  8  x  1 which are tangents to the

circle x 2  y 2  9 is tan 1   where a and b are relatively prime then a  b  _ _ _ _ _ _

82. If the value of lt
x 0
 3  2 cos x cos 2 x x 2  e a then a  _________

83. The number of real solutions of the equations e 4 x  4 e 3 x  58 e 2 x  4 e x  1  0 is ________


in the expansion of  2   are equal then the value of n is __

84. If the coefficient of x7 and x8
 3

85. As z  x  iy varies the minimum value of z  4i  z  3 is __________

86. Let a ,b ,c be unit vectors such that a is perpendicular to the plane of b and c . If

 b , c   60 then
a  b  a  c  ________

 z2 
87. If z is such that z  2i  2 2 then Arg    , then K = __________
 z2 k
88. If the equations ax 2  2bx  3c  0 and 3 x 2  8 x  15  0 have a common root where a,b,c are the
lengths of the sides of ABC then sin 2 A  sin 2 B  sin 2 C  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

89. Three numbers are in G.P whose sum is 70 if the extrems be each multiplied by 4 and the
mean by 5. They will be in A.P then the sum of numbers is _______
in 1  x   2 x 1  x   3 x 2 1  x   ........... is KC50 then k = ______
1000 999 998
90. If the coefficient of x50

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