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05 01 2024 SR S60 Elite, Target & LIIT BTs Jee Main GTM

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Yashpatil TG~ @bohring_bot

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.,India.

A right Choice for the Real A spirant
ICON Central Office - Madhapur - Hyderabad
SEC: Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs JEE-MAIN Date: 05-01-2024
Time: 09.00Am to 12.00Pm GTM-08 Max. Marks: 300
1. Immediately fill in the Admission number on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/ Black Ball Point Pen
2. The candidates should not write their Admission Number anywhere (except in the specified space) on the
Test Booklet/ Answer Sheet.
3. The test is of 3 hours duration.
4. The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 300.
5. There are three parts in the question paper 1,2,3 consisting of Physics, Chemistry and M athematics having
30 questions in each subject and subject having two sections.
(I) Section –I contains 20 multiple choice questions with only one correct option.
M arking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
(II) Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only, if more than 5
questions attempted, First 5 attempted questions will be considered.
∎ The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer
value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and
less than 11 round off is 11).
To cancel any attempted question bubble on the question number box.
For example: To cancel attempted question 21. Bubble on 21 as shown below

Question Answered for M arking Question Cancelled for M arking
M arking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
Yashpatil TG~ @bohring_bot
SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 05-01-2024 _Sr .S60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee-Main_GTM-08_Q.P
6. Use Blue / Black Point Pen only for writing particulars / marking responses on the Answer Sheet. Use of pencil is
strictly prohibited.

7. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, mobile phone any electron
device etc, except the Identity Card inside the examination hall.
8. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
9. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the invigilator on duty in the Hall.
However, the candidate are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.

10. Do not fold of make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet

Name of the Candidate (in Capital): ________________________________________________

Admission Number:
Candidate’s Signature:________________ Invigilator’s Signature: ________________
05-01-2024_Sr .Super60_Elite, Target & LI IT-BTs _ Jee-Main_GTM-08_Test Syllabus

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 05-01-2024 _Sr .S60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee-Main_GTM-08_Q.P
PHYSICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answ er, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
1. A bag of sand of mass 9.8 kg is suspended by a rope. A bullet of mass 200g travelling with a

speed of 10ms 1 gets embedded in it, then loss of kinetic energy will be
1)4.9 J 2) 9.8J 3)14.7J 4) 19.6J
2. The length of metallic wire is l1 when tension in it is T1 . It is l2 when the tension is T2 . The
original length of the wire will be
T l T l l l T l T l T l T l
1) 1 1 2 2 2) 1 2 3) 2 1 1 2 4) 2 1 1 2
T2  T1 2 T1  T2 T2  T1
3. Two point charges Q each are placed at a distance d apart. A third point charge q is placed at
a distance x from mid- point on the perpendicular bisector. The value of x at which charge q
will experience the maximum Coulomb’s force is:
d d d
1) x  d 2) x  3) x  4) x 
2 2 2 2
4. When the switch S, in the circuit shown, is closed then the valued of current I will be:

i1 C i2
20V 10V
A 2 4 B


V 0
1)3A 2) 5A 3) 4A 4) 2A

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5. A small square loop of side ‘a’ and one turn is placed inside a larger square loop of side b
and one turn (b >>a). The two loops are coplanar with their centres coinciding. If a current I
is passed in the square loop of side ‘b’, then the coefficient of mutual inductance between
the two loops is:

 a2 0 8 2 0 b2 0 8 2
1) 0 8 2 2) 3) 8 2 4)
4 b 4 a 4 a 4 b
6. An isolated and charged spherical soap bubble has a radius ‘r’ and the pressure inside is
atmospheric. If ‘T’ is the surface tension of soap solution, then charge on drop is:

2rT 2rT
1) 2 2) 8 r 2rT  0 3) 8 r rT  0 4) 8 r
0 0
7. For the arrangement shown in the figure, let a and T be the acceleration of the blocks and
tension in the string respectively. The string and the pulley are frictionless and massless.
Which of the graphs show the correct relationship between a and T for the system in which
sum of the two masses m1 and m2 is constant.

m1  m2



1) a2 2) a2

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1 1
3) a2 4) a2

8. The dimensions of  b4 (  = Stefan’s constant and b= Wien’s constant ) are:

1)  M 0 L0T 0  2)  ML4T 3  3)  ML2T 3  4)  MLT 2 

       
9. Assertion:-A body becomes massless at the centre of earth.
 d
Reason:- Acceleration due to gravity at a depth ‘d’ from the surface of earth is g 1   .
 R
1)Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
2)Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
3)Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
4)Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
10. Statement I - A bar magnet can exert torque on itself due to it’s own field.
Statement II - One element of a current carrying wire can exert a force on another element of
same wire.
1)Statement I is true; Statement II is true
2)Statement I is false; Statement II is false
3)Statement I is true; Statement II is false
4)Statement I is false; Statement II is true
11. Assertion : A flask contains argon and chlorine in the ratio of 2 : 1 by mass at a temperature

of 27 C . The ratio of average kinetic energy per molecule is 1 : 1

Reason : The average kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to the absolute
temperature of gas and independent of pressure, volume or the nature of ideal gas.
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1)Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
2)Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
12. Assertion : A variable frequency ac source is connected to a capacitor. If the frequency of ac
source decreases the displacement current also decreases.
Reason : The capacitive reactance increases with decrease in frequency of ac.
1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
13. Assertion : The conductivity of a semi conductor increases with increase in temperature.
Reason : In a semi conductor, the number density of carriers and relaxation time increases
with increase in temperature.
1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
14. Un polarised light is incident on a plane glass surface of refractive index 1.5 . What should
be the angle of incidence so that the reflected and refracted rays are perpendicular to each

1) sin 1 1.5 2) cos1 1.5 3) tan 1 1.5 4) sin 1  0.667 

15. A projectile is thrown with a velocity of 10 2 m / s at an angle of 45 with horizontal. The

interval between the moments when speed is 125m / s is g  10m / s 2 
1)1.0 s 2) 1.5 s 3) 2.0 s 4) 0.5 s
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16. A particle leaves the origin at t = 0 and moves in the positive x-axis direction. Velocity of
 t
the particle at any instant is given by v  u 1   . If u  10ms 1 and t '  5s , find the x-
 t' 
coordinate of the particle at an instant of 10 s.

v  ms 1 

t s

1)-10m 2) 0 3) 10 m 4) 20 m
17. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey a condition  cons tan t ,

   density of the gas  . The gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and density  . The
gas expands such that density changes to  /2. Then,
1) The pressure of the gas changes to 2P
2) The temperature of the gas changes to
3) The temperature of the gas changes to 2T
4) The graph of the above process on P-T diagram is hyperbola.

18. Equal masses of three liquids A, B and C have temperatures 10 C , 25 C and 40 C

respectively. If A and B are mixed, the mixture has a temperature of 15 C . If B and C are

mixed, the mixture has temperature of 30 C . If A and C are mixed, the mixture will have a
temperature of

1) 16 C 2) 20 C 3) 25 C 4) 29 C

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19. A body executes S.H.M. with an amplitude A. Its energy is half kinetic and half potential
when the displacement is
1)A/3 2) A/2 3) A / 2 4) A / 2 2
20. A resistor of 200 and a capacitor of 15.0 F are connected in series to a 220 V, 50Hz ac
source. Calculate the current in the circuit.
1)0.755 A 2) 0.925 A 3) 1.225 A 4) 1.565 A
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
21. Two bodies, a ring and a solid cylinder of same material are rolling down without slipping
on inclined plane. The radii of the bodies are same. The ratio of velocity of the centre of
mass at the bottom of the inclined plane of the ring to that of the cylinder is . then, the
value of x is---------.
22. A diatomic gas    1.4  does 400 J of work when it is expanded isobarically. The heat given

to the gas in the process is --------J

23. An organ pipe 40cm long is open at both ends. The speed of sound in air is 360ms 1 . The

frequency of the second harmonic is ----------Hz.

24. The same size images are formed by a convex lens when the object is placed at 20 cm or at

10 cm from the lens. The focal length of convex lens is---------------cm.

25. A nucleus disintegrates into two smaller parts, which have their velocities in the ratio 3 : 2.

The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be   3 . The value of ‘x’ is :

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26. A slab of material of dielectric constant K = 5 has the same area as the plates of a parallel

plate capacitor but has a thickness d , [Where d is the separation between the plates] is

inserted between the plates, then the capacitance of the capacitor becomes ( c0 =

capacitance without di-electric). Find x ?

27. A storage battery of emf 8.0 V and internal resistance 0.5 is being charged by a 136 V dc

supply using a series resistor of 15.5 . Find the terminal voltage of the battery during


28. Two long and parallel straight wires A and B carrying currents of 8.0 A and 5.0 A in the

same direction are separated by a distance of 4.0 cm. The magnitude of force on a 10 cm

section of wire A is x  105 N . Find x?

29. The work functions of two metals A and B are 4 eV and 2eV respectively. The ratio of

slopes of the graph drawn between maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron and

frequency of incident radiation for two metals is…………

30. An electron is in an excited state in a hydrogen atom. It has a total energy -3.4 eV. Its de

Broglie wavelength is x  1010 m . Find x ? [Planck’s constant = 6.64  1034 Js , mass of

electron = 9  10 31 kg ].

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SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 05-01-2024 _Sr .S60_Elite, Target & LIIT-BTs _Jee-Main_GTM-08_Q.P
CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answ er, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

31. The number of electrons present in 3d orbital of Cu  is

1) 20 2) 10 3) 16 4) 24
32. What is the mass ratio of ethylene glycol ( C2 H 6O2 , molar mass = 62 g/mol) required for
making 500 g of 0.25 molal aqueous solution and 250 mL of 0.25 molar aqueous solution?
1) 1 : 1 2) 3 : 1 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 2
33. In the cumene to phenol preparation in presence of air, the intermediate is

1) 2) 3) 4)
List-1 List-II
Reaction Reagents
(A) Hoffmann Degradation (1) Conc.KOH, 
(B) Clemenson reduction (II) CHCl3 , NaOH / H 3O 
(C) Cannizaro reaction (III) Br2 , NaOH
(D) Reimer-Tiemann reaction (IV) Zn  Hg / HCl

1)  A  III ,  B   IV ,  C   II ,  D   I

2)  A  II ,  B   IV ,  C   I ,  D   III

3)  A  III ,  B   IV ,  C   I ,  D   II

4)  A  II ,  B   I ,  C   III ,  D   IV

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35. The correct order in aqueous medium of basic strength in case of methyl substituted amines
1) Me2 NH  MeNH 2  Me3 N  NH 3
2) Me2 NH  Me3 N  MeNH 2  NH 3
3) NH 3  Me3 N  MeNH 2  Me2 NH
4) Me3 N  Me2 NH  MeNH 2  NH 3
36. What is the number of unpaired electron(s) in the highest occupied molecular orbital of the

following species : N 2 , N 2  , O2 , O2 ?

1) 0, 1, 2, 1 2) 2, 1, 2, 1 3) 0, 1, 0, 1 4) 2, 1, 0, 1
37. The bond dissociation energy is highest for
1) Cl2 2) I 2 3) Br2 4) F2

38. The primary and secondary valencies of cobalt respectively in Co  NH 3 5 Cl  Cl2 are:

1) 3 and 5 2) 2 and 6 3) 2 and 8 4) 3 and 6

39. During the borax bead test with CuSO4 a blue green colour of the bead was observed in
oxidizing flame due to the formation of
1) Cu3B2 2) Cu 3) Cu  BO2 2 4) CuO

40. Which of the following conformations will be the most stable?

1) 2) 3) 4)

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41. The rate constant of a reaction is equal to rate of reaction:
1) When concentrations of reactants do not change with time.
2) When concentrations of all reactants and products are equal.
3) At time t=0.
4) When concentrations of all reactants are unity.
42. For the redox change;
Zn( s )  Cu 2 (1M )  Zn 2  (0.1M )  Cu ( s )
In a cell E o cell is 1.10 volt. Ecell for the cell would be
1) 1.13 V 2) 0.82 V 3) 2.14 V 4) 180 V
43. In a mixture A and B components show negative deviation as
1) Vmix   ve
2) Vmix  ve
3) A  B interaction is weaker than A  A and B  B interaction.
4) None of the above.
44. Calculate the value of H o / kJ for the following reaction using the listed thermochemical
2C ( s)  H 2 ( g )  C2 H 2 ( g )
2C2 H 2 ( g )  5O2 ( g )  4CO2 ( g )  2 H 2O(l ) H 0 / kJ  2600 kJ
C ( s)  O2 ( g )  CO2 ( g ) H 0 / kJ  390 kJ
2 H 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 H 2O(l ) H 0 / kJ  572 kJ
1) +184 2) +214 3) +202 4) +234
45. The reaction below can be used as a laboratory method for preparing small quantities
of Cl2  g  . If a 49 g sample that is 96 % K 2Cr2O7 by mass is allowed to react

with 325 mL of HCl( aq ) with a density of 1.15 g/ml and 30.1% HCl by mass, how many

grams of Cl2  g  are produced?

K 2Cr2O7  HCl  CrCl3  Cl2  H 2O  KCl

(Atomic weights: K = 39, Cr = 52, Cl = 35.5)
1) 68.16g 2) 45.64g 3) 34.08g 4) 53g
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46. Column-I & Column-II contain data on Schrondinger Wave-Mechanical model, where
symbols have their usual meanings. Match the columns.
Column-I Column-II
(P) 4s

(Q) 5 p x

(C)  (  ,  )=K (independent of  &  ) (R) 3s
(D) At least one angular node is present (S) 6 d xy

1) A-P; B-PQS; C-PR; D-QS 2) A-PQS;B-P; C-QS; D-PR

3) A-PQS;B-QS; C-P; D-PR 4) A-QS;B-PQS; C-PR; D-P
47. Titration curves for 0.1M solutions of three weak acids HA1,HA2 and HA3 with ionization
constants K1,K2 and K3 respectively with a strong base are plotted as shown in the figure.
Which of the following option is false?

1) K 2   K1  K3  / 2 2) pK1  pK3 3) K1  K 2 4) K 2  K3

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48. Match the column for the substrate, reagent and product.
Column – I Column – II
A) ph 

OH P) Dicarbonyl compound

B)  CH 3CO2 2 Ca 
 Q) Me2CO

C) HO OH 

Pd / BaSO
D) CH3COCl 
4 S) Product gives test iodoform test

1) A -P, B-Q,S, C-S, D- R 2) B-R,S,A-Q,C-R,D-P,Q

3) A-R,B-Q,P,C-P,D-S 4) B-R, A-R,S,C-Q,D-P
49. Match the following

Column – I Column – II

A. Glucose – Fructose P. Anomers

B. Fructose – Mannose Q. Diastereomers

C. Glucose – Mannose R. Functional isomers

D.  -D-Glucopyranose S. Lobry-De-Bruyn-Alberada-Van Ekenstein

 -D-Glucopyranose Transformation

1)A-R,S; B-R,S ; C-Q,S; D-P,Q; 2)A-Q,S ; B-P,Q ; C-R,S ; D-P,Q;

3)A-P,S ; B-P,R ; C-R,S ; D-R,S; 4)A-R,S ; B-S,Q; C-R,S;D-P,R;

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50. Predict the product of the following reaction

1) 2)

3) 4)
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.

51. If a pure enantiomer of 1-bromo-2-butene is treated with Br2/CCl4 in presence of FeBr3, how
many different products (including stereoisomers) would result?

 H 2 

 product
If the number of moles of benzene which remain after complete reaction is x then 100x = ?
53. How many non axial d orbitals are involved in the hybridization of CrO2Cl2 ?

54. Calculate Z(effective) for the f-electron in Ce3

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55. The number of bridged oxygen atoms present in compound B formed from the following
reactions is

Pb  NO3 2  A  PbO  O2

673 K

D im erise
A 
56. How many of the following orders/statements are correct.
a) IP1 of nitrogen is not less than that of oxygen
b) IP1 of Pb is less than that of Sn
c) Electronegativity order B  Tl  In  Ga  Al
d) IP2 order B  C  Be
e) Electron gain enthalpy order Ne  Ar  Kr  Xe  He  Rn
f) Electron affinity of Be+4 is 217.6 ev/ion nearly.
g) Electronegativities of K & Rb are same
h) Order of sizes Tl  In  Al  Ga  B
i) Official IUPAC name of element with atomic number 105 is Unnilquadium.
57. With respect to the complex ion  Mn  OH 2 6  how many of the following statements are

I. It is diamagnetic.
II. It is a low spin complex.

III. The metal ion is a d 5 ion.

IV. The ligands are weak field ligands.
V. It is octahedral.
58. A real gas is subjected to an adiabatic process from (4 bar, 40 L) to (6 bar, 25L) against a
constant pressure in a signal step. Calculate the enthalpy change for the process (in bar litre).

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59. If 4 A current produced in fuel cell, use for the deposition of Ag  in 1L AgNO3 aq  solution

for 241.25 sec using Pt electrode.

Calculate the pOH of solution after electrolysis at 25 C .

60. Identify number of reactions that would give salicylic acid as major product.

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MATHEMATICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answ er, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
50 n
61. Let  X i   Yi  T , where each X i contains 10 elements and each Yi contains 5 elements.
i 1 i 1

If each element of the set T is an element of exactly 20 of sets X i ’s and exactly 6 of sets Yi

’s, then n is equal to

1) 15 2) 50 3) 45 4) 30

62. For t  R & f be a continuous function. Let

1 cos2 t 1 cos 2 t
I1   x f ( x(2  x )) dx & I 2   f ( x(2  x))dx . Then 1
sin t sin 2 t

1 2
1) 1 2) 3 3) 4)
3 5
 x  x 
63.  2 xy y   y 2 xy 
The general solution of the differential equation x  y .e  e  dy  y  e  y .e  dx is
   
   
x y x y
1) e xy  e y  c xy
2) e  e x  c 3) e xy  e y  c
4) e xy
ex c
64. If from each of the three boxes containing 3 white & 1 black, 2 white & 2 black, 1 white & 3

black balls, one ball is drawn at random, then the probability that 2 white & 1 black ball will

be drawn is

13 1 1 3
1) 2) 3) 4)
32 4 32 16

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65. Consider the points A   0,1 & B   2,0  , P be a point on the line 4 x  3 y  9  0 Co-

ordinates of the point ‘P’ such that PA  PB is maximum is

 12 17   84 13   6 17   24 17 

1)  ,  2)  ,  3)  ,  4)  , 
 5 5  5 5  5 5  5 5

66. If one of the diameters of the circle x 2  y 2  2 x  6 y  6  0 is a chord to the circle with

centre (2,1), then the radius of the circle is

1) 4 2) 3 3 3) 3 4) 5

67. Two families with three members each and one family with four members are to be seated in
a row. In how many ways can they be seated so that the same family members are not

2)  3! .  4! 3)  3! . 4! 4) 3! 4!

3 2 3
1) 2!3!4!

If f : R  R, f  f  x     f  x   then f ( f ( f ( f ( x)))) is equal to


       
2 2
2)  f  x  
1) f x 4 3) f x 2 4) f x 4

69. If both roots of quadratic equation ax 2  x  c  a  0 are imaginary and c > -1, then
1) 3a  2  4c 2) 3a  2  4c 3) c  a 4) None of these

70. Let z1, z2 and z3 be complex numbers satisfying z  i 3  1 and 3 z1  i 3  2 z2  2 z3 then

z1  z2 is
1) 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 2

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   
3 3 1
71. Statement –I: The equation sin 1 x  cos 1 x  a 3  0 has a solution for all a  .
    9 2
Statement –II: For any x   1,1,sin 1
x  cos 1
x  , and 0   sin 1 x    .
2  4 16
1) Both statement I and II are true.
2) Both statement I and II are false.
3) Statement I is true and statement II is false
4) Statement I is false sand statement II is true
Statement –I: The largest term in the expansion of  4  3x 
72. when x  is the 8th term
  n  1 a 
Statement –II: Greatest term in the expansion of  x  a  is rth term where r  

 xa 
when [y] represents greatest integer and 0
a ,
1) Both statement I and II are false.

2) Statement I is true and statement II is false

3) Statement I is false sand statement II is true

4) Both statement I and II are true
 2 1 1
73. Statement 1: As A   0 1 1  satisfies the equation x3  5 x 2  6 x  2  0 , therefore A is
1 1 2
 
Statement II: If a square matrix A satisfies the equation

a0 x n  a1x n 1  1x  an  0, and an , a0  0,

Then A is invertible

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1) Both statement I and II are true.
2) Both statement I and II are false.
3) Statement I is true and statement II is false
4) Statement I is false sand statement II is true

74. 
Statement I: The sum of algebraic distances from the points n , n 2 , where 
n=1,2,3,………….2023 to a variable straight line is zero and if such a line always passes
through the point  ,   then     1366200

Statement II: If sum of algebraic distances from the points  xi , yi  , where i  1,2,3........n to a

 n n 
variable straight line is zero then that the line passes through the point   xi ,  yi 
 
 i 1 i 1 
1) Both statement I and II are true.
2) Both statement I and II are false.
3) Statement I is true and statement II is false
4) Statement I is false sand statement II is true
75. Consider of the following statements is/are true?
f ( c  h )  f (c  h )
Statement I: If f is differentiable at x=c, then Lim exists and equals
h 0 2h

f ' (c ).

 2 1
 x sin 2 , x0
Statement II: Let g ( x)   x , then g ' exists and g ' is continuous, everywhere
 0, x0

on R
1) Both I and II are true 2) I is true, II is false
3) I is false, II is true 4) both I and II are false

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76. The mean of five observations is 4 and their variance is 5.2. If three of these observations are
1, 2 and 6, then the other two observations can be
1) 2 and 9 2) 3 and 8 3) 4 and 7 4) 5 and 6
    
77. If the vectors AB  3 i  4 k and AC  5 i  2 j  4 k are the sides of a triangle ABC, then the
length of the median through A is
1) 18 2) 72 3) 33 4) 45
x  2 y 1 z
78. The vertices B and C of a triangle ABC lie on the line,   such that BC=5
3 0 4
units. Then the area (in sq. units) of this triangle, given that the point A(1,-1,2),is :
1) 5 17 2) 2 34 3) 6 4) 34
79. The area of the region bounded by the parabola ( y  2)2  ( x  1), the line touches to it at the
point whose ordinate is 3 and the x-axis is:
1) 9 2) 10 3) 4 4) 6
80. The area (in sq. units) of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the parabola y 2  8 x , with one
of its vertices on the vertex of this parabola , is :
1) 64 3 2) 256 3 3) 192 3 4) 128 3
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5
questions attempted. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer
is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: + 4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.

81. Let an1  2  an , n  1,2,3........ & a1  3then Lim an is _____________

n 
82. Number of points where f ( x ) | x 2  2 x  3 | .e|9 x 12 x  4| is not differentiable is/are
n n
83. If x1, x2 ,.....xn are n observations such that  xi 2
 400 and  xi  80 then the least value
i 1 i 1
of n is

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3 2
84. Let a , b , c be three unit vectors such that a .b  b.c  a .c  and ( a , c)  , then the value
2 3

 
of 4 a . b  b.c  a .c is __________

85. A and B are two non-empty sets and A is proper subset of B. If n( A)  4, then minimum
possible value of n( AB) is __________ (where  denotes symmetric difference of set A
and B)
86. Let a,b,c be any real numbers. Suppose that there are real numbers x, y, z not all zero such

that x  cy  bz, y  az  cx and z  bx  ay then a 2  b2  c 2  2abc is equal to

87. The value of “ a ” for which the equation x 3  2ax  2  0 and x 4  2 ax 2  1  0 have a
common root is “  ” then | 8 | is
88. If M and m are the maximum and minimum distances of the point P(2,6) from the ellipse

( x  2) 2 ( y  1) 2
  1, then the value of M-2m is ___________
9 16

89. If a rectangular hyperbola  x  1 y  2   4 cuts a circle x 2  y 2  2 gx  2 fy  c  0 at

points  3,4  ,  5,3 ,  2,6  and  1,0  then the value of g  f is ____________
 1 1   1
90. If tan15    tan195  2a then the value of  a   is
tan 75 tan105  a

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