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The 9th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks
(EUSPN 2018)

Towards Security on Internet of Things: Applications and

Challenges in Technology
Kazi Masum Sadique*, Rahim Rahmani, Paul Johannesson
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm,


The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm refers to the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and connectivity to enable objects to exchange data with servers, centralized systems, and/or other connected devices
based on a variety of communication infrastructures. IoT data collected from different sensors, nodes and collectors are transferred
to the cloud over the internet. IoT devices are used by consumers, healthcare, businesses as well as by the governments. It is being
forecast that 31 billion IoT devices will be deployed all over the world by the year 2020. As the use of IoT devices is increasing
every moment several IoT vulnerabilities are introduced. The results and analysis indicate that massive deployment of IoT with an
integration of new technologies are introducing new security challenges in IoT paradigm. In this paper, IoT security challenges
and open issues are discussed which provides a ground for future research.
© 2018
© 2018 The
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of EUSPN 2018.
Keywords: Internet-of-Things; IoT security challenges; Trust in IoT; IoT data privacy; Distributed intelligence; Blockchain; 5G wireless
technology; Software defined network (SDN); Network function virtualization (NFV); Machine learning

1. Introduction

The Internet connects us to the physical world through personal health monitors, proximity networks, smart homes,
smart cars, and automation networks. These new networks provide tremendous opportunity, but also bring tremendous

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-736781636.

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1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of EUSPN 2018

1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of EUSPN 2018.
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risks [1]. IoT makes it possible to sense and control objects creating opportunities for more direct integration between
the physical world and computer-based systems. IoT will usher automation in many application domains, ranging from
manufacturing and energy management (e.g. SmartGrid) to healthcare management and urban life (e.g. SmartCity)
[2]. In near future, 5G network will be the base infrastructure for the IoT devices with massive data capacity and
massive device connectivity, which will allow ‘zero distance’ gap between machines and people [69] and ‘zero
latency’ [70]. However, because of its fine-grained, continuous and pervasive data acquisition and control capabilities,
IoT raises concerns about security. Deploying existing security solutions to IoT is not straightforward because of
device heterogeneity, highly dynamic and possibly unprotected environments, and large scale.

2. Background and motivation

Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects.
Technologies like RFID, short-range wireless communications, real-time localization and sensor networks becoming
increasingly pervasive, making the IoT a reality. We are experiencing a paradigm shift, in which everyday objects
become interconnected and smart [3]. However human understanding and experience of the use of interacted smart
things and smart systems have not developed at the same pace, these create challenges with enormous technical,
security, privacy and trust consequences. A wide range of researchers from academia and industry as well as business,
government agencies, and cities are exploring this technology from three main perspectives scientific theory,
engineering design and the user experience. This shift aims to empower users by providing them with the knowledge
required to understand and control their environment as well as by offering new accessible and interactive
interfaces/applications that go beyond the traditional. The future focus is to implement artificial intelligent in all areas
of IoT, including traffic management, power, monitoring, industrial production, building, agriculture, environment
management, smart home, remote medical treatment etc. to have a smart networked society where recourses should
be efficiently utilized with a positive effect on population [6]. All these innovative IoT development introduces new
security challenges and open research areas to be addressed. Security of IoT needs to be addressed based on the
characteristics of the IoT environment where it is applied [6].

2.1. IoT security vision

As explained in the previous section, connected IoT devices are the driving force for a smart world, where things
play a vital role in our everyday life. Connected nodes are mostly RFID (Radio-frequency identification) tags or
wireless sensors. Though TCP/IP (Transport control protocol/Internet protocol) is the main protocol used for Internet
communication, IoT devices may need to use a short-range communication protocol to connect itself with a central
node/hub from where data is transferred to the server/cloud [3]. The short-range communication protocols include
near field communication (NFC), Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, Wi-fi, ZigBee, and 6LoWPAN [4]. There are three basic
layers in a typical IoT architecture: sensing/perception layer, transport/network layer, and application layer. Each of
this layer has its own security issues to be considered [6], [7]. The sensing/perception layer holds the physical IoT
devices those senses/share different parameters with its respective environment. If attackers get control of these
devices, they will be able to extract sensitive information from it [6]. The transport/network layer is based on the
internet infrastructure that allows the data to be transferred between the sensing/perception layer, and application layer
[8]. The application layer includes storage, analysis, and representation of the data to the end user. The hardware and
software at these different layers are mostly managed and maintained by different entities. For example, the physical
hardware at the sensing/perception layer could be maintained by one provider. The Network layer could be managed
by another network provider and data at the application layer could be stored by a cloud provider and accessed from
a software which is built by another software developer company. Secure data transfer at the communication level
and trust between all these entities are crucial.

3. Related work

There are many published papers on IoT security but not that many discussed the IoT security issued related to the
current trend in IoT. In our study, we have considered papers related to security in IoT devices, IoT architecture,
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protocols for secure IoT communications and current trends in IoT security. Babar et al. suggested an embedded
security framework and architecture that lightweight standardized protocol support with physical protection of secret
keys and secure operating system [9]. As we have discussed earlier that physical nodes are connected through short
distance communication protocol like Wi-Fi, 6LoWPAN and so on. Researches showed that these technologies are
also vulnerable. Varadarajan and Crosby developed and evaluated an algorithm for end-to-end security for IoT using
IPSec technology that enhances the security for 6LoWPAN [10]. Granjal et al. tested different cryptographic
algorithms (AES, 3DES, SHA1, SHA2) on real wireless sensor nodes to achieve security for WSNs using IPSec and
VPv6 in respect to encryption times and energy consumption [5]. Mostly protected Wi-Fi networked are secured using
Wi-Fi protected access (WPA/2) could be the victim of key reinstallation attack [53]. All these solutions are
specifically for the communication layer of any IoT solutions but not a complete security solution for IoT.

Table 1. IoT security survey papers based on discussion areas.

Area of discussion Paper references (discussed) Paper references (not discussed) Partially Discussed
Security [11-50] [22]
Privacy [11-22], [24-39], [42-48], [50] [40], [41], [49] [23]
Trust [11-15], [17], [18], [20], [21], [26], [28], [16], [19], [22], [25], [27], [30],
[29], [31], [33], [34], [42-44], [46-48] [32], [41], [45], [49], [50]
Distributed Intelligence [11-50]
SDN/ NFV [27], [33], [34], [36], [37] [11-25], [28-32], [35], [38-50] [26]
Blockchain [31], [33] [11-25], [27-30], [32], [34-50] [26]
Machine learning [11-50]

We have analyzed forty IoT security survey papers based on seven parameters: security, privacy, trust and
consideration of distributed intelligence, used in an application, use of software defined network (SDN), network
function virtualization (NFV), blockchain technology and machine learning. From the table, we can see that none of
the research introduces distributed intelligence to secure IoT infrastructure. We also see that none of the paper
discussed the use of machine learning concepts to enhance IoT security. From the above table, we can also find that
several researchers didn’t discuss trust in IoT infrastructure and trust between different entities present at different
layers of IoT.

4. Security threats and challenges in IoT

To design and implement complete security solutions for IoT paradigm, identification of threats and challenges of
IoT networks, IoT devices, IoT applications and IoT is significant. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has
identified several IoT security threats [54]: (1) cloning of IoT devices by untrusted manufacturer, (2) substitution of
things with malicious lower quality things, (3) man-in middle attack during commissioning and due to lack of proper
authentication and authorization mechanisms in place, (4) firmware replacement with malicious code by an attacker,
(5) privacy threat against sensitive data, (6) denial-of-service attack, (7) routing attack, (8) eavesdropping attack on
poorly configured IoT network, and (9) extraction of security parameters from the physically unprotected IoT devices.
The following key IoT Security challenges [55] need to be addressed in future IoT security research:
Device identity: A unique identity of IoT devices is crucial. Domain Name Servers (DNS) assign names to the
connected IoT devices. But DNSs are also vulnerable of different attacks, i.e. man-in-middle attack, DNS cache
positioning attack and so on. Attackers may reuse a stolen/hijacked device identity and perform a different kind of
malicious activity within the network.
Firmware issue: Firmware updating and installation of security patches to IoT devices could be challenging.
Everyday new security vulnerabilities are introducing to the Internet. Users of IoT devices may need to keep track of
the updates installed on the devices. All IoT devices don’t support live update. Users may need to unmount the device
to install firmware and/or updates. A new device management system could be introduced to reduce the issues related
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to a firmware update. An automatic update may help but as discussed many of the devices don’t support over-the-air
update, so challenges exist.
Authentication and authorization: IoT networks consist of a huge number of devices. These devices need to be
able to flexibility connect the network at any time. As IoT devices produce and/or process sensitive data, it must
authenticate itself to receive and transmit data to the gateway. Security vulnerabilities increase by the use of default
passwords, set by the manufacturers without changing it also by the use of weak passwords on any device.
Authorization is equally important as authentication. IoT devices need to be able to read and write to a specific area
of database and not the others. Attackers may get read/write access to sensitive data area if the device is compromised.
Management of huge IoT devices: As the number of devices in IoT networks are increasing every day, the
management of these devices is becoming more and more complicated. A huge number of devices introduces new
security vulnerabilities. Still, now, no generic management system has introduced.
Implementation of security algorithms: IoT devices are mostly small with limited power, processing, and
memory capabilities. Implementation of complex cryptographic algorithms in this limited capability devices is quite
impossible. Even encryption and deception could be hard due to device capabilities. These devices may be the victim
of side channel attacks. Attackers may apply reverse engineering to restripe plain data transmitted over the network.
Implementation of lightweight encryption algorithms on these devices may reduce the possibility of eavesdropping.
Research opportunities exist for the design, implement, and test of new lightweight algorithms which will protect the
data in IoT networks.
Communication security: Secure communication is very important for the transfer of sensitive IoT data in real-
time over the Internet. As discussed earlier many IoT devices don’t encrypt data before transmission over the internet.
Secure private networking can reduce the vulnerabilities but as IoT data needs to be sent and received over a large
network in many cases secure private network couldn’t be a proper solution. The packaging of IoT data at an
intermediate level like, at an edge network may also reduce the challenges. Future research opportunities exist to
address this challenge.
Application security: Users data from the IoT nodes are stored in cloud, web and/or mobile devices. User data
could include bank account information, health data, location information and more. Even secure communication will
not protect the user data if the attacker gets access to the data from the web, cloud or mobile devices. So, the security
of the IoT data stored in cloud web and mobile devices is also challenging.
Digester recovery and incident management: IoT devices could be placed in anything. Failure in an IoT node
may introduce a huge problem. Proper digester recovery plan and incident management are very curtailed for real-
time IoT devices where sensitive information is handled by the IoT sensors.
Vulnerability detection and management: Detection and management of different security vulnerabilities of IoT
nodes are challenging. As IoT networks consist of many IoT devices it is not very easy to detect an affected node.
Further research possibility exists to introduce new frameworks to address this challenge.
Availability and service disruption: IoT devices must always available to monitor/gather data. IoT devices may
be compromised, physically damaged or stolen which will cause service interruption. High availability of IoT devices
is very important for real-time monitoring systems.
Data privacy and integrity: Privacy and integrity protection is challenging. Only allowed user should have access
to users’ personal data. Proper permission from the user is required before access to the data by someone else. Data
must be securely disposed of when it is no more needed.
Human factors: Handling of lazy users of IoT devices are challenging. For example, if a user of a car doesn’t
change a damaged device it could be a life threat for him or anybody else.

5. Open issues and discussion

Any security solution should consider three basic properties: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Confidentiality of data or information means that the access to the data is restricted for the unauthorized persons.
Integrity assures the originality of data. It means that the data is not changed by any unauthorized person. Availability
refers to the presence of data for access at any time. It means the data is accessible at any time [51]. Internet of Things
is no more a set of few connected nodes. IoT is moving forward every day with its rapid implementation in all most
all sectors including smart city, smart agriculture, intelligent traffic management, self-driven car, intelligent logistics,
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smart buildings, intelligent power network, smart GPS navigation, environmental management, industrial monitoring,
remote medical treatment and so on [6]. Secure IoT systems need to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of sensitive data produced from all these smart systems.

5.1. Open issues

Based on the IoT security challenges pointed above we have identified the following open issues for future research:
• IoT end device identity for proper authentication and authorization
• Trust between different components in IoT paradigm
• Privacy of user data generated by IoT end devices
• End to end IoT data security with proper security enforcement and standardization

5.2. Discussion

To achieve security in IoT, it is very important to have a simplified generic presentation of any IoT system. We
have suggested a generic six layers simplified presentation of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm and security
requirements at each layer in Table 2.

Table 2. Layer representation of IoT and its security requirements.

Layer name Security requirement
Physical sensor objects layer End device security
Local communication layer Local communication security
Gateway objects layer Gateway data security
Internet Communication layer Internet security
Cloud storage and data analysis layer Cloud data security
IoT application layer Application security

Any typical IoT application can be replaced with the above layered model. But IoT is moving forward with real-
time decision making, for example, a self-driven car needs to decide immediately whether it should break or continue
driving when it senses a person at a pedestrian crossing few meters away from the vehicle. In this situation distributed
intelligence for IoT comes into play.
Securing IoT devices based on artificial intelligence and machine learning is a new area of research. An artificial
neural network-based security approach was tested in a testbed in lab environment [52], data was collected from the
edge network and analyzed. correct sensor value and incorrect delay, incorrect sensor value and correct delay, and
incorrect delay and incorrect sensor value were also detected. Further research is possible to enhance this concept and
test the designed system in a large lab environment. To enhance the security of IoT devices, malware detections,
access control, authentication and secure overloading in techniques using machine learning also suggested in recent
research [56]. Further research is possible in this area as well.
As we discussed in the challenge section trust between entities is very critical to secure IoT devices. As the devices
communicate with other devices deployed by a different vendor, only trusted device should be able to pair and transfer
data to the other party. To achieve trust, the unique identity of devices is very important. Sharma et al. proposed a
trust management framework for IoT also suggested a machine learning based model for it [57]. As IoT devices should
be able to join and leave the network at any time, further research is possible to achieve dynamic trust in IoT network.
Network automation and intend based networking is another new area where network connectivity and components
are managed by software that supports artificial intelligence and machine learning [58], [59]. The combination of
software defined networking with intend based network to enhance the quality of network with improved usability
could be an interesting area of research. These are new research areas and standardization is important [60]. The use
of intend based networking together with SDN for IoT devices and securing is also an open area of research. The use
of network function virtualization (NFV) and software defined network (SDN) to secure of IoT is also a new area of
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research [61-63]. Many open issues need to be addressed. Use of Blockchain in IoT Security suggested in current
research [64-68]. This is an open research area on the Internet of Things where distributed intelligence with blockchain
technology will enhance IoT security.
To support massive capacity and massive connectivity with flexibility and intelligence, the core network of 5G will
include cloud-based computing with a combination of SDN and NFV [69], [71]. The 5GEx concept will allow multi-
domain and multi-technology communication between different network entities [71]. As per researcher, 5G network
will increase machine to machine (M2M) communication and it will also increase the number of applications, which
will allow human to interact with the machines in an efficient manner [72]. The security of 5G is an open area of

6. Conclusions

Internet of things is a multidisciplinary area, where technology meets people to enrich the quality of living with an
improved working environment and efficient productivity. As the number of IoT devices is increasing, many new
technology areas are integrating with IoT, for management, connection, and collaboration with the central
server/gateway. We have discussed twelve security challenges for IoT paradigm. The use of the distributed
intelligence will allow instance decision making and will reduce unnecessary data transfer to the cloud. A simplified
generic model with six layers has been introduced in this paper which can represent any IoT system. A proper
implementation of distributed intelligence on this layered model will ensure complete security for IoT. Application of
machine learning in IoT is growing in all sector of IoT, including security of IoT. Though machine learning algorithms
are enhancing IoT paradigm it also introduces security issues. A compromised IoT node could be trained with
misleading data and it may behave unexpectedly and can be very harmful. To protect IoT nodes from unauthorized
access, trustworthy IoT infrastructure is required. The massive amount of sensitive data should be produced from the
future IoT systems. For the security, privacy and trust in future IoT networks and IoT data use of machine learning
algorithms, distributed intelligence, network function virtualization, software defined network, blockchain
technologies, and the 5G wireless network will increase. Use of all these emerging technologies introduce open
security issues to address in further research.


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