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ISC XII English Paper-1 Paper

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Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: Three hours
(Canditates are allowed Additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start during this time)
Attempt all four Questions.
The intended marks for Questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[].
(You are advised to spend not more than 45 minutes on Question 1,55 minutes on Question 2,30 minutes on
Question 3 and 50 minutes in Question 4.)
(You should begin each answer on a fresh page.)

Question 1 of a scene that you particularly liked—rating

Write a composition (in approximately 400— 450 and recommendation. [15]
words) on any one of the following subjects. [20] (ii) As a Member of the Student Council of ABC
 (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for School, you wish to start a Laughter Club to
the orderly and coherent presentation of the matter, develop the appreciation for humour among
use of appropriate style and general accuracy of students. Write a proposal in not more than 150
spelling, punctuation and grammar.) words, outlining the steps you would take to
(i) Recently you attended the wedding of a close make this club a success. [10]
relative. It was the first family gathering after Question 3
the pandemic. Describe the excitement of Answer sections (i), (ii) and (iii). [5]
meeting all the family members, the venue of (i) In each of the following items, sentence I is
the wedding, the food that was served and the complete, while sentence II is not. Complete
celebrations that followed. sentence II in each case.
(ii) During the summer break, you joined a group of
young people who read to the elderly at a senior
citizens’ home. Narrate your experience of (I) The heavy showers of rain revived the plants.
reading to the elderly and the interactions you (II) The plants ......................................
had with them. How did this experience impact Answer: The plants were revived by the heavy
you? showers of rain.
(iii) Cooking should be made a compulsory subject (a) (I) P G. Wodehouse is the funniest author I have
in the higher classes. Argue either FOR or
ever read.
AGAINST the given statement.
(II) No other ........................................
(iv) Music
(v) A person should be judged by the way they treat (b) (I) Michelangelo was an architect and a poet.
their subordinates. Present your reflections on (II) Not only ……….............................
this statement. (c) (I) Sara said that she would come to my house
(vi) Write an original short story that begins with the following day.
the following words; She was still on the phone
(II) Sara said to me, “…………..........
giving out instructions when...
(d) (I) As soon as the students enter their classroom,
Question 2
the teacher welcomes them.
(i) Write a review of a film that you watched
recently, using the points given below. The (II) No sooner ………….....................
review is to be published in your school (e) (I) Only the wearer knows where the shoe
newsletter and should not exceed 300 words. pinches.
Name of the film and director—lead actors and (II) None ………….............................
their performances — plot- setting - description
ISC, ENGLISH PAPER-1 (Language), Class-XII

(ii) Fill in each blanks with a suitable word. ( Do not (shower) down all over the garden and formed
write the sentences.) [5] a beautiful carpet.
(a) We must carry ________ despite the “There”, said the old man, “now it is perfect!”
challenges we come across. Question 4
(b) The police promised to carry______ a

Read the passage given below and answer the
thorough investigation.
questions (i), (ii) and (iii) that follows:
(c) He is sure to appeal ________ the judgement,
(1) The Police Superintendent is walking across
since it was unfavourable to him.
the market square followed by a constable.
(d) The leader appealed____________ the public
Suddenly he hears a loud shout, “So you bite,
to maintain law and order.
you damned brute? Lads, don’t let the dog go!
(e) The experienced doctor found it easy to Biting is prohibited nowadays!”
deal_________ young patients. There is the sound of yelping and the
(f) This particular shop deals ________ organic Superintendent sees a dog running out of a
food. timber-yard. A man runs after it and tries to seize
(g) The fresh college graduate jumped the dog by its hind legs. Sleepy countenances
___________ the first offer of a job. protrude from the shops and soon a crowd
(h) My mother advised me never to jump ______ gathers.
the lawn. (2) “It looks like a row, your honour”, says the
(i) The signboard in the park read ‘ keep ___ the constable.
lawn’. The Superintendent turns to his left and strides
(j) It is not easy to keep ______ with the rapidly towards the crowd. He sees the aforementioned
changing fashions. man standing close by the gate of the timber-
yard, holding his right hand in the air and
(iii) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below
displaying a bleeding finger to the crowd. He
with the appropriate form of the verb given in
was the town’s goldsmith. The culprit who has
brackets. Do not write the passage but write the
caused the sensation, a white puppy with a
verbs in the correct order. [5]
sharp muzzle and a yellow patch on its back, is
A young man had a beautiful garden in his sitting on the ground.
mansion. As he loved flowers, shrubs and
“What’s it all about?”, the Superintendent
trees, he tended to the garden himself. Next
inquires; pushing his way through the crowd,
to his mansion, there was a small house in
“Who was it that shouted?”
which_______(1) (live) an old man. One
(3) The goldsmith answers, “I was walking along
day, when the young man was ________
here not interfering with anyone when this low
(2)(expect) some special guests, he took extra
brute, for no rhyme or reason, bit my finger. I am
care in __________ (3) (tend) to the garden.
a working man. Mine is fine work. I must have
He pulled the weeds, ______ (4) (trim) the
damages, for I shan’t be able to use this finger
shrubs, combed the moss and spend a long
for a week.”
time meticulously____________(5) (rake) up and
carefully arranging all the dry autumn leaves. (4) “I won’t let this pass! Find out whose dog it is
As he worked, the old man (6) (watch) him and draw up a report.” The Superintendent
with interest from across the wall that ________ commands the constable.
(7) (separate) their houses. (5) “I fancy it’s General Zhigalov’s dog”, says
When he had finished, the young man stood someone in the crowd.
back to _______(8) (admire) his work. “Isn’t it Suddenly indignant, the Superintendent turns
beautiful?”, he called out to the old man. “Yes”, to the goldsmith and asks. “There is one thing
replied the old man, “but there is something I can’t make out. How it could have bitten you?
missing. Help me over this wall and I’ll put it Surely it couldn’t reach your finger. It’s’ a little
right for you.” dog, and you are a great hulking fellow! You
After a slight hesitation, the young man must scratched your finger with a nail, and then
__________(9) (lift) the old fellow over and set the idea struck you to get damages for it. I know
him down. Slowly the old man walked to the your sort!”
tree near the centre of the garden, grabbed it by (6) “No, that’s not the General’s dog”, says the
the trunk, and shook it. Leaves _________ (10) constable, with profound conviction, “the
Solved Paper - 2024
General has valuable dogs, and goodness (b) For each of the words given below, choose the
knows what this is! No coat, no shape a low sentence that uses the same word unchanged
creature.” in form but with a different meaning from that
The superintendent says, “You have been which it carries in the passage. [3]
injured, goldsmith and we can’t let the matter (1) row (line 12)
drop. You must be compensated for the (A) We sat in a row at the back of the room.
damage.” (B) The vegetables were planted in neat rows.

(7) “It is the General’s, that’s certain!”, says a voice (C) A row has broken out amongst the vendors.

in the crowd.
(D) The fisherman rowed us back to the shore.

“Oh! Constable, take the dog to the General’s
(2) left (line 14)
and inquire there. Say I found it and sent it. And
(A) I instructed the driver to take a left turn at

tell them not to let it out into the street. A dog is
the intersection,
a delicate animal. And you, you goldsmith, put
your hand down, It’s your own fault,” (B) The bank is situated to the left of the library.

On seeing the General’s cook approaching, (C) They left the house at six o’ clock in the

the Superintendent asks him,” Is it one of morning to reach the airport on time.
yours?” (D) He is giving away money left, right and

“We have never had one like this” ‘says the cook. centre.

“There’s no need to waste time asking,” decides (3) fancy (line 35)
the Superintendent, “it’s a stray dog. Chase it (A) He fancies himself as a serious actor.
away!” (B) 
 I was foot-loose and fancy-free in those
(8) “It’s not our dog”, the cook goes on, “it belongs days.
to the General’s brother who arrived the other (C) He had some fanciful notion about crossing

day.” the Atlantic in a barrel.
“Is his Excellency’s brother here? Delighted to (D) 
 He sells poor goods, but charges fancy
hear it,” says the Superintendent, and his whole prices.
face beams with an ecstatic smile, “it’s not a bad (ii) Answer the following questions in your own

pup. A lively creature, indeed. Come, why are words as briefly as possible.
you shivering, you nice little pup? (a) How does power play an important role in
(9) The cook calls the dog and walks away timber- the Superintendent’s decisions? [2]
yard.  (b) Why does the goldsmith ask for damages?
(10) The crowd laughs at goldsmith.  [2]
 Adapted from: A Chameleon by Anton Chekov (c) Who does the dog belong to? How do we
(i) (a) Given below; are three words and phrases.
know it? [2]
Find the words which have a similar meaning in (iii) Trace the Superintendent’s reactions from the

the passage [3] time the initial voice in the crowd is heard till the
(1) faces cook takes the dog away (paragraphs 5 to 9). You
(2) walks purposefully are required to write the summary in the form of
(3) precious a connected passage in about 100 words. Failure
to keep within the word limit will be penalized.

ISC, ENGLISH PAPER-1 (Language), Class-XII

1. (i) The air was buzzing with anticipation and joy of family ties and the resilience of the human spirit
as I attended the long-awaited wedding of a close in the face of adversity.
relative, marking the first family gathering after the (ii) The summer break presented an opportunity for
prolonged pause brought about by the pandemic. me to engage in a meaningful and heartwarming
The excitement was palpable, and the atmosphere activity – joining a group of young people who
was charged with happiness and love. volunteered to read to the elderly at a local
The venue itself was a picturesque setting, nestled senior citizens’ home. Little did I know that this
amidst lush greenery and adorned with vibrant experience would be profoundly impactful, leaving
flowers, creating a serene backdrop for the union an indelible mark on my perspective and fostering
of two souls. As I entered the venue, I was greeted a deeper appreciation for the stories etched in the
by the familiar faces of family members whom I had lives of the elderly.
not seen in what felt like an eternity. The hugs and As I entered the senior citizens’ home, there was an
laughter that ensued were a testament to the deep air of tranquility that enveloped the surroundings.
bonds that had endured the challenges of the past The residents, with their wrinkled yet expressive
year. faces, exuded a certain wisdom and experience
The wedding ceremony took place in a beautifully that instantly intrigued me. The group of young
decorated hall, where the couple exchanged vows volunteers and I were given the task of spending
surrounded by close family and friends. The love time with the elderly, sharing stories, and reading
radiating from the newlyweds was infectious, to them.
and it filled the air with warmth and a sense of I was paired with Ms. Thompson, a gentle soul
renewed hope. Witnessing the union of two people with silver hair and a warm smile. As I started
in love was a poignant reminder of the resilience reading, her eyes lit up, and her face transformed
of the human spirit and the enduring power of into a canvas reflecting the emotions stirred by the
relationships. words. The story became a bridge that connected
The feast that followed the ceremony was a culinary our worlds, transcending the generational gap. It
extravaganza, a testament to the meticulous wasn’t just about the narrative; it was about the
planning and attention to detail. The aroma of shared experience of immersing ourselves in the
various delicacies wafted through the air, teasing magic of storytelling.
our taste buds and adding to the overall festive Throughout the reading sessions, I discovered
ambience. The menu featured a diverse array of that each resident had a unique story to tell – tales
dishes, from traditional favorites to modern twists, of love, adventure, hardship, and triumph. The
catering to the varied tastes of the attendees. Each room echoed with the rich tapestry of their life
bite was a symphony of flavors, leaving everyone experiences, and I found myself captivated by the
savoring the culinary delights. wealth of knowledge and insight they possessed.
The celebrations that ensued were nothing short of The interactions went beyond the pages of the
spectacular. The dance floor became a lively stage books and became a medium for exchanging
where family members of all ages showcased their wisdom and forging connections.
moves, letting loose and reveling in the joyous As the weeks passed, I developed a special bond
occasion. The music echoed through the venue, with Ms. Thompson. Our reading sessions evolved
creating an infectious rhythm that invited even the into heartfelt conversations, and she generously
most reserved individuals to join in the merriment. shared snippets of her life – the challenges she
Laughter and joy echoed in every corner as we overcame, the joys she experienced, and the lessons
celebrated not only the union of the couple but also she learned. It was a reciprocal exchange of stories,
the rekindling of familial connections. creating a tapestry of shared experiences that
As the night unfolded, the camaraderie among transcended age and time.
family members became the highlight of the event. This experience had a profound impact on me.
The anecdotes shared, the memories revisited, and It taught me the importance of acknowledging
the shared laughter created a tapestry of connection and honoring the elderly, whose lives are often
that transcended the physical distance of the past overlooked in the fast-paced world we live in. It
months. It was a reunion of hearts, a celebration of reminded me that every individual carries a unique
love and togetherness that had been sorely missed story worth listening to, regardless of their age
during the challenging times of the pandemic. or background. The resilience and wisdom of the
In conclusion, attending the wedding of a close elderly became a source of inspiration, prompting
relative after the pandemic-induced hiatus was a me to reflect on the value of human connections
poignant and joyous experience. The venue, the and the wealth of knowledge that comes with age.
food, and the celebrations all contributed to creating In conclusion, the summer spent reading to
a memorable event that not only marked the union the elderly at the senior citizens’ home was a
of two individuals but also the rekindling of familial transformative experience. It opened my eyes to the
bonds. It was a reminder of the enduring strength richness of human stories and the profound impact
Solved Paper - 2024
that simple acts of kindness, such as reading, can like food waste. By integrating cooking into the
help in fostering connections and bridging the curriculum, educational institutions can contribute
gap between generations. This endeavor not only to the development of well-rounded individuals
enriched the lives of the elderly residents but also who are not only academically proficient but
left an enduring imprint on my own heart, shaping also equipped to lead healthy, sustainable, and
my perspective on the value of compassion and culturally enriched lives.
understanding in our interactions with others. Against the Statement
(iii) For the Statement While cooking is undoubtedly a valuable skill with
In the rapidly changing landscape of education, numerous benefits, arguing against making it a
there is a growing consensus that cooking should compulsory subject in higher classes can be rooted
be made a compulsory subject in higher classes. in considerations of individual preferences, the
Beyond the traditional academic subjects, culinary diverse range of skills, and the practical constraints
education offers a range of benefits that are not only within the education system.
practical but also contribute significantly to personal Firstly, the diversity of student interests and career
development and well-rounded education. paths should be acknowledged. Not every student
Firstly, introducing cooking as a compulsory may have an inclination or passion for cooking.
subject in higher classes fosters essential life Forcing them to take cooking as a compulsory
skills. As students transition into adulthood, subject could lead to disinterest, boredom, and a
the ability to prepare nutritious and balanced lack of engagement. Education should strive to
meals is a fundamental skill that equips them for cater to the varied talents and interests of students,
independent living. Cooking education provides offering a range of subjects that align with their
a practical knowledge about nutrition, meal individual aspirations and aptitudes.
planning, and food safety, empowering individuals Moreover, the educational system already faces
to make healthier dietary choices. In a world where challenges in fitting an extensive curriculum into
processed and fast foods dominate, instilling these the limited time available. Compulsory subjects
skills early on is crucial for promoting a healthier are often seen as essential components of a well-
lifestyle and preventing diet-related health issues. rounded education, and introducing cooking might
Moreover, cooking as a compulsory subject put additional strain on an already packed schedule.
encourages creativity and innovation. It serves as a This could potentially compromise the depth and
unique outlet for self-expression, allowing students quality of instruction in other core subjects that are
to experiment with flavors, textures, and cultural traditionally associated with academic success and
influences. This not only enhances their culinary future career prospects.
skills but also nurtures a creative mindset that can be Additionally, it is important to recognize that
applied to various aspects of life. Cooking involves practical life skills, including cooking, can be
problem-solving, adaptability, and the ability to effectively taught through optional or extracurricular
think on one’s feet. These skills are valuable in any programs. Making cooking compulsory might lead
professional or personal endeavor. to a situation where students feel burdened by yet
Additionally, culinary education promotes cultural another mandatory subject, diminishing the joy
awareness and appreciation. Cooking is an art of learning associated with elective activities. By
form that transcends borders, and by learning offering cooking as an optional subject or as part
about diverse cuisines, students gain a deeper of a broader life skills curriculum, students who are
understanding of different cultures. This exposure genuinely interested can choose to engage with it
fosters tolerance, respect, and an appreciation for without imposing it on everyone.
diversity, contributing to the holistic development Furthermore, there is the practical consideration of
of well-rounded individuals who can navigate available resources and facilities for cooking classes.
an increasingly globalized world with cultural Not all educational institutions may have the
sensitivity. necessary infrastructure, equipment, and qualified
Furthermore, making cooking compulsory in instructors to conduct cooking classes effectively.
higher classes addresses the issue of food waste. Introducing a compulsory subject without ensuring
With a better understanding of cooking techniques uniform access to adequate resources might
and meal planning, individuals are less likely to create disparities among schools, disadvantaging
waste food. This not only has economic implications some students in their pursuit of a well-rounded
but also aligns with the growing emphasis on education.
sustainability and responsible consumption. In conclusion, while cooking is undeniably a
Teaching students to be mindful of their food valuable skill, making it a compulsory subject in
choices and reduce waste has long-term benefits for higher classes may not be the most practical or
both individuals and the environment. equitable solution. Acknowledging the diverse
In conclusion, making cooking a compulsory subject interests of students, the existing constraints on the
in higher classes is a progressive step towards education system, and the availability of resources,
holistic education. Beyond the confines of academic it is more reasonable to provide cooking education
knowledge, it equips students with essential as an optional or extracurricular activity. This
life skills, fosters creativity, promotes cultural allows students to pursue it if they are genuinely
understanding, and addresses pertinent issues interested, without imposing it universally on a
ISC, ENGLISH PAPER-1 (Language), Class-XII

student body with varied preferences and career (v) The way an individual treats their subordinates
goals. is a revealing and significant measure of their
(iv) Music, with its universal language, has the character and leadership style. It is a reflection
remarkable ability to transcend barriers and evoke not only of their professional demeanor but also
emotions that words alone often fail to express. It of their values, empathy, and overall approach to
is a powerful force that resonates with individuals human relationships. Evaluating a person based on
across cultures, ages, and backgrounds, enriching how they interact with those under their authority
our lives in myriad ways. provides valuable insights into their leadership
At its core, music is an art form that encompasses abilities, emotional intelligence, and ethical
a vast spectrum of genres, styles, and standards.
expressions. From the soul-stirring melodies of One of the key aspects of this statement is the
classical compositions to the energetic beats of recognition that leadership is not merely about giving
contemporary pop, music caters to a diverse range orders or making decisions; it involves fostering
of tastes and preferences. Its versatility is one of its a positive and collaborative work environment. A
most enchanting qualities, allowing people to find person who treats their subordinates with respect,
solace, inspiration, or sheer joy in the vast tapestry kindness, and fairness is likely to create a conducive
of musical expressions. atmosphere where creativity, productivity, and job
Beyond its entertainment value, music plays a satisfaction thrive. This, in turn, contributes to the
pivotal role in shaping and reflecting societal trends, overall success of a team or organization.
attitudes, and emotions. It has the power to inspire Moreover, the way someone treats their
movements, capture historical moments, and serve subordinates reflects their emotional intelligence
as a catalyst for social change. Icons like Bob Dylan – their ability to understand and manage their
and Nina Simone used their music as a vehicle for emotions and those of others. Leaders who exhibit
activism, proving that melodies and lyrics have the empathy, active listening, and a genuine concern
potential to ignite revolutions and challenge the for the well-being of their team members are more
status quo. likely to build strong, trusting relationships. This
Music also holds a unique place in personal and emotional connection fosters a sense of loyalty
cultural identity. From traditional folk tunes that and commitment among subordinates, ultimately
weave the fabric of cultural heritage to the anthems leading to a more harmonious and effective
that define generations, music contributes to the working dynamic.
formation of individual and collective identities. It The treatment of subordinates also sheds light on
serves as a soundtrack to our lives, accompanying a person’s ethical standards and integrity. Leaders
us through moments of celebration, heartbreak, who demonstrate fairness, transparency, and
and self-discovery. The songs that resonate with us consistency in their interactions with those they
become a part of our personal narratives, forever oversee are likely to be perceived as trustworthy and
etched in the memories they evoke. reliable. Conversely, those who resort to favoritism,
Moreover, the impact of music on emotional well- micromanagement, or disrespectful behavior erode
being is undeniable. It has therapeutic qualities, trust and risk damaging the organizational culture.
capable of soothing the mind, alleviating stress, and Furthermore, the statement implies an
elevating mood. Whether through the meditative understanding of the power dynamics within
strains of classical compositions or the upbeat a professional setting. A person in a position
rhythms of dance music, music has the power to of authority wields influence over the careers,
create a profound emotional connection, offering growth, and well-being of their subordinates.
solace and inspiration in times of need. Judging someone based on how they handle this
In the realm of education, music contributes to responsibility speaks to their awareness of the
cognitive development and academic success. impact their actions can have on the lives of those
Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive they lead. A responsible leader acknowledges the
effects of music education on a range of skills, importance of mentorship, guidance, and creating
including language acquisition, spatial-temporal opportunities for the development of their team
abilities, and mathematical proficiency. The members.
discipline and focus required to learn and master a In conclusion, the way a person treats their
musical instrument translate into valuable life skills
subordinates is a nuanced but crucial aspect of
that extend beyond the realm of music itself.
evaluating their character and leadership qualities.
In conclusion, music is a sublime and multifaceted
It goes beyond the superficial measures of
art form that enriches our lives in profound ways.
success and delves into the realm of interpersonal
Its ability to transcend cultural, linguistic, and
relationships, emotional intelligence, and ethical
emotional barriers makes it a universal language
standards. Leaders who prioritize respect, fairness,
that speaks to the depths of the human experience.
and empathy in their interactions with subordinates
Whether as a form of personal expression, a tool for
are not only more likely to build successful and
social change, or a source of joy and solace, music
cohesive teams but also to leave a positive and
holds a unique place in our hearts and minds,
lasting impact on the organizational culture and the
weaving its melodies into the very fabric of our
lives of those they lead.
Solved Paper - 2024
(vi) She was still on the phone giving out instructions 2. (i) Film Review: “Echoes of Eternity” by Director
when the storm hit. The day had started like any Michael Harrison
other, but as dark clouds gathered on the horizon, “Echoes of Eternity,” directed by Michael Harrison,
an unexpected urgency crept into her voice. Jenna, a is a cinematic masterpiece that seamlessly combines
project manager for a construction company, found heartfelt storytelling and breathtaking visuals,
herself at the mercy of nature’s sudden wrath. graphics. Starring Emily Watson and James
She had been overseeing a critical phase of a new McAvoy in lead roles, the film boasts performances
building project when weather reports hinted at an that elevate it to a realm of cinematic brilliance.
impending storm. Her phone buzzed with alerts, The plot revolves around the discovery of a
and she found herself pacing on the construction mysterious journal that unlocks the secrets of
site, making urgent calls to the on-site team. an ancient civilization. Emily Watson delivers a
Safety protocols were activated, and workers were powerhouse performance as Dr. Sarah Turner, an
instructed to secure equipment and evacuate the archaeologist determined to unravel the enigma
premises. behind the journal. James McAvoy complements
As Jenna continued her rapid-fire instructions, her skillfully, portraying a passionate historian,
raindrops began to fall, gradually escalating into David Reynolds, with depth and conviction. Their
a torrential downpour. The wind howled, and chemistry brings an emotional resonance to the
film, grounding the fantastical narrative in relatable
the atmosphere crackled with the distant rumble
human experiences.
of thunder. She glanced around at the skeletal
Set against the backdrop of lush landscapes and
structure of the half-built building, an incomplete
archaeological sites, the film’s setting is a visual
fortress against the approaching tempest.
feast. The cinematography captures the grandeur
Amidst the chaos, her attention was drawn to a
of historical locations and seamlessly transitions
lone figure in the distance – an elderly security
between the ancient and contemporary worlds.
guard named Mr. Patel. He stood by the entrance,
The juxtaposition of past and present enhances the
steadfast and resolute. Jenna frowned, realizing film’s overarching theme of timelessness.
he hadn’t received her evacuation directive. Still One particularly enchanting scene involves Sarah
on the phone, she rushed toward him, battling the and David discovering an ancient artifact in a
wind and rain. hidden chamber. The delicate interplay of light and
“Mr. Patel, we need to get you inside! It’s not safe shadow, coupled with a haunting musical score,
out here!” she yelled over the increasing fury of the creates a cinematic moment that transcends the
storm. screen. This scene encapsulates the film’s ability to
The old man smiled, his eyes reflecting a lifetime evoke wonder and curiosity, pulling the audience
of experiences. “I’ve weathered worse storms, Miss deeper into the narrative.
Jenna. I can’t abandon my post.” On a scale of 1 to 5, “Echoes of Eternity” deserves
Jenna felt a sense of admiration for Mr. Patel’s a resounding 5. The film’s captivating plot, stellar
unwavering commitment. However, safety performances, and visually stunning settings make
protocols were non-negotiable. She persuaded him it a must-watch for cinephiles. Michael Harrison’s
to seek shelter, assuring him that the project could direction brings the story to life with finesse, leaving
wait. the audience with a profound sense of awe. I
As they hurried toward the designated evacuation wholeheartedly recommend “Echoes of Eternity” for
area, the storm intensified, unleashing its full force. its ability to transport viewers on an emotional and
The wind whipped through the construction site, visual journey that lingers long after the credits roll.
sending loose debris flying. The rain beat down (ii) Subject: Proposal for Establishing a Laughter Club
mercilessly, and thunder roared overhead. The at ABC School
evacuation area offered minimal protection, but it Dear [Principal’s Name],
was better than the exposed construction site. I hope this letter finds you well. As a Member of the
Huddled with the on-site team and Mr. Patel, Jenna Student Council, I propose the establishment of a
watched as the storm battered the construction site. Laughter Club at ABC School to foster a positive and
In the midst of adversity, a camaraderie formed joyful environment among students. Laughter has
among the diverse group of workers. Laughter numerous health benefits, and helps in cultivating
and shared stories emerged, creating a bond that an appreciation for humor that contribute to overall
transcended job titles and roles. well-being.
As the storm eventually subsided, leaving behind Key Steps:
a transformed landscape, Jenna couldn’t help but Promotion: Create awareness through posters,
marvel at the resilience of her team. The incomplete announcements, and social media platforms to
building stood tall against the elements, a testament encourage student participation.
to both human determination and the unpredictable Schedule: Designate a convenient time each week
for Laughter Club sessions, ensuring minimal
forces of nature. In that moment, Jenna realized
disruption to academic schedules.
that sometimes, unexpected challenges could forge
Activities: Plan laughter-inducing activities,
the strongest bonds and reveal the true strength of
including joke-sharing, humorous games, and
those facing the storm together.
light-hearted discussions.
ISC, ENGLISH PAPER-1 (Language), Class-XII

Guest Speakers: Invite comedians or mental health 4. (i) (a) (1) faces:
professionals to share insights on the importance of The word “faces” is not explicitly used in the
laughter. passage. However, the term “looks” might be
Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback system related to expressions or faces.
to gauge the club’s impact and make necessary (2) walks purposefully: The phrase “strides
adjustments. towards” in the passage indicates walking
I believe the Laughter Club will contribute purposefully.
positively to our school’s culture. Your support in (3) precious: The word “valuable” in the passage
implementing this initiative is highly appreciated. is synonymous with “precious.” It is used in the
Sincerely, context of describing the General’s valuable dogs.
[Your Name] (b) (1) row (line 7):
Member, Student Council (B) The vegetables were planted in neat rows.
(2) left (line 8):
ABC School
(A) I instructed the driver to take a left turn at the
3. (i) (a)  (II) No other author has made me laugh as intersection.
much as P G. Wodehouse. (3) fancy (line 21):
(b) (II) Not only was he an architect, but he was also (A) He fancies himself as a serious actor.
a poet. (ii) (a) The Superintendent’s decisions are influenced
(c)  (II) Sara said to me, I shall come to your house by his authority and power. He commands the
the next day. constable to find out whose dog it is and draw up a
(d) (II)  No sooner do the students enter their report, demonstrating how his position allows him
classroom than the teacher welcomes them. to take charge and make decisions.
(e) (II) None but the wearer knows where the shoe (b) The goldsmith asks for damages because he
pinches. claims the dog bit his finger, causing an injury that
(ii) (a) on will prevent him from using his finger for a week.
He believes he deserves compensation for this
(b) out
(c) against (c) The dog is initially thought to belong to General
(d) to Zhigalov. However, later it is revealed by the cook
(e) with that the dog belongs to the General’s brother, who
(f) in arrived recently. The Superintendent confirms this
(g) at information, and allows the cook to take the dog
(h) onto with him.
(i) off (iii) The Superintendent, upon hearing the commotion,
investigates the goldsmith’s claim about the dog
(j) up
bite. He questions the goldsmith’s story, suspecting
(iii) (1) lived deception. As suggestions arise about the dog’s
(2) expecting owner, the Superintendent initially thinks it’s
(3) tending General Zhigalov’s but later discovers it belongs
(4) trimmed to the General’s brother. His demeanor changes
(5) raking positively, expressing delight. The cook confirms
(6) watched the ownership, and the Superintendent beaming,
(7) separated appreciates the lively dog. Instructing the constable
to send the dog to the General’s brother, he
(8) admire
ensures it’s not released on the street. The crowd,
(9) lifted initially mocking the goldsmith, witnesses the
(10) showered Superintendent’s dynamic reactions in resolving
the situation.


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