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Legendary Warlock Full DND

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Legendary Classes Legendary Player

Welcome to Legendary Classes! The next major update for Characters

Legendary Player Characters, a supplement for Dungeons
and Dragons 5th Edition that intends to give rules for buffing As mentioned to the left of this text, this is meant as a
up players so one on one games (1 DM and 1 Player) is much supplement for the Legendary Player Characters document.
more possible! You can find the links to the full 105 page document below!
Now of course, let me start by saying the obvious: This Google Drive
class breaks all typical 5e balancing conventions, it should Homebrewery
not be used in regular play, nor should it be compared to It is not mentioned in the class specifically, but this class
regular 5e classes. does still use Legendary Actions. Nothing has been changed
Legendary classes are meant to make a single player worth about the Legendary Action rules from the LPC document,
the equivalent of 3 players (Without just tripling damage and the legendary actions you can choose for this class can
output and HP) So it's going to be significantly more be found at the end of this document!
powerful than the regular version of the class.
Why? When calculating encounters for a player with this class,
Why would you use this? Why would you play D&D with two consider them to be equivalent to three characters of the
people when it's meant for a larger group? There's a myriad of same level.
reasons really, but below are a few good ones. I recommend using milestone leveling with this system,
however if you do not and want to use XP, then you should
It's easier to schedule and prepare for, instead of having to reward a third of the xp they would normally gain (So they
manage the schedules of six different people, you've don't level rapidly)
reduced that total to two, making it much easier to If the PC is using Auric Emotions or Signs of Labors in
arrange sessions for D&D. tandem with this class, treat them as three and a half
This helps with protagonist syndrome... In a normal characters. If they are using both in tandem with this class,
campaign, no one player should outshine the others, and treat them as four characters.
you'll often hear horror stories of players who try to take
the spotlight... In solo games with one player and one DM,
that is not a problem! The singular player can shine as
bright as they want without worry of making other players Legendary Classes are special, even aside from their
feel useless. increased power. Their maximum level has been increased
from 20 to 30, and not only that-but every legendary class will
It can simply be a lot of fun. I've played solo games a lot have rules for leveling beyond 30. To an infinite amount.
with my partner, and before I began making Legendary Again I strongly recommend using milestone leveling, as I
Player Characters, it was... Really difficult to actually run do not have a good experience total required for levels
encounters and make characters without things feeling beyond 20 (Especially once you begin going into 31+)
really bad, because D&D isn't made for solo play. You can find what features the Legendary class gains for
every level beyond 30 on the same page that their legendary
Of course as mentioned, there's far more reasons than just actions are listed.
those three. If you don't think you'd like this, then that's
perfectly fine! Solo play isn't for everyone. I personally prefer Multiclassing
it and that's just how I play the game, everyone plays in their
own way. Assume the following for multiclassing:
For anyone else who prefers solo style or is interested in You may multiclass as normal up to level 30.
giving it a try, then this class and the full Legendary Player
Characters document are right up your alley! Once you hit level 31, you begin receiving the Leveling
Beyond 30 features for your particular class. You do not
receive any features they would receive at an earlier level.
For example, a level 10 Legendary Rogue and level 20
Legendary Sorcerer wouldn't receive Legendary
Sorcerer's 21-30 features when they begin leveling beyond
30, nor would they receive Legendary Rogue's 11-30
Legendary Warlock
Proficiency Cantrips Spell Slot Eldritch Eldritch
Level Bonus Features Known Slots Level Invocations Mutations
1st +2 Eldritch Gift, Pact Magic, Otherworldly Patron, Semi 2 1 1st - -
2nd +2 Eldritch Invocations, Eldritch Mutations 2 2 1st 2 2
3rd +2 Otherworldly Secrets, Pact Boon 2 2 2nd 2 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 2nd 3 2
5th +3 Eldritch Onslaught 3 2 3rd 3 2
6th +3 Otherworldly Patron Feature 3 2 3rd 3 3
7th +3 Legendary Ability Score Improvement 3 2 4th 3 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 4th 4 3
9th +4 Otherworldly Secrets (2) 3 2 5th 4 3
10th +4 Otherworldly Patron Feature 4 2 5th 4 4
11th +4 Eldritch Onslaught (2), Mystic Arcanum (6th Level) 4 3 5th 4 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 5th 5 4
13th +5 Mystic Arcanum (7th Level) 4 3 5th 5 4
14th +5 Otherworldly Secrets (3), Pact Boon Feature 4 3 5th 5 5
15th +5 Mystic Arcanum (8th Level), Legendary Ability Score 4 3 5th 5 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 5th 6 5
17th +6 Eldritch Onslaught (3), Mystic Arcanum (9th Level) 4 4 5th 6 5
18th +6 Otherworldly Patron Feature 4 4 5th 6 6
19th +6 Otherworldly Secrets (4) 4 4 5th 6 6
20th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 5th 7 6
21st +7 Unleashed Arcanum (6th Level) 5 4 6th 7 6
22nd +7 Otherworldly Secrets (5), Pact Boon Feature 5 4 6th 7 7
23rd +7 Eldritch Onslaught (4), Legendary Ability Score Improvement 5 5 6th 7 7
24th +7 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 6th 8 7
25th +8 Unleashed Arcanum (7th Level) 5 5 7th 8 7
26th +8 Otherworldly Patron Feature 5 5 7th 8 8
27th +8 Otherworldly Secrets (6), Pact Boon Feature 5 5 7th 8 8
28th +8 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 7th 9 8
29th +9 Eldritch Onslaught (5), Unleashed Arcanum (8th Level) 5 6 8th 9 8
30th +9 Overlord 5 6 8th 9 9

Warlock Ability Score Warlock Modifier

Upon gaining this class, you must select your If something refers to your Warlock Modifier, then
Warlock Ability Score. This score can be either that means it is referring to the modifier of your
Intelligence or Charisma. Warlock Ability Score.
Some patrons may allow you to choose a For example if your Warlock Ability Score was
different ability score to be your Warlock Ability Charisma and your Charisma score was 17, your
Score. Warlock Modifier would be +3.
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your
Class Features warlock spells.
Your Class gains the following features Equipment
Hit Points You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Hit Dice: 2d8 equipment granted by your background:
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + two times your Constitution (a) Chain Mail, (b) Scale Male or (c) Leather Armor
modifier (a) A Simple/Martial weapon and a shield or (b) 2
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (9) + two times your Simple/Martial weapons
Constitution modifier per Warlock level after 1st. (a) A light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 2 Simple weapons
with the light property
Armor: Light Armor (a) A dungeoneer's pack or (b) An explorer's pack
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence/Charisma (Choose 1), Wisdom
Skills: Choose 2 from Arcana, Deception, History,
Intimidation, Investigation, Nature and Religion
Pact Magic
At 1st level your pact with your patron has given you access Otherworldly Pact
to magic.
Upon becoming a Warlock at 1st level, you have struck a
Cantrips bargain with some sort of otherworldly power or entity. You
You know two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell may choose a patron from those available later in the
list. You learn additional warlock cantrips of your choice at document. Your choice grants you features now and again at
higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the levels 6, 10, 14, 18 and 26.
Warlock table.
Eldritch Gift
Spell Slots At 1st level as a true indicator of your pact, your patron has
The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have to granted you a powerful innate ability known as your Eldritch
cast your Warlock spells. All of these slots are the same level- Gift.
which is also shown in the table. To cast one of your Warlock A warlocks eldritch gift is often their main form of combat,
spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You and many define themselves around it. The options for what
regain all expended spell slots upon completing a short or your eldritch gift can be can be found on the next page.
long rest. Your eldritch gift is magical in nature, however it works
For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level even while in the presence of a zone of antimagic, and
spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell witch bolt, you must nothing can negate the usage of your eldritch gift.
spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell. Upon gaining a level in this class, you may exchange your
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher eldritch gift for a different one from the list of options.
At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from
the Warlock spell list. Every odd Warlock level, you may learn Semi Proficiencies
an additional spell from the Warlock spell list (3, 5, 7, ect) Additionally at 1st level, you choose a number of skills equal
A spell you learn must be of a level no higher than the level to the amount you normally get upon choosing your starting
of your Warlock spell slots. class (2 as a Warlock) you gain semi proficiency in these
Finally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose skills. Meaning you add half of your proficiency bonus
one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with (Rounded down) to checks made with them.
another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be Additionally, choose one saving throw you lack proficiency
of a level for which you have spell slots. in. You gain the same bonus to rolls made for that particular
saving throw.
Spellcasting Ability If you ever gain proficiency in a skill or saving throw you
Your spellcasting ability is the same as your Warlock Ability had semi-proficiency in, you may move your semi-proficiency
Score. to a new one of the same type.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + You only gain this feature if Warlock is the first class you
your Warlock Ability Score modifier choose. You can not have two instances of this feature from
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + separate classes.
your Warlock modifier
Spellcasting Focus
Eldritch Gift Options
Below you can find all the available options for your Eldritch Eldritch Gift Inspiration
Gift. Regardless of your choice, it should be flavored to The concept for Eldritch Gift was originally had by
indicate the nature of your patron in some way-maybe a fiend Bamstacks in their own Warlock Variant.
warlocks Eldritch Blast smells of brimstone for example.
You can make additional attacks with your Eldritch Gift as
you gain the Eldritch Onslaught feature. Eldritch Invocations
Eldritch Arrow Starting at 2nd level, your delve into the deepest depths of
As an action, you can shoot an arrow that hones in on a target occult lore has unearthed something powerful... Eldritch
within 90-feet. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. Invocations.
On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + Your Warlock modifier in At 2nd level, you know 2 Eldritch Invocations. As you reach
force damage. certain Warlock levels, you learn additional invocations, as
Once per round when you miss with one of these arrows, shown in the Eldritch Invocations column in the Warlock
you may force the creature it missed to make a Dexterity class table.
saving throw against your Warlock DC. On a failed saving If an Eldritch Invocation has prerequisites, you must meet
throw, they suffer 1d8 + Your Warlock modifier in force them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same
damage as the arrow homes back in on them. time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite
refers to your level in this class.
Eldritch Blast Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may choose
As an action, you can fire a beam of crackling energy that one of the invocations you know and replace it with another
streaks towards a target within 120 feet. Make a ranged spell invocation that you meet the prerequisites for.
attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 +
your Warlock modifier in force damage Eldritch Mutations
Eldritch Orb
Also beginning at 2nd level, your patron has begun to mold
You constantly have an orb of eldritch energy hovering your body to better fit its plans.
around you. On your turn you may move the orb up to 30-feet At 2nd level, you know 2 Eldritch Mutations. As you reach
(No action required) the orb can be no more than 60-feet certain Warlock levels, you learn additional mutations, as
away from you, if it would end up further away from you it shown in the Eldritch Mutations column in the Warlock class
automatically moves to remain within 60-feet of you. table.
As an action you may release motes of eldritch energy from If an Eldritch Mutation has prerequisites, you must meet
the orb. Make a ranged spell attack originating from the orb them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same
(This attack can not have disadvantage as a result of being time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite
within attack range of a creature) against a creature within refers to your level in this class.
90-feet of the orb. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + your Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may choose
Warlock modifier in force damage. one of the mutation you know and replace it with another
You may turn your orb invisible or end its invisibility as a mutation that you meet the prerequisites for.
bonus action, while it is invisible it is unable to attack.
Eldritch Strike
As an action, you can attack with pure eldritch might against
a target within 5-feet of you. Make a melee spell attack
against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 + your
Warlock modifier in force damage
Eldritch Tendril
As an action, you can send out a dark tendril towards a target
within 60-feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack against the
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + your Warlock modifier
in force damage.
On a hit, instead of dealing damage, you may instead pull
yourself 15-feet closer to the target. This movement does not
provoke attacks of opportunity.
You may target a surface with this ability for the purposes
of moving yourself, if you do so it automatically hits.
Otherworldly Secrets Unleashed Arcanum
Upon reaching 3rd level, you have begun to discover ancient Beginning at 21st level, with your regular pact magic growing
secrets hidden from other warlocks. You may choose a stronger, the power of your mystic arcanums begins to grow
Combat Trait from the options listed later in this document. as well. Your 6th-level spell slot gained from Mystic Arcanum
Some features have a level prerequisite (Listed in the now becomes a 10th-level spell slot.
features name), in order to choose that feature, you must At 25th level, your 7th-level spell slot gained from Mystic
have at least that many levels in the Warlock class. Arcanum now becomes an 11th-level spell slot.
Upon reaching the following levels in this class, you may At 29th level, your 8th-level spell slot gained from Mystic
select an additional Combat Trait that you meet the Arcanum now becomes a 12th-level spell slot.
prerequisites for: 9th Level, 14th Level, 19th Level, 22nd These spell slots can still only be regained by completing a
Level and 27th Level. long rest.
Eldritch Onslaught Epic Magic and You
Beginning at 5th level, when you use your action to attack Despite gaining 10th level and beyond spell slots,
with your Eldritch Gift, you may make 2 attacks instead of 1. you do not learn these spells naturally. Epic magic
At 11th Level you may make 3 attacks instead of 1. At 17th spells can only be learned through DM rewards and
Level you may make 4 attacks instead of 1. At 23rd Level you should be treated as if you are receiving a magic
may make 5 attacks instead of 1. At 29th Level you may make item or gold.
6 attacks instead of 1. There is currently no official Legendary PC epic
magic compendium, although there is plenty of
Mystic Arcanum other amazing epic magic homebrews made by
others that you can use alongside this.
Upon reaching 11th level, your patron has begun to bestow
much stronger magics upon you. You learn one 6th-level spell
from the Warlock spell list and gain one 6th Level spell slot.
At 13th level, you learn one 7th-level spell from the Warlock Overlord
spell list and gain one 7th Level spell slot. Finally at 30th level, you have achieved the pinnacle of being
At 15th level, you learn one 8th-level spell from the Warlock a Warlock. Once per turn when you use your action to attack
spell list and gain one 8th Level spell slot. with your Eldritch Gift, you may forgo 3 of these attacks to
At 17th level, you learn one 9th-level spell from the Warlock cast a Warlock spell of 9th level or lower, expending a spell
spell list and gain one 9th Level spell slot. slot as normal.
Spell slots gained from this feature can only be recovered
by completing a long rest.
Archfey Patron Dark Delirium
Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, whether they be from Beginning at 18th level, those manipulated by you experience
the seelie or unseelie courts. Their motivations are often far more than they may've expected. Creatures charmed or
whimsical and even nonsensical to mortalkind, but frightened by you are subjected to an illusion in which they
nevertheless they are powerful beings. Your patron could be believe themselves to be in a misty world, the appearance of
the Queen of Air and Darkness, Titania of the Summer which decided by you. The creature can see and hear only
Court, the Prince of Frost, or one of many other fey. you, itself and the illusion.
If an affected creature suffers damage, this effect on them
ends and you must reapply the charmed or frightened
Fey Presence condition to bring them back. You may choose to not apply
Starting at 1st level, your patron has shown you how to this ability when inflicting the charmed or frightened
subject others to the beauty and terror of the fey. As an action condition on a creature.
you may force all creatures in a 10-foot cube originating from
you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock Sweet Promises
DC. The creatures that fail their saving throw are charmed or Finally at 26th level, you may whisper sweet promises to
frightened by you (Your choice) until the end of your next those under your influence. As an action you may target a
turn. creature within 60-feet of you and cast the Suggestion spell
Once per round when you would make an attack with your on them without expending a spell slot. The creature must
Eldritch Gift, you may replace one attack with a usage of this have been charmed or frightened by you in order to use this
ability. If you do, its area is shrunk to a 5-foot cube. ability on them.
They automatically fail their saving throw against your
Feywild Influence Suggestion when used with this feature, and it does not
Additionally at 1st level, the feywild has had a minor influence require concentration. However the spell ends when they are
over you. You learn the Druidcraft cantrip and one other no longer charmed or frightened by you.
cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list, these count as
Warlock cantrips for you and don't count against your
cantrips known.
You also learn the Sylvan language.
Misty Escape
Upon reaching 6th level, you have learned how to utilize the
mystical passageways of the fey. When you would take
damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until
you attack or cast a spell.
If the triggering effect was an area of effect and this
teleportation would bring you out of its area, you avoid the
effect entirely.
Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until
you complete a short or long rest.
Beguiling Defenses
Once you reach 10th level, your patron has taught you how to
turn mind altering effects back on the originator. When
another creature attempts to charm or frightened you, and
you succeed on your saving throw against it (Or are immune)
you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the effect back
on them.
The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
against your Warlock DC or be charmed/frightened
(Whichever one they attempted to inflict on you) by you for 1
minute or until the creature takes any damage.
Ashen Patron Echoing Flames
Within the magma and the hottest flames, your patron Once you reach 18th level, your flames are far more than just
dwells. You have forged a pact with a creature beholden to a memory. You may now use your Wave of Flame feature
the mightiest flames, such as a creature from the plane of twice per turn, and you no longer need to have your Ignition
elemental fire like Imix or the ever sleeping Maegera. feature active in order to use it.

Eternal Fire True Ignition

Upon choosing this archetype at 1st level, the power of fire is Finally at 26th level, you have reached mastery over your
at your fingertips. You gain the following benefits: ignition. You no longer damage yourself at the end of your
turn while your Ignition feature is active (Although other
Whenever you deal damage with a Warlock spell, creatures still are)
invocation/mutation, or Eldritch Gift, you may turn the Additionally, Wave of Flame now deals two damage dice
damage into fire damage. instead of one provided your Ignition feature is active (So its
damage is equal to 2 of your Eldritch Gifts damage die + Your
You learn the Primordial language. Warlock modifier)
You are naturally adapted to the extreme heat, and you do
not need to drink to survive.
You are immune to nonmagical flames such as from a
campfire (This does not give you immunity to fire damage
from spells or creatures like a red dragons breath)

Additionally at 1st level, flame lives within you. At the start of
your turn (No action required) you may surround yourself in a
wreathe of fire, or dismiss it if it is already active. While the
wreathe is present, you gain the following benefits:
Creatures who damage you with a melee attack or touch
you suffer fire damage equal to your Warlock modifier
(Minimum of 1)
At the end of each of your turns, you and all creatures
within 5-feet of you suffer fire damage equal to half your
Warlock level (Rounded down) You can not reduce the
damage you take in any way.
Your ignition ends if you are unconscious.
Wave of Flame
Upon reaching 6th level, your ignition grows even hotter.
Once per turn when you would make an attack with your
Eldritch Gift you may replace one attack with a wave of flame
in a direction you choose originating from you.
The wave is 15-feet long and 5-feet wide, all creatures
caught within the wave must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save, they suffer fire damage equal to your
Eldritch Gifts damage, or half as much on a successful save.
Your Ignition feature must be active in order to use this
Burning Heart
Beginning at 10th level, the flame in your heart remains
everburning. You are resistant to fire damage, if your Ignition
feature is active this resistance becomes immunity. This still
does not reduce the damage you would suffer at the end of
your turn however.
Celestial Patron Searing Vengeance
You have forged a pact with a being from the upper planes, a At 18th level, the radiance within you cannot be contained.
powerful celestial such as a Solar, Ki-Rin or other powerful When you are reduced to 0 HP or when you start your turn
entity that resides on the planes of everlasting bliss. Your pact with 0 HP, you can instead spring to your feet with radiant
allows you to experience the barest touch of the holy light energy. You regain hit points equal to half your hit point
that illuminates the multiverse. maximum (You may use Angel Blood alongside this feature if
you wish) and then you stand up if you so choose.
Each creature of your choice that is within 30-feet of you
Gift of Light suffers radiant damage equal to 4d8 + Your Warlock modifier.
Upon making a deal with the celestial at 1st level, you have If a creature suffers any of this damage, they are blinded until
begun to experience the light. You gain the following benefits: the start of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until
You learn the Light cantrip and one other cantrip of your you complete a long rest.
choice from the Cleric spell list, these count as Warlock
cantrips for you and don't count against your cantrips Pure Body
Finally at 26th level, the celestial energies within you have
Whenever you deal damage with a Warlock spell, reached their pinnacle. You are now immune to Radiant and
invocation/mutation, or Eldritch Gift, you may turn the Necrotic damage.
damage into radiant damage. Whenever you would roll a die from Healing Light, you may
You learn the Celestial language. add half your Warlock modifier (Rounded down, minimum of
1) to the result of the roll.
At 1st level, you may select your Wisdom modifier as your
Warlock Ability Score.

Healing Light
Additionally at 1st level, you have begun to wield the
rejuvenation light of the heavens. You have a pool of d6's
equal to half your Proficiency Bonus (Rounded down) + Your
Warlock level.
As a bonus action, you can expend a number of die up to
your Warlock modifier (Minimum of 1 die) Roll the die, you
may distribute these die as healing amongst any creature
within 60-feet of you (For example if you roll a 3 and 5, you
may heal one creature for 3 HP and another for 5 HP, or heal
one for 8 HP)
If the only target of this healing is yourself, you may
perform it without expending your bonus action (You may not
use this feature again this turn if you do so)
You regain all expended die upon completing a long rest.
Radiant Soul
Beginning at 6th level, your soul becomes a conduit for
celestial energy. You gain resistance to Radiant and Necrotic
Once per round when you would deal radiant damage to a
creature, you may deal additional damage equal to half your
Warlock level (Rounded down) + Your Warlock ability
modifier (Minimum of 1) If the effect damages multiple
creatures, this additional damage only applies to one.
Angel Blood
Once you reach 10th level, your blood is angelic in its own
right. Whenever you heal a creature, you may gain temporary
hit points equal to half the amount you healed.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Warlock ability modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all
expended uses upon completing a short or long rest.
Fathomless Patron Tentacle Swarm
You have delved within the bottomless depths of the ocean Additionally at 6th level, you are able to call more than just
and stared into its inky abyss, and your patron stared back. one tentacle. When you use your bonus action to attack with
You have forged a pact with a powerful being of the seas. an existing tentacle from Tentacle of the Depths, you may
Such as a powerful sea monster like a Kraken, a being from create an additional tentacle within 60-feet of you.
the plane of elemental water like Olhydra, or some other When you use your bonus action to control your tentacles,
mysterious thalassic power. you may move all active ones at once-however you may only
attack with one.
You may have a number of tentacles summoned at a time
Tentacle of the Depths equal to your proficiency bonus. When you would dismiss a
Upon choosing this patron at 1st level, you gain the ability to tentacle as a bonus action, you may choose how many and
summon tentacles to do your bidding. As a bonus action, you which ones are dismissed.
can create a 10-foot long tentacle at a point you can see
within 60-feet of you. Tentacle Control
Your tentacle remains active until you dismiss it as a bonus Upon reaching 10th level, you are granted further mastery
action, or you are unconscious. You can not summon a new over your tentacles. Whenever you would attack with your
tentacle while you have one already active. Eldritch Gift, you may subsitute one of its attacks to allow
The tentacle is prehensile, and has a carrying capacity one of your tentacles to attack.
equal to 5 times your Warlock modifier. Additionally, for every tentacle summoned from Tentacle of
When you summon a tentacle, you can make a melee spell the Depths within 10-feet of you, you reduce all bludgeoning,
attack against a target within the tentacles reach. On a hit, piercing and slashing damage you take by 2.
they suffer 1d4 cold damage, everytime you gain the Eldritch
Onslaught feature, this damage is increased by 1d4.
When you would hit a creature with a tentacle, instead of Fathomless Plunge
dealing damage you can grapple them with the tentacle Once you reach 18th level, you are able to open conduits for
(Escape DC is equal to your spell save DC) thalassic travel. As an action, you can teleport yourself and up
As a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can move your to 10 willing creatures within 30-feet of you. Amid a whirl of
tentacle up to 20-feet and make an attack with it against a tentacles, you all vanish and reappear in a body of water
creature within its reach. you've touched before (Pond size or larger) All appearing
within 30-feet of the others.
Gift of the Sea There is no limit to this teleportation, so long as you have
Additionally at 1st level, you gain a swimming speed of 40- touched the body of water before, it can teleport you
feet and can breathe underwater. regardless of distance and even across planes.
You also learn the Primordial language. Once you've used this feature, you may not do so again
until you complete a long rest.
Oceanic Soul Utter Destruction
Beginning at 6th level, you are even more at home in the Finally at 26th level, your tentacles have become true
depths. You gain resistance to cold damage. In addition, while weapons of annihilation. Your tentacles deal double damage
you are fully submerged, any creature that is also fully against objects and structures.
submerged can understand your speech, and you theirs. Additionally, as an action you may attack with any number
of your summoned tentacles, however if you use a tentacle to
attack with this feature, it is also dismissed.
Fiend Patron Dark Ones Own Luck
You have made a deal with a wretched being from the lower Beginning at 6th level, fate tends to bend itself to your whims.
planes, a fiend. Whether it be an almighty Archdevil, a When you fail an ability check, saving throw or attack roll, you
tyrannical demon lord, or a yugoloth of incredible strength... can add 1d10 to the roll, potentially turning the failure into a
Your master is a threat to existence itself. success.
Once you use this feature to turn a failure into a success,
you can not use this feature again until you complete a short
Dark One's Image or long rest.
Upon choosing this archetype at 1st level, you must choose
one of the following features; reflective of what your patron Fiendish Resilience
embodies. This choice determines later features as well. Starting at 10th level, you are able to choose any damage type
Destruction. You learn the Abyssal language and gain upon completing a short or long rest. You gain resistance to
proficiency in the Intimidation skill. the chosen damage type until you choose a different one with
Tyranny. You learn the Infernal language and gain this feature.
proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you chose bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage,
The Destruction choice is best for demons or Yugoloth then damage from magical or silvered weapons ignores your
with demonic leanings, while Tyranny is best for devils or resistance.
Yugoloth with infernal leanings. Destruction. You also gain resistance to Lightning damage
in addition to whatever damage type you chose.
Fetid Blessing Tyranny. You also gain resistance to Cold damage in
Additionally at 1st level, your patron rewards you for your addition to whatever damage type you chose.
bloodshed. Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 HP,
you gain one of the following benefits depending on your Down Below
patron: Upon reaching 18th level, you are able to send your foes to
Destruction. You may immediately make a single attack the lowest depths of your patrons domain. When you hit a
with your Eldritch Gift (This can only trigger once per turn) creature with your Eldritch Gift, instead of dealing damage
Tyranny. You gain temporary hit points equal to your you may transport the target to the lower planes.
Warlock modifier + Your Warlock level. At the end of your next turn, it returns to the space it
previously occupied and suffers 10d10 psychic damage if it is
not a fiend.
Destruction. You send the struck creature to the abyss.
The creature is afflicted with a random Short-term madness
upon returning. This madness lasts 1d4 rounds.
Tyranny. You send the creature to the nine hells. The
creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks
and saving throws they make upon returning. This effect lasts
1d4 rounds.
Upon using this feature, you may not do so again until you
complete a long rest.
Fiendish Dominion
Finally at 26th level, your authority over other fiends becomes
absolute. As an action you may summon a Fiend as per the
Summon Fiend spell, treating it as if it were cast at 12th level.
When cast using this feature, it can not be counterspelled or
dispelled, and it does not require concentration.
Destruction. You may only summon a Demon or Yugoloth.
Tyranny. You may only summon a Devil or Yugoloth.
Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until
you complete a long rest.
Great Old One Patron Create Thrall
Your patron is an ancient and mysterious identity whose Upon reaching 18th level, you are able to bend the minds of
nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of reality. It could be a lesser beings to your will. You may touch an incapacitated
being from the reaches of the far realm, or it could even be an humanoid as an action, that creature is then charmed by you
elder god... Regardless, its motives and goals are alien. until a remove curse spell is cast on it, the charmed condition
is removed from it, or you use this feature again.
Creatures charmed by you from this feature obey your
Awakened Mind every command, and you can communicate with them as per
Upon choosing this patron at 1st level, your mind has awoken your Awakened Mind feature regardless of distance, even if
to the world around you. You are able to telepathically you are on separate planes of existence.
communicate with any creature within 120-feet of you, you
need not see them but you must be aware they are there. The Greater Thrall
range of this telepathy increases by 60-feet everytime you Finally at 26th level, you are able to infect even the mightest
gain a Warlock level. of creatures. You may now target any creature-not just
You may allow creatures you are telepathically communing humanoids-with your Create Thrall ability.
with to commune back with you. If a creature you are If the creature has legendary actions, you are unable to use
telepathically communing with lies to you or attempts to this ability on them-otherwise there is no limits to this
mislead you in some way, you are automatically made aware feature. Humanoids with legendary actions can still become
of this. thralls using Create Thrall.
Additionally, you may now enthrall a number of humanoids
Alien Presence of CR 1 or lower equal to half your Warlock level (Rounded
Additionally at 1st level, your presence is a mystery. You can't down) These are in addition to your primary thrall.
be targeted by divination magic and you cannot be perceived
through magical scrying sensors.
You also learn the Deep Speech language.
Entropic Ward
Starting at 6th level, you have a ward formed of alien magics
around you, granting you the following benefits:
You have resistance to Psychic damage.
You are immune to any magic that allows other creatures
to read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying,
know your alignment, or know your creature type.
Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if
you allow it.
As a reaction when a creature would deal psychic damage
to you, you may cause them to suffer half of the psychic
damage they would've dealt (Your own
resistances/immunities does not reduce the damage they

Mind Delver
Beginning at 10th level, the minds of others are no secret to
you. You are aware of the surface thoughts of any creature
you are communicating with using Awakened Mind (Its
surface thoughts being whatever it most has on its mind at
the moment)
You have advantage on Charisma checks made against
creatures whom you are telepathically communing with.
Pact of the Aegis Pact of the Blade
Your patron has gifted you a powerful defense as apart of Your patron has gifted you dominion over martial combat as
your pact. apart of your pact.
Defense Bond Weapon Bond
3rd Level 3rd Level
Over the course of 1-hour (Which may be done over the Over the course of 1-hour (Which may be done over the
course of a short or long rest) you may conduct a ritual over a course of a short or long rest) you may conduct a ritual over a
shield or suit of armor within 5-feet of you. This item weapon within 5-feet of you. This weapon becomes your
becomes your Bonded Aegis. Bonded Weapon.
You are proficient in your bonded aegis, and it is You are proficient in your bonded weapon, and you may use
considered weightless for you. If it normally has a strength your Warlock Ability Score in place of Strength or Dexterity
requirement or grants disadvantage on stealth checks, it no for the attack and damage rolls of your bonded weapon.
longer does. Attacks made with your bonded weapon are considered
As a bonus action, you may shunt your bonded aegis into magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and
an extradimensional space, where it remains until you immunities.
resummon it as a bonus action or it is no longer your bonded As a bonus action, you can shunt your bonded weapon into
aegis. If your bonded aegis is a suit of armor, you may choose an extradimensional space, where it remains until you
whether it is summoned donned or not. resummon it as a bonus action or it is no longer your bonded
An item ceases being your bonded aegis if you die, forge weapon.
this bond with a new item, or end your bond over the course A weapon ceases being your bonded weapon if you die,
of a short rest. forge this bond with a new weapon, or end your bond over
You are unable to forge a bond with a sentient item if it is the course of a short rest.
unwilling, and at any point it can choose to end your bond (No You are unable to forge a bond with a sentient weapon if it
action required) is unwilling, and at any point it can choose to end your bond
(No action required)
Eldritch Defense
14th Level Eldritch Smite
When a creature targets you with an attack while you are 14th Level
not wearing/wielding your bonded aegis, you may use your When you hit a creature with your bonded weapon, you
reaction to immediately don it. may choose to expend a Warlock spell slot. If you do so, the
Additionally, when a creature hits you with an attack you creature suffers additional force damage equal to 1d8 per the
may use your reaction and expend a Warlock spell slot to spell slots level (A 5th level spell slot would do 5d8 for
gain a bonus to your AC until the start of yuor next turn equal example)
to the spell slots level, including against the triggering attack.
Blade and the Beyond
True Defense 22nd Level
22nd Level Whenever you take the attack action and attack only with
While wielding/wearing your bonded aegis, creatures can your bonded weapon, you may additionally use your Eldritch
not have advantage on attack rolls against you. Gift. When using your Eldritch gift via this feature, you can
only make 2 attacks with it, regardless of how many you can
normally make with it.
Pact of the Chain Pact of the Flesh
Your patron has gifted you a companion as apart of your pact. Your patron has gifted you a superior body as apart of your
Eternal Companion
3rd Level Enhanced Body
You learn the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual 3rd Level
without requiring material components. When you cast the When you gain this feature your maximum HP is increased
spell using this feature, you instead summon the below by 12. Every Warlock level you gain after taking this feature,
statblock. Its creature type should be reflective of your patron you gain an additional 4 maximum HP. Additionally, you may
(DM discretion) use your Constitution modifier to calculate your AC instead of
It otherwise follows the normal rules for a familiar. your Dexterity modifier.
Whenever you take the attack action or use your Eldritch
Gift you may forgo one of your attacks to allow your familiar Everliving
to attack instead. 14th Level
Whenever you complete a long rest, you regrow all of your
missing limbs/body parts (If any) Additionally, you recover all
Familiar of the Chain of your expended hit die upon completing a long rest instead
Small Creature, your alignment of half.
Armor Class 13 + PB Supreme Being
Hit Points 3 + 5 times your Warlock level (Number
of D8 hit die equal to your Warlock level) 22nd Level
Speed 30 ft., fly 30ft Choose an Eldritch Mutation that can be selected multiple
times. For every expended Warlock spell slot you have, you
gain 1 instance of that Mutation (Spell slots gained from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Mystic Arcanum do not count towards this feature)
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) Upon gaining a level in this class, you may swap out your
chosen mutation for a different one.
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 11
Languages Same as Warlocks
Proficiency Bonus Same as Warlocks

Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + Your Warlock
Modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d8 +
Your Warlock Modifier) bludgeoning, piercing or
slashing (Familiars choice)

Growing Familiar
14th Level
You gain 2 Eldritch Invocations of your choice, these
invocations must have a prerequisite of Pact of the Chain.
They do not count against your invocations known.
Upon completing a long rest, you may exchange one or
both of these invocations for other invocations that fit the
same requirements.
Magical Ward
22nd Level
Your familiar has advantage on saving throws against
magical effects, and it has resistance to damage from spells.
While you are within 5-feet of your familiar, you also gain
these benefits.
Pact of the Strings Pact of the Tome
Your patron has gifted you immense skill with musical Your patron has gifted you further expertise with magic as
instruments as apart of your pact. apart of your pact.
Music Bond Book of Shadows
3rd Level 3rd Level
Over the course of 1-hour (Which may be done over the You gain a grimoire known as your Book of Shadows. This
course of a short or long rest) you may conduct a ritual over grimoire may be used as a spellcasting focus for your
an instrument within 5-feet of you. This instruments becomes Warlock spells, and holding it does not impede you supplying
your Bonded Instrument the somatic components for spells.
You are proficient in your bonded instrument, and you have While holding your grimoire, you can access to a pool of
expertise in it (Double your proficiency bonus for checks energy you may use to cast magic known as Eldritch
made with it) You can also use it as a spellcasting focus for Essence. You have an amount of eldritch essence equal to
your Warlock spells. half your Warlock level (Rounded up), you recover all
If you use your Eldritch Gift while wielding your bonded expended eldritch essence upon completing a long rest.
instrument, you may convert all of the gifts damage to When you would cast a Warlock spell, instead of expending
thunder damage. If you do so, it deals additional damage a spell slot you may expend an amount of eldritch essence
equal to half your Warlock modifier (Rounded down, equal to the spells level to cast it instead.
Minimum of 1) If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1-
As a bonus action, you may shunt your bonded instrument hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron.
into an extradimensional space, where it remains until you This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest,
resummon it as a bonus action or it is no longer your bonded and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash
instrument. when you die.
An instrument ceases being your bonded instrument if you
die, forge this bond with a new item, or end your bond over Superior Magic
the the course of a short rest. 14th Level
You are unable to forge a bond with a sentient item if it is When you cast a Warlock spell while holding your Book of
unwilling, and at any point it can choose to end your bond (No Shadows, that spell is considered to be cast at 1 level higher
action required) for the purposes of upcasting.
True Talent
Eldritch Master
14th Level
Whenever you make an ability check with a skill you are 22nd Level
proficient in, if the d20 roll would be 9 or less, you can As an action you beseech your patron for aid, regaining all
instead treat it as if it were 10. expended Warlock features (Including spell slots) that would
This does not apply to skills you only have semi proficiency normally be regained upon completing a short rest. Once you
in. use this feature, you may not do so again until you complete a
long rest.
22nd Level
After you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw,
you can expend a spell slot gained from your Mystic Arcanum
feature. If you do so, you may treat the result rolled as if it
were a 20.
You may do so after you see the results of the roll, but
before you know whether or not you succeed.
Eldritch Invocations Gift of Distance
As a 2nd level Warlock, you gain access to powerful Eldritch The range of your Eldritch Gift is doubled.
Invocations. Occult features that grant you all kinds of
supernatural powers. Gift of Grasping
If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must meet When you hit a creature with your Eldritch Gift, you may pull
them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same them up to 10-feet towards you in a straight line. A creature
time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite can only be affected by this feature once per round.
refers to your level in this class. You can only take an
invocation once unless otherwise specified. Gift of Lethargy
Beast Speech When you hit a creature with your Eldritch Gift, you may
reduce their speed by 10-feet until the end of your next turn.
You are able to communicate with beasts as if you shared a A creature can only be affected by this feature once per
language. round.
Beguiling Influence Gift of Repellance
You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills. When you hit a creature with your Eldritch Gift, you may
If you already have proficiency in either of these skills, you push them up to 10-feet away from you in a straight line. A
gain expertise in that skill. creature can only be affected by this feature once per round.
Blessing of Power Inquisitive Influence
As an action you may touch a willing creature and bless them, You gain proficiency in the Insight and Investigation skills. If
granting them the benefits of one Eldritch Mutation you also you already have proficiency in either of these skills, you gain
have. expertise in that skill.
This lasts until you die, or end the blessing as an action by
thinking the blessed creatures name. A single creature can Magic of the Grimoire
only have one blessing from you.
You may only bless a number of creatures at a time equal Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome
to your Warlock modifier (Minimum of 1) You learn 3 cantrips of your choice from any classes spell
list. They are considered Warlock cantrips for you and do not
Ever-Living Gift count against your cantrips known.
You may select this invocation multiple times, selecting
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain different cantrips for each subsequent taking.
Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is
within 100 feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine the
hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value
for you.
Fiendish Vigor
As an action, you may gain a number of temporary hit points
equal to your Proficiency Bonus + Your Warlock modifier.
Gaze of Two Minds
You can use your action to touch a willing humanoid and
perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As
long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you,
you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this
connection, extending the duration until the end of your next
turn. While perceiving through the other creature's senses,
you benefit from any special senses possessed by that
creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own
Gift of Agony
Once per turn when you deal damage with your Eldritch Gift,
you may reroll one of the damage dice. You must use the new
result rolled.
Mask of Many Faces Solo Band
As an action, you may create an illusion around yourself. The Prerequisite: Pact of the Strings
illusion remains until you are reduced to 0 HP or you end it As a bonus action, you may transform your bonded
early as an action. instrument into any instrument of your choice. Your bonded
You make yourself--including your clothing, armor, instrument reverts to its normal form after 1 hour has passed.
weapons, and other belongings on your person--look If your bonded instrument is sentient, it can choose to deny
different. You can seem up to 1 foot shorter or taller and can this transformation.
appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body
type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic Thief of Five Fates
arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is
up to you. As an action, you may target up to 3 creatures of your choice
The changes wrought by this invocation fail to hold up to that you can see within 30-feet of you, these targets must
physical inspection. Attempting to physically inspect them make a charisma saving throw. On a failed save, for the next
results in the inspector realizing they are an illusion. minute whenever they would make an attack roll or saving
To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its throw, they must roll a d4 and subtract the number
action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an rolledfrom the attack roll or saving throw.
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. They may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of
their turns, ending the effect on a successful save. Upon
succeeding on their saving throw against this feature, a
Mighty Familiar creature is immune to this effect from you until you complete
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain a long rest.
One of your familiars stats is increased by 2, or two
different stats are increased by 1 (Increasing Constitution War Familiar
would increase its max HP. The number you multiply with Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain
your Warlock level is equal to 3 + Your Familiars Constitution
modifier) Your familiar becomes more suited for combat, granting
This invocation can be taken multiple times. the following benefits:
You may command your familiar to attack as a bonus
Misty Visions action, in addition to forgoing one of your own attacks.
You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other Attacks your familiar makes are considered magical for
visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 5-foot cube. The the purposes of overcoming immunity and resistance to
image appears at a spot you can see and lasts for one minute. nonmagical attacks.
The image is purely visual; it isn't accompanied by sound,
smell, or other sensory effects. Your familiar is resistant to nonmagical bludgeoning,
You can use your action to cause the image to move to any piercing and slashing damage. If it would suffer magical
spot you can see. As the image changes location, you can bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage you can use
alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for your reaction to grant it resistance to that instance of
the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature damage.
and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be
walking. Far Scribe
Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an
illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome, 5th Level
uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your
an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on
against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion that page, which can contain a number of names equal to
for what it is, the creature can see through the image. your proficiency bonus.
The image lasts until you dismiss it as an action, or create You can cast the sending spell, targeting a creature whose
another image with this invocation. name is on the page, without using a spell slot and without
using material components. To do so, you must write the
Morphing Weapon message on the page. The target hears the message in their
mind, and if the target replies, their message appears on the
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade page, rather than in your mind. The writing disappears after 1
As a bonus action, you may transform your bonded weapon minute.
into any simple or martial weapon, causing it to take on the As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page
statistics of the chosen weapon. Your bonded weapon reverts by touching it.
to its normal form after 1 hour has passed.
If your bonded weapon is sentient, it can choose to deny
this transformation.
Hidden Companion Lifedrinker
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain, 5th Level Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade, 12th Level
As an action, your familiar can magically turn invisible until When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the
it attacks, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your Warlock
on a spell). Any equipment your familiar is wearing or modifier (minimum of 1).
carrying is invisible with it.
Eternal Chains
Thirsting Blade Prerequisite: 15th Level
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade, 5th Level As an action you may target a celestial, fiend or elemental
When you take the attack action on your turn, you may within 90-feet of you. That target must make a Wisdom
attack twice with your bonded weapon instead of once. saving throw against your Warlock DC, on a failed saving
Starting at 17th level you may attack three times instead. throw they are paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of
their turns, they may repeat this saving throw, ending the
Improved Pact Weapon effect on a success.
Once a creature succeeds on their saving throw against
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade, 9th Level this feature, you may not use it on them again until you finish
You have a bonus to the attack and damage rolls of your a long rest.
bonded weapon equal to one third of your proficiency bonus
(Rounded down) This is in addition to any bonus the weapon Shroud of Shadow
may already possess.
Additionally, if you have the Morphing Weapon invocation, Prerequisite: 15th Level
you may now use it once per turn without using any actions. As an action, you may turn yourself invisible, anything you
are wearing or carrying also becomes invisible so long as it is
Gift of the Protectors on your person. This effect ends if you attack, cast a spell, or
end it early as a bonus action.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome, 9th Level
A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your Planar Traveler
permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on
that page, which can contain a number of names equal to Prerequisite: 22nd Level
your proficiency bonus. Over the course of 1 minute, you may declare a plane of
When a creature whose name is written on the page is existence you are aware of. At the end of this minute, you
reduced to 0 HP, they are instead reduced to 1 HP. Once this teleport to the chosen plane of existence. If you are aware of a
magic is triggered for a specific creature, that creature can teleportation sigil on that plane, you may teleport to that.
not trigger it again until they complete a long rest. Otherwise, you arrive at a random location on that plane
As an action, you may magically erase a name by touching (DMs discretion)
Dimension Traveler
Grimoire of Secrets Prerequisite: 30th Level
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome, 9th Level Over the course of 1 minute, you may declare another
Choose 2 spells of 1st level or higher from any class spell world you are aware of (Such as Toril or Eberron) At the end
list (You can not choose spells of a higher level than your of this minute, you teleport to the chosen world. If you are
Warlock spell slots) You learn these spells, and they do not aware of a teleportation sigil on that world, you may teleport
count against your spells known. to that. Otherwise, you arrive at a random location on that
You may select this invocation an additional time for every world (DMs discretion)
8 Warlock levels past 9th you have.
Minion of Chaos
Prerequisite: 9th Level
As an action you may summon an elemental whose CR is
no more than 1 + Your Proficiency Bonus, it appears in an
unoccupied space within 60-feet of you.
The summoned creature obeys your every command and is
your ally, roll initiative for this elemental. It lasts until it is
reduced to 0 HP, you dismiss it as an action, or you complete
a long rest.
Once you use this invocation, you may not do so again until
you complete a long rest.
Depending on your patron, your DM may allow you to
summon creatures of a type other than elemental (Such as a
fiend warlock summoning fiends)
Eldritch Mutations Harmful Flesh
As a 2nd level Warlock, your body begins to shift as you gain Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh
Eldritch Mutations. These mutations represent the physical Choose either Acid, Cold or Fire damage. Whenever a
changes wrought on by your pact. creature hits you with a melee attack, they suffer 1 damage of
If an eldritch mutation has prerequisites, you must meet the chosen type. This damage is doubled if the attack dealt
them to learn it. You can learn the mutation at the same time slashing or piercing damage.
that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to You may select this mutation multiple times, increasing the
your level in this class. You can only take a mutation once damage by 1 for each subsequent taking.
unless otherwise specified.
Merged Item
Agility or Reason Prerequisite: Pact of the Aegis, Blade or Strings
Choose either your Dexterity or Wisdom score. Your chosen When you summon your bonded item, you may choose to
score and its maximum are increased by 1, while the other manifest it as apart of your own body. If you do so, you can
score and its maximum are decreased by 1. not be disarmed of your bonded item by any means.
You may select this mutation multiple times.
Otherworldly Mind
Armor of Shadows You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you
While not wearing armor nor wielding a shield, your AC is make to maintain your concentration on a spell.
equal to 13 + Your Warlock modifier. While benefiting from
this AC, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks Otherworldly Steed
made while in dim light or darkness. Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain
Your familiar grows to large size, and you are capable of
Brain or Brawn riding it as if it were a mount. While you are mounting it, your
Choose either your Strength or Intelligence score. Your familiar is always under the effects of the dash action.
chosen score and its maximum are increased by 1, while the
other score and its maximum are decreased by 1. Regenerating Flesh
You may select this mutation multiple times. Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh
Whenever you receive healing, you may roll any associated
Bulk or Charm die for the healing ability twice instead of once, choosing
Choose either your Constitution or Charisma score. Your which result to use for the purposes of healing you.
chosen score and its maximum are increased by 1, while the
other score and its maximum are decreased by 1. Rune Keepers Communication
You may select this mutation multiple times. As an action you may choose 1 language you are aware of.
You are able to fluently speak, read and write in the chosen
Devil's Sight language. You retain this language until you use your action
You can see normally in darkness and dim light, both magical to select a new language.
and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
You may select this mutation multiple times, each Scabs of Steel
subsequent taking increases the range of this sight by 120- Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh
feet. Provided you aren't wearing armor or benefiting from a
shield, your AC is increased by 1.
Eldritch Sight You may select this mutation up to two additional times.
You can see the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If
you see magic in this way, you can see a faint aura around any Sharp Eyes
visible creature or object in the area that bears magic. You gain proficiency in the Medicine and Perception skills. If
As an action you may learn what school of magic an aura you already have proficiency in either of these skills, you gain
belongs to, if any. expertise in that skill.
Eldritch Sight cannot penetrate a barrier you cannot see
through. Unearthly Energy
Energetic Body You no longer need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by
any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend
You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Athletics skills. If all 8 hours doing light activity.
you already have proficiency in either of these skills, you gain
expertise in that skill.
Wild Hooves
Your movement speed is increased by 10-feet, and you ignore
nonmagical difficult terrain caused by uneven ground or
You may select this mutation multiple times, for each
subsequent taking your movement speed is increased by 5-
feet instead of 10-feet.
Dark Camouflage
Prerequisite: 5th Level
As an action while in dim light or darkness, you may turn
invisible. This invisibility lasts until you take an action,
reaction or move into an area of bright light.
Decaying Presence
Prerequisite: 5th Level
As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a
magical that takes an appearance of your choice. The aura
extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through
total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or you dismiss it
as a bonus action.
The aura grants you advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)
checks but disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. Any
other creature that starts its turn in the aura takes poison
damage equal to your Warlock modifier (minimum of 0
Gift of the Depths
Prerequisite: 5th Level
You are able to breathe underwater and gain a swimming
speed of 30-feet. If you already have a swimming speed, that
swimming speed is instead increased by 30-feet.
Ghost Sight
Prerequisite: 7th Level
As an action you may grant yourself the ability to see
through solid objects to a range of 30-feet. Within that range,
you have darkvision if you do not already have it. This special
sight remains so long as you have concentration on it (As if
concentrating on a spell) During that time, you perceive
objects as ghostly, transparent images.
Leaping Physiology
Prerequisite: 9th Level
Your jump distance is tripled, you may additionally jump
the full distance of your long and high jumps with or without
a running start.
Tongue of the Dead
Prerequisite: 9th Level
You are able to communicate with corpses that have been
deceased for no more than 10 days. You may ask them any
questions you wish, although they are not required to answer
truthfully (Or even answer at all)
Corpses are limited to what they knew in life, and despite
you communicating with them in this manner, they have no
Unfettered Step Wings from Beyond
Prerequisite: 9th Level Prerequisite: 15th Level
You can move vertically as part of your movement. While in You sprout wings which you may unfurl or furl as a bonus
the air, you may move only by pushing or pulling against a action on your turn. While unfurled, your wings grant you a
fixed object or surface within reach, which allows you to 30-foot flying speed.
move as if you were climbing. Your wings can't be unfurled while wearing armor not
made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to
Unnatural Growth accommodate them may be destroyed if you unfurl your
Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh, 9th Level wings while wearing it.
As an action you may grow in size, doubling in all Truelife
dimensions and increasing your size category by 1 (From
Medium to Large for example) You can not use this feature if Prerequisite: 20th Level
there is not enough room in your current location to You no longer age and can not be aged magically, you no
accommodate your new size. longer suffer the effects of old age.
While enlarged, your carrying capacity is doubled and your
melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage. Future Sense
Additionally, you may use your Warlock modifier in place of Prerequisite: 30th Level
your Strength modifier for anything that would use your You can't be surprised and have advantage on attack rolls
Strength modifier. and Strength/Dexterity based ability checks and saving
You may take this invocation a second time if you are at throws. Additionally, other creatures have disadvantage on
least 21st Level. If you do, you may now grow 2 size attack rolls against you.
categories instead of 1, causing you to quadrupal in all
dimensions instead of double. If you do, your bonus damage
is increased to 2d6 and your carrying capacity is quadrupled
You may return to your normal size as a bonus action on
your turn, you also return to your normal size if you die.
Graceful Movement
Prerequisite: 12th Level
Your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and magic
can not reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or
By expending 5-feet of movement, you may additionally
escape any nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a
creature grappling you. Finally, being underwater imposes no
penalty on your attacks (It still impedes your movement
Malleable Form
Prerequisite: 15th Level
As an action you may change your form, transforming your
appearance. You decide what you look like, including your
height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair
length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any.
You can make yourself appear as a member of another
race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't
appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your
basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use
this feature to become quadrupedal, for instance.
Combat Traits Forbidden Orchestra
Below you will be able to find the features you are able to Prerequisite: Pact of the Strings
select from your Otherworldly Secrets feature at levels 3, 9, You can form your Music Bond with a number of
14, 19, 22, and 27. instruments up to your Charisma modifier (Minimum of 2)
however you can only have one summoned at a time.
Whenever you would summon an instrument, you may
Blood Money choose which bonded instrument to summon. If you summon
Your blood and body now counts as an arcane focus for you a new one while one already persists, the original returns to
and your spells. If you were to cast a spell with costly your extradimensional space.
material components, you can instead sacrifice your vitality Your Bonded Instruments all share the same attunement
to cast them. You may sacrifice any number of Warlock hit die slot, meaning you could be attuned to 4 different Bonded
when casting such a spell, for every hit die sacrificed you lose Instruments while only occupying one attunement slot.
max HP equal to 1d6 + Your Constitution Modifier. You die if However, you can not gain any benefits from a Bonded
your hit point maximum becomes 0. Instrument you are attuned to unless it is summoned.
Every Warlock hit die expended in this way is considered
to be a suitable replacement for up to 25 gold pieces worth of Mass of Magicka
costly material components. Upon completing a long rest, Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome
you recover one hit die sacrificed from this feature, and you The number of spell slots you gain from Pact Magic is
recover max HP equal to the amount lost when you sacrificed doubled, this does not affect spell slots gained from any other
that particular hit die. sources (Such as Mystic Arcanum) other than Pact Magic.
You no longer regain your spell slots from Pact Magic upon
Contained Power completing a short rest, you only regain them by completing a
Whenever you take an action to do anything other than use long rest.
your Eldritch Gift, you may make 1 attack with your Eldritch
Gift as apart of the same action. This attack takes place Movement of the Mage
immediately after you finish performing the action that When you would be caught in the area of a spell or effect
triggered this. (Such as a dragons breath weapon or a spellcasters Fireball
You do not add your Warlock modifier to your Eldritch spell) you may use your reaction to cast a spell or use an
Gifts damage roll when attacking with this feature. Invocation/Mutation that moves or teleports you, potentially
moving you out of the way of the effects area.
Do No Evil
Prerequisite: You do not have "Speak No Evil" Omega Gift
Warlock spells you cast no longer require somatic When you would make an attack with your Eldritch Gift, you
components, however spells that do not have verbal can instead combine your individual attacks into one, mighty
components gain verbal components. attack. You may forgo any number of attacks you may
normally make with your Eldritch Gift, for every attack
Eldritch Might forgone, this one deals two damage dice (But it does not add
You gain your choice of either 2 Eldritch Invocations, 2 your Warlock modifier)
Eldritch Mutations, or 1 of each, you must still meet the For example, say you can use Eldritch Blast and normally
prerequisites for these Invocations/Mutations. Whenever you make three attacks with it. When using this feature, you
finish a long rest, you may exchange Invocations or Mutations could attack once with a normal EB, and then combine your
gained from this feature for other ones of the same type. next two to instead deal 4d10 force damage on a hit (Without
You may take this feature as many times as you wish. adding your Warlock modifier)
Flesh Weapons Reactive Mage
Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh You gain an additional reaction, this reaction can only be
As a bonus action, you may manifest or dismiss weapons of used to cast spells as a reaction, or use
pure flesh from your body. These natural weapons benefit Invocations/Mutations that require a reaction to use.
from anything that would normally benefit your Eldritch Gift, You may select this feature as many times as you wish,
and you may make a number of attacks with them equal gaining an additional one of these special reactions each
When you manifest them, you may choose whether they subsequent selection.
deal bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage. They have a
range of 5-feet, and use the same damage die as your Eldritch Resilient Body
Gift. Your HP maximum increases by an amount equal to three
Attacks made with these natural weapons are considered times your level in this class. Everytime you gain a Warlock
to be magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity and level, your maximum HP increases by an additional 3 HP.
resistance to damage. You may select this trait multiple times.
Skirmisher Critical Improvement
When an attack misses you, you may move up to half of your Prerequisite: 9th Level
speed as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks Your critical hit range for spell attacks is increased by 1
of opportunity. (From 20 to 19-20 for example)
If you have Pact of the Blade, you may choose to instead
Speak No Evil apply this to weapon attacks. You may change your choice
Prerequisite: You do not have "Do No Evil" upon completing a long rest.
Warlock spells you cast no longer require verbal If you have at least 22 levels in this class, you may take this
components, however spells that do not have somatic feature a second time, increasing your critical range for spell
attacks further (From 19-20 to 18-20 for example)
components gain somatic components.
Symbiosis Evasion
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain Prerequisite: 9th Level
As an action while you and your familiar are within 5-feet When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
of each other, you may merge with your familiar. Your familiar make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
is absorbed into you, granting you the following benefits: instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,
and only half damage if you fail.
Your maximum HP is increased by an amount equal to If you have at least 27 levels in this class, you may select
your familiars maximum HP, and you recover HP equal to this feature again. If you do so, it applies to all saving throws,
its current HP at the time of merging. not just Dexterity ones.
You gain any movement speeds it had, your own Brutal Critical
movement speeds growing to match the familiars if they
were higher. Prerequisite: 14th Level
Whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack, you
You gain any special traits or actions your familiar had, can roll an additional die for determining the damage of the
able to use them as if you were your familiar. critical hit.
If you have Pact of the Blade, you may choose to instead
This merging lasts until you end it as a bonus action or are apply this to weapon attacks. You may change your choice
reduced to 0 HP. upon completing a long rest.
If you have at least 22 levels in this class, you may select
True Defense this feature again, adding an additional die to your critical
Prerequisite: Pact of the Aegis
You can form your Defense Bond with both a shield and Second Bargain
suit of armor. Whenever you would summon either, you can
choose to summon both. Prerequisite: 14th Level
You make a second, lesser deal with another entity. You
Vault of Darkness gain the 1st level benefits of an Otherworldly Patron that you
and your DM agrees makes narrative sense.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade If you have at least 22 levels in this class, you may select
You can form your Weapon Bond with a number of this feature again to gain the 6th level benefits of this
weapons up to your Charisma modifier (Minimum of 2) Otheworldly Patron.
however you can only have one summoned at a time.
Whenever you would summon a weapon, you may choose Lesser Boon
which bonded weapon to summon. If you summon a new one
while one already persists, the original returns to your Prerequisite: 22nd Level
extradimensional space. You may choose an additional Pact Boon, choosing from
Your Bonded Weapons all share the same attunement slot, the same set of options you chose from at 3rd level. Your
meaning you could be attuned to 4 different Bonded choice becomes your Lesser Pact Boon.
Weapons while only occupying one attunement slot. Your Lesser Pact Boon will only have its level 3 features,
However, you can not gain any benefits from a Bonded never gaining its level 14 or 22 features. You cannot select
Weapon you are attuned to unless it is summoned. invocations that have a prerequisite of your Lesser Pact
Cantrips (0 Level) Darkness Elemental Bane 7th Level
Blade Ward Earthbind Galder's Speedy Courier Crown of Stars
Booming Blade Enthrall Hallucinatory Terrain Dream of the Blue Veil
Chill Touch Flock of Familiars Raulothim's Psychic Lance Etherealness
Create Bonfire Hold Person Shadow of Moil Finger of Death
Friends Invisibility Sickening Radiance Forcecage
Frostbite Mind Spike Summon Aberration Plane Shift
Green-Flame Blade Mirror Image Summon Greater Demon Power Word Pain
Infestation Misty Step
Lightning Lure Ray of Enfeeblement 5th Level 8th Level
Mage Hand Shadow Blade Contact Other Plane Demiplane
Magic Stone Shatter Danse Macabre Dominate Monster
Mind Sliver Spider Climb Dream Feeblemind
Minor Illusion Suggestion Enervation Glibness
Poison Spray Far Step Maddening Darkness
Prestidigitation 3rd Level Hold Monster Power Word Stun
Sword Burst Counterspell Infernal Calling
Thunderclap Dispel Magic Mislead 9th Level
Toll the Dead Enemies Abound Negative Energy Flood Astral Projection
True Strike Fear Planar Binding Blade of Disaster
Fly Scrying Foresight
1st Level Gaseous Form Synaptic Static Gate
Armor of Agathys Hunger of Hadar Telportation Circle Imprisonment
Arms of Hadar Hypnotic Pattern Wall of Light Power Word Kill
Cause Fear Incite Greed Psychic Scream
Charm Person Intellect Fortress 6th Level True Polymorph
Comprehend Languages Magic Circle Arcane Gate Weird
Distort Value Major Image Circle of Death
Expeditious Retreat Remove Curse Conjure Fey
Hellish Rebuke Spirit Shroud Create Undead
Hex Summon Fey Eyebite
Illusory Script Summon Lesser Demons Flesh to Stone
Protection from Evil and Summon Shadowspawn Investiture of Flame
Good Summon Undead Investiture of Ice
Unseen Servant Thunder Step Investiture of Stone
Witch Bolt Tongues Investiture of Wind
Vampiric Touch Mass Suggestion
Mental Prison
4th Level Scatter
2nd Level Banishment Soul Cage
Borrowed Knowledge Blight Summon Fiend
Cloud of Daggers Charm Monster Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
Crown of Madness Dimension Door True Seeing
Legendary Actions
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Warlock Leveling Beyond 30
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Warlock specific Here you can find what the Legendary Warlock
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 gains for every level beyond 30 they are! It is
Warlock to know it for example) intentional that their proficiency bonus stops
Dark Blessing Every 4 levels beyond 30 (34, 38, ect) a
Cost: 1 Action legendary warlock gains a regular ASI.
You use a feature from one of your invocations or Every third ASI a legendary warlock would gain
mutations that would normally require an action to use (Such after level 30 (42, 54, 66 ect) is instead a
as Rune Keepers Communication or Fiendish Vigor) legendary ASI.
Every 4 levels starting at level 31 (31, 35, 39,
Equipment Control 43 ect) you gain an additional Eldritch
Cost: 1 Action Invocation
If you have Pact of the Aegis, Blade or Strings you may
summon or dismiss your bonded item. Every 4 levels starting at level 33 (33, 37, 41,
45 ect) you gain an additional Eldritch Mutation
Masters Command Every even level (32, 34, 36, 38 ect) you gain a
Cost: 1 Action +1 to one ability score of your choice.
Your familiar makes an attack or moves up to its speed. Your HP increases as per normal.

Quickened Gift Your new ability score maximums for

Constitution, Intelligence and Charisma is equal
Cost: 1 Action to your Warlock level if they were not already
You make one attack using your Eldritch Gift. higher.

Shifting Flesh
Cost: 1 Action
If you have Pact of the Flesh you may reduce the damage of
the next weapon attack that hits you before the start of your
next turn by half.
Tomes Knowledge
Cost: 1 Action
If you are holding your Book of Shadows, you may cast a
warlock cantrip you know.
Version 1.0.1 (April 13th 2023)
A very minor update that every legendary class is receiving,
increasing their hit points
Hit die is now 2d8, you now add double your Constitution
modifier for each level.
Version 1.0 (December 5th 2022)
The third overall legendary class in its initial form
Released with 6 Subclasses: Archfey, Ashen, Celestial,
Fathomless, Fiend and Great Old One
Released with 6 Pact Boons: Aegis, Blade, Chain, Flesh,
Strings and Tome
Released with 32 Eldritch Invocations
Released with 30 Eldritch Mutations
Released with 21 Combat Traits
Released with 6 Legendary Action options
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Patron Thanks!
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this If you wish to support me
document is credited below, please show respects to the or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not in the future, that's the best way to do it!
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon names are listed below as a show of my immense
as possible. appreciation towards them.
Cover Art by Eva Solo on Artstation! Savior: Amelia Strange
Eldritch Gift Art by Daniel Denova on Artstation! Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
Art on Mystic Arcanum/Overlord page by Shilin on Mercenary: Deathknight
Deviantart! Folk Hero: Nate Meyer
Art on Archfey Patron page by Yonaz on Deviantart!
Art on Ashen Patron page by Yigit Koroglu on Artstation!
Art on Celestial Patron page by Celestial Fang on
Art on Fathomless Patron page by Heng Tang on
Art on Fiend Patron page by SINFULjam on Deviantart!
Art on Great Old One Patron page by Jakub Jagoda
Pact of the Aegis/Blade Art by Andrew Chou on Artstation!
Pact of the Chain/Flesh Art by Raijin Art on Artstation!
Pact of the Strings/Tome Art by Eliott RENIÉ on
Art on 1st Eldritch Invocation page by Ancientwarmaster
on Deviantart!
Art on 2nd Eldritch Manifestation page by Oleg Kapustin
on Artstation!

Stain Credit
In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by
u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and
PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so
huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his

Other Homebrew
You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
all of those are publically available, join the discord!


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