V .Lavanya1, C.Meenambigai2, M.Suriyaa3, S.Kavya4
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai.
III. EXISTING SYSTEM network of things with status updates". Thing Speak was
This work attempts to tackle a societal concern that has been originally launched by iobridge in 2010 as a service in support
destroying the lives of uncountable individuals and their of IoT applications. Thing Speak has integrated support from
families. This device continuously monitors the individual numerical computing software MATLAB from Math Works
wearing it, the data being accessible world over enabled by the allowing Thing Speak users to analyze and visualize uploaded
benefits of cloud computing. The data can thus be downloaded data using Mat lab without requiring the purchase of a Matlab
onto any remote station for monitoring and analysis. The license from Math works.
machine learning algorithms used make the device intelligent
and the accuracy of which increases with continued use. A
device like this improves the level of safety of women and girls.
Accurate recognition of a dangerous situation is a complex
matter, however, the scope for improved accuracy is promising.
Fig 5: GSM
Fig 4:NodeMCU
there is an unobstructed line of sight communication with 4 or graphical representation which shows the Latitude ,Longitude,
more GPS satellites. The module will transmit data in multiple MEMS Sensor and Vibration sensor of the child’s activities
strings at 9600 Baud Rate. GPS module sends the Real time through “Thing Speak”. From these notification the parents can
tracking position data in NMEA format. When we use GPS find their child in critical state. By this device we can avoid
module for tracking any location we only need coordinates and violence against children. This is one step to reduce rape,
we can find this in $GPGGA string. Only $GPGGA (Global violence, theft etc.
Positioning System Fix Data) string is mostly used in programs
and other string are ignored. GPS module takes some time to IX. RESULT
capture location details once it is powered on. NodeMCU starts Parents receive an alert message which gives an information in
web server and waits for a client to get connected to the web latitude and longitude where the child is present.
server. Once client is connected to the web server, NodeMCU
sends location details to connected client.
2. Child safety wearable device Gopinadh Jonnadula1, 11. Chandrasekaran, R. Dantu, S. Jonnada, S. Thiyagaraja,
Bhanu Prasad Davu, Hari Kishore Kandula, Vinod K.P.Subbu, Cuffless differential blood pressure estimation
Donepudi, sivaiah Etukuri Student of ECE, VVIT, Guntur, usingsmartphone, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal for Research (2013)1080–1089.
in Applied Science & Engineering Technolgy(IJRASET).
Volume 6 Issue II, February2018.