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SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICRTCRET Mar 2019

V .Lavanya1, C.Meenambigai2, M.Suriyaa3, S.Kavya4
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai.

example: area, temperature, uv, sos, buzz and wearable gadgets

Abstract— The objective of this project is to safeguard the will answer back with a content containing the
child from threads. Now a days the safety measures of continuous exact area of the youngster which after will gives
children has been reduced in huge number. Thus the violence applications.
against children increasing day by day. Not only kids even
B. Child safety wearable device
women are also abused both physically and mentally. We are
The child safety device is capable of acting as a
taking small step towards violence against the kids. Our
capable IOT device it provides parents with the real time
project mainly focus on sensing the children’s Temperature
location, surrounding temperature, UV radiation index and SOS
and Heartbeat. By monitoring the activities the state of the
light along with distress alarm buzzer for their child’s
child is analyzed. By using GSM, if child reaches the critical
surroundings and the ability to locate their child or alert by
state then the latitude and longitude of that particular location
standers in acting to rescue or comfort the child. The smart child
is sent as an alert message to the parents. In this system, it has
safety wearable can be enhanced much more in future by using
a MEMS sensor which is used to detect the abnormal
highly compact arduino modules such as the lily pad arduino
vibration and it is controlled by NodeMCU micro controller.
which can be sewed into fabrics. Also a more power efficient
model will have to be created which will be capable for holding
Key words: Children, Wearable, Safety, GPS, GSM, MEMS
the battery holding for longer time.
Sensor, Thing Speak, Vibration Sensor.
C. Women safety device:
Suraksha it describes that the device can be actuated by three
INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) is the new technology that connect ways namely, voice, switch and shock. The device when not in
the entire world. It establish the connectivity among various use locked so that the unnecessary signals are not sent. For
systems or devices or services in order to make automation unlocking it, a simple voice command is sufficient when the
development in all areas. Child safety is a very big and unsolved device is thrown with the force, using force sensor it will start
issue in our society. Many of the crimes are left without functioning that is it will send the location to the police and
reported. Each and every day young children are being distress message to the registered mobile number. The working
assaulted, molested and violated. The street, public transport, of the device connected with the jewellery which sends a
public spaces have became the territory of the hunters. Rape is message to the person when the abnormal force is applied
the one of the major crime in India practice against children’s. which is like a button, this records a voice message. This device
The crime rate is growing steadily since last few decade. Hence is embedded with the jewellery. But accessing the button in
this device makes a step forward and safes victims from such danger and sending alert message through recording audio are
situations. This device is designed in such a way that is easy to the main drawback.
use as it works by detecting the abnormal vibrations. Kerala is
the state that has the rate 455/1,00000 which is highest of crime D. Women safety device:
reported in the year 2017-2018 says the NCRP (National Crime Safety and security in public transportation based on public
Records Bureau) and tamilnadu holds the 3rd position with the perception in developing countries poses higher risk of safety
rate of 294 /1,00,000 in the NCRP Report of the same year. and security since there happen to be more passengers in one
car .the problem becomes worse in developing countries,
II. LITERATURE SURVEY because of the lack of suitable and integrated approaches. The
A. Embedded IEEE Project Child Safety Wearable device: aim of this research is to explore the perception of safety
The concentration of this paper is to have an SMS content problems of those parties involved in the operation of public
empowered correspondence medium between the children transportation. This perception is used as a base to develop and
wearable and the parent as nature for GSM portable that improvement agenda for the context of developing countries.
correspondence is practically present all over the place. The research employs a questionnaire survey to
collect the perception data.
The parent can send a content with particular catchphrases, for

ISSN: 2348 - 8387 Page 1

SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICRTCRET Mar 2019

III. EXISTING SYSTEM network of things with status updates". Thing Speak was
This work attempts to tackle a societal concern that has been originally launched by iobridge in 2010 as a service in support
destroying the lives of uncountable individuals and their of IoT applications. Thing Speak has integrated support from
families. This device continuously monitors the individual numerical computing software MATLAB from Math Works
wearing it, the data being accessible world over enabled by the allowing Thing Speak users to analyze and visualize uploaded
benefits of cloud computing. The data can thus be downloaded data using Mat lab without requiring the purchase of a Matlab
onto any remote station for monitoring and analysis. The license from Math works.
machine learning algorithms used make the device intelligent
and the accuracy of which increases with continued use. A
device like this improves the level of safety of women and girls.
Accurate recognition of a dangerous situation is a complex
matter, however, the scope for improved accuracy is promising.


The child safety wearable device is capable of acting as a smart
loT device. It provides parents with the real-time location,
surrounding temperature, UV radiation index and SOS light
along with Distress alarm buzzer for their child's surroundings
and the ability to locate their child or alert bystanders in acting
to rescue or comfort the child. The smart child safety wearable Fig 2: MEMS Sensor
can be enhanced much more in the future by using highly
compact Arduino modules such as the LilyPad, Arduino which Micro Electro Mechanical Systems or MEMS, is a technology
can be sewed into fabrics. Also a more power efficient model that in its most general form can be defined as miniaturized
will have to be created which will be capable of holding the mechanical and electro mechanical elements that are made
battery for a longer time. using the techniques of micro fabrication. The critical physical
dimensions of MEMS devices can vary from well below one
micron on the lower end of the dimensional spectrum, all the
V. BLOCK DIAGRAM way to several millimeters. Likewise, the types of MEMS
devices can vary from relatively simple structures having no
moving elements, to extremely complex electromechanical
systems with multiple moving elements under the control of
Th integrated microelectronics. The one main criterion of MEMS
POWER is that there are at least some elements having some sort of
in mechanical functionality whether or not these elements can
move. The term used to define MEMS varies in different parts
ME Gpio M of the world. In the United States they are predominantly called
A NodeM es G MEMS, while in some other parts of the world they are called
“Microsystems Technology” or “Micro Machined Devices”.
Vib D G CU sa
C p W g
i i GPS
o f
Fig 1: Block Diagram

Thing Speak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT)

application and API to store and retrieve data from things using
the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area
Network. Thing Speak enables the creation of sensor logging
applications, location tracking applications, and a social Fig 3: Vibration Sensor

ISSN: 2348 - 8387 Page 2

SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICRTCRET Mar 2019

Vibration sensors are sensors for measuring, displaying and

analyzing linear velocity, displacement and proximity or
acceleration. Abnormal vibration indicative of problems with
an industrial machine can be detected early and repaired before
the event of machine failure. Therefore vibration analysis is
used as a tool to determine equipment condition as well as the
specific location and type of problems. The LM35 temperature
sensor is used to monitor temperature of the child. If the
temperature of the child is greater than 35°C then the message
is send to caretaker. This text file is sent as a mail to a caretaker.
The LM35 features are calibrated directly in Celsius
(Centigrade), it is less than 60 µA current drain and the
Temperature sensing range over a –55°C to 150°C.

Fig 5: GSM

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication.

The idea of GSM was developed at Bell Laboratories in 1970.
GSM is an open and digital cellular technology used for
transmitting mobile voice and data services operates at the
850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands.
GSM makes use of narrowband Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) technique for transmitting signals. A GSM digitizes
and reduces the data then send it down through a channel with
two different streams of client data each in its own particular
time slot. The digital system has an ability to carry 64kbps to
120Mbps of data rates. There are various cell sizes in a GSM
system such as macro, micro, pico and umbrella cells.

Fig 4:NodeMCU

NodeMCU is an open source Iot platform. It includes firmware

which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems
and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module. The term
NodeMCU by default refers to firmware rather than the
development kits. The firmware uses the Lua scripting
language. It is based on the eLua project and built on the
Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses many open source
project such as luacjson8 and SPIFFS9. The type of NodeMCU
is Single-board microcontroller. The operating system uses
XTOS and the CPU is ESP82661 (LX1062). The memory is
128kBytes, its storage is 4Mbytes3 and the power is supplied by
the USB. Fig 6: GPS

GPS stands for Global Positioning System is a satellite based

navigation system. It provides time and location based
information to a GPS receiver, located anywhere on or near
earth surface. In this project we are going to interface a GPS
module with NodeMCU. A simple local web server is created
using NodeMCU and the location details are updated in that
server webpage. GPS works in all whether conditions provided

ISSN: 2348 - 8387 Page 3

SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICRTCRET Mar 2019

there is an unobstructed line of sight communication with 4 or graphical representation which shows the Latitude ,Longitude,
more GPS satellites. The module will transmit data in multiple MEMS Sensor and Vibration sensor of the child’s activities
strings at 9600 Baud Rate. GPS module sends the Real time through “Thing Speak”. From these notification the parents can
tracking position data in NMEA format. When we use GPS find their child in critical state. By this device we can avoid
module for tracking any location we only need coordinates and violence against children. This is one step to reduce rape,
we can find this in $GPGGA string. Only $GPGGA (Global violence, theft etc.
Positioning System Fix Data) string is mostly used in programs
and other string are ignored. GPS module takes some time to IX. RESULT
capture location details once it is powered on. NodeMCU starts Parents receive an alert message which gives an information in
web server and waits for a client to get connected to the web latitude and longitude where the child is present.
server. Once client is connected to the web server, NodeMCU
sends location details to connected client.


Fig 7: Safety Kit Device


According to this paper there is only one disadvantage that is

while using this device in any place there must be efficient flow Fig 8: Output in form of SMS
of internet connections, it must be fullest then it gives the output
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