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v25248 Banbury - RAMS

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Contract Name JUNTION 11, BANBURY

Contract No. V25248
Issue Number 01

Vibro Menard
Henderson House, Langley Place,
Higgins Lane, Burscough,
Lancashire, L40 8JS

Tel: 01704 891039

Contents of Plan

Project Title and Technique Front Page

Contents Page Page 2

Document Control & Sign off Sheet Page 3

1. Overview - Scope of Works / Site Details Page 4

2. Responsibilities and Control of Site Risks Page 5

3. Required Permits Page 6

4. Method Statement Page 7

5. Site Specific Requirements Page 8

6. Labour, Equipment & Material Resourcing Page 10

7. Quality Control Page 11

8. Contact Details Page 12

Appendix A - Risk Assessments

Appendix B – Inspection Test Plan

Appendix C – Equipment Data Sheets

Appendix D - COSHH Data Sheets

Document Control & Sign Off Sheet
Document Preparation
Document Prepared by: Name David Rickson
Job Title Operations Manager

Version Date of Issue Brief Detail of Revision

First Issue 11/02/20

The content of this plan has been fully understood by the following personnel in order to undertake
their duties in a safe responsible manner:
Name Job Title Signature Date

All persons above have read and clearly understood all aspects of this method statement prior to
undertaking the works.

1. Overview of Works

1.1 Scope of Works

Vibro stone column works are to be undertaken using the top feed process to improve the bearing
capacity of the existing soils beneath the foundations of the proposed warehouse. A total of 5107
no. stone columns are to be installed beneath the pads / strips /slab of the structure, inclusive of 20
no. plate load tests.

The Principal Contractor for the site is Barnfield Construction.

In preparation for the works, a working platform shall be installed by the Principal Contractor to
accommodate the bearing loads generated by the Vibro Menard (VM) equipment and a platform
certificate issued to VM before commencement (see the requirements in section 3.2 below). The
working platform shall be prepared across footprint of the working area plus 2m beyond, including
access routes and laydown areas. This will be the responsibility of the Principal Contractor (PC).

The setting out of key stone column positions in preparation for the works is to be the responsibility
of the Principal Contractor. All steel pins are to be protected with protective caps.

The work will be carried out in 1 no. visit.

1.2 Site Details and Emergency Contacts

Site Address: Junction 11, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 2BH

Nearest Hospital Address: Horton General Hospital, Oxford Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9AL

Vibro Menard Site Contact: Tbc
Vibro Menard Office Contact: Tbc
Principal Contractor Contact: tbc

In the event of a major; injury or fire, telephone 999.

Reportable Safety Accident / Incident: HSE 0345 300 9923 (national helpline for emergencies)
Major Environmental Incident: EA & SEPA 0800 807060 (24hr helpline)

The Principal Contractor must brief Vibro Menard personnel within the site induction on the site-
specific emergency procedures.

2. Responsibilities and Control of Site Risks

2.1 Vibro Menard Safety Responsibilities

Vibro Menard staff will adhere to and promote the company safety policy. All works will be
undertaken in accordance with relevant method statements and performed with due care and
attention. All VM personnel are encouraged to actively report any unsafe conditions / near misses
via site management and internal reporting systems.

A site-specific induction from the Principal Contractor shall be attended by all Vibro Menard site
staff and visitors prior to the commencement of works. All Vibro Menard site staff and visitors must
sign in with the Principal Contractor at the start of the shift. Daily start of shift briefings and site
walkovers will be conducted by the Site Supervisor before work commences.

Tool box talks shall be undertaken through the duration of the project at a rate of 1 per week on a
subject relevant to the works.

Site safety inspections shall be performed by VM as follows;

Site Supervisor – Daily site walkover
HSEQ Advisor – Visiting as required

Summary of identified hazards associated with Vibro Stone Column works;

Hazardous Activity Associated Risk

Movement of plant Equipment striking personnel or other plant.
Ground Improvement Insufficient working platform provided for equipment. Unidentified
equipment working on site soft spots or backfilled excavations.
Rigging / de-rigging Malfunction of equipment causing injury to persons or damage to
equipment equipment.
Potential unidentified Electrocution, gas leak and / or damage to services.
underground services
Modification of equipment Malfunction of equipment causing injury to persons or damage to
Items falling from height Persons injured through falling objects
Restricted access in to site Injury to public or equipment through road traffic incident.
Slips and Trips Minor muscle / ligament damage.
Excessive driving Fatigue causing lack of concentration of person undertaking works.
Unprotected setting out Injury to personnel if fell upon.
Manual Handling Back / muscular damage.
Diesel spillage Entry in to watercourse damaging environment.
Contact with contaminated Illness or poisoning through contact with skin and / or mouth.
Exposure to noise Damage to hearing.
Exposure to vibration Structural / Feature damage through vibration caused by works.
Full risk assessments for observed hazards can be found within Appendix A.

2.2 Principal Contractor Safety Responsibilities

The Principal Contractor must provide a site-specific induction for all VM personnel which should
include the site rules, welfare arrangements, emergency procedures and site-specific hazards.

The Principal Contractor is to provide a safe place of work including the provision of statutory
welfare facilities in line with schedule 2 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
2015. Provision of which must include;
- Ventilated toilet and hand washing facilities
- Drying Room
- Potable drinking water
- Rest and messing area

2.3 PPE Requirements

All VM personnel will be supplied the following PPE in line with the company requirements: -
 Safety Helmet conforming to EN397, with chin strap
 High-Visibility Vests (or Jackets) conforming to EN471
 High-Visibility Trousers conforming to EN471
 Safety Footwear with steel toe cap and mid-sole confirming to EN20345 (No
Rigger boots)
 Safety Gloves (specific to activity) conforming to EN388
 Safety Glasses conforming to EN166
 Appropriate Hearing Protection (ear-defenders or ear-plugs)
Any specialist or specific PPE in addition to the above must be supplied by the Principal

2.4 Exclusion Zones and Safe Working around Vibro Menard Equipment

Vibro Menard require a 20m exclusion zone around our works, this should be implemented,
maintained and communicated to other trades by the Principal Contractor. Where necessary,
physical segregation fencing should be used and managed around our works.

Anyone approaching the vibropiling rig, must approach from the front / operators cab side (green
zone). The approaching individual must get the acknowledgement of the rig operator before any
approach to the rig is made within 10m. Once acknowledgement has been given, the person may
enter the green zone. No unauthorised persons are to stand within 5m of the rig. No persons are to
stand within 5m of the vibroprobe unless the machine is switched off and isolated.

Anyone approaching the loading shovel, must approach from the front / operators cab side (green
zone). The approaching individual must get the acknowledgement of the shovel operator before any
approach is made. Personnel are not permitted to approach the shovel within 8m without the
acknowledgement of the shovel operator. No persons are to stand within 3m of the loading shovel
unless the bucket is on the ground and the machine is switched off.

2.5 Traffic Management

The site traffic management plan should be briefed to all VM personnel by the PC within the site
induction. VM require that satisfactory access is made from the site entrance to our working area
to allow the safe transport of equipment and material deliveries. Pedestrian access should be made
from the welfare area to the working area with adequate segregation from site traffic.

The vibropiling rig shall be fitted with a flashing amber light, the loading shovel shall be fitted with a
flashing amber light and an audible reversing beacon.

Any attendant mobile plant working under the control of the client must have flashing amber lights,
reversing aids and / or audible alarms.

2.6 Planned Lifts

There are no planned lifts on this project.

Where a lift is required, a lift plan shall be produced and issued to the VM lift supervisor in
preparation for the lift.

3. Required Permits

3.1 Permit to Dig

A permit to dig must be completed by the Principal Contractor and be in the possession of the VM
Site Supervisor prior to the commencement of the works. All known services are to be identified on
our “Permit to Dig” form and physically identified on site, also to protect them, clearly mark their
location on the site, and to maintain their markings for the duration of our work.

When issuing the permit to dig it is good practice to specify the areas / gridlines that VM are
authorised to work in. Service location drawings should be obtained and studied prior to signing off
our permit.

The permit to dig form shall remain valid for a maximum of 5 working days. A signed copy of the
form must be issued by the Principal Contractor prior to the expiry of the previous permit.

3.2 Working Platform Certificate

Vibro Menard require a completed Working Platform Certificate prior to the arrival of plant on site.
Details of the designer and the verification from the Principal Contractor must be stated on the
form. The form should clearly state the areas / gridlines for which the working platform is valid (use
a drawing as necessary).

The maintenance inspection record must be completed at the start of the works and updated when
any changes are required. Should new working platform be extended or provided to us, a new
working platform certificate should be produced clearly stating the area / gridlines as reference
(use a drawing as necessary).

4. Method Statement

4.1 Receiving Equipment on Site

The delivery of equipment shall be made through the agreed site entrance or as agreed with the
Principal Contractor and received by a nominated VM person.

The equipment shall then be taken to the designated laydown / working area, this is typically our
working platform or access road. The laydown area must be level and free from other trades,
exclusion zones around should be set up as necessary.

The equipment shall be taken off the wagons by an experienced operator / driver. The container &
bowser shall be offloaded in a designated level area away from trades and operations.

4.2 Rigging of Equipment on Site

The rig shall be rigged up by an experienced operator familiar with that item of plant.

The rig must be rigged up on a firm level platform and free from other trades, exclusion zones
should be set up as necessary.

The rigging up involves the erection of the fixed mast to the vertical position, no persons must be
within 10m of the rig mast when this operation is undertaken as a precation.

4.3 Vibro Stone Column Operations

The working sequence is to be agreed on site between the VM Site Supervisor and PC Site Manager.

The ground treatment work involves the installation of vibrated stone columns by the dry top feed
process at locations indicated on VM stone column layout drawing. Site specific information has
been issued to the Site Supervisor in the form of start-up Instructions, these detail the scope of
work to be carried out and the specific design / quality requirements for the works.

Stone infill aggregate is delivered to site and stockpiled within / close to the working area within
easy access of the wheeled loading shovel.

The pre-auger rig is positioned at the designated column position, the auger is operated and taken
to the required length. Once the required length is achieved the auger is removed form the hole
and the arisings placed to the side of the hole as best possible. Arisings are to be removed from the
working area periodically by the Principal Contractor.

The rig is set up in the working area, the vibroprobe is positioned directly over the set out column
position. A positional tolerance in plan of 150mm of the intended position shall be worked to.

The vibrator / hammer power is increased to the required level by the rig operator.

The vibroprobe is carefully lowered in to the ground and penetrates soils to the required depth
displacing the weaker soils. Upon achieving the required depth the vibroprobe is raised to a level as
determined by the rig operator.

An amount of stone infill aggregate (75-20mm) is introduced in to the hole via the loading shovel
from platform level. The amount of infill shall be determined by the rig operator in view of the
ground conditions that are encountered. The vibroprobe is then lowered back in to the column
bore and compacts the stone infill within the bore in to the surrounding soils. The rig operator shall
ensure a satisfactory level of compaction of the stone infill is achieved.

The vibroprobe is then raised for another charge of stone infill and the process to repeat itself. This
process is repeated until a continuous column of compacted stone is achieved to the working
platform level.

The top 600mm is generally not compacted due to the poor lateral restraint provided by the upper
soil horizon.

The vibroprobe is then re-positioned on to the next column position for the process to be repeated.

Should any obstructions be encountered, VM shall attempt a re-position next to the original
position. Any offest shall be marked on our as-built drawing. Where a re-position cannot be
achieved, we would require that the obstruction be removed and the subsequent excavation be
backfilled with suitable granular material in accordance with our upfill specification.

The loading shovel shall blade off any excess stone / material from the working area. Where
possible the stone shall be re-used if clean. Any contaminated / unsuitable material shall be
stockpiled to one side for removal by the PC.

Fuel deliveries shall be made direct to the on site fuel bowser which is fitted with a pump, or be
made direct to the rig / shovel.

Tests shall be performed on completed stone columns at locations as agreed on site between the
VM Site Supervisor and PC. The frequency and type is set out by the contract.

Upon completion of the works, the equipment shall be parked in a safe position to be picked up by
the transport.

4.4 De-rigging & Transport of Equipment out of Site

The rig shall be de-rigged up by an experienced operator familiar with that item of plant.

The plant and equipment shall be loaded on to the transport to the satisfaction of the wagon
driver. Items of plant must be made secure and fit for transport on the highways, suitbale chains
and strops should be used as necessary to secure loads.

A final check of the equipment / plant must be undertaken by the wagon driver prior to leaving site
and moving on to the highways.

5. Site Specific Requirements

5.1 Environment

Site Opening Hours are to be: 07:30 to 18:00 hours, Monday – Friday

Vibro Menard’s working hours are to be: 08:00 to 18:00 Monday – Friday (quiet testing outwith).

The Principal Contractor must brief site staff and visitors on the site environmental emergency
procedure in the site induction. In the event of an environmental emergency Vibro Menard staff
will follow the company emergency response.

Rig noise assessments are included within Appendix B of this document.

Oils shall be stored in bunded containers, fuel bowsers will be double skinned and as a precaution
should be positioned away from any nearby watercourses. Spill kits shall be in our possession and
made available in the event of any spillage.

Construction materials required for the works shall be stockpiled within the working area close to
the works. Any waste material shall be stockpiled and identified to the Principal Contractor for

5.2 Access

Access / Egress from the site shall be achieved off Junction 11 off M40.

The Principal Contractor must make VM aware of any weight, height or other access restrictions
which may prohibit the safe delivery of our rig in to the site.

Where required, traffic management on the highway is to be implemented and managed by the
Principal Contractor to allow the safe access / egress of our equipment in to site. This is to be put in
to place in preparation for the access / egress of our equipment which may require a temporary
stop of the traffic to allow our transport to gain entry in to site.

Should plant be required to offload / load outside the site, all necessary protection measures
including traffic management, sheet boards and kerb protection must be provided by the Principal
Contractor. Road protection should be made available ready for the arrival of our transport and any
assessments of the road to be taken in advance (if required). Any required permits from the
authorities to enable the access of the equipment in / out of site is to be obtained by the Principal

Site boundaries and access routes from the highway will be defined and fenced as necessary by the
Principal Contractor.

The Principal Contractor is to provide access / egress to all work areas. These routes must be
suitable for tracked and wheeled vehicles including our vibropiling rig and delivery lorries with
segregated pedestrian walkways.

Suitable access and egress shall be installed and maintained for our equipment with ramps no less
than a ratio of 1:10. Working platforms for our rig must be made at a level no less than a ratio of

All sub-surface manholes, chambers etc are to be located, removed, fenced off or bridged. The
Principal Contractor should check column positions for services and obstructions prior to
mobilisation of plant.

5.3 Working Area

The working area should be clearly defined, access routes and pedestrian routes should be advised
within the site induction.

Vehicle and pedestrian access routes must be clearly defined, all trades on site are aware of the
designated routes. Any change / deviation to the planned routes must be communicated to Vibro
Menard immediately as they occur.

Trades must be coordinated on site as such that they do not encroach on each other working area.
See item 2.4 for exclusion zone requirements.

The Principal Contractor must make Vibro Menard aware of any known services present within or
close to the working area. Any services must be detailed on the permit to dig along with all
necessary precautionary measures and physically demarcated on site.

The PC must make VM aware of any open excavation within a 10m distance, along with putting in
place the necessary physical exclusion barriers.

Physical edge protection must be provided by the PC against the crest of any embankment.

Suitable background lighting is provided from the site compound to the working area, as required.
VM shall provide task lighting on the equipment.

Any obstructions encountered should be removed and the remaining void back filled with suitable
material in accordance with the upfill specification.

6 Labour, Equipment and Material Resourcing

6.1 Anticipated Vibro Menard site labour force:

1 no. Site Supervisor

1 no. Rig Operator
1 no. Loading Shovel Operator
1 no. pre-auger Operator

The Site Supervisor shall be suitably experienced and qualified with SSSTS / SMSTS training.

All plant operators shall possess the relevant CPCS training cards.

6.2 Equipment which will be supplied to site by Vibro Menard:

1 no. Vibropiling rig
1 no. Pre-auger rig
1 no. Wheeled Loading Shovel
1 no. Fuel Bowser
1 no. 10ft Stores Container

6.3 Equipment which will be supplied to site by the Principal Contractor:

1 no. tracked excavator with operator (when required)

6.4 Welfare Provision

Welfare shall be provided to Vibro Menard in line with schedule 2 of the Construction (Design and
Management) Regulations 2015. This shall include, but not be limited to:

 Sanitary conveniences
 Potable drinking water
 Accommodation for changing, storing and drying clothing.
 Rest and messing area (including means of preparing food and boiling water plus
arrangements to protect non-smokers).

6.5 Deliveries
Deliveries where possible will be made between 08:00 hours and 18:00 hours.

We anticipate that 3000 (tbc) tonnes of stone aggregate will be delivered to site over the duration
of the stone column works. Deliveries will be made on 8 wheeler trucks and staggered throughout
the day to suit the demand of the works.

Wheel washing facilities are to be supplied and operated by the Principal Contractor.

7 Quality Control

Vibro Menard shall complete daily report sheets and these shall be presented to the client each
morning following the completed shift. Information supplied on these sheet as follows;

- Column Reference Number

- Column Depth
- Quantity of Stone Used
- Amps (penetration / compaction)
- Area of treatment reference / plot no.
- Obstructions
- Pre-Auger Used
- Standing time

Persons responsible for quality control on this project are as follows:-

Site Supervisor – Responsible for completing the works to the required design, monitoring of the
works and suitability of installation and materials.
Contracts Engineer – Responsible for supplying the Site Supervisor with the relevant design and
drawing requirements to complete the works.
Operations Manager – Responsible for the management of the company quality system including
the company procedures and forms required for the works.

Testing of the vibro stone column works will be undertaken in accordance with the contract. The
location and number of tests must be determined by the Principal Contractor.

The Principal Contractor shall assist with the preparation of the test which will include the
excavation of the upper length of column for the test depth.

Where dummy footing tests or zone tests are required, stages of these tests require some out of
hours working for which the Principal Contractor should accommodate.

8. Contact Details

Vibro Menard Contacts and Responsibilities

Site Supervisor – tbc Mobile No:

Responsible for site safety, site labour and site operations

Operations Manager – David Rickson Mobile No: 07715 484197

Management of Operations & Labour

Health and Safety Manager

Malcolm Mearns Mobile No: 07964 107690

Principal Contractor contacts and responsibilities

Site Manager – tbc Mobile No:

Management of site, site specific safety and induction, and liaison with Vibro Menard staff

Project / Contracts Manager – Mobile No:

Management of project / contract and liaison with Vibro Menard staff


Site Specific Risk Assessment

Vibro Stone Columns
Site Access and Egress
Rigging / De-rigging
Overhead Services
Underground Services
Vehicle Movements
Workplace Noise & Ground Borne Vibration
Re-fuelling and fuel / oil storage
Manual Handling
Contaminated Land & Personal Health
Plate Load Testing


Contract Name Junction 11, Banbury Contract Number V25248 Date 11/02/20

Score 1 2 3 4 5 Score Likelihood Score Severity Acceptable Risk 1-6

1 1 2 3 4 5 1 Very Unlikely 1 Minor Injury (No Lost Time) No further action – Maintain Control
2 2 4 6 8 10 2 Unlikely 2 Minor Injury (Lost Time) Adequate Risk 7-12
3 3 6 9 12 15 3 Likely 3 Over 7 Day Injuries (Lost Time) Monitor Controls & Review where necessary
4 4 8 12 16 20 4 Very Likely 4 Major Injuries Unacceptable Risk 13-25
5 5 10 15 20 25 5 Certain 5 Death Stop Activities & Improve immediately

Persons affected = X Pre - Control Post-Control

Hazard Control Measures
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating


Persons affected = X Pre - Control Post-Control
Hazard Control Measures
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating


All VM staff have been inducted, trained and authorised to

work on this site.

All staff have been issued with company standard PPE.

Personnel coming in to X X 2 4 8 A 20m works exclusion zone against other trades is to be 1 4 4

contact with the enforced around VM works. This must be communicated to
vibroprobe. other trades by the PC. Any unauthorised personnel entering
the VM working area and the works must stop

When working close to other trades, barriers c/w cone

toppers will be placed as required around the works to
define the extent of the exclusion zone.

A 10m exclusion zone around the rig is to be in place when

in operation. Anyone requiring access to the rig must
approach from the cab side of the machine giving the rig
driver full visibility. If safe to do so, the driver will then
acknowledge to the request to approach before the person
can enter the exclusion zone.

No persons to stand within 5m of the vibroprobe unless the

rig is switched off and isolated.

Overturning of equipment X X 2 5 10 A working platform should be installed by the Principal 1 5 5

due to platform failure. Contractor to accommodate the bearing pressure of Vibro
Menard’s equipment in accordance with FPS
recommendations. A signed working platform certificate

(WPC/4d) must be completed and issued by the PC prior to

work commencing.

The working platform is to be monitored during the

progress of the works and before each shift to ensure
continued suitability. Any issues must be immediately
addressed to the Principal Contractor. Any maintenance,
repair, reinstatement or modification to the working
platform must be recorded on the working platform daily
inspection log.

The working platform certificate must cover the working

area, access road and access ramps. The base of access
ramps must be strengthened as necessary to accommodate
the higher bearing pressure imposed by the rig.

The working platform should cover the building footprint

plus 2m beyond. The limit of the working platform should
be clearly defined by the PC.

Banksman to review working platform on access routes,

access ramps and working area prior to directing movement
of rig for a visual assessment. Any issues must be
immediately addressed to the Principal Contractor.

Vibroprobe or parts falling X X 3 5 15 Suspended Vibroprobe 1 5 5

from the rig from height.
The pear and anchor and ropes must be inspected at the
beginning of each shift during the pre-start rig inspection for
a secure connection.

Clamped Vibroprobe

The lifting head must be securely clamped by the vibro

hammer with sufficient pressure. A nylon safety sling must
be connected between the vibroprobe and hammer as a
secondary safety measure.


If the mast is dropped for maintenance / repairs, a visual

inspection should be done by the rig operator and fitter
(where present), if not this should be undertaken by the rig
operator and site supervisor.

All personnel must be 10m away from the rig or equipment

when rigging / de-rigging. Any persons not involved with the
equipment must be kept clear of all rigging / de-rigging
operations. No slewing of equipment over person.

Where air lines are used, hose connections must be secured

by whip checks.

All tools / accessories must be taken off the rig and stored in
an appropriate area when not in use. Rig mast to be checked
for loose items prior to lift.

Area to be controlled and monitored to prevent

unauthorised persons entering area.

Vibroprobe, tube or spike X X 4 5 20 Stop the engine for a short period. Excavate or pre-auger 2 5 10
stuck in the ground at the carefully around vibroflot at both sides to reduce friction.
compaction point
Restart after half an hour and apply force slowly. Do not use
excessive force to pull out.

The operation must be carried out by a trained and

competent person and be supervised at all times

Unauthorised use of VM X X X 2 5 10 Only authorised operators that possess a valid CPCS card for 1 5 5
plant and equipment. the category of the equipment may operate the plant or

Keys to be removed from the machine during breaks / long

periods of rest.

Site and working area to be kept secure, any unauthorised

persons must be advised to keep out of working area.

Rig or loading shovel X X 3 5 15 A 20m works exclusion zone is to be enforced around VM 1 5 5

striking personnel in works. This must be communicated to other trades by the
working area. PC. Any unauthorised personnel entering the VM working
area and the works must stop. Cones and barriers to be set
up around / limit of works to deliniate VM working area.

A 10m exclusion zone around the rig is to be in place when

in operation. Anyone requiring access to the rig must
approach from the cab side of the machine giving the rig
driver full visibility. If safe to do so, the driver will then
acknowledge to the request to approach before the person
can enter the exclusion zone.

Only authorised persons are to be within the VM working

area and must be in a place of safety with full visibility to the
rig and loading shovel operator.

Stone delivery vehicles are only permitted to enter the piling

area under the direction of the banksman, this can be the
loading shovel operator.

The loading shovel operator / banksman must remain in

clear view of the stone delivery driver at all times and give
clear hand signals during reversing operations. If the
banksman cannot be seen, the driver must stop

A minimum clearance distance of 600mm must be made

between the furthest radial point of the rig and any static
wall or feature. Physical barriers to be put in to place to
prevent unauthorised access. Rig operator must check that
persons are clear of rig prior to slewing.

Slip and trip hazards X 4 2 8 Good housekeeping to be maintained on site, any uneven 2 2 4
ground or loose items to be tidied to avoid accidents.

Oil spills to be cleaned up immediately.

Pedestrian routes to be made and regularly monitored for

clear access and level ground.

Dust X X 3 2 6 Dust suppression must be employed by the Principal 1 2 2

Contractor, this may require dampening down.

Company PPE must be worn, including safety glasses.

RPE (dust masks) to FFP3 must be made available if the dust

becomes a nuisance.

Exhaust fumes X X X 4 2 8 Equipment to be switched off when not in use. 4 1 4

Regular maintenance to be undertaken on plant to prevent

excessive generation of fumes.

Persons to avoid standing in path of fumes where possible.

Respiratory masks to be worn where practical.

Unprotected setting out X X 4 2 8 All protruding steel setting out pins to receive a mushroom / 4 1 4
pins Cemcap. Positions to be sprayed as necessary.

Fire on site or on VM X X 5 2 10 All VM operatives to be aware of the site fire plan, including 5 1 5
equipment emergency procedures and muster points.

Fire extinguishers to be made available in the cab of the

equipment. Only put out fire if safe to do so.

Compressed Air X 4 2 8 Air hoses to be visually inspected in the pre-start rig 4 1 4

inspection. Any damages / excessively worn hoses are to be
immediately replaced.

All hoses are to have secure connections with whip checks.

Only experienced persons to operate compressors.

No persons to put hands / body parts over escaping air on

hoses to avoid air entering bloodstream.

Working at height X 2 5 10 Where required to access the back of the rig, ensure that 1 5 5
good access on to the rig is allowed with 2 hands on the
access ladders at all times. Edge protection must be in place
on the rig.

When accessing / egressing equipment, 2 hands must be

placed on the access ladders when stepping up and down.

All open holes must be protected, no open holes must be

left overnight. Any excavations must have adequate
protection around them.

Any site excavation must have physical barriers to define


When working at the top of an embankment, the edge of

the working platform must be clearly defined with edge
protection as required.

PPE must be worn at all times including safety helmets with

fitted chin straps.

Vibroprobe exchange (TF, X X 2 4 8 The operation must be carried out by trained and competent 1 4 4
BF, Spike & VCC) persons and be supervised at all times. Procedure for
changing vibroprobe to be followed.

A 20m exclusion zone around the rig is to be in place when

undertaking a vibroprobe exchange. The operation must
take place on a firm level working platform covered by the
working platform certificate. No other trades or traffic is to
be close proximity during the vibroprobe exchange.

When exchanging the tool on a BF rig, the tool may be

positioned on a stone stockpile and this must be stable to
support the tool. The clamps must line up even and central
to the tube fixing.

The vibroprobe or tool and its connection must be fully

inspected for secure connection and any loose items prior to
lifting. No persons to be within 10m of the front of the rig
when lifting.

Electricity X X 3 5 15 Electrical cables must be checked. Any damaged cables must 1 5 5

be replaced / repaired.

Works on electrical cables must be carried out by a

competent person. All connections should be secured
properly by a competent person. Avoid the sharp bending
and twisting of the cables. All generators must be centre
tapped to earth.

All the electrical equipment has to be periodically inspected

by certified electricians. Information, Instruction and training
to the rig operators related to electrical hazards.

While changing the rig position and boom downing avoid

cable stretching.

All DBs have to be properly isolated and warning signs shall

be displayed. Ensure the emergency stop of the gen set is
functioning. All panel boards should be protected from
water bodies. Provide adequate fire extinguisher on all Gen

Contact with hazardous X 2 3 6 COSHH assessments for review within the HSEQ plan. 1 3 3
substances such as oils,
grease, detergents. Company PPE must be worn, including gloves and safety

Collapse of structures / X X X 3 5 15 Principal Contractor to advise on any structure, feature or 1 5 5

embankments / earth service which could be affected by vibrations under CDM
retaining features, regulations.
damaged services caused
by Vibropiling activity. A site visit should be undertaken prior to works to assess
distances and likely impact of works.

Where structures, features or services are identified at being

at risk of damage, VM would recommend that 21.2.1 non-
negligence insurance be sought for our works by the
Principal Contractor when working within 6m (but not
limited to) of structure / service at the Principal Contractors
decision. Principal Contractor to undertake dilapidation
survey prior to the works.

Use a vibration monitor to assess vibration levels

transmitted by the works at given distances / boundary.
Obtain site specific background vibration levels with monitor
away from affected area to gain likely vibration levels.
Principal Contractor to provide a PPV level to work up to
during the works. PPV level may be supplied by property or
service provider (i.e. Network Rail, English Heritage, Service

Where practical, Principal Contractor to dig an isolation

trench between our works and the affected structure /
feature / service to minimise level of vibrations transmitted.
Trench to be dug ideally to a depth relative to the underside
of the adjacent foundation / service. Service may be exposed
for safety / effective measures.

Pre-Auger positions against structure / feature to minimise

duration of vibrations in the ground.

Equipment repairs and X X X 3 5 15 No modifications are permitted on any equipment without 1 5 5

modifications expressed written consent from the plant manager. All
modifications must be inspected and checked by a
competent fitter / plant manager prior to operation.

Repairs on the equipment must only be undertaken by

personnel within their field of knowledge. All repairs must
be reported to the plant manager along with proposed
repairs for guidance and approval.

No repair or modification on hired plant must be undertaken

without expressed written consent from the hiring company.

All repairs / modifications to equipment must be recorded

on the fitter job sheet.

Items falling off the X 2 5 10 The equipment must be checked for any loose items prior to 1 5 5
equipment during transport leaving site.

All panel doors, access doors, containers, hoses, windows

and cables must be secured prior to leaving site. The
transport driver must ensure that a final check of their load
is done before leaving site.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Transport cannot physically X X X 3 2 6 Site visit to be undertaken prior to the works to review the 2 2 4
gain access into / out of access arrangements with the Principal Contractor.
Where it is observed that access cannot be made in to site
and that the equipment has to be taken off on to the
highway; traffic management is to be provided by the
Principal Contractor. All necessary personnel, permits and
protection to the road / kerbs is to be provided by the
Principal Contractor.

The arrival of the transport should be met by VM personnel

to direct and escort as necessary to the offloading area.

Transport cannot physically X 3 2 6 Site address to be passed to the transport company for 2 2 4
gain access through public review prior to the movement of the equipment. Any
roads to the site. restrictions or concerns to be communicated back to VM for
review with the client.

Site visit to be undertaken prior to the works to review the

access roads and arrangements with the Principal
Contractor. Consider delivery times.

Where it is observed that access cannot be made in to site

and that the equipment has to be taken off on to the
highway; traffic management is to be provided by the
Principal Contractor. All necessary personnel, permits and
protection to the road / kerbs is to be provided by the
Principal Contractor.

Delivery Restrictions X 3 2 6 All known delivery restrictions should be communicated to 1 2 2

VM and in turn this must be planned with the transport

Traffic management X X X 4 3 12 Site visit to be undertaken prior to the works to review the 2 3 6
required at site entrance to access arrangements.
temporarily stop traffic /
pedestrians to allow Where practical, the Site Supervisor should review the
transport to gain entry in / access in to site before the arrival of the transport to
out of site. determine the requirement to temporarily stop traffic to
assist access / egress of the transport. The Principal
Contractor should provide assistance to temporarily stop
traffic / pedestrians whilst accessing site.

Equipment tracking on the X X 3 4 12 All necessary personnel, permits and protection to the road 2 3 6
public highway in to site. / kerbs is to be provided and put in place by the Principal

All equipment tracked in to site must be undertaken with

the assistance of a banksman. Operator must be competent.

A review of the route in / out of site must be undertaken

prior to taking the equipment off the transport. Such
considerations in to pedestrian routes, overhead /
underground services and overhead obstructions should be

Inadequate segregation of X X X 3 4 12 A plant and vehicle management plan to be in place 2 4 8

plant and vehicle access detailing any interface with public areas and briefed to all
routes from public. VM personnel at beginning of works.

Satisfactory security of the site including site hoardings

which are of sufficient height and suitable to prevent debris
passing over hoarding. Footpaths / roads to be diverted if

Segregated walkways clearly signed and marked. Traffic

management system to be in place at the site entrance / exit
should this interface with pedestrian walkways.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Equipment falling off X X 2 5 10 Only competent and experienced persons familiar with the 1 5 5
transport during loading / equipment are to off-load / load the equipment. The
off-loading operation. operator must possess valid certificates for the item of plant.

Loading of equipment must be undertaken with the aid of a

banksman. An exclusion zone should be established with no
other trades / operations in close vicinity.

All off-loading / loading must be done on a firm and level

platform, this should be covered by the working platform

Where required, wooden sleepers to be used to assist the

equipment getting on to the transport. Running boards to be
wooden, no metal on metal. Where required, use rubber
mats to increase friction between tracks and transport bed.

Personnel accessing / X 2 5 10 Operator to access / egress the rig and shovel with 2 hands 1 5 5
egressing equipment on the on the guide rails at all times. Do not jump from the
transport. transport bed.

Foot holds to be in place and clean.

Aluminium access steps to be deployed on firm level ground

to allow persons to gain better access on to transport and /
or on to equipment.

Failure of equipment during X X X 2 5 10 Only competent and experienced persons familiar with the 1 5 5
rigging / de-rigging due to equipment are to rig / de-rig. The operator must possess
malfunction or operator valid certificates for the item of plant.

All personnel must be 10m away from the rig or equipment

when rigging / de-rigging. Any persons not involved with the
equipment must be kept clear of all rigging / de-rigging

Rig and equipment must have a valid 12 monthly inspection

test certification and daily inspections completed.

Items falling from the rig X X X 2 5 10 Rig mast and equipment to be visually inspected for any 1 5 5
mast or equipment when loose items and these are to be either secured or removed
raising the mast or moving prior to the rig mast being erected or equipment being
the equipment. moved.

The visual inspection should be done by the rig operator and

fitter (where present), if not this should be undertaken by
the rig operator and site supervisor.

All personnel must be 10m away from the rig or equipment

when rigging / de-rigging. Any persons not involved with the
equipment must be kept clear of all rigging / de-rigging

Company PPE to be worn by all VM personnel, including

hard hat and safety boots.

Overturning of rig, collision X X X 2 5 10 Rigging / de-rigging operation must take place on a level firm 1 5 5
or collapse of equipment working platform covered by the working platform
during rigging / de-rigging certificate. Any concerns regarding the platform integrity
operation. must be reported to the Principal Contractor and either the
platform be reinstated or an alternative area be used.

Rigging / de-rigging to be undertaken away from traffic

routes where possible. Satisfactory segregation to be put in
place to avoid site vehicles or persons impacting on rigging /
de-rigging operation.

Working at height. X 2 5 10 Where required to access the back of the rig, ensure that 1 5 5
good access on to the rig is allowed with 2 hands on the
access ladders at all times. Edge protection must be in place
on the rig.

When accessing / egressing equipment, 2 hands must be

placed on the access ladders when stepping up and down.

Where access is required on the rig or mast beyond the

access points, a MEWP should be used.

Where a MEWP is required, MEWP RA must be reviewed

and in place to be briefed by the site supervsors to all
personnel involved.

All MEWP operators must hold a valid IPAF card or

equivalent and a rescue plan must be put in to place.

Trapping of hands or X 3 3 9 Only competent and experienced persons familiar with the 1 3 3
fingers during rigging / de- equipment are to rig / de-rig. Movement of equipment or
rigging operation. parts must be done only when hands and body parts are
kept clear of equipment.

Company PPE to be worn by all VM personnel, including

safety gloves.

Contact with hot parts, oils, X 3 2 6 Only competent and experienced persons familiar with the 1 2 2
water or steam. equipment are to rig / de-rig. Where access on hot
components are required, wait until cooled.

Company PPE to be worn by all VM personnel, including

safety gloves.

Contact with pressurised X 2 5 10 Under no circumstance must persons put hands or any body 1 5 5
hydraulic oil. part in the path of pressurised hydraulic oil. Pressure must
be reduced prior to working on the hose or component.

Any exposure to pressurised hydraulic oil must receive

immediate medical attention to ensure that no oil has
entered the bloostream which could cause clotting.

Only experienced and competent persons should attempt

any repair / maintenance on hydraulic components.

Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Overhead Services X X 2 5 10 Any overhead services within 10m of our working area must 1 5 5
be reviewed by the Principal Contractor in accordance with
HSE Guidance Note GS6.

If possible the overhead services should be switched off.

If not possible to switch off, A permit should be provided to

Vibro Menard detailing the location and minimum exclusion
zone of the overhead service. When required to work near
overhead services, a minimum safe working distance of 6m
should be made with physical barriers to define this
exclusion zone. The Principal Contractor should obtain the
voltage and safe clear distance from the service provider.

If plant or equipment is required to pass under overhead

services, the maximum safe passing height must be
established by the Principal Contractor based on the
minimum exclusion zone from the nearest overhead line.
This exclusion zone must be obtained from the service
provider. Physical barriers and goal posts should be used to
define the maximum height at a minimum 6m away from
the nearest line.

If working under overhead services, the Principal Contractor

must obtain a minimum working height to be between our
equipment and the lines. In accordance with HS6, the
minimum extent of the exclusion zones must be adhered to:

low-voltage line – 1 m

11 kV and 33 kV lines – 3 m

132 kV line – 6 m

275 kV and 400 kV lines – 7 m

In any case, these must be checked with the service

provider. Works must be undertaken with a banksman and
no lifting / extending beyond the minimum working height.

Where appropriate erect physical barriers, signage and goal

posts to allow plant to safely cross underneath or where
working in the vicinity to highlight the potential risk.

Ensure that the rig mast is lowered prior to travelling under

overhead services, a banksman must be used.

Do not store equipment or materials underneath the

services nor within the exclusion zones.

Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Underground Services X X X 2 5 10 All relevant information regarding the presence of 1 5 5

underground services within or close to (<6m) our working
areas must be provided to Vibro Menard prior to
mobilisation. Service layout drawings to be obtained and
issued by the Principal Contractor. A method of working in
close proximity to any services to be discussed with VM.

Where services are known, the precise location of services

affected by piling operations must be physically identified on
site. Assume all services are live unless notification is given
by service provider. Principal Contractor to CAT scan working
area to be satisfied that none are present within working
area. Particular care should be taken with working areas are
directly next to footpaths / boundaries.

Where our works are required within 6m (not limited to) of

an existing service, we would require to understand the type
of service and would recommend that 21.2.1 non-negligence
insurance be sought for our works by the Principal
Contractor. Principal Contractor to undertake dilapidation
survey prior to the works. Consideration in to the diversion,
grouting up or exposure of services to be taken by the
Principal Contractor.

A ‘Permit to Dig’ form must be completed by the Principal

Contractor and (if services present) must clearly state the
type of service and location in relation to the VM works.
Permit to dig form must be renewed every 5 days or
whenever new area is released which the current permit
does not cover. The permit must clearly state the areas for
which it is valid.

Areas on hold must be clearly stated on the permit with the

position numbers affected.

The setting out of positions should not proceed until a

permit to dig has been issued.

Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Moving Site Vehicles X X 4 5 20 Plant / Vehicle operators to adhere to the traffic 1 5 5

management plan. Vehicles to adhere to the site safe speed

Principal Contractor to set up and maintain vehicle access

routes. Adequate pedestrian walkways with physical
segregation to be made where practical and in areas of
frequent traffic.

A 20m works exclusion zone is to be enforced around VM

works. This must be communicated to other trades by the
PC. Cones and barriers to be set up around / limit of works
to deliniate VM working area.

Company PPE to be worn, including Hi-Viz top and bottoms.

A competent banksman when vehicle is reversing. Ensure

that driver can see banksman when reversing.

Unauthorised Movement of X X 3 5 15 Plant operator to operate plant within working area only. 1 5 5
Plant Any requirement to travel outside the working area must be
done under the guidance of a banksman with notice given to
other trades as necessary.

Operator / driver must have the appropriate driving license /

competency card for the vehicle being operated

Pedestrians & Vehicles In X X 2 5 10 Principal Contractor to set up and maintain vehicle access 1 5 5
Close Proximity routes. Adequate pedestrian walkways with physical
segregation to be made where practical and in areas of
frequent traffic.

A minimum clearance distance of 600mm must be made

between the furthest radial point of the rig and any static
wall or feature. Rig operator must check that persons are
clear of rig prior to slewing.

Keep route between stone stockpile & work area clear of

pedestrians – stockpile to be inside the exclusion zone. Do
not overfill loading shovel or excavator buckets

Plant / Vehicle operators to adhere to the site logistics plan.

Vehicles to adhere to the site safe speed limit.

Audible alarm and rig cameras (where fitted) must be

operational on plant. NOTE: Rig cameras to be clean,
functioning and used by rig operator. These must not be
relied on as the main control measure the responsibility lies
with the operator and banksman to communicate with each
other for safe plant movement.

Broken Down Plant / X X 2 5 10 Drivers must place hazard warning lights on all vehicles 1 5 5
Vehicles when broken down

Driver / operator must position himself in a place of safety

until help arrives.

Operator / drivers must wear hi-visibility clothing when

outside their vehicle

Driver / operator must seek assistance immediately

Uneven Haul Rd / Platform X X 2 5 10 Vehicle stop blocks must be placed at a suitable distance 1 5 5
/ Excavations from any excavation or compaction point.

Operator / drivers must be vigilant whilst manoeuvring to

the position

Loading Shovel Operator X X 2 5 10 Loading shovel operator must wear a seatbelt whilst 1 5 5
Flung from Seat Whilst in operating the loading shovel. Green indicator light to be
Operation working on shovel to indicate that the operator is wearing
the seat belt.

Shovel operator adhere to site safe speed limits and pay

particular attention to any uneven ground.

Plant / Vehicles falling in to X X X 2 5 10 Physical barriers to be placed against around excavations, 1 5 5

excavations, water courses water courses of embankments to delineate the limit of the
or embankments. safe access / working platform.

A competent banksman to be used when moving plant along

access points and when close to excavations, water courses
or embankments.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Workplace Noise X X X 4 4 16 Noisy areas / items of plant where persons have to raise 2 4 8
their voices to speak to someone 1m away shall be
designated as possible hearing damage areas. These noisy
areas should be accurately defined and identified to site
operatives within the site specific induction along with all
control measures to mitigate exposure.

VM generates noise with the work operations and this is

typically around the VM rig and equipment. The persons at
risk are VM operatives, other site operatives and where
applicable, the public.

Principal Contractor must inform VM of any section 21


When notified that works are within a noise sensitive

environment, further noise control measures should be
considered, these include closing plant engine covers and
removing personnel from around working area with
exclusion zones. Further measures erecting noise barriers,
placing noise producing equipment behind plant to reduce
direct noise exposure etc.

If high level noise cannot be engineered away as a last resort

solution ensure persons exposed to noise be provided with
and use suitable ear protectors in the form of plugs or muffs.
The plugs and muffs must be properly maintained and
replaced as necessary.

VM personnel to receive training on protection from noise.

Items of plant to have a noise assessment, details of which


are found within the RAMS. The assessment provides sound

guidance on sound levels recorded at given distances, the
steps to be taken are as follows; The lower exposure level is
80db, for which hearing protection must be made available.
The upper exposure level is 85db, for which hearing
protection must be worn.

As a standard precaution, hearing protection must be worn

when within 15m of the working rig.

Ground borne vibration X X X 4 3 12 Principal Contractor to consider the proximity of structures, 2 3 6

features or services adjacent to VM works. If within 6m of
the vibropiling works, control measures should be
considered to reduce vibrations against it. Vibration
sensitive structures, features or services must be considered
further. We would recommend that 21.2.1 non-negligence
insurance be sought for our works by the Principal

Use a vibration monitor to assess vibration levels

transmitted by the works at given distances / boundary.
Obtain site specific background vibration levels with monitor
away from affected area to gain likely vibration levels.
Principal Contractor to provide a PPV level to work up to
during the works. PPV level may be supplied by property or
service provider (i.e. Network Rail, English Heritage, Service

Where practical, Principal Contractor to dig an isolation

trench between our works and the affected structure /
feature / service to minimise level of vibrations transmitted.
Trench to be dug ideally to a depth relative to the underside
of the adjacent foundation / service. Service may be exposed
for safety / effective measures.

Pre-Auger positions against structure / feature to minimise

duration of vibrations in the ground.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Re-Fuelling X X 2 5 10 All fuels must be kept in the correct type of container that is 1 5 5
clearly identified and labelled.

No refuelling to take place in the vicinity of any forms of

ignition. Engines must be switched off and no use of mobile
phones. Ensure that no other persons / trades are present
within 5m of the re-fuelling operation.

Do not use improvised containers or funnels. i.e old oil

drums, water fountain containers. Use mechanical fuel
pump on rig, if unavailable re-fuelling can be done manually.

Fire extinguishers and spill kits to be made available.

Company PPE to be worn including protective gloves and

safety glasses.

Noxious Gases And Fumes X X 2 5 10 Re-fuel or decant in a well ventilated area. 1 5 5

Company PPE to be worn including protective gloves and

safety glasses. Ensure washing facilities are available.

Respiratory PPE to be used as necessary. Personnel to be

face fit tested.

Refer to COSHH assessments for relevant details. Over

exposure to fuel or gasses must be reported to site

Accidental Spillage X X X 2 1 2 Fuel must be stored correctly and safely away from sources 1 1 1
of ignition.

All bulk fuel storage in large capacity tanks with bund walls
must be double skinned and have lockable delivery points
and locked when not in use. All hoses to be kept within the
bowser when not in use.

Any spillage must be reported immediately to site

supervision. Spill kits should be deployed immediately to
absorb spilt oils.

Any mobile fuel bowsers must be twin axled.

Do not re-fuel close to drains or water courses.

All static plant with the potential to leak should be on drip

trays. Plant nappies to be used.

Spill kits must be made available with items of plant. Plant

nappies to be available with large items of plant.

Oils, grease and other contained substances to be contained

within VM stores container. Drip trays to be present within

Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Lifting, lowering, pushing, X X 3 4 12 Where possible, the use of mechanical aids should be 1 4 4
pulling, levering, adopted. If not available or practical, ask a colleague for
manipulating, twisting, assistance. Assess the lift – Is help required?
holding supporting etc.
Manual handling training to be undertaken.

Could the load be made smaller or lighter (i.e. Divisible loads

could be split down into smaller loads).

Good manual handling techniques should be adopted. The

legs and thigh muscles should be used. Always maintain the
natural shape of the spine.

Ensure there are no obstructions to hinder the lift and check

that the pathway is clear.

Place the feet slightly apart to give a balanced and stable

posture for lifting. Adopt a good posture, get a firm grip of
the load and keep the load close to the body. Avoid carrying
or supporting the load for long periods.

Poor housekeeping, wet X X 3 4 12 Store all surplus and waste materials appropriately. Keep 1 4 4
surfaces, uneven floors, areas tidy and do not allow materials and equipment to
obstructions block or cross pedestrian routes. Keep a clear view of your
direction at all times. Avoid wet or slippery surfaces. Clear
spillages immediately.

Sharp edges, rough X X 3 3 9 Assess the surface of the object or load for sharp edges and 1 3 3
surfaces. remove / cover them were possible. Wear the necessary PPE
at all times, particularly Gloves, Boots, Hard Hat etc.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Poor Hygiene X X 3 4 12 Hands must be washed before eating or smoking. 1 4 4

Cuts/ scratches must be attended to immediately by a first

aider, if they happened on site or not. A waterproof dressing
must be used to cover the wound.

Separate containers / holders must be provided for work

and non-work clothes. When leaving site all PPE must be put
in lockers or placed away tidily.

Inhaling harmful dust or X X 3 4 12 Client to advise VM of any known contaminants within the 1 4 4
fumes. ground Smoking is prohibited at all times on site. Designated
areas for smokers will be clearly marked.

Suitable respiratory equipment to be used if there is a

possibility of air borne contaminants. Where practicable
dust suppression should be used.

Personnel should position themselves on site to avoid

inhaling fumes from plant as best possible. Report any
exhaust fume issues with plant on daily inspection sheets.

Skin coming into contact X X 3 4 12 Client to advise VM of any known contaminants within the 1 4 4
with contaminants. ground. Persons not to handle soils where possible,
thereafter hands must be washed with cleaning product.

Hands must be washed before eating or smoking.

Cuts/ scratches must be attended to by a first aider, if they

happened on site or not. A waterproof dressing must be
used to cover the wound.

Company PPE including gloves must be worn at all times.

When leaving site all PPE must be put in lockers. Disposable
coveralls will be provided as necessary.

Ingesting contaminated X X 2 4 8 The correct PPE must be worn at all times. A high standard 1 4 4
material. of personal hygiene must be maintained at all times. Hands
must be washed before handling food and / or smoking.

The consumption of food is strictly forbidden on site.

Presence of Asbestos X X X 2 5 10 Principal Contractor to advise VM of any known asbestos on 1 5 5

the site and if so the type and measures taken to minimise
the risk of exposure to site operatives. This may include
removal, dampening down, PPE, dust masks and washing
down facilities. Any specialist PPE, training or precautionary
measures are to be notified to VM in advance of the works.

VM operatives to have completed asbestos awareness


Any observed asbestos should be reported immediately to

the client for removal / remediation.


Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Control Measures Likelihood Severity Risk
personnel Rating Rating

Using Vibrating Hand Tools X 2 4 8 Use a different method where possible. Only use low 1 4 4
vibration tools- below 2.5m/s A(8) if possible. Under no
circumstances exceed 5.0 m/s A(8) Ensure that the wheels
are of the correct type. Vibration assessment to be
undertaken on tools.

Make sure abrasive wheels are stored correctly and to be

inspected prior to use, check that there are no chipped
edges that may cause the wheel to become unbalanced.
Make sure that the grinder has been serviced. Source
grinders with anti-vibration handles where possible.

The operator should take regular breaks. Use an operator

rotation system where at all possible. The operator should
keep hands warm to ensure good blood supply to fingers.

Do not use excessive force on handles of grinder and apply

in correct direction of use. Do not press down with excessive
force. Wear gloves to keep hands warm.

Calculate exposure ‘points’ with HSE ready reckoner.



Hazard Persons affected = X Pre - Control Control Measures Post-Control
Worker Other Site Public Likelihood Severity Risk Likeliho Severity Risk
personnel Rating od Rating

Failure of jack X X 2 5 10 Check the safe working load jack and ensure it is sufficient 1 5 5
for the load.

Ensure loads are free from obstructions

Ensure that jack / plate setup is correct and securely and

centrally placed to load.

Go under the load only for setup purposes only.

Vehicle traffic shall be diverted so as not to disturb the load


Hit by moving traffic / plant X X 2 4 8 If using the rig as kentledge, once the rig is positioned over 1 4 4
the test it must be switched off and isolated prior to
undertaking the test.

Warning signs to be provided at the location of the test.

Exclusion zone to be in place complete with sufficient

warning signage.

Failure of hydraulic lines X X 3 3 9 Check any hose lines before use. 1 3 3

while placing jacks for
pressure test and applying Slowly increase the pressure.
Exclusion zone must be in place. Fenced off with clear

Availability of a spill kit nearby in case of oil leakage.


Company PPE to be worn including gloves and safety glasses.

Manual handling of test X 3 3 9 Where available, always use a mechanical aid. Where 2 3 3
plate and equipment. practical, use 2 people to undertake the lift.

As a guide, 25kg can be lifted at the waist. However this

must be assessed by the person undertaking the lift.

Plan the route of the lift and avoid twisting. Keep legs apart
and use your legs to power the lift taking care to avoid
bending over as practically possible.

Contact or entrapment with X 2 4 8 Only trained and competent operators to undertake testing. 1 4 4
building test or moving

Misuse by unauthorised X X 2 4 8 Site security must be maintained at all times during testing. 1 4 4
Briefing to be undertaken by Client / PC to other site
personnel regarding associated hazards.
Appendix B – Inspection Test Plan
Appendix C – Equipment & Noise Data Sheets

Type B - PC 450 with fixed mast and bottom feed vibroprobe

Weight – 60 Tonne

Width –3.7m (Outside track to outside track)

Height working – 13.2m

Length working –14.5m

Height on Low loader – 4.5m

Environmental Noise
Distance Exposure LAeq(s) Comments
10m 80dBA
20m 75dBA
30m 70dBA

Personal Exposure

Distance Exposure LAeq(s) Comments

Rig Driver 89dBA Exceeds first action level
411 Operator 87dBA Exceeds first action level
Foreman 88dBA Exceeds first action level

The assessed daily noise exposure for Vibro Menard operatives exceeds the first
action level and –

a) Ear protection is mandatory.

Ground Bourne Vibration Assessment

Vibro Menard– Vibration Hazard Assessment

Peak Particle Velocity
Hazard (mm/sec) Action
>10 5 - 10 <5
Vibration damage to adjacent Visual inspection as the work
structures Med- proceeds. Halt operations if
High Low
Low vibration levels excessive or if
any damage is observed
Minor architectural damage to Halt operations if any reported
adjacent structures (i.e. plaster High Med Low and seek instructions.
Damage to underground
1. Older non-flexible services All services to be identified and
(e.g. gas or water) High Med Low clearly marked by the Main
2. Modern flexible services All services to be identified and
Med Low Low clearly marked by the Main
Vibration nuisance at adjacent Seek instructions from the
occupied buildings High High Med Contractor if complaints

The vibration levels and actions

noted in the table are for
general guidance only. In
practice each site must be
considered individually taking
into account all known adjacent
structures and services. Where
appropriate, obtain advice from
relevant body (e.g. Statutory
Undertakers) on safe working
Appendix D – COSHH Data Sheets

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