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EGM2 Issue 46 (April 1998)

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Ma and Bales!
Depression hurts. Fighting Force and Tomb Raider II can help.



| Persistent sadness and or irritability.


Recurring thoughts of how much

1 better life would be if you had
Fighting Force or Tomb Raider IL.

Statements such as, “I’m bad.

I’m stupid. No one likes me.”

When depression strikes, immediately seek the help of a

trained professional at your local video game store.

Research shows that the leading cause of depression

among gamers is a noticeable lack of Eidos games.

Fortunately, this deficiency can be treated both safely

and effectively with games like Fighting Force

or Tomb Raider II. But early intervention is crucial. Or else,
it's only a matter of time before they threaten to do something

foo really stupid, like go to therapy.

You’ve been warned.


TO RECEIVE PLAYING TIPS, CALL THE EIDOS HINT LINE (900)773-4367. Cost of call $0.95/minute. Must be 18 years or have parents permission. Touch tone phone required
Video games have fol-
lowed a lethal trend of
becoming increasingly more
violent. Simple fighting attacks
Dwhb boc) ol— >aureyo) and weapon shots now riddle
Editorial Staff
the screen with blood. It has-escalated *
to the point where ratings and congression-
publisher Jonathan Li al debates are becoming.common:place. Frankly, |
editorial director J.E. Funk
say, “So what?” The video game market is. following the trends
editor in chief Howard Grossman of other forms of entertainment like the film industry. There’s vio-
managing editor Nelson Taruc lence, language and nudity in films, and all are. rated so you can
associate editors Andrew Baran « Carey Wise choose what type of entertainment you or your children watch. In
Tim Davis * Benjamin Durbin
contributing editors Pat Dolan * James Mazurek fact, | enjoy the destruction-and mayhem that beats, rips or
Terry Minnich blows up your enemies. Nothing is more satisfying than deliver-
arcade editor Mark Hain
ing the final fatality or mowing people down who stand in the way of your
tricks editor Scott Augustyn collectable pick-ups.
online editor Chris Johnston However, this violence has now gone too far for me. What I’m talking
foreign correspondents. Stuart Levy * David Rider
senior copy editor Jo-El M. Damen about is the needless slaughter of video game animals— endangered ani-
copy editors Jennifer Whitesides * Dan Peluso mals as a matter of fact! The current culprit is Tomb Raider Il (a great
creative director Michael Stassus game by the way) and its killing of tigers and snow leopards (my, personal
art director Mike Vallas favorite). These innocent, beautiful creatures are just minding their own ter-
art consultant Cyril Wochok
ritory and protecting their homes when along you come to gun them down.
production director Marc Camron Sure they can be lethal; but you are, after all, in their domain, and they are
prepress manager Dave McCracken simply. protecting their homes the same way you would if a burglar broke
assoc. prepress manager Paul Ojeda
production assistant Chris Melody into your house. (Why don’t we see games with,animals like Tony the Tiger
ripping people up? That would be “GREAT!”)
network manager Pam Schneider
analyst Mark LeFebvre To make it even worse these animals are on the endangered species
list and are vanishing rate. (Currently, there are only 200
circulation director Joan Mclinerney snow leopards and 400 Siberian tigers.left in the entire world. People, on
newsstand sales manager Don Galen
circulation coordinator Ann-Marie Mrozynski the other hand, tip the scales at roughly 4.5 billion, so no one’s going to
subscription service number 303-665-8930 miss a few of them should they your wake.) Don’t get me wrong,
SCS UCC a Cathy Bendoff I’m:not saying you should just stand there and get mauled, but why not
try running away. Not only will you protect.nature’s
corporate counsel Robert Kabat
~_ beautiful beasts but you will save on ammo as well!
advertising Ziff-Davis Video Game Group oe » 4 There are no hidden. items to be gained by this
inquiries 135 Main Street, 14th Floor | inhumane massacre.
contact: San Francisco, CA 94105
Telephone: (415) 357-5200 Sy ¥, Something must be done so this violence
Fax: (415) 357-5288 Mes doesn’t continue to escalate. These rare digital
Assoc. Publisher, Jennie Parker * BRE animals are our responsibility to, protect! These
Sales and Marketing Telephone: (415) 357-5310 ~ sia" Drecious beasts must be allowed to carry on
Senior Account Executive Marc Callison + k and flourish or the food chain and eventually the
Telephone: (415) 357-5276 = whole ecosystem could be thrown out, of balance.
Regional Sales Manager, Jon Yoffie *
*,You wouldn’t want that on your hands now, would
Northwest Telephone: (415) 357-5320 <= you? All.l’m saying is to be aware that you are in their
realm and to treat them with the respect they deserve. Just look at what
District Sales Manager, Karen Landon «
Southwest Telephone: (415) 357-5460 happened in Turok! The game started out by you shooting’one or two
dinosaurs, and now look what happened, they are.all extinct! I’m sure we
District Sales Manager, Anthony George *
Midwest and East Coast Telephone: (630) 916-7222 ext. 242 don’t want to have:to bring our next generation to a museum to see. our
precious big cats.
Marketing Manager Lynn Smiley Now. if you should run into a few people guarding the exit or trying to
Send Advertising Materials: Mike Darling hold out on some useful power-ups, let ‘em have it. After all, they aren’t
Advertising Coordinator 1920 Highland Ave., Ste. 222 endangered and probably deserve. it anyway.
Lombard, IL 60148
Telephone: (630) 916-7222
FAX: (630) 916-7227
Founder Steve Harris
GoldenEye rental?
Find the fool
Road Rules trip
Welcome. aboard
New mascot
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Printed in the USA.
If youre gonna eat
burp and puke,
it's just more fun to
do it together.
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Video Gamelinvasion! ECM’
«Daas sig yg|

= az Chief Financial Officer Timothy O'Brien

President, ZD Publishing Claude P. Sheer

President, ZD Market Bob Brown
Preseident,ZD Comdex Jason Chudnofsky
and Forums
President, ZD Brand and Terri Holbrooke
Market Services
President, ZD Internet Productions Dan Rosensweig
President, ZD Education William Rosenthal
President, ZD Television Larry W. Wangberg
Senior Vice President, Rayna Brown
Human Resources

>)) All the Latest and Senior Vice President,

Planning and Development:
Daryl R. Otte

~ Best Video Game Vice President, Steve Gladyszewski

Information Systems
Gossip, News and Vice President, General J. Malcolm Morris
Info...24 Hours Day Counsel and Secretary

Vice President, Controller Mark Moyer

or Night! Vice President, Human Tracy Nadi

All By Phone! Resources, Operations

Winning is really fun! To play, just Treasurer Thomas L, Wright

OMA GEU enter our contest area and answer a

series of cool and easy video game
Corporate Sales
Pap NedaNenen ft eee
Quartermann Gossip trivia questions! Execute Diecior Scott
Managing Director
Rita Burke
HERES THE STUFF 2D Brand & Market Services
Before It's in EGM! an aes Mekenny Brooke Correll

iden fiSteans Michael Perkowski

© Call and Record

Cope HEsentH risa
Your Own Reviews 2D Brandence Maa
& Tricks! Director, Corporate Relations
Gregory Jarboe
President Claude P Sheer
OMe ae Executive Vice President Don Byrnes
Executive Vice President Chris Dobbrow
EGM’ Tricks, Codes Executive Vice President Jack Dolce

& Strategy!
Executive Vice President Al DiGuido
Executive Vice President Thomas McGrade

Executive Vice President Michael J. Miller

Listen to Real Live Senior Vice President Nancy Newman

Vice President Bob Bader

Review Crew Vice President John Dodge
Vice President Kathleen Goodwin
Game Ratings! Vice President Roger Herrmann
Vice President Jonathan Lane
ELECTRONIC Wass™ pris Warp® Vice President Eric Lundquist

were JOFV NS ees Vice President Bill Machrone

SOME WINNERS WILL GET AN EGM HAT! Vice President Charles Mast
TIGERS: Vice President James F. Ramaley

Product Names Are Trademarks or Vice icsiGons Pet erie

Registered Trademarks of Tiger Electronics, Inc. Vice President Mark Van Name
Vice President Sam Whitmore
4. Entry To enter, con Executive Director, Licensing Gertrud Borchardt
month, Zif-Dav ity for uninteigbe, incomplete, or miscrected respons
Wars, Brain Warp, ise, Prizes have an approximate retail vale of tk Director, Benchmark Operation —_Bill Catchings
the featured prizes) 9 wit the tine parameters contained herein or return of
ers or theiregalquacians shall retum asigned affidavitofeg 1
Kiabitypize aoceptance within5daysofreceiptor forfeit prize. Director, ZD Labs Lauren Black
are not eligible. NetherZit-Davis, nor theirrespective afte, subsidiaries, divisions, o related companies are responsi
Zi-Davis has neither made nor in any manner responsibleoabe for any warranty or quarantee, whether expressor Ziff-Davis Inc.,
y prizesagreethatalprizesareawarded onthe contin that Zi Davis, its agents, A SOFTBANK Company
44 weeks for
deivery. 5. Restictons: Voidwhereprohibited or restictd bylaw. ll
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© ATLUS / RACDYM 1997 US. Patent Number 5.269.687,5.354.202 and 5.577.913 and related informational Patents are used under license from Atari Games Corp. Licensed by Nintendo, the Official Seal, Nintendo 64, the
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Light Burn, most commonly
brought on by prolonged exposure
to are welding, bright snow,
tanning lamps and
intense 3—D game graphics.

To receive playing tips and reduce your chances of light burn , call the Eidos Hint Line (900) 113 - 4367.
Cost of call $0.95/minute. Must be 18 years of have parent's permission. Touch tone phone required.

Light burn. It's the silent injury. Severe pain may not
occur until up to six hours after initial exposure to
Eidos games like Deathtrap Dungeon and Ninja. At
which point, despite all protests, the player must stop
playing and be put to rest in a darkened room. Because
it's all fun and gameplay until someone loses an eye.

You’ve been warned.
Auto Destruct 4
Beast Wars - 7
Bloody Roar 22,74-81
Courier Crisis agB-23
Critical Depth’ ar25
Diablo “iene
Duke Nukem, 3D 7
Fighter Destiny 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Gex; Enter the Gecko 3
Grand Theft Auto <
Intelligent Cube @
det Moto’ 2
Klonow 2
Marvel Capcom. 7
¢ Mass Déstraction’”
Micro Machines V3" 4
Monster/Rancher ~
Mortal Kombat Trilogy “2
NBA th The Zone
d PeasFor ee V-Rally.7

an 117

7 fog Be

DAZ CAAA depth

G77, aesidess ovWY
babes, baddies
and lots |
of action 4
After a lengthy delayed, Blasto is finally on
store shelves. Now gamers can command
Blasto (voiced by Saturday Night Live alumni y
Phil Hartman) through 3-D alien environ- é Yi
ments, while ent aliens and rescuing r 7 ok jes Ato LMPOE,disses
babes. However, that’s easier said than done. So we : j . ultimate tricks for the Néx, the :
have provided a Blasto strategy guide containing Ay Baysetion anid the Satum, wey
in-depth maps, Boss strategies, babe rescues and U, “italWey)
locations, weapon pros and cons and a whole bi or read over
lot more on the entire game. The Blasto f y YE Ped Sy
guide begins on PAGE go. ; i

to it we beg gamearsnov,fo be: ee the levels. Howeses, if

Ahis guide shows alterematypaths througheach world yy Gi
youshouldi one
each level. joarneyintto Mie tip

Wystam ‘ontheedge o some ofthe

can't reach you.”

a Ml
yy with fineAs tun
Yad poles {haved Me Cpl
theBC did plus more. Th we'll Aelpyou thidugh Diablo’ § dangerous quests mith, /
ty Jape strategy tips Alsoint SGuide :ate:some hélptal multiplayersistegy.
WHE a a Yj,on PAGEYay
YZ. i

— letthe wild Aen inside

you loose’
2g woking ike something that would be on the Discovery Channel, Bloody Roar’s shi ue Kesar AG Yy
being’able to transform inte an animal This issue we will give you the stats on each Graces Uy
wellas whattodoif you are Aghsiogts wy chatactér, Get your claws tr/this ay q
" a . Written by Gamers’ Forum goes above and
beyond the normal letters section:
The Gaming earn who’s scored big, gripe about
aming wrongdoings, find out what
Goddess igwig said what about whom, throw
round some trash talk, check out the
EGI? Gamers’ Forum ‘oolest envelope art around—and
1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 hat’s just the start! Include your
Lombard, IL 60148 name and complete mailing address
E-MAIL EGM2@2D. (ee)y when submitting letters.


== Players in demise
Dear EGM’,
In the February issue of EGM*’,

Why put easy Bosses in games? there was a Beast Wars section.
Well, | went on the Beast Wars
Dear EGM’, said the sixth and last level Web site and it said Waspinator
Have you ever noticed how was one of the easiest! was in the game, but all | saw in
Bosses do not always get more Do developers do this EGM was a wasp picture and
difficult as the game goes on? because they think gamers will nothing else. Is he in there?
Take the Hundred Gunner be more vulnerable and have Also, can you play as
and the Heligunner; they are less health and power as they Terrorsaur and Airrazor all
Follow the steps below and you will
a hard pair of Bosses. But go on in the game? However, the time?
get the parts for the dishwasher.
then you fight Rufus and Dark they should know that one of Joel Rader
Nation, an extremely easy pair the basic premises of video Spring Valley, MN dishes, and the main character
of Bosses (both of these pairs games is they get harder as You can only access Terrorsaur has to use a version of his tail-
are from Final Fantasy VII). the game goes on. and Airrazor in the bonus mis- scrubbing invention to do it.
What's going on here? Isn't it Throwing in easy levels, sions. And although the Beast I've gotten as far as plugging
supposed to be that the further Bosses and opponents just Wars Web site lists Waspinator the candleholder into the two
in the game you go the harder because the gamer might be as a character, according to steaming pots. After that, I’m lost.
the Boss? tired undermines this basic Associate Editor Andrew Baran Brandon Fugate
The same thing can be said game challenge. (who played through the entire South Bend, IN
about levels. Aren’t they sup- Jack Gorman game and did the aforementioned Here’s exactly what you need
posed to get harder the further via the Internet guide), Waspinator is not in the to do: In your room, grab your
you progress? But they some- book, tail warmer and jar. Outside
times don’t! A perfect example We at EG? have noticed your room in the hall get the can-
of this is Area 2, Level 1 of that sometimes games have delabra. Make your way to the
Jumping Flash! 2. It’s one of easy levels, Bosses and oppo- king’s room and pick up the mag
the later levels, yet it’s probably nents smack dab in the middle and the pipe cleaner. Visit the
the easiest. This is also true or even end of the game. princess, and after talking to her,
with some fighting games’ Al. Perhaps sometimes companies use the jar on her to catch her
The opponents don’t always do this because the first half of kiss. Also grab the hair tonic.
get harder. the game was tremendously Finally, in the kitchen, get the
You even gave an example of hard and they want to “give tongs and the mop. Use the can-
this phenomenon in your strate- gamers a break.” Maybe com- delabra on the kettle. Use the tail
gy guide for Chameleon Twist panies underestimate the ability Airrazor and Terrorsaur are accessed warmer on the candelabra.
(EGM® #44). You thought most of us players figuring out pat- in the bonus mission.
of the levels were easy, except terns and/or shortcuts. Attention ALL TRUE
the fifth level (which you said However, what one gamer game nor the bonus missions.
was the hardest), but then you feels is easy, might be a Andrew thinks that Waspinator Hardcore Gamers
harder challenge to some- could have been replaced with
one else. Companies might Inferno during the final touch-ups.
Jack won an be trying to give everyone
InterAct Control
Pad for the
\ a chance to get through
parts of a game. Wash those pots
N64,PlayStation Dear EGM,
or Saturn! In Blazing Dragons, | can’t get
past the first task of washing the



Bloody Roar
Gex: Enter the Gecko sident Evil 2
Klonoa Point Blank
Yoshi's Story Bomberman (Sat)



Find out which games made GoldenEye
#1 on the console systems, Diddy Kong Racing
pinball, arcade, in Japan Blasto (JF) QROnN=
and in the editors’ eyes.
Ge besetod
The Goddess clears up some confusion re garding bugs and dishwasher
components as well as gives tips on monste , lures and evil...

Lastly, use the mop on the

spinning cups to complete
what else can the custom parts
enable your Bomberman to do? Block head
the dishwasher. Emanual Gemeral Dear EGM’,
New Rochelle, NY When | was playing GoldenEye
with my GameShark attached, a
Lost and lure... Not much else. It'll just make
your Bomberman look more couple of people had four faces.
Is it my GameShark or do you
Dear EGM’, unique when in Battle Mode.
In FFVII, | have found a think it is a glitch?
Chocobo Lure Materia you don’t Edgar Mayfield
have to pay for. To get it, go to Doubting evil Houston, Texas
From the pictures you have
wy Pos
the Chocobo Ranch on the clos- Dear EGM’,
est side of the pens outside, walk | recently bought RE2, and beat enclosed, it looks like the To beat the Boss, knock down the
to the far right and there will be it all four times. When | bought GameShark took the DK code pillars while avoiding its flames.
one on the ground. (Note: | don’t the game, the guy at the counter (grants you long arms and a big
head) and altered it a bit. against him. Would you please
know if you can get it on your first said after you beat it completely,
help me?
trip to the Chocobo Ranch. | did- you get hidden characters. One
Alex Keller
n't find it until the second disc.)
Scott Palmer
of them is named Tofu whose
only weapon is the knife.
Monster mayhem via Internet
Dear EGM’, If you learn his pattern, this
Sulphur Springs, Texas Well | seriously doubt it,
Would you guys be able to Boss isn’t that difficult to beat. To
Thanks Scott. I’m sure Thuan because | can’t find the character
guide me with maps and a walk- nail the serpent, run around its
Cao, of Redlands, Calif., and anywhere. So is it true?
through on the exploration sec- circular lair, knocking down the
everyone else who lost/sold their daniel
tion in Monster Rancher? five pillars that support the ceiling
lure is thankful for the tip! via Internet
suzie directly above it. However, try to
The guy wasn't pulling your leg.
via Internet avoid his fire breath and falling
Ants in the pants As reported in last issue (#45),
there are currently two hidden Check out issue #44, because into the pool.
Dear EGM-, we had
My friends and | are big ae awalk-
Resident Evil fans, through
but we were wonder- (complete
j ing if you can tell us a with
what is Leon’s
ending in RE2?
Cameron Monster
Pleasant Rancher plus a few
Dayton, Ohio secrets and lots of
For everyone SS il \ helpful tips.
b out there who ‘oh % Also, check
Hunk has a small but deadly mission
just can’t wait, ‘4 4 out the Tricks section
that is pure action.
turn to this starting with issue #45
issue’s Game for even more helpful tips and
characters: Tofu (his only weapon
Over section secrets to Monster Rancher.
is a knife, making the game very
which has all difficult) and Hunk.
the endings to
Resident Evil 2
To play as Hunk, you need to
get an A rating on either second
Sneaky snake
as well as a Dear EGM,
scenario. To play as Tofu, you | can’t get anywhere in
few surprises. must be six scenarios (three Nightmare Creatures. No matter
games) and obtain Hunk.
what | do, | can’t beat the snake
Faster...then what? For a more detailed guide on
how to get the hidden characters
Boss. Every time | try to hit him,
Dear EGM, his stupid flame knocks me down,
and more Resident Evil 2 info,
In Bomberman 64, there are and when | get back up, he just
turn to EGM? issues #44 and #45. hits me again. By then | have
custom parts hidden in the worlds
Plus keep checking the Tricks
of Adventure Mode. Other than only two lives and a small health
section for codes.
making your Bomberman faster, restore. | can’t seem to win

Arcade Japanese
Games Games

. Tekken 3 1, Bio Hazard 2

NE taarere) PS/Capce
. Real Bout Fatal Fury Special . Gran Turismo
. Golden Tee '97 . Bust A Move
Incred. Tech PS/Enix
. Striker 1945 Part Il . Bomberman World
Worldwide Video PS/Hudson
. Dead or Alive . Azel; Panzer Dragoon RPG
Fabtek Sat/Sega
EGM 15
Find out when Tekken 3 will grace the PlayStation and if old games will make a comeback
to EGM’ plus learn how a Shark can raise the dead.

The dead shall... Fortunately, jeff's code did

work. BUT he failed to mention
have either one issue devoted to
old games or an entire section.
OK, here’s another chance to let
Dear EGM, your creativity really shine! Send your
that the third slot has to be empty Well, the staff is still debating
In the December issue, you “What Ifs” in and maybe they'll get
before you put the code in. If over these requests; however,
said that there are absolutely no published in our mag! All you have to
there is another character in the this shouldn't stop readers from
resurrection codes for Aerith? | do is think of the weirdest possible
slot, you will receive a data error. sending in their requests. Keep
don’t mean to sound like a smart thing you can imagine and write it
on e-mailing or snail mailing
guy, but you’re wrong. For the down! Easy enough!
whether or not you would like to
GameShark, put in 8009CBDE-
FFO3. Aerith is now playable, but
Old game issue see older games in EGM?. And
Dear EGM’, if you do want older games, ...Kenny on South Park never
she is in the third slot of the char- In issue #43, an old game which ones do you think we died?
acter line and she doesn’t move. issue was mentioned. | think this should include? ...Lara Croft took James Bond's
Also as a fair warning, she is is a great idea, but you should place in the secret service?
not a good character, and she
is at the same level as when PS tournament ... The sequel to One was Two?
...Mario, the Kongs, Crash,
she died. There are no new Dear EGM’, Croc and NiGHTS were all in
weapons but she has a Level Will Tekken 3 be coming to
EW stepheteremerviil-yg
Four limit break. the PlayStation?
...Bomberman started his own
jeff Paoye Yang demolition company?
Pottstown, PA Philadelphia, PA Cole Graner
At first we were very leery of As of press time Tekken admir- Randleman, NC
Jeff's code. There have been so ers can expect the game to be
many letters sent to us from released for the PS in late April. ...] wised up and stopped play-
gamers stating they could sup- In this version, there should be ing Resident Evil in the dark to
posedly raise Aerith; however, at least one new exclusive char-
Old-time Mario could once again allow myself to die of something
either they didn’t send a code or acter: Gon, a little dinosaur who
grace the pages of EGM. else rather than a heart attack?
their code did not work. is a favorite Japanese comic ... somebody besides me realized
also include old PlayStation, book character. that the zombies who are terror-
Saturn and N64 walk-throughs Check out May's EGM?; we'll
izing you in your favorite video
for games like Discworld. have a PS Tekken guide! game (which we have all grown
Finding them on the Internet to love) were actually the same
is nearly impossible! zombies that can be found
Nicholas Galagan today in the Clinton’s adminis-
Cody, WY tration party?
In our January issue, Nathan ...those zombies don’t look so
Underwood of Queensbury, N.Y., cute now, do they?
thought EGM? should include Zombie Shoemaker
strategy guides for older games. via the Internet
Well, | asked what our readers’
Make sure the
thoughts were, and the result has
or you will receive a data error.
been a ton of mail
aes = ate
from our readers say- Gon might look cute but he can
ing that we should be as dangerous as a T-Rex.

Joseph Morrison
Bloomingdale, GA

Joe Gay, Jr., of Parkersburg, WV, won an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation.

Boro Jung
Moreno Valley, CA
Drew Philen N
Where Creativity, Your Favorite
Beatrice, AL Video Game and A Stamp Can —
Make You Immortal*

Put your creative skills

to the test by decking out a plain
#10 envelope (you know, the long
business type) with your own unique
touch. Send your letter art sub
sion to: EGM' Letter Art, 1920 Highland
Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, IL 60148. (Note: Entries
submitted on anything other than a #10 envelope
will be disqualified.)
The GameSpot Network features content from magazines like Electronic Gaming Monthly, EGP
and Computer Gaming World, in addition to content created by SpotMedia Communications.

Surf the Web in style on VideoGameSpot, the premier source of video game information
on the Web. Nowhere else will you find a complete archive of previews, reviews and news
for all of the top systems—PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Saturn-plus arcade, too!

Aaa > ESInport k

™ Some old, much-missed faces will GR DAILY

ie) NEWS
be showing up in Street Fighter EX2. pails
VideoGameSpot reports that both Vega Ta SEARCH)»
and Blanka will be in the game with a
few of their most popular moves.

® According to VideoGameSpot, the

Japanese magazine Nintendo Power (unre-
lated to the U.S. publication) revealed the PONEeLe URNGir UviNe |FiewriNG |piaTwOAm
box art for the Japanese version of the r :
64DD. To be available sometime in June or
July, the 64DD will come packed with a
Memory Pak and a Terminator Pak.
PrUsicaste |SHOOT |spon |STATS
®@ As reported in VideoGameSpot, Capcom has officially announced that
there will be a Bio Hazard 2 (Resident Evil 2 in the U.S.) version for the
Sega Saturn to be released in the near future. This version is expected to
stand up to its PlayStation counterpart.
MG SPONTS Fienriie —pLaTroRm

ta Croft won't be the only strong femi-

nine video game character. Mira will be join-
ing Pitfall Harry in Pitfall 3D: Beyond the
Jungle. This gal wields a litch (a three-
pronged axe), proving that she can handle
any dangerous situation too. Check out
VideoGameSpot for more Pitfall news.


IMIING If you just can't get enough of EGM? (or our sister publication EGM) in print, check us out online with
INTO N THES our newly redesigned Web site! It's the only place where you'll get expanded
coverage about our features, news, previews,
reviews and strategy guides—as well as give
you the chance to offer feedback! Here's just a
snippet of cool info found in EGM issue 105:
rv vat
...The risk-takin’ Q-Mann states that there have been many sightings of ae itt
.eae 1i |
Sega's nearly complete system, Dural (also known as Katana). Not only are its C }
\ a 4 \ inn All you Need TO Know
specs almost finalized, Sega is also quietly shipping beta dev kits to select \| \
developers. Some third-party developers include: Capcom, Konami, Hudson,
ASCII, T&E Soft, Artdink, Enix and even Namco.
...5ega isn't the only company developing a new system. As reported in EGM,
VM Labs’ ProjectXsystem is capable of incorporating many next-generation Se BERNE
graphics rendering algorithms into video games. Meaning? Imagine having exc tation
characters and settings looking like those rendered in FMV intros! eusermoule EG?’ PlayStatio

(-XeXe EeTanl-soneredan

For daily news updates from the editorsof ; Sit

18 EGM and visit: aul ARMA RUN EMIS NOE eA
The ROAD RASH Blood Drive


TO GIVE BLOOD: —Peter Plasma


To finish this vital equation, we need your help.
By engaging in combat at extremely high speeds,
you'll send relief to the people who need it most.

A wreck like this can

save up to six people! “Pm a quart low.’

It's a whole new breed of Road Rash. Four gangs fight you to the finish in a perilous 3-D world. %
And the thrashin’ beat of an Atlantic Records” soundtrack keeps your pulse from stopping. Hopefully. 4 ELECTRONIC ARTS

d Electronic register

If your trick is elture Experiment Roi

selected as Registry.
the Trick of the accessing.
cater your user names -
Month, you |AKUMAL
will win a free
provided by
the people
at InterAct. If
you are given Follow the below requirements, On both scenarios, enter “AKUMA” _At this point, it will give you the
credit for submitting a great trick in this then you will see this screen... into the security access computer. —_option to form a new save point.
section, you will win a free game. For
more details and rules on the contest,
To get the famed Sotokan
read the text below. E-mail your tricks
killer playable, first play
through the game (both sce-
and cheats to: narios) six times through.
and be sure to include your name, During all of these, you must
address, city, state and zip. Or you ONLY use the knife and hand-
can mail your tricks to: gun and achieve an A ranking
in ALL scenarios. Once
achieved, you will get a clue.
Start the game a seventh time
Contests like this are only found in the and enter the word “Akuma”
Best Video Game Mag, EGM?! in the Lab security computer Remember that “Unused” cryo tank? —_His main weapon
in both scenarios. This should Well, at the start Akuma will bust is a red fireball,
give you access to the Save _out of it! With Akuma, all areas done just like fir-
Screen to save this game! seem to be accessible without keys. ing a gun by hold-
Contest Rules: ing the Action but-
1. No Purchase Necessar
with your bes tick codes. i ton and firing.
Cheat Sheet Beat the game six times—all A rank Y
with only the knife/handgun. On the
Play As seventh game, enter “Akuma” in the
Akuma! Lab Computer in both Scenarios. 1 1
<-orthless useful godlike |},

lon Publish
3, Odds of Winning:
determined by nu To access a new level and to start
the game with 86 lives, first go to the
Password Screen. From there enter:
R41, L1, R2, L2, R41, L1, R2, L2, R14,
L4,R2, L2.
You'll hear a chime to confirm that
penses that eonsumers might you did the code right and you'll now
‘Winners accepting prizes agree be able to start on the new level.
ed on the condition that Zi-Davis In, InterAct Accesso
5, and employees will have no labi Ryan Formiss f
nagesofany kind resulting from a
Pico Rivera, CA Se iaciaieninaaunanaaiaii si ia
With 86 lives you should be able
to last a very long time.
Alfederal, state and
est is sponsored by Zif-Davis Inc and InerAct
ved, Printed in USA,
Extra Lives,
New Level

20 EGM
Resident Evil: Below you will find a list
Director’s Cut Go through the special modes
# to unlock the secret charac-
q of how to make some of
the rarer monsters and YS
+ Huacry
ters. You must do this with a
some tips. Look to the next
(Capcom/PlayStation) Beat the game through on easy
to get Boro first.
issue for more Monster “8
Double The Ammo
Rancher information. <
There is a way in the game ga here are several secret
o get double the ammo every fighters scattered CD FRAGMENTS
ime you pick up any clips. To throughout the game. The Rose Disc: Combine this with Pixie
lo this you must be at the only thing you need to get plus any other monster and get y
Vlain Menu. Highlight each of them is to have a new combination with mainly fe
\dvanced Mode and press and a star next your name. To Pixie attributes.
old Right until advanced turns get this you have to beat Green Disc: Combine this with %
ireen. When it does, start the the game. Dino and any other monster to get “
ame. Now all the ammo you Boro: To get Boro as a a new combination with mainly
ick up is doubled. playable character all you Dino attributes.
have to do is beat the game Use her cheap moves and combos
Dark Brown Disc: Combine this
on the Easy setting. to get the rest of them.
with Warm plus any other monster
Robert the Robot: To get Ushi the Cow: and get a new combination with
him you must beat all of To get Ushi as mainly Warm attributes. ‘
your opponents in the faster a playable Silver Disc: Combine this with .
mode in under a minute. character, you Gali plus any other monster to get
The Joker: This is the hard- must go into a new combination with mainly
est of them all. To get this Rodeo mode and / Gali attributes.
guy as a playable character, survive a battle Grey Disc: Combine this with
you must beat all 100 fight- with her for one Golem plus any other monster to
ers in Survival Mode. minute. You get a new combination with mainly
The Master: To get the cannot kill her or ‘ Golem attributes.
Master playable, you must the code will not Dark Blue Disc: Combine this with
go through Master Mode and work and you will Gel plus any other monster to get
win each and every battle. a new combination with mainly
Mass Destruction have to try again.
Gel attributes.
Dark Grey Disc: Combine this with ;
Monolith plus any other monster to Se
Open Every Level
Grand Theft Auto get a new combination with mainly
Monolith attributes.
Dark Purple Disc: Combine this with
With this password you will Rygar plus any other monster to get
e able to access all of the a new combination with mainly Rygar
nissions in the game. Enter attributes.
his at the Password Screen: Light Brown Disc: Combine this
TITTTTTTITTGR with Suezo plus any other monster to
John Scognamiglio Enter these codes as your q
name to get several bonuses. get a new combination with mainly
Brooklyn, NY These codes are a little adult Suezo attributes. ©
Select Campaign and Mission though, just like the game. Violet Disc: Combine this with ‘
Use these codes to be able to Naga plus any other monster to get ‘
explore the game a little more. anew combination with mainly
Naga attributes.
here are several codes and 5x bonus. Brown Disc: Combine this with
that will affect the game. GROOVY: This gives all Ham plus any other monster to get x
These codes, like the game, weapons, unlimited ammo, a new combination with mainly a
are a little adult. All the level selection and get out Ham attributes.
codes must be entered as of jail. Rainbow Disc: Combine with Nys
your name in order for them EATTHIS: Wanted level 4. Plant plus any other monster to Re
to work. BLOWME: Displays your get a new combination with mainly
BSTARD: This gives all coordinates. Plant attributes. i
weapons, unlimited ammo, CHUFF: Removes police.

99 lives, armor, level selec-
tion, get out ofjail, coordi-
TURF: Opens all cities.
CAPRICE: Gives access to
#50 Angel: Elton John’s “Something
nate display, maximum want- all cities levels 1 and 2.
‘he Question Mark Menu About the Way You Look Tonight”
ed level and 5x bonus. WEYHEY: Instantly gets
#176 Apocolis: REM’s “Monster”
At the Main Menu Screen, THESHIT: This gives all 9999990 points.
#196 Player: VA (SOUNDTRACK)
hoose Options. In the Options weapons, unlimited ammo, FECK: Gets access to
“Major League 2”
lenu, press Up, C, D, B. The 99 lives, armor, level selec- Liberty City Level 1 and 2.
#197 Teddy: Grateful Dead’s “History
creen will shake and you will tion, get out ofjail, maxi- TVTAN: Gives access to
of Grateful Dead Vol 3”
ow be able to move over and mum wanted level and Liberty city Levels 1 and 2 #211 Sketch: Matchbox 20's “Yourself
ccess the Question Mark. 5x bonus. and the San Andreas levels. Someone Like You”
his menu contains One- but- MADEMAN: This gives all Andrew Whitmer #111 Sleeves: Hanson's “Middle of
nn Fatalities, Instant weapons, unlimited ammo, Naperville, IL Nowhere” es
ggression and Low Damage level selection, get out of
#82 Stripe: The Beach Boy's “Beach
jail, maximum wanted level
ptions that you can turn on Boys Concert” BS
r off. #54 Bunny: Jackson 5’s “The h>,
Ultimate Collection” mS
EG 210
There are a couple of tricks you can do while you are in a
mission to help you out right from the start. You have to do
these codes quickly to pull them off.
To power up weapons:
Pause the game, hold L2 and press Up, Down, Left, Right,
Triangle, X, Square. Continue to hold L2 and unpause the game.
To complete the current mission: (Sony/|
Pause the game, hold L2 and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Get Cloud In Your Party
Triangle, X, X, Triangle, Right, Left, Down, Up. Continue to hold
L2 and unpause the game. To get Cloud you must be
Be sure to hold the L2 button after pretty far into the game. (The
you are done entering the code. trick starts in Chapter 4.) In
Machinery City you will find ar
ancient robot, even though yo
Various Game can’t activate it, it is impor-
Cheats tant, so remember it. From
there go to the Royal Capital
and enter the bar. Ask for
some information; you should
learn about the Saint Dragon,
and a hunter will request to
Join your party. Recruit him
and go to the Mining City.
When you get there, help the
Various Game Saint Dragon. You should be
Cheats able to get the Aquarius
Zodiac Stone there. Take that
Follow the directions for each Do the code when you are back to Machinery City and
of these codes to get the picking your team. The actions use the stone on the robot.
effects. The options will then depend on whether or not Once it becomes functional,
#be listed in the Options Menu. Some pretty cool battles can be you are playing as first or you should leave. On your way
second player. out, you should find another
had with these codes.
machine, but you can’t do an)
here are several cheats Bakuryu on Level Four or e are a couple of things thing with it yet again.
you can get for this above. Sto do in order to get a Leave the city and head for
game. Follow the directions Big Arms: Beat the game secret team for player one Nerubes Temple. After fighting
for each to get the code. without continuing on level and player two. If you are Worker #7, the Saint Dragon
Big Head: On “Normal” set- four or above. player one, press Up to pick a will transform into a young gir
ting while on the Character Small fighters: At the Super Bowl team, and if you and you will receive the
Select Screen, hold L2 and Character Select Screen, want an all-star team, then Cancer Zodiac Stone. Head
choose your fighter with the hold R2 and choose your push Up again at the Player back to Machinery City again.
Circle button. fighter with the circle button. Selection Screen and scroll Use the Cancer Zodiac Stone
Large Arena: If you beat 10 School Girl Alice: Beat all through them by pressing L1 to activate the ancient
opponents in a row in the the opponents in Time and L2. For the second play- machine. It will bring Cloud
Survival Mode, you will be Attack Mode in under er, do the opposite (i.e., Down J” back from the future and he
able to increase the size of 10 minutes. instead of Up, R1 and R2 | will join you.
the arena. Kevin Mitchum instead of L1 and L2). Now what you need to do is
Regenerating life bars: Midwest City, OK via the Internet to find Aeris. She is in one of
Finish the game with the towns, and you'll find her
and buy some flowers from
her. She will be attacked and
Cloud will rush to the rescue.
Some story will go by, and at
the end of it, Cloud will join
you Officially.
Payman Tadjbakhs
Irvine, C

This trick will get you a to highlight Exit and while

hidden game called Steep still holding the designated
Slope Shooter. To get this,
go to the Title Screen and
buttons, press A. Now,
Steep Slope Sliders will Duke Nukem 3D
hold X, Y, Z, B, C, L button appear. Press A or C to
and R button. With these held, start the game or B to
(id Software/
press Start. While still holding exit. This is a silly game
them, move down to the that will remind you of All Weapons
Options and press button A. some of the first video
In the Options, use the D-pad game shooters. There is a way you can get
all weapons while in the game
Avoid the trees and you'll eventually First start a game normally.
get a gun, a suit and a shield! When you get in the game,
pause it and enter this code:
B, A, D, A, D, D. When you
return, you should have a full
arsenal of weapons.

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idemarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Offer may not be a with other in-store or manufacturers 5
Sehrvary 28, 1998.
NASCAR 98 | ee

Monster Rancher
Hidden Music Track
Just like the Castlevania
track, there is a secret song
hidden on the Monster
Rancher CD. Put the game CD
in a CD player and play the
second track to hear a cool Follow the code to get the cool- This car is EA’s pride and it With the fast car, you should be
techno music track. looking Pinnacle car. good though? able to win any race.

Randy Navarro There are a few tricks here Setup Screen. From there put
Port Charlotte, Fla. that will affect the type of car the pressure all the way up,
you have or add some kind of the wedge all the way down,
effect to it. the rear spoiler all the way

Intelligent Qube EA Sports Car: This trick

can only be done in Exhibition
down and the gear ratios all
the way up.
Mode. Go to the Race Pinnacle Car: This trick only
Setup/Car Select Screen works in Exhibition Mode as
(Sony/PlayStation) and highlight the Kenny well. Go to the Race Setup/
Various Cheats Wallace car. Then hold X and Car Select Screen and high-
Adjust these settings to create press Up and Down. light Bobby Labontes'’ car.
These tricks will require you
a super-fast car. Faster Car: To build a faster Hold X and press Up then
to finish the Final Stage and
car you must go into the Car Down.
then save your game on a
Joseph James
memory card.
Watchung, NJ
Cynthia the hidden player:
To play as her you must finish Follow the instructions to enter these
the game and save it ona €odes and get some new cars and
memory card. Simple. She is effects. Be aware that some codes
faster than Eliot. are mode-exclusive,
Make your own puzzles: MPD ROUT HALES
After you finish the game and
save it to a memory card, go
into the Options Menu and
select Game Mode. Choose
system and press right to turn
on Original Mode. Exit the
menu and select a one-player
Cheat Game Codes
game. To turn off this mode,
simply press Left instead of
Right on the Game Mode. While playing a game, hit the
effects to influence the game. correct order of buttons to
{Enter them where listed and
i} the effects should be visible
Be sure to enter the Cheat
right away.
Menu code first.

ere are several codes lere are a couple of codes

that will affect gameplay. for this killer game. To
To use any of these codes execute any of these codes
you must first go to the you must be in the game,
Cheat Menu. To do that } but do not pause it. You will
pause the game while in have to be quick when you
mission and press Up, #} enter these codes, or they
Down, Left, Right, Down, will not work.
Courier Crisis Right, L1, R1, R1. After you
do that, enter these codes Invincibility: Press L1 four Infinite Weapons: L1, R1, L1,
to get the effect. times, Left, Circle, Circle, Ri, Up, Down, Left, Down
(GT Interactive/PlayStation) Extra Nitros: Press L1, Square, L1. } Drop Pod: L1, R1, L1, R1, Up, j
Circle, Down, L1, Up, Infinite Fuel: Press L1, Down, Left, Up
Play As Zaskar
Square, Circle, R1. Then Circle, Left, L1, Circle, R1,
With this code you will be press the Nitros Option L1, Up, R1, Down.
able to play as Zaskar in the to get one more nitro Car Tuneup menu: Press L1
normal game instead of your each press. Ri, L1, Up, Down, Circle,
normal character. Enter the Extra Money: Press L1, R1, Down, Right, Left, Square,
Load/Save Screen and enter Up, Circle, Down, Square, R1. Then press the Car
this password: FDFKFKHCJK Right, Ri, L41. Tuneup Option on to modify
You will then start a game as Add Minute to time: Press your car.
the new character. Down, L1, L1, Circle, Circle, New York Time Trial:
via the Internet R1, Up, Square, L1. Then Press L1, Right, Down,
press the Add Minute Option Left, Up, R1. These codes are pretty strong, but
to get an extra minute. David Howsley; Purcell, OK remember, you aren’t invincible.

24 EGM
Enter these codes, either in Change the options and enter
ithe game and paused or at the codes to open up access
the Name Entry Screen, to get # to all of the tracks. You will
the effects listed. # hear a sound to confirm the
With these codes you can get I code worked. This month | have a few
some pretty strange games. exclusive GameShark codes
for some hot games.
AY 0 access these codes ere is a trick to open up N64 Codes
you must start a game all of the tracks in this AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI
normally and then pause it. game without beating it. To do Infinite Time
From there type in these this you must start by going
codes to get the effects. You
to the Options Screen and
100 Points
will hear a beep if the code setting the difficulty to
works. To disable any of Amateur and the trophy pre-
these codes just re-enter it. senter to Male. Then return to
Infinite Hydraulics
Any Object: D, D, U, U, R, the Main Menu and press Up,
R, L, L (This code cannot be Right, Down, Left, Up, Right,
turned off.) 3LIVES: Gives three lives. Down, Left. Now go back to
CONFETTI: Unknown effect Infinite Missiles Motor Bike
Behind Car View: L, R, the Options Screen and press
CATLIVES: Nine lives in One- 803f8ac30063
Square, Circle, L, R, # Left and then X. Next set the PlayStation Codes
Square, Circle player Mode. difficulty to Professional and
Big Bounces: Square, R, R, the trophy presenter to
Legend Sword
D, U, D, L, D, D Multiplayer Mode. Rider’s choice. Return to the
Double Speed: Square, X, NOTANKS: Tanks cannot Main Menu and press Up,
Circle, Square, Triangle, X, shoot. Left, Down, Right, Up, Left,
Quick Level Up In Battle
X, X, X TANKS4ME: Tanks can be Down, Right. If this code was
Slow CPU cars: Circle, used on all tracks except entered correctly throughout,
Triangle, Square, X, Circle, those with water. then you will hear a sound
Enable T.Rex
Triangle, Square, X WINTERY: Slippery roads. confirming that it worked. If
Enter these codes at the not then restart it and make
Enable Frankensteiner
Name Entry Screen to get sure you follow each step
some extra effects. thoroughly.
Enable Bones
Enable Santa Claws
Enable Annie Mae
Enable Dweeble
Ch ply 800633980001
n Pla ted
lecleenion.'bdacdeadahatidad Enable Ecto
There are many cheats that Championship and Arcade Enable Virtual Andy
are available for the game. Al | Modes. Press Up, Down, 800633a00004
of these codes must be Triangle, Circle and keep Enable Cobra
entered from the Infograms both R2 and Left pressed. 800633a40001
Logo Page that comes up at Lock off and restart on will Enable Reanimator
start up. appear if done right. 800633a80001
Lock Off: This will give you Narrow Tracks: This narrows Enable Jaumbo
access to all of the tracks on the tracks on Arcade Mode 800633ac0001
both Arcade and Champion- only. Press Up, Down, Enable John
ship Modes. Press Up, Down, Triangle, Circle, then press 800633b00001
Triangle, Circle. The Lock off and hold L2. The message, Enable FUSH
message should appear on “lock off and narrow on” 800633b40001
the bottom of the screen. will appear. This is the screen where you must Enable Flyboy
Restart On: This will restart Time Off: This disables the enter the code. Enter fast! 800633b80001
the race from the beginning of counter for Arcade Mode Enable Tony The Rod
each race only. Press Up, Down, press and hold L1 and L2. 800633bc0001
for Triangle, Circle, then press The message “lock off, time Enable Eddie The Wire
and hold L1. The message, off, and narrow on” will 800633c00001
“lock off and time off” appear at the bottom. Enable Donn
WARNING!: This is probably Enable Uncle Monkey
the hardest code you will ever 800633c80001
have to enter. You must be Enable Dudeman
very fast and have a great 800633cc0001
deal of patience to get it Enable Mike
to work. 800633d00001
Enable Steve
Enable Brian
Various Game 800633d80001
Cheats Enable Superfan

EGM? 25
@ Final Outpost:
@ Even Simpler:
Cheat Menu
Go to the Password Option and
sg nter these codes in the enter: ?7TJL BDFW BFGV JVVB

Gold Hit List > Magic Codes Menu. If you

turn off the power you'll have
to re-enter the codes:
This will take you to the first level in
the game. Then pause and you will
notice a new option, “Features!” By
selecting this, you will find pretty much
Witness an EGM? @ Horn Cheat: all you need to conquer the game!
first: An in-depth list BLABBERMOUTH
@ Two-player Adventure: FIFA Soccer 64
of the hottest tricks At this screen, put in any of the
codes under "Enter Code.” Easy Win
on the planet, sorted Bi All Yellow Balloons:
BODYARMOR During the match, pause and access
by system and listed @ All Rainbow Balloons:
the Controller Select Option. Then
move the controller icon under the
in alphabetical order. OPPOSITESATTRACT other team’s flag. When you go back to
@ All Green Balloons:
Looking for a trick? TOXICOFFENDER
the game, dribble the ball into that
team's own goal. Repeat this process

Look here first! @ All Red Balloons: until you have enough points, and
before the match ends, switch back to
BOMBSAWAY the winning team. You are assured to
Aerofighter Assault B All Blue Balloons: win every time!
Secrets to Earn, Codes
@ Disable Weapons: Duke Nukem 64
@ Enable Spanky: To get him,
complete all three bonus missions. You will be able to play with the Cheat Menu
@ New Planes in Deathmatch: @ No Limit to Bananas:
enlarged character of your choice.
You get a new plane for each VITAMINB At the Main Menu
L, L, Right, Right, Left, Left.
press Left, Left,

mission completed. Bananas Reduce Speed: @ Start with 10 bananas:

@ Extra Pilot and Plane: At the Title All Items
Screen (not the Main Menu Screen),
@ Disable Bananas: Enter the Cheat Menu code shown
press Left-C, Down-C, Right-C, Up-C, Mi Big Players: ARNOLD
above, then return to the Main Menu
Left-C, Right-C, Down-C. Then check NOYELLOWSTUFF @ Small Players: and press R, C-Right, Right, L, C-Left,
the Plane Select Screen on the far left. @ Zap the Zippers: TEENYWEENIES Left, C-Right, Right. A new item called
ZAPTHEZIPPERS @ Select Same Player: “ALL ITEMS” should become available.
Blast Corps @ Ultimate Al: DOUBLEVISION Invincibility
Blow Up Building Easily TIMETOLOSE @ Display Credits: Enter the Cheat Menu code shown
Get close enough to the object you
@ Maximum Power-up: WHODIDTHIS above, then press the R button seven
want blown up so that your guy can’t FREEFORALL @ Four-wheel Drive: times, then Left on the D-pad. If done
get out of the vehicle. Then hold the Z @ Music Menu: JUKEBOX OFFROAD right you'll hear a tone. Go into the
button down. Your guy should yell, Cheat Menu and turn invincibility on.
“D'oh!” Continue to hold the Z button
Level Select
until the object blows up! race and then scroll down to the bot- button, Right, Down, L button, L
tom of the high scores list and hold button, Left-C. Enter the Cheat Menu code shown
Bomberman 64 Down-Left to make the conveyor belt @ Sonork press: Up, Left-C, R but- above, then press L button, L button,
move. After about 30 or more seconds, ton, Right, Down, L button, L button, L button, C-Right, Right, Left, Left,
Custom Body Parts—Partial List a head will scroll by. Now, exit and get Up-c. C-Left.
Here's where to find some of back to the Car Select Screen. Choose @ Zenmuron press: Up, Left-C, R
No Monsters
Bomberman’s optional outfit parts: either the bus or police car by holding button, Right, Down, L button, L
Up-C, Left-C and Down-C at the same button, Right-C. Enter the Cheat Menu code then
@ Tennis Shoes: In the blue resort.
time and scrolling through the cars. At press L button, Left-C, Left, R button,
It is in Level 1 under the bridge that
any time during the race, tap Brake, Right-C, Right, Left, Left, Right. You'll
has a box under it and a blue guy on Diddy Kong Racing
Brake, then hold the Gas button. Your hear a siren if you did the code right.
the bridge.
@ Iron Armor: In the white glacier. It lights (and sirens) will activate. Get Secret Characters Then go in the Cheat Menu and now
you can turn the monsters on and off.
is in Level 1 behind one of the houses. @ Get Drumstick: Get all of the
Take a pump bomb and throw it at the amulets and all of the trophies. Head
houses. Run over the roof and put a to the point you start at and find the GoldenEye 007
Play as Bosses
bomb by the tree to get it. frog with feathers. Honk at it and you Time Codes
Cat suit: It’s in the blue resort on To play as the Bosses, Demitron will get him.
Level 3. and Sonork, go to the Title Screen and @T.T.: Beat his personal time on Codes will be revealed by completing
enter L button, R button, Up-C, Down- every Time Trial track. each level under a certain time, at a
C, Left-C, Right-C for Sonork. Enter A, certain difficulty level. Here are the
Find the Fifth Secret World levels and times you need:
B, R button, L button, Down C, Up-C
New Vehicles for Demitron. Get all of the amulets and trophies. @ Level 1: Dam—Paintball Mode—
At the Choose Car Screen, highlight Then go in front of the lighthouse and Secret Agent—2:40
Access Character Endings
any of the cars except for the red honk at it. It will transform into a rock- @ Level 2: Facility—Invincibility—

Ferrari. The trick will not work on this

Go to the Title Screen and enter for: et and take you to the space world. 00 Agent—2:05
@ Aaron press: Up, Left-C, R button, @ Level 3: Runway—DK Mode—
car. Once any of the others is highlight-
Right, Down, R button, R button, Agent—5:00
ed (it will spin around), press and hold
Left-C. @ Level 4: Surface—2x Grenade
the Top, Left and Bottom C buttons
simultaneously. The vehicle highlighted @ Demonica press: Up, Left-C, R Level Codes Launcher—Secret Agent—3:30

will change into a different one! You button, Right, Down, R button, R These passwords will take you to
@ Level 5: Bunker—2x Rocket
button, Up-C. Launcher—00 Agent—4:00
can now play the game as a police car, some of the hardest levels in the
a jeep or even a school bus! Keep
Demitron press: Up, Left-C, R game. On the Title Screen, go into the
@ Level 6: Silo—Turbo Mode—
holding these and press Start to
button, Right, Down, L button, L Options. From the options, choose

choose it.
button, Down-C. Password and enter these codes:
@ Level 7: Frigate—No Radar
@ Eve press: Up, Left-C, R button, (Multi)—Secret Agent—4:30
@ The Terraformer:
“Access Three New Tracks Right, Down, R button, R button, @ Level 8: Surface2—Tiny Bond—
On “Choose Race” Screen, highlight Right-c. @ Main Engineering:
00 Agent—4:15
@ Gore press: Up, Left-C, R button, @ Level 9: Bunker2—2x Throwing
US 101 and hold L + Left-C + Down-C BXYH?G416Z4JPJ?Z
Right, Down, R button, R button, Knives—Agent—1:30
to access Golden Gate Park. Highlight Mi Holding Area:
Down-C. @ Level 10: Statue—Fast
Beverly Hills and hold L + Up-C + CYCCMGPKX47GTS2B
Right-C. Highlight Grand Canyon and @ Morphix press: Up, Left-C, R Animation—Secret Agent—
@ Tech Center:
button, Right, Down, R button, R @ Level 11: Archives—Iin
hold L + Right-C + Down-C to access CF3?PG6DS12ZPFKB
button, B. 00 Agent—1:20 td
San Francisco. @ Alpha Quadrant:
@ Nikki press: Up, Left-C, R button, @ Level 12: Streets—Enemy
Lights and Sirens Code Right, Down, R button, R button, A. Rockets—Agent—1:45
@ Research Lab:
First, get a high score during any @ Scarlet press: Up, Left-C, R
BBXWHLGSXB8F4RKB Continued on Page 27
Nintendo 64 ¢ Hexen to NBA Hangtime

@ Level 13: Depot—Slow 100cc and 150cc) and you'll get a new
Animation—Secret Agent—1:30 Title Screen. Plus, a Mirror Mode
@ Level 14: Train—Silver PP7—00 Option will now appear under the
Agent—5:25 150cc Option. All of the tracks in the
@ Level 15: Jungle—2x Hunting game will now be reversed!
@ Level 16: Control—infinite
Rainbow Shortcut
Ammo—Secret Agent—10:00 o into the Password At the Game Select Screen choose
@ Level 17: Caverns—2x RC- Option and enter them as | a one-player game. Then choose to
P90s—00 Agent—9:30 begin the Time Trials. Choose your dri-
@ Level 18: Cradle—Gold PP7—
shown. If you do the urn and ver and on the Map Select Screen,
Agent—2:15 lives code correctly, you will access the Special Cup. Move down
@ Level 19: Aztec—2x Lasers— hear the sound of fire after and select Rainbow Road. When you
Secret Agent—9:00 | you exit. With the other begin the race, accelerate down the
@ Level 20: Egyptian—All Guns— middle of the track and when you start
codes, the effects are evident
00 Agent—6:00 going down the hill, press Left on the
when you exit the screen. controller and the top R button at the
Secret Level Editor @ 10 Vitality Urns: NXCVSZ same time. You will jump over the edge
Once you finish every single level in @ 1,000 Lives: GTTBHR of the track and fall toward a lower
the game on the “OO Agent” difficulty View Credits: CRVDTS part of the course. If you do it right, 801502130001
setting (plus bonus levels 19 and 20), you will land on the track below. This Always Place First:
Ultimate Cheat: ZCHRRY
a special “O07 Mode” will open. This will save you a massive amount of 8015022b0001
is an Editor Screen, in which you can @ Exploding Boss: RCKMND time, and assure you of a great lap Unlimited Time: 8015094d0045
configure options such as Enemy and record time.
Health, Enemy Damage, Enemy PASSWORD
Accuracy and Enemy Reaction Speed! Mortal Kombat Trilogy
A CHARACTER THEN USE GameShark Codes (Ver. 1.1)
Same Player in Multiplayer
THE LERT GAWD Ricnt © Don’t Use Up Continues
Always Place First:
Play in Multiplayer Mode using two
of the same character: To do this, plug
Start a one-player game. Choose 8015034b0001
your player at the Character Select Unlimited Time: 80150a680095
in four controllers. Enter Multiplayer
Screen. Now when you have been
Mode and select four characters with
defeated and it says, “Finish Him,”
each controller, having players three press Start on the second player's
and four be the duplicates. Then go
back to the Multiplayer Screen and
controller. Back at the Player Select GameShark Codes
Screen, choose any characters for play-
unplug controllers three and four. Have
ers one and two. Have player one
players one and two then choose the With this code, you will start in the defeat player two. After you do this,
players where three and four were. Always Have Shotgun:
fortress with all your powers! continue a one-player game, and you 800632c70001
Then go back to the Multiplayer Screen
will have all of your continues intact.
once again and plug players three and Blue Key: 8006328f0001
four back in. Be sure to change the Free Play Blue Skull Key: 8006329b0001
Player Option back to four. Now when and press Start. You will hear a sound Invincible: 8006330b0002
To access the Free Play Mode, go to
you begin your match, there should be confirming that it worked. Now, choose the Story Screen and quickly enter Up,
Red Key: 800632970001
two of the same character! your mode of play and a one- or two- Red Skull Key: 800632a30001
Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down,
player game, both Vs. CPU or CPU Vs. Down. You'll hear a sound. If you lose,
Shotgun Ammo: 800632e70064
CPU. On the next screen, scroll Yellow Key: 800632930001
your credits will now be on Free Play!
through the teams to see two new Yellow Skull Key: 8006329f0001
Incredible Cheat Menu team icons to choose from. All Question Marks
Go into the game and press Start Big Heads for Players On the Story Screen, take controller Fighters Destiny
to pause. At the Pause Screen Menu, one and very quickly, enter the code
Go to the Title Screen and enter GameShark Codes
enter the main cheat code with the C on the designated buttons as shown:
buttons on your controller: Up-C, Down- this code: Top-C, Top-C, Bottom-C, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Run, Low PL las O Stars:
C, Left-C, Right-C. You will hear a
Bottom-C, Left-C, Right-C, Left-C, Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High 802097570000
Right-C, B, A, then hold the Z button
sound and a new “Cheat” Option will Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch. Once P1 Start w/Extra Stars:
appear underneath the other options. and press Start. you do this, you should hear a voice. 02097570000
Access this option and you will see Now on the Main Menu Screen, you P1 Start w/Extra Stars:
some faded, dark red options that you Killer Instinct Gold will have access to all three question 80209757000f
cannot access. More codes must be marks—green, blue and red! You may P2 Always Has 0 Stars:
Special Codes now access Menu Screens with many 8020b61f0000
entered to make the rest of the cheats
work. Enter the following codes quickly @ Colors Code: At the character pro- options within the question marks P2 Start w/Extra Stars:
on the Cheat Menu: file demo, press Z, B, A, Z, A, L. You'll including Human Smoke, Khameleon, d020b61f0000
1 God Mode: (invincibility) Left-c, hear, “Welcome.” You can now choose Free Play, etc. P2 Start w/Extra Stars:
Right-C, Down-C. the gold, shadow, etc. colors. 8020b61f000f
Reverse Babalities
@ Clipping: (go through walls) Up-C @ Gargos Code: At the character
20 times, Down-C. profile demo, press Z, A, R, Z, A, B. Play a normal game against the GoldenEye 007
@ Visit: (Level Select) Left-C, Left-C, You'll hear Gargos laugh. Now he is computer or another player. Lose
Right-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C. selectable as a normal character. on purpose and wait for the “Finish GameShark Codes
@ Butcher: (instant enemy death) @ Random Select: Hold Up Him/Her” to appear. If your opponent
Play Egyptian Level (Multi):
Down-C, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C. and press Start at the Character performs a Babality on you, press
@ Health: (100 percent health Selection Screen. and hold the High Punch+Low
Play Caverns Level (Multi):
boost) Left-C, Up-C, Down-C, Down-C. Punch+High Kick+Low Kick buttons 8002b537000a
Music and Stage Select on your pad before the sequence is
Under the Collect Option, enter the Play Archives Level (Multi):
codes for these cheats: In a two-player game, the first per- being pressed on your opponent's 8002b5370009
All Keys: (get every key) Down-C, son chooses the stage and the second pad. Your character will change from a
Play Bunker Level (Multi):
Up-C, Left-C, Right-c. person chooses the music. Hold the baby to an adult, and then to a bloody
All Artifacts: (get every artifact) buttons accordingly for these results explosion for a Fatality!
Up-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C. (Key: 1=Quick Punch, 2=Med. Punch,
@ all weapons: (get every weapon) 3=Fierce Punch, 4=Quick Kick, 5=Med.
Killer Instinct Gold
NBA Hangtime
Right-C, Up-C, Down-C, Down-C. Kick, 6=Fierce Kick, U=Up, D=Down): GameShark Codes
@ Puzzle Items: (get all of the puzzle Sabrewulf's Lair—U+1; Maya's Vs. Numeric Codes
pieces on the level) Up-C, Left-C 3 Jungle—U+2; Glacius’ Crash Site— Player One Fast Jump/Walk:
When at Tonight's Matchup Screen
times, Right-C, Down-C, Down-C. U+3; Tusk's Stone Henge—U+4; 801d347c0001
enter these codes using the A, Down-C Player, st Punch Kick:
Fulgore’s Museum—U+5; Orchid’s and Right-C buttons:
Helipad—U+6; Jago’s Bridge—D+1; ee 801d347e0010
International Superstar Soccer @ 025—Baby Mode
Player One Slow Jump/Walk:
Gargos’ Castle—D+2; Combo's @ 048—No Music
Get Two Hidden Teams Street—D+3; Kim Wu's Dojo—D+4; 801d347d0050
@ 111—Tournament Mode
There are two ways to find them.
Spinal’s Ship—D+5; Sky Stage—D+5 20—Fast Passing
(Both players must press them). '73—Stealth Turbo Mace: The Dark Ages
You can either play through and beat
the entire League Mode, or go to the @ 284—Max Speed
GameShark Codes
Title Screen and put in this code: Up, L Mario Kart 64 @ 390—No Pushing
button, Up, L button, Down, L button, @ 461—Max Turbo innggeeath P41:
Mirror Mode '52—Hyper Speed 8008b1e70064
Down, L button, Left, R button, Right,
R button, Left, R button, Right, R but- Earn a Gold Cup in every course you 616—Max Blocking Infinite Health P2: 8008ae5f0064
ton, B, A, press and hold the Z button race. Do this for every class (50cc, No Health Pi: 8008b1e70000
Continued on Page 28 No Health P2: 8008ae5f0000

EGM? 27
Nintendo 64 ¢ PilotWings 64 to Star Fox 64

@ 709—Quick Hands
@ 802—Max Power
@ 937—Goal Tending Rarely Called
Vs. Joypad Codes
Enter the following codes at the
Team Matchup Screen:
@ Big Heads—Up, Turbo and Pass ccess the Name Selection
at the same time. Screen and either choose
@ Bigger Heads—Up, Up, Pass a new player or rename an
and Turbo. old one. On the Name Entry
@ Shot Percentage—Rotate the D-
pad clockwise from the Up position. Screen, enter .Credits just as
@ No Tag Arrow—Left, Left, Pass it is shown (with a space
and Turbo. before the letter C; make sure
@ No Drift—Hold Down when enter- On the Name Entry Screen, enter
Nagano Winter Olympics '98 only the C is capitalized).
ing a matchup, then when in the Credits for your name.
GameShark Codes After it’s entered, choose the
matchup, Shoot, then Turbo.
Press [Start] To Reset Timer: @ ABA—Hold Right when entering difficulty setting. Starting the
811378860000 matchup. Still holding it, hit Shoot, game will now give you the
Infinite Stamina: 81138400447a Turbo, Pass. ending and credits.
Infinite Stamina: 81138404447a Make Duplicate Players Just for an added bonus:
Go to the Options Screen and
After entering the “View
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Credits” Code above (make
choose “Enter Name.” At the next
GameShark Codes screen, put in the player's last name sure the difficulty setting is
(as shown below in caps) and then put on Hard), when the credits fin-
Activate Alien Weapon: in 0000 for their PIN number. By doing
80128e6b0001 ish press Start to return to
this, you'll access the character's twin
Activate Assault Rifle:
with hidden attributes. The names list- the Title Screen. Then hold
80128e530001 the analog Up+Right to see
ed here are the duplicate players that After the credits, hold Up+Right on
Activate Automatic Shotgun: work with this trick: the game designers.
@ AHRDWY (Penny Hardaway)
the stick to see the designers.
Activate Chronoscepter:
@ CLIFFR (Cliff Robinson)
DAVIDR (David Robinson)
Activate Grenade Launcher: Applause and Get Gas
DREAM (Hakeem Olajuwon)
B ELLIOT (Sean Elliot) If you fly under things like bridges Star Fox 64
@ EWING (Patrick Ewing) and caverns, you will get applause
§ GLENNR (Glenn Robinson) Title Screen Trick
80128e8b0007 from the adoring crowds. Also, while
GHILL (Grant Hill) exploring the Little States, if you hap- On the Title Screen, press the B
@ HGRANT (Horace Grant) pen to come close to running out of button once and then start rotating the
@ JOHNSN (Larry Johnson) gas, look for a highway intersection analog joystick around until the number
@ KEMP (Shawn Kemp) 64 on the end of the logo begins to
Have All Keys: 80128e9b0007
KIDD (Jason Kidd)
northwest of Cape Canaveral in Florida.
You will see a gas station by the high- move. Move it anywhere on the screen
MALONE (Kar! Malone) way. Get close enough to it without and the characters will follow it with
Wave Race @ MOTUMB (Dikembe Mutombo) crashing for free gas! their heads! Let go of the stick, and it
li MOURNG (Alonzo Mourning) will return to its original position.
GameShark Codes
@ MURSAN (Gheorghe Muresan) Fly by Night Trick
Infinite Time Stunt Mode: Find Secret Areas/Warps
PIPPEN (Scottie Pippen) Choose Rocket Belt in the Beginners
801c295e00ff @ RODMAN (Dennis Rodman) Class and begin your game. When you 1 Go to Sector Y from Corneria: On
Misses Don’t Count: @ RICE (Glen Rice) take off, fly toward the big castle. As the first planet, Corneria, your wingman
: 801c27cf0000 @ SMITS (Rik Smits) you get closer, look for a sewer hole Falco will be attacked by three ships.
“Super Speed: 801¢27c70020 STAKH (Jerry Stackhouse) just at the base of the castle. A river The easiest way to take them out is
Maximum Power: 801¢27¢70005 STARKS (John Starks) is connected to the sewer hole, so with a homing blast by holding the fire
R-Button Turbo Boost: WEBB (Spud Webb) look for that. Carefully fly in the hole button and then letting it go on the
801c27c70020 @ WEBBER (Chris Webber) and go toward the iron gate. If you middle ship. This will destroy the oth-
Infinite Course Out Time: touch it without falling into the water, ers as well. After a little while, you will
Play at Rooftop at Night
801c298300ff you'll warp to the other side where see arches made out of rocks. Make
99 Points: 801cb0a30063 When at the Tonight's Matchup once was day, is now night! sure you go underneath each arch.
Screen hold Left on the Analog and Falco will then lead you into the water-
press Turbo (3X) to play a game on fall (where you couldn't go before) to
San Francisco Rush
the Rooftop at Night. fight a different Boss. After defeating
GameShark Codes (Ver. 1.1) Change Car Appearance him, you'll head to Sector Y.
Change Dennis Rodman’s Hair
Infinite Time Stunt Mode: @ Go to Aquas: In Sector Y, get 100
When you select him, keep pressing These codes are done on the Car
801c2bfe00ff kills or more to go to the planet Aquas.
C-Right until you find your color. Select Screen.
Misses Don’t Count: @ Go to Sector Z: In Zoness,
™@ Back Tire Size: Press and
801c2a6f0000 Random Select shoot down all the floating spotlights
hold Right-C, then Left-C, release,
Super Speed: 801c2a670020 and reverse. in the stage.
Go to the Team Select Screen and @ Warp to Titania: When you're in
Maximum Power: 801¢2a670005 @ Car Size: Press and hold Down-C,
press Up+Turbo. the meteor field Mateo, make it past
Infinite Course Out Time: then Up-C, release, then press Up-C,
801c2c2300ff the checkpoint and soon you will see
then Down-C. Release to activate
Always Place 1st: 801¢293f0000 PilotWings 64 rings made of light blue triangles.
the code,
R Shoulder Turbo Boost: @ Drive Burning Hulk: Hold Up-C,
Go through all seven to warp into a
New York Warp strange world full of power-ups.
801c2a670005 and press Z, Z, Z, Z.
R Shoulder Turbo Boost: When flying around in PilotWings 64, @ Warp to Sector Z: At around
@ Front Tire Size: Press and
d01ce6590010 you come across some secret spots. hold Left-C, then Right-C. Release.
the halfway point of Sector X, move
R Shoulder Turbo Boost: Well, here’s a neat little trick that even to the left side of the screen and
Then, press and hold Right C, then
801c¢2a670020 beginners can do! Choose the Rocket Left C. Release.
stay in that general area. Eventually,
99 Points: 801cb3430063 Belt as your flying device and go into @ Turn Car Into Mine: Press Right-C,
you'll have a choice of the direction
of two arrows. Pick the left one and
the Class A Level. Pick your character
Right-C, Z button, Down-C, Up-C, Z
and begin playing. Now fly to the ocean soon you will be faced with a few
button, Left-C, Left-C.
and go north along the shore until you gray/white rectangular gates. Shoot
reach the other city. As you get closer, Other Various Codes these constantly until they turn red,
= Beveeeee:
you should notice a greenish-looking and then they will open. (This is nearly
Infinite Time 800f171f0000 building. Fly in front of it, and you will
Do these codes on the Setup
impossible with anything other than
Maximum Spirit P1 Screen:
also notice two entrances. Go inside the blue double laser, so make sure
800f08310064 @ Change Track Texture: Press and
the side entrance until you reach the hold Right-C, then the L button.
you have this weapon before getting
No Spirit P4. 800f08310000 to this point.) Once you have passed
other end. If done correctly, you should Release and press the Z button.
Maximum Spirit P2800fObd10064
see different surroundings. There through the last gate, you will warp!
No Spirit P2 800f0bd10000 Repeat to choose different textures.
Avoid the rotating shapes and shoot
should also be a special star to your
Maximum Spirit P3800f0f710064. @ Resurrect in Place: Hold the Z
left that turns you into “Birdman!” Fly button, then press and hold Left-C
the enemies to survive in this alter-
e No Spirit P3 800f0f710000 nate world.
around a little more to see that you
Maximum Spirit P4 then Right-C. Keep holding the Z but-
have warped to the city of New York!
800f13110064 ton but release the others. Press and
No Spirit P4 800f13110000 hold Right-C then Left-c.
ntinued on Page 30

28 EGM 2

It's a whole new breed of Road Rash. Four gangs fight you to the finish in a perilous 3-D world.
And the thrashin' beat of an Atlantic Records” soundtrack keeps your pulse from stopping. Hopefully. ELECTRONIC ARTS

¥] PlayStation mw Road Rash and Electronic Arts are of Electronic Arts in the U.S.and/or other counties. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos ate trademarks of anys
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc
Nintendo 64 ¢ Star Wars: SotE to W.G. 3D Hockey ’98
a Seg y

Find Yoshi Start. A Pause Menu will appear. Unlimited Continues

Highlight the “Enter Cheat” Option and
The hard way to do this is to collect In a one-player game, begin the
access it. On the Cheat Code Screen,
all 120 stars. Once achieved, go to the match. After you die on the second
enter RBNSMTH. This gives you
outside of the castle. The grate near round, and your opponent does his
“Robins Cheat,” which turns on multi-
the pond will open; a cannon is. winning pose, wait until the announcer
ple cheats including invincibility, unlim-
inside. Fire yourself onto the castle says the word, “WINS.” As soon as he
ited ammo, all weapons and even a
roof to meet Yoshi. Talk to him to get starts to say it, press the Start button
new Big Head Mode!
100 lives and a new Triple Jump. rapidly. If you did it correctly, it will go
The even harder but cooler way: At Greg/Dana Mode Codes to the Player Select Screen and you
Shadows of th the game's start, run to the right side won't use a continue!
Begin playing your game and press
AT-ST, Wampa, Stormtrooper Codes of the castle near the back, You should
Start. A Pause Menu will appear.
be facing a green hill, with the castle Wave Race 64
Choose a new slot in the beginning Highlight the “Enter Cheat” Option and
wall to your right. Execute a Triple
of the game or rename an existing access it. On the Cheat Code Screen,
Jump starting just behind and to the Dolphin Ride
player with these words: . Wampa. . enter GRGCHN. This accesses “Greg
right of a tree there: The first jump Choose Stunt Mode from the Main
Stompa. (Put one space before Wampa Mode” (Credits, Unlimited Ammo, All
landing spot should be the base of the Menu. Then select your watercraft.
and two spaces before Stompa. Make Weapons and Big Head Mode). Or,
green hill. The Triple Jump should take Make sure you choose Dolphin Park on
enter DNCHN, which will give you
sure to capitalize only the W and the S
in the name.) After you have done this,
you up the hill. If done right, you'll,
“Dana Mode" (Tiny Enemy, Credits). the Course Select Screen. Begin your
slide on your rear (not your stomach)
race. To get the trick to work, pass
put the game difficulty setting on toward the castle wall. Deformed Turok
through every ring and perform every
Medium. Now go into the Battle of Now comes the hard part: Quickly
Hoth and pause. Go into the Options On the Title Screen, go to the “Enter stunt within the course. Once you do
jump out of your slide and try to hit the
and make sure the controls are set to Cheat” Screen and enter the Big Cheat this, you will hear a dolphin squeak at
little angled castle wall to your left. code: NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK. Now, you. Now, go back to the Main Menu
Traditional. Now go back into the game Then, as you hit that wall, Wall Jump to turn on Spirit Mode, All Weapons and and choose Championship Mode with
and complete the first stage. the big castle wall to your left. If you
On the second stage with the first Unlimited Ammo. Now warp to the the skill of Normal. Pick the Warm-Up
can pull this off, Mario has a good
Campaigner. Stand still and shoot him Option and when choosing your water-
appearance of the AT-STs, press Left chance of grabbing the castle wall with the minigun. Once he dies, and craft, hold Down on the analog stick
on the D-pad and Right-C at the same Climb up to give Yoshi a big surprise!
Turok runs away, look at his bent leg! and press the A button until you start
time. Then press Up on the pad and
use the Right-C button to change the your race. Now you will be in Dolphin
Tetrisphere Park riding on the back of a dolphin
views until you get the backside view
of an AT-ST! You can control it with the instead of your Jet Ski!
Various Cheats Special Cheat Menu
directional pad by pressing Left or
Right to make it walk in that direction Go to the New Name Screen and As soon as the War Gods logo Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey ’98
and pressing Up to fire. press L, Right-C, Down-C to bring up appears on the screen, use the D-pad
the secret characters for use on the Turn Players Invisible
To control a Wampa, go to the and the buttons (not the analog joy-
Escape from Echo Base Stage and do Password Screen. Use the A button to stick) to enter the following code very Go into the Replay Option before the
the same code as you did for the previ- select the letters. Now enter the follow- quickly: Right, Right, Right, B, B, A, faceoff and press the L or R buttons.
ous stage. You will be in control of a ing cheat codes for various results: A. If done quickly enough, you'll hear While the players are flashing, press
Wampa (you must free it first to make A Hidden Lines Game: LINES “All too easy.” At the Main Menu the Z button to make them disappear.
it go anywhere). To be a snowtrooper
@ View the Credits: CREDITS (Start/Options) Screen, highlight Then continue your game to see your
on this level, press Right on the pad
@ Secret Music: G(alienhead)MEBOY Options and enter it. A new option will invisible player.
and Right-C at the same time. Then @ Level Select (from secret charac- be available called “Cheat Menu.”
press Up on the pad and use the ters): Saturn, Spaceship, Rocket, Choose this menu to get a new screen
Heart, Skull. Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey '98
Right-C button to change the views filled with options such as a level
until you get the snowtrooper! You can select, a Timer Option and skill levels Change Player Appearance
control both characters with the pad. Turol inosaur Hunte: for players one and two. Depending on First go into the Debug Mode. To
the length of these meters, your life do that go to the Options Screen
Wampa Roar Many Cheat Codes
meter in the game will go down either and hit Down-C+R button, Left-C+R
Choose a new slot or edit an exist- On the Title Screen with the menu, slower or quicker. button. A window will pop up that will
ing player by putting in this code: R . choose either Start Game or Enter Also, easy fatalities will be available. allow you to change the appearance
Testers . ROCK (put a space where the Cheat. If you begin playing your game, When you're about to finish your foe, of your players. Press Down-C+R but-
periods are shown). Once you do this, press Start to pause it. A Pause Menu make sure to stand the correct dis- ton to change the head size; Left-C+R
exit the screen and move up and down will appear with an option to enter your tance with your character, and press
button to change the body size; Up-
between different options. You'll hear cheats here as well as the Title A+B+Top-C+Right-C buttons simulta-
C+R button to change the height.
the Wampas roar up a storm when you Screen. Highlight the “Enter Cheat” neously for the fatality. Some examples:
do this; even when you pause. Option and access it. On the Cheat
Free Play and Play as Bosses @ 100000: Stocky Players
Code Screen, put in any of the follow. @ 010000: Stocky Players, Big
Super Mario 64 ing codes to get these results: Wait until the War Gods logo
| CMGTSMMGGTS: Get all of appears on the screen and use the
: Stocky Players, Small
Distort Mario's Face the weapons. D-pad and the buttons (not the analog
After the Title Screen passes,
@ BLLTSRRFRND: Get unlimited joystick) to enter the following code : Small Players, Small
Mario's face will appear. Press the A ammunition. very quickly: Left-C, Left-C, Right,
button and a hand will appear. Move @ DLKTDR: Get the Pen-and-Ink A, B, Up-C. ht-C. You'll hear “All
@ 000100: Large Players, Large
the hand with the joystick to his nose, Mode, in which all of the graphics are Too Easy.” Now go into the Options Announcer
ears, moustache, mouth or hat and black-and-white wireframes and you can move the continues to
@ 000010: Crunched Players, Small
@ SNFFRR: Disco Mode (colored say Freeplay.
press and hold the A button. You can Announcer
grab these parts of Mario's face and strobe lights and dancing enemies To play as Grox, go to the Character
@ 000001: Elongated Players, Large
stretch them. To keep them in place, that don't attack). Select Screen and quickly press Down, Announcer
press and hold the top R button and @ FRTHSTHTTRLSCK: Unlimited Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Up,
@ 110110: Large Players, Small
let go of the A button. lives are at your disposal. Left, Left. Then choose the highlighted Heads, Large Announcer
@ THBST: This code can't be used character to play as him. For Exor, go
@ 010010: Crunched Players, Large
No Obstacles Trick while in the middle of play. You must to the Character Select Screen and
Heads, Small Announcer
Just before you enter Course 14 exit the game and go to the Title press Left, Down, Down, Right, Left,
through the grandfather clock, wait Screen Menu to access the Gallery. Up. Left, Up, Right, Down. Choose the
until the hands are at one o'clock. @ FDTHMGS: You must exit the highlighted character to play as Exor.
At that very moment, enter the level. game and go to the Title Screen Menu
If the trick is done correctly, all the to access the Credits.
obstacles throughout the course will @ THSSLKSCL: Spirit Mode (invinci-
be turned off. This makes things bility and slow-moving enemies).
easier for you to beat the level. After entering the codes you want,
move down to the Enter command and
Red Slide Trick press Start. The result will appear on
When on the upper level of the cas- screen. Press Start to OK the com-
tle, enter Door No. 1. Jump into the mand. Now choose “Exit.” Back on the
right window with the Princess on it. Pause Menu, a new option called
You'll enter the Red Slide Level. Slide Cheat Menu will appear. Access this to
down through the tunnel. When you get another menu which allows you to
come to the yellow barrier, jump and turn on the cheats you have already
dive over it on the left side. You should entered. Exit when you have finished
land on the lower part of the slide and and start or resume your game to have
continue on sliding to the end. This will your chosen cheats activated.
save you time in trying for the second Robins Cheat Code
Secret Star here!
Begin playing your game and press

© 1997 Revolution Sot

PlayStation and the PI
are trademarks of
Entertainment Inc,


PlayStation ¢ Atari Coll. 1 to Contra: Legacy of War

you begin the mission for an increase beep to confirm it worked; this will give the Puzzle Game and you will be trying
to 999 seconds! you more health and armor. As soon to complete a brand-new set of puzzles
as your codes are complete, highlight similar to the originals.
Access All Fighter Jets
“Return To Game” and choose it. You
Go to the Plane Selection Screen will see the results on the right side Buster Brothers Collection
and enter: Left, Left, Right, Down, Up, of the screen.
Down, Right, Select. You will hear a Stage Select
shout to confirm that the code was Bubble Bobble After the Title Screen, press Start
entered correctly. and you'll get to choose between three
Arcade’s Great. Hits: Atari Coll. 1 Access All Missions
Debug Mode
games. Choose “B. Buddies.” Then
At the Title Screen, enter: Down, Up, pick “Games Start” on the next
Tempest Level Skip From the Game Menu, choose the
Down, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, screen. After the Buster Buddies Title
After the beginning cinema ends, Mission Option. At the Mission Select
Up, Down. Press R2 to get the Debug Screen appears, choose a one- or two-
. Screen, press the following buttons:
select the Tempest arcade game. Options during play. player game. On the Select Game
Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Down,
After it has loaded and you get to Screen, go to Normal game and hold
the demo/high scores, press Select Up, Triangle. A shout will confirm that Original Game Mode
Down on the D-pad. Then press X.
for the menu. Move down, highlight the code was entered correctly.
At the Title Screen, enter: Right, After choosing your character, a Stage
and choose Game Options. Put Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up. Secret Select Screen will appear! You can
Demonstration Mode on and press X Brahma Force areas will appear on 20, 30 and 50. choose any set of levels; even the
to accept. Back on the menu, start a end level which is 50!
one- or two-player game by choosing Special Menu, Thunder Bubble Glitch
one of those options and pressing X. Viewpoint Control, Etc. At the Title Screen, do the Debug Expert Mode
Now when your game begins, press LL To get a Special Menu, finish the Code (Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Go to the Select Game Screen and
or R1 to skip levels. Pausing the game entire game within two hours. Keep the Down, Left, Down, Up, Down). While move to the Normal game. Using con-
and then pressing Start again will also memory card, which has the Clear in the game, press R2 to bring up the troller one and two, press and hold X
skip the level. Data, inside the slot. While the “Press Debug Menu. Go to map 63 and then on both. Instead of a normal game,
Here’s also a quick tip to rush Start Button” at the Title Screen is press L2. You will appear on stage 100 you'll get an Expert Mode with new
through all the levels. Hold the Fire flashing, press Start. The system will where there are Thunder Bubbles. levels and backgrounds!
button and L1 or R1 simultaneously. check for save data. A new option Press R2 again and go back to map
By holding the Fire button, you'll kill named “Special” will appear under- O and press L2 to go there. The thun-
Carnage Heart
any enemies or spikes that appear in neath the other options. Highlight and der bubble icons will follow you to the
your way while warping through the enter this special mode. You will now beginning! Now you can easily beat Control Your O.K.E.
level. Caution: Don't circle the grid have access to a Stage Select, Stream the game!
After you get set up and deploy
when rapidly warping or you will be View Mode (see all the full-motion at least one of your units, you'll even-
guaranteed to get hit by the spikes in video), XA Test Mode (test out all of Bubsy 3D tually do battle. Once you do, press
later levels. the voice acting), and the SE Test
Select and the Meters and Camera
Mode (test all the sound effects). Warp Code
display will appear. Press Select anoth-
Ball Blazer Champions To turn on Map Viewpoint Control, Go to the Password Screen and er 11 times and the Camera Angle
begin your game and press Start to enter: XZOOMMERKB. Now, during Option will disappear and turn into an
Various Cheats get the Command Screen. Highlight gameplay, pushing Left on the D-pad Action Option. Press X to make the
Use this key as a reference to the “Map” and enter this mode. Press and Start at the same time will warp Action switch from automatic to manu-
following codes, which should be Select to stop the map rotation. Now Bubsy to key map locations. al. Now you will be in control of the
entered at the Password Screen (Key: you can use the D-pad and the top L 0.K.E. for the battle.
and R buttons to move yourself freely Change ‘Bubsy’s Look —
S=Square, T=Triangle, O=Circle, X=X,
L1, L2, R1, R2=top four buttons): around the map. To return to the Title At the Password Screen, enter:
Screen, press L1+R1+L2+R2+Select Codename: Tenka
@ Shrink the Rotofoil: XURASNAKER. When you go into the
XOXXOX at the same time. game, Bubsy will look like Snake from All Weapons, Level Warp
XXXXXX Easy Game the movie “Escape From L.A.”
Press Start to pause your game and
Go to the Title Screen with the enter these incredible codes.
XSSSSX “Press Start Button” flashing. At this All Weapons: Hold L1 and press

@ Jump to the Master Dome stadi- screen, hold Up-Right+X+Square. More Credits Triangle, R1, Triangle, Square, R1,
While holding these, press Start. Circle, Square, Square. Release L1.
um on Easy in the tournament with From the Title Menu, choose
You'll hear a slightly different selection @ Level Warp: Hold L2 and press
one previous loss on your record:
sound than normal. Begin your game: Options. In the Options Menu, press Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, R1,
OL1L1R1 R212 Left, Right, R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down.
XSSR1R2R1 Now, enemies will be easier to kill, you Square, Triangle, Circle. Release L2.

have more time to complete the level,

A timer counting down from 30 sec-
R2TL2R1L20 onds will appear. Highlight the Credits
L2 R2 R1 X Li R2 and enemies will leave more powerful Command & Conquer
items behind. Option and press X quickly and repeat-
$L2R1X R1R1 edly. Your credits will build up quickly Mission Passwords
at first, but then they'll be harder to
Beyond the Beyond Broken Helix get as you accumulate more. Once the
@ The covert missions in both CDs:
More Ammo, Health and Armor timer counts to zero, you can’t try any
Hidden Introduction Sequence For levels within the NOD mission
more. You may get up to 30 credits,
Pause the game by pressing Start disk enter:
Hold Up and Triangle at the same depending on how quick you are.
and then press Triangle. At the Pause @ Level 2: CO9FAXKWS
time at the Camelot Software logo.
Screen with all of the Menu Options, Play Another World Level 3: RZNLQZ3NL
If done correctly, you will see a com-
highlight the “Help Text” Option. Hold Level 4: W1954XWLF
puter-generated sequence after the When the Title Screen appears,
L1+R2 and then press Triangle and X @ Level 5: WASDASRS8
logo, showing the main character press Start to get to the menu (with
at the same time. You'll hear a beep; @ Level 6: 8PHLMR53W
Bandore and more. Game Start, Time Attack and Options).
this will give you more ammo when you @ Level 7: GTIKWOJDK
Now press R1, Up, L2, Down. A little
return to the game. To get more health Level 8: YKK424K3D
Blast Chamber and armor, go to the same Pause
character will appear in the right-hand
@ Level 9: 874LCPUT4
corner of the screen. Highlight Game
Screen and highlight “Help Text” again. @ Level 10: ASSHPAHXW
Infinite Lives Start and choose it. In the Game
Hold L1+R2 and then press Circle and @ Level 11: OX3UKOP94
Go to the Main Menu Screen and Select option under Puzzle Game will
X at the same time. You will hear a Level 12: Q@DUMSK2)
be “Another World.” Choose to play
with controller one, enter Square, Left, @ Level 13: SZPO9VDSB
Square, Right, Circle, Down, Circle,
Up. Go into the “Games” Option and
Choose the “Solo Survivor” Option. Croc: Legend or Gobbos Contra: Legacy of War
Once you select this, you will have cho- Extra Lives, Stage Select
sen One-player Mode. Go back to the PASSWORD
se Level Select ALLOWS LEVEE ACCESS ONLY Do these codes at the Title Screen;
Main Menu and begin your game. Now
you'll hear a noise if entered correctly.
when you die, your lives meter won't
go down!
THE BASSWORD FOR @ Extra Lives: L2, R2, L1, R41,
aving trouble getting Down, Up, Up and Down.
through this cute-yet-huge @ Stage Select: L2, R1, Li, R2,
Bogey: Dead 6
3-D adventure? Well, get this Left, Right, Circle, Square, R2 and
Add Time to the Timer Trick L2. If entered correctly, a Stage Select
code to work! Go to the
will appear.
When the Now Loading Screen Password Screen and enter
appears (after the Plane and Weapon the following: Left, Left, Left,
Selection Screens, but before the mis- Left, Down, Right, Right,
sion starts), press and hold L4, L2,
Left, Left, Down, Right, Access many stages further in the
R1, R2, X, Circle, Triangle, Square
Down, Left, Up, Right. game when you enter this code.
and Left. Keep the buttons held until
Continued on Page 34
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Association. All other brand and prod
names are trademarks and registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
for some different colors each time.
Cool Boarders
Destruction Derby 2
Change Announcer’s Voice
Access All Tracks
From the Title Screen, access, the
Options. In the Options Mode, press Using controller one, go into the
Select 55 times. The announcer's Race Mode Screen and select either
ile playing the first Die
voice will change to a higher pitch. Wrecking Racing or Stock Car Racing.
lard game, press Start, Select “Championship” at the Race
hold R2 and press Triangle Type Screen. You will enter a Name
10 times. Then press Right Entry Screen. Here enter your name
Level Codes four times. All of the charac- as: MACSrPOO and then hit End. You
should appear at the Main Screen and
Access the Continue Option from ters in the game will turn into the Track Option will have a red cross
the Title Screen. The “Enter Password” stickmen! Everyone will be
Option will appear.
through it. Go back into Race Mode
Now enter any of these codes:
color-coded just like the radar. and choose a mode and then a race
GameShark Codes @ Pier: Triangle, X, Triangle, You will be white, the bad type. Now, if you access the Track

Infinite Health: |801ac4ac0032 Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, guys red, the hostages blue Select Option you should be able to

Square, X, Circle. choose from any of the tracks listed.

Infinite Health: 801ac4b00032 and the dead guys yellow. You'll also be able to select tracks
@ Boat: X, X, X, X, Triangle,
Infinite Gilder: 801dd5¢4270f such as “The Pit” and “Death Bowl” if
Infinite Magic: 801dd5c00004 Square, X, X, X, le.
you choose “Destruction Derby” as
Infinite Magic: 801dd5c20004 @ Tomb: Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle,
your Race Mode.
99 Keys: 801dd6c40063
Steel Flail: 801dd5f80001 Circle, X, Circle.
Ice Wand: 801dd6080001 @ Grave: X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Hard Trilogy
Square, X, X, Triangle, Square, Circle.
Fire Wand: 801dd6100001 Easy Beretta
Earth Book: 801dd6800001 @ Church: Triangle, Triangle,
Water Book: 801dd6880001 Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Here’s a great trick to access a spe-

Fire Book: 801dd6900001 Triangle, Square, Square, Circle. cial weapon that covers more ground
Wind Book: 801dd6980001 @ Day 'o Dead: X, Triangle, X, than that pistol! To pull this one off,
Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, X, jump to the second game, Die Hard 2.
Square, Circle. When this game begins, a helicopter
Final Fantasy VII Club: Triangle, Circle, Triangle, will come in from the left. Before it
GameShark Codes Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Pause and enter the code while gets a chance to fly away, continuously
Square, Circle.
you're playing for all stickmen! shoot at it. You will have to reload a
Infinite Gil: 8009d260ffff @ Tower: X, X, Circle, X, Square, few times, but it will work. After it
Infinite HP for Character 1: Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle. explodes, the Beretta will drop and be
8009d85c0155 i Borderland: Triangle, X, X, X, yours for the taking. Now, you will have
Infinite HP for Character 2: Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, 03: QLRQ 04: TZNF twice the firepower to make your mis-
8009dc9c0155 Triangle, Circle. 06: K1BT 07: L2CV sion a little easier!
Infinite HP for Character 3: @ Finale: X, X, X, Circle, Square, O09: N4FX 10: Z5GZ
8009e0dc0155 12:F7J1 13: G8K2 Multiple Game Cheat Code
Square, X, X, Triangle, Circle.
Infinite MP for Character 1: 14:GGL3 15: KFM4 Begin one of the Die Hard games
8009d86000ff Other Fun Codes Real-time Level: MRTN and press Start to pause. Press and
Infinite MP for Character 2: Enter these codes on the Password hold R2 and then press Left, Right,
8009dca000ff Screen: @ Loose Cannon Missions: Up, Down, Square. Each game gives
Infinite MP for Character 3: @ Debug Mode: Square, X, Square, 02: HWQP 03: RLRQ 04: VZNF you different results.
8009e0e000ff Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, 05: WDS5S 06:L1BT 07: M2CV @ Die Hard: The code gives you
Quick Level Gain: 8009d7d8ffff Square, X, Squar 3DW O09: P4FX 10: O5GZ unlimited energy (invincibility).
@ Stickmen Mode: Triangle, 12:G7J12 = 13: H8K2 @ Die Harder: The code gives
Final Fantasy Tactics Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Circle, :HGL3 = 15: LFM4 you unlimited energy, a map editor (Start
Square, X, Triangle, Triangle. Real-time Level: NRTN button) and a weapon select (Triangle).
GameShark Codes @ Giraffe Mode: X, Circle, Triangle, @ Die Hard With a Vengeance: After
Infinite Gil: 800577ce0fff Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, ™@ No Remorse Missions: entering it, press Start on controller
Infinite HP Character 1: Circle, X, Circle. 03: SLRQ 04: WZNF two for options. Press Triangle to tog-
801924f403e7 @ FMV Select: Triangle, Triangle, 06: MiBT 07: N2CV gle the clock and X to select a level.
Infinite HP Character 1: Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, 09: Q4FX 10: 15GZ
Circle, Triangle, Triangle. 12:H7JL = 13: J8K2 Roswell Code
Infinite MP Character 1: 14: JGL3 15: MFM4 Turn your level into an alien funfest!
Unlimited Energy Real-time Level: PRTN
801924f803e7 Go to the Central Park level within Die
Infinite MP Character 1: Go to the Continue Option from the Hard With a Vengeance. If you don’t
801924fa03e7 Title Screen. The “Enter Password” On any difficulty you can enter have the password handy, enter this

CT Full Character 1: Option will appear. Enter: Circle, X, another code that will give you bizarre code at the Password Screen:
801924fc0064 Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, black-and-white pictures. Just enter the XJLGFT!7XMLG9
Infinite HP Character 2: Circle, X, Square. Invincibility will last code XXXX on the Passcode Screen. T74XMLD3K72X!
801926b403e7 until the final battle. LG82RC8VMZKSH
Infinite HP Character 2: Darklight Conflict HXWQZWM7GVHSJ
801926b603e7 Crusader: No Remorse Then after beginning this level, hit
Infinite MP Character 2: Last Level Code Start to pause and go to “Quit.” Hold
801926b803e7 Small and Big Cheats On the Main Menu Screen, highlight R2 and press Right, Square, Triangle,
Infinite MP Character 2: At the Main Menu, choose “Load and select the Password Option. Now Down, X, X, X. You should then see
801926ba03e7 Game." Then pick the “Teleport to enter this code: DLXGXKDJH. the “Roswell” Screen. Return into the
CT Full Character 2: Mission” Option. On the Passcode Once you choose End, you'll be level and check out all the changes!
801926bc0064 Screen, enter the word, LOSR. The transported to the last level.
Infinite HP Character 3: game will say it’s an invalid password,
8019287403e7 but in the middle of a game, you can
Infinite HP Character 3: Invincibility Code
access two kinds of cheats:
8019287603e7 @ Small Cheats (full health and Cloak, Full Shields Go to Map Screen when within a
Infinite MP Character 3: energy): Press Square+R1. Enter these in the middle of any level and turn “Real Time” off. Then
8019287803e7 @ Big Cheats (all weapons, game (don’t pause or they won't work): press: Circle, Circle, Square, Circle,
Infinite MP Character 3: useables): Press Circle+R1. @ Cloaking Device: Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, X, Circle. Then continue
8019287a03e7 your game and take on your enemies
CT Full Character 3: Passcodes X, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle,
X, Square, X, Triangle. with no worries.
8019287c0064 Here is a compilation of passcodes Full Shields: Triangle, Triangle, X,
Infinite HP Character 4: for the four difficulty levels: Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X, Dynasty Warriors
80192a3403e7 ™ Mama's Boy Missions Square, X, Triangle, X.
Infinite HP Character 4: 02: FWQP 03: PLRQ 04: SZNF Play as Sun Shang Xiang
80192a3603e7 05: TD5S 06: J1BT 07: K2CV Freaky Colors
Infinite MP Character 4: Go to the Title Screen. Highlight “1P
08: N3DW 09: M4FX 10: X5GZ This rather odd trick will allow you to Battle” and then press: Left, Left, Up,
80192a3803e7 11: C6HO 12:D7J1 13: F8K2 change the colors. While playing, enter Down, Triangle, Square, L1 and R1.
Infinite MP Character 4: 14: FGL3 15: JFM4 Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Go to the Character Select Screen to
80192a3a03e7 Real-time Level: LRTN Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, select the new character.
CT Full Character 4: Square, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle,
80192a3c0064 ™@ Weekend Warrior Missions:
Infinite HP Character 5:
X, Square, Triangle. Repeat this code Continued on Page 36

34 EGM
O R/T y

Ag with
natural,powers, iV
from the Spirif WonGirar:
the demonic AordéS"of
Yakumo foffpossession offi
mystical sifés::. before oul,

Subtitied Price: Dubbed Price:

$2995" $1995"
gested retail prices. Prices slightly higher in Canada. Color. Stée6.90 minutes. Superndtural Action/Adventure. Unrated. Co : ion advised. ©1997 TOHO,
Studio Pierrot and MOVIC. All rights reserved. The “YUYU HAKUS| rs are owned and controlled by Yoshihiro Tagashi/S| es isi Pierrot ompany*spokes
mecha M.D. Geist appears courtesy of Nippon Columbia. U.S. Manga/Gorps, Mangamania andjlogos are registered traderkarks of CeneamPark Media Corpae II righ reserved.
Go to the Password Screen and
enter this cheat enabler code: Square,
Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle. 7 0 get your health maxxed
Then press Start. The screen will say
out, press Start to pause
you have entered an invalid code. Exit
the screen and re-enter the Password the game and enter this code:
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, ¥
Screen. Now put in Square, X, Circle,
crear: Fut Beh
Triangle, Circle, X. You will be brought Square, Square, Square,
to a Movie Player Screen where you Square, Square. Then press
can view the cinemas.
Start again. If you entered
For full health, pause in the middle
the code correctly, you should
of the game and do the code.
GameShark Codes see “Cheat: Full Health” on
Many Cheats the screen.
Infinite HP Character 5:
If killing, not living, is more
80192bf603e7 Press Start to pause and enter

Infinite MP Character 5: these codes as shown: your game, get your weapon
80192bf803e7 All Powerful Mode: Down, L2, maxxed out! Press Start to
Infinite MP Character 5: Square, R1, Right, L1, Left, Circle.
@ Lots of Goodies: X, Triangle, L1,
pause the game and enter
Up, Down, R2, Left, Left. this code instead: Triangle,
CT Full Character 5:
80192bfc0064 B Level Skip: Right, Left, R2, R1, Triangle, Square, Square,
Triangle, L1, Circle, X (Press X to go Circle, Circle, Square,
to the level).
Square. Then press Start
i Map All Lines: Triangle, Triangle,
L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Square. again. You will see “Cheat:
GameShark Codes
Map All Objects: Triangle, Sword Power” on the screen For Sword Power, pause within the
Infinite Health for Claire: Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Circle. if you entered it correctly.
800c7c4200c8 @ X-Ray Vision: L4, R2, L2, R1, game and do the code.
Infinite Health for Leon: Right, Triangle, X, Right.
M@ Leon “Starts With __ In Crate” Washington:
Custom Handgun: d00aac8c1000 DBKHN/DBKMO/DBKQO
Custom Handgun: 800ccbh94ff04 “Unlimited Gyros New York: GBKHW/GBKMX/GBKQX
Magnum: d00aac8c1000 Paris: LLSHW/LLSMX/LLSQX Open Up All the Tracks
Magnum: 800ccb98ff05 Go to Crete and fight the Minotaur. Moscow: NL9HW/NLOMX/NL9QX From the Title Screen, highlight
Custom Magnum: d00aac8c1000 After defeating him, he will give you the Tokyo: R39JD/R39NF/R39RF Options and enter it. On the Options
Custom Magnum: 800ccb9cff06 “H" key. Go to the “H” door and walk Oahu: T59HW/T59MX/T59QX Screen, set the difficulty to AMATEUR
Shotgun: d00aac8c1000 up and left. You will see a face in the Las Vegas: Z99HY/Z99MZ/Z99QZ and the Trophy Presenter to MALE.
Shotgun: 800ccha0ff07 wall shooting fire. Now walk down over Mothership: Now move to the Exit Option and press
Custom Shotgun: d00aac8c1000 the fire bridge and all the way to the
399HG/399MH/399QH X to go back to the Main Title Screen.
Custom Shotgun: 800ccba4ff0s end of the hall. You should hear the
music change. Once you do, go back Special Cheat Screen Now on the D-pad, press Up, Right,
Submachine Gun: d00aac8c1000 Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left.
Submachine Gun: 800cchacffOF up and retrace your steps. Go through Go into the Options from the Menu
the “H” door again and back through Next, press Left, then X to go back
Flamethrower: d00aac8c1000 Screen. Move down to the Player Name
into the Options Screen. Put the
Flamethrower: 800ccbbOff10 to the location where the gyros was Option. Enter one of the words shown
originally placed. It will be back in the Difficulty to PROFESSIONAL and the
Rocket Launcher: d00aac8c1000 below (highlighted in red) on the Name
Trophy Presenter to RIDER’S CHOICE.
Rocket Launcher: 800ccbb4ffi1 same spot, so you can take it again! Entry Screen. Then go back to the
Repeat this trick as many times as you Now move to the Exit Option and press
Gatling Gun: d00aac8c1000 Main Menu Screen and press Left,
X to go back to the Main Title Screen
Gatling Gun: 800ccbb8ff1i2 want, to fill up on your stock of gyros.
Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, This time press Up, Left, Down, Right,
Ink Ribbons: d0O0aac8c1000 This method will give you an unlimited Triangle, Down. A new screen called
amount of energy that will last through- Up, Left, Down, Right on the pad.
Ink Ribbons: 800ccc90ffle Cheater” will appear. Listed here are
You will hear a “cash register” type of
Red Jewel: d00aac8c1000 out the rest of the game! the codes that will turn the different
sound indicating that the code worked.
Red Jewel: 800ccc880133 options on or off in this screen:
Now begin your game, choose your
Bishop Plug: d00aac8c1000 @ FOX ROX: opens up CITY. Select
rider and your Race Type. After you get
Bishop Plug: 800ccc78013b any level, including bonus levels. past these modes, the Track Selection
d00aac8c1000 Passwords MR HAPPY: opens up PLANE.
Screen will appear. Now instead of hav-
800ccc74013c At the Main Menu, choose the Load Setting the plane to “BAC” will let you ing to beat one track to get to the
Knight Plug: d00aac8c1000 Option. When the game tells you that fly the alien craft on any level! next, you will have access to all tracks.
Knight Plug: 800ccc70013d it can’t find any files, the Password ™@ GODZILLA: opens up KILL CIVIL
King Plug: d00aac8c1000 Option will appear. Enter any one of (locks onto civilian objects) and KILL Enable Codes
King Plug: 800ccc6c013e the codes for the scenes below: WING (locks onto wingmen and E3). You must first do the “Codes
Unicorn Medal: d00aac8c1000 @ Scene 02: IV73 @ GO POSTAL: opens up FAST
Enabled” trick. To do this, go to the
Unicorn Medal: 800ccc640147 @ Scene 03: AMQ3 RELOAD (quick missile launches), DAM Options and set the difficulty to
Eagle Medal: d00aac8c1000 @ Scene 04: NGH3 AGE BONUS (one missile to kill ene- Professional, and the Laps Per Race to
Eagle Medal: 800ccc600148 @ Scene 05: ZNO3 mies) and WEAPONS (infinite missiles). 6. Press Start after you're done and at
Wolf Medal: d00aac8c1000 cene 06: WVQ3 @ TOURIST: opens up CITY, TOURIST the Title Screen, press Circle, Circle,
Wolf Medal: 800ccc5c0149 @ Scene 07: HC13 (all aliens removed from the world),
Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle,
Special Key: d00aac8c1000 @ Scene 08: 1EZ3 DEMO CAM (detaches camera from Square, Triangle. You'|| hear a sound
Special Key: 800ccc540153 @ Scene 09: UVM3 the plane. The game can’t be played and see a word balloon displaying
cene 10: TZ93 in this mode, but the camera is con- “Codes Enabled.” Now you can enter
Scene 11: U6Q3 trolled by the control pad) and NO any of these codes on the Title Screen:
@ Scene 12: 2QU3 TIME (not timed). i Two-player vs. CPU: Circle, Square,
GameShark Codes (Ver. 1.1) cene 13: KLS3 @ LIVE FREE: opens up INVINCIBLE R2, Circle, Triangle, L2, Right, Up.
@ Claire “Starts With __ In Crate” @ Scene 14: 2XS3 (You'll take no damage). @ Unlimited Turbos: Triangle, Circle,
Ink Ribbons: d013a2b20250 @ Scene 15: 81H3 Right, R2, Up, Square, Up, Triangle.
Ink Ribbons: 800cca58ffle @ Scene 16: 8HU3 B Double Stunt Points: Right, Up,
Red Jewel: d013a2b20250 cene 17: JSV3 Circle, L2, Triangle, Circle, R1, R2.
@ Scene 18: VIH3 Incredible Passwords
Red Jewel: 800cca500133 @ Rocket Racer: Triangle, Up, Up,
Cord: d013a2b20250 These passwords will let you have L2, L2, Up, Up, Up.
Cord: 800cca4c0156 full armor, boost, weapons and 99 @ No Resistance: Square, L1,
Unicorn Medal: d013a2b20250 lives! On the Password Screen, enter Triangle, Right, L1, Down, R2,
Level Passwords one of these codes: Triangle.
Unicorn Medal: 800cca340147
Eagle Medal: d013a2b20250 If you have a memory card inside @ One-player—End Level: @ Super Ability: Down, Circle, Left,
Eagle Medal: 800cca300148 the PlayStation, remove it. Select the C04A770777777 L4, Left, Right, Left, Right.
Wolf Medal: d013a2b20250 Options Screen and press Start. 7777777777777 i Air Brakes: R1, R2, Right, L2, Up,
Wolf Medal: 800cca2c0149 Choose Load Game and press Start. @ Two-players—End Level: Circle, Up, Circle.
Special Key: d013a2b20250 At this point, put in the password of CO2A77X777777 Bi Ice Racing: Up, R2, R1, Right, L1,
Special Key: 800cca240153 the level you wish to enter: 7777777777777 Square, Right, Right.
Grenade Launcher: (Easy/Normal/Hard Levels) @ Multiple Camera Angles: Triangle,
d013a2b20250 Canyon: BBFHB/BBFMC/BBFQC ued on Page 37
Grenade Launcher:

36 EGM
Down, Square, Triangle, Li, L4,
R41, R21.
Ending Codes, Etc.
These codes are entered at the Title
wo ‘A
Screen and do not need the previous
code enabler to make them work: EAs ET ADE @ iN
@ Special Dedication: Choose
Dakota, then return to the Title Screen. to the Front Office Option
Go to the Options and set the number sixue's 6°
and choose the “Create A wii 2as fers five extra options
of laps to 2 and trophy presenter to
Player” Option. From here, Manoeo: 167 to choose from. On the Main Menu
Female. Hold R2 and select Credits. SORT. Screen, highlight and choose
View All Endings: Go to Options. enter any of the following and <ONTORNE
“Options.” In the Options Screen, high-
Set difficulty to Amateur, turn off then save the name. When light one of the selectable boxes and
Turbos and Grapples, hold L2 and you return to Exhibition Mode
Enter any of the codes shown at hold the L1+L2+R1+R2 buttons. With
select Credits.
and to the Vs. Screen, you these held, hold Up. The game will
@ Present All Riders: Go to Options. the Create Player Screen. make a noise and the screen will
Set difficulty to Amateur, turn off will be able to select from the
shake. Now you may access the Secret
Turbos and Grapples, hold L1 and hidden teams and stadiums:
Konfigure Mode that will let you turn
select Credits. Hidden Teams on or off these special options:
@ Tiburon team: Loin Cloth 1 One-button Fatalities: The top four
EA Sports team: TirTsweRe, buttons are now used to give your
stom opponent fatalities, babalities,
Boss Code Orrs Heroes SAN DIEGO
All Madden team: Coach SAN FAROE, brutalities, etc.
Choose “Team Battle” from the Main scar @ Instant Aggressor: The Aggressor
Menu Screen. When the Character All Time Leaders team: maura tary
maseonroi® meter comes up very quickly in
Select Screen appears, press Up, Up, Leaders ro Bom the game.
Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, All 1960s team: ‘SOPersom @ Normal Boss Damage: The
Start. Master Ishii will appear to the
Pac Attack Bosses are harder to kill.
right of the other fighters. @ Low Damage: It's harder to kill
All 1970s team: Enter the hidden stadiums and any opponent.
Strength Adjust Steelcurtain you'll get to use them here! @ Health Recovery: You will recover
During a match, press Start to All 1980s team: energy in the game.
pause. Then press L2, R1, L41, R1, L2,
Gold Rush @ Tampa Bay Stadium:
R1. You will see numbers flashing on
the left and right side. Use the D-pad
@ NFC Pro Bowl team: Big Sumbrero
to move the numbers up or down for Aloha @ Orange Bowl: Dandaman Hidden Options Screen
each character so you can increase or @ AFC Pro Bowl team: Luau @ RFK Stadium: Olddc “To get a hidden Options Menu in
decrease your chosen player's strength Hidden Stadiums @ Tiburon Stadium: this game, highlight the Options from
between 1 and 9.
@ Astrodome: Jetsons Sharksfin the Main Menu. Now press and hold
See the Ending @ Cleveland Stadium: @ Wild West Stadium: L41+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press
Dawgpound Ghost Town X. In addition to the normal options
Turn on the PlayStation with the K-1
that appear, you will have access to
CD inside. Now hold L1+L2+Triangle+ @ Oakland Stadium: Snake many more under each subheading
Circle+Left on both controllers while
such as Ghost Car, View Angle, Missile
the game loads. Continue to hold
View, Position Marker, Panel Layout,
these buttons until the demo begins.
i Infinite Energy: Circle, L1, L4, L4, correctly. Then begin your game, and Track Map, Head-up Speed Meter and
Instead of the normal introduction, you you'll be able to use your cheats:
Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, much more. You can choose to turn
will be treated to the ending cinema, Circle, fe, CAL, Lt, it, LA, Jump Jets: #YXO/A>YOL these options on or off.
complete with the game credits.
Circle, Circle, L1. ruise Throttle: #AXO/A4YYA
New Uniforms @ Level Select: L4, Circle, L1, L4, @ Unlock Missions: T<XO/AXA<=
L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, @ “Heavy” Mechs: #0X0/A>>0/
At the Title Screen, hold La, L2, R41,
L4, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, L4, @ Extra Variance: T#XO/AX<<< Grobda Stage Select
R2 until you hear three beeps and then
Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle (Then use lore Ammo: TOXO/AX>TU
a fourth higher-pitched tone at the end. This code is for the game Grobda
R1 and R2 to select your level).
Press Start and choose your game within the Namco Museum Vol. 2 CD.
type from the Menu Screen. When you Tarantula Mech This trick will allow you to select your
go to the Player Select Screen, you will starting stage. When the Grobda Title
On the Main Menu Screen, move
see the fighters in alternate uniforms! Screen appears, press and hold L1,
Various Codes down and highlight the Password
option. Enter it with X. Now, enter
L2, R1 and R2. With these held, press
Access the Passwords Option from Start. In the middle of the screen, you
the Title Screen and enter the following
the password: #/XO/A4<LY This will
will see a Battle Selection Screen. Use
give you a new mech chassis called,
Hidden Level Select Screen codes from the results shown below. the pad to change the number then
“Tarantula.” Now choose your clan
You will hear an explosion sound to press a button to start at that stage!
Select the Password Option. and then pick one of the available mis-
confirm that they worked:
At the Password Screen, enter: sions. After you do this, you may opt to Fill Dragon Buster Lifebar
I Infinite Continues: ** URANUS**
LAMPWICK. If entered correctly, choose your Mech with the Square
View End Movie: **SATURN** Choose Dragon Buster from the
“Password Correct” will appear. Select button. Scroll down the list until you
@ Show Credits: SHOWCREDIT Games Menu. At the Dragon Buster
the difficulty you wish to play. After you see Tarantula, the spider-looking mech.
@ Activate Exit Areas Without Title Screen, press Select about 10
choose Play, you will be taken to the You may now use it in combat!
Needing to Complete Goals: times or more, then press Start to
screen full of levels (up to 80).
NO MISSION (with space) begin the game. When your vitality in
Lemmings Movies @ One-Shot Kills: GRIMREAPER the game gets to 32 or below, press
BB Invincibility: INVINCIBLE L4+R1. Your vitality will rise to 128
To see the full-motion scenes auto- Secret Chameleon
and this will use one credit.
matically, choose “Codes” from the
At the Player Select Screen, choose
Main Menu on the Title Screen and
Human Smoke. Now, before the round
enter the following passwords:
View Cinemas begins, hold Left+High Punch+High
@ Space Movie—SPACEAAA
Kick+Block+Run at the same time. Stop Ship, FullShield, Etc.
Egyptian Movie—EGYPTAAA When you turn on your PlayStation,
(For player two, hold Right instead
@ Army Movie—ARMYAAAA press and hold R1. Keep holding it Press Start to pause during the
of Left.) As soon as the match starts,
@ Ending Movie—MAZEAAAA until the hidden Cinema Screen game and enter any of the codes:
Smoke will disappear in a burst
appears. You will then have the oppor- @ Stop your Ship: Triangle, Left,
of flames and Chameleon will be
tunity to choose from several different Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Triangle,
his replacement!
cinemas to view including the winning Start. Stop your ship at any time by
Many Cheats and losing cinemas, the Super Bowl Level Select pressing Triangle.
and the Tournament cinemas and even @ Enable your Memory Card: Left,
At the Main Menu of the Title Start a game and highlight Sonya
Screen, enter any one of these codes
the production company cinema! on the Character Select Screen. With
Right, Left, Left, R2, Circle, L4, X.
to get the results as shown. You'll hear Sonya highlighted, hold Start and
This allows you to save a game onto
the memory card. A memory card must
a laugh if you did a code correctly. To press Up. Then choose your character
be inserted prior to booting up for this
turn a code off, just do it again at the
Cheat Codes
and a screen that says, “Select
same Main Menu Screen: Kombat Zone” will appear. Press Left
to work. Once the code is entered, you
can save by quitting out. Then you will
@ Infinite Ammunition: Circle, Enter the following cheat codes or Right on the directional pad to
Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, L1, and then press X to accept at the switch the level on the bottom of the be put into the modified Password
14, Circle, L4, Circle, L1, L1, Circle, Password Screen. The woman's voice screen. Choose it and you will be
Screen from where you may save.

L4, Circle, L4, L4, L4, L4. in the game will sound if entered warped to that level!
PlayStation ¢ NBA Hangtime to NFL GameDay ’97

Access Full Shield: Select, Circle, password. You can now drive one of 26
Right, Up, Up, L4, L1, X. This allows secret cars! Return to the Main Menu
you to gain full shield capacity. and select Race. It doesn’t matter
@ To access Warp Sim: Circle, what normal car you already have
Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, selected. NOTE: If you want to use a
Triangle, Triangle, X. This allows you secret car password in Two-player
to simulate the speed burst of the Mode, simply replace the password ME
warp zones. o into the museum and with U for the second player (example:
from the information
ARMYU). These passwords stay in
Lock-On Lightning Bolt
booth, go right and up the memory for one race:
When you finish the game on

stairs. Now, turn to the left
the hard difficulty setting, you get @ ARMYME—Army truck
a lock-on lightning bolt special weapon.
and you will see a room next SUSME—Yellow school bus
With this password, you can get it with- to the game rooms called the @ BEETME—Car with sunroof
out beating the game. Just highlight XRoom. Go into this room @ BMRME—BMW
Resident Evil 2 and enter the Password Option from and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Up @ BNZME—Mercedes Benz
the Main Menu Screen and enter: UGME—Volkswagen bug
GameShark Codes (Ver. 1.1) simultaneously. With these
X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, ITME—Citrogen
held, press Triangle. You will
Claire “Starts With _ In Crate” Circle, X, ingle, X. You'll be taken @ JEPME—Comanche pick-up
Grenade Launcher (Fire): to Level 1 with your ship all souped-up hear a sound and the room @ LCME—Landcruiser
d013a2b20250 with spread lasers and the new light- will flash white for a second. @ LIMOME—White limousine
Grenade Launcher (Fire): ning bolt weapon which can be used To the right of the dark room MAZME—Mazda Miata
800cc960ff0a with the Circle button. @ QUATME—Audi Quattro
| will be a woman with green
Grenade Launcher (Acid): @ SEMIME—Semi truck cab
clothes. Stand in front of her 1 SNOWME—Same as ARMYME,
NBA Hangtime
Grenade Launcher (Acid): and press X. She will then different trailer
800cc964ff0b Many Cool Codes disappear and you will be left @ TRAMME—Wonolithic Studios
Bowgun: d013a2b20250 Pick Enter Name from the “Choose with the pedestal in the mid- tram
Bowgun: 800cc968ff0c @ VANME—Combi minivan
Option” Screen. On the Name Entry dle of the room and the words @ VOVME—Volvo stationwagon
Spark Shot: d013a2b20250 Screen, put in one of the names and
Spark Shot: 800cc970ff0e “Assault Plus” flashing above ‘IME—Jeep Renegade/Wrangler
PIN numbers as shown below:
Submachine Gun: d013a2b20250 @ TURMEL 0322: Mark Turmell it. Access the pedestal and @ CRATME—Brown wooden crate
Submachine Gun: 800cc974ffOf YANR 0000: Dan Roan the game will be the new @ LOGME—Long wooden log
Rocket Launcher: d013a2b20250 @ OUTHME—Small brown outhouse
IVITA 0204; Sal Divita Assault Plus game!
Rocket Launcher: @ ROOT 6000: John Root from North Country
800cc978ff11 @ SNO 0103: Sheridan Oursler @ STDAME—Souvenir stand (green)
Gatling Gun: d013a2b20250 @ AMRICH 2020: Dan Amrich @ STDBME—Souvenir stand (blue)
Gatling Gun: 800cc97cff12 @ PIPPEN 0000: Scottie Pippen
@ STDCME—Souvenir stand (red)
(with hidden attributes)
@ TREXME—T-Rex from Monolithic
li WAGOME—Old covered wagon
GameShark Codes NBA Jam Extreme from Monolithic Studios.
Extra Points: d009b2360000 Random Selects, Big Feet
Extra Points: 8009b2360fff For a Random Team Select, go to NFL GameDay '97
Have All Swirlies: 8009b24e0103 the Character Selection Screen and Easter Egg Cheat Codes
press Up and the Turbo button at the
These codes produce various results
same time. To get a Random Player,
press Up and Turbo again after the when entered on the Easter Egg
GameShark Codes Random Team Select is done. To give Do all of the codes in the X-Room Screen. To access this screen, choose
your player very big feet, choose “Yes” to find the hidden “Assault Plus.” either a preseason or a new season
Infinite Laser |: 800b76540100
and your teams. At the screen where it
Infinite Laser Il: 800b76660100 when asked to keep a record. After
entering any initials and dates, you gives you the Start Game Option,
Infinite Plasma: 800b768a0100
press in succession L1, R1, L2, R2.
Infinite Phoenix Missiles: will be asked if you want to turn on @ EASPORTS: EA Sports Team
the Big Head Mode. Hold Right on the This brings up the Easter Egg Screen.
800b76c00008 @ TIBURON: Tiburon Team
D-pad when choosing your answer to Choose the “Add Entry” Option and
Infinite Specials: 800b76d200e8 @ SHORT QUART: 15-second
get big feet! enter any of these codes:
Infinite Cannon: 800b77080008 quarters @ Doc—Reduces the number
Infinite lon Cannon: Here are the historic teams: of injuries.
800b76780100 NBA Live 97 @ JEXLAD—’73 Alabama @ Hogs—Offensive advantage
Infinite Mines: | 800b76f60010 @ WHVCIR—'89 Alabama
Cheat Screen in blocks.
Infinite Guided Missiles:
@ Hang Time—Punts are slower.
800b76ae0008 At the Game Setup Screen enter: CEVHETS—'89 Colorado 1 Credits—Show credits.
L4, X, X, L4, X, Square, R1, X, VEWOJ—'96 Florida @ Equalizer—Makes all players
WCW Nitro Square, R1, Circle. This might take @ MYLQLOH—’93 Florida State
about equal.
GameShark Codes
you to the Credits Screen. Then press @ RCIXRE—'96 Florida State @ Squall—High wind and rain.
and hold simultaneously: Up+Right+ @ ZOWS—'82 Georgia 1 No Time—Game Clock doesn't
@ Enable Characters: Triangle+Square. Now, set up an exhi- EIWQOH—'83 Miami run.
Eric Bischoff: 800633200001 bition game, and when you reach the i WREHSTAEH—’86 Miami @ Flea Circus—Players are tiny and
Mean Gene: 800633240001 Loading Screen, press and hold: @ WEVKIM—’87 Miami quick.
Jericho: 800633280001 L1+R1+Up+Right+Triangle+X+Square @ WMIXJ—'89 Miami @ Torreta—Passes are lofty.
Disco Inferno: | 8006332c0001 +Circle. Hold these buttons during the WYGGKEP—'91 Miami @ Fridge—Jumbo-sized players.
Bobby The Brain: 800633300001 entire Loading Screen. If done correct- WEINVNOD—’92 Miami @ Frog—Defensive high-dive leap
Miss Elizabeth: 800633340001 ly, you should enter the Hidden Cheat @ ANOYSAJ—'94 Miami frogs.
Sonny Onoo: 800633380001 Screen. A list of players will be shown. @ BSEPMAJ—’'65 Michigan State B Kraig—Fumble very high.
Ultimo Dragon: 8006333c0001 Depending on which controller you @ KCIZRE—'91 Michigan @ Butkas—Defensive charge and
Steve McMichael:800633400001 have, change the height of the player IGSI—'83 Nebraska hits are high.
Rey Mysterio Jr.: 800633440001 by pressing L1 and L2. Pressing Start @ EGAXRIM—’91 Nebraska @ Tempest—Darkness during rain
Jimmy Hart: 800633480001 will access the “Outdoor Court.” setting.
Steven Regal: 8006334c0001 Pressing Up will access Chameleon Need for Speed 2 @ Shout—Louder crowd.
Jacquelyn: 800633500001 Mode. Press Triangle and X at the @ Big Girls—Cheerleaders are
Madusa: 800633540001 same time and begin your game. Bonus Vehicle Passwords double-sized.
Kimberly: 800633580001 On the Main Menu Screen, highlight @ Busy Ref—Lots of BS penalties
Konnan: 8006335c0001 NCAA Football '98 the Options and enter it. Move down, called.
Hulkster: 800633600001 highlight and enter the Password @ Slo Mo—Game speed is slower.
Pee Wee: 800633640001 Many Cool Codes @ Brittle—Lots of injuries occur very
Option. Now put in these passwords:
Stinger: 800633680001 At the User Records Screen, enter @ LILZIP—Bonus car: Ford Indigo frequently.
Greyling: 8006336c0001 one of these names to release a cheat @ SHOTME—Bonus track: 1@ Defense—Defensive catch-up
Schiavone: 800633700001 for either a new team or a cool code. Monolithic Studios speed returns.
Savage: 800633740001 @ ELECTRICH: Electric Football @ POWRUP—Pioneer engines; 1 Offense—Defenders dive from
Whitey: 800633780001 @ SEE FMV: Enables the FMV Menu faster acceleration for all cars (lasts far away.
Buzz: 8006337c0001 @ WHOLE POLL: See 112 Teams in for one race) @ Long Jump—Human Dives are
Ivan: 800633800001 the Poll farther.
@ GB SPEED: Fast Players
26 Secret Cars @ Dempsey—FGs can be made from
1 COOLSITE: Show All Stadiums At the Main Menu, select Options,
then Password. Enter the desired car's Continued on Page 40

38 ~=EGM’
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PlayStation ¢ NFL Qback Club ’97 to PS Underground No. 1

@ TOMMYBOY—Full tilt. Finish a

level and you'll get to play this!
@ CASHDASH—Speed greed. This
ower is the bonus level after a normal level
POWER EASTER EGGS is finished.
@ BORNFREE—Go to any world.
0 to the Main Menu and = Peak Performance
access the Options.
@ Dervish—Spins more effective. Move down to “Easter eggs” Hidden Cars
@ Idiot—CPU makes bad decisions and enter the following: From the Primary Selection Screen,
and coverage.
@ Blasters—More time to pop a
@ look ma: No Hands choose 1P Race. On the next screen,
@ horsemen: No Heads highlight and choose the “Car Select”
receiver and get ball out.
Option. On the Garage Select Screen,
@ Blizzard—High winds in snow. @ humongous: Big Players
highlight Garage A, hold L1 and press
Goliath—50-foot high players. Wf thin air: High Kicks Add an entry on the Easter Eggs
Circle. Next, highlight Garage B, hold
1 Gloves—Great hands for i fire drill: Super Speed Screen and you will be able to play L141 and press Circle. Then highlight
@ blind ref: No Calls the game with multiple cheats! Garage C, hold L1+R1 and press
@ Stretch—Really high one-handed
Circle. This makes you go back to the
Car Select Option. Go back into the
@ Sayers—Defenders dive from very
weight. Press Triangle to exit. Go to Garage Select and you will see a new
far away.
Sign Free Agent. This player will have option under Garage D. Look inside
@ Bazooka—Bullet passes. Quarterback Club ’97 Garage D for three new cars to choose
@ Mandarich—Offense at disadvan- 99 stats overall!
Tons of Codes from. Also, highlight and access the
tage on blocking.
new special option to see the new
@ Pancake—Blocks resolve quickly. Go to the Team Select Screen and Norse by Norsewest vehicles in the back of the garages.
@ Crunchy—Louder football noises enter the following for various results:
Passwords for Levels One to 31 You can choose to race with a bus, a
(hitting and blocking). @ Pro Bowl Teams: truck, a Ferrari and a motor scooter.
@ Toast—Bad pass coverage. L1, L1, L4, Triangle, L1, L1. Access the Password Option and
@ Scrambler—QBs get speed boost. @ Land Mines: enter the level codes as shown. (Be Soccer Ball Trick
@ Assassin—Recs, no hands on 14, L4, L4, R41, L4, L4. sure to account for the numbers mixed Go into the course editor. While
blast, injuries up. @ Slippery Ball: in with the letters): holding X, press Triangle to make your
@ Broadway Joe—Slow QBs with L4, L4, L4, L2, L4, La. 01.NTRO 02.1STS 03. 2NDS cone white. Place the white cone on
bullet passes. @ No Fumbles: 04.TRSH O5.SW1M 06. WOLF the course. Repeat as necessary,
@ Twister—High wind during windy L4, L4, L4, R2, L4, L4. 07. BR4T 08. K4RN 09. BOMB depending on how many cones
conditions. @ Off Day: 10.WZRD 11.BLKS 12. TLPT you have left in your inventory. Now
@ Home Cooking—No PI or personal 14, L4, Triangle, R2, L1, Triangle. 13.GYSR 14.B3SV 15. R3TO choose your car and start the race.
foul on home team. @ Big Boys: 16.DRNK 17. YOVR 18. OV4L The white cones will have turned into
@ Hatchet—Forearm shiver is L4, L4, R1, Triangle, L1, R1. 19.TiN3 20.D4RK 21. H4RD soccer balls, which you can run into
juiced. @ Small Guys: 22.HRDR 23.LOST 24. OBOY with your car!
@ Tight Cover—Coverage is tighter. La, Li, R1, R1, L4, R41. 25. HOM3 26.SHCK 27. TNNL
@ Rejection—Higher defensive @ Throw 100 Yds. On Bomb Zone 28.H3LL 29.4RGH 30. B4DD
jump. Perfect Weapon
Play: La, L1, R41, R2, L4, R41. 31. D4DY
Bi Piston—Stronger stiff arm. @ Speed Up Game: Invincibility
@ Atomic Bomb—Explosion on L4, L4, L2, L2, L4, L2. Ogre Battle
severe hits, such as lightning. @ Special Teams: In the game, press Start to pause.
Ouch—Big hits and high flip hits. L4, L4, L2, R2, L4, L2. Hidden Stage Quickly press Circle+Square+Right at
@ Big Stars—Players with above 87 @ Team Power Boost: the same time. Let go and then quickly
In the beginning of the game when press Left+R1+R2. You'll hear a sound
overall are much bigger. L4, L4, R2, Triangle, L1, R2. you are asked by Warren to enter
@ Bo Knows—Shoulder charge is to confirm that the code worked.
your name, put in FIRESEAL on the
Password Screen. Go through the
@ Electric FB—Players twitch and PlayStation Underground No. 1
questions, and after a little loading,
sound like electric football. Cheat Mode and Net Teams
@ Loud Mouth—Loud PA announcer.
the Map Screen will appear. Move your Secrets on First CD
@ NYSE—Swim moves juiced.
While waiting for the puck to drop cursor to the crossed swords and you
during the faceoff, press L4, L2, R1 will see that it is Dragon’s Heaven. M@ Twisted Metal 2 tricks: At “The
@ GB Speed—Game Breaker-type
followed by one of the buttons below This is a new stage not normally found
Vault” Screen, press Circle, Triangle
for various results: in the game. and Square.
B@ Dark Knight—Lights out during @ Cool Boarders tricks: Inside
™@ X: Speeds up gameplay
night games.
@ L1: Increased penalties
Music Test the “Tech Q&A” Screen, quickly
Bl Juice—Hyper speed burst. Enter your name as MUSIC/ON. The press Circle, Triangle, Square,
@ R1: Increased penalty shots
@ Blind Ref—Ref doesn't call PI or Triangle, Circle.
™@ L2: More accurate shots game will load and the Music Mode
personal fouls.
@ R2: Easy goals Screen will appear. @ NFL GameDay '97 hints: Inside
1 Infamous Pop-Ups—GameDay- “Behind the Scenes,” hold L4, L2,
For net teams enter NETHOCKEY
style pop-ups on blasting.
at the Name Entry Screen. R1, R2.
@ Juggler—One-handed catches, tip Pandemonium! @ Jet Moto tricks: Inside “Code
off a lot. Book,” press Triangle, Triangle,
Tons of Codes
@ Karate—Forearm, stiff arm, swim NHL Faceoff '97 Triangle.
juiced with no recharge. Enter these codes on the Password @ Hidden Credits: On the Main
Super Players Trick Screen for various results:
@ Pinball—Jostling increased. Menu Screen of the CD, press Square,
@ Genius—CPU remembers 30 On the Main Menu, choose the @ EVILDEAD—Immortal enemies. Triangle, Circle, X.
plays. Rosters Option. Then choose Create They keep coming back. @ Upcoming Game demo: In
@ GD Challenge—Hidden difficulty Player. Enter one of the names from @ TWISTEYE—Hold L1 and L2. Download Station, and inside Carnage
level. the credits in the back of your instruc- Move the D-pad Left or Right to Heart at the Download Screen, press
tion booklet. Put in 1 for their number, rotate the screen. Pull it down to and hold R1, L4, R2, L2 in sequence.
F for the position and 150 for their center it again.
@ INANDOUT—It allows you to quit Secrets on Second CD
in mid-game as normal, but rather than @ Urge Video: At the Main Screen of
Nuclear Strike 0 back to the Main Screen, you can
carry on, or restart another, or do the
the CD, hold Square, Triangle and
Circle. With these held, press L1.
same level (you must have reached @ Ginuwine Video: At the “In Stores
i Level Passwords more than one level). To go back to the Now” Screen, hold L1, R41, L2, R2 in
Main Screen, repeat the quit procedure succession. While held, let go and
on the Level Select Screen. press L1+R1+L2+R2.
ere are cool passwords: @ THETHING— Hold L2 and press M@ NHL Faceoff Contest: At the
a? @ LIGHTNING: Go toa Circle to cycle through odd shapes of “Coming Soon” Screen, press Square,
secret level. Beat it to see a © eas View 3 Paitword your body. L2+X swaps your body back Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square.

preview of the next Strike! STRIKE Files Loads Game. to normal. @ Resident Evil 2 preview: At the
S303 Came. @ HARDBODY—Invincibility. “Coming Soon” Screen, hold Square,
@ MPG: Reduce fuel usage. BODYSWAP—Press Triangle to Triangle, Circle, then press X.
@ CUTTHROATS: Level 2. swap characters in mid-game.

i COUNTDOWN: Level 3. @ OTTOFIRE—Permanent weapon.

@ PLUTONIUM: Level 3b. On the Main Menu, choose the (You won't lose your weapon once you

Load/Save Option and then enter get it unless you switch weapons.)
@ PUSAN: Level 4. @ VITAMINS—Get 31 lives.
i ARMAGEDDON: Level 5. one of the level passwords. @ CORONARY—Extra hearts.
Continued on Page 42
“100 plus housof vena
% 8 different,possible tng
“> Non-linear ftoryline.—
@ 3-D isometricde f
aie anus
=> | RPG/SIM PlayStationandthePlaySiatio
Three Hidden Players
Play as Boss
Go to the Title Screen and enter one
or all of the codes for:
Sparrow: Circle, Right, Triangle, emember this classic
Up, Square, Left, X, Down, X, Down,
ua fighting game series from
Square, Left, Triangle, Up, Circle,
Right, Select. Then press Select the arcades?
again on Commandant on the Player Well, here’s a (relatively)
Select Screen. painless way to play as the
@ Gorgon (the Ring Announcer): L4, hidden Boss, Zankuro! To
L1, L2, R2, R2, R1, Triangle, Down,
X, Up, Select. Then press Select select him, choose Vs. Mode
On the Player Select Screen, hold
again on Orange from the Player and go to the Character
Start and move to the characters.
Select Screen. Select Screen.
cca cirri
@ Sallie (the Referee): Up, Down, Hold down Start and high- >t ON ORULLENCER
Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square, light the following characters Losi eaie ae
If you have the Wltem Materia, Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. Then
equip it and enter battle. Use the press Select again on El Temblor
in order: Start on Haohmaru
W-ltem command and select your from the Player Select Screen. and then go to Genjuro,
first item you want to use with Basara, Kyoshiro, Ukyo,
Circle. Thenyehoose your second Rimruru, Haohmaru,
item but do not use if )Select it
) that Cursors appear ON\the Replenish Trick
Shizmaru, Nakoruru, Hanzo,
sreen (either on your allies or Amakusa, Gaira, Galford and
When you are low on life, press
enemies) then cancel with X.
Start. A menu will appear; highlight the then Shizmaru. Keep holding
Select again and make the cursor Start and then X+Circle.
last option, Review Mission. Now hold
appear then cancel, Repeat the
down Square and press: Circle, X, Zankuro should then appear You will be able to play as the
selecting and canceling of the
econd item over and over. Each Triangle. Then release Square, then as a selectable character.
hold down Cirele and press: Square, Boss, Zankuro with this code!
time you do this the quantity of
X, Triangle. If done correctly, Cheater
the first item will increase by one,
should appear at the top of the screen,
and your life meter will replenish. @ Speed Boost: Left, Left, Right,
Right, Triangle.
Cloak Code @ Shield: Down, Left, Square,

This code allows your character to Lots of Cheats Circle.

be unseen...quite advantageous when Enter the following Cheat codes at 1 Two-Way Weapon: Up, Triangle,
press Up, Right, Square, Circle, moving in for the kill! To enter the the Pause Screen, while playing within Up, Triangle.

Up, Down, Right, Left. cloak code, just press Start on con: a game. Be sure to hold Li and L2 for i Three-Way Weapon: Right, Right,
@ Full Magic: While playing, troller one to pause when within the about 10 seconds before entering Square, X.
press Right, Right,Square, game. While paused, highlight “Review codes and keep holding them until the @ Four-Way Weapon: Down, Down,
Circle, Upy Down, Right, Left. Mission.” Then hold Triangle, press code is finished: Up, Circle.
@ View, All Video Clips: While Square, Circle, Circle, Square and @ Extra Ammo: Triangle, Left, Left,
playing, press Left, Right, release Triangle. Hold X, press Left, Circle, Triangle, Down.
Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Triangle and release X. If @ Level Skip: Left, Triangle, X,
Left, then press Select and view done correctly, “Cheater!” should Right, Circle, Triangle, Down. Instant $1 million
the Dark Diary. appear at the top of the screen. Then @ Health: Down, Right, Left, Either choose to load a city or start
press Start again to unpause the Triangle, Right, Down. a new one. In the game, go to the City
game, and you will notice that your Hl Weapon Power-up: Left, Up, X, Info icon then access the Budget icon
character is cloaked. Now you can wan- Circle. (dollar sign). On the Budget Screen,
Get the Good Ending der right in front of your enemy without Each cheat should appear at the press and hold R1. Press X, Circle,
th the Lost Forest, when you him/her taking any notice. Note: This Pause Screen if entered correctly. Just Triangle, Square then release R1,
talk to Mae to get the compact, code works just as if you picked up the highlight the cheat you wish to use and Next, press and hold L1. Press X,
sh@ asks you 4 Series of que item, so the effect will wear off after a press X to activate it Circle, Triangle, Square then release
tions. Answer them in this way: while. Enter the code again when this L1. Press and hold R2. Press X,
Q1) “If | stay here; iil be safe!” happens, as often as you wish. Circle, Triangle, Square then release
A) Stop! R2. Press and hold L2. Press X,
Q2) “Why do you guys figt Stage Select Square, Triangle, Circle then release

A2) For everyone. Go to the Main Menu. Now press L2. As soon as you do this, you'll hear
Q3) “Why do you live?” Get More Colors to Make Logo
and hold L4, L2, R41 and R2. While a cheer! Check your finances and you'll
A3) For finding the answer. To get additional colors when mak- have $1 million!
holding these, press Select. A mes-
ing your logo, move the cursor out of sage will appear in the upper-right cor- Play Slots for Prizes
the painting area. Press and hold ner with the stage number. Press Left
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. An RGB Option or Right on the D-pad to pick a stage.
Begin a new game and go to the
Money Trick appears on the side of the drawing Recreation icon (the one with the bal-
board. Move to a color and press Fight Zio Gigas loons). Access this icon and move over
Here's a great way to build up to the Marina (the icon with the sail
your money. Just be sure you R1+Up or Down to change the values This incredible trick puts you in the
of your colors. number-one position in the tourna- boat). Choose the Marina then place it
ave 10,000 bits on you and go on the map near a body of water. Go to
to the town of Rockland. You will ment, allowing you to fight Zio Gigas
Track Mirror Mode the Budget icon (dollar sign) and turn
meet a lady that plays the cup From the Menu Screen, move to the
Choose a race and hold Password Option. Enter the password on the Legalized Gambling Option
e will ask you how much
L1+R1+Select+Start until the race underneath the City Ordinances Menu.
you.wish to bet—100, 1,000 or as shown with the upper and lower
Now go back and find the sailboat. Use
10,000. Bet your 10,000 bits and begins. The tracks will flip. case letters:
X9yl470MUGWNGXXkX the Query tool to highlight the boat.
choose the cup on the right. You Rotate Logo
fPX3Xn3jYWWWaXXdO Once you highlight it, press L1. A slot
should win the game and gain the machine will appear in the middle of
After More Colors Mode is activated, Once you do this, you will be upgrad-
money. Then quit and go back to the screen. Press Circle to stop each
go to the Paint Menu, hold Li+R1 and ed with the best equipment, and you
the lady and play the cup gam column from spinning. It costs $100
in. Bet another 10,000 bits then press any direction to flip your will be able to access all of the differ-
artwork up, down and sideways. You'll ent arms in the game. per play. You can gain a plethora of
and choose the cup on the fight.
be able to place it on the car this way prizes ranging from a tornado to power
Keep doing this until you recei plant renewal.
if you leave it flipped.
all the money you want.
Toggle Rear View Mirror
Instant Power-Ups
If you want to turn off the rear view
mirror, press Start to pause and then
Here are the key combinations to Level Select Code
most of the power-ups in the game.
hold the Triangle button. While holding Go into the Options Menu and set
it, press L1. to make the mirror go Just enter them while playing within
your game (don’t pause):
your next game to Easy Mode. When in
away. If you want the mirror to return,
keep holding Triangle and press R1. @ Flamethrower: Down, Right, the game press Start to pause and

Down, Right, Circle. enter: Triangle, Circle, Circle, Left,

@ Pulse Wave: Up, Circle, Down, Circle, Up, Down. After this, unpause
Right, Square.
Continued on Page 43
PlayStation ¢ Soul Blade to Tigershark

and hold Start+Select to bring yourself Kick or Punch button and let go of
back to the Title Screen. Go into the Star Gladiator Start. (The new Akuma is faster and
Options Menu and you should notice a can do a double fireball in the air
new option at the top of the menu—a Secret Characters (Jump and press Down, Down-Forward,
Level Select! @ Bilstein: At the Title Screen, press Forward+Punch]. He is also much
faster with every move. One of his
Unlimited Heart Stones and hold Select while entering Arcade
Level 3 super attacks can even go
Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto
Press Start to pause within the across the screen now [Jab, Jab, Right,
Gore and press X, Circle, X, Circle,
game. Enter: Left, Up, X, Square, Up,
Square, Square, Square, Triangle,
Short, then Fierce when facing right)). new tricks:
Down, Square. Then unpause. If done @ Level Skip: During gameplay, hold
Triangle, Triangle, X+Circle.
right, Heart Stones will increase to 80! R1 then press L2. When the baddies
@ Kappah: At the Title Screen, press Street Fighter EX+ Alpha (Japan)
are killed, you'll skip to the next level.
and hold Select while entering Arcade
Soul Blade Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto
Hidden Bonus Barrel Game @ Trippy Mode: At the Select Game
Type Menu, hold R41, L2, Triangle, X
Hayato and press Circle, Square, Go to the Mode Select Menu and
Play as the Boss, Soul Edge and Up.
Triangle, Square, X, Square, Triangle, highlight “Practice.” Press Start, then
Beat the entire game on the default Square, Circle, Square, X+Triangle. Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up and Start
(normal) setting with every character. @ Blood: At the Title Screen, press again. A message will appear that Ten Pin Alley
Now, go back into Arcade Mode and and hold Select while entering Arcade says, “Here Comes a New Game
Bowl-Off Code
you will find the icon for Soul Edge in Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto Mode.” Now go into Practice Mode
the middle of the other ones. Bilstein and press X, Square, X, and you will see a new option called On the Game Setup Screen, make
Square, X, Square, Right, Circle, “Bonus Game.” Choose any character, the Play Style a “Tournament” game
New Alternate Outfits Triangle, Circle, Triangle Circle, and you will be playing the bonus bar- and put this code in the sixth slot of
If you get all of Siegfried’s and all Triangle, L1+R1. rel stage from Street Fighter II! the roster: Vilooma. This will enter you
of Sophitia’s weapons in Edge Master in a bowL-off with another player. You
Mode, they will have new alternate
Crazy Head and Feet Codes will have to try to get strikes in the
Street Racer
outfits. Just choose the alternate outfit After choosing your character, press ninth and 10th frames to beat your
as normal to access the new one. and hold Right, Start, Circle and Secret Cups/Options opponent with a perfect score. Enter
Square simultaneously. Hold them until players in any of the other slots to reg-
Access the Options Screen and then
Soviet Strike the round begins and you'll get a move down and highlight the Cup
ister them in the bowl-off as well.
strange character! Doing the same Password Option. Enter the following
Ammo, Fuel, Attempts, Etc. code, but holding Left instead will give
passwords to get the various results: Test Drive: Off Road
These codes will give you some you a shrunken head.
@ TRAFIK—Silver Cup
Weapon Refill, Flea Code
incredible cheats. Go to the Load/Save Alter Ego 1 NEJATI—Gold Cup
Option and choose Enter. When the @ DOUGAL—Platinum Cup From the Main Menu, access the
On the Character Select Screen,
password box appears, put in:
hold Up on the controller to choose the
@ TURGAY—Advanced Options/ Options Screen. Next, go to Driver 1
@ IAMWOMAN: This code replenish- Secret Level and Character. Setup. Choose “Enter Name.” Clear
alter ego of your character. the current name and put in the
es armor to 1,500 after reaching zero.
@ MOUNTANDEW: This replenishes Wall Option following passwords:
jper Puzzle Fighter 2
fuel back to 100 after it hits zero. @ BEEFY—Unlocks the Monster
Complete the game on Level 4 diffi-
@ NOSFERATU: Start the game with
culty or above. You will receive this
Hidden Characters Truck in Practice Race.
seven attempts instead of three. @ FIFTY—Unlocks the Hot Rod in
option as a reward, in the Options Go to the Character Select Screen
@ THEBIGBOYS: This code gives Practice Race.
Screen. Turn it on. This puts an invisi- and highlight Morrigan. Now hold
you infinite ammo, fuel, attempts and @ SANDDUNE—Unlocks Speed
ble wall around the arena. Larger hits Select. Then follow the instructions
double the damage. Demon and Mud Runner Cup in
@ GHANDI: All enemies and civilians
will now make you or your opponent fly and enter the following codes for each
Mixed League.
farther too, especially when hit out of character as shown:
follow your chopper around.
the ring with a special move. @ Akuma: Down, Down, Down, Left, Unlock Tracks, Mixed League Cups
@ ANGRYLOCAL: The locals are
Left, Left and then any button.
invincible and try to kill you! First go to Options and into the
Starblade Alpha @ Dan: Left, Left, Left, Down, Driver 1 setup. Next, go into Enter
@ SADISSA: Start with four attempts.
Down, Down and then any button.
EARTHFIRST: Infinite fuel Name. Clear the name and enter ALL-
Rapid-Fire Laser @ Devilot: Left, Left, Left, Down,
@ QUAKER: Peaceful world. TRACK. Press Triangle to exit, but
Down, Down. Then hit any button when
@ MIDNIGHOIL: Infinite Ammo, Fuel At the Main Title Screen, enter: then go back into the Name Entry
the timer reaches “10.”
and Invincible Chopper. Up, Up, Down, Down, Circle, Triangle, Screen. Clear the name again and
@ Hsien-Ko's Paper Talisman: Move
@ FUGAZI: Infinite Ammo, Fuel and Square while the title letters are flying enter ELVIS. Now when you go back
the cursor to the right one square
Attempts. together. You will hear a low BOOM into the Practice and Mixed League
and then hit any button.
sound, if done correctly. Begin your Options, all the tracks and mixed
@ Anita: Move the cursor right two
game and press X to access the league cups will be open!
rapid-fire laser.
squares and then hit any button.
Cheat Menu Thunder Truck Rally
Tempest X3.
On the Options Menu, hold La, L2 Street Fighter Alpha 2
Vehicle Cheats
R1 and R2 and press X over Game Access Tempest 2000, Plus Games
Character Codes
Options. A Full Cheat Menu will appear. Go to the Main Menu Screen and
Get a first-place high score and
At the Player Select Screen, do the enter the following. You will hear a
Additional Cheats enter the initials HVS as your name. At
codes as shown: burp, if entered correctly:
the next Entry Screen, put in the code W@ Big Trucks: L4, R2, L2, R1 and
Win the Intergalactic Tournament on @ Super Turbo Edition Chun-Li:
YIFF! Now look at the Main Menu.
Hard, then go to Speedy’s Space Race Highlight Chun-Li. Hold Start for Up. Your truck will have a new shape!
You'll have the new game modes at
in any Game Mode. Ships will be cho- about five seconds then press any @ No Damage: Left, Left, Left, Left,
Kick or Punch button and let go of your disposal! Make sure if you have a Up, Down, L1 and R2.
sen at random (secret and normal).
memory card to save this onto it.
This feature will continue to function Start. (This Chun-Li does a fireball by @ Super Car: L2, Left, Right, Up,
until the PS is reset. If you get a flaw- holding Back, then pressing Forward Level Skip, Trippy Mode
less score in Speedy's Space Race, on the pad with a Punch button.)
At the “Select Game Type” Menu,
you get Infinite Turbo the next quarter. @ Super Akuma: Highlight Akuma.
press L141, R1, Triangle, Circle, Up-Left,
If you “flawless” your foe in the Shoot Hold Start and move Down, Right,
Select and Start simultaneously. This
Out (his score = QO), you make every Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Cheat Codes
will make a significant noise when it
basket you shoot the next quarter. Right, Right, Right. Then press any
works. Now you have access to two Go to the Resume Mission Option
and then to the Password Screen.
Refill Weapons/Power
St. Fighter EX+Alphe Then put in these codes:
Improved Weapons: RUBLE
@ Minimal Gravity: SOYUZ
Begin your game and then pause. aden Characters @ Hidden Sea Hunter game: SNEEG
Then enter:
X, Square,
X, X, X, Circle,
X, Triangle, Sa lovie Menu: KIEV
@ Bugrider Preview: BUGGY
Circle. Do as often as you wish. t the Mode Select pyoate Level Select Codes
Screen, highlight the
Turn into A Flea
Practice Mode and press
mba66 CG Go to the Resume Mission Option
Begin your game and then pause. and then to the Password Screen.
Then enter: Triangle, Square, Circle, Select, Up, Right, Down, Then put in these codes to start at
Triangle. Spider will then shrink down Right, Select. You will hear these Debriefing Levels:
to the size of a tiny flea! a sound to confirm that it 2: AKULA 3: PASHA 4: MIRAS
worked, and you will see “Here 8: ZARYA = 9: VOSTA
comes a new challenger” on You will be able to play with all the
the bottom of the screen. characters, including the Cycloids!
Continued on Page 44

EGM’ 43
Hidden Stadiums
At the Select Stadium Screen, press
Three Continues L4, R41, L1, R1, Square. Move to the
right of the screen and you'll see three
Start a game and at any time, press new stadiums to choose from.
Start to bring up the Pause Menu.
Move down, pick the “Sound FX” nter these codes while Other Codes
Option and enter: Triangle, Square, playing in a level: The rest of these codes are done
Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, while holding L1+R1+L2+R2 while in
Triangle, Square, Triangle. You should @ Level Skip: Sidestep left,
the middle of a game:
hear a noise and see three triangular sidestep right, sidestep left, @ Cheat Strikeout—xX, Down, Circle,
symbols at the top of the screen. walk one step back, walk one Square, Right, Left, Triangle, Up. This

Fight Yourself in Special Stage step forward, turn around forces the next pitch to be a strikeout.
three times, then do a front @ Cheat Home Run—Up, Triangle,
At the Main Menu, move down and Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down, X.
highlight the word, “Code.” This brings jump and turn around in mid- Force next hit to be a home run.
you to the Password Screen. Enter this air (Up+Square, then Circle). @ Cheat Crowd Comment—Square,
Level Passwords
code in the middle of the screen: All Weapons: This trick is Circle, Square. Announcers talk about
COMMANDO. After you enter it, press the same as the Level Skip— the stadium and crowd.
Press Start to enter the X to warp to a new stage. except at the end! Do a back- @ Cheat Weather Comment—Circle,
Options and at the Password X, Circle. Announcers talk about the
Screen, enter: Refill Health Meter flip and turn instead of a front : weather.
@ Level 2 (Warehouse): Circle, Start a game and at any point, jump. You should hear a click @ Cheat Sponsor Comment—
Triangle, Square, Circle; Circle. press Start to bring up the Pause if you did the trick right. Triangle, Circle, Triangle. Announcers
@ Level 3 (Freeway): X, Square, Menu. Now move down, highlight the @ Self-Destruct: Step for- give some funny commercials.
Square, Circle, Triangle. “Sound FX” Option and enter: X, @ Cheat Crowd Cheer—Down, X,
Triangle, Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, ward, step backward, turn
@ Level 4 (River Park); X, Down, X, Triangle. The crowd cheers.
Triangle, Square, Circle, Square. Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, X. around three times, then front § @ Cheat Crowd Boo—Down, X,
Level 5 (Assault on You will hear a noise to confirm that it jump and press Circle. Bam! Down, X, X. The crowd boos.
Cyburbia): X, Square, Triangle, worked. You can do this at any point in
Triangle, Triangle. the game. Strike Out Trick
®@ Level 6 (Rooftop Combat): If you'd like to win cheap, this trick
Level Select
Square, Triangle, X, Circle, x is for you! Start your game, and when
At the Main Menu of the game, the computer opponent is batting,
Select Camera Angles
enter the “Code” Option. At the press Start to pause the game and at
Enter these codes at the Password Screen, put in the word the Pause Menu, highlight “Select
Password Screen. They can also ACTIVATE. Then press X. You will begin Controllers” and move your controller
be combined by going back into the game at Level 1 as normal, but to the other team. Now take control of
the Password Screen and entering you'll start out with very little energy in the batter and move him all the way
a different one your lifebar. Instead, you will start out down and way to the side of the box.
Bi Infinite Ammo; Triangle, with four batteries and 99 blue chips! Now you can either wait for the com-
(space), Square, Circle, Circle. puter to pitch and just don't swing, or
@ Helicopter View: Circle, you can take control of your original
Circle, Triangle, X, (space). When you do the Level Skip code,
team and throw some low strikes,
@ Fight Minion: Triangle, X, Game Cheat Mode you will see the next cinema. which the computer will have a hard
Circle, Square, Triangle. Go to the main Title Screen and time hitting. Either way, you should be
@ Infinite Energy: Square, shoot at the center of the R in the able to strike out your opponent with
Triangle, X, (space), Circle. ing the match or replay of the game. ease. Keep doing this throughout the
word CRISIS. Then shoot twice directly
@ Fight of your Life: Square, inside the crosshairs, next to the word game, and you'll be sure to win. Make
Play as Bosses
Triangle, Circle, Square, Square. TIME. If your shots are accurate, a sure you switch back to your original
@ Mufu: Beat the game on Easy. team before the game ends.
Cheat Menu should appear with a few
@ Nork: Beat it on Normal.
extra options to choose from. You can
@ Emperor Udan: Beat it on Hard.
begin your next game with nine lives!
God Mode Victory Dance
Use Minion’s Weapon
Do this trick in Arcade or Vs. Mode.
R1+R2+L1+L2 then enter: Up, As soon as you win both rounds of the Now you don’t have to be the power-
Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Hidden Truck and Raining Frogs ful Minion to pull off some awesome
match with your character, press and
Down, Up during the game Access the Race Type (Steering hold Up+Right+L2 and you will get a firepower. Choose your favorite car and

Two Secret Characters Wheel icon) and choose Time Trial. pause for a few seconds. Instead of enter a game. Then during a game,
Next, access the “Start Race” Option the normal victory pose, your character enter: Up, Down, Up, Up and then your
To get two secret characters
from the first Twisted Metal, go to (Key icon) and enter either of these will go into a cool victory dance that machine gun button. By doing this,
codes in the “Edit Names” Option: lasts for a little while. While playing, you launch Minion’s special weapon
the Car Selection Screen and
M@ MAINLINE: This will access the use the pad to rotate the view: L1 to and the opponent you're firing upon
press the following on the first will suffer a tremendous blow! This
hidden truck called Mother. zoom out and L2 to zoom in.
controller: After entering the code, takes just about all of your special
@ RAINFROG: This will cause the
you should hear an explosion:
weather to rain frogs. Press Triangle energy bar, so use it wisely.
@ Sweet Toot! twice to go back to the Main Menu and
Up, L4, Triangle, Right. choose your new truck and weather. Max Out Your Points
Minion: L1, Up, Down, Left.
Hidden Asteroids-type Game Press and hold: L1, L2, R1, Start
Free Play, Invincibility,
Secret ‘Battiegrounds
For all you “Asteroids” fans out
and Down simultaneously on controller Playable Bosses, Etc.
two, right after the opening demo is
“These Stages can only be there or those who just like hidden From the Title Screen, go into the
over. Keep holding these buttons until
accessed in a two-player game. games, here's a trick you gotta check
the title appears at the Main Menu Options and move down to the “Cheat
Choose a Challenge Match and at out! To play the hidden game, “Roids,”
Code” Option. Using the Square, X,
Screen. Begin a game and check out
the Battleground Selection select your Race Type as “Time Trial.”
Circle and Triangle buttons, change
the number of points you have!
Screen, enter the following. You Then proceed to the “Edit Name” the numbers of the four-digit password
should hear an explosion if the Option and enter your name as:
to match one of the codes below:
code was entered correctly. DUTCHMAN. A developer's face will @ Free Play: 0705 (Enables no limit
@ Cyburbia; Down, Up, L1, R41. appear at the top-right corner if the
on continues on the Options Screen.)
Access to All Weapons
@ Suicide Swamp: trick was entered correctly. Go back @ Player 1 Invincible: 2358
, Down, Right, R1. to the Start/Options Screen. Proceed Go to the Inventory Screen by press- @ Player 2 Invincible: 1224
®@ Rooftop: into Options and select the “Credits” ing Select. Now press the following:
@ Player 1 Extra Damage: 7879
Down, Left, R1, Down. Option. This will take you right into L4, Triangle, R2, L2, L2, R2, Circle,
Player 2 Extra Damage: 3961
~ Sell Your Soul ‘Trick — the hidden game. L4. You will hear Lara make a sound.
@ Quick Finish Game: 4258
Now press X. Go back into the (Finish the game after killing only
To pull this off, you ‘il need Inventory Screen with Select. Done! one CPU player.)
some weapons in your weapon @ Easy Fatalities: 0322 (Pressing
supply. While playing in a match Grow/Shrink, Play as the Boss High Punch+Low Kick triggers a fatali-
and low on life, just enter: Down,
At the Character Select Screen, ty—so fatalities must be on.)
Up, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down, EA Dream Team
press and hold L2+R2. While holding @ Player 1 Play as Grox: 6969
Down. If done correctly, “Sell Your On the Exhibition Screen, press L2, @ Player 1 Play as Exor: 2791
these, press X to choose your charac-
Soul” should appear at the top of
ter. During gameplay, press L2 to R2, L2, R2, Circle. You'll hear a click.
the screen and you'll get more life
shrink your character and R2 to make Move Left with the D-pad until you
in place of your weapons.
your player grow! Do this any time dur- reach the 33rd team, the Dream Team. Continued on Page 45
PlayStation ¢ Warcraft Il: DS to Zero Divide

Level Select Passwords

From the Title Screen, go into the
Options and move down to the “Cheat
Code” Option. Using the Square, X,
Circle and Triangle buttons, change
the numbers of the four-digit password.
Entering a Level Select password 0 you thought this game
means you'll always play on that level: was trippy enough with one shot, press: L1+L2+Square simul-
@ Level 1 Select: 5550
killer speeds and “Firestarter” taneously. Use caution with this cheat:
@ Level 2 Select: 5551
@ Level 3 Select: 5552 rave music? Think again! Don't use on friendly ships or you may
After you put the CD in, wait mess up your game.
evel 4 Select: 5553
@ Level 5 Select: 5554 until the PlayStation logo
@ Level 6 Select: 5555 appears. Then press and hold
@ Level 7: 5557 (secret level)
L1+R2+Start+Select. You Hold the buttons for the duration of Hidden Track
must hold these for the dura- the trick to get the animal vehicles! To access “FIRESTAR” highlight One-
Warcraft Il: The Dark Saga
tion of the trick, or it will not player, then press and hold: La, R1,
Many Incredible Cheats work. When the Title Screen Right, Start, Square, Circle and X. Go
into Single Race or Time Trial and at
At the Main Menu Screen, choose a appears, take your finger off the track selection you should notice
new game or load an existing one. the Start button and then an extra track.
After picking your campaign, start the
press and hold Start again
scenario, Press Start to pause, and at
the Pause Menu, move down and high- with the rest of the buttons,
light the “Enter Password” selection. while the Loading Screens are
Various Cheats
Press X to see a Password Screen. on. Once the Main Menu
Now put in one of these codes. You Hold down L1, R1, Select and enter
appears, you'll be rewarded the following at the relevant menus:
will get confirmation that the codes
with animal vehicles that have @ Pregame Menus
worked when it says “Enabled Cheat”
on the screen: replaced the regular teams. Phantom Class: Triangle, Triangle,
@ NSCRN: Gives you the full map Triangle, Circle, Circle, Circle.
@ GLTTRNG: 100,000 gold, 5000 Eight Tracks: Square, Circle,
trees (repeat the trick as needed) Triangle, Circle, Square.

@ VLDZ: 5000 units of oil Piranha Team: X, X, X, X, Circle,

WCW vs. The World Triangle, Square.
@ MKTS: Faster building
@ DCKMT: Upgrades everything Special Wrestler Moves Heal Berry 255 Item Cheat ™@ When in the Game and Paused
to the best Machine Gun: Square, Circle, X,
i Hollywood Hogan Choke Hold: This trick gives you 255 duplicates Square, Circle, X, Triangle.
@ VRYLTTL: Gives you all the spells of the items in your inventory. There
Hold Circle long, then press Up. Infinite Energy: Triangle, X, Square,
@ TSGDDYTD: Invincibility (one-hit
Face Crush: Press R1 to duck are different ways to do this trick, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.
unit kills and few hit structure kills)
behind a stunned opponent; tap Circle. depending on the number of items:
@ THRCNBNL: See the game’s end Infinite Weapons: X, X, Square,
@ Chris Benoit Power Bomb (pin): @ During battle, access the “Fight”
Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle.
Hold Circle long, then press Down. icon and then choose the “Item” icon Infinite Time: Triangle, Square,
German Suplex (pin): Press R1 to after that. Pick the item you want to Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, X.
duck behind the stunned opponent, duplicate and make sure you only have
Thor and Kali Mode hold the Circle button long. ‘one of that item. Now, make your first Challenge Race Types
To access two new modes, go to the @ Eddy Guerrerro Pendulum character (Rudy) use a Heal Berry.
Enter these passwords at the
Main Menu Screen. Move down and Backbreaker: Press R1 to duck behind Have the next character (Jack) also Password Screen to get:
highlight the words, “Special Access.” stunned opponent and tap Circle. use a Heal Berry. Have the third char- @ Challenge 1: Square, Circle,
Enter the Code Screen and put in: Tiger Suplex (pin): Press R1 to duck acter (Cecilia) go into the Item Screen Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
@ Thor Mode: Square, Circle, behind a stunned opponent, hold and switch the position of the Heal
Triangle, Circle, Square, Square,
Square, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle long and press Up on the D-pad. Berry with the item that you want Square, Triangle, X, Square.
Triangle. Get 9999 Flash Bombs! @ Lex Luger Torture Rack: Press R1 duplicated. After you do this, exit the @ Challenge 2: Square, Circle,
@ Kali Mode: X, Circle, Circle, to duck behind stunned opponent and screen and choose the “Defend” icon. Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X,
Square, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. hold the Circle long. The battle will start. After the battle is Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, X,
This gives you eight Ultra Lock-Ons and Choke Slam: Hold Circle long, then over, go back into your items and you Circle, Circle.
24 Super Swarmers! press Up. will see that you have 255 of the item Then access “Race Type” and you
@ Sting Scorpion Death Drop you switched with the Heal Berry! will see the Challenge option under
Access Level Codes
(Reverse DDT): Press R1 to duck @ If you have more than one item, the other races.
(Key: T=Triangle, S=Square, X=X, behind a stunned opponent and hold but you want 255 of that item, do the
O=Circle) Circle long. trick this way: When it's your turn in
@ Desert Level: TSXTXXSS Pile Driver: Hold Circle short and the battle, have your first character Xevious 3D+G
yramid Has Risen: TSXTOSOX press Down. use a Heal Berry. Make your second Increase Credits Code
@ Desert Is All But Done: @ Rick Flair Knee Drop: Press R1 to character go into the Item Screen and
TOXTOOXS duck behind a groggy opponent, tap switch the Heal Berry with the item you
At the Game Select Screen, hold
@ Canyon Level: OTTXOOSO L1+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press
Circle and press Up. want to duplicate. Then exit the screen
@ In The Canyon With Amber: Canadian Backbreaker: Hold Circle and choose the “Defend” icon. Have Circle continuously until the game
OSOSXOOT long and press Up. your third character just choose the loads up. The more you press, the
@ In The Canyon With Belle: more you get!
@ Dean Malenko Bryant Suplex: “Defend” icon. After the battle is over,
OTXSOOTT Hold Circle long. go back into your items and the item Hidden “Tekken” Ships
@ In The Canyon With Crystal: Neck Jerk: Press R1 to duck behind you wanted duplicated will be missing
OSTSTTTS and replaced with an empty slot. Do
@ For Heihachi: Go to the Title
a groggy opponent, hold Circle long
@ Approaching Uma: OOOSTTST Screen and highlight “Start Game.”
and press Up. the trick once again for the next battle,
Then press and hold: Left+Square+X+
Bi Airship Level: XTXSSTST @ Lord Steven Regal Regal Stretch: but this time, have the second charac-
@ Post Transformation Airship: ter put the Heal Berry in the empty
Start on controller one.
Hold Circle long and press Down.
XOTTOOOX slot. After the battle ends, go into your 1 For Paul: Go to the Title Screen
Diving Cross Arm Bar: Press R1 to
@ Airship Rear Hangar Is Open: duck behind a groggy opponent, tap items and you'll have 255 of that item.
and highlight “Start Game.” Then
XSTOXTSS press and hold: Right+Square+X+
Circle and press Up. @ To get 255 Heal Berries, do the
@ Volcano Level: STXXXTOS trick as you would if you wanted to Start on controller two.
1 Bad Blood Avalanche
@ Volcano Boss Is Active: Frankenwhip: Throw a groggy opponent duplicate an item that had more than
lH For the Black Ship: Highlight
“Reset.” Then press and hold
SSXOTOST into turnbuckle. Hold Circle until you one. But this time, put the Heal Berry
@ Gauntlet Level: TOTOTXSS in an empty space below the other
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. “Game Start”
put your opponent onto the turnbuckle
should be highlighted. While still hold-
@ East Gauntlet Boss: TOXTOXTS and perform the move. items and do the trick.
ing the buttons down, press Start until
@ West Gauntlet Boss: TOOSTOOX Throw German Suplex: Press R1 to
i In With the Gatekeeper: duck behind the opponent. Hold Circle
you begin your game.
Wing Commander IV
TOOTTXST long and press Up.
@ Stormland: TXTSOXO0O @ Abispa Top Rope Drop: Knock your Cheat Mode Code Zero Divide
@ Above First Force Field: opponent out of the ring, then move At the Wing Commander Copyright Hidden Phalanx Game
TXXSOSOX near the ropes and press Circle.
Screen, enter: Up, Down, Down, Up,
@ Above Second Force Field: Rope Flip: Knock your opponent out R2. If done correctly, you will see the Hold Start+Select on the second
TXTTTXOT of the ring and press Triangle and the controller while the game is booting
Level Select screen. Choose your level
@ Above Third Force Field: D-pad to run away from him. After you using the throttle buttons. Then begin
up. If done correctly, the words “Bonus
TXSOTXTS bounce off the far ropes, hold Circle Game” should appear on the screen,
your game. To use the “Cheat kill” and
@ Kreel’s Door Is Open: TXSTOSXX long until you fly out of the ring. and you will be able to begin playing
destroy enemy ships in a battle with
@ Face Kreel: TXTSSSXT the shooter game Tiny Phalanx.
Small and Big Cheats
At the Main Menu, choose “Load
Game.” Then pick the “Teleport to
Mission” Option. On the Passcode t the Bosses Galore
Screen, enter the word, LOSR. The
Screen, press: Up, Up,
game will say it’s an invalid password,
but in the middle of a game, you Right, Right, Down, Down,
can access two kinds of cheats: Left, Left, X, Y, Z. If done
Mission Passwords
@ Small Cheats (full health and correctly, MINI-GAME should
Highlight the Password Option and energy): Press A+B+C.
press the corresponding buttons:
appear. Press Start to go the
@ Big Cheats (all weapons, use-
Mini-games Screen. Talk
@ Phase 2.1—CBYXYC ables): Press X+Y+Z. Do the code and MINI-GAME will
@ Phase 3.1—XABXAB about some hidden bonuses!
Passcodes appear in the middle of the screen.
@ Phase 3.2—AZCBXC For those seeking a little
™@ Phase 4.1—YYBBCY Here is a compilation of passcodes more practice against those
@ Phase 4.2—BAXCXX for the four difficulty levels:
@ Mama's Boy Missions
pesky Bosses. Pick the
Battle Arena Toshinden URA 02: FWQP 03: PLRQ 04: SZNF option, Bosses Galore, from
05: TDSS = 06: J1BT 07: K2CV the Main Menu. When the
Additional Characters, Weapons 08: N3DW 09: M4FX 10: X5GZ Bosses Galore Title Screen
Enter these codes at the Title 41: C6HO 12: D7J1 13: F8K2 appears, press X five times,
Screen while the “Start” is flashing. 14: FGL3 15: JFM4
Real-time Level: LRTN
Y seven times and Z five
Note: These codes need to be entered
in the following order to work:
times. You'll see the word,
@ Repli/Wolf: A, B, Z, X, Y, C. @ Weekend Warrior Missions: “BOB” in the middle of the
@ Special: A, Z, C, X, B, Y. 02: GWQP 03: QLRQ 04: screen. Now take the D-pad
05: VD5S 06: K1BT 07:
@ Vermilion/Sho: A, Y, C, X, B, Z. and move Up or Down to bat- You will get a choice of hilarious
08: P3DW 09: N4FX 10:
11: D6HO 12: F7J1 13: tle the Boss of your choice. mini-games within the real game!
Bug Too! 14:GGL3 15: KFM4
Incredible Game Cheats Real-time Level: MRTN
This does not slow your character button and then press it once more.
Pause anywhere within your game.
@ Loose Cannon Missions: down in any way—but it looks weird! If entered correctly, “Debug Mode”
Then enter these codes: 02: HWQP 03: RLRQ 04: should appear at the bottom of the
™@ Cheat Screen: L button, A, Z, Y, Tumble Races
05: WDS5S O06:LIBT 0 Game/Options Screen. Begin your
Left, Right, A, Down, Right, L button. 08: Q3DW 09: P4FX At the Select Mode Screen, choose game to find a Debug Option at the
@ Invincibility: R button, Right, A, L
11: F6HO 12:G7J1 13: the Arcade, Decathlon or Practice Main Map Menu and other menus.
button, Right, A, Down, Y.
14: HGL3 15: LFM4 Option and begin the 100 Meter Dash.
@ Fly Cheat: L button, A, Left, L Real-time Level: NRTN As soon as the announcer starts to Fighter's Megamix
button, Right, Down, Down. After
say your Course number and name,
entering this code, use Y and the @ No Remorse Missions: press the following buttons on con- Hyper Mode
D-pad to move your character across 02: JWQP 03: SLRQ troller one: Left, Right, Left, Right, X.
the screen. To get a speed boost in the game,
05: XDS5S_ 06: M1BT Again, this does not slow your charac-
play 100 rounds. You will be able to
08: R3DW 09: Q4FX ter down at all.
access Hyper Mode.
Command & Conquer 11:G6HO 12: H7J1
14: JGL3 15: MFM4 Play as Secret Character Meat
In-Game Cheat Codes Die Hard Arcade
Real-time Level: PRTN
To access Meat, load the game
Begin a New Game from the Title Hyper Deep Scan
up to the Title Screen and then turn
Screen. Once in your first mission, On any difficulty you can enter
Hold X+Y¥+Z at the Title Screen, and off the machine. Do this at least 30
you'll be able to implement the cheats. another code that will give you bizarre
then press Start on Deep Scan while times. Now go back to the Character
Do not pause the game, but enter the black-and-white pictures. Just enter the
still holding those buttons. You should Select Screen and highlight Kumachan.
codes with the controller while the code XXXX on the Passcode Screen.
see “Hyper” just above the title when Choose him with X to play as the
game is going on.
the game begins. This will boost up the new character.
@ Money Code: Right, Left, A, B,
Daytona USA: CCE intensity of the Deep Scan game for an
C, Z, Y, X, Right, Left. Your money
intense challenge!
will increase by $5,000 each time. Mirror Mode Fighting Vipers
@ Map Code: Up, Down, Right, At the Course Select Screen, press
Die Hard Trilogy Options Plus Menu
Left, A, Up, Down, Right, Left, A. and hold X+¥+Z. Then select your
All black areas of the map will be Finish the game in Normal difficulty.
track with A or C. At the Course Select Cheat Menu This menu will be selectable on the
revealed so you can see where Screen, the words “Mirror Mode”
enemy units are. Enter: C, A, B, B, Y, C, A, B, B, Y Start/Options Screen.
should appear on the left side.
@ Nuclear Code: A, B, C, Left, when you see the Copyright Screen
‘Play as B.M. and Mauler
Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Supercar and Two Horses appear, and then begin a new game.
Right, Up, A. This puts a nuclear Then while playing within the game, hit Finish the game on the hardest
™@ For the Supercar Daytona hold
weapon ready for launch in your Start to pause and you should notice a difficulty with any character, and they
X+Y+Z+R button and then press C to
sidebar. select your game. Daytona will appear
new option, “Cheat!” This menu gives will be selectable on the Character
@ lon Cannon Code: A, B, C,
at the Car Select Screen.
you two new options: Immortal Mode Select Screen by scrolling past the
Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, and Level Select. visible list of characters.
@ For Uma enter the Daytona Code,
Right, Up, B. This gives you an
return to the Main Menu and hold Play as Kumachan
lon Cannon. X+Z+L button. Press C to select
@ Air Strike Code: A, B, C, Left, On the Character Select Screen, play
your game. in Versus Mode and play through at
Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, ™@ For Uma 2 enter the Uma code,
Invincibility Cheat
Up, C. An Air Strike icon will appear. least 40 matches (more or less). He
return to the Main Menu and hold L Anywhere within a level, using con-
@ Laser Code: X, Y, Z, Right, will be selectable on the Character
button+R button+Y+Z. Press C to pick troller one hit Start to pause and
Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Select Screen in the same manner as
your game. enter: Down, Y, X, R button, Right, L
B.M. and Mauler.
Up, X. For this to work, you must have button, Left and B. If the trick was
the Orca VTOL (helicopter). entered correctly, the phrase “All Big Head Mode
@ Build Up Code: Y, A, B, B, A, DecAthlete
Powerful Mode On” will appear and
Finish the game on the hardest set-
Down, A, B, B, A, Down, Up. You Control Background Blimp your eyes will begin to glow.
must have a power plant and barracks ting in Hyper Mode, which is selectable

built before this one will work. You When you're in an event (such as from the Gameplay Options Screen
may then use the build-up code to shotput), and the blimp is in sight, just (activated on the Character Select

gain access to more units, vehicles press and hold the L button. Screen). This opens up one of the
Debug Mode
and structures as needed. These will question marks in the Option Plus.
Hop on One Leg
be instantly accessible when you look To access this, begin by turning on Menu, which will be Big Head Mode.
in your sidebar. Use this with the At the Select Mode Screen, choose the system. While the game is booting,
the Arcade, Decathlon or Practice press and hold: L button+R button+
No Walls Mode
Money Code to efficiently build
yourself up. Option and begin the 100 Meter Dash. X+Z+Start. Then when at the Title Get an “OK” by every move for every
@ Visoroid Code: C, Right, A, Z, Y, As soon as the announcer starts to Screen (while still holding those but- character in the Training Mode. This
B, Up, B, B, A. During some point in
say your course number and name, tons) press Down, Down, Up, Down, will open up the second question mark.
press the following buttons on con- Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Down,
the game, a visible blob will appear.
troller one: Up, Left, Down, Right, X. Right, Right, Right. Let go of the Start Continued on Page 48
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51998 CHIPS & BITS, INC EGM2498
ega saturn ¢ ria nunner to fomb Raiaer

Special Easter Eggs

Access the Restore Game Option.
On this screen, highlight “Enter
Password” and go into this screen.
Enter the following codes: 0 use him, pick Akuma at

hark @ Free For All: Up, Y, A, Right, Up, the Player Select Screen.
Y, B, Down, Right, Down. Hold Start and move Down,
@ Get All Flags: Down, Y, Right, A, Down, Right, Down, Right,
Right, Up, Right, B, A, Down. Down, Down, Down, Left,
@ Credit Heads: A, Y, A, Right,
* Down, Y, Up, Right, Right, A.
Down, Left, Down. Press any
Kick or Punch button and let
The Lost World
go of Start. Now we're talkin’ Once you do the code, look for
Marvel Super Heroes (U.S.)
GameShark Codes some real fighting power... Super Akuma’s new stance.
Play as the Bosses
Master Code: f6000914¢305
Master Code: b60028000000 This code seems identical to the
Infinite Health: |1606508a007f Japanese version—almost! Make sure Code again. Go in D-pad Mode. @ Super Turbo Edition Chun-Li:
Full Instinct: 1600414800ff the controllers are configured to the Choose two players with B. On the Highlight Chun-Li. Hold Start for about
default setting. Confirmation Screen, go to “Let's Play” five seconds then press any Kick or
@ Thanos: Beat the game and then and press C. When the screen fades Punch button and let go of Start.
Marvel Super Heroes
go to the Character Select Screen, to black, pull out controller two. Make @ Champion Edition Dhalsim:
GameShark Codes hold Start, press Up twice then quickly sure you do this before the disc spins Highlight Dhalsim. Hold Start and
press Z, Y, X. or it won't work. You'll be in control move Left, Down, Right, Up. Then
Master Code: f60009246ffF @ Dr. Doom: Beat the game and of two players after it's done loading. press any Kick or Punch button and
Infinite Health P1: 160949fc0090 then go to the Character Select Using the first controller, you control let go of Start.
Infinite Health P2:160a644c0090 Screen, hold Start, press Down both characters and sport double @ Champion Edition Zangief:
twice, then press A, B, C. the firepower! Highlight Zangief. Hold Start and move
NBA Jam Extreme Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Up, Up,
Need for Speed Right, Right, Right, Right, Down. Then
\ GameShark Codes
press any Kick or Punch button and
Master Code: 6000914c305 Hidden Track, Car, Etc. Manipulate the Title Screen let go of Start.
Ns Master Code: — b60028000000
Away Team Scores 0:
In the Race Type Menu, choose To have a little fun with the Title Rapid Fire in Training
Tournament. Pick the Passcode Option Screen, wait a moment, then fiddle
i 1602e44a0000 J and enter TSYBNS. Press A. Go back with the D-pad. the “R” logo on screen
Access the Training Mode, and when
Home Team Scores 0: you get to the Character Select Screen,
to Race Type and choose a different will rotate freely. If you press B, the
; 1602e4460000 one (like Head-to-Head). At the Race logo will change color. Pressing A
press and hold R button+Start while
Infinite Turbo P1: 160a0b6a00ff Location Screen, scroll through until you choose your character. Then let go
restores the logo to its former color.
Infinite Turbo P2: 160a0c5600ff you find the hidden track, Lost Vegas. and pick your computer opponent.
Pressing Y or X will darken or lighten
be Infinite Turbo P3: 160a0d4200ff With this location highlighted, hold the When the match begins, you can hold
the logo.
X Infinite Turbo P4: 160a0e2e00ff top L and R buttons for Lost Rally any button that does a move and it will

(Rally Mode). At the Vehicle Selection automatically be in Rapid Fire Mode!

Sonic 3D Blast
Resident Evil Screen, highlight any car and press Sakura’s New Winning Poses
and hold the top L and R buttons. You Enable Cheat Mode
GameShark Codes will see the Warrior car! Choose it for
To get Sakura to do some fancy vic-
At the Main Title Screen, hold Up- tory animations any time you win, just
#6000914¢305 an incredibly fast ride! Also, if you go
Left+A+C. While holding these down, do the following tricks: Little dance:
b60028000000 back to Race Type, highlight the Head-
press Start. Then pause within the Hold B as soon as you win; Kick off
Infinite Health: 102f51ac008c to-Head Option and press and hold the
game and press the following at the shoe: Hold A as soon as you win.
Infinite Health: 102f867e008c top L and R buttons. This will give you Pause Screen to:
Crate O' Goodies: d02f867c00a0 No Mercy Mode (no cops or traffic). Play as Special Sakura
@ Skip one act: A.
Crate 0’ Goodies: 102f87240bff @ Skip two acts and the Boss: B On the Mode Select Screen, take
Crate O' Goodies: 102f87260cff @ Warp to the final Boss: C. controller one and enter Survival
Crate O' Goodies: 102f87280dff Get an extra life: X. Mode. Move to Sakura and press the
Crate O' Goodies: 102f872a0eff Special Mode Battle Game
@ Get an extra medal: Y. Start. Now press Up, Left, Down, Left,
Crate O' Goodies: 102f872cOfff This game forces you to just fight all Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Left,
Crate O' Goodies: 102f872e10ff of the monsters on a given level. First Down, Down, Down, Right, Up, Up,
Crate O' Goodies: 102f873011ff start the game normally and save at Right. Now press and hold the Start
Crate O' Goodies: 102f873212ff Level Codes
any point. Once you have saved the button. Then choose Ryu to get the
Crate 0’ Goodies: 102f873446ff game, restart the system. When you special Sakura!
Crate 0’ Goodies: 102f873647ff Go to the Load/Save Option and
come to the Title Screen press and
Crate 0’ Goodies: 102f873848ff choose Enter. When the password box
hold X+¥+Z on the second controller. Tomb Raider
Weapons In Crate At Start: appears, put in these level codes:
Then press Start. After the screen
d02f867c00a0 @ Black Sea—KRAZHA
flashes press Start on the first con- Level Skip
Weapons In Crate At Start: @ Caspian—VERBLUD
troller and scroll through the Menu
102f877a030f Dracula—YADRO Any time during play, press Start
Options. You should now see the addi- @ Kremlin—PERIWOROT
Weapons In Crate At Start: to pause the game. Go to the last
tion of the Battle Game Mode.
102f877c040f Incredible Cheat Codes page of your passport book, “Exit to
Weapons In Crate At Start: title,” and press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X
102f877e060f The isposable Assas: While at the Password Screen enter then Start. Lara will make a groaning
Weapons In Crate At Start: the following cheats. You should see sound. After you hear this, press A.
Level Skip
102f8780070f the word “Classified” if the code was This will exit to a Statistics Screen of
Weapons In Crate At Start: Go to the Title Screen. Press and entered correctly: that level. Then you will warp to the
102f87820a0f hold diagonally Down-Right and press @ Unlimited Fuel: COLDPIZZA (Fuel next level!
Weapons In Crate At Start: Y+Start simultaneously (This spells should return to 100 after hitting zero.)
DRY). If done correctly, you'll hear a @ 1 Extra Life: FREEBIE Weapons Cheat
Weapons In Crate At Start: hilarious skit called “Answering Extra Lives: VOODOO Go to the Inventory Screen within

102f8776080f Machine” by the Dead Alewives on @ 4X Weapon Power: GABRIEL a game and enter: X, Y, X, Y, Z, Z,
Weapons In Crate At Start: the Confirmation Screen. (Note: The @ 1/2 Fuel Consumption Speed: Z, Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and Start.
102f8774090f skit is meant for a mature audience.) ALBATROSS Lara will make a sound. Then enter
During gameplay in D-pad Mode, press the Level Skip Code (see above) at
Start to pause. Press the top L and Street Fighter Alpha 2 the “End to Title” Screen. Lara will
R buttons simultaneously to skip to sound again. Then press A to skip.
GameShark Codes the next level. Alternate Character Cheats Continue this code to complete the
To skip levels in Gun Mode, do the At the Player Select Screen, do the game. Then, begin a new game and
Master Code: £6000914¢305 DRY Code and then pause the game by go back to the Inventory Screen
Master Code: b60028000000 codes as shown:
Infinite Lumber (Ores):
pressing Start on the gun. Use the trig-
@ Evil Ryu: Highlight Ryu. Hold Start and enter the Weapons Cheat Code
ger to select the Quit Option. After ask- and move Right, Up, Down and Left. once more. Now, enter the Level
160d5606270f ing for confirmation, choose YES. Then Skip Code to proceed to the next
Then press any Punch or Kick button
Infinite Gold (Orcs): it will advance you to the next level. level. Go to your inventory to see
160d5646270f and let go of Start (press Forward,
an added variety of weapons!
Infinite Oil (Ores): Hidden Options Screen Down, Down-Forward+x3 Kick or Punch
160d5686270f for his teleport move. Do it the oppo-
To get Mimic Mode, do the DRY
site way to go backward).

48 EGM?
ne es
BT ae?

only one thing ve


more tortaroas than playing

Deathtrap Dangeon.

6 Be ee
eal me. Whip me. Just don't hit that Quit button? Consider it your
battle cry. Then bring-on ‘the skeletal warriors, zombies and over 50
other undead denizens. Each one isa chance to slice and‘dice likea Ginsu
knife done bad. An opportunity to master the 13 death implements at’


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your dispose . Or play the PC version and leave the other on-line

players iné for more. Bee in these 10 cavernou levels of evil traps, a |i OS

7 Il aboat blurs ing that fine line between pl nd pain, And just PNT EB R.A OT 1 GSE
when you think you can't take it any lor r the alternative. You’ve been.warned.
One of the most
brant tactics you can perform in
game is the
Rocket-Shot Hop (or Rocket Jump if you prefer). When armed with a
Rocket Launcher, aim directly down and fire it while simultaneously press-
ing Jump. You can now reach previously unaccessible areas in the game,
but be sure you're equipped to withstand the self-inflicted damage (about
50 points’ worth) from such a point-blank blast first.

¥ he highly apileloat
ed and mega-popu-
lar Quake has finally Much to the delight of its loyal PC
gaming public, this version of Quake
Teel steqn@s
made its appearance on

retains many if not all of the intricate little techniques
the home console market. that helped make it such a hit. Listed below are a few
For the»N6y, the program- techniques to help those unfamiliar get started.
mers seem to have faith-
m@ Learn your boundaries: Many instant deaths during a
fully translated most of match can be avoided easily if you keep a Close eye on your
the aspects that made

water LES Heath
footing in relation to that of your surroundings.
this game so popular on @ Run for your life: If you feel the need to become mobile,
the PC scene!:So the ques- always run instead of walk to make yourself less of a target.

TT tava armor
AN )
Learn you surroundings: Knowing the location of health
tion on evéry,Quake- and weaponry in a level is the key to survival in this game.
faithful’s minds is: How = Be Unpredictable: Especially when playing multiple match- ©
= does it all’add up?
es against the same person, try mixing your technique up a little
Well, somewhere just (i.e., stormtrooping vs. sniping) to keep’em guessing.
short of spectacular.
While thé one-player
adventure plays gfeat,
it’s the multiplayer
aspect that’s in trouble.
At no time can this ver-
sion of Quake support
any more than two play:
ers at a time, and even
these are limited to be
Your Gor THE NaiLs
played on seven
Deathmatch stages that
are excluded from the
rest of the game’s levels. Use the double Sniping is an effective
Needless to say many of barreled shotgun for and often over-looked
exploring new areas. Deathmatch tactic.
the tactics that worked
out great on the PC, The two gems worth searching for in this opening
round of the Deathmatches are the Grenade Launcher
unfortunately won't be (found on Floor 1, hidden in a secluded alleyway near
able to be performed on the center of the map and toward the right) and the
its N64 counterpart. Still, Yellow Armor. With practice, you'll quickly learn how to
players who haven't bounce grenades off of walls and hit unsuspecting
opponents at corner stand-offs. Just make sure you’re
played this game yet or a safe distance away from them when they detonate. To
don’t have the luxury of acquire the armor (and subsequently soak up a healthy
CoWpetbeke meyetcmeettey elamyzvele buffer of 150 pts. from enemy attacks), you must first
to give it a try. find the lever that extends the bridge to it. Though not
as powerful as the launcher, the Nall Gun
—EGM’ "Spice Guys” Crew is certainly more preferable than your

strat-stats: +e ;
time to complete:


PC better?

number of extra Tevelas

Mi car the U.S. market needs:

eS Pe ih, C!s tee ek ee

The ante is upped a little in Claustro-phobopolis.
Here, two items make their deathmatch debut:
the Rocket Launcher and the Quad Damage
Rune. (Both are accessible from the “island”
map portion of floor 2, through the teleporter.)
With the launcher, try blasting yo
way up to the higher platforms on
the stage and snipe unsuspecting
opponents as they frantically search
for you below. The Rune, when obtained,
will momentarily multiply the damage of
your current weapon selection by four and
just about end any domestic squabble cur-
rently in progress. Remember it’s tempo-
rary, so try to lure
your opponent to
its proximity
a She ee
before grabbing it.

Hit the switch This a good stage to | | -

around the corner to practice the Rocket -
cover the lava pit. mp technique.

(A ~

To get rid of that pesky

opponent who won't stop
chasing you, before turh-
ing a corner, fire a
grenade from your
launcher into the wall
ahead of you. With prac-
tice, you'll be able to The Abandoned Base is
time them so they’ll deto- ) chock-full of just about every
nate back into the face type of weapon of destruction
of your follower. in the entire game. You name it: i
Rocket-Latinchers, Double-barreled Shotguns and, yes,
‘even the feared is in here and yours for

eme hi. the taking. In general this stage is pretty large in com-
parison to the rest of the deathmatches, offering plenty
IAN of hidden alcoves full of health and ammo icons for the
player’s replenishment. Fortunately there aren’t any
real one-hit, one-kill wonders such as lava pits or the
like in here (although if you're trigger-happy enough to.
fire that Thunderbolt underwater...), so feel free to
run around as much as you like (even when retaliat-
| ing against potential shadows). Speaking of shad-
During a single game, | VOWS, the Rinc i is located just to
pay close attention to the Me the right of the center of Floor 1’s layout.
location of enemies and
their typical hiding spots
(i.e., around corners, q
bice}ene-lele)7-Mer- ty 7-11)
making a mental note of
the situations in which
you were particularly
Wrelelgelimeler- ten ie
Remember these i] Grab the Green The Thunderbolt .
instances and try to repli- |} | = Armor to add weapon is found | “.
cate them in the death- 100 pts. to your at the center of a
match duels. when mixing current stats. pool of water.
up your attack strategy.

In multiplayer competi- A
tion, paying attention
In contrast to the previous deathmatch level, the
to the all the sounds of
Bad Place is full of hazards, most of them involving
the occasional lava pit or two. Be on guard: There’s the stage is just as
not much in here in terms of offensive or defensive power- important as what you
ups. In fact, the only one located in the stage see visually. If you can
is the (located on a sec- keep a mental note of
ond floor ledge, by the southern-most lava which sounds appear
pit). And because it’s the only one, grabbing in what part of the
this baby will automatically give you an unfair B a se in level, you'll be able to
advantage over your adversary. Just make ac pinpoint your enemy’s
sure he or she is in range of its effectiveness
when you nab it. Bee B location. in no time.

When, you’re out- re

gunned, know when to
abandon you position.
Though it may seem
like common sense to
most, get in the habit is
early on of picking up
your opponents’ col-
Position yourself on the A lection of items after
other end of a transport they have fallen—oth-
portal for an easy frag. erwise you'd be pass-
ing up‘free goodies for

The Cistern stage isn’t exactly the most spacious level weaponry can only add up to one thing: carnage and tons
in the Deathmatch Mode. Tight and compact corridors seem of it. Fortunately, hidden here you'll find the Pentagram of
to be the reoccurring theme, so strafe around corners with Protection (in the separate room to the north of the water-
care. To make the situation more intense, the programmers filled basement), the Yellow Armor (in the southeastern
also decided to include the most powerful weaponry avail- portion of floor 1) as well as a Mega Health item that will
able in the game. As you might guess, cramped areas plus temporarily add 100 pts. to your life meter (located in the
high-powered northern-most room of the first floor.

Use the strafe tech- Listen to the sounds

nique to nail the of your opponents
unsuspecting foe. surroundings

The Deathmatch stages can be played If you find that the person you're
eo with another player (providing you have playing against likes to run around a oe
$ two controllers), so use this to your lot and collect the most sought-after t
advantage. The second player a items in the stage (and who doesn’t gv
“dummy”, practice running through the want those?), position yourself out of
stage on sort of a trail run, learning the best path sight—around a corner, above, etc.—so that you
that will lead you to health, weapons and ammo icons and can utilize the item (Pentagram of Protection, Quad Damage
the sort. Use this strategy during multiplayer competitions, Rune, Armor, etc.) as bait. It may not be the most honorable tactic
but be sure to alter your route every now and then to throw in the game, but hey, desperate times...
off observant players.
54 EGM
ope >. Pate a Ween hg Hayos fee
Though there are two Rocket Launchers located in the Dark Zone (one
located in the far southeastern corner of the level, the second is found in the north-
ern room of the stage—accessible via teleporter from the center), the main object
every player will be gunning for (pun intended) is the Thunderbolt. Acquiring it is tricky
enough, though. First you must find the teleporter
in the northwestern portion of the stage to transport
you to a room where you can fall down into another
room below and claim your prize.

Use the teleporters ./and as a quick retreat

in here to gain the if you’re caught on the
Thunderbolt... receiving end of it.

If your opponent tries

attacking you with a
Grenade Launcher and
you’ve got ample enough
room, you can often cause
your attackers to inflict
more damage upon them-
selves than their intended
target by strafing circular The Court of Death stage contains most of the items that you have acquired thus far, and most of them
patterns around them. surprisingly. aren’t that difficult to pick up. Because of the large quantities of water in the lower por-
With any luck, they'll tions of this multileveled stage, you will want to make it worth your while to search the bottom floor for
absorb at least a couple a pit. Once there, drop down and run
of hits before realizing until you reach the hidden tele-
what just happened. porter below. This will automatically
transport you to the very top of the
level where you not only have a
huge drop on you opponent below,
but also access to the

Vee S
weapon and a nice
in case your location is dis-
covered. In case you’re caught tak-
ing a dip in the pool, search the
surrounding underwater caverns to
Make sure to grab the Search the bottom floor for a
To get anywhere in this pick up the
Pentagram of Protection pit and drop down into it to before you get out.
game successfully, you before exiting the water. find the secret transporter.
need to master the strafe.
This is especially essential
if you happen to be new
at the whole Doom/Duke
Nukem 3D-style of game- Another extremely cheesy tactic you can try
play and your adversary (’s not recommended against people @
isn’t, using the strafe to fire you want to stay friends with) is first walk 4
out from behind walls or through a teleporter and quickly hide behind
corners is extremely the’portal itself. (You can also test this tech-
Tan)eXe)acclalem-lare meron cla) nique first by exploring the level solo first.) If you notice
mean the difference that your opponent is often in the habit of chasing you, wait for him to
between death and victory. materialize then unload everything you’ve got before he has a chance to
EGM 55
EGM #45
ssa |
bala6 In case you
missed last month’s
issue, here’s all of
the good stuff you
missed out on!
POLTERGEX? 1. All of the level
remotes for the
Frankensteinfeld and
first 11 levels.
~ Poltergex have been
PANGAEA 90210 CHIPS AND DIPS switched around. 2. All of the secret
remotes for the first
Has switched places This level has been
11 levels.
with Mao Tse Tongue. pushed back further.
3. Boss strategy for
Gilligex Isle and
Mooshoo Pork.
elcome to the second
4. Techniques for
part of the Gex strat-
beating the early
bonus levels. Letting
you get the secret
have changed. For exam- gold remotes! You'd
ple, Pangaea 90210 was CHANGE
better read it!
found to be too difficult
* for an early level, so it
was switched with Mao
Tse Tongue. The world map is divided
| The latter part of Cex into sections. By earning red
will really test your skills, remotes, you can open up new
sections. By collecting gold
particularly the secret
remotes, you can acquire the
3 levels. Expect a lot of secret levels. Bonus levels
precision jumping. will drop down from the sky
3 Remember to use your after the proper number of Climb on the
| shadow to guide you. silver remotes are found. In walls to see
ssSVamexo) |(creashore mr-V ey meets other words, you must get some ofthe ;
hidden stuff. &
emotes you can really all of the remotes.
get your money’s worth
out of this game.
—Andrew “Samurai
Spice” Baran

1. Out of Tune
2. SmellRaiser
3. Frankensteinfeld
5. Mao Tse Tongue
6. The Umpire Strikes Out
, Bonus rooms drop
7. Pangaea 90210
from the sky.
. Fine Tooning
. This Old Cave
. Honey, | Shrunk the Gecko
. Poltergex
. Pain in the Asteroids
. Samurai Night Fever
. No Weddings and a Funeral
. Aztec 2 Step
. Thursday the 12th
Climb to reach Rez awaits in his
. In Drag Net
. Spy Who Loved Himself
the secret levels. television realm.
time to complete: . | Got the Reruns
two days . Trouble in Uranus
challenge: . Lizard in a China Shop
. Bugged Out
. Chips & Dips
@ good 3-D action? su -\V7- 4BJ) 0}-§Blore}

one of the best . Texas Chainsaw Manicure
cyber's b-day? . Mazed & Confused
February 14 Gilligex Isle
. Mooshoo Pork
. Gexzilla vs MechaRez
ee FRANKENSTEINFELD RED REMOTES: 3 Note: The level ran as Frankensteinfeld,
7 SCREAM TV RA [0 2 a last issue was changed to Poltergex. Figure B.
The green door leads the way. Cross
Behind the stairwell eS
in the second room
#/ the pentagrams to find this area.
after the red door
i HEAD DOWN THE RAMP ES is a clock face.
Song Hop on it, and look
Enter through the red door to find
4 the path that leads to this remote.
PRG for a secret pas- :
Cross the pentagrams sage under aclock There’s an extra life Go through the red
ilSTICK Across THE CEILING MAZE for another path. directly ahead. and a frying zombie. door. Leap into the red
Enter through the green door, and use Figure A symbol on the wall.

So ° CEILING MATE ey ges

#4 the disappearing furniture. Fig. A. le - wee %

COLLECTABLES REMOTE Exit via the green door. Scat

Only 30 skulls, 40 tombstones and Follow the level until
50 Jason masks are needed. you reach the penta-
- gram-design floor. Go to the right. B
SECRET REMOTE Jump onto the the purple pools there is a abesosaring 9
J, Enter through the red door. Hop disappearing table. _ table. Follow this to the ceiling maze.
2 through a red symbol. Fig. B.


In the room with the checkpoint, drop
into a hidden entrance found between
WlCHARGE To THE TOP two platforms on the second floor. This
Take the left-hand passage when you is the way to the
BI see the two droids. The end is near. V/O Tower.


Look for a passageway from the room
14 with the checkpoint. See Fig. A. = ‘

WlCHARGE THEA.C.T.STEPS by your power. Beware. will slowly sink.

The droids are activated The laser platforms

Take the right-hand passage when

B you see the two droids.
COLLECTABLES REMOTE When you see the two dormant droids surrounding the energy orb,
"T Collect 30 batteries, 40 light pins you'll Preally close toif the secret
and 50 particles for this remote. Hee ee ey OOS aUp Ran
take the left passage. Use the
SECRET REMOTE jump to leap back. Stick to the
wall and follow it to the remote. Vie “an
A tricky one to find, you'll have to

climb walls to get this one. Fig B.

EASY POWER-UPS Normally you can get only
In nearly every Scream TV level, three items from the
you'll find mouse holes scattered Frankstein monsters. However,
about. Although they look like you can get up to 12 if you
meaningless background details, whip them, then circle the body
you can get three pick-ups for parts individually. This trick
simply ducking in front of them.
Not all that great, but it sure
makes getting the collectible
remote easy.
helps when
trying to 1. To help you collect the pick-
earn an ups faster, you can whip your
extra life in tail. This makes it easier to
the level. get them, especially on the
The best 1-Up loop in the game
bonus rounds.
is located in the Mao Tse
2. Use the Tail Spring on the
Tongue level. To your immedi-
spinning or moving platform, and
ate right in the beginning is a
you won't be affected by the
green sign. Whack it, and it will
obstacle. This is essential for
open up the central pillar (the
certain levels.
big red one). Inside is an extra
life. Quit the level, and return to
do it again. No risk at all!
Duck in front of the You can get a lot of items
mouse holes for stuff. from Frankensteinfeld.
1. Look behind the elevator shaft
2. Ride the elevator, nab the cell.
ilFIND THE ARCHED ASTEROID 3. Return, climb the shaft. Enter wormhole.
ig Ride the elevator down, and follow 4.. This one is also in the wormhole.
Bi the path to the arched asteroid. 5. Exit the wormhole. It’s down to the left.
Climb the elevator to get to the
#4 shimmering blue warp tube.
ie The crystal power cells are hidden Figure B.
3] down two paths. See Fig. A. SECRET REMOTE
COLLECTABLES REMOTE This is one of the easier
| Find 30 rockets, 40 Phasors and remotes to collect. Jump
1| 50 Martians to get this remote. into the wormhole, and
look between the two
SECRET REMOTE towers. Right in the open!
. This one is in the open behind the
¥4 wormhole. See Fig. B. se Sere a5

Collectable Tip: If you are having a hard The level branch is the ALIEN OXYGEN BUBBLE:
time picking up enough items to acquire elevator. Climb it to find One good way to get extra air, particu-
the collectables remote, you can always the warp tube, or ride larly when in a tight spot, is by whip-
toss yourself into oblivion. Although you'll it down to get to the ping the floating aliens. They'll drop
lose a life, enemies (three items) and radar arched asteroid. a bubble of air if hit.
dishes will reappear. Makes things easier.


Pee tii take
iNAVIGATE THE GIANT SPINNER timing to | Look over the edge in
beat this | the “Chinese Secret”

a The far right-hand path, “Chinese : level. area. There is a stickable

@I Secret,” leads to this remote. surface. Drop
onto it, and
climb to the
i) Take the far left-hand path to reach right. Within
Whip the door to
4 this treacherous exit remote. a little alcove
unveil some goodies.

is the remote
as well as

Take the middle path and ride the a teleporter.
cage to this deadly temple.


Collect 30 food cartons, 40 Yin-Yangs gongs of the other
and 50 masks. two objectives
before entering the
SECRET REMOTE Tail jump onto the floor middle doorway.
| Drop off a ledge in the “Chinese to reveal a secret area.
¥4 Secret” area. See Fig. A.


Bonus Round #6: You must collect
Bonus Round #5: You must collect 50 saucers in 3:00. This level is fairly
99 TVs in 3:00. This level isn’t as easy. Take things at your own pace
tough as it sounds. By using the tail instead of watching the timer. The
swipe technique, you can pick up toughest section is beyond the robot
multiple TVs in a single pass. Circle inside the spider webs.
around to the top to get the gold
remote by riding on the mine cars. Collecting 99 remotes seems
Don’t walk on the track. daunting, but it really isn’t.

The only way to make
the deadline is by rid-
ing the minecars. Just 22 BS
watch out for a pit
Head right to nab.
after the second car.
an easy extra life. the
& BONUS BONANZA es Use the jumpboard to leap straight
up. Over the river on a ledge are
Bonus Round #7: The objective of three hidden cartons. Most players
this level is to collect 31 food cartons will pass these up.
in 3:00. There are a few tricky jumps,
but overall they aren’t too tough. You
might find yourself reaching the end
of the line with three remotes left
over. Right in the beginning the You're probably wondering where
remaining three are hidden over the the entrance to this level is. You
river. All of the others are must climb the texture near
there in the open. Some Pangaea 90210
advice: Don’t be afraid to to reach this
leave the boat to get col- hard-to-find Tail bounce on the spinning
lectables. You have to, bonus round. saucers to get past.
otherwise you'll never get
them all. When you jump,
go for distance!
UPD em
Bonus Round #3: Last month we said that In Drag Net was
Toward the end of the level, tough, well here’s more helpful tips. Collecting all 50 badges
the boat will sink. This will be within the space of 3:00 can be pretty grueling. Use the
signaled by a camera = — maps below to find the badges located on the sides. There
change. When this are 16 badges on the floor, 14 on the left side and 20 on the
happens, get ready right. Your best bet is to start collecting the badges from the
to jump to dry land. upper-right side, and use the clotheslines to get to the other
side. Clear out the left area, and then concentrate on the
right. Save the middle for last, as it’s the easiest to clear.

The left side is pretty clear cut. There
are a few tight jumps in the middle.
Use the clotheslines from the upper-
right side to get here. Then clear this
place out completely.


The right side is where to begin. Collect
all of the badges in the right-hand side
until you reach the clotheslines. Ride the
one that goes parallel to the train tracks.
Make sure you don’t forget the other
clothesline though...


Not only do you have to worry about Rez, the pesky
‘ou mi ai |MechaRez in the - humans have weapons aimed in your
“seaofTokyo 10this by whippingfi general direction. Whip the tanks
iwith pur . You can only do be Evaro al-li(eve)
+) ie mem ele mel-18
certain tim Whack him wheneve he’s whittled down by them.
illen fomE buil ing or ifhe. cras es
4 into building
a ld after flying.
If you need some help, pays are a back fi MechaRez -FeCuMTOUE 1
2 of health ie hidden inside | hen he’s on th ‘ound, and
some ofthe buildi csLookfor he'll charge at you. When he
_ these along
the edge of the level. ~ stops, ou'llhave time to tail
hip him. Di 7) away —
} ferme a building.
i 3
A. Wait for |Rez to jump onto
a . Circle around the buil ing, anid.whip it.
You'llil want to circle,or you'll gethit by
his beam.3. When the building crum- ¢
bles, the obesewill be stunne for a few
“seconds. sure fi mipgear anginay building.
EGM: 59.
i There are three hidden levels. They are opened up by
collecting the gold remote controls. Hidden inside each
one is a clacker. Earning this will get you a cinema.


Lava Dabba Doo is a

MlNAVIGATE THE RIVER OF FIRE pretty straightforward
Hop from raft to raft until you reach __!evel. Use the is
HI the exit. Pure skill, baby! climbable textures for y ‘ ’ 1
Lhe the clues on where to , 3 :
Ss CLACKER go. The second half iJ x |
It’s hidden behind a waterfall of lava, is a raft ride that is The little hills provide —_Look for the signs that Spring jumping up the
inside a skull. See Fig. A. purely skill-based. cover from the rocks. point out monsters. rafts is the easiest way.


Pg Make your way to the raft
at. tide. Once you reach the
waterfall (err, lava...), turn
the camera around and
look backward. You'll see
a climbable texture. Use
it to reach a ledge where
you can jump behind the lava. Inside the cave is Get to the lava fall. Turn around. Climb time!
a big head. Smash the head to get the clacker.


first big staircase, look
This level is another endurance to the right side.
course. Practice jumping or else! There’s what looks like
tHe a bottomless pit, but it
CLACKER in fact hides a clacker. Don’t
Look into a pit beside a stairwell. The worry about getting stuck,
Flip the switch to open
climbable texture shows the way. you can always climb out. ed
the barred doorway.

ilPASS THE TV FOREST eae, | After the climbable wall, head straight.
When you get to the second junction,
@ Jump off the top of the maze to get head to the right and
HI to this stack of electronics. jump across the pit.
BiacRoss THE BLUE BEAMS Ride the elevator that
you find. This’ll carry
2 Go to the path on the right from you to the maze roof.
#4 the junction to get to the beams.

GSCLACKER The junction is after the CHIPS & DIPS

This clacker is seated atop the maze. climbable wall.
Fig. A shows the way. ‘ BONUS BONANZA

BUGGED OUT Bonus Round No. 9: Pick

up 50 batteries within the
time limit. If you keep a cool
head, this high-speed levelis
Bonus Round No. 8: This bonus
a breeze. The hardest part is a
round is different from the others.
the tunnel you must climb. Sam a: ..
You must collect 70 radiation symbols 7
It's easy to get vertigo. Keep Climbing the tunnel can be
in 2:00. The catch is this: You must
moving diagonally upward. confusing. Keep circling up.
kill enemies to get the items.
It helps.
Tail whip the gear in the center
This level is made a little
of the room three to four times.
easier by the fact that there
This will cause the baddies
are more batteries than
to appear. Start whipping at
the number you must collect.
a point in the level where
Go after the items that are
they meet to get a lot of
easily nabbed, because
pick-ups easily.
time is very short.

Climb all the way to the top, and get

to the remote on the altar.

30 gears, 40 red briefcases and

50 oil cans are the objective here.

ide the second speaker set to the right side of the

chamber. The remote is right there, out in the open.

Axtec 2 Step

Lava Dabba Doo 1
| ; | |Texas Chainsaw Manicure 1
In Drag Net | Mazed and Confused 2
Spy Who Loved Himself 1
‘Trouble in Uranus —«'1-_—| |Gilligex Isle 1
Lizard in a China Shop 1 Mooshoo Pork 1 |
ol Gexzilla vs MechaRez

} Lure Rez to fly at you when

} you're near a wall. 2. Wait for
| him to stun himself. Once he
has, jump at Rez and do a tail
P You've finally made
| whack, 3. This will propel him
it to the ultimate battle. Rez has two
| into the energy in the center of
forms, so you'll need to know the pattern
the level. Three hits needed.
or you 'll end up as gecko paste.
Rez is small and fast. He'll
attempt to fly into you at high speed. If
you stand near a wall and then dodge, } eae
he'll get stunned. When you whip him, P i. rn rik Rez starts firing iockets
Rez will get zapped by the central ener- . f ' = look for the white puffs of
gy core. This makes Rez mad. The cam- z ¢ er uy co | smoke. These will tell you
era will switch to his perspective. Dodge | : 4 | where his missiles are
the rockets and repeat the whole ‘ “ ¥] ,; Flelol0l m(omere)
process for a total of three times. he nine sd
1: Now things will get a [ i ha: 7 1. Jump over Rez’s sweeping
little more intense. Rez grows to | ‘ a "arm. 2. Keep running around
gigantic proportions. He'll swing his}, AY ‘| the level to avoid the eye
fists at you. The number of times you be. (€. FL | lasers. 3. Trick Rez into
have to avoid them is dependent on ie = iy G =| smashing the pedestals.
how much you have hit him. Simply | S NO SEES... | Repeat two more times.
jump over his blows. Keep moving ee: - |
(preferably in a circle around him),
because Rez’s next attack is a hom-
ing laser. This is going to be the
biggest player-killer out there. It’s
hard to jump over, so keep running. At this
time a pedestal will rise from the ground,
signalled by a green light. Jump onto the
pedestal, and dodge Rez’s smashing hand. If
Rez hits the “pedestal” he'll trigger a TV that'll
drop on his head. Only three hits are needed.
publisher The Planet Idznak
dev lo ® There are 19 worlds on your
Saving your Progress
“strategy talk
quest to defeat Klogg. Each world is made up
of 3-6 levels: the starting level, two paths through the © You don’t need a memory card to save
middle levels, a final level and a bonus level. y your game. Instead, you get a code at
t’s very hard to take ‘ the end of each world that defines your
© Your trip through the game is one-way. 5 A progress up to that point: world, bullets,
i! i a work of art like Check here before you start each level «=. lives, power-ups, etc.
@ Skullmonkeys, pick it so you don’t miss any secrets or
apart and dissect it for hidden worlds. ® This means that it is possible to simply
rapid consumption. This press random buttons and get lucky
strategy guide will @ When you finish the world, you see how on the code. That's right, if you have
prepare you for every many secrets were on the path you chose, and the patience, you enterprising young
level and enable you to how many you found. Depending on the path hackers out there could (theoretically)
you take, you could get different secret counts
beat the game in record break the password code to allow for
for the same world. any combination of lives and power-ups,
time—but I'm hoping you
won't do that. and visit any level.
Take your time with this
one. Marvel at the
detailed animation. Revel
in the catchy, quirky
music. Share with your Access this hidden level before you \f you don’t use the password to enter the
friends the unforgettable start the game, by. entering the game via Skullmonkey Gate, the game will
password L1R1L1f . This will give
sights and sounds of the start you out in the Science Center.
you a great head start on the game.
Phart-Head and the
Universal Enema. Only © Wait for the Robot Monkeys to shoot, then
then should-you come jump over S
the laser and
back here and blow
run past.
through the game:
This guide shows you © Watch for
the alternate paths the invisible
through each-world, as “puffs” that
well as how many secrets can lift you
you should find on each to higher
level (no number means Excellent lighting effects, music,
no secrets to find). Most secrets, a Boss, a movie and a Fadi
importantly, you can find hidden level.
out exactly how to access
© You'll find the first groovy 1970 icon
all the hidden levels.
in the opening level.

—Benjamin SSN"Melange‘ © There are two paths on

Spice” Durbin this level; but both paths
have an exit to the bonus
“Level codes and Secrets are level. Take the tan exit if
from preproduction CD.and you want to find more
subject to change. secrets and to see a cool
gold waterfall.

time to complete:


two words you don't

often hear in a game: Drivy Finn
2 At the end of the Monkey
oddest weapon:
Di Shrines bonus level, do not
#1 take the first exit. Continue to
the right and you will find an exit
| worst Oscar pick: | for an additional hidden level.
The second 1970s icon is found
in this level. You must exit
through the red path, and to do
that, you've got to. go around the
first tan exit. The only way to
jump up high enough is to: butt-
bounce off the-skullmonkey.
the room.
© If you take the red clay-exit on flames:can't teach you. This
| You're
the first level, your path through __Works best on single grates. __} going to
the Hard Boiler is shorter.
® You can “die” in the bonus need
room here. You won't lose a bullets and Phoenix Hands
© You.can stand on the edge of
some of the blast grates and the life, but it will force you out of in the next world!

=. This world’s only purpose seems to be to 2 3

drain your resources: You're either going to use 37
lots of bullets or lots of lives.

© Hopefully you have enough bullets and Phoenix Hands to

take out the sno-shooting monkeys: You'll find them placed
in groups so trying to jump over the sno-balls is suicide.

© You can duck under the sno-balls

and shoot the monkeys in the
feet. Save your Phoenix Hands
for taking out the enemies guarding
higher platforms, since jumping is
so dangerous.

=e = a
The hot dog factory is very straightforward. There is only.
one path through the world. On-each level, the area you
can explore is quite narrow—nothing below the water line,
“| and nothing more than a screen extending above.

© Don't waste your Halo on monsters. There are many

times when the sausage you are riding sinks below the
water level, and:only your Halo can save you from.death.

@ |f the sausage you are

riding sinks and death “
seems inevitable, jump :
Straight up. Often your
next ride will bob to the
surface just in time.

This will be-your first experience with the destroy two of them. The Universe Enema will. you have returned to normal size. You-can
super-shrinking chevrons. These make an take them all out. sometimes reach more.secrets than you
otherwise average level into...well, an could while you were shrunk.
elevated structure of terror. © When you finish these levels, it’s usually
worth a trip backward through the level once
© This will also be the first-time
you encounter El Barfo.. You can
kill-him or you-can just wait for him
to jump off the:platform.

© When you approach the safe

archways; you'll lose sight of the
top of the archway, where secrets
FVccmial(e(ol-lahn@)eutglmileci@l(-\'7-) fmtalcd
red exit is atop the final archway.

© You will need to use-a Phoenix

Hand or a Universe Enema to. get
through the area with the Barking
Birds circling. A Phoenix Hand will
The Ynt worlds up the ante on
difficulty. To. get through. them,
you will need a: lot of bullets,
Phoenix Hands, Phart-Heads ® The steam rising from the:floor
and Universe Enemas. This
will lift your Glidey Bird to. the top.
© Two or more Flying Ynts ina
world has puzzle aspects to it, frustrating levels, and a single ffi i
SO Save any resources you path through them. And only two SABES ee Sse
are given. secrets for your troubles! :
* Don't. look for ted exitsF here. 6 You have to-use the Glidey Bird @9 Syetny
Save any
Univer. A
The designers have thoughtfully: to beat this world, So every Ma key to solving a difficult puzzle
provided you with five equally Bird has a Glidey Bird nearby. inleeahabeamesleual

p hard to find but i)

easy to reach.
Jump on the first
I mand
This world should be-a welcome e Bue ua
s wait until the
relief after the Death Garden: moving platform
= is.on its wa
© Take a shortcut on the first ba6k et you.
level. When you the first fckieia
set of circling platforms, step off Bus ene
to.the first platform above and to platform and do
sheweyt: ee anien vn Don't touch the
to the left. You'll land-on-the tall spiky rocks—they
. ihe fed path has IRIE. SECIEIS: spire where you can:stand to will kill you!
The first secret on this level is reach the-extra lie.

® Get the Phoenix Hands before

© The glowing blue columns of you-exit the second level.
electricity act like puff-chutes and
lift the top-of the screen. ® Remember, there’s no bonus for
speed. Take the time to examine
© On the last level_you will-find each jump. If it looks too difficult to.
a group of four Ynts buzzing time correctly, it probably is. Use a
around a platform. To make bullet, a Phoenix: Hand or, better still, a
this jump, go for it when the Universe Enema.
Ynits start to pulse in toward
the platform. Once you make © Don't forget to use your Phart-Heads.
it into the circle, jump out again This is one of the most important tools
when the Ynt behind you almost you have at your disposal. The Phart-
touches you. Head allows you to scout ahead in:com-
plete safety. If you die, you will return
to your original spot. But if-you keep
going, your Klay-self will eventually catch
up to your Phart-self and all_of the
progress you made.
This world is the gate to the guarded by flying Egg-Beater
Special 1970s hidden level. You monkeys. You can’t butt-
need to have all three 1970s bounce them because of their
icons, and you must collect all blades, but you can usually just [72%
three Swirly-Qs here: duck under them.

® Many of the platforms are ® The tan path is shorter but

not really any easier. In this case — and to the left and you
itis worth your while to take the —_will find it. Dispose of the
longer ted path. Egg-Beaters and grab :
the Swirly-Q.
© To reach the first Swirly-Q, found on the last level before the
you will need to butt-bounce © The last Swirly-Q is on the final bonus room. Work your way up
off the Fiappers. level, just before the bonus room. —2nd to the left to find it.
Work your way down and to the
if you take the red path, the right after you pass the Ma-Bird, — © The exit to the 1970s level
second Swirly-Q is found’ on the can be found-at the end of the
raining level. Work your way up © The third and final 1970s icon is Sonus level.

and it is possi-
ble to fall to
your death. If
you die, you'll
of this world.

© The spinning © The third ° i)

records act
The 1970s is one really big F and fourth al
like conveyor belts. When you levels use freaky disco ¥
bonus level. If you have Phart- land on them, you will be pushed |
Heads to spare and would rather toward the edges. To keep your Ld tatelog Al ap
have more lives, now is the time footing on the spinning records, cally the same as
to use them. There are not many try jumping up again as soon as before, as is the
Phart-Heads to pick up here, you land. Stay in the air by Sdvica* Whenin
however, so if you feel you have jumping up and down. Adjust doubt, use a Phart-
enough lives already, don’t your forward momentum while Head. There's nothing \
waste them. you are in the air. really good to pick up

© There are no enemies here

here, so concentrate on
© Use a Phart-Head often so you getting to the final level.
but the footing is extremely have a trial run at each obstacle.

There is. only one path for you to

complete this world. In addition,
moving through each level is a
one-way trip. You begin: the board
by dropping onto some Green
Hearts (thus shrinking you) anda
Giiidey Bird. Your only goal is to
float safely to the bottom, where
you will find the exit. ® if you want to enter the bonus and hold your Glide button-again
level, you should play it safe and as fast as-you can.

S ® Touching any part of the stick to the jeft-hand side. To

bow! on-the flaming jamps maximize your pick-ups here. try ® On the second level, keep the
will kill you; These are prob- this: Pick a direction to glide and sidé wail just barely in view as
ably the most. dangerous Stick with it. Each time you pick side where you will find the first you descend and you'll see
», obstacles in your way up an item, reverse directions. Swirly-Q and some clay bullets. another Swirly-O:
‘a ®* because they stick up

f \so high. © On the first level, make your

way immediately to the left-hand
® You can't shoot while you are
gliding. Let go of your glide; shoot
© The final Swirly-Q on the third
level is also on the left wall.
® On the second
part of the tan path,
don’t shoot any of
This level has two completely the monkeys you
separate paths. You can reach come across, There
the bonus room or the exit from is a long patch of
either path. spikes that you
can. only cross
© Always triple-jump the Ma by butt-bouncing.
Birds. Power-ups are often
hidden in the rocks above @ When you reach
your reach, the section with
moving platforms
® On the first world of the tan and small patches using any bullets.
path, turn-around right away and of crystal, you've got to keep
head back a bit. There is a jumping to the right. Trust that the © As a general rule, slow-moving Cs
Universe Enema just to the left. next platform willbe there to Egg-Beaters require you to
meet you. move past them slowly, waiting
© Just over the first crystals you for the right pattern. On the other
will find three skullmonkeys. © The red path is probably the hand; fast-moving obstacles
Triple butt-bounce them and you easier route through this world. require you to jump in.and
can reach the extra life. You can use Slappy the Hamster Cofolal Ualvicmelame ele.aVa
F-Tare Mantel
ccmimi Uncoleelami csleele

© On the second level, move

to the left:to pick up a Swirly-Q
and another secret.
This level requires skill and those Super Willies, this isa
patience more than anything. good level to try them out.
® Before you take a rail car,
You won't need a whole lot of make sure you haven't missed
resources other than lives. © The towers with pointy-tops
any. secrets. Rail cars are one-
will cause you to slide off: way trips so you can’t go back.
4: The world is very dark: Avoid this by jumping up and
Look for secrets any- down, similar to the records
where there is. dark- from the 1970s.
ony ness, and especially
*. on the tops of each © The rail. cars:slide to the end
of the of their track, pause and then
towers. fall off. All you have to do is
jump to the next rail car. The
elf only time they. pose a problem
you've is when there is a Screaming
been Inferno along the path of the
saving ellmecta

will periodically try

_ toast a spell to destroy th More like a bonus level than
floating platforms. But to do this, . anything else, the Drivy Runn is
he has to drop his force field. » yet another obstacle on your way.
He’ll grunt and hunch over Hang on, it's a wild ride!
when he is about to cast his
spell, so be ready. ® It's important to note that
you can vary your speed in
© Once the force field is down, mid-air. This means that you
you must act quickly. You can © Finally, can shorten or lengthen your
butt-bounce him and hop back you can jumps if necessary.
to the platform. This is the most use your Be careful =
difficult strategy. Universe © In-the first half of the first level, when you
Enema on your only major obstacles will be jump so
© If you have any bullets, you him, but pits and spikes. Try to ignore all that you
can simply shoot him. The only you still the clay balls passing by. don’t bump.
problem here is making sure have to into the
you are lined up for your shot wait until © In the second half; Bombers bombers.
when he drops his force field. his force field is down. will zip over you and drop bombs:
e There are-usually two
routes you can take across
each level:.a high route
and a‘low.route: If you can
butt-bounce your way. up:
to the higher platforms,
you'll find the going easier
and the rewards greater.

© On the first level of the

tan-path, there are two exits from
© To collect the third and final
the level: The higher exit will take
Swirly-Q on the red path, you will
you to the second level of the red
need to use a Super Willie. You
path, while the lower exit simply
can pick one of these up on that
continues along the tan path:
level, but make sure you save it.
© Don't shoot the Flapper
© Whatever you do, don't use
monkeys; as-you will often need
your Phart-Heads. You are
to: butt-bounce them to-make it
going to need them to beat
tothe next platform:
Evil Engine #9,

This is the true Boss of the Platforms, a

game. Beating this world will a translu- x
require every skill and power- cent purple
up you've gained so far. platform f
will spring ia i ; ;
© Your Phart-Heads are going — into being: 1° j a : ae — L2R1 R1
to be-your most valuable : F ; 1 % j :
resource, so use them wisely. © These | | a. L2L1
platforms 4
® Move slowly and inspect last for only L2L1 De)
your surroundings before you’ a limited
make that next jump. Often, time. The | L2R1 L2
Royal Guards: come out of moment =
nowhere and getin your way. you are no A L2L1 L1
® Very shortly into the level longer a L2R1 R1
you will discover anew aspect — touching the
of-gameplay that is the key to ~ trigger a 10? L2L1 A L2
this entire world: the “Energy plate, they ¥
Platforms.” When you step-on -begina 11 L1 L1
the-trigger plate of the Energy
= 7 *
countdown, ; %
to phase »
12' @ R2 RiR2R2R2>L1
out again. 13 L1 Li
14 Lt Li>
® Beginning with level two © Beating each level should
you will start to see Energy be your only focus. Don't 15? L2 Li”
; || Platforms “chained” together. get sidetracked in search-of
16 L2L1 L1
‘| In order to advance any extra lives or power-ups you
further, you must hop across don’t need, 17 R1 LiR2
two different platforms. before
they disappear. © There are secrets, to find... 18? L2A LiL1
‘This will place you at the beginning
of Monk Rushmore with all 1970s icons
and power-ups. From here, you will
still have to collect all 3 Swirly-Qs
to advance.
* These levels begins with claymation
sequences (see Groovy Movie Guide).
THES AS a s revenge. AS Red,
~ Nothing’s as good d
X, the man who kille
“you'll battle Bilack
ia, you'll enter
SaGa Frontier. yourfaily. As Emel to av enge the
the martial arts tournament remember
death ofyo ur lover, Just
s activity.
where you will to stretch before strenuou
A place
through vast palaces.

Seek salvation in lush
And shop in dark citi

r magical skills.
You will hone you
e mal ici ous oppon ents.

wi th a multiple
And probably end up
ali ty dis ord er.

haven't achieved
Becau se you

until yo u've lived the lives

the quests
and complete d

of 7 different people.



Serenity. Nature. A windmill. This is

Yorkland, the birthplace ofthe musician
Lute. But, as Riki, a millionaire
gives you a ring. No, it’s not love. It’s
one of the 8 legendary rings you
need to save your decaying planet.

. marlk f Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

t and the PlayStation goslogos: are trade
: aregistered tradmarer Square 0, ., Ltd. Ltd. SagaSagaFrontier
fights reserved. SquareSoftis Fr isatrademarknark ark,ofof SSqu
“I see a shiny new gun in youre-
It’s a dirty metropolis and a hotbed of future.” Small stalls offerfortun
The busiest shopping mall. And set off
is crime. As Blue, this is where you telling services. This is also where
a prison. As Red, Manhattan on the quest to kill your twin brothe
the beginning of the end ofyour lost past Blue and Emelia attain some
Emelia , this is just the And as the robot T260G, your wisdom on the Rune quest.
quest. As tions as:
beginning ofthe beginning. rces you to ask such ques
ion? And, where
am 1? What is my miss anic?
can I find a good mech

put spells on them.

shoot, stab or
exciting people and

run for your life.

views as you
Lose yourself in breathtaking
a prison break.
be complete without
No vacation would

to killing your brother.

music and sailing
range from

that will last forever.

you'll have memories
Unless you die,


is only a sampl ing of the places
? This
ion of , A military port hidden in a cave you'll go with us. And as
You are Asellus. A transfuses through: Not the best place to get a tan, vie forglory, accepta nce or just world
huma n and Mystic blood cours but it is where you get the best rates thinking,
you've been ; : salvation, you'll surely be
your veins, This is where for converting gold to
friends coul d see me now.”
s your tragic “ff only my
resurrected, and thus begin
g passions.
wandering ofconflictin .com

= 2
iablo hit the PC mar-
y _ket with a smash
af when it was released. It
# sold off the shelves and is.
still played as a multi- Griswald
player game even today. | This guy can be found close to the center >
Now it’s being released of town. He will sell you new weapons and
buy your plundered ones. He can also
on the PlayStation.
repair your items for a small fee. You can
The PlayStation boasts
also buy some nice magical items from him if you
all of the qualities the PC have the money.
version had plus new
add-in features. There are
now multiple speeds so
you can choose your This guy is at the center of the town. He
pace, separate screens for [ is a wealth of information and can usually
inventory and character
quests. He can also, for a small fee, iden-
info to free up a little
tify any magical items you come across.
more of the game screen
and, of course, the ability
to save your character
and take him to your He will have a quest for you to go on dur-
friend’s house for a sound ing the game. He can be found west of the
fe whooping. Any fan of the ™ center of town. He will heal your wounds
PC version should pick and sell you some strong revival potions.
this one up quickly.
Because each level is k
randomly created, it is This guy is drinking next to one of the
impossible for me to southern houses. He will provide some
give you an exact walk- information for some quests but offers
through. Instead, Iwill no other bonuses.
list all of the quests. Keep
in mind the quests are
random as well, so if you
don’t get them all, don’t
village, across the water. He will sell you
worry. Just play again. some of the strongest magical weapons in
the game, but his prices are very high.
—Scott “New Wave
Spice” Augustyn
This character is found north of the town
center. He will offer you some information
but nothing else.

time to complete: She can be found east and north of the

blacksmith. She can offer to recharge
challenge: -| staves and can sell some powerful magical”
artifacts and spells. ff
PC better?

best feature: She is another character who will provide

some story, but not much else. She is
found west of the center of town.
Initiating Event: On your way to the Initiating Event: After you return from Ew
dungeon from the town, you will see an o your first trek into the dungeon, you
injured townsman. He will tell you about should talk to Pepin for healing. He
the Butcher and his vile acts of murder ePEELIIO will also ask you to perform this quest
toward the townspeople. for him.

pul ——
Strategies: This guy is your first fearsome opponent. He is a very
up-close fighter, so try to hit and run a lot. If you are the
'*7 Strategies: The entrance to a dark corridor is where you will find
this quest’s end. In this area you will need to destroy all of the
ae rogue, then you are in a good position to take pot shots
* monsters. Once you do this, the water will become pure again.
and kill him from afar. If you are a fighter, be sure to You will need to face some dangerous new monsters: the flesh
have plenty of Heal Potions handy. If you’re a mage, clan. Most of them are strong fighters, and they are of
blast him from afar with your fireball spells or anything tough ones to defeat, so take it slowly. The real \ a
better but stay away from his hand-to-hand attacks. challenge will come toward the end. You will come a6
across a river where you will be bombarded by
arrows, coming from a flesh clan archer. He is a
smart one and will move away if you try to rush
KING LEORIC him, so be quick and deal as much damage as you
fer-lal ol-i(e)komer-(e1dine elimelmal-r-l
[a1 R
Initiating Event: Talking to Ogden some
time during the adventure will give you
the introduction to this adventure.

Initiating Event: This is another adven-
Strategies: This separate level will be filled with the undead. Walk ture that is initiated by talking to Ogden.
through this level slowly (a good weapon to equip would be a It appears that a group of goblins have
blunt weapon like a club or mace). If you have learned the stolen his sign. They unfortunately have
spell Holy Bolt, you can use it to a great effect here lost it to a stronger fore:
since every enemy you will face will be undead. When
you are facing the skeleton king himself, be prepared
+ Strategies: The Tavern sign is located in a room directly above
to fight off a lot of skeletons—the king has the unholy
power of being able to raise the dead to fight again. Hit
oe# the one by the goblin leader, Snotspill. You can return the sign
to the goblins or to Ogden to complete the quest. If you return it
and runs will work well, but try to take him out as quick- to the goblin, be ready to face a large force of goblin soldiers
ly as possible. If you are forced off, heal quickly and rushing you.
rush back. Once he is defeated, check the level thor-
oughly to find several secret magical items.
Difficulty Levels —y
i There are three different levels of diffi-
culty: normal, nightmare and hell. At
4MAGIC STONE the start the only option open is nor-
mal. To gain the other levels, you must
Initiating Event: Talking to Griswald have a character who is a certain level.
sometime during the game will surface To get the nightmare level of difficulty, you
this quest. He wants you to fetch this must have a character with a level of 20 or high-
stone and return it to him so he can craft er. To get the hell level of difficulty, you must
something for you. have a character with a level of 30 or higher.
What's the difference? Well, if you want to
Strategies: The magic stone is found on a pedestal really challenge yourself or have a super-
on the fifth level. There are a ton of enemies around powerful character for multiplayer, then this
this area, so try to clear it out before grabbing the is the answer. When you start the game on
stone. Once you return it to Griswald, he will forge nightmare or hell, you will immediately
the Embryean Band for you. This is a very powerful notice that the enemies are stronger and
artifact that should stay with you for a while. smarter. You'll also receive more experience
: for killing them and find better treasure.
Initiating Event: This quest is started by Initiating Event: This quest will be start-
meeting Gharbad himself. He is on Level ed by reading a certain book on Level 5.
4; you must go up and talk to him to You can start and finish this quest in the
begin the quest. area that you read the book.

efore you talk to Gharbad try to clear out as many of Strategies: In a room close to the room with a book,
the surrounding enemies as possible. Once that is you will find a bloodstone. Use this stone on the
=, done, talk to him. He will beg you not to kill pedestal in this room, after you clear it of monsters,
him and say nothing more. Continue to to open up the way to the next room. Repeat this
explore the level, periodically returning to talk process two more times to make the final room
to Gharbad. The first time you return to talk to him become available. Here you will face some more
he will give you a magical item. The second time enemies but will also be rewarded with a new
4 he will say he is not finished with his next project unique suit of armor.
: for you. The third time he will attack.

Initiating Event: This is another quest
“Speed ‘Kills....or does it?_ Griswald will tell you about. If you return
When you first enter into the game, it to him, you will be rewarded with a very
you will notice this character fefelolemV-r-lelea
moves a little slow. It does not :
move at the fast pace one :
would expect with an : Strategies: The anvil itsettiis on Level 10. This is a tough one to
action/adventure game. get since the monsters are plenty. Clear as much of the level as
There is another setting for : you can before heading to the center. In the center is a
the speed, however this is : large concentration of enemies and the anvil (it is
; both a blessing and a : on a peninsula surrounded by lava). If you are
4 curse. The faster speed i using the rogue or the mage, you are at
will be good to you in the; an advantage because you can attack —
first few levels of the game. When: from a long range. With the fighter, be sure
you start coming up against stronger to take your time to hit and run.
opponents, you might want to slow it
down a little, so you have some time ;
to plan and move around.
Initiating Event: This quest is initiated by
reading a book on Level 6. This mystical
| BLACK MUSHROOM book will describe the level you will face.
The stairs to this level can be found on
Initiating Event: This quest can be start- Level 6.
ed if you find the Fungal Tome on Level
9. Take this book to the witch Adria to
Strategies: Once you head up the stairs to this
| start the rest of the adventure.
GERRI! level, you will notice that the level itself is small.
Your problem will be the large collection of enemies
you'll have to face. Be sure to clear out the side
Strategie After retrieving the Fingal Tome and taking it to the areas before heading to the main center area of
witch, talk to Pepin. He will require you to get a this level. Here demons will be charging at you.
demon’s brain. This a pretty easy task—all you Dodge ’em and finish them off while they are con-
need to do is check the first monster you kill. From fused. Be sure. to throw both of the levers you find since they will
there you will have to return to Pepin and give him open up two rooms holding several magical items. Also, be sure to
the brain. Once you have the potion, speak with Adria keep the skeletons from leaving their room. If they get out and
one last time. surround you, it is all over.
i8 00) 9Bo 0) 9 53 0)0)BD)
Initiating Event: This quest is also initiat- Initiating Event: This quest is also start-
(To ohVc-r-(e| [ale m-Wolele),eam
Mal<Melele) aacMer-||(-\e} ed by reading a book, The Stee! Tome. If
The Book of the Blind and is found on you have this quest, you will not be able
Level 7. to go to Level 14 until you read this book. }2=

Strategies: In this quest you will face some new dangerous hor- Strategies: The Warlord is surrounded by some
rors. These monsters called Illusion Weavers are tough nuts to of his henchmen. They are Steel Lords and are
crack. They are the only monsters you will find in this level. There pretty strong. All of these creatures are sus-
are several rooms in this level, and behind each one lies more ceptible to lightning spells. They can be fairly f°
Illusion Weavers, so do not open any doors until you have cleared tough, if they can all gang up on you, so don’t *
out the area you are in. Your prize lies in the north room. Once be hesitant to lure them out one at a time.
you gather the Optic Amulet, the quest is complete. Once these monsters are defeated, you will be
rewarded with many magical items of good
value, including a couple suits of magical armor.

Initiating Event: This quest can be found

on Level 8. Talking to him will give you
the quest, but he will not attack you or do
Initiating Event: You will meet
Lachdanen himself on Level 14. He will
ask you to bring him the golden elixir.
This elixir is found on Level 15 in the
When you enter the library area where center of one of the rooms.
you meet Zhar, talk to him and then gather all the
scrolls in the room. Do not touch the bookcase yet.
When you touch the bookcase, Zhar will attack. He is
a tough opponent to attack hand-to-hand, because
W* Strategies: Talk to him when you first meet. When he gives you
this quest, complete the level and gather the golden elixir from
Level 15. When you return, he will give you a magical item, but
he tends to teleport. Use distance attacks when you unfortunately, he will also attack you. He is a strong opponent, but
can. You will get some random magical item when
is all by himself. Use the standard hit-and-run techniques and
you defeat him. spells to defeat him.

Initiating Event: After you complete the
Initiating Event: To get this quest start- quest involving Lazarus, return to the
ed, you will have to have found the Staff town and talk to Cain again. He will give
of Lazarus on Level 15. Take that staff to s this last quest: Kill Diablo.
the village and show it to Cain. He will tell
you the story and start the quest.

fter you show the staff to Cain there

will be a new red portal that will open up on Level
Strategies: There are four main areas to
this level. There are also a couple of
levers scattered throughout, but do not flip
15. This will take you to Lazarus's area. This area is them yet. They will open up areas that will
very dangerous and is filled with many monsters and » release more minions. Clear the enemies in the
mages. The layout of the area will help out, leaving “ main area first, then take out each room. The final
less possibilities of you getting surrounded. You will room holds Diablo and more of his minions. If you stay
need to hop through several more teleports in order to to fight them, you will probably be killed, so try to lure
reach Lazarus himself. He will have many bodyguards him away from his minions. If you can then return to kill
surrounding him, but they can be drawn away from him. them off or you can take Diablo hand-to-hand. Watch
Once that’s done, finish him off. your health, because he will frequently cast Apocalypse.
Try rushing him to keep him from casting.
his/her character as an attack winds down.
¢ Stay in Human form as long as possible and ¢ In Beast form, use your Beast combos
build up your Beast power. (except for Greg).
¢ Sidestep as soon as your opponent launches ¢ If your opponent is weakened, Rave on and
an attack. Get to his/her side or back, and then combo him/her into oblivion.
launch a combo.
¢ Take advantage of pauses in your opponent’s
combos. Watch for the slower movement of

when they run out of steam. This works

best against the slower characters with
¢ Use the general strategy, along with the
straightforward attacks.
following additions:
© Constant sidestepping. Try to get behind your
¢ Passively block and throw. Let the CPU combo
opponent, hit him/her once or twice and then
right up into throw range, then smash ‘em
ooking like some start sidestepping around him/her again
hyperactive, Hong
Kong mystical arts film,
Bloody Roar is one of the
most energetic fighting
games to hit the market.
The basic fighting engine
for Bloody Roar is similar to
§ that of Fighting Vipers, with §
2 the same type of high-ener- 5
gy. non-stop action. High- §
§ speed combos, juggles,
mid-air recoveries and
§ more are all present, along
= with a new twist: shape-
shifting. Each character has
a human form and an ani-
He attention’to your health meter. The yellow Bar
¢ mal form, and they change ‘} shows the health remaining before you-are KO'ed; the
between them during com- gray bar. shows, what health yourcan “heal” if you:
j bat. Dealing with two dif- Beast form..Once in Beast form, that gray bar will slowly refill with yellow.
ferent forms and two sets of
attacks is the main appeal
of Bloody Roar.
The game engine is solid
4 and surprisingly flexible.
Each character has a ton of
combo possibilities, almost
all of which are useful. The BEAST METER
graphics are great, espe- « Lacated:betow the health-meter,.this
cially the animal models, serves several functions. At the start i
and there are a lot of differ- of the round, it-shows how-much “Beast : t bod : a i (ll
Power” you have available (the “B* on : ~. § sé -
ent game modes to play
B with. Bloody Roar delivers a the-meter indicates youcan shift to l :
Beast form)..Once in Beast form, it
solid. package that fighting
indicates how much longer. ’
game fans should have a you can remain’in your oe J ~
blast with. Beast form. 5 a
—Pat Dolan and Carey ¢ As you_take damage, you cs : <s r uber
“Cajun Spice” Wise will lose health and Beast Ree i
Power. Once empty,-the
next hit you suffer will shift
you back to’ Human form. If
you enter Rave Mode, the Beast
Meter drains ata steady pace
(damage causes it to drop as usual). Bien}
F Once it is empty, Rave Mode stops. by “ve B
time to complete: Lees Pre : saa ite [=
* After, changing. back into: Human = ae pe
form, the. Beast meter refills every
challenge: z 5 g
time yourattack- or are’attacked. Once‘it
fills completely, the word.“BEAST” wilt vse VOR MEON,LO ast-enoug i
arcade better? appear.on the meter and will empty ~ OnEnt e-wh
except-for-a small amount-en ane side, c
favorite fighter: along with the “B” that indicates you gt en oe ’ '
can. shift to Beast form. By attacking or e P Bare SS ; /
it's now time to: being attacked’ you can fill this. meter M 4
further, buying-yourself more time in
Beast form.
* There are three types of combos in Bloody © Standard Combo: There-are. many, many
Roar:.Standard, Unbreakable and Juggles, each Standard combos for all.the characters. These
with its-own-strengths. and weaknesses: combos.are. strings of blows that have.“ pause” in
* Bloody Roar has dozens of combos for all the —. then’, allowing the opponent a chance to block.
characters: Almost any sequence-of punches, counterattack or-dodge the next blaw.
kicks and-Beast attacks you use will create-a © Unbreakable Combos: Thesé are much-shorter
Combo of one form or another.-Each Combo will than Standard Combos; generally maxing
fall irito one of.these- three categories: out at three hits. However,once a
EE single blow connects, the victim
cannot do avoid
the-following -blows, making
them, quite useful.
° Juggles:.Jf you hit your
Opponent straight up

Standard or Unbreakable
Combo will Juggle them
on his/her way’down.
Characters can only
Juggle effectively when
they are in Beast form. The
Humans can’t pop-victims up high
enough to make
Victims*can “break out” of‘
jugglé by hitting P+ K, t
or Chafiging into Beast
form. Both. of these
will “pause” their
descent, often ruining
the-timing of the:juggler,
and giving the victim the
chance to-attack on
him/her-way. down:
* Overall, the most damag-
ing Combos are the Standards.
iii hadie: WF a wee Y:suedles and, Unbreakables make each
blow progressively. weaker. As.a result,
even the longest Juggle does about
the same damage asa relatively
short Standard.

= BLOCKING * © Bloody.Roar uses a “passive” blocking system; you

don’t have to pullback or hit.a button to block medi-
um_or high attacks. This block’is active if-you are backing up or jumping.
$896) Only:by attacking or moving forward. will you negate this basic’ defense.
@5) To block low attacks, you'must press down on the D-pad.
Useful Combos:
* Human (unbreakable) (26)
+®@ @ ++®O
¢ Human (standard) (60)
+®®@ tO
¢ All Purpose (21)
@e0@ Za
¢ Beast (unbreakable) (29) oe
Ce RO}
* Beast (standard) (66)
© Pop-up attacks
@ (against wall) Useful Combos:
r) * Human (unbreakable) (19)
10} ® Human (standard) (126)
@ 4:8 +0 @ +®
¢ All Purpose (26)
A @e@e
ri, * Beast (unbreakable) (30)
. 5 (ORO)
i * Beast (standard) (104)
* Pop-up attacks



Useful Combos:
* Human (unbreakable) (37)
* Human (standard), (65)
@ @ @ «+8
* All Purpose (58)
@ @. >+8
Playing Against: Another fast character who Beast (standard) (113)
hits high and low. She likes to attack aggressive- Co me ere O) (0) (0) +@
ly, so block and counter. Difficult-to sidestep due to * Beast (unbreakable) (18)
her speed and sweep attacks. +® re0}
ss BEP
ise 7 Playing As: Although her individual-blews do little damage, she * Pop-up attacks
4 can easily connect with enough of a short time period to +@
make up for it. Can be used for all-out offense, just keep shifting high +®
and low attacks to keep your opponent
on his/her toes. Better yet, just side- €+@
step around him/her. and let loose.


76 EGM?
Playing Against: Yugo is sort of an “all-around” character, so he doesn't ful :
IY present a strong threat in any category, just a medium to weak threat in Useful Combos:
several. Most of his attacks and combos hit high, so they are safe to MBIT oie)
lol RE)
simply stand and block, counterattacking when he winds down. () @ +@

ay Playing Yi
As: k-of.all-trad eat Nees * Human (standard) (70)
Ny laying Yugo’s “jack-of-all-trades” status makes
him oa®@ o+ ry + ® i‘
k y
GC ae
useful for piade
many strategies. He can pop opponents up © Alpurpose (44) ®
for juggles without much trouble and has a good
selection of “power” blows to launch when 6 @
attacking an opponent’s blindside. Plus, his RMS UCP) eD)
. E basic attacks inflict a good amount of {0} ®@ @ (O}
7 ; damage. Works fairly well as a fast- * Beast (standard) (69)
R “a attacking offense character. +@ +®@ FAO)
a * Pop-up attacks
+ ®@

vl E +@


Playing Against: A very fast character who excels at deliver-

ing surprise attacks. He has a lot of low hits, lots of turn-
around hits and can get behind you easily. Can start some
nasty combos/juggles from an innocent-looking hit, so be
ready to break out or change to Beast form to throw him off.
on't use long combos against him, as he can turn and
react very quickly to counter. Know your turnaround
attacks so you can hit him when he gets behind
you. Low hits work well against him, since he Useful Combos:
. delivers a lot himself. ¢ Human (unbreakable) (28)

Playing As: Keep moving and hit with a variety of

@ @ ++@
* Human (standard) (56)
2: high and low attacks. He’s got a lot of fast, unpre-
kg ». dictable attacks—use them to keep your oppo- s: ® ® +® )
nents on their toes. His combos are good * All Purpose (21)
be E é for intimidation, but they aren't as @e@ @
be y) dangerous as they appear to be. * Beast (unbreakable) (22)
Instead, use juggles when your OM)
4 5 opponent is least expecting * Beast (standard) (65)
\ it. Dodge and hit with OOM OM OMO}
aying Agains specials to inflicta Rropupvatiacks
Useful Combos: g and s id lot of damage. >+®
i * Human (unbreakable) (31) e.a\lot of combos >

Human (standard). (89) i
B -
vd +@
© 6 +800
All Purpose (49)
difer attache) ns ‘
* Beast (unbreakable yo avoic S W

¢ Beast (standard), (85) Dera a 5 Youn

@ ¢++5@ @@ +¥+@ \d counter with Gado, F
© Pop-up attacks ot a O Y
+® A

EGM’. 77
Useful Combos:
*Piercing Tackle (Beast Mode) (very fast
PO) +@ __ tushing attack)
* Human (unbreakable) (41)
+® ¥+8 @
© Human (standard) (56) 4
eee |
* All Purpose (45) ]

* Beast (unbreakable) (58)

Ome SAOMe waO)
* Beast (standard) (104)
CO OOM 210s 250M 2a)
* Pop-up attacks Re
rc +@ |

+ ®@
®H @ (only against
wall in Rave Mode)

Against: Not
much of a threat if
you can keep from
pausing within throw
range. Can be dodged and
sidestepped without much trouble.
Best to avoid his attacks instead of
blocking them, as he can trigger a throw
at a moment's notice.

Playing As: Throw, throw, throw! Greg has more

throws than any other character, and more methods of
activating them as well (in the middle of a combo, from a
“faked” punch, etc.). Make your opponent pay for getting too
close and remember to follow the throw with a ground attack for
good measure.

Useful Combos:
* Human (unbreakable) (26)
# Human (standard) (82)
+® +®
* Human (standard) (45)
+® @ @
* All Purpose (40)
¢ Beast (unbreakable

* Beast (standard) (79)

» Pop-up attacks

+ ®@
) © There are a plethora of moves/combos to all the characters in
the game. Listed here are an added bonus of combinations to the
ones listed previous. Some are more effective than others. You be
the judge to what works the best for your favorite ch: te Name of Move
Human Combinations
Needle Finish
Low Spin Finish
Triple Locust
Name of Move Key Commands Triple Locust Fake
Human Combinations Grave Finish
Finger Stop Combo an Dancing Somersault Blade >t+H
OH, t+x
Finger Stop Hammer BEB Screw Blade v +X; X
Face Rush Combo B8,>+@8 Caprice Blade etx
X% Yt
Finger Stop Sweep BB, )+e Spin Mirage Blade VtX Y+txX
Face Basher Combo gx Win Heart Arrow D2tX% X
Funny Combo *+ELoe Trick Somersault Blade 3+HOB,<c+xX,
Sphinx 1+, J+ Gorgeous Special AtxX,At+X,A+H
Nail Drive Combo Low <+H, J+ Gorgeous Back Lance At+X,aAt+X% A+EL
Nail Drive Combo Middle €e+Botl Hatred Follow Sword VectE@
Body Thrust Combo tie Beast Combinations
Body Rush Combo Gale Claw ee
Leg Blast Rising Hammer Combo Vt@v+xX Gust Claw eee
Leg Blast Combo Vtmvt+x Fox Storm eee0e
Leg Rush Combo VtM +x, bt+x Fox Storm Special @©e@000,<+x
Fake Middle Shoot er+Byurtx Needle Resort
Quick Nail Drive Combo Middle > thE Double Needle Lightning
Quick Nail Drive Combo Low DOBY +x Needle Paradise
Ultimate Punch (five types) v¢ e+,
+ (1-5x) Renaissance Mist
Double Swan Kick €+X, X Trick Shady (R +X 3x)h
+m @
Beast Combinations
Double Swing
Triple Swing
Triple Swing Hip Attack
Triple Swing Hip Attack Second
Triple Swing Hip Attack Final Name of Move Key Commands
Triple Swing Hip Attack Slider Human Combinations
Triple Swing Hip Attack Fake Firing Chops ae
Triple Swing Hip Attack Last Slider Side Hip Attack eX
Triple Swing Hip Attack Last Fake Sudden Scissors Beyt+x
Crunch Press Swing Face Basher gx
Crunch Low Swing Kick To Hell >+H,X
Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Hell’s Grip 32+ ot+Xx
Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Second Fall To Hell ot .+t+x,X

Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Final Kick To Hell Low StHBot+x%
Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Slider Mama Heel Drop >+t+X,X

Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Fake Crying Benkei utXutX,utx

Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Last Slider <€+@,00,)/+@ Ultimate Fighting Kick UtX UtX, X

Back Turn Swing Hip Attack Last Fake <+@,e0e0n8 Beast Combinations
Catch Fake One Spinning Triple @@,5+e
Catch Fake Five Vu x%t@, 000680 Sudden Crush @ee,y,+e
Stop Through Combo BVt+@®
Vx ote Low Leg Flying Up Crush CO VtOe Vte@
Middle Rally Combo 3t+x%3+@ Head-butt To Hell CO V+OV+OT+O
Double Swan Kick Hip Attack +X xX@ Rocket Special
Double Swan Kick Hip Attack Final <t+xX,x@e@e Hell’s Special
Double Swan Kick Hip Attack Slider €et+txX%
xX@ te Mitsuko’s Gorgeous Special BECO, Vt+@V+O,7+0
Double Swan Kick Hip Attack Fake <+xX, XO Ride To Hell 7t+H 1+® j
Ultimate Punch Mirage vectHhe Exploding Stampede v ¢ € + @ (10x)
Swing Satellite Shoot 270 1¢ + @ Piercing Tackle V2 <+@,>+@

EGM? ~ 79
Name of Move Name of Move Key Commands
Human Combinations Human Combinations
One Two Shotgun Combination Fire B8,>+@
One Two Uppercut Tomahawk Buster 27+ a
One Two Lead Body Spinning Strike et a
Combo Extra Shell Slash wtButx
One Two Kick Trooper Combination XK XK

One Two Low Kick Command Edge Combination Middle XX >t X D+ XX

Low Combo Extra Heat Blaster Twin xX €¢+H oe

Knuckle Kick Sky Launcher Strike >t+X, XxX

Knuckle Twin Kick Solid Launcher Strike >tX,9t+X X

Knuckle Spiral Kick Grand Launcher Strike >tX VtX X

Spin Back Knuckle Heat Capture Low Kick Yu 2+ Ml (when hit), § + x

Low Spin Knuckle Beast Combinations
Triple Knuckle Combo eti,c+H, c+ Trap Nail @vte
Squat Hammer Combo Vt, xX Triple Low Scratch @@ +e
Squat Jab Slicer Vtmyt+x Bloody Rage ut@YVurte
Twin Uppercut ut+Buti Heat Blaster Nail XY <e-+n
Machine Gun Uppercut VtByutBhute Heat Blaster Needle xX +8,
9 @,>+Xx
Final Machine Gun Uppercut vtMh y+ ytm vt ml Heat Blast Sky Launcher Strike xX ¢+H, B®, >+X,XX
High Kick Twin xx Heat Blaster Storm X<¢+H@e,)+@
Spiral Kick xX tx Shotgun Scratch BH Vt+e
Squat Spin Kick VtX% +X Lightning Scratch uti 2+@,e
Hide Combo VtX, @ Darkness Scratch V+H,>+@,)+@.
Hook Kick Combo v+X, mx
Low Jack Knife DOatX VtX
Heel Task (while crouching)
Elbow Strike Second Vxucotiotl
Final Elbow Strike Vyothotihotl
Name of Move
Beast Combinations Human Combinations
Double Slash Triple Dagger Spin Slice
Triple Slash Spin Streaming Shadow Sword
Slash Low Shaver Sword Combo Kick
Slash Dive Spinning Sword Combo
Twin Claw Spinning Sword Triple Combo
Claw Low Kick Floating Shadow Circle Ring Kick
Claw Twin Knuckle Moon Shadow Flip 3t+X% +X PtH
Claw Twin Knuckle Slash Speed Shaver Kick ut+X%,9+X
Claw Combo Gale Crescent Moon Drop 23+Xx
Combo Crescent @nHEH,J+®@ Gale Thunder Dragon Blow 3) FFG OG + X
Lead Claw Combo @nH,>+f Gale Spinning Combo Kick DW2tX%X% Ve etX
Claw Combo Kick @OnBEX Beast Combinations
Claw Twin Knuckle Kick @omnx Poisonous Claw Shadow eee
Claw Twin Knuckle Low Kick @mH,Jt+x Falling Canon Claw Combo @e,V+@
Claw Combo Low Kick @mBH,J+x Avalanche Kick Claw Combo @@,U+x,
Gale Attack Combo @mx Poisonous Thrust Triple Combo >+@,e0
Gale Attack Kick @mxx Poisonous Claw Bomb Combo >+@,0000
Meteor Crash veer+@, MorxXor® Poisonous Thrust Spin Kick Vt+e@
Bear Foot Spin @xx Poison Falling Hammer Kick >+@,xx
Bear Foot Spiral @x,utx Poison Falling Hammer Tornado >+@,xxx
Claw Low Kick @,Vtx Poison Falling Hammer Circle Moon Kick >+@,xXxX,2+xX
Blind Blow yt+@,u+@ Poison Falling Canon >2+@0,),+e@
Double Wolf Kick c+@,ct+e@ Claw Hit Combo @ Vtx
Full Moon Knuckle Combo <+H,c+H,ct+@ Flying Claw Kick Combo @@,)+x,x
Name of Move Key Commands Name of Move
Human Combinations Human Combinations
* Prayer Punch Combo (first link) ae One Two Rush
Punch Kick Combo (first link) mx Triple Rush
Whipping Combo (first link) en | Upper Rush
Destructive Fist Whip Combo (first link) Hi, > + # Thrust Rush
Leg Whip Combo (first link) BB,3>+x Somersault Rush
High Kick Sun Moon Grip (first link) x te Blitz Combo
Axe Leg Combo (first link) x Vtx Blitz Combo 2
Upper Step Open Combo (first link) Blitz Combo Middle
Upper Step Leg Combo (first link) Blitz Combo High mwxx,<+X

* Open Punch (second link) Blitz Combo Low mwxx,~+x

Right Side Kick (second link) Through Punch Upper 3o+Botn
Destructive Fist (second link) >+H Sway Punch Combo <t+iG
Sun Moon Grip (second link) vt Sway Kick Combo <+B,Xx
Side Middle Kick (second link) >+x Squat Combo Vtmytx
Sword Kick (second link) tx Squat Blitz Combo Middle VtmY+x,x
Prayer Punch Spin Kick (second link) mx +X Squat Blitz Combo VtByt+x%
* Turning Leg Combo (third link) «+x Middle Rush vt
Half Moon Blade (third link) 33+ Low Sway Combo ermyt+x

Forward Sweep Illusion (third link) vi vtx Turn One Two (turn back to opponent)
Hi i
Combo Back Cannon Move (third link) Vv+e Heel Edge Combo xx
Combo Forward Cannon Move (third link) >, > + Heel Edge Combo Middle XX >txX
* Each link can be integrated with a follow-up link in these chain combinations. Heel Edge Combo High XX, etx
Beast Combinations Heel Edge Combo Low XX Yt
Claw Cross ee Arc Drop Combo 3o+x% etx
Cross Of Destruction ee0@ Arc Drop Combo Low atx VtX
Cross Enlightenment @e,5+e Arc Drop Combo Rush >t+X% Vt+X% V+H
Tiger Claw Spin Leg @vre Squat Kick Combo VtX VtX
Twin Tiger Cross @@ +e Lunar Combo (while crouching) X; > + X
Heaven Mountain Combo c+@,@ Double Somersault VeetX% +X
Claw Prayer Punch eon
Tiger Sun Moon Grip V+@V+H Beast Combinations
Tiger Axe Blade Vt@ tx Rabbit Rush
Twin Diamond Leg vect+@@ Rabbit Middle Rush
Twin Diamond Shadowless Leg Veet@@VeetXx Rabbit Low Rush
Diamond Leg Combo Veect@,@@ Low Rabbit Combo
Diamond Shadowless Leg Combo Veect@,@ vVeetxX High Rabbit Combo @ee@,5>7+e@
Diamond Sun Moon Grip Combo vVeet® @©e,,+e} Low Rabbit Rush Vt+@ V+@
Twin Diamond Sun Moon Grip Ve<ot@,00,)1/+®@ Low Rabbit Rush Hook Vt@,)/+@,@
Diamond Combo (Yang) ve €+®@, (> + @ 6x) >+ BY Low Rabbit Rush Kick V+@U+@Ut+x
Diamond Combo (Earth) Veet@(¥+@6x))
+m Low Rabbit Rush Slider Vt@Vt@® +x Vt+e
Diamond Combo (Yin) ve e+ @, (e+ @ 6x) e+ XJ Low Rabbit Rush Somersault Vt+xX% V+@
Diamond Combo (Heaven) veet@,(t
+@ 6x) Vtx Upper Rabbit Rush e
Upper Rabbit Rush Second e@
Upper Rabbit Rush Low ee, +e
Upper Rabbit Rush High
Upper Rabbit Rush Middle
Body Hook Rabbit Rush Low
Body Hook Rabbit Rush High
Body Hook Rabbit Rush Middle
Slide Combo
Grand Slide Combo
Triple Somersault getxXe+xX%,
Body Hook Rabbit Middle Rush +m, eee
—EGM? ~-81

actics Ogre...1
was finally able to
play the game that was
f made several years ago in
Japan for the Super
Famicom. This is a huge
@ strategy/RPG, with intense
story lines that lets you Soldier no requirements Starting class, average all around, class change ASAP!
choose your own path. (A Knight ALI-L,N STR>45 VIT>45 DEX>46 Good front line fighter, strong STR growth
feature that FF Tactics left Wizard ALI-- N.C MP>16 INT>44 MEN>42 Must have high damage later in game, weak against arrows
out!) This is one long Beast Tamer ALI- L,N\C STR>45 VIT>44 MEN>46 Good for a monster, average stat growth, great with whip
Berserker ALI--N,C STR>45 VIT>46 DEX>44 Very high STR ratings, powerful with axe
game, so before you con- Ninja ALI L,N,C STR>45 AGIS46 DEX>44 Can equip two one-hand weapons, high AGI ratings
quer it, expect to invest Exorcist ALI-- LVIT>44 INT>42 MEN>44 A must-have, kills undead creatures, low STR ratings
about 60 hours or so into Warlock ALI-- LN MP>84 INT>124 MEN>112 Elemental-based spells, weak vs. arrows, wizards are better

the game. Sword Master ALI-L STR>95 AGI>102 DEX>116 Dual weapon warrior, high STR & VIT ratings, low hit %
Dragoon ALI-N STR>115 VIT>106 DEX>114 Destroys dragons and lizard men, best with spear
If you've played Ogre Terror Knight ALI-CGSTR>117 VIT>114 DEX>104 Undead knight, powerful hitter, viable to magic
Battle, then you will be Gunner ALIN STR>120 AGI>164 DEX>150 an use a “Gun,” powerful special “Rifle”
very familiar with the Lizard Man Must be recruited or persuaded High STR, can move over water, nothing too great
| character and plot devel- Hawk Man Must be recruited or persuaded Ability to fly over anything, high AGI, good with spear
Eagle Man Canopus is this class Canopus is the best character in the game, high stat ratings
opment. The only differ- White Knight Mildain is this class Strong knight, higher than normal stat growth, great defense
# ence is that the battle Lord Main character can become this in Ch 4 Lets main character use “White Magic,” high growth rate
layout is very similar to Lich Equip undead ring to wizard and kill him “Black Magic” user, need “Undead Ring” from Nybbas
that of FF Tactics. If you
haven't played Ogre Battle Tip |: Character Training
before, then this title won’t
Train! Train! Train! From the beginning to the end of this epic game, it’s extremely import
have quite the impact on
(and tedious!) to train your characters. Not only train them often, but make sure
you that it should. I highly you train them all to the exact same level. Don’t have one character on Lv 20
recommend playing its while the rest are on 18. It makes a huge difference if you do so.
prequel first, since this Remember: The computer takes your highest level character and rs
one picks up right where matches all of the enemies’ levels to him/her. This only happens for f
that one left off. In retro- secondary encounters, and does not happen in
spect, the similarities the primary.
between Tactics Ogre and
FF Tactics are amazing, and
it’s easy to see the Quest
team worked on both of
these projects, so expect
m the story line to be just as
good, if not better!
—Jim Mazurek and the
EGM® “Spice Guys” Crew

This battle will be the first real

time to complete: test of your strength. The leader,
60+ hours Ramidos, uses an Orb that hits
better than FFT: everyone on the screen with about 70-80 pts. of damage.
tough call He only uses it once, so if you manage to survive the first 20
what's up with: minutes of this battle, you probably win. Take out the cler-
those load times ics first, otherwise they'll continue to heal him throughout
coolest feature: the fight. Be sure to bring an exorcist to destroy the skele-
tons he summons if you take too long. For this fight try to
different story paths
have your party on Lv 16 or higher.
more strategy for Jim?
Requirements Description
no requirements Basic female fighter, class change ASAP
Cleric ALI-- LN MP>16 INT>42 MEN>41 Essential character, great healer, very high INT & MEN
Archer ALI-N,C VIT>44 AGI>44 DEX>48 Great for killing wizards, high AGI, good for a back line character
Witch ALI--N,C MP>15 INT>75 MEN>71 Powerful spelicaster, wide variety of spells later in game
Valkyrie ALI- LN STR>44 VIT>46 INT>42 Above-average fighter, equips one spell at a time, good with spear
Dragon Tamer | ALI--L,N,C HP>180 STR>115 MEN>103 | Can raise dragon's stats when near, can use one spell at a time
Siren ALI-- LN MP>36 INT>75 MEN>71 Spelicaster with very high INT & MEN growth, weak against arrows
Priest ALI-L,N,C MP>70 INT>125 MEN>110 Only character to use “Revivify" which revives dead characters
Shaman Sisteena and Olivia can become this class _| Special class of healers/spelicasters, use special “Prayer” magic

every significant bat-

everyone on the tle. By reading these
screen. After he uses hints, you will open
his Orb, he will focus | up new areas on the
on your weakest | map, and you will be
character with dark | able to pursue differ-
5 5 magic spells. ent avenues in the
The encounter with Nybbas will although you'll probably want game. Make sure to
be tough for two reasons. One, _ to rush in and destroy Nybbas, | read them often!
you probably won't be on the found it much easier to take out |
right level to enter this fight. a few of the zombies and ghosts
Two, Nybbas is a very powerful first. Bring your exorcist!
spellcaster. He uses an Orb only
once, but it does about 90-100
pts. of damage to

By looking at the number of enemies,

you can tell that this won't be an easy
This level is a nightmare. The battle. The most annoying part is the fact that the cleric seems to
object is to take out the wizards always be just out of your reach, so you can’t kill her. An easy reme-
as quickly as possible. The best dy to this problem is to go into this battle with some heavy hitters.
thing to do is have Canopus fly Bring out all of your strongest characters and go right for the leader.
over to them and use his special skill, “Tornado,” on one of Focus all the power on him until he dies, then the battle is over! It
the wizards. It should work out so that Canopus kills the first sounds a lot easier on paper than it really is, and it will require some
wizard before he gets a chance to cast his Summon spell on good character placement on the battle map. Try to be aware of
you. Watch for the other wizard, though. By the time you your character's range of attacks, and use it to your advantage.
have killed the first one, the second one will be ready to cast
his Summon. So make sure that you are on at least Lv 25
for this battle.

~ Tip 3:
There is a witch named Before entering
Deneb who moves from town Brigantes, you'll
| to town with a secret item shop. have s choice to-either
| She sells some really helpful items enter it from the south or
| «1, called “orbs.” There are six different the west entrance. They
| orbs in all: Holy, Dark, Water, Fire, are both hard but the west
| Earth and Wind. They cost 10,000 entrance is on some very
Gorbiaspiece, kind of a difficult terrain that will
hefty price for a single-use item. make it even harder. Take
i Nonetheless, they do some serious’ the south entrance for an easier battle. Try to keep your wizards as
+ damage if used in the right situa- far back as possible if you want to bring them. The archers will make
} tion. Experiment with different ; quick work of them if you don't. Also since the archers seem to be the |
} orbs, if you have the cash, to see main problem on this level, focus all power on them first. |
| which orb items work the best in a
particular battle or is the most
effective against certain classes
of enemies. bE
ihe ALDADwe
NYSinaU ey Mes atlNESE BMS RES eH oC R Na

The showdown with Lans is definitely a tough one. Try to take

out as many Templar Knights as possible while waiting for Lans
to descend down from the top of the castle. The Templar
archers should be the first you focus your power on. Taking
them out will make it possible for your wizards to move forward
without any serious threats. Don’t attack Lans with a weapon,
as his does about 160 pts. of damage, so use as much magic
accessible on him as possible. Stall him
read alk n until your wizards are in position
and another area to use their Summon spells to
called Nimuraba really cook him. Be on Lv 32 or
Forest will open up. higher for this one!
Challenge the Beast
IVETSCTMEr talonlale}
defeat him in combat
for him to join your If you decide to go up and investigate the “Freak Explosion”
adventure group. (explained in Warren's hints in Chapter 4), this is what you'll find. A
Give his “Rifle” group of tough enemies who can match the level you're on! If you’re on
to Rendal. Level 35, they're on Level 35! The fact that you can’t simply overwhelm them when all else fails makes this
one tough. Try to keep your wizards and clerics as far back as possible, while still
keeping them in range of your characters. The key to winning this battle is destroy-
ing those archers first! They prove to be very mischievous if left alone. The cyclops
will hit with over 100 pts. per hit. Keep your strong characters up front to face them
(Canopus, Main
Character, etc.).

This is another battle that will become

accessible by reading Warren's Hints in
Chapter 4. The key to success in this battle is to bring one or
two exorcists with you. They will be doing most of the damage
here. The spell “Exorcism” can kill two or three of these guys at
once if placed correctly. Have Canopus and any other long- This map is a straight-up brawl.
range characters fly up to the top and start hitting the Lich with Nearing the end of Chapter 4,
everything possible. Try to be on at least Lv 33 for this battle. this fight doesn’t let you kill the
leader very easily. He sends
waves of enemies after you first,
as he slowly makes his way down into your range. If you
stay in this battle too long, more enemies will start to
appear from the castle entrance, so try to move quickly.
The trick here is to have your dragoons pound on the drag-
ons while your knights and spellcasters have their way with
the archers. Eventually, Velmado will die.

This battle could be very difficult if it wasn’t for one really important trick.
If you decided to go get “Rendal” (the gunner), you will have the easiest
fight of your life! Bring Rendal into this battle on Lv 36 (which all your
other characters should be on as well) and have him take one shot at
Branta with the special “Rifle” equipped. Goodbye! Killed assassination
style! When you kill him,
you'll get his awesome
sword “Penitent” as a
reward. If you don’t
have or don’t want
Rendal, good luck!
This fight is pretty straightforward, nothing too hard here. The only thing on |
this floor worth noting are its two exits. They determine which path you take
_ up to the top of the tower. The lower exit will take you to the second floor,
"while the higher one will take you to the third floor. The Templar Knights.
"shouldn't give you too le trouble, as long as you are on
Lv 40 or higher.

The gryphons prove to be the most oi 4 Flo. f: Psted i

problematic on this level. Take them ichan
out with your wizards’ Summon spells, then have the rest of your group focus on the selves. Bice
Templar Knights to finish the job. Not too hard if you're on the is level. The exit “mini-battles” a
leads to Floor 5. # time and have one
; ; FeLGes character
q g er than the rest, and
~ Make sure to move everyone over . [(a-"a have someone slay
oat 2 the gap in the ground before you ’ ; him/her. You will get
start attacking! The enemies i it patiently until you decide to start attacking them, . : between 70-80 EXP!
so make sure everyone is in position to do so. The Tiamats have very strong physical : 7 _ Keep rotating with the
attacks, so steer clear of direct attacks on them. Try to use magic instead. The exit on pee i lower level characters
this level leads to Floor 8. : nee ol helping each other kill
se : the higher level ones.
Probably the second hardest floor: in :
all of Eden, the Hydra prove to be a
| big problem on this level. They have tremendous physical power, and attack for well over 200 pts. of
damage per hit. The only solution is to bombard them with as many spells as possible, while making sure
that you are out of their range. The Templar Knight is a cleric, and he will continuously heal the weakest
eis so ty to take them out one at a time. Bring your priest with “Revivify” eduposs just in case.

Iigth oor Fleaven Ox Fell The final Geos at Eden, but wait.. Balbas
; eae escapes? Now you must face his right-hand
man, Andoras. This fight is actually ridiculously easy. Move all of your characters as far forwatd as pos-
sible on their first turn. Andoras will move far away from his servants and come straight for you. He has
no powerful magic attacks, but he wields two strong claws that will do 90 pts. of damage a piece. He
F should move tight into your range on his next turn: Now bomb'him with your wizards’ Summon spell!

Make sure to go into this fight with

ei one or two exorcists if you have ie h
<<-aeeq them. Since all of the characters are 700)
A undead, this level is virtually impossi-
t} ble without one. You'll find yourself Underground "Torlb
running around in circles trying to kill the undead
three of four times each. Try to have the exorcist take out the enemies on each side first, then proceed
down to the wizard and hydra later. The important thing to remember is the objective here: “Kill all Enemies.”
In order for you to proceed to the Ancient Ruins, you have to put every last creature on this level to the ground.

Cea This is it...well, kind of. The showdown with Martyr and Balbas proves to
Sealed Room be pretty easy, and killing Martyr first is the key. Try to use spells on these
two because their physical strength is very high. Also, Balbas will be attacking you with
the “Brunhild” sword, the most powerful sword in the game, so stay away from him.
After you beat them into a pulp, you will be awarded the Brunhild for your award.
ei Te & Now it’s time to get out of there right? Not before you encounter the man
. yo himself! King Dolgare!
' selou Tips "
Since Eden consists of Fin al Battle!
} anywhere between 13-16
tough consecutive battles without Dolgare will summon several Dark-based
| | returning to the Map Screen, be creatures that vary every time you fight
| sure to have a large quantity of They include: Dark Dragons, Dark Ninjas, Dark
| your essential items going into it. Giants and Dark Griffons. This battle will be hard
| (i.e., Cure++, Magi++, Orbs, etc.) because of Dolgare’s “cheap” Summon spells that
There’s no turning back once he casts every other turn. Try to focus on keeping
you've entered to make a new everyone alive while having three or four strong
game on your memory card devot- | characters pound on him with everything they've
ed strictly to this stage. You won't got. If you had a chance to visit Deneb’s Shot and
} ibe able to go back and train your ¢ purchased some Orbs, use them now! The Holy Orb works especially well. All in all,
characters anymore either so try to you shouldn't have too much trouble with any of these maps by themselves, but if you
| be at about Lv 40 when you enter. look at the whole picture, it was all one LONG battle after all.
| ‘
, ‘publisher

strategy talk
fe ver have one of those
dreams where you're s

_ trying to run, but no

matter how hard you try,
' you feel like you're stuck Usinc ENEMIES
in molasses? The first habit you'll have to
~ Playing Klonoa is a lot break is trying to jump on the
like that—a seemingly enemies to defeat them. The only
way to defeat enemies is to
endless stream of almost-
capture them. Once captured,
made-its, confusion and you can use them for a lot of
frustrated attempts. different tricks.
Klonoa takes a simplistic
approach at old-school @ You can hold captured
side-scrolling gameplay. enemies indefinitely.
It’s all there, right down
to the cutesy cast of @ Jump, release the enemy and
jump again to get an extra boost.
characters amid the epic, @ Hold the Jump button
melodramatic plot. longer to float for a
@ Keep the enemy held as
Strangely, although few seconds.
a shield.
the game appears to be
aimed at a younger | i Throw the captive at other @ Throw
audience, it flip-flops enemies to destroy them. enemies at other
between the mind- enemies, eggs,
flowers or switch-
numbingly easy and the @ Some enemies must be hit
before they become vulnerable to es in the foreground or back-
~. insanely difficult. There’s ground.
a whole middle ground of capture, and some enemies
cannot be captured at all.
gameplay that is missing, @ Some eggs are hidden
cutting severely into the @ While holding an enemy and only appear if you pass
game’s replay value. captive, you may not be able over them.
Still, Klonoa is a visual to fit under some ledges.
treat, with RPG-style @ Shoot the clocks in order to
cinematic sequences for Cottectinc Gem PoInts update your progress. When you
die, you will return to the last
each level. It’s a nice Once you complete the game,
the next challenge is to collect clock you have triggered. ~ hidden and you must jump
change of pace from 600-
all the gems on each world. past or over them to make
Meg monsters that can 1 The Reset Option lets you start them appear. Keep your e}
eat up days of your life. a level over. This will remove all open and don’t be afraid to
@ Every 100 gem points you
—Benjamin “Melange collect yields an extra life. your progress, but you will be backtrack. Some eggs are
Spice” Durbin with able to start over with as many even hidden inside other
Howard @ Green gems add +1, blue lives as you began with. If you objects, like flowers.
“Shoryureppa forgot a piece or are trying to col-
gems add +5.
Spice” Grossman | lect more gems, you can play If you rescue all of the vil-
—, through until you are almost

__ Strat-stats
§ It is possible to collect 150 lagers, you will gain access
gem points on each level. There ready to exit the level and then to an extra vision: Balue has |
restart instead, giving you time completed his tower, which
may not be 150 gems, however.
There is a little bird that doubles you can now climb to visit
time to complete: your points for each gem you the Diva.
pick up. To reach the 150 mark,
challenge: you have to find the bird first. The extra level is very difficult
and requires you to boost off
@ The large enemies release three, four, even a dozen
gems when they are killed. enemies in a row—without
ever touching the ground. It's
things to do with a a shame that the rest of the
@ If you collect over 100 gems,
troupe of chimps: you get a small green gem on game was not this
your map. If you collect all 150 folareViclareliareys
gems, you get a large blue gem.
; 86 EGE
Piece I: Crossing the bridge. grab all the gems.Just after you
Piece 2: Ride the vortex up start down the path, you will see
again and you can reach it. an egg in the background.
Piece 3: Boost up and shoot it
before entering the door. Playing Tips
Piece 4: After exiting the door, Ay You can throw an enemy into this
grab the second bird and boost egg to release a blue gem.
up to the ledge on the left. Jump B) Use the purple enemy to boost
off the ledge and float towards your way up to the platform to grab
the piece to grab it. the heart.
Piece 5: Atop the gondola lift. ©)Carry an enemy to the top of the
Piece 6: Shoot the last piece wind vortex and double jump off it to
quickly as you run past and reach the blue gem.

Piece I: After the wind vortex

head right. It is in plain sight on
the ledge near the start.
Piece 2: Ride the currents to the
right and grab the enemy with
the shield (from behind). Throw
him at the egg.
Piece 3: It’s along the lower
green path in plain sight.
Piece 4: Destroy the big enemy,
then use the bird as a lift.
Piece 5: Follow the road and lu can only defeat it by hitting
take the lower branch when i! in the rear end. Run under it
the road turns blue. when it leaps toward you. Jump
Piece 6: After crossing the over the ripples or rainbow:
bridge you will see three purple You can throw enemies at the
enemies running. Use one to ell to receive a heart. —
boost up to the sixth piece.

Piece I: Ride the propeller head Piece I: Cross the stepping

up to the first piece. Playing Tips stones in front of the waterfall,
Piece 2: Continue around to the and boost up off the jug.
right to the second piece.
A) You can hit the big enemies
Piece 2: Climb down the stones
to pump them up, then jump on n
Piece 3: Ride the propeller head to the left to the next piece.
top of them safely. will come out
up, then throw him into the egg Piece 3: The third piece is just on one of the
on the left. inside the waterfall cave.
Piece 4: Shoot the two eggs
B) You can grab the armadillo spiked balls.
Piece 4: Exit the cave and hop
critters; wait until they pop out of
you see between the towers. down to the opening below. The
their shells to look around.
One has an extra life, one has fourth piece is just inside.
the fourth piece. Piece 5: After moving across the
Piece 5: Step onto the leaf with
C) You can throw at all the
high aqueducts, find this piece
enemies in the background.
a captive and break the egg inside the next cave.
under the walkway. Piece 6: After your trip down
Piece 6: Inside the room with the aqueduct, use the big yellow
the large mushrooms and spike critter as a step and a small
throwers. Follow the path around critter for a boost to reach the
to the right. ledge above. The final piece
can be found here.

EGM’ 87
Piece 1: After you get the key, Piece 5: The fifth piece is inside Piece I: Look just past the
return to the path. Before you a flower bud by this gazebo. first locked door.
enter the door, jump up top Piece 6: After you find the area Piece 2: Look in the egg as
and get the first piece. with the large blue critter and you cross this interior bridge. Drop er
Piece 2: Enter the door and you have turned on the switch, Piece 3: In the foreground mies into
cross to the next tree where head over to the right. You will as you cross in front of the Bat-mo)el-18)
you will see the next piece. find the last piece in a flower huge gears.
Piece 3: After knocking down bud nearby in the background. Piece 4: Near the high ledge
the tree, head back to the left. where Joka comes to speak
You'll find the third piece on to you.
Z 3) tag that side. Piece 5: Once the gears are Watch out for
Piece 4: turning, you can ride the arm the giant fruit;
Look in up and grab this piece. Wait for this is the
flower in the arm to come down on your only attack
the fore- right and you can float to it.
ground. Piece 6: Cross the belt system
and head outside for this one.

Piece 1: Through the first set of Piece 6: Just around the bend
doors, back outside the tower. you can find the last piece above
Piece 2: The next piece a single swing. Take an enemy
is inside the tower, through the up with you to get the piece.
jagged hole in the wall.
Piece 3: After crossing through Playing Tips
the tower and back outside,
look for the third piece by the Ay You can find a 2x gem bird
breakaway platforms. inside the first tower door.
Piece 4: The next piece is just Avoid the gems until you get it.
to the left a few jumps. B) Grab the pistoleers when
Piece 5: The fifth piece is inside Mey lift their helmets to peek.
the tower, across the swings. You & There's an easy and a hard
can reach it from the third swing. way to accomplish each task.

ia ee Piece 1: Just after you enter the

cavern and float downstream, be
teady to grab the first piece.
Piece 2: You will be swept out in
the current. At the bottom of the
hill, grab the second piece.
Piece 3: Once back on solid will fade. When they ai
ground, continue to the right. You | gone, the Boss dies.
will see the next piece. Smash
through the green blocks.
Piece 4: Halfway across the
giant fish skeleton, boost up to
the cave entrance above. The
fourth piece is inside to the left.
Piece 5: Head to the right past
the fish and boost up to the cave
on the right. Look inside.
Piece 6: The final piece is
across the second set of ribs.
88 EGM’
Piece I: Start by going to the switches in this area to open all Piece I: Make your way
blue/red section. Once outside, the green doors. around the platforms on the
head to the left. The first piece Piece 6: Head to the yellow outside of the tower.
is floating over a lava pit; cross section. The last piece is in an Piece 2: The second piece is
the pit and throw behind you. egg by the flame spouts. in a secluded alcove outside.
Piece 2: Don’t enter the red Piece 3: The third piece is
Playing Tips shields to protect hi
door; instead head down the just to the right outside. You cannot
ramp to the right until you see Ay Your goal here is to collect the Piece 4: Continue around the
the egg. four colored orbs and return them to outside of the tower. You will
turtle form. To
Piece 3: Enter the door by the their pedestals. find this piece across from the make Joka
blue orb and break the egg inside next tower entrance.
revert, run
for the third piece. B) Knock down these targets as you Piece 5: You will see it at the
Piece 4: Drop off the blue orb cross and they will act as bridges. bottom of the gem ramps.
and head to the red area. The Piece 6: Exit the previous
next piece is inside. area by the door at the
all the tiles
Piece 5: The fifth piece is bottom, next to the lava pool. back to
outside in the green area. You You will see the final piece
will have to work through several just to the right.

Piece I: Get it as you ride the Piece 5: Grab the fifth piece Piece I: Boost up to this as Piece 4: Look to the right on
jugs across the electric field. just above this staircase in the you cross the sky walkway. the outside of this tower.
Piece 2: The second piece is green section. Piece 2: Go through the first Piece 5: Ride across to the
nearby, just to the right. Piece 6: The last piece is in door to the outside of the tower. next tower and grab this from
Piece 3: Exit the tower, come in the yellow section under the You can see this piece just the right side of the walkway.
by the red door, and head right. walkway. Fire an enemy back below the door you came from. Piece 6: Found at the bottom
Piece 4: You will find this piece toward it as you fall through Piece 3: Ride the platform over outside of the last tower as you
in the blue section. the dissolving platform. to the next tower and go inside. corkscrew down to the right.

Piece Locations
a aa

To destroy under the walkway and you must

the second drop “ammo”
incarnation, into the can-
First you must face Ghadius. you must throw enemies at nons. They
Defeat him by throwing enemies. the crystals. Avoid the deadly circle beneath
After Ghadius is killed, eye-beams. the walkway
Nahatomb is released. You must The final battle returns you so you must
fire all five cannons to kill it. If to your friends and the spirit wait for them
you die, you must start all over. cannons. This time, they hide to line up.
lasto is Sony’s big,
new 3-D action plat-
former. One thing players
will notice when they
turn it on is how tough
this game is. Blasto has a
high learning curve, but
once you get used to how
the game operates, you’ll Pros: Kills enemies with one shot.
do OK. Cons: Slow to fire. Keep side-stepping when you fire it.
The biggest element : Atomdicer Rapid Fire Plasmatik
of gameplay is how the
Pros: Can repeatedly hit an enemy and interrupt its shots.
enemies and items will Cons: The accuracy is a bit slow when locking on.
teleport into the level.
Mastering the dodge will help
Certain actions you do you survive the endless attacks.
will trigger things to Pros: None at this point. Never hop back and forth; doing
appear. So if you seem Cons: The enemy it makes can easily kill you. this will only put you into the
to be running out of enemy's firing pattern. Pick a
enemies, pick up a Nuke-O-Matic Atomscatter 9000 direction and try to circle around.
few items. Pros: Kills all enemies found in one direction. This is the time when you should
This guide was done off Cons: This weapon won't work unless it hits something solid. charge your shots. Keep moving.
of a version that was only Don’t worry about falling off
the edges of the levels. The
65-75 percent complete.
programmers have ensured t
Not all of the levels were Pros: Kills all enemies found in one direction. hat you cannot fall to your death
finished. However, if you Cons: This weapon is only effective at close range. from side-stepping a laser beam.
learn how to win the One exception: If the surface
other levels, the three Chilco 350 Ice-Blaster you are on can move (i.e., a
@ that are lightly touched Pros: Freezes nearly all enemies. pushable block or dropping
on shouldn’t give you Cons: This weapon requires multiple hits on most baddies. platform), you can fall.
much trouble.
Blasto’s a fast-paced
3-D platformer. The aver-
age player might get a
little frustrated by how There are all sorts of
difficult the game is. Of nuses to earn if you Invincibility: Blasto will be
course, the game’s not want to go for them. First, coated in gold when you collect
_ if you save all of the the proper item. You should use
done yet. It’s still going
m to be tweaked up a bit. ~ babes, you will receive this item to lure as many ene-
babe viewer. Second, mies onto the screen. You can
—Andrew “Samurai” you can earn extra con- then kill them without fear when
_tinues for killing every they're clustered. This also
enemy in a given stage. allows you to walk on lava.

time to complete: that invisibility in not invincibility!

about a week When you get this item, Blasto
challenge: will become transparent.
hard Enemies will not immediately
Titre UNE XY ieee
best goat sucker: Lives ReMaNe S = react to you, and their shot per-
chimpacabra centages go way down. Use
Pause the game to get the
this time to nuke the aliens.
the Oscar goes to... number of enemies.
S EGM mascot:
The first level will intro-
duce you to the many
ways the switches are
How to get the jetpack: Make your
rs will turn off forcefields or
way to the exit of the level, but do not
ot labeled, they will most likely
go in. Instead, turn back. Go to the area
lps. The way you progress in
where you pushed the green block. On
in of the switches. Follow
top of a nearby chunk of asteroid the =
jetpack will appear. |
Using the jetpack: Pressing the con- BAREYI
troller down will aim you upward, while
holding up will make you go forward. The first Blasto babe
You have a limited supply of fuel. is caught withina
cage. Simply flip the
nearby switch to help
her escape.
The second girl is
on a rock close to the
Switch 2 will open up the start. However, you'll have
cage and free the girl. j to fly to get to her.

Switch 4 turns off the

forcefield blocking the door.

The first level is short and sweet. You should get used to how the
game engine works. Once you have the backpack, you can load up on
extra lives. Assuming you don’t die, you can walk out of this level with
over 20 lives. Fly atop the docking bay, and check the tail of your ship. A

few lives will even appear by Switch #1. You should try to kill every
enemy on this stage, so you can get an extra continue.

Ea 0,






Pressing the button will

kill Blasto. Don’t touch!

= 7 . Ge = EGM
This level has a hub for its central focus. First you '
will want to head down the unmarked passageway
and locate the first switch. This’ll open up the first door-
way. Now, head back and enter through area one. Find the
switch inside (and save the babe...), and enter through door two. By the
fifth switch is a hole. Leap in the hole, and you'll bounce upward to col-
lect an extra life. With Switch 5 flipped, you can enter area three. In this
location is a switch that opens up area four (for getting the second babe)
as well as an elevator that'll take you to a place where the exit switch
lies. Now head back and go down the first passageway you used. This
will get you to the teleporter.

There is one enemy on

that you shouldn't blast
end of this walkway, an alien will appear.
He won't pull a gun, but a newspaper.
Follow him (he won’t attack) and he'll Blast him once he’s
unlock the grey building. It’s a giant in the bathroom.
space outhouse. It’s OK to shoot him ‘a;
when he’s inside. You can get five 1

Now you can collect

five extra lives!

Two of the switches you find will

do something other than reveal i
more level sections. Switch #1 Ria &
will start up the rotating walkway. Ifyou wantt he third babe,
This allows you to get to the sec- 2) _ you're gonna is Boss.
ond switch. Switch #3 will free the 4 _ You'll have to rea, via
second babe from her shackles. The first switch will start up
Watch out for an ambush. _
the turning walkway.

Your best bet when trying to cross

over the streams of fire is to wait
as the closest blast is returning into
the launcher. As it’s going back,
leap over the end farthest from the
flame’s source. The Boss will try to A few charged shots
get close to you. will do the trick.

1. Hit the switch to release the babe

in area one. 2. Run through the
iro}e-liale mer\e(om- lle Me(-1@0]ain (0)omm@]aLe(~1
you're on top, you can leap to where
the second babe is. 3. Fight the
Boss, and switch off all blinking blue
lights. This will send the babe down
on a platform. Each babe you save
will give you an extra life.
The Boss is a giant octopus
that spins and shoots. He'll
The third section of the space- spit out a blast of three shots.
port contain two “Do Not Press” Keep side-stepping i
buttons. This time the buttons direction, wait
are not lethal. The first one is
important, as it gives you
invisibility at a very difficult
section. Soon after, you will be
attacked by flying eyeballs while
trying to climb boxes. Invisibility
helps out a lot. The second but-
ton makes your head grow
larger. Other than looking pretty
cool, this has no important effect.

: Enemy Generators: There are cer-

"The first babe is right tain devices that create eyeballs or
between two monster )_{ & floating mines. They are best taken
generators. Blow them 4 out from a distance, so they don’t
away first, then save start churning out baddies.
the girl. The second babe is
Ledge Items: Many useful items
trapped inside a UFO. You
are hidden under ledges. After
can open it by flipping
you've cleared an area of ene-
Switch #3 (see below). As
mies, look along the edges for
soon as you save the girl,
all sorts of nifty stuff. This level is
you'll come under fire. Leave
loaded with secret 1-Ups.
the saucer before fighting.

f ry iwy ¥ S4 This level will force you to do a lot of backtracking. =

3 I$ qi | Follow the order of the switches to get through. The ~~
y deadliest threat you'll face is the flying eyeballs.
al They'll teleport in and peg you from all directions.
URANTAN SPACEDORT When this happens, put your back against a wall and
‘ dodge the shots. You'll still get hit, but at least this
& 6 way you won't lose a life. The ambushes are tough.
The Uranian Dunes is the first
level that serves as a hub. To
complete this level, you'll have
to enter both Level 5 and 6. This
level is the longest in the
game, and it’s easy to get
lost. The only way to
continue is to solve the
boulder puzzle (not
really a challenge)
and to flip the levers.
The key to surviv-
ing the many enemy 208
litle cmiom (OM mnle\c} ‘
slowly. When you enter
an area, make sure you clear
out all of the baddies. If you run
mindlessly into an area, you'll
get surrounded. That'll mean
certain death.

The babes in this level are

scattered across this huge
level. The first babe is atop a
STE ay
Shoot the boulder and it'll
mesa next to one that has a start a chain reaction that'll
mine generator. The second create a platform so you The Boss of this level is
can be reached with a few can cross the tar pits. Once
the Sheik. He rides atop a
careful jumps across plummet- you have gotten to the
chicken and is both adept
ing platforms. The third can switch, it'll open the way
at close range as well as
only be reached if you use the to the other sections of
being able to shoot from a
chicken to jump. The fourth the level. This level is full
distance. Circle around him,
requires careful timing, as of subtle switch effects.
and fire charged-up blasts.
you'll have to jump onto a Identify them by their
geyser-propelled rock, turn brown rock. coloration. na
around and leap to safety. 4
The fifth and sixth babes can
only be reached once you
have triggered all the switches
in this level as well as those
By riding the chicken, you can save babe #3. The
in L5 & L6. Babe number
chicken can jump farther than you, and thus he can
five is at the top of a
get you to the ledge. The chicken can also lay eggs
hilly path, and
which hatch and lock on to enemies. The bad guys
six is the one
will get carried
you saw near
up and away.
Switch 2 earlier.

94. EGM
The caves only contain a single switch, % @e
but it’s essential if you want to complete ®
Level 4. You'll come under fire from a lot of fly- &
ing nasties. They will trick you into stopping to %
shoot while you’re on a dropping platform. Ant
Warriors will also try to teleport behind you. Move slowly to
cut down on the cheap hits.
The Necromancer Ant Bob awaits you midway through the
level. Conquer him and you'll be able to finish this level.



Necromancer Ant Bob will

eport around the screen.
Keep hopping around, and
fire charged shots whenever
he appears in front of you.
The Ant Warriors of this He goes down easily.
stage are really nasty. Not ihodiaa
only do they shoot accu- AY m The caves only
rately and rapidly, but tele- : 74 have one babe
port behind you almost captive. You'll...
every time. Practice the 7 find her being
rotate-flip. There aren't E held by two Ant
many pits to fall down Warriors. Shoot
(compared to the other them both to free
levels), so you shouldn't her from the bonds.
have to worry. Homing
shots work well on them. :
The first babe is right at the j
beginning of this level <7 y
(if you enter through the p There are two types of enemies in the Depths of Uranus
tight hole). Swim to the , stage. The scuba divers launch really damaging harpoons
surfaceof the water, ¢ . at you. A rapid burst of shots takes them out easily. There
and you'llsee a small ~~ ss are also piranhas in the water. They move slowly, and will
rocky outcropping in the = 4 try to bite if you get too close. Shoot them from a distance.
water. The babe is atop it.
The second babe is hid-
den beside the walkway.
Drop down off the walkway
to reach her. She's pretty
easy to get.

- ‘
“EDISODE® emu on
Swimming into the Depths of Uranus
can be a stressful mission. The key to
survival is to just keep moving. Unlike
most levels, taking your time to kill the
fish and divers will waste precious air.
While swimming, blast any enemies that
swim directly in front of you. The Atomdicer
7 Rapid Fire Plasmatik will make short work of the divers. There is a switch in
the far end of the level which will open up the last section of the Dunes
. stage. This level has three separate exits.
I Ai |
All of the babes are easy to

ALIENVILIE «¢ find, if you know how to look

for them. Once you have the
This level is pretty short, but jetpack, fly above each of the
it's got more than enough ene- ~ three sections and you'll find
mies and hazards to keep you on Abs one ofthe babes.
your toes. You'll want to head to The first chick is located
aqnnysT atop the green rocket. Fly

the pink dome section and trigger
the switch that’s inside the build- above its nose and you'll
ing. Then head over to the green see her on a yellow
dome. Collect the jetpack from Pre first “Do Not Press” platform. The sec-
the center, and head back to the button will reverse your game ond babe is back in
pink dome. Once you're there, fly controls a little. For example, the area where you ¢
up to the top of the dome and the Triangle will make Blasto hit the first switch,
fight the Boss. This will shut go forward, and the Square Fly to the top and
down the forcefield to the next and Circle buttons will turn that’s where you'll find
switch. This switch will open up him. The second button will her. The third babe is
the third area. restore him back to normal. stationed right in front
of the first “Do Not
Press” button.

Only face him when you have

collected a special weapon.
\. There is a rapid fire gun near
‘ the Boss. This works really
Only special weapons will _Well on him. Killing the Boss
hurt this lethal Boss. will let you get to the switch. Avoid the blue baddie, otherwise
you'll get eaten by him.

This level contains eight babes you

must find. However, there are a lot of
« Pom a ro
3 ee ves
> eme
obstacles in your way, such as lava- i we ee
filled pits you must leap over. You'll Ss 5
need to use the jump platforms to get ‘
| to different locations. Also, be care- Watch out for surprise sneak = The surfboard-ridin’ aliens Use the jump platforms to
ful of sneak attacks from aliens— attacks from the aliens. will try to whittle you down. reach hard-to-get spots.
q > some of them are riding surfboards.

96. EGM’
This level is a hub that connects the
Alien Ruins with the the Sewers. If
you're looking for the babes, be aware
that there is only one hidden in this
level. Make sure you inspect your loca-
tion thoroughly; you'll never know
what you'll find. Expect lots of lava
pits and alien generator guns, too.

The ruins are teeming with demonic

little monsters. Worse yet, they gang up
on you, usually in groups of three. If
you're unlucky, you can have a pack of
six. Needless to say, you'd better pick
up a special weapon. There are a few
hidden about the room you start in.
One last tip: Search the lava.


A simple flick of a switch will Use invincibility to walk in The moving tiles will pause This switch will open up the 4
open these giant doors. the lava. Plenty of secrets... to throw off your timing. way to the Sewer section.
EPISODE a7 The Sewer level has not a single babe
to find. Rest easy, because there

THE-SEWERS are more to save ahead.

Flip the switch to open the

way out of this level.

How to get more air: Blasto ca
your back,
hold his breath forever. When you
see bubbles coming from a grate pal.
in the tube floors, help is on the Enemies
way. Wait for a large colored bub-
ble. This will totally fill your supply.
have a bad
Just make sure you are directly habit of
over the grate, or the bubble will
pass you right up. Gain some extra precious teleportin’
air from the bubbles. behind ya.

CY rn
Dealing with mines: The best
Use the Fi
attack to
face them
way to deal with the highly dam-
aging mines is avoidance. If
you must pass by, swim quickly
through. Mines take time to
arm, and will only explode after
a few seconds.

Soldiers: These are your basic Pie. | Flyers: Small and fast. these
grunt troops. If they see you they 2 things are hard to hit. They
will duck behind cover. If they will often teleport in groups to
shoot at you from behind the first surround you.
shot will most likely miss (40 per- The later levels feature
cent). The percentage goes up eyeballs with homing rockets.
with each shot. You can surprise You should fight fire with fire.
the ones manning the switches. Asingle homing shot is all it
In the later levels, these guys takes to maul these things.
will charge up their guns (just like When attacked by a swarm.
you). If you get hit by one of these Fast and annoying these place your back to a wall and
blasts, you're gonna hurt. enemies come out of nowhere. dodge while you fire.

98. EGM’

This level contains a switch that opens
up a section within Bosc’s Fortress.
Four babes reside within these cav-
erns. This level is the toughest yet, with
plenty of enemies and mine generators.
Worse yet, power-ups are few and far
between. Make sure you have plen- This level has four Flip the switch and you Use invincibility to
ty of lives and continues. babes secreted within it. can leave this level. navigate the lava paths.

Secret Goodies: If you've saved all of
the babes, you'll get to play around with
the babe viewer. You can see the char-
acter animations for each girl, as well
as make them do some risque things.
There are plenty of other secrets, per-
haps some extra levels to play around
in. Keep on looking, because the game’s
creators won't tell us what's inside.

he'll don a
al battle. Bosc isn’t stupid
e in fair combat. Instead
to smash you into oblivion.
. Keep circling around him, and
im. Ittakes quite a pounding, but it will
Then Bosc strikes again...
Bosc, part two: The floor breaks, a
and lava fills the room. There *
are only a few narrow rocks
to hop around on. Bosc’s
new form is a hover pod. It
launches homing shots and
shoots lasers at an alarming rate.
Keep firing, for the end:is near. If |,
you have collected the jetpack,
you can pick up the homing
weapon. This is the weapon of
choice against Bosc.

Alien Leader: These guys appear Ants and Demons: Tougher

late in the game. They are defend- than the soldiers, these crea-
ed by a portable shield system. To tures will stand their ground
hit these guys you must overload most of the time. The only
his shields by repeatedly firing time they'll move is to circle
charged shots. You don’t want to around you.
fire normal lasers, because they'll A good way to take them
bounce right off the bad guy's out is to side-step. Then fire
shields. After about five to seven a charged shot, with a follow-
shots, the alien leader's head pop up of a few normal blasts.
These aren’t guys to mess like a grape. They can’t be Tough shock troops, you Remember to keep moving
around with. They'll kill you. punched to death, must move and shoot fast. at all costs.
Play Stat ion
Tt's Seon Need To Know

—videogamespot company

3 Conference
Western Conference

PLAYOFF TREE The playoff tree is the list of your standings in a

BA In The Zone '98 is a playoff season and the number of games you have left to play. The
traditional five-on- amount of games you have to play can be adjusted from the Options
: five basketball game that Menu before you start the season. Test this mode of play if you are
builds off of its two prede- ready for a strong challenge.
cessors: NBA In The Zone
and NBA In The Zone 2.
{In the original NBA In The FORMATIONS Calling formations is a good way to get players on the court moving which creates
holes in your opponent's defense. Some formations will work better for you than others depending
Zone, the emphasis was on
on your style of play. If you like shooting threes, the three-point formation is the way to go.
its arcade look and feel. It
had very little to offer bas-
ketball simulation fans. In
% The Zone 2 had a few more
BOX OFFENSE: A basic set. Players pass and screen to each other to try to open up
features that made it more chances for a breakaway from the defense.
B of a simulation than the SIDELINE OFFENSE: A set that keeps the players to the sides of the court. Keeps the sides open
© first, such as on-the-fly for three-pointers.
formation changes and HIGH POST OFFENSE: This formation starts with the high post player.
player substitutions. THREE POINT OFFENSE: This formation is perfect for three-point shots. The shooter will stay around
NBA In The Zone ’98 fur- the three-point line and try to shoot from there.
thers the series in its evolu- INSIDE OFFENSE: This set keeps your players in the inside of the court. Players will screen
tion to be more of a bas- each other to open up shots for each other.
ketball simulation. With AUTO OFFENSE: This is an Auto Mode that will select the appropriate formation
new options such as an from the above.
F even more complex on-
the-fly play calling system
and statistical tracking
that not only keeps season ALL COURT DEFENSE: This is an aggressive set that will try to create
§ stats but league leaders in many opportunities for stealing the ball. Its draw
various categories, this back is that its under-the-basket defense is weak.
game rocks. ba HALF COURT DEFENSE: This formation centers around protecting the
Although NBA In The basket. Focuses on catching rebounds and
E Zone has grown into a protecting the lane.
© more serious basketball s, 3/4 COURT DEFENSE: This formation mixes the qualities of
© game, it still feels and * the previous two formations.
gi » TRAP DEFENSE: With this set the player with the ball is
looks like an arcade game.
In this guide are some ee
ee \ always double-teamed. The overall defense
around the basket is lowered though.
© offensive and defensive
AUTO DEFENSE: This is an Auto Mode that will select the
e strategies that are sure to appropriate formation from the above.
help you get in the zone.
—Ryan MacDonald
KEY -------

time to complete:


: which version is
¢ better?

| burning the
\ midnight oil?

702 EGE. ©1997 Brian Bahr

© 1996 Allsport

Mastering the three-point shot

The best advice for shooting threes is to only shoot when
pen. If a defender is too close, he will either block the shot or cause
i you to miss. When trying to sink the three, look for an open man
ibeyond the line, pass the ball to him, and shoot before any defenders
1 can get to you. This is easier if the computer is double-teaming you
and you're running the three-pointer formation. The player at the top
of the key is often the open man in this scenario. (Note: If a defender
loes get a little too close, push away from the basket on the D-pad
luring the shot for a fadeaway.)

Taking it to the hole:

There are several techniques that work like a charm when trying to drive to the
asket. The easiest and most effective is the Double Drive button technique. Simply
ribble the ball down the court, and once you reach a defender blocking your path, hit the
1 Drive button along with the D-pad to move around him toward the basket. Hit the Drive
tbutton once more either to get around another defender or to get even closer to the
asket. Either way you should be close enough to dunk the ball.

and lead the defender guarding you into one of your teammates so
that he gets stuck behind him, leaving an open path to the basket.

When shooting from the paint, there are two techniques that work
well together: the pump fake and post play. Start with the post play \
by holding the Triangle button down while edging toward the basket.
Do this until the defender doesn’t want to move back any farther.
Then pump fake by taping the Square button to make the defender go
up for a shot block then shoot it for real for an easy two.

The Alley-oop in NBA In The Zone is a deadly offen-

sive tool if you can get the timing down and know what to
look for. Look for a player below the basket who’s just kind
of waiting there. When facing him, push the Pass and Shoot
button at the same time. The player waiting below the basket
will take care of the rest. (Note: The player must be there
and the timing must be just right, otherwise the ball will
i simply sail into the stands.)

One of the most effective ways to sink a shot is to hold down the R button with your player’s back facing
the basket. Push the analog stick toward the basket. Your player will slowly push his way toward the
basket. Get as close as you want then fake a shot by pressing the Left-C and the B button at the
same time to make the defender jump to block the shot. Immediately shoot for real for an easy two.

Driving to the basket for a dunk is easy. Simply hold the Z trigger down while pressing the Down-C
button to blast right by defenders. If you run into a defender blocking your path, simply run around
him. Even set on super challenge, the hardest difficulty the computer can do will do little to stop you
from driving to the basket.

By far and away the best strategy for scoring is giving the ball to one of your teammates. To do so press the A button to
pass the ball and hold it down for a moment. You will still control the player who had the ball, but the computer will now
be controlling the player with the ball. While the computer works down the court, race underneath the basket and hit the
pass button to have the ball passed to you, then dunk for an easy two.

Free Throws:
. The way to effectively shoot a free throw is to hold the analog stick in the down
position then release as the marker is lined up with the middle mark. You will notice that for
some players the marker moves faster or slower. This represents how shooting free throws
are easier for some players than for others.

EGM’? 103
© 1996 Todd Warshaw

Shot blocking:
he first rule in shot blocking is to never let your
!computer-controlled teammates guard against the ball
! handler. They almost always jump late to block the shot.
1 With this in mind, here’s how to block a shot: Blocking a
shot against the computer is extremely easy, since you
can almost always tell when it's about to take a shot.
A iThe computer will pass the ball around, make a couple
1 quick moves toward the basket, and then immediately
Htake a shot. Once you get the timing down, you can
block shots almost at will.

Stealing the ball from the computer

is almost too easy. Simply mash on the
teal button when close to the ball han-
dler. Don’t worry about the refs calling a
foul on you. The refs rarely call a foul
when you're trying to steal the ball,
whether the fouls are turned on or just
set on loose.

Some players can shoot free throws better than others.

This is represented by the amount of yellow area on the
free-throw level bar. The key to shooting a consistent free
throw is to simply learn the timing. Hold the Shoot button
down until the mark gets in the yellow zone then release.


tamina & Substitution mies oer

ft blue means the player has full stami- gs : orgy ATEN PISTONS
na, light green indicates that the player is get- [Ea
ting tired, yellow means the player is fatigued,
and a no-color bar represents that the player
is exhausted. Centers tend to get tired faster
than other players do. Keep an eye on your
players’ fatigue bars and rotate them out when occ
their fatigue bars get in the yellow. a

Defending is super hard in NBA In The Zone on any difficulty. The computer rarely
misses and hardly ever lets you steal the ball. The best advice given to players is to not
make any mistakes. Here are a couple dos and don’ts when on defense.

Don’t take away the center from underneath the basket—he is your only chance
at getting a rebound.

Try to guard the outside shooters—it is possible to block their shots; you just have to get
the timing down.

Fatigue Meter:
When it comes to fatigue, big men get tired quickly, so keep an eye on your cen-
ter’s fatigue meter. If you play aggressively, using the speed burst and Drive button a lot,
your players will tire faster. Sub your center in the second quarter and look at the other
player’s fatigue meters at the quarter breaks and sub them when needed. Try to keep one
key member of the team in at all times.

104 EGM
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ChartesSciwab core. FGA Gemma §=9TBRE icrosot §=intel «=acess «OoSteer =O Sun §==EE
Other additions in previous SF games if
EX Moves to SF3 include you Super Finish
These special moves take halfa (besides the four or five
bar of super meter. Some of these three new char- times ina
moves can be comboed and all acters)aBonus row, as well
cause serious damage. Press two Game in which as some
Attack buttons instead of one to —-You can practice parrying (you new endings.
* do it (i.e., Fireball—D,DF,F+ P,P). can also choose what level to
Your character will have a yellow _Start at by holding an Attack
aura if done
right. There
are also EX
Overheads by
hitting two but-
tons, but no
s yellow aura.

play was solid as it’s ever Hugo’s

been, the characters were ] Supers do
all very distinct and had a massive
decent range of moves Z 360 clockwise + P !
plus the graphics were i AIR TOSS He also has
top-notch. Therein lies the e lugo is a giant character, F, DF, D, DB, B+K the ability
but you won't believe how SUPER PILEDRIVER to negate
& fast he is. He has devastat- F, D, DF +K any attack. figyyy1 yd
counting parrying, which ing moves plus cool grap- SUPER CLOTHESLINE Hugo's most useful combo
was previously alpha Fi, (Sete Len: D DEF +K starter is his Air Toss. Use Q
> counters, etc.). There was # unfortu- SC RSSGS NG = this and then whatever for
MELE) 720+P decent damage.
almost TT 1) Air Toss, Piledriver
> no reason for me to care
about these new charac-
combos. D, DF, F, D, DE. F+K 2) Air Toss, Clothesline
ters (where’s Blanka for
= God's sake?!), and other 4 (7)
D, DF, F, D, DF, F+P
Air Toss, Hand Attack
(is near infinite in corner)
games like Tekken =
| 3/Virtua Fighter 3 had way @&
/ more moves. Plus, graph- §
ics certainly aren’t all I Urien’s Super |
> look for in a fighting : Arts are all K\ A
game. All that being said, good; the best ELECTRIC BALL
and Impact has piqued - is Aegis R. D, DE, F+P
my interest. The addition He doesn't =i CHARGE ATTACK
of Hugo, Urien (that’s Ravana 2 aan CHARGE B, F +K Urien is somehow
right, Urien) and Akuma many special KNEE DROP related to Gil (brother, etc.),
was a nice touch. Plus, attacks. a CHARGE D, U+K and therefore has the same|
Yun and Yang are differ- 3 All of Urien’s Supers can be KNEE THRUST type of moves. He’s power-
ent characters now with comboed effectively, but CHARGE D, U+P ful and has both close and
unique moves and com- Reflector gives the most hits. far attacks. He has some
bos. One of the best addi- 1) Jump in, Standing Jab, D, DF, F, D, DR. F+P of the best
tions are the DarkStalker- Standing Strong, Short combos in
type EX moves. It’s hard Charge Attack, Reflector. D, DF, F, D, DE. F+P use with |
to dislike a game with 2) Jump in, Crouch Fierce, EX Super
Charge Attack, repeat attacks. D, DF. FD, DE. F+P Arts.
animation and gameplay
this tight, but we’ve
® played almost 27 incarna-

~ ‘
tions of the engine...
D, DF, F+P. D, DB, B + K (can be in air)

» ‘strat-s qi
F, DF, D, DB,
B+ P
(in air) D, DF, F +P
F, D, DF ORB, D, DB + 3P OR 3K

B, DB, D, DF, F +P
D, U, Ly R ~ Direction new aes) oo© Bye F, DF, F +P D, DF, F, UF + Por K
Se P - Punch
en of joystick
K ~ Kick
pete eGoio Kenia
U, D 4) Go to Ryu tap U 5)
Go to ve oy ) :
Akuma seemed to have
more combos previously...
D, DF, F, D, DF, F +P (also in air
tap D 6) Go (FYI: Akuma cannot EX any
of his moves.) D, DF, F, D, DF, F +P
-, nse eee some
restrictions, i
Sean tap
) Crouching Forward,
Messatsu Go Shoryu
D, DF, FD, DE. F+K
moves may be
2)Punch, Forwaré, Cracon ENS
Messatsu Go Hado
Dragon Punch=DP)
406 EGM
Necro is Oro is supposedly some Elena is obviously all
a close- sort of age-old god. Why the ulti- kicks. She is amazingly
up fight- is it he only has a couple mate powerful, however, and
er. Try moves then? Good player. her moves are easy to
to jump question. His He has combo with. Un-
in as much combos a wide fortunately,
as possible. All of his are OK, range of attacks and she
attacks are massive, but but his grapples. A lot of his still
keep close; he has no combos start with a doesn't
projectile to work with. punch—the best punch have
to start with is forward. that many.


forward, Jab D,DF,F + P

EX uppercut forward, EX Knee Strike EX Rhino Horn


Yun is the Ryu Yang is the Ken:
of the two more offensive.
brothers. He is
more reserved and the entire stage quickly
his attacks are more calculating. SOURAI RENGEKI TENSHIN SENKYU TAI and some offer more hits. Try:
Try: Jump in, Stand Strong, Jump in, Crouch short, Crouch for-
Fierce, B+Fierce. GENE! JIN Sse Ward, EX Senkyutai, Crouch strong.

Dudley is all punches, but Ibuki is Ken is totally different

he’s no Balrog. He has a the than before (not). You \ thing with
DP-type move and one- fastest know the drill with Ken— Ryu:
move combos. Rolling in the awesome with kicks and better
Thunder and game by has a ton of with
Corkscrew far, and in combos, punches,
4 are the 2nd Impact, espe- and you can
her attacks seem to take cially throw in either a fireball
more damage. Combos with EX or much harder move for
aplenty here. moves. more hits in his combos.


Stand forward, EX S.kicks ward, FB, Shinku Hado

Stand forward, Hashin ward, Hurricane Kick

EGM?* 107
ll say what I said in Zangief-type throws or
“_ my EGM preview. If it Tap F, F to Roll Dash or hop air throws.
E. wasn’t for the 37 pre- @ closer to your opponent.
a vious games using this This might get you closer Press HP + HK to change
engine, Marvel vs. inside and add some hits to to your second character.
Capcom would rule. ground combos. Once again, the character in
Unfortunately, we've seen reserve will gain energy in
this before over and over B, B or - this helps avoid quick the red part of the bar.
from X-Men all the way to & shots and special attacks.
D, DF, F + (HP + Hk) will
| Marvel vs. Street Fighter.
D, U will launch you into the air bring both characters on the
Really, I like this game, screen to do hyper combos.
partially because of my (as in all the X-Men engine
games). You can do any super
great love of Marvel D, DB, B + (HP + Hk) will
move in the air and you will
Comics, and partially bring both characters on the
find the best combos can be
because there is so much, : screen at the same time for
done there as well.
= dare I say it, innovation in you to fight with. If you do a
this game. The gameplay B, DB, D + P when landing fireball motion with your
is exactly the same. You from fall. This will allow a quick main character, it will be a
have two characters you rolling evasion as opposed to backward fireball motion for
choose in a tag-team slamming on the canvas. your second character, etc.
match, HP and HK pressed &
> together will switch char- S Tap 3P while blocking—You
= acters. In this game ca will give a little push forward Press MP + MK to call in the
though, we have a special (4 while defending yourself. This special character the CPU
Cooperative Mode where might surprise your opponent chose to help you. These
you can play as both of and allow you to get a jump characters include Marvel
on him/her. characters such as Jubilee,
your characters at the
Rogue, Juggernaut, etc., and
same time, an advanced
F + Punch (as always) will Capcom characters such as
guard technique seen in
allow you to escape any nor- Arthur from Ghouls and
some previous SF engine Ghosts, a soldier from
mal throw. Not counting special
' games, and the special Forgotten Worlds and more.
characters. Some of the

special characters would
have been way cooler if
they were playable (Thor, &
¢ Arthur from Ghouls and ar
© Ghosts, a soldier from the For those who don’t
cool old-school game know, Onslaught is a hybrid
Forgotten Worlds and creation of Charles Xavier
many more). This is the (or Professor X, sometime
best game of the series. leader of the X-Men) and
Magneto. Therefore, his
powers include a little from
both. He has Magneto’s
Magnetic Tempest and
Shockwave as well as his
EM Disruptor and more. He
can also control other fight-
ers’ minds and send them
against you (such as Chun-
Li in the picture).
Onslaught is extremely
difficult to beat. In his small-
£ console coming? er form, he can block and
counterattack quickly. In his
best Marvel X-over: \ larger form, he is exactly
like Apocalypse. Go for the
arm and head.

SHIELD SLASH Captain America
is pretty much
Yue © the same,
STARS & STRIPES although it
m>taxa®q seems his
offensive Shield
CHARGING STAR moves have
been increased
in damage. His
best super is still
Final Justice.


Commando's moves
utilize his three Vip @ Ye «®
his side-scrolling
adventure. He is
pretty quick, but he
doesn't have very
many combos, His
supers are very
powerful as well.

KI-KO-KEN Chun-Li is totally different

in this game! NOT. Anyway,
Aka) sh a real fireball in
TEN SHO KYAKU this one, she has almost all
of her kick move:
had, and
her speed *
is the ¥
the best.


pretty slow all
around. He is,
EE) =
however, easy ir TRICK CARD
to two-in-one
Elie meet ele) Ve«®
with. Gambit’s =
supers are extremely powertul,
but are best used when fighting
close. The right-side Cajun
Explosion seems stronger.

Most of Jin’s
moves look like
CHARGE «>» © supers. He's
SAOTOME DYNAMITE nothing like he
was in his mech
CHARGE ¥ 4 © in Cyberbots. His
SAOTOME CRUSH supers also utilize
his bot. Overall,
eit r<®
»’s a Charlieor
Guile character
with heavy artillery.

Hulk is a hee GAMMA TORNADO

He is more like the wils<©

Juggernaut in that GAMMA SLAM
respect (he glows ane ae
with every hit now).
His moves are all
the same, and so
are his supers;
however, he has a
new one.
m>laA® JAr© YAr®© LAr ®©


1!) p> Ayr<«® PAI? <«® 3 \ => ®)


JA» ©® NE IO) JA» ©®© re)
‘=> @®® JA>®E@
Spider-Man Venom is not a Spider-Man
seems a bit slow- rip-off. His
er, but his attacks moves as in suit is a
for power-ups. His are the same as DarkStalkers, weapon
supers are power- well as the however her and he
ful as damage they speed has is not
well! LS4dtake. been greatly quite
increased. as fast.


360 *® ea) JAr®© yar ®
(OJOTOMICNCIC) Pal ra® »>IrA@/® »>ta®
<a OY U> @ M@)*L@) Jea® INAIR M® L@®
360 * @) IN AIR J M® JAroO®o©
360 ©) @) JA» ©® Ee )2)
720 ©) ®) @) >tIA1©® JA» @©®
Zangief is awe-
some, very fast
from almost (a
m 'War Machine is
‘Iron Man, plain
and simple. His
Repulsor Blast ~
y |
Strider is
going to be a
He’s the same
too. His Drill C.
seems faster
and takes less
anywhere on _ “seems less strength is amaz- damage, but he
the screen. useful, but ing as well as his has a new ‘

pe te
that’s it. teach. Ghram
will leave

a you


SHINKU HADOKEN An easy way to get Ken

and Akuma in the game is
Ne Ok) Rt)
getting them by key com-
physically but has the
tea 12<© © moves of each. You
>IX10O© 1A» © © the Shotokan
brothers by
tAr ©®© \ L® LOFL@OH C) are most of
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Date of Ga

PioBoatavo i
Oftho Natonyl Fe
‘91997 NFUP,Team nes sa
BAR cojinn oftheNabonal Fedak Leann
hstog indstod. i //9 7)
Apo " NWAWAN ALAATLa hea NVaerelna]
i ° Hot Shots Golf
7 Pitfall 3D
Y © WCW Nitro

= ° Blasto
© Granstream
* Key: Magenta frames are for Claire only and the blue
poet frames are for Leon only.
nee +All pictures with yellow frames are the same for both
characters (with characters assuming opposite roles as
indicated in the text below).
* The ending to Scenario B is preceding by the opposite
character’s A ending (Claire B starts as Leon’s A ending and
then continues).
¢ There are two exceptions: In Claire B, Leon never says
goodbye to Ada, and in Leon B, the jacket sequence is
* taken out. ewer) } Sherry.
' «Pictures are in sequence of left to right. you're going to be OK.
(iviayalinre mom cr=18)) Sherry: Thanks Claire
Claire, hurry...Claire, Leon: (walking away)
Claire: (makes it on the It's over.
train) Sherry... Claiye: No! | have to find
Leon: (explosion and train my brother.
shakes) Stay down. Leon: You're right; this is
Leon: (Sherry falls to just the beginning.
the floor) Sherry’s Claire: (referring to the
unconscious. angel on her jacket that
Sherry: (makesiton the train).Leon.
Cjaire: | have the anti- Sherry wears) Ahhh, my
' Leon: (explosions and train shakes) St dow
dote...if | give it to her... god has protected you. It
¥ to Sherry: (after the explosi
Leon: Claire, what's will with you.
‘Sherry: Yes, I'm fine.
happening? Sherry: ¢
Leon: (walking away) | Claire: Not now (to Leon) = Claire:
lo... have to findmy brothe
..Come on, Sherry. Wake
up...please wake up.
Sherry: Claire, where
am |?
Leon: It worked!

“) Note: He must be Note: He tracks

close to attack. with his jumps.

.] 1) Run down 1) Use the corner
long hallways trick once again.
and shoot from 2) Avoid his
=] a distance. mouth (duh!) or

2) Shoot as. he will shake you
he rounds up bad!
2] the corners. 3) Try to shoot
3) Don't let him while he’s on top,
close in or pin you but be sure to
into a corner. He move when he
swings fast and leaps or he could
| hard up close. trap you.

Qn 114 EGM!
tay ye ie ws.
Rie sans:| Ee .! ~
3 | ai ee

{ Leon: (train shakes again) Whi
was that? ne stn was that?
Claire: (train shakes again) What train) Which
one's the right switch? Maybe
“Waring! Biohazardous outbreak emi- this one?
nent. The emergency system has (Leon escapes under train.)
been activated. This train will deto- Claire: (looking down through the |sali
nate. Repeat, this train will detonate.” hatch) Sherry.
Claire: (trapped between cars) No! Sherry: Claire.
What's wrong with this thing? Leon: (under the train) | can’t hold
Leon: | don’t know...the door won't on much longer.
open... Claire: Push the switch over there.
“Waring, the self-destruct system has Sherry: Got it.
been activated. Each train compart- —_Leon: (train stops) Finally. 4
ment will detonate sequentially.” Claire: Are you OK, Sherry?
Leon: What? Sherry: I'm OK.
Ch Leon, stop the train. Claire: Where's Leon?...Leon. Fal
Leon: | can’t...the door to the contro! Leon: Right here! You're both safe.
room is locked. You just won't die (sees more tenta-
Claire: What!!! cles around train). We've got to get ne
Sherry: What is it? out of here...move it...GO!
Leon: Sherry? Get back...(as (BOOM! Train blows up.)
William breaks through the door)! Leon: That was a close one...
That's what | call ugly...Claire, where __that was pretty impressive back Pa
are you? there, Sherry.
Cl You don’t give up do you? Sherry: It was nothing...1 saw some- age
Leon: Sherry, what are you doing? one do that on TV once. .
Sherry: We have to stop the train, Claire: Come on. We gotta move out.
right? | can do it (crawls through Leon: Now what's the problem? Is
grating)! something following us? 5
Leon: (William through the door Claire: Hey, we still have a job to Es
about to pounce) Sherry! Persistent _o..Iets go.
aren't you? Well come and get it. | Leon: Go?...Oh, you can’t mean...
Sherry: (looking to stop the Claire: Chris...| have to find you...

Note: Always Note: Shoot fast

shoot and run. to win quickly.

1) Watch when he 1) Shoot as

charges and keep fast as possible
moving to avoid and avoid the
his dashes. flailing limbs.
2) Up close he will 2) Avoid getting
] keep you pinned too close or it can
with swipes. grab you and do
3) After a few hits, decent damage.
get the dropped 3) Shoot a few
rocket launcher rounds right after
and finish him. the cinema ends.
give you

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May 1998
May looks like it'll be a hot of Fire Ill and SaGa Frontier. Each
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May 1998
Airwalk Freeride Championships,
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will visit Namco to play a 90 per- glimpse of Psygnosis’ comical new
cent complete version of Tekken 3 racer, Psybadek. Plus, look for
and to meet the real-life inspira- insightful reviews of Breath of Fire
tion for Iron Fist competitor Eddy Ill—the PlayStation debut of
Gordo. Meanwhile, Gary and art Capcom’s role-playing classic—
director Bob Conlon will trek to and Einhander, Squaresoft’s first
Lake Tahoe, site of the ESPN foray into the 3-D shooter arena.
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