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Book of Spirits Nightmares Sample

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A Book of Spirits digital sample

based on the captivating art of Yin Zhe 19

Nightmares sample | Design not final
N IGHTMARES ..........….….….…………………… 1 Wraith of Mortality ….………….………….………….…………. 6
The Nightmares …………………………………….…………..…… 1 Geist of the Void ….………….………….………….…………….. 8
Trapped Beyond the Veil …….………….…………….…….. 1 Herald of Failure ….………….………….………….……………. 10
Conductor of Carnage ….………….………….………….……… 2 Reaper of Solitude ….………….………….………….……….… 12
Towering Terror ….………….………….………….………………. 4

T HE N IGHTMARES Lead Designer: Aviad Tal

Game Developer: Tal Karo
Legends speak of ancient spirits born from the Editor: Moran Rotman
essence of titans; entities that dwell in the darkest Cover & Interior Art: Yin Zhe
reaches of the Spirit Realm, drawing power from the Playtesters: Leeor Mordoch, Aviad Tal, Tal Karo,
sleeping minds of mortals throughout the world. The Moran Rotman
nightmares embody the deepest anxieties and unspo-
ken dreads of humanoids. Murals in god-forsaken
temples portray them as silent watchers and subtle
influencers, shaping dreams into realms of fear, tor-
ment, and twisted fascination. Above all, they are a
testament to the complex (and often unsettling)
depths of the humanoid psyche.


Unlike weaker spirits who can cross into the Material
Plane, the nightmares are forever bound to the Spirit
Realm. Courts of spirits serve in their ethereal
domains, emulating their masters and carrying out
their plans. While some of their desires are beyond
mortal comprehension, one is clear in its destructive
potential - to tear the veil barring them from the
Material Plane. When a region aligns with a
nightmare’s essence—through collective fear or
mystical confluence of energy—a convergence forms,
bringing the spiritual realm into the physical world. In
such places, reality intertwines with the horrors of the
nightmares’ domains, and they manifest in the flesh
to rule unimpeded.

© 2024 Beyond the Screen

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at h�ps://
resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Crea�ve Commons A�ribu�on 4.0 Interna�onal License available at h�ps://
Nightmares sample | Design not final
ew fears can hold a candle to that of a
looming war. The Conductor of Carnage
thrives in its shadow, feasting upon
the haunted, restless nights of sol-
diers on the eve of battle. As they
sleep, it shows them a bat-
tlefield soaked in red, roaring with the
cries of the wounded and dying, their
own voice screaming the loudest. As
they gape for breath from a punc-
tured lung, the dreaming sol-
diers awaken, carrying the
fear with them to real combat.
The Sanguine Fields. The
domain of the Conductor is a field of
raging melee, where every step sinks an inch
deep in viscous blood. Many of the combatants
are unfortunate ghosts of warriors from across the
world; their souls whisked away by the minions of the
Conductor at the moment of their gruesome death.
These ghosts are locked in combat, experiencing a
cycle of fear and death in this brutal hellscape.
Planar Conquest. The Conductor rarely leaves
its domain, but the turmoil of a brewing war
between nations may stir it to wander. It watches
as the physical realm devolves into chaos, await-
ing an opportunity to claim a region from the
world of men. When armies count in tens of
thousands, and slaughter reigns, there lies its
chance to converge the planes. When it does, no
army claims victory.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Conductor of Carnage target becomes cursed. While cursed, a target is frightened
of the Conductor. A cursed creature that ends its turns takes
Large elemental 22 (4d10) psychic damage unless it dealt damage to another
creature this turn.
Armor Class 23 (natural armor)
Hit Points 437 (35d10 + 245)
Speed 50 �.
Mark Of Sleep. The Conductor hexes one creature it can see
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA with a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start
of its next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The
26 (+8) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) creature can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the
Conductor. If it does, it makes a DC 22 Wisdom or Charisma
Saving Throws Str +16, Con +15, Int +10, Wis +11, Cha +13 saving throw (its choice). On a success, the next �me the
Skills Athle�cs +24, Percep�on +19 Conductor regains its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and ac�ons less.
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened, someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
poisoned, stunned creature becomes immune to the Conductor’s Mark of Sleep
Senses blindsight 60 �., darkvision 120 �. passive un�l the end of the Conductor’s next turn.
Percep�on 29
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) REACTIONS
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) Retaliate. The Conductor makes one bloody blade a�ack
against a creature within 10 feet of it that deals damage to
Immutable Form. The Conductor is immune to any spell or it. If the a�ack hits, the target takes an addi�onal 5 (1d10)
effect that would alter its form. necro�c damage for each gaping wound it has.
Painful Resistance (3/Day). If the Conductor fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. The Conductor LEGENDARY ACTIONS
immediately gains 2 gaping wounds (see Bloody Blade). The The Conductor can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from
Conductor automa�cally fails saving throws to remove these the op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
wounds, which remain un�l it is reduced to 0 hit points. number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
Crimson Ascension (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or creature's turn. The Conductor regains spent legendary
Long Rest). If the Conductor is reduced to 0 hit points, it ac�ons at the start of its turn.
doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total
resets to 216, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Devour Nightmare. The Conductor moves up to its speed. If
Carnage. For the next hour, the Conductor can use the it ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
op�ons in the “Mythic Ac�ons” sec�on. Addi�onally, the the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
Conductor’s bloody blade extends and slices through the Conductor regains the same amount of hit points.
creatures it hits. Whenever the Conductor a�acks with its Bloody Blade (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Conductor makes a
bloody blade, compare the total of the roll to the Armor bloody blade a�ack
Class of each creature in a 15-foot cone from it, resolving
Festering Wounds (Costs 3 Ac�ons). Each creature within
the a�acks separately.
120 feet of the Conductor takes 5 (1d10) necro�c
damage for each gaping wound it has.
Mul�a�ack. The Conductor makes 4 a�acks with its bloody
blade. It can replace two of its a�acks with Curse of MYTHIC ACTIONS
Carnage if it's available. If the Conductor’s Crimson Ascension trait has ac�vated in
the last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary
Bloody Blade. Melee Weapon A�ack: +16 to hit, reach 10 �., ac�ons.
one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) slashing damage and the target
gets a gaping wound. The target is immune to this effect if it Expunge (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Conductor chooses one
cannot bleed (e.g., constructs and most undead). At the end creature within 60 feet of it. If the target has 5 or more
of a wounded creature’s turn, it takes 5 (1d10) necro�c gaping wounds, it dies.
damage for each gaping wound it has. It then makes a DC Vengeful Stance (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Conductor prepares
22 Cons�tu�on saving throw, removing all gaping wounds to strike at the first creature that provokes it. The
on a success. Spells like greater restora�on, regenerate and Conductor enters a stance, which lasts un�l the start of
similar magic close all gaping wounds instantly. its next turn, un�l it is incapacitated, or un�l it uses
another legendary ac�on. Whenever a creature within
Curse of Carnage (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious creature 120 feet of the Conductor deals damage to it, the
within 120 feet of the Conductor must succeed on a DC 22 Conductor teleports to an unoccupied space adjacent to
Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage on the target, it can then spend its reac�on to use its
a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the Retaliate on the target.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
he Towering Terror reflects the primal
fear of being trampled by overwhelming
forces. It sends sleeping mortals
terrifying dreams that emphasize their
frailty. The dread follows them into the
waking world, as they vaguely recall
running from a stampede of raging beasts, being
engulfed and crushed by a cave-in, or witnessing a
sky-scraping titan destroying their home in its wake.
Thunderous Wastes. The Terror’s domain is a des-
olate, broken flatland where refuge is rare. Low
hanging mist hides the uneven ground, forming
treacherous footing for smaller creatures. Agents of
the Terror pull helpless mortals into the wastes, forc-
ing them to flee from herds of monstrous beasts. As
the mortals struggle to survive, their fear feeds the
Terror and the spirits that serve it.
Wandering Titan. The Towering Terror casts a
colossal shadow, much larger than it should be,
inspiring fear as it travels the Spirit Realm. This
illusory effect makes others perceive it at the scale
of mountains, its gait spanning entire valleys and
cities. This illusion is always seen from a great dis-
tance, and is somehow visible despite the churning
mists of the Spirit Realm. When daring adven-
turers venture closer, no sign of its passing
remains, and it appears just as far as it was.
Those unfortunate enough to reach the real
Terror discover its deceit and true size, but
rarely survive to tell the tale.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Towering Terror decrease further). A Tiny creature that fails the save dies.
When the curse ends, the creature reverts back to its
Huge Elemental original size.

Armor Class 23 (natural armor)

Hit Points 507 (35d12 + 280)
Speed 50 �. Mark Of Sleep. The Terror hexes one creature it can see with
a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start of its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The creature
can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the Terror. If it
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 26 (+8) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) does, it makes a DC 22 Wisdom or Charisma saving throw
(its choice). On a success, the next �me the Terror regains its
Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +10, Con +16, Int +10, Wis spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2 ac�ons less.
+12, Cha +14 An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Skills Percep�on +12 someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and creature becomes immune to the Terror’s Mark of Sleep
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks un�l the end of the Terror’s next turn.
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened,
poisoned, stunned REACTIONS
Senses blindsight 60 �., darkvision 120 �. passive Diminish Harm. Whenever the Terror takes damage, it can
Percep�on 22 spend its reac�on to temporarily shrink its source, halving
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) the damage.
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP)

Immutable Form. The Terror is immune to any spell or effect

that would alter its form. The Terror can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
Slowing Resistance (3/Day). If the Terror fails a saving throw, number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
it can choose to temporarily slow itself and succeed instead. ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
Un�l the end of its next turn, the Terror’s speed is halved, creature's turn. The Terror regains spent legendary ac�ons at
and its Armor Class is reduced by 2. the start of its turn.

Colossal Ascension (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or Devour Nightmare. The Terror moves up to its speed. If it
Long Rest). If the Terror is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
253, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Diminu�on. the Terror regains the same amount of hit points.
For the next hour, the Terror’s size becomes Gargantuan, Weakening Glare. One creature that the Terror can see
and it can use the op�ons in the “Mythic Ac�ons” sec�on. within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 22
When this feature ac�vates, each creature within 120 Cons�tu�on saving throw. On a failed save, the target
feet of the Terror is targeted by its Weakening Glare deals only half damage with weapon and spell a�acks
legendary ac�on. un�l the end of its next turn.
Smash (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Terror makes a smash a�ack.
Mul�a�ack. The Terror makes two smash a�acks. It can
replace one of its a�acks with Curse of Diminu�on if it's MYTHIC ACTIONS
available. If the Terror’s Colossal Ascension trait has ac�vated in the
last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary ac�ons.
Smash. Melee Weapon A�ack: +18 to hit, reach 15 �., one
target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) bludgeoning damage and an Titanic Grasp (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Terror’s arms extend to
addi�onal 5 (1d10) for each size category the Terror is larger grab one creature it can see. The target must succeed on
than the target. The target must succeed on a DC 26 a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw. On failure, the target is
Strength saving throw or fall prone. briefly grappled by the Terror before being slammed into
the ground, taking 32 (4d10 + 10) bludgeoning damage
Curse of Diminu�on (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious creature and an addi�onal 5 (1d10) for each size category the
within 120 feet of the Terror must succeed on a DC 22 Terror is larger than the target. The target falls prone.
Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage on Meteoric Leap (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Terror jumps and lands
a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the in a space within 60 feet of it. Each creature in that space
target becomes cursed. While cursed, a target is frightened must succeed on a DC 26 Strength or Dexterity saving
of the Terror, its size decreases by one category, and it has throw (its choice). On a failed save, a target is knocked
disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving prone and takes 29 (3d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus
throws. The target’s weapons shrink to match its size, 29 (3d12 + 10) thunder damage. On a successful save, the
dealing 1d4 less damage with its a�acks (this can’t reduce creature takes only half the damage, isn't knocked prone,
the damage below 1). and is pushed 5 feet out of the Terror’s space into an
If a creature already cursed by the Curse of Diminu�on is unoccupied space of the creature’s choice. If no
targeted by the curse again and fails the save, its size unoccupied space is within range, the creature instead
decreases by another category (its weapons damage do not falls prone in the Terror’s space.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
he fear of death resides at the core of
every living creature. Even those who
accept their own demise dread the
loss of their loved ones. The
Wraith sends morbid visions to
sleeping minds throughout the
world, particularly those who least expect them.
It reminds mortals of a truth they prefer to bury—
life is fleeting, and tomorrow may never come.
The Deathless Ocean. A sea of ghosts churns
beneath the feet of the Wraith. Each of them
whispers tales of their own demise and how they
wished to live a little longer. The Wraith
treasures these souls greatly, but occasionally
allows travelers to ask them questions.
Sometimes it does so freely, but oftentimes it
asks for something in exchange. The Wraith’s
requests rarely bring direct harm to others,
but they always remind someone of a great
tragedy, or prophesize an upcoming one.
Enemy of Ghost Lords. The Wraith wishes to
tear the Veil of the Spirit Realm, not just to set
foot in the Material Plane, but also the Shad-
owfell. Those who deny death are often most
afraid of it, and the Wraith wants their souls in its
collection. Even the mighty Ghost Lords shudder
at the thought that their own shores coincide with
those of the Deathless Ocean.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Wraith of Mortality BONUS ACTIONS
Medium Elemental Mark Of Sleep. The Wraith hexes one creature it can see
with a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) of its next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The
Hit Points 460 (40d8 + 280) creature can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the
Speed 40 �. Wraith. If it does, it makes a DC 25 Wisdom or Charisma
saving throw (its choice). On a success, the next �me the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wraith regains its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2
ac�ons less.
20 (+5) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 26 (+8) An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
Saving Throws Con +16, Int +14, Wis +16, Cha +16 creature becomes immune to the Wraith’s Mark of Sleep
Skills Percep�on +25 un�l the end of the Wraith’s next turn.
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks REACTIONS
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened, Reaper’s Fee. Whenever a creature that the Wraith can see
poisoned, stunned regains hit points, the Wraith can spend its reac�on and
Senses blindsight 60 �., darkvision 120 �. passive regain the same amount of hit points.
Percep�on 35
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.)
Challenge 29 (135,000 XP)
The Wraith can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
Immutable Form. The Wraith is immune to any spell or effect op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
that would alter its form. number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
Woeful Resistance (3/Day). If the Wraith fails a saving throw, creature's turn. The Wraith regains spent legendary ac�ons
it can choose to weaken itself and succeed instead. The next at the start of its turn.
�me the Wraith would regain its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it
regains two ac�ons less. Devour Nightmare. The Wraith moves up to its speed. If it
ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
Death Incarnate (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or Long the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
Rest). If the Wraith is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't die the Wraith regains the same amount of hit points. This
or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to 230, damage does not awaken the target. The Wraith cannot
and it immediately recharges its Curse of Mortality. For the target that creature with this legendary ac�on again un�l
next hour, the Wraith can use the op�ons in the “Mythic the end of its next turn.
Ac�ons” sec�on. When this feature ac�vates, each creature Call of the Grave. One creature within 30 feet of the Wraith
within 120 feet of the Wraith that has 50 hit points or less becomes cursed un�l the end of its next turn. While
becomes stunned un�l the end of its next turn. Addi�onally, cursed, the creature’s speed becomes 0. If the Wraith hits
for the next hour, whenever a creature a�empts to restore a the cursed target with an a�ack, the creature has
dead creature to life within 120 feet of the Wraith, it must vulnerability to all of that a�ack’s damage, and the curse
succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw or the a�empt ends.
Inescapable Demise (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Wraith teleports
up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that it can see and
ACTIONS makes an a�ack with its execu�oner sword.
Mul�a�ack. The Wraith makes 2 a�acks with its execu�oner
sword and then uses its Dream of Death ability. It can
replace one of its execu�oner sword a�acks with Curse of MYTHIC ACTIONS
Mortality if it’s available. If the Wraith’s Death Incarnate trait has ac�vated in the
last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary ac�ons.
Execu�oner Sword. Melee Weapon A�ack: +18 to hit, reach 5
�., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) slashing damage and an Soul Cleave (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Wraith teleports to an
addi�onal 11 (2d10) necro�c damage. This a�ack inflicts a unoccupied space that it can see within 60 feet of it, and
cri�cal hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20 on the d20. then tugs on the souls of creatures in a wide arc. Each
creature in a 60-foot cone of the Wraith must succeed on
Dream of Death. The Wraith kills one unconscious creature a DC 25 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a target
within 5 feet of it. has disadvantage on a�ack rolls and saving throws un�l
the end of its next turn.
Curse of Mortality (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious creature Unmake (Costs 5 Ac�ons). Each creature within 120 feet of
within 120 feet of the Wraith must succeed on a DC 25 the Wraith must succeed on a DC 25 Cons�tu�on saving
Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage on throw. On a failed save, a creature loses all of its
a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the temporary hit points and half of its remaining hit points.
target becomes cursed. While cursed, a target is frightened
of the Wraith, and whenever it would regain hit points, it
regains half the amount instead (rounded down).

Nightmares sample | Design not final
he fear of darkness dwells in the hearts
of men from time immemorial. The
Geist is the embodiment of that
primordial fear, sending dreams of
crippling darkness into every corner of
the world. In these dreams, predators
prowl just out of sight. As these monsters close in, the
dreamers are forced to run helplessly through a
treacherous murk that inevitably fails them.
Evervoid. From outside, the Geist’s domain
appears like a massive cocoon of darkness.
Those who enter the lightless shroud hear
the scraping sound of monstrous claws
carving the ground, made by countless
shadow monsters moving erratically.
Despite their presence, the path inside
is safe, as long as one keeps walking;
turning around or even stopping pro-
vokes the monsters.
Eventually, travelers enter one of
several gloomy enclosures, each
enveloped by the cloudy Evervoid.
These places have little in common
with one another, as if snatched
from all over the world. The res-
idents of the enclosures are
ghosts, each convinced they are
still alive. They fear the cloud of darkness
that had suddenly surrounded their home, and the
monsters that sometimes emerge to attack them.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Geist of the Void target becomes cursed. While cursed, the target is
frightened of the Geist, and it takes 11 (2d10) psychic
Medium Elemental damage whenever it starts its turn in magical darkness.

Armor Class 22 (natural armor)

Hit Points 399 (38d8 + 228)
Speed 40 �., fly 40 �. Mark Of Sleep. The Geist hexes one creature it can see with
a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start of its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The creature
can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the Geist. If it
14 (+2) 28 (+9) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 20 (+5) does, it makes a DC 22 Wisdom or Charisma saving throw
(its choice). On a success, the next �me the Geist regains its
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +16, Con +13, Int +10, Wis +14, spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2 ac�ons less.
Cha +12 An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Skills Percep�on +21 someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and creature becomes immune to the Geist’s Mark of Sleep un�l
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks the end of the Geist’s next turn.
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened,
poisoned, stunned REACTIONS
Senses truesight 60 �., blindsight 120 �. passive Percep�on Shadow Form. Whenever the Geist takes damage that does
31 not include radiant damage, it can spend its reac�on to
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) assume a shadowy form and halve it. Addi�onally, the Geist
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) emits a 10-foot radius sphere of magical darkness centered
on itself. The darkness lasts for 1 minute, unless dispelled
Immutable Form. The Geist is immune to any spell or effect with the daylight spell or similar magic.
that would alter its form.

Ruinous Resistance (3/Day). If the Geist fails a saving throw, LEGENDARY ACTIONS
it can choose to weaken itself and succeed instead. For the The Geist can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
next minute, the next �me the Geist takes radiant damage, op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
it takes twice as much damage instead. number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
Herald of Endless Night (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or creature's turn. The Geist regains spent legendary ac�ons at
Long Rest). If the Geist is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't the start of its turn.
die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to
198, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Creeping Devour Nightmare. The Geist moves up to its speed. If it
Darkness. For the next hour, the Geist can use the op�ons ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
in the “Mythic Ac�ons” sec�on. When this feature ac�vates, the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
the geist casts the maddening darkness spell centered on the Geist regains the same amount of hit points.
itself at the start of each of its turns. The Geist is immune to Shadow Leap (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Geist briefly disappears,
damage from that spell. telepor�ng into a space that contains magical darkness
within 60 feet of it.
ACTIONS Clouds of Night (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Geist summons
Mul�a�ack. The Geist makes 2 a�acks with its claws. It can clouds of darkness centered on up to 3 points of its
replace one of its a�acks with its Stare into the Void ac�on, choice within 120 feet of it. Each point emits magical
or Curse of Creeping Darkness if it’s available. darkness in a 10-foot radius sphere. The darkness lasts
for 1 minute, unless dispelled with the daylight spell or
Claws. Melee Weapon A�ack: +16 to hit, reach 5 �., one similar magic.
target. Hit: 14 (1d10 + 9) slashing damage, and an addi�onal
11 (2d10) psychic damage if the target is in magical
darkness. If the target is not in magical darkness, a 10-foot MYTHIC ACTIONS
radius sphere of magical darkness appears around the If the Geist’s Herald of Endless Night trait has ac�vated in
target. The darkness lasts for 1 minute, unless dispelled with the last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary
the daylight spell or similar magic. ac�ons.

Stare into the Void. The Geist chooses up to 3 creatures Stare into the Void (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Geist uses its
within 120 feet of it that are in magical darkness. Each Stare into the Void ac�on.
target must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw. On a Primeval Darkness (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The geist chooses two
failed save, a target takes 28 (8d6) psychic damage, and it creatures within 120 feet of it that are in magical
can’t take a reac�on un�l the end of its next turn. Moreover, darkness and immediately ends one spell on each target.
on its next turn, it must choose whether it gets a move, an Shadow tendrils wrap around the targets and a�empt to
ac�on, or a bonus ac�on; it gets only one of the three. hold them. Each target must make a DC 22 Cons�tu�on
saving throw, taking 26 (4d12) psychic damage on a
Curse of Creeping Darkness (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious
failure or half as much on a success. On failure, the target
creature within 120 feet of the Geist must succeed on a DC
is also grappled (escape DC 22). While grappled, the
22 Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage
creature is also restrained. The grapple ends early if the
on a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the
magical darkness is dispelled.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
he prospect of failure can paralyze even
the greatest minds, foreshadowing
calamity and shame as the only out-
comes for trying. The Herald delivers
dreams of all the worst possible out-
comes to mortals throughout the world,
favoring those filled with pride and ambition. Upon
waking, the dreamers fret and second-guess every
decision in an effort to avoid any perceived hurdles.
Eventually, they end up making their nightmare a self-
fulfilling prophecy.
Archives of Calamity. The Herald’s domain is a
silent and dreary library filled with rows of dusty
tomes. Rumors suggest that every failure in history is
transcribed somewhere in the Archives, but those who
enter are drawn to a book with their own name
instead. Within, they find meticulous notes of their fail-
ures, each embellished with the wonders
that have been denied them by their own
incompetence. These books also offer
predictions of the future, comparing
the individual's current endeavors to
other great failures, concluding with their
inevitable defeat.
Servants of the Herald sometimes slink through the
halls, resembling dark globules dripping with ichor
that turns to dust. These entities can be bribed to
locate a specific book in exchange for a promise to
ensure someone else falls short. While not binding in
any way, those who fail to follow up draw the
attention of the Herald.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Herald of Failure damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. On
failure, the target becomes cursed. While cursed, the target
Medium Elemental is frightened of the Herald, and it gains a level of exhaus�on
at the start of each of its turns. Any levels of exhaus�on
Armor Class 24 (natural armor) caused by this curse vanish when it is removed.
Hit Points 402 (35d8 + 245)
Speed 40 �., fly 40 �.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Mark Of Sleep. The Herald hexes one creature it can see
with a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start
12 (+1) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 28 (+9) of its next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The
creature can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +17, Con +15, Int +15, Wis +15, Herald. If it does, it makes a DC 25 Wisdom or Charisma
Cha +17 saving throw (its choice). On a success, the next �me the
Skills Percep�on +17 Herald regains its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and ac�ons less.
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened, someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
poisoned, stunned creature becomes immune to the Herald’s Mark of Sleep
Senses truesight 60 �., blindsight 120 �. passive Percep�on un�l the end of the Herald’s next turn.
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) REACTIONS
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) Fatal Deflec�on. Whenever the Herald succeeds on a saving
throw to resist a harmful spell or effect origina�ng from a
Immutable Form. The Herald is immune to any spell or effect creature within 120 feet of it, the Herald can cause another
that would alter its form. creature within 120 feet of it to be targeted by that spell or
effect as well. The target makes a saving throw against the
Aura of Inep�tude. Whenever a creature rolls a 1, 2, or 3 on original spell or effect as if it were the target and in the
a d20 within 300 feet of the Herald, treat that roll as if it is a Herald’s space, regardless of its distance.
1, and the Herald has advantage on the next a�ack roll,
ability check, or saving throw it makes before the end of its
The Herald can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
Imperiling Resistance (3/Day). If the Herald fails a saving op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
throw, it can choose to weaken itself and succeed instead. number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
The Herald has disadvantage on the next saving throw it ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
makes within the next minute. creature's turn. The Herald regains spent legendary ac�ons
at the start of its turn.
Architect of Defeat (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or
Long Rest). If the Herald is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't Devour Nightmare. The Herald moves up to its speed. If it
die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
201, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Impending the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
Doom. For the next hour, the Herald can use the op�ons in the Herald regains the same amount of hit points.
the “Mythic Ac�ons” sec�on. Addi�onally, at the start of Enfeebling Staff. The Herald a�acks with its enfeebling Staff.
each of its turns, illusory duplicates spawn around the
Herald to confuse its foes, as with the mirror image spell. Never Try (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Herald chooses up to two
creatures within 120 feet of it. Each target must make a
DC 25 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target can
ACTIONS only a�ack once with their ac�on (ignoring Extra A�ack
Mul�a�ack. The Herald makes two a�acks with its and similar features), and may only cast spells of 3rd level
enfeebling staff and uses its Disparaging Stare. It can replace or lower. These drawbacks last un�l the end of the
any of the three with Curse of Impending Doom if it’s target’s next turn.

Enfeebling Staff. Melee Weapon A�ack: +16 to hit, reach 5 �., MYTHIC ACTIONS
one target. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage and the If the Herald’s Architect of Defeat trait has ac�vated in the
target has disadvantage on the next a�ack roll it makes last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary ac�ons.
within the next minute.
Inevitable (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Herald chooses one
Disparaging Stare. The Herald chooses one creature within creature within 120 feet of it. The next �me the target
120 feet of that had targeted it with an a�ack and did not fails with an a�ack roll, ability check, or saving throw
hit it since the end of its last turn. The target must succeed within the next minute, the Herald regains 40 hit points. If
on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw or take 33 (4d12 + 9) that failure is due to the target rolling a 1, it also takes 40
psychic damage. psychic damage.
Disparaging Laughter (Costs 3 Ac�ons). The Herald uses its
Curse of Impending Doom (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious
Disparaging Stare on each creature within 120 feet of it
creature within 120 feet of the Herald must succeed on a
that failed to hit the Herald with an a�ack since the end
DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic
of its last turn.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
he fear of isolation afflicts all social
creatures. It is more than mere loneli-
ness; it is the fear of being pushed out,
exiled, and never belonging anywhere.
The Reaper sends dreams of isolation
into the minds of sleeping mortals all
over the world. Within them, they stand in a desolate
landscape without a living creature in sight. Their
voices echo back unto them as they wander for
what feels like hours before finally waking.
The Dustlands. The Reaper’s domain is a
desert of gray dunes where getting lost is all
but guaranteed. Illusory images, woven by
minions of the Reaper, trick the minds of
creatures with false hope. Frequent, violent
dust storms separate groups and disorient
their members even further. Reuniting and
finding a way out of the Dustlands is nigh
impossible, and most never manage it.
Despite the numerous mortals lost in
the Dustlands, its cursed nature pre-
vents locating or even perceiving
other groups and individuals with-
out the aid of magic.
Cursed Gateways. Six cursed lanterns
were scattered throughout the world, mimick-
ing the Reaper’s own. When lit, these lanterns
produce an inviting flame, mesmerizing
onlookers. A bitter sense of longing settles on
those who peer at the light for a few minutes,
making it more difficult to look away. If a crea-
ture remains transfixed for an hour, they are
magically transported into the Dustlands.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Reaper of Solitude Curse of Isola�on (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious creature
within 120 feet of the Reaper must succeed on a DC 24
Large Elemental Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage on
a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) target becomes cursed. While cursed, the target is
Hit Points 438 (35d10 + 245) frightened of the Reaper. Whenever the cursed target starts
Speed 50 �. its turn without an allied creature within 10 feet of it, it
must choose whether it gets an ac�on or a bonus ac�on; it
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA only gets one of the two.
14 (+2) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 26 (+8)
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +17, Con +15, Int +12, Wis Mark Of Sleep. The Reaper hexes one creature it can see
+13, Cha +16 with a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start
Skills Percep�on +13 of its next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and creature can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks Reaper. If it does, it makes a DC 24 Wisdom or Charisma
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened, saving throw (its choice). On a success, the next �me the
poisoned, stunned Reaper regains its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2
Senses truesight 60 �., blindsight 120 �. passive Percep�on ac�ons less.
27 An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) creature becomes immune to the Reaper’s Mark of Sleep
un�l the end of the Reaper’s next turn.
Immutable Form. The Reaper is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form. REACTIONS
Displace. Whenever the Reaper takes damage, it can spend
Aura of Loneliness. Whenever a creature within 300 feet of its reac�on to halve that damage. If the source of the
the Reaper starts its turn, it takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage damage is a creature within 300 feet of the Reaper, it is
unless it has another allied creature within 10 feet of it. magically teleported up to 30 feet in any direc�on into an
unoccupied space of the Reaper’s choice.
Forlorn Resistance (3/Day). If the Reaper fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead. The Reaper immediately
takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage for every other creature LEGENDARY ACTIONS
within 20 feet of it. The Reaper can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
Fate of the Abandoned (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
Long Rest). If the Reaper is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to creature's turn. The Reaper regains spent legendary ac�ons
219, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Isola�on. For at the start of its turn.
the next hour, the Reaper can use the op�ons in the “Mythic
Ac�ons” sec�on. Addi�onally, all other creatures within 300 Devour Nightmare. The Reaper moves up to its speed. If it
feet of the Reaper must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
throw or become confused (as with the confusion spell) for 1 the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
minute. A target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end the Reaper regains the same amount of hit points.
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Lantern (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper makes one Lantern
Strike a�ack or uses its Lantern Glare.
ACTIONS Disband (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper chooses up to two
Mul�a�ack. The Reaper makes two a�acks with its lantern creatures within 30 feet of it. Each target must succeed
strike. It can replace one of its a�acks with Lantern Glare or on a DC 24 Charisma saving throw, or be teleported up to
Curse of Isola�on if it’s available. 60 feet into an unoccupied space of the Reaper’s choice.

Lantern Strike. Melee Weapon A�ack: +16 to hit, reach 5 �.,

one target. Hit: 25 (3d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage. If the MYTHIC ACTIONS
target is a creature, it takes an addi�onal 16 (3d10) psychic If the Reaper’s Fate of the Abandoned trait has ac�vated in the
damage if it has no allied creatures within 10 feet of it. Then, last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary ac�ons.
the creature is telekine�cally shoved 10 feet directly away
from the Reaper. Lantern Trap (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper casts the maze
spell. Creatures in the maze are affected by the Reaper’s
Lantern Glare. The Reaper’s lantern briefly appears at a point Aura of Loneliness.
that the Reaper can see within 120 feet of it. The lantern
Forsaken Demise (Costs 5 Ac�ons). The Reaper chooses one
spews ghostly flame in a 5-foot radius sphere around it
creature that it can see within 120 feet of it. The target
before telepor�ng back to the Reaper. Each creature in
can immediately move up to its speed. Then, the target
range must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw. On
dies if it has no allied creatures within 10 feet of it.
failure, a target takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage or 33
(6d10) psychic damage if it has no allied creatures within 10
feet of it. A target takes half as much damage on a success.

Nightmares sample | Design not final
Nightmares sample | Design not final

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