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The Tournament of Annihilation D&D Compatible

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AGE+ 12


Arise as the new champion and ruler of the Red City or die trying.


I NTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 2
Running The Adventure ............................................................................................................ 2
Story Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2
About Barbarois ..................................................................................................................... 2
About The Kumiteii ................................................................................................................ 2
Adventure Hooks .................................................................................................................... 2
P ROLOGUE ......................................................................................................... 3
T HE C OLISEUM ..................................................................................................... 3
The Tournament´s Rules ........................................................................................................... 3
the Sacred Rule ...................................................................................................................... 3
The Crowd`s Roaring .............................................................................................................. 3
Pritan Clan .......................................................................................................................... 4
O PENING C EREMONY .............................................................................................. 4
Round One .......................................................................................................................... 4
Rolepaying Argos ................................................................................................................... 5
End of round One .................................................................................................................. 5
Round Two ........................................................................................................................... 5
End of round Two .................................................................................................................. 6
Round Three ........................................................................................................................ 6
Altered Drinks ...................................................................................................................... 6
E PILOGUE ............................................................................................................ 7
W HAT’S N EXT . ..................................................................................................... 7
A PPENDIX A: NPC S AND M ONSTERS ........................................................................ 8

The tournament is sacred for the inhabitants of Barbarois, the Red City. The competition’s victor becomes the Scarlet Poten-
tate, the city’s ruler. However, this tournament is different as seven rulers have perished in mysterious circumstances in the past
decade, and all the major clans are suspects, which is why some of them have brought outside help.

Written by Cast n Play | 2022

Welcome to The Tournament of Annihilation, a 5e
compatible RPG adventure by Cast n Play. Although it The Red City, as it is also known, stands around
is a one-shot, it belongs to a saga by Cast n Play. the lake of Grolock and is encircled by colossal
red walls. Except for three artificial islands, the
RUNNING THE ADVENTURE city is built on the lake’s shores. The Kumiteii
takes place in the colosseum on the island located
The Tournament of Annihilation is a 5e adven- in the middle of the lake. To move around the
ture meant for four to six player 3rd-5th level city, the inhabitants must travel around it or use
characters. The adventure takes place in Bar- boats to cross the lake and reach other parts.
barois, one of the great orc cities of the Waste- Although most of the population are orcs, other
lands. peoples call Barbarois their home, especially
humans, and huldrefolk, trolls who are slightly
· Fun is the ultimate goal. Never forget that. larger than orcs, intelligent, and capable of orga-
· As a Game Master, you know your players better nizing into communities.
than anyone. Make your decisions accordingly. The city is renowned for its academies and
· You have the last word. This adventure is a fighting styles.
guide, but you can improvise as you see fit.
The Tournament of Annihilation´s plot is as follows: The Kumiteii is staged every time a new Scar-
let Potentate is to be elected. Each clan sends a
· The orc city of Barbarois prides itself on its team to participate, and whichever team wins,
different fighting academies, the prowess of its their clan selects the individual that will become
monks and axe masters, and how it chooses its the city’s ruler, usually the head of the clan. The
ruler, The Scarlet Potentate. entire purpose of the tournament is to entertain
·Whenever a ruler dies or retires, a tournament the public, and ascertain that the victors have the
called the Kumiteii is staged, where each of the qualities needed to rule the Red City.
major orc clans send teams that have to participate The Kumiteii has three main rounds, each one
in a series of trials, with the final being combat to with a different challenge that the participants
the death. must overcome.
·Strange events have caused the city to stage its All the events occur inside the coliseum’s arena,
seventh tournament in less than 20 years, with all a masterwork of engineering, capable of being
the rulers in this period dying under suspicious filled with water for naval battles in less than three
circumstances, causing a rift between the five minutes, or with different sets of trap pillars and
most prominent clans: Pritan, Tung Fon, Telleyz, pits rising from the sands.
Fyrlat, and Fömte, who now actively mistrust each Each round is observed closely by arbiters inside
other. the arena, ensuring nobody is cheating. It is not
·Argos, a self-exiled orc monk and now head of uncommon for some arbiters to die since they get
the Fömte clan, was enjoying his retirement in the so close that they fall inside a pit or are killed by
taverns of Thamarya when he was told that most the participants.
of his clan was wiped out in an ambush outside
the city. His clan was providing security for The
Scarlet Potentate at the time. The information ADVENTURE HOOKS
was given to him by Karelin, “The Orphaned
Merchant,” who was sent to bring the monk back For this adventure consider the following charac-
and lead his clan in the upcoming Kumiteii. ter hooks:
·Not trusting anyone in Barbarois, Argos ap- Magic Rewards. The PCs are promised some
proached the PCs and offered them 500 gp each, powerful items belonging to the Fömte clan
plus some of his clan’s magic items if they partici- should they accept to participate in the tourna-
pated in the Kumiteii on his behalf. ment.
·The PCs and Argos traveled in the Orphaned Clean Sheet. Maybe some of the PCs have a
Merchant’s sand manta, a magnificent flying crea- bleak record with the authorities of Thamarya,
ture that the orcs in the Wastelands use as airships, and Argos has promised to help expunge their
for the terrain underneath is dangerous. records.
Fame. Beating orcs from Barbarois in a fight
·The PCs arrive the night before the tournament grants great fame, and the opportunity to be hired
begins and are hosted inside the headquarters of for more excellent quests and receive higher pay.
the Fömte clan.

PROLOGUE ·“The Sacred Rule.” At any point during the
tournament, a participant can engage with the
The beds were rough -the Barbarois are not known for public, be it through a great show of skill, e.g., a
comfort, although the architecture of their city is exqui- great joke, a great display of acrobatics, a grue-
site, rivaling any other you’ve seen. Reaching the coliseum some kill, etc., and gain a public clamor which
by boat took an hour, its arches and statues visible from can make them victors of a round.
the Fömtes clan dock at first light from the Twin Suns. A ·Displays of fear and cowardice deduct points.
large queue of vessels piles on the island’s western side, ·In some events, the arbiters themselves have to
but that’s not your destination; as competitors, you dock
block or impede the competitors.
·Killing other competitors is only permitted until
on the eastern side.
the Battle Royale.
Without any word, Argos steps off the boat, followed by
five other clan members, all too old or frail to participate, THE SACRED RULE
the remnants of a clan in decline. The dock leads to the
competitors’ gate, a colossal arch with a statue of an orc Although the main objective of the tournament is
warrior standing upon the corpse of a mountain giant.
to select a new ruler from a clan, connection with
the inhabitants of Barbarois is essential. In order to
Argos and the others bow their heads as they pass the
lead them into the battle, the ruling clan must in-
statue and enter the tunnel beyond. spire confidence and be well regarded, which is why
Inside the tunnel, the other teams are walking ahead, all the public clamor can sometimes be the element
silent and in perfect synchronicity, more akin to a reli- that grants victory. Depending on what the char-
gious march than a tournament. Halfway across the tun- acters want to accomplish, have them carry out a
nel, a vibration is felt, followed by a murmur that grows in DC 11 Charisma (Perception) check along with the
volume until the ears start to ring. action’s check. If both are successful, that character
Suddenly, without forewarning, a red light blinds you gains a public point for its team.
momentarily, and the roar of a crowd of more than
60,000 thousand deafens you as you arrive at the colise- THE CROWD´S ROARING
um’s arena. The Kumiteii is the city’s most important event,
and the public is totally involved. The audience will
not stop cheering or booing from dawn when it be-
THE COLISEUM gins until it ends. The boos can distract if the GM
The colossal structure is made of red limestone decides, or if they become clamor, the PCs can pass
from the Bartoks mountain range east of the city. even if they failed the round.
The Coliseum is elliptical in shape and is 615 ft.
long and 510 ft. wide. Seating is arranged into
three tiers, with the most celebrated individuals
enjoying seats in the bottom tier and the least
significant on the third and final tier. The tour-
nament takes place in the arena, which is 272 ft.
long and 157 ft. wide. Although the ground is
covered in sand, underneath it lies the “othron”
(the underground), a network of cages, mecha-
nisms, and traps that are opened or raised as the
circumstance demands. There is no pattern to
this, and it is always random.
Depending on the event, sometimes wards and
rune stones are placed so that no spell can be cast.
· Each round has its own set of rules, which the
arbiters will relay to each team.
·Depending on the rules, teams can be disquali-
fied immediately.
·Although arbiters have been known to perish
during the Kumiteii, any action or attack against
them on purpose disqualifies the team whose
member carried it out.

The Pritan are behind the scheming and the politi-
cal assassinations that have occurred during the past
years. They are also responsible for the ambush that
killed many Fömte warriors and the Red Poten-
tate. To avoid discovery, they have used and allied
themselves with enemies of Barbarois, including
the “People of the Canyons,” who are made up of
giants, trolls, and goblins.
This group initially shared the territory with the
orcs, but betrayed them when the dark forces of
Midnight City attacked the Wastelands. The orcs
were triumphant and vanished these people to the
inhospitable caves and canyons. They naturally seek
revenge, and the Pritan offered them an opportu-
Members of the Pritan clan will not hesitate to
cheat, and have a pair of arbiters under their con-
trol. They will do everything they can to win and
impede the PCs from succeeding.
OPENING CEREMONY After the master of ceremonies says those last
The party arrives at the arena just as the light of words, each team is led to a different part of the
the Twin Suns announces the start of dawn, which arena. There are five teams in total, each present-
is when the Kumiteii begins. ing one of the major clans, and all have the same
By this time, the crowd is already wild, and the number of members, determined by the number
only thing stopping them is that the tournament of PCs playing. Each of these teams is assigned an
doesn’t begin until the Master of Ceremonies arbiter, who will rigorously observe them, repeat
gives the signal. the rules, and disqualify them if they’re cheating.
Above the arbiters is the Elder arbiter, who can
overrule any other arbiters or make a call in dif-
In the center of the area stands a cloaked figure. It is an ficult decisions. The Elder arbiter moves around
old orc, its face covered with scars and wounds. Next to it, the arena, watching all the teams and arbiters.
are his two goblin assistants. Two of the arbiters are compromised, one ob-
The orc grins, and begins to speak in a deep but friendly serving the Pritan clan, and the other monitoring
voice: the PCs. However, they cannot be evident in their
“Welcome, one and all.” actions, and act discreetly.
The orc stops as the crowd cheers in unison. When they
All of their Deception checks are rolled with
advantage and +2, not only because they are good
stop, he continues.
at it, but because an arbiter is a respected occu-
“As we have done so for centuries, we are gathered here pation amongst the orcs in Barbarois, and few
for the sacred Kumiteii.” question their objectivity.
After these words, the audience stamps their feet. Round One consists of one trial between an
“Once again, the victorious team will select our next ruler, option of two. The players or the GM can choose
and guide Barbarois to prosperity. So, without any further who will carry out the chosen trial.
One of the goblins interrupts him and whispers some- Note for GM: The trials in round one are suggestions, and the
thing in the orc’s ear. GM can create their own based on their players.
“...Oh, yes, I’d almost forgotten, the ale is brought by
the Juggernaut Brothers’ Brewery, an orc drink for orc
people. And the snacks are brought to you by Chuckus’ The arbiter assigned to you claps his hands.
Cheese Emporium, from Thamarya to the rest of Eluan. A crew of technicians arises from underneath the sands
And now… Let the Kumiteii begin!” and they proceed to set out the items needed for round
one of the tournament. The arbiter then gives Argos a
sheet of paper, they exchange a few words, and then backs


ROLEPLAYING ARGOS Spirit and axes. This trial involves two PCs. One
The old monk will be quiet and discreet. He of the PCs stands in front of a vast dummy, cov-
will say as little as possible but is always friendly ering parts but not all of it. The other will take
towards the PCs. He respects tradition, so he will one shot of an orc drink called “The Downer,”
find it very hard to believe that an arbiter is cheat- after which it will have to throw an axe and hit the
ing or compromised, even warning a PC that it is target. The target has an AC 12.
perilous to accuse an arbiter without overwhelm- The thrower will have to hit the target four
ing proof. And even if presented with it, he will times out of six shots. However, for each throw,
prefer a more discreet way to solve the problem, another shot must be drunk. For each shot drunk
suspecting that many want to see him and the PCs beyond the first, the thrower receives a -1 to the
fail. throw. Every miss is considered that an axe hit the
Development. There are two trials to choose from, other PC, and the appropriate damage must be
and each team carries them out simultaneously, dealt.
although some of the Pritan members (as the PCs)
can try to distract the PCs from time to time. END OF ROUND O NE
Treasure of death. Seven chests are placed in front If the PCs manage to pass to the next round, Ar-
of the team. Six are mimics, and the other is a gos will be relieved and thank them.
chest with four healing potions. The team must However, if they failed to pass, they will have to
guess and open the real chest without dying. pick one of them to fight a duel against an orc
The chests are identical. Placed beside the chests warrior from the Telleyz clan team, who also
are two speaking bushes which will continuously didn’t obtain the necessary points. The winner’s
scream putdowns at the PCs, giving disadvantage team gets to pass to the following round.
to their rolls. The only way to silence the bushes Unfortunately, the arbiter will try to deceive the
is by threatening with fire, be it with words or fire PCs by telling them that their strongest cannot
itself. This trial grants one point. participate (some false rule) and will try to push
When a PC confuses a mimic for the actual them to pick the worst at combat.
chest, this mimic will bite 2 (1d4-2) piercing A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) reveals
damage and fade to dust. that the arbiter is trying to fool them, so they can
come up with their own countermeasure.
Mimic Chest

The arena has been split into four areas; one for each of
the remaining teams. Inside those areas is a large thick
column surrounded by three wooden crates. Next to
each of these is a mechanism with a rolled-up chain and a
lever with which to control the chain’s length. The three
wooden crates vibrate as if something inside were trying to
get out.

Development. Two of the PCs will stand in front

of the column. Their objective is to destroy it.
The column has AC 10 and hp 40. The other PCs
will be placed behind the mechanisms with the
lever. The round begins when the arbiters give
the signal, after which the crates will burst open,
and three enraged fattan (the same number as
there are PCs operating the levers) will emerge
and charge against the PCs trying to destroy the
column; however, the chains around their necks
keep them from reaching those PCs. During each
round, the players behind the mechanisms must
pull the levers to keep the chains at a safe length to
protect their allies.

A successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check is
needed for this. If the check fails, the fattan get’s The entire crowd is now jumping and roaring as the three
to attack the target PC. The round is won if the remaining teams: Pritan, Tung Fon, and Fömte, step onto
party manages to destroy the column without any the red sands of the arena. The Twin Suns are on the ze-
of the PCs attacking it dying.
If one dies, the party loses the round. The PCs nith, and the heat starts to be overwhelming, but worse yet
controlling the mechanism can operate the lever, is the noise, distracting and deafening. Communication
distract the fattan, or come up with some trick- between you will be difficult.
ery, but they are not allowed to injure or attack You are signaled by two arbiters to stand on an area fac-
the fattan. The party can also claim victory if they ing the other two teams- the three forming a triangle.
obtain clamor from the audience.
The next moment feels less than a nanosecond as the sig-
nal to start is given. It is then that you notice, at least you
The Coliseum goes wild as the teams step unto their believe, that the orcs from the Tung Fon clan are sweating
respective pits. You hear an explosion coming from the profusely, as if…
opposite corner; no doubt the struggle against death has
started for another team.
How will it start for you?
Development. The third round is simple, all three
teams battle it out until only one remains. The
Pritan will take advantage of the knowledge that the
END OF ROUND TWO Tung Fo are all cursed and that some of the PCs are
also to launch a brutal attack.
In the event of failure, the PCs are considered During the combat, if any of the PCs engages
disqualified, and a gate opens on the ground from with an orc from the Tung Fo, a successful DC 14
which 12 lions emerge and attack them. Whether Wisdom (Insight)reveals that it is having trouble
they survive or not will depend on the GM attacking, which applies to the rest of its team.
Creatures. The same number of Pritan orcs as
ROUND THREE there are PCs, and the same numbers of Tung Fo
The remaining teams are taken to their corners.
Meanwhile, the arena is being cleaned of corpses,
and the traps are dismantled for the next round.
During this time, the PCs can interact or talk with
Argos or public members who want autographs.
A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check
will make them aware that the Pritan clan team
stares at them with hatred, while the Tung Fon
team looks at them with disdain.

Before the next round commences, each team will
be given 1d10 healing potions (minimum of four).
Howbeit, the Pritan clan has managed to alter
some of the potions meant for their rivals; all of
the potions of the Tung Fon clan and one-fourth
of the potions for the PCs at least. Any creature
that drinks from one of the altered potions is
cursed and has disadvantage on attack rolls for the
entire duration of Round Three unless a remove
curse (or something similar) is cast on it.
Altered Drinks

Argos. If any of the PCs is convinced that the Tung
Fo are fighting strangely (something backed by Barbarois is a splendid sight from the skies; the city is
the fact that one of their own is also under similar filled with torches as the celebrations continue.
effect); they will need a successful DC 20 Charisma The Orphaned Merchant, however, doesn’t admire the
(Persuasion) check to convince the old orc, who will sight. He is looking towards the darkness on the horizon
rush to the arbiters and start to argue with them.
If this happens, the Pritan leader, Zal’hinos, will as sandstorms start to form. Deep down, he may suspect
head down and begin arguing, before carrying out a things will get worse before they get any better. As they say,
surprise attack on Argos, killing him. the future is always a shadow.
At the end of the third round, one of the potion
bears confesses that the Pritan clan bribed it to alter
the potions, turning the crow against that clan. Milestone. All surviving players gain one more
Aftermath. Regardless of whether Argos was in- level.
formed, if the PCs defeat the other teams, the
crowd will recognize them as the Kumiteii cham-
pions and cheer for them. The Master of Cere-
monies will give a somber speech, for either way, For those who perished, the afterlife offers numer-
the tournament was tainted by treachery for the ous activities depending on their religious stance
first time in its history. If Argos is dead, Olban, a and their actions in this life. For the orcs of Bar-
junior Fömte member and Argos’ brother assumes barois, for example, individuals that lose a battle or
leadership of the clan and states that the final part
of the Kumiteii can now take place, a fight to the a tournament are believed to become waiters in the
death between the PCs, as is the custom. The party Celestial Tavern. In this place, the spirits of victori-
can try to escape by taking Olban hostage, fighting ous warriors drink until the Final Judgment arrives.
their way out, or any other plan they come up with, A belief that follows the Barbarois motto: “You’re
but all with little chance for success. However, if shite at fighting; best learn to pour drinks.”
the party managed to obtain the crowd’s clamor at If they survived but lost the tournament, the
least once during the tournament, any of the PCs PCs are given 200 gp in compensation, as small
can convince the audience to let them leave if they old children chuckle while they mouth the word:
succeed a DC 18 Charisma ( Persuasion) check. “Shame!”.
Treasure. Before the fight, the Fömte clan gives the
PCs their payment which consists of the following · Will the Pritan clan go away quietly?
items: one Greataxe of Barbarois +2, one potion of mind
reading, one potion of invulnerability, one scroll of conjure · Will the new Scarlet Potentate outlive his previous
minor elements, one Necklace of Fireballs and 7 art objects peers?
worth 25 gp each. · Is it difficult to enter one of the fighting acade-
“Never, in the history of Barbarois, has such treachery
occurred. No, there was such a thing, but it happened
hundreds of years ago when the “Canyon People” banded
with invaders. But we defeated them, as will be the case
To you, brave foreigners, we honor you as Kumiteii
champions representing the Fömte clan and giving them
victory. And now… Battle to the death!”
After these words, the Master of Ceremonies bows, and
the crowd unleashes the loudest applause you have ever

After a night of celebration, they are taken to the
Orphaned Merchant, who awaits them beside his
Sand Manta. His cargo already loaded and ready
to return to Thamarya. The orc bows in respect
when they pass by him.

Small Humanoid, Typically Evil
NPCS AND MONSTERS Armor Class 14 (Natural)
Hit Points 20 (8d6+14)
BARBAROIS ORC Speed 20 ft.

Medium Humanoid, Typically Neutral STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class 14 (Hide Armor) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)
Hit Points 14 (2d8+6)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Perception +1
Damage Resistances Fire
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Languages Understands Common and Orc
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Saving Throws Str +2 Flesh Frenzy. If the fattan is frightened or paralyzed by an effect that allows a
Skills Intimidation +2. Survival +2 saving throw, it can repeat the save at the start of its turn to end the effect on itself and
Senses Darkvision 120 ft. all fattan within 20 feet of it. Any fattan that benefits from this has advantage on its
Languages Common, Orc, Troll next attack roll.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Pack Tactics. The fattan has advantage on attack roll against a creature if at least
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed towards a hostile one of the fattan’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
creature that it can see.
Multiattack. The fattan makes two bite attacks.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 +
3) slashing damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1)
piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

aF ttan

Barbarois Orc

Adventure Designers
9 M. Jerome, Alex Zaragoza, Jos González, Carlos Calleja, Ulises Padilla 9

Written by Cast n Play | 2022

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All of the rest of the SRD5 is Open Game Content as described in Section
1(d) of the License. The terms of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
are as follows: copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission
Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. from the Contributor to do so.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Materi- terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due
al” means copyrighted material including derivative works and transla- to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any
tions (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, Open Game Material so affected.
correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, trans- 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
formed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, License, rent, with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the
methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the pri- such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforce-
or art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content able.
by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including
translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically ex- 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
cludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; Wizards of the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, for- R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
mats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, Spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and Special abili-
ties; places, locations, environments, creatures, Equipment, magical or su- The Tournament of Annihilation, 2022, AZN Cast n Play, S.A. DE C.V. All
pernatural Abilities or Effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any right reserved.
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product iden-
tity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes
the OPEN Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark,
sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to Identify itself or its
products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License
by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distrib-
ute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee
in terms of this agreement.



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