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1 Daftar Entry Littlejohn, Ensiklopedia Teori Komunikasi

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Teori Komunikasi


Stephen W. Littlejohn
· Karen A. Foss
University of New Mexico
Edisi Pertama
Copyright © 2016

Perpustakaan Nasional: Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDn

ISBN 978-602 -1186-57 ·2 (Jilid Lengkap)
978-602-1186·58·9 (Jilid 1) 302.203
18.5 x 23 em
xliv, 716 him
Cetakan ke-1, November 2016

Kencana. 2016.0697

Diterjemahkan dari buku aslinya

Encyclopedia of Communication Theory
SAGE Publications, Inc.

Stephen W. Littlejohn & Karen A. Foss

Tri Wibowo BS

Desain Sampul

Penata Letak
Endang Wahyudin

Jl. Tambra Raya No. 23 Rawamangun · Jakarta 13220
Telp: .(64657-478 (021 Faks: (4134-~75 (021


e-mail : pmg@prenadamedia .com
www.prenadamedia .com

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Daftar lsi

Daftar Entri vii

Pendahuluan xv
Kronologi xix
Tentang Editor dan Dewan Editorial xli

A.............................................. 1 M ............................................... 729
B............................................... 89 N ............................................... 809
c ............................................... 103 0 ............................................... 835
D ............................................... 351 p ............................................... 873
E ............................................... 395 Q ............................................... 983
F ............................................... 449 R ............................................... 989
G ............................................... 509 s ............................................... 1041
H ............................................... 559 T ............................................... 1151
I ............................................... 587 u ............................................... 1171
J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.•• 689 v ............................................... 1181
K ............................................... 697 w............................................... 1211
L ............................................... 701 y ··············································· 1219
Indeks ................................... I: 1-28
, .. ·
Daftar Entri

Accommodation Theory Audience Theories

Account and Account Giving Autoethnography
Action Assembly Theory Autopoiesis. Lihat: Cybernetic
Action-implicative Discourse Analysis Axiology
Activation Theory of Information
Exposure Balance Theory. Lihat: Attitude Theory;
Activity Theory Co-Orientation Theory; Persuasion and
Actor-Network Theory Social Influence Theories
Advertising Theories Bargaining. Lihat: Conflict Communication
Affect-Dependent Theory of Stimulus Theories; Negotiation Theory
Arrangements Behaviorism. Lihat Communication Skills
Afrocentricity Theories; Humanistic Perspective;
Agency Learning and Communication
Agenda-Setting Theory Biological Approaches. Lihat:
Aggressiveness. Lihat: Argumentativeness,
Assertiveness, and Verbal Aggressiveness Black Feminist Epistemology
Theory Bona Fide Group Theory
Americanization of Media Broadcasting Theories
Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory Buddhist Communication Theory
Archeology and Genealogy
Argumentation Theories Campaign Communication
Argumentativeness, Assertiveness, and Chicana Feminism
Verbal Aggrressiveness Theory Chinese Harmony Theory
Asian Communication Theory Citizenship
Attachment Theory Classical Rhetorical Theory
Attitude Accessibility Theory. Lihat: Co-Cultural Theory
Cognitive Theories Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Attitude Theory Cognitive Rules Model. Lihat: Cognitive
Attribution Theory Theories

• vii

Cognitive Theories Constructivism

Collective Information Sampling Contextual Theory of Interethnc
Communibiology Communication
Communication Accomodation Theory. Convergence Theory
Lihat: Accomodation Theory Conversational Constraints
Communication Across the Life Span Conversation Analysis
Communication and Language Coordinated Management of Meaning
Acquisition and Development Co-orientation Theory
Communication Apprehension. Lihat: Corporate Campaign Theories
Social and Communicative Anxiety Corporate Colonization Theory
Communication Goal Theories Correspondence Theory. Lihat: Language
Communication in Later Life and Communication; Meaning Theories;
Communication Skills Theories Meta theory
Communication Theory of Identity Creativity in Groups
Communicative Action Theory Critical Communication Pedagogy
Community Critical Constructivism
Community of Practice Critical Cultural Studies. Lihat: Cultural
Competence Theories Studies
Complexity and Communication Critical Discourse Analysis
Compliance Gaining Strategies Critical Ethnography
Complicity Theory Critical Organizational Communication
Comprehensive Model of Information Critical Race Theory
Seeking. Lihat: Uncertainty Critical Rhetoric
Management Theories Critical Theory
Computer-Mediated Communication Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory
Conflict Communication Theories Cross-Cultural Communication
Confucian Communication Theory Cross-Cultural Decision Making
Consequatility of Communication Cultivation Theory
Consistency Theories. Lihat: Attitude Cultural Contract Theory
Theory; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; Cultural Identity Theory
Co-Orientation Theory; Persuasion and Cultural Indicators
Social Influence Theories
Cultural Performance Theory
Constitutive View of Communication
Cultural Studies
Construction-Integration Model. Lihat:
Cultural Theories of Health
Cognitive Theories



Cultural Types Theories Effective Intercultural Work Group

Culture And Communication Communication Theory
Culture Industries. Lihat: Cultural Studies; Elaborated and Restricted Codes
Post-modern Theory Elaboration Likelihood Theory
Cybernetics Emotion and Communication
Daoism. Lihat: Taoist Communication Empiricism
Theory Entertainment-Education
Deception Detection Environmental Communication Theories
Deconstruction Epistemology
Definitions of Communication Ethics Theories
Deliberative Democratic Theories Ethnography of Communication
Dependency Theories. Lihat: Asian Ethnomethodology
Communication Theory; Digital Divide; Evaluating Communication Theory
Flow and Contra-Flow; Free Flow Existentialism
Doctrine; Informatization; International
Expectancy Violations Theory
Communication Theories; International
Extended Parallel Process Model
Development Theories; New World
Information and Communication Order
(NWICO); Uses, Gratifications, and Face Negotiation Theory
Dependency Facework Theories
Dialogue Theories Family and Marital Schemas and Types
Diaspora Family Communication Theories
Diffusion of Innovations Fans, Fandom and Fan Studies
Digital Cultures Feedback. Lihat: Cybernetics
Digital Divide Feminist Communication Theories
Diplomacy. Lihat: Media Diplomacy Feminist Rhetorical Criticism
Discourse Theory and Analysis Feminist Standpoint Theory
Documentary Film Theories Field Theory of Conflict
Dramatism and Dramatistic Pentad Film Theories

Dual-Level Connectionist Models of Flow and Contra-Flow

Group Cognition and Social Influence Framing Theory
Dyadic Power Theory Frankfurt School
Dynamic Memory Model. Lihat: Cognitive Free Flow Doctrine
Theories French Feminism
Functional Group Communication Theory


Identity Negotition Theory. Lihat: Identity

Game Theory. Lihat: Conflict
Communication Theories; Negotiation Theories
Theory Identity Theories
Bisexual, and Transgender Ideological Rhetoric
Impression Formation
Impression Management
' .. Gender Role Theory Indian Rasa Theory
·~ .....
~:·.: General Semantics Information Processing. Lihat: Cognitive
Genre Theory Theories
· Globalization Theories Information Theory
Grounded Theory Informatization
Group and Organizational Structuration Inoculation Theory
Theory Inquiry Processes
Group Communication Theories Institutional Theories of Organizational
Groupthink Communication
Integrated Threat Theory. Lihat: Conflict
Haptics. Lihat: Nonverbal Communication Communication Theories
Theories Interaction Adaptation Theory
Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Theory Interaction Involvement
Health Communication Theories Interaction Process Analysis
Hermeneutics Intercultural Communication
Heuristic-Systematic Model Competence
Hierarchy of Effect Models. Lihat: Intercultural Communication Theories
Advertising Theories International Communication Theories
Hindu Communication Theory International Development Theories
Humanistic Perspective Interpersonal Communication Theories
Humorous Communication Theory Interpersonal Deception Theory
Hybridity .. ~ Interpersonal Power. Lihat: Power,
· Interpersonal
lAnd Thou Interpretive Communities Theory
Identification Interpretive Theory
Identity Management Theories. Lihat: Interracial Communication
Identity Theories Intersectionality


Intrapersonal Communication Theories , Media Richness Theory

Invitational Rhetoric Media Sovereignty
Issues· Life-Cycle Theory. Lihat: Corporate Medium Theory
Campaign Theories Membership Categorization Analysis
Japanese Kuuki Theory Metacommunication
Journalism and Theories of the Press Metaphor
Meta theory
Kinesics Models of Communication. Lihat:
Knowledge Gap Theory. Lihat: Public Constitutive View of Communication
Opinion Theories Modernism In Communication Theory
Montreal School. Lihat: Constitutive View
Language acquistion and Development of Communication; Organizational Co-
Lihat: Communication and Language Orientation Theory
Acquisition and Development Moral Conflict. Lihat: Conflict
Language and Communication Communication Theories
Latino Perspectives Motivated Information Management
Leadership Theories Theory
Learning and COmmunication Multiple Intelligences. Lihat: Learning and
Legal Communication Theories Communication
Legitimation Gap Theory. Lihat Corporate Muted Group Theory
Campaign Theories Myth and Mythic Criticism
Linguistic Relativity
Narrative and Narratology
Marxist Theory Narrative Transparency Model. Lihat:
Materiality of Discourse International Communication Theories
Mathematical Theory of Communication Negotiation Theory
Meaning Theories Neocolonialism
Media and Mass Communication Theories Network Society
Media Democracy Network Theory. Lihat: Actor-Network
Theory; Organizational Communication
Media Ecology. Lihat: Medium Theory
New Media Theory
Media Effects Theories·
New Rhetoric. Lihat: Argumentation
Media Equation Theory
Media Ethics Theories
New World Information and


Communication Order (NWICO) Political Communication Theories

Nonverbal Communication Theories Popular Culture Theories
Positioning Theory
Oculesics. Lihat: Nonverbal Communication Positivism. Lihat: Postpositivism
Theories Postcolonial Feminism
Ontology Postcolonial Theory
Ordinary Democracy Postmodern Theory
Organizational Communication Theories Postpositivism
Organizational Control Theory Poststructuralisme
Organizational Co-Orientation Theory Power, Interpersonal
Organizational Culture Power and Power Relations
Organizational Identity Theory Practical Theory
Organization List Theory Pragma-Dialectics. Lihat: Argumentation
Organizational Socialization and Theories
Assimilation Pragmatics
Organizing, Process of Presence Theory
Privacy Management Theory
Palo Alto Group Privilege
Paralanguage Problematic Integration Theory
Path-Goal Theory. Lihat: Leadership Process of Communication
Theories Propaganda Theory
Peace Theories Proxemics
Performance Ethnography Public Opinion Theories
Performance Theories Public Sphere
Performative Writing
Persuasion and Social Influence Theories Queer Theory
Philosophy of Communication Racial Formation Theory
Planned Behavior, Theory of. Lihat: Realism and the Received View
Campaign Communication Theories; Reasoned Action Theory
Persuasion and Social Influence Reception Theories. Lihat: Audience
Theories; Reasoned Action Theory Theories; International Communication
Planning Theory. Lihat: Cognitive Theories; Theories; Interpretive Communities
Communication Goal Theories Theory; Sense-Making
Politeness Theory Relational Communication Theory


Relational Control Theory Skill, Communication. Lihat: Cognitive

Relational Development Theories; Communication Skills
Relational Dialectics Theories; Competence Theories;
Relational Framing Theory. Lihat: Intercultural Communication
Cognitive Theories Competence
Relational Maintenance Theories Social Action Media Studies
Relational Order Theory. Lihat: Conflict Social and Communicative Anxiety
Communication Theories Social Construction of Reality
Relational Turbulence Model. Lihat: Social Exchange Theory
Uncertainty Management Theories Social Identity Theory
Relational Uncertainty Social Information Processing Theory
Religious Communication Theories Social Interaction Theories
Renaissance Rhetorical Theory. Lihat: Social Judgment Theory
Rhetorical Theory Social Justice
Reversal Theory. Lihat: Advertising Social Learning Theory. Lihat:
Theories Entertainment-Education; Learning and
Rhetorical Sensitivity Communication
Rhetorical Theory Social Penetration Theory
Rogerian Dialogue Theory Social Support
Rules Theories Spectatorship
Speech Accommodation Theory. Lihat:
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Lihat: Linguistic Accommodation Theory
Relativity Speech Act Theory
Scientific Approach Speech Codes Theory
Self. Lihat: Humanistic Perspective; Identity Speech Theory of Human
Theories; Rogerian Dialogue Theory; Communication. Lihat: Communication
Symbolic Interactionism and Language Acquisition and
Self-Categorization Theory Development
Self Disclosure Spiral Models of Media Effects
Semiotics and Semiology Spiral of Silence
Sense-Making Stakeholder Theory
Sign. Lihat: Meaning Theories ; Semiotics Standpoint Theory. Lihat: Feminist
and Semiology Standpoint Theory
Silence, Silences, and Silencing Stigma Communication
Simulation and Media Stories and Storytelling
Structuralism. Lihat: Poststructuralism


f cturation Theory Two-Step and Multi-Step Flow

Q, 5ifll CoJ11.IDUnicator Uncertainty Management Theories
f.: .c()'le,
;7 liminal Communication Uncertainty Reduction Theory
StJb bol. Lihat: Meaning Theories; Semiotics Unobtrusive Control. Lihat: Organizational
sy¢and semiology Control Theory
bolic Convergency Theory Uses, Gratifications, and Dependency
sy¢bolic lnteractionism
.syJtlbolic-Interpretive Perspective on Validity and Reliability
?yJtlGroups Values Studies: History and Concepts
~ tertl 'fheory Values Theory: Sociocultural Dimensions
~-~e., and Frameworks
<,· ~. t communication Theory Variable Analytic Tradition
'faOIS ·
"~ · olog)' of Communication. Lihat: Vernacular Disclosure
'fE mputer Mediated Communication; Violence and Nonviolence in Media
w Media Theory Studies
..... t~.....

'fheatY Visual Communication Theories

'f}te.Jtr of Reasoned Action. Lihat: Vocalics. Lihat: Paralanguage
Reasoned Action Theory
'fime· Lihat: Chronemics Whiteness Theory
'J'taditions of Communication Theory Whorfian Hypothesis. Lihat: Linguistic
'J'tait 'l'heory Relativity
'J'tansactional View. Lihat: Constitutive Womanism
View of Communication
Yale Communication and Attitude
'J'tansculturation Change Program. Lihat: Attitude
'franslation Theory. Lihat: Actor-Network Theory; Persuasion and Social Influence
Theory Theories

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