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Final BD Cathlab 11-03-24 As Issued

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Request for Bids

(Two-Envelope Bidding Process)

Procurement of Cathlab
Project: Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening Project
Purchaser: Ministry of Health
Country: Indonesia
Issued on: 11 March 2024

Table of Contents

PART 1 – Bidding Procedures ............................................................................................... 3

Section I - Instructions to Bidders .............................................................................................5
Section II - Bid Data Sheet (BDS) ...........................................................................................43
Section III - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria ..................................................................51
Section IV - Bidding Forms .....................................................................................................61
Section V - Eligible Countries .................................................................................................83
Section VI - Fraud and Corruption ..........................................................................................85

PART 2 – Supply Requirements .......................................................................................... 89

Section VII - Schedule of Requirements .................................................................................90

PART 3 – Contract ............................................................................................................. 121

Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract ......................................................................123
Section IX - Special Conditions of Contract..........................................................................151
Section X - Contract Forms ...................................................................................................161
Part 1 – Bidding Procedures 3

PART 1 – Bidding Procedures

Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 5

Section I - Instructions to Bidders

A. General ............................................................................................................................... 7
1. Scope of Bid .........................................................................................................................7
2. Source of Funds ...................................................................................................................7
3. Fraud and Corruption ...........................................................................................................8
4. Eligible Bidders ...................................................................................................................8
5. Eligible Goods and Related Services .................................................................................11

B. Contents of Request for Bids Document ....................................................................... 12

6. Sections of Bidding Document ..........................................................................................12
7. Clarification of the Bidding Document..............................................................................13
8. Amendment of Bidding Document ....................................................................................13

C. Preparation of Bids ......................................................................................................... 14

9. Cost of Bidding ..................................................................................................................14
10. Language of Bid .................................................................................................................14
11. Documents comprising Bid................................................................................................14
12. Letters of Bid .....................................................................................................................16
13. Alternative Bids .................................................................................................................16
14. Bid prices and Discounts ...................................................................................................16
15. Currencies of Bid and Payment .........................................................................................19
16. Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Conformity of the Goods and Related
Services ..............................................................................................................................19
17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder .........................20
18. Period of Validity of Bids ..................................................................................................21
19. Bid Security .......................................................................................................................22
20. Format and Signing of Bid .................................................................................................24

D. Submission of Bids .......................................................................................................... 24

21. Sealing and Marking of Bids .............................................................................................24
22. Deadline for Submission of Bids .......................................................................................25
23. Late Bids ............................................................................................................................26
24. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids .........................................................26

E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids ................................................................... 27

25. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids ........................................................................27

F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions ....................................................................... 29

26. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................29
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 6

27. Clarification of Bids ...........................................................................................................29

28. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions ..........................................................................29
29. Nonconformities, Errors and Omissions ............................................................................30

G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids ........................................................................... 30

30. Evaluation of Technical Parts ............................................................................................30
31. Determination of Responsiveness ......................................................................................30
32. Qualification of the Bidders and Detailed Evaluation of the Technical Part .....................31

H. Notification of Evaluation of Technical Parts and Public Opening of Financial Parts

of Bids..................................................................................................................................... 32
33. Notification of Evaluation of Technical Parts and Public Opening of Financial Parts .....32

I. Evaluation of Financial Parts of Bids............................................................................ 34

34. Evaluation of Financial Parts .............................................................................................34
35. Correction of Arithmetic Errors .........................................................................................36
36. Conversion to Single Currency ..........................................................................................36
37. Margin of Preference ........................................................................................................37
38. Comparison of Financial Parts ...........................................................................................37
39. Abnormally Low Bids........................................................................................................37

J. Evaluation of Combined Technical and Financial Parts, Most Advantageous Bid

and Notification of Intention to Award ............................................................................... 37
40. Evaluation of combined Technical and Financial Parts .....................................................37
41. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids ..............................38
42. Standstill Period .................................................................................................................38
43. Notification of Intention to Award ....................................................................................38

K. Award of Contract .......................................................................................................... 39

44. Award Criteria ...................................................................................................................39
45. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award ...................................................39
46. Notification of Award ........................................................................................................39
47. Debriefing by the Purchaser...............................................................................................40
48. Signing of Contract ............................................................................................................41
49. Performance Security .........................................................................................................42
50. Procurement Related Complaint ........................................................................................42
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 7

Section I - Instructions to Bidders

A. General

1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Specific Procurement

Notice, Request for Bids (RFB), specified in the
Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Purchaser, as
specified in the BDS, issues this bidding
document for the supply of Goods and, if
applicable, any Related Services incidental
thereto, as specified in Section VII, Schedule of
Requirements. The name, identification and
number of lots (contracts) of this RFB are
specified in the BDS.
1.2 Throughout this bidding document:
(a) the term “in writing” means communicated
in written form (e.g. by mail, e-mail, fax,
including, if specified in the BDS,
distributed or received through the
electronic-procurement system used by the
Purchaser), with proof of receipt;
(b) if the context so requires, “singular” means
“plural” and vice versa; and
(c) “Day” means calendar day, unless
otherwise specified as “Business Day”. A
Business Day is any day that is an official
working day of the Borrower. It excludes
the Borrower’s official public holidays.

2. Source of Funds 2.1 The Borrower or Recipient (hereinafter called

“Borrower”) specified in the BDS has applied for
or received financing (hereinafter called “funds”)
from the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development or the International
Development Association (hereinafter called “the
Bank”) in an amount specified in the BDS,
toward the project named in the BDS. The
Borrower intends to apply a portion of the funds
to eligible payments under the contract for which
this bidding document is issued.
2.2 Payment by the Bank will be made only at the
request of the Borrower and upon approval by the
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 8

Bank in accordance with the terms and conditions

of the Loan (or other financing) Agreement. The
Loan (or other financing) Agreement prohibits a
withdrawal from the loan account for the purpose
of any payment to persons or entities, or for any
import of goods, if such payment or import is
prohibited by a decision of the United Nations
Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations. No party other
than the Borrower shall derive any rights from the
Loan (or other financing) Agreement or have any
claim to the proceeds of the Loan (or other

3. Fraud and Corruption 3.1 The Bank requires compliance with the Bank’s
Anti-Corruption Guidelines and its prevailing
sanctions policies and procedures as set forth in the
WBG’s Sanctions Framework, as set forth in
Section VI, Fraud and Corruption.
3.2 In further pursuance of this policy, bidders shall
permit and shall cause their agents (where declared
or not), subcontractors, subconsultants, service
providers, suppliers, and personnel, to permit the
Bank to inspect all accounts, records and other
documents relating to any initial selection process,
prequalification process, bid submission, proposal
submission, and contract performance (in the case
of award), and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by the Bank.

4. Eligible Bidders 4.1 A Bidder may be a firm that is a private entity, a

state-owned enterprise or institution (subject to ITB
4.6), or any combination of such entities in the form
of a joint venture (JV) under an existing agreement
or with the intent to enter into such an agreement
supported by a letter of intent. In the case of a joint
venture, all members shall be jointly and severally
liable for the execution of the entire Contract in
accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall
nominate a Representative who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf
of any and all the members of the JV during the
Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded
the Contract, during contract execution. Unless
specified in the BDS, there is no limit on the
number of members in a JV.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 9

4.2 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. Any

Bidder found to have a conflict of interest shall be
disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to have a
conflict of interest for the purpose of this Bidding
process, if the Bidder:
(a) directly or indirectly controls, is controlled
by or is under common control with another
Bidder; or
(b) receives or has received any direct or
indirect subsidy from another Bidder; or
(c) has the same legal representative as another
Bidder; or
(d) has a relationship with another Bidder,
directly or through common third parties,
that puts it in a position to influence the Bid
of another Bidder, or influence the
decisions of the Purchaser regarding this
Bidding process; or
(e) or any of its affiliates participated as a
consultant in the preparation of the design
or technical specifications of the works that
are the subject of the Bid; or
(f) or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is
proposed to be hired) by the Purchaser or
Borrower for the Contract implementation;
(g) would be providing goods, works, or non-
consulting services resulting from or
directly related to consulting services for
the preparation or implementation of the
project specified in the BDS reference ITB
2.1 (the name of the project), that it
provided or were provided by any affiliate
that directly or indirectly controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control
with that firm; or
(h) has a close business or family relationship
with a professional staff of the Borrower (or
of the project implementing agency, or of a
recipient of a part of the loan) who: (i) are
directly or indirectly involved in the
preparation of the bidding document or
specifications of the Contract, and/or the
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 10

Bid evaluation process of such Contract; or

(ii) would be involved in the
implementation or supervision of such
Contract unless the conflict stemming from
such relationship has been resolved in a
manner acceptable to the Bank throughout
the Bidding process and execution of the
4.3 A firm that is a Bidder (either individually or as a
JV member) shall not participate in more than one
Bid, except for permitted alternative Bids. This
includes participation as a subcontractor. Such
participation shall result in the disqualification of all
Bids in which the firm is involved. A firm that is
not a Bidder or a JV member, may participate as a
subcontractor in more than one Bid.
4.4 A Bidder may have the nationality of any country,
subject to the restrictions pursuant to ITB 4.8. A
Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a
country if the Bidder is constituted, incorporated or
registered in and operates in conformity with the
provisions of the laws of that country, as evidenced
by its articles of incorporation (or equivalent
documents of constitution or association) and its
registration documents, as the case may be. This
criterion also shall apply to the determination of the
nationality of proposed subcontractors or
subconsultants for any part of the Contract
including related Services.
4.5 A Bidder that has been sanctioned by the Bank,
pursuant to the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines,
and in accordance with its prevailing sanctions
policies and procedures as set forth in the WBG’s
Sanctions Framework as described in Section VI
paragraph 2.2 d. shall be ineligible to be
prequalified for, initially selected for, bid for,
propose for, or be awarded a Bank-financed
contract or benefit from a Bank-financed contract,
financially or otherwise, during such period of time
as the Bank shall have determined. The list of
debarred firms and individuals is available at the
electronic address specified in the BDS.
4.6 Bidders that are state-owned enterprises or
institutions in the Purchaser’s Country may be
eligible to compete and be awarded a Contract(s)
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 11

only if they can establish, in a manner acceptable to

the Bank, that they (i) are legally and financially
autonomous (ii) operate under commercial law, and
(iii) are not under supervision of the Purchaser.
4.7 A Bidder shall not be under suspension from
Bidding by the Purchaser as the result of the
operation of a Bid–Securing Declaration or
Proposal-Securing Declaration.
4.8 Firms and individuals may be ineligible if so
indicated in Section V, Eligible Countries, and:
(a) as a matter of law or official regulations, the
Borrower’s country prohibits commercial
relations with that country, provided that the
Bank is satisfied that such exclusion does not
preclude effective competition for the supply
of goods or the contracting of works or
services required; or
(b) by an act of compliance with a decision of the
United Nations Security Council taken under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations, the Borrower’s country prohibits any
import of goods or contracting of works or
services from that country, or any payments to
any country, person, or entity in that country.
4.9 A Bidder shall provide such documentary evidence
of eligibility satisfactory to the Purchaser, as the
Purchaser shall reasonably request.
4.10 A firm that is under a sanction of debarment by the
Borrower from being awarded a contract is eligible
to participate in this procurement, unless the Bank,
at the Borrower’s request, is satisfied that the
(a) relates to fraud or corruption; and
(b) followed a judicial or administrative
proceeding that afforded the firm adequate due

5. Eligible Goods and Related 5.1 All the Goods and Related Services to be supplied
Services under the Contract and financed by the Bank may
have their origin in any country in accordance
with Section V, Eligible Countries.
5.2 For purposes of this ITB, the term “goods”
includes commodities, raw material, machinery,
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 12

equipment, and industrial plants; and “related

services” includes services such as insurance,
installation, training, and initial maintenance.
5.3 The term “origin” means the country where the
goods have been mined, grown, cultivated,
produced, manufactured or processed; or,
through manufacture, processing, or assembly,
another commercially recognized article results
that differs substantially in its basic
characteristics from its components.

B. Contents of Request for Bids Document

6. Sections of Bidding 6.1 The bidding document consist of Parts 1, 2, and
Document 3, which include all the sections indicated below,
and should be read in conjunction with any
addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8.
PART 1 Bidding Procedures
 Section I - Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
 Section II - Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)
 Section III - Evaluation and Qualification
 Section IV - Bidding Forms
 Section V - Eligible Countries
 Section VI - Fraud and Corruption

PART 2 Supply Requirements

 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements
PART 3 Contract
 Section VIII - General Conditions of
 Section IX - Special Conditions of Contract
 Section X - Contract Forms

6.2 The Specific Procurement Notice - Request for

Bids (RFB) issued by the Purchaser is not part of
this bidding document.
6.3 Unless obtained directly from the Purchaser, the
Purchaser is not responsible for the completeness
of the document, responses to requests for
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 13

clarification, the Minutes of the pre-Bid meeting

(if any), or addenda to the bidding document in
accordance with ITB 8. In case of any
contradiction, documents obtained directly from
the Purchaser shall prevail.
6.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all
instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in
the bidding document and to furnish with its Bid
all information or documentation as is required
by the bidding document.

7. Clarification of the Bidding 7.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the

Document bidding document shall contact the Purchaser in
writing at the Purchaser’s address specified in
the BDS. The Purchaser will respond in writing
to any request for clarification, provided that such
request is received prior to the deadline for
submission of Bids within a period specified in the
BDS. The Purchaser shall forward copies of its
response to all Bidders who have acquired the
bidding document in accordance with ITB 6.3,
including a description of the inquiry but without
identifying its source. If so specified in the BDS,
the Purchaser shall also promptly publish its
response at the web page identified in the BDS.
Should the clarification result in changes to the
essential elements of the bidding document, the
Purchaser shall amend the bidding document
following the procedure under ITB 8 and ITB

8. Amendment of Bidding 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission
Document of Bids, the Purchaser may amend the bidding
document by issuing addenda.
8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the bidding
document and shall be communicated in writing
to all who have obtained the bidding document
from the Purchaser in accordance with ITB 6.3.
The Purchaser shall also promptly publish the
addendum on the Purchaser’s web page in
accordance with ITB 7.1.
8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in
which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their Bids, the Purchaser may, at its
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 14

discretion, extend the deadline for the submission

of Bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2.

C. Preparation of Bids
9. Cost of Bidding 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the
preparation and submission of its Bid, and the
Purchaser shall not be responsible or liable for
those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the Bidding process.

10. Language of Bid 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and
documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the
Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in the
language specified in the BDS. Supporting
documents and printed literature that are part of
the Bid may be in another language provided they
are accompanied by an accurate translation of the
relevant passages into the language specified in
the BDS, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall

11. Documents comprising Bid 11.1 The Bid shall comprise two Parts, namely the
Technical Part and the Financial Part. These two
Parts shall be submitted simultaneously in two
separate sealed envelopes (two-envelope Bidding
process). One envelope shall contain only
information relating to the Technical Part and the
other, only information relating to the Financial
Part. These two envelopes shall be enclosed in a
separate sealed outer envelope marked
11.2 The Technical Part shall contain the following:
(a) Letter of Bid - Technical Part: prepared
in accordance with ITB 12;
(b) Bid Security or Bid-Securing
Declaration: in accordance with ITB 19.1;
(c) Alternative Bid - Technical Part: if
permissible in accordance with ITB 13, the
Technical Part of any Alternative Bid;
(d) Authorization: written confirmation
authorizing the signatory of the Bid to
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 15

commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB

(e) Bidder’s Eligibility: documentary
evidence in accordance with ITB 17
establishing the Bidder’s eligibility to Bid;
(f) Qualifications: documentary evidence in
accordance with ITB 17 establishing the
Bidder’s qualifications to perform the
Contract if its Bid is accepted;
(g) Eligibility of Goods and Related
Services: documentary evidence in
accordance with ITB 16, establishing the
eligibility of the Goods and Related
Services to be supplied by the Bidder;
(h) Conformity: documentary evidence in
accordance with ITB 16, that the Goods and
Related Services conform to the bidding
(i) any other document required in the BDS.
11.3 The Financial Part envelope shall contain the
(a) Letter of Bid – Financial Part: prepared in
accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14;
(b) Price Schedules: completed prepared in
accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14;
(c) Alternative Bid - Financial Part; if
permissible in accordance with ITB 13, the
Financial Part of any Alternative Bid;
(d) any other document required in the BDS.
11.4 The Technical Part shall not include any financial
information related to the Bid price. Where material
financial information related to the Bid price is
contained in the Technical Part the Bid shall be
declared non-responsive.
11.5 In addition to the requirements under ITB 11.2,
Bids submitted by a JV shall include a copy of the
Joint Venture Agreement entered into by all
members. Alternatively, a letter of intent to execute
a Joint Venture Agreement in the event of a
successful Bid shall be signed by all members and
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 16

submitted with the Bid, together with a copy of the

proposed Agreement.
11.6 The Bidder shall furnish in the Letter of Bid
information on commissions and gratuities, if any,
paid or to be paid to agents or any other party
relating to this Bid.

12. Letters of Bid 12.1. The Bidder shall prepare the Letter of Bid –
Technical Part, and Letter of Bid – Financial Part
using the relevant forms furnished in Section IV,
Bidding Forms. The forms must be completed
without any alterations to the text, and no
substitutes shall be accepted except as provided
under ITB 20.3. All blank spaces shall be filled in
with the information requested.

13. Alternative Bids 13.1. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS,

Alternative Bids shall not be considered.

14. Bid prices and Discounts 14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in
the Letter of Bid - Financial Part and in the Price
Schedules shall conform to the requirements
specified below.
14.2 All lots (contracts) and items must be listed and
priced separately in the Price Schedules.
14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Bid -
Financial Part, in accordance with ITB 12.1 shall
be the total price of the Bid, excluding any
discounts offered.
14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and indicate
the methodology for their application in the
Letter of Bid - Financial Part, in accordance with
ITB 12.1.
14.5 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during
the Bidder’s performance of the Contract and not
subject to variation on any account, unless
otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted
with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated
as nonresponsive and shall be rejected, pursuant
to ITB 31. However, if in accordance with the
BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be subject
to adjustment during the performance of the
Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed price
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 17

quotation shall not be rejected, but the price

adjustment shall be treated as zero.
14.6 If so specified in ITB 1.1, Bids are being invited
for individual lots (contracts) or for any
combination of lots (packages). Unless otherwise
specified in the BDS, prices quoted shall
correspond to 100% of the items specified for
each lot and to 100% of the quantities specified
for each item of a lot. Bidders wishing to offer
discounts for the award of more than one Contract
shall specify in their Bid the price reductions
applicable to each package, or alternatively, to
individual Contracts within the package.
However, discounts that are conditional on the
award of more that one lot will not be considered
for bid evaluation purpose.
14.7 The terms DDP, and other similar terms shall be
governed by the rules prescribed in the current
edition of Incoterms, published by the
International Chamber of Commerce, as specified
in the BDS.
14.8 Prices shall be quoted as specified in each Price
Schedule included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.
The disaggregation of price components is
required solely for the purpose of facilitating the
comparison of Bids by the Purchaser. This shall
not in any way limit the Purchaser’s right to
contract on any of the terms offered. In quoting
prices, the Bidder shall be free to use
transportation through carriers registered in any
eligible country, in accordance with Section V,
Eligible Countries. Similarly, the Bidder may
obtain insurance services from any eligible
country in accordance with Section V, Eligible
Countries. Prices shall be entered in the following
(a) For Goods manufactured in the Purchaser’s
(i) the price of the Goods quoted DDP
(Delivery Duty Paid)), including all
customs duties and sales and other
taxes already paid or payable on the
components and raw material used in
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 18

the manufacture or assembly of the

(ii) any Purchaser’s Country sales tax and
other taxes which will be payable on
the Goods if the Contract is awarded
to the Bidder; and
(iii) the price for inland transportation,
insurance, and other local services
required to convey the Goods to their
final destination (Project Site) specified
in the BDS.
(b) For Goods manufactured outside the
Purchaser’s Country, to be imported:
(i) the price of the Goods, quoted DDP
named place of final destination, in the
Purchaser’s Country, as specified in
the BDS;
(ii) the custom duties and other import
taxes to be paid on the Goods;
(iii) the price for inland transportation,
insurance, and other local services
required to convey the Goods from the
named place of destination to their
final destination (Project Site)
specified in the BDS;
(c) For Goods manufactured outside the
Purchaser’s Country, already imported:
(i) the price of the Goods, including the
original import value of the Goods;
plus any mark-up (or rebate); plus any
other related local cost, and custom
duties and other import taxes already
paid or to be paid on the Goods
already imported.
(ii) the custom duties and other import
taxes already paid (need to be
supported with documentary
evidence) or to be paid on the Goods
already imported;
(iii) the price of the Goods, obtained as the
difference between (i) and (ii) above;
(iv) any Purchaser’s Country sales and
other taxes which will be payable on
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 19

the Goods if the Contract is awarded

to the Bidder; and
(v) the price for inland transportation,
insurance, and other local services
required to convey the Goods to their
final destination (Project Site)
specified in the BDS.
(d) for Related Services, other than inland
transportation and other services required to
convey the Goods to their final destination,
whenever such Related Services are
specified in the Schedule of Requirements:
(i) the price of each item comprising the
Related Services (inclusive of any
applicable taxes).

15. Currencies of Bid and 15.1 The currency(ies) of the Bid and the currency(ies)
Payment of payments shall be the same. The Bidder shall
quote in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country
the portion of the Bid price that corresponds to
expenditures incurred in the currency of the
Purchaser’s country, unless otherwise specified
in the BDS.
15.2 The Bidder may express the Bid price in any
currency. If the Bidder wishes to be paid in a
combination of amounts in different currencies, it
may quote its price accordingly but shall use no
more than three foreign currencies in addition to
the currency of the Purchaser’s Country.

16. Documents Establishing the 16.1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and
Eligibility and Conformity of Related Services in accordance with ITB 5,
the Goods and Related Bidders shall complete the country of origin
Services declarations in the Price Schedule Forms,
included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.
16.2 To establish the conformity of the Goods and
Related Services to the bidding document, the
Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid the
documentary evidence that the Goods conform to
the technical specifications and standards
specified in Section VII, Schedule of
16.3 The documentary evidence may be in the form of
literature, drawings or data, and shall consist of a
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 20

detailed item by item description of the essential

technical and performance characteristics of the
Goods and Related Services, demonstrating
substantial responsiveness of the Goods and
Related Services to the technical specification,
and if applicable, a statement of deviations and
exceptions to the provisions of the Section VII,
Schedule of Requirements.
16.4 The Bidder shall also furnish a list giving full
particulars, including available sources and
current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc.,
necessary for the proper and continuing
functioning of the Goods during the period
specified in the BDS following commencement
of the use of the goods by the Purchaser.
16.5 Standards for workmanship, process, material,
and equipment, as well as references to brand
names or catalogue numbers specified by the
Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements, are
intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive.
The Bidder may offer other standards of quality,
brand names, and/or catalogue numbers,
provided that it demonstrates, to the Purchaser’s
satisfaction, that the substitutions ensure
substantial equivalence or are superior to those
specified in the Section VII, Schedule of

17. Documents Establishing the 17.1 To establish Bidder’s eligibility in accordance with
Eligibility and Qualifications ITB 4, Bidders shall complete the Letter of Bid –
of the Bidder Technical Part, included in Section IV, Bidding
17.2 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s
qualifications to perform the Contract, if its Bid
is accepted, shall establish to the Purchaser’s
(a) that, if required in the BDS, a Bidder that
does not manufacture or produce the Goods it
offers to supply shall submit the
Manufacturer’s Authorization using the form
included in Section IV, Bidding Forms to
demonstrate that it has been duly authorized
by the manufacturer or producer of the Goods
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 21

to supply these Goods in the Purchaser’s

(b) that, if required in the BDS, in case of a
Bidder not doing business within the
Purchaser’s Country, the Bidder is or will
be (if awarded the Contract) represented by
an Agent in the country equipped and able
to carry out the Supplier’s maintenance,
repair and spare parts-stocking obligations
prescribed in the Conditions of Contract
and/or Technical Specifications; and
(c) that the Bidder meets each of the
qualification criterion specified in Section
III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

18. Period of Validity of Bids 18.1. Bids shall remain valid until the date specified in
the BDS or any extended date if amended by the
Purchaser in accordance with ITB 8. A Bid that is
not valid until the date specified in the BDS, or any
extended date if amended by the Purchaser in
accordance with ITB 8, shall be rejected by the
Purchaser as nonresponsive.
18.2. In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry
of the Bid validity, the Purchaser may request
Bidders to extend the period of validity of their
Bids. The request and the responses shall be made
in writing. If a Bid Security is requested (in
accordance with ITB 19), it shall also be extended
for a corresponding period. A Bidder may refuse
the request without forfeiting its Bid Security. A
Bidder granting the request shall not be required
or permitted to modify its Bid, except as provided
in ITB 18.3.
18.3. If the award is delayed by a period exceeding fifty-
six (56) days beyond the expiry of the initial Bid
validity, the Contract price shall be determined as
(a) In the case of fixed price contracts, the
Contract price shall be the Bid price adjusted
by the factor specified in the BDS.
(b) In the case of adjustable price contracts, no
adjustment shall be made.
(c) In any case, Bid evaluation shall be based on
the Bid price without taking into
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 22

consideration the applicable correction from

those indicated above.

19. Bid Security 19.1. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Technical
Part of its Bid, either a Bid-Securing Declaration
or a Bid Security, as specified in the BDS, in
original form and, in the case of a Bid security, in
the amount and currency specified in the BDS.
19.2. A Bid Securing Declaration shall use the form
included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.
19.3. If a Bid Security is specified pursuant to ITB
19.1, the Bid security shall be a demand
guarantee in any of the following forms at the
Bidder’s option:
(a) an unconditional guarantee issued by a
bank or non-bank financial institution (such
as an insurance, bonding or surety
(b) an irrevocable letter of credit;
(c) a cashier’s or certified check; or
(d) another security specified in the BDS,
from a reputable source from an eligible country. If
an unconditional guarantee is issued by a non-bank
financial institution located outside the Purchaser’s
Country the issuing non-bank financial institution
shall have a correspondent financial institution
located in the Purchaser’s Country to make it
enforceable unless the Purchaser has agreed in
writing, prior to Bid submission, that a
correspondent financial institution is not required.
In the case of a bank guarantee, the Bid security
shall be submitted either using the Bid Security
Form included in Section IV, Bidding Forms, or in
another substantially similar format approved by
the Purchaser prior to Bid submission. The Bid
security shall be valid for twenty-eight (28) days
beyond the original date of expiry of the Bid
validity, or beyond any extended date if requested
under ITB 18.2.
19.4. If a Bid Security is specified pursuant to ITB
19.1, any Bid not accompanied by a substantially
responsive Bid Security shall be rejected by the
Purchaser as non-responsive.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 23

19.5. If a Bid Security is specified pursuant to ITB

19.1, the Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders
shall be returned as promptly as possible upon the
successful Bidder’s signing the contract and
furnishing the Performance Security pursuant to
ITB 49.
19.6. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder shall be
returned as promptly as possible once the
successful Bidder has signed the Contract and
furnished the required performance security.
19.7. The Bid Security may be forfeited:
(a) if a Bidder withdraws its Bid prior to the
expiry date of Bid validity specified by the
Bidder on the Letter of Bid or any extended
date provided by the Bidder ; or
(b) if the successful Bidder fails to:
(i) sign the Contract in accordance with
ITB 48; or
(ii) furnish a performance security in
accordance with ITB 49.
19.8. The Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration of
a JV must be in the name of the JV that submits
the Bid. If the JV has not been legally constituted
into a legally enforceable JV at the time of
Bidding, the Bid security or Bid-Securing
Declaration shall be in the names of all future
members as named in the letter of intent referred
to in ITB 4.1 and ITB 11.5.
19.9. If a Bid security is not required in the BDS,
pursuant to ITB 19.1, and
(a) if a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the
period of Bid validity specified by the
Bidder on the Letter of Bid, or any extended
date provided by the Bidder, or
(b) if the successful Bidder fails to: sign the
Contract in accordance with ITB 48; or
furnish a performance security in
accordance with ITB 49;
the Borrower may, if provided for in the BDS,
declare the Bidder ineligible to be awarded a
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 24

contract by the Purchaser for a period of time as

stated in the BDS.

20. Format and Signing of Bid 20.1 The Bidder shall prepare the Bid, in accordance
with ITB 11 and ITB 21.
20.2 Bidders shall mark as “CONFIDENTIAL” information
in their Bids which is confidential to their business.
This may include proprietary information, trade
secrets, or commercial or financially sensitive
20.3 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be
typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by a person duly authorized to sign on
behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall
consist of a written confirmation as specified in the
BDS and shall be attached to the Bid. The name
and position held by each person signing the
authorization must be typed or printed below the
signature. All pages of the Bid where entries or
amendments have been made shall be signed or
initialed by the person signing the Bid.
20.4 In case the Bidder is a JV, the Bid shall be signed
by an authorized representative of the JV on behalf
of the JV, and so as to be legally binding on all the
members as evidenced by a power of attorney
signed by their legally authorized representatives.
20.5 Any inter-lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall
be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the
person signing the Bid.

D. Submission of Bids
21. Sealing and Marking of Bids 21.1 The Bidder shall deliver the Bid in two separate,
sealed envelopes (the Technical Part and the
Financial Part). These two envelopes shall be
enclosed in a sealed outer envelope marked
21.2 In addition, the Bidder shall submit copies of the
Bid in the number specified in the BDS. Copies of
the Technical Part shall be placed in a separate
sealed envelope marked “COPIES: TECHNICAL
PART”. Copies of the Financial Part shall be placed
in a separate sealed envelope marked “COPIES:
FINANCIAL PART”. The Bidder shall place both of
these envelopes in a separate, sealed outer envelope
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 25

marked “BID COPIES”. In the event of any

discrepancy between the original and the copies, the
original shall prevail. If alternative Bids are
permitted in accordance with ITB 13, the
alternative Bids shall be submitted as follows: the
original of the alternative Bid Technical Part shall
be placed in a sealed envelope marked
Financial Part shall be placed in a sealed envelope
and these two separate sealed envelopes then
enclosed within a sealed outer envelope marked
“ALTERNATIVE BID – ORIGINAL”, the copies of the
alternative Bid will be placed in separate sealed
envelopes marked “ALTERNATIVE BID – COPIES OF
COPIES OF FINANCIAL PART” and enclosed in a
separate sealed outer envelope marked
21.3 The envelopes marked “ORIGINAL BID” and “BID
COPIES” (and, if appropriate, a third envelope
marked “ALTERNATIVE BID”) shall be enclosed in a
separate sealed outer envelope for submission to the
21.4 All inner and outer envelopes, shall:
(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;
(b) be addressed to the Purchaser in
accordance with ITB 22.1;
(c) bear the specific identification of this
Bidding process indicated in ITB 1.1; and
(d) bear a warning not to open before the time
and date for Bid opening.
21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as
required, the Purchaser will assume no
responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the Bid.

22. Deadline for Submission of 22.1. Bids must be received by the Purchaser at the
Bids address and no later than the date and time
specified in the BDS. When so specified in the
BDS, Bidders shall have the option of submitting
their Bids electronically. Bidders submitting Bids
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 26

electronically shall follow the electronic Bid

submission procedures specified in the BDS.
22.2. The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of Bids by amending
the bidding document in accordance with ITB 8,
in which case all rights and obligations of the
Purchaser and Bidders previously subject to the
deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline
as extended.

23. Late Bids 23.1. The Purchaser shall not consider any Bid that
arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids,
in accordance with ITB 22. Any Bid received by
the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of
Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned
unopened to the Bidder.

24. Withdrawal, Substitution, 24.1. A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its
and Modification of Bids Bid after it has been submitted by sending a
written notice, duly signed by an authorized
representative, and shall include a copy of the
authorization (the power of attorney) in
accordance with ITB 20.3, (except that
withdrawal notices do not require copies ). The
corresponding substitution or modification of the
Bid must accompany the respective written
notice. All notices must be:
(a) prepared and submitted in accordance with
ITB 20 and ITB 21 (except that withdrawal
notices do not require copies), and in
addition, the respective envelopes shall be
clearly marked “WITHDRAWAL,”
(b) received by the Purchaser prior to the
deadline prescribed for submission of Bids,
in accordance with ITB 22.
24.2. Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance
with ITB 24.1 shall be returned unopened to the
24.3. No Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or
modified in the interval between the deadline for
submission of Bids and the expiration of the
period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on
the Letter of Bid -Technical Part and repeated in
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 27

the Letter of Bid - Financial Part, or any extension


E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids

25. Public Opening of Technical 25.1. Except as in the cases specified in ITB 23 and
Parts of Bids ITB 24.2, the Purchaser shall, at this Bid opening,
publicly open and read out, in accordance with
this ITB, all bids received by the deadline at the
date, time and place specified in the BDS in the
presence of Bidders’ designated representatives and
anyone who chooses to attend. Any specific
electronic Bid opening procedures required if
electronic Bidding is permitted in accordance
with ITB 22.1, shall be as specified in the BDS.
25.2. First, the written notice of withdrawal in the
envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be
opened and read out and the envelope with the
corresponding Bid shall not be opened, but
returned to the Bidder. If the withdrawal envelope
does not contain a copy of the “power of
attorney” confirming the signature as a person
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder,
the corresponding Bid will be opened. No Bid
withdrawal shall be permitted unless the
corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid
authorization to request the withdrawal and is
read out at Bid opening.
25.3. Next, envelopes marked “SUBSTITUTION” shall
be opened and read out and exchanged with the
corresponding Bid being substituted, and the
substituted Bid shall not be opened, but returned
to the Bidder. No Bid substitution shall be
permitted unless the corresponding substitution
notice contains a valid authorization to request
the substitution and is read out at Bid opening.
25.4. Next, envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall
be opened and read out with the corresponding
Bid. No Bid modification shall be permitted
unless the corresponding modification notice
contains a valid authorization to request the
modification and is read out at Bid opening. Only
Bids that are opened and read out at Bid opening
shall be considered further.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 28

25.5. Next, all other envelopes marked “TECHNICAL

PART” shall be opened one at a time. All
envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART” shall
remain sealed, and kept by the Purchaser in safe
custody until they are opened, at a later public
opening, following the evaluation of the
Technical Part of the Bids. On opening the
envelopes marked “TECHNICAL PART” the
Purchaser shall read out: the name of the Bidder
and whether there is a modification; and
Alternative Bid the presence or absence of a Bid
Security, if required and any other details as the
Purchaser may consider appropriate.
25.6. Only Technical Parts of Bids and Alternative Bid -
Technical Parts that are read out at Bid opening
shall be considered further in the evaluation. The
Letter of Bid – Technical Part and the separate
sealed envelope marked “FINANCIAL PART” are to
be initialed by representatives of the Purchaser
attending Bid opening in the manner specified in
the BDS.
25.7. At the Bid opening the Purchaser shall neither
discuss the merits of any Bid nor reject any Bid
(except for late Bids, in accordance with ITB
25.8. Following the opening of the Technical Parts of
the Bid the Purchaser shall prepare a record that
shall include, as a minimum:
(a) the name of the Bidder and whether there is
a withdrawal, substitution, or modification;
(b) the presence or absence of a duly sealed
envelope marked “FINANCIAL PART”;
(c) the presence or absence of a Bid Security or
Bid-Securing Declaration; and
(d) if applicable, any Alternative Bid -
Technical Part;
25.9. The Bidders’ representatives who are present
shall be requested to sign the record. The
omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record
shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the
record. A copy of the record shall be distributed
to all Bidders.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 29

F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions

26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the evaluation of the
Technical Part shall not be disclosed to Bidders or
any other persons not officially concerned with the
Bidding process until the notification of evaluation
of the Technical Part in accordance with ITB 33.
Information relating to the evaluation of Financial
Part, the evaluation of combined Technical Part and
Financial Part, and recommendation of contract
award shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other
persons not officially concerned with the RFB
process until the Notification of Intention to Award
the Contract is transmitted to Bidders in accordance
with ITB 43.
26.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser
in the evaluation or contract award decisions may
result in the rejection of its Bid.
26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of Bid
opening to the time of Contract Award, if any
Bidder wishes to contact the Purchaser on any
matter related to the Bidding process, it should do
so in writing.

27. Clarification of Bids 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation,

comparison of the Bids, and qualification of the
Bidders, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask
any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. Any
clarification submitted by a Bidder in respect to
its Bid and that is not in response to a request by
the Purchaser shall not be considered. The
Purchaser’s request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing. No change,
including any voluntary increase or decrease, in
the prices or substance of the Bid shall be sought,
offered, or permitted, except to confirm the
correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the
Purchaser in the Evaluation of the Bids, in
accordance with ITB 35.
27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its
Bid by the date and time set in the Purchaser’s
request for clarification, its Bid may be rejected.

28. Deviations, Reservations, 28.1 During the evaluation of Bids, the following
and Omissions definitions apply:
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 30

(a) “Deviation” is a departure from the

requirements specified in the bidding
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting
conditions or withholding from complete
acceptance of the requirements specified in
the bidding document; and
28.2 “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the
information or documentation required in the
bidding document.

29. Nonconformities, Errors and 29.1 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive,
Omissions the Purchaser may waive any nonconformities in
the Bid.
29.2 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive,
the Purchaser may request that the Bidder submit
the necessary information or documentation,
within a reasonable period of time, to rectify
nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the
Bid related to documentation requirements. Such
omission shall not be related to any aspect of the
price of the Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply
with the request may result in the rejection of its

G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids

30. Evaluation of Technical 30.1 In evaluating the Technical Parts of each Bid, the
Parts Purchaser shall use the criteria and
methodologies listed in ITB 31, ITB 32, the BDS,
if applicable, and Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria. No other evaluation
criteria or methodologies shall be permitted.

31. Determination of 31.1 The Purchaser’s determination of a Bid’s

Responsiveness responsiveness is to be based on the contents of
the Bid itself, as defined in ITB 11. A
substantially responsive Bid is one that meets the
requirements of the bidding document without
material deviation, reservation, or omission. A
material deviation, reservation, or omission is
one that:
(a) if accepted, would:
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 31

(i) affect in any substantial way the scope,

quality, or performance of the Goods
and Related Services specified in the
Contract; or
(ii) limit in any substantial way,
inconsistent with the bidding document,
the Purchaser’s rights or the Bidder’s
obligations under the Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the
competitive position of other Bidders
presenting substantially responsive Bids.
31.2 The Purchaser shall examine the technical aspects
of the Bid submitted in accordance with ITB 16 and
ITB 17, in particular, to confirm that all
requirements of Section VII, Schedule of
Requirements have been met without any material
deviation or reservation, or omission.
31.3 If a Bid is not substantially responsive to the
requirements of bidding document, it shall be
rejected by the Purchaser and may not
subsequently be made responsive by correction
of the material deviation, reservation, or

32. Qualification of the Bidders 32.1 The Purchaser shall determine, to its satisfaction,
and Detailed Evaluation of whether all eligible Bidders, whose Bids have
the Technical Part been determined to be substantially responsive to
the bidding document, meet the Qualification
Criteria specified in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria.
32.2 The determination shall be based upon an
examination of the documentary evidence of the
Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the Bidder,
pursuant to ITB 17. The determination shall not
take into consideration the qualifications of other
firms such as the Bidder’s subsidiaries, parent
entities, affiliates, subcontractors (other than
specialized subcontractors if permitted in the
bidding document), or any other firm different
from the Bidder.
32.3 Prior to Contract award, the Purchaser will verify
that the successful Bidder (including each member
of a JV) is not disqualified by the Bank due to
noncompliance with contractual SEA/SH
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 32

prevention and response obligations. The

Purchaser will conduct the same verification for
each subcontractor proposed by the successful
Bidder. If any proposed subcontractor does not
meet the requirement, the Purchaser will require
the Bidder to propose a replacement subcontractor.
32.4 Only substantially responsive bids submitted by
eligible and qualified bidders shall proceed to the
detailed technical evaluation to assess adequacy of
the Technical Part followed by evaluation applying
technical factors/subfactors and corresponding
scores as specified in the BDS.

H. Notification of Evaluation of Technical Parts and Public Opening of

Financial Parts of Bids
33. Notification of Evaluation of 33.1 Following the completion of the evaluation of the
Technical Parts and Public Technical Parts of the Bids, and the Bank has
Opening of Financial Parts issued its no objection (if applicable), the
Purchaser shall notify in writing those Bidders
who have failed to meet the Qualification
Criteria and/or whose Bids were considered non-
responsive to the requirements in the bidding
document, advising them of the following
(a) the grounds on which their Technical Part
of Bid failed to meet the requirements of the
bidding document;
(b) their envelope marked “FINANCIAL PART”
will be returned to them unopened after the
completion of the bid evaluation process
and the signing of the Contract;
(c) notify them of the date, time and location of
the public opening of the envelopes marked
33.2 The Purchaser shall, simultaneously, notify in
writing those Bidders whose Technical Parts
have been evaluated as substantially responsive
to the bidding document and met the
Qualification Criteria, advising them of the
following information:
(a) their Bid has been evaluated as
substantially responsive to the bidding
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 33

document and met the Qualification

Criteria; and
(b) their envelope marked “FINANCIAL PART”
will be opened at the public opening of
Financial Parts;
(c) notify them of the date, time and location of
the public opening of the envelopes marked
33.3 The opening date shall be not less than ten (10)
Business Days from the date of notification of the
results of the technical evaluation, specified in ITB
33.1 and 33.2. However, if the Purchaser receives
a complaint on the results of the technical
evaluation within the ten (10) Business Days, the
opening date shall be subject to ITB 50.1. The
Financial Part of the Bid shall be opened publicly
in the presence of Bidders’ designated
representatives and anyone who chooses to attend.
33.4 At this public opening the Financial Parts will be
opened by the Purchaser in the presence of
Bidders, or their designated representatives and
anyone else who chooses to attend. Bidders who
met the Qualification Criteria and whose Bids
were evaluated as substantially responsive will
have their envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART”
opened at the second public opening. Each of
these envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART” shall
be inspected to confirm that they have remained
sealed and unopened. These envelopes shall then
be opened by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall
read out the names of each Bidder, the technical
score and the total Bid prices, per lot (contract) if
applicable, including any discounts and
Alternative Bid - Financial Part, and any other
details as the Purchaser may consider
33.5 Only envelopes of Financial Part of Bids, Financial
Parts of Alternative Bids and discounts that are
opened and read out at Bid opening shall be
considered further for evaluation. The Letter of
Bid - Financial Part and the Price Schedules are
to be initialed by a representative of the
Purchaser attending the Bid opening in the
manner specified in the BDS.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 34

33.6 The Purchaser shall neither discuss the merits of

any Bid nor reject any envelopes marked
33.7 The Purchaser shall prepare a record of the
Financial Part of the Bid opening that shall
include, as a minimum:
(a) the name of the Bidder whose Financial Part
was opened;
(b) the Bid price, per lot (contract) if
applicable, including any discounts,
(c) if applicable, any Alternative Bid -
Financial Part.
33.8 The Bidders whose envelopes marked
‘FINANCIAL PART” have been opened or their
representatives who are present shall be requested
to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s
signature on the record shall not invalidate the
contents and effect of the record. A copy of the
record shall be distributed to all Bidders.

I. Evaluation of Financial Parts of Bids

34. Evaluation of Financial 34.1 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the
Parts Purchaser shall rectify quantifiable nonmaterial
nonconformities related to the Bid Price. To this
effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for
comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of a
missing or non-conforming item or component, by
adding the average price of the item or component
quoted by substantially responsive Bidders. If the
price of the item or component cannot be derived
from the price of other substantially responsive
Bids, the Purchaser shall use its best estimate.
34.2 To evaluate the Financial Part of each Bid, the
Purchaser shall consider the following:
(a) evaluation will be done for Items or Lots
(contracts), as specified in the BDS; and
the Bid Price as quoted in accordance with
ITB 14;
(b) price adjustment for correction of
arithmetic errors in accordance with ITB
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 35

(c) price adjustment due to discounts offered in

accordance with ITB 14.4;
(d) converting the amount resulting from
applying (a) to (c) above, if relevant, to a
single currency in accordance with ITB 36;
(e) price adjustment due to quantifiable
nonmaterial nonconformities in accordance
with ITB 34.1; and
(f) the additional evaluation factors specified
in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
34.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment
provisions of the Conditions of Contract, applied
over the period of execution of the Contract, shall
not be taken into account in Bid evaluation.
34.4 If this bidding document allows Bidders to quote
separate prices for different lots (contracts), each lot
will be evaluated separately to determine the Most
Advantageous Bid using the methodology specified
in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria. Discounts that are conditional on the
award of more than one lot or slice shall not be
considered for Bid evaluation.
34.5 The Purchaser’s evaluation of a Bid will exclude
and not take into account:
(a) in the case of Goods manufactured in the
Purchaser’s Country, sales and other
similar taxes, which will be payable on the
goods if a contract is awarded to the Bidder;
(b) in the case of Goods manufactured outside
the Purchaser’s Country, already imported
or to be imported, customs duties and other
import taxes levied on the imported Good,
sales and other similar taxes, which will be
payable on the Goods if the contract is
awarded to the Bidder;
(c) any allowance for price adjustment during
the period of execution of the contract, if
provided in the Bid.
34.6 The Purchaser’s evaluation of a Bid may require
the consideration of other factors, in addition to
the Bid price quoted in accordance with ITB 14.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 36

These factors may be related to the

characteristics, performance, and terms and
conditions of purchase of the Goods and Related
Services. The effect of the factors selected, if any,
shall be expressed in monetary terms to facilitate
comparison of Bids, unless otherwise specified in
the BDS from amongst those set out in Section
III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. The
criteria and methodologies to be used shall be as
specified in ITB 34.2 (f).

35. Correction of Arithmetic 35.1 In evaluating the Financial Part of each Bid, the
Errors Purchaser shall correct arithmetic errors on the
following basis:
(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit
price and the line item total that is obtained
by multiplying the unit price by the
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the
line item total shall be corrected, unless in
the opinion of the Purchaser there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point
in the unit price, in which case the line item
total as quoted shall govern and the unit
price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding
to the addition or subtraction of subtotals,
the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall
be corrected; and
(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and
figures, the amount in words shall prevail,
unless the amount expressed in words is
related to an arithmetic error, in which case
the amount in figures shall prevail subject
to (a) and (b) above.
35.2 Bidders shall be requested to accept correction of
arithmetic errors. Failure to accept the correction in
accordance with ITB 35.1, shall result in the
rejection of the Bid.

36. Conversion to Single 36.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the
Currency currency(ies) of the Bids shall be converted in a
single currency as specified in the BDS.
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 37

37. Margin of Preference 37.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, a margin
of preference shall not apply.

38. Comparison of Financial 38.1 The Purchaser shall compare the evaluated costs
Parts of the Bids to determine the Bid that has the
lowest evaluated cost. The comparison shall be
on the basis of DDP (place of final destination)
prices for imported goods, excluding taxes and
duties, and DDP (place of final destination)
prices for goods manufactured within the
Borrower’s country excluding sales and other
taxes, together with prices for any required
installation, training, commissioning and other
services. The evaluation of prices shall not take
into account custom duties and other taxes levied
on imported goods quoted DDP and sales and
similar taxes levied in connection with the sale or
delivery of goods.

39. Abnormally Low Bids 39.1 An Abnormally Low Bid is one where the Bid
price, in combination with other elements of the
Bid, appears so low that it raises material
concerns with the Purchaser as to the capability of
the Bidder to perform the Contract for the offered
Bid Price.
39.2 In the event of identification of a potentially
Abnormally Low Bid, the Purchaser shall seek
written clarification from the Bidder, including a
detailed price analyses of its Bid price in relation
to the subject matter of the contract, scope,
delivery schedule, allocation of risks and
responsibilities and any other requirements of the
bidding document.
39.3 After evaluation of the price analyses, in the event
that the Purchaser determines that the Bidder has
failed to demonstrate its capability to perform the
contract for the offered Bid price, the Purchaser
shall reject the Bid.

J. Evaluation of Combined Technical and Financial Parts, Most

Advantageous Bid and Notification of Intention to Award
40. Evaluation of combined 40.1 The Purchaser’s evaluation of responsive Bids will
Technical and Financial take into account technical factors, in addition to
Parts cost factors in accordance with Section III
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 38

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. The weight

to be assigned for the Technical factors and cost is
specified in the BDS. The Purchaser will rank the
Bids based on the evaluated Bid score (B).
40.2 The Purchaser will determine the Most
Advantageous Bid. The Most Advantageous Bid is
the Bid of the Bidder that meets the Qualification
Criteria and whose Bid has been determined to be
substantially responsive to the Bidding document
and is the Bid with the highest combined technical
and financial score.

41. Purchaser’s Right to Accept 41.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or
Any Bid, and to Reject Any reject any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process
or All Bids and reject all Bids at any time prior to Contract
Award, without thereby incurring any liability to
Bidders. In case of annulment, all Bids submitted
and specifically, Bid securities, shall be promptly
returned to the Bidders.

42. Standstill Period 42.1 The Contract shall not be awarded earlier than the
expiry of the Standstill Period. The Standstill
Period shall be ten (10) Business Days unless
extended in accordance with ITB 47. The Standstill
Period commences the day after the date the
Purchaser has transmitted to each Bidder the
Notification of Intention to Award the Contract.
Where only one Bid is submitted, or if this contract
is in response to an emergency situation recognized
by the Bank, the Standstill Period shall not apply.

43. Notification of Intention to 43.1 The Purchaser shall send to each Bidder (that has
Award not already been notified that it has been
unsuccessful) the Notification of Intention to
Award the Contract to the successful Bidder. The
Notification of Intention to Award shall contain, at
a minimum, the following information:
(a) the name and address of the Bidder
submitting the successful Bid;
(b) the Contract price of the successful Bid;
(c) the total combined score of the
successful Bidder;
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 39

(d) the names of all Bidders who submitted

Bids, and their Bid prices as readout, and as
evaluated and technical scores;
(e) a statement of the reason(s) the Bid (of the
unsuccessful Bidder to whom the
notification is addressed) was unsuccessful;
(f) the expiry date of the Standstill Period;
(g) instructions on how to request a debriefing
and/or submit a complaint during the
standstill period.

K. Award of Contract
44. Award Criteria 44.1 Subject to ITB 41, the Purchaser shall award the
Contract to the successful Bidder. This is the
Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be the
Most Advantageous Bid as specified in ITB 40.

45. Purchaser’s Right to Vary 45.1 At the time the Contract is awarded, the Purchaser
Quantities at Time of Award reserves the right to increase or decrease the
quantity of Goods and Related Services originally
specified in Section VII, Schedule of
Requirements, provided this does not exceed the
percentages specified in the BDS, and without
any change in the unit prices or other terms and
conditions of the Bid and the bidding document.

46. Notification of Award 46.1 Prior to the date of expiry of the Bid validity and
upon expiry of the Standstill Period, specified in
ITB 42.1 or any extension thereof, and upon
satisfactorily addressing any complaint that has
been filed within the Standstill Period, the
Purchaser shall notify the successful Bidder, in
writing, that its Bid has been accepted. The
notification of award (hereinafter and in the
Contract Forms called the “Letter of Acceptance”)
shall specify the sum that the Purchaser will pay
the Supplier in consideration of the execution of
the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of
Contract and Contract Forms called “the Contract
46.2 Within ten (10) Business Days after the date of
transmission of the Letter of Acceptance, the
Purchaser shall publish the Contract Award
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 40

Notice which shall contain, at a minimum, the

following information:
(a) name and address of the Purchaser;
(b) name and reference number of the contract
being awarded, and the selection method
(c) names of all Bidders that submitted Bids,
and their Bid prices as read out at Bid
opening, and as evaluated;
(d) names of all Bidders whose Bids were
rejected either as nonresponsive or as not
meeting qualification criteria, or were not
evaluated, with the reasons therefor;
(e) the name of the successful Bidder, the final
total contract price, the contract duration
and a summary of its scope; and
(f) successful Bidder’s Beneficial Ownership
Disclosure Form.
46.3 The Contract Award Notice shall be published
on the Purchaser’s website with free access if
available, or in at least one newspaper of national
circulation in the Purchaser’s Country, or in the
official gazette. The Purchaser shall also publish
the contract award notice in UNDB online.
46.4 Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed,
the Letter of Acceptance shall constitute a
binding Contract.

47. Debriefing by the Purchaser 47.1 On receipt of the Purchaser’s Notification of

Intention to Award referred to in ITB 43.1, an
unsuccessful Bidder has three (3) Business Days
to make a written request to the Purchaser for a
debriefing. The Purchaser shall provide a
debriefing to all unsuccessful Bidders whose
request is received within this deadline.
47.2 Where a request for debriefing is received within
the deadline, the Purchaser shall provide a
debriefing within five (5) Business Days, unless
the Purchaser decides, for justifiable reasons, to
provide the debriefing outside this timeframe. In
that case, the standstill period shall automatically
be extended until five (5) Business Days after
such debriefing is provided. If more than one
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 41

debriefing is so delayed, the standstill period

shall not end earlier than five (5) Business Days
after the last debriefing takes place. The
Purchaser shall promptly inform, by the quickest
means available, all Bidders of the extended
standstill period
47.3 Where a request for debriefing is received by the
Purchaser later than the three (3) Business Day
deadline, the Purchaser should provide the
debriefing as soon as practicable, and normally
no later than fifteen (15) Business Days from the
date of publication of Public Notice of Award of
contract. Requests for debriefing received
outside the three (3) day deadline shall not lead
to extension of the standstill period.
47.4 Debriefings of unsuccessful Bidders may be done
in writing or verbally. The Bidders shall bear
their own costs of attending such a debriefing

48. Signing of Contract 48.1 The Purchaser shall send to the successful Bidder
the Letter of Acceptance including the Contract
Agreement, and a request to submit the Beneficial
Ownership Disclosure Form providing additional
information on its beneficial ownership. The
Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form shall be
submitted within eight (8) Business Days of
receiving this request.
48.2 The successful Bidder shall sign, date and return
to the Purchaser, the Contract Agreement within
twenty-eight (28) days of its receipt.
48.3 Notwithstanding ITB 48.2 above, in case signing
of the Contract Agreement is prevented by any
export restrictions attributable to the Purchaser, to
the country of the Purchaser, or to the use of the
products/goods, systems or services to be supplied,
where such export restrictions arise from trade
regulations from a country supplying those
products/goods, systems or services, the Bidder
shall not be bound by its Bid, always provided
however, that the Bidder can demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Purchaser and of the Bank that
signing of the Contact Agreement has not been
prevented by any lack of diligence on the part of
the Bidder in completing any formalities, including
Section I – Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 42

applying for permits, authorizations and licenses

necessary for the export of the products/goods,
systems or services under the terms of the Contract.

49. Performance Security 49.1 Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of
the Letter of Acceptance from the Purchaser,
the successful Bidder, if required, shall furnish
the Performance Security in accordance with
the GCC 18 using for that purpose the
Performance Security Form included in Section
X, Contract Forms, or another Form acceptable
to the Purchaser. If the Performance Security
furnished by the successful Bidder is in the form
of a bond, it shall be issued by a bonding or
insurance company that has been determined by
the successful Bidder to be acceptable to the
Purchaser. A foreign institution providing a bond
shall have a correspondent financial institution
located in the Purchaser’s Country, unless the
Purchaser has agreed in writing that a
correspondent financial institution is not required.
49.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the
above-mentioned Performance Security or sign
the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds
for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of
the Bid Security. In that event the Purchaser
may award the Contract to the Bidder offering
the Most Advantageous Bid.

50. Procurement Related 50.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related

Complaint Complaint are as specified in the BDS.
Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 43

Section II - Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

The following specific data for the Goods to be procured shall complement, supplement,
and/or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict,
the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.

ITB A. General

ITB 1.1 The reference number of the Request for Bids (RFB) is : ID-PMU
The Purchaser is: Ministry of Health
The name of the RFB is: Procurement of Cathlabs
The number and identification of lots (contracts) comprising this RFB is:
Lot 1: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Western Indonesia
Lot 2: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Central Indonesia Region
Lot 3: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Eastern Indonesia Region
Lot 4: Procurement of Biplane Cathlabs across Indonesia

ITB 2.1 The Borrower is: Government of Indonesia

Aggregated Loan Agreement amount: $957 million equivalent
[Component 2-SIHREN]
The name of the Project is: Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening
This package will be supported under the joint co-financing participated by
the World Bank and Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), and
the procurement process and coordination are being led by the World Bank.
The financing for this contract is split between the two organizations. Direct
payment method used under the Project will be undertaken by splitting the
cost between AIIB and the World Bank.

ITB 4.1 Maximum number of members in the Joint Venture (JV) shall be maximum
three (3)

ITB 4.5 A list of debarred firms and individuals is available on the World Bank’s
external website and

B. Contents of Bidding Document

Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 44

ITB 7.1 For Clarification of Bid purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is:
Attention: Procurement Committee1 - IHSS, MoH
Address: Prof. Dr. Sujudi 14th Floor,
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
Telephone: +62 21 52921482 ext 1233 and 1360
Electronic mail address:
Web page:
The bidders are especially encouraged to raise questions if they find any of
the technical specifications unclear or restrictive by indicating the item and
the issue with a particular specification requirement. Requests for
clarification should be received by the Purchaser no later than ten (10)
business days (i.e., 2 May 2024) before the deadline of bid submission to
ensure sufficient time for the Purchaser to answer, so that these can be
addressed early to all the potential bidders. Late requests for clarification
will not be reviewed and responded to.
Add new clause of ITB 7.2 Pre-Bid Meeting as follows:
ITB 7.2
A Pre-Bid virtual meeting will be conducted in hybrid mode and will take
place at the following date, time and place:
Date: April 1, 2024
Time: 09.00 AM local Time (West Indonesia Time)
Place: Prof. Dr. Sujudi 14th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia

For the bidders who choose to join online may access the following link:
Zoom link: [https:/]
Minutes of the virtual pre-bid meeting including the text of the questions
asked by Bidders, without identifying the source, and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted
promptly to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Documents in
accordance with ITB 6.3. Any modification to the Bidding Documents that
may become necessary as a result of the virtual pre-bid meeting shall be
made by the Purchaser exclusively through the issue of an Addendum
pursuant to ITB 8 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting. Non-
attendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of
a Bidder.

A site visit will be organized and conducted by the Purchaser at the

following date, time and place:
Date: April 2, 2024
Time: 01.00 PM local Time (West Indonesia Time)
Section II - Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 45

Place: RS Umum Daerah Sayang, Cianjur, West Java

Bidder may join site visit at their own cost. Non-participation at the site visit
will not be a cause for disqualification of a Bidder.

C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 10.1 The language of the Bid is English.
All correspondence exchange shall be in English language.
Language for translation of supporting documents and printed literature is

ITB 11.2 (i) The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents in its Bid:
& 11.3 (d) None

ITB 13.1 Alternative Bids (Technical and Financial Parts) shall not be considered.

ITB 14.5 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall not be subject to adjustment during
the performance of the Contract.

ITB 14.6 Prices quoted for each lot (contract) shall correspond to at least 100 percent
of the items specified for each lot (contract).
Prices quoted for each item of a lot (contract) shall correspond to at least 100
percent of the quantities specified for this item of a lot (contract).
An incomplete bid for less than 100% of the items specified for a lot (contract)
or for less than 100% of the quantities specified for an item of a lot (contract)
shall be rejected.

ITB 14.7 The Incoterms edition is Incoterm 2020.

ITB 14.8 Final Destination (Project Site): As specified in Section VII, Schedule of
(a)(iii), (b)(ii) Requirements
and (c)(v)

ITB 14.8 Place of Destination: As specified in Section VII, Schedule of

(b)(i) Requirements

ITB 15.1 The Bidder is required to quote in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country
(Indonesian Rupiah) the portion of the Bid price that corresponds to
expenditures incurred in that currency.

ITB 16.3 Add additional paragraph as follows:

The Bidders must fill in the compliance column in the technical
specifications table in Section VII, Schedule of Requirements by inserting
Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 46

information/data on each line/characteristic of the actually offered model

demonstrating the substantial responsiveness of the offered goods/services
to the technical specifications in Section VII, Schedule of Requirements.
This detailed item-by-item compliance table should also contain explicit
cross references to the relevant supporting technical documentation,
catalogues, brochures, etc. (as required under ITB 16.2 with clearly marked
page, item and model numbers for the Purchaser to identify what is being
offered under the bid. Stating only "Yes" or "No" or "Compliant" would
not be sufficient for the Purchaser to evaluate the bid's compliance with the
technical requirements and may lead to rejection of the bid on the ground of
technical noncompliance. The bid should include in the technical
specification table clear information/references with the page no. marked
and directly references to the supporting technical documentation. Entire bid
should be numbered.

ITB 16.4 Period of time the Goods are expected to be functioning (for the purpose of
ensured availability of spare parts): ten (10) years

ITB 17.2 (a) Manufacturer’s authorization is required.

After sales service is required. Particular requirements for each item shall
ITB 17.2 (b)
be in accordance with Technical Specifications in Section VII, Schedule of

ITB 18.1 The Bid shall be valid until: September 30, 2024

ITB 18.3 (a) The Bid price shall be adjusted. The local currency portion of the Contract
price shall be adjusted by a factor reflecting local inflation during the
period of delays until contract award, and the foreign currency portion of
the Contract price shall be adjusted by a factor reflecting the international
inflation (in the country of the foreign currency) during the period of
delays until contract award.

ITB 19.1 A Bid-Securing Declaration shall be required.

ITB 19.3 (d) Other types of acceptable securities: None

ITB 19.9 If the Bidder performs any of the actions prescribed in subparagraphs ITB
19.9 (a) or (b), the Borrower will declare the Bidder ineligible to be awarded
contracts by the Purchaser for a period of two (2) years starting from the date
the Bidder performs any of the actions.
Section II - Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 47

ITB 20.3 The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder
shall consist of: Power of attorney signed by the company’s leader
(President Director or the CEO, or the Executive Director, or the President
of the company, or the Chairman of the Board of Directors (on the basis of
the Charter) to delegate or authorize the assigned person to sign the contract.
In case of joint venture, Power of Attorney shall be signed by company
leader from each member of joint venture.
Note: Power of Attorney is not required if the bidder's Bid is signed by the
company leader senior management, represented by the President Director,
or the CEO, or the Executive Director, or the President of the company, or
the Chairman of the Board of Directors (on the basis of the Charter).
D. Submission of Bids
ITB 21.2 In addition to the original of the Bid, the number of copies is: two (2)
The bidder is also requested to submit soft file (pdf format and excel for
financial part of bids, read only, on USB, DVD, or CD) of Technical and
Financial Part of Bids along with original of Bid in the same respective
envelope. In case any inconsistency between soft file and hard copy, the hard
copy shall prevail.

ITB 22.1 For Bid submission purposes only, the bids shall be addressed to the
Attention: Procurement Committee 1 - IHSS, MoH
Street Address: Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta
Floor/ Room number: Prof. Dr. Sujudi Building 14th Floor
City: Jakarta
Postal Code: 12950
Country: Indonesia
The deadline for Bid submission is:
Date: 15 May, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM Jakarta Time (Western Indonesia Time)
Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically.

E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids

ITB 25.1 The Bid opening shall take place hybrid at:
Ministry of Health’s office
Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 48

Street Address: Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta 12950
Floor/ Room number: Prof. Dr. Sujudi Building 14th Floor
Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM Jakarta Time (Western Indonesia Time)
Zoom link: https:/

The Letter of Bid - Technical Part and sealed envelope marked “Second
ITB 25.6
Envelope -Financial Part” shall be initialed by a minimum of three (3)
representatives of the Purchaser conducting Technical Part opening.

G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids

The selection of acceptable bids will be dependent on 100% compliance with
ITB 32.4
Mandatory criteria identified in the technical specification document (file
attached herewith). These include the following:

 Device-specific minimum performance criteria (Mandatory

specifications), including:
o Minimum physical and technical attributes to ensure
sustainable, high-quality performance of the equipment
o Guaranteed Availability of consumables and spare parts
o Required post-delivery support services:
 Inspection at Commissioning
 Warranty requirements
 Training of staff on operation and maintenance upon
 Operational support and Maintenance requirements

For those bids that meet all Mandatory criteria, weighted ratings will be
applied based on additional rated criteria which are grouped into five sets,
together adding up to the 30% weight of the technical bid evaluation:

Rated criteria category

Criteria whereby the bidder goes beyond minimum requirements in

terms of physical equipment specifications, including technical
performance and physical specifications

Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Requirements

IT Requirements

AI and Telemedicine Requirements

Section II - Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 49

Criteria whereby the bidder goes beyond minimum requirements in

relation to operational support (training, provision of consumables, etc.)
in terms of after-Sales Maintenance & Service Requirements

Further information on detailed weighting system of technical items and

scoring methodology is enclosed in Section III.

H. Notification of Evaluation of Technical Parts and Public Opening of

Financial Parts of Bids
The Letter of Bid – Financial Part and the Price Schedules shall be initialed
ITB 33.5
by three (3) representatives of the Purchaser conducting Bid opening.

I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids

ITB 34.2(a) Evaluation will be done for Lots (contracts)
Bids will be evaluated lot by lot. If a Price Schedule shows items listed but
not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other
items. An item not listed in the Price Schedule shall be assumed to be not
included in the Bid, and provided that the Bid is substantially responsive,
the average price of the item quoted by substantially responsive Bidders will
be added to the Bid price and the equivalent total cost of the Bid so
determined will be used for price comparison.

ITB 34.6 The adjustments shall be determined using the following criteria, from
amongst those set out in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria:
(a) Deviation in Delivery schedule: No
(b) Deviation in payment schedule: No
(c) the cost of major replacement component, mandatory spare parts, and
service: No
(d) the availability in the Purchaser’s Country of spare parts and after-
sales services for the equipment offered in the Bid: No
(e) Life cycle costs: the costs during the life of the goods or equipment:
(f) the performance and productivity of the equipment offered; No
(g) specific additional criteria: No

ITB 36.1 The currency that shall be used for Bid evaluation and comparison purposes
to convert at the selling exchange rate all Bid prices expressed in various
currencies into a single currency is: Indonesia Rupiah (IDR)
Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 50

The source of exchange rate shall be: Transaction selling rate Bank
Indonesia available on
The date for the exchange rate shall be on the date of bid submission

ITB 37.1 A margin of domestic preference may apply, as appropriate.

J. Evaluation of Combined Technical and Financial Parts and Most

Advantageous Bid
ITB 40.1 The weight to be given for technical is 30% and for cost is: 70%.

K. Award of Contract
ITB 45.1 The maximum percentage by which quantities may be increased is: 10%
The maximum percentage by which quantities may be decreased is: 10%

ITB 50.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related Complaint are detailed in
the “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (Annex III).” If a Bidder
wishes to make a Procurement-related Complaint, the Bidder should submit
its complaint following these procedures, in writing (by the quickest means
available, that is either by email or fax), to:
For the attention: Procurement Committee 1 - IHSS, MoH
Title/position: Head of Procurement Committee
Purchaser: Ministry of Health (MoH)
Email address:
In summary, a Procurement-related Complaint may challenge any of the
1. the terms of the Bidding Documents;
2. the Purchaser’s decision to exclude a Bidder from the procurement
process prior to the award of contract; and
3. the Purchaser’s decision to award the contract.
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 51

Section III - Evaluation and Qualification


This Section contains the criteria that the Purchaser shall use to evaluate Bids and qualify the
Bidders. No other factors, methods or criteria shall be used other than specified in this
bidding document.
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 52

1. Qualification

Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1)

The Purchaser shall assess each Bid for each lot against the following Qualification Criteria.
Requirements not included in the text below shall not be used in the evaluation of the Bidder’s

(a) Financial Capability: The Bidder shall meet the minimum average annual turnover with
following details:

No Lot Minimum Average Annual Turn Over (AATO) for the last three
years (in US$)
1 Lot 1 US$ 66 million
2 Lot 2 US$ 31 million
3 Lot 3 US$ 81 million
4 Lot 4 US$ 7 million

The Bidder shall submit audited financial statements or, if not required by the law of the
Bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Purchaser, for the last three
(3) years (2020, 2021 and 2022) prior to bid submission deadline, demonstrating the annual
turnover and current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position.

(b) Specific Experience: The Bidder shall demonstrate that it has successfully and
substantially completed of similar Goods and Related Services (installation) under the
Contract in the following table. For a joint venture, this requirement may be met by all
members combined.
No Lot Minimum Specific Experience
1 Lot 1 The Bidders shall have past contract experience to supply and
install cathlab equipment of minimum cumulative 45 unit
annually in any of year within the last seven (7) years prior to
bid submission deadline.
2 Lot 2 The Bidders shall have past contract experience to supply and
install cathlab equipment of minimum cumulative 21 unit
annually in any of year within the last seven (7) years prior to
bid submission deadline
3 Lot 3 The Bidders shall have past contract experience to supply and
install cathlab equipment of minimum cumulative 56 unit
annually in any of year within the last seven (7) years prior to
bid submission deadline
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 53

4 Lot 4 The Bidders shall have past contract experience to supply and
install cathlab equipment of minimum cumulative 4 unit
annually in any of year within the last seven (7) years prior to
bid submission deadline

In order to demonstrate it meets the experience requirement, the Bidder shall furnish
detailed information regarding contracts completed: the purchaser’s name and address,
country, name and object of the contract, scope of services, date of contract completion,
equipment supplied, contract amount, contract role (prime supplier, subcontractor, partner
in Joint Venture) and percent of the contract value undertaken by subcontract.
(c) Documentary Evidence: The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate
that the Goods it offers meet the following usage requirement: technical specification
catalog of product (brochures)

(d) Manufacturing experience and Technical Capacity: For the items under the Contract
that the bidder is a manufacturer, the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to
demonstrate that:

(i) it has manufactured cathlab equipment for at least four (4) years, prior to the bid
submission deadline; and

(ii) its annual production capacity of cathlab equipment for each of the last four (4)
years prior to the bid submission deadline, is at least 50% the quantities specified
under each lot.

(e) The bidder has experience in managing cyber security, practice and track record, including
relevant Cyber security accreditation such as ISO 27000 (ISO 27001) or equivalent. The
bidder to provide relevant equipment cybersecurity mitigation via their MDS2 Form.

(f) Manufacturer’s authorization: A Bidder who does not manufacture an item/s where a
manufacturer authorization is required in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a), the Bidder
shall provide evidence of being duly authorized by a manufacturer (Manufacturer’s
Authorization Form, Section IV, Bidding Forms), meeting the criteria in (d) (i) and (ii)
above, to supply the Goods;

(g) A bidder who does not manufacture an item/s where a manufacturer authorization is not
required in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a), the bidder shall submit documentation on,
its status as a supplier, to the satisfaction of the Purchaser (e.g. authorized dealer/
distributor of the items, past similar contract experience).

(h) In case of joint venture, Lead Partner must meet minimum forty percent (40%) of the total
AATO requirement while each partner must meet minimum twenty percent (20%) of total
AATO requirement as specified in 1(a) above.
In case one bidder is to be recommended to be awarded the contract for more than one lot, such
bidder shall meet the cumulative minimum requirement of point (a) financial capability and
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 54

(b) specific experience respective lots. The contract will be determined based on the most
advantageous bids.

At the time of Contract Award, the Bidder (including each subcontractor proposed by the
Bidder) shall not be subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH
2. Technical Evaluation (ITB 32.4)

The approach to selection of medical equipment will be dependent on device-specific technical

specifications, the ability to meet delivery timelines, and the quality of proposed service
requirements (e.g., warranty, training capabilities, availability of consumables and spare parts
and after sales services). The technical specifications outline key features, performance
criteria, and safety requirements that must be met to be considered for the contract award.
(Refer to Part 2 Supply Requirements, Section VII Schedule of Requirements, Item 3 Technical

Each technical specification document asks the bidder to provide information related to the
following categories:
a. Equipment general information including year of first launch/ sold, model
b. Equipment regulatory approvals (local and/or international)
c. The ability of the equipment to be used for the desired Clinical Applications
d. Compliance with minimum Performance/ Functionality features
e. The availability of potentially desirable features
f. Accessories required for each clinical application
g. Required Consumables and their availability
h. Device Physical Attributes
i. Mechanical and Electrical Requirements (including energy efficiency)
j. IT Requirements (including cybersecurity concerns where applicable)
k. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capability (if applicable)
l. Telemedicine Capability (If applicable)
m. Room Requirements
n. Maintenance and Service Requirements
o. Availability of after-purchase Service and Support
i. Service contracts (i.e., comprehensive, non-comprehensive)
ii. Guaranteed availability of spare parts,
iii. warranty arrangements,
iv. Training
Technical Part Scoring Methodology
Each line item in the technical specification document will be assigned one of three types of
labels: mandatory, rated, or for information requirements.

 Mandatory requirements are minimum performance, safety, or service requirements

that must be met to be considered.
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 55

 Rated criteria represent those features that, if present, are clearly considered
advantageous and will receive a weighted score that will form part of the technical
criteria for bid evaluation.

 The remaining criteria are those that are considered somewhat standard and are asked
for confirmation, or which the purchaser wants to gather more information about (e.g.,
operating temperature range, Physical dimensions).

Bidders must specify whether their unit complies with each of the specifications listed in the
Technical Specification document by checking “Yes” or “No”. In many cases, bidders will be
asked to provide additional relevant information (requirement will state “Bidder to specify”).

During Bid evaluation, a thorough review of the evidence provided by the bidder will be
conducted and each line of the rated criteria included in ‘Cathlab (Single Plane) Lot 1’,
‘Cathlab (Single Plane) Lot 2’, ‘Cathlab (Single Plane) Lot 3’ and ‘Cathlab (Biplane) Lot 4’
will be assigned a value (V) greater than 0 for full compliance and 0 for non-compliance under
the following headings. Details of each technical criteria and the points assigned to each is
included in ‘Cathlab (Single Plane) Lot 1’, ‘Cathlab (Single Plane) Lot 2’, ‘Cathlab (Single
Plane) Lot 3’ and ‘Cathlab (Biplane) Lot 4’. This value greater than 0 has been tailored to each
specific criterion, reflecting its weight on the importance of said criterion for the performance
or service-readiness of the device, and also reflecting the financial value of the components,
across five categories of rated criteria, which have a different total maximum score between
the Single Plan Lots (Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3) and the Biplane Lot (Lot 4), as follows:
Maximum Points Maximum Points
Rated Criteria Category Allocation Allocation
Criteria whereby the bidder goes beyond minimum
requirements in terms of physical equipment
specifications, including technical performance and
physical specifications 70 75
Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Requirements 3 3
IT Requirements 2 2
AI and Telemedicine Requirements 11 11
Criteria whereby the bidder goes beyond minimum
requirements in relation to operational support
(training, provision of consumables, etc.) in terms of
after-Sales Maintenance & Service Requirements 40 44
Total maximum score 126 135
Scores are allocated based on criteria compliance:
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 56

Compliance Description
Score for
criteria (V)
0 The minimum, mandatory requirements only are met for the specified feature
described in the scoring spreadsheet, with no additional performance or
specifications as per the rated criterion
>0 Scores above zero are assigned where there is documented evidence that the specific
feature described in the scoring spreadsheet is present, and exceeds the mandatory
minimum requirement. Scores for each rated criterion feature are identified in the
scoring spreadsheet, also indicating thresholds if the rated criterion is categorized
with each category awarded a different score
Mandatory requirements will be judged on a Pass/Fail basis. Those units that do not comply
with ALL Mandatory requirements will be excluded.
Each rated criterion will be judged on an Available/Not-available basis. If the desirable feature
is available and included in the bid, then the corresponding score will be assigned. If the
desirable feature is not available or not included in the bid, then no score will be assigned.
The assignment of partial scores is not allowed. In case of partial or incomplete compliance to
a rated criterion, the relevant score will not be assigned. The aggregate of the scores on all
individual rated criteria will be the final technical score.

This approach ensures an objective evaluation of desirable features. The weighted scores are
described for each of the technical specifications in the scoring spreadsheet provided.
The sum of values (V) shall equate to the Cumulative Point (CP), representing the evaluated
compliance points for each requirement. The total of all CPs will be consolidated, providing a
rating outcome for all bids where rated criteria are applicable.
A color scheme is employed to clearly illustrate the evaluation model, with green cells
representing mandatory requirements, orange cells representing rated criteria, and white cells
representing for information requirements.
Those units that meet all mandatory requirements and have higher scores are those that can
carry out the intended clinical purposes and have the most desirable features.
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 57

1. Margin of Preference (ITB 37)

If the Bidding Data Sheet so specifies, the Purchaser will grant a margin of preference to goods
manufactured in the Purchaser’s country for the purpose of Bid comparison, in accordance
with the procedures outlined in subsequent paragraphs.
Substantially responsive Bids will be classified in one of three groups, as follows:
(a) Group A: Bids offering goods manufactured in the Purchaser’s Country, for which (i)
labor, raw materials, and components from within the Purchaser’s Country account for
more than thirty (30) percent of the DDP price excluding taxes and duties, inland
transportation, and other services required in the Purchaser’s Country to convey the
goods to their final destination; and (ii) the production facility in which they will be
manufactured or assembled has been engaged in manufacturing or assembling such
goods at least since the date of Bid submission.
(b) Group B: All other Bids offering Goods manufactured in the Purchaser’s Country.
(c) Group C: Bids offering Goods manufactured outside the Purchaser’s Country that
have been already imported or that will be imported.
To facilitate this classification by the Purchaser, the Bidder shall complete whichever version
of the Price Schedule furnished in the bidding document is appropriate provided, however, that
the completion of an incorrect version of the Price Schedule by the Bidder shall not result in
rejection of its Bid, but merely in the Purchaser’s reclassification of the Bid into its appropriate
Bid group.
The Purchaser will first review the Bids to confirm the appropriateness of, and to modify as
necessary, the Bid group classification to which Bidders assigned their Bids in preparing their
Bid Forms and Price Schedules.
Following the combined evaluation procedure described below, the Bids in each group will then
be compared to determine the Most Advantageous Bid in that group. The Most Advantageous
Bid from each group shall then be compared with each other and if as a result of this comparison
a Bid from Group A or Group B is the Most Advantageous, it shall be selected for the award.
If as a result of the preceding comparison, a Bid from Group C is the Most Advantageous Bid,
all Bids from Group C shall be further compared with the Bid with the lowest evaluated cost
from Group A after adding to the evaluated price of goods offered in each Bid from Group C,
for the purpose of this further comparison only, an amount equal to 15% (fifteen percent) of the
respective DDP Bid price (excluding taxes and duties, inland transportation, and other services
required in the Purchaser’s Country to convey the goods to their final destination) for goods to be
imported and already imported goods. Both prices shall include unconditional discounts and be
corrected for arithmetical errors. If the Bid from Group A is the Most Advantageous, it shall be
selected for award. If not, the Most Advantageous Bid from Group C shall be selected.
2. Evaluation Criteria (ITB 34.6)
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 58

The Purchaser shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this Section to evaluate the
Financial Part.
The Purchaser’s evaluation of the Financial Part may take into account, in addition to the Bid
Price, one or more of the following factors as specified in BDS ITB 34.6, using the following
criteria and methodologies.
(a) Delivery schedule: Not applicable
(b) Deviation in payment schedule: Not applicable
(c) Cost of major replacement components, mandatory spare parts, and service.: Not
d) Availability in the Purchaser’s Country of spare parts and after sales services for
equipment offered in the Bid: Not applicable
(e) Life Cycle Cost
If specified in BDS 34.6. an adjustment to take into account the additional life cycle
costs for the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of
the Goods, will be added to the Bid price, for evaluation purposes only. The
adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified below.
(i) number of years for life cycle cost determination: 10 years after
commissioning in case of comprehensive O&M costs, other proprietary
equipment supplies (excluding proprietary consumables for third-party
accessories, in which case a 5-year period after full commissioning will
(ii) the discount rate to be applied to determine the net present value of future
operational support and maintenance costs (recurrent costs) is 6%;
(iii) the annual operating and maintenance costs including decommissioning
(recurrent costs) shall be determined on the basis of the following
The Recurrent Costs (R) are reduced to net present value and determined using the
following formula:
R  x

x  1 1  I 
N = number of years of the Warranty Period, defined in Special/Particular Conditions
M = number of years of the Post-Warranty Services Period, as defined in
Special/Particular Condition
x = an index number 1, 2, 3, ... N + M representing each year of the combined
Warranty Service and Post-Warranty Service Periods.
Rx = total Recurrent Costs for year “x,” as recorded in the Recurrent Cost Sub-
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 59

I = discount rate to be used for the Net Present Value calculation, as specified in the
Bid Data Sheet

(iv) and the following information is required from bidders: i) list of spare parts
need to be replaced including the cost for 10 years period of operation, and a
confirmation that all these spare parts are already included in the
comprehensive operations and maintenance contract for years 1 through 5
(and as extended thereafter) with no additional payment to be made by the
Purchaser; ii) proprietary consumables for the equipment and its accessories
and the requirement in terms of quantities/volume for each consumable for
1,000 procedures (cost per 1,000 cases to be provided in the financial bid
valid for 5 years); iii) any other proprietary costs incurred during operational
support and maintenance period.
(f) Performance and productivity of the equipment: Not applicable
(g) Specific additional criteria: None

Combined Evaluation
The Purchaser will evaluate and compare the Bids that have been determined to be
substantially responsive.
The Purchaser’s evaluation of responsive Bids will take into account technical factors, in
addition to cost factors.
The technical part will carry a weight of 30%, and the financial part will carry a weight of 70%
in the overall evaluation.
An Evaluated Bid Score (B) will be calculated for each responsive Bid using the following
formula (for comparison in percentages), which permits a comprehensive assessment of the
Bid price and the technical merits of each Bid:
𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑇
𝐵= ⋅ 𝑋 ⋅ 100 + ⋅ (1 − 𝑋) ⋅ 100
𝐶 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥
C = Evaluated Bid Price
C low = the lowest of all Evaluated Bid Prices among responsive Bids
T = the total Technical Score awarded to the Bid
Tmax = the maximum Technical Score that can be achieved by any given Bid,
meaning the sum of scores for each of the rated criteria in the technical
X = weight for the Cost as specified in the BDS
Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 60

The Bid with the best evaluated Bid Score (B) among responsive Bids shall be the Most
Advantageous Bid provided the Bidder is qualified to perform the Contract.

Multiple Contracts (ITB 34.4)

If in accordance with ITB 1.1, Bids are invited for more than one lot, the contract will be
awarded to the Bidder or Bidders with the Most Advanageous Bid for the individual lots.
The evaluation will be made for each lot separately and the contract for a lot shall be awarded
to the Bidder whose bid is determined substantially responsive and with highest evaluated
score for individual lots for which the Bidder is qualified.
Discounts that are conditional on the award of more that one lot will not be considered for bid
evaluation purpose.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 61

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Table of Forms

Letter of Bid – Technical Part ............................................................................................ 62

Technical Part ...................................................................................................................... 65

Technical Bid Checklist ....................................................................................................... 66

Functional Guarantees ........................................................................................................ 68

Manufacturer’s Authorization ........................................................................................... 69

Bidder Information Form ................................................................................................... 70

Bidder’s JV Members Information Form ......................................................................... 72

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH) Performance
Declaration............................................................................................................................ 73

Form of Bid-Securing Declaration ..................................................................................... 74

Letter of Bid - Financial Part .............................................................................................. 75

Price Schedule Forms .......................................................................................................... 77

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured Outside the Purchaser’s Country, to be

Imported ............................................................................................................................... 78

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured Outside the Purchaser’s Country, already

imported* .............................................................................................................................. 79

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured in the Purchaser’s Country ................................ 80

Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services .......................................................... 81

Section IV – Bidding Forms 62

Letter of Bid – Technical Part


Place this Letter of Bid in the first envelope “TECHNICAL PART”.

The Bidder must prepare the Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead clearly
showing the Bidder’s complete name and business address.

Note: All italicized text in black font is to help Bidders in preparing this form and Bidders
shall delete it from the final document.

Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of Bidding process]
Request for Bid No.: [insert identification]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

To: [insert complete name of Purchaser]

We, the undersigned Bidder, hereby submit our Bid, in two parts, namely:
(a) the Technical Part, and
(b) the Financial Part.

In submitting our Bid we make the following declarations:

(a) No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the bidding document,
including addenda issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB 8);
(b) Eligibility: We meet the eligibility requirements and have no conflict of interest in
accordance with ITB 4;
(c) Bid-Securing Declaration: We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the
Purchaser based on execution of a Bid Securing Declaration or Proposal Securing
Declaration in the Purchaser’s country in accordance with ITB 4.7;
(d) Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH): [select the
appropriate option from (i) to (iii) below and delete the others. In case of JV members
and/or subcontractors, indicate the status of disqualification by the Bank of each JV
member and/or subcontractor].

We, including any of our subcontractors:

(i) [have not been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with
SEA/ SH obligations.]
(ii) [are subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH
Section IV – Bidding Forms 63

(iii) [had been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/
SH obligations, and were removed from the disqualification list. An arbitral
award on the disqualification case has been made in our favor.]
(e) Conformity: We offer to supply in conformity with the bidding document and in
accordance with the Delivery Schedules specified in the Schedule of Requirements the
following Goods: [insert a brief description of the Goods and Related Services];
(f) Bid Validity: Our Bid shall be valid until [insert day, month and year in accordance with
ITB 18.1], and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before
the expiration of that period;
(g) Performance Security: If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance
security in accordance with the bidding document;
(h) One Bid per Bidder: We are not submitting any other Bid(s) as an individual Bidder,
and we are not participating in any other bid(s) as a Joint Venture member or as a
subcontractor, and meet the requirements of ITB 4.3, other than Alternative Bids
submitted in accordance with ITB 13;
(i) Suspension and Debarment: We, along with any of our subcontractors, suppliers,
consultants, manufacturers, or service providers for any part of the contract, are not
subject to, and not controlled by any entity or individual that is subject to, a temporary
suspension or a debarment imposed by the World Bank Group or a debarment imposed
by the World Bank Group in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of
Debarment Decisions between the World Bank and other development banks. Further,
we are not ineligible under the Purchaser’s country laws or official regulations or
pursuant to a decision of the United Nations Security Council;
(j) State-owned enterprise or institution: [select the appropriate option and delete the
other] [We are not a state-owned enterprise or institution] / [We are a state-owned
enterprise or institution but meet the requirements of ITB 4.6];
(k) Binding Contract: We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance
thereof included in your Letter of Acceptance, shall constitute a binding contract between
us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed;
(l) Not Bound to Accept: We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest
evaluated cost Bid, the Most Advantageous Bid or any other Bid that you may receive;
(m) Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no
person acting for us, or on our behalf, engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption.

Name of the Bidder: *[insert complete name of Bidder]

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder: ** [insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid]
Section IV – Bidding Forms 64

Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity
are shown above]
Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]

*: In the case of the Bid submitted by a Joint Venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder.
**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder. The power of attorney shall
be attached with the Bid Schedules.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 65

Technical Part

The technical bid shall include all relevant information required to evaluate the technical Part
in accordance with the requirements. Bidder shall refer and respond to the detailed
specifications attached with this bidding document for the technical requirements of the
medical equipment.
To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the RFB document, the
Bidder shall furnish the documentary evidence that the Goods conform to the technical
specifications and standards, including any essential technical and performance
characteristics specified in Section VII, Schedule of Requirements. Any required functional
guarantees shall also be provided. The attached forms/format may support the Bidder to
organize information required to present its technical bid.
The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, drawings or data, and shall consist
of a detailed item by item description of the essential technical and performance
characteristics of the Goods and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness
of the Goods and Related Services to the technical specification, and if applicable, a statement
of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Section VII, Schedule of Requirements.
In the interest of timely bid evaluation and contract award, Bidders are encouraged not to overload
the supporting materials with documents that do not directly address the Purchaser’s
The Bidder shall also furnish a list giving full particulars, including available sources and
current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing
functioning of the Goods during the period specified in the BDS following commencement
of the use of the goods by the Purchaser.
Standards for workmanship, process, material, and equipment, as well as references to brand
names or catalogue numbers specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements, are
intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of
quality, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers, provided that it demonstrates, to the
Purchaser’s satisfaction, that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence or are superior
to those specified in the Section VII, Schedule of Requirements.
If the contract has been assessed to present potential or actual cyber security risks, the
technical bid must include proposed cyber security risks management plan.
If there are assessed supply chain risks, the technical bid must include proposed supply chain
risk management plan.
The Manufacture’s Authorizations shall be included in accordance with ITB BDS 17.2 (a)
and the attached Manufacturer’s Authorization form.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 66

Technical Bid Checklist

Technical. Technical Requirement:

Requirement Refer to the technical document for Cathlab
No. Lot
Lot 1: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Western
Indonesia Region
Lot 2: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Central
Indonesia Region
Lot 3: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Eastern
Indonesia Region
Lot 4: Procurement of Biplane Cathlabs across Indonesia
Bidder’s technical bid/ compliance:
Technical specifications and requirements
Bidder’s cross references to supporting information in the Technical Bid:
1. Documents – compliance evidence for technical specifications and requirements
(indexed and labelled)
2. License for Special equipment design, manufacture and installation, where applicable
3. Proposed accessories and price (5 years binding).
4. Proposed consumables and price (5 years binding)
5. Proposed comprehensive maintenance (Year 6 – 10)
6. Notifications of hazards, alerts and recalls
Section IV – Bidding Forms 67
Section IV – Bidding Forms 68

Functional Guarantees
(to be used as applicable)

The Bidder shall copy in the left column of the table below; the identification of each functional guarantee required
in the Specification and in the right column, provides the corresponding value for each functional guarantee of the
proposed Goods.

Required Functional Guarantee Value of Functional Guarantee of the


Section IV – Bidding Forms 69

Manufacturer’s Authorization

[The Bidder shall require the Manufacturer to fill in this Form in accordance with the
instructions indicated. This letter of authorization should be on the letterhead of the
Manufacturer and should be signed by a person with the proper authority to sign documents
that are binding on the Manufacturer. The Bidder shall include it in its Bid, if so indicated in
the BDS.]

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of RFB process]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

To: [insert complete name of Purchaser]


We [insert complete name of Manufacturer], who are official manufacturers of [insert type
of goods manufactured], having factories at [insert full address of Manufacturer’s factories],
do hereby authorize [insert complete name of Bidder] to submit a Bid the purpose of which
is to provide the following Goods, manufactured by us [insert name and or brief description
of the Goods], and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause 28 of the
General Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm.

We confirm that we do not engage or employ forced labor or persons subject to trafficking or
child labor, in accordance with Clause 14 of the General Conditions of Contract.

Signed: [insert signature(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer]

Name: [insert complete name(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer]

Title: [insert title]

Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing]

Section IV – Bidding Forms 70

Bidder Information Form

[The Bidder shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated below. No
alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.]

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of Bidding process]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

Page ________ of_ ______ pages

1. Bidder’s Name [insert Bidder’s legal name]

2. In case of JV, legal name of each member : [insert legal name of each member in JV]

3. Bidder’s actual or intended country of registration: [insert actual or intended country of


4. Bidder’s year of registration: [insert Bidder’s year of registration]

5. Bidder’s Address in country of registration: [insert Bidder’s legal address in country of


6. Bidder’s Authorized Representative Information

Name: [insert Authorized Representative’s name]
Address: [insert Authorized Representative’s Address]
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert Authorized Representative’s telephone/fax numbers]
Email Address: [insert Authorized Representative’s email address]

7. Attached are copies of original documents of [check the box(es) of the attached original
 Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution or association),
and/or documents of registration of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITB
 In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement, in accordance with ITB 4.1.
 In case of state-owned enterprise or institution, in accordance with ITB 4.6 documents
 Legal and financial autonomy
 Operation under commercial law
 Establishing that the Bidder is not under the supervision of the Purchaser
Section IV – Bidding Forms 71

8. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial
ownership. The successful Bidder shall provide additional information on beneficial
ownership, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 72

Bidder’s JV Members Information Form

[The Bidder shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated below. The
following table shall be filled in for the Bidder and for each member of a Joint Venture]].
Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of RFB process]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

Page ________ of_ ______ pages

1. Bidder’s Name: [insert Bidder’s legal name]

2. Bidder’s JV Member’s name: [insert JV’s Member legal name]

3. Bidder’s JV Member’s country of registration: [insert JV’s Member country of


4. Bidder’s JV Member’s year of registration: [insert JV’s Member year of registration]

5. Bidder’s JV Member’s legal address in country of registration: [insert JV’s Member

legal address in country of registration]

6. Bidder’s JV Member’s authorized representative information

Name: [insert name of JV’s Member authorized representative]
Address: [insert address of JV’s Member authorized representative]
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert telephone/fax numbers of JV’s Member authorized
Email Address: [insert email address of JV’s Member authorized representative]

7. Attached are copies of original documents of [check the box(es) of the attached original
 Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution or association), and/or
registration documents of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITB 4.4.
 In case of a state-owned enterprise or institution, documents establishing legal and financial
autonomy, operation in accordance with commercial law, and that they are not under the
supervision of the Purchaser, in accordance with ITB 4.6.
8. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial ownership.
The successful Bidder shall provide additional information on beneficial ownership for each JV
member using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 73

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual

Harassment (SH) Performance Declaration
[The following table shall be filled in by the Bidder, each member of a Joint Venture and each
subcontractor proposed by the Bidder]

Bidder’s Name: [insert full name]

Date: [insert day, month, year]
Joint Venture Member’s or Subcontractor’s Name: [insert full name]
RFB No. and title: [insert RFB number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

SEA and/or SH Declaration

in accordance with Section III, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements
 (a) have not been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH
 (b) are subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH obligations
 (c) had been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH obligations,
and were removed from the disqualification list. An arbitral award on the disqualification case
has been made in our favor.
[If (c) above is applicable, attach evidence of an arbitral award reversing the findings on the issues
underlying the disqualification.]
Section IV – Bidding Forms 74

Form of Bid-Securing Declaration

[The Bidder shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated.]

Date: [date (as day, month and year)]

RFB No.: [number of RFB process]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

To: [complete name of Purchaser]

We, the undersigned, declare that:
We understand that, according to your conditions, Bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing
We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for Bidding or
submitting proposals in any contract with the Purchaser for the period of time specified in
Section II – Bid Data Sheet if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the Bid conditions,
because we:
(a) have withdrawn our Bid prior to the expiry date of the Bid validity specified in the
Letter of Bid or any extended date provided by us; or
(b) having been notified of the acceptance of our Bid by the Purchaser prior to the expiry
date of the Bid validity in the Letter of Bid or any extended date provided by us, (i)
fail or refuse to sign the Contract; or (ii) fail or refuse to furnish the Performance
Security, if required, in accordance with the ITB.
We understand this Bid Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder,
upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful
Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiry date of the Bid validity.
Name of the Bidder*
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder** _______
Title of the person signing the Bid ______________________
Signature of the person named above ______________________
Date signed ________________________________ day of ___________________, _____
*: In the case of the Bid submitted by joint venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder

**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder attached to the Bid
[Note: In case of a Joint Venture, the Bid-Securing Declaration must be in the name of all members to the
Joint Venture that submits the Bid.]
Section IV – Bidding Forms 75

Letter of Bid - Financial Part


Place this Letter of Bid - Financial Part in the second envelope marked “FINANCIAL

The Bidder must prepare the Letter of Bid - Financial Part on stationery with its
letterhead clearly showing the Bidder’s complete name and business address.

Note: All italicized text is to help Bidders in preparing this form.

Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of bidding process]
Request for Bid No.: [insert identification]
Alternative No.: [insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

To: [insert complete name of Purchaser]

We, the undersigned Bidder, hereby submit the second part of our Bid, the Financial Part

In submitting our Financial Part we make the following additional declarations:

(a) Bid Validity: Our Bid shall be valid until [insert day, month and year in accordance with
ITB 18.1], and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period;
(b) Total Price: The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (c) below
In case of only one lot, the total price of the Bid is [insert the total price of the bid in
words and figures, indicating the various amounts and the respective currencies];
In case of multiple lots, the total price of each lot is [insert the total price of each lot in
words and figures, indicating the various amounts and the respective currencies];
In case of multiple lots, total price of all lots (sum of all lots) [insert the total price of all
lots in words and figures, indicating the various amounts and the respective currencies];
(c) Discounts: The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
(i) The discounts offered are: [Specify in detail each discount offered]
Section IV – Bidding Forms 76

(ii) The exact method of calculations to determine the net price after application of
discounts is shown below: [Specify in detail the method that shall be used to
apply the discounts];
(d) Commissions, gratuities and fees: We have paid, or will pay the following commissions,
gratuities, or fees with respect to the bidding process or execution of the Contract: [insert
complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason for which each commission
or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of each such commission or gratuity].

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

(If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “none.”)

(e) Binding Contract: We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance
thereof included in your Letter of Acceptance, shall constitute a binding contract between
us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed.
Name of the Bidder:*[insert complete name of the Bidder]

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder: ** [insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]

Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid]

Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and
capacity are shown above]

Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]

*: In the case of the Bid submitted by a Joint Venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder.

**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder. The power of attorney shall
be attached with the Bid Schedules.
Section IV – Bidding Forms 77

Price Schedule Forms

[The Bidder shall fill in these Price Schedule Forms in accordance with the instructions
indicated. The list of line items in column 1 of the Price Schedules shall coincide with the List
of Goods and Related Services specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements.]
78 Section IV - Bidding Forms

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured Outside the Purchaser’s Country, to

be Imported
(Group C Bids, goods to be imported) RFB No: _____________________

Alternative No: ________________

Currencies in accordance with ITB 15
Page N ______ of ______
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Line Description of Goods Country of Delivery Quantity and Unit price Custom Duties *) Price per line item for Unit price DDP Price net of Total Price per Line item
Item Origin Date as name of the DDP [insert place of and Import Taxes inland transportation and Custom Duties and Import (Col. (5x9) + 7 + 8)
N defined by physical unit destination] to be paid per unit other services required in Taxes, inland transportation
Incoterms in accordance with in accordance the Purchaser’s Country and other services required in
ITB 14.8(b)(i) with ITB to convey the goods to the Purchaser’s Country to
14.8(b)(ii) their final destination, as convey the goods to their
specified in BDS in final destination per line item
accordance with ITB (Col. 6-7-8)
14.8 (b)(iii)
[insert [insert name of good] [insert [insert [insert number [insert unit price [insert price per line [insert unit price DDP price [insert total price of the line
numbe country of quoted of units to be DDP per unit] item for inland net of Custom Duties and item]
r of the origin of Delivery supplied and transportation and other Import Taxes per line item]
item] the Good] Date] name of the services required in the
physical unit] Purchaser’s Country]

*) breakdown cost is needed for the purpose of domestic preference application only, if applicable Total Price

Name of Bidder [insert complete name of Bidder] Signature of Bidder [signature of person signing the Bid] Date [Insert Date]
Section IV - Bidding Forms 79

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured Outside the Purchaser’s Country, already imported*
(Group C Bids, Goods already imported) RFB No: _____________________
Alternative No: ________________
Currencies in accordance with ITB 15 Page N ______ of ______

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Line Item Description of Goods Country of Delivery Quantity Unit price Custom Duties Unit Price net Price per line Price per line item Sales and other Total Price per line
N Origin Date as and name including and Import Taxes of custom item net of for inland taxes paid or item
defined by of the Custom Duties paid per unit in duties and Custom Duties transportation and payable per item (Col. 9+10+7+11)
Incoterms physical and Import accordance with import taxes, in and Import other services if Contract is
unit Taxes paid, in ITB 14.8(c)(ii) , accordance Taxes paid, in required in the awarded (in
accordance [to be supported with ITB 14.8 accordance with Purchaser’s accordance with
with ITB by documents] (c) (iii) ITB 14.8(c)(i) Country to convey ITB 14.8(c)(iv)
14.8(c)(i) (Col. 6 minus (Col. 58) the goods to their
Col.7) final destination, as
specified in BDS in
accordance with
ITB 14.8 (c)(v)
[insert [insert name of [insert [insert [insert [insert unit [insert custom [insert unit [ insert price per [insert price per [insert sales and [insert total price per
number of Goods] country of quoted number of price per unit] duties and taxes price net of line item net of line item for inland other taxes line item]
the item] origin of Delivery units to be paid per unit] customs duties custom duties transportation and payable per item
the Good] Date] supplied and import and import other services if Contract is
and name taxes] taxes] required in the awarded]
of the Purchaser’s
physical Country]

Total Bid Price

Name of Bidder [insert complete name of Bidder] Signature of Bidder [signature of person signing the Bid] Date [insert date]
* [For previously imported Goods, the quoted price shall be distinguishable from the original import value of these Goods declared to customs and shall include
any rebate or mark-up of the local agent or representative and all local costs except import duties and taxes, which have been and/or have to be paid by the
Purchaser. For clarity the Bidders are asked to quote the price including import duties, and additionally to provide the import duties and the price net of import
duties which is the difference of those values.]
80 Section IV - Bidding Forms

Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured in the Purchaser’s Country

Purchaser’s Country (Group A and B Bids) RFB No: _____________________
Alternative No: ________________
______________________ Page N ______ of ______
Currencies in accordance with ITB 15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Line Description of Goods Delivery Date Quantity Unit price Sales and other taxes Unit price DDP Cost of local labor, Total Price per line item
Item as defined by and DDP payable per line item if net of Sales and raw materials and (Col. 4x7)
N Incoterms physical including the Contract is awarded (in other taxes payable components from
unit price for accordance with ITB per line item with origin in the
inland 14.8(a)(ii) Purchaser’s
transportation, Country% of Col. 5
insurance, and
other local
required to
convey the
Goods to their
[insert [insert name of Good] [insert quoted [insert [insert DDP [insert sales and other [insert unit price [Insert cost of local [insert total price per
number Delivery number of unit price] taxes payable per line net of sales taxes labor, raw material item]
of the Date] units to item if Contract is and other taxes and components
item] be awarded] payable] from within the
supplied Purchase’s country
and name as a % of the DDP
of the price per line item]

Total Price

Name of Bidder [insert complete name of Bidder] Signature of Bidder [signature of person signing the Bid] Date [insert date]
Section IV - Bidding Forms 81

Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services

Currencies in accordance with ITB 15 RFB No: _____________________
Alternative No: ________________
Page N ______ of ______
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Service Description of Services (excludes inland transportation Country of Delivery Date at place Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service
N and other services required in the Purchaser’s Country Origin of Final destination (Col. 5*6 or estimate)
to convey the goods to their final destination)

[insert [insert name of Services] [insert country [insert delivery date at [insert number of units to be supplied and [insert unit price per [insert total price per
number of of origin of the place of final name of the physical unit] item] item]
the Services] destination per Service]
Service ]

Total Bid Price

Name of Bidder [insert complete name of Bidder] Signature of Bidder [signature of person signing the Bid] Date [insert date]

Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services

Currencies in accordance with ITB 15 ICB No: G/A/3.4, Lot no. I
Alternative No: Not applicable
Page N ______ of ______
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Description of Services (excludes inland transportation
Service Country of Delivery Date at place Total Price per Service
and other services required in the Purchaser’s country Quantity and physical unit Unit price
N Origin of Final destination (Col. 5*6 or estimate)
82 Section IV - Bidding Forms

Operation and Maintenance Cost

Currency: [specify: the currency of the Recurrent Costs in which the costs expressed in this Table are expressed]

All-inclusive costs – lump-sum (for costs in [ insert: currency ])

No. Activity Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Sub-total

Total cost for operations and maintenance
services in accordance with Section VII Schedule
1 of Requirements – 2. Operation and Maintenance
requirements will include the following activities
but not be limited to:
a) Spare parts needing replacement Included in bid price
Proprietary consumables for equipment and its Included in bid price
Any other proprietary costs incurred during Included in bid price
operational support and maintenance services
d) User Training and operational support Included in bid price
Any software and hardware updates including for Included in bid price
e) telemedicine, AI, audiovisual, and privacy and
security modalities

Annual Subtotals:

The total cost includes the travel costs, accommodation, transportation and all other costs related to the operation and maintenance services for the provided

Authorized Representative: _______________________________________

Name and position: _______________________________________
Bidder’s name: _______________________________________
Section V – Eligible Countries 83

Section V - Eligible Countries

Eligibility for the Provision of Goods, Works and Non Consulting Services in
Bank-Financed Procurement

In reference to ITB 4.8 and ITB 5.1, for the information of the Bidders, at the present time
firms, goods and services from the following countries are excluded from this Bidding process:

Under ITB 4.8 (a) and ITB 5.1: None.

Under ITB 4.8(b) and ITB 5.1: None

Section VI – Fraud and Corruption 85

Section VI - Fraud and Corruption

(Section VI shall not be modified)
1. Purpose
1.1 The Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to procurement
under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.
2. Requirements
2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing); bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors, sub-
consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not); and any
of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process,
selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts, and refrain from Fraud and

2.2 To this end, the Bank:

a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
i. “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another
ii. “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain
financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
iii. “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to
achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of
another party;
iv. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly
the actions of a party;
v. “obstructive practice” is:
(a) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence
material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in
order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a
corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practice; and/or threatening,
harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its
knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation; or
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection
and audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e. below.
86 Section VI – Fraud and Corruption

b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants, sub-
contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees, has, directly or
indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices
in competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may take
other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank determines
at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any part of the
proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices during the procurement process, selection and/or execution of the contract in
question, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory
to the Bank to address such practices when they occur, including by failing to inform
the Bank in a timely manner at the time they knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, and in accordance with the Bank’s
prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or individual, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly declaring such firm or
individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit from a Bank-financed
contract, financially or in any other manner;1 (ii) to be a nominated2 sub-contractor,
consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm
being awarded a Bank-financed contract; and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan
made by the Bank or otherwise to participate further in the preparation or
implementation of any Bank-financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents and in
contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders (applicants/proposers),
consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and their sub-contractors, sub-consultants,
service providers, suppliers, agents, personnel, permit the Bank to inspect3 all accounts,
records and other documents relating to the procurement process, selection and/or
contract execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation,
(i) applying for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-
contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such
contract, and (ii) entering into an addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider
(different names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the bidder
in its pre-qualification application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that allow the
bidder to meet the qualification requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities
undertaken by the Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits,
such as evaluating the veracity of an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms.
Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing and examining a firm's or individual's financial records and
information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing and examining any other documents, data and information
(whether in hard copy or electronic format) deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as
relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining
third party verification of information.
Section VI – Fraud and Corruption 87
88 Section VI – Fraud and Corruption


Invitation of Bids/Proposals/Contract No.__________

We declare and undertake that neither we nor anyone, including any member of our joint
venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and
service providers, where these exist, acting on our behalf with due authority or with our
knowledge or consent, or facilitated by us, has engaged, or will engage, in any activity
prohibited under AIIB’s Policy on Prohibited Practices (AIIB’s Policy) in connection with the
present procurement process and (in case of award) the execution of the above-referenced
contract (“Contract”), including any amendments thereto.

We acknowledge that AIIB’s participation in the financing of the Contract is subject to AIIB’s
Policy. As such, we acknowledge that AIIB will not be able to participate in the financing of
the Contract if we, including any member of our joint venture, or any of our suppliers,
contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and service providers, are ineligible
as a result of a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations or are on any of the following lists (AIIB’s Sanction Lists):

[add lists and websites]

We shall permit, and shall cause our officers, employees, agents, suppliers, contractors, sub-
contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and service providers, to permit the AIIB to inspect
all accounts, records, and other documents relating to the procurement process and/or Contract
execution (in the case of award), and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AIIB.

Name: _____________________________ In the capacity of: ______________________

Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of4: _____________________________

Signature_____________________ ___________________ Dated:_____________________

In case of joint venture, the name of the joint venture shall be inserted here, and the Covenant shall be signed by the person duly authorized
to sign the application, bid or proposal on behalf of the applicant, proposer, bidder or consultant.
Part 2 – Supply Requirements 89

PART 2 – Supply Requirements

90 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Section VII - Schedule of Requirements


1. List of Goods and Delivery Schedule ............................................................................ 91

2. List of Related Services and Completion Schedule ...................................................... 93

3. Technical Specifications ............................................................................................... 113

4. Drawings ........................................................................................................................ 119

5. Inspections and Tests .................................................................................................... 120

Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 91

1. List of Goods and Delivery Schedule

The column “Bidder’s offered Delivery date” to be filled by the Bidder

Line Description of Goods Quantity Physical Final (Project Delivery (as per Incoterms) Date
Item unit Site)
Earliest Latest Delivery Bidder’s offered
N Destination
Delivery Date Date Delivery date [to be
as specified in
provided by the
1 Cath Lab (Single Plane 419 -
and Bi Plane)
151 - Please refer to December May 2027
Lot 1: Procurement of detailed table 2024
Single-Plane Cathlabs below on list
for Western Indonesia of final
Region destination
(151 units)
71 - Please refer to December May 2027
Lot 2: Procurement of detailed table 2024
Single-Plane Cathlabs belowon list
for Central Indonesia of final
Region destination
(71 units)
185 - Please refer to December May 2027
Lot 3: Procurement of detailed table 2024
Single-Plane Cathlabs below on list
for Eastern Indonesia of final
Region destination
(185 units)
12 Please refer to December May 2027
Lot 4: Procurement of detailed table 2024
Biplane Cathlabs
92 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

across Indonesia (12 below on list

units) of final
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 93

Lot 1: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Western Indonesia Region – Single Plane (151 units)
Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Single Plane
Aceh Aceh Barat Daya RS Umum Daerah Teungku Peukan - - 1 - 1
Aceh Aceh Besar RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar - - 1 - 1
Aceh Aceh Jaya RS Umum Daerah Teuku Umar Kabupaten Aceh Jaya - - 1 - 1
Aceh Aceh Tamiang RS Umum Daerah Tamiang - - 1 - 1
Aceh Aceh Tenggara RS Umum Daerah H. Sahudin Kutacane - 1 - - 1
Aceh Aceh Timur RS Umum Daerah dr. Zubir Mahmud 1 - - - 1
RS Umum Daerah Muyang Kute Redelong Bener
Aceh Bener Meriah - - 1 - 1
Aceh Bireuen RS Umum Daerah Dr. Fauziah Bireun 1 - - - 1
Aceh Kota Langsa RS Umum Daerah Langsa 1 - - - 1
Aceh Kota Sabang RS Umum Daerah Sabang - - 1 - 1
Aceh Kota Subulussalam RS Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam - - 1 - 1
Aceh Nagan Raya RS Umum Daerah Sultan Iskandar Muda Nagan Raya - - 1 - 1
Aceh Pidie RS Umum Daerah TGK Chik Ditiro Sigli 1 - - - 1
Aceh Pidie Jaya RS Umum Daerah Pidie Jaya - - 1 - 1
Aceh Simeulue RS Umum Daerah Simeulue - - 1 - 1
Aceh Aceh Singkil RS Umum Daerah Aceh Singkil - - 1 - 1
Banten Kota Cilegon RS Umum Daerah Kota Cilegon - 1 - - 1
Banten Kota Serang RS Umum Daerah Kota Serang - - 1 - 1
Banten Kota Tangerang RS Umum Daerah Kota Tangerang - - 1 - 1
Banten Kota Tangerang Selatan RS Umum Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan - - 1 - 1
Banten Lebak RS Umum Daerah Malingping - 1 - - 1
Banten Pandeglang RS Umum Daerah Berkah Pandeglang 1 - - - 1
Bengkulu Bengkulu Selatan RS Umum Daerah Hasanuddin Damrah Manna - 1 - - 1
Bengkulu Bengkulu Tengah RS Umum Daerah Bengkulu Tengah - - - 1 1
Bengkulu Bengkulu Utara RS Umum Daerah Arga Makmur - 1 - - 1
94 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Bengkulu Kaur RS Umum Daerah Kaur - - 1 - 1
Bengkulu Kepahiang RS Umum Daerah Kepahiang - - 1 - 1
Bengkulu Kota Bengkulu RS Umum Daerah Harapan dan Doa - 1 - - 1
Bengkulu Lebong RS Umum Daerah Lebong - - - 1 1
Bengkulu Muko Muko RS Umum Daerah Mukomuko 1 - - - 1
Bengkulu Rejang Lebong RS Umum Daerah Curup 1 - - - 1
Bengkulu Seluma RS Umum Daerah Tais Kabupaten Seluma - - 1 - 1
Jambi Batang Hari RS Umum Daerah Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe - - 1 - 1
Jambi Kota Sungai Penuh RS Umum Daerah Mayjen H. A. Thalib - - 1 - 1
Jambi Merangin RS Umum Daerah Kolonel Abundjani/Bangko - 1 - - 1
Jambi Muaro Jambi RS Umum Daerah Ahmad Ripin 1 - - - 1
Jambi Sarolangun RS Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. H. Chatib Quzwain - - 1 - 1
Jambi Tanjung Jabung Barat RS Umum Daerah KH. Daud Arif - 1 - - 1
Jambi Tanjung Jabung Timur RS Umum Daerah Nurdin Hamzah - - 1 - 1
Jambi Tebo RS Umum Daerah Sultan Thaha Saifuddin - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Bandung RS Umum Daerah Majalaya - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Bandung Barat RS Umum Daerah Cikalong Wetan - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Cianjur RS Umum Daerah Sayang 1 - - - 1
Jawa Barat Cirebon RS Umum Daerah Arjawinangun - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Garut RS Umum Daerah dr. Slamet Garut 1 - - - 1
Jawa Barat Indramayu RS Umum Daerah Kab. Indramayu - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Kota Depok RS Umum Daerah Kota Depok - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Kuningan RS Umum Daerah 45 Kuningan - - 1 - 1
Jawa Barat Majalengka RS Umum Daerah Cideres Majalengka - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Pangandaran RS Umum Daerah Pandega Pangandaran - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Purwakarta RS Umum Daerah Bayu Asih - 1 - - 1
Jawa Barat Subang RS Umum Daerah Subang - - 1 - 1
Jawa Barat Sukabumi RS Umum Daerah Jampang Kulon - 1 - - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 95

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Jawa Barat Tasikmalaya RS Umum Daerah Singaparna Medika Citrautama 1 - - - 1
Jawa Barat Ciamis RS Umum Daerah Ciamis - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Bangka
Bangka RS Umum Daerah Depati Bahrin 1 - - - 1
Kepulauan Bangka
Bangka Barat RS Umum Daerah Sejiran Setason - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Bangka
Bangka Selatan RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bangka Selatan - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Bangka
Bangka Tengah RS Umum Daerah Kab.Bangka Tengah - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Bangka
Belitung Timur RS Umum Daerah Kab.Belitung Timur - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Riau Bintan RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bintan - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Riau Karimun RS Umum Daerah Muhammad Sani Kabupaten Karimun - 1 - - 1
Kepulauan Riau Kepulauan Anambas RS Umum Daerah Palmatak - - - 1 1
Kepulauan Riau Kota Tanjung Pinang RS Umum Daerah Kota Tanjung Pinang - - 1 - 1
Kepulauan Riau Lingga RS Umum Daerah Dabo Kabupaten Lingga - - 1 - 1
Kepulauan Riau Natuna RS Umum Daerah Natuna 1 - - - 1
Lampung Lampung Barat RS Umum Daerah Alimuddin Umar - - 1 - 1
Lampung Lampung Selatan RS Umum Daerah Dr. H. Bob Bazar, SKM - 1 - - 1
Lampung Lampung Tengah RS Umum Daerah Demang Sepulau Raya - 1 - - 1
Lampung Lampung Timur RS Umum Daerah Sukadana - 1 - - 1
Lampung Lampung Utara RS Umum Daerah May Jen HM Ryacudu - 1 - - 1
Lampung Mesuji RS Umum Daerah Ragab Begawe Caram - - 1 - 1
Lampung Pesawaran RS Umum Daerah Pesawaran - - 1 - 1
Lampung Pesisir Barat RS Umum Daerah KH. Muhammad Thohir KRUI - - - 1 1
Lampung Pringsewu RS Umum Daerah Pringsewu - - 1 - 1
Lampung Tanggamus RS Umum Daerah Batin Mangunang - 1 - - 1
Lampung Tulang Bawang RS Umum Daerah Menggala Tulang Bawang 1 - - - 1
Lampung Tulang Bawang Barat RS Umum Daerah Tulang Bawang Barat - - - 1 1
96 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Lampung Way Kanan RS Umum Daerah Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam - 1 - - 1
Lampung Metro RS Umum Daerah Ahmad Yani Metro - - 1 - 1
Riau Bengkalis RS Umum Daerah Bengkalis - 1 - - 1
Riau Indragiri Hilir RS Umum Daerah Puri Husada Tembilahan 1 - - - 1
Riau Indragiri Hulu RS Umum Daerah Indrasari Rengat - 1 - - 1
Riau Kampar RS Umum Daerah Bangkinang - 1 - - 1
Riau Kepulauan Meranti RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti - - 1 - 1
Riau Kota Pekanbaru RS Umum Daerah Madani Kota Pekanbaru - - 1 - 1
Riau Kuantan Singingi RS Umum Daerah Teluk Kuantan - - 1 - 1
Riau Pelalawan RS Umum Daerah Selasih Riau - - 1 - 1
Riau Rokan Hilir RS Umum Daerah Dr. RM. Pratomo Bagansiapiapi - 1 - - 1
Riau Rokan Hulu RS Umum Daerah Rokan Hulu - - 1 - 1
Riau Siak RS Umum Daerah Tengku Rafi'an Siak Sri Indrapura - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Agam RS Umum Daerah Lubuk Basung 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Barat Dharmasraya RS Umum Daerah Sungai Dareh - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Kepulauan Mentawai RS Umum Daerah Kep. Mentawai - - - 1 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Bukittinggi RS Umum Daerah Kota Bukittinggi - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Padang RS Umum Daerah dr. Rasidin Padang - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Padang Panjang RS Umum Daerah Padang Panjang - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Pariaman RS Umum Daerah Dr Sadikin Kota Pariaman - - - 1 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Payakumbuh RS Umum Daerah Dr. Adnaan WD - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Sawah Lunto RS Umum Daerah Sawah Lunto - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Lima Puluh Kota RS Umum Daerah dr. Achmad Darwis - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Padang Pariaman RS Umum Daerah Padang Pariaman - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Pasaman RS Umum Daerah Lubuk Sikaping - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Pasaman Barat RS Umum Daerah Pasaman Barat - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Pesisir Selatan RS Umum Daerah Dr. Muhammad Zein Painan - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Sijunjung RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Sijunjung - - 1 - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 97

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Sumatera Barat Solok RS Umum Daerah Arosuka Solok - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Solok Selatan RS Umum Daerah Muara Labuh - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Barat Tanah Datar RS Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. M.A. Hanafiah - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Banyuasin RS Umum Daerah Banyuasin 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Empat Lawang RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Empat Lawang - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Selatan Kota Lubuk Linggau RS Umum Daerah Siti Aisyah Kota Lubuk Linggau - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Selatan Kota Pagar Alam RS Umum Daerah Basemah Kota Pagar Alam - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Selatan Kota Prabumulih RS Umum Daerah Kota Prabumulih - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Lahat RS Umum Daerah Lahat - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Musi Rawas RS Umum Daerah Dr. Sobirin Kabupaten Musi Rawas 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Musi Rawas Utara RS Umum Daerah Rupit Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara - - - 1 1
Sumatera Selatan Ogan Ilir RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Ogan Ilir - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Selatan Ogan Komering Ilir RS Umum Daerah Kayuagung - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Ogan Komering Ulu RS Umum Daerah Dr. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja - 1 - - 1
Ogan Komering Ulu
Sumatera Selatan RS Umum Daerah Muara Dua - - - 1 1
Sumatera Selatan Ogan Komering Ulu Timur RS Umum Daerah Ogan Komering Ulu Timur - 1 - - 1
Penukal Abab Lematang
Sumatera Selatan RS Umum Daerah Talang Ubi - - - 1 1
Sumatera Utara Asahan RS Umum Daerah H. Abdul Manan Simatupang 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Batu Bara RS Umum Daerah Batu Bara - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Dairi RS Umum Daerah Sidikalang - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Deli Serdang RS Umum Daerah Drs. H. Amri Tambunan 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Humbang Hasundutan RS Umum Daerah Dolok Sanggul - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Karo RS Umum Daerah Kabanjahe 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Kota Binjai RS Umum Daerah Dr. R. M. Djoelham Binjai 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Kota Medan RS Umum Daerah Dr. Pirngadi 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Kota Sibolga RS Umum Daerah Dr. FL Tobing Sibolga - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Kota Tanjung Balai RS Umum Daerah Dr. Tengku Mansyur - - 1 - 1
98 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Sumatera Utara Kota Tebing Tinggi RS Umum Daerah Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Labuhan Batu Selatan RS Umum Daerah Kota Pinang - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Labuhan Batu Utara RS Umum Daerah Aek Kanopan - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Mandailing Natal RS Umum Daerah Panyabungan 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Nias RS Umum Daerah dr. M. Thomsen Nias - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Nias Barat RS Pratama Kab. Nias Barat - - - 1 1
Sumatera Utara Nias Selatan RS Umum Daerah Lukas Hilisimaetano - - - 1 1
Sumatera Utara Nias Utara RS Pratama Kabupaten Nias Utara - - - 1 1
Sumatera Utara Padang Lawas RS Umum Daerah Sibuhuan - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Padang Lawas Utara RS Umum Daerah Gunung Tua - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Pakpak Bharat RS Umum Daerah Salak - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Samosir RS Umum Daerah Dr. Hadrianus Sinaga - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Simalungun RS Umum Daerah Parapat 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Tapanuli Selatan RS Umum Daerah Tapanuli Selatan - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Tapanuli Tengah RS Umum Daerah Pandan - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Utara Tapanuli Utara RS Umum Daerah Tarutung 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Utara Toba Samosir RS Umum Daerah Porsea - - 1 - 1
Sumatera Utara Padang Sidempuan RS Umum Daerah Padang Sidempuan - 1 - - 1
Total Single Plane 26 56 56 13 151

Lot 2: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Central Indonesia Region (71 units)
Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Single Plane

DI Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul RS Umum Daerah Wonosari - 1 - - 1

DI Yogyakarta Sleman RS Umum Daerah Sleman - 1 - - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 99

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Jawa Tengah Banjarnegara RS Umum Daerah Hj. Anna Lasmanah Banjarnegara - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Batang RS Umum Daerah Kab. Batang - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Blora RS Umum Daerah Dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Brebes RS Umum Daerah Brebes - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Cilacap RS Umum Daerah Cilacap 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Demak RS Umum Daerah Sunan Kalijaga - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Grobogan RS Umum Daerah Dr. R.Soedjati Soemodiardjo 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Karanganyar RS Umum Daerah Karanganyar - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Kebumen RS Umum Daerah dr. Soedirman Kabupaten Kebumen 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Klaten RS Umum Daerah Bagas Waras - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Kota Surakarta RS Umum Daerah Bung Karno Kota Surakarta - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Magelang RS Daerah Merah Putih - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Pemalang RS Umum Daerah Dr. M. Ashari Pemalang - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Purbalingga RS Umum Daerah dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Purworejo RS Umum Daerah Dr. Tjitrowardojo Purworejo - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Rembang RS Umum Daerah dr. R. Soetrasno Rembang - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Semarang RS Umum Daerah dr. Gunawan Mangunkusumo 1 - - - 1
Jawa Tengah Sragen RS Umum Daerah dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Sukoharjo RS Umum Daerah Ir. Soekarno Kabupaten Sukoharjo - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Temanggung RS Umum Daerah Djojonegoro Temanggung - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Wonogiri RS Umum Daerah Dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogi - - 1 - 1
Jawa Tengah Wonosobo RS Umum Setjonegoro Wonosobo - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Bengkayang RSUD drs. Jacobus Luna Bengkayang - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Kapuas Hulu RS Umum Daerah dr. A. Diponegoro Putussibau - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Barat Kayong Utara RS Umum Daerah Sultan Muhammad Jamaludin I - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Kota Pontianak RS Umum Daerah Sultan Syarif Mohammad Alkadrie 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Barat Kota Singkawang RS Umum Daerah Dr. Abdul Aziz Singkawang 1 - - - 1
100 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Kalimantan Barat Kubu Raya RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kubu Raya - - - 1 1
Kalimantan Barat Landak RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Landak - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Melawi RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Melawi - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Mempawah (Pontianak) RS Umum Daerah Dr. Rubini Mempawah - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Barat Sambas RS Umum Daerah Pemangkat - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Sekadau RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Sekadau - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Barat Sintang RS Umum Daerah Ade Muhammad Djoen Sintang - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Balangan RS Umum Daerah Balangan - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Banjar RS Umum Daerah Ratu Zalecha 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Barito Kuala RS Umum Daerah H. Abdul Aziz Marabahan - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Hulu Sungai Selatan RS Umum Daerah Brigjed H. Hasan Basry Kandangan 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Hulu Sungai Tengah RS Umum Daerah H Damanhuri Barabai - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Hulu Sungai Utara RS Umum Daerah Pambalah Batung - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Kota Banjarbaru RS Umum Daerah Idaman Banjarbaru - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Kota Banjarmasin RS Umum Daerah Sultan Suriansyah Banjarmasin - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Kotabaru RS Umum Daerah Pangeran Jaya Sumitra - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Tabalong RS Umum Daerah H. Badaruddin Kasim - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Tanah Bumbu RS Umum Daerah dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Selatan Tapin RS Umum Daerah Datu Sanggul Rantau - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Barito Selatan RS Umum Daerah Jaraga Sasameh - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Barito Timur RS Umum Daerah Tamiang Layang - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Barito Utara RS Umum Daerah Muara Teweh - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Gunung Mas RS Umum Daerah Kuala Kurun - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Kapuas RS Umum Daerah Dr. H. Soemarno Sosroaatmojo 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Katingan RS Umum Daerah Mas Amsyar Kasongan - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Kota Palangka Raya RS Umum Kelas D Kota Palangka Raya - - - 1 1
Kalimantan Tengah Kotawaringin Barat RS Umum Daerah Sultan Imanuddin 1 - - - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 101

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Kalimantan Tengah Lamandau RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Lamandau - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Murung Raya RS Umum Daerah Puruk Cahu 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Pulang Pisau RS Umum Daerah Pulang Pisau - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Seruyan RS Umum Daerah Kuala Pembuang - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Tengah Sukamara RS Umum Daerah Sukamara - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Timur Berau RS Umum Daerah Dr. Abdul Rivai - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Timur Kota Samarinda RS Umum Daerah Inche Abdoel Moeis 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Timur Kutai Barat RS Umum Daerah Harapan Insan Sendawar - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Timur Mahakam Ulu RS Gerbang Sehat Mahulu - - - 1 1
Kalimantan Timur Paser RS Umum Daerah Panglima Sebaya 1 - - - 1
Kalimantan Timur Penajam Paser Utara RS Umum Daerah Ratu Aji Putri Botung - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Utara Bulungan RS Umum Daerah Tanjung Selor - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Utara Kota Tarakan RSUD Kota Tarakan - - 1 - 1
Kalimantan Utara Malinau RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Malinau - 1 - - 1
Kalimantan Utara Tana Tidung RS Umum Daerah Akhmad Berahim - - - 1 1
Total Single Plane 15 27 25 4 71
102 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Lot 3:
Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Eastern Indonesia Region (185 units)

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Single Plane
Bali Bangli RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bangli - - 1 - 1
Bali Gianyar RS Umum Daerah Sanjiwani Gianyar 1 - - - 1
Bali Jembrana RS Umum Daerah Negara - - 1 - 1
Bali Karangasem RS Umum Daerah Karangasem - - 1 - 1
Bali Klungkung RS Umum Daerah Kab. Klungkung - - 1 - 1
Bali Kota Denpasar RS Umum Daerah Wangaya - 1 - - 1
Bali Tabanan RS Umum Daerah Tabanan - 1 - - 1
Gorontalo Boalemo RS Umum Daerah Tani dan Nelayan - 1 - - 1
Gorontalo Bone Bolango RS Umum Daerah Toto Kabila - 1 - - 1
Gorontalo Gorontalo Utara RS Umum Daerah dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki - 1 - - 1
Gorontalo Kota Gorontalo RS Umum Daerah Otanaha - 1 - - 1
Gorontalo Pohuwato RS Umum Daerah Bumi Panua - 1 - - 1
Jawa Timur Bangkalan RS Umum Daerah Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebu - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Blitar RS Umum Daerah Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi 1 - - - 1
Jawa Timur Kediri RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kediri 1 - - - 1
Jawa Timur Kota Blitar RS Umum Daerah Mardi Waluyo - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Kota Kediri RS Umum Daerah Gambiran - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Kota Malang RS Umum Daerah Kota Malang - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Kota Pasuruan RS Umum Daerah Dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Lamongan RS Umum Daerah Dr. Soegiri Lamongan - 1 - - 1
Jawa Timur Lumajang RS Daerah Dr. Haryoto Kabupaten Lumajang 1 - - - 1
Jawa Timur Madiun RS Umum Daerah Caruban - - 1 - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 103

Jawa Timur Magetan RS Umum Daerah dr. Sayidiman Magetan - - 1 - 1

Jawa Timur Mojokerto RS Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. Soekandar - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Ngawi RS Umum Daerah Dr. Soeroto Ngawi - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Pacitan RS Umum Daerah dr. Darsono - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Ponorogo RS Umum Daerah Dr. Harjono S. Kabupaten Ponorogo - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Probolinggo RS Umum Daerah Waluyo Jati Kraksaan 1 - - 1
Jawa Timur Sampang RS Umum Daerah dr. Mohammad Zyn Sampang - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Situbondo RS Umum Daerah dr. Abdoer Rahem - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Sumenep RS Umum Daerah dr. H. Moh. Anwar - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Trenggalek RS Umum Daerah Dr.Soedomo Trenggalek - - 1 - 1
Jawa Timur Gresik RS Umum Daerah Ibnu Sina Kab. Gresik 1 - - - 1
Maluku Buru RSUD Kab. Buru - 1 - - 1
Maluku Buru Selatan RS Umum Daerah dr. Salim Alkatiri - - - 1 1
Maluku Kepulauan Aru RS Umum Daerah Cendrawasih Dobo - - - 1 1
Maluku Kota Tual RS Umum Daerah Maren Kota Tual - - - 1 1
Maluku Maluku Barat Daya RS Umum Daerah Tiakur - - - 1 1
Maluku Maluku Tengah RS Umum Masohi - 1 - - 1
Maluku Maluku Tenggara RS Umum Karel Sadsuitubun - 1 - - 1
Maluku Tenggara Barat
Maluku RS Umum Daerah Dr. P. P. Magretti Saumlaki - - - 1 1
(Kepulauan Tanimbar)
Maluku Seram Bagian Barat RS Umum Piru - 1 - - 1
Maluku Seram Bagian Timur RS Umum Daerah Bula - 1 - - 1
Maluku Utara Halmahera Barat RS Umum Daerah Jailolo - 1 - - 1
Maluku Utara Halmahera Selatan RS Umum Daerah Labuha - 1 - - 1
Maluku Utara Halmahera Tengah RS Umum Daerah Weda - - - 1 1
Maluku Utara Halmahera Timur RS Umum Daerah Maba - - - 1 1
Maluku Utara Kepulauan Sula RS Umum Daerah Sanana - 1 - - 1
Maluku Utara Kota Ternate RS Umum Daerah Kota Ternate - - - 1 1
Maluku Utara Kota Tidore Kepulauan RS Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepulauan - - 1 - 1
104 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Maluku Utara Pulau Morotai RS Umum Daerah Kab. Pulau Morotai - 1 - - 1

Maluku Utara Pulau Taliabu RS Umum Daerah Bobong - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Bima RS Umum Bima - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Dompu RS Umum Dompu - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Kota Bima RS Umum Daerah Kota Bima - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Lombok Barat RS Umum Daerah Patut Patuh Patju 1 - - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Lombok Tengah RS Umum Praya 1 - - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Lombok Utara RS Umum Kab. Lombok Utara - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Barat Sumbawa Barat RS Umum Daerah Asy-Syifa Sumbawa Barat - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Alor RS Daerah Kalabahi - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Belu RS Umum Daerah MGR Gabriel Manek - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Ende RS Umum Daerah Ende 1 - - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Flores Timur RSUD dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Kota Kupang RS Umum Daerah S. K. Lerik - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Kupang RS Umum Daerah Naibonat - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Lembata RS Umum Daerah Lewoleba - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Malaka RS Umum Penyangga Perbatasan Betun - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Manggarai RS Umum Daerah dr. Ben Mboi Ruteng - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Manggarai Timur RS Umum Daerah Borong - - - 1 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Nagekeo RS Daerah Aeramo Kabupaten Nagekeo - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Ngada RS Umum Bajawa - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Rote Ndao RS Umum Daerah Rote Ndao Ba'a - - - 1 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sabu Raijua RS Umum Daerah Sabu Raijua - - - 1 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sikka RS Umum Dr TC Hillers Maumere - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sumba Barat RS Umum Waikabubak 1 - - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sumba Barat Daya RS Umum Daerah Pratama Reda Bolo - - - 1 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sumba Tengah RS Umum Daerah Waibakul - - 1 - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Sumba Timur RS Umum Daerah Waingapu - 1 - - 1
Nusa Tenggara Timur Timor Tengah Selatan RS Umum Soe - 1 - - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 105

Nusa Tenggara Timur Timor Tengah Utara RS Umum Daerah Kefamenanu - - 1 - 1

Papua Jayapura RS Umum Daerah Yowari Sentani 1 - - - 1
Papua Keerom RS Umum Daerah Kwaingga Kabupaten Keerom - - - 1 1
Papua Kepulauan Yapen RS Umum Daerah Serui - - 1 - 1
Papua Kota Jayapura RS Umum Daerah Abepura - 1 - - 1
Papua Mamberamo Raya RS Umum Daerah Kawera - - - 1 1
Papua Sarmi RS Hendrik Fintay Kabupaten Sarmi - - - 1 1
Papua Supiori RS Umum Daerah Supiori - - - 1 1
Papua Waropen RS Umum Daerah Rumah Rodo Fabo - - - 1 1
Papua Barat Fakfak RS Umum Daerah Fakfak 1 - - - 1
Papua Barat Kaimana RS Umum Daerah Kaimana - 1 - - 1
Papua Barat Manokwari RS Umum Daerah Manokwari - 1 - - 1
Papua Barat Manokwari Selatan RS Pratama Elia Waran - - 1 - 1
Papua Barat Teluk Bintuni RS Umum Daerah Teluk Bintuni - 1 - - 1
RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Teluk Wondama (PAPUA
Papua Barat Teluk Wondama - - 1 - 1
Papua Barat Daya Kota Sorong RS Umum Daerah Sele Be Solu - 1 - - 1
Papua Barat Daya Maybrat RS Umum Pratama Type D Kab. Maybrat - - 1 - 1
Papua Barat Daya Raja Ampat RS Umum Daerah Raja Ampat - 1 - - 1
Papua Barat Daya Sorong Selatan RS Umum Daerah Scholoo Keyen - 1 - - 1
Papua Barat Daya Tambrauw RS Umum Kelas D Pratama Kab. Tambrauw - - 1 - 1
Papua Pegunungan Jayawijaya RS Umum Wamena - 1 - - 1
Papua Pegunungan Mamberamo Tengah RS Umum Daerah Lukas Enembe Kab. Memberamo Tengah - - - 1 1
Papua Pegunungan Nduga RS Pratama Elvrida Sara - - - 1 1
Papua Pegunungan Pegunungan Bintang RS Umum Daerah Oksibil - - - 1 1
Papua Pegunungan Tolikara RS Umum Daerah Karubaga - 1 - - 1
Papua Pegunungan Yahukimo RS Umum Daerah Dekai - 1 - - 1
Papua Pegunungan Lanny Jaya RS Umum Daerah Tiom - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Asmat RS Umum Daerah Agats Kab. Asmat - 1 - - 1
106 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Papua Selatan Boven Digoel RS Umum Daerah Boven Digoel - 1 - - 1

Papua Selatan Deiyai RS Umum Daerah Pratama Waghete - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Dogiyai RS Umum Daerah Pratama Dogiyai - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Intan Jaya RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Intan Jaya - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Mappi RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Mappi - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Merauke RS Umum Merauke 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Nabire RS Umum Nabire - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Paniai RS Umum Daerah Paniai - 1 - - 1
Papua Selatan Puncak Jaya RS Umum Daerah Mulia - 1 - - 1
Papua Tengah Mimika RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Mimika - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Barat Majene RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Majene - - 1 1
Sulawesi Barat Mamasa RS Umum Daerah Kondosapata Kab. Mamasa - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Barat Mamuju RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Mamuju - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Barat Mamuju Tengah RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Barat Mamuju Utara RS Umum Daerah Mamuju Utara - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Bantaeng RS Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. H. Anwar Makkatutu - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Barru RS Umum Daerah La Patarai - - 1 - 1
Bolaang Mongondow
Sulawesi Selatan RS Umum Daerah Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Selatan Enrekang RS Umum Daerah Massenrempulu Enrekang - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Gowa RS Umum Daerah Syehk Yusuf Gowa 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Jeneponto RS Umum Daerah Lanto Daeng Pasewang 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Kepulauan Selayar RS Umum Daerah KH. Hayyung Kepulauan Selayar - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Kota Makassar RS Umum Daerah Daya Kota Makassar 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Kota Pare-pare RS Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Parepare 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Luwu RS Umum Daerah Batara Guru 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Luwu Timur RS Umum Daerah I Lagaligo - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Luwu Utara RS Umum Daerah Andi Djemma Masamba - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Maros RS Umum Daerah dr. La Palaloi - 1 - - 1
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 107

Sulawesi Selatan Pangkajene Kepulauan RS Umum Batara Siang 1 - - - 1

Sulawesi Selatan Pinrang RS Umum Daerah Lasinrang Pinrang - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Sidenreng Rappang RS Umum Daerah Arifin Numang - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Sinjai RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Sinjai - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Tana Toraja RS Umum Daerah Lakipadada - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Toraja Utara RS Umum Daerah Pongtiku - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Selatan Wajo RS Umum Daerah Lamaddukkelleng Kabupaten Wajo - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Bulukumba RS Umum Daerah H.A. Sulthan Daeng Radja 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Takalar RS Umum Daerah Pratama Takalar - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tengah Banggai RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Banggai 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Kota Palu RS Umum Daerah Madani Palu - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Morowali RS Umum Daerah Morowali 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Poso RS Umum Daerah Poso - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Sigi RS Umum Daerah Tora Belo 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Tojo Una-una RS Umum Daerah Ampana - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Banggai Laut RS Umum Daerah Banggai - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Donggala RS Umum Daerah Kabelota - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Morowali Utara RS Umum Daerah Kolonodale - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Buol RS Umum Daerah Mokoyurli Buol - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tengah Banggai Kepulauan RS Umum Daerah Trikora Salakan - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Bombana RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bombana - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Buton RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Buton Selatan RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton Selatan - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Buton Tengah RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton Tengah - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Buton Utara RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton Utara - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Kolaka RS Benyamin Guluh Kolaka - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Kolaka Timur RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kolaka Timur - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Kolaka Utara RS Umum Daerah H.M.Djafar Harun - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Konawe RS Umum Daerah Konawe - 1 - - 1
108 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Sulawesi Tenggara Konawe Kepulauan RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan - - - 1 1

Sulawesi Tenggara Konawe Selatan RS Umum Daerah Konawe Selatan - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Konawe Utara RS Umum Daerah Kab.Konawe Utara - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Kota Kendari RS Umum Daerah Kota Kendari - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Muna RS Umum Daerah Raha - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Muna Barat RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Muna Barat - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Wakatobi RS Umum Daerah Kabupaten Wakatobi - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Tenggara Kendari RS Bahteramas Provinsi Sultra - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Utara Bolaang Mongondow RS Umum Datoe Binangkang - 1 - - 1
Bolaang Mongondow
Sulawesi Utara RS Umum Daerah Pratama Kabupaten Bolaang - - - 1 1
Bolaang Mongondow
Sulawesi Utara RS Umum Daerah Bolaang Mongondow Utara - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Utara Kepulauan Sangihe RS Umum Liun Kendage 1 - - - 1
Kepulauan Siau
Sulawesi Utara RS Umum Daerah Tagulandang - - 1 - 1
Tagulandang Biaro
Sulawesi Utara Kepulauan Talaud RS Umum Daerah Talaud - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Utara Kota Bitung RS Umum Daerah Manembo-Nembo Bitung - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Utara Kota Kotamobagu RS Umum Daerah Kota Kotamobagu 1 - - - 1
Sulawesi Utara Kota Tomohon RS Umum Daerah Anugerah - - 1 - 1
Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Selatan RS Umum Daerah Amurang - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Tenggara RS Umum Daerah Mitra Sehat - - - 1 1
Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Tenggara RSU Ratatotok Buyat - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Utara RS Umum Daerah Maria Walanda Maramis - 1 - - 1
Total Single Plane 25 77 50 33 185

Lot 4: Procurement of Biplane Cathlabs across Indonesia (12 units)

Provinces Cities Hospitals 2024 2025 2026 2027
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 109

Jawa Tengah Kota Surakarta RS Umum Pusat Surakarta - 1 - - 1

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Bangka RS Umum Daerah Dr. (HC) Ir. Soekarno 1 - - - 1
Lampung Kota Bandar Lampung RS Umum Daerah Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek 1 - - - 1
Maluku Utara Kota Ternate RS Umum Daerah Dr. H. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate 1 - - - 1
Papua Barat Manokwari RS Umum Daerah Provinsi Papua Barat 1 - - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Banyuasin RS Umum Pusat Dr. Rivai Abdullah - 1 - - 1
DKI Jakarta Kota Jakarta Barat RS Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita 1 - - - 1
DKI Jakarta Kota Jakarta Barat RS Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita - 1 - - 1
Jawa Tengah Klaten RS Umum Pusat Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro - 1 - - 1
Sulawesi Selatan Kota Makassar RS Umum Daerah Labuang Baji - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Barat Kota Bukittingi RS Otak DR. drs. M. Hatta Bukittinggi - 1 - - 1
Sumatera Selatan Kota Palembang RS Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang - 1 - - 1
Total Bi Plane 5 7 - - 12

2. List of Related Services and Completion Schedule

[This table shall be filled in by the Purchaser. The Required Completion Dates should be realistic, and consistent with the required
Goods Delivery Dates (as per Incoterms)]

Place where Services Final Completion

shall be performed Date(s) of Services
Service Description of Service Quantity1 Physical Unit

1 readiness and pre-installation 1 per unit At installation site Reference Delivery
1 , with Supplier and Purchaser and Installation
1 detailed in the technical Schedule, within 210
specifications document days from contract
110 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

2 testing and commissioning 1 per unit At installation site At time of
Installation, within
210 days from
contract award
3 Training and Operational Support 2 per unit At installation site Within 4 weeks of
4 for Maintenance and repairs 5 years At installation site 5 years upon
5 Service Contract for 5 years At installation site 6-10 years after
Maintenance and Repairs installation
Proprietary consumables 5 years During operation and 5 years upon
maintenance installation
Note: 1) If applicable
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 111

The bidder is expected to fulfill the room requirement as described in the Technical
Specification of Cathlab; whereby the bidder must supply, install and complete the commission
of the room related to this equipment incorporating a turnkey service within the determined
delivery and installation period of 210 days from the date of contract award and from the
subsequent dates of notification for each staggered delivery batch. This includes wet works
and painting, wall and floor finishing, ceiling works, necessary radiation shielding (walls, door
frames, doors, viewing panes and frames, etc).
The Purchaser is required to provide a room that is of adequate size, meets requirements related
to access for installation, appropriate weight bearing, and adequate power supply as mentioned
in Facility/site readiness criteria, with specifications provided by the bidder in the technical
specifications file accompanying the bid.
The annual quantity of Cathlab to be procured and delivered for this project is divided into
four lots as follows:
Lot 1: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Western Indonesia Region
Lot 2: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Central Indonesia Region
Lot 3: Procurement of Single-Plane Cathlabs for Eastern Indonesia Region
Lot 4: Procurement of Biplane Cathlabs across Indonesia
112 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

Facility/site readiness criteria

A fourfold set of readiness criteria below was agreed between Ministry of Health and World
Bank/co-financiers is proposed to ensure that the health facilities are adequately prepared to
receive and sustainably operate and maintain the new medical devices provided by the Project:

(a) Prior availability of equipment in the facility. This criterion ensures that the
results of the gap assessment of health facilities are verified, to confirm the
equipment needs of each public health and laboratory facility.
(b) Human resource capacity. This criterion ensures that the health facility has the
necessary personnel who are trained and skilled to operate and maintain the
medical devices and deliver services.
(c) Infrastructure and utility access. This criterion ensures that the health facility
has the infrastructure to accommodate the equipment and operate it sustainably
and has access to reliable utilities as required by the type of equipment and
appropriate for the level of public health and laboratory facility to support its
(d) Adherence to local and national regulations on medical waste. This criterion
ensures that the health facility is compliant with local and national regulations on
the safe management and disposal of medical waste.
The Ministry of Health will track facility readiness at least on an annual basis and, upon
completion of due verification processes of all readiness criteria, before the equipment to be
delivered to the final destination, the Supplier will be provided written advance notice by the
Ministry of Health of the locations that meet all readiness criteria and are therefore ready to
receive the equipment. These facilities are then expected to be included in the subsequent
delivery of equipment by the Supplier, with room readiness and pre-installation services,
delivery, installation, testing, and commissioning to be completed within 210 days from this
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 113

3. Technical Specifications
The Technical specifications specify all essential technical and performance characteristics and
requirements, including guaranteed or acceptable maximum or minimum values, as
appropriate. The specifications take into consideration necessary functionalities and
capabilities as well as desirable features.
Each Summary of Technical Specifications incorporated asks the Bidder to provide
information in the following categories with requirements indicated where appropriate:
a. Equipment general information including year of first launch/ sold, model details.
b. Equipment regulatory approvals (local and/or international)
c. The ability of the equipment to be used for the desired Clinical Applications
d. Compliance with minimum Performance/ Functionality features
e. The availability of potentially desirable features
f. Accessories required for each clinical application
g. Required Consumables and their availability
h. Device Physical Attributes
i. Mechanical and Electrical Requirements (including energy efficiency)
j. IT Requirements (including cybersecurity concerns where applicable)
k. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capability (if applicable)
l. Telemedicine Capability (If applicable)
m. Room Requirements
n. Maintenance and Service Requirements
o. Availability of after-purchase Service and Support
i. Service contracts (i.e., comprehensive, non-comprehensive)
ii. Guaranteed availability of spare parts,
iii. warranty arrangements,
iv. Training


Device-Specific Excel Spreadsheet)

Compliance is to be indicated for each Item. The “Yes” and “No” columns under BIDDERS
RESPONSE are to be filled in by the Bidders. Bidders should place a Check mark in the
“Yes” column if the offered Model fully complies with the requirement. If the offered
equipment does not meet the specification, the Bidder should place an “x” in the “No”
114 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

column and specify the nature and quantitative magnitude of the variance in the column to
the right.

The Bid of the Bidder who Comments with incomplete information, lacks supportive
reference material, or leaves any parameter line blank, would be considered as NON-

In the Technical Specification Table of Compliance, the Bidder should provide reference to
any supporting materials demonstrating the compliance of the Goods. In case of any
discrepancy between the Table of Compliance and the supporting materials, the Borrower
shall reserve the right to contact respective manufacturer directly for the purposes of
receiving necessary clarifications.

The supporting materials should be in form of:

 Catalogues or Product Data Sheets
 Operating Manual of the Goods offered;
 Service Manual of the Goods offered;
 Any other materials demonstrating conformity and acceptability of the declared

All goods and materials to be incorporated in the goods must be new, unused, and of the most
recent or current models and must incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials,
unless provided for otherwise in the contract.

Wherever reference is made in the Technical Specifications to specific standards and codes to
be met by the goods and materials to be furnished or tested the provisions of the latest current
edition or revision of the relevant standards or codes shall apply, unless otherwise expressly
stated in the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national or relate to a particular
country or region, other authoritative standards that ensure substantial equivalence to the
standards and codes specified in this Section will be acceptable.

Bidder must submit 1 copy of the instruction manual (in Bahasa Indonesia and English) with
the bid.
The Bidder shall provide the technical documentation stated in the Technical Specifications
for performing maintenance and operating repair of the supplied Goods by the technical staff
of the Consignee and/or end-users. Such documentation shall include all necessary electrical
diagrams, drawings, technical specifications of the devices and their parts, troubleshooting
information, safety instructions, etc. that will allow the technical staff of the Consignee and/or
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 115

end-users to conduct maintenance and operating repair in strict compliance with Goods
The Bidder is required to state the list and content of documentation to be provided together
with the Goods. All documentation shall be in in Bahasa and English. All tags/labels on the
equipment shall be in Indonesian and English clearly indicating Manufacturer’s name and
country of origin.

The Supplier shall provide a full set of necessary tools for each type of the delivered goods as
required according to the operation manual and technical specification for each type of the
delivered goods (if applicable).

The Bidder shall present the list and quantity of spare parts and materials needed for operating
the equipment in compliance with technical specifications stipulated in the Schedule of


Models, whose technical parameters of which do not meet the technical requirements
(minimum requirements of effectiveness / performance specified in the technical
specifications) will be evaluated as non-responsive.

Tables of Compliance are to be filled for each Item. The column «Conformity to
Specifications» is filled by the Bidders. Bidders should designate “meets” if the offered
position fully complies with the requirement. If the offered equipment does not meet the
specification, the Bidder should specify the nature and quantitative magnitude of the variance
opposite to the appropriate position of specifications.


Any sustainable procurement technical requirements shall be clearly specified. (Refer to the
Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Borrowers and Sustainable procurement guidance for
further information). The sustainable procurement requirements should be:
- consistent with the objectives of the contract.
- specified to enable their evaluation.


The Bidder must include an assessment of supply chain risks and proposal to manage the risks.
116 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements


Bidder must clearly describe work and/or Related Services required to achieve full
delivery/commission of the equipment including detailed activities to be performed by the
Supplier, and participation of the Purchaser thereon.


Bidder is to provide a list of detailed functional guarantees covered by the Warranty and the
specification of the liquidated damages to be applied in the event that such guarantees are not
met as per from in Section IV Bidding Forms.


Upon installation of the Goods at place of final destination, the Bidder must perform in-person
Acceptance Testing and Commissioning in the presence of MOH Representative. This shall
include Electrical Safety Testing using calibrated test equipment and tools, and procedural
checklist. Bidder shall inspect and test all medical equipment supplied to hospital in accordance to
manufacturer's recommended procedures.


Registration of goods based on the Nomor Izin Edar (NIE, Distribution Permit Number) is required
for equipment according to the Minister of Health regulation No.62/2017. However, this shall not
be a pre-condition for the bidders to participate in the bidding process and shall not be the basis for
rejection. Successful bidders will be offered an accelerated track for NIE registration before
contract signing.


Upon installation of Goods at final destination, the supplier shall provide a minimum of two (2)
In-person training sessions at each location. The first training is to be delivered within 2 weeks
upon successful Acceptance Testing & Commissioning. The second training is a refresher course,
delivered three months later.

Each session will include between 6 and 12 trainees, including medical doctors (cardiologists,
cardiac physiologists, radiologists, etc.) and non-medical staff (radiographers, lab nurses, etc.).
Staff should be trained on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. At least on a
quarterly basis, refresher training sessions should be offered in virtual modality, allowing up to 12
participants from each location to participate. Where less than 6 trainees are available, the hospital
shall authorize in writing the exceptional delivery of the course to the smaller cohort.

Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 117

Required minimum uptime: 95% of required service time, calculated at the lot level for each
half-yearly period
Maximum turnaround time for repairs for Region 1: 120 Hours, with response commencing
within one hour for remote support and within 48 hours for on-site support.
Maximum turnaround time for repairs for Region 2: 120 Hours, with response commencing
within one hour for remote support and within 48 hours for on-site support.
Maximum turnaround time for repairs for Region 3: 120 Hours, with response commencing
within one hour for remote support and within 48 hours for on-site support.
“Hours” means calendar hours, 24 hours equaling 1 calendar day.


To fulfill the environmental and social requirement, the Bidder shall provide the
1. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedure to address Supplier’s personnel
safety when carrying out equipment distribution, installation, operation and
maintenance in accordance with MoH Regulation No. 14/2021 on good practices
for distribution of medical equipment (Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik).
At minimum, the OHS procedure shall provide:
o Safety aspects of equipment packaging: such as product, batch and container
identity and label should remain legible and maintained at all times, product’s
chain of custody, etc.
o Safety aspects during equipment’s transportation/distribution: such as drivers
of vehicles should present appropriate documentation, ensure suitable
vehicles for the purpose, with sufficient space and appropriately equipped to
protect medical products, etc.
o Safety aspects during equipment’s installation and maintenance: such as
ensuring suitable electrical fittings for medical equipment, electrical safety,
provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), etc.
o OHS awareness/training/information dissemination to Supplier’s personnel
such as toolbox meetings, annual refresher training, OHS handbook, etc.
2. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for relevant equipment and chemicals
containing information at the minimum include the following: i) basic information
on the material or chemical product, ii) describes the properties and potential
hazards of the material and the associated waste or by-product produced, iii) safe
use of the product and emergency procedures, and iv) recommendation for waste
or by-product handling.


See attached file.
118 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 119

4. Drawings

This bidding document includes no drawings.

120 Section VII - Schedule of Requirements

5. Inspections and Tests

The following shall be PROVIDED only by the successful bidder:


Upon receipt of the Goods at place of final destination, the Purchaser’s Representative shall inspect
the Goods or part of the Goods to ensure that they conform to the conditions of the Contract and
issue Acceptance Certificate(s) to the Supplier in respect of such Goods (or part of the Goods). The
Acceptance Certificate shall be issued within 10 working days of receipt of the Goods or part of
Goods at place of final destination and shall include description of Goods, quantity, unit and total

Upon Delivery of Goods to final destination point in Purchaser’s country the Supplier shall
provide following documents:

 Operators Manual, one hard copy per location, supplemented by soft copies in case of
updates to the manual in English and Bahasa
 Service Manual, one hard copy per location, supplemented by soft copies in case of
updates to the manual in English and Bahasa

Commissioning and Training

Upon Delivery of Goods to final destination point in Purchaser’s country the Supplier shall
provide following:
 Operational Testing to ensure proper operation witnessed by MOH staff
 Training consistent with the provisions detailed in Section VII.2.3.16
Part 3 - Contract 121

PART 3 – Contract
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 123

Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract

Table of Clauses

1. Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 125

2. Contract Documents ..................................................................................................... 126

3. Fraud and Corruption .................................................................................................. 126

4. Interpretation ................................................................................................................ 126

5. Language........................................................................................................................ 127

6. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association ................................................................. 128

7. Eligibility........................................................................................................................ 128

8. Notices ............................................................................................................................ 128

9. Governing Law .............................................................................................................. 128

10. Settlement of Disputes .................................................................................................. 129

11. Inspections and Audit by the Bank ............................................................................. 129

12. Scope of Supply ............................................................................................................. 130

13. Delivery and Documents............................................................................................... 130

14. Supplier’s Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 130

15. Contract Price ............................................................................................................... 131

16. Terms of Payment ......................................................................................................... 131

17. Taxes and Duties ........................................................................................................... 132

18. Performance Security ................................................................................................... 132

19. Copyright ....................................................................................................................... 133

20. Confidential Information ............................................................................................. 133

Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 124

21. Subcontracting .............................................................................................................. 134

22. Specifications and Standards ....................................................................................... 134

23. Packing and Documents ............................................................................................... 135

24. Insurance ....................................................................................................................... 135

25. Transportation and Incidental Services...................................................................... 135

26. Inspections and Tests .................................................................................................... 136

27. Liquidated Damages ..................................................................................................... 137

28. Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 137

29. Patent Indemnity ........................................................................................................... 138

30. Limitation of Liability .................................................................................................. 139

31. Change in Laws and Regulations ................................................................................ 139

32. Force Majeure ............................................................................................................... 140

33. Change Orders and Contract Amendments ............................................................... 140

34. Extensions of Time ........................................................................................................ 142

35. Termination ................................................................................................................... 142

36. Assignment..................................................................................................................... 143

37. Export Restriction ......................................................................................................... 143

Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 125

Section VIII. General Conditions of Contract

1. Definitions 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings
hereby assigned to them:
(a) “Bank” means the World Bank and refers to the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(IBRD) or the International Development Association
(b) “Contract” means the Contract Agreement entered into
between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the
Contract Documents referred to therein, including all
attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated
by reference therein.
(c) “Contract Documents” means the documents listed in the
Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto.
(d) “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier
as specified in the Contract Agreement, subject to such
additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefrom,
as may be made pursuant to the Contract.
(e) “Day” means calendar day.
(f) “Completion” means the fulfillment of the Related
Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.
(g) “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract.
(h) “Goods” means all of the commodities, raw material,
machinery and equipment, and/or other materials that the
Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the
(i) “Full commissioning” means the acceptance of equipment
and provision of first training of the users of the equipment
at the facility, in addition to installation, safety check,
calibration and commissioning of the equipment, and
provision of proprietary consumables.
(j) “Purchaser’s Country” is the country specified in the
Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).
(k) “Purchaser” means the entity purchasing the Goods and
Related Services, as specified in the SCC.
(l) “Related Services” means the services incidental to the
supply of the goods, such as insurance, installation,
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 126

training and initial maintenance and other such obligations

of the Supplier under the Contract.
(m) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract.
(n) “Subcontractor” means any person, private or government
entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of
the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the
Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier.
(o) “Supplier” means the person, private or government entity,
or a combination of the above, whose Bid to perform the
Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as
such in the Contract Agreement.
(p) “The Project Site,” where applicable, means the place
named in the SCC.

2. Contract 2.1 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Contract
Documents Agreement, all documents forming the Contract (and all parts
thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, and
mutually explanatory. The Contract Agreement shall be read as
a whole.

3. Fraud and 3.1 The Bank requires compliance with the Bank’s Anti-Corruption
Corruption Guidelines and its prevailing sanctions policies and procedures
as set forth in the WBG’s Sanctions Framework, as set forth in
Appendix 1 to the GCC.
3.2 The Purchaser requires the Supplier to disclose any commissions
or fees that may have been paid or are to be paid to agents or any
other party with respect to the Bidding process or execution of
the Contract. The information disclosed must include at least the
name and address of the agent or other party, the amount and
currency, and the purpose of the commission, gratuity or fee.

4. Interpretation 4.1 If the context so requires it, singular means plural and vice versa.
4.2 Incoterms
(a) Unless inconsistent with any provision of the Contract, the
meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations
of parties thereunder shall be as prescribed by Incoterms
specified in the SCC.
(b) The terms EXW, DDP, CIP, FCA, CFR and other similar
terms, when used, shall be governed by the rules
prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms specified in
the SCC and published by the International Chamber of
Commerce in Paris, France.
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 127

4.3 Entire Agreement

The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Purchaser and the Supplier and supersedes all communications,
negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of the
parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.
4.4 Amendment
No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid
unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract,
and is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party
4.5 Nonwaiver
(a) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 4.5(b) below, no relaxation,
forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either party in
enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract
or the granting of time by either party to the other shall
prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under
the Contract, neither shall any waiver by either party of any
breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent or
continuing breach of Contract.
(b) Any waiver of a party’s rights, powers, or remedies under
the Contract must be in writing, dated, and signed by an
authorized representative of the party granting such
waiver, and must specify the right and the extent to which
it is being waived.
4.6 Severability
If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or
rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity
or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability
of any other provisions and conditions of the Contract.

5. Language 5.1 The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents

relating to the Contract exchanged by the Supplier and the
Purchaser, shall be written in the language specified in the SCC.
Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the
Contract may be in another language provided they are
accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages
in the language specified, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Contract, this translation shall govern.
5.2 The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing
language and all risks of the accuracy of such translation, for
documents provided by the Supplier.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 128

6. Joint Venture, 6.1 If the Supplier is a joint venture, consortium, or association, all of
Consortium or the parties shall be jointly and severally liable to the Purchaser for
Association the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract and shall designate
one party to act as a leader with authority to bind the joint venture,
consortium, or association. The composition or the constitution of
the joint venture, consortium, or association shall not be altered
without the prior consent of the Purchaser.

7. Eligibility 7.1 The Supplier and its Subcontractors shall have the nationality of
an eligible country. A Supplier or Subcontractor shall be deemed
to have the nationality of a country if it is a citizen or constituted,
incorporated, or registered, and operates in conformity with the
provisions of the laws of that country.
7.2 All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contract
and financed by the Bank shall have their origin in Eligible
Countries. For the purpose of this Clause, origin means the
country where the goods have been grown, mined, cultivated,
produced, manufactured, or processed; or through manufacture,
processing, or assembly, another commercially recognized
article results that differs substantially in its basic characteristics
from its components.

8. Notices 8.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the
Contract shall be in writing to the address specified in the SCC.
The term “in writing” means communicated in written form with
proof of receipt.
8.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s
effective date, whichever is later.

9. Governing Law 9.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance
with the laws of the Purchaser’s Country, unless otherwise
specified in the SCC.
9.2 Throughout the execution of the Contract, the Supplier shall
comply with the import of goods and services prohibitions in the
Purchaser’s Country when:
(a) as a matter of law or official regulations, the Borrower’s
country prohibits commercial relations with that country;
(b) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United
Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s Country
prohibits any import of goods from that country or any
payments to any country, person, or entity in that country.
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 129

10. Settlement of 10.1 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make every effort to
Disputes resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any
disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in
connection with the Contract.
10.2 If, after twenty-eight (28) days, the parties have failed to resolve
their dispute or difference by such mutual consultation, then
either the Purchaser or the Supplier may give notice to the other
party of its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter
provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect
of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given.
Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of
intention to commence arbitration has been given in accordance
with this Clause shall be finally settled by arbitration.
Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after delivery of the
Goods under the Contract. Arbitration proceedings shall be
conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure specified
in the SCC.
10.3 Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration herein,
(a) the parties shall continue to perform their respective
obligations under the Contract unless they otherwise agree;
(b) the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier any monies due the

11. Inspections and 11.1 The Supplier shall keep, and shall make all reasonable efforts to
Audit by the cause its Subcontractors and subconsultants to keep, accurate and
Bank systematic accounts and records in respect of the Goods in such
form and details as will clearly identify relevant time changes and
11.2 Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 e. of Appendix 1 to the General
Conditions the Supplier shall permit and shall cause its agents
(where declared or not), subcontractors, subconsultants, service
providers, suppliers, and personnel, to permit, the Bank and/or
persons appointed by the Bank to inspect the site and/or the
accounts, records and other documents relating to the procurement
process, selection and/or contract execution, and to have such
accounts, records and other documents audited by auditors
appointed by the Bank. The Supplier’s and its Subcontractors’ and
subconsultants’ attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 3.1 (Fraud and
Corruption) which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to
materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit
rights constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 130

termination (as well as to a determination of ineligibility pursuant

to the Bank’s prevailing sanctions procedures).

12. Scope of Supply 12.1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as
specified in the Schedule of Requirements.

13. Delivery and 13.1 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 33.1, the Delivery of the Goods and
Documents Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the
Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Schedule of
Requirements. The details of shipping and other documents to be
furnished by the Supplier are specified in the SCC.

14. Supplier’s 14.1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services
Responsibilities included in the Scope of Supply in accordance with GCC Clause
12, and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC
Clause 13.
14.2 The Supplier, including its Subcontractors, shall not employ or
engage forced labor or persons subject to trafficking, as described
in GCC Sub-Clauses 14.3 and 14.4.
14.3 Forced labor consists of any work or service, not voluntarily
performed, that is exacted from an individual under threat of force
or penalty, and includes any kind of involuntary or compulsory
labor, such as indentured labor, bonded labor or similar labor-
contracting arrangements.
14.4 Trafficking in persons is defined as the recruitment, transportation,
transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by means of the threat or
use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception,
abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving or
receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person
having control over another person, for the purposes of
14.5 The Supplier, including its Subcontractors, shall not employ or
engage a child under the age of 14 unless the national law specifies
a higher age (the minimum age).
14.6 The Supplier, including its Subcontractors, shall not employ or
engage a child between the minimum age and the age of 18 in a
manner that is likely to be hazardous, or to interfere with, the
child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical,
mental, spiritual, moral, or social development.
14.7 Work considered hazardous for children is work that, by its nature
or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to jeopardize
the health, safety, or morals of children. Such work activities
prohibited for children include work:
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 131

(a) with exposure to physical, psychological or sexual abuse;

(b) underground, underwater, working at heights or in
confined spaces;
(c) with dangerous machinery, equipment or tools, or
involving handling or transport of heavy loads;
(d) in unhealthy environments exposing children to hazardous
substances, agents, or processes, or to temperatures, noise
or vibration damaging to health; or
(e) under difficult conditions such as work for long hours,
during the night or in confinement on the premises of the
14.8 The Supplier shall comply, and shall require its Subcontractors if
any to comply, with all applicable health and safety regulations,
laws, guidelines, and any other requirement stated in the Technical
14.9 Pursuant to the SCC, the Supplier, including its Subcontractors/
suppliers/ manufacturers shall take all technical and organizational
measures necessary to protect the information technology systems
and data used in connection with the Contract. Without limiting the
foregoing, the Supplier, including its Subcontractors/ suppliers/
manufacturers, shall use all reasonable efforts to establish,
maintain, implement and comply with, reasonable information
technology, information security, cyber security and data
protection controls, policies and procedures, including oversight,
access controls, encryption, technological and physical safeguards
and business continuity/disaster recovery and security plans that
are designed to protect against and prevent breach, destruction,
loss, unauthorized distribution, use, access, disablement,
misappropriation or modification, or other compromise or misuse
of or relating to any information technology system or data used in
connection with the Contract.
14.10 The Supplier shall comply with additional obligations as specified
in the SCC.

15. Contract Price 15.1 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods supplied and the
Related Services performed under the Contract shall not vary
from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with the
exception of any price adjustments authorized in the SCC.

16. Terms of 16.1 The Contract Price, including any Advance Payments, if
Payment applicable, shall be paid as specified in the SCC.
16.2 The Supplier’s request for payment shall be made to the
Purchaser in writing, accompanied by invoices describing, as
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 132

appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Services

performed, and by the documents submitted pursuant to GCC
Clause 13 and upon fulfillment of all other obligations stipulated
in the Contract.
16.3 Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser, but in no
case later than sixty (60) days after submission of an invoice or
request for payment by the Supplier, and after the Purchaser has
accepted it.
16.4 The currencies in which payments shall be made to the Supplier
under this Contract shall be those in which the Bid price is
16.5 In the event that the Purchaser fails to pay the Supplier any
payment by its due date or within the period set forth in the
SCC, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier interest on the
amount of such delayed payment at the rate shown in the SCC,
for the period of delay until payment has been made in full,
whether before or after judgment or arbitrage award.

17. Taxes and 17.1 For goods manufactured outside the Purchaser’s Country, the
Duties Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties,
license fees, and other such levies imposed outside the
Purchaser’s Country.
17.2 For goods Manufactured within the Purchaser’s Country, the
Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license
fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods to the
17.3 If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be
available to the Supplier in the Purchaser’s Country, the Purchaser
shall use its best efforts to enable the Supplier to benefit from any
such tax savings to the maximum allowable extent.

18. Performance 18.1 If required as specified in the SCC, the Supplier shall, within
Security twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of contract award,
provide a performance security for the performance of the
Contract in the amount specified in the SCC.
18.2 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to
the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the
Supplier’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.
18.3 As specified in the SCC, the Performance Security, if required,
shall be denominated in the currency (ies) of the Contract, or in
a freely convertible currency acceptable to the Purchaser; and
shall be in one of the format stipulated by the Purchaser in the
SCC, or in another format acceptable to the Purchaser.
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 133

18.4 The Performance Security shall be discharged by the Purchaser

and returned to the Supplier not later than twenty-eight (28) days
following the date of Completion of the Supplier’s performance
obligations under the Contract, including any warranty
obligations, unless specified otherwise in the SCC.

19. Copyright 19.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials
containing data and information furnished to the Purchaser by
the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if
they are furnished to the Purchaser directly or through the
Supplier by any third party, including suppliers of materials, the
copyright in such materials shall remain vested in such third

20. Confidential 20.1 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall
Information not, without the written consent of the other party hereto,
divulge to any third party any documents, data, or other
information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party
hereto in connection with the Contract, whether such
information has been furnished prior to, during or following
completion or termination of the Contract. Notwithstanding the
above, the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor such
documents, data, and other information it receives from the
Purchaser to the extent required for the Subcontractor to perform
its work under the Contract, in which event the Supplier shall
obtain from such Subcontractor an undertaking of
confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Supplier under
GCC Clause 20.
20.2 The Purchaser shall not use such documents, data, and other
information received from the Supplier for any purposes
unrelated to the contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use
such documents, data, and other information received from the
Purchaser for any purpose other than the performance of the
20.3 The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 20.1 and 20.2
above, however, shall not apply to information that:
(a) the Purchaser or Supplier need to share with the Bank or
other institutions participating in the financing of the
(b) now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault
of that party;
(c) can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the
time of disclosure and which was not previously obtained,
directly or indirectly, from the other party; or
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 134

(d) otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from a

third party that has no obligation of confidentiality.
20.4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 20 shall not in any way
modify any undertaking of confidentiality given by either of the
parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the
Supply or any part thereof.
20.5 The provisions of GCC Clause 20 shall survive completion or
termination, for whatever reason, of the Contract.

21. Subcontracting 21.1 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of all
subcontracts awarded under the Contract if not already specified
in the Bid. Notification by the Supplier, for addition of any
Subcontractor not named in the Contract, shall also include the
Subcontractor’s declaration in accordance with Appendix 2 to the
GCC- Sexual exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual
Harassment (SH) Performance Declaration. Such notification, in
the original Bid or later shall not relieve the Supplier from any
of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the
21.2 Subcontracts shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses
3 and 7.

22. Specifications 22.1 Technical Specifications and Drawings

and Standards (a) The Goods and Related Services supplied under this
Contract shall conform to the technical specifications and
standards mentioned in Section VI, Schedule of
Requirements and, when no applicable standard is
mentioned, the standard shall be equivalent or superior to
the official standards whose application is appropriate to
the Goods’ country of origin.
(b) The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for
any design, data, drawing, specification or other
document, or any modification thereof provided or
designed by or on behalf of the Purchaser, by giving a
notice of such disclaimer to the Purchaser.
(c) Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and
standards in accordance with which it shall be executed,
the edition or the revised version of such codes and
standards shall be those specified in the Schedule of
Requirements. During Contract execution, any changes in
any such codes and standards shall be applied only after
approval by the Purchaser and shall be treated in
accordance with GCC Clause 33.
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 135

23. Packing and 23.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is
Documents required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit
to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract. During
transit, the packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without
limitation, rough handling and exposure to extreme
temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage. Packing
case size and weights shall take into consideration, where
appropriate, the remoteness of the goods’ final destination and
the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.
23.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside
the packages shall comply strictly with such special
requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract,
including additional requirements, if any, specified in the SCC,
and in any other instructions ordered by the Purchaser.

24. Insurance 24.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied
under the Contract shall be fully insured—in a freely convertible
currency from an eligible country—against loss or damage
incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage,
and delivery, in accordance with the applicable Incoterms or in
the manner specified in the SCC.

25. Transportation 25.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, responsibility for
and Incidental arranging transportation of the Goods shall be in accordance
Services with the specified Incoterms.

25.2 The Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the

following services, including additional services, if any, specified
in SCC:
(a) performance or supervision of on-site assembly and/or
start-up of the supplied Goods;
(b) furnishing of tools required for assembly and/or
maintenance of the supplied Goods;
(c) furnishing of a detailed operations and maintenance manual
for each appropriate unit of the supplied Goods;
(d) performance or supervision or maintenance and/or repair of
the supplied Goods, for a period of time agreed by the
parties, provided that this service shall not relieve the
Supplier of any warranty obligations under this Contract;
(e) training of the Purchaser’s personnel, at the Supplier’s plant
and/or on-site, in assembly, start-up, operation,
maintenance, and/or repair of the supplied Goods.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 136

25.3 Prices charged by the Supplier for incidental services, if not

included in the Contract Price for the Goods, shall be agreed upon
in advance by the parties and shall not exceed the prevailing rates
charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services

26. Inspections and 26.1 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the
Tests Purchaser carry out all such tests and/or inspections of the
Goods and Related Services as are specified in the SCC.
26.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of
the Supplier or its Subcontractor, at point of delivery, and/or at
the Goods’ final destination, or in another place in the
Purchaser’s Country as specified in the SCC. Subject to GCC
Sub-Clause 26.3, if conducted on the premises of the Supplier
or its Subcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance,
including access to drawings and production data, shall be
furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Purchaser.
26.3 The Purchaser or its designated representative shall be entitled
to attend the tests and/or inspections referred to in GCC Sub-
Clause 26.2, provided that the Purchaser bear all of its own costs
and expenses incurred in connection with such attendance
including, but not limited to, all traveling and board and lodging
26.4 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test and
inspection, it shall give a reasonable advance notice, including
the place and time, to the Purchaser. The Supplier shall obtain
from any relevant third party or manufacturer any necessary
permission or consent to enable the Purchaser or its designated
representative to attend the test and/or inspection.
26.5 The Purchaser may require the Supplier to carry out any test
and/or inspection not required by the Contract but deemed
necessary to verify that the characteristics and performance of
the Goods comply with the technical specifications codes and
standards under the Contract, provided that the Supplier’s
reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carrying out of
such test and/or inspection shall be added to the Contract Price.
Further, if such test and/or inspection impedes the progress of
manufacturing and/or the Supplier’s performance of its other
obligations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in
respect of the Delivery Dates and Completion Dates and the
other obligations so affected.
26.6 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a report of the
results of any such test and/or inspection.
26.7 The Purchaser may reject any Goods or any part thereof that fail
to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to the
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 137

specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such

rejected Goods or parts thereof or make alterations necessary to
meet the specifications at no cost to the Purchaser, and shall
repeat the test and/or inspection, at no cost to the Purchaser,
upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 26.4.
26.8 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or
inspection of the Goods or any part thereof, nor the attendance
by the Purchaser or its representative, nor the issue of any report
pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 26.6, shall release the Supplier
from any warranties or other obligations under the Contract.

27. Liquidated 27.1 Except as provided under GCC Clause 32, if the Supplier fails
Damages to deliver any or all of the Goods by the Date(s) of delivery or
perform the Related Services within the period specified in the
Contract, the Purchaser may without prejudice to all its other
remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as
liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to the percentage
specified in the SCC of the delivered price of the delayed
Goods or unperformed Services for each week or part thereof of
delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum
deduction of the percentage specified in those SCC. Once the
maximum is reached, the Purchaser may terminate the Contract
pursuant to GCC Clause 35.

28. Warranty 28.1 The Supplier warrants that all the Goods are new, unused, and
of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate
all recent improvements in design and materials, unless
provided otherwise in the Contract.
28.2 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 22.1(b), the Supplier further
warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects arising from
any act or omission of the Supplier or arising from design,
materials, and workmanship, under normal use in the conditions
prevailing in the country of final destination.
28.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the warranty shall
remain valid for twelve (12) months after the Goods, or any
portion thereof as the case may be, have been delivered to and
accepted at the final destination indicated in the SCC, or for
eighteen (18) months after the date of shipment from the port or
place of loading in the country of origin, whichever period
concludes earlier.
28.4 The Purchaser shall give notice to the Supplier stating the nature
of any such defects together with all available evidence thereof,
promptly following the discovery thereof. The Purchaser shall
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 138

afford all reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect such

28.5 Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, within the period
specified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the
defective Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to the Purchaser.
28.6 If having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect
within the period specified in the SCC, the Purchaser may
proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action
as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expense and
without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may
have against the Supplier under the Contract.

29. Patent 29.1 The Supplier shall, subject to the Purchaser’s compliance with
Indemnity GCC Sub-Clause 29.2, indemnify and hold harmless the
Purchaser and its employees and officers from and against any
and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,
demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature,
including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Purchaser
may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged
infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design,
trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right
registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract by
reason of:
(a) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier or the use of
the Goods in the country where the Site is located; and
(b) the sale in any country of the products produced by the
Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part
thereof other than for the purpose indicated by or to be
reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any infringement
resulting from the use of the Goods or any part thereof, or any
products produced thereby in association or combination with
any other equipment, plant, or materials not supplied by the
Supplier, pursuant to the Contract.
29.2 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the
Purchaser arising out of the matters referred to in GCC Sub-
Clause 29.1, the Purchaser shall promptly give the Supplier a
notice thereof, and the Supplier may at its own expense and in
the Purchaser’s name conduct such proceedings or claim and
any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or
29.3 If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser within twenty-eight
(28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 139

any such proceedings or claim, then the Purchaser shall be free

to conduct the same on its own behalf.
29.4 The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, afford all
available assistance to the Supplier in conducting such
proceedings or claim, and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier
for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing.
29.5 The Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier
and its employees, officers, and Subcontractors from and against
any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,
demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature,
including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Supplier may
suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of
any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark,
copyright, or other intellectual property right registered or
otherwise existing at the date of the Contract arising out of or in
connection with any design, data, drawing, specification, or
other documents or materials provided or designed by or on
behalf of the Purchaser.

30. Limitation of 30.1 Except in cases of criminal negligence or willful misconduct,

Liability (a) the Supplier shall not be liable to the Purchaser, whether
in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any indirect or
consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of
production, or loss of profits or interest costs, provided
that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the
Supplier to pay liquidated damages to the Purchaser and
(b) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Purchaser,
whether under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not
exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this
limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing or
replacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of the
supplier to indemnify the Purchaser with respect to patent

31. Change in Laws 31.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the date of 28
and Regulations days prior to date of Bid submission, any law, regulation,
ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is enacted,
promulgated, abrogated, or changed in the place of the
Purchaser’s Country where the Site is located (which shall be
deemed to include any change in interpretation or application by
the competent authorities) that subsequently affects the Delivery
Date and/or the Contract Price, then such Delivery Date and/or
Contract Price shall be correspondingly increased or decreased,
to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been affected in the
performance of any of its obligations under the Contract.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 140

Notwithstanding the foregoing, such additional or reduced cost

shall not be separately paid or credited if the same has already
been accounted for in the price adjustment provisions where
applicable, in accordance with GCC Clause 15.

32. Force Majeure 32.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance
Security, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and
to the extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to
perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an
event of Force Majeure.
32.2 For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event or
situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not
foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to
negligence or lack of care on the part of the Supplier. Such
events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Purchaser
in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes.
32.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly
notify the Purchaser in writing of such condition and the cause
thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing,
the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the
Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all
reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by
the Force Majeure event.

33. Change Orders 33.1 The Purchaser may at any time order the Supplier through notice
and Contract in accordance GCC Clause 8, to make changes within the general
Amendments scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following:
(a) drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be
furnished under the Contract are to be specifically
manufactured for the Purchaser;
(b) the method of shipment or packing;
(c) the place of delivery; and
(d) the Related Services to be provided by the Supplier.
33.2 If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of,
or the time required for, the Supplier’s performance of any
provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be
made in the Contract Price or in the Delivery/Completion
Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be
amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this
Clause must be asserted within twenty-eight (28) days from the
date of the Supplier’s receipt of the Purchaser’s change order.
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 141

33.3 Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that
might be needed but which were not included in the Contract
shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not
exceed the prevailing rates charged to other parties by the
Supplier for similar services.
33.4 Value Engineering: The Supplier may prepare, at its own cost, a
value engineering proposal at any time during the performance of
the contract. The value engineering proposal shall, at a minimum,
include the following;
(a) the proposed change(s), and a description of the difference
to the existing contract requirements;
(b) a full cost/benefit analysis of the proposed change(s)
including a description and estimate of costs (including life
cycle costs) the Purchaser may incur in implementing the
value engineering proposal; and
(c) a description of any effect(s) of the change on
The Purchaser may accept the value engineering proposal if the
proposal demonstrates benefits that:
(a) accelerates the delivery period; or
(b) reduces the Contract Price or the life cycle costs to the
Purchaser; or
(c) improves the quality, efficiency or sustainability of the
Goods; or
(d) yields any other benefits to the Purchaser,
without compromising the necessary functions of the Facilities.
If the value engineering proposal is approved by the Purchaser
and results in:
(a) a reduction of the Contract Price; the amount to be paid to
the Supplier shall be the percentage specified in the PCC
of the reduction in the Contract Price; or
(b) an increase in the Contract Price; but results in a reduction
in life cycle costs due to any benefit described in (a) to (d)
above, the amount to be paid to the Supplier shall be the
full increase in the Contract Price.
33.5 Subject to the above, no variation in or modification of the terms
of the Contract shall be made except by written amendment
signed by the parties.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 142

34. Extensions of 34.1 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier
Time or its subcontractors should encounter conditions impeding
timely delivery of the Goods or completion of Related Services
pursuant to GCC Clause 13, the Supplier shall promptly notify
the Purchaser in writing of the delay, its likely duration, and its
cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier’s
notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may at its
discretion extend the Supplier’s time for performance, in which
case the extension shall be ratified by the parties by amendment
of the Contract.
34.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause
32, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery
and Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to
the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant to GCC Clause
26, unless an extension of time is agreed upon, pursuant to GCC
Sub-Clause 34.1.

35. Termination 35.1 Termination for Default

(a) The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other remedy for
breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the
Supplier, may terminate the Contract in whole or in part:
(i) if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods
within the period specified in the Contract, or within
any extension thereof granted by the Purchaser
pursuant to GCC Clause 34;
(ii) if the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation
under the Contract; or
(iii) if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has
engaged in Fraud and Corruption, as defined in
paragraph 2.2 a of the Appendix 1 to the GCC, in
competing for or in executing the Contract.
(b) In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole
or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause 35.1(a), the Purchaser
may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it
deems appropriate, Goods or Related Services similar to
those undelivered or not performed, and the Supplier shall
be liable to the Purchaser for any additional costs for such
similar Goods or Related Services. However, the Supplier
shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent
not terminated.
35.2 Termination for Insolvency.
(a) The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by
giving notice to the Supplier if the Supplier becomes
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract 143

bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event,

termination will be without compensation to the Supplier,
provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect
any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will
accrue thereafter to the Purchaser
35.3 Termination for Convenience.
(a) The Purchaser, by notice sent to the Supplier, may
terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for
its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify
that termination is for the Purchaser’s convenience, the
extent to which performance of the Supplier under the
Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such
termination becomes effective.
(b) The Goods that are complete and ready for shipment
within twenty-eight (28) days after the Supplier’s receipt
of notice of termination shall be accepted by the Purchaser
at the Contract terms and prices. For the remaining Goods,
the Purchaser may elect:
(i) to have any portion completed and delivered at the
Contract terms and prices; and/or
(ii) to cancel the remainder and pay to the Supplier an
agreed amount for partially completed Goods and
Related Services and for materials and parts
previously procured by the Supplier.

36. Assignment 36.1 Neither the Purchaser nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or
in part, their obligations under this Contract, except with prior
written consent of the other party.

37. Export 37.1 Notwithstanding any obligation under the Contract to complete
Restriction all export formalities, any export restrictions attributable to the
Purchaser, to the country of the Purchaser, or to the use of the
products/goods, systems or services to be supplied, which arise
from trade regulations from a country supplying those
products/goods, systems or services, and which substantially
impede the Supplier from meeting its obligations under the
Contract, shall release the Supplier from the obligation to
provide deliveries or services, always provided, however, that
the Supplier can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Purchaser
and of the Bank that it has completed all formalities in a timely
manner, including applying for permits, authorizations and
licenses necessary for the export of the products/goods, systems
or services under the terms of the Contract. Termination of the
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 144

Contract on this basis shall be for the Purchaser’s convenience

pursuant to Sub-Clause 35.3.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract 145

(Text in this Appendix shall not be modified)

Fraud and Corruption

1. Purpose
1.1 The Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to procurement
under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.
2. Requirements
2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing); bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors, sub-
consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not); and any of
their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process,
selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts, and refrain from Fraud and

2.2 To this end, the Bank:

a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
i. “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly,
of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
ii. “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain financial
or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
iii. “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to
achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another
iv. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly
or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions
of a party;
v. “obstructive practice” is:
(a) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material
to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to
materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent,
coercive, or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing, or intimidating any
party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the
investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and
audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e. below.
146 Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract

b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants, sub-
contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees, has, directly or
indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices in
competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may take other
appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank determines at any
time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any part of the proceeds of
the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices during
the procurement process, selection and/or execution of the contract in question, without
the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to
address such practices when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely
manner at the time they knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, and in accordance with the Bank’s
prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or individual, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly declaring such firm or
individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit from a Bank-financed contract,
financially or in any other manner;1 (ii) to be a nominated2 sub-contractor, consultant,
manufacturer or supplier, or service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded
a Bank-financed contract; and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank
or otherwise to participate further in the preparation or implementation of any Bank-
financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents and in
contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders (applicants/proposers),
consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and their sub-contractors, sub-consultants, service
providers, suppliers, agents personnel, permit the Bank to inspect3 all accounts, records
and other documents relating to the procurement process, selection and/or contract
execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation, (i)
applying for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-contractor,
nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii)
entering into an addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider (different
names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-
qualification application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the
qualification requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities undertaken by
the Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits, such as evaluating the
veracity of an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is
not limited to: accessing and examining a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as
relevant; accessing and examining any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format)
deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant
individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining third party verification of information.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract (GCC) 147
148 Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract


Invitation of Bids/Proposals/Contract No.__________


We declare and undertake that neither we nor anyone, including any member of our joint venture
or any of our suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and service
providers, where these exist, acting on our behalf with due authority or with our knowledge or
consent, or facilitated by us, has engaged, or will engage, in any activity prohibited under AIIB’s
Policy on Prohibited Practices (AIIB’s Policy) in connection with the present procurement process
and (in case of award) the execution of the above-referenced contract (“Contract”), including any
amendments thereto.

We acknowledge that AIIB’s participation in the financing of the Contract is subject to AIIB’s
Policy. As such, we acknowledge that AIIB will not be able to participate in the financing of the
Contract if we, including any member of our joint venture, or any of our suppliers, contractors,
sub-contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and service providers, are ineligible as a result of a
decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the
United Nations or are on any of the following lists (AIIB’s Sanction Lists):

[add lists and websites]

We shall permit, and shall cause our officers, employees, agents, suppliers, contractors, sub-
contractors, consultants, sub-consultants, and service providers, to permit the AIIB to inspect all
accounts, records, and other documents relating to the procurement process and/or Contract
execution (in the case of award), and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AIIB.

Name: _____________________________ In the capacity of: ______________________

Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of4: _____________________________

Signature_____________________ ___________________ Dated:_____________________

In case of joint venture, the name of the joint venture shall be inserted here, and the Covenant shall be signed by the person duly authorized to
sign the application, bid or proposal on behalf of the applicant, proposer, bidder or consultant.
Section VIII – General Conditions of Contract (GCC) 149

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH)
Performance Declaration for Subcontractors*
[The following table shall be filled in by each subcontractor proposed by the Supplier, that was not named in the
Subcontractor’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
Contract reference [insert contract reference]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages
SEA and/or SH Declaration
 (a) have not been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH obligations.
 (b) are subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH obligations.
 (c) had been subject to disqualification by the Bank for non-compliance with SEA/ SH obligations, and
were removed from the disqualification list. An arbitral award on the disqualification case has been made
in our favor.
[If (c) above is applicable, attach evidence of an arbitral award reversing the findings on the issues
underlying the disqualification.]

Period of disqualification: From: _______________ To: ________________

Name of the Subcontractor

Name of the person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Subcontractor _______

Title of the person signing on behalf of the Subcontractor ______________________

Signature of the person named above ______________________

Date signed ________________________________ day of ___________________, _____

Countersignature of authorized representative of the Supplier:

Signature: ________________________________________________________

Date signed ________________________________ day of ___________________, _____

Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 151

Section IX - Special Conditions of Contract

The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement and / or amend the General
Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail
over those in the GCC.

GCC 1.1(i) The Purchaser’s Country is: Indonesia

GCC 1.1(j) The Purchaser is: Ministry of Health (MoH)
GCC 1.1 (o) The Project Site(s)/Final Destination(s) is/are: Please see Section VII
GCC 1.1 (p) The term SEA/SH where used in the Contract has the following meaning:
 “Sexual Exploitation and Abuse” “(SEA)” means the following:
Sexual Exploitation is defined as any actual or attempted abuse of
position of vulnerability, differential power or trust, for sexual
purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially
or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.
Sexual Abuse is defined as the actual or threatened physical intrusion
of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive
 “Sexual Harassment” “(SH)” is defined as unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature by supplier’s personnel with other supplier’s,
or purchaser’s personnel.
GCC 1.1 (q) The following definitions are maintained:
 Unplanned Downtime is the duration of time that equipment is not
available to perform its intended usage, including due to malfunctions
 Planned Downtime is the duration of time that equipment does not
function due to planned interventions (including preventive
maintenance, software upgrades, regulatory upgrades)
 Uptime is the proportion of time that the equipment is available to
perform its intended usage. It is calculated as follows:
Uptime% = (Time Available – Unplanned Downtime)/Total Time
⦁ Total Time is the duration of time in a given recording period (month)
⦁ Time Available is equal to Total Time minus the Planned Downtime
GCC 4.2 (a) The meaning of the trade terms shall be as prescribed by Incoterms.
GCC 4.2 (b) The version edition of Incoterms shall be Incoterm 2020.
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 152

GCC 5.1 The language shall be English.

GCC 8.1 For notices, the Purchaser’s address shall be:[to be updated by MoH]
Attention: [ insert full name of person, if applicable]
Street Address: [insert street address and number]
Floor/ Room number: [insert floor and room number, if applicable]
City: [insert name of city or town]
ZIP Code: [insert postal ZIP code, if applicable]
Country: [insert name of country]
Telephone: [include telephone number, including country and city codes]
Facsimile number: [insert facsimile number, including country and city
Electronic mail address: [insert e-mail address, if applicable]
GCC 9.1 The governing law shall be the law of Indonesia.
GCC 10.2 The rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings pursuant to GCC Clause
10.2 shall be as follows:
(a) Contract with foreign Supplier:
GCC 10.2 (a)—Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of
or relating to this Contract, or breach, termination or invalidity
thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force.
(b) Contracts with Supplier national of the Purchaser’s Country:
In the case of a dispute between the Purchaser and a Supplier who
is a national of the Purchaser’s Country, the dispute shall be
referred to adjudication or arbitration in accordance with the laws
of the Purchaser’s Country.
GCC 13.1 Details of Shipping and other Documents to be furnished by the Supplier are:
(a) For Goods supplied from abroad, to be imported:
Delivery term: DDP final destinations.
Upon delivery, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and the Insurance
Company by cable of fax or email the full details of shipment, including
Contract number, description of goods, quantity, the transport means,
the Shipping and Forwarding Receipt from freight Company showing
full details, place of loading, date of shipment, place of discharge, etc.
The Supplier shall mail the following documents to the Purchaser, with
a copy to the cargo Insurance Company:
(i) Proforma Supplier’s invoice showing goods’ description, quantity,
unit price, and total amount;
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 153

(ii) Airway bill (AWB) and /or bill of landing, and/or truck transport
document (road consignment note; CMR) and/ or railway transport
document (railway consignment note), and/or FCR (Forwarders
Certificate of Receipt), in one Original and one Copy marked
“freight prepaid” attesting that the goods are at the irrevocable
disposal of the Purchaser;
(iii) Original of the packing list identifying contents of each package;
(iv) Original of the certificate(s) of origin, issued by the Chamber of
Commerce or other relevant authority of the country of origin of the
Goods or the shipment country;
(v) Original of the insurance certificate or the company general
insurance certificate.
(vi) Manufacturer’s or Supplier’s warranty certificate
(vii) Inspection certificate issued by nominated inspection agency
The above documents shall be received by the Purchaser before arrival of the
Goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any
consequent expenses.
The Supplier must notify the Purchaser about date and point of arrival of the
Goods in Indonesia and at the site with at least fourteen (14) days before their

(b) For Goods and Services supplied from within the Purchaser’s
(i) Original of the Supplier’s invoice showing goods’ description,
quantity, unit price, and total amount;
(ii) Original of the packing list identifying contents of each package;
(iii) Original of the manufacturer's or supplier's warranty certificate for
each equipment;
(iv) Original of the certificate(s) of origin, issued by the Chamber of
Commerce or other relevant authority of the country of origin of
the Goods or the shipment country;
(v) Original of the insurance certificate or the company general
insurance certificate.
(vi) Manufacturer’s or Supplier’s warranty certificate
(vii) Inspection certificate issued by nominated inspection agency
(viii) Import License
The above documents shall be received by the Purchaser before delivery of
the Goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any
consequent expenses.
The Supplier must notify the Purchaser about date of delivery of the Goods
with at least fourteen (14) days before their arrival at the site.
GCC 14.9 Cyber Security applies.
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 154

GCC 14.10 GCC 14.10.1 The Supplier shall provide their existing behavior standard that
include general prohibition against misconduct, harassment,
and criminal action related to sexual exploitation and abuse /
sexual harassment (SEA/SH). If there are no behavior standard
or if strengthening of the existing the behavior standard is not
possible, supplier will need to agree to project specific Code of
Conduct (CoC) of SEA/SH for the Supplier’s personnel
carrying out distribution, installation, operational support and
maintenance that include, but not limited to, maintaining a safe
working environment and not engaging in the following
(i) any form of sexual harassment including unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature with other
Supplier’s or Purchaser’s personnel;
(ii) any form of sexual exploitation, which means any actual or
attempted abuse of position of vulnerability, differential
power or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not
limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from
the sexual exploitation of another;
(iii) any form of sexual abuse, which means the actual or
threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether
by force or under unequal or coercive conditions; and
(iv) any form of sexual activity with individuals under the age
of 18, except in case of pre-existing marriage.
GCC 14.10.2 The Purchaser may require the Supplier to remove (or cause
to be removed), from the site or other places where the
distribution, installation, operational support, and maintenance
is being executed, a Supplier’s personnel that undertakes
behaviors that are inconsistent with the code of conduct stated
in GCC 14.10. Notwithstanding any requirement from the
Purchaser to replace any such person, the Supplier shall
immediately remove (or cause to be removed) any such person,
from the site or other places where the distribution, installation,
operational support and maintenance is being executed. In
either case, the Supplier shall promptly appoint, as appropriate,
a suitable replacement with equivalent skills and experience.
14.10.3 The Supplier shall provide Supplier’s personnel with an accessible
Grievance Mechanism during provision of services to raise
workplace concern. The Supplier shall ensure that the
Grievance Mechanism is easily accessible and that the
Supplier’s personnel is informed.
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 155

14.10.4 The Supplier shall provide Supplier’s personnel with terms of

employment including requirements to protect the workforce
during provision of services complying with applicable national

GCC 15.1 The prices charged for the Goods supplied and the related Services performed
shall not be adjustable.
GCC 16.1 GCC 16.1—The method and conditions of payment to be made to the
Supplier under this Contract shall be as follows:
Payment for Goods supplied from abroad:
Payment of foreign currency portion shall be made in [currency of the
Contract Price] in the following manner:
(i) On Advance Payment: Ten (10%) percent of the Unitary Contract
Price for the quantity ordered in that batch shall be paid within thirty
(30) days of signing of the Contract, and upon submission of claim
and a bank guarantee for equivalent amount valid until the Goods are
accepted and fully commissioned for respective batch and in the form
provided in the bidding document or another form acceptable to the
(ii) On Shipment: Twenty-five (25) percent of the Unitary Contract
Price of the quantity of Goods shipped shall be paid through
irrevocable confirmed letter of credit opened in favor of the Supplier
in a bank in its country, upon submission of documents specified in
GCC Clause 13.
(iii) On Acceptance, testing, commissioning, and training: Fifteen (15)
percent of the Unitary Contract Price for the quantity of Goods
accepted and fully commissioned shall be paid to the Supplier within
thirty (30) days after the date of the acceptance certificate for the
respective delivery issued by the Purchaser. Acceptance and full
commissioning will include the first training of the users of the
equipment at the facility, in addition to installation, safety check,
calibration and commissioning of the equipment. In addition to the
acceptance payment, the advance payment made under (i) above will
also stand fully settled at acceptance.
(iv) On uptime performance linked payment: twelve point five
(12.5%) percent per half year of the Unitary Contract Price of fully
commissioned equipment adjusted for any penalty for delayed repair
or higher downtime shall be paid within thirty (30) days of upon
submission of claim supported by ASPAK* data for the
corresponding period over four (4) half year periods.
Payment of local currency portion shall be made in Indonesia Rupiah within
thirty (30) days of presentation of claim supported by a certificate from the
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 156

Purchaser declaring that the Goods have been delivered and that all other
contracted Services have been performed.
Note*: ASPAK (Aplikasi Sarana, Prasarana, dan Alat Kesehatan) is the main source of data
and the MoH’s facility-based information system on building, infrastructure, and equipment,
triangulated with other health facility data from other reports and surveys such as Rifaskes
2019 and rapid primary data collection.

Payment for Goods and Services supplied from within the Purchaser’s
Payment for Goods and Services supplied from within the Purchaser’s
Country shall be made in _____ [currency], as follows:
(i) Advance Payment: Ten (10) percent of the Unitary Contract
Price for the quantity ordered in that batch shall be paid
within thirty (30) days of signing of the Contract, and upon
submission of claim and a bank guarantee for the equivalent
amount valid until Goods are accepted and fully
commissioned for respective batch and in the form provided
in the bidding document or another form acceptable to the
(ii) On Delivery: Twenty-five (25) percent of the Unitary
Contract Price of the quantity of Goods receipt shall be paid
upon submission of the documents specified in GCC Clause
(iii) On Acceptance, testing, commissioning, and training:
Fifteen (15) percent of the Unitary Contract Price for the
quantity of Goods accepted and fully commissioned shall be
paid to the Supplier within thirty (30) days after the shall be
paid to the Supplier within thirty (30) days after the date of
the acceptance certificate for the respective delivery issued
by the Purchaser. Acceptance and full commissioning will
include the first training of the users of the equipment at the
facility, in addition to installation, safety check, calibration
and commissioning of the equipment. In addition to the
acceptance payment, the advance payment made under (i)
above will also stand fully settled at acceptance.
(iv) On uptime performance linked payment: twelve point five
(12.5%) percent per half year of the Unitary Contract Price
of fully commissioned equipment adjusted for any penalty
for delayed repair or higher downtime shall be paid within
thirty (30) days of upon submission of claim supported by
ASPAK* data for the corresponding period over four (4) half
year periods.
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 157

GCC 16.5 The payment-delay period after which the Purchaser shall pay interest to the
supplier shall be 45 days after submission by the Supplier of invoices
supported by relevant documents.
The interest rate that shall be applied is 0.1% per day.
GCC 18.1 A Performance Security shall be required.
The amount of the Performance Security shall be 2.5% of the unitary
Contract Price for the entire lot.
GCC 18.3 Performance Security shall be either in the form of a Bank Guarantee or a
Performance Bond.
Performance security shall be denominated in the currencies of payment of
the Contract, in accordance with their portions of the Contract Price.
GCC 18.4 After delivery, installation, testing, acceptance, and full commissioning of
the Goods for the last batch and before the release of the final uptime
performance linked payment for the ordered quantity for this last batch, the
Supplier shall adjust the Performance Security to 10 % of the Unitary
Contract Price for the remaining quantity of equipment still within the
warranty period to cover the remaining years of warranty for this equipment
. The Performance Security must be valid for the entire warranty period and
shall be discharged and returned to the Supplier as provided in GCC 18.4.
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 158

GCC 23.2 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages
shall be:
All Goods must be safely packed to protect form damage and breakage
during transportation, loading and unloading. Using delivery in wooden
cases of containers, each box in a case (or a container) should bear the name
of Goods in English.

The Supplier shall put into each case a User Manual for each respective
equipment, a copy of packing list and testing/inspection certificate. Two
copies of detailed packing list for the whole lot shall be put in case #1.

Cases shall be marked on three sides with indelible paint or ink in English.
Marking shall include the following data:
Project Name:
Loan No: Contract #________________
Supplier: ____________________
Consignee: [if applicable].
Case #. ______________________
Gross weight: _________________
Net weight ____________________

Small packages containing documents, tools, small parts and etc. included in
each case, shall be secured to the main body of the Goods to avoid being lost
or thrown away during unpacking. Fragile parts shall be packed separately
with warning signs posted on the outer box and case.
GCC 24.1 The insurance coverage shall be as specified in the Incoterms 2020.
GCC 25.1 Responsibility for transportation of the Goods shall be as specified in the
GCC 25.2 Incidental services to be provided are: site preparation, testing, installation,
operational support, training of personnel, equipment/chemical end-of-life
arrangement, such as take-back programs, recycling, or reprocessing of used
equipment and on-site post warranty maintenance (service) contract for the
period of five (5) years after the warranty period.
GCC 26.1 The inspections and tests shall be as per technical specifications Section VII
GCC 26.2 The Inspections and tests shall be conducted at final destination as per
technical specification Section VII
GCC 27.1 The liquidated damage shall be: 1/1000 per day
GCC 27.1 The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be: 10% Unitary
Contract Value of the ordered quantity
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 159

GCC 27.2 Add new clause 27.2:

Penalty shall be applied due to delays in repair 0.1% of the Unitary Contract
Value of the delayed quantity per day after 5 days from the notification. The
penalty will be increased to 0.3% of the Unitary Contract Value of the
delayed quantity per day from the 16th day. In cases where the manufacturers
have opted to split the O&M invoice into notional capital and operational line
items, the amount of penalty can be fully applied to the operational line item.
The total notional cost allocated to these operational line items should
therefore amount to a minimum of 25% of the Unitary Contract Value of the
entire lot.
Delays in Full Commissioning - penalty quantum 0.1% per day of the Unitary
Contract Value of the affected quantity shall be applied.
 Penalty shall be applied due to the delays in preventive maintenance
by 30 days after the scheduled date at 0.1% of the Unitary Contract
Value of the affected quantity. Failure to perform corrective
maintenance/repairs after downtime more than 5 days – penalty
quantum 0.1% of the Unitary Contract Value of the affected quantity
shall be applied, which will increase to 0.3% of the Unitary Contract
Value of the affected quantity per day from the 16th day.
Service Contracts
 Penalty shall be applied due to the delays in preventive maintenance
by 30 days after the scheduled date at 0.1% per day of the Unitary
Contract Value of the affected quantity.
 Failure to perform corrective maintenance/repairs after downtime
more than 5 days – penalty quantum 0.1% of the Unitary Contract
Value of the affected quantity shall be applied, which will increase to
0.3% of the Unitary Contract Value of the affected quantity per day
from the 16th day.
 Failure to ensure a minimum average of 95 percent uptime calculated
across all fully commissioned equipment over a six-monthly period
will result in recourse to contractual remedies.
Maximum penalty during Operational support and Maintenance phase upon
acceptance will not exceed 25% of Unitary Contract Value for the entire lot.
GCC 28.3 The period of validity of the Warranty and the comprehensive on-site
operational support and maintenance contract shall be together of minimum
60 months from the date of acceptance of the Goods, which shall be extended
for another five years during operational support and maintenance period.
For purposes of the Warranty, the place(s) of final destination(s) shall be as
stipulated in Section VII
Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract 160

In partial modification of the provisions, the warranty period shall be five

years operation from date of acceptance of the Goods. The Supplier shall, in
addition, comply with the performance and/or consumption guarantees
specified under the Contract. If, for reasons attributable to the Supplier, these
guarantees are not attained in whole or in part, the Supplier shall make such
changes, modifications, and/or additions to the Goods or any part thereof as
may be necessary in order to attain the contractual guarantees specified in the
Contract at its own cost and expense and to carry out further performance
tests in accordance with GCC 26.7.
GCC 28.5 & 28.6 The period for repair or replacement shall be: five (5) days from the
notification, with response commencing within one hour for remote support
and within 48 hours for on-site support.
GCC 33.4 Value engineering proposal is not applicable
Section X – Contract Forms 161

Section X - Contract Forms

Table of Forms
Notification of Intention to Award .................................................................................... 162

Letter of Acceptance ........................................................................................................... 168

Contract Agreement ........................................................................................................... 169

Performance Security ......................................................................................................... 171

Advance Payment Security ................................................................................................ 175

Section X – Contract Forms 162

Notification of Intention to Award

[This Notification of Intention to Award shall be sent to each Bidder that submitted a Bid,
unless the Bidder has previously received notice of exclusion from the process at an
interim stage of the procurement process.]

[Send this Notification to the Bidder’s Authorized Representative named in the Bidder
Information Form]
For the attention of Bidder’s Authorized Representative
Name: [insert Authorized Representative’s name]
Address: [insert Authorized Representative’s Address]
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert Authorized Representative’s telephone/fax numbers]
Email Address: [insert Authorized Representative’s email address]

[IMPORTANT: insert the date that this Notification is transmitted to Bidders. The
Notification must be sent to all Bidders simultaneously. This means on the same date and
as close to the same time as possible.]
DATE OF TRANSMISSION: This Notification is sent by: [email/fax] on [date] (local time)

Notification of Intention to Award

Purchaser: [insert the name of the Purchaser]
Project: [insert name of project]
Contract title: [insert the name of the contract]
Country: [insert country where RFB is issued]
Loan No. /Credit No. / Grant No.: [insert reference number for loan/credit/grant]
RFB No: [insert RFB reference number from Procurement Plan]

This Notification of Intention to Award (Notification) notifies you of our decision to award
the above contract. The transmission of this Notification begins the Standstill Period.
During the Standstill Period you may:

a) request a debriefing in relation to the evaluation of your Bid, and/or

b) submit a Procurement-related Complaint in relation to the decision to award the


1. The successful Bidder

Name: [insert name of successful Bidder]

Address: [insert address of the successful Bidder]

Contract price: [insert contract price of the successful Bid]

Section X - Contract Forms 163

Total combined
[insert the total combined score of the successful Bidder]

2. Other Bidders [INSTRUCTIONS: insert names of all Bidders that submitted a Bid,
Bid prices as read out and evaluated, technical scores and combined scores.]
Technical Evaluated Bid
Name of Bidder Bid Price Combined Score
Score Cost
[insert [insert Bid
[insert [insert combined
[insert name] Technical price]
evaluated cost] score]
[insert [insert Bid
[insert evaluated [insert combined
[insert name] Technical price]
cost] score]
[insert [insert Bid
[insert evaluated [insert combined
[insert name] Technical price]
cost] score]
[insert [insert Bid
[insert evaluated [insert combined
[insert name] Technical price]
cost] score]
[insert [insert Bid
[insert evaluated [insert combined
[insert name] Technical price]
cost] score]

3. Reason/s why your Bid was unsuccessful [Delete if the combined score already
reveals the reason]

[INSTRUCTIONS: State the reason/s why this Bidder’s Bid was unsuccessful. Do
NOT include: (a) a point by point comparison with another Bidder’s Bid or (b)
information that is marked confidential by the Bidder in its Bid.]

4. How to request a debriefing

DEADLINE: The deadline to request a debriefing expires at midnight on [insert

date] (local time).
You may request a debriefing in relation to the results of the evaluation of your Bid. If
you decide to request a debriefing your written request must be made within three (3)
Business Days of receipt of this Notification of Intention to Award.
Provide the contract name, reference number, name of the Bidder, contact details; and
address the request for debriefing as follows:
Attention: [insert full name of person, if applicable]
Section X – Contract Forms 164

Title/position: [insert title/position]

Agency: [insert name of Purchaser]
Email address: [insert email address]
Fax number: [insert fax number] delete if not used
If your request for a debriefing is received within the 3 Business Days deadline, we will
provide the debriefing within five (5) Business Days of receipt of your request. If we are
unable to provide the debriefing within this period, the Standstill Period shall be extended
by five (5) Business Days after the date that the debriefing is provided. If this happens,
we will notify you and confirm the date that the extended Standstill Period will end.
The debriefing may be in writing, by phone, video conference call or in person. We shall
promptly advise you in writing how the debriefing will take place and confirm the date
and time.
If the deadline to request a debriefing has expired, you may still request a debriefing. In
this case, we will provide the debriefing as soon as practicable, and normally no later
than fifteen (15) Business Days from the date of publication of the Contract Award

5. How to make a complaint

Period: Procurement-related Complaint challenging the decision to award shall be

submitted by midnight, [insert date] (local time).
Provide the contract name, reference number, name of the Bidder, contact details; and
address the Procurement-related Complaint as follows:
Attention: [insert full name of person, if applicable]
Title/position: [insert title/position]
Agency: [insert name of Purchaser]
Email address: [insert email address]
Fax number: [insert fax number] delete if not used
At this point in the procurement process, you may submit a Procurement-related
Complaint challenging the decision to award the contract. You do not need to have
requested, or received, a debriefing before making this complaint. Your complaint must
be submitted within the Standstill Period and received by us before the Standstill Period
Further information:
For more information see the Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (Procurement
Regulations) (Annex III). You should read these provisions before preparing and
submitting your complaint. In addition, the World Bank’s Guidance “How to make a
Procurement-related Complaint” provides a useful explanation of the process, as well as
a sample letter of complaint.
Section X - Contract Forms 165

In summary, there are four essential requirements:

1. You must be an ‘interested party’. In this case, that means a Bidder who submitted
a Bid in this bidding process, and is the recipient of a Notification of Intention to
2. The complaint can only challenge the decision to award the contract.
3. You must submit the complaint within the period stated above.
4. You must include, in your complaint, all of the information required by the
Procurement Regulations (as described in Annex III).

6. Standstill Period

DEADLINE: The Standstill Period is due to end at midnight on [insert date] (local
The Standstill Period lasts ten (10) Business Days after the date of transmission of this
Notification of Intention to Award.
The Standstill Period may be extended as stated in Section 4 above.

If you have any questions regarding this Notification please do not hesitate to contact us.

On behalf of the Purchaser:

Signature: ______________________________________________

Name: ______________________________________________

Title/position: ______________________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________
Section X – Contract Forms 166

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form


This Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form (“Form”) is to be completed by the successful
Bidder1. In case of joint venture, the Bidder must submit a separate Form for each
member. The beneficial ownership information to be submitted in this Form shall be
current as of the date of its submission.
For the purposes of this Form, a Beneficial Owner of a Bidder is any natural person who
ultimately owns or controls the Bidder by meeting one or more of the following conditions:

 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the shares

 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the voting rights
 directly or indirectly having the right to appoint a majority of the board of
directors or equivalent governing body of the Bidder

RFB No.: [insert number of RFB process]

Request for Bid No.: [insert identification]

To: [insert complete name of Purchaser]

In response to your request in the Letter of Acceptance dated [insert date of letter of
Acceptance] to furnish additional information on beneficial ownership: [select one option as
applicable and delete the options that are not applicable]

(i) we hereby provide the following beneficial ownership information.

Details of beneficial ownership

Identity of Directly or indirectly Directly or Directly or indirectly
Beneficial Owner holding 25% or more indirectly holding having the right to
of the shares 25 % or more of appoint a majority of
the Voting Rights the board of the
(Yes / No) directors or an
(Yes / No) equivalent governing
body of the Bidder
(Yes / No)

[include full name

(last, middle, first), 
nationality, country
of residence]
Section X - Contract Forms 167


(ii) We declare that there is no Beneficial Owner meeting one or more of the following

 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the shares

 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the voting rights
 directly or indirectly having the right to appoint a majority of the board of directors or
equivalent governing body of the Bidder


(iii) We declare that we are unable to identify any Beneficial Owner meeting one or more of
the following conditions. [If this option is selected, the Bidder shall provide explanation on
why it is unable to identify any Beneficial Owner]
 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the shares
 directly or indirectly holding 25% or more of the voting rights
 directly or indirectly having the right to appoint a majority of the board of directors or
equivalent governing body of the Bidder]”

Name of the Bidder: *[insert complete name of the Bidder]_________

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder: **[insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]___________

Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the

Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and
capacity are shown above]_____

Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]_____

In the case of the Bid submitted by a Joint Venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder. In the
event that the Bidder is a joint venture, each reference to “Bidder” in the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form
(including this Introduction thereto) shall be read to refer to the joint venture member.
Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder. The power of attorney shall be
attached with the Bid Schedules.
Section X – Contract Forms 168

Letter of Acceptance
[letterhead paper of the Purchaser]

To: [name and address of the Supplier]

Subject: Notification of award Contract No. . . . . . . . . . .

This is to notify you that your Bid dated . . . . [insert date] . . . . for execution of the . . . . . . . .
[insert name of the contract and identification number, as given in the SCC] . . . . . . . . . . for
the Accepted Contract Amount of . . . . . . . . . [insert amount in numbers and words and name
of currency], as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders is
hereby accepted by our Agency.

You are requested to furnish (i) the Performance Security within 28 days in accordance with
the Conditions of Contract, using for that purpose one of the Performance Security Forms
and (ii) the additional information on beneficial ownership in accordance with ITB 48.1
within eight (8) Business days using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form, included in
Section X, - Contract Forms, of the Bidding Document.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Agency:

Attachment: Contract Agreement

Section X - Contract Forms 169

Contract Agreement
[The successful Bidder shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated]

THIS AGREEMENT made the [ insert: number ] day of [ insert: month ], [ insert: year ].
(1) [ insert complete name of Purchaser ], a [ insert description of type of legal
entity, for example, an agency of the Ministry of .... of the Government of { insert
name of Country of Purchaser }, or corporation incorporated under the laws
of { insert name of Country of Purchaser } ] and having its principal place of
business at [ insert address of Purchaser ] (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”),
of the one part, and
(2) [ insert name of Supplier ], a corporation incorporated under the laws of [
insert: country of Supplier ] and having its principal place of business at [
insert: address of Supplier ] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”), of the other
WHEREAS the Purchaser invited Bids for certain Goods and ancillary services, viz., [insert
brief description of Goods and Services] and has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply
of those Goods and Services

The Purchaser and the Supplier agree as follows:

1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract documents referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement. This Agreement shall prevail over all other contract documents.

(a) the Letter of Acceptance

(b) Letter of Bid - Technical Part
(c) Letter of Bid - Financial Part
(d) the Addenda Nos._____ (if any)
(e) Special Conditions of Contract
(f) General Conditions of Contract
(g) the Specification (including Schedule of Requirements and Technical
(h) the completed Schedules (including Price Schedules)
(i) any other document listed in GCC as forming part of the Contract
Section X – Contract Forms 170

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as specified

in this Agreement, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the
Goods and Services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.

4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of
the Goods and Services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and
in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of [insert the name of the Contract governing law country] on the
day, month and year indicated above.

For and on behalf of the Purchaser:

Signed: [insert signature]

in the capacity of [insert title or other appropriate designation]

in the presence of [insert identification of official witness]

For and on behalf of the Supplier:

Signed: [insert signature of authorized representative(s) of the Supplier]

in the capacity of [insert title or other appropriate designation]

in the presence of [insert identification of official witness]

Section X - Contract Forms 171

Performance Security
Option 1: (Bank Guarantee)
[The bank, as requested by the successful Bidder, shall fill in this form in accordance with
the instructions indicated]

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

Beneficiary: [insert name and Address of Purchaser]

Date: [Insert date of issue]

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [Insert guarantee reference number]

Guarantor: [Insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the letterhead]

We have been informed that _ [insert name of Supplier, which in the case of a joint venture shall be the
name of the joint venture] (hereinafter called "the Applicant") has entered into Contract No. [insert
reference number of the contract] dated [insert date] with the Beneficiary, for the supply of _ [insert
name of contract and brief description of Goods and related Services] (hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

guarantee is required.

At the request of the Applicant, we as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the
Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [insert amount in figures]
( ) [insert amount in words],1 such sum being payable in the types and proportions of
currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary’s
complying demand supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the demand itself or
in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the
Applicant is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without the Beneficiary needing
to prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire, no later than the …. Day of ……, 2…2, and any demand for
payment under it must be received by us at this office indicated above on or before that date.

The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Accepted Contract Amount
specified in the Letter of Acceptance, and denominated either in the currency (ies) of the Contract or a freely
convertible currency acceptable to the Beneficiary.
Insert the date twenty-eight days after the expected completion date as described in GC Clause 18.4. The
Purchaser should note that in the event of an extension of this date for completion of the Contract, the
Purchaser would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be
in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this
Section X – Contract Forms 172

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010
Revision, ICC Publication No. 758, except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is
hereby excluded.


Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be
deleted from the final product.

guarantee, the Purchaser might consider adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate
paragraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six
months] [one year], in response to the Beneficiary’s written request for such extension, such request to be
presented to the Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee.”
Section X - Contract Forms 173

Option 2: Performance Bond

By this Bond [insert name of Principal] as Principal (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) and
[insert name of Surety] as Surety (hereinafter called “the Surety”), are held and firmly bound
unto [insert name of Purchaser] as Obligee (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) in the amount
of [insert amount in words and figures], for the payment of which sum well and truly to be
made in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, the
Supplier and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.

WHEREAS the Supplier has entered into a written Agreement with the Purchaser dated the
day of , 20 , for [name of contract and brief description of Goods and related Services]
in accordance with the documents, plans, specifications, and amendments thereto, which to the
extent herein provided for, are by reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as
the Contract.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Condition of this Obligation is such that, if the Supplier shall
promptly and faithfully perform the said Contract (including any amendments thereto), then
this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
Whenever the Supplier shall be, and declared by the Purchaser to be, in default under the
Contract, the Purchaser having performed the Purchaser’s obligations thereunder, the Surety
may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly:
(1) complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions; or
(2) obtain a Bid or Bids from qualified Bidders for submission to the Purchaser for
completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon
determination by the Purchaser and the Surety of the lowest responsive Bidder, arrange
for a Contract between such Bidder and Purchaser and make available as work progresses
(even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or
Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost
of completion less the Balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other
costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in
the first paragraph hereof. The term “Balance of the Contract Price,” as used in this
paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by Purchaser to Supplier under the
Contract, less the amount properly paid by Purchaser to the Supplier; or
(3) pay the Purchaser the amount required by Purchaser to complete the Contract in
accordance with its terms and conditions up to a total not exceeding the amount of this
The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalty of this Bond.
Section X – Contract Forms 174

Any suit under this Bond must be instituted not later than twenty-eight (28) days following the
date of completion of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Contract,
including any warranty obligations.
No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other
than the Purchaser named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns
of the Purchaser.
In testimony whereof, the Supplier has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, and the Surety
has caused these presents to be sealed with his corporate seal duly attested by the signature of
his legal representative, this day of 20 .

SIGNED ON on behalf of

By in the capacity of

In the presence of

SIGNED ON on behalf of

By in the capacity of

In the presence of
Section X - Contract Forms 175

Advance Payment Security

Demand Guarantee

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

Beneficiary: [Insert name and Address of Purchaser]

Date: [Insert date of issue]

ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: [Insert guarantee reference number]

Guarantor: [Insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the letterhead]

We have been informed that [insert name of Supplier, which in the case of a joint venture shall
be the name of the joint venture] (hereinafter called “the Applicant”) has entered into Contract
No. [insert reference number of the contract] dated [insert date] with the Beneficiary, for the
execution of [insert name of contract and brief description of Goods and related Services]
(hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance

payment in the sum [insert amount in figures] () [insert amount in words] is to be made against
an advance payment guarantee.

At the request of the Applicant, we as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the
Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [insert amount in figures]
( ) [insert amount in words] 1 upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary’s complying demand
supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed
document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating either that the Applicant:

(a) has used the advance payment for purposes other than toward delivery of Goods;
(b) has failed to repay the advance payment in accordance with the Contract
conditions, specifying the amount which the Applicant has failed to repay.

The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance payment and denominated
either in the currency(ies) of the advance payment as specified in the Contract, or in a freely convertible
currency acceptable to the Purchaser.
Section X – Contract Forms 176

A demand under this guarantee may be presented as from the presentation to the Guarantor of
a certificate from the Beneficiary’s bank stating that the advance payment referred to above
has been credited to the Applicant on its account number [insert number] at [insert name and
address of Applicant’s bank].

The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the
advance payment repaid by the Applicant as specified in copies of interim statements or
payment certificates which shall be presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest,
upon our receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificate indicating that ninety (90) percent
of the Accepted Contract Amount, has been certified for payment, or on the [insert day] day
of [insert month], 2 [insert year], whichever is earlier. Consequently, any demand for payment
under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010
Revision, ICC Publication No.758, except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is
hereby excluded.


Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be
deleted from the final product.

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