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31 Aditya Paka - Sneha Paka

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Article · December 2016


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5 authors, including:

Govinda Sharma Reshma Saokar

SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital SDM Institute of Ayurveda Bengaluru Karnataka


Dr Vinay Kadibagil
SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital Hassan


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Rang et al. UJAHM 2016, 04 (06): Page 22-24

ISSN 2347-2375


Available online:
Review Article


Rang Sourav Kumar1*, Sharma Govinda K2, Saokar Reshma2, Kadibagil Vinay R3, Loganathan Sorubini1
Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Klapana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka,
Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Klapana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka,
Head & Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Klapana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India

Received 30-10-2016; Revised 28-11-2016; Accepted 26-12-2016

*Corresponding Author: Sourav Kumar Rang
Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Klapana,
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India

Bhaishajya Kalpana is a branch which is scattered in Ashtangas of Ayurveda. It deals with Aushadha nirmana by using the tools like
Samyoga, Vishlesha, kala, samskara and yukti. Sneha Kalpana is one among the aushadha kalpana which contains water soluble and
lipid soluble active principles. Adityapaka also known as Surya paka is a sneha kalpana where taila is heated with mild temperature
produced by the exposure of sunlight for a specific time period. This method is practiced to prepare taila paka from the drugs which
are having volatile property and are heat sensitive in nature. Total 14 different references Adityapaka are available in different text of
Ayurveda. It is commonly indicated in skin disorder.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sneha Kalpana, Adityapaka.

lakshanas (test of perfectness) is obtained as the sneha is

INTRODUCTION getting prepared, such as kalka attains wick shape when rolled
Sneha Kalpana may be defined as a pharmaceutical process to between fingers, no sound is produced when put into fire,
prepare oleaginous medicaments from substances like Kwatha, foam disappears in Ghruta paka and appears in Taila paka and
Kalka, and Drava Dravyas, taken in specific proportions by colour taste & odour of ingredients used is appreciated in the
subjecting it to a unique heating pattern and to a specific final product.
duration to fulfill certain pharmaceutical parameters, Aditya paka3-
according to the need of the therapeutics. This process ensures In this the paka method is done using surya rays. In this the
transformation of active therapeutic properties of the sneha along with kalka dravyas are kept in the sun rays for
ingredients to the solvents and helps to get lipid soluble , certain duration of time. Sometimes drava dravyas may also
water soluble or even the chemical constituents which are be added along with kalka dravyas. As such there are no
soluble in the media like Kanji, Butter milk etc. In other specific siddhi lakshanas are mentioned, but few opine that the
words, fixed oil mainly Tila Taila serves mostly as solvent for patra’s(vessel) colour should change after the proper paka.
fat soluble substances. Drugs having more volatile principles and rasa dravyas are
As per the general rule for Sneha preparation1, the ratio of commonly used in this method of paka. Snehas which are used
kalka, Sneha and Drava dravya is 1:4:16 and paka can be done for skin disorders can be prepared by this method.
in two methods, Aditya Paka Sneha is used externally especially in skin
1. Agni Paka (with fire) disorders as this sneha absorbs the UV rays from sun. The
2. Aditya Paka/Surya paka/Bhanu paka (with sun rays) sun’s Ultraviolet rays are made up of UVA and UVB rays.
Agni paka2- UVB rays are more effective at treating skin disorders because
In this the paka method is done using fire as a heat source. It is they penetrate more and helps for rapid skin shedding and
a commonly followed method as usually all the sneha growth. It helps to reduce the inflammation of skin.
preparations are manufactured by using Agni. Here the sidhi

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Rang et al. UJAHM 2016, 04 (06): Page 22-24

Difference between Agni Paka and Aditya Paka

Agni paka Aditya paka
Heat source is Agni Heat source is sunrays
Drava Dravya is added Usually done with kalka, Drava dravya may be added
Paka Lakshanas are observed As such no lakshanas are observed
Paka kala depends on ingredients /Drava Dravya added Paka kala is till the moisture is completely evaporated
Used internally as well as externally Used only externally
All types of drugs are used Usually Volatile drugs are used
There are few Aditya paka sneha is mentioned in classics like Chakradatta, Sahasrayoga, Sharangdhara, Bhaishajya ratnavali
Bharata bhaishajya ratnakara, Gada nigraha,Vangasena, etc.

Name of Yoga Ingredients Indications Ref
Sneha- Sarshapa taila
01. Kalka-Manjishta, Triphala, Laksha, Nisha, Manashila, Pama Gadanigraha4
surya paka taila
Haratala, Gandhaka churna
Sneha- Sarshapa taila
Gugguladya Kalka-Guggulu, Maricha, Vidanga, Sarshapa, Kasisa, Musta,
02 Kushta Gadanigraha5
surya paka taila Sarjarasa, Shreeveshta, Haratala, Gandhaka, Manashila,
Kushta, Kampillaka, Haridra, Daruharidra
Sakalamaya hara in Bharata
Vachadi Surya Sneha- Tila taila
03 Shishu Pushtikara- bhaishajya
paka taila Kalka-Vacha, Bala mula
Abhyanga ratnakara6
Sidma When applied Bharata
Marichyadi Sneha-Tila taila
04 for 1 week bhaishajya
Taila Kalka-Maricha, Kushta, Tamalapatra, Manashila, Kasisa
Kilasa-For 1month ratnakara7
Sneha-Ghruta-1 Prastha
05 Kalka-Shrivasaka, Sarjarasa, Lodhra, Kampillaka, Manashila, Kushta Vangasena8
Gandhapashana-each 1 pala
Sneha-Tila taila Udumbara, Kacchu,
Kushta Kalka-Parada, Gandhaka, Kushta, Saptaparna, Chitraka, Mamsavrudhi,
06 bhaishajya
Rakshasa taila Sindhura, Lashuna, Haratala, Bakuchi, Araghvada beeja, Bhagandara,
Jeerna tamra, Manashila Pama,Vatarakta
Adityapakva Sneha-Go ghruta
07 Ghruta(Kuranda Kalka-Saidhava lavana, Kept under sun in Sambhuka Kuranda 0
nasana Yoga) bhanda(snail cell) for 7 days
Adityapakva Sneha-Go ghruta
08 Ghruta(Kuranda Kalka-Saidhava lavana, Kept under sun in tamra patra(copper Kuranda
nasana YogaII) vessel) for 7 days
Sneha-Tila taila
Aditya paka Chakradatta1
09 Kalka-Vatavarohaka, Bhutakeshi churna Kesha ropanam 2
guduchi tailam
Drava-Guduchi swarasa
Sneha-Ghruta 30 pala Dadru,Pama,Shiraspota
Kalka-Kasisa,dwe haridra, Musta, Haratala, Manashila, di,visarpa,shukadosha,
Kasisadhya Sharangadha
10 Kampillaka, Gandhaka, Vidanga, Guggulu, Siktaka, Maricha, Vatarakta
ghrutam ra Samhita13
Kushta, Tuttha, Goura sarshapa, Rasanjana, Shrivasa etc each Does Shodhana.Ropana
1 karsha Kept under sun in tamra patra for 7 days and varna karana
Kutaja patra Taila-Narikela taila
11 Kushta Vangasena14
taila Kalka-Kutaja patra
Taila-Karanja taila-8 Pala Drava dravya-Kanji-Pala
Pruthvi sara Kushta, Vrana,Rakta Chakradatta1
12 Chitraka mula,Nirgundi,Karavira,Nadicha beeja each 1pala 5
taila vikruti
pounded with Kanji
Taila-Tila taila (Seasome oil)-1 prastha
Aditya pakva Bhaishajya
13 Kalka dravya-Bala,Rasna,jayanti,Madhuka Khalityadi roga
taila ratnavali16
Musali,Nishotha,Chandana dwaya ,Lavana etc
Taila-Tila taila (Seasome oil)-1/2 prastha
Aditya paka Bhaishajya
14 Kalka dravya-Manjistha, Triphala, Laksha, Haridra, Manashila, Pama
taila ratnavali17
Haratala, Gandhaka
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DISCUSSION 4. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaushajya Ratnakara.Reprint

ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.4 P.83
Sneha is a pharmaceutical preparation through which Water 5. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakara.Reprint
soluble and fat soluble active principles can be extracted from ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.2 P.60
herbs .Sneha paka can be done by Agni paka or Aditya paka. 6. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakara.Reprint
Aditya paka sneha is widely indicated in skin disorders. Sneha ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.4 P.683
is a best media which can pass easily through the lipid 7. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakara.Reprint
membrane present in the skin. During Aditya paka, sneha ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.4 P.97
absorbs the ultra violet rays which facilitates the penetrating 8. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakara.Reprint
property of Sneha. As UV rays helps for rapid shedding and ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.5 P.53
growth of skin it can be applied on wounds for quick healing. 9. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakara.Reprint
Many clinical studies proves that application of Surya tapi ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.1 P.267
Kutaja patra taila cures Kitiba Kushta, Vicharchika . Aditya 10. Sharma Priyavrata, Cakradatta. 1sted. Varanasi.
paka technique is also used in preparation of Vataka, guggulu chaukhamba orientalia.1994.P.339
kalpanas. In Rasashastra Shodhana of Shilajatu, Kasisa and 11. Sen, K.S.G.D. Vriddhiroga chikitsa prakaranam. In:
Marana of loha etc are done using Surya tapa. Demerits of Rao, G.P (ed.) Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Varanasi:
Aditya paka are, time cosuming and cannot prepare in all Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2014. p. 192.
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CONCLUSION chaukhamba orientalia.1994.P.446
13. Shah CN.Bharath Bhaushajya Ratnakara.Reprint
Aditya paka taila is more beneficial in treating Skin disorders. ed.New Delhi.B.Jain publishers ltd; 1999.Vol.1 P.254
It can be used only for external purposes. 14. Vangasena, Vangasena samhita or Chikitsasara
samgraha, Dr. Nirmal saxena. Chaukambha sanskrirt
REFERENCES series office, Varanasi Edtn. 2004 Vol. 2 P.739
1. Sharangadhara, Tripati.B. Dipika commentary on 15. Sharma Priyavrata, Cakradatta. 1sted. Varanasi.
book of Sharangadhara samhita.ed10, Varanasi: chaukhamba orientalia.1994.P. 408
chaukamba; 2011. 16. Sen, K.S.G.D. Khalityaa chikitsa prakaranam. In:
2. Sharangadhara, Tripati.B. Dipika commentary on Rao, G.P (ed.) Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Varanasi:
book of Sharangadhara samhita.ed10, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2014. P. 753.
chaukamba; 2011. 17. Sen, K.S.G.D. Kustharoga chikitsa prakaranam. In:
3. Rama Chandra Reddy, Bhaisajyakalpanavijnanam, Rao, G.P (ed.) Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Varanasi:
2nd ed., Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhavan,Varanasi P. Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2014. P. 328.

Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 04 (06), Nov-Dec 2016 24

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