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Fourth Final Exam in English 8-Test Questions

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Name: ________________________________Grade & Section: __________ Date:

Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided for.
Items 1-5-Analyze the questions below and choose the letter of the correct answer for each item.
Write the letter of your answer on your paper.
1. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?

There are many reasons students are not allowed to chew gum during class. First, some irresponsible students do not properly dispose
their gum after chewing. They may stick it on the bottoms of their desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on their classmate’s property. This
may result to arguments among classmates. Another reason is it is a distraction. When students are allowed to chew gum, their
attention is more focused on chewing, popping, or snapping it. _____________, they may not listen, read, and learn properly. These
are the reasons why students are not allowed to chew gum during class.

A.Therefore B. Despite this C. In Conclusion D. Because of this

2. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?

Some teachers do not allow students to use cellphones during classes. However, using them in class has advantages. Cellphones are
useful for students in searching definitions and relevant information. They can check pronunciations and browse pictures to fully
understand concepts. Another advantage is their cellphones make note-taking more convenient. Students don’t need to take down long
notes from the board, and can just take photos and record the teacher’s discussions instead. Furthermore, it also serves as an
alternative calculator in Math subjects. __________ teachers view cellphones as a distraction to students, they are still very useful.
Therefore, with proper supervision and monitoring, cellphones can be very beneficial to students during classes.

A. Although B. Because C. As a result D. Furthermore

3. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?
Unable to fall asleep is frustrating. However, you can fall asleep faster through these ways. _________ is listening to relaxing music.
Playing this type of music helps you have a restful and deeper sleep compared to someone who doesn’t listen to music. Another way is
by keeping the lights off. Keeping the room dark when going to bed helps you sleep. Lastly, avoid using gadgets during bed time. The
blue light from gadgets blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. To sum up, these are some ways to
help you easily fall asleep.

A. Also B. Next C. One way D. Another way

4. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?

Other people say that the tobacco industry helps our economy; however, cigarettes still bring a lot of problems. First, the smoke from
cigarettes is harmful to the health of both smokers and non-smokers. It is known to be the leading cause of lung cancer which may result
to death. Second, it contributes to air pollution. Despite it boosting our economy, I strongly believe that the mentioned negative effects
are more valid for people to stop consuming cigarettes.

A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general-to-particular D. persuasion

5. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?

Generations are classified into different groups. Baby boomers are born from the year 1946 to 1964. They're currently 56-74 years old.
Generation X is another group that is born from the year 1965 to 1980. People in this generation are currently 40-55 years old.
Generation Y or Millennials are those who are born from the year 1980 to 1995. They are currently 24-39 years old. Lastly, Generation
Z is the newest generation being named. People in this generation are born from the year 1996 to 2015. They are currently 5-24 years
old. People do come from different generations. The differences in the different generation is not only evident in these terminologies but
also in the way they see, do and accomplish things. Thus, these classification is often used to capture patterns of behavior of people
belonging to the same generation.

A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general-to-particular D. persuasion

6. Which concept below refers to the organizing of ideas in a logical and clear manner to suit the
writer’s purpose? A. coherence B. grammatical signals C. idea development D. pattern of idea
7. Apart from using, determiners, repetition, transitional devices, which below can be used to
achieve coherence?
A. claim B..grammatical signals C. idea development D. pattern of idea development
8. Which pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by elaborating it using specific
details? A. cause and effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general to particular D. problem-solution
9. Which pattern of idea development is used to present an action that can be taken to address
an identified concern or issue?
A. cause and effect B. claim-counterclaim C. problem-solution D. general to particular
10. Which pattern of idea development is based on opinions and emotions that aims to convince
the readers to do or believe in something?
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. persuasion D. problem-solution
Items 11-
7. Which of the following defines a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a sentence
that_____________________________. A. summarizes an essay B. gives a conclusion of an
essay C. expresses the main idea of an essay D. states the relevant information of an essay
8. Which of the following best explains secondary sources? Secondary sources present the
________________. A. commentaries which come from primary sources B. information which
come from secondary sources C. information which are derived from primary sources D.
analyses of research paper which are taken from various sources
9. Which of the following should NOT be done in making an outline? A. Make and organize a list
of your subtopics. B. Review and refine the contents of your outline. C. Present the primary and
secondary sources randomly. D. Provide additional information to support your subtopics.
10. You want to write a feature article that would encourage people to keep the right attitude and
stay hopeful amidst COVID-19 crisis. Which of the following could NOT be considered as a
secondary source for your article? A. books B. diaries C. journals D. reports
11. Hannah is a passionate writer who wants to expand the content of her outline. Which of the
following should she consider first? A. thesis statement of the outline B. summary of relevant
information C. use of primary and secondary sources D. outline of the major topics and
supporting details
12. Jen is tasked to write an essay about the importance of obeying the government’s rules and
regulations of her country. After writing her thesis statement, what should Jen do in order to
organize her ideas? A. analyze the given information B. research on the important information C.
choose the main topics and supporting details D. outline the major topics, subtopics and
supporting details
13. Daniel is very excited for the upcoming online meeting with his teammates. As a team leader,
he wants to prepare an interesting activity that could be done through online platform. Which of
the following would he consider as primary source in searching for an interesting online activity?
A. biographies B. dissertations C. interviews D. textbooks

14.Teacher Nina has tasked you to create a topic outline on any subject that interests you.
Since you are fond of online games, you opted to write about it. Which of the following should
NOT be included in your outline? A. The Right Response of Parents B. The History and Its
Developers C. Statistics of Online Game Users D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online
15. Which of the following topics is NOT outlined properly?
A. I. Love and Infatuation A. Concepts of Love
B. Characteristics of Infatuation
B. C. D. II. Greatest Movies About Love
A. Titanic B. The Passion of the Christ III. Different Languages of Love A. Spending Quality time
B. Offering of Material things IV. There are different types of love. A. Loving someone
romantically is called Eros. B. Loving people unconditionally known as Agape

For questions 1 to 3,refer to the paragraph above:
1. What is the author biased against? a.horrible neighbor b. student boarders
c.old land lady d.neighborhood
Our neighbor is such a horrible person that one can deal with. He doesn’t care about his neighborhood
because of his attitude.

2.Which of the underlined words help to

show the authors bias?
a.horrible neighbor b.student boarders c. old land lady d. neighborhood
3. What does it mean to show bias?
a.To be happy b. To be one sided c.To be neutral d. To refuse to take side
4.Which statement is NOT an example of the author’s bias?
a.The best song today is the song of Sarah Geronimo.
b.The No.1 song on the Billboard Top 100 this week is Rhianna’s “Work”.
c.”One Call” is the popular song of all time.
d.The songs of Black Pink are childre’s favorite.
5.What makes a statement unbiased? a.It is based on facts. b.It has loaded words.
c.It persuades the readers d It uses understandable words
For items -6-10-Analyze each given situation and answer the questions that follow.
6. Famous people give their personal experiences using the product. What propaganda
techniques is used?
a.Bandwagon b.Glittering Generalities c.Testimonial d. Transfer
7.Your product is new in the market. You you want it to be endorsed by Ann Curtis so
that it will positively affect the buying public. What possible technique is applicable?
a.Transfer b. Name Calling c.Repetition d. Bandwagon
8.In your advertisement, you want to show the customers that almost everybody is using
the product. In this case, what technique should be used?
a.Testimonial b.Card Stacking c. Repetition d. Bandwagon

For Items-9-10-Identify the line which does not belong to the group and determine the
technique used.Write the letter of your choice and the technique used.
A. “When I shine with you” Lea Salonga for Ariel.
9. B. “ Get strong Sunsilk#Habamazing Hair Mo! Sarah Geronimo for Sunsilk.
C.” The energy pabaon for Champion “ Milo.
______________ ________________________

A. “ Our idea of Pop Art Pepsi,Pepsi,Pepsi.”-Pepsi

10. B. “Trusted by Moms” -Clorox
C. “ Think Blue, True blue, and Proud to be blue”-Blue
______________ _________________________
For items 11-15- Read and Analyze -Read the poem carefully and answer the questions.
Africa’s Plea by: Roland Tombekat Dempster
I am not you…. You meddle ,interfere in my affairs
But you will not As if they were yours
Give me a chance And you were me
Will not let me be me You are unfair ,unwise, foolish to think
That I can be you
“If I were you “ Talk, act and think like you
But you know God made me, he made you, you for god
I am not you. Sake let me be.
Yet you will not let be me.
11. What is the meaning of the word “plea” in the poem?
A.Mate b. request c. remind d. desire
12. What characterestics of an African is revealed in the poem?
A.courageous b.submissive c. pessimistic d. kind
13.What does the poem’s persona try to imply in the line, God made me, he made you, you for
God ‘s sake ,let me be”? A.equality of treatment
b. individual differences c. discrimination d. All of the Above
14.What does the persona in the poem emphasize in this line; You meddle,interfere in my affairs
us if they were yours…”?
A.Abuse of power b. Social issues c.Exploitation d. All of the Above
15.What issue’s in society is/are depicted in the poem?
A.economic issues b. social issues c. moral issues d. Both b and c
For items-16-20-Determine the various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in
the text.
16. What kind of issue do you think this line suggests.” The amount of shabu valued at millions
of pesos seized during police operations speaks volume of enormity and the weight of the
problem that we bear?
A.Moral b. Economic c. Social d. both a and c
17.What issue in the society does this line “ he asked for solidarity and unity in the march
towards the light at the end of the tunnel!”suggest?
A.Economic b. Moral c. Social d. both a and b
18.Which among the following is not a social issue?
A. Drug Abuse b.Human Rights c. Child Abuse d. None of the Above
19.What issue does this line “ You’re not meant for her because she’s not rich” suggests?
A.Social b. Economic c. Moral d. All of the Above
20.This problem affects the harmonious relationship among individuals.
A. Moral b.Social c. Economic d. All of the above

For items 21-27-Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds
21. To better understand the literature , the following are best things to consider except:
A.The author’s personal background b. The origin of the literary work.
c.The symbols ,gestures, and message presented by the text. D. The title of the text.
22. Literature is always associated with the following.
A.Culture b. Heritage c. People’s Diversity d. All of the above
23.Riza is never happy when everyone is getting along. She always instigates fights and then
acts like little Miss Innocent . When you instigates something,you ______.
a. Check it out b. Protect it c. get it started d. Ignore it
24.Poetry intends and not only to entertain.
A. Art b. Human being c. Studies d.Experiments

25.Mr. Huge was very proud of his auto superstore.”We have such an extensive selection of
cars,”he said , “so everyone should find a vehicle that he or she will love”. The word “extensive
“ means_________.
A. Costing a lot of money b. large amount c. having no color d. not enough
26.Which among the following choices is true about culture?
A. Culture is the system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.
B. Culture is symbolic communication. C. Culture is communication. D.All of the Above
27.Heritage focuses on the legacy from the past,what we live with today ,and ________.
A.What is beyond our imagination
For items 28-31-Supply with the appropriate cohesive devices from the list given above in the
passage. Moreover But Although Therefore Because
My friend is a singer. He is intelligent and hardworking,28______________, he is creative.He
had won in many competitions last year 29___________________he did not receive any recognition.
30____________he loved our place;be decided to leave the country and settle down in
Singapore.31___________he will now become a citizen of Singapore.
For items 31-40-Analyze the given sentences. Choose the best sentence improvement in the
choices given in each item.
31. Which sentence is lacking of parallelism? a. She likes cooking, baking, and to dance.
b. She likes cooking, baking, and dancing. c. She likes cooking. d. b & c
32. Which sentence is parallel? a. Juan likes to play baseball and to run.
b. Juan likes to playing baseball, and running. c. Juan likes to playing baseball and run. d. b &a
33. The kids took too much time cleaning their room, left little time to do outdoor chores.
a. leaving little time to doing outdoor chores b. left little time to do outdoor chores
c. leaving little time to do outdoor chores d. left few times to do outdoor chores
34. When choosing a sport, youths are encouraged to consider its difficulty, its required skills, it’s
necessary equipment, and it’s all overall cost.
a. the money needed for it b. how much its cost overall c. the cost of it d. its overall cost
35. The teacher find new ways of teaching, believing her students would get more from lessons
featuring, playing, acting, and creativity. a. featuring, playing, acting, and creating
b.feature, play, act, and creativity c. playing, acting, and creative things
d. playing, and creativity
36. Stretching before physical workouts is important to improve flexibility, and avoiding injury. important to both improve flexibility and also avoid injury important to improve flexibility and in the avoidance of injury important to improve flexibility and avoid injury. d.all of the above
37. Writing an additional sentence for each paragraph is easier than the writing of a new paragraph.a.
one’s writing of b. when you must write c. the writing of d. writing
For items 38 – 40 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence to make it parallel.
38. She likes to draw but not ________________.a. singing b. to sing c. sing d. both a and c
39. Painting, cooking, and ___________ are my hobbies.
a. to dance b. danced c. dancing d. all of the above
40. My friends are both kind ____________ generous. a. but b. and c. nor d. or

tems 6-10- Identify the bibliographic parts of a printed or online source;
6. Which of the following is an example of a correct bibliography entry? A. DESOLO, Christian.
“Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020. B. Desolo,
Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020. C. Desolo,
Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020. D. Desolo,
Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020.
7. Which of the following print materials refers to a scholarly published periodical containing
articles written by researchers, professors, and other experts?
A. books B. journals C. magazines D. newspapers
8. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the internet?
A. Instagram B. online C. social media D. YouTube
9. Which part of a report can bibliography be found? It can be found in the _______.
A. middle of a research B. last page of a research C. beginning of a research D. introduction
part of a research 3
10. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be
created to _________. A. avoid plagiarism B. help other researchers C. burden writers in doing
their research D. show respect to the author of the source used
11. Which of the following statements is TRUE about bibliography? It is a ________. A. sample
of books to read later B. list of sources used in a research C. place to go and check out books D.
list of books students need to buy
12. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is
important because it ___________. A. gives credit to the author B. is required by the teacher
C. is generally a part of an essay D. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
13. Which of the following bibliography entries contain a complete information of the source?
A. Amparo, Elmer. The Government of Early Philippine Society. Lipad Publishing Group.
B. Pamano, Alma, and Burdeos, Kris. “The Beautiful Islands of Dinagat.” One Mindanao.
C. Yagong, Michelle and Pineda Afonso. “Festivals in the Philippines.”
D. Zapico, Leo. “First Filipino Bags Gold in Olympics.” National Press, August 17, 2018.

Items 14-18-Determine the function of the underlined modal verb as used in the sentence.
14. Could you open the door for me? A. offer B. permission C. promise D. request
15. I will eat now. A. ability B. decision C. permission D. promise
16. May I go now? A. decision B. offer C. permission D. request
17. I can play any musical instrument. A. ability B. general truth C. offer D. promise
18. You must follow the doctor’s advice. A. no obligation C. strong obligation B. permission D.
weak obligation

Activity 3: Choose It Right! Complete the description of each picture below by writing
the correct modal nouns. Choose your answers from the word box. Write the letter on the space
provided below.
A.obligation B.ability C.promise D. chance E. necessity F.likelihood

19. It is a ______________ that we avoid wet floors to avoid accident.

20. Every parent has an __________to take care of their children especially when they are sick.
21. Many love Anna because of her ______________ to sing.
22. I hope I will have the ______________ to ride my bicycle again.
23. I was so happy on my birthday because my mother kept her ______________ that she would
buy me a cake.

Items 24-28-Choose the letter of the modal adverb defined in the underlined phrase in each
24. Anna danced in a skillful or competent manner. a. certainly b. possibly c. obligately d. ably
25. My father has given me the permission to go picnic with my friends.
a. willingly b. likely c. permissively d. necessarily
26. I love my mother without a doubt. a. requisitely b. promisingly c. certainly d. responsibly
27. My father raises me in a responsible manner. a. decidedly b. responsibly c. ably d. surely
28. A heavy rain is something that is possible to happen today.
a. possibly b. necessarily c. decidedly d. willingly

Items 29-33-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition signals to complete the idea of the
paragraph. Choose from the given pool of words below.

A.indeed first D.when suddenly E.because F.yet fact I. in order J.with this in mind
K.nevertheless L.that is a matter of fact N.ultimately

It was 29. _____ a surprise, 30. _____ _____ the way I live changes. 31. _____, I had difficulty
coping up. 32. _____, there were times that I felt low, being alone. 33._____ as time flies, I
realized that this feeling was a state of my mind, 34. _____, I allowed myself to be controlled by it
without noticing that my family is with me 35. _____ I was too busy thinking of my social life.36.
_____, it is not too late.37. _____, my perspective in life began to change.38. _____, I know that
it is always up to me how to see things that will make me happy and contented. 39. _____, one
must have to look in all directions to accept positively what is happening around 40._____ to find
beauty in life amidst

Items 34-40-Use appropriate verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in expressing emotions and
opinions for persuasion;
34. Which of the following sentences expresses the feeling of being contented? A. I am satisfied
with my grades for this quarter. B. I am happy with my high score in the quiz. C. I am looking
forward for the next lesson. D. I am thankful for my parent’s support.
35. Which among the adverbs below expresses unhappiness because of failing to meet
expectations? A. Disappointingly C. Unfortunately B. Disapprovingly D. Unluckily

Items 35-40-Complete the idea of the paragraph by providing the appropriate verbs.
Depression: Not A Joke
All of us may feel a little sad and pessimistic (thinking negatively) sometimes. However, if we 36.
______ these emotions all the time, it 37. ______ not anymore a simple sadness. It is already a
sign of depression. Depression 38. _____ be taken seriously since it can lead to suicides. What
should we do if we see the above symptoms in our family? It is best that we help them seek
professional help. Medical professionals suggest that a depressed person 39. _______ see a
psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats and cures illnesses of the mind. We, as family
members, can also help. We 40. _______ spend time talking to them, letting them feel that we
are there to support them. In this way, they will feel that they are not alone.

Activity 3: Observing the Text

Directions: Read the following selections, then answer the questions that follow.
(Reading Selection A) Obama: ‘There Were No Winners In This’ Government Shutdown

Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came together, the government was
reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. But the truth is, there were no winners in
this. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually
harmed jobs and growth. And it’s understandable that your frustration with what goes on in Washington has never been
The way business is done in Washington has to change. Now that these clouds of crisis and uncertainty have lifted,
we need to focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do – grow the economy, create good jobs, strengthen the
middle class, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul.
It won’t be easy. But we can make progress. Specifically, there are three places where I believe that Democrats and
Republicans can work together right away.
First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks
our long-term deficits further. There is no choice between growth and fiscal responsibility – we need both. So we’re making a serious
mistake if a budget doesn’t focus on what you’re focused on: creating more good jobs that pay better wages. If we’re going to free up
resources for the things that help us grow – education, infrastructure, research – we should cut what we don’t need, and close corporate tax
loopholes that don’t help create jobs. This shouldn’t be as difficult as it has been in past years. Remember, our deficits are shrinking – not
Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There’s already a broad coalition across America
that’s behind this effort, from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy. It would PAGE
secure our\*borders.
The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan MERGEFORMAT
support. Now the House2 should,
| Page too. The majority of Americans thinks this is the
right thing to do. It can and should get done by the end of this year.
Third, we should pass a farm bill – one that America’s farmers and ranchers can depend on, one that protects vulnerable children
and adults in times of need, and one that gives rural communities opportunities to grow and the longer-term certainty they deserve.
We won’t suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of crisis has passed. But we shouldn’t hold back on places where we
do agree, just because we don’t think it’s good politics, or just because the extremes in our parties don’t like compromise. I’ll look for
A crown serves as part of an embraced identity. It is a badge of honor resting effortlessly amongst the highest point. My crown
happens to be thick, curly, and typically high maintenance. It barely reaches my shoulders and poofs in the damp Houston weather. My crown
is of course my textured mane, which I had to develop to appreciate and embrace like royalty. Black girls and women throughout the nation
are learning the history behind their hair, as they emulate hairstyles that showcase its stunning diversity.
As a young girl, I never understood the importance and the privileges behind hair, especially in the Black community.
The first time I was exposed to the identity of Black hair was after watching Chris Rock’s, documentary “Good Hair,” which
market of hair
addressed thevanity in the Black community. I began to chemically relax my hair shortly after watching the movie. Personally, I was
fascinated with the long straight strains that gracefully draped.
My fingers swept effortlessly through my relaxed crown. It enticed attention from other girls with crowns just alike. Young Black
(Reading Selection B) A Black woman’s crown should be celebrated
girls held their heads up high after a fresh do. Pride directly Bycomplements
Lydia Dillarda (TSU)
Black girl’s crown, especially after being plucked, burned and
teased. Though I enjoyed the stringy press, I forgot how my original curls laid after submitting to straight hair for so long.
While in high school, I stopped straightening my hair and began my natural hair journey. Now many other Black girls rock their
natural crown with honor. As society progresses, the standards for hair have changed. “I was told I’d never get a job on TV with natural
hair,” Winfrey said. She experimented with different hairstyles as she entered her career. However, Winfrey describes herself as a rebel. “I’m
at a point where I’m quite happy with my look,” she said.
Though Winfrey has faced obstacles with her hair, she doesn’t let her hair or people’s opinions define her. “It doesn’t necessarily
represent anything in particular,” she said. “It’s an extension of a piece of who I am.”
Overall, the rich history of Black hair tells a story that battled with fallen appreciation but has now resurfaced as a true embrace.
Whatever sits on top of a Black woman or man’s head, should represent power and respect . A true crown has no template or standard,
instead, it directly illustrates the beauty of its possessor.


1. What is the first reading selection about?

1. What is the first reading selection about?

2. What ideas are presented in the second text?


3. Are the details presented in first reading factual? What about the reading selection
B? What made you say so?

What is it

Many readers are under the impression that when reading a text, all the ideas and information presented are always correct. This impression
is not always true. Informational texts are based on the author’s ideas, beliefs, opinions or facts from reliable sources.
Authors present their ideas and support them with specific reasons and evidence to convince the reader. Thus, a reader should evaluate the
reasons and evidence before giving a judgment.
The information used by an author in giving his/her reasons or evidence can be classified according to:

1. Factual information are those that solely deal with facts. These are short, non-explanatory, and rarely give in-depth
background on a topic. These statements are also those that can be verified or proven to be true or false.
Factual information resources are found in encyclopedias, almanacs, government resources, or statistics.

Examples of Factual Information:

 The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein power is equally divided among its three
 Philippines is an island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the 3,866 respondents aged 13-24 years had experienced some form of violence in their

In the activity earlier, reading text A is an example of text that uses factual information. In the address delivered by
then US President Barack Obama, he presented several issues to the American people. These issues are backed up with
reasons and evidence to convince his people.

2. Subjective content or information are those which come from only one point of view. It involves judgment, feeling,
opinion, intuition or emotion rather than factual information. Opinions are useful to persuade, but careful readers and
listeners will notice and demand evidence to back them up.
Reading text B is an example of texts that uses subjective information.
Subjective information resources are found in websites containing blogs or vlogs, social media, non-
scholarly books and journals or book reviews.

Examples of Subjective Information:

 “Beautiful Girls” was an entertaining show that should have never been canceled.
 Yellow is the best color among all the colors.
 Strawberries taste better than blueberries.

We need to analyze the type of information used by the author in giving reasons and evidence in his text to understand the
purpose of the text – to persuade, to inform or to entertain.

What’s More
Activity 4: Validate Info
Directions: The statements below are taken from the two reading selections earlier. Identify whether the statement in each item is a
factual or subjective information then explain why.

Statements Type of Information Reason

1. A true crown has no template or
standard, instead, it directly
illustrates the beauty of its
2. First, we should sit down and
pursue a balanced approach to
a responsible budget, that grows
our economy faster and shrinks
our long-term deficits further.

3. Those of us who have privilege

to serve this country have an
obligation to do our job the best

we can.
4. My crown happens to be thick,
curly, and typically high
5. Second, we should finish the job
of fixing our broken immigration
system. There is already a
broad coalition across America
that is behind this effort, from
business leaders to faith leaders
to law enforcement. It would
grow our economy. It would
secure our boarders.

Activity 5: Identifying Information in the Text

Directions: Read the texts below and answer the questions that follow.

Text A. Duterte overturns task force decision to allow 10 to 14-year-olds outside

“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte re-imposed the stay-at-home rules for 10 to 14-year-olds in the entire country, overturning
a unanimous decision of his pandemic task force to let the age group outside in hopes of spurring more economic activity. "Just to be sure,
and in our desire to protect our people, napilitan akong i-reimpose 'yung (I was forced to reimpose) 10 to 14 [year-old]," he said on Monday
night, January 25, after a meeting with task force officials in Davao City.
The President said the rule would stay until "everybody is safe by the bakuna (everybody is safe because of the vaccine)." It's fear
of the new COVID-19 variant observed in the United Kingdom that convinced Duterte to overturn his task force's move.”
Source: Duterte overturns task force decision to allow 10 to 14-year-olds outside,, January 25, 2021 10:32 PM PHT.

1. Are the details in the text presented factual? If yes, what type of information are they?
2. What are the pieces of evidence in this claim?
Text B. Red is My Power Color
by Ei Mee Lat

I always choose to wear dresses that are in color red. I feel like I am in-charge of everything when I’m wearing them.
Combining the red dress with a red lipstick’s on can elevate my self-esteem. Using my black stiletto, makes a perfect combination
because it can also give accent to my beautiful red dress.
I believe that red is the most beautiful color among all the colors. It symbolizes power. I suggest that people who are losing
their self-esteem should wear outfits that are red in color because it will make them feel confident.

3.What type of information is used in the text above?

4.What type of information is used in the text above?

5.Do you think the writer’s reasons are backed up with facts as evidence? Explain your answer.

ASSESSMENT-Let us check how well you have mastered the lesson in this module.
Directions: Read each item below and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Ana is tasked to write about “Percentage of Enrollment in the New Normal in
your school.” What type of information does she need?A. factual B. subjective C. ideal D.creative
2. Which of the following materials uses factual information as basis for evidence
or reason in writing?A. encyclopedias, almanacs, government resources, or statistics
B. vlogs, social media, non-scholarly books or book reviews
C. vlogs, almanacs, encyclopedias, social media
D. encyclopedias, almanacs, government resources, social media
3. Which among the following choices is an example of a statement based on
Factual information?A. A student must top all his subjects in class.
B. A government should have a leader. C. A teacher alone will teach values to the students.
D. A school principal provides financial support to all students.
4. Which among the following choices is an example of a statement that uses

subjective information?A. Rodrigo R. Duterte is the current president of the Philippines.
B. Her friend Eimee Werble is the most beautiful lady in the Philippines.
C. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
D. Leonor Briones is the Secretary of the Department of Education.
For items 5-7, read the text below.
Official Statement on the Opening of Classes

“As per the memorandum, the President has given approval to the recommendation of DepEd. Thus, we will implement such a
decision to defer school opening to October 5 pursuant to Republic Act No. 11480. We shall use the deferment to provide relief to the logistical
limitations faced by the areas placed under MECQ and to fill in the remaining gaps of the school opening that we are currently addressing.”


5. What type of information is used in the text?A. factual B. subjective C. analytical D. creative
6. In the text above, the word deferment refers to?A. Closure B. Postponement C.Cancellation . D.Openi
7. Which of the following reasons discussed in the implementation of the decision to defer school opening
to October 5 is NOT included in the official statement released by the DepEd?
A. To provide relief to the logistical limitations faced B. To fill in the remaining gaps of the school
C. To comply pursuant to Republic Act No. 11480 D. To extend the schools BRIGADA program
Read the text below to answer items 8-9.
Facebook: A Waste of Time
Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites used daily by millions of people around the world. The advancement of technology has great
impact on Facebook letting its users access the site anywhere, anytime and without limit. This situation has negative effects to its users unknowingly.
First, Facebook users spend a lot of their precious time by doing unbeneficial activities such as stalking people, and chatting unnecessary things to
their friends. Next, users may be involved in various cybercrimes, such as hacking or phishing .
Lastly, Facebook can cause family relationship to be
restrained since quality time with family is reduced.
This popular social media site is a good platform for recreation but mostly it is a waste of time.

8. What type of information is used in the text? A. Factual B. Subjective C. Analytical D. Creative
9. Do you think the author’s reasoning is factual? Why or why not?
A. Yes, because the author stated reasons that are true in experience.
B. Yes, because there is an in-depth discussion to the claims.
C. No, because there are no research and statistics involved.
D. No, because there are pieces of evidence to the claims.
10. Why do we need to analyze the type of information used by the author in giving reasons and evidence
in the text? A. To understand the purpose of the text B. To lay critical judgments
C. To give arguments D. To create a debate

A. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer to each question. Write the letter of the correct before
the number.Activity 4: Validate Info
Directions: The statements below are taken from the two reading selections earlier. Identify
whether the statement in each item is a factual or subjective information then explain why.
Statements Type of Information Reason
A true crown has no template or
standard, instead, it directly illustrates
the beauty of its possessor.
First, we should sit down and pursue
a balanced approach to a responsible
budget, that grows our economy
faster and shrinks our long-term
deficits further.
Those of us who have privilege to
serve this country have an obligation
to do our job the best we can.
My crown happens to be thick, curly,
and typically high maintenance.
Second, we should finish the job of
fixing our broken immigration system.
There is already a broad coalition
across America that is behind this
effort, from business leaders to faith
leaders to law enforcement. It would
grow our economy. It would secure
our boarders.
Let us check how well you have mastered the lesson in this module.

Directions: Read each item below and write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. Ana is tasked to write about “Percentage of Enrollment in the New Normal in
your school.” What type of information does she need?
A. factual B. subjective C. ideal D. creative
_____2. Which of the following materials uses factual information as basis for evidence
or reason in writing? A. encyclopedias, almanacs, government resources, or statistics
B. vlogs, social media, non-scholarly books or book reviews
C. vlogs, almanacs, encyclopedias, social media
D. encyclopedias, almanacs, government resources, social media
_____3. Which among the following choices is an example of a statement based on
factual information?A. A student must top all his subjects in class.
B. A government should have a leader.C. A teacher alone will teach values to the students.
D. A school principal provides financial support to all students.

_____4. Which among the following choices is an example of a statement that uses
subjective information?A. Rodrigo R. Duterte is the current president of the Philippines.
B. Her friend Eimee Werble is the most beautiful lady in the Philippines.
C. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
D. Leonor Briones is the Secretary of the Department of Education.
For items 5-7, read the text below.
Official Statement on the Opening of Classes

“As per the memorandum, the President has given approval to the recommendation of
DepEd. Thus, we will implement such a decision to defer school opening to October 5 pursuant
to Republic Act No. 11480. We shall use the deferment to provide relief to the logistical
limitations faced by the areas placed under MECQ and to fill in the remaining gaps of the school
opening that we are currently addressing.”

What type of information is used in the text?
A. factual B. subjective C. analytical D. creative
_____6. In the text above, the word deferment refers to?
A. Closure B. Postponement C. Cancellation D. Opening
_____7. Which of the following reasons discussed in the implementation of the
decision to defer school opening to October 5 is NOT included in the official
statement released by the DepEd?A. To provide relief to the logistical limitations faced
B. To fill in the remaining gaps of the school
C. To comply pursuant to Republic Act No. 11480
D. To extend the schools BRIGADA program
Read the text below to answer items 8-9.
Facebook: A Waste of Time
Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites used daily by millions of people around the world.
The advancement of technology has great impact on Facebook letting its users access the site anywhere, anytime
and without limit. This situation has negative effects to its users unknowingly.
First, Facebook users spend a lot of their precious time by doing unbeneficial activities such as stalking
people, and chatting unnecessary things to their friends. Next, users may be involved in various cybercrimes, such as
hacking or phishing. Lastly, Facebook can cause family relationship to be restrained since quality time with family is
This popular social media site is a good platform for recreation but mostly it is a waste of time.
_____8. What type of information is used in the text?
A. Factual B. Subjective C. Analytical D. Creative
_____9. Do you think the author’s reasoning is factual? Why or why not?
A. Yes, because the author stated reasons that are true in
B. Yes, because there is an in-depth discussion to the claims.
C. No, because there are no research and statistics involved.
D. No, because there are pieces of evidence to the claims.
_____10. Why do we need to analyze the type of information used by the author in
giving reasons and evidence in the text?
A. To understand the purpose of the text B. To lay critical judgments
C. To give arguments D. To create a debate

A. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer to each question. Write the letter of the correct before
the number.
____1. What are pronouns?
a.Pronouns are repeated nouns in a sentence.
b.Pronouns allow you to take out unnecessary nouns when you know what you
are talking about.
c.Pronouns refer to persons only in a sentence.
____2. Which of the following statements does not define antecedent?
a.Antecedent is “the thing that came before”.
b.Antecedent stands for a word that is previously used.
c.Antecedent does not always agree with pronouns.
____3. What correction should be made to this sentence, “Finally, water a flower by using
collected rainwater in a bucket for watering them later. “
a.remove the comma after Finally b.insert a comma after rainwater c.replace
them with it
____4. Which of the following is a compound sentence?
a.My brother works at GM Steels, he’s worked there ten years.
b.He started as a welder, but he wanted to be a designer.
c.After 6 years he finished college, so he was promoted.
____5. What revision should be made of this paragraph?
1. Please consider my application for bookkeeping position that you recently advertised in Zamboanga Times. 2. I check
the help-wanted ads every week. 3. I believed that my skills fit the position very well.

a. move sentence 1 to the end of the paragraph

b. remove sentence 2
c. begin a new paragraph after sentence 2
____6. What subordinating conjunction should be used in the following underlined sentence?
Oxalic acid can be used for stubborn stains. For ink, an extra step is needed.
a.Finally b.However c.Moreover
_____7. What problem in pronoun use do you find in the following sentences?
I use a monthly bus pass. This pass is good for public transportation. The pass makes them happy.

a. I b. These c. them

_____8. “When you hear the sound of a fire truck’s siren, one should pull over and let it
pass.” What should be the correct way to write the underlined group of words?

a. you should pull over and let it pass b. he should pull over and let it pass c. they should pull
over and let it pass
_____9. My brother and I were at the hardware store. ______were there because _____ was
having a big sale. a. We, he b. We, it c. They, it
____10. Read this paragraph below.

1. Monkeys are a lifeline to independent living for thousands of physically challenged people. 2. They make home aides and they’re
intelligent too. 3. They become precious companions, devoted to their owners. 4. Their human companions grow to treasure them.
The most effective way to write sentence 4 would begin with which group of words?
a. On the other hand b. In turn, c. Nevertheless
B. Directions. Choose the letter of the correct answer to each question. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
_____1. It is a grammatical link of ideas within text or sentences that holds a text together
and give it meaning. a.Pronoun Antecedent b.Cohesion c.Transition words
_____2. Which of the following statements does not define the importance of cohesion?
a. Cohesion holds ideas in a text or sentence together.
b. When ideas are connected with each other, it gives you a clearer
understanding of what a text means.
c. Cohesion doesn’t affect one’s reading comprehension.
Choose the correct conjunction to complete each sentence.
3. El Niño is a fascinating cyclical weather system; ____scientists are still finding
useful data from studying it. A.Nevertheless b.Moreover c.Finally
4. Climates near the equator change little season to season; ____ weather predictions
are the most accurate. A.Besides b.consequently c.However
5. Oil-based paints last longer; ____it is hard to apply and it’s messy to clean up.
a. Consequently b. However c. Nevertheless
6. Family life is sometimes more difficult than single life; ____sometimes a family
makes life easier. a. Nevertheless b. Moreover c. yet
7. There is no question about having a brother or a sister that can hinder our personal
freedom; ____ many times a sibling can be an ally.
a. Nevertheless b. Moreover c. However
8. Life of a family is a complex one; _____there is no such thing as “perfect family
life”. a.Nevertheless b. Moreover c.However
9. Relationships between stepparent and a son or daughter can be challenging. _____ a
stepmother is sometimes a pain; there are stepmothers who add joy to children’s
lives. a.Although b. Moreover c. However
10. Choosing a partner in life could be more challenging _____ it’s the children who
get most affected. a. Yet b. since c. moreover
WINGIE A. LANGUIDO-09606656020


NAME OF MOTHER/ SIGNATURE ____________________________________________

NAME OF MOTHER/ SIGNATURE _____________________________________________

NAME OF STUDENT/SIGNATURE _____________________________________________

Answer Key

A. B.
1. B 1. B
2. C 2. C
3. C 3. B
4. B 4. B
5. B 5. B
6. B 6. C
7. C 7. C
8. A 8. B
9. B 9. A
10. B 10. B

What I Know (page 1)
1. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
What’s In(pages 2-3)
A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
What’s New (page 3)
1. Pick out the words that are used in connect ideas in the text.
2.What do you call these words which are used to connect ideas?
3. What do you understand when we say cohesive devices?
What’s More(page 4)-
Activity 1- Activity 2- page 5 Activity 3-page 5
1. 6. 1. 6. 1. 6.
2. 7. 2. 7. 2. 7.
3. 3. 8. 3.
4. 4. 9. 4.
5. 5. 10. 5.
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED -TEST I-A- (page 6) B--(pages 6) TEST- II (PAGES 6-7)
1. 1. 1. 6.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
WHAT I CAN DO -A- (pages 7-8) B.(page 8) C -PAGE 9
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Performance Task:
What I Have Learned (pages-8-9)
Write your Reflection in a Separate Construction Paper or Recyclable materials and make a
design of your portfolio. Don’t forget to write your name and title and name of your teacher at
the front of your portfolio. Please be guided the rubrics in writing your reflections.

Assessment (pages 10-11)

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Additional Activities-Performance Task 2-Please Do it!

Directions: Task Create a Slogan that suggests solution to any relevant issue in the country today. Use a 1/8
illustration or recyclable materials that are available at your home . Below is the rubric in rating your work.
Category 5 3 1
Originality of Ideas Ideas used on the slogan One or two of the slogan’s No ideas used made by
reflect an exceptional ideas reflect student the student are included.
degree of student creativity in their creation
creativity in their creation and/or display.
and/ or display.
Required Elements The output includes all All but I of the required Several required elements
required elements as well elements are included in were missing.
as additional info. the output.
Attractiveness The output is exceptionally The output is acceptably The output is distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive though it may be messy or very poorly
design,layout,and a bit messy. designed. It is not
neatness attractive.

WINGIE A. LANGUIDO-09606656020

Parent’s Signature

Mother:_______________________ Father : _______________________________

Student Signature:


What I Can Do (page 8)
Venn Diagram-Directions: Compare and Contrast the definition and elements between drama
and novel using the Venn diagram.


ASSESSMENTpages 8 and 9 Additional Activities (page 9)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
WINGIE A. LANGUIDO-09606656020

Background Information for Learners

What is visual-verbal relationship?

Visuals are considered to be things that can be seen, visible things other than
printed words that are used in a communication process. The term verbal applies to
written or spoken words. The natural tendency for visual and verbal components to be
mutually supportive has been called visual-verbal symbiosis. Visuals and verbals can be
combined in any ratio, and the ratio offers a way of establishing a typology of visual and
verbal relationships. Of the many media combinations that bring the visual and verbal
together, the most common are the printed page and the video screen. The outline
graphic is a particularly powerful form of visible language. Only a few of the relationships
between visual and verbal components are explored. These, however, illustrate that
ideas can be delivered with greater impact when visual and verbal components are
mutually supportive.

What is an expository text?

Expository texts, or informational texts, are non-fiction texts that give facts and
information about a topic.
Why do authors use graphics?
Authors include graphics to broaden understanding, so students must know how
to read and interpret them as they are essential aspects of understanding the material.

1. Tables

A table is a set of facts and figures Example:

arranged in columns and rows and Ria’s Account of Flowers in Her Garden
is a very useful way of organizing According to Her Favorite Colors
numerical information or data. Flowers Pink White Red Yellow Total

Rose 10 5 14 4 33

Lily 2 8 4 6 20

: Azalea 5 3 4 9 21

Santan 0 12 25 10 47

Total 17 28 47 29 121

2. Charts, Graphs and Diagrams

Display of data in a meaningful and crisp manner with a visual representation of
values that allows the intended user to easily understand and analyze the data without
getting into the granular details of such data is the prime objective behind the concept of
using Graphs and Charts.
A chart is a type of representation of large sets of data, which makes the user
understands the same in a better manner, and by using the same helps in the prediction
of existing data and forecast future data based on the present data pattern. A chart can
take the form of a diagram or a picture or a graph. Datasets can be transformed into a
meaningful display of information using charts.
Graphs mainly focus on raw data and depict the trend overtime-related to such
data. A Graph is basically two-dimensional and shows the relationship between the data
through a line, curve, etc. using the horizontal line along the bottom (called X-axis) and
vertical line up the side (called Y-axis). As per the Advanced English Dictionary, “A Graph
is a mathematical diagram that shows the relationship between two or more sets of
numbers or measurements.”
What are the differences between charts and graphs?


A diagram is a symbolic representation of information using visualization

techniques. Diagrams have been used since ancient times on walls of caves, but became
more prevalent during the Enlightenment. Sometimes, the technique uses a three-
dimensional visualization which is then projected onto a two-dimensional surface. The
word graph is sometimes used as a synonym for diagram.

Main Types of Visual Representation:

a. Bar graphs are used to show
relationships between different
data series that are independent
of each other. In this case, the
height or length of the bar 80 White
60 Red
indicates the measured value or
frequency. Below, you can see the 40 Total
example of a bar graph which is 20
the most widespread visual for
presenting statistical data. Rose Lily Azalea Santan Total

b. Line graphs represent how Example:

data has changed over time. This
Exercises Performed in a
Number of Times Performed during

type of charts is especially useful

when you want to demonstrate Week
trends or numbers that are 40 40

connected. For example, you’d 30 30 30 30 30

like to track the number of times 20 20 20 20 20 20
10 10 10
7 10 8 10
you were able to perform 3 5 6
exercises in a week to check ay da
y ay ay ay ay ay
und on esd e sd rsd Fr
id urd
whether there is progress and to
S M Tu ed
u Sa
evaluate the day you are able to
Donkey Kicks Jumping Jacks
workout more based on the data Push Ups
c. Pie charts are designed to
visualize how a whole is divided
Flowers in Ria's Garden
into various parts. Each segment
of the pie is a particular category
within the total data set. In this 27%

way, it represents a percentage 39%



Rose Lily Azalea Santan

d. Diagram is a plan, drawing, or
outline created to illustrate how
separate parts work and overlap
at the connecting points.

3. Information Maps

Information Maps are research-
based methods for writing clear
and user focused information,
based on the audience's needs
and the purpose of the
information. The method is applied
primarily to designing and
developing business and technical
communications. It is used as a
content standard within
organizations throughout the


Learning Competency: Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs and

information maps found in expository texts. (EN8SS-Iie-1.2)

Activity 1: Tables
Directions: Study the table below and answer the questions asked based on the
data on the table provided.
Ria’s Account of Flowers in Her Garden
1. How many types of flowers did Ria plant in
her garden? What are they? According to Her Favorite Colors

2. What flower did Ria plant the most?

3. How many red roses did Ria plant more than Rose 10 5 14 4 33
the pink roses? Lily 2 8 4 6 20
4. Based on the table above, what do you think Azalea 5 3 4 9 21
is Ria’s favorite color?
Santan 0 12 25 10 47
5. What can you say about Ria’s choice of
Total 17 28 47 29 121
flowers and favorite colors?

Activity 2: Describing graphs and trends

Directions: Use the pictures and your own ideas to make sentences.

Useful vocabulary
fluctuate (verb) volatile (adj.) increase
(v.) steadily (adv.) rapidly (adv.) rise
(v.) fall (v.) decrease (v.) population
(n.) stocks (n.) gold (n.) weight (n.)
Maps Information
are research-
prices (n.) inflation (n.) medicine (n)
based methods
for writ
and user and
and focu
The price of
based on the
the on
the audience
on need
The value of
and the and
and of
of pu
The cost of
The method
is applied
The informatio
is applie
The rate of
primarily primarily
to designing
to primarily
to primarily
developing business
It communications.
is used communications
It isa used
It isasus
content content
the organizat
1. Sales are steadily increasing. Source: Describing graphs/ making sentences (
world. world. world. world. world.

Activity 3: Interpreting information maps

Directions: Using the information map below, answer the following questions in 2-3

1. What is the information map
2. What unit of measurement is used
to show the sizes of the islands?
3. Among the 31 identified islands, PAGE \*
which islands have a land area MERGEFORMAT 2 | Page
between 800 (km2) – 900 (km2)?
Where in the map are they located?

Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answer on a separate
piece of paper.
1. Which graph will Bob use if he wants to track his motor sales in a year?
a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Pictograph d. Pie graph

2. Which graph will Thea use if she wants to know the percentage distribution of her monthly allowance?

a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Pictograph d. Pie graph

3. What kind of diagram will you use if you want to compare and contrast?
a. Flowchart b. Graphic organizer c. Schematic diagram d. Venn diagram

4. Which visual representation gives information on a specific location?

a. Diagram b. Graph c. Information Map d. Table
5. How do we describe the data shown in the graph?

a. The number of push ups performed in a week

Push Ups Performed in a
Number of Times Performed during

is declining.
b. The number of push ups performed in a week
16 15
is decreasing.

c. The number of push ups performed in a week 10
8 7 8
is fluctuating. 4 5
d. The number of push ups performed in a week 0
y y y y y ay ay
is increasing. nda nda s da s da da rid rd
Su o ue ne urs F at
M T ed Th S

Push Ups

Through this worksheet, I was able to _____________________________________________
My favorite part of this worksheet is _________ because,______________________________
Now, I can _____________________________________________________________________.


Download flat illustration of people doing outdoor activities for free. (2021, August
13). Freepik.

Graphs vs charts. (2021, May 24). WallStreetMojo.


How to describe charts, graphs, and diagrams in the presentation. (2021, August 4). Language
learning with Preply Blog.

Information mapping. (2003, March 30). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 19,
2021, from

(n.d.). CDN Site.

(n.d.). Eslflow's English language teaching resource for ideas and lessons plans.

(n.d.). Western University.

Philippine Islands png 4 » PNG image png for free download | DLPNG. (n.d.). Free PNG Images
& Free Vectors Graphics PSD Files -

Tables/Graphs/Charts - Mathematics. (n.d.). Google Sites.

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Balongating NHS, Guipos District
Answer Key:
Activity 1
1. Four. Rose, Lily, Azalea and Santan
2. Santan
3. Four.
4. Red.
5. Answers may vary.
Activity 2
1. Bonus.
2. Answers may vary.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary.
6. Answers may vary.
7. Answers may vary.
8. Answers may vary.
9. Answers may vary.
10. Answers may vary.
11. Answers may vary.
12. Answers may vary.
13. Answers may vary.
14. Answers may vary.
Activity 3
1. Land area of the 31 largest islands in the Philippines
2. Square-kilometer
3. Tablas, Jolo, Busuanga.
4. Mindanao
5. Answers may vary.


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