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Writing Styles Assignment

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Writing Styles Assignment Guide

PART I - What Style of Writing is This?

This part is to be done for every writing style

This assignment has been designed to teach you about a variety of different writing styles, each with
varying purposes and characteristics. In order to have a better understanding of the writing styles and
the texts you will be reading, you must answer the following five questions about each of the eight
writing styles below (Memoir, Speech, Newspaper Article, Magazine Article, Persuasive Essay, Opinion
Essay, Expository Essay, Personal Essay). These questions may be answered in point form notes but must
be answered on a Cornell Note-Taking Page.

1. Define the writing style.

2. What are two characteristics or features of this writing style?

3. How might this writing style be used in a college classroom? What is the
purpose of the writing style?

4. If you were to write something in this writing style, what would your topic be?

PART II - MLA Citation Guide


Anytime you use a text that belongs to an author, whether you are directly quoting from their work, or
paraphrasing (summarizing what they are saying in your own words), it is important that you always cite
them. If you do not cite them, you are plagiarizing (taking someone else’s work as your own).

When you use someone else’s work in your writing, you must include a “Works Cited” page at the end of
your assignment. The “Works Cited” page gives details about whose work you used, the title of their
work, and other important publishing information.

There are different styles that you can cite: MLA, APA, and Chicago Style. For this assignment, we will be
creating citations using MLA style.

Depending on the type of text you are trying to cite, the format of the citation changes slightly. For the
essays, memoirs, articles, and speeches that will be working on, the citation format is as follows:

Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection, edited by Editor's Name(s), Publisher,
Year, Page range of entry.
Make sure to use quotation marks, brackets, and italicized font as shown above. Also, every line of the
citation, with the exception of the first, must be indented and double spaced.

Here is an example:

Taylor, Drew H. “The Urban Indian.” Break Away, edited by Monica Schwalbe, Chelsea Donaldson, Karen
Alliston and Niki Walker, Janice Schoening, 2004, pp. 95-96.

Visit the Virtual Library website to get more information or to download an app like EasyBib
Bibliography Creator

Part III - Investigating Writing Styles

Complete the skill-building exercises and extension activities for each writing style.
You are to do the following analysis on the texts that are indicated

Writing Style/Author/Text/Pages Skill-Building Exercise Extension Activities

Memoir Pretend that you have to write a memoir about Answer the following
your experiences in school between the time questions in well-worded
Drew Hayden Taylor you were five years old until now. paragraphs (5-8 sentences
“The Urban Indian” each):
(p. 95-96) Create a mind map that brainstorms all of the
significant events and milestones you would Activity 1 - 1 paragraph
include in your memoir (this will help complete
BreakAway Activity 2). How has the author’s identity
changed over time, with his
(HINT: A mind map is a visual representation move from the Indigenous
of what you want to say in your writing. Mind reserve to the big city?
maps do not have to be in any particular order;
they are just meant to help you get all of your Activity 2 - 2 paragraphs
ideas on paper. This will help make the writing
process easier once it is time to write a draft of Explain what identity means
your memoir.) to you and how your
schooling from the time you
were five years old until now
has made you the person you
are today.

Speech Using a pencil, annotate Trudeau’s speech. Activity 1:

Write notes directly on the page about
Justin Trudeau important ideas, concepts, and details. You Write a well-worded
“A Son’s Eulogy for His Father” may also circle or underline parts that are reflection in three
(p. 230-232) unclear. Feel free to write questions and paragraphs (5-8 sentences
additional points that come to mind in the each), which uses proof
margins of the text. from the text in support,
Between the Lines 12 addressing three the following
(photocopy) (HINT: If you are unsure about what may or questions:
may not be important in the text, think about:
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?) ● Was there anything
that stood out to you
as you read
Trudeau’s speech?
● Was there anything
that you did not
understand as you
read the speech?
● Do you have any
● Do you think Pierre
Trudeau was
deserving of a
eulogy? Why or why
● Do you think this
speech was well
written? Why or why

Activity 1:
Newspaper Article Based on what Walker talks about in his news
column, create a Pros and Cons list, in point Answer the following question
Andy Walker form, about the positive and negative aspects in two complete paragraphs:
“Be Specific When Searching the of being specific when searching the web.
Web” “Do you believe that there is
(p. 212-214) PROS – What is the positive side of being any value in studying
specific when searching the web? (List at least newspaper articles as a
five Pros.) writing style?”
Between the Lines 12
CONS – What is the negative side of being
specific when searching the web? (List at least
five Cons.)

Activity 1:
Magazine Article It is time to be critical!
In two paragraphs, discuss
Vijay Narasimhan Point out an instance of bias in this magazine whether a newspaper article
“Teen Loitering—What the Heck article. How does this part of the text illustrate or magazine article is a better
Are They Up To?” bias? source of information. Please
(p. 125-127) make sure you include a
Create two questions about something that is discussion of bias in your
BreakAway unclear or something that you do not writing.
understand in the magazine article.

(HINT: Bias is an unfair prejudice in favour of

or against someone, something, or a group of

Activity 1:
Persuasive Essay Is Heather in favour or against the death
penalty? Find two online schiolarly
Heather Meredith, “The Death articles that discuss the death
Penalty for None” Create a t-chart with two headings: penalty. Provide a brief
(p. 208-211) “Arguments” and “Supporting points” overview of what the articles
are about and create a
Reading and Writing for Success Arguments Supporting Points “Works Cited” page that is in
Senior MLA format for the articles.
Include at least three arguments made and as
many points that support that argument as
possible (find all your arguments and
supporting points in Meredith’s essay).

Activity 1:
Opinion Piece Answer the following questions in well-worded
paragraphs (5-8 sentences each): Create a visual image
Suwanda Sugunasiri, “Who, (poster) on 8.5”x11” paper
then, is a ‘Canadian?’” According to Sugunasiri, who is a Canadian? with the same title as the
(p. 214-217) Do you agree or disagree? Explain why. opinion piece that explains
who is a Canadian from your
Viewpoints (photocopy) perspective.
Activity 1:
Expository Essay Using Cornell’s Note-taking Method, make
clear and concise notes about the “The Role of In 2 paragraphs and using
Irving Layton the Teacher,” written by Layton. proof from the essay, explain
“The Role of the Teacher” (p. whether you agree with
337-339) (HINT: Create an organized chart like the one Layton’s explanation or not.
Echoes 12
Title of Text:
Questio Notes


Activity 1:
Personal Essay Use a highlighter and highlight the most
June Chua important parts of Chua’s personal essay. Choose a theme within this
“Small Town Ways” Highlight important ideas, concepts, and essay and in one well-written
(p. 82-84) details. Do not highlight everything! paragraph using proof from
the text, explain what it is.
BreakAway (photocopy)
(HINT: If you are unsure about what may or Activity 2:
may not be important in the text, think about: Create a “Found Poem” from
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?) the words that you have
highlighted in this essay that
expresses the theme that you
discussed above. This poem
should be at least 5 lines in

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