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Design and Analysis of Water Treatment Plant

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


U. Praveen Goud1, G.Hari Krishna2, P.Jeevan3, V.Babulal4
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad, Telengana.
Students of Final Year B.Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Institutions,
Hyderabad, Telengana.

ABSTRACT: Changes in design of water-treatment plants enters the plant. For example; ground water requires less
usually result from the desire to improve operating treatment than water from lakes, rivers and streams.
performance, the need to modify treatment processes, the
urge to benefit from technical advances, or the efforts to 1.1 KRISHNA WATER DISTRIBUTION TAILS
reduce the impact of increasing construction costs. All have Phase-I (2004 - 2006)
had an influence on the water-treatment plants now under STAGE -1 for supplying 45 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day)
operation. The various functions and equipment of the STAGE -2 for supplying 45 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day)
facility including the mixing and settling basins, the second Phase –II (2006 -2011) for supplying 90 MGD (Million
plant expansion, new plant construction, new sludge- Gallons Per Day)
removal units, filter media, valves, under drains, the filter Phase –III (2011-2014) for supplying 90 MGD (Million
design, surface-wash system, and the current plans and Gallons Per Day)
investigations underway. The overall design of the The current demand for water supply in the city is 460 MGD,
wastewater treatment plant consists of 3 stages: i) Primary but the Water Board is supplying only 340 MGD, a major
treatment which consists of screening, grit removal and shortfall, that deprives the surrounding municipal areas,
sedimentation ii) Secondary treatment consists of a many of which get water once in three days, some only once
bioreactor iii) Tertiary treatment consists of nitrogen in seven days. Godavari water will come to the city a few
removal, adsorption and pH control. For plant design, the months before the Assembly elections in 2014.
following parameters are assumed/experimentally Alwal would be the first GHMC circle to get Godavari
determined for the wastewater. Further, the total flow rate water, which would traverse 186 Kms from Yellampally
and the concentrations keep varying at different times of (Karimnagar) barrage. Subsequently, Qutubullapur,
the day, as well as are subject to seasonal variations. For Rajendranagar, Kukatpally, Serilingampally, Kapra and
example, in morning hours the flow rate and BOD value is Malkajgiri circles and the Secunderabad cantonment would
high. Similarly, during rainy season solid contents like silt get Godavari water treated at the Ghanpur mega balancing
are more due to surface run-off. reservoir.


To provide safe and pure drinking water to environment, The main object is the supplying of Krishna treated water to
people and living organisms. Distribution of Krishna treated Hyderabad from Kodandapur water treatment plant by the
water to Hyderabad was proposed on 6th SLSC meeting held help of mechanically pumping and by gravity.
on 20-1-2004.To provide additional drinking water to the To drawing raw water from AMRP canal through MS pipe
twin cities from river Krishna with AMRP main canal as line from the canal intake to the three WTP’s (water
source. It has been proposed to take up Krishna Water Supply treatment plant’s) (phase-I of stage I & stage-II of 45
project in three phases for supplying 270 MGD. To meet the MGD+45 MGD and phase –II OF 90 MGD) total 180 mgd
projected demand of HMWS&SB’s service area up to of water for Krishna drinking water supply project.
horizon year 2021. Drinking water treatment plants are used To pump out the clear water after filtration by the pumps
to remove particles and organisms that lead to diseases and from the pump house of Kodandapur to Nasarlapally a
protect the public welfare and supply pure drinking water to distance of 34 km with 157 m through 8 pumps.
the environment, people and living organisms. In addition, The pumping of clear water from pump house at
they also provide drinking water that is pleasant to the senses Nasarlapally to Godakondla with a distance of 24 kms and
: taste, sight and smell and provide safe, reliable drinking head of 163 m.
water to the communities they serve. Water treatment, as a To pump the clear water from Godakondla to Gungal with
word originally means the act or process of making water distance of 20 Kms and head of 148 m.
more potable or useful, as by purifying, clarifying, softening To pump the clear water from the Gungal to Sahebnagar
it. To provide drinking water to the public is one of the most reservoir by gravity.
important tasks of communities and the design of water
supply systems has to follow the rules of engineering 1.3 HYDERABAD METROPOLITAN AREA
sciences and also needs technical knowledge and practical Hyderabad metropolitan area includes urban and extends to
experience. Water is treated differently in different semi urban and panchayat limits by about 1905.04 SqKm.
communities depending upon the quality of water which With twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad located in Copyright 2018.All rights reserved. 3485

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

the core portion. HUDA covers the following areas: In view of meeting the future demand criteria for the city,
Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage board
METROPOLITAN AREAS: (HMWS&SB) has selected Krishna River as source. The
SL.NO Name of area Area in phase-I and phase-II of Krishna Drinking Water Supply
SqKm Project is commissioned for a drawal of 180 MGD (90
MGD+90MGD) sourced from Nagarjuna sagar reservoir.
Krishna Drinking Water Supply Project envisages for
1. Municipal Corporation of 172.60 tapping 16.5 TMC of raw water from Krishna i.e 270MGD
Hyderabad(MCH) in three phases. Each phase consists of 5.5 TMC raw water
2. Ten (10) municipalities, Kukatpally, drawls for adding 90 MGD of treated water to the water
Alwal, Kapra, Malkajgiri, L.B Nagar, supply system of Hyderabad City.
Qutubullapur, Serilingampally, Uppal The implementation programme of the three phases is as
and Rajendra Nagar and Gaddi 418.56 below.

3. Urban Panchayat Area 94.58

4. Semi Urban Panchayat Area 15.78
5. Rural Panchayat Area 1162.62
6. Osmania University and Secunderabad 43.02
Total 1970.16
Table: 1 Metropolitan areas
Table: 3 Source of water
DEMAND Physical
The population of future water demand of the city including Temperature 10oC to 15.6oC
surrounding Municipalities for different horizon years is Odour 0 to 4Po value
below. Colour 10 to 20(platinum cobalt scale)
Turbidity 5 to 10 ppm(silica scale)
Projected population(in Water demand
Year Taste No objectionable taste
millions) (in MGD)
Total solids Upto 500ppm
2004 6.804 245
Hardness 75ppm to 115 ppm
2006 7.193 290 Chlorides Upto 250 ppm
Iron and manganese Upto 0.3 ppm
2011 8.166 320 Ph 6.5 -8
Lead 0.1 ppm
2016 9.083(estimated) 360
Arsenic 0.05 ppm
2021 10.018(estimated) 400 Sulphate Upto 250 ppm w
Carbon alkalinity Upto 120 ppm
2031 11.810(estimated) 500 Dissolved oxygen 5 to 6 ppm
Table: 2 Population of Hyderabad and water demand B.O.D Nil
Table: 4 Standards of drinking water
The Kodandapur treatment plant was located at village called II. TEST RESULTS
Kodandapur is at 29 Km from Nagarjunasagar. 116 Km from
Hyderabad. The total area of plant is 331 acres. The total
length of the pipeline pumping and gravity is 114 Kms.
Enroute Reservoirs were constructed at Nasarlapally,
Godakondla, Gungal and at Sahebnagar to join the city at IS


The raw water tapping is through an independent control cum
regulating sluice from AMRP Main canal (SLBC). The raw
water is being drawn from A.Madhava Reddy project Main
Canal at Ch.26.328 Kms. Table: 5 Turbidity values Copyright 2018.All rights reserved. 3486

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


of coagulant Total population = 530000
1 5mg Poor Maximum turbidity in water in monsoon = 1500PPM
2 10mg Average Raw water has hardness of 100mg/lit as caco3
3 15mg Excellent Softening plant works for 2 shifts of 8 hours per day
4 20mg Excellent Per capita demand = 135 litres Average quantity of water
5 25mg Excellent required
6 30mg Excellent = 5.3 × 105 × 135
Table: 6 Jar test values = 76.85 × 106 lit/day
= 76.85 × 103 cu.m/day
76.85 × 10 3
= = 0.89cu.m/sec
24 ×60×60
Maximum demand of the city
= 1.5 × 76.85 × 103 cu.m/day
= 1.33 cu.m/day


Provide 2mm dia holes on 8mm thick sheet
Table 7: Values of COD
Sample 1: River water 5.2 COAGULATION
COD in mg/lit = (P-Q)xNx8x1000/ml of sample taken Alum required for chemical feeding
= (4-3)x0.1x8x1000/5 Let the optimum dose be 5 to 8 mg/lit (determined by jar
=160mg/lit. test)
Sample 2: Drinking water The average quantity of alum required
76.85 × 10 6 ×5 76.85 × 10 6 ×8
COD in mg/lit = (P-Q)xNx8x1000/ml of sample taken = to
10 6 10 6
= (3-2.7)x0.1x8x1000/5 = 385 to 615 kg/day
= 48mg/lit. The maximum requirement in summer will be 1.5 times
III. PURIFICATION METHODS = 385 × 1.5 to 615 × 1.5
i. SCREENING = 577 kg/day to 923 kg/day
Screening is the first unit operation used at wastewater The quantity of alum shall be first mixed with the water to
treatment plants (WWTPs). Screening removes objects such form a solution of 5% strength
as rags, paper, plastics, and metals to prevent damage and Maximum capacity of the solution feed device = 923 × 20
clogging of downstream equipment, piping, and lit/day
appurtenances. Some modern wastewater treatment plants 923 ×20
use both coarse screens and fine screens. 60 ×24
 Coarse screens = 12.82 lit/min
 Fine screens Min dose which will be feeded during average demand
 Comminutors and grinders =
= 8.5 lit/min
ii. AERATION Quantity of solution to be feeded in one shift of 8 hours
Water aeration is the process of increasing the oxygen = 12.82 × 60 × 8 lit
saturation of the water. This also helps to produce active = 6153.6 lit
sludge which can be used as fertilizers. Providing two solution tank
 Water quality. The capacity of the tank =
6153 .6
= 3077 liters = 3.077 cu.m
 Aeration methods. 2
Keeping depth of the tank of solution (assume)
 Natural aeration. m and 15 cm as free board
The side of the square tank = 3.077 = 1.75 m
Size of the each tank solution
= 1.8 × 1.8 × 1.15 m
The flow of raw water will be divided into two channels
Maximum flow in each channel
= cu.m/sec
= 0.667 cu.m/sec
Providing a velocity of 60 cm/sec
The cross sectional area of the above channel = sq.m
Fig 1 Flow diagram of water treatment plant Copyright 2018.All rights reserved. 3487

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

= 1.11 sq.m
Provide 1.2 × 1.0 m channel with 92.5 cm water depth, 5.8 WASH WATER TANK
having free board of 7.5 cm at the maximum flow. Over head tank 20m above the bottom of the strainer
Quantity of wash water = 2.5% of total water
5.4 DESIGN OF MIXING TANKS = 2.5% × 10 × 8 × 4500 × 23.5
Mechanical flash mixtures will be used for mixing the = 2.1 × 105 lit/unit
coagulant solution with the water. = 211.5 cum/unit
Assume the detention period of 1 minute Capacity of wash water tank = 423 cum
Capacity of each flash mixture = 0.667 × 60 cu.m Assume depth 3.0 m
= 40.02 cu.m 423
Provide depth of 3.0 m Dia of the tank = 13.5 m
3 × 𝜋/4
40.02 Depth = 3.3 m
= m = 3.65 m
3 Free board = 30cm
Provide size = 3.70 × 3.70 × 3.70 m
One shift of 8hrs
14 rapid gravity filters = = 370.12 cum/hr
Assume flocculating time of 30 minutes
Provide 4 units each 125 cum/hr
The capacity of each flocculating tank = 0.667 × 60 × 30
Pumping sets = dia 30 cm
cu.m 125 ×3
1200 .6 The velocity of flow = 𝜋 2 = 1.47 m/sec
Provide 4 channels = 4
×0.3 ×60×60
= 300.15 cu.m Friction loss of 25m
Provide 3.0 m depth of water, 30m length of the channel The water hp of the pump=
300 .15 75
Width = = 3.335m 1000 ×370 .12×25
3×30 =
Provide size of flocculating tank = 30m × 3.335m × 3.0m = 34.27HP
Efficiency = 90% & 70%
Surface loading = 2000 lit /hr/m2 of plan area 0.9 ×0.7
0.667 ×60×60×10 3 = 54.39 = 55HP
Surface area of each tank =
= 1200.6sq.m 5.9 WASH WATER SUPPLY MAIN
1200 ..6 Filter for back washing = 30 cm in dia
Diameter of tank = 211 .5
Velocity in pipe = 𝜋 2
= 39.1 m 30 × × 0.3 ×60
The weir loading in the settling tank at average flow = 1.663 m/sec < 3 m/sec
𝑄 76.85×10 3 The loss of head due to friction
= 4𝑓𝑙 𝑣 2
𝜋𝑑 𝜋 ×39×2
= 313.61cum /day =
Providing a detention period of 2.5 hours
1.33 Friction f = 0.001,
= × 60 × 2.5 cum
2 Length of the pipe = 21 m,
= 100.05 cum
100 .05×10 3
Velocity v = 1.663 m/sec,
= = 5.02 ≅ 5m Gravity g = 0.981
4×39 2
Pipe dia = 39m, Diameter d = 0.3
5.3 depth with 4 ×0.001 ×21 × 1.663 2 0.0399
= = m/run
2×0.981×0.30 0.5866
30 cm free board 1
= m/run
5.7 DESIGN OF RAPID GRAVITY FILTERS 1 meter head loss in every 14.75 m length of the pipe
Quantity of water to be treated Total head loss 20 m
= 1.5× 76.85×106 lit/day = = 1.356m
=115.2×10106 lit/day Size of filters = 10 × 8 m
Assume rate of filtration 4500 lit/𝑚2 /hour, 30 mnutes for Side small trough at about 1.80 c/c
washing Surface area = 4 × 1.8 = 7.2 sq.m
115 .275 ×10 6 211 .5
Total filter area = = 1090sq.m Rate of wash water =
23.5×5×4500 30 ×10×8
Providing 16 units of rapid gravity filter with 2 numbers of as = 0.0881 cum/m2/min
stand by Water collected by each side trough
Surface area each unit =
= 77.862 sq.m = 0.881 × 7.2
Provide each unit of each size = 10 × 8m = 0.634 cum/min Copyright 2018.All rights reserved. 3488

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Side trough size 25 cm× 20 cm Dose of chlorine to be added will vary from 0.5 to 1.0 in
Carrying capacity Q = 327.5× by3 ppm
= 327.5 × 0.25 × 0.203 Quantity of chlorine required = 6.4kg/hr
= 0.655 cum/min > 0.634 cum/min Liquid chlorinator having capacity of feeding chlorine rate of
Provide 25cm × 25cm trough with 20 cm water depth 6.40 to 10.0 kg/hr
211 .5
The capacity of the main trough =
= 7.05 cum/min Underground clear water reservoir having capacity of about
Provide 35cm × 45cm main trough with 40 cm water depth 8 hrs will be added
Carrying capacity Q = 327.5 × 35 × 402 76.85×10 3
= 7.336 cum/min Quantity of water to be stored =
> 7.05 Cum/min = 25617 cu.m
Section adopted is safe. Depth provided 5.0m, free board 50 cm
211 .5 25617
Rate of wash water = = 0.1175 cum/sec Reservoir plan area = = 5124.5sq.m
30 5


Minimum openings in strainers should be 1/3%  The construction vision is not only limited to beauty
Strainer openings = =0.267sq.m of the residential/industrial plans but is also
Assuming the strainer opening 2.5mm environmental friendly.
0.26×1000 ×100  Waste water treatment is an important initiative
Number of openings in the strainer = = 4272 which has to be taken more seriously for the
nos betterment of the society and our future.
Spacing of strainers both ways =
=13.37 cm  Wastewater treatment is the process, wherein the
4272 contaminants are removed from the wastewater as
well as the household sewage, to produce waste
Provide 13c c/c both ways strainer openings stream or solid waste suitable for discharge or
5.11 DESIGN OF WATER SOFTENING PLANT  Wastewater treatment method is categorised to three
Quantity of maximum soft water required 8 hours shift = sub divisions, physical, chemical, biological. The
14.5×76.85×10 3 construction site consists of Effluent treatment plant
(ETP), whereas there is also for provision of sewage
treatment plant.
= 38425cu.m
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= 19212.5 cu.m lakes, reservoirs and water treatment plants". Water
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= 19212.5 cu.m [2] Bhole a.g., bogawat n.g. (1978) significance of
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Quantity of salt required = 50kg/cu.m of resin jour. Indian wat. Wks. Asscn., x, 1, jan/march, 119-
Quantity of required solution for shift = 40 × 25 × 2.2 × 2.2 × 125.
1.45 = 7018 kg/shift [3] Chaudhuri m., engelbrecht r.s. (1970) removal of
5% brine solution in water softening viruses from water by chemical coagulation and
7018 ×100
Quality of brine solution = = 140.36 cu.m floaoulation,3our.aww'a, sept., 563-566.
For brine tank size = 4.5 × 4.5 × 1.5m [4] Manwaring j.f., chaudhuri m. , engelbrecht r.s.,
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Average flow rate over resin beds = floaoulation, jour.awwa, march, 298-300.
= 2744.62 [5] Shelton s.p., drewry w.a. (1973) tests of coagulants
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2744 .62
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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 8, April-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

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