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Guntur STP

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Janaki Vallakeerthi1, Aenumula Mallikarjun2
Assistant Professors, TKR Engineering College (R9), Hyderabad, Telangana State

Abstract Introduction
Guntur city has been a developing place due One quarter of the world’s population is
to the steady increase in city population, affected by economic water scarcity. Due to the
which in turn resulted in the increase of growth of population, consumption of water
domestic sewage generated, but still there is resources is more and availability is less, so the
no sewage treatment plant. So it is required demand for water is increasing. In India from
to construct a sewage treatment plant with urban areas, the waste water generated about 5
sufficient capacity to treat the generated billion liters per day (bld) in 1947 which has
sewage. Sewage water treatment has Increased to about 30 bld in 1997 [1].
challenges to treat the excess sludge and According to the Central Pollution Control
disposal of sludge. Sewage/wastewater Board (CPCB), 16 bld of wastewater are
treatment operations are done by various generated from Class-1 cities (population
methods in order to reduce, its water and >100,000), and 1.6 bld from Class-2 cities
organic content, and the ultimate goal of (population 50,000-100,000). Of the 45,000 km
wastewater management is the protection of length of Indian rivers, 6,000 km have a bio-
the environment in a manner commensurate oxygen demand above 3 mg/l, making the water
with public health and socioeconomic unfit for drinking [2]. An estimated 80% of
concerns. This paper focuses on the sewage wastewater is generated by developing
generation in the Guntur city area and countries, especially China and India, is used
sewage treatment plant is designed. In one for irrigation [1]. The irrigated area with waste
day the total sewage generated was estimated water varies around 10% of the world’s total
22.2 MLD considering the projected irrigated area so the waste water can be used
population of Guntur town for the next 30 efficiently. To prevent the adverse effects on the
years. The various components of sewage receiving water bodies, whether it is used for
treatment plant are screening, grit chamber, gardening, recreation, water supply, or any
primary sedimentation tank, biological other purposes adequate treatment of water is
reactor, secondary clarifier, activated sludge necessary. Municipal waste water/sewage
tank; drying beds. It is proposed to design treatment is the process of removing
the various components of sewage treatment contaminants from waste water by using
plant considering the various standards and physical, chemical and biological process.
permissible limits of treated sewage water. Literature Review
The treated water will be supplied for Maiti et al. [3] reported that the sewage effluent
irrigating the crops and the sludge which is and sludge of Calcutta city was made to survey
generated after the treatment will be used as their manorial qualities. Sewage were normal to
manure, so it increases the fertility of soil. marginally alkaline in response and contained
Also reduce the ground water usage. abnormal state fundamental tones, especially in
Keywords :Sewage treatment plant; Design winter, bicarbonate and chloride Ions were at
approach; Waste water; Sedimentation; toxic levels. Despite the fact that sewage
Sludge effluents and slugged were rich in nutrient the
toxicity levels.
ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018
In Venezuela, 97% of the nation's sewage is the natural effects of existing wastewater
being released crude into nature [4] while, the treatment offices [7].
greater part of Sub-Saharan Africa is without Chemical expansion indicates incorporate
wastewater treatment. In a moderately primary settling, during secondary treatment, or
developed Middle Eastern Nations, for as a major aspect of a tertiary treatment process
example, Iran, absolutely untreated sewage has [11]. The procedure is more perplexing than
been infused into the Tehran city's groundwater anticipated by research center pure chemical
[5]. All things considered urban drainage tests, and that arrangement of and sorption to
system ought to be considered as a critical base carbonates or hydroxides are vital factors.
in expelling both wastewater and water from the Actually, full-scale frameworks may perform
city that is rain water to anticipate unhygienic superior to the 0.05 mg/L limit anticipated [12].
conditions and to maintain a strategic distance Wastewater or sewage treatment is one such
from damage and flooding [6]. alternative, wherein many processes are
Wastewater or sewage treatment is one such designed and operated in order to mimic the
option, wherein numerous procedures are natural treatment processes to reduce pollutant
planned and worked keeping in mind the end load to a level that nature can handle. In this
goal to imitate the normal treatment procedures regard, special attention is necessary to assess
to diminish the contamination burden to a level the environmental impacts of existing
that nature can deal with. In such manner, wastewater treatment facilities [7].
exceptional consideration is important to survey
Design Parameters
The design of wastewater treatment plant has three units (Table 1):
Oil &
BOD COD Grease Solids Total
Parameters pH Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Coliform

Raw 100000
6.4 200 600 50 600
sewage MPN/ml

5.5- ≤ 1000
Effluent ≤ 20 ≤ 250 ≤5 ≤ 30
9.0 no/100 ml

Table 1: Design parameters for influent and effluent.

1. Primary treatment which consists of morning. In rainy season due to surface run-off
screening, grit removal and sedimentation the solid contents are more.
2. Secondary treatment consists of a bioreactor Location of Treatment Plant and Design
3. Sludge treatment consists of sludge Considerations
thickening, gravity thickening and drying beds. The location of treatment plant should be nearer
In a day at different times, the flow rate and to the disposal point. If the generated sewage is
concentration of water are varied which are disposed finally into the river, the treatment
subjected to seasonal variations. For example, plant should be constructed near the river bank
the flow rate and BOD value are high in the (Krishna) at Guntur (Figure 1, 2 and Table 2).

Figure 1: Waste water treatment plant flow diagram.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018
Figure 2: Function decomposition

Design Parameter Value

Design period 30 years

Estimated population by the year 2046 179,000 numbers
Water supply per capita 155 L/h/d
Total volume of sewage water estimated from the population of GUNTUR
22.2 MLD
Average discharge 0.25 m3/sec
Maximum discharge 0.5 m3/sec
Width 0.59 M
Depth 1 M
Dimension of screen Provide 10
16 bars
Number 2
Length 205 M
Dimension of Girt chamber
Width 10 M
Depth 3 M
Length 34.4 M
Width 8.6 M
Dimension of primary sedimentation tank
Depth 3.6 M
Free board 0.6

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018

Design Parameter Value

Dia 25 M
Dimension of trickling filter
Depth 5 M
Number 4
Length 22 M
Dimension of aeration tank
Width 11 M
Depth 5.3 M
Length 0.25 M
Dimension of sludge drying bed Width 20 M
Depth 0.5 M
Table 2: The design calculations for wastewater treatment plant.
Design considerations are: main aim is to produce a treated effluent and
1. The design period ought to be taken in sludge which are suitable for discharge without
between 25 to 30 years. any adverse effects on the environment also the
2. The configuration ought not to be done on the treated water or effluent is used for irrigation,
hourly sewage stream basis, yet the average industrial purposes. The sludge consists of
residential stream basis. many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.
3. Instead of providing one major unit to every Sewage means the collection of wastewaters
treatment more than two number little units from all the areas of city that is domestic
ought to provide, which will give in the sewage and conveying them to some point of
operation and also no stoppage amid of the disposal. The liquid wastes or the sewage will
maintenance and repair of plant. require treatment before they are discharged
4. At every place of the plant, self-cleaning into the near water body that is Krishna River or
velocity should develop. otherwise disposal of untreated water will
5. The configuration of the treatment units results to endangering the public health and also
ought to be efficient; easy in maintenance ought causing adverse effects on aquatic life.
to offer adaptability in operation. Sewerage is the process of collection, treatment
Materials and Methods and ultimately disposal of the sewage. Sewage
The district Guntur is located at 16° 18" North is liquid, which consists of any one means
and 80° 27" East altitudes. The altitude of the liquid waste origins from urinals, latrines, bath
place above mean sea level is 93.0 m. The rooms, kitchens, commercial building or
climate is generally tropical and humid. The institutional buildings. Storm sewage is a liquid
mean daily maximum temperatures are in the flowing in sewer during a period of rainfall and
range of 27.7°C to 34.0°C and mean daily results in reduce the concentration of influent.
minimum temperature varies between 7.5°C and Treatment of sewage
27.8°C. The annual mean relative humidity is The sewage treatment consists of many
77%. The average annual rainfall is 974 mm. processes to remove different parameters
The dominant wind direction in general is from present in waste water. The degree of treatment
the SW towards the NE. The two monsoons that depends upon the characteristics of the raw
cover the area are the South-West monsoon sewage or influent and the required effluent
(June to September) and North-East monsoon characteristics. Sewage treatment processes are
(October to December). classified as:
Sewage treatment is the process of removing 1. Preliminary treatment
organic and inorganic matter present in 2. Primary treatment
wastewater and household sewage, both runoff 3. Secondary treatment
(effluents) and domestic. It consists of physical, 4. Tertiary treatment
chemical, and biological treatment processes to Screens and grit chamber
remove physical, chemical and biological The purpose of screens is to remove large
parameters which are present in waste water. Its floating material and coarse solids from
ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018
wastewater. Screens regularly comprise of Sludge digestion
wedge wire. It is done in two stages. In the first The solids sediment from different units might
stage also called coarse screening, the measure be dried and disposed off. It also involves the
of the opening is 20 mm to 30 mm. It catches treatment of highly concentrated wastes in the
the large articles. In the second stage called fine absence of oxygen by anaerobic bacteria.
screening the openings differ between 1.5 mm Sludge thickening used at medium to large
to 6.4 mm. The cross segment range of the plants is gravity thickening, dissolved air
screens is commonly 1 m2. For a daily flow rate flotation, and centrifugation. Sludge dewatering
22.2 MLD feed of waste water the pollutants is also known as sludge drying in which sand
removed this stage are almost 0.2 MLD. At the bed consists of a coarse sand 15 cm to 25 cm in
point when the head loss over the tank exceeds depth. The drying period is 10-15 days and
0.6 M. The screens should be cleaned. Grit moisture content is 60% to 70% in sludge cake
removal chambers are the sedimentation tanks [18].
placed before the fine screen to remove
inorganic particles having specific gravity 2.65 Conclusion
like sand, egg shells and other non-putrescible In the present study a scheme for the waste
materials may damage pumps due to abrasion. water treatment plant and management of
The grit basin is intended to scour the lighter sewage generated from Guntur city were
particles while the heavier grit particles remain analyzed. The utilization of treated water will
settled down [13]. reduce the ground water consumption and also
Primary sedimentation supply for irrigated lands. The treated sludge is
Sedimentation is the process of removing solid used as manure, will increase the fertility of
particles heavier than water by gravity settling soil.
i.e., the particle size less than 0.2 mm and Important units of the sewage treatment plant
specific gravity 2.65. In wastewater treatment, have been designed for a specific case are:
sedimentation is used to remove both inorganic 1. The design of primary sewage treatment is
and organic materials which are settle able in for the predicted population of 179,000 and
continuous-flow conditions [14]. The estimated sewage of 22.2 MLD.
sedimentation tank comprises of a tank with 2 2. The dimension of screen is 0.59 m × 1.0 m.
settling pipes where solid waste settles down. 3. The dimension of grit chamber with aeration
Baffles are provided to improve the settling is 2.5 m × 10 m × 3 m.
process. At this stage the removal percentage of 4. The dimension of the primary sedimentation
suspended solids are 60% to 65% and BOD tank is 34.4 m × 8.6 m × 3.6 m.
from sewage is 30% to 35% [15]. Skimmers are 5. The dimension of the trickling filter is
used to remove the floating impurities like diameter of 25 m and depth 5 m.
grease and oil on the water surface during 6. The dimension of the aeration tank is 22 m ×
sedimentation. 11 m × 5.3 m.
7. The dimension of sludge dry bed is 0.5 m ×
Biological treatment 20 m × 0.5 m.
The biological unit process of sewage is a The construction of the sewage treatment plant
secondary treatment in which colloids and will prevent the direct disposal of sewage in
dissolved solids of sewage, from primary Krishna River and the use of treated water will
sedimentation. The attached growth process, reduce the surface water and contamination
i.e., trickling filter, the microorganisms ground water.
containing aerobes remain attached with filter
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