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Operating System MCA33

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Introduction, Quality of Operation system, feature of operating system,

architecture of operating systems, operations of OS, classification of OS,
types of processing, types of OS, timesharing, personal computing

Process and its state, types of scheduler, scheduling performance

criteria, scheduling algorithm, virtual memory, paging, demand paging,
process creation, page replacement and its algorithm, allocation of
frames, thrashing, Pre paging, page size, inverted page table.

Synchronization, mutual exclusion, semaphores, classical problems,

introduction of deadlock, deadlock characterization, deadlock avoidance.

Memory management, address binding, logical and physical address

space, dynamic loading, linking and shared libraries, swapping,
Contiguous Memory allocation, memory protection and allocation,
fragmentation, paging, segmentation, maltics, file concept, attributes,
operations, access methods, directory structure, file-system mounting,
file sharing, protection.

Security, authentication, threats, securing systems, intrusion detection,

cryptography and computer security.

UNIX commands. DOS Commands, File System comparisons


1.1 Introduction of Operating System
1.2 Quality of Operation system
1.3 Feature of operating system
1.4 Architecture of operating systems
1.5 Operations of OS

Classification of Operating Systems

2.1 Evolution of operating System

2.1.1 Serial Processing
2.1.2 Batch Processing
2.1.3 Multiprogramming
2.2 Types of Operating System
2.2.1 Single-user, single tasking
2.2.2 Single-user, multi-tasking
2.2.3 Multi-user, multi-tasking
2.2.4 Real-Time operating System
2.3 Batch
2.4 Timesharing
2.5 Personal computing

Process Management

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definition of a Process
3.3 Process concepts
3.4 Process State
3.5 Process Scheduling
3.6 Types of Scheduler
3.6.1 Long term
3.6.2 Short term
3.6.3 Medium term
3.7 Scheduling and performance Criteria
3.8 Scheduling Algorithms
3.8.1 FIFO

3.8.2 SJF
3.8.3 Round Robin
3.8.4 Multilevel Queue Scheduling
3.8.5 Priority Based Scheduling
3.8.6 Multilevel feedback Queue Scheduling
3.8.7 Multiple-Processor Scheduling
3.8.8 Multiple-Processor Scheduling
3.8.9 Real-Time Scheduling

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Basic of Virtual Memory
4.3 Objective
4.4 Paging
4.5 Demand Paging
4.6 Basic Concept
4.7 Process Creation
4.8 Page Replacement
4.9 Allocation of Frames
4.10 Thrashing

5.1 Pre paging
5.2 Page sizing
5.3 Inverted Page Table

6.1 Process synchronization
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Mutual Exclusion
6.4 Semaphore
6.4.1 Properties of semaphore
6.4.2 Synchronization tool
6.4.3 Classic Problems of Synchronization

7.1 Introduction Of deadlock
7.2 System Model
7.3 Deadlock Characterization

7.4 Deadlock Prevention
7.5 Deadlock Avoidance
7.6 Methods for Handling


8.1 Address Binding

8.2 Logical – Versus Physical – Address Space
8.3 Dynamic Loading
8.4 Dynamic Linking and Shared Libraries
8.5 Swapping
8.6 Contiguous Memory allocation
8.7 Memory Protection
8.8 Memory allocation
8.9 Fragmentation
8.10 Paging
8.11 Basic Method
8.12 Hardware Support
8.13 Segmentation
8.14 Basic Method
8.15 Hardware
8.16 Implementation of Segment Tables
8.17 Segmentation with paging
8.19 OS/2 32-Bit Version

9.1 File Concept
9.2 File Attribute
9.3 File operations
9.4 Access Methods
9.5.1 Sequential Access
9.5.2 Direct Access
9.5.3 Other Access Methods
9.5 Directory Structure
9.5.1 Single level directory
9.5.2 Two level directories
9.5.3 Tree-Structured directory
9.5.4 Acyclic-Graph Directories
9.6 File-System Mounting
9.7 File Sharing
9.8 Multiple Users

9.9 Remote File Systems
9.10 Protection

10. 1 Introduction

10.2 Disk Scheduling Algorithms

10.2.1 First Come First serve algorithm

10.2.2 Smallest Seek time first algorithm

10.2.3 Scan Scheduling

10.2.4 C-Scan Scheduling

10.2.5 Look Scheduling

10.2.6 C-Look Scheduling


11.1 The Security Problem
11.2 User Authentication
11.3 Program Threats
11.4 System Threats
11.5 Securing Systems and Facilities
11.6 Intrusion Detection
11.7 Cryptography
11.8 Computer-Security
11.9 Classifications
11.10 Computer-security


12.1 A Sample Login Session

12.1.1 Logging On
12.1.2 Using the On-line Man Pages
12.1.3 Using man and more
12.1.4 Logging Off

12.2 Directory and File Structure
12.2.1 File Names
12.2.2 Directories
12.2.3 The df Program
12.2.4 Your Login Directory
12.2.5 Subdirectories
12.2.6 Specifying Files
12.2.7 Protecting Files and Directories
12.2.8 The Unix Shell Syntax
12.2.9 Creating Files
12.2.10 Text Editors
12.2.11 Files as Output and Log Files
12.2.12 Logging Your Actions to a File
12.2.13 Comparing Files
12.2.14 Searching Through Files
12.3 The System and Dealing with Multiple Users
12.3.1 Information about Your Processes
12.3.2 Information about Other People's Processes
12.4 Sending Messages and Files to Other Users
12.4.1 /usr/ucb/mail
12.4.2 PINE
12.4.3 Write
12.4.4 Talk
12.4.5 Addressing Remote Nodes
12.5 shortcuts
12.5.1 Aliases
12.5.2 Wildcards
12.5.3 Directory Specifications
12.5.4 Environment Variables
12.5.5 History
12.5.6 The .login and .cshrc Files
12.6 Job Control
12.6.1 The fg and bg Commands
12.6.2 Starting Jobs in the Background
12.7 Some Common and Useful Unix Commands For Files

13.1 Introduction
13.2 MS-DOS and command line overview


14.1 File Systems (FAT, HPFS, NTFS)

14.2 File Systems and Disk Letters

14.3 Choosing a File System

14.4 FAT File System

14.5.1 Introduction

14.5.2 The Virtual File System

14.6 File Systems in Linux

14.6.1 Introduction

14.6.2 ext2

14.6.3 The Linux Virtual File System



1.1 Introduction of Operating System

1.2 Quality of Operating system
1.3 Feature of operating system
1.4 Architecture of operating systems
1.5 Operations of OS

1.1 What is an Operating System?

An operating system is system software that acts as an interface or link

or bridge between the users applicacation software and hardware parts
of the computer. Automatically here some terms needs certain
clarifications. These terms are given below.
Software: The logical part of the computer which we can’t touch but we
feel about its presence. It is something like knowledge of a human being.
Whatever the things we are entering into the system, whatever the things
we are storing into the system and whatever the things we are getting
out of the system is software. Eventually we are entering into the system
is data and instructions. We are storing into the system is data,
instructions, programs, procedures, functions, information, as well as
necessary documentations. We are getting out the computer system is
information, which is the processed data.

Types of Software:
There are basically three types of softwares namely:
i) System Software: The software that acts as interface or link or
bridge between the users application programs and hardware
parts of the software. The softwares like Operating system,
compilers, interpreters, assemblers, editors, linker and loader
softwares comes under system software.
ii) Application software: The software that is used for a
particular users task. The softwares like Microsoft word, Excel,
Oracle, Sybase, Ingress, Informics etc falls into this category.
iii) Utility software: The software that is used for the other
software to make their work proper. The softwares like Anti
virus programs, Device drivers etc falls under this category.

The most important program that runs on a computer. Every
general-purpose computer must have an operating system to
run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks,
such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output
to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on
the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk
drives and printers.

For large systems, the operating system has even greater

responsibilities and powers. It is like a traffic cop -- it makes
sure those different programs and users running at the same
time do not interfere with each other. The operating system is
also responsible for security, ensuring that unauthorized
users do not access the system.

Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which

other programs, called application programs, can run. The
application programs must be written to run on top of a
particular operating system. Your choice of operating system,
therefore, determines to a great extent the applications you
can run. For PCs, the most popular operating systems are
DOS, OS/2, and Windows, but others are available, such as

As a user, you normally interact with the operating system
through a set of commands. For example, the DOS operating
system contains commands such as COPY and RENAME for
copying files and changing the names of files, respectively. The
commands are accepted and executed by a part of the
operating system called the command processor or command
line interpreter. Graphical user interfaces allow you to enter
commands by pointing and clicking at objects that appear on
the screen.

What Does It Do?

At the simplest level, an operating system does two things:

1. It manages the hardware and software resources of the

system. In a desktop computer, these resources include such
things as the processor, memory, disk space, etc. (On a cell
phone, they include the keypad, the screen, the address book,
the phone dialer, the battery and the network connection.)
2. It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to
deal with the hardware without having to know all the details
of the hardware.
The first task, managing the hardware and software
resources, is very important, as various programs and input
methods compete for the attention of the central processing
unit (CPU) and demand memory, storage and input/output
(I/O) bandwidth for their own purposes. In this capacity, the
operating system plays the role of the good parent, making
sure that each application gets the necessary resources while
playing nicely with all the other applications, as well as
husbanding the limited capacity of the system to the greatest
good of all the users and applications.

The second task, providing a consistent application interface,

is especially important if there is to be more than one of a
particular type of computer using the operating system, or if
the hardware making up the computer is ever open to change.
A consistent application program interface (API) allows a
software developer to write an application on one computer
and have a high level of confidence that it will run on another
computer of the same type, even if the amount of memory or
the quantity of storage is different on the two machines.

Even if a particular computer is unique, an operating system
can ensure that applications continue to run when hardware
upgrades and updates occur. This is because the operating
system and not the application is charged with managing the
hardware and the distribution of its resources. One of the
challenges facing developers is keeping their operating
systems flexible enough to run hardware from the thousands
of vendors manufacturing computer equipment. Today's
systems can accommodate thousands of different printers,
disk drives and special peripherals in any possible

An OS or Operating System is a software package, which allows the

computer to function. Operating systems is essentially the body of the
computer. An operating System is a system, which may be viewed as an
organized collection of softwares consisting of procedures for operating a
computer and providing an environment for execution of programs. The
primary objective of an operating system is to make computer system
convenient to use and utilize computer hardware in an efficient manner.
An operating system is a large collection of software, which manages
resources of the computer system, such as memory, processor, and file
system and input/output devices. It keeps track of the status of each
resource and decides who will have a control over computer resources.
So it acts as an interface between users and the hardware of a computer

A computer, without any software, is essentially of no use. It is with its

software that it can store, process and retrieve information. An operating
system is the program that controls all the other parts of a computer
system both the hardware and the software.
There are many important reasons for studying operating systems.
Some of them are:
i. User interacts with the computer through operating system in order
to accomplish his task since it is his primary interface with a
ii. It helps user to understand the inner function of a computer very
iii. Many concepts and techniques found in operating system have
general applicability in other applications.

OS Function can be classified into:

i.Resource allocation and related function: - The operating system
allocates resource for user by users of a computer system. The resource
can be dividing into system-provided resource like CPU’s, memory areas
and IO devices, or user created resource like file, which are entrusted to
the OS. Allocation of system resource in driven by its consideration of
efficiency of resource utilization.
ii.User interface function.
The resource allocation function, implements resource sharing by the
users of a computer system.

1.2 Qualities of Operating System

o Usability:
• Robustness: -accept all valid input without error, and
gracefully handles all invalid inputs.
• Consistency: -
E.g., if "-"
means options
flags in one
place, it means
it in another.
Key idea:
Concept: The
Principle of
• Proportionality:
- Simple, cheap
and frequent
things are easy.
Also, expensive and disastrous things (ram *) are
• Forgiving: -Errors can be recovered from. Reasonable
error messages. Example from "rm"; UNIX vs. TOPS.
• Convenient: - Not necessary to repeat things, or do
awkward procedures to accomplish things. Example
copying a file took a batch job.
• Powerful: - Has high-level facilities.
• Facilities
o Sufficient for intended use.
o Complete

o Appropriate.
o Costs
• Want low cost and efficient services.
• Good algorithms: -Make use of space/time tradeoffs,
special hardware.
• Low overhead: - Cost of doing nothing should be low.
E.g., idle time at a terminal.
• Low maintenance cost: -System should not require
constant attention.
• Adaptability
o Tailored to the environment: - Support necessary activities.
Do not impose unnecessary restrictions. What are the things
people do most -- make them easy.
o Changeable over time: -Adapt as needs and resources
change. E.g., expanding memory and new devices, or new
user population.

Extensible: -Adding new facilities and features - which look like the old

1.3 Feature of Operating System

• Multi-User: Allows two or more users to run programs at the same

time. Some operating systems permit hundreds or even thousands of
concurrent users.
• Multi Processing: Supports running a program on more than one
• Multi Tasking: Allows more than one program to run concurrently.
• Multithreading: Allows different parts of a single program to run
• Real time: Responds to input instantly. General-purpose operating
systems, such as DOS and UNIX, are not real-time.

The operating system is also responsible for security, ensuring that

unauthorized users do not access the system. All desktop computers
have operating systems. The primary operating systems in use are the
many versions Windows (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP), the many

Versions of UNIX(Solaris, Linux etc.) and the Macintosh O.S. There are
also hundreds of other operating systems available for special-purpose
applications, including specializations for mainframes, robotics, and
manufacturing, real-time control systems and so on. Some main feature

is fallowing: Oversees all hardware resources and allocates them to user
and applications as needed.

• Performs many low-level tasks on behalf of users and application

• Provides a way for users to interact with the computer.

1.4 Architecture of operating systems

• Command Layer – the user’s interface to the operating system.

• Service Layer – contains a set of
functions called by application programs
and the command layer.
• Kernel – manages resources and
directly interacts with computer

1.5 Operation of operating system

Resource Management/Allocation
Primary resources being managed:
• CPU - determine which process the CPU works on.
• Main memory - determine which processes can utilize which memory

Extended Machine and Resource Manager

Extended Machine: The Architecture (instruction set, memory
organization, I/O, and bus structure) of most computers at the machine
Language level is primitive and awkward to program, especially for
input/output. The program that hides the truth about the hardware
from the programmer and presented a nice, simple view of named files
that can be read and written is, of course, the operating system. The
function of the operating system is to present the user with the
equivalent of an extended machine or virtual machine that is easier to
program than the underlying hardware.

Resource Manager: Operating system as primarily providing its users

with a convenient interface are a top-down view. An alternative, button-
up, view holds that the Operating system is there to manage all the
pieces of a complex system. In short, this view of the operating system
holds that its primary task is to keep track of who is using which
resource, to grant resource requests, to account for usage, and to
mediate conflicting requests from different programs and users.

Device Management
The path between the operating system and virtually all hardware not on
the computer's motherboard goes through a special program called a
driver. Much of a driver's function is to
be the translator between the electrical signals of the hardware
subsystems and the high-level programming languages of the operating
system and application programs. Drivers take data that the operating
system has defined as a file and translate them into streams of bits
placed in specific locations on storage devices, or a series of laser pulses
in a printer.
Because there are such wide differences in the hardware
controlled through drivers, there are differences in the way that the
driver programs function, but most are run when the device is required,
and function much the same as any other process. The operating system
will frequently assign high-priority blocks to drivers so that the hardware
resource can be released and readied for further use as quickly as
possible. One reason that drivers are separate from the operating system
is so that new functions can be added to the driver and thus to the
hardware subsystems - without requiring the operating system itself to
be modified, recompiled and redistributed. Through the development of
new hardware device drivers, development often performed or paid for by
the manufacturer of the subsystems rather than the publisher of the
operating system, input/output capabilities of the overall system can be
greatly enhanced. Managing input and output is largely a matter of
managing queues and buffers, special storage facilities that take a
stream of bits from a device, perhaps a keyboard or a serial port, hold
those bits, and release them to the CPU at a rate slow enough for the
CPU to cope with. This function is especially important when a number
of processes are running and taking up processor time. The operating
system will instruct a buffer to continue taking input from the device,
but to stop sending data to the CPU while the process using the input is
suspended. Then, when the process needing input is made active once
again, the operating system will command the buffer to send data.
This process allows a keyboard or a modem to deal with external users
or computers at a high speed even though there are times when the CPU
can't use input from those sources. Managing all the resources of the
computer system is a large part of the operating system's function and,
in the case of real-time operating systems, may be virtually all the
functionality required. For other operating systems, though, providing a
relatively simple, consistent way for applications and humans to use the
power of the hardware is a crucial part of their reason for existing.


Classification of Operating Systems

2.1 Evolution of operating System

2.1.1 Serial Processing
2.1.2 Batch Processing
2.1.3 Multiprogramming
2.2 Types of Operating System
2.2.1 Single-user, single tasking
2.2.2 Single-user, multi-tasking
2.2.3 Multi-user, multi-tasking
2.2.4 Real-Time operating System
2.2.5 Batch
2.2.6 Timesharing
2.2.7 Personal computing


An operating system may processes its task serially (sequentially) or

concurrently (several task simultaneously). It means that the resources
of computer system may be dedicated to a single program until its
completion or they may be allocated among several programs in different
stages of execution. The feature of operating system to execute multiple
programs in interleaved fashion or different time cycles is called as
multiprogramming system.

2.1.1 Serial processing

Programming in 1’s and 0’s(machine language) was quite common for

early computer system. Instruction and data used to be fed into the
computer by means of consol switches or perhaps through a
hexadecimal keyboard. Programs used to be started by loading the
program computer register with the address of first instruction of a
program and its result (program) used to be examined by the contents of
various registers and memory locations of the machine. Therefore,
programming in this style caused a low utilization of both users and
Advent of input/output devices, such as punch cards paper tape and
language translators (compiler/Assemblers) brought a significant step in
computer system utilization. Program started being coded into object
(binary code) by translator and then automatically gets loaded into

memory by program called loader. After transferring a control to the
loaded program, the execution of a program begins and its result gets
displayed or printed. Once in memory, the program may be re-run with
a different set of input data.

The process of development and preparation of a program in such

environment is slow and cumbersome due to serial processing and
numerous manual processing. In a typical sequence first the editor is
called to create a source code of user program written in programming
language, translator is called to covert a source code into binary code
and then finally loader is called to load executable program into main
memory for execution. If syntax errors are detected, the whole process
must be restarted from the beginning.

2.1.2 Batch Processing

The next logical step in the evolution of operating system was to

automate the sequencing of operations involved in program execution
and in the mechanical aspects of program development. Jobs with
similar requirement were batched together and run through the
computer as a group. For example, suppose the operator received one
FORTRAN program one COBOL, program and another FORTRAN
program. If he runs them in that order, he would have to set up for
FORTRAN program and finally FORTRAN program again. If he runs the
two FORTRAN program as a batch, however he could set up only for
FORTRAN thus saving operator’s time.
Batching similar jobs brought utilization of system resources quit a bit.
But there were still
Problems. For example, when a job is stopped, the operator would have
to notice that fact that fact by observing the consol, determine why the
program stopped and then load the card reader or paper tape reader
with the next job and restart the computer. During this transition from
one job to the next, the CPU sat idle.
To overcome this idle time, a small program called a resident monitor
was created which is always resident in the memory. It automatically
sequenced one job to another job. Resident monitor acts according to
the directives given by a programmer through control cards which
contain information like marking of job’s beginning and endings,
commands for loading and executing programs etc. These commands
belong to job control language.

2.1.3 Multiprogramming

A single user cannot always keep CPU or I/O device busy at all.
Multiprogramming offers a more efficient approach to increase system
performance. In order to increase the resource utilization. System
supporting multiprogramming approach allows more than utilization.
System supporting) to utilize CPU time at any moment. More number of
programs competing for system resources better will be resource

Multiprogramming has been employed to increase the resource

utilization of a computer system and to support multiple simultaneous
interactive users (terminals).

Types of operating system

Operating system can be classified into following types based on
number of users using the same system simultaneously.

2.2.1 Single-user, single tasking

(Single user, OS allows only one application to run at a time - e.g., DOS).
As the name implies, this operating system is designed to manage the
computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time. The
Palm O.S. for Palm handheld computers is a good example of a modern
single-user, single-task operating system.

2.2.2 Single-user, multi-tasking

(one user, OS allows multiple applications to run at a time - e.g.,

Windows98). This is the type of operating system most people use on
there desktop and laptop computers today. Windows 98 and the Mac
O.S. are both examples of an operating system that will let a single user
have several programs in operation at the same time. For example, it's
entirely possible for a Windows user to be writing a note in a word
processor while downloading a file from the Internet while printing the
text of an e-mail message.

2.2.3 Multi-user, multi-tasking

(multiple users, multiple applications - e.g., Unix, Linux). A multi-user

operating system allows many different users to take advantage of the
computer's resources simultaneously. The operating system must make
sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced, and that
each of the programs they are using has sufficient and separate
resources so that a problem with one user doesn't affect the entire
community of users. Unix, VMS, and mainframe operating systems,

such as MVS, are examples of multi-user operating systems. It's
important to differentiate here between multi-user operating systems
and single-user operating systems that support networking. Windows
2000 and Novell Netware can each support hundreds or thousands of
networked users, `but the operating systems themselves aren't true
multi-user operating systems. The system administrator is the only user
for Windows 2000 or Netware. The network support and the entire
remote user logins the network enables are, in the overall plan of the
operating system, a program being run by the administrative user.

2.2.4 Real-Time operating System

Instruments and industrial systems needs Real Time Operating Systems

(RTOS). An RTOS typically has very little user-interface capability, and
no end-user utilities, since the system will be a sealed box when
delivered for use. A very important part of an RTOS is managing the
resources of the computer so that a particular operation executes in
precisely the same amount of time every time it occurs. In a complex
machine, having a part move more quickly just because system
resources are available may be just as catastrophic as having it not
move at all because the system is busy.

Computer software can be divided into two main categories: application

software and system software. According to Brookshear (1997),
"application software consists of the programs for performing tasks
particular to the machine's utilization. Examples of application software
include spreadsheets, database systems, desktop publishing systems,
program development software, and games." Application software is
generally what we think of when someone speaks of computer programs.
This software is designed to solve a particular problem for users. On the
other hand, system software is more transparent and less noticed by the
typical computer user. This software "provides a general
programming environment in which programmers can create
specific applications to suit their needs. This environment provides
new functions that are not available at the hardware level and
performs tasks related to executing the application program".

System software acts as an interface between the hardware of the
computer and the application software that users need to run on the
computer. The diagram below illustrates the relationship between
application software and system software.

The most important type of system software is the operating system.

According to Webopedia, an operating system has three main
1. Perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard,
sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and
directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as
disk drives and printers.
2. Ensure that different programs and users running at the same
time do not interfere with each other.
3. Provide a software platform on top of which other programs (i.e.,
application software) can run.
The first two responsibilities address the need for managing the
computer hardware and the application programs that use the
hardware. The third responsibility focuses on providing an interface
between application software and hardware so that application software
can be efficiently developed. Since the operating system is already
responsible for managing the hardware, it should provide a
programming interface for application developers. Identifies four
common types of operating system strategies on which modern operating
systems are built: batch, timesharing, personal computing, and
dedicated. "The favored strategy for any given computer depends on
how the computer is to be used, the cost-effectiveness of the
strategy implementation in the application environment, and the
general state of the technology at the time the operating system is

2.2.5 Batch

This strategy involves reading a series of jobs (called a

batch) into the machine and then executing the
programs for each job in the batch. This approach does
not allow users to interact with programs while they

2.2.6 Timesharing

This strategy supports multiple interactive users.

Rather than preparing a job for execution ahead of
time, users establish an interactive session with the

computer and then provide commands, programs and data, as they are
needed during the session.

2.2.7 Personal computing

This strategy supports a single user running multiple

programs on a dedicated machine. Since only one
person is using the machine, more attention is given to establishing
predictable response times from the system. This strategy is quite
common today because of the popularity of personal computers.
Dedicated: - This strategy supports real-time and
process control systems. These are the types of
systems, which control satellites, robots, and air-
traffic control. The dedicated strategy must
guarantee certain response times for particular computing tasks or
the application is useless.


Process Management

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definition and concept of Process
3.3 Process State
3.4 Process Scheduling
3.5 Types of Scheduler
3.5.1 Long term
3.5.2 Medium term
3.5.3 Short term
3.6 Scheduling Algorithms
3.6.1 FIFO
3.6.2 Shortest Job First
3.6.3 Round Robin
3.6.4 Multilevel Queue Scheduling *
3.6.5 Multilevel feedback Queue Scheduling *
3.6.6 Multiple-Processor Scheduling
3.6.7 Priority Based Scheduling *NA
3.7 Real-Time Scheduling

3.1 Introduction

An operating system executes a variety of programs, Batch system –

jobs, Time-shared systems, user programs or tasks. Textbook uses the
terms job and process almost interchangeably. Process – a program in
execution; process execution must progress in sequential fashion. A
process includes: program counter, stack, and data section etc.

3.2 Definition and concept of Process

Process Management concerns the control of programs within the

system. We use the term process to refer to a program that is loaded into
computer memory and is being executed i.e. is utilizing CPU time
resources. Recall that only the operating system can allocate system
resources, so the process will execute in either user mode or system
mode (system mode has direct access to resources).
In order for different user processes to exist, the operating system must
be able to create and delete both user and system processes. Process

creation entails allocating memory into which a program is loaded before
it is added to the list of processes to run. Process deletion entails its
removal from the list of processes to run, and its resources are reclaimed
by the operating system. Recall that, historically, one of the justifications
for having multiple programs executing in a system was to avoid CPU
idleness. Thus, we see modern operating systems being able to suspend
one process while moving on to resume some other process.
Processes must be coordinated e.g. when the operating system finishes
some I/O, it must be able to indicate that a suspended process waiting
on this I/O can now resume. Process synchronization provides this
mechanism. Processes must communicate e.g. some I/O work
conducted by the operating system must be able to return data to a user
process. Process communication provides this mechanism. It is possible
for processes, which are sharing resources and/or exchanging data to
become “confused” e.g. two processes wanting to use a resource might
both be suspended because they are waiting for the other process to take
its turn (like when two people are both waiting for each other to use an
entrance). A mechanism for deadlock handling is provided.
All runnable softwares on the computer, often including the operating
system, is organized into number of sequential process. Conceptually,
each process has its own virtual CPU. In reality, of course, the real CPU
switches back or forth from process to process, but to understand the
system, it is much easier to think about a collection of processes
running in parallel than to try to keep track of how the CPU switching
from the program to program. This rapid switching back and forth is
called multiprogramming.

One program counter Four program counters

C Figure: (b) Conceptual model of four
independent sequential model D
D Process C
Figure: (a) Multiprogramming of
four process A

Figure: ( c ) Only one program is
active. At any instance.

3.3 Process State

Although each process is an independent entity, with its own program

counter and internal state, process often need to interact with other
process. One process may generate some output that another process
uses as an input.
A process is more than the program code. It also includes the current
activity, as represent by the value of the program counter and the
processor’s registers. Two processes may be associated with same
The operating system is responsible for managing all the processes
that are running on a computer and allocated each process a certain
amount of time to use the processor. In addition, the operating system
also allocates various other resources that processes will need such as
computer memory or disks. To keep track of the state of all the
processes, the operating system maintains a table known as the process
table. Inside this table, every process is listed along with the resources
the processes are using and the current state of the process. Processes
can be in one of three states: running, ready, or waiting. The running
state means that the process has all the resources it need for execution
and it has been given permission by the operating system to use the
processor. Only one process can be in the running state at any given
time. The remaining processes are either in a waiting state (i.e., waiting
for some external event to occur such as user input or a disk access) or
a ready state (i.e., waiting for permission to use the processor). In a real
operating system, the waiting and ready states are implemented as
queues, which hold the processes in these states. The animation below
shows a simple representation of the life cycle of a process

As a process executes, it changes state.

a) New: The process is being created.
b) Running: Instructions are being executed.
c) Waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur.
d) Ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor.
e) Terminated: The process has finished execution

3.4 Process Scheduling

CPU scheduling is the basis of multi-programmed operating systems. By

switching the CPU among processes, the operating system can make the
computer more productive. Here, we introduce the basic scheduling
concepts and discuss in great length about various CPU scheduling
Given a sequence of CPU and I/O bursts, you should be able to apply
any of the above scheduling algorithms to it. You should also be able to
compare these algorithms in terms of efficiency for a given class of
processes (e.g., CPU or I/O-bound processes).
If there are several run able jobs, the operating system has to decide
which job to run next, a process known as Process Scheduling. In the old
days, when computers ran batch jobs, this was not an issue. The
computer operator simply submitted the jobs in the order that they were
delivered to him or her, and each job ran to completion. We can call this
algorithm First come first served, or FIFO (first in first out). However,
even this primitive system had problems. Suppose there are five jobs
waiting to be run. Four of the five jobs will take about ten seconds each
to run, and one will take ten minutes, but the ten-minute job was
submitted first. In a FIFO system, the four fast jobs will all be held up
for a long time by a large job that happened to be delivered first. This
permitted the operator to run jobs using a shortest job first algorithm. As
the name implies, instead of running jobs in the order that they are
delivered, the operator would search through all available jobs and run
that job which had the shortest run time. This is provably the fastest
job-scheduling algorithm. If there are more processes, the reset will have
to wait until the CPU is free and can be rescheduled.

3.5 Types of Schedulers

The operating System must select, for scheduling purposes, processes
from the queues in some fashion. The appropriate scheduler carries out
the selection process. In a batch system, there are often more processes

submitted than can be executed immediately. These processes are
spooled to a mass-storage device.

Ready queue

I/O I/O Queue I/O Request

Time slice expired

Child Fork a child

Child exec.

Interrupt Wait for an interrupt


Schedulers are of basically three types on the basis of its objectives,

operating environment and relationship to other schedulers in a complex
operating system environment.

3.5.1 Long-term scheduler: it is also called job scheduling. This

determines which job shall be admitted for immediate processing.

Long term Scheduler End of a program

Ready queue cpu


There are always more processes than CPU can be executed by operating
system. These processes are kept in large storage devices like disk later

processing. The long-term scheduler select processes from this pool and
loads them into memory. In memory these processes belong to a ready
Queue. Queue is a type of data structure.

3.5.2 Medium term scheduler

Most of the processes require some I/O operation. In that case, it may
become suspended for I/O operation after running a while. It is
beneficial to remove these process (suspended) from main memory to
hard disk to make room for other processes. At some later time these
process can be reloaded into memory and continued where from it was
left earlier. Saving of the suspended processes is said to be swapped out
or rolled out. The process is swapped in and swapped out by medium
term scheduler.

Suspended and
swapped-out queue

Long term

Ready queue


Medium term scheduler

The medium term scheduler has nothing to do with suspended

processes. But the moment the suspending condition is fulfilled the
medium term scheduler get activated to allocate the memory and swap
in the process and make it ready for commenting CPU resources. In
order to work properly, the medium term scheduler must be provided
with information about the memory requirement of swapped out
processes, which is usually recorded at time of swapping and stored in
related process control block.

3.5.3 Short-term scheduler

It allocates processes belong to ready queue to CPU for immediate

processing. Its main objective is to maximize CPU requirement.

Compared to the other two scheduler it is more frequent. It must select a
new process for execution quite often because a CPU execute a process
only for millisecond before it goes for I/O operation. Often the short-term
scheduler executes a process for 10 millisecond. If it takes 1 millisecond
to decide to execute a process for 10millisecond,the 1/(10+1)=9% of the
CPU is being wasted simply for scheduling the work. Therefore, it must
be very fast.

3.6 Scheduling Algorithms

3.6.1 First come first served scheduling

In this type of CPU Scheduling all the processes that needs services by
the processor arrives and makes a queue according to their arrival order,
and takes the processor in that order only. Once a process gets
processor it completes and then only leaves the processor for the other
process that is there in the queue. This can be shown as follows

P4 P3 P2 P1

Process Queue

The process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. The
average waiting time for FCFS policy is often quite long. Example:
Consider the following set of processes that arrive at time 0.
Process CPU Burst Time (ms)
P1 24
P2 3
P3 3
Suppose that processes arrive in the order: P1, P2, P3, we get the result
shown in the Gantt chart below:
P1 P2 P3

0 24 27 30

Waiting time for P1 = 0; P2 = 24; P3 = 30

Ave. waiting time: (0 + 24 + 27) /3 = 17 ms.

If the processes arrive in the order: P2, P3, P1, then the Gantt chart is as

P2 P3 P1

0 3 6 30
Waiting time for P1 = 6; P2 = 0; P3 = 3
Ave. waiting time : (6 + 0 + 3)/3 = 3

Much better than the previous case, where we had a Convoy Effect: short
process behind long process. Results in lower CPU utilization.

3.6.2 Shortest job first Scheduling

In this type of CPU Scheduling all the processes that needs services by
the processor arrives and makes a queue according to their arrival order,
but among the existing queue the process that needs less processor time
takes the processor first. Once a process gets processor it completes and
then only leaves the processor for the other smallest process that is
there in the queue. This can be shown as follows

P4 P3 P2 P1

Process Queue

Associate with each process the length of its next CPU burst. Use these
lengths to schedule the process with the shortest time. 2 schemes:
Non-preemptive - once CPU is given to the process, it cannot be
preempted until it completes its CPU burst.
Preemptive - if a new process arrives with CPU burst length less than
remaining time of of current executing process, preempt.
Process CPU burst time
P1 6
P2 8
P3 7
P4 3

P4 P1 P3 P2

0 3 9 16 24

3.6.3 Priority Scheduling

The SJF is a special case of the general priority-scheduling algorithm. A

priority (an integer) is associated with each process. The CPU is allocated
to the process with the highest priority (smallest integer = highest
priority). Equal priority processes are scheduled in FCFS order. Example:
The following processes arrive at time 0 in the order - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5.
Process Burst Time Priority
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 3
P4 1 4
P5 5 2
P2 P5 P1 P3 P4

0 1 6 16 18

The average waiting time is:

(0 + 1 + 6 + 16 + 18)/5 = 8.2 ms
Priority scheduling can be either preemptive or non-preemptive. A major
problem with priority scheduling algorithms is indefinite blocking or
starvation. Low priority processes could wait indefinitely for the CPU. A
solution to the problem of starvation is aging. Aging is a technique of
gradually increasing the priority of processes that wait in the system a
long time.

3.6.3 Round Robin Scheduling

Designed for time-sharing systems. Similar to FCFS, with preemption

added. Each process gets a small unit of CPU time (a time slice), usually
10 - 100 milliseconds. After time slice has elapsed, the process is
preempted and added to the end of the ready queue. The ready queue
can be implemented as a FIFO queue of processes. New processes are
added to the tail of the queue. The scheduler picks the first process from

the ready queue, sets a timer to interrupt after 1 time quantum and then
dispatches the process.

This can be shown as follows

P4 P3 P2 P1

Process Queue

Incomplete Processes

One of two things will happen:

The process may have a CPU burst of less than 1 time quantum, or
CPU burst of the currently executing process is longer than one time
quantum. In this case, the timer will go off, cause an interrupt, a context
switch is then executed & the process put at the tail of the ready queue.
The average waiting time under the RR scheme is often quite long.
Consider the following set of processes that arrive at time 0, the time
quantum is set at 4 ms:
Process CPU Burst Time
P1 24
P2 3
P3 3

P1 P2 P3 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1

0 4 7 10 14 18
22 26 30
The average waiting time is : 17/3 = 5.66 ms.
Performance of RR:
• If there are n processes in the ready queue at time quantum q, then
each process gets 1/n of the CPU time in chunks of at most q time units
at once. No process waits more than (n-1) x q time units until its next
time quantum.
• The performance of RR depends on the size of q.
• At one extreme, if q is very large, RR policy is the same as FCFS policy.
• If q is very small, the RR approach is called processor sharing.
Overhead is too high.

3.6.4 Smallest Remaining Time Next (SRTN)

It is similar to the Round Ribin algorithm. The major draw back of the
round robin method is if a process that takes processor for its execution
gets its allotted time expired and it needs a very small amount of extra
time for its completion, then also it has to leave the processor and go
back in the queue. This problem is sorted out in this SRTN algorithm in
the following manner.
All the processes that need service by the processor makes the queue
and a particular time is fixed for each process to complete its processing,
but if a process has not yet completed its processing when its allotted
time got expired, then how much extra time is needed for its completion
will be calculated. If the extra time needed by the incomplete process is
less than the time needed by any of the processes that are there in the
queue, then it will be allowed to continue, otherwise it has to go back in
the queue and wait until its next tern comes.
It can be shown as follows

P4 P3 P2 P1

Process Queue

Incomplete Processes

3.6.5 Multilevel Queue Scheduling

A multi-level queue-scheduling (MLQ) algorithm partitions the ready

queue into several separate queues. Created for situations in which
processes are easily classified into groups. For e.g.

 Foreground (interactive) processes and
 Background (batch) processes).
These two types of processes have different response-time
requirements, and thus, different scheduling needs.
• The processes are permanently assigned to one queue, based on
some property of the process. (e.g. memory size, priority, or type).
• Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm. For e.g. an RR
algorithm might schedule the foreground queue, while the
background a FCFS algorithm schedules queue.
• There must be scheduling between the queues. Commonly
implemented as fixed-priority preemptive scheduling. I.e.
foreground processes have absolute priority over the background
processes, => starvation.
• Could also use a time slice algorithm where each queue gets a
certain amount of CPU time, which it can schedule among its
processes. E.g.:
• 80% to foreground in RR
• 20% t o background in FCFS
Example: An MLQ with 5 queues:

Highest priority
System processes

Interactive processes

Interactive editing processes

Batch process

Lowest priority Student process

3.6.6 multilevel feedback Queue Scheduling

So far we looked at CPU scheduling algorithms for single processor

systems. If multiple CPUs exist, the scheduling problem is more
complex. As with single processor systems, there is no one best solution.

Issues concerning Multiprocessor Scheduling:

With identical processors, load-sharing can occur. Could provide a
separate queue for each processor. This could lead to a situation where

one processor could be idle with an empty queue, while another
processor s very busy. To prevent this situation, we could use a common
ready queue. All processes enter one queue and are scheduled onto any
available processor. In such a scheme, one of two scheduling approaches
may be used:
a) each processor is self-scheduling => processors must be
synchronized. Can’t have two processors choosing the same process.
b) one processor is appointed as the scheduler for the other processors,
thus creating a master-slave structure.

3.6.7 Multiple-Processor Scheduling

Some system carry this structure one step further, by having all
scheduling decisions, I/O processing, and other system activities
handles by one single processor-the master server. The other processors
only execute user code. This asymmetric multiprocessing is far simpler
than symmetric multiprocessing, because only one processor access the
system data sharing. I/o bound processes may bottleneck
multiprocessing is implemented first within an operating system.
Typically, asymmetric multiprocessing is implemented first within an
operating system, and is then upgraded to symmetric multiprocessing as
the system evolves. CPU scheduling more complex when multiple CPUs
are available.
• Homogeneous processors within a multiprocessor.
• Load sharing
• Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) – each processor makes its own
scheduling decisions.
• Asymmetric multiprocessing – only one processor accesses the system
data structures, alleviating the need for data sharing.

3.7 Real-Time Scheduling

Real-time operating systems and discussed their growing importance.

real-time computing is divided into two types.

Hard real-time systems – required completing a critical task within a

guaranteed amount of time. Systems are required to complete a critical
task within a guaranteed amount of time. A process is submitted along
with a statement of the amount of time in which it needs to complete or
perform I/O. the scheduler then either admits the process, guaranteeing
that the process will complete on time. Hard real time systems are
composed of special-purpose software running on hardware dedicated to

their critical process, and lack the full functionality of modern computer
and operating system.

Soft real-time computing – requires that critical processes receive

Priority over less fortunate ones. It is less restrictive. It requires that
critical processes receive priority over less fortunate ones. Although
adding software real-time functionality to a time sharing system may
cause an unfair allocation of resources and may result in longer delays.
Soft real time systems acceptably in an environment require careful
design of the scheduler and related aspect of the operating system. The
system must have priority scheduling, and real time process must have
the highest priority. The dispatch latency must be small. The smaller the
latency, the faster a real-time process can start executing once it is



Memory management strategies like paging and

segmentation help implement the concept of
multiprogramming. But they have a few disadvantages. One
problem with the above strategies is that they require the
entire process to be in main memory before execution can
begin. Another disadvantage is the limitation on the size of the
process. Processes whose memory requirement is larger than
the maximum size of the memory available will never be

Virtual memory is a technique that allows execution of

processes that may not be entirely in memory. Also virtual
memory allows mapping of a large virtual address space onto
a smaller physical memory. It also raises the degree of
multiprogramming and increases CPU utilization. Because of
the above features, users are freed from worrying about
memory requirements and availability.


Every process needs to be loaded into physical memory
for execution. One brute force approach to this is to map
the entire logical space of the process to physical
memory as in the case of paging and segmentation.
Many a time the entire process need not be in memory
during execution. The following are some of the instances
to substantiate the above statement:

• Code used to handle error and exceptional cases is
executed only in case errors and exceptional conditions
occur which is usually a rare occurrence, may be one or no
occurrence in an execution.
• Static declarations of arrays lists and tables declared with a
large upper bound but used with no greater than 10% of
the limit.
• Certain features and options provided in the program as a
future enhancement, never used, as enhancements are
never implemented.
• Even though entire program is needed, all its parts may not
be needed at the same time because of overlays.
All the examples show that a program can be executed
even though it is partially in memory. This scheme
also has the following benefits:
• Physical memory is no longer a constraint for
programs and therefore users can write large
programs and execute them
• Physical memory required for a program is less. Hence
degree of multiprogramming can be increased because
of which utilization and throughput increase.
• I/O time needed for load / swap is less.

Virtual memory is the separation of logical memory

from physical memory. This separation provides a
large logical / virtual memory to be mapped on to a
small physical memory (Figure 4.1).

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4


Page n

Virtual memory Memory map Physical memory

Figure 4.1: Virtual to physical memory mapping (n >> m)

Virtual memory is implemented using demand paging. Also

demand segmentation could be used. A combined approach
using a paged segmentation scheme is also available. Here
user view is segmentation but the operating system
implements this view with demand paging.


Demand paging is similar to paging with swapping (Figure

Swap out
1 2 3
Swap in
4 5 6
Swap in 7 8 9
Figure 4.2: Paging with swapping

When a process is to be executed then only that page of
the process, which needs to be currently executed, is
swapped into memory. Thus only necessary pages of the
process are swapped into memory thereby decreasing
swap time and physical memory requirement. The
protection valid-invalid bit which is used in paging to
determine valid / invalid pages corresponding to a
process is used here also (Figure 4.3).
0 A 0 4 v
B 1 i
2 C 2
3 3 6 v
4 D 4 i
5 5 A
6 6 i
9 C
7 F 7 v

Logical Page Physical

memory table memory

Figure 4.3: Demand paging with protection

If the valid-invalid bit is set then the corresponding page

is valid and also in physical memory. If the bit is not set,
then any of the following can occur:
• Process is accessing a page not belonging to it that is
an illegal memory access
• Process is accessing a legal page but the page is
currently not in memory.
If the same protection scheme as in paging is used, then
in both the above cases a page fault error occurs. The
error is valid in the first case but not in the second
because in the latter a legal memory access failed due to
non-availability of the page in memory which is an
operating system fault. Page faults can thus be handled
as follows (Figure 4.4):

g system

2 3
8d M i

7 6

Figure 4.4: Handling a page fault

1. Check the valid-invalid bit for validity.

2. If valid then the referenced page is in memory and the
corresponding physical address is generated.
3. If not valid then an addressing fault occurs.
4. The operating system checks to see if the page is in the
backing store. If present, then the addressing error was
only due to non-availability of page in main memory and
is a valid page reference.
5. Search for a free frame.
6. Bring in the page into the free frame.
7. Update the page table to reflect the change.
8. Restart the execution of the instruction stalled by an
addressing fault.
In the initial case, a process starts executing with no
pages in memory. The very first instruction generates a
page fault and a page is brought into memory. After a
while all pages required by the process are in memory
with a reference to each page generating a page fault and
getting a page into memory. This is known as pure

demand paging. The concept is ‘never bring in a page
into memory until it is required’.
Hardware required to implement demand paging is the
same as that for paging and swapping.
• Page table with valid-invalid bit
• Secondary memory to hold pages not currently in
memory, usually a high speed disk known as a swap
space or backing store.
A page fault at any point in the fetch-execute cycle of an
instruction causes the cycle to be repeated.


Initially execution of a process starts with none of its
pages in memory. Each of its pages page fault at least once
when it is first referenced. But it may so happen that some of
its pages are never used. In such a case those pages, which
are not referenced even once, will never be brought into
memory. This saves load time and memory space. If this is so
the degree of multiprogramming can be increased so that
more ready processes can be loaded and executed. Now we
may come across a situation wherein, all of a sudden, a
process hither to not accessing certain pages starts accessing
those pages. The degree of multiprogramming has been raised
without looking into this aspect and the memory is over
allocated. Over allocation of memory shows up when there is
a page fault for want of page in memory and the operating
system finds the required page in the backing store but
cannot bring in the page into memory for want of free frames.
More than one option exists at this stage:
• Terminate the process. Not a good option because the
very purposes of demand paging to increase CPU
utilization and throughput by increasing the degree of
multiprogramming is lost.
• Swap out a process to free all its frames. This reduces
the degree of multiprogramming that again may not be
a good option but better than the first.
• Page replacement seems to be the best option in many
The page fault service routine can be modified to include page
replacement as follows:
1. Find for the required page in the backing store.
2. Find for a free frame
a. if there exists one use it

b. else find for a victim using a page replacement
c. write the victim into the backing store
d. modify the page table to reflect a free frame
3. Bring in the required page into the free frame.
4. Update the page table to reflect the change.
5. Restart the process.
When a page fault occurs and no free frame is present,
then a swap out and a swap in occurs. Not always is a swap
out necessary. Only a victim that has been modified needs to
be swapped out. If not the frame can be over-written by the
incoming page. This will save time required to service a page
fault and is implemented by the use of a dirty bit. Each frame
in memory is associated with a dirty bit that is reset when the
page is brought into memory. The bit is set whenever the
frame is modified. Therefore the first choice for a victim is
naturally that frame with its dirty bit which is not set.
Page replacement is basic to demand paging. The size of
the logical address space is no longer dependent on the
physical memory. Demand paging uses two important
• Page replacement algorithm: When page replacement
is necessitated due to non-availability of frames, the
algorithm finds for a victim.
• Frame allocation algorithm: In a multiprogramming
environment with degree of multiprogramming equal
to n, the algorithm gives the number of frames to be
allocated to a process.
A good page replacement algorithm generates as low a
number of page faults as possible. To evaluate an algorithm,
the algorithm is run on a string of memory references and a
count of the number of page faults is recorded. The string is
called a reference string and is generated using either a
random number generator or a trace of memory references in
a given system.
Address sequence: 0100, 0432, 0101, 0612, 0102, 0103,
0104, 0101, 0611, 0102, 0103, 0104,
0101, 0610, 0102, 0103, 0104, 0101, 0609, 0102, 0105
Page size: 100 bytes
Reference string: 1 4 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1
The reference in the reference string is obtained by
dividing (integer division) each address reference by the page
size. Consecutive occurrences of the same reference are
replaced by a single reference.

To determine the number of page faults for a particular
reference string and a page replacement algorithm, the
number of frames available to the process need to be known.
As the number of frames available increases the number of
page faults decreases. In the above illustration, if frames
available were 3 then there would be only 3 page faults, one
for each page reference. On the other hand if there were only 1
frame available then there would be 11 page faults, one for
every page reference.

4.4.1 Fifo Page Replacement Algorithm

The first-in-first-out page replacement algorithm is the
simplest page replacement algorithm. When a page
replacement is required the oldest page in memory is the
Reference string: 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2
1 2 0 1 7 0 1
Memory frames: 3
Page faults: 7 7 7 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 7
7 7
0 0 0 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 2
2 1
Number of page faults = 15.
The performance of the FIFO algorithm is not always good.
The replaced page may have an initialization module that
needs to be executed only once and therefore no longer
needed. On the other hand the page may have a heavily-
used variable in constant use. Such a page swapped out
will cause a page fault almost immediately to be brought
in. Thus the number of page faults increases and results
in slower process execution. Consider the following
reference string:
Reference string: 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5
Memory frames: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The chart below gives the number of page faults generated for
each of the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 memory frames available.
As the number of frames available increases, the number of

page faults must decrease. But the chart above shows 9 page
faults when memory frames available are 3 and 10 when
memory frames available are 4. This unexpected result is
known as Belady’s anomaly.
Implementation of FIFO algorithm is simple. A FIFO queue
can hold pages in memory with a page at the head of the
queue becoming the victim and the page swapped in joining
the queue at the tail.

4.4.2 Optimal Algorithm

An optimal page replacement algorithm produces the
lowest page fault rate of all algorithms. The algorithm is
to replace the page that will not be used for the longest
period of time to come. Given a fixed number of memory
frame by allocation, the algorithm always guarantees the
lowest possible page fault rate and also does not suffer
from Belady’s anomaly.
Reference string: 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1
2 0 1 7 0 1
Memory frames: 3

Page faults: 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 7
0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0

1 1 3 3 3 1 1
Number of page faults = 9.
Ignoring the first three page faults that do occur in all
algorithms, the optimal algorithm is twice as better than the
FIFO algorithm for the given string.
But implementation of the optimal page replacement
algorithm is difficult since it requires future a priori
knowledge of the reference string. Hence the optimal page
replacement algorithm is more a benchmark algorithm for
4.4.3 Lru Page Replacement Algorithm
The main distinction between FIFO and optimal algorithm
is that the FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was
brought into memory (looks back) whereas the optimal
algorithm uses the time when a page is to be used in future
(looks ahead). If the recent past is used as an approximation
of the near future, then replace the page that has not been
used for the longest period of time. This is the least recently
used (LRU) algorithm.
Reference string: 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1
2 0 1 7 0 1
Memory frames: 3
Page faults: 7 7 7 2 2 4 4 4 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0
1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 7
Number of page faults = 12.
The LRU page replacement algorithm with 12 page
faults is better than the FIFO algorithm with 15 faults.
The problem is to implement the LRU algorithm. An
order for the frames by time of last use is required.
Two options are feasible:
• By use of counters
• By use of stack
In the first option using counters, each page table entry is
associated with a variable to store the time when the page was
used. When a reference to the page is made, the contents of
the clock are copied to the variable in the page table for that
page. Every page now has the time of last reference to it.
According to the LRU page replacement algorithm the least
recently used page is the page with the smallest value in the
variable associated with the clock. Overheads here include a
search for the LRU page and an update of the variable to hold
clock contents each time a memory reference is made.

In the second option a stack is used to keep track of the
page numbers. A page referenced is always put on top of the
stack. Therefore the top of the stack is the most recently used
page and the bottom of the stack is the LRU page. Since stack
contents in between need to be changed, the stack is best
implemented using a doubly linked list. Update is a bit
expensive because of the number of pointers to be changed,
but there is no necessity to search for a LRU page.
LRU page replacement algorithm does not suffer from
Belady’s anomaly. But both of the above implementations
require hardware support since either the clock variable or the
stack must be updated for every memory reference.

4.4.4 Lru Approximation Algorithm

Hardware support to implement LRU algorithm is very
essential. But when hardware support provided is partial then
an approximation of the LRU algorithm is used. Many systems
provide hardware support in the form of a reference bit. A
reference bit is associated with every page and is set each time
a reference to the page is made. The reference bit gives
information about reference to pages. Initially the reference
bits for all pages are reset. As execution proceeds these bits
get set as and when references to pages are made. At an
instant thereafter some of the bits are set and some are not
depending on reference to pages. Additional Reference Bits Algorithm
Each page can have an additional 8-bit byte to store
ordering information. At regular intervals the operating
system shifts the reference bit into the high order bit of the 8-
bit byte, shifting the other bits right by 1 bit, discarding the
low order bit. History of the page reference is recorded in this
byte. If the byte contains all 0’s then the page has not been
used for the last 8 time periods. If it has all 1’s, then it is used
in each of the previous time periods. A page with the lowest
value in the b-bit byte is the LRU page. Number of bits of
history required depends on the hardware available. In the
extreme case it can be 0 bits which is nothing but the use of
only a reference bit. Second Chance Algorithm

In this algorithm the reference bit is the only bit to store
history. If the reference bit of a page is not set then that page
is a victim for replacement whenever a frame is required. But
if the reference bit is set then that page is given a second
chance and next FIFO page is selected. This page that is given

a second chance will not be replaced until all the other pages
have been replaced or given a second chance.
The second chance algorithm is best implemented using a
circular queue. A pointer is maintained to indicate the next
page to be replaced. Whenever a page replacement is
necessary the pointer is moved in FIFO order to find a page
with its reference bit not set. As the pointer moves the
reference bits which are set are reset thus giving a second
chance to the pages that have their reference bits set. A page
used often keeps its reference bit always set and will never be
replaced. If all the reference bits are set, then the algorithm is
the same as FIFO algorithm.
In some cases the dirty bit is combined with the reference
bit to form an ordered pair. The enhanced second chance
algorithm uses this pair of values. Given two bits we have the
following four combinations of values:
Reference Dirty
0 0 Neither used recently nor modified, best
page as a victim.
0 1 Not used recently but modified, If
replaced a swap out needed.

1 0 Recently used but not modified, can be a

better victim than the previous.
1 1 Recently used and also modified, if
replaced a swap out necessary Replacement is done by
examining pages belonging to lower classes. In this algorithm
pages that have been modified are given preference sine a
swap out of these pages needs an I/O.
The number of frames a process can use has to be
determined. In a single user system the entire set of frames is
available to the user. Only when all the available frames are
exhausted, a page replacement algorithm will be used to bring
in a page. The free frame list has the list of free frames from
which allocation can be made.
The problem is difficult in a multiprogramming
environment with demand paging because there are more
than one user processes in memory at the same time. The
maximum number of frames that can be allocated is equal to
the maximum number of frames available. The minimum
number of frames that can be allocated is less than this
maximum. The number of frames allocated to a process
determines the number of page faults. The less the number of
allocated frames, the more the number of page faults and
slower is the execution.

The minimum number of frames that can be allocated to a
process is dictated by the system architecture, more precisely
by the instruction set architecture. Whenever a page fault
occurs during instruction execution, the instruction has to be
re-executed. Therefore the minimum number of frames
allocated must be enough to hold all pages that any single
instruction can reference.
For example, instructions having only one memory address
will require at least 2 frames- one for the instruction and one
for the memory reference. In addition if one level of indirection
is allowed then at least 3 frames will be required.
The minimum number of frames is defined by the system
architecture whereas the maximum is dependent on the total
number of frames available in physical memory. An
appropriate choice is somewhere between these limits.
In a multiprogramming environment n processes are in
memory. Thus m frames are to allocated among n processes
where m is the maximum number of free frames available in
physical memory. The easiest way to allocate m frames
among n processes is an equal allocation scheme where each
process gets m / n frames for use. A better allocation will
make use of the need for frames by processes while making
allocation. A proportional allocation scheme allocates frames
to processes as a proportion of some property say memory
requirement or priority. If memory required by processes is
considered, then number of frames allocated to processes is
proportional to the size of the process. If S is the total memory
requirement of the n processes, then (si / S) x m rounded to
the next integer will be number of frames allocated to a
process Pi.
In either of the two schemes, increase in the degree of
multiprogramming will decrease the number of frames
allocated to a process. When the degree of multiprogramming
decreases with processes terminating after execution the free
frames could be spread out over the remaining processes.
Page replacement algorithms can be classified into global
and local replacement algorithms. Global replacement allows a
process to select a frame for replacement from the set all
frames even though victim frame is allocated to another
process whereas local replacement requires processes to select
a frame for replacement only from its own set of allocated
frames. With global replacement number of frames allocated
to a process change with process stealing frames from other
processes thus trying to increase the number of frames
allocated to it. But with local replacement number of frames
allocated to a process is static and does not change.

With global replacement algorithm page fault rates
associated with processes are not dependent on the process
alone but also on other processes. This is not the case with
local replacement where the process alone is responsible for
its paging activity. It has been seen that global replacement
results in better system through put by making available to
processes that need more frames from those that need less.
When a process does not have enough frames or when a
process is executing with a minimum set of frames allocated
to it which are in active use, there is always a possibility that
the process will page fault quickly. The page in active use
becomes a victim and hence page faults will occur again and
again and again. In this case a process spends more time in
paging than executing. This high paging activity is called
4.6.1 Cause for Thrashing
The operating system closely monitors CPU utilization.
When CPU utilization drops below a certain threshold, the
operating system increases the degree of multiprogramming
by bringing in a new process to increase CPU utilization. Let a
global page replacement policy be followed. A process
requiring more frames for execution page faults and steals
frames from other processes which are using those frames.
This causes the other processes also to page fault. Paging
activity increases with longer queues at the paging device but
CPU utilization drops. Since CPU utilization drops, the job
scheduler increases the degree of multiprogramming by
bringing in a new process. This only increases paging activity
to further decrease CPU utilization. This cycle continues.
Thrashing has set in and throughout drastically drops. This is
illustrated in the figure below (Figure 4.5):

Utilization Thrashing

Degree of

Figure 4.5: Thrashing

When a local page replacement policy is used instead of a
global policy, thrashing is limited to a process only.
To prevent thrashing, a process must be provided as many
frames as it needs. A working-set strategy determines how
many frames a process is actually using by defining what is
known as a locality model of process execution.
The locality model states that as a process executes it
moves from one locality to another where a locality is a set of
active pages used together. These localities are strictly not
distinct and overlap. For example, a subroutine call defines a
locality by itself where memory references are made to
instructions and variables in the subroutine. A return from
the subroutine shifts the locality with instructions and
variables of the subroutine no longer in active use. So
localities in a process are defined by the structure of the
process and the data structures used there in. The locality
model states that all programs exhibit this basic memory
reference structure.
Allocation of frames, enough to hold pages in the current
locality, will cause faults for pages in this locality until all the
required pages are in memory. The process will then not page
fault until it changes locality. If allocated frames are less than
those required in the current locality then thrashing occurs
because the process is not able to keep in memory actively-
used pages.
4.6.2 Working Set Model
The working set model is based on the locality model. A
working set window is defined. It is a parameter ∆ that
maintains the most recent ∆ page references. This set of most
recent ∆ page references is called the working set. An active
page always finds itself in the working set. Similarly a page
not used will drop off the working set ∆ time units after its last
reference. Thus the working set is an approximation of the
program’s locality.
Pages referenced:
…. 2 6 1 5 7 7 7 7 5 1 6 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 3
2 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 ….
∆ = {1,2,5,6,7} ∆ = {3,4} ∆ =
t1 t2 t3

If ∆ = 10 memory references, then a working set
{1,2,5,6,7} at t1 has changed to {3,4} at t2 and {2,3,4} at t3. The
size of the parameter ∆ defines the working set. If too small it
does not consist of the entire locality. If it is too big then it will
consist of overlapping localities.
Let WSSi be the working set for a process Pi. Then D = ∑
WSSi will be the total demand for frames from all processes in
memory. If total demand is greater than total available that is
D>m then thrashing has set in.
The operating system thus monitors the working set of
each process and allocates to that process enough frames
equal to its working set size. If free frames are still available
then degree of multiprogramming can be increased. If at any
instant D>m then the operating system swaps out a process to
decrease the degree of multiprogramming so that released
frames could be allocated to other processes. The suspended
process is brought in later and restarted.
The working set window is a moving window. Each
memory reference appears at one end of the window while an
older reference drops off at the other end.
The working set model prevents thrashing while the
degree of multiprogramming is kept as high as possible there
by increasing CPU utilization.
4.6.3 Page Fault Frequency
One other way of controlling thrashing is by making use
of the frequency of page faults. This page fault frequency (PPF)
strategy is a more direct approach.
When thrashing has set in page fault is high. This means
to say that a process needs more frames. If page fault rate is
low, the process may have more than necessary frames to
execute. So upper and lower bounds on page faults can be
defined. If the page fault rate exceeds the upper bound, then
another frame is allocated to the process. If it falls below the
lower bound then a frame already allocated can be removed.
Thus monitoring the page fault rate helps prevent thrashing.
As in the working set strategy, some process may have to
be suspended only to be restarted later if page fault rate is
high and no free frames are available so that the released
frames can be distributed among existing processes requiring
more frames.
A good paging system depends on the page replacement
algorithm used and the frame allocation policy followed. Some
other considerations for selection of replacement algorithm

and allocation policy are pre-paging, page size, program
structure, I/O inter locks and many more. Discussed below
are the two important policies of pre-paging and page size.

4.7.1 Pre-Paging
In a pure demand paging system, a number of page
faults occur when a process starts execution. This is because
the process tries to bring into memory all pages referenced in
the initial locality. The same occurs when a process swapped
out has to be restarted. Pre-paging is an attempt to prevent
this large number of page faults that occur initially to bring in
all pages that are required in a given locality. The working set
is a good approximation of the program’s locality. So pages
required in the working set need to be in memory when the
process initially starts or when it resumes after an I/O thus
preventing initial page faults.
The cost of pre-paging has to be weighed against the cost
of servicing page faults. If s is the number of pages pre-paged
and α is a fraction of s that will actually be used, then
prepaging is advantageous only if α is very close to one.

4.7.2 Page Size

Many factors decide the page size. The size of a page is
typically a power of 2. The selection of a power of 2 as the
page size makes address translation from a logical address to
a physical address easy.
Page size is defined by the hardware and is dependent on
the system architecture. Page sizes generally range from 29 to
214 bytes.
For a given logical memory space decreasing page size
increases the number of pages and hence the size of the page
table. If an inverted page table is not used then each process
must have its own page table. In such a case it is desirable to
have a large page size so that size of the page table is small.
Memory is better utilized when the page size is small.
The total memory required by a process is not an exact
multiple of page size. Because of this there is always some
amount of internal fragmentation present in the last page of
the process. On an average half of the last page is lost due to
internal fragmentation. If this is the case, the smaller the page
size the less the amount of internal fragmentation.
The time required for reading or writing a page is also a
consideration for page size. I/O time is composed of seek time,
latency time and transfer time. Out of these the transfer time

is proportional to the amount of information transfer or the
page size. The smaller the page size the less is the transfer
time. Therefore page size need to be small. But seek and
latency times are very large when compared to transfer time.
In fact transfer time forms only about 1% of the total I/O time.
Then if the page size is doubled the increase in I/O time is
very marginal and therefore minimizes I/O time. Thus page
sizes should be large.
Smaller page size, locality will be improved. Also pre-
paging based on working set with a advantageous, as a
greater fraction of pages pre-paged will be active. So a smaller
page size will result in less I/O and less allocated memory.
A smaller page size generates more page faults. To
minimize the number of page faults the page size should be
large. But this will result in more internal fragmentation.
Choosing the best page size is not straightforward.
Factors such as internal fragmentation and locality of
reference argue for a small page size whereas table size, I/O
times and page faults argue for a large page size. It is a
compromise among so many factors. Some systems therefore
allow for the use of different page sizes.

In this chapter we have studied a technique called virtual
memory that creates an illusion for the user that he has a
large memory at his disposal. But in reality, only a limited
amount of main memory is available and that too is shared
amongst several users. We have also studied demand paging
which is the main concept needed to implement virtual
memory. Demand paging brought in the need for page
replacements if required pages are not in memory for
execution. Different page replacement algorithms were
studied. Thrashing, its cause and ways of controlling it were
also addressed.



5.1 Pre paging

5.2 Page sizing
5.3 Inverted Page Table

5.1 Pre paging

An obvious of a pure demand-paging system is the large number of page
faults that occur when a process is started. This situation is a result of
trying to get the initial logicality into memory. The same thing may
happen at other times. For instance, when a swapped-out process is
restarted, all its pages are on the disk and each must be brought in by
its own page fault. Prepaging is an attempt to prevent this high level of
initial paging.
Prepaging may be an advantages in some cases. The question is
simply whether the cost of Prepaging isles than the cost of servicing the
corresponding page faults. It may well be the case that may of the paging
brought back into the memory by Prepaging are not used.

5.2 Page sizing

The designer of an operating system for an existing machine seldom has
a choice concerning the page size. However, when new machine are
being designed, a design regarding the best page size must be made. As
you might except, there is no single best size. Rather, there is a set of
factors that support various sizes. Page sizes are invariably powers of 2,
generally ranging from 512(29) to 16384(214) bytes.

5.3 Inverted Page Table

The purpose of this form of an inverted page table was introduced. The
purpose of this form of page management was to reduce the amount of
physical memory that is needed to track virtual-to-physical address
translation. This saving was accomplished by creating a table with one
pair<process-id, page-number>.
By Keeping information which virtual-memory page is stored in each
physical frame, inverted page tables reduce the amount of Physical
memory needed to store this information. However, the inverted page
table no longer contains complete information about the logical address
space of a process, which is required if a referenced page is not currently
in memory. Demand paging requires this information to process page



6.1 Process synchronization

6.2 Mutual Exclusion
6.3 Semaphore
6.3.1 Properties of semaphore
6.3.2 Synchronization tool
6.3.3 Classic Problems of Synchronization

6.1 Introduction to Process Synchronization

In order to cooperate concurrently executing processes must

communicate and synchronize. Intercrosses communication is based on
the use of shared variables (variables that can be referenced by more
than one process) or message passing.

Synchronization is often necessary when processes communicate.

Processes are executes with unpredictable speeds. Yet to communicate
one process are must perform some action such as setting the value of a
variable or sending a message that the other detects. This only works if
the events perform an action or detect an action are constrained to
happen in that order. Thus one can view synchronization as a set of
constraints on the ordering of events. The programmer employs a
synchronization mechanism to delay execution of a process in order to
satisfy such constraints.

To make this concept more clear, consider the batch operating system
again. A shared buffer is used for communication between the reader
process and the executor process. These processes must be
synchronized so that, for example, the executer process never concerned
with these two issues.

6.2 Mutual Exclusion

Processes frequently need to communicate with other process, when a

user wants to read from a file, it must tell the file process what it wants,
then the file process has to inform the disk process to read the required

Processes that are working together often share some common storage
that one can read and write. The shared storage may be in main memory
or it may be shared file. Each process has segment of code, called
critical section, which accesses shared memory or files. The key issue
involving shared memory or shared files is to find way to prohibit more
than one process from reading and writing the shared data at the same
time. In mutual exclusion –some way of making sure that if one process
is executing in its critical section, the other processes will be excluded
from doing the same thing.

Algorithm to support mutual exclusion

Module Mutex
P1 busy,p2 busy:Boolean;
Process p1
While true do
While p2busy do {keeptesting};
Process p2;
Begin While true do
While p1busy do {keeptesting};
{parent process}
initiate p1,p2

p1 first sets p1busy and then tests p2busy to determined what to do

next. When it finds p2busy to be false, process p1 may safely proceed to
the critical section knowing that no matter how the two processes may

be interleaved, process p2 is certain to find p2 busy set and to stay from
the critical section. The signal change ensures mutual exclusion. But
consider a case where p1 wishes to enter the critical section send sets
p1busy to indicate the fact. If process p2 wishes to enter the critical
section at the same time and pre-empts process p1 just before p1 test
p2busy. Process p2 may set p2busy and start looping while waiting for
p1 busy to become false. When control is eventually returned to process
p1, it finds p2busy set and starts looping while waiting for p1busy to
become false. When control is eventually returned to p1, it finds p2busy
set and start looping while it waits for p2busy to become false. And so
both processes are looping forever, each awaiting the other one to clear
the way. In order to remove this kind of behavior, we must add another
requirement to occur in our algorithm. When more than process wishes
to enter the critical section, the decision to grant entrance to one of them
must be made in infinite.

6.3 Semaphores

The methods all share a new property that distinguishes them from the
busy-waiting methods: They depend on the ability to schedule activities.
An activity that attempts to enter a region that is already occupied can
be blocked, just as the resource manager might block a process that
attempts to gain a resource that is currently allocated. While it waits,
other activities may continue. Instead of consuming computational
resources in a fruitless loop, the waiting activity only needs to suffer the
cost of a context switch or two. To achieve this effect, we need to embed
the Begin Region and End Region operations in the scheduler instead of
building them directly on the hardware. The scheduler can also maintain
a list of activities waiting to enter a region so that a fair choice can be
made when conditions allow.
Our first example of this approach is to protect each group of shared
variables with
a semaphore, which has the following structure:
1 type
2 Queue = list of Activity
3 Semaphore =
4 record
5 { all fields are initialized as shown }
6 MutEx : Lock := false;
7 Value : integer := 1;
8 Waiters : Queue := empty;
9 end;

The scheduler provides two operations on semaphores. The second
operation is down. Informally, Down blocks the caller if Value is 0.
Otherwise, it decrements Value. Up increments Value and unblocks at
most one waiting activity. The correct use of semaphores to implement
mutual exclusion is simple: All regions that use the same shared
variables are associated with the same semaphore. An activity that
wishes to enter a region calls Down on the associated semaphore. When
the activity exits the region, it calls Up on the same semaphore. The first
activity to try to enter its region succeeds, because Value is initially 1.
Another activity that tries to enter while the first is still in its region will
be blocked. When the first activity leaves the region, the second activity
is unblocked. The Value field is always either 0 or 1. To give a more
formal definition of Down and Up, we will implement them using locks
as a more primitive mutual-exclusion tool.
1 procedure Down(var S : Semaphore);
2 begin
3 BeginRegion(S.MutEx); { use TestAndSet }
4 if S.Value = 0 then
5 Block(S.Waiters); { proceed when unblocked later }
6 else
7 S.Value := S.Value - 1;
8 end;
9 EndRegion(S.MutEx);
10 end Down;
11procedure Up(var S : Semaphore);
13 begin
14 BeginRegion(S.MutEx);
15 if not Empty(S.Waiters) then
16 UnBlock(S.Waiters) { Unblock one waiter. We continue. }
17 else
18 S.Value := S.Value + 1;
19 end;
20 EndRegion(S.MutEx);
21 end Up;
It is important that Down and Up be mutually exclusive. In particular,
any access of the Value or the Waiters field must be atomic. That is why
we use the MutEx field of each semaphore to make sure that Down and
Up exclude each other. We must make sure that both Down and Up
retain exclusion for only a short time; otherwise our attempt to avoid
busy waiting has failed. In the simple case, Down does not find S. Value
equal to 0 in line 4 and need not block in line 5. If it does block, we
require that the Block routine (in the scheduler) resume some other
runnable activity and that Block turn off exclusion before resumption.
Block accomplishes this by calling EndRegion (S.MutEx). Block therefore

needs to know which semaphore is in use; we omit this argument for
clarity. UnBlock, called by Up in line 16, marks one waiting activity as
runnable (for example, by placing it in a ready list). The releasing activity
then continues and soon releases exclusion at line 20. When the newly
runnable activity is scheduled to run, it is again given exclusion, and it
finds itself running at line 5 in the Down routine. It will soon release
exclusion itself in line 9. There is some controversy over whether the
scheduler should switch immediately to the waiting activity that is
activated in line 16. Immediate switch guarantees that whatever
condition is being awaited by that activity still holds, since the Up
operation has just been called and no other activity has had a chance to
run. The disadvantage of an immediate switch is that it tends to increase
the total number of switches. The activity that called Up is likely to call
Down for a new region soon, causing it to block in any case. The
Hysteresis Principle suggests that the current process should be allowed
to continue. Semaphores are so useful that some operating systems
provide service calls so that processes that share resources (particularly
parts of virtual store) can synchronize their accesses. Four service calls
are needed:
_ Semaphore Create (initial value). This call returns a new semaphore
(a small integer) that the calling process may use. The semaphore
structure itself is
protected in the kernel and has its Value field set to the given initial
value. This
semaphore may be inherited by the children of the calling process so
they can all
Mechanisms 269
share the same semaphore.
_ Semaphore Destroy (semaphore descriptor). This call informs the
kernel that
the given semaphore is no longer needed. This call is implicitly
performed when
the last process using a semaphore terminates. Any process waiting on a
call receives an error return from that call.
_ SemaphoreDown(semaphore descriptor). This call performs the Down
operation on the given semaphore. An error is reported if the semaphore
is not associated with this process or if the semaphore is destroyed while
the process is blocked waiting for it.
_ Semaphore Up (semaphore descriptor). This call performs the Up
operation on the given semaphore. An error is reported if the semaphore
is not associated with this process.

6.3.1 Properties of Semaphores

• They correctly implement a liberal policy of mutual exclusion among

any number of activities on any number of processors. Activities
interfere with each other only if they refer to the same semaphore.
• When an activity is blocked from entering its region, it does not busy
• Starvation is possible unless waiters are unblocked in first-come,
first-served order.
• As with all the methods we have seen so far, there is no guarantee
that activities will call Down and Up at the correct times. The wrong
(or no) call may be made, or the wrong semaphore may be invoked.
• A semaphore used for mutual exclusion is a serially reusable, non-
preemptable resource. Its use is therefore subject to deadlock. A
hierarchical order for acquiring multiple semaphores can be used to
prevent deadlock.

It is easy to generalize the semaphore to allow any fixed number of

activities the right to enter their region at the same time. For example,
we might have seven tape drives and be willing to allow up to seven
activities to access tape-drive code. To enforce this policy, we would
build a semaphore for tape-drive code and initialize its value to 7 instead
of 1.
Semaphores allow us to implement synchronization without busy
waiting. For example, we could introduce a semaphore for each arrow in
the synchronization graph of Figure 8.1: AB, BE, and so on. Each
semaphore would be initialized to 0. A typical activity, like E, would have
this sort of code:
1 activity E:
2 Down(BE);
3 Down(DE);
4 perform E’s work;
5 Up(EF);
6 Up(EH);
We don’t really need so many semaphores. Instead, we could introduce
just one Semaphore per activity. Again, it would be initialized to 0.
When the activity finishes, it invokes Up on the semaphore as many
times as there are activities waiting for this one to finish. Before an
activity starts, it invokes Down on the semaphores of all the activities it
needs to wait for. For example, E looks like this:

1 activity E:
2 Down(B);

3 Down(D);
4 perform E’s work;
5 Up(E); { once for F, once for H }
6 Up(E);
One of the exercises at the end of the chapter explores another way to
use semaphores to
solve the same problem.
Mechanisms 271

6.3.2 Synchronization tool

Semaphore S – integer variable

can only be accessed via two indivisible (atomic) operations
wait (S):
while S≤ 0 do no-op;
signal (S):

6.3.3 Classic Problems of Synchronization

There are a number of classic problems that appear in almost all texts
on operating systems to illustrate some of the issues associated with

The Producer - Consumer (aka Bounded Buffer) Problem

In this situation, there are two classes of processes (or threads). One
class produces data of some sort, and the other consumes the data. All
processes are running concurrently and asynchronously. When a
producer produces some data, it puts it in a buffer. There are a finite
number of buffers, and if all of the buffers are full, then the producer is
blocked until a buffer becomes available.
The consumers get their data from the buffers. When a consumer is
ready to consume more data, it checks to see if there is any unconsumed
data in the buffers, and if there is, it consumes the data, thus emptying
the buffer. If there is no data waiting to be consumed, the consumers
sleep until there is data available.
Typically the data are stored in a circular buffer of size N, i.e. it has N
slots for data. We will treat the buffer as a first in first out queue with
the two operations Enqueue to insert an item into the buffer and
Dequeue to remove an item from the buffer.
The problem is to introduce synchronization to assure that producers do
not try to add data to a full buffer or that more than one consumer does
not try to consume the same data.

The obvious solution is wrong; it has a fatal race condition.
int count = 0; /* number of items in the buffer */
Void Producer () void Consumer ()
{ {
Data_t item; data_t item;
While (TRUE) { while (TRUE) {
Item = Produce Item (); if (count == 0) sleep ();
If (count == N) sleep (); item = Dequeue ();
Enqueue (item); count--;
Count++; if (count == N-1) wakeup (Producer);
If (count == 1) wakeup (Consumer); Consume Item (item);
} }
} }
Make sure that you can explain why this does not work.
The solution is to have two counting semaphores, labeled full (the
number of slots with data in them in the buffer) and empty (the number
of empty slots in the buffer) and a mutex to make sure that only one
process is accessing the buffer at a time. Recall that a semaphore has
two operations, up, which increases its value and down, which decreases
its value. These operations are performed atomically. If a semaphore has
a value of zero, the down operation blocks until it has a non-zero value.
Here is a solution which works.
Semaphore empty = N;
Semaphore full = 0;
Mutex M = Unlocked;

Void Producer () void Consumer ()

{ {
Data_t item; data_t item;
While (TRUE) { while (TRUE) {
Item = Produce Item (); down (&full);
Down (&empty); lock (&M);
Lock (&M); item = Dequeue ();
Enqueue (item); unlock (&M);
Unlock (&M); up (&empty);
Up (&full); Consume Item (item);
} }
} }
Each producer process produces some data. Then it calls down on the
empty semaphore, meaning that there is one less empty slot. This call
will block if the semaphore has the value of zero. The process then locks
the mutex. This will block if another process has already locked the
mutex, being awakened when the mutex becomes unlocked. After doing
this it stores the data that it produced into an empty slot in the buffer.

There is guaranteed to be an empty slot because otherwise the down call
to the semaphore empty would have blocked. After storing the data, it
releases the mutex and calls up on the full semaphore, signifying that
the number of full slots has been increased by one. Note that the sum of
empty and full should be N, the number of slots. The consumer process
is symmetrical.

The Readers and Writers Problem

Consider a file of data, such as an airline reservation system which
keeps track of the reserved seats on a flight or set of flights. There are
travel agents all around the country who can access this file, so there
are potential issues of contention. There is no problem if many different
agents want to read the file at the same time, but only one agent at a
time should be able to write to the file.
Here are the rules that we want to enforce:
Any number of readers can simultaneously read the file
Only one writer at a time can write to the file
If a writer is writing, no reader can read.
No process will starve any process that wants to read or write will
eventually be allowed to read or write.
Here is the solution from the text, slightly rewritten. We have a global
counter Read Count which keeps track of the number of readers reading.
We need two Mutex variables, Remote guards Read Count and Demote
guards the database.
Int Read Count = 0; /* number of readers reading */
Mutex Remote = unlocked, Demote = unlocked;

Void Reader ()
while (true) {
if (ReadCount == 1)
if (ReadCount == 0)
DoOtherStuff(); /* noncriticalsection */

void Writer()
Unfortunately, this solution does not satisfy our criteria. It enforces
mutual exclusion, but it is possible for writers to starve. If one reader is
reading, as long as more readers come along and want to read, they are
allowed to. Since writers are not permitted to write until there are no
readers, as long as there are readers, the writers can starve.
An alternative solution is to give writers priority. If any process is waiting
to write to the database, no reader is allowed to read. This solution is
also unsatisfactory because it is possible for readers to starve. As long as
new writers want to write, no reader ever gets to read.
Once the writer is finished writing, all of the readers that have been
blocked are allowed to read. If multiple writers want to write, it is
necessary to enforce alternation between readers and writers to prevent
starvation. That is, after a writer has finished writing, all of the readers
that have been blocked are allowed to read, but new readers that want to
read are not permitted to read if there are writers waiting. Otherwise, the
readers could starve.



7.1 Introduction Of deadlock

7.2 System Model
7.3 Deadlock Characterization
7.4 Deadlock Prevention
7.5 Deadlock Avoidance
7.6 Methods for Handling

7.1 Introduction of Deadlock

With inter process communication comes the problem of deadlock. If a

situation arises where two or more processes are all waiting for a signal
from one of the other waiting processes, the processes are said to be
deadlocked. Waiting and synchronization is not all sweetness and roses.
Consider the European road rule, which says: on minor roads one
should always wait for traffic coming from the right. If four cars arrive
simultaneously at a crossroads (see Figure) then, according to the rule
all of them must wait for each other and none of them can ever move.
This situation is called deadlock. It is the stalemate of the operating
system world.

The following situation shows this.

Resource Allocation Graph

Deadlocks can be described by a resource allocation

graph. The resource allocation graph is a directed graph
consisting of vertices and directed edges. The vertex set is
partitioned into two types, a subset representing processes
and another subset representing resources. Pictorially, the
resources are represented by rectangles with dots within, each
dot representing an instance of the resource and circles
represent processes.

A directed edge from a process to a resource (Pi  Rj)
signifies a request from a process Pi for an instance of the
resource Rj and Pi is waiting for Rj. A directed edge from a
resource to a process (Rj  Pi) indicates that an instance of
the resource Rj has been allotted to process Pi. Thus a
resource allocation graph consists of vertices which include
resources and processes and directed edges which consist of
request edges and assignment edges. A request edge is
introduced into the graph when a process requests for a
resource. This edge is converted into an assignment edge
when the resource is granted. When the process releases the
resource, the assignment edge is deleted. Consider the
following system:

There are 3 processes P1, P2 and P3.

Resources R1, R2, R3 and R4 have instances 1, 2, 1, and 3


P1 is holding R2 and waiting for R1.

P2 is holding R1, R2 and is waiting for R3.

P3 is holding R3.

The resource allocation graph for a system in the above

situation is as shown below (Figure 7.1).

R1 R3

. .

P1 P3

. .
. .

R2 R4

Figure 7.1: Resource allocation graph

If a resource allocation graph has no cycles (a closed loop

in the direction of the edges), then the system is not in a state
of deadlock. If on the other hand, there are cycles, then a
deadlock may exist. If there are only single instances of each
resource type, then a cycle in a resource allocation graph is a
necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a
deadlock (Figure 7.2). Here two cycles exist:
P1  R1  P2  R3  P3  R2 P1

P2  R3  P3  R2  P2

Processes P0, P1 and P3 are deadlocked and are in a circular
wait. P2 is waiting for R3 held by P3. P3 is waiting for P1 or P2 to
release R2. So also P1 is waiting for P2 to release R1.

R1 R3

. .

P1 P3

. .
. .



Figure 7.2: Resource allocation graph with deadlock

If there are multiple instances of resources types, then a

cycle does not necessarily imply a deadlock. Here a cycle is a
necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for the
existence of a deadlock (Figure 7.3). Here also there is a cycle:

P1  R1  P3  R2  P1

The cycle above does not imply a deadlock because an
instance of R1 released by P2 could be assigned to P1 or an
instance of R2 released by P4 could be assigned to P3 there-by
breaking the cycle.

. .

P1 P2



Figure 7.3: Resource allocation graph with a cycle but no


A set of processes is deadlocked if each process in the set is

waiting for a resource/event that only another process in the set
can provide.

There is no way for the operating system to detect every conceivable

deadlock condition without expending large amounts of CPU time. Thus,

the only way to recover from a deadlock is to kill the processes in
question. Responsibility for preventing deadlock situations is placed on
the programmer. Fortunately, situations where deadlock can occur are
infrequent; however, you should keep an eye out for them and try to
work around them when they do occur.

7.2 System Model

Deadlock occurs when a number of processes are waiting for an event,

which can only be caused by another of the waiting processes.
These are the essential requirements for a deadlock:
1. Circular waiting. There must be a set of processes where is
waiting for a resource or signal from, is waiting for... and is waiting for.
2. Non-sharable resources. It is not possible to share the resources
or signals, which are being waited for. If the resource can be shared,
there is no reason to wait.
3. No preemption. The processes cannot be forced to give up the
resources they are holding.

There are likewise three methods for handling deadlock situations:

1. Prevention. We can try to design a protocol, which ensures that
deadlock never occurs.
2. Recovery. We can allow the system to enter a deadlock state and
then recover.
3. Ostrich method. We can pretend that deadlocks will never occur
and live happily in our ignorance. This is the method used by most
operating systems. User programs are expected to behave
properly. The system does not interfere. This is understandable: it
is very hard to make general rules for every situation, which might

7.3 Deadlock Characterization

In a deadlock, processes never finish executing and system resources

are tried up, preventing other jobs from ever starting. Before we discuss
the various methods for dealing with the deadlock problem, we shall
describe features that characterize deadlocks.
Necessary Condition
A deadlock situation, Condition hold simultaneously in a system:
Mutual exclusion: At least one resource must be held in a non-
sharable mode; that is, only one process to a time can use the
resource. If another process requests that resource, the requesting

process must be delayed until the resource has been released. Only
one process at a time can use a resource.
Hold and wait: There must be exist a process holding at least one
resource do other processes hold waiting to acquire additional
No preemption: Resources cannot be preempted; that is the process
holding it, after that process has completed its task can release a
resource only voluntarily.
Circular wait: there exists a set {P0, P1… P0} of waiting processes
such that P0 is waiting for a resource that is held by P1, P1 is waiting
for a resource that is held by P2, Pn–1 is waiting for a resource that is
held by Pn, and P0 is waiting for a resource that is held by P0.

The Resource allocation Graph components are fallowing:

• Process

• Resource Type with 4 instances

• Pj requests instance of Rj

• Pi is holding an instance of Rj

7.4 Deadlock Prevention

Prevention establishes system policies that make it impossible for

deadlock to ever take place. The way to do this is to ensure that one of
the four necessary conditions cannot be satisfied.

Prevention by Forbidding Mutual Exclusion

Since mutual exclusion is necessary for correct operation in many
situations, this cannot be used as a general-purpose prevention

Prevention by Forbidding the Hold-and-Wait Condition

There are at least two ways to do this:

• Force a process to request all its resources in advance; it is in the

blocked state until it has all resources. This is wasteful because a

process must tie up all its resources from the beginning, even if it
won't need them for a long time. It also can lead to starvation for
processes that need several popular resources; they may never all
be available at the same time. Some batch systems used this
approach, however.
• Force a process to release all its resources each time it requests a
new one and then re-request all resources. For example, a process
that has a tape drive and a disk may also need a printer. To get
the printer, it must first release the tape drive and disk. Then it
requests all 3. This can also result in long waits, poor resource
utilization, and the possibility of starvation.

Prevention by Forbidding the No-Preemption Condition

There are several ways to do this; two are described below.

• If a process requests a resource and it is not available, the system

will preempt the resources the process currently holds. Then it
must wait for all resources; not just the newly requested one.
• Let high priority processes preempt resources from low priority
processes. In this case the low priority process may just be

Preemption may work if the resources being preempted have states that
can be easily saved (e.g. CPU) but as a general solution, this is not
effective. For example, suppose the resource being held is a data
structure that requires mutual exclusion. If the data structure is
preempted and given to another process, then a race condition will

Prevention by Forbidding the Circular Wait Condition

A simplistic approach is to permit a process to own only one resource at
a time. This makes programming very difficult. A more common solution
is based on resource ordering.

• Number all resource types and require processes to request

resources in ascending order.
• Now, although processes may block on a resource request, it is
impossible for a circular wait to develop. Consequently, there will
never be deadlock.
• Proof:
o Suppose process Pi requests resource Rn. This means that
any other resource held by Pi has a number less than n.
o Now suppose that Rn is assigned to some other process Pj.

o Pi will block on Rn, but it cannot be deadlocked, because Pj
will never request a process held by Pi. (Pj can only request
resources with numbers greater than n, since it already
holds Rn.)
• IBM’s MVS and VAX VMS have used this approach.
• It isn't particular efficient, since it's hard to predict a standard
ordering for resources and thus processes may be forced to
request resources long before they are needed.
• It is also inflexible: must be built into OS; new resources require
new ordering and possible modification to existing applications.
• Also, in modern applications, users don't want to have to pay
attention to what resources they're using. For example, you want
to open a file whenever it's appropriate, not when the proper
sequence order comes up.
• Resource ordering works pretty well when semaphores control the
resources being allocated. For example, the deadlock we observed
in the producer consumer problem came about because
semaphores were used in an incorrect order. If mutex had been
assigned the highest number (i.e., it must be the last semaphore
requested) the deadlock would not have occurred.

7.5 Deadlock Avoidance

Whereas deadlock prevention is a global approach that prevents

deadlocks by establishing system-wide policies, deadlock avoidance
avoids deadlocks by using local strategies that consider each resource
request on a case-by-case basis. Notice that both prevention and
avoidance maintain a deadlock-free system (although at a cost).

• Deadlock avoidance is based on the concept of a safe state, which

is defined as follows:
A state is safe if
o It is not already deadlocked.
o There is some ordering of resource allocation that will allow
all active processes to complete execution without
deadlocking. This is called a safe sequence.
• A state that is not safe is unsafe. This is not the same as deadlock.
• To prove that P1... Pn is a safe sequence show that there are
enough free resources for P1 to finish. Now show that after P1
releases its resources, P2 will be able to acquire enough resources
to finish, and that when it finishes P3 will be able to get enough
resources to finish, and so on until you show that Pn is able to

• The Banker's Algorithm can be used to determine if a safe state
exists. It is used as follows:
o Process requests resource.
o Assume request is granted; use Banker's Algorithm to
determine if resulting state is safe; i.e., if a safe sequence
o If the state is safe, then grant the resource request.
o Otherwise, block the process, which requested the resource
until a time when the request can be granted safely.
o Note that when a new process is created, any initial resource
requests it makes must be treated the same way.
• See example in textbook on page 228.
• Problems with Banker’s Algorithm:
o It must be run every time a resource request is made.
o It requires processes to state maximum resource
requirements in advance.

It assumes no resources will disappear from the system. For example, if

a printer suddenly goes offline a currently safe state may suddenly
become unsafe

7.6 Methods for Handling

• Ensure that the system will never enter a deadlock state.

• Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and then recover.
• Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks never occur in the
system; used by most operating systems,
including UNIX.

Principally, we can deal with the deadlock

problem in one of three ways:
1. We can use a protocol to prevent or
avoid deadlock, ensuring that the
system will never enter a deadlock
2. We can allow the system to enter a deadlock state, detect it, and
3. We can ignore the problem altogether, and pretend that deadlock
never occur in the system.
Figure4: Resource allocation graph
There are four basic approaches to deadlock management:
with a cycle but no deadlock

1. Ignore the problem: Most popular approach. Used in systems like
2. Detect and recover: Detection algorithms require the system to
maintain records of resource requests, allocations, and needs in a
form the deadlock detection algorithm can readily manipulate
that. The two methods outlined below are illustrations of the
approach. Resource Allocation Graphs: -A resource graph
represents the state of resource allocations and pending requests
at any given time. The formal definition of the graph is given
below, with an overview of how it may be used to detect deadlocks.

1. A resource allocation graph (RAG) is a directed graph {V, E}, where

V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges.
2. The set V is partitioned into two sets: P, consisting of all
processes, and R, consisting of all resources. Circular vertices
represent processes, square vertices represent resources.
3. If there is more than one instance of a resource type, multiple dots
are placed in the resource vertex.
4. Edges from a process vertex to resource vertex (resource edge)
represent pending requests for resources, edges from resource
vertex to process vertex (allocation edges) represent a satisfied
5. It can be proven that if there are no cycles in the RAG, the system
is not deadlocked. Cycle detecting algorithms are expensive: O
(N2), where N = number of vertices in the graph.
6. The size of the problem can be reduced somewhat by eliminating
all resource nodes from the graph. The in-edge (a request edge)
and out-edge (an allocation edge) become one directed edge
between two process nodes, and the resulting graph is referred to
as a wait-for graph, because it shows which processes are waiting
for resources, and the processes currently holding the resources
7. In a system that has multiple instances of the same resource type,
cycles indicate the possibility of a deadlock, but not the certainty.
Other detection methods are needed in this case.

Matrix Method

1. If a system has multiple resources of the same type (10 tape drives,
1000 i-nodes, etc.), a different approach to detection is needed. The
matrix-based method described below can be used in this case.
2. Assume the system has N processes (P1, P2, ... Pn) and M resource
types (R1, R2, Rm).
3. The current allocation matrix, C, is an N X M matrix where Cij
represents the number of instances of Rj held by Pi. In other words,

each row of the matrix represents the resources held by a single
process; each column represents the assignment of instances of a
single resource type to processes in the system.
4. The request matrix R has entries Rij, which represent the outstanding
resource requests by Pj.
5. The available vector, A, is an M-dimensional vector that represents
the number of instances of each resource type that are available (not
6. If a system is deadlocked, there is no way to allocate the remaining
resources (represented by the available vector) so that all processes
can complete.
7. The actual detection algorithm is described in the textbook. It is O
(MN2), where M represents the number of resource types and N
represents the number of processes.



8.1 Address Binding

8.2 Logical – Versus Physical – Address Space
8.3 Dynamic Loading
8.4 Dynamic Linking and Shared Libraries
8.5 Swapping
8.6 Contiguous Memory allocation
8.7 Memory Protection
8.8 Memory allocation
8.9 Fragmentation
8.10 Paging
8.11 Basic Method
8.12 Hardware Support
8.13 Segmentation
8.14 Basic Method
8.15 Hardware
8.16 Implementation of Segment Tables
8.17 Segmentation with paging
8.19 OS/2 32-Bit Version


The memory management subsystem is one of the most important parts

of the operating system. Since the early days of computing, there has
been a need for more memory than exists physically in a system.
Strategies have been developed to overcome this limitation and the most
successful of these is virtual memory. Virtual memory makes the system
appear to have more memory than it actually has by sharing it between
competing processes as they need it.
As a result of CPU scheduling, we can improve both the utilization
of the CPU and the speed of the computer’s response to its users. To
realize this increase in performance, however, we must keep several
processes in memory; that is, we must share memory. The memory
management algorithms vary from a primitive bare- machine approach
to paging and segmentation strategies. Each approach has its own
advantages and disadvantages. Selection of a memory –management
method for a specific system depends on many factors, especially on the

hardware design of the system. As we shall see, many algorithms require
hardware support, although recent designs have closely integrated the
hardware and operating system. Memory consists of a large array of
words or bytes, each with its own address. The CPU fetches instructions
from memory according to the value of the program counter. These
instruction may cause additional loading from and storing to specific
memory address. A typical instruction – execution cycle, for example,
first fetches an instruction from memory. The instruction is then
decoded and may cause operands to be fetched from memory.

8.1 Address Binding

The program must be brought into memory and placed within a process
for it to be executed. Depending on the memory management in use. The
process may be moved between disk and memory during its execution.
The collection of processes on the disk that is waiting to be brought into
memory for execution forms the input queue. The normal procedure is to
select one of the processes in the input queue and to load that process
into memory. Classically, the binding of instructions and data to
memory address can be done at any step along the way:
• Compile time: if you know at compile time where the process will reside
in memory, then absolute code can be generated.
• Load time: if it is not known at compile time where the process will
reside in memory, then the compiler must generate relocatable code.
• Execution time: if the process can be moved during its execution from
one memory segment to another, then binding must be delayed until run

8.2 Logical – Versus Physical – Address Space

An address generated by the CPU is commonly referred to as a logical

address, whereas an address seen by the memory unit – that is, the one
loaded into the memory– address register of the memory – is commonly
referred to as a physical address. The compile –time and load –time
address –binding methods generate identical logical and physical
addresses. However, the execution –time address binding scheme results
in differing logical and physical addresses. In this case, we usually refer
to the logical address as a virtual address. We use logical address and
virtual address interchangeably in this text. The set of all logical
addresses generated by a program is a logical-address space; the set of
all physical addresses corresponding to these logical addresses is a
physical – addresses space.
The run – time mapping from virtual to physical addresses is done by
a hardware device called the memory – management unit (MMU). The

base register is now called a relocation register. The value in the
relocation register is added to every address generated by a user process
at the time it is sent to memory.

8.3 Dynamic Loading

The entire program and data of a process must be in physical memory

for the process to execute. The size of a process is limited to the size of
physical memory. To obtain better memory – space utilization, we can
use dynamic loading. With Dynamic loading, a routine is not loaded
until it is called. All routines are kept On disk in a relocatable load
format. The main program is loaded into memory And is executed.

8.4 Dynamic Linking and Shared Libraries

Dynamically linked libraries. Some operating systems support only static

linking, in which system language libraries are treated like any other
object module and are combined by the loader into the binary program
image.the concept of dynamic linking is similar to that of dynamic
loading. Rather then loading being postponed until execution time,
linking is postponed. This feature is usually used with system libraries,
such as language subroutine libraries.
This stub is a small piece of code that indicates how to locate the
appropriate memory – resident library routine, or how to load the library
if the routine is not already present. Thus, only programs that are
compiled with the new library version are affected by the incompatible
changes incorporated in it. Other programs linked before the new library
was installed will continue using the older library. This system is also
known as shared libraries.

8.5 Swapping

A process needs to be in memory to be executed. A process, however,

can be Swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing store, and
then brought back Into memory for continued execution. For example,
assume a multiprogramming environment with a round- robin CPU-
scheduling algorithm. In the meantime, the CPU scheduler will allocate a
time slice to some other process in memory. When each process finishes
its quantum, it will be swapped with another process. A variant of this
swapping policy is used for priority – based scheduling algorithms. If a
higher – priority process arrives and wants service, the memory manager
can swap out the lower-priority process so that it can load and execute

the higher – priority process. When the higher- priority process finishes,
the lower- priority process can be swapped back in and continued.

This variant of swapping is sometimes called roll out, roll in.

Swapping requires a backing store. The backing store is commonly
a fast disk. It Must be large enough to accommodate copies of all
memory images for all users, and It must provide direct access to
these memory images. The system maintains a ready queue
consisting of all processes whose memory images are on the
backing store or in memory and are ready to run. The context-
switch time in such a swapping system is fairly high. To get an
idea of the context- switch time, let us assume that the user
process is of size 1 MB and the backing is a standard hard disk
with a transfer rate of 5 MB per second.

8.6 Contiguous Memory allocation

The main memory must accommodate both the operating system and
the various user processes. We therefore need to allocate different parts
of the main memory in the most efficient way possible. This section will
explain one common method, contiguous memory allocation.
The memory is usually divided into two partitions: one for the
resident operating system, and one for the user processes. We may place
the operating system in either low memory or high memory. The major
factor affecting this decision is the location of the interrupt vector. Since
the interrupt vector is often in low memory, programmers usually place
the operating system in low memory as well. Thus, in this text, we shall
discuss only the situation where the operating system resides in low

8.7 Memory Protection

The issue of memory protection – protecting the operating system from

user processes, and protecting user processes from one another.
Relocation Register
Limit register

Logical Address Yes Physcial Address

CPU < +
Trap; addressing error

Figure: Hardware support for relocation and limit registers.

The relocation- register scheme provides an effective way to allow the
operating-system size to change dynamically. This flexibility is desirable
in many situations.

8.8 Memory Allocation

One of the simplest methods for memory allocations is to divide memory

into several fixed – sized partitions. Each partition may contain exactly
one process. Thus, the degree of multiprogramming is bound by the
number of partitions. In this multiple – partition method, when a
partition is free, a process is selected from the input queue and is loaded
into the free partition.
As process enter the system, they are put into an input queue. The
operating system takes into account the memory requirements of each
process and the amount of available memory space in determining which
processes are allocated memory, when a process is allocated space, it is
loaded into memory and it can then compete for the CPU. When a
process terminates, it releases its memory, which the operating system
may then fill with another process from the input queue.
A set of holes, of various sizes, is scattered throughout memory at
any given time. When a process arrives and needs memory, the system
searches this set for a hole that is large enough for this process. If the
hole is too large, it is split into two: one part is allocated to the arriving
process; the other is returned to the set of holes. When a process
terminates, it release its block of memory, which is then placed back in
the set of holes. If the new hole is adjacent to other holes, these adjacent
holes are merged to from one large hole.
This procedure is a particular instance of the general dynamic
storage allocation problem, which is how to satisfy a request of size n
from a list of free holes. There are many solutions to his problem. The
set of holes is searched to determine which hole is best to allocate. The
first – fit, best fit, and worst – fit strategies are the most common ones
used to select a free hole from the set of available holes.
• First fit: Allocate the first hole that is big enough. Searching can start
either at the
beginning of the set of holes or where the previous first – fit search
ended. We can stop searching as soon as we find a free hole that is large
• Best fit: Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough. We must search
the entire list,
unless the list is kept ordered by size. This strategy produces the
smallest leftover hole.

• Worst fit: Allocate the largest hole. Again, we must search the entire
list, unless it is
sorted by size. This strategy produces the largest leftover hole, which
may be more useful than the smaller leftover hole from a best-fit
Simulations have shown that both first fit and best fit are better than
worst fit in Terms of decreasing both time and storage utilization.
Neither first fit nor best fit. Is clearly better in terms of storage
utilization, but first fit is generally faster.

8.9 Fragmentation

The overhead to keep track of this hole will be substantially larger than
the hole it self. The general approach is to break the physical memory
into fixed-sized blocks, and allocate memory in unit of block sizes.
Which this approach, the memory allocated to a process may be slightly
larger than the requested memory. The difference between these two
numbers is internal fragmentation – memory that is internal to a
partition but is not being used. One solution to the problem of external
fragmentation is compaction. The goal is to shuffle the memory contents
to place all free memory together in one large block. The simplest
compaction algorithm is simply to move all processes toward one end of
memory. All holes move in the order direction, producing one large hole
of available memory; This scheme can be expensive.
Another possible solution to the external – fragmentation problem is
to permit the logical –address space of a process to be noncontiguous,
thus allowing a process to be allocated physical memory wherever the
latter is available

8.10 Paging

Paging is a memory – management scheme that permits the physical-

address space of a process to be noncontiguous. Paging avoids the
considerable problem of fitting the varying – sized memory chunks onto
the backing store, from which most of the previous memory –
management schemes suffered. When some code fragments or data
residing in main memory need to be swapped out, space must be found
on the backing store. The fragmentation problems discussed in
connection with main memory are also prevalent with backing store,
except that access is much slower, so compaction is impossible. Because
of its advantages over the previous methods, paging in its various forms
is commonly used in most operating systems. Traditionally, support for
paging has been handled by hardware. However, recent designs have

implemented paging by closely integrating the hardware and Operating
system, especially on 64- bit microprocessors.

8.11 Basic Method

Physical memory is broken into fixed- sized blocks called frames. Logical
memory is also broken into blocks of the same size called pages. When a
process is to be executed, its pages are loaded into any available memory
frames from the backing store. The backing store is divided into fixed-
sized blocks that are of the same size as the memory frames.

8.12 Hardware Support

Each operating system has its own methods for storing page tables. Most
allocate a page table for each process. A pointer to the page table is
stored with the other register values (like the instruction counter) in the
process control block. The hardware implementation of the page table
can be done in several ways. In the simplest case, the page table is
implemented as a set of dedicated registers. These registers should be
built with very high speed logic to make the paging – address translation
efficient. Every access to memory must go through the paging map, so
efficiency is a major consideration. The CPU dispatcher reloads these
registers, just as it reloads the other registers.
The standard solution to this problem is to use a special, small,
fast- lookup hardware cache, called translation look-aside buffer (TLB).
The TLB is associative, high- speed memory. Some TLB store address –
space identifiers (ASID’s) in each entry of the TLB. An ASID uniquely
each process and is used to provide address space protection for that
process. When the TLB attempts to resolve virtual page numbers, it
ensures The ASID for the currently running process matches the ASID
associated with the virtual page.

8.13 segmentation

A important aspect of memory management that become unavoidable

with paging is the separation of the user’s view of memory and the actual
physical memory. The user’s view of memory is not the same as actual
physical memory. The user’s view is mapped onto physical memory. The
mapping allows differentiation between logical memory and physical
memory. Segmentation are formed at program translation time by
grouping together logically related items. For example, a typical process
may have separate code, data, and stack segments. Data or code shared

with other processes may be placed segments. Being a result of logical
division, individual segments generally have different sizes. Although
different segments may be placed in separate, noncontiguous area of
physical memory, items belonging to a single segment must be placed in
contiguous area of physical memory. Thus segmentation processes some
properties of both contiguous and noncontiguous schemes for memory
Segmentation is quite natural for programmers who tend to think
of their programs in terms of logically related entities, such as
subroutines and global or local data area. A segment is essentially a
collection of such entities. The segmented address space of a single

8.14 Basic Method

What is user’s view of Memory? Does the user think of memory as a

linear array of bytes, some containing instructions and others containing
data, or is there some other preferred memory view? There is general
agreement that the user or programmer of a system does not think of
memory as linear array of bytes. Rather, the user prefers to view memory
as a collection of variable-sized segmentation, with non necessary
ordering among segments.

Logical address Space

Figure : User View of a program

Segmentation is memory-management Scheme that supports this user

view of memory, A logical address space is a collection segments. Each
segment has a name and a length. The address specifies both the

segment name and the offset within the segment. The user therefore
specifies each address by two quantities: a segment name and an offset.

Normally, the user program is compiled, and the compiler automatically

constructs structs segments

reflecting the input program. A pascal complier might

create separate segments for (1)the global variable;
(2)the procedure call stack, to store parameters and return addresses;
(3) the code portion of each or function; and (4) the local variable of each
procedure and function. A FORTAN compiler might create a separate
segment for each common block. Arrays might them segment numbers.

8.15 Hardware

although the user can now refer to object in the program by a two-
dimensional address, the actual physical memory is still, of course, a
one-dimensional sequence of bytes. Thus, we must define an
implementation to map two dimensional user-define addresses into one-
dimensional physical address. This mapping is effected by a segment
table. Each entry of the segment table has a segment base and a
segment limit. The segment base contains the starting physical address
where the segment resides in memory, whereas the segmentation limit
specifies the length of the segment.

Figure: Segmentation hardware

A logical address consist of two parts: a segmentation number, s, and an

offset into that segment, d. The segment number is used as an index
into the segment table .The offset d of the logical address must be
between 0 and the segment limit.

8.16 Implementation of Segment Tables

Segmentation is closely related to the partition model management

presented earlier, the main difference being that one program may
consist of several segments. Segmentation is a more complex concept,
however, which is why we are describing it after discussing paging. A

segmentation table kept in registers can be referenced quickly the
addition to the base and comparison with the limit can be done
simultaneously to save time.
In the case where a 0rogram may consist of a large number of segments,
it is not feasible to keep the segment table in registers, so we must keep
it in memory. A Segment-table base registered (STBR) points to the
segment table. Also, because the number of segments used by a program
may vary widely, a segment-table length registered (STLR) is used.

8.17 Segmentation with paging

Both paging and segmentation have their advantages and disadvantages.

In fact, of the two most popular microprocessors now being used, the
Motorola6800 line is designed on a flat address space, whereas the Intel
80×86 family is based on segmentation. Both are merging memory
models toward a mixture of paging and Segmentation. It is possible to
combine these two schemes to improve on each. This combination is
best illustrated by two different architectures-the innovative but not
widely used MULTICS system and the Intel 386.


In the MULTICS system, a logical address is formed from an 18-bit

segment number and a 16-bit offset. Although this scheme create a 34-
bit address space, the segment-table entries as we have segments, as
there need not be empty segment-table entries.
However, with segment of 64K words, each of which consists of 36
bits, the average segment size could be large and external fragmentation
is not a problem, the search time to allocate a segment, using first-fit,
could be long. Thus, we may waste memory due to external
fragmentation, or waste time due to lengthy searches, or both.
The solution adopted was to page the Segments. Paging eliminates
external fragmentation and make the allocation problem trivial: any
empty frame can be used for a desired page. Each page in MULTICS
consists of 1K words. Thus, the segment offset is broken into a 6-bit
page number and a 10-bit page offset. The frame number is combined
with the page offset to form a physical address.

8.19 OS/2 32-Bit Version

The IBM OS/2 32-bit version is an operating system running on top of

the Intel 386 architecture. The 386 uses segmentation with paging for
memory management. The maximum number of segments per process is
16K, and each segment can be as large as 4 gigabytes. The page size is

4K bytes. The logically address space of a process is divided into two
partitions. The first partition consists of up to 8K segmentation that are
private to that process. The second partition consists of up to 8K
segments that are shared among all the processes. Information about
first partition is kept in the logical description table (LDT), information
about the second partition is kept in the global description table (GDT).
Each entry in the LDT and GDT table consist of 8 bytes, with detailed
information about a particular segment including the base location and
length of that segment.
The logical address is a pair, where the selector is a 16-bit

s g p
13 1 2
in which s designates the segment number, g indicates whether the
segment is in the GDT or LDT, and p deals with protection. The offset is
a 32-bit number specifying the location of the byte within segment in
The machine has six segment registers, allowing six segments to
be addressed at any one by a process. It has six 8-byte micro program
registered to hold the corresponding description from either the LDT or



9.1 File Concept

9.2 File Attribute
9.3 File operations
9.4 Access Methods
9.4.1 Sequential Access
9.4.2 Direct Access
9.4.3 Other Access Methods
9.5 Directory Structure
9.4.1 Single level directory
9.4.2 Two level directories
9.4.3 Tree-Structured directory
9.4.4 Acyclic-Graph Directories
9.6 File-System Mounting
9.7 File Sharing
9.8 Multiple Users
9.9 Remote File Systems
9.10 Protection

9.1 File concept

Another key aspect of any operating system is the concept of a file. A file
is nothing more than a related set of bytes on disk or other media. These
bytes are labeled with a name, which is then used as a means of
referring to that set of bytes. In most cases, it is through the name that
the operating system is able to track down the file's exact location on the
disk. File is a named collection of information The file manager
administers the collection by:

• Storing the information a device , Mapping the block storage to the

logical view , Allocating/de-allocating storage, Providing file

• A file system provides the mechanism for on-line storage of and

access to information belonging to the OS and its users. Here, we first
discuss the file system in very general terms and then explain how it
is implemented in Nachos. Note that this is not an exhaustive

discussion of a file system; it is rather an overview providing
information sufficient for you to understand the Nachos file system.

• The logical storage unit for information is files. These are mapped by
the OS into physical devices. In general, they are treated as a
sequence of bits, bytes, lines or records - the meaning is defined by
the file's creator. Information about all the files is kept in a directory
structure that resides on secondary storage along with the files.
The interface that the OS provides for the file system comprises, among
other things, of operations to manipulate files, e.g., creating, opening,
writing or truncating a file. Many of these file operations involving
searching the directory structure for the entry associated with the file.
Since searching the file entry for each operation performed on the file
can be expensive, the OS maintains a small table containing information
about all open files (the open-file table). When a file operation is
requested, an index into this file table is used to get the appropriate
entry. When the file is no longer being used, it is closed by the process
and the operating system removes its entry from the open file table.
Each process also maintains a table of all the files that it has opened.
This stores information about how the file(s) are being used, e.g., the
current location of the file pointer. Each entry in this table points to the
corresponding entry in the open-file table.

9.2 File Attribute

A file is named, for the c1onvenience of its human users, and is referred
to its users, and is referred to by its name. the file’s owner might
another might write the file toa floppy disk or magnetic tape, and might
read it of onto another system.
A file has certain other attributes, which vary from one operating system
to another, but typically consist of these:
• Name: the symbolic file name is the only information kept in human
readable form.
• Type: this information is needed for those systems that support
different types.
• Location: this information is a pointer to a device and to the location of
the file on that device.
• Size: the current size of the file (in bytes, word or blocks), and possibly
the maximum allocated size are included in this attribute.
• Protection: Access-control information controls who can do reading,
writing, executing, soon.
• Time, date and user identification: information may be kept for
creation, last modification, and last use.

9.3 File operations

• Creating a file: Two steps are necessary to create a file. First, space in
the file system must be found for the file. The directory entry records the
name of the file and the location in the file system, and possibly other
• Writing a file: To write a file, we make a system call specifying both
the name of the file and the information to be written to the file. Given
the name of the file, the system searches the directory to find the
location of the file. The system must keep a write pointer to the location
in the file where the next write is to take place. The write pointer must
be updated whenever a write occurs.
• Reading a file: To read from a file, we use a system call that specifies
the name of the file and where (in memory) the next block of the file
should be put. Again, the directory is searched for the associated
directory entry, and the system needs to keep a read pointer to the
location in the file where the next read is to take place. Once the read
has taken place, the read pointer is updated. A given process is usually
only reading or writing a given file, and the current operations location is
kept as a per – process current – file – position pointer. Both the read
and write operations use this same pointer, saving space and reducing
the system complexity.
• Reposition within a file: The directory is searched for the appropriate
entry, and the current- file-position is set to a given value. Repositioning
within a file does not need to involve any actual I/O. This file operation
is also known as a file seek.
• Deleting a file: To delete a file, we search the directory for the named
file. Having found the associated directory entry, we release all file space,
so that it can be reused by other files, and erase the directory entry.
• Truncating a file: the user may want to erase the contents of a file but
keep its attributes. Rather forcing the user to delete the file and then
recreate it, this function allows all attributes to remain unchanged –
except for file length –but lets the file be reset to length zero and its file
space released.

9.4 Access Methods

File store information. When it is used, this information must be

accessed and read into computer memory. The information in the file
can be accessed in several ways. Some systems provide only one access
method for files. Other systems, such as those of IBM, support many

access methods, and choosing the right one for a particular application
is a major design problem.

9.4.1 Sequential Access

The simplest access method is sequential access. Information in the file
is processed in order, one record after the other. This mode of access is
by far the most common for example, editors and compilers usually
access files in this fashion.

9.4.2 Direct Access

Another method is direct access. A file is made up of fixed length of
logical records that allow programs to read and write records rapidly in
no particular order. The direct access method is based on a disk model
of a file. A direct access, the file is viewed as a numbered sequence of
blocks or records. A direct access file allow arbitrator block to read or

beginning current position


rewind read or write

Direct access file are of great use for immediate access to large amounts
of information. Database are often of this type. When a query concerning
a particular subject arrives. The file operation must modified to include
the block number as a parameter.

9.4.3 Other Access Methods

Other access method generally can be built on top of a direct-access

method. These additional methods generally involve the construction of
an index for the file. The index, like an index in the back of a book,
contains pointer to the various blocks. To find an entry in the file, we
first search the index, and then use the pointer to access the file directly
and to find the desired entry. With large files, the index file itself may
become too large to be kept in memory. One solution is to create an
index file. The primary index file would contain pointer to secondary
index files, which would point to the actual data items.

9.5 Directory Structure

The file systems of computers can be extensive. Some systems store

thousands of files on hundreds of gigabytes of disk. To manage all these
data, we need to organize them. This organization is usually done in two
parts. First, the file system is broken into partitions, also known as
minidisks in the IBM world or volumes in the PC and Macintosh arenas.
A set of logically associated files and sub directories. File manager
provides set of controls:
– enumerate
– copy
– rename
– delete
– traverse
– etc.

Typically, each disk on a system contains at least one partition, which is

a low-level structure in which files and directories reside. Sometimes,
partitions are used to provide several separate areas within one disk,
each treated as a separate storage device, whereas other systems allow
partitions to be larger than a disk to group disks into one logical
structure. In this way, the user needs to be concerned with only the
logical directory and file structure, and can ignore completely the
problems of physically allocating space for files. For this reason
partitions can be thought of as virtual disks.
• Search for a file. We need to be able to search a directory structure
to find the entry for a particular file. Since files have symbolic names
and similar names may indicate a relationship between files, we may
want to be able to find all files whose names match a particular
• Create a file. New files need to be created and added to the directory.
• Delete a file. When a file is no longer needed, we want to remove it
from the directory.
• List a directory. We need to be able to list the files in a directory,
and the contents of the directory entry for each file in the list.
• Rename a file. Because the name of a file represents its contents to
its users, the name must be changeable when the contents or use of
the file changes. Renaming a file may also allow its position within
the directory structure to be changed.
• Traverse the file system. It is useful to be able to access every
directory, and every file within a directory structure.

For reliability, it is a good idea to save the contents and structure of the
entire file system at regular intervals. This saving often consists of

copying all files to magnetic tape. This technique provides a backup copy
in case of system failure or if the file is simply no longer in use. In this
case, the file can be copied to tape, and the disk space of that file
released for issue by another file.

9.5.1 Single-level Directory

A single-level directory has significant limitations, however, when the

number of files increases or when there is more than one user. Since all
files are in the same directory, they must have unique names. If we have
two users who call their data file test, then the unique-name rule is
violated. (For example, in one programming class, 23 students called the
program for their second assignment prog2; another 11 called it
assing2.) Although file names are generally selected to reflect the content
of the file, they are often limited I length. The MS-DOS operating system
allows only 11-character file names; UNIX allows 255 characters.

Two-level Directory

Directory Cat bo a test data mail cont hex records


9.5.2 Two level directory

In the two-level directory structure, each user has her own user file
directory (UFD). Each UFD has a similar structure, but lists only the
files of a single user. When a user job starts or a user logs in, the
system’s master file directory (MFD) is searched. User name or account
number, and each entry points to the UFD for that user index the
master file directory.

User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4

Directory Cat bo a test data mail cont hex records


9.5.3 Tree-Structured Directories

Once we have seen how to view a two-level directory as a two-level tree,

the natural generalization is to extend the directory structure to a tree of
arbitrary height. This generalization allows users to create their own
sub-directories and to organize their files accordingly. The MS-DOS
system, for instance, is structured as a tree. In fact, a tree is the most
common directory structure. The tree has a root directory. Every file in
the system has a unique path name. A path name is the path from the
root, through all the subdirectories, to a specified file.

9.5.4 Acyclic-Graph Directories

Consider two programmers who are working on a joint project. The files
associated with that project can be stored in a subdirectory, separating
them from other projects and files of the two programmers. But since
both programmers are equally responsible for the project, both want the
subdirectory to be in their own directories. The common subdirectory
should be shared.
A shared directory or file will exist in the file system in two (or
more) places at once. Notice that a shared file (or directory is not the
same as two copies of the file. With two copies, each programmer can
view the copy rather than the original, but if one programmer changes
the file, the changes will not appear in the other’s copy. With a shared
file, there is only one actual file, so any changes made by one person
would be immediately visible to the other. This form of sharing is
particularly important for share subdirectories; a new file created by one
person will automatically appear in all the shared subdirectories.

9.6 File-System Mounting

A file must be opened before it is used, a file system must be mounted

before it can be available to processes on the system. More specifically,
the directory structure can be built out of multiple partitions, which
must be mounted to make them available within the file system name
The mount procedure is straightforward. The operating system is
given the name or the device, and the location within the file structure at
which to attach the file system(or mount point). Typically, a mount is an
point is an empty directory at which the mounted file system will be

attached. For instance, on a UNIX system, a file system containing user’s
home directory name with /home, as in /home/Jane. Mounting that file
system would result in the path name/user/Jane to reach the same

users sue jane

bill fred prog doc


(a) Existing (b) Unmounted partition

where the triangles represent sub trees of directories that are of interest.
In an existing file system, an Unmounted partition residing on
/device/disk over /users are shown.
Systems impose semantics to clarify functionality. For
example. A system may disallow a mount over a directory and obscure
the directory’s existing files until the file system is Unmounted,
terminating the use of the file system and allowing access to the original
files in that directory. In another example, a system may allow the same
file system to be mounted repeatedly, at different mount points.

9.7 File Sharing

The motivation for file sharing and some of the difficulties involved in
allowing users to share files. Such file sharing is very desirable for users
who want to collaborate and to reduce the effort required to achieve a
computing goal. User-oriented operating system must accommodate the
need to share files in spite of the inherit difficulties.

9.8 Multiple Users

When an operating system accommodates multiple users the issue of file

sharing, file naming, and file protection become preeminent. Given a
directory structure. That allows file to be shared by users, the system
must mediate the file sharing. The system either can allow a user to
access to the files.

To implement sharing and protection, the system must maintain more
file and directory attributes than on a single user system. Although there
have been many approaches to this topic historically most systems have
evolved to the concept of file/directory owner and group.

9.9 Remote File Systems

The advent of keyword allowed communication between remote

computers. Networking allows the sharing of resources spread within a
campus or even around the world. Through the evolution of network and
file technology, file-sharing methods have changed. In the first
implemented method, users manually transfer files between machines.

9.10 Protection

When information is kept in a computer system, a major concern is its

protection from both physical damage and improper access. Duplicate
copies of files generally provide reliability. Many computer-operator copy
disk file it tape at regular intervals to maintain a copy should a file
system be accidentally destroy.
Protection can be provided in many ways. For a small single user
system, we might provide protection by physically removing the floppy
disk and locking them in a desk or file cabinet. In a multi-user system,
however, other mechanism is needed.

10. 1 Introduction

10.2 Disk Scheduling Algorithms

10.2.1 First Come First serve algorithm

10.2.2 Smallest Seek time first algorithm

10.2.3 Scan Scheduling

10.2.4 C-Scan Scheduling

10.2.5 Look Scheduling

10.2.6 C-Look Scheduling


10. 1 Introduction

A magnetic disk consists of a collection of platters, which rotate on

about a central spindle. These platters are metal disks covered with
magnetic recording material on both sides. Each disk surface is divided
into concentric circles called tracks. Each track is divided into sectors
where information is stored. The reading and writing device, called the
head moves over the surface of the platters until it finds the track and
sector it requires. This is like finding someone's home by first finding the
street (track) and then the particular house number (sector). There is
one head for each surface on which information is stored each on its
own arm. In most systems the arms are connected together so that the
heads move in unison, so that each head is over the same track on each
surface. The term cylinder refers to the collection of all tracks, which are
under the heads at any time.

In order to satisfy an I/O request the disk controller must first
move the head to the correct track and sector. Moving the head between
cylinders takes a relatively long time so in order to maximize the number
of I/O requests, which can be satisfied the scheduling policy should try
to minimize the movement of the head. On the other hand, minimizing
head movement by always satisfying the request of the closest location
may mean that some requests have to wait a long time. Thus, there is a
trade-off between throughput (the average number of requests satisfied in
unit time) and response time (the average time between a request
arriving and it being satisfied).

Disk access time has two main parts:

• Seek time

• Latency time

Seek time is the time needed for the disk arm to move the heads to
the cylinder containing the desired sector. The latency time is the time
required for the disk to rotate the desired sector under the disk head.

The disk bandwidth is the ratio of the total number of bytes transferred
to the total time taken between the first request for service and the
completion of the last transfer. Execution of I/O requests in proper order
improves disk performance both in terms of access time as well as

An I/O to or from the disk initiates a system call to the operating

system. It consists of several pieces of information like:

• Whether the operation is input or output

• The disk address for transfer

• The memory address for transfer
• The number of bytes to be transferred

Since the operating system is working in a multiprogramming

environment there may be many requests for disk I/O. The disk
therefore maintains a disk queue and services pending requests in some
order as soon as the controller is available. The following are a few disk
scheduling algorithms:

10.2 Disk Scheduling Algorithms

10.2.1 First Come First serve algorithm

The first-cum-first-served (FCFS) disk scheduling algorithm is the

simplest of all the algorithms. It is fair to all requests but does not
guarantee the fastest service.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53. Then according to the FCFS
scheduling algorithm the disk head will move from 53 to 98 and then to
183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65 and finally to 67 in that order for a total head

180 183
120 122 124
100 98
60 65 67
40 37
20 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

movement of 640 cylinders (Figure 10.1).

Figure 10.1: FCFS disk scheduling

The disadvantage with FCFS disk scheduling algorithm is the large

wild swing of the disk head that is noticed, for example while servicing
requests for 122 followed by 14 and then 124. If cylinders close together
could be serviced together then access time could be improved.

10.2.2 SSTF Scheduling

To overcome the disadvantage in FCFS algorithm, I/O requests

close to the disk head need to be serviced together before moving the
head far away for other requests. This assumption is the basis for the
shortest-seek-time-first (SSTF) algorithm. The algorithm selects the next
request for service as that request which will involve the minimum seek
time from the current disk position.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders: 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53. Then according to the SSTF
scheduling algorithm the disk head will move from 53 to 65 and then to
67, 37, 14, 98, 122, 124 and finally to 183 in that order for a total head

180 183
120 122 124
100 98
60 65 67
40 37
20 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

movement of 236 cylinders (Figure 10.2).

The Figure 10.2: scheduling

SSTF disk SSTF disk scheduling
algorithm results in total head
movement of only 236 cylinders for the same set of I/O requests thus
giving a substantial improvement in performance.

The main disadvantage of SSTF algorithm is starvation. The disk

queue is a dynamic structure that grows and shrinks as requests wait
and get serviced. In this process if requests for I/O start coming in that
are close to the current head position then those requests waiting in the
queue that have come in earlier keep waiting for service because they are
far away from the disk head. This is the problem of starvation.

10.2.3 Scan Scheduling

The problem of starvation in the SSTF disk scheduling algorithm is

overcome in the SCAN algorithm to a certain extent. In the SCAN
algorithm the disk arm moves from one end of the disk towards the other
and then again in the reverse direction. As it moves along it services
requests. The head thus scans the disk back and forth for requests and
hence the name SCAN algorithm.

The SCAN algorithm is based on the principle of the elevator and
sometimes called the elevator algorithm. The disk arm scans the disk
just like the movement of an elevator in a building.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53 and move towards 0. Then
according to the SCAN scheduling algorithm the disk head will move
from 53 to 37 and then to 14, 0, 65, 67, 98, 122, 124, and finally to 183
in that order (Figure 10.3).

A fresh request just in front of the head will get serviced almost
immediately while those at the back will have to wait for the head to
start a scan in the reverse direction. Considering a uniform distribution
of requests, the density of requests in front of the head when the head
reaches one end of the disk and reverses direction is low since the head
has just then serviced those cylinders. On the other hand the density is
more at the other end with those requests having waited for a longer
period of time. The wait time is thus not uniform. The next algorithm is
based on density of requests and overcomes this drawback of the
present algorithm.

180 183
120 122 124
100 98
60 65 67
40 37
20 14
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 10.3: SCAN disk scheduling

10.2.4 C-Scan Scheduling

Circular SCAN or C-SCAN scheduling algorithm is a variant of the

SCAN algorithm and provides a more uniform wait time. In this
algorithm the disk head scans / traverses the disk as in the previous
case servicing requests as it moves along but the direction of head
movement is always in one direction. The cylinders can thus be
visualized as a circular list with the last one wrapped on to the first.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53 and move towards the end


200 199
122 124
100 98
65 67
50 53
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(200 cylinders from 0 to 199). Then according to the C-SCAN scheduling
algorithm the disk head will move from 53 to 65 and then to 67, 98, 122,
124, 183, 199, 0, 14 and finally to 37 in that order (Figure 10.4).

Figure 10.4: C-SCAN disk scheduling

10.2.5 Look Scheduling

In the SCAN algorithm the disk head moves from one end of the
disk to another. But there may not be any requests till the very end in a
given direction. A change is thus brought about in the SCAN algorithm
resulting in the LOOK algorithm. The disk head scans the disk for
requests only as far as the final request in each direction at which point
it reverses direction.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53 and move towards the end.
Then according to the LOOK scheduling algorithm the disk head will
move from 53 to 65 and then to 67, 98, 122, 124, 183, 37 and finally to
14 in that order (Figure 10.5).

180 183
120 122 124
100 98
60 65 67
40 37
20 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 10.5: LOOK disk scheduling

10.2.6 C-Look Scheduling

Similar to the C-SCAN algorithm the C-LOOK scheduling has the

change of the LOOK algorithm incorporated. Hence the disk head scans
for requests only in one direction that is bounded by the final pending
request at one end and the smallest pending request at the other.

Illustration: Consider a disk queue with the following requirements for

I/O to blocks on cylinders:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67.

Let the disk head initially be at cylinder 53 and move towards the end.
Then according to the C-LOOK scheduling algorithm the disk head will
move from 53 to 65 and then to 67, 98, 122, 124, 183, 14, and finally to
37 in that order (Figure 10.6).

180 183
120 122 124
100 98
60 65 67
40 37
20 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 10.6: C-LOOK disk scheduling


Having a choice of many disk scheduling algorithms, choosing the

best one can be difficult. A natural choice is the SSTF algorithm. LOOK
and C-LOOK which are practical versions of the SCAN and C-SCAN
respectively do better when load is heavy since they do not suffer from
starvation problem. Performance also depends on the number and types
of requests. For example if there is only one request or requests come in
at a very slow pace, then all algorithms behave like the FCFS algorithm.

Requests for disk service can closely be related to file allocation

methods. Program reading contiguously allocated file will generate
requests that are close to one another thus resulting in limited head
movement. On the other hand a file with linked or indexed allocation
may request for disk blocks that are widely scattered resulting in greater
head movement.

Locations of directory structure and index blocks also play an
important role. All files need to be opened before use and to open a file,
the directory structure needs to be searched for an entry of that file. If
the directory is on one cylinder and the actual file data on another
cylinder far away, then the disk head movement is considerably more. In
the worst case the head moves the entire width of the disk if the
directory is in the first and the data on the last cylinder. If the directory
is held in the middle of the disk then on an average the head moves one
half width of the disk. Bringing the directory and index blocks into cache
can help reduce head movement.
Because of these complexities and many more, disk scheduling
algorithms form a separate module of the operating system so as to
enable the existing disk scheduling algorithm to be replaced by a better
one when available. Either the SSTF or LOOK is a choice for default.



10.1 The Security Problem

10.2 User Authentication
10.3 Program Threats

10.4 System Threats
10.5 Securing Systems and Facilities
10.6 Intrusion Detection
10.7 Cryptography
10.8 Computer-Security
10.9 Classifications

10.1 The Security Problem

• Critical national infrastructure is now online

• Corporate data, financial data is now connected
• “However, the nature of the internet demands at the very least daily
scans of Usenet posts, E-mail lists, and Web sites for information on
security breaches and the availability of patches“ – eWeek, 1996

10.2 User Authentication

Basic authentication is a standard which nearly all browsers support.

When you access a site and you see a standard popup window which
asks for your username and password, your are using basic
authentication. An example from Internet Explorer can be found below

10.3 Program Threats

Logic bomb
Hidden program activated under certain conditions
Ex: if lookup of “Bill Ellison” in payroll file fails then for every entry in
payroll file if entry.salary > 100K then set entry.salary = 10K endif endfor

Back door

Hole in system security deliberately installed by designers or

maintainers Intent not always sinister

Trojan Horse
Code segment that misuses its environment.
Exploits mechanisms for allowing programs written by users to be
executed by other users.

Trap Door
Specific user identifier or password that circumvents normal
security procedures.

Could be included in a compiler.

10.4 System Threats

• Worms - use spawn mechanism; standalone program.

• Internet worm
o Exploited UNIX networking features (remote access) and
bugs in finger and sendmail programs.
o Grappling hook program uploaded main worm program.
• Viruses - fragment of code embedded in a legitimate program.
• Mainly effect microcomputer systems.
• Downloading viral programs from public bulletin boards or
exchanging floppy disks containing an infection.

10.5 Securing Systems and Facilities

The problem of system security starts with discovering the identity of the
user on the other end of the communications link. In this article, Joseph
Sinclair discusses three familiar approaches for identifying users,
highlights their strengths and weaknesses (alone and in combinations),
and provides some examples of each.
Computer security is the generic name for collection of tools designed to
protect data and to thwart off hackers.
• Secrecy — Prevent/detect/deter improper disclosure of
• Integrity — Prevent/detect/deter improper modification of
• Availability — Prevent/detect/deter improper denial of access
to services provided by the system
• Note the improper use rather than unauthorized
• Authorized users are accountable for their actions.

10.6 Intrusion Detection

Simply put, an intrusion is someone attempting to break into or misuse

your system. How you define someone and break into or misuse is up to
you. Let us assume that you know what you wouldn't like to see
someone do on your system (for more information, see the section on
security policy).

An IDS may also perform its own system monitoring. It may keep
aggregate statistics, which give a system usage profile. These statistics
can be derived from a variety of sources such as CPU usage, disk I/O,

memory usage, activities by users, number of attempted logins, etc.
These statistics must be continually updated to reflect the current
system state. They are correlated with an internal model that will allow
the IDS to determine if a series of actions constitute a potential
intrusion. This model may describe a set of intrusion scenarios or
possibly encode the profile of a clean system.

Characteristics of a Good Intrusion Detection System

An intrusion detection system should address the following issues,

regardless of what mechanism it is based on:

1. It must run continually without human supervision. The system

must be reliable enough to allow it to run in the background of the
system being observed. However, it should not be a "black box".
That is, its internal workings should be examinable from outside.
2. It must be fault tolerant in the sense that it must survive a
system crash and not have its knowledge-base rebuilt at restart.
3. On a similar note to above, it must resist subversion. The system
can monitor itself to ensure that it has not been subverted.
4. It must impose minimal overhead on the system. A system that
slows a computer to a crawl will simply not be used.
5. It must observe deviations from normal behavior.
6. It must be easily tailored to the system in question. Every system
has a different usage pattern, and the defense mechanism should
adapt easily to these patterns.
7. It must cope with changing system behavior over time as new
applications are being added. The system profile will change over
time, and the IDS must be able to adapt.
8. Finally, it must be difficult to fool.

The last point raises an issue about the type of errors likely to occur in
the system. These can be neatly categorized as either false positive,
false negative, or subversion errors. A false positive occurs when the
system classifies an action as anomalous (a possible intrusion) when it
is a legitimate action. A false negative occurs when an actual intrusive
action has occurred but the system allows it to pass as non-intrusive
behavior. A subversion error occurs when an intruder modifies the
operation of the intrusion detector to force false negatives to occur.

False positive errors will lead users of the intrusion detection system to
ignore its output, as it will classify legitimate actions as intrusions. The
occurrences of this type of error should be minimized (it may not be
possible to completely eliminate them) so as to provide useful

information to the operators. If too many false positives are generated,
the operators will come to ignore the output of the system over time,
which may lead to an actual intrusion being detected but ignored by the

A false negative error occurs when an action proceeds even though it is

an intrusion. False negative errors are more serious than false positive
errors because they give a misleading sense of security. By allowing all
actions to proceed, a suspicious action will not be brought to the
attention of the operator. The intrusion detection system is now a
liability as the security of the system is less than it was before the
intrusion detector was installed.

Subversion errors are more complex and tie in with false negative errors.
An intruder could use knowledge about the internals of an intrusion
detection system to alter its operation, possibly allowing anomalous
behavior to proceed. The intruder could then violate the system's
operational security constraints. This may be discovered by a human
operator examining the logs from the intrusion detector, but it would
appear that the intrusion detection system still seems to be working

Another form of subversion error is fooling the system over time. As the
detection system is observing behavior on the system over time, it may
be possible to carry out operations each of which when taken
individually pose no threat, but taken as an aggregate form a threat to
system integrity. How would this happen? As mentioned previously, the
detection system is continually updating its notion of normal system
usage. As time goes by a change in system usage patterns is expected,
and the detection system must cope with this. But if an intruder could
perform actions over time which were just slightly outside of normal
system usage, then it is possible that the actions could be accepted as
legitimate where as they really form part of an intrusion attempt. The
detection system would have come to accept each of the individual
actions as slightly suspicious, but not a threat to the system. What it
would not realize is that the combination of these actions would form a
serious threat to the system.

10.7 Cryptography

Give the best or shortest possible word to describe the following terms:
a. Cryptography –The practice (or art) of using encryption to
conceal text
b. Cryptology – The art of hidden writing

c. Cryptographer –Invents encryption algorithms (“Good Guys”)
d. Cryptanalyst – Attempts to break encryption algorithms (“Bad
e. Cryptosystem –A system for encryption and decryption
f. Cipher text –A message in the encrypted form
g. Plain text / clear text – A message in its original form
h. Encryption – The process of coding a message such that its
meaning is concealed
i. Decryption –The process of transforming an encrypted message
into the original form

The encryption algorithm and decryption algorithm uses one single key
for both ciphering and deciphering. Enciphering the plaintext yields the
cipher text. Only the cipher text is transmitted over the insecure
channel. Deciphering of the cipher text yields the original message. The
shared key has to be transported via a secure channel

Name four avenues where cryptanalysis can be performed.

• Cipher text Only – Cryptanalyst only knows cipher text
• Known Plaintext – Cryptanalyst knows some plaintext-cipher
text pairs
• Chosen Plaintext – Cryptanalyst knows some plaintext-cipher
text pairs for plaintext of the cryptanalyst's choice
• Chosen Cipher text – Cryptanalyst knows some plaintext-cipher
text pairs for cipher text of the cryptanalyst's choice

Name the 3 Basic Encryption techniques.

• Substitution
• Permutation (or transposition)
• Combinations and iterations of these

10.8 Computer-Security

Introduction to Computer Security" goes far beyond just describing the

basic ABC's of security. The course outlines the problems and shortfalls
of today's common security practices. Students uncover the reasons that
problems exist in their security configuration or systems and services.
This gives students the awareness needed to discover and/or prevent
similar problems and to identify the situations that breed them. Of

course, we also convey a list of many common vulnerabilities and how to
fix them.
1. Companies whose employees complete this course are one step
ahead of their competition. They are in a better position to protect
their proprietary data. Also, they can avoid the time and service
loss associated with an attack Some examples of security
violations that are governed by these policies are:
A. Bandwidth over subscription
B. Virus infections
C. Attacks against another system
D. Attacks against a mission critical system that requires special
circumstances for service disconnection.
E. Dormant compromised system (confirmed to be compromised
but not currently being used in a malicious manner)
F. Stolen IP Address
G. Denial of Service Attacks
H. Copyright violation
I. Unauthorized scanning of ports
J. Second offense of the same type incident
K. Active compromised system

10.9 Classifications

• alert Advisories on various security vulnerabilities

• dict Dictionaries and word lists
• doc Security related documents
o access_control Documents related to access control
o alert Security advisories, security bulletins, patches, fixes,
o authentication Documents related to authentication
o books+reviews Blurbs about security books, and reviews of
books and software
o commercials Documents that describe commercial
o cryptology Documents related to cryptology
o email Documents related to security and e-mail, privacy
enhancement, etc.
o equipment Documents that contain information relevant to
security related equipment
o evaluation Documents that contain information relevant to
the evaluation of the security aspects of systems
o faq Documents that contains answers to Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)
o firewalls Documents related to Firewalls

o forensics Documents related to software forensics
o general Documents regarding the general aspects of
o genetic_algorithms Documents regarding genetic
o guidelines Guidelines on how to keep your system secure
(or securer)
o institutional_policies Documents related to policies on
various kinds of institutions.
o intrusion_detection Documents on intrusion detection
o law+ethics Documents on computer security and the law,
and computer use/abuse and ethics.
o maintenance Documents on software maintenance
o misc Documents that don't fit anywhere else
o morris_worm Papers about Robert T.'s 1988 escapade.
o network Documents on network security
o passwords Documents on password security
o policy Documents on security policy
o privacy Documents on privacy
o rfc RFC indexes, information about RFCs and information
on how to retrieve them.
o risk Documents on risk on computers
o social Documents on the social aspects of security and
o standards Standards and documents about standards
o tech_tips Tech tips
o tools Documents about various security tools
o true_stories True Stories regarding security and privacy
o trusted_systems Documents about trusted systems
o viruses+alife Documents about viruses, anti-viruses and
artificial life
• news+lists Security newsgroups and mailing lists
• patches Bug-fixes that mend security holes on various systems
• tools Software tools
o amiga Tools for Amiga systems
 privacy/cryptology Tools for enciphering documents,
breaking ciphers, creating digital signatures, etc.
 maintenance System maintenance
 viruses Virus detectors and related tools.
 tripwires Tools for installing tripwires in systems
 misc Tools that don't fit anywhere else
 dos Tools for DOS/PC
o access_control Tools related to access control

o authentication User authentication and verification
o privacy/cryptology Tools for enciphering documents,
breaking ciphers, creating digital signatures, etc.
o firewalls Firewalls and firewall related tools and utilities
o maintenance System maintenance
o networking Network management tools, network browsers,
network analyzers, network tools, etc.



11.1 Introduction to UNIX

11.2 A Sample Login Session
11.2.1 Logging On
11.2.2 Using the On-line Man Pages
11.2.3 Using man and more
11.2.4 Logging Off
11.3 Directory and File Structure
11.3.1 File Names
11.3.2 Directories
11.3.3 The df Program
11.3.4 Your Login Directory
11.3.5 Subdirectories
11.3.6 Specifying Files
11.3.7 Protecting Files and Directories
11.3.8 The Unix Shell Syntax
11.3.9 Creating Files
11.3.10Text Editors
11.3.11Files as Output and Log Files
11.3.12Logging Your Actions to a File
11.3.13Comparing Files
11.3.14Searching Through Files
11.4 The System and Dealing with Multiple Users
11.4.1 Information about Your Processes
11.4.2 Information about Other People's Processes
11.5 Sending Messages and Files to Other Users
11.5.1 /usr/ucb/mail
11.5.2 PINE
11.5.3 Write
11.5.4 Talk
11.5.5 Addressing Remote Nodes
11.6 Shortcuts
11.6.1 Aliases
11.6.2 Wildcards
11.6.3 Directory Specifications
11.6.4 Environment Variables
11.6.5 History
11.6.6 The .login and .cshrc Files

11.7 Job Control
11.7.1 The fg and bg Commands
11.7.2 Starting Jobs in the Background
11.8 Some Common and Useful Unix Commands For Files

11.1 Introduction to UNIX

UNIX is an operating system. The job of an operating system is to

orchestrate the various parts of the computer -- the processor, the on-
board memory, the disk drives, keyboards, video monitors, etc. -- to
perform useful tasks. The operating system is the master controller of
the computer, the glue that holds together all the components of the
system, including the administrators, programmers, and users. When
you want the computer to do something for you, like start a program,
copy a file, or display the contents of a directory, it is the operating
system that must perform those tasks for you.

More than anything else, the operating system gives the computer its
recognizable characteristics. It would be difficult to distinguish between
two completely different computers, if they were running the same
operating system. Conversely, two identical computers, running different
operating systems, would appear completely different to the user.

UNIX was created in the late 1960s, in an effort to provide a multiuser,

multitasking system for use by programmers. The philosophy behind the
design of UNIX was to provide simple, yet powerful utilities that could be
pieced together in a flexible manner to perform a wide variety of tasks.

The UNIX operating system comprises three parts: The kernel, the
standard utility programs, and the system configuration files.

Accessing a UNIX System

There are many ways that you can access a UNIX system. The main
mode of access to a UNIX machine is through a terminal, which usually
includes a keyboard, and a video monitor. For each terminal connected
to the UNIX system, the kernel runs a process called a tty that accepts
input from the terminal, and sends output to the terminal. Tty processes
are general programs, and must be told the capabilities of the terminal
in order to correctly read from, and write to, the terminal. If the tty
process receives incorrect information about the terminal type,
unexpected results can occur.


Every UNIX system has a main console that is connected directly to the
machine. The console is a special type of terminal that is recognized
when the system is started. Some UNIX system operations must be
performed at the console. Typically, the console is only accessible by the
system operators, and administrators.

Dumb terminals

Some terminals are referred to as "dumb" terminals because they have

only the minimum amount of power required to send characters as input
to the UNIX system, and receive characters as output from the UNIX

Personal computers are often used to emulate dumb terminals, so that

they can be connected to a UNIX system.

Dumb terminals can be connected directly to a UNIX machine, or may be

connected remotely, through a modem or a terminal server.

Smart terminals

Smart terminals, like the X terminal, can interact with the UNIX system
at a higher level. Smart terminals have enough on-board memory and
processing power to support graphical interfaces. The interaction
between a smart terminal and a UNIX system can go beyond simple
characters to include icons, windows, menus, and mouse actions.

The UNIX File System

Most UNIX machines store their files on magnetic disk drives. A disk
drive is a device that can store information by making electrical imprints
on a magnetic surface. One or more heads skim close to the spinning
magnetic plate, and can detect, or change, the magnetic state of a given
spot on the disk. The drives use disk controllers to position the head at
the correct place at the correct time to read from, or write to, the
magnetic surface of the plate. It is often possible to partition a single
disk drive into more than one logical storage area. This section describes
how the UNIX operating system deals with a raw storage device like a
disk drive, and how it manages to make organized use of the space.

How the UNIX file system works

Every item in a UNIX file system can de defined as belonging to one of

four possible types:
Ordinary files

Ordinary files can contain text, data, or program information. An
ordinary file cannot contain another file, or directory. An ordinary
file can be thought of as a one-dimensional array of bytes.
In a previous section, we described directories as containers that
can hold files, and other directories. A directory is actually
implemented as a file that has one line for each item contained
within the directory. Each line in a directory file contains only the
name of the item, and a numerical reference to the location of the
item. The reference is called an i-number, and is an index to a
table known as the i-list. The i-list is a complete list of all the
storage space available to the file system.
Special files
Special files represent input/output (i/o) devices, like a tty
(terminal), a disk drive, or a printer. Because UNIX treats such
devices as files, a degree of compatibility can be achieved between
device i/o, and ordinary file i/o, allowing for the more efficient use
of software. Special files can be either character special files, that
deal with streams of characters, or block special files, that operate
on larger blocks of data. Typical block sizes are 512 bytes, 1024
bytes, and 2048 bytes.
A link is a pointer to another file. Remember that a directory is
nothing more than a list of the names and i-numbers of files. A
directory entry can be a hard link, in which the i-number points
directly to another file. A hard link to a file is indistinguishable
from the file itself. When a hard link is made, then the i-numbers
of two different directory file entries point to the same inode. For
that reason, hard links cannot span across file systems. A soft link
(or symbolic link) provides an indirect pointer to a file. A soft link is
implemented as a directory file entry containing a pathname. Soft
links are distinguishable from files, and can span across file
systems. Not all versions of UNIX support soft links.

A brief tour of the UNIX file system

The actual locations and names of certain system configuration files will
differ under different implementations of UNIX. Here are some examples
of important files and directories under version 9 of the HP-UX operating
The kernel program
Where special files are kept

Executable system utilities, like sh, cp, rm
System configuration files and databases
Operating system and programming libraries
System scratch files (all users can write here)
Where the file system checker puts detached files
Additional user commands
Standard system header files
More programming and system call libraries
Typically a place where local utilities go
The manual pages are kept here

11.2 A Sample Login Session

The School of Oceanography has several Unix workstations available for
use in two public workrooms, 265 MSB and 212 ORB (more
information). Any of these accept logins over the campus network as
well. Our principal server is tsunami. ocean whose environment is
mirrored on reef, shoal, dune and jetty.

11.2.1 Logging On
When you first connect to one of the Unix computers you will see the


If you see only the prompt Password: you probably used rlogin. rlogin
assumes that your username is the same on all computers and enters it
for you. If your username is different, don't worry, just press <CR> until
you see the login: prompt and start from scratch.

At the login: prompt, type in your username. Be careful to type only

lowercase! The Unix operating system is ``case sensitive.'' If you type
your username in mixed case ( Rarmour rather than rarmour, for
example) the computer will not recognize it.

Your Password

Once you have typed in your username you will be prompted to type in
your password. Type carefully! It won't be displayed on the screen.

When you first login, you should change your password with the
yppasswd command. Remember again-these are lower case commands
and Unix insists that you type them that way.

Your password should be longer than six characters. It's a good idea to
make it mixed case or to stick some numbers or symbols in it, like ``,'' or
``^''. One of few password restrictions is that the password cannot be all-
numeric (like 5534553). Because of a bug on the Sun computers, do not
put a ``:'' in your password.

In the interests of self-preservation, don't set your password to your

username, to ``password'' or to any information which people are likely
to know about you (your real name, your nickname, your pet dog's

If you mistype your username or password you will get a suspicious

message from the computer and see the login: prompt again.

The motd

If you type your username and password correctly, the computer will
begin running the login program. It starts by displaying a special
``message of the day''---contained in the /etc/motd file. This file will
usually contain information about the computer you are logging onto,
maybe a basic message about getting help, and any important system
messages from the system manager.

Initialization Files

When you log in the Unix login program finally starts up a command
``shell.'' Users do not deal with the operating system directly. Instead
they interact with a shell, which is initialized with several pieces of
information (such as your username, login directory and ``path''). By
default all users use the C shell (the program /bin/csh) and interact
with it.

There are a couple of files read by this shell when your login session
starts up. These are the .cshrc file and the .login file. These files are
created when your account is created. As you learn more about how
Unix and the C shell work, you may want to customize these files.

If your files get corrupted for some reason, copies of the system defaults
are available in /usr/local/skel/.

Using the System

Finally you are logged in! You will see a prompt like one of the following



just waiting for you to type something. Throughout the Unix Tutorial
section we will use % to indicate the computer's ``ready'' prompt.


Okay, let's try a simple command. Type ls and press enter. Ls is the
program to list files in a directory. Right now you may or may not see
any files-not seeing any files doesn't mean you don't have any! Just plain
ls won't list hidden files (files whose names start with ``.'', like .login).
Now try typing:

% ls -a

Don't actually type the % symbol! Remember, that's the computer's

prompt which indicates it is ready to accept input. The spacing should
be exactly as shown. ls followed by a space, followed by a -a. The -a is a
``flag'' which tells the ls program to list all files.

For more about command flags see below.


Just for fun, let's look at the contents of another directory, one with lots
of files. Directory names in Unix are straightforward. They are all
arranged in a tree structure from the root directory ``/''.

For now, use cd to change your directory to the /bin directory. Type:

% cd /bin

and press <CR>. Now type ls again. You should see a long list of files-in
fact, if you look carefully you will see files with the names of the
commands we've been typing (like ls and cd). Note that the /bin in the
command we typed above was not a flag to cd. It was a ``parameter.''
Flags tell commands how to act, parameters tell them what to act on.

Now return to your login directory with:

% cd

Entering cd with no parameter returns you to your home directory. You

can check to make sure that it worked by entering:

% pwd

which prints your current (or ``working'') directory. The computer should
return a line of words separated by ``/'' symbols which should look
something like:


Whatever it returns, the list should end in your username.

11.2.2 Using the On-line Man Pages

Most Unix commands have very short and sometimes cryptic names like
ls. This can make remembering them difficult. Fortunately there are on-
line manual pages which allow you to display information on a specific
program (to list all the flags of ls, for example) or list all the information
available on a certain topic.


To investigate other flags to the ls command (such as which flags will

display file size and ownership) you would type man ls.

man -k

The second way of using the on-line manual pages is with man -k. In
this case you use a word you expect to be in a one-line description of the
command you wish to find. To find a program which ``lists directory
contents'' you might type man -k dir. Partial words can be used and this
is one of the few places in Unix where upper and lower case are allowed
to match each other.

11.2.3 Using man and more
Try it now. Use man ls to find out how to make the ls program print the
sizes of your files as well as their names. After typing man ls and
pressing , note how man displays a screenful of text and then waits with
a prompt --More-- at the bottom of the screen.

What man is doing is sending everything it wants to display to the

screen through a program known as a ``pager'' The pager program is
called more. When you see --More-- (in inverse video) at the bottom of
the screen, just press the space-bar to see the next screen. Press <CR>
to scroll a line at a time.

Have you found the flag yet? The -s flag should display the size in
kilobytes. You don't need to continue paging once you have found the
information you need. Press q and more will exit.

Listing File Sizes

Now type ls -as. You can stack flags together like this it tells ls to list all
files, even hidden files, and list their sizes in kilobytes.

11.2.4 Logging Off

When you are finished you should be sure to logout! You need to be
careful that you've typed logout correctly. The Unix operating system is
not forgiving of mis-typed commands. Mis-typing logout as ``logotu'',
pressing return and then leaving without glancing at the screen can
leave your files at anyone's mercy.

11.3 Directory and File Structure

When you list files in Unix, it is very hard to tell what kind of files they
are. The default behavior of the ls program is to list the names of all the
files in the current directory without giving any additional information
about whether they are text files, executable files or directories! This is
because the ``meaning'' of the contents of each file is imposed on it by
how you use the file. To the operating system a file is just a collection of

There is a program file which will tell you information about a file (such
as whether it contains binary data) and make a good guess about what
created the file and what kind of file it is.

11.3.1 File Names

Unlike other operating systems, filenames are not broken into a name
part and a type part. Names can be many characters long and can
contain most characters. Some characters such as * and ! have special
meaning to the shell. They should not be used in filenames. If you ever
do need to use such a symbol from the shell, they must be specified
sneakily, by ``escaping'' them with a backslash, for example \!.

11.3.2 Directories
Directories in Unix start at the root directory ``/''. Files are ``fully
specified'' when you list each directory branch needed to get to them.



The ``File System'' Tree Structure

Usually disks are ``partitioned'' into smaller sized sections called

partitions If one partition of the disk fills up the other partitions won't be

Only certain large directory points are partitions and the choice of these
points can vary among system managers. Partitions are like the larger
branches of a tree. Partitions will contain many smaller branches
(directories) and leaves (files).

11.3.3 The df Program

To examine what disks and partitions exist and are mounted, you can
type the df command at the % prompt. This should display partitions
which have names like /dev/sd3g---3 for disk 3, g for partition g. It will
also display the space used and available in kilobytes and the ``mount
point'' or directory of the partition.

Disk Space Maintenance

It's important to keep track of how much disk space you are using. The
command du displays the disk usage of the current directory and all of
its subdirectories. It displays the usage, in kilobytes, for each directory-

including any subdirectories it contains-and ends by displaying the
% du
display disk usage of current directory
% du -s
display only total disk usage
% du -s -k
some versions of Unix need -k to report kilobytes

Scratch Space

Users have home directories for storing permanent files. At various busy
times of the year there may be shortages of disk space on the Unix
Cluster. You should use the du command to stay aware of how much
space you are using and not exceed the system limits.

11.3.4 Your Login Directory

A login directory can always be specified with ~username (~ is commonly

called ``twiddle,'' derived from proper term ``tilde.'') If you needed to list
files in someone else's login directory, you could do so by issuing the

% ls ~username

substituting in their username. You can do the same with your own
directory if you've cd'd elsewhere. Please note-many people would
consider looking at their files an invasion of their privacy; even if the files
are not protected! Just as some people leave their doors unlocked but do
not expect random bypassers to walk in, other people leave their files

11.3.5 Subdirectories
If you have many files or multiple things to work on, you probably want
to create subdirectories in your login directory. This allows you to place
files which belong together in one distinct place.

Creating Subdirectories

The program to make a subdirectory is mkdir. If you are in your login

directory and wish to create a directory, type the command:

% mkdir directory-name

Once this directory has been created you can copy or move files to it
(with the cp or mv programs) or you can cd to the directory and start
creating files there.

Copy a file from the current directory into the new subdirectory by

cp filename directory-name/new-filename
copy file, give it a new name
cp filename directory-name
copy file, filename will be the same as original
Or cd into the new directory and move the file from elsewhere:
% cd directory-name
% cp ../filename .
copies the file from the directory above giving it the same filename: ``.''
means ``the current directory''

11.3.6 Specifying Files

There are two ways you can specify files. Fully, in which case the name
of the file includes all of the root directories and starts with ``/'', or
relatively, in which case the filename starts with the name of a
subdirectory or consists solely of its own name.

When Charlotte Lennox (username lennox) created her directory

arabella, all of the following sets of commands could be used to display
the same file:

% more lennox/arabella/chapter1
% cd lennox
% more arabella/chapter1
% cd lennox/arabella
% more chapter1
The full file specification, beginning with a ``/'' is very system dependent.
On oceanography machines, all user directories are in the /usra


11.3.7 Protecting Files and Directories

When created, all files have an owner and group associated with them.
The owner is the same as the username of the person who created the
files and the group is the name of the creator's default login group, such
as users, system etc. Most users do not belong to a shared group on our
systems. If the creator of the file belongs to more than one group (you
can display the groups to which you belong with the groups command)
then the creator can change the group of the file between these groups.
Otherwise, only the root account can change the group of a file.

Only the root account can change the ownership of a file.

Displaying owner, group and protection

The command ls -lg filename will list the long directory list entry (which
includes owner and protection bits) and the group of a file.

The display looks something like:

protection owner group filename

-rw-r----- hamilton ug munster_village

The Protection Bits

The first position (which is not set) specifies what type of file this is. If it
were set, it would probably be a d (for directory) or l (for link). The next
nine positions are divided into three sets of binary numbers and
determine protection to three different sets of people.
u g o
rw- r-- ---
6 4 0
The file has ``mode'' 640. The first bits, set to ``r + w'' (4+2) in our
example, specify the protection for the user who owns the files (u). The
user who owns the file can read or write (which includes delete) the file.

The next trio of bits, set to 4, or ``r,'' in our example, specify access to
the file for other users in the same group as the group of the file. In this
case the group is ug-all members of the ug group can read the file (print
it out, copy it, or display it using more).

Finally, all other users are given no access to the file.

The one form of access which no one is given, even the owner, is ``x'' (for
execute). This is because the file is not a program to be executed-it is
probably a text file which would have no meaning to the computer. The x
would appear in the 3rd position and have a value of 1.

Changing the Group and the Protection Bits

The group of a file can be changed with the chgrp command. Again, you
can only change the group of a file to a group to which you belong. You
would type as follows:

% chgrp groupname filename

You can change the protection mode of a file with the chmod command.
This can be done relatively or absolutely. The file in the example above
had the mode 640. If you wanted to make the file readable to all other
users, you could type:
% chmod 644 filename
% chmod +4 filename (since the current mode of the file was 640)
For more information see the man page for chmod.

Default Protections: Setting the umask

All files get assigned an initial protection. To set the default initial
protection you must set the value of the variable umask. umask must be
defined once per login (usually in the .cshrc file). Common umask values
include 022, giving read and directory search but not write permission to
the group and others and 077 giving no access to group or other users
for all new files you create.

11.3.8 The Unix Shell Syntax

As mentioned earlier, user commands are parsed by the shell they run.
There are many shells other than the the C shell which allow different
types of shortcuts. We will only discuss the C shell here, but some
alternate shells include the Bourne shell ( /bin/sh), the Bourne-Again
Shell ( bash), zsh and tcsh (a C shell variant).

The Path

One of the most important elements of the shell is the path. Whenever
you type something at the % prompt, the C shell first checks to see if
this is an ``alias'' you have defined, and if not, searches all the
directories in your path to determine the program to run.

The path is just a list of directories, searched in order. Your default

.cshrc will have a path defined for you. If you want other directories
(such as a directory of your own programs) to be searched for
commands, add them to your path by editing your .cshrc file. This list of

directories is stored in the PATH environment variable. We will discuss
how to manipulate enviroment variables later.

Flags and Parameters

Most commands expect or allow parameters (usually files or directories

for the command to operate on) and many provide option flags. A ``flag''
as we saw before, is a character or string with a - before it-like the -s we
used with the ls command.

Some commands, such as cp and mv require file parameters. Not

surprisingly, cp and mv (the copy and move commands) each require
two! One for the original file and one for the new file or location.

It would seem logical that if ls by itself just lists the current directory
then cp filename should copy a file to the current directory. This is
logical-but wrong! Instead you must enter cp filename . where the ``.''
tells cp to place the file in the current directory. filename in this case
would be a long filename with a complete directory specification.

Not surprisingly ls . and ls are almost the same.

11.3.9 Creating Files

The cat Program

cat is one of most versatile commands. The simplest use of cat:

% cat .cshrc

displays your .cshrc file to the screen. Unix allows you to redirect output
which would otherwise go to the screen by using a > and a filename. You
could copy your .cshrc, for example, by typing:

% cat .cshrc > temp

This would have the same effect as:

% cp .cshrc temp

More usefully cat will append multiple files together.

% cat .cshrc .login > temp

will place copies of your .cshrc and .login into the same file. Warning! Be
careful not to cat a file onto an existing file! The command:

% cat .cshrc > .cshrc

will destroy the file .cshrc if it succeeds.

If you fail to give cat a filename to operate on, cat expects you to type in
a file from the keyboard. You must end this with a <Ctrl>-D on a line by
itself. <Ctrl>-D is the end-of-file character.

By combining these two-leaving off the name of a file to input to cat and
telling cat to direct its output to a file with > filename, you can create

For example:

% cat > temp

This will create a new file temp, containing the lines of garbage shown
above. Note that this creates a new file-if you want to add things on to
the end of an existing file you must use cat slightly differently. Instead of
> you'd use >> which tells the shell to append any output to an already
existing file. If you wanted to add a line onto your .cshrc, you could type
% cat >> .cshrc
echo "blah blah blah"
This would append the line echo "blah blah blah" onto your .cshrc.
Using > here would be a bad idea-it might obliterate your original .cshrc

11.3.10 Text Editors

cat is fine for files which are small and never need to have real changes
made to them, but a full fledged editor is necessary for typing in papers,
programs and mail messages. Among the editors available pico, vi and

Be careful! Not all Unix editors keep backup copies of files when you edit


pico is a simple, friendly editor--the same editor as used in pine. Type

pico filename to start it and type man pico for more information about
how to use it.


vi is an editor which has a command mode and a typing mode. When

you first startup vi (with the command vi filename) it expects you to
enter commands. If you actually want to enter text into your file, you
must type the insert command i. When you need to switch back to
command mode, hit the escape key, usually in the upper left corner of
your keyboard.

To move around you must be in command mode. You can use the arrow
keys or use j, k, h, l to move down, up, left and right.

For more information type man vi. There are two reference sheets
containing lists of the many vi commands available from C&C (located at
Brooklyn and Pacific).

List of Commands for vi - An Unix Editor

Complete Documentation
The vi editor is a common editor for unix systems in that it makes use of
a regular keyboard with an escape key. On the DECstation, the escape
key is the F11 key. It therefore works on all unix computers. Complete
documentation is available by typing

man vi

at the unix prompt.

Starting an Editing Session

vi filename

where filename is the name of the file to be edited.

Undo Command
undo the last command.

Screen Commands
Reprints current screen.
Exposes one more line at top of screen.
Exposes one more line at bottom of screen.
Pages forward one screen.
Pages back one screen.
Pages down half screen.
Pages up half screen.

Cursor Positioning Commands

Moves cursor down one line, same column.
Moves cursor up one line, same column.
Moves cursor back one character.
Moves cursor forward one character.
Moves cursor to beginning of next line.
Moves cursor to beginning of current line.
Moves cursor to end of current line.
Moves cursor forward one character.
Moves cursor to beginning of line n. Default is last line of file.
Moves the cursor to the first character of the line.
Moves cursor to beginning of line n.
Moves the cursor backward to the beginning of the previous word.
Moves the cursor backward to the end of the previous word.

Moves the cursor forward to the next word.
Moves cursor forward to next occurrence of pattern.
Moves cursor backward to next occurrence of pattern.
Repeats last / or ? pattern search.

Text Insertion Commands

Appends text after cursor. Terminated by escape key.
Appends text at the end of the line. Terminated the escape key.
Inserts text before cursor. Terminated by the escape key.
Inserts text at the beginning of the line. Terminated by the escape
Opens new line below the current line for text insertion.
Terminated by the escape key.
Opens new line above the current line for text insertion.
Terminated by the escape key.
Overwrites last character during text insertion.
Stops text insertion. The escape key on the DECstations is the F11

Text Deletion Commands

Deletes current character.
Deletes current line.
Deletes the current word.
Deletes the rest of the current sentence.
D, d$
Deletes from cursor to end of line.
Puts back text from the previous delete.

Changing Commands
Changes characters of current word until stopped with escape key.
Changes text up to the end of the line.
C, cc
Changes remaining text on current line until stopped by pressing
the escape key.
Changes case of current character.
Transposes current and following characters.
Joins current line with next line.
Deletes the current character and goes into the insertion mode.
Replaces current character with x.
Replaces the following characters until terminated with the escape

Cut and Paste Commands

Puts the current line in a buffer. Does not delete the line from its
current position.
Places the line in the buffer after the current position of the

Appending Files into Current File

:R filename
Inserts the file filename where the cursor was before the ``:'' was

Exiting vi
Exits vi and saves changes.
Writes changes to current file and quits edit session.
Quits edit session (no changes made).


Emacs is a large editing system. Copies of the manual are for sale at the
CCO Front Desk and copies of the two-page reference sheet are available
in the reference sheet rack across from the Front Office.

To use emacs, type:

% setup emacs
% emacs

11.3.11 Files as Output and Log Files

Ordinarily there are two types of output from commands: output to

standard output (stdout) and to standard error (stderr). The > and >>
examples above directed only standard output from programs into files.
To send both the standard output and error to a file when using the C
shell, you should type >& :

% command >& filename

11.3.12 Logging Your Actions to a File

Sometimes you may wish to log the output of a login session to a file so
that you can show it to somebody or print it out. You can do this with
the script command. When you wish to end the session logging, type

When you start up you should see a message saying script started, file is
typescript and when you finish the script, you should see the message
script done. You may want to edit the typescript file-visible ^M's get
placed at the end of each line because linebreaks require two control
sequences for a terminal screen but only one in a file.

11.3.13 Comparing Files

The basic commands for comparing files are:

states whether or not the files are the same
lists line-by-line differences
three column output displays lines in file 1 only, file 2 only, and
both files
See the man pages on these for more information.

11.3.14 Searching Through Files

The grep program can be used to search a file for lines containing a
certain string:
% grep string filename
% grep -i string filename (case insensitive match)
or not containing a certain string:

% grep -v string filename

See the man page for grep---it has many useful options.

more and the vi editor can also find strings in files. The command is the
same in both-type a /string when at the --More-- prompt or in vi
command mode. This will scroll through the file so that the line with
``string'' in it is placed at the top of the screen in more or move the
cursor to the string desired in vi. Although vi is a text editor there is a
version of vi, view, which lets you read through files but does not allow
you to change them.

11.4 The System and Dealing with Multiple Users

Most Unix commands which return information about how much CPU-
time you've used and how long you've been logged in use the following
meanings for the words ``job'' and ``process.''

When you log in, you start an interactive ``job'' which lasts until you end
it with the logout command. Using a shell like C shell which has ``job-
control'' you can actually start jobs in addition to your login job. But for

the purposes of the most information returning programs, job (as in the
``JCPU'' column) refers to your login session.

Processes, on the other hand, are much shorter-lived. Almost every time
you type a command a new process is started. These processes stay
``attached'' to your terminal displaying output to the screen and, in some
cases (interactive programs like text editors and mailers) accepting input
from your keyboard.

Some processes last a very long time-for example the /bin/csh (C shell)
process, which gets started when you login, lasts until you logout.

11.4.1 Information about Your Processes

You can get information about your processes by typing the ps

9980 s9 S 0:06 -csh (csh)
12380 s9 R 0:01 ps
The processes executing above are the C shell process and the ps
command. Note that both commands are attached to the same terminal
(TT), have different process identification numbers (PID), and have
different amounts of CPU-time (TIME), accumulated.

11.4.2 Information about Other People's Processes


The simplest and quickest information you can get about other people is
a list of which users are logged in and at which ``terminals'' (terminal
here is either a terminal device line or telnet or rlogin session). The
command to do this is who and it responds quickest of all the
commands discussed here because it simply examines a file which gets
updated everytime someone logs in or out.

Be careful though! This file, utmp, can get out of date if someone's
processes die unexpectedly on the system. Any program which uses
utmp to report information may list users who are not really logged in!

The w command is slower than the who command because it returns

more information such as details about what programs people are
running. It also returns a line containing the number of users and the
system load average. The load average is the average number of

processes ready to be run by the CPU and is a rough way of estimating
how busy a system is.

w also uses the utmp file mentioned above. It takes longer than who
because it then looks around and collects more information about the
users it finds in the utmp file.


The ps command used earlier to list your own processes can be used to
list other users' processes as well. who and w list logins-but not
individual processes on the system. They don't list any of the running
operating system processes which start when the computer is booted
and which don't have logins.

Since ps doesn't use utmp it is the program to use when you really want
to find out what processes you might have accidentally left on the
system or if another user is running any processes. Note that although
ps might report processes for a user, it might be because that user has
left a ``background job'' executing. In this case you should see a ``?'' in
the TT field and the user won't really be logged in.

To get this fuller listing, give the flags -aux to ps. For more information
on the uses of ps, type man ps.


The finger program returns information about other users on the system
who may or may not be logged in. finger by itself returns yet another
variation of the list of currently logged in users. finger followed by a
username or an e-mail -style address will return information about one
or more users, the last time they logged into the system where you are
fingering them, their full name, whether or not they have unread mail
and, finally, the contents of two files they may have created: .plan and

For more information about using finger or ways to provide information

about yourself to others, type man finger.

11.5 Sending Messages and Files to Other Users

Electronic mail programs run on almost all the computers at Caltech

and usually have two parts: a user interface which lets users read and
send messages and a system mailer which talks to mailers on other
computers. This mailer receives outgoing messages from the user

interface programs and delivers incoming messages to the user mailbox
(which the interface program reads).

11.5.1 /usr/ucb/mail
There are many user interfaces available on the Unix computers, all of
which provide similar functionality. The program supplied with most
Unix computers is /usr/ucb/mail (or Mail). To read messages type Mail,
to send messages type:

% Mail address

Mail has been changed to mailx.

You should next see a Subject: prompt. If you don't see a prompt, don't
worry, just type in your one line subject anyway and press return. You
may start typing your message (but you will be unable to correct errors
on lines after you have pressed <CR> to move to the next line) or you
may may specify a file to include with r filename.

You may invoke a text editor like vi by typing v. If you wish regularly to
use an editor other than vi you should see the information later in this
section about enviroment variables.

There are many other commands you may enter at this point-see the
Mail man page for all of them. When you are finished typing in your
message (if you have used v to run a text editor, you should exit from it)
press <Ctrl>-D on a line by itself. Most likely you will now see a CC:
prompt. If you wish to send copies of your message to someone besides
the recipient you would enter the address or addresses (separated by ``,'')
and press return. Otherwise press return without entering an address.

11.5.2 PINE
PINE is a full-screen interactive mailer, developed at UW that is very
straightforward to use. To use it type pine. More information is available
from the UW C&C web server.

11.5.3 Write
The write program can be used to send messages to other users logged
onto the system. It's not a great way of having a conversation, but it's
simple to use. Enter:

% write username

and you can start writing lines to the terminal of the person you want to
send messages to. The person must be logged in, and, if they are logged
in more than once, you must specify the terminal to write to-for example
write Melville ttyh1.

11.5.4 Talk
Talk is a program, which allows two users to hold a conversation. Unlike
write, it can be used between different computers; and, unlike write, it
divides the screen so that the things you type appear in the top half and
the things written to you appear in the bottom half.

To talk to users on the same computer:

% talk username

To talk to users on another computer use the address format of


% talk

11.5.5 Addressing Remote Nodes

talk can only be used to other Internet nodes-computers which usually

have ending names such as .edu, .com, .org, .gov, or .mil. Not all
computers with these names are attached directly to the Internet---
finger and talk won't work with computers which are only attached by
mail gateways.

11.6 Shortcuts

If you use certain command flags regularly ( -lga for ls) you can alias
them to shorter commands. You can use wildcard symbols to refer to
files with very long names. You can easily repeat commands you have
already executed or modify them slightly and re-execute them.

11.6.1 Aliases

As mentioned above, you can alias longer commands to shorter strings.

For example, ls -F will list all the files in the current directory followed
by a trailing symbol which indicates if they are executable commands (a
*) or directories (a /). If you wanted this to be the default behavior of ls
you could add the following command to your .cshrc:

% alias ls ls -F

To list the aliases which are set for your current process, type:

% alias

without any parameters.

11.6.2 Wildcards

Wildcards are special symbols which allow you to specify matches to

letters or letter sequences as part of a filename.

Some examples:

The basic wildcard character. Beware rm *!!
ls *.dat
lists all files ending in .dat
ls r*
lists all files starting with r
a one character wildcard.
ls ?.dat
lists 5.dat, u.dat, but not 70.dat
limits a character to match one of the characters between the
ls *.[ch]
lists all .h and .c files
more [Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]
mores the files README, readme,ReadMe, and Readme, among

11.6.3 Directory Specifications

You've already met the shortcut. The two other important directory
symbols are ``.'' for the current directory and ``..'' for the previous
(parent) directory.

% cd ..

moves you out of a subdirectory into its parent directory.

11.6.4 Environment Variables

Environment variables are pieces of information used by the shell and by
other programs. One very important one is the PATH variable mentioned
earlier. Other important variables you can set include:


To see what environment variables are set and what they are set to, type
the command printenv. To set a variable, use the setenv command as in
the example below.
% setenv TERM vt100
% setenv EDITOR emacs
Many programs mention environment variables you may want to set for
them in their man pages. Look at the csh man page for some of the
standard ones.

11.6.5 History
Most shells allow ``command line editing'' of some form or another-
editing one of the previous few lines you've typed in and executing the
changed line. You can set a history ``environment variable'' to determine
how many previous command lines you will have access to with set

Repeating and Modifying the Previous Command

The simplest form of command line editing is to repeat the last command
entered or repeat the last command entered with more text appended.

If the last command you typed was:

% ls agreen

Then you can repeat this command by typing:

% !!

This will return a list of files. If you saw a directory leavenworth in the
list returned and you wanted to list the files it contained, you could do
so by typing:

% !!/leavenworth

If you mistype leavenworth as leaveworth you can correct it with the

following command:

% ^leave^leaven

This substitutes leaven for leave in the most recently executed
command. Beware! This substitutes for the first occurrence of leave only!

Repeating Commands From Further Back in History

You can type history at any time to get a list of all the commands
remembered. This list is numbered and you can type ! number to repeat
the command associated with number. Alternately you can type ! and a
couple of letters of the command to repeat the last line starting with the
characters you specify. !ls to repeat ls -lg agreen, for example.

11.6.6 The .login and .cshrc Files

The .cshrc file is run whenever a C shell process is started. Then, if this
is a login process, the .login file is executed. If you are using a NeXT
console with a program such as Terminal, you can usually choose
whether you want each new window to execute the .login file by making
a change to your Preferences in the Terminal program's Preferences
menu. By default the .login will get executed.

If you are using a Sun console and you have the default setup, any
xterm windows which you start up will not execute the. login.

11.7 Job Control

It is very easy to do many things at once with the Unix operating system.
Since programs and commands execute as independent processes you
can run them in the ``background'' and continue on in the foreground
with more important tasks or tasks, which require keyboard entry.

For example, you could set a program running in the background while
you edit a file in the foreground.

11.7.1 The fg and bg Commands

When you type <Ctrl>-Z whatever you were doing will pause. If you want
the job to go away without finishing, then you should kill it with the
command kill %. If you don't want it paused but want it to continue in
the foreground-that is, if you want it to be the primary process to which
all the characters you type get delivered-type fg. If you want it to
continue processing in the background while you work on something
else, type bg.

You should not use bg on things which accept input such as text editors
or on things which display copious output like more or ps.

What to Do When You've Suspended Multiple Jobs

If you've got several processes stopped-perhaps you are editing two files
or you have multiple telnet or rlogin sessions to remote computers-you'll
need some way of telling fg which job you want brought to the

By default fg will return you to the process you most recently

suspended. If you wanted to switch processes you would have to identify
it by its job number. This number can be displayed with the jobs
command. For example:

% jobs
[1] Stopped vi .login
[2] + Stopped rn
[3] Running cc -O -g test.c
The most recently suspended job is marked with a + symbol. If you
wanted to return to job one instead, you would type:

% fg %1

You can type %1 as a shortcut.

11.7.2 Starting Jobs in the Background

Some jobs should start in the background and stay there-long running
compilations or programs, for example. In this case you can direct them
to the background when you start them rather than after they have
already begun. To start a job in the background rather than the
foreground, append an & symbol to the end of your command.

You should always run background processes at a lower priority by

using the nice command. Non-interactive jobs are usually very good at
getting all the resources they need. Running them at a lower priority
doesn't hurt them much-but it really helps the interactive users-people
running programs that display to terminal screens or that require input
from the keyboard.

If you need to run CPU-intensive background jobs, learn about how to

control the priority of your jobs by reading the manual pages (man nice
and man renice).

Suspend, z and <Ctrl>-Z

Some programs provide you with special ways of suspending them. If

you started another shell by using the csh command, you would have to
use the suspend command to suspend it.

If you wish to suspend a telnet or rlogin session you must first get past
the current login to get the attention of the telnet or rlogin program.

Use (immediately after pressing a return) to get rlogin's attention. <Ctrl>-

Z will suspend an rlogin session.

Use <Ctrl>-] to get telnet's attention <Ctrl>-]z will suspend a telnet

session. Watch out, though, if you are connected from a PC with through
Kermit! <Ctrl>-] is Kermit's default escape sequence. You'll need to type
<Ctrl>-] z or define Kermit's escape sequence to something else such as

11.8 Some Common and Useful Unix Commands For Files


The cp command allows you to create a new file from an existing file. The
command line format is:

% cp input-file-spec output-file-spec

where input-file-spec and output-file-spec are valid Unix file

specifications. The file specifications indicate the file(s) to copy from and
the file or directory to copy to (output). Any part of the filename may be
replaced by a wildcard symbol (*) and you may specify either a filename
or a directory for the output-file-spec. If you do not specify a directory,
you should be careful that any wildcard used in the input-file-spec does
not cause more than one file to get copied.
% cp new.c old.c
% cp new.* OLD (where OLD is a directory)


command allows the user to get a list of files in the current default
directory. The command line format is:

% ls file-spec-list

where file-spec-list is an optional parameter of zero or more Unix file
specifications (separated by spaces). The file specification supplied (if
any) indicates which directory is to be listed and the files within the
directory to list.


The lpr command tells the system that one or more files are to be printed
on the default printer. If the printer is busy with another user's file, an
entry will be made in the printer queue and the file will be printed after
other lpr requests have been satisfied. The command line format is:

BLOCKQUOTE> % lpr file-spec-list

where file-spec-list is one or more Unix files to be printed on the default

printer. Any part of the filenames may be replaced by a wild card.

Here is more information about where the printers actually are and what
kind of printers are available.


The man command is a tool that gives the user brief descriptions of Unix
commands along with a list of all of the command flags that the
command can use. To use man, try one of the following formats:
% man command
% man -k topic


The more command will print the contents of one or more files on the
user's terminal. The command line format is:

% more file-spec-list

more displays a page at a time, waiting for you to press the space-bar at
the end of each screen. At any time you may type q to quit or h to get a
list of other commands that more understands.


The mv command is used to move files to different names or directories.

The command line syntax is:

% mv input-file-spec output-file-spec

where input-file-spec is the file or files to be renamed or moved. As with
cp, if you specify multiple input files, the output file should be a
directory. Otherwise output-file-spec may specify the new name of the
file. Any or all of the filename may be replaced by a wild card to
abbreviate it or to allow more than one file to be moved. For example:

% mv data.dat ./research/datadat.old

will change the name of the file data.dat to datadat.old and place it in
the subdirectory research. Be very careful when copying or moving
multiple files.


The rm command allows you to delete one or more files from a disk. The
command line format is:

% rm file-spec-list

where file-spec-list is one or more Unix file specifications, separated by

spaces, listing which files are to be deleted. Beware of rm *! For example:

% rm *.dat able.txt

will delete the file able.txt and all files in your current working directory
which end in .dat. Getting rid of unwanted subdirectories is a little more
difficult. You can delete an empty directory with the command rmdir
directory-name but you cannot use rmdir to delete a directory that still
has files in it.

To delete a directory with files in it, use rm with the -r flag (for

Unit 13


13.1 Introduction
13.2 MS-DOS and command line overview

13.1 Introduction

Acronym for disk operating system. The term DOS can refer to any
operating system, but it is most often used as shorthand for MS-DOS
(Microsoft disk operating system). Originally developed by Microsoft
for IBM, MS-DOS was the standard operating system for IBM-
compatible personal computers.

The initial versions of DOS were very simple and resembled another
operating system called CP/M. Subsequent versions have became
increasingly sophisticated as they incorporated features of
minicomputer operating systems. However, DOS is still a 16-bit
operating system and does not support multiple users or

For some time, it has been widely acknowledged that DOS is

insufficient for modern computer applications. Microsoft Windows
helped alleviate some problems, but still, it sat on top of DOS and
relied on DOS for many services. Even Windows 95 sat on top of DOS.
Newer operating systems, such as Windows NT and OS/2 Warp, do
not rely on DOS to the same extent, although they can execute DOS-
based programs. It is expected that as these operating systems gain
market share, DOS will eventually disappear. In the meantime,
Caldera, Inc. markets a version of DOS called DR-Open DOS that
extends MS-DOS in significant ways.

13.2 MS-DOS and command line overview

Below is a listing of each of the MS-DOS commands currently listed
on Computer Hope and a brief explanation of what each of the
commands does? The below commands are all MS-DOS commands,
which means not all the below commands will work in your version of
MS-DOS and/or Windows command line. Clicking on the command
will open the help page for that command with full details about it.

ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control

cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when
editing a file or running a command.
ARP Displays, adds, and removes ARP (address resolution
protocol) information from network devices.
ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
ASSOC View the file associations.
AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM
call manager.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of
commands in a file.
BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view,
modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
CACLS View and modify file ACL's.
CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.
CD Changes directories.
CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character
set information.
CHDIR Changes directories.
CHKDSK Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Opens the command interpreter.
COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of
the MS-DOS window.
COMMAND Opens the command interpreter.
COMP Compares files.
COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.
CONTROL Open Control Panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.

DATE View or change the systems date.
DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify
hardware settings.
DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.
DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
DIR List the contents of one or more directory.
DISABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows
system services or drivers.
DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on
another disk.
DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have
been run in the past.
DOSSHELL A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
EDIT View and edit files.
EDLIN View and edit files.
EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.
ENABLE Recovery console command to enable and disable
service or driver.

ERASE Erase files from computer.

EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.
EXPAND Expand a Microsoft Windows file back to it's original
EXTRACT Extract files from the Microsoft Windows cabinets.
FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and
information about them.
FC Compare files.
FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
FIND Search for text within a file.
FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.

FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.
FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.

FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.

FTP Command to connect and operate on a FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) server.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension
GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.

IPCONFIG Network command to view network adapter settings

and assigned values.
KEYB Change layout of keyboard.
LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.
LH Load a device driver in to high memory.

LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.

LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.

MAP Displays the device name of a drive.

MD Command to create a new directory.
MEM Display memory on system.
MKDIR Command to create a new directory.
MODE Modify the port or display settings.
MORE Display one page at a time.
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another

NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information
from MS-DOS.
NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and

NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a

PATH View and modify the computers path location.
PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.
PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of
a command.
PING Test / send information to another network computer
or network device.
POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the
pushd command.
POWER Conserve power with computer portables.
PRINT Prints data to a printer port.
PROMPT View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can
be returned to at any time.
QBASIC Open the QBasic.
RD Removes an empty directory.
REN Renames a file or directory.
RENAME Renames a file or directory.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.
RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another
SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.
SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
SET Change one variable or string to another.

SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS

SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking

SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompts.
SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or
extended memory.
SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS
SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive
SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.
TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
TIME View or modify the system time.
TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.

TREE View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.

TYPE Display the contents of a file.
UNDELETE Undelete a file that has been deleted.
UNFORMAT Unformat a hard disk drive.
UNLOCK Unlock a disk drive.
VER Display the version information.
VERIFY Enables or disables the feature to determine if files
have been written properly.
VOL Displays the volume information about the designated
XCOPY Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one
location to another.

Unit 14


14.1 File Systems (FAT, HPFS, NTFS)

14.2 File Systems and Disk Letters

14.3 Choosing a File System

14.4 FAT File System

14.5.1 Introduction

14.5.2 The Virtual File System

14.6 File Systems in Linux

14.6.1 Introduction

14.6.2 ext2

14.6.3 The Linux Virtual File System

14.1 File Systems (FAT, HPFS, NTFS)

At the BIOS level, a disk partition contains sectors numbered 0, 1, etc.
Without additional support, each partition would be one large dataset.
Operating systems add a directory structure to break the partition up
into smaller files, assign names to each file, and manage the free space
available to create new files.

The directory structure and methods for organizing a partition is called a

File System. Different File Systems reflect different operating system
requirements or different performance assumptions. Unix, for example,
has the convention that lowercase and uppercase are different in file
names, so "sample.txt" and "Sample.txt" are two different files. DOS and
the systems that descend from it (Windows 95, OS/2, and Windows NT)
ignore case differences when finding file names. Some File Systems work
better on small machines, others work better on large servers.

Each partition is assigned a type (in the MBR for primary partitions, in
the Extended Partition directory for logical volumes). When the partition
is formatted with a particular File System, the partition type will be
updated to reflect this choice.

The same hard disk can have partitions with File Systems belonging to
DOS, OS/2, NT, and Linux (or other UNIX clones). Generally, an
operating system will ignore partitions whose type ID represents an
unknown file system type. It is fairly easy (given a big enough disk) to
install all of the different operating systems and all of the File System
types. There are a few rules to make things simple.

Each File System is described in detail in a separate section.

• FAT File System

The FAT File system is used by DOS and is supported by all the
other operating systems. It is simple, reliable, and uses little
VFAT is an alternate use of the FAT file system available in
Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. It allows files to have longer
names than the "8.3" convention adopted by DOS. VFAT stores
extra information in the directory that older DOS and OS/2
systems can ignore.
HPFS is used by OS/2 and is supported by Windows NT. It
provides better performance than FAT on larger disk volumes and
supports long file names. However, it requires more memory than
FAT and may not be a reasonable choice on systems with only 8
megs of RAM.
NTFS provides everything. It supports long file names, large

volumes, data security, and universal file sharing. A departmental
NT file server will probably have all its partitions formatted for
NTFS. Because the other operating systems cannot use it, NTFS is
less attractive on personal desktop workstations or portables.

14.2 File Systems and Disk Letters

DOS and Windows 95 can only boot from the C: disk. Technically, the C:
letter will be assigned to the first Primary Partition on the first hard disk
that has a FAT file system. In no case can DOS boot from a second hard
disk or a logical volume in the extended partition. However, if as the
system comes up, the DOS boot sector and DOS files turn out to be on
the second Primary Partition on the first hard disk, then this will not be
a problem so long as the first partition has a non-FAT file system. DOS
simply ignores primary partitions that are formatted for other operating

Some people exploit this feature. They put an HPFS or NTFS file system
on the first Primary Partition, and a FAT file system on the second. This
can produce confusion. When the other operating system boots up, it
will now assign letter C: to its first partition, and the disk that DOS calls
"C:" will become "D:" on the other system. If the two systems share
application programs, it becomes very difficult to configure INI files as
the drive letter keeps changing back and forth. It is a simpler and safer
strategy to accept the view that the first Primary Partition on the first
hard disk should be formatted with the FAT file system and should be
the C: drive in every operating system.

14.3 Choosing a File System

The performance problems with FAT have been greatly reduced by

various strategies to use Cache memory and to periodically DEFRAG the
disk. FAT is the only system fully supported by DOS and Windows 95. It
is also a perfectly acceptable choice under Windows NT and OS/2. FAT
systems require the least memory and are the best choice on small

Although it is simpler to manage a few larger volumes, FAT performance

degrades with volume size. The distance between the directory and the
data increases the disk movement, and larger allocation units waste
space. A good rule of thumb would limit FAT volumes to a maximum of
255 megabytes.

FAT proven to be quite reliable and is fairly immune to damage. When

the system crashes, FAT can "misplace" disk space that was being
allocated to a file. CHKDSK (or Microsoft's newer SCANDISK) will recover
the missing space. Less frequently a really serious error could leave the

same sector of disk space assigned to two different files. Such
"crosslinked" files are damaged, and once this occurs the entire volume
is suspect. The preferred recovery would be to back everything up,
reformat the volume, and restore the data. Crosslinked files could be
produced by a damaged operating system, or by a hardware problem in
the disk subsystem itself.

HPFS is supported by OS/2 and Windows NT. Although it is not officially

supported by DOS or Windows 95, there are shareware drivers (such as
AMOS3) that can provide these systems with at least Read-Only access
to HPFS files. Since OS/2 does not support VFAT, it cannot use long file
names on a FAT volume. Many OS/2 software packages require long file
names. An OS/2 system with enough memory and disk space should
have at least one HPFS volume to support such packages.

Only Windows NT can use data on an NTFS volume. NTFS is required to

provide full security on an NT File Server, and to support Macintosh
datasets. On desktop workstations that run other operating systems as
well as NT, NTFS is probably more trouble than it is worth.

A good general principle is to put FAT volumes first on a disk, then

HPFS, and finally NTFS. All the systems will see the FAT volumes and
will assign them disk letters. With device drivers for DOS, all the system
will see the HPFS volumes as well. The NTFS volumes will only be
available to Windows NT and will be ignored by the other systems.

14.4 FAT File System

Supported by all operating systems

Minimal memory use Simple and reliable NAME.EXT file names less
efficient on partitions above 32 meg
Not suitable for File Servers

The File Allocation Table (FAT) was designed and coded in Feb., 1976 by
a kid named Bill Gates during a five day stay at the Hilton Hotel in
Albuquerque. He developed it for a version of Basic that could store
programs and data on floppy disks. The FAT design was incorporated by
Tim Patterson in an early version of an operating system for the Intel
8086 chip. Gates bought the rights to the system, then rewrote it to
create the first version of DOS. As a direct result, Gates is the richest
man in America.

The FAT file system is simple and reliable. It does not lose data because
the computer crashed in the middle of an update. It does not use a lot of
memory. It does, however, do a lot of extra administrative I/O to
different areas of the partition. The directory is allocated at the start of
the partition and it contains the table of free space. To write a new
dataset, or to add data to an old one, the disk arm must be constantly
moved between the location of the directory and the place where the data
is being written. Without optimization, a file can end up fragmented into
many small pieces.

When the system crashes, no data is lost. However, a FAT system may
have removed disk area from the chain of free space, but may not yet
have assigned it to any permanent new dataset. The CHKDSK (or on
newer systems the SCANDISK) utility examines the FAT table to
determine the status of every record on disk. The records which are not
part of any dataset may be returned to the free space chain.

After CHKDSK finds unallocated sectors, it asks you whether they

should be turned into files. If you were in the middle of creating a new
file and the system crashed, and the data that was lost is extremely
valuable, you might answer yes. Then you can scan the recovered file
scraps for the information you lost. Otherwise, answer No and the
unallocated space will be recycled as free space.

By design FAT supports a maximum of 64K allocation units. When the

disk partition is 32 megabytes or less, then an allocation unit is a 512
byte sector. However, as the disk gets larger, the units get larger. A 64
megabyte disk partition has 1K allocation units. A 128 meg partition has
2K units. A 256 meg partition has 4K allocation units. Each file occupies
one or more allocation unit. As the allocation units get large, any large
number of small files wastes a lot of disk space.

The classical FAT directory structure (before NT and Windows 95) limits
file names to eight characters with a three character extension (as in the
name "AUTOEXEC.BAT"). This 8.3 naming convention was borrowed
from earlier DEC minicomputers. The FAT structure also maintains for
each file a set of attributes (is it a System dataset, should it be Hidden in
the DIR display, should it be Archived next time the disk is backed up, is
it Read-only). There is also a data and time stamp when the file was last

OS/2 allows a FAT file to have additional Extended Attributes. Since

there is no room for these attributes in the FAT directory, OS/2 creates a
separate hidden file on the disk volume named "EA DATA. SF" and
stores the information there.

FAT has been around for a long time, so its problems have been carefully
studied. Every version of DOS comes with a DEFRAG program that will
reorganize the directory, files, and freespace to maximize performance.
Effective use of RAM as a disk cache can address some of the I/O


14.5.1 Introduction

These notes describe the basic Unix file system and the kernel
structures that support it. For further information the readers should
consult The Design of UNIX Operating System by M.J.Bach (Prentice-Hall
1986 ISBN 0-13-201757-1) and The Magic Garden Explained by B.
Goodheart and J. Cox (Prentice-Hall 1994 0-13-098138-9). The Bach
book is probably easier to read but the Goodheart and Cox book is more

14.5.2 The Virtual File System

Modern Unix systems use a Virtual File System (VFS), this allows the
system to use many different actual file systems in a seamless fashion.
At a low level, driver software is required for each actual file system. This
allows Network File Systems (NFS), High-Sierra File Systems (HSFS -
found on CDROMs), MSDOS File Systems (PCFS) amongst others to be
included in the UNIX view of an integrated hierarchy of files and
directories. Included among the various supported file systems are the
Unix File System (UFS) and the older System V File System (S5FS).
These constitute the traditional UNIX file system and will be described in
detail in these notes.

• i-nodes
• directory structures
• Kernel buffer structures


A UNIX file is described by an information block called an i-node. There

is an i-node on disc for every file on the disc and there is also a copy in
kernel memory for every open file. All the information about a file, other
than it's name, is stored in the i-node. This information includes

• File access and type information, collectively known as

the mode.
• File ownership information.
• Time stamps for last modification, last access and last
mode modification.

• Link count.
• File size in bytes.
• Addresses of physical blocks.

The layout of the components of a System V disc i-node is shown in the

following diagram. It occupies 16 32-bit words.

There are 13 physical block addresses in an i-node, each of these

addresses is 3 bytes long. The first ten block addresses refer directly to
data blocks, the next refers to a first level index block (which holds the
addresses of further data blocks), the next refers to a second level index

block (which holds the addresses of further index blocks) and the last
refers to a third level index block (which holds the addresses of further
second level index blocks). All physical addresses associated with a file
are implicitly assumed to reside on the same disc; there is no facility
whereby a file could span more than one disc. There is no requirement
that the physical addresses of a file should be contiguous (i.e. adjacent)
and with multiple files being handled on a disc it is unlikely that
contiguity would offer any advantages for performance. There is also,
more surprisingly, no requirement that all logical blocks should map to
physical blocks, it is quite permissible for files to have "holes" and this is
quite likely to happen with large sparsely populated direct access files.

Assuming 512 byte blocks and 3 bytes per address which is equivalent
to a disc capacity of about 8 GByte. An index block of 512 bytes is
capable of holding 170 3 byte addresses. The size of the largest file can
be calculated thus.

1. Directly addressed blocks 10 × 512 byte = 5120 bytes

2. Blocks addressed via first level index block 170 × 512
byte = 87040 bytes
3. There will be 170 index blocks addressed via the
second level index block. This will address 170 × 170 &
512 bytes = 14796800 bytes
4. Via the third level index block there will be 170 × 170 ×
170 × 512 bytes of addressable data. This comes to
2515456000 bytes.

The total addressable space comes to 2530344960 bytes (approximately

2.5 Gbytes). BSD and other more recent versions of Unix use a larger
disc i-node format that consists of 32 4 byte words. The block addresses
now occupy 4 bytes rather than 3 and various other fields are larger as
will be seen from the diagram below.

The extensions include space for 32-bit user and group ids and an i-
node generation number incremented when a free i-node is used for a
different file. The generation number is used by the network file system
for file handle calculation. It should also be noted that the time fields
have expanded to 64 bits so that the year 2031 problem (when the Unix

Standard time format wraps) can be avoided.

Once a file has been opened the in-memory (the phrase "in-core" is
traditionally used) version of the i-node contains significant extra
information. This extra information includes

• In-core i-node status indicating whether

o the i-node is locked
o a process is waiting for the i-node to
be unlocked
o the in-core i-node is dirty, i.e. differs
from the disc version
o file modifications have been made that
haven't been written to disc
• The device number of the disc the file belongs to.
• The i-node number sometimes known as the i-number.
On disc the i-nodes form an array and the i-number is
inferred from the i-node's position in this array.
• Pointers to other in-core i-nodes.
• A reference count indicating the number of instances of
the file being active or open.

Directory Structures

All the information about a file, apart from its name, is stored in the i-
node. The file name and the i-number which identifies the i-node is
stored in a directory entry. A directory is a regular file, however, in order
to avoid file system integrity problems, the kernel will not allow a
directory to be opened for writing using normal file system calls.

Older versions of Unix (System 5 and earlier) used a directory format

consisting of a sequence of 16 byte records, the first 2 bytes held the i-
number and the remaining 14 bytes held the file name. There was, thus,
a limit of 14 characters on the maximum size of a file name. When a file
was deleted the i-number of the associated directory record was set to
zero to mark the record as free, however the name was not set to null.

More recent versions of UNIX have adopted the more flexible structure
for directory entries shown in the diagram.

When a file is deleted the space occupied by the directory entry is
amalgamated with the free space at the end of the previous entry and
the information block size field is incremented. This technique has the
advantage of allowing usefully long file names without requiring large
directory records. The disadvantage is that the manipulation of
directories is more complex, directories can only be read via a special
system call (getdent()). Normal manipulation of directories from within
programs is handled via library routines.

The Kernel Buffer Structures

The nature of physical disc drives is such that it is often only
possible to transfer data in block size chunks. These are
typically 512,1024 or 2048 bytes. It is most unlikely that these
units and the arbitrary boundaries they impose on the data will
correspond to anything useful to the end-user application. To
avoid multiple successive accesses to the same physical disc
blocks the kernel maintains a set of block size in-core buffers
and attempts to satisfy user requests from these blocks only
initiating a physical disc read if necessary. Similarly when an
end-user application writes to disc the kernel will, instead,
modify the in-core buffer, only actually initiating a physical disc
read if the user process so requests or if and when the buffer is
required for some other purpose.
The performance advantages of in-core buffering or disc
caching are fairly obvious and most operating systems provide
this sort of facility. The number of such buffers is usually a
"tunable" parameter. The size of buffers is not likely to be

alterable and will impose constraints on the attachment of discs
of very different characteristics. A multi-tasking operating
system, such as Unix, imposes further constraints on the design
of the kernel buffering system.
Associated with every buffer is a buffer header which contains
the following information.

• Buffer Status.
o Locked/busy or Unlocked/free.
o Contains valid data.
o Buffer is dirty. I.e. the data has been
modified since it was read from disc.
o The buffer is in use by the kernel.
o A process is waiting for the buffer.
• Device number and block number associated with the
buffer data.
• Pointers to other buffer headers. There are actually two
sets, one associated with the hash queue that the
buffer happens to be on and one associated with the
free buffer list. A buffer can be and often will be, on
both a hash queue and the free list. This means that it
contains valid data but that no process is currently
accessing the data and there is no current I/O activity
relating to the buffer.
• Pointer to actual data area.
• Size of data area. This is file system dependent. Earlier
versions of Unix insisted on 512 byte buffers.

The kernel maintains a doubly linked list of free buffers known

as the free list. Note that it is also possible for a buffer header
not to be associated with a buffer, such headers are on the
pfreelist. It also maintains a number of linked lists of used
buffers known as hash queues. When a request is made for a
disc block, the kernel hashes the device number and block
number to decide which of the hash queues to explore looking
for the block in question. The default number of hash queues is
64. If the required block is not found then a block is removed
from the free list and a physical transfer is initiated. Of course it
is very important to ensure consistency during these
manipulations of the buffer structures and, to this end, the
kernel will disable all interrupts while it manipulates certain key
aspects of the buffer structures.
The operation of the kernel buffering system is described in
terms of five algorithms; the names correspond to functions in
the kernel source code.

1. getblk()

This associates a buffer number with

device/block number. It may involve
allocation of a new buffer via the
geteblk() [get empty block] function.
The buffer is locked and can be used
for input or output. It is important to
consider whether the buffer is "free" or
not. In this context "free" means that
there is currently no input/output
activity in process for the buffer. The
following possibilities may be

1. The block is found and is free. The

block is marked busy and removed
from the free list.
2. The block is found and is busy. Under
these circumstances there can be
complex interactions between
3. The block cannot be found so new
block is obtained from the free list.
This involves marking the block as
busy, transferring it to the new hash
queue and removing it from the free
4. The block cannot be found and a
"delayed write" block is found on the
free list. Asynchronous writing out of
the "delayed write" block is initiated
and an attempt is initiated to find
another free block.
5. The block cannot be found and the
free list is empty. The process that,
indirectly, initiated the search is slept
waiting the execution of the brelse()

The opreation of getblk can be

described algorithmically thus.
while(buffer not found)
if(block in hash queue)
if(buffer busy/locked)
sleep(buffer becomes free)

mark buffer busy/locked
remove buffer from free list
return buffer
if(no buffers on free list)
sleep(any buffer becomes free)
remove buffer from free list
if(delayed write buffer)
write buffer to disc (asynchronously)
remove buffer from old hash queue
put buffer on new hash queue
return buffer

It should be noted that the algorithm

returns (via continue) to re-examine
the hash queues etc., whenever it
wakes up after a sleep.

2. brelse()

This releases a used buffer back to the

free list. The algorithm is
wake up all processes waiting for this buffer
wake up all processes waiting for a free buffer
block interrupts
if(buffer contents valid AND buffer not "old")
put buffer at end of free list
put buffer at start of free list
unblock interrupts
mark buffer free

3. bread()

This reads a disc block via the

buffering system. The algorithm is.
if(buffer date valid) return buffer

initiate disc read
sleep (disc read complete)
return buffer

4. breada()

This reads two disc blocks via the

buffering system. The second block is
read asynchronously which means
that no process will be blocked
awaiting completion of this speculative
read ahead.

5. bwrite()

Writes data via the buffer system. This

may be synchronous or asynchronous.
The algorithm is
initiate disc write
if(I/O synchronous)
sleep(disc write complete)
else if(marked for delayed write)
mark buffer to put at head of free list

14.6 File Systems in Linux

14.6.1 Introduction

Since Linux appeared on the scene in the early 90's, ext2 has been the
default file system. Though Linux systems are extremely robust and less
prone to crashes, you never can tell when a power outage is going to
bring your system down suddenly. Though ext2 is a hardy file system,
there is a risk of data loss when these sudden crashes occur. For this
reason, two projects have come up with alternatives known as
'journaling' file systems. These are ext3 and ReiserFs.

14.6.2 ext2

ext2 is the "traditional" file system on Linux. By traditional, I mean that

it has the longest run as being the most popular file system. From 1992,
when it was developed by Remy Card, until 2002 or so, it was considered
the 'default' Linux file system.

ext2 stands for 'second extended file system'. It replaced the original
'extended file system', which was in itself, a replacement for the Minix
file system, which was Linux's first 'default' file system. Minix only
allowed 14 character file names and had a maximum of 64 megabytes
for file size. The first ext file system overcame these limitations (255
char. file names and 2 GB file size), but still suffered from other
problems related to file access. ext2 corrected these problems and raised
the file size bar to 4 gigabytes.

The main advantage to the ext2 file system is its speed. It's considered
fast and other file systems use its speed as a base for doing benchmarks.
It's also extremely robust. However, the main problem is when your
system crashes. ext2 need integrity checks that, depending on your hard
disk size, may take an extremely long time. You may also end up with
some corrupt files. An attempt to take advantage of the positive points of
ext2 and add some data loss protection and recovery speed led to the
development of journaling file system. Let's have a look at those.

14.6.3 The Linux Virtual File System

A File is a very important abstraction in the computing programming

field. Files serve for storing data permanently; they offer a few simple but
powerful primitives to the programmers. Files are normally organized in
a tree-like hierarchy where intermediate nodes are directories, which in
turns are capable of grouping files and sub-directories.

The file system is the way the operating system organizes, manages and
maintains the file hierarchy into mass-storage devices, normally hard
disks. Every modern operating system supports several different,
disparate, file systems. In order to maintain the operating system
modular, and to provide applications with a uniform programming
interface (API), a higher layer that implements the common functionality
of those underlying file systems is implemented in the kernel: the Virtual
File System.

File systems supported by the Linux VFS fall into three categories:

1. Disk based, including hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM,
including ext2fs, ReiserFS, XFS, ext3fs, UFS, iso9660, etc.
2. Network based, including NFS, Coda, and SMB.
3. Special file systems, including /proc, ramfs, and devfs.

The common file model can be viewed as object-oriented, with objects

being software constructs (data structures and associated
methods/functions) of the following types:

• Super block: stores information related to a mounted file system.

It is represented by a file system control block stored on disk (for
disk based file systems).
• i-node: stores information relating to a single file. It corresponds
to a file system control block stored on disk. Each i-node holds the
meta-information of the file: owner, group, creation time, access-
time and a set of pointer to the disk block that store the file date.
• File: stores information relating to the interaction of an open file
and a process. This object only exists while a process is interacting
with a file.
• Dentry: links a directory entry (pathname) with its corresponding
file. Recently used dentry objects are held in a dentry cache to
speed up the translation from a pathname to the inode of the
corresponding file.

All modern Unix systems allow file system data to be accessed using two
mechanisms (Figure two).

1. Memory mapping with mmap: The mmap() system call gives the
application direct memory-mapped access to the kernel's page
cache data. The purpose of mmap is to map a file data into a VMS
address space, so data in the file can be treated as a standard in-
memory array or structure. File data is read into the page cache
lazily as processes attempt to access the mappings created with
mmap() and generate page faults.
2. Direct block I/O system call such as read and write: The read()
system call reads data from block devices into the kernel cache
(avoided for CD and DVD reading by means of O_DIRECT ioctl
parameter), then it copies data from the kernel's cached copy onto
the application address space. The write() system call copies data
in the opposite direction, from the application address space into
the kernel cache and eventually, in a near future, writing the data
from the cache to disk. These interfaces are implemented using
either the buffer cache or the page cache to store the data in the


1) Operating Systems Concepts and Design

By Milan Milenkovic

TMH –second edition

2) An Introduction to Operating Systems

By Deital. H. M.


3) Operating System Concepts

By Silberschatz and Galvin

Addison-Wesley, fifth edition

4) Operating Systems

By: Achyut S Godbole

Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publication


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