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Ong Chia v. Republic Digest

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Case: ONG CHIA v.

Date: March 27, 2000
Ponente: J. Mendoza

Ong Chia was born on January 1, 1923 in Amoy, China. He arrived in Manila when he was 9 years old, since then, he has stayed in the
Philippines where he found his employment and eventually started his own business, married a Filipino with whom he had 4 children.

On July 1989, at the age of 66, he filed a verified petition to be admitted as a Filipino citizen under CA 473 a.k.a. the Revised Naturalization
Law, as amended. On Chia, after stating his qualification and the lack of disqualifications, stated that his petition for citizenship was not acted upon by
the Special Committee on Naturalization, OSG, since the same was not reconstituted after the February 1986 revolution.

During the hearings, Ong Chia along with 3 witnesses testified as to his qualification. Since the Prosecutor was impressed and decided not to
counteract the testimonies, the trial court granted the petition and admitted Ong Chia to Philippine citizenship.

However, the State, through the OSG, appealed (with annexed documents) contending that Ong Chia: (1) failed to state all the names by
which he is or had been known i.e. Loreto Chia Ong; (2) failed to state all his former places of residence in violation of CA 473 i.e. J.M. Basa Street,
loilo; (3) failed to conduct himself in a proper and irreproachable manner during his entire stay in the Philippines i.e. he cohabited with his wife 8 years
prior to their marriage (annexed is the marriage contract in 1977 and Joint Affidavit of Ong Chia and his wife); (4) has no known lucrative trade or
occupation and his previous incomes has been insufficient or misdeclared as per the annexed income tax returns; and (5) failed to support his petition
with the appropriate documentary evidence i.e. marriage contract for the alleged first marriage before a judge in 1953.

The CA reversed the trial court decision. Hence, the present petition by Ong Chia contending that CA erred in considering the documents
which had merely been annexed by the State to it's appellant's brief. Not having been presented and formally offered as evidence, they are mere scraps
of paper devoid of any evidentiary value contrary to Rule 132, sec. 34 of the Revised Rules on Evidence which provides that the court shall consider no
evidence which has not been formally offered.

Issue: WON the Revised Rules on Evidence applies in the case

HeId: No.

According to RuIe 143 of the RuIes of Court: "These ruIes shaII not appIy to Iand registration, cadastraI and eIection
cases, naturaIization and insoIvency proceedings, and other cases not herein provided for, except by anaIogy or in a suppIetory character
and whenever practicabIe and convenient." (Emphasis added)
Prescinding from the above, the ruIe on formaI offer of evidence (RuIe 132, 34) now being invoked by Ong Chia is cIearIy not
appIicabIe to the present case invoIving a petition for naturaIization. The onIy instance when said ruIes may be appIied by anaIogy or
suppIetoriIy in such cases is when it is "practicabIe and convenient." That is not the case here, since reliance upon the documents presented by
the State for the first time on appeal, in fact, appears to be the more practical and convenient course of action considering that decision in naturalization
proceedings are not covered by the rule on res judicata. Consequently, a final favorable judgment does not preclude the State from later on moving for a
revocation of the grant of naturalization on the basis of the same documents.
Ong Chia claims that as a result of the failure of the State to present and formally offer its documentary evidence before the trial court, he was
denied the right to object against their authenticity, effectively depriving him of his fundamental right to procedural due process. The Court is not
persuaded. ndeed, the reason for the rule prohibiting the admission of evidence which has not been formally offered is to afford the opposite party the
chance to object to their admissibility. Ong Chia cannot claim that he was deprived of the right to object to the authenticity of the documents submitted to
the appellate court by the State. He could have included his objections, as he, in fact, did, in the brief he filed with the Court of Appeals. ndeed, the
objection is flimsy as the alleged discrepancy is trivial, and, at most, can be accounted for as a typographical error on the part of petitioner himself. That
"SCN Case No. 031767," a copy of which was annexed to the petition, is the correct case number is confirmed by the Evaluation Sheet of the Special
Committee on Naturalization which was also docketed as "SCN Case No. 031767." Other than this, Ong Chia offered no evidence to disprove the
authenticity of the documents presented by the State.
Furthermore, the Court notes that these documents - nameIy, the petition in SCN Case No. 031767, Ong Chia's marriage contract,
the joint affidavit executed by him and his wife, and Ong Chia's income tax returns - are aII pubIic documents. As such, they have been
executed under oath. They are thus reIiabIe. Since Ong Chia faiIed to make satisfactory showing of any fIaw or irreguIarity that may cast
doubt on the authenticity of these documents, it is the Court's concIusion that the appeIIate court did not err in reIying upon them.
The Court additionally discussed the effect of Ong Chia's failure to include the address "J.M. Basa St., loilo" in his petition, in accordance with
7, C.A. No. 473. This address appears on his mmigrant Certificate of Residence, a document which forms part of the records as Annex A of his 1989
petition for naturalization. He admits that he failed to mention said address in his petition, but argues that since the mmigrant Certificate of Residence
containing it had been fully published, with the petition and the other annexes, such publication constitutes substantial compliance with 7. This is
allegedly because the publication effectively satisfied the objective sought to be achieved by such requirement, i.e., to give investigating agencies of the
government the opportunity to check on the background of the applicant and prevent suppression of information regarding any possible misbehavior on
his part in any community where he may have lived at one time or another.
It is settIed, however, that naturaIization Iaws shouId be rigidIy enforced and strictIy construed in favor of the government and
against the appIicant.

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