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People vs. Lambid

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People V.

Lambid Same; Same; Same; Under Article 266-A paragraph 1(a) of the Revised Penal
G.R. No. 169777| April 20,2006| Code, as amended by R.A. No. 8353, rape is committed by a man who shall have
carnal knowledge of a woman through fear, threat or intimidation.—Under Article
Topic:Compromises 266-A, paragraph 1(a) of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A. No. 8353, rape
is committed by a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman through fear,
threat or intimidation.
Same; Same; Same; In a rape committed by a father against his own daughter,
Syllabus as per original text:Criminal Law; Rape; Evidence; Under R.A. No. 8353, it is the former’s parental authority and moral ascendancy over the latter substitutes for
required that prosecution for the crime of rape as in any other public crimes, is violence or intimidation.—As we have held in People vs. Rodriguez: The defense
commenced in court by the filing of an information by the public prosecutor and no argument that the accused has not employed force upon his daughter in order to
longer by a mere complaint filed by the offended party, parents, godparents or have sex with him does not at all persuade. The force or violence necessary in rape is
guardian.—Under this law, rape has been reclassified from a private crime or crime a relative term that depends not only on the age, size, and strength of the persons
against chastity into a crime against persons. Consequently, the prosecution for the involved but also on their relationship to each other. In a rape committed by a father
crime of rape was removed from the ambit of Chapter Five, Title Eleven of the Revised
Penal Code and Section 5, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure which against his own daughter, the former’s parental authority and moral
required that in crimes against chastity, the complaint must be filed by the offended ascendancy over the latter substitutes for violence or intimidation who, expectedly,
party, or her parents, godparents or guardian, as the case may be under the law. would just cower in fear and resign to the father’s wicked deeds. It would be plain
Thus, effective October 22, 1997, R.A. No. 8353, it is required that prosecution for fallacy to say that the failure to shout or to offer tenacious resistance makes
the crime of rape, as in any other public crimes, is commenced in court by the filing voluntary the victim’s submission to the criminal act of the offender.
of an information by the public prosecutor and no longer by a mere complaint filed Same; Same; Same; Witnesses; It is a settled rule that the workings of the
by the offended party, parents, godparents or guardian. human mind under emotional stress are unpredictable and there is no standard form
of behavior when one is confronted by a shocking incident.—Appellant further
Same; Same; Same; It is a settled rule that discrepancies in details which are questions the credibility of Lyzel in enabling him to rape her in two successive days.
irrelevant to the elements of the crime such as the exact time of the commission of He contends that after Lyzel was raped for the first time on October 31, 1997, her
the crime are not grounds for acquittal; To be material, discrepancies in the testimony logical reaction should have been to immediately seek the help of other people; that
of the victim should refer to significant facts which are determinative of the guilt or despite her opportunity to do so, she did not. We are not persuaded. It is a settled
innocence of the accused.—We agree with the contention of the Office of the Solicitor rule that the workings of the human mind under emotional stress are unpredictable
General (OSG) that the failure of complainant to correctly pinpoint the day of the and there is no standard form of behavior when one is confronted by a shocking
week when she was raped and to recall the exact date of her mother’s arrival from incident. Verily, under emotional stress, the human mind is not expected to follow a
Leyte are inconsequential matters. It is a settled rule that discrepancies in details predictable path.
which are irrelevant to the elements of the crime, such as the exact time of the Same; Same; Same; Offer of Compromise; A plea for forgiveness may be
commission of the crime, are not grounds for acquittal. To be material, discrepancies considered as analogous to an attempt to compromise and an offer of compromise
in the testimony of the victim should refer to significant facts which are determinative by the accused may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt.—
of the guilt or innocence of the accused. Appellant raised no defense whatsoever. He virtually admitted his guilt. A review of
Same; Same; Same; Laceration of the hymen, whether fresh or healed is the the transcript of stenographic notes taken during his direct and cross examinations
best physical evidence of defloration.—Lyzel’s testimony is strongly corroborated by shows that he never disowned the acts imputed against him. Appellant merely
her sister Mary Ann and buttressed by physical evidence. The physician’s findings on claimed that he was drunk and he asked for forgiveness from Lyzel, if he had really
her physical examination conducted on November 3, 1997 indicated the presence of raped her and for compassion from the trial court. In People vs. Alvero, we held that
fresh lacerations on her hymen. Laceration of the hymen, whether fresh or healed, is a plea for forgiveness may be considered as analogous to an attempt to compromise
the best physical evidence of defloration. and an offer of compromise by the accused may be received in evidence as an implied
admission of guilt. Thus, by asking for forgiveness, appellant has admitted his guilt.
Same; Same; Death Penalty; The death penalty may be imposed only if the sisters. Around 5:00 in the morning, she woke up and noticed her father
complaint or information has alleged and the evidence has proven both the minority lying beside her.
of the victim and her relationship to the offender by the quantum of proof required  The father succeeded in removing the panties of the child despite the
for conviction.—However, the complaints/ informations in those two cases failed to resistance of the victim. But the accused succeeded in his carnal desires.
allege Lyzel’s minority or appellant’s relationship to her. Section 9, Rule 110 of the  The crime again happened the day after the 1st instance of rape.
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, requires that both qualifying and aggravating  The two instances of crime were witnessed by Mary Ann the sister of the
circumstances must be stated in the complaint or information. Existing jurisprudence victim. This was done when she was suspicious of the activities of her father
instructs that the death penalty may be imposed only if the complaint or information at 5am in the morning and by lying on the near the foot of the victims she
has alleged and the evidence has proven both the minority of the victim and her was able to see their father threaten the victim and move up and down while
relationship to the offender by the quantum of proof required for conviction. In the breathing heavily at the same time him wearing only his underwear. She also
present case, not only were the minority of the complainant and her relationship with heard that the same should not be relayed to the mother or else the victim
appellant not alleged in the two complaints/informations filed against appellant, but, shall be killed.
also, the aggravating/qualifying circumstance that the second rape was committed in  Mary Ann relayed the information to their neighbours which lead to the
full view of appellant’s daughter. Consequently, appellant may be convicted only of arrest of the father.
simple rape; hence, the trial court erred in imposing death penalty in both cases. The  The appellant was the lone witness for the defence
appropriate penalty which could be imposed on the appellant is reclusion perpetua in  The Dr. Who examined the vicitim stated that there were lacerations but
each count. there was negative results for spermatozoa.
Same; Same; Civil Indemnity; Civil indemnity is distinct from moral damages as  The father said upon cross examination that he did not know that he raped
it is based on different jural foundations and assessed by the court in the exercise of the daughter as he was drunk but he asked for a lesser penalty as the
its sound discretion; The award of civil indemnity is mandatory upon the finding of children was still under his care.
fact of rape.—Civil indemnity is distinct from moral damages as it is based on  Court sentenced him two death sentences.
different jural foundations and assessed by the court in the exercise of its sound  Hence, the present automatic review pursuant to Article 47 of the Revised
discretion. The award of civil indemnity is mandatory upon the finding of fact of rape. Penal Code, as amended.
Based on existing jurisprudence, the civil indemnity for the victim in simple rape shall
Same; Same; Exemplary Damages; The presence of an aggravating GUILTY OF THE CRIME CHARGED BASED ON REASONABLE DOUBT.
circumstance justifies an award for exemplary damages under Article 2230 of the Civil WON THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN IMPOSING THE SUPREME PENALTY OF
Code even in the absence of an allegation of the aggravating circumstance in the DEATH NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF THE PROSECUTION TO ALLEGE THE AGE
Information.—It is settled that the presence of an aggravating circumstance justifies AND RELATIONSHIP OF THE VICTIM AND THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT.
an award for exemplary damages under Article 2230 of the Civil Code even in the
absence of an allegation of the aggravating circumstance in the Information. The Held: At the outset, it is noted that since the crimes were committed on October 31,
award of exemplary damages should serve to deter other fathers with perverse 1997 and November 1, 1997, the applicable law is R.A. 8353, otherwise known as
tendencies and aberrant sexual behavior from preying upon and sexually abusing “The Anti-Rape Law of 1997”10 which took effect on October 22, 1997.
their daughters. Thus, exemplary damages in the amount of P25,000.00 for each
count of rape should be awarded to the victim in view of the presence of the Under this law, rape has been reclassified from a private crime or crime against
aggravating circumstances of relationship and dwelling. chastity into a crime against persons. Consequently, the prosecution for the crime of
rape was removed from the ambit of Chapter Five, Title Eleven of the Revised Penal
Facts: Code and Section 5, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure which required
 On October 31, 1997, 14-year old Lyzel was sleeping in their house located that in crimes against chastity, the complaint must be filed by the offended party, or
at Inayawan, Cebu City together with her father, herein appellant, and two her parents, godparents or guardian, as the case may be under the law.
Effective October 22, 1997, R.A. No. 8353, it is required that prosecution for the crime
of rape, as in any other public crimes, is commenced in court by the filing of an
information by the public prosecutor and no longer by a mere complaint filed by the
offended party, parents, godparents or guardian.

In the present cases, the indictments charging appellant with the crimes of rape were
each captioned as a “Complaint” signed by Lyzel herself; but, there is a Certification
on the second page of each of the complaints by the investigating prosecutor treating
the complaint as an information.

The apparent defect in the form of indictment, that is by way of a complaint by the
offended party, is merely one of form which does not invalidate the proceedings had
in the trial court.


Appellant raised no defense whatsoever. He virtually admitted his guilt. A review

of the transcript of stenographic notes taken during his direct and cross
examinations shows that he never disowned the acts imputed against
him.28 Appellant merely claimed that he was drunk and he asked for forgiveness
from Lyzel, if he had really raped her and for compassion from the trial court.
In People vs. Alvero, we held that a plea for forgiveness may be considered as
analogous to an attempt to compromise and an offer of ompromise by the accused
may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt.29 Thus, by asking for
forgiveness, appellant has admitted his guilt.

Cummulative and Corroborative Testimony of the victim and the sister Mary Ann
cemented the guilt of the father

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