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Toshiba Contactor - HCV-5HA

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Document: VF00W104 Rev.


HCV-5HA Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 4.5kA (7.0kA@5.0kV)

HCV-5HAL Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 4.5kA (7.0kA@5.0kV)
HCV-7HA Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 7.2kA
HCV-7HAL Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 7.2kA

Issued: 9/22

Manufactured in the USA

For the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of

HCV-5HA Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 4.5kA (7.0kA@5.0kV)

HCV-5HAL Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 4.5kA (7.0kA@5.0kV)
HCV-7HA Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 7.2kA
HCV-7HAL Vacuum Contactor, 7.2kV – 400A – 7.2kA

WARNING Never attempt to install, operate, maintain or dispose of this equipment until you have
first read and understood all of the relevant product warnings and user directions that
are contained in this Instruction Manual.

To contact Toshiba, address all correspondence to:

Field Service Department

Toshiba International Corporation
13131 West Little York Road
Houston, Texas 77041 USA

or call:

Tel (713) 466-0277

US (800) 231-1412
Canada 800/872-2192
Mexico 01/800/527-1204

Please complete the following information for your records and retain with this manual:

Model: ___________________________________

Serial Number: _____________________________

Date of Installation: _________________________

Inspected by: ______________________________

Reference Number: _________________________




Read this manual and follow its instructions. Signal words such as DANGER,
WARNING and CAUTION will be followed by important safety information that
must be carefully reviewed.

DANGER Indicates a situation which will result in death, serious injury, and severe property
damage if you do not follow instructions.

Means that you might be seriously injured or killed if you do not follow
WARNING instructions. Severe property damage might also occur.

Means that you might be injured if you do not follow instructions. Equipment damage
CAUTION might also occur.

NOTE Gives you helpful information

Note: The contents of this manual will not become a part of or modify the warranty policy. The terms of
which are set forth at the end of this manual.


To avoid injury, you must read and follow all safety signs.

Keep the safety signs visible and in good shape. Never remove or cover any safety signs.


Only qualified persons are to install, operate, or service this equipment according to all applicable
codes and established safety practices.

A qualified person must:

1) Carefully read the entire instruction manual.

2) Be skilled in the installation, construction or operation of the equipment and aware of
the hazards involved.
3) Be trained and authorized to safely energize, de-energize, clear, ground, lockout and
tag circuits in accordance with established safety practices.
4) Be trained and authorized to perform the service, maintenance or repair of this
5) Be trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as rubber gloves,
hard hat, safety glasses, face shield, flash clothing, etc. in accordance with
established practices.
6) Be trained in rendering first aid.


Toshiba HCV-5HA, HCV-5HAL, HCV-7HA and HCV-7HAL vacuum contactors are designed and
built in accordance with NEMA ICS 3, UL347, and CSA 22.2 No. 253 -16. Installations must
comply with all applicable state and local codes, adhere to all applicable National Electric Code
(NFPA 70) standards and instructions provided in this manual.

DANGER HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE will cause severe injury, death, fire, explosion and property

• Turn off and lock out Primary and Control Circuit Power before servicing.

• Keep all panels and covers securely in place.

• Never Defeat, Modify, or Bypass any Safety Interlocks

• Qualified Operators only


SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 6

GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 7

Components .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Indicators Provided .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1 – Contactor Structure ........................................................................................................................ 7

RECEIVING, INSPECTION AND HANDLING ........................................................................................... 8

Receiving and Unpacking ................................................................................................................................ 8

Acceptance Inspection .................................................................................................................................... 8
Handling and Moving ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 – Wear Gauge ................................................................................................................................... 8

INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................................... 9

Ambient Conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Mounting the Contactor ................................................................................................................................... 9
Main Circuit Cable Connections ...................................................................................................................... 9
Ground Connections ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Control Circuit Connections ............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3 – Control Voltage Selection for Closing Coils ................................................................................... 10

PRE-ENERGIZATION CHECK .................................................................................................................. 11

General ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Electrical Checks ............................................................................................................................................. 11

OPERATION............................................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 4 – Drive Unit Block Diagram ............................................................................................................... 12

Figure 5 – Internal Connection of the Magnetically Held Type ....................................................................... 13
Figure 6 – Internal Connection of the Mechanically Latched Type ................................................................. 13
Figure 7 – Typical Control Circuit for Magnetically Held Type ........................................................................ 14
Figure 8 – Typical Control Circuit for Mechanically Latched Type 125VDC-250VDC Trip ............................. 15
Figure 9 – Typical Control Circuit for Mechanically Latched Type 24VDC-48VDC Trip ................................. 16

MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Maintenance Program ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Maintenance Record ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Servicing Equipment ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Recommended Inspection and Maintenance Types ....................................................................................... 18
Table 1 – Tightening Torque ........................................................................................................................... 18
Table 2 – Check Points for Periodic Inspection............................................................................................... 19
Table 3 – Gap/Wipe Standard Values (contactor in new condition)................................................................ 20
Vacuum Check ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 10 – Toshiba Portable Vacuum Checker ............................................................................................. 21
Figure 11 – Application of Test Voltage for Vacuum Check ............................................................................ 22
Electrical Service Life ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Mechanical Service Life ................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 12 – Wipe Measurement ...................................................................................................................... 23
Service Life – Capacitor Switching .................................................................................................................. 23

Table 4 – Recommended Part Replacement Intervals.................................................................................... 23

Figure 13 – Capacitor Switching Life ............................................................................................................... 23

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL ...................................................................................................................... 24

Storage ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Inspection During Storage ............................................................................................................................... 24
Disposal ........................................................................................................................................................... 24

SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Table 5 – Ratings ............................................................................................................................................ 25


It is the intent of this manual to provide a guide for safely installing, operating and maintaining Toshiba vacuum
contactors. This manual consists of a section of general safety instructions and is marked throughout with warning
symbols. Read this manual thoroughly before installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment.

This manual and all accompanying drawings should be considered a permanent part of the equipment. They
should be readily available for review and reference at all times. This manual is not intended to cover all details,
combinations, or variations of the equipment. Always refer to drawings accompanying the equipment for
additional details.

All safety warnings must be followed to ensure personal safety. General safety instructions are found on
pages 1 through 3. Read and save these instructions for future reference.

Follow all precautions to attain proper equipment performance and longevity.

Dimensions shown in the manual are in metric and/or their English equivalent.

This manual is divided into major sections of interest, as follows:

GENERAL DESCRIPTION – Provides a description of the equipment, information on major components and how
they function, plus rating information.

RECEIVING, INSPECTION AND HANDLING – Describes procedures for receiving, unpacking, inspecting,
handling, lifting and moving the contactors.

INSTALLATION – Provides information on installing the contactor.

PRE-ENERGIZATION CHECK – Provides a checklist for preparing the equipment for energization.

OPERATION – Provides information on operation of the contactor, circuit diagrams, operating sequence

MAINTENANCE – Lists the basic maintenance procedures for this equipment necessary for safe and reliable

DISPOSAL – Lists procedures for the safe disposal of the equipment when the service life has expired.

STORAGE – Provides guidelines for storing new equipment for an extended period of time.

SPECIFICATIONS – Covers ratings and other specifications of the contactor.



The Toshiba vacuum contactors described in this On-Off Indicator – Located on the front, right side of
manual are suitable for use on systems up to 7.2kV – the contactor. Indicates if the contactor is OFF
400A. (Green) or ON (Red). When the indicator reads OFF,
Arc interruption is accomplished inside sealed the main contacts of the contactor are open. When
vacuum interrupters mounted on track-resistant the indication is ON, the main contacts are closed.
insulators. Vacuum interrupters use low-surge contact
materials, which exhibit low current chopping levels
reducing switching over-voltage.

Front view Back view





5 6 7 8

Front view – Latched type

1) Insulating frame
2) Vacuum bottle (HCV-7 shown)
3) Insulating flange
4) Auxiliary switch
5) Drive unit
6) Armature
7) Stopper
8) On-Off indicator
9) Stationary contact main terminal
10) Moving contact main terminal
11) Rotating shaft
12) Closing coils
1. 13) Latch mechanism
14) Latch trip lever

13 14

Figure 1 – Contactor Structure



The contactor units are subjected to factory Care and caution should be used when handling the
production testing prior to being packed and shipped. contactor to avoid damage to the equipment and
personal injury. Always keep the equipment in a
ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION generally upright position.

Confirm that the contactor is complete, correct as

specified and undamaged from shipment and

Upon receipt of the equipment, do the following:

1. Make an immediate inspection for damage that

might have occurred during shipment. If damage
is discovered, it should be noted with the carrier
prior to accepting the shipment, if possible.
2. Carefully unpack the equipment sufficiently to
check for missing parts or concealed damage.
3. Check for the presence of accessories that are
shipped with the contactor:

- Contactor wear gauge (Figure 2).

4. Keep the contactor upright.

Never lay the contactor on its Figure 2 - Wear Gauge

CAUTION side or upside down. This
may cause damage.

File a claim with the carrier for any damaged or

missing items and immediately notify the nearest
Toshiba representative.

Do not install or energize

equipment that has been
WARNING damaged. Damaged
equipment can fail during
operation, resulting in fire and


Do not install this equipment The contactor is designed to mount to a flat,

in areas where unusual horizontal surface. If there are any noticeable gaps
WARNING service conditions exist. Using between the contactor and the mounting surface, fill
this equipment in other than them in using flat washers as spacers.
usual service conditions can
result in equipment failure. Fasten the contactor using four (4) M8 hex head
bolts. The tightening torque should be 120-150 kgf-
These Toshiba contactors are intended for use in cm (9-11 ft-lb). See Table 1 for tightening torque
usual service conditions as defined in NEMA ICS 1. specifications.
The temperature of the cooling air (ambient air
temperature) surrounding the contactor should be
between the limits of -5°C (23°F) and +40°C (104°F). MAIN CIRCUIT CABLE CONNECTIONS
The altitude of the equipment installation should not
exceed 3300-ft (1000 m).
Route cables that connect to the contactor to avoid
interference with sharp edges and moving parts.
In particular, avoid the following installation Observe minimum bending radius for the type of
cable used.
• Excessive dust Power cables should be braced and/or laced to
• Corrosive gases withstand short-circuit forces wherever such cables
• Extreme variations in temperature are unsupported. Power cables should be
• Very high or low humidity adequately sized to carry the maximum continuous
• Vibrations current in accordance with NEC requirements and
• Inclined locations should have an adequate voltage rating. Cables
should be dressed and terminated as appropriate to
If there is a chance that condensation can occur at the voltage class and cable manufacturer’s
the installation location, a space heater should be recommendations.
installed inside the contactor enclosure.
Fasten the cables to the main circuit terminals. Use
NOTE: Temperature, altitude or other conditions 35 mm Class 8.8 M10 or M12 hex head bolts, 2 flat
outside of the usual limits may require washers, a lock washer and a nut. While securely
derating or other special equipment. preventing the nut from rotating with a wrench,
Contact your nearest Toshiba torque the bolt to 250-315 kgf-cm (18-23 ft-lb) for
representative for additional information. M10 bolts or 450-565 kgf-cm (32-41 ft-lb) for M12

Use two wrenches to torque

the connection to prevent
CAUTION applying excessive force to
the terminal, which can
damage the frame.


The contactor must be grounded in accordance with

the requirements of the National Electrical Code,
Article 250 or applicable local standards.

Proper grounding
connections must be made to
WARNING the contactor before incoming
power is applied.

The ground connection should be made to one of

the mounting bolt locations.

The ground wire should be no smaller than #10



Hazardous voltage. Turn off

and lock out all primary and Figure 3 – Control Voltage Selection for
control circuit power sources Closing Coils
prior to performing this pre-
WARNING energization check. Applying Trip coils for latched type contactors are available
the specified power to the with 24Vdc, 32Vdc, 48Vdc, 125Vdc, and 250Vdc
drive unit will immediately ratings.
activate the coils and close
the contactor. Latched contactor installations must these guidelines:
Route control cables that connect to the contactor to 1. The electrical trip-free circuit must be remotely
avoid interference with sharp edges and moving located with respect to the contactor.
parts. They should also be routed and secured so that
they are a sufficient distance from medium voltage 2. A stable DC power source such as a battery is
circuits and components. Observe minimum bending recommended for the trip circuit. If DC power is
radius for the type of cable used. not available, a capacitor trip device should be
Control cables should be adequately sized to carry
the maximum continuous current in accordance with 3. The Auxiliary switch contact corresponding to
NEC requirements and should have an adequate terminals 11 and 21 should be used for the trip
voltage rating. Cables should be dressed and circuit and terminals 16 and 26 for the control
terminated as appropriate to the voltage class and relay circuit (Figure 8).
cable manufacturer’s recommendations.
4. The latch mechanism has trip lever for tripping
Either AC or DC control supply voltage may be the contactor without trip or control power.
connected to the drive unit for operation of the Equipment using latched contactors must be
closing coils. The optional latched trip circuit uses provided with an externally operated manual
DC as standard power. release mechanism to operate this lever.
The standard control voltage for the closing coils is
120Vac. Other voltages may be used, provided the
switch on the drive unit is properly set. See Figure 3
for switch settings:


BEFORE ENERGIZING THE CONTACTOR for the Electrical shock hazard. Do

first time, follow the procedure below to verify that the WARNING not touch energized
equipment is properly installed and functional. components during a test
using auxiliary power.
Hazardous Voltage. Turn off
and lock out all primary and An electrical insulation resistance test should be
DANGER control circuit power sources performed to verify that the contactor and associated
prior to performing this pre- field wiring are free from short circuits and grounds.
energization check. Refer to the MAINTENANCE Section of this manual
for additional information.
Do not operate this equipment
WARNING until a complete safety Hazardous voltages are
inspection has been made. present during dielectric
testing which can result in
Do not energize damaged WARNING serious injury or death. High
WARNING equipment that has not been potential tests should be
repaired or verified. performed only by qualified
Do not remove, cover or
WARNING destroy any safety signs.
The operation of all control circuits should be tested
Do not operate this equipment with control power only before energizing the main
WARNING if any panels or covers have power.
been removed.

• All blocks or other temporary braces used for

shipment must be removed.

• Install all panels, guards, and covers if removed.

• Check for any loose connections and confirm that

all wiring is correct per wiring diagrams.

• A supply of spare parts should be established.

• Instruction manuals and diagrams should be

collected and filed.


The HCV-5HA and HCV-7HA are Magnetically Held type contactors. Contactor closing is controlled by the drive
unit. The drive unit is a control board that applies a relatively high voltage to the closing coils for a short period of
time to close the contactor and then reduces the voltage to the coils for holding the contactor closed.

The HCV-5HAL and HCV-7HAL are HCV-5HA and HCV-7HA contactors with a mechanical latch assembly
installed. This is a Mechanically Latched type of contactor. The added latch assembly contains a DC rated trip
coil and an auxiliary switch with one delayed b contact and an a contact with magnetic a blowout. For
24VDC~48VDC trip, an RC surge suppressor is supplied separately for external installation across the a contact
with the magnetic blowout. See figures 6 and 8.


CC ---- Closing Coil

1 & 2 ---- Control Power Input
3 & 4 ---- Control Switch Input
5 & 6 ---- Closing Coil Terminals
X ---- No Connection

Figure 4 - Drive Unit Block Diagram



CC ---- Closing Coil

1 & 2 ---- Control Power Input
3 & 4 ---- Control Switch Input
5 & 6 ---- Closing Coil Terminals
7 & 8 ---- No Connection

Figure 5 - Internal Connection of the Magnetically Held Type


CC ---- Closing Coil

1 & 2 ---- Control Power Input
3 & 4 ---- Control Switch Input
5 & 6 ---- Closing Coil Terminals
7 & 11 ---- Trip Coil External
Connection (DC)
8 ---- No Connection
16 & 26 ---- Delayed b Contact

Figure 6 – Internal Connection of the Mechanically Latched Type



PR ---- Protection Relay

PB1 ---- Stop Pushbutton
ES ---- Emergency Stop
PB2 ---- Start Pushbutton
MR ---- Master Relay
GL ---- Green Indicator Light
RL ---- Red Indicator Light
M ---- Vacuum Contactor
M/a ---- Aux a Contact
M/b ---- Aux b Contact
DU ---- Drive Unit
CC ---- Close Coils

Figure 7 – Typical Control Circuit for Magnetically Held Type



PR ---- Protection Relay

ES ---- Emergency Stop
PB1 ---- Stop Pushbutton
TRP ---- Trip Relay
PB2 ---- Start Pushbutton
MR ---- Master Relay
GL ---- Green Indicator Light
RL ---- Red Indicator Light
M ---- Vacuum Contactor
M/a ---- Aux a Contact
M/b ---- Aux b Contact
DU ---- Drive Unit
CC ---- Close Coils
TC ---- Trip Coil
D ---- Diode

Figure 8 – Typical Control Circuit for Mechanically Latched Type 125~250VDC TRIP


PR ---- Protection Relay

ES ---- Emergency Stop
PB1 ---- Stop Pushbutton
TRP ---- Trip Relay
PB2 ---- Start Pushbutton
MR ---- Master Relay
GL ---- Green Indicator Light
RL ---- Red Indicator Light
M ---- Vacuum Contactor
M/a ---- Aux a Contact
M/b ---- Aux b Contact
DU ---- Drive Unit
CC ---- Close Coils
TC ---- Trip Coil
D ---- Diode
SS ---- Surge Suppressor
C ---- Capacitor
TC ---- Resistor

Figure 9 – Typical Control Circuit for Mechanically Latched Type 24~48VDC TRIP


In order to ensure continued reliable and safe Keep a permanent record of all maintenance work.
operation of the equipment, a program of periodic At a minimum, this record should include information
maintenance must be established. Operating and on:
environmental conditions will usually dictate the
frequency of inspection required. NFPA Publication 1. Items inspected
70B “Electrical Equipment Maintenance" may be used 2. Reports of any testing
as a guide for setting up the maintenance program. 3. Equipment condition
4. Corrective actions or adjustments
Contact with energized 5. Date of work
components can cause severe 6. Comments
injury, death and property
DANGER damage. Turn off and lock out The degree of detail of the record will depend
primary and control circuit somewhat on the operating conditions.
power before servicing.
Improper maintenance can
cause severe injury, death and For your safety, turn off and lock out main and control
WARNING property damage. Only circuit power before servicing the contactor. Certain
qualified and authorized minimum safety procedures must be followed:
persons are to install, operate
or service this equipment. 1. Only qualified personnel should attempt this
Grease is conductive. Do not
allow grease or any other 2. Never perform service on or next to exposed
WARNING substances to contaminate components energized with line voltage.
insulating materials.
Contaminated insulators can Failure to adhere to these
allow a short circuit or ground WARNING safety procedures can result
fault to occur. in severe injury, death and
property damage.
NOTE: Refer to the SAFETY section of this
manual for important information.

RECOMMENDED INSPECTION AND Table 1 - Tightening Torque


NOTE: Refer to the SAFETY section of this Screw Nominal Tightening Torque
manual for important information. Diameter

1. Acceptance Inspection M4 15-20 kgf-cm (13-17 in-lb)

This inspection confirms that the contactor is M5 30-40 kgf-cm (26-34 in-lb)
complete, correct as specified and undamaged
from shipment. The procedure for this inspection M6 50-65 kgf-cm (43-56 in-lb)
is outlined in the RECEIVING, INSPECTION
AND HANDLING section of this manual. M8 120-150 kgf-cm (9-11 ft-lb)
2. Patrol Inspection
M10 250-315 kgf-cm (18-23 ft-lb)
Inspection is made of the condition of the
contactor while it is energized. Check that no M12 450-565 kgf-cm (32-41 ft-lb)
unusual sounds or smells exist externally. Check
for any abnormal discoloration due to
overheating. Inspect for signs of damage to the
insulation frame, OPEN/CLOSE indicator and
other components.

Inspection Frequency: Once every 6 months

3. Periodic Inspection

Inspection is performed with the contactor de-

energized. The lubrication of sliding and rotating
parts is checked and the mechanism is lubricated
if needed.

Inspection Frequency: Once every 1-2 years or

every 20,000 operations (normal).

NOTE: Refer to Table 2 for the schedule of

Periodic Inspections.

4. Unscheduled Inspection

Inspections are implemented as required.

Inspection Frequency: As needed

NOTE: The inspection frequency and points to

be inspected may vary from the above
recommendations depending on the
status of use, frequency of switching and
other factors.

Table 2 - Check Points for Periodic Inspection

Check Point Check Item Check Method Criteria Disposition

Operating Loose bolts, Tighten using Make sure all bolts, nuts and Tighten if loose. See
Mechanism nuts or screws screwdriver or screws are tight. Table 1 for tightening
wrench. torque specifications.
Dust or foreign Visual inspection. The contactor should be Wipe with a clean dry
matter inside clean and contain no foreign cloth.
Electro- Visual inspection. Check for rust, discoloration, Wipe with a clean dry
magnets wear, or loose mountings. cloth.
Closing coil Visual inspection. Check for discoloration, and Wipe with a clean dry
burned parts. cloth.
Spring Visual inspection. Check for rust, deformation, Wipe with clean dry cloth.
discoloration, or damage. Lubricate wipe surface if
needed or every 20,000
operations. (Toshiba B9
Smooth Visual inspection Make sure moving parts Apply a small amount of
operation or touch. Check operate smoothly. lubrication. (Toshiba B9
lubrication. grease)
Main Circuit Terminals and Visual inspection. Make sure there is no Check the cause and
movable Tighten using discoloration or loose repair. Tighten
conductors. screwdriver or fasteners. connections to the
wrench. contactor. See Table 1
for tightening torque
Loose bolts, Tighten using a Make sure all bolts, nuts and See Table 1 for tightening
nuts or screws wrench. screws are tight. torque specifications.
Vacuum See Electrical Check contact wear and If wipe is too small
contact wear. Service Life wipe. contact Toshiba.
(Page 23).
Vacuum level. Apply 10kV AC Check vacuum level by If breakdown occurs,
for 1 minute. withstand voltage test. contact Toshiba.
Dust on Visual inspection. Make sure there is no dust Wipe with a clean, dry
surface of on the surface. cloth.
Insulating Dust, foreign Visual inspection. Make sure there is no dust, Wipe with a clean, dry
Frame and matter or foreign matter or breakage. cloth. If damaged,
Flanges damage contact Toshiba.
Control Auxiliary See Table 3. Contact wear and wipe. Replace if wear or
Circuits Switch Make sure there is no dust. damage is excessive.
See Table 1 for tightening
torque specifications
Drive unit Visual inspection. Check for overheating and Replace if damaged.
Wiring Visual inspection. Check for discoloration and Repair if disconnected.
Tighten using a tightness. Tighten if loose. See
screwdriver. Table 1 for tightening
torque specifications.

Table 2 – Check Points for Periodic Inspection (cont.)

Check Point Check Item Check Method Criteria What to do

Insulation Resistance from Measure insulation Resistance should be If the insulation
Resistance main circuit to resistance between 50MΩ or greater. resistance is low, wipe
Measurement ground phases, between off the vacuum
electrodes, and interrupter and other
between circuits and insulation surfaces
ground. Megger test with a clean dry cloth
at 1000V. and then repeat the
Resistance from Measure insulation Resistance should be test. If necessary,
control circuits to resistance between 1MΩ or greater. replace faulty parts.
ground circuits and ground.
Megger test at 500V.
Dielectric Measure main Measure dielectric 14kV AC or 19.8kV DC If breakdown occurs,
Strength circuit strength between for 1 minute contact Toshiba.
phases and between
circuits and ground.
Open/Close ---- Perform open/close ---- If not normal, check
Operation operation by electric and repair. If
operation test to necessary, replace
confirm the correct faulty parts.

Table 3 - Gap/Wipe Standard Values (contactor in new condition)

Location Type Gap (mm) Wipe (mm) Allowable Wear Remaining Overtravel
Vacuum Magnetically Held 4.0-4.2 ≥2.3 1.7 mm
Interrupter Mechanically Latched 4.0-4.2 ≥2.0 1.5 mm
a-contact 4±0.4 3±0.3
b-contact 4±0.4 3±0.3 ---- 2.2±0.3 mm
Delayed b-contact 2.5±0.3 4.5±0.5


A sufficient level of vacuum is necessary for proper Hazardous voltages are

performance of the vacuum interrupters. Although present during dielectric
vacuum leaks are rare, the vacuum integrity should WARNING testing which can result in
be checked periodically. The relationship between severe injury or death. Only
dielectric breakdown voltage of the contact gap and qualified personnel should
internal vacuum interrupter pressure has been found conduct this testing.
to be generally predictable. Therefore, vacuum
interrupter integrity is checked by performing a high TEST PROCEDURE:
potential test across the open gap of the interrupter.
1. The contactor should be disconnected from the
TEST EQUIPMENT: main circuit and be in the OFF position.

Toshiba offers a compact vacuum checker (Type 2. Connect all the line side primary terminals
CI35-1D, Figure 10) which enables a quick and easy together and to the output of the vacuum checker
check on vacuum interrupter internal pressure. or AC hi-pot machine. Connect all the load side
Alternatively, any commercially available AC high primary terminals together and to the ground
potential tester may be used which is capable of terminal of the vacuum checker or AC hi-pot
delivering at least 25 milliamperes at 10 kV for a machine.
period of one minute.
3. Increase the voltage from zero to 10kV AC at a
PRECAUTIONS: rate of approximately 1kV per second. Hold the
voltage at this value for 1 minute and observe the
Applying abnormally high voltage across a pair of current drawn by the interrupter (Figure 11).
contacts in vacuum may produce X-rays. The
radiation may increase with the increase in voltage 4. Decrease the voltage back to zero.
and/or decrease in contact spacing. X-radiation
produced during this test with recommended voltage
and normal contact spacing is extremely low and well
below the maximum permitted by standards. As an
additional safety measure, however, it is
recommended that all personnel keep at least 1 meter
(3.3 ft) away from the vacuum contactor while this
test is performed.

Radiation exposure hazard.

X-rays may cause illness or
WARNING injury. Stay at least 1 meter
(3.3 ft) away from the
contactor during the vacuum
check test.

Figure 10 - Toshiba Portable Vacuum



1. If a current flow above 5 milliamperes is observed

or if breakdown occurs, one or more of the
interrupters has insufficient vacuum and must be 1 minute
replaced. 10kV AC
(14kV DC)
Exception: If the current exceeds 5 milliamperes
the first time the voltage is brought up, reduce the
voltage to zero and increase it again. It may be
necessary to repeat this procedure a few times. Voltage

2. If the contactor fails to meet criteria 1, then repeat

the test on each pole separately to identify the
damaged interrupter or interrupters. Zero

10 sec 10 sec
3. If the voltage can be held for 1 minute and the
current flow does not exceed 5 milliamperes, the
interrupter has a sufficient vacuum level.

After the test is complete, discharge any residual

static charge from the primary terminals of the
contactor. Figure 11 - Application of Test Voltage for
Vacuum Check
If a vacuum checker or AC hi-pot tester is not
available, a DC hi potential test may be conducted. If
a DC test is conducted, the test voltage must be
increased to 14kV DC. The test duration for DC tests
and the criteria for acceptance remain the same as
for AC tests.

Do not use DC hi-pot testers

which employ unfiltered half-
wave rectifiers. The peak
voltages produced by these
WARNING testers may exceed the
recommended value of 14kV.
This can result in the
production of harmful X-rays
and may invalidate the test


The electrical service life of the vacuum Switching of capacitor loads produces severe
interrupter is defined by the electrode wear and conditions for contactors, such as high
the number of open/close operations frequency inrush current and phase-to-phase
(mechanical life). recovery voltage more than twice the normal
To determine the electrode wear, measure
dimension A between the lever and washer in The criterion for the maximum number of
the closed (ON) state, as shown in Figure 12. capacitor current switching operations is shown
This dimension is called the “wipe”. If the in the graph below. The vacuum interrupter
1.0mm contact wear gauge cannot be inserted, should be replaced when the number of
then the end of the service life has been switching operations in the graph is reached.
reached. The wipe surfaces must be lubricated
with contact grease if dry or every 20,000 Table 4 - Recommended Part Replacement
operations. Intervals

Part Name Number of Operations

The drive unit and the closing coils also have for Replacement
an electrical service life of 250,000 operations.
As a result, these parts should be replaced Vacuum Interrupter 250,000
around 250,000 operations. Auxiliary Switch 250,000
Moveable Core Detailed inspection and
MECHANICAL SERVICE LIFE cleaning every 250,000
The magnetically held type has a mechanical Stationary Core Detailed inspection and
service life of 1 million operations and the cleaning every 250,000
mechanically latch type 250,000 operations. operations.
The mechanical service life of the vacuum
interrupters is 250,000 operations. Closing/Trip Coil 250,000
Flexible Conductor 250,000
For the components in Table 4, replacement or
detailed inspection and cleaning are
recommended after the indicated number of
Switching Life (ten thousand)


A 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1000
Switching Current (A)

Figure 12 - Wipe Measurement Figure 13 - Capacitor Switching Life

(With 6% reactor)

If the contactor is to be stored for any length of time
prior to installation, the following precautions should
be taken.

1. The original packing should be restored, if


2. Do not subject the equipment to moisture or

sunrays. Store in cool, clean, and dry location.

3. Place a dust cover over the contactor packaging

to protect against dirt and moisture.

4. Store in an upright position.


Routine scheduled inspection is necessary if storage
is for an extended period. The unit should be checked
for condensation, moisture, corrosion, and vermin.

Prior to installation, the contactor should be carefully

examined for evidence of physical damage, corrosion,
or other deterioration. Refer to the PRE-
ENERGIZATION Section of this manual.

The MAINTENANCE section of this manual describes

various types of inspections recommended for this
contactor during the operation period.


Contact your state environmental agency for details

on disposal of electrical components and packaging
in your particular area.

Table 5 – Ratings


Rated Maximum Voltage kV 7.2
Rated Operation Voltage V 1501-6900
Rated Current A 400
Rated Frequency Hz 50/60
HCV-5: 4.5 (7kA@5kV)
Interrupting Capacity kA
HCV-7: 7.2
Rated Insulation Level (BIL) kV 60
Rated Insulation Level (Power-frequency withstand) kV 18.2
Rated Short-Time Current kA 6.0 – 1 sec., 2.4 – 30 sec.
Control Voltages* Vac 100-240
Control Voltages* Vdc 125-250
Available Rated Trip Voltages Vdc N/A 24, 32, 48, 125, 250
Pick-Up Voltage AC or DC (Max.) ** 85% Rated (Hot) - 70% Rated (Cold)
Drop-Out Voltage AC or DC (Max.) ** 70% Rated (Hot) - 60% Rated (Cold)
Closing time** *** msec 50-90
Opening time** *** msec 15-40
Arcing time msec ≤10
Rated Trip Voltages Vdc N/A 24, 32, 48, 125, 250
Minimum Trip Voltages Vdc N/A 40-60% Rating
Maximum Trip Current Adc N/A 4.8
Method of Operation Non-latched Latched
Mechanical Operation Million 1 0.25
Electrical Operation Million 0.25
Auxiliary Switch 3 N.O – 3 N.C. 2 N.O. – 2 N.C.
Auxiliary Contact Rating 10 A, 600 V (NEMA Class A600)
Switching Frequency Times/h 1200 300

* Adjustable via switch settings on the drive unit

** These are typical values measured under the following conditions:
a) No external devices connected to the mechanism.
b) At sea level.
c) 120Vac control power applied to terminals 1 & 2.
d) Contactor controlled (open/close) via terminals 3 & 4.
*** Typically, when controlled via terminals 1 & 2, closing time increases by approximately 8~15 msec and
opening time increases by approximately 200~250msec.
Motors and Drives Division
Power Apparatus & Components
13131 West Little York Road | Houston, TX 77041
Tel: 713-466-0277 | US: 800-231-1412 | CAN: 800-872-2192
Printed in USA

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