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Deoband Exposed

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The document makes several controversial claims about religious figures from history interacting with modern religious scholars and checking accounts of religious schools. It also suggests some controversial religious practices and mentions controversial hadiths.

It is claimed that religious figures from history like the Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Ali interacted with and served modern religious scholars from the 19th century onward. Dreams are also described where scholars met religious figures.

Practices like using verses from the Quran for things like love spells, killing enemies, and easing childbirth are suggested. Following certain rituals during sex is also mentioned.


1. Do not try to understand the Qur'n ever. Else, you will go astray. Fifteen Uloom (sciences) are required to understand the Book. (Maulana Zakaria Kandhalwi, Fazael Amaal, p.2) 2. Do not read the Qur'n with understanding, you will go astray. (Fazaael Aamal, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, p. 216) It is mentioned in Aamaal-e-Qur'aani, p. 134 by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi [published by Jasim Book Depot, Urdu Bazaar, Jama Masjid, Delhi] that if a woman has excessive menstrual bleeding, the verse (Surah Al-'Imran: 3:144) should be written on three different pieces of paper, one tied on her right and the other on her left and the third piece of paper with the Qur'nic verse to be hung below the naval. This verse of the Qur'aan, "Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful." [Surah Al-'Imran: 3:144] 3. Delaying prayer once will cause a person to burn in the hellfire for 20.88 million years, just because he or she failed to pray on exact time. (Maulana Zakaria Kandhalwi, Fazaael Namaz, p.317) 4. Recite the whole Qur'n in one rakaah like saints did! [That will amount to more than 50 times of the whole Qur'n in a single day!] (Fazaael Namaz p.64.) Saints recite 2,000 rakaahs every day. They keep standing the full one month of Ramadhan reciting the Qur'n twice a day! (Tableegh-I-Nisab Fazaael Aamal) 5. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi separated the way of Salat between men and women in his book Bahishti Zever. (Masjid Tauheed, Karachi. Muhammad Sultan) 6. When Shah Waliullah was in his mothers womb, she said a prayer. Two tiny hands (too) appeared for prayer. She was frightened. Her husband said, "You have Qutubul-Aqtab (Wali of Walis) in your womb (Hikayat-e-Awlia, p. 17 Ashraf Ali Thanwi) What a break-through! 7. Junaid Baghdadi was sitting when a dog crossed by. He merely glanced at the dog. The dog reached such glory that all dogs of the town followed him. Then he sat down and all dogs sat around him in meditation. (Ashraf Ali Thanwi. Imdad-ul- Mushtaq) 8. The holy messenger came to Shah Waliullah (in the 18 century!) and said, Why do you worry? Your children are the same as mine. (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Hikayat-ul-Awlia) 9. The prophet laid the foundation of Darul-Uloom, Deoband, India (in the 19th century) He comes to check accounts of the school. He has learnt the Urdu language. (Mubasshirat-e-Darul Uloom, and Deoband Number of the Darul-Uloom)

10. Mulla Mohammad Qasim Nanotwi saw in his dream that he was sitting in the lap of Allaah. (Biography of Mulla Qasim by Mulla Mohammad Yaqoob Nanotwi) 11. The advent of another Prophet is quite possible. (Mulla Abdul Hai Farangi Mahli and Mulla Qasim Nanotwi, Tahzeer-in-Nas, p.34, Athar Ibn Abbas, p.16) WHY BLAME MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI ONLY? 12. Disrespect to a monk is more perilous than disrespect to Allaah. (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Al-Ashraf, p.23, Nov. 1991) 13. Dear reader, now read what p.154 Islam or Maslak Parasti says: According to the Qur'n anything dedicated to other than Allaah in forbidden. It is our maulvi mind who declare virtuous such things as Koondas of Jaafar Sadiq, halwa of Shabe barat in the name of Owais Qarni, haleem and sherbet of Imam Hussain and Niaz of the 11th in the name of Jeelani! 14. Risala Tazkara of Darul-uloom Deoband of 1965 claims: Anyone suffering from malaria who took dust from the grave of Maulana Yaqoob Nanotwi and tied this dust to his body, found instant relief. 15. Allaah cuts jokes with the Ulama of Deoband. One of them went to a well for Wudu (Ablution) He lowered the bucket in the well. It came back full of silver. The Holy man said to Allaah: Dont kid around! I am getting late for prayers. He lowered the bucket in again and this time it came back full of gold. (Risala Tazkara of Darul-uloom Deoband of April 1965) 16. In the night of Meraj (Ascension) Imam Ghazali rebuked Prophet Moses. Mohammed said, " Respect O' Ghazali!" (Malfoozat Haaji Imdaadullaah Muhaajir Makki, Imdad-ul- Mushtaq) by Ashraf Ali Thanwi. [Please note that Ghazali was born centuries after passing away of the holy prophet] 17. Take the right arm of a goat after Friday prayers. Be completely naked. Write Sura Yasin and the name of the person you want, then put the meat in the cooking pot. That person will fall in love with you. (Monthly "Khalid" Deoband Darul Uloom) 18. If you want to kill your enemy write A to T on a piece of bread. Recite Surah "RA'AD. Break the bread into five pieces and feed them to five dogs. Say to dogs, 'Eat the flesh of my enemy'. By the will of Allaah your enemy will have huge boils on his body. (Darul uloom Deoband "Khalid") 19. Say "Fazabooha" before you cut a melon, or any thing else (for that matter), you will find it sweet. (Aamale-Qurani, Ashraf Ali Thanwi) 20. Recite the verse "When the heaven will split. Write it (on a piece of paper) and tie to the left thigh of any woman in labor, child birth will become easy. Cut the hair of that woman and burn them between her thighs, childbirth will be easier still. (Aamal-e-Qurani, Ashraf Ali Thanwi) 21. During labor pains let the woman hold Mawatta Imam Malik for instant delivery. (Aamal-e-Qurani, Ashraf Ali Thanwi)

22. See what Hakeemul Ummat Thanwi says! Keep reciting "Al Mughni" during sex and the woman will love you. (same book, Ashraf Ali Thanwi) 23.The prophet laid foundation of Darul-Uloom, Deoband, India (in the 19th century). He comes to check accounts of the school. He has learnt Urdu language. (Mubasshirat-e-Darul Uloom, and Deoband Number of the Darul-Uloom) 24. When, "Maulana" Zakaria, the father of "Maulana" Yousuf Bannuri would fall sick, the prophet would come. He told the house servant, "Badshah Khan! I (the holy prophet), am also serving Zakaria. (Bayyanat 1975 Ashraf Ali Thanwi p. 7) 25. The prophet said to sister-in-law of Haaji Imdaadullaah Muhajir Makki, "Get up! I will cook meals for guests of Imdaadullaah." (Bayyanat p. 8, Ashraf Ali Thanwi) 26. Maulana Yousuf Ludhianwi taught a simple method to make interest (usury) Halal. Borrow from a non-Muslim. (Masaail-e-Jadeedah) 27. The wife of Mullah Jalaaluddin Rumi thought that his sexual desire had vanished. The Mullah came to know of her suspicion in a special trance of revelation (KASHF). That night he went to the wife and drilled her 70 times. (Please excuse the language) So much so that she asked forgiveness. (Manaqib-il-Arifain, p.70, by Shamsuddin Akhlaqi) Now please witness how far these Mujaddith's of Deoband can go! See what garbage Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi is trying to unload. The same Thanwi whom other Mullahs call Hakeem-ul-Ummat! 28. He writes on p.110 in Imdaadul Mushtaq: There was a true monotheist. People told him if delicious food is part of the person of Allaah and feces too is a part of Him, eat both. Well, the Sheikh first became a pig and ate feces. Then he became a human being and ate food! Isnt that height of "wisdom" of our wise of the nation! 29. Here is another pearl of wisdom from him: There was a Pir Sadiq from Ashraf Ali Thanwis town. He taught his disciples There is no God but Allah and Sadiq is His messenger. {Astaghfirullaah} The wise of the nation Thanwi declared that teaching OK. (Imane Khalis, p.109, Hazrat Masood Uthmani) 30. The holy messenger comes to Mulla Qasim Nanotwi and other big shots of Deoband, U.P to learn Urdu. He also checks accounts of the Madrasah. (Numerous references such as Haqaiq-o-Maarif, Deoband May 1975). 31. "Maulana Yousuf Bannuri writes: The Prophet told my father, Zakaria! When you fall sick I also fall sick. Hazrat Ali had come to conduct the marriage of my father and mother. (In the 19th century!) (Iman-e-Khalis, pp. 7 and 8, Hazrat Masooduddin Usmani, Fazil Uloom Deenia)

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