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Carol of The Candy Castle v4MarksandBleeds

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Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 1 2/9/24 5:43 PM

Adventure Overview lawful good, human selbon ). These nobles are
known for their generosity, providing food,

day-themed 5e adventure optimized for
a party of four to six adventurers of 8th level,
is a holi- shelter, and gifts to those unable to make it on
their own in the harsh climate.

which can be played as a stand-alone game TKGSWR CPVHNF K

session or easily integrated into an existing nit a snoK elb K is the royal wizard of Keep
campaign or setting. Everwinter. While some wizards specialize in
The party is called upon to attend a holiday astounding the masses through fabulous smoke
festival at Keep Everwinter. On arriving, they rings or fireworks displays, Konstantin's mas-
find the noble family imprisoned by the court tery is in confectionery. His astounding, yearly
wizard, and the castle turned into a ginger- holiday displays of color-changing cakes, flying
bread fortress filled with candy monsters - all fondant, and cotton candy cathedrals earned
in the name of the "ultimate holiday surprise". the Kobuzev's fame for many miles around.
Can the party save the captured nobles As his fame grew, so did Konstantin’s ego -
and show the wizard the true meaning of the along with his desire to continually top himself.
holidays? This year, the wizard became reclusive, driven
by a single-minded desire to produce what he
Adventure Background believed would be his magnum opus - the single
greatest confectionery creation of all time.
KPVGTXRE Enraptured with his vision for the ulti-
re tniwre v E pe K is a castle which keeps watch mate holiday display, Konstantin began to
over many isolated villages of the northern divert royal funds in secret, requisitioning
mountains. It is managed by esountCNad vast quantities of sugar, chocolate, and flour.
vobuzeKhda and her family: ykadArountC When the missing funds were finally noticed,
vobuzeK and the heir vobuzeyKHl (all are the Countess called Konstantin before her and


For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Wr iter: S c ott Gilman Editors: Chad Sk iles & D a vid Crennen.
Cover by Marko Fiedler

Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-

ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 2 2/9/24 5:43 PM

demanded he explain himself. Not only had the
wizard squandered funds meant to provide for Reading the Entries
the townsfolk, but his holiday plans bordered This adventure references the three
on the megalomaniacal. Unable to countenance primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries
the gross abuse of trust, the wizard was dis- are found in the M , spells and rules for
missed from the Kobuzev's court… just days players are in the PHB and game rules &
before his long-planned festival. treasure are found in the GMD .
The rejection caused Konstantin to snap. • sret noM are listed in dlob .
Unable to abandon his vision or swallow his • sl epS are listed in italics.
pride, the wizard weaponized his culinary
• srabediS like this, provide optional rules
magic. Weaving a dreadful spell, Konstantin
and supplemental adventure information.
transformed Everwinter Keep into a ginger-
bread castle, and garrisoned it with candy
constructs of his own creation.
Everything has gone too far, but it’s too late As the party arrives, read the following
to turn back now. The Kobuzev family resides aloud:
within the sugary prison, captives of Konstan- Crossing an old stone bridge above an icy
tin. If nothing else, the wizard intends to force ravine, you gain your first glimpse of Keep
them to acknowledge his genius - one way or Everwinter. Curiously, its thick stone walls have
another. been replaced by crispy brown gingerbread.
Where once there were windows, icing outlines
XGPVWTHMAF draw caricatures of glass, and the ramparts drip
This adventure assumes the party is a with frosting. This Gingerbread Castle has fully
pre-existing group of adventurers who have replaced the keep, mimicking its architecture.
either aided the Kobuzev family in the past, or A chocolate-covered path leads towards a
who are known by their reputation. Countess gate. Six unmoving gingerbread soldiers stand
Nadezhda has sent them the following letter: immobile in front of it, almost as if they were
“Dear friends, I hope you will join me on the real guards.
eve of the Winter Solstice for a holiday feast. I Three of these guards are simple, life-
would like to reward you for your heroic exploits sized gingerbread cookies. The other three
with good food and company. My family and the aresnoi m daerb gni (seenoi M ydnaC
whole of Keep Everwinter happily await you.” sidebar, pg. 4).
At least one party member is likely to have The gingerbread minions will move to at-
heard of the famous holiday feasts thrown by tack if any creature gets within 5 feet of them,
the Kobuzev’s. The keep is a ten-day ride north or if they are attacked. All three gingerbread
into the mountains. minions attack if any one of them enters
combat. They have been ordered to guard
the outside of the castle and will not pursue
The House of Gingerbread characters inside.
If a character attacks any of the six gin-
gerbread figures before their true nature is

T he adventure begins just as the party ar-

rives at the Keep, having crossed through
several small villages on the other side of an
revealed, the GM may roll a d6 to determine
if a gingerbread minion has been targeted or
not. On an even number, a gingerbread statue
icy ravine. was targeted. On an odd number a gingerbread
Use the Candy Keep map and Skinny Minis minion was targeted.
included in your box to stage the following A s l e n d cr a lurks under the chocolate
encounters. Refer to the map guide (see pg. 10). drawbridge, blending in with the snow. It leaps

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 3 2/9/24 5:43 PM

up onto the bridge and attacks any character
Candy Minions who sets foot on it.
The following candy minions of Konstantin The lever to raise the castle gate (AC 15,
can be encountered inside the castle. 100 HP) is only operable from inside the castle,
FudgeShamblr Use the stats of a in the Chandelier Foyer (see map, pg. 10). A
shamblingoud with the following creature may use an action while within 5 ft.
changes: of the hand-cranking device to easily raise or
• Creature type changes to Construct. Size lower the gate. Alternatively, the party can eat
changes to Medium their way into the castle (see Edible Structures,
• Replace the 20 ft. swim speed with a 20 ft.
map features sidebar, pg. 5).
climb speed. If the characters examine the outside of the
castle, they can discover an alternate means
suonitaleG p rdm Use the stats of a
of entry with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
gnid up kcalb with the following changes:
check. A hole has eroded in the roof of the
• It lacks the Split ability.
castle due to snow melt. The hole leads into the
• It gains Candy Spray (Recharge 6). The Gingerb ad Gu r o m (G3). By climbing
gumdrop emits a spray of sticky candy the exterior walls, the party can lower them-
shards in a 30-foot cone. Each creature
selves into this chamber.
in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure, the creature
takes 22 (4d10) piercing damage and GsGTHMFKWOI N CP
is restrained. On a successful save, the A grand entryway leads on to the graham
creature takes half as much damage and isn’t cracker-tiled main hall. A chandelier made of
restrained. A restrained creature may repeat candy strings is suspended from the ceiling.
the saving throw at the end of each turn,
ending the condition on a success.
The floor of this room is trapped. If characters
GingerbadMo Use the stats of enter the room without flying, testing the
an earthlmn , with the following floor in some way, or searching for traps they
changes: trigger the trap. Thick cotton candy webbing
• Creature type changes to Construct. Size sprays from the walls and ceiling, targeting all
changes to Medium creatures in the foyer. A moment later, razor-
• It has 114 hit points sharp candy cane spikes emerge from the
• Its Earth Glide feature only applies to walls. The spikes begin to grow steadily longer,
terrain made of candy threatening to impale anything in their path.
• It lacks Darkvision and Tremorsense, and A DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check
gains 60 ft. Blindsight. detects the pressure plates in the graham
cracker tiles. The trap can be disarmed with a
• While it remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from inanimate DC 22 Dexterity or Intelligence (Thieves’ Tools)
gingerbread check, or by triggering the trap by placing at
least 30 lbs of weight on the floor.
S l e nd r ca Use the stats of a bar ed
Have the party roll initiative when the
lived , with the following modifications:
trap is triggered. At the end of every round,
• It lacks the Tail attack, and instead is able to
make three Claw attacks.
the candy spikes lengthen, dealing 20 (3d12)
piercing damage to every creature in the
• Hurl Flame is replaced by Hurl Peppermint
entryway. This damage repeats each round a
Spike: Ranged Attack: +5 to hit, range
150 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (3d6) piercing
character remains in the entryway. The spikes
damage. can be snapped with a DC 16 Strength check.
On a success, the candy spikes no longer deal
• It lacks Devil's Sight, and gains 120 ft.

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 4 2/9/24 5:43 PM

Map Features - Edible Struct res The gates, walls, and
floors are made of candy and can be eaten
Gingerbread Castle through given ten minute of work by a crea-
The following features apply to any area in
ture that succeeds on a DC 11 Constitution
the castle, unless stated otherwise:
saving throw. Regardless of the check, the
Lightª The interior halls are brightly lit by character is so overstuffed that their walking
torches. speed is halved until they complete a short
or long rest. On a success, the character eats
sgnil eC The ceilings of the castle are 20-ft. a hole large enough for a Medium creature
high, unless stated otherwise. to pass through. On a failure, they gain one
sro D Unless otherwise noted, all doors are level of exhaustion.
made from tightly-fitted gingerbread. The Candy Pat r o ls . If a character spends over
doors have 30 hit points, 13 AC, and vulnera- 10 minutes in one location in the castle, or
bility to fire damage. makes a loud noise that draws attention
‹sl aWe ts C ªfo R The outer walls of the (such as shouting, or casting thunderwave)
castle are 20 ft. high. A peaked roof made of they draw the attention of a gelatinous
thick, mint wafer shingle rises over them. pordmug . The party can avoid detection by
the gelatinous gumdrop by succeeding on a
setaG eltsaC The gate bars are made of thick, DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) group ability check.
magically reinforced candy. The can be bro- Even on a success, the party can still draw
ken with a DC 18 Strength check, or melted attention to themselves again later.
away if they take 15 points of fire damage.
They can also be eaten through.

The cotton candy webbing has the proper- This gingerbread figure has been decorated
ties of the web spell (save DC 16), but can be to resemble a fancy scribe. His crispy voice
dissolved by water as well as burned away by recites lines to himself. “Gluttonous mouth? No
fire. If lit on fire, any characters in the burn- ... gluttonous heart? No, that’s not quite right... ”
ing section of web take 5 (2d4) fire damage
damage from the burning the candy webbing. This figure is the drnaoBb , a ginger-
This damage continues for an additional 1d4 bread minion created by Konstantin to serve
rounds after the character leaves the burning as his playwright. He has been given the task
area, or until they are doused by at least five of dramatizing the wizard’s glorious ascension
gallons of liquid. as the most talented baker in all of the realm.
The bard is sure that the wizard will have him
GtIEMGTHCNPF crushed to crumbs if he can’t deliver a suitably
A number of doors branch off of the long hall. impressive play.
Portraits of royalty once hung on the walls, now The bard is currently fretting because he
replaced by cariactures of people, painted in is short on performers. The bard has a waiting
chocolate syrup. audience in the theater, and has been stalling
for time while hoping for a miracle. If he notic-
The first time the party enters this hallway, es the party, he sees their sudden arrival as a
the door leading to the P a s t r y P l a y h o u s e godsend. The bard immediately pressures them
(G4) opens, and a distraught gingerbread bard into performing on his stage, this very minute.
emerges, fretting to himself. Read the following If the party resists, the desperate bard lets
aloud: them know that the audience is full of impatient
candyfolk, and he expects they will become

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 5 2/9/24 5:43 PM

violent if he can’t appease them soon. If they If all four traits are removed, it functions
help him, the bard offers to do anything in his as a regular gingerbread minion with disad-
power to help them out. If the party further vantage on all attack rolls and saving throws.
refuses, or attacks the bard, the gingerbread A DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check
minion loudly calls for help. made to search around the room finds Kon-
If the party agrees to help, the bard ushers stantine’s Recipe Book (see sidebar, pg. 7).
them quickly into the theater. See the yrtsaP
esuohyalP (G4) for a description of that room GvWGHCTFI PNVC GPT
and the performance. This ballroom has been set up as a theater. A
grand stage has been made out of cookie, draped
GuOHCTFI GWKP with colorful fondant and gleaming icing.
This room is lined with half a dozen life-sized
gingerbread people. The scent of fresh-baked This room is where the Bonb Bard is
gingerbread emanates from inside. In the middle attempting to stage his play glorifying Konstan-
of the room lies an enormous gingerbread man . tin.vezuboK tnuC is on stage, being forced to
improvise a scene about how awful he is.
Konstantin uses this room to fabricate and The theater audience consists of two egduf
experiment on new cooking creations. Three srelbmahs and a enacr d els . The audience
gin erb ad min o s guard the room. The will attack any obviously hostile interlopers,
others are statues. A DC 15 Wisdom (Percep- and will come to the aid of the Bonbon Bard
tion) check discerns the statues from the real if he is attacked in this room, or if he calls for
minions, and also notices wisps of steam waft- help from the Grand Cracker Hall.
ing up from the large gingerbread construct - When the party enters the theater, The
suggesting that it hasn't finished cooling yet. Bonbon Bard (unless previously encountered
A g i n e rb a d g i a n t is currently cooling in G2) will force them to participate in his play
on the floor of the room. It uses the stats of by thrusting into their hands copies of his
a gingerbread minion, with the following play, "Carol of the Candy Castle". Any character
changes: studying the pages swiftly discovers that his
• Its size is Huge scribbled play is written in gibberish and they
• Its HP is 145 must improvise.
The terrified Count Kobuzev is the only
• Its reach is 15 ft.
other actor on the stage. Konstantin has
• It deals an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage allowed this prisoner to participate in a play
to all attacks celebrating his grandeur, believing that it will
If combat is initiated in this room, the large show him how wonderful the wizard truly is.
gingerbread construct will finish cooling in 1d4 The Bonbon Bard announces that inter-
rounds. Once cooled, it will animate and join mission is over, as soon as the party arrives
the fight. on stage. If the party needs prompting, the
If the party attempts to tamper with the gin- bard hisses from the edge of the stage that
gerbread giant, the other gingerbread minions this scene is about the wicked Count Kobuzev
attack. A character adjacent to the gingerbread being taught the true meaning of the holidays
giant can spend their action to ruin the candy by the kind wizard Konstantin.
creation, removing one of its additional traits To succeed at appeasing the bard, the
listed above (size, HP, reach, extra damage). players can either attempt to improvise a
Multiple actions can be used to remove multi- scene from the play, or make a DC 15 Charisma
ple traits. Once the gingerbread giant animates, (Performance) group ability check. Any char-
it can no longer have traits removed. acter that plays into the idea that Konstantin
is a noble figure, or the count a wicked villain,

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 6 2/9/24 5:43 PM

makes their Performance check with advan-
tage. Konstantin’s Recipe Book.
If the performance is successful, the This thick book is filled with various rec-
bard happily escorts the actors away from ipes. In many cases, recipes were heavily
the applause of the audience and offers his revised, as evidenced by extensive margin
help to them. The Bonbon Bard can provide notes and changed quantities, etc. The
information on the whereabouts of any of last entry reads, “The Ultimate Holiday
the other imprisoned nobles, the location of Candy,” but has everything scratched
Konstantin, and information on how to access out. In an unstable-looking scrawl, a
the Candy Coffer. The Count can reveal any of handwritten note reads, “They didn’t
the adventure background to the party (pg. utter one praise of any of these. Why can’t
2), and is willing to accompany the party anyone appreciate my hard work for just
wherever they direct. one blasted holiday!? Back to the drawing
If the Performance fails, the crowd turns board. This time, they’ll love my food - no
ugly and attack the actors after one round. The matter what it takes!”
party is able to surprise the candy monsters in Additionally, the book contains secrets
combat if they attack first. to the construction of the various treats. If
a player character takes 1 minute to peruse
GwOSWKVGHMFIBT the book, they gain the following ability:
This bedroom is made from delicate pastel • Candy Crush (1/day). As a bonus action,
sweets. The elegance of its appearance is you and all allies within 30 ft. of you gain +2
somewhat ruined by the brown smears of fudge to attack and damage rolls made against any
everywhere. Two gooey chocolate monsters candy creature. This effect lasts 1 hour.
stand guard over a young, human girl.

The creatures are fudge shambler that Apordmug suonitaleg lurks in the rafters,
have been tasked by Konstantin with keeping guarding the prisoner. It attacks any character
guard over yloH , daughter of the Count and who attempts to facilitate a jailbreak. Be-
Countess. The fudge shamblers attack any cause it blends in with the rest of the castle,
character they notice enter the room. it surprises any creature with less than a 20
The wizard hoped to win Holly over to Passive perception. Sounds of combat in this
his side by offering her his finest selection of room draw 1d3 gingerbread minions after two
sweets and candy - despite the fact that she’s rounds.
absolutely sick at the sight of them. If she is The occupant of the cell is Countes Ko
rescued, Holly will accompany the party b u z ev . She attempted to eat her way out of
wherever they take her. She doesn’t know the cell after being captured, but was unable
where her parents are, but overheard that to stomach the sweets. She now has three levels
Konstantin is planning some sort of “ultimate of exhaustion. The Countess can reveal any of
show stopper”. Holly can reveal any of the thednuorgkcaBerutnevdA to the party (see
A dve n t u r e B a c k g r o u n d to the party (pg. 2) pg. 2). If rescued, she is willing to accompany
Holly has been given the key to the yCand the party to any location.
ref o C (G7) by Konstantin, so that she can help The cell lock can be picked with a DC 17
herself to more candy at will. She has not taken Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. The bars are
him up on the offer. made from hardened candy, and have AC 15
and 30 hit points.
This dungeon holds cells with candy cane bars,
marked with useless bite marks. Inside a cell, a
well-dressed woman lays face down, groaning.

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 7 2/9/24 5:43 PM

This vault has been stockpiled with gleaming A tall, noble throne, dripping with icing,
candy treats, rather than gold or silver. Lollipops, dominates this room. On the sticky, plush seat
toffees, licorice and more spill from every corner. of the throne sits a robed wizard.
“Have you come to humiliate me?” he
The door to this chamber is locked. It is mutters, “I need no second serving of that.”
opened by the key found in the Bedroom Suite
(G5). It can be picked with a DC 20 Dexterity This figure is Konsta in . He is looking
check made using thieves tools. On a failure, sallow and unhealthy, having eaten only candy
a gas of quick-hardening powdered sugar is since his takeover. Konstantin uses the stats of
released from the door, coating all creatures an chmager with the following changes:
in the Gingerbread Guardroom (G3). Target- He gains Legendary Resistance (1/day). If
ed creatures must make a DC 15 Constitution Konstantin fails a saving throw, he can choose
saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. to succeed instead.
Characters can repeat this saving throw at the He replaces the ability to cast disguise self
end of each of their turns, ending this effect and invisibility at-will with slow and web.
on a success. The sugar gas does not affect In addition, while in the castle, he has ac-
constructs or undead. cess to the following Legendary actions:
The vault contains many pounds of deli- • Konstantin can take 3 Legendary Actions per
cious, but mundane sweets, along with a Candy turn, choosing from the options below. Only
Canesword. one Legendary Action can be used at a time,
and only at the end of another creature's turn.
• Candy Canesword. This large candy cane
Spent Legendary Actions are regained at the
functions as a +1 longsword. Attacks against
start of each turn.
any creature made of candy are rolled with
advantage. A character may spend 1 minute • Syrup Slap. Konstantin makes a syrupy slap
licking the candy cane to sharpen the end of attack. +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9
the sword into a supernaturally lethal point, (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If this attack
turning it into a sword of sharpness (DMG, hits, the target must make a DC 11 Constitution
pg. 206). The sword loses the sharpness saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion.
property after a successful attack, becoming
an ordinary +1 sword until sharpened again. • Spun Sugar Globe. Konstantin casts resilient
sphere, but an enclosed creature can repeat the
save to escape at the end of each turn (DC 14).
Any character who disturbs the items in
the room draws the attention of the room's • Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions). Konstantin casts
protector - the 5sgnik dnah . This swarm-like a spell that he can cast at-will.
construct is made from countless tiny pieces of Konstantin does not immediately attack,
candy, drawn together by Konstantin’s magic. It unless the party is clearly hostile. If the party
uses the stats ofs e k a n s s u o n as i o p f o m r a w s , presses, they can learn the details of his
but with the following changes: “betrayal” by the Kobuzev's (see Aevdnture
• Armor Class: 16 oundgrBack pg. 2).
• Hit Points: 70 Though he is visibly remorseful, he states:
“Why would I repent? I’ve achieved what
• Add 1d6 additional damage to all attacks
other wizards wouldn’t have dared. This castle
• Challenge Rating: 4 (1,100 XP) shall go down in history as the greatest work
of culinary spellcasting ever achieved. And yet,
The candy hand attacks any creature in the that foolish Countess and her family would
room, and will pursue any creature that takes rebuff me rather than acknowledge my genius!
any candy items from the vault. Soon you shall all be forced to acknowledge my

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 8 2/9/24 5:43 PM

If it has not already been defeated, the gin
eadgintbr (see Gingerbread Guardroom Map General Features -
G3, pg. 6) comes to Konstantin’s aid if combat Icy Bridge
begins. It stomps its way through the castle, Light The area is illuminated by natural
smashing through the wall of the throne room bright light during the day.
at the start of the second round. The giner
eadgintbr rolls initiative once it arrives. ecI The bridge is covered by slippery ice. All
If it was already destroyed, Konstantin ani- squares count as difficult terrain. The first
mates two broken pieces of its remains, which time a creature moves on their turn, they
limp into the room and attack the party at the must they must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
start of the second round. Each of these pieces (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.
has the stats of anoi m daerb gni with 70 msahC The ravine is 90-ft. deep at the point
hit points. where the bridge crosses it.
Konstantin may have gone off the deep end,
but he isn’t evil. His actions in the castle come
from his misguided desire to outdo himself at nearby villages join in the feast, filling the keep
any cost, and an unwillingness to admit that with good cheer.
he has gone too far. The party can attempt to If Konstantin recanted his ways, he is invit-
persuade the wizard to give up on his plans and ed to join in the festivities. He bashfully joins,
return the castle to normal, if they can appeal grateful for their forgiveness.
to his sense of decency. During the course of the holiday dinner, the
If the party has rescued any members of party is invited by their hosts to give a toast to
the Kobuzev family, they can step forward as the holidays. As they begin their toast, they are
well, and attempt to remind the wizard what interrupted by a loud crash outside.
he used to know – that the holidays are about Read the following aloud:
the small things, like spending time with the A powerful tremor rocks the Keep, shaking
ones you love, and not about needing to outdo snow from the eaves and rattling the windows.
yourself each year. Another equally powerful footstep follows the
This conversation can happen before, during first. Outside, you see an enormous monstrosity
or after combat. If the party succeeds on a DC of various candies fused together, stomping
15 Charisma (Persuasion) check - or makes its way across the icy bridge just outside of
an impassioned plea to his holiday spirit - the the castle. “MUST EAT FLESH” it bellows in an
wizard will recant his wicked ways, and have unnatural baritone!
his candy army stand down.
Once Konstantin is defeated or has repent- This final threat is the unintended result
ed, his magic spell over the castle ends. The of the keep clean up. All the shattered candy
Keep returns to its original state of wood and minions left over in the Keep were pushed off
stone, and his candy minions drop lifelessly to the edge of the mountain into a ravine. The
the ground. residual magic in their mushed up bodies
caused the candy to fuse together into a huge
Aftertaste of Terror monstrosity - a olsuycand !
If present, Konstantin is shocked and says
that this was an unintended magical hiccup. He

F ollowing Konstantin's defeat or redemption,

the freed nobles quickly rally their efforts,
and after some quick cleanup the keep is once
begs the party to intercept the monstrosity and
slay it before it can wreak havoc in the nearby
mountain villages. Konstantin is able to hastily
again ready to host a holiday party celebra- conjure enough Candy Caneswords (pg. 8) to
tion - replete with meat, bread, drink - and give to each player character.
no sweets of any sort. Festive folks from the

Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 9 2/9/24 5:43 PM

Use the Icy Bridge map ands u s o l c y d n a c
(see stat block, pg. 11) for this final encounter.
If the GM doesn't have the candy colossus, the Higher or Lower Level?
GM may substitute it with a different mini of If this adventure is being played by a
their choice, such as the huge gingerbread party of player characters of higher
minion included in your box. or lower experience level, refer to the
difficulty adjustment guide available at
our website.

I f the adventurers manage to defeat the candy

colossus, the family of Everwinter will thank
the party for their help and host them in the
If Konstantin successfully redeems himself
in the party’s eyes, alive or dead, read:
During the feast, one tentative goblet goes
castle. up for Konstantin, joined by a few more. Perhaps
In time, when the castle recovers, you this is enough for the confectionary king of Keep
celebrate the solstice with a feast. Pine trees, Everwinter.
decorated with exquisite ornaments from
the nobles, and homemade baubles from the
servants, line the halls. Warm candles, exchanged
gifts, and rich food brightens the darkest months.
The life of Everwinter is saved.


Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 10 2/9/24 5:43 PM

Gargantuan construct, chaotic evil

rmoClasªA 19 (natural armor) Cascade of Candy Canes (3/day). The

colossus spits candy cane shards in a
ointsªHP 256 (19d12 + 133) 30-foot cone. Each creature in this area
Spedª 40 ft. must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw or take 35 (10d6) piercing
RT S DEX NO C damage on a failed save, or half as much
25(+7) 8(-1) 25(+7) on a successful one.
Lava Cake (Recharge 5-6). The colossus
INT WIS CHA explodes from inside, sending out tendrils
8(-1) 10(+0) 10(+0) of chocolate. Two creatures of its choice
must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw
sªwovingThrSa Str +12, Con +12 or take 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage and
be restrained inside the colossus’s torso
abiltesªunr DmgV Fire (escape DC 14). When a creature starts
onditImuesªC Charmed, its turn inside of the torso, it takes 2d6
Exhausted, Frightened, bludgeoning damage from being crushed
Paralyzed, Stunned and smothered by dripping candy. Up to
two creatures can be restrained inside its
Sensª Passive Perception 10 torso.
anguesªL None
halengªC 14 (12,500 XP) RGCEVK P
Transfer Damage. When it takes damage
T CKV the Colossus can halve the damage and
transfer the remaining damage to a
Not Fully Cooked. When The Candy creature it has restrained in its torso.
Colossus takes Fire damage, its AC
increases by 2 until the end of its next L GI G P FC T AE V K P
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the The colossus can take 3 Legendary
Candy Colossus fails a saving throw, it Actions, choosing from the options below.
can choose to succeed instead. Only one Legendary Action can be used
at a time, and only at the end of another
AEVK P creature's turn. Spent Legendary Actions
are regained at the start of each turn.
Multiattack. The colossus makes three Sweet Sustenance: The colossus recovers 5
Candy Slam attacks. It can replace one hit points for every creature imprisoned
of these attacks with either Cascade of in its torso.
Candy Canes or Lava Cake, provided Candy Slam. The colossus makes a Candy
those abilities are available. Slam attack.
Candy Slam. Melee Attack: +12 to hit, Cascade of Candy Canes (Costs 2 Actions):
reach 15 ft. , one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + The colossus uses Cascade of Candy
7) bludgeoning damage. Canes. It cannot exceed the 3/day limit.


Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 11 2/9/24 5:43 PM

Carol of the Prepare to take your table
Candy Castle into this wondrous one-shot!

ysituaonmeckhb Tld

• Your party must explore a gingerbread mansion, skirmish with

animated candy constructs, and confront the deranged wizard
responsible for the whole mess!
• This Wondrous One-Shot is intended to be played as a standalone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the Candy Castle and Snowy Bridge battlemaps to stage the
encounters presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!


Carol of the Candy Castle v4.indd 12 2/9/24 5:43 PM

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