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EPISODE #​140​ of a Daily Dose of Greatness Quest with Trevor Crane

It’s confession time in today’s show. And I’m the pussy making the confession.

Today is about some of my fears and vulnerabilities, that I share with you, in the hopes
you’ll discover revelations relevant to you.

I have found that by owning my own insecurities, I’ve transformed them into power.


What are you scared of?

No, I’m not talking death. Or the death of people you love. That’s scary shit.

I’m curious what you’re SCARED of? In business? In life? What FEARS are holding you
back? I today’s Daily Dose of Greatness Quest, I share a few of my fears, and how I’m
doing my best to transform them into power.

"Embracing my fear, moves me into my power." -​Trevor Crane

What did you learn from this episode? How did it make a difference for you?

What are you going to do next? What one action you’re going to take?

Write it down in your journal.

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Trevor Crane is best known for 2 bestselling books, ​High Paying Clients​ and ​Big Money
With Your Book …without selling a single copy.​ ​If you want to become IRRESISTIBLE to
your ideal target client, and massively grow your leads sales and revenue, Trevor can
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Welcome to another daily dose of greatness quest. This is Trevor Crane. And every
single day daily mentoring podcast, I'm looking to help you take, give you something to
help you take your life and business to the next level.

The subject of today is Confessions of a Pussy. And I'll be the guy making the
confessions today. Not really thrilled to be sharing this with you, but excited enough to
tell you what's really going on.

So I hope you love the show.


Okay. I'm shooting today's show on Facebook Live so this is a video podcast. So for
those of you listening on audio you can go check it out at ​​. For those of
you might tune in live then welcome to the show on Facebook.

So I just realized this and I didn't know I was lying. I didn't know I was being a
pussy. It seems to show up from time to time. I don't know why I like to do the best I can
to try to tell the truth, try to be authentic. And I kind of know the background of what

So here's what happened. I'm part of the Wake Up Warrior Movement and if you
haven't been to, you should go check it out. It's run by, are started
by a guy named Garrett White, Garrett Jay White. And he wrote this book called Be The

And I've been studying with him now for over a close close to eight months or
something about that maybe 6, 8, 10 months, something like that. And I was recognizing
that I love the movement. You've probably heard me talk about if you've been watching
my podcast at all. I think it talks about core truths and it challenges men and people
challenges women as well to stand up and become a better leader, a better father.

Okay, let's just talk about men better leader, a better father a better husband, and
that's what it stands for. And better businessman. And so the same thing for women. And
what happened was last November, I went to my first a warrior con event. I've been
watching Garrett white for years and saw how he has grown in his message. And, you

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know, I just I was really impressed with what I saw from him and what I saw from some
of the men that chose to follow him. And so I finally went to a warrior con event in
November of 2017.

And I just loved everything that I heard and thought that it was calling to me to
join the movement and join the belief system and try to indoctrinate myself into just
becoming better. And I'm always inspired when I can be around people who lift me up
and are living life at a higher standard than I am. And I met a lot of men that are there
doing that.

And so what I realized that that warrior con event was that I had been running
patterns that weren't always serving me. So like one of them was that a pattern I had
with my wife and I talked to her about new ideas that I had and and I get really excited
about them and as part of my way of of discovering what I want to do by talking about
my ideas which I love.

Like I truly, it's one of the coolest things that I do I'm going to use my tripod here
just so I don't have to keep running around so are juggling around so what I decided to
do was stop talking to my wife about all my willy nilly ideas because what happened is
and I didn't realize this really until that event.

My wife didn't really appreciate it like her Id like what I would do is end up
stressing us out stressing her out stressing me out. She wouldn't always be supportive
because I'd be talking about an idea and sometimes that would put pressure on her. And
I didn't know about it. I didn't really up until that event. I wasn't being honest about it.
How about that?

So what I decided to do in in November last year was stopped talking to my wife

about all my plans. And this is a challenge for me because I wanted to tell her everything
and I wanted to communicate openly with her like I'm communicating openly with you.

And I come up with an idea and I would like to talk through but I recognize that it
was causing us challenges. And so it was hard for me to stop the pattern. You can see me
on my daily dose of greatness quest. I'm over 100 episodes in right talk to you everyday
like I like to share.

So it was a challenge because I felt like it was a sabotage, like, almost like
something like I was lying to a certain degree with my wife, but after a short period of

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time, though, I realized I was wrong. That was my own fears, like a little boy needing
confirmation from his mommy, which is not what I'm happy telling you about. But that's
what I recognized.

So here's what I did is I kept I kept having great ideas. And I kept wanting to
communicate about them. And I would either do it for by myself or out loud when I talk
to, you know, myself sometimes like a crazy person. I journal about it, they put other
people in my life that I would start communicating with about my plans.

This is great because I was still able to fulfill the need of sharing but I wasn't
stressing out my wife and what ended up happening is over the beginning of this year in
I've experienced some some growth and some challenges and a lot of cool stuff.

And I've actually started to cover it the lessons that I have learned in wake up
warrior, that's the little band for it there. And, like, what I also did is I didn't want to
share it with my wife and I started off not wanting to share with my wife because I didn't
want to tell her about all my ideas.

And, and I've shared a lot of the things that I've learned from like wake up
warrior, and I've learned from my own heart as I've been just challenging myself to live
as a better man. And, but what I didn't recognize was, is that something trends,
something shifted this year and I started enjoying the man I was becoming a better
leader, a better father, a better husband.

And I didn't want to share the recipe with my wife and I was doing it because I
was I was scared. I've been scared about how she's going to know my formula, and then
maybe not trust me that I'm using a strategy to go ahead and grow.

I was scared that if she learned it, she might start using it and become a more
powerful one. And am it was I scared? Yeah. I mean, I would like to say no. I mean, I
wasn't petrified of it. But the truth is, my wife is fucking amazing. And she's powerful.
And so we grew to become even more amazing and powerful, like, I felt felt like it was
like mine. It was mine. And I want to hold it. I want to keep it secret and sacred.

And I was sharing it with you on my podcast. If you've been following me at all, if
you're one of my clients, if you you know, I share It's not like I don't share but I was
holding back from my wife. And it started from a decision I made up just not to share
with her all of my willy nilly ideas, but this isn't an idea anymore.

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To me, this is a way of being it focuses on four part of our four parts of our lives,
body, being, balance and business. If you haven't heard me talk, if you haven't heard me
mentioned this before, then you should check it out and be the man.

This isn't my book. This is Garrett Jay White’s book. And I'm going back through it
and studying it. But when it came down to me and I realized this the other day does this
Like that big of a revelation for you and an admission of me being a pussy, maybe not.
Maybe not to you.

But to me when I realized it, and I realized that there was something I was hiding
from my wife, and I didn't want her to know. And it was something that could help her
or serve her. And Garrett Jay white just opened up the first warrior program for women.
And he's he's now helped women with this movement and with this belief system, and I
didn't want to share with my wife out of some fears.

Now, I don't know if she's going to like it or not. I don't know if she's going to
embrace the message or not. But I recognized in myself that I wasn't being authentic and
I wasn't being honest. So what I did when this came up is I told her and I didn't want to
tell her and I certainly don't want to tell you.

I would rather tell you about the cool stuff I do. And that's not exactly accurate. I
do try to find the times that I am invulnerable and having challenges and whatnot so that
I can share it but it's part of my growth and my challenge to do that it's self serving
complete. It connects.

Hopefully it connects with you if I'm not always sharing about how cool I am, so
that's one there's for just very authentic, but it also helps me deal with it instead of
hiding from it. Like, I suck at hiding things. I don't think I can lie anymore. Like, I mean,
not intentionally, like it's really hard for me to intentionally lie like it feels

My face doesn't like it and I'm more alive than myself now when I'm just
pretending and hiding from my truth. And as soon as they recognize the lie with my wife
I told her I pulled her into the my office and I said honey I need to talk to you about two
things. There are two things going on I don't think you're going to be happy about either
of them.

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One is I have been inauthentic with you and and I was scared and I just told her I
frickin just told her now It wasn't that big of an admission. It's not like I cheated. It's not
like I stole his I'm like a killed anything. You know, that wasn't that but for me it was big
because I don't want to live my life in such a way that I am hiding from my truth and
hiding anything from my wife.

And I was hiding this from my wife you know did she does she love the warrior
movement now and embrace it? No, that's not what I'm saying. I shared with her some of
the concepts and I shared with her video.

And I said if you want to go to warrior well are the warrior woman program that's
going to come up the end of August, then go. And if you don't want to go, don't go I'm not
gonna make her. But it wasn't about that this is so silly of me to like, hide from her. But
like, I wanted her to look at me and say, I'm cool and I didn't want to share it with her.

So why am I sharing this with you today? Why am I doing on Facebook Live? Why
am I sharing this on my podcast? It’s really just, it's my about my own journey. But it's
also to potentially challenge you to embrace yours.

That if you are finding that you are are doing something out of fear and you're
making decisions based out of fear that you might want to shift that. And as soon as you
recognize that you're lying in some way, and you're being inauthentic to yourself, or to
your significant other to try to own it.

And so as I share this with you today, I'm going to give you one challenge, and that
is to consider what I'm sharing. And then try to come up with your own revelation about
it. Again, this is not a book, I'm doing this currently with what I'm working with, with
Garrett Jay White.

He asked me to re read this book, I read the beginning and I never finished it. And
he said, Dude, why don't you read this book and actually look for the revelations that you
have while you read it and take time to take notes and discover something and write it
down in your journal about every section of this book.

So he gave me an assignment he said, read the first four chapters of this book, the
four sections of this book, go through it and take the time to consider what you're
reading instead of just reading it in skimming on and like I finished it, I read the book

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but to read it and to come up with my revelation and then write it down in my journal.
He actually gave me a forum to do it.

And I'm in the process of doing that. I'm going back through this content and I'm
listening and learning. And then I get the chance to answer some questions about the
content of what I'm learning and what it means to me and why it makes a difference.

And that's what I would challenge for you. What did I share today that is relevant
to you, that is giving you a potential wake up call? How can you apply this to the areas of
your life whatever you consider them to be?

But let's say one being your body one being your balance which is a relationship
with your family another one being your business and your mission and another one
being with your your connection with your spirituality and your being body being
balanced in business and like how is it important to you.

And if you’re going to do is listen to this show and not do anything then that's your
frickin choice. And you may say, well, that's a good revelation for you, but it doesn't
really matter that much to me. Then you're not necessarily doing the homework you're
not taking on.

The challenge is to consider what it is that stood out to you? Probably not the
whole thing. And you might think I'm a fucking pussy for bringing this up. And that it's a
it's an episode that doesn't make any difference to you. That's fine if that's your
revelation. And then maybe it's that I don't want to hang out with this guy anymore on
his podcast, that's fine.

But I would challenge you to think consider and write down in your journal what
it is that you're learning from this and how we can make a difference for you and what
you're going to go do next. What's your new action? What's your belief about this?

Because if you're paying attention to my podcast then and my YouTube channel

and whatever content that is, I put out I'm not putting it out for me. There's a part of me
that's putting it out for me because I wanted I want to share for posterity.

I want to share to find my voice but I want it I want to share it to connect with
people I want to share to help make a difference in your life. That's true that self serving
but I share this with you so that you can figure out shit for yourself. That's it.

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Take what I do not to do use my exact formula and only become little Trevor's a
little.Garrett whites are little Tony Robbins or ever how it is that you follow, but so that
you can come up with your own revelation. And when you write it down in your journal,
it becomes real for you like, what are you learning? What are you going to do with this?

And today is a show more about taking your life to the next level. But I think it can
also have that ripple effect where it can affect your business and your impact with others
as well.

So that's all I have for you today. Confessions of a pussy. I recognize that was
being a worse so I owned it, I ended with my wife, I'm owning it with you. Now. I'm not
trying to hide from it and and I feel better for having told the truth and owning my own
insecurity around it.

And then I didn't feel so insecure after doing it. I don't feel so insecure after
sharing it with you. I don't feel so bad about it by sharing it with my wife. I actually feel
that by embracing my fears and the things that I'm most scared of, it moves me into my

So that's my secret of like how I am choosing to face my vulnerabilities and fears

is to transform them into my power what used to become a liability becomes an asset. At
least that's how I want to see it because I don't want to have shit holding me back I want
to have everything being part of the the formula that moves me forward.

So hope you got your action plan today. And I'll pull out a good quote for today
from what we're talking about when I put it in the show notes. So thank you very much
for following.

If you haven't done so already so yet, subscribe to our podcast, subscribe to the
YouTube channel. You can find that at or for the
YouTube channel. And make sure that you're following along and you subscribe and give
us some love and comment on social media.

If you think this is cool, or if it sucks and if you like this, share it with someone
else and let's make let's let's work together to build our ideal business that will serve our
idea. Do a life. That's kind of my mission statement.

And I'll talk to you soon.

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