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How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve
How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve
How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve
Ebook168 pages2 hours

How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve

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About this ebook

It's raining men and you're about to get soaked!

In dating it's all about being wanted. But you can't always get what you want, right? Well, the Law of Attraction begs to differ.

Haven't you always wanted to be "that girl"? You know the girl I'm talking about. She's pretty and cute and she gets just about everything she wants out of life - from the best jobs to the best clothes to the best men. She knows that it's raining men and she's getting soaked.

That girl can be you.

How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve isn't one of those typical books about the Law of Attraction, nor is it like all those other dating books. It actually tells you what to do to get the man and the life you want most. This one actually works while telling you how to work it.

This book shows you that you can have any man you want. You can have the life you deserve. And all you have to do is take the first step. When you've finished reading it, you will be able to attract the man and life of your dreams by not only utilizing the Law of Attraction but also your God-given female assets. By the time we're through, you will have everything you need in order to go out and get that man - or men - and also the life you deserve.

So, yeah, it is raining men and you are about to get soaked. By the way, leave your umbrella at home.
Release dateSep 28, 2008
How To Be Wanted: Use the Law of Attraction to Date the Man You Most Desire and Live the Life You Deserve

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    How To Be Wanted - Romy Miller



    I want to briefly touch on a subject that’s quite important and that is safety. You have to keep yourself safe. I think it’s obligatory to include a warning about some of the men you might run across. And I don’t mean for this to be a downer, but we have to be safe in these days and times. We’re women and we know there are a lot of creeps out there, unfortunately, and some of them want to hurt women. So, this goes without saying, but I will say it anyway: Be safe. Be aware. Be cautious. Always tell someone where you are going and with whom. Always listen to your gut, as it will let you know if something is askew with certain men.

    Got it? Good. Let’s get to the fun stuff.


    "Life isn’t about finding yourself.

    Life is about creating yourself."

    George Bernard Shaw

    In dating it’s all about being wanted. But you can’t always get what you want, right? Well, the Law of Attraction begs to differ.

    In fact, I would venture to say that in life, it’s all about being wanted as well. Do they want me for the new job? Does the waitress want my tip badly enough to give me good service? Do the men I like want to take the chance to get to know me? And the list goes on and on.

    So if life is all about being wanted, how do you do this? You use the Law of Attraction to get it. Easy, right?

    Wait a minute, you protest, You want me to use the Law of Attraction to get the man of my dreams? Isn’t that some kind of hokey, mumbo jumbo, metaphysical thing that hippies use when they’re taking psychedelic drugs? Or is this the thing that they talk about in infomercials?

    Uh, no, not exactly.

    Haven’t you always wanted to be that girl? I bet you have. You know the girl I’m talking about. She’s pretty and cute and she gets just about everything she wants out of life—from the best jobs to the best clothes to the best men. She knows that it’s raining men and she’s getting soaked. She’s lucky in love and she’s lucky in life.

    That girl can be you.

    You can have any man you want. You can have the life you deserve. And all you have to do is take the first step. And the first step is nothing more than knowing what you want. And beyond that? Well, that’s what this book is all about. It’s about how to attract the man and life of your dreams by not only utilizing the Law of Attraction but also your God-given female assets. By the time we’re through, you will have everything you need to go out and get that man—or men—and also the life you deserve.

    Sprinkled throughout the book are chapters on how to be wanted, things you can do to make it happen, along with advice about why you should do it and how. The other chapters discuss things that might be blocking you from getting what you want out of life, consequently blocking your full potential.

    A lot of the book, however, is concentrated on the Law of Attraction. You might sometimes wonder, What does all this have to do with getting a man? And to that I say, Everything! Until you begin attracting good things into your life through the Law of Attraction, a good man can’t be attracted, either.

    Also, please note that this is my take on the Law of Attraction. You might have read other books on this subject and wonder why mine isn’t identical to those. Well, this is my interpretation and how I’ve applied it to my life and, when asked, told others how to use it as well. This isn’t your cookie-cutter Law of Attraction or dating book. What I want this one to give you is a real, hands-on approach to how it works, why it works and how you can make it work for you, by both landing a good man and getting the life you deserve. You have to know that you can be lucky in love and you can be lucky in life. It’s all about putting the Law of Attraction into action for you.

    The point of this book is to get you ready to go out there and get the man and the life you want and desire. This process of manifesting desires will bring you to that point of embracing what you truly want out of life.

    So, yeah, it is raining men and you are about to get soaked. By the way, leave your umbrella at home.


    Many people don’t understand, or even realize, what the Law of Attraction is. The odd thing is, it’s really no secret and it’s not that hard to comprehend. Anyone in any walk of life can do it. I can do it. You can do it, too. So what is it? Metaphysical mumbo-jumbo? Something a yoga guru teaches his followers? No, not exactly.

    The Law of Attraction is this: Like attracts like. Whatever is in your life now, you have attracted. But you protest, "No! I haven’t done this. This bad dating stretch or all the horrible men or the unsavory unhappiness is just because of extenuating circumstances. I didn’t cause it. Not me! I haven’t done this to myself."

    Methinks you doth protest too much. Stop for a minute and think about it. Now think about the Law of Attraction—like attracts like.

    Like attracts like. What does that mean? Simply put, whatever vibe you’re putting out will come back to you. Say you want a vanilla ice cream cone. You haven’t had one for years but all of a sudden, you want one and you want it bad. Does the vanilla ice cream cone just come to you? No, you have to go out and get it. This is taking action. So, in theory, if you like a vanilla ice cream cone, you will get a vanilla ice cream cone because the vanilla ice cream cone likes you, too. All you have to do is make yourself available to receive the vanilla ice cream cone and you can do that easily. There are lots of places to get ice cream. Because you know what you want—a vanilla ice cream cone—you’re going to put yourself in a position where you’re going to get a vanilla ice cream cone. This happens on both a conscious and subconscious level.

    And, yes, this applies to your dating style as well.

    Say, for instance, you think you like a certain kind of man. He may be a bad boy or a loser or whatever. However, he’s all wrong for you. But, deep down, you don’t really like this kind of man; you just think this is the kind of man you will inevitably end up with. And so you do. And why do you always end up with this loser? Because you’ve lowered your expectations and, by doing that, you’re attracting a lower class of guy.

    It’s about your expectations. Even more simply put, it’s about a sense of entitlement.

    Most of us don’t grow up with silver spoons and, therefore, we don’t feel like we’re exactly entitled to too much from this world. So, we settle. We settle for a lesser job, a lesser house, a lesser man and, pretty much, a lesser life. As we settle for this and for that, we are attracting what we think we deserve out of life—less. And that’s what we get. Like attracts like.

    However, say you grew up in a wealthy family. Maybe you were so rich you had a bowling alley in your house. Maybe you had servants and didn’t have to pick up after yourself. Maybe your parents bought you the perfect car for your sixteenth birthday and gave you the keys as you were cutting your fabulous chocolate truffle birthday cake. This gives you a sense of entitlement. So, as you go through life, you’re going to keep that sense of entitlement. You won’t date a man who can’t afford your affluent lifestyle. You won’t wear clothes that aren’t from certain stores and you certainly won’t vacation in the wrong places. You will expect more out of life and you will get it. Like attracts like.

    Its sounds so wrong, doesn’t it? It sounds like it wouldn’t work quite like that. You may be thinking about the rich girl I just described in the last paragraph. You may be feeling a little resentment. Why does she get all this and I don’t get anything? One day, she’ll get hers, alright, and she’ll get it bad, and she won’t like it.

    If your thoughts are along these lines, you are so missing the point.

    Besides, some bad things might happen to her because sometimes bad things happen in life. However, this has nothing to do with the fact that she will inevitably lead a much better life than someone with low expectations. However, it doesn’t matter what the rich girl does. In fact, it shouldn’t matter. If it does matter to you, you are not putting out a positive vibe, i.e. a positive attitude, and, therefore, you are going to get more of what you put out back: Deficiency. To resent others for what they have is coming from a place of lack. We think: If she has it, that means I can’t.

    No, no, no.

    And this is my point. This is what this book is about. In order to be wanted and in order to date the man you most desire and, lastly, in order to get the life you deserve, you will have to completely and totally turn your head around. And I’m not talking about an Exorcist kind of way, either.

    Throughout this book, I will be discussing how the Law of Attraction is at play in your life right now, whether you recognize it or not. I will tell you why you’re not dating the man you want and what you can do about that. But, most importantly, I will tell you how you can overcome all this backward thinking we’ve all been ingrained with. And, yes, you’re not the only one who has missed out on this wonderful thing called the Law of Attraction.

    By the end of this book, I want you to be empowered. I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can have the man you most desire. I want you to know you can have the life you deserve. By the end of this book, I want you to feel it because once you feel it, you’ll have it.

    The great thing is, whatever you have attracted doesn’t matter because you can start today to attract better men and better situations. And by starting to use the Law of Attraction and getting a better attitude, along with higher expectations, you can have what you want. And what you mostly want is to be wanted because being wanted puts you in a position of power and receiving. And that’s pretty good stuff.


    The Law of Attraction simply states that like attracts like. Whatever you put out there will come back to you. And, no, we’re not talking about Karma, either. This is not what goes around comes around. This is about feeling in control of your life, right now. It’s not about waiting for the ax to fall.

    But how does it work? The Law of Attraction works through intention. Once you know what you want, you put out that intention: I want_______. (Please feel free to fill in the blank.) Once the intention is out, sit back and wait. And is that all? Well, no. What is most important is to recognize your wants and truly want them. You have to want them so bad you can feel them coming to life through your imagination. If you do this, you will somehow get what you want. It may come in the form of an idea that occurs to you. It may be that you might begin to look at something in a different way and understand how you can get it. Conversely, the how is unimportant. It’s the desire and the recognition of the desire that’s

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