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30-Case-Based-Question-By Sonali-Jain-Ma'am

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Strategic Management

30 Imp Case Based Questions

Q1. Inspite of high commodity inflation, shortage of components and the threat of
third wave of COVID-19 pandemic in India, manufacturers of packaged goods, home
appliances and consumer electronics are expecting the business to grow by 12 to 25
percent in the coming months. After one-and-a-half years of disruption,
manufacturers are now confident about managing their inventories better, keeping
their supply channels well-stocked and preparing themselves to minimalize the
impact of any COVID related restrictions even as they gear up for the festive season,
which usually accounts for 25 to 35 percent of their yearly sales.
The home appliances sector could be an example. After a dismal April-June quarter
in the year 221; producers of air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines
are expecting their business to grow by 15-20 percent in the months to come. All the
companies operating in the sector have geared up to grab the opportunities available
in the market.
A leading company in the home appliances domain, XXP India, is planning to launch
various innovative product designs and offer loyalty programmes to lure consumers.
With reference to Michael Porter’s generic strategies, identify which strategy XXP
India has planner for? Explain how this strategy will be advantageous to the company
to remain profitable?
Q2. Quick N Sturdy Inc., a multinational company, is undergoing feasibility study to
introduce new luxury and sports car for specific group of customers. The product is
meant for customers with distinctive preferences and special requirements. The
product is not a standard one and as such the target market is also narrow. Company
knows that demand for the product is large enough to be profitable for the company,
but small enough to be ignored by other major industry players. The company wants
to position itself in the niche market with the prime consideration to offer unique
features in the product for the target market.
In the given situation, identify the generic strategy as suggested by Michael Porter.
Also state the advantages and disadvantages of such strategy.
Q3. A Chennai based fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) major CDE Ltd. recently
announced restructuring its business. The company indicated that the business
would be split into mainly four different streams-FMCG, E-commerce, Retail, and
Research & Development. The company management has decided that these four
units will operate as separate businesses. The top corporate officer shall delegate
responsibility for day-to-day operations and business unit strategy to the concerned
Identify the organization structure that CDE Ltd. has planned to implement. Discuss
any four attributes and the benefits the firm may derive by using this organization
Q4. XYZ Ltd. is an automobile company that offers diversified products for all
customer segments. Due to COVID-19, the changes took place in the economy forced
the company to change its strategy. Being the CEO of the company, what stages will
you follow for developing and executing the new strategy?
Q5. A company started its operation in 2015 with Product Alpha. In early 2021, with
intent to have its better presence in the market, the company diversifies by acquiring
a company with product Beta. After sometime, it was observed that product Beta is
not faring well. Aggressive competition was therein market for the product. It was
also revealed that though customers are not price sensitive, but product was not
keeping pace with the fast changing unique features as expected by its customers.
Company has tried one of the retrenchment strategies by putting efforts to improve
its internal efficiency, but could not get desired results. In the situation, company is
of a considered view to remain and grow in product alpha and to decouple with
product Beta from its portfolio.
As a strategist, suggest the retrenchment strategy to be adopted by the company.
Also delineate reasons why a company should adopt such strategy?
Q6. STU’s association with India goes back to 1967, when it played a key role in
constructing a very long highway in India spreading over multiple states. Since then,
it is contributing in many ways to the country’s growth story. Now it is looking at
playing an active role in the key projects taken up by the central government.
Suggest few Opportunities and Threats that the company should consider.
Q7. Due to reoccurrence of various variants of Corona virus, LMN Ltd. is facing
unstable environment and it has started unbundling and disintegrating its activities.
It also started relying on outside vendors for performing these activities. Identify the
organisation structure LMN Ltd. is shifting to. Under what circumstances this
structure becomes useful?
Q8. GWA, a leading Japan based automobile company decides to make India a hub
for the company’s 250 cc motorcycle to be manufactured in collaboration with the
TPR Group, a leading Indian motorcycle manufacturer. The production is to be
exported to the company’s home market as well as to other African countries.
What is this growth strategy called? Point out the most important advantages both
the companies expect from such strategy/collaboration.
Q9. "The strategic management cannot counter all hindrances and always achieve
success for an organization." Do you agree with this statement? Give arguments in
support of your answer.
Q10. ABC Steel Industries finds out that its products have reached at maturity stage
and already has overcapacity. Therefore, it concentrates on maintaining operational
efficiency of its plants. Identity the strategy implemented by ABC Steel Industries
along with reasons.
Q11. ABC Ltd. currently sells its product in two major markets – Europe and Asia.
While it is a market leader in Europe, ABC Ltd. has struggled to penetrate the more
competitive Asian market. ABC Ltd. hired a strategic consultant to analyze the
situation and submit his report to them. After the report received from the strategic
consultant, it has therefore decided to pull out of Asia entirely and focus on its
European markets only. This decision relates to which level in ABC Ltd. and explain
the role of managers at this level in the organization.
Q12. Ajanta & Sons Limited are manufacturers of domestic household security
alarms for high income group homeowners in India. The company is currently
reviewing two strategic options.
Option 1: Selling the same alarms although with different coverings to smaller and
low-income group households at a lower price.
Option 2: Development of new, more sophisticated alarms and a wide range of
security services (guards and surveillance) for sale to industrial clients for higher
prices. The senior management team of Ajanta & Sons Limited are keen to analyse
the two options using Ansoff’s matrix.
Q13. Ramesh and Suresh own software development firms ACS Ltd. and BDS Ltd.
Ramesh and Suresh pitch their business in international markets and win
international contracts . Ramesh has fifty software engineers in his team. Suresh, on
the other hand, leads a team of forty software engineers. Every project has a specific
and fixed timeline. Individual projects are assigned to project heads by Ramesh and
Suresh. Ramesh adheres to strict rules and procedures. He met with the project
heads to get an update but exchanged ideas occasionally. He set a weekly target of
forty hours to complete the assigned goal or task. The group that met the deadline
and completed the task received a 10% bonus. The group that was unable to meet
the deadline was penalized. The group that did not meet the deadline was penalized
with unpaid extra working hours to complete the task. Suresh, unlike Ramesh, did
not priorities a structured approach to work. Suresh inspired the project managers
by making them feel like leaders rather than just participants. Suresh's empowering
attitude helped to align individual goals with group goals. Ramesh established
routines to maximize his team efficiency. Suresh, on the other hand, used positive
reinforcement to maximize his team efficiency.
(a) Identify the leadership style employed by Ramesh and Suresh.
(b) What are the conditions/situations that make such leadership styles more
(c) Discuss the characteristics of the leadership styles.
Q14. Jynklo Ltd. is an established online children gaming company in Japan. They
are performing good in the gaming industry. The management of Jynklo Ltd. has
decided to expand its business. They decided to start a premium sports drink named
JynX for athletes. Identify and explain the growth strategy adopted by Jynklo Ltd.?
Q15. Health Pharma Pvt. Ltd. (HPPL) a one person company with limited liability is
manufacturing generic and medicinal drugs in India.
Hygiene Laboratories Plc. (HLP) a multinational company with its strong financial
position is one of the major players in pharmaceutical sector.
Individually, each company has its own core competencies. However, additional
focus by the state on generic medicine with renewed regulatory requirements are
posing challenges in fierce competitive environment.
Considering benefits of synergies, both the companies are considering to join hands
for better growth opportunities. Earlier, they tried to go for joint venture or strategic
alliance but the arrangement could not materialize.
In view of the facts given above:
(i) If HPPL and HLP join hands and make new entity named Health N Hygiene
Pharma Ltd., what type of growth strategy will this strategic development
(ii) In case, HLP is sold out to HPPL and HLP ceased to exist, what type of
growth strategy will this strategic deal be?
(iii) What are the differences between the above two identified growth
Q16. A business consultancy firm specializes in environment management
consultancy. It advises client companies on how to set up environmental
management accounting systems. For measuring recording and analyzing
environmental costs. A large part of its business involves performing environmental
audits to check whether companies have achieved an international assurance
standard in environmental management; this is something that rival consultancy
firms do not do. The firm also carries out other management consultancy projects for
client, but these make up only a small proportion of its total annual fee income.
Identify the strategy categories by Michael Porter which best describes the strategy
of this firm.
Q17. Swagatam was a chain of hotels. The business was good until the whole nation
was impacted by COVID-19 pandemic in early 2022.
The management soon understood that pandemic had seriously disrupted the hotel
sector and average revenue-per-available room fell by nearly 90% and they expected
this decline to continue due to travel bans and fear seen in the society.
Pandemic required 14-day compulsory quarantine for the affected individuals and
hospitals were short of rooms.
Management found a small opportunity as they had sufficient rooms, staff and could
follow required health and safety standards. They decided to do service
transformation by letting some of their units to hospitals to be transformed into covid-
care units & rest of the units were rented to individuals as a quarantine facility.
(a) Name the strategic level of management at which such decisions are made.

(b) The above scenario depicts one of the limitations of strategic management.
Discuss which limitation of strategic management is depicted here.

(c) Here the decision taken by the management was reactive. Discuss the benefit of
proactive approach over reactive approach.
Q18. Glassware Ltd. is about to go through a significant restructuring. The strategic
change involves moving from a decentralized to a centralized structure. This will help
Glassware avoid duplication of support activities and lower its costs.
The management have held the first staff briefing in which they went to great lengths
to explain that the change was necessary to equip the company to face future
competitive challenges. Identify and explain the current stage of Glassware Ltd. from
the Lewin’s three-stage model of change?
Q19. Mr. LMN has established a successful venture in the textiles sector in
Maharashtra. His enterprise specializes in crafting unique and high-quality home
furnishings, which have garnered significant market presence. However, there was
a sales dip in the previous year. Seeking professional advice, Mr. LMN consulted a
strategic management expert who suggested his first course of action should be to
grasp the dynamics of the competitive landscape.
In order to comprehend the competitive landscape, what steps should Mr. LMN
Q20. Leatherite Ltd. was started as a leather company to manufacture footwear.
Currently, they are in the manufacturing of footwears for males and females. The top
management desires to expand the business in the leather manufacturing goods. To
expand they decided to purchase more machines to manufacture leather bags for
males and females.
Identify and explain the strategy opted by the top management of Leatherite Ltd.
Q21. Dharam Singh, the procurement department head of Cyclix, a mountain biking
equipment company, was recently promoted to look after sales department along
with procurement department. His seniors at the corporate level have always liked
his way of leadership and are assures that he would ensure the implementation of
policies and strategies to the best of his capacity but have never involved him in
decision making for the company.
Do you think this is the right approach? Validate your answer with logical reasoning
around management levels and decision making.
Q22. Easy Access is a marketing services company providing consultancy to a range
of business clients. Easy Access and its rivals have managed to persuade the
Government to require all marketing services companies to complete a time-
consuming and bureaucratic registration process and to comply with an industry
code of conduct. Do you think that by doing this Easy Access and its rivals has an
advantage in some way to fight off competitors? Explain.
Q23. ABC Ltd. manufactures and sells air purifier ‘Fresh Breath’. The ‘Fresh Breath’
has seen sales growth of around 1% for the last two years, after strong growth in the
previous five years. This is due to new products entering the market in competition
with the ‘Fresh Breath’. ABC Ltd. is therefore considering cutting its prices to be in
line with its major rivals with a hope to maintain the market share. Market research
indicates that this will now cause a significant increase in the level of sales, even
though in previous years price cuts have had little effect on demand. ABC ltd. is also
planning to launch a promotional campaign to highlight the benefits of the ‘Fresh
Breath’ against its rival products.
Identify and explain the stage of the product life cycle in which ‘Fresh Breath’ falls.
Q24. Connect Group was one of the leading makers of the mobile handsets till a few
years ago and which went at the bottom of the heap. Connect Group didn't adapt to
the current market trends which eventually lead to its downfall. Which would have
helped Connect Group to change, adapt and survive? Explain the steps to initiate the
Q25. Mini theatre Ltd. was a startup venture of three young IIM graduates. They
developed an application to watch web-based content like web series, TV Shows,
theatre shows, etc. after purchasing their exclusive rights. They were successful in
getting many consumers enrolled with them. After a certain span of time, the
company realized that some regional content like ‘bangla movies’, ‘Gujarati shows’
etc. were having high cost and less viewership. The leadership team of Mini theatre
Ltd. decided to sell the rights and curtail any further content development in these
Identify and explain the corporate strategy adopted by the leadership team of Mini
theatre Ltd.
Q26. ABC Pharmaceuticals, a leading pharmaceutical company, is in the process of
formulating its strategic intent. The top management of ABC Pharmaceuticals
wants to define the company's future direction, objectives, and goals. They aim is to
create a vision that sets the organization apart and provides a roadmap for future
growth. ABC Pharmaceuticals aspires to enrich the lives of people by producing
high-quality pharmaceutical products at competitive prices and wants to become
the world's leading pharmaceutical company by 2030." Based on this context, draft
a vision and mission statement that could be formulated by the top management of
ABC Pharmaceuticals.
Q27. Suraj Prakash and Chander Prakash are two brothers engaged in the business
of spices. Both have different approaches to management. Suraj Prakash prefers
the conventional and formal approach in which authority is used for explicit
rewards and punishment. While, on the other hand, Chander Prakash believes in
democratic participative management approach, involving employees to give their
Analyse the leadership style followed by Suraj Prakash and Chander Prakash.
Q28. O-Farm, an organic farm products brand has been operating in India since 2014.
It has had a decent history of business with revenue of ₹ 50 crores in the previous
year and a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11% year on year.
While the company operated on “Kisaan Kalyan” i.e., farmer friendly agenda since its
inception, the rough times ahead seem to call for changes. The recent amendments
in Agriculture laws, though indirectly related to organic farming, have posed
immense threat to how the business operates. The leaders have been proactive in
shifting gears and budgeted funds for shifting focus to “Upbhokta Sewa”, i.e.,
customer orientation.
To create newer demands and position themselves against the local farming practice
changes, they reached out to West Asian and African Nations for their farm inputs,
just like many other small traders from their segment. Accordingly, they ordered dry
fruits from Afghanistan, whole wheat from Nigeria, and citrus fruits from Turkey. This
has helped them get raw inputs at cheaper than usual rates and even better
contractual terms, thus, reducing input costs and thereby, passing on the surplus
margins to customers.
Further, the marketing team roped in big cricket stars and many social media
influencers to aware customers about the brand’s customer orientation and product
benefits. But, as the focus was on minimal spending, the team smartly locked in
affiliate marketing terms with the influencers and even celebrities, instead of upfront
promotion fee. This also helped in saving a lot of cost initially.
With the changing environment in the Indian subcontinent around agriculture
production, the team is confident with its strategic positioning. The sales have been
just at the break - even bars for now, and the projected CAGR is 19% year on year,
taking the sales volume to 10X in the next 4 years.
Farming has been a respected profitable business with big players as huge as oil
companies. Nonetheless, it is complex, as it involves a lot of stakeholders, especially
as it still remains a labour intensive industry.
Based on the above Case Scenario, answer the Multiple Choice Questions.
(I). O-Farm ’s new strategy implementation as a result of amendment of
Agriculture laws by the government, resonates with which of the following

a) Organisational operations are highly influenced by ripple effect of

environmental changes.
b) Organisational structure is highly influenced by ripple effect of
environmental changes.
c) Organisational operations are not affected by the ripple effect of
environmental changes.
d) Organisational structure can influence the environmental changes.
(II). The shift of O-Farm from “Kisaan Kalyan” to “Upbhokta Sewa” is a change in?

a) Mission
b) Vision
c) Promotion
d) Product

(III). Which of the following was the first and major advantage for O-Farm that
helped them achieve Cost Leadership in the market?

a) Economies of Scale was achieved very early on

b) Prompt forecast of product’s demand
c) Becoming customer oriented
d) Well negotiated purchase contracts

(IV). O-Farm’s marketing strategy is an example of which of the following marketing


a) Person Marketing
b) Augmented Marketing
c) Enlightened Marketing
d) Synchro Marketing

(V). The brand has achieved cost leadership through multiple strategies, but it
would be a constant challenge to sustain this leadership because of which of
the following reasons?

a) Competitors would imitate its modus operandi.

b) Marketing cost will be huge as volumes increase given its choice of
marketing strategy.
c) Change in Agriculture Laws shall disrupt its supply chain time and gain.
d) Sales volume will have to outperform its own targets and even that of
Q29. Easy Drinks LLP, a company in the health drink industry, found itself grappling
with a severe cash crunch due to high production costs and sluggish sales amid
tough competition. Led by KK Batra, the team realized that a significant overhaul of
their existing processes and business approach was necessary to turn the tide.
Taking a bold leap, they took the decision to invest all of their debt in their balance
sheet into brand building.
Their new strategy comprised of two key elements. First, they sought to position their
brand as a leading extreme sports drink, aiming to elevate the customer's experience
and perceived value. Second, they opted to outsource their production and
distribution to external vendors. This move was driven by the intention to reduce
operational costs significantly and channel the savings into strengthening their
brand positioning.
With these transformative changes in mind, the company reimagined itself as "Purple
Tiger." The brand's new identity featured a distinctive logo—a roaring tiger on a
bright purple can, setting it apart from its competitors in the market.
To build a brand that resonated with consumers, Easy Drinks LLP heavily invested in
extreme sports sponsorships. They supported world record holders' attempts,
sponsored skydiving, fishing, deep diving, paragliding, bullfights, hot air balloon
races, and various other adventure sports worldwide. The vision was to capture the
attention of every individual who identified with the thrill of adventure sports. This
approach marked a revolutionary step for the company.
Another aspect that set Purple Tiger apart from its competitors was its packaging.
While most other brands offered standard 150 ml fat cans, Purple Tiger introduced a
unique 180 ml long slimmer can. This differentiation allowed the company to charge
a premium for the perceived "pride" it added to the consumer's experience, a
strategy they termed "Pride Premium Pricing."
However, the decision to outsource the entire operations posted its own set of risks,
mainly concerning quality control and measurement. Despite this, Easy Drinks LLP
carefully selected Thai Beverages, a reputable Thailand-based company, as their
strategic partner to support them in this endeavour. To instill confidence and ensure
a long-term relationship, Thai Beverages was offered a share in the profits. This move
aimed to free up the team's focus from operational and supply chain matters,
enabling them to concentrate fully on brand building.
Purple Tiger's transformation exemplifies how a change in strategy can bring about
a complete shift in the outlook, vision, and mission of a company. The successful
execution of their new approach demonstrates the potential for newer dimensions to
emerge in the business landscape.
Based on the above Case Scenario, answer the Multiple-Choice Questions.
(I). How did Purple Tiger's unique packaging contribute to its competitive

a) It attracted more customers

b) It reduced production costs
c) It allowed them to charge a premium
d) It strengthened the partnership with Thai Beverages

(II). Which of the following growth strategy did Easy Drinks LLP use to free up their
own teams and focus on their core specification of brand building?

a) Horizontal integrated diversification

b) Vertical integrated diversification
c) Conglomerate diversification
d) Concentric diversification

(III). Purple Tiger's decision to involve Thai Beverages in profit sharing reflects a
strategic focus on:

a) Strategic alliances
b) Competitive benchmarking
c) Financial leverage
d) Outsourcing

(IV). Easy Drinks LLP's decision to sponsor extreme sports aligns with which
strategic objective?

a) Market development
b) Market penetration
c) Product development
d) Diversification
Q30. Since its inception in 1910, the family business of Indian ethnic wear firm
Shanti Prasad & Sons, run by Mr. Mukesh Gupta and his three sons has seen major
transformation in supply chain, product development and management. The
inheritance over generations hasn't been easy, as it was subject to family brawls,
but the company stood strong to its core principles.
Since 2011, major foreign brands have been eyeing the segment with world class
designers opening up their boutiques in plush areas around the country. JJM, a
French design house, recently branded its Indian wear with leading film
personalities, to attract masses. This damaged existing supply chains, attracted
new age buyers and has been profitable from the very beginning.
The three sons reach out to you for management consultancy, to help them meet
the competition, if not beat it. You study the business inside out and come up with
three options.
First, to exit Indian Market, and start exporting their designs to European markets.
This would ensure bigger revenue and forex gains, and also the distribution chains
were well built there.
Second, to become the major manufacturer of JMM and other big foreign brands.
This would ensure they stay relevant in the market as all the promotional spend
would be taken care of by JMM and the volumes they would rope in would actually
mean growth for Shanti Prasad & Sons too.
Third, to sell their designs to the global brands with patent protection. This would
ensure a perpetual flow of revenue and a new market altogether, with global
business exposure.
The family after considering your proposals, knowing the intricacies of business,
and its environment, decided to blend options two and three. The success or failure
could only be gauged in three quarters, when they sit down for an internal post
implementation review.
Based on the above Case Scenario, answer the Multiple Choice Questions.
(I). What can be said about the attitude of the owners with regards to their
strategy mindset when they reached out for consultancy?

a) Expansion Oriented
b) Stability Oriented
c) Retrenchment Oriented
d) Combination Oriented

(II). Option three if opted, would help in sustainability of which of the following,
and would ensure so because of what major characteristic of sustainability?

a) Sustainability of Competitive Advantage by ensuring Transferability

b) Sustainability of Value Creation by ensuring Appropriability
c) Sustainability of Value Creation by restricting Imitability
d) Sustainability of Competitive Advantage by ensuring Durability+

(III). For Shanti Prasad & Sons well as JJM, globalisation has been a key area of
consideration. As times change, and new players enter a market, the existing
firms need to be careful about their survival. Which of the following
statements about Globalisation is false for JJM?

a) It unifies the trade and such trade barriers become irrelevant

b) It needs ability to compete in domestic market with foreign competitors
c) It includes commitment to invest heavily in other countries
d) It brings in foreign investment in the form of FDI

(IV). For JMM, which of the following structures would be best suited, in case all
major Indian family run businesses start producing designs for them, while
JMM simply takes care of distribution and marketing?

a) Simple Structure
b) Network Structure
c) Matrix Structure
d) Divisional Structure
Q31. Easy Access is a marketing services company providing consultancy to a
range of business clients. Easy Access and its rivals have managed to persuade the
Government to require all marketing services companies to complete a time-
consuming and bureaucratic registration process and to comply with an industry
code of conduct. Do you think that by doing this Easy Access and its rivals has an
advantage in some way to fight off competitors? Explain.
Q32. Racers Ltd. manufactures bicycles. Until recently it has adopted a
differentiation strategy, offering high quality bicycles which Racers Ltd. sells at a
high profit margin.
In recent years, Racers Ltd. has entered a period of decline due to the market
becoming flooded with cheaper, high quality bicycles from abroad, where labour
costs are lower.
Racers Ltd. has therefore decided to adjust its strategy and adopt a focus
approach, targeting its bicycles towards professional athletes. This will allow
Racers Ltd. to continue earning high margins, though the size of its potential
market will likely fall.
Identify and explain the need of adopting this strategy by Racers Ltd. to manage
Q33. Anand, a fashion designer from Mumbai, started a nail art parlour in a posh
Mumbai urban area, in partnership with his college friend Aanya. They had a clear
choice of business as per their field of study and were assured that cosmetics is
one of the biggest industries in India.
Cosmetics include a huge range of products, from skin care to hair care, makeup
(the most profitable), lip care, hygiene products and many more lines of personal
care. However, Aanya being a trained nano art designer and Anand driven by Nail
Art, happened to share common interests, and hence, built Naileo.
The business plan was simple, collaborate with online service providers, be active
on social media, offer paid promotions, and give out free trials to lure in customers.
The focus being on creating a connection. Clearly, the target group was young
working females who could spend decent amounts of money on personal luxury.
The brand wanted to cash on easy disposal income of the target consumers.
However, in the same segment for men, tattoo parlours were already taking away
the share of business. These tattoo brands could easily transition into Nail Art and
be a tough competition to Naileo. The team had to be aware of the competitor
Anand had personal connections in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, where they
planned to open small workshops to produce artificial nails of high quality to be sold
panIndia, online as well as to other parlours. The team of two also wanted to add
value to the society. For that they offered free training to young girls and offered
them permanent employment. The customers found the initiative quite enriching
and supported them by being loyal to their services. This was an unplanned aspect
of brand building that added more value than paid promotions.
The brand has been doing well lately, with the economic model being sustainable so
far. They plan to open two more stores in Mumbai and a flagship store in Bengaluru.
With a set vision of the future and a socially impactful mission, Naileo has been a
profitable bet for Anand and Aanya.
Based on the above Case Scenario, answer the Multiple Choice Questions.
(I). Tattoo Parlours are an indirect competition to Naileo. Application of which of
the following can be utilised to understand the in-depth intricacies of their
competitive strength?

a) Competitive Landscape
b) Identification Tools
c) Competitive Intelligence
d) Collation of all gathered information

(II). Anand’s decision of opening Solan Workshop can be described as?

a) Horizontal Integration Diversification

b) Vertical Integration Diversification
c) Concentric Diversification
d) Strategic Alliance

(III). Based on question three above, what was the core methodology behind
willingly ignoring a major aspect of marketing?

a) SWOT Analysis, founders’ area of expertise

b) BCG Matrix, Artificial Nails being a cash cow
c) Vision, to employ underprivileged youth
d) Mission, to be a national leader in new cosmetic segment

(IV). Anand being the strategy implementer of Naileo, should be aware of which of
the following statements around corporate culture?.

a) Corporate Culture prevails strategic decisions

b) Change all the hindering facets of corporate culture for effective strategy
c) Implementation is a superset of corporate culture
d) Leadership Style is a subset of culture

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