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3 Biological Classification - DPP

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Biological Classification 03

1. Which of the following is common in

Flagella and pilli of bacteria
8. Organisms which obtain energy by
(A) size oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds
(B) both have membrane are :-
(C) made of protein (A) Photoautotrophs (B) Saprotrophs
(D) made up of lipid (C) Coproheterotrophs
(D) Chemoautotrophs
2. Cell membrane of Monera is made up of
(A) Amino acid (B) Lipid bilayer
9. Thick peptidoglycan is present in the cell
(C) Fat (D) Carbohydrate wall of:
(A) Gram +ve bacteria
3. Consider the following statement -
(B) Gram –ve bacteria
(a) Mesosome is made up of lipid layer
(C) Cyanobacteria (D) Mycoplasma
(b) Chromatophore is present in
How many are correct- 10. Genes for antibiotic resistance are located in
(A) only a (B) only b (A) Chromosome (B) Nucleus
(C) both a and b (D) both wrong (C) Cell wall (D) Plasmid

4. Which of the following is present in both 11. Spirulina is a

prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - (A) Blue green algae (B) Fungi
(A) Nucleoid (B) ER (C) Pteridophyte (D) Bryophyte
(C) DNA replication (D) 80 s ribosome
12. Sex factor in bacteria is
5. Which of the following is Inclusion bodies- (A) Chromosomal replicon
(A) Sulphur granule (B) F- plasmid
(B) Phosphorus granule
(C) RNA (D) sex – pilus
(C) Glycogen granule
(D) All
13. Prokaryota includes
(A) Mycoplasma only
6. Which of the following present in all
bacteria - (B) Ulothrix
(C) Fungi
(A) Peptidoglycan wall
(D) Mycoplasma and blue-green algae
(B) Plasma membrane
(C) 70S ribosome (D) both B and C
14. Based on their shape bacteria are
grouped under?
7. Mark the correct about Cyanobacteria:
(A) Two categories
(A) Chl “a” present (B) Chl “b”
(B) Three categories
(C) bacteriophyll present (C) Four categories
(D) all (D) five categories

(A) Chemosynthetic autotrophic

15. Bacteria which live in most harsh habitats (B) Photosynthetic autotrophic
is called? (C) Methanogens (D) Oscillatoria
(A) Eubacteria (B) Archaebacteria
(C) Cyanobacteria (D) All are correct a great role in recycling
nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron
16. Archaebacteria survive in and Sulphur.
extreme conditions is due to (A) Heterotrophic bacteria
(A) Different cell wall structure (B) Photosynthetic autotrophic
(B) Different cell membrane structure (C) Chemosynthetic autotrophic
(C) Oxidize various inorganic substances (D) Blue –green algae
(D) More than one is correct
23. Which of the following is not true
17. Bacteria reproduce in unfavorable for heterotrophic bacteria?
condition mainly by? (A) They are the most abundant in nature.
(A) Spores (B) Fission (B) The majority are
(C) Conjugation (D) Recombination important decomposers.
(C) Chemosynthetic autotrophic
18. Bacteria occur? (D) Some are pathogens causing damage to
(A) Only in hot springs human beings, crops, farm animals and
(B) Only in deserts
(C) Only In snow and deep oceans
24. Which of the following is true
(D) Everywhere
for heterotrophic bacteria?
(A) They are helpful in making curd from
19. Based on their shape bacteria are
grouped in?
(B) They are helpful in production of
(A) Coccus, Bacillus Vibrio and Rickettsia
(B) Coccus, Bacillus Mycoplasma
(C) They are helpful in fixing nitrogen in
and Spirillum
legume roots
(C) Coccus, Bacillus Vibrio and Spirillum
(D) All of above
(D) All of the above
25. Which of the following diseases not caused
20. Eubacteria or ‘true bacteria’ characterized by bacteria?
by the presence of :
(A) Cholera (B) Typhoid
(A) Rigid cell wall
(C) Dengue
(B) If motile then flagellum
(D) Tetanus, citrus canker
(C) Capsule (D) All of these
26. Some bacteria have a capsule outside
21.bacteria oxidize various cell wall. It is made of
inorganic substances such as nitrates,
(A) Protein (B) Cellulose
nitrites and ammonia and use the released
(C) Fat
energy for their ATP production.
(D) Mucopolysaccharide

(B) RNA and non histones

27. Bacteria having a tuft of flagella at both (C) A single double stranded DNA
ends are called (D) A single stranded DNA
(A) Peritrichous (B) Lophotrichous
(C) Amphitrichous (D) Atrichous 35. Which of the following is not a
bacterial action?
28. Crown gall is due to (A) Nitrogen fixation
(A) Agrobacterium (B) Clostridium (B) Emulsification of fat
(C) Mycobacterium (D) Erwinia (C) Sewage disposal
(D) Curd making
29. Biogas is produced by
(A) Eubacterium (B) Archaebacteria 36. Typhoid is caused by
(C) Mycoplasma (D) Cyanobacteria (A) Xanthomonas citri
(B) Bacillus dysenteriae
30. An obligate anaerobe is (C) Salmonella typhi
(A) Ulothrix (B) Spirogyra (D) Diplococcus pneumoniae
(C) Methane bacteria
(D) Chlamydomonas 37. Food poisoning is caused by
(A) Clostridium botulinum
31. Bacteria were regarded to be plants (B) Salmonella typhosa
because (C) Clostridium tetani
(A) Some of them are green (D) None of these
(B) They are present every where
(C) Some of them cannot move 38. The free living nitrogen fixation is done
(D) They have a rigid cell wall by bacteria
(A) Azotobacter (B) Rhizobium
32. If a bacterium cell divides in every 20 (C) Clostridium (D) Frankia
minutes, how many bacteria will be formed 39. Nitrogen fixing aerobic, photosynthetic
in two hours? and Gram (-) bacteria are
(A) 4 (B) 16 (A) Archaebacteria (B) Cyanobacteria
(C) 8 (D) 64 (C) Chlorobacteria (D) Rickettsiae

33. In bacteria the site for respiratory activity 40. Methanogens are present in the-----of
found in several ruminant animals
(A) Episome (B) Microsome (A) stomach
(C) Ribosome (D) Cell membrane (B) large intestine
(C) small intestine
34. Genophore or nucleoid is made up of (D) oesophagus
(A) Histones

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