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Exercise - I: V E M L

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The Unit of Life Biology IB

. 13. Extra chromosomal, small, circular, naked DNA

EXERCISE - I present in some bacteria is called
01. The living cell was first discovered by (a) Transposon (b) Extron
(a) R . Hooke (b) A.V. Leeuwenhoek (c) Intron (d) Plasmid
(c) N. Grew (d) R. Brown 14. Plasmids
02. All structural details of cell were revealed through (a) Contain antibiotic resistance gens
the following instrument (b) Contain ds DNA molecule
(a) Light microscope (b) Ultra centrifuge (c) Are self replicable (d) All the above
(c) Electron microscope 15. Unique features of prokaryotic cells are the presence of
(d) Phase contrast microscope
03. Who first applied cell theory to plants ? .
(a) Mesosomes
(c) Plasmids
(b) Inclusion bodies
(d) All the above
(a) T. schwann (b) R. Virchow M 16. In prokaryotes the cell envelope includes
(c) M. Schultz (d) M. J. Schleiden .
(a) Glycocalyx (b) Cell wall
04. The scientist who first proposed that the presence (c) Cell membrane (d) All the above
of cell wall is a unique character of the plant cells is
17. Bacteria are divided into Gram +ve and Gram - ve
(a) T. schwann (b) M.J. schleiden based on
(c) R. virchow (d) R. Brown
(a) Nature of cell envelope
05. Cell lineage or cell inheritance theory was (b) Response to staining
proposed by (c) Plasmids (d) a & b
(a) R.Virchow (b) R. Brown 18 The structure which prevents the bacteria from
(c) Suttan & Boveri (d) Hanstein bursting or collapsing is
06. The following is common for both prokaryotic (a) Cell wall (b) Glycocalyx
and eukaryotic cells (c) Cell membrane (d) Mesosomes
(a) Nucleus (b) DNA with histones 19. Mesosomes include
(c) Cytoplasm (d) 80 S Ribosomes
(a) Vesicles (b) Tubules
07. Amembranous cell organelles which are found in (c) Lamellae (d) All the above
both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are
20. Mesosomes help in
(a) Mitochondria (b) Ribosomes
(A)Cell wall formation (B) DNA replication
(c) Microbodies (d) Vacuole
(C)Replication (D)Secretion
08. Common semi autonomous cell organelles found (E)To increase enzymatic content
in all eukaryotic cells are (a) B, C only (b) C, D only
(a) Plastids (b) Mitochondria (c) A, C only (d) A, B, C, D, E

(c) Nucleus (d) 1 & 2
Amembranous cell organelle ‘centriole’ is present in
. 21.
In cyanobacteria, membranous extension with
pigments into the cytoplasm are called
(a) All plant cells (b) All animal cells M
(a) Chromosomes (b) Chromomeres
(c)All prokaryotic cells (d) All cyanobacteria .
(c) Chromatophores (d) Chloroplasts
10. Smallest cells are 22. Bacterial flagellum is composed of
(a) Bacteria (b) Cyanobacteria (a) Basal body (b) Hook
(c) Mycoplasma (d) RBC (c) Filament (d) All the above
11. Largest cell is 23. Function of fimbriae is
(a) Egg of Ostrich (b) RBC (a) Attachment (b) Absorption
(c) WBC (d) Mesophyll cell (c) Secretion (d) Reproduction
12. Genetic material in prokaryotic cells is 24. In prokaryotes the ribosomes are associated with
(a) ds DNA (b) ss DNA (a) Cytosol (b) Cell wall
(c) ss RNA (d) ds DNA . (c) Plasma membrane (d) Nucleoid
Biology IB The Unit of Life
25. Type of ribosomes present in prokaryotes is . 36. Experimental material used for the study the
(a) 80s (b) 50s (c) 30s (d) 70s chemical structure of cell membrane was
26. Site of protein synthesis in a prokaryotic cell is (a) White blood cells (b) Red blood cells
(c) Platelets (d) Lymph cells
(a) Cytosol (b) Plasma membrane
(c) Ribosomes (d) Gas vacuoles 37. The lipid component of cell membrane mainly
consists of
27. Reserve materials in prokaryotic cells are stored in
the cytoplasm in the form of (a) Glycerides (b) Phosphoglycerides
(c) Oligosaccharides (d) Proteins
(a) Ribosomes (b) Polysomes
(c) Inclusion bodies (d) Vacuoles 38. Cell membrane is chemically composed by
28. Amembrane bound systems which are present
freely in the cytoplasm
(a) Lipids
(c) Proteins
(b) Carbohydrates
(d) All the above
(a) Ribosomes (b) Inclusion bodies M 39. The approximate percentage of proteins and lipids
(c) Residual bodies (d) Baker’s bodies .
in the cell membrane of human erythrocyte
respectively is
29. Amembrane systems that lie freely in the cytoplasm
includes (a) 40 and 52 (b) 42 and 50
(c) 52 and 40 (d) 48 and 52
(a) Phosphate granules
(b) Glycogen granules 40. Most widely accepted model for plasma
(c) Cyanophycean granules membrane is
(d) All the above (a) Sandwitch model
30. Inclusion bodies that are exclusively found aquatic (b) Fluid mosaic model
blue green, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria (c) Unit membrane model
(d) Trilamellar model
(a) Vacuoles (b) Palade granules
(c) Gas vacuoles (d) Elementary bodies. 41. The fluid nature of cell membrane is given by
31. Nucleus with nuclear membrane is found in (a) Proteins (b) Carbohydrates
(c) Lipids (d) All the above
(a) Protists (b) Plant & fungal cells
(c) Animal cells (d) All 42. Fluid-mosaic model was proposed by
32. Eukaryotic cells may differ with prokaryotic cells (a) Robertson
in having (b) Peter mitchell
(a) Locomotory structures (c) Danielli and Daveson
(b) Cytoskeleton (d) Singer and Nicolson
(c) Nucleus with nuclear membrane 43. The fluid nature of plasma membrane helps in
(d) All the above (a) Cell division (b) Cell growth
33. Animal cells are different with plant cells in lack of .
(c) Endocytosis (d) All
(a) Cell wall (b) Plastids E 44. The selectively permeable nature of cell membrane
(c) Nucleus (d) a & b is mainly contributed by
34. Cell structures that are exclusively found in animal
(a) Lipids (b) Proteins
cells but not in plant cells are (c) Lipo-proteins (d) Carbohydrates
(a) Plastids (b) Cell wall 45. Movement of molecules across the cell membrane
(c) Centrioles (d) Gas vacuoles without the requirement of energy is called
35. The detailed structure of cell membrane was (a) Active transport (b) Passive transport
studied only after the invention of (c) Osmosis (d) Plasmolysis
(a) Simple microscope 46. Movement of water through the plasma
(b) Compound microscope membrane by diffusion is called
(c) Electron microscope (a) Plasmolysis (b) Exosmosis
(d) Phase contrast microscope . (c) Endosmosis (d) Osmosis


The Unit of Life Biology IB
47. Physical phenomenon that occur in Osmosis is . 58. Endoplasmic reticulum arises from
(a) Diffusion (b) Evaporation (a) Inner karyotheca
(c) Percolation (d) Plasmolysis (b) Outer karyotheca
48. Driving force for active transport of ions across (c) Plasmamembrane
the cell membrane is (d) Endomembrane system
(a) AMP (b) ATP (c) GTP (d) ADP 59. Rough ER is associated with
49. Carrier proteins which are present in the cell (a) Ribosomes (b) Nucleus
membrane facilitate the transport of (c) Mesosomes (d) Peroxysomes
(a) Non - polar molecules 60. Endoplasmic reticulum is involved in
(b) Hydrophobic molecules
(c) Polar - molecules (d) Water
(a) Intracellular transport
(b) Protein synthesis
50. Non - living, rigid, protective covering for the M (c) Secretion (d) All
plasma membrane of fungi and plant cell is . 61.
Major site for lipid synthesis in a cell is
(a) Glycocalyx (b) Capsule (a) RER (b) SER
(c) Cell wall (d) All (c) Mitochondria (d) Nucleus
51. Cell wall materials found in Algal cell wall are 62. In animal cells lipid-like steroidal hormones are
(a) Cellulose (b) Galactans synshesised by
(c) Mananns (d) All the above (a) Glyoxysomes (b) Peroxysomes
52. Common cell wall materials found in plant cells (c) SER (d) RER
63. SER differ with RER in lack of
(a) Cellulose (b) Hemicellulose
(a) Polysomes (b) Ribosomes
(c) Pectin (d) All the above
(c) Nucleus (d) Centrioles
53. Neighbouring cells are adjoined by
64. Densely stained reticular structure found near the
(a) Middle lamellum (b) Primary cell wall
nucleus in a eukaryotic cell, is
(c) Secondary cell wall (d) Plasma membrane
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum
54. Cytoplasm of adjacent cells is interconnected by (b) Cytoskeleton
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Primary cell wall (c) Golgi apparatus
(c) Plasmodesmata (d) Pits (d) Vacuoles
55. Cell organelles which are not included in the 65. The important site for the for mation of
endomembrane system of a cell are glycoproteins and glycolipids in a cell, is
(a) Mitochondria (b) Peroxysome (a) Golgi complex (b) SER
(c) Chloroplast (d) All the above (c) Lysosomes (d) Mitochondria
56. Luminal and extra luminal compartments in the . 66.
V Major structural components of Golgi apparatus
intracellular space of a cell distiguished by the E
M are
presence of .
(a) Tubules (b) Vesicles
(a) Mitochondria (c) Cisternae (d) All
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) Ribosomes 67. The diameter of the cisternae ranges from
(d) Cytoskeleton (a) 0.5-1.0 m (b) 1.0-1.5 m
(c) 1.5-2.0 m (d) 0.5-1.5 m
57. Lipo-protein network of tubular structures
scattered in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cell is 68. Cis face of golgi cisternae is always
(a) Cytoskeleton (a) Nearer to the nucleus
(b) Microtubules (b) Nearer to the nucleolus
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) Away from the nucleus
(d) Plastids . (d) Away from the Nucleolus


Biology IB The Unit of Life
69. The cell organelle which principally performs the . 81. The continous limiting boundary of mitochondria
function of packaging materials in a cell is is
(a) RER (b) SER (a) Outer membrane (b) Inner membrane
(c) Golgi complex (d) Cell wall (c) (a) & (b) (d) None
70. Membrane bound vesicular structures formed 82. The surface area of mitochondria can be increased
from golgi complex are by
(a) Peroxysomes (b) Lysosomes (a) Outer membrane (b) Cristae
(c) Glyoxysomes (d) ER (c) Matrix (d) All
71. Cell organelle rich in almost all types of hydrolytic 83. Site of aerobic respiration in an eukaryotic cell is
enzymes in a cell is (a) Plasma membrane (b) Cytoplasm
(a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
V (c) Mitochondria (d) Peroxysome
(c) Lysosomes (d) Cytoplasm M 84. Cell organelle which produces the cellular energy
72. Enzymes that are found in the matrix of lysosome .
in the form of ATP is
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteases (a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
(c) Lipases (d) All the above (c) (a) & (b) (d) None
73. Cell organelles which help in the digestion of 85. Power houses of the cell is
carbohydrates proteins and nucleic acids are (a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria
(a) Glyoxysomes (b) Peroxysomes (c) Ribosomes (d) Lysosome
(c) Lysosomes (d) Spherosomes 86. The mitochondria are divide by
74. Hydrolytic enzymes present in the lysosome are (a) Binary fission (b) Amitosis
optimally active at (c) Fission (d) Replication
(a) Acidic pH (b) Basis pH 87. Cell organelle exclusively found in all autotrophic
(c) Neutral pH (d) No influence of pH plant cells and in Euglenoides is
75. The membrane bound space found in the (a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
cytoplasm of a cell is (c) Plastids (d) Ribosomes
(a) Centrosome (b) Vacuole 88. Classification of plastids is mainly based on
(c) Centriole (d) ER (a) Shape (b) Size
76. The unit membrane present around the vacuole is (c) Pigmentation (d) Ontogeny
called 89. Plastids with carotenoid pigments are
(a) Tonoplasm (b) Tonoplast (a) Chloroplast (b) Leucoplasts
(c) Tonolymph (d) (b) & (c) (c) Chromoplasts (d) (a) & (c)
77. A large number of ions and other materials are
transported into the vacuole by . 90.
Plastids which are responsible for trapping light
energy essential for photosynthesis
(a) Passive transport (b) Diffusion M
(a) Leucoplasts (b) Chromoplasts
(c) Osmosis (d) Active transport .
(c) Chloroplasts (d) All
78. Contractile vacuole is important for excretion in 91. Plastid with fat soluble carotenoids only are
(a) Amoeba (b) Paramecium (a) Leucoplasts (b) Chromopalsts
(c) Euglena (d) Plasmodium (c) Chloroplasts (d) All
79. Food vacuoles are usually found in 92. Fat soluble pigments are
(a) Amoeba (b) Protists (a) Carotenes (b) Xanthophylls
(c) Amphibians (d) Fungi (c) (a) & (c) (d) None
80. The number of unit membranes which bound the 93. The colourless (non-pigmented) plastids are
mitochondria are (a) Leucoplasts (b) Chloroplasts
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 . (c) Chromoplasts (d) (a) & (c)
The Unit of Life Biology IB
94. Leucoplasts which help in storage of carbohydrates
. 106. Ribonucleoprotein particles found in a cell are
are (a) Ribosomes (b) Mesosomes
(a) Elaioplasts (b) Aleuroplasts (c) Glyoxysomes (d) All
(c) Amyloplasts (d) Amorphoplasts 107. 70s and 80s ribosomes both are present in
95. Fat storing, non-pigmented plastid is (a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
(a) Elaioplasts (b) Amyloplasts (c) Prokaryotic cells (d) Eukaryotic cells
(c) Aleuroplast (d) All 108. A network of filamentous proteinaceous structures
96. Colourless plastid responsible for storage of present in the cytoplasm is
proteins is (a) Endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Polysome
(a) Amyloplast
(c) Elaioplast
(b) Aleuroplast
(d) None
(c) Cytoskeleton (d) None
M 109. The cytoskeleton in a cell is involved in
97. Majority of the chloroplasts of the green plants
are found in .
(a) Motility (b) Mechanical support
(c) Shape of cell (d) All the above
(a) Epidermal cells (b) Cortical cells
(c) Mesophyll cells (d) Cork cells 110. Hair like outgrowths of the cell membrane which
work like oars are
98. The average number of chloroplasts that are present
in mesophyll cells (a) Cilia (b) Flagella
(c) Fimbriae (d) Sex pili
(a) 1-10 (b) 10-20
(c) 20-30 (d) 20-40 111. The core of the cilium (or) the flagellum is called
(a) Exoneme (b) Axoneme
99. Unicellular green alga with only one chloroplast is
(c) Endoneme (d) All
(a) Spirogyra (b) Ulothrix
(c) Ulva (d) Chlamydomonas 112. The core of the cilium/flagellum is composed of
(a) 2 pairs of microtubules
100. The space limited by the inner membrane of the
(b) 9 pairs of microtubules
chloroplast is called
(c) 10 pairs of microtubules
(a) Envelope (b) peri-plastidial space (d) 11 pairs of microtubules
(c) Cristae (d) Stroma
113. 9+2 array of microtubules is found in the core of
101. A number of organised flattened membranous sacs (a) Cilia (b) Flagella
present in the stroma are (c) Fimbriae (d) (a) & (b)
(a) Grana (b) Fret membranes
114. Number of radial spokes found in the axoneme
(c) Thylakoids (d) Spherosomes
of cilium/flagellum are
102. The matrix of both chloroplast and mitochondria (a) 2 (b) 6 (3) 9 (4) 11
are similar in having
(a) Circular DNA (b) 70s ribosomes
. 115.
In the axoneme of cilium, the pair of central
E microtubules are connected to peripheral to
(c) RNA (d) All M
peripheral microtubules (doublet) by
103. Pigmented regions of the chloroplast are .

(a) Axial spoke (b) Radial spoke

(a) Stroma (b) Inner membrane (c) Linkers (d) Inter doublet bridge
(c) Thylakoids (d) (b) & (c) 116. Centriole - like structure that produces cilium or
104. Ribosomes were first observed by flagellum is called
(a) Kollikar (b) Benda (a) Baker’s bodies (b) Peripheral bodies
(c) Palade (d) Camelio Golgi (c) Basal bodies (d) (b) & (c)
105. Cell organelle which is not bounded by any 117. The membrane less space present nearer to the
membrane nucleus in animal cell is
(a) Centriole (b) Spherosome (a) Spherosome (b) Centrosome
(c) Vacuole (d) Ribosome . (c) Basal bodies (d) Chondriosome
Biology IB The Unit of Life
118. Number of centrioles present in a centrosome . 130. Transport of RNA and protein molecules in
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four between nucleus and cytoplasm in both directions
119. The fibrils present as the structural component of is facilitated by
centrosome are made up of (a) RER (b) Nuclear envelope
(c) Nuclear pores (d) Perinuclear space
(a) Tubulin (b) Mannitol
(c) Insulin (d) a and b 131. Cell organelle not found in erythrocytes of many
mammals is
120. The proteinaceous central part of the proximal
region of the centriole is (a) Mitochondria (b) Ribosomes
(c) Nucleus (d) All
(a) Spoke (b) Tubulin
(c) Hub (d) Axoneme 132. Enucleate living plant cells are
121. Component of centrosome that gives rise to
V (a) Erythrocytes
spindle apparatus during cell division in animal
(b) Immature sieve tube cells
cells is .
L (c) Mature sieve tube cells
(d) Tracheary elements
(a) Hub (b) Axoneme
(c) Centriole (d) All the above 133. A membranous spherical structure found in the
nucleoplasm is
122. The term chromatin was coined by
(a) Chromatin (b) Nucleolus
(a) Robert Brown (b) Robertson
(c) Histones (d) All
(c) Flemming (d) Robert Hooke
134. Site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis in
123. Chromatin found in the nucleus is a
nucleus is
(a) Ribonucleoprotein (b) Nucleoprotein
(a) Nucleoplasm (b) Chromatin
(c) Lipoprotein (d) Lipoxyprotein
(c) Nucleolus (d) Nuclear envelope
124. The nucleoprotein fibres present in the interphase
135. Eukaryotic chromosome is chemically constituted
nucleus are
(a) Chromatin (b) Chromosome
(a) DNA (b) Histones
(c) Nucleosome (d) Centromere
(c) RNA (d) All the above
125. One or more spherical bodies found in the matrix
136. Major packaging material of chromosome is
of nucleus are called
(a) DNA (b) RNA
(a) Chromatin (b) Nucleoplasm
(c) Histones (d) All
(c) Nucleoli (d) Bar bodies
137. The part of chromosome at primary constriction
126. Number of unit membranes that bound the
area is called
nucleus are
(a) Kinetochore (b) Centromere
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
127. The space between the two membranes of nuclear .
(c) Chromatin (d) Nucleus
138. Proteinaceous disc shaped structures associated with
envelope is E
M centromere of a chromosome are
(a) Periplastidial space
(b) Perimitochondrial space
(a) Kinetochores (b) Histones
(c) Nucleoproteins (d) Telomeres
(c) Perinuclear space
(d) Perichondrial space 139. Component of a chromosome which divides it
128. The diameter of perinuclear space is into two arms is
(a) 10-50 nm (b) 50-100 nm (a) Primary constriction
(c) 20-40 nm (d) 30 - 50 nm (b) Secondary constriction
(c) Nuclear organizer (d) Trebent
129. Rough texture of outer nuclear membrane is due
to the presence of 140. A chromosome with two equal arms is
(a) RER (b) SER (a) Sub - metacentric (b) Metacentric
(c) Nuclear pores (d) Ribosomes . (c) Telocentric (d) Acrocentric


The Unit of Life Biology IB
141. Chromosome with two unequal arms is
. 152. Nucleus as a cell organelle was first described by
(a) Metacentric (b) Sub - metacentric (a) Robert Hooke (b) Robertson
(c) Acrocentric (d) (b) and (c) (c) Rausburg (d) Robert Brown
142. A chromosome with one shorter arm and one 153. Na+ and K+ pumping across the membrane is
longer arm is a/an
(a) Metacentric (b) Sub-metacentric (a) Passive transport (b) Active transport
(c) Acrocentric (d) Telocentric (c) Diffusion (d) none of these
143. A chromosome with one extremely short and one
very long arm is
(a) Acrocentric
(c) Metacentric
(b) Telocentric
(d) Sub-metacentric
. 154.
The isolation of individual organelles from cell
homogenates is achieved through
144. A chromosome with only one arm is M (a) X-ray diffraction
(a) Acrocentric (b) Telocentric
(b) Chromatography
(c) Metacentric (d) Sub-metacentric (c) Differential centrifugation
(d) Micro spectrophotometry
145. The non - staining constriction at a constant location
155. Resolving power of human eye, compound
in a specific chromosome is
microscope , and electron microscope respectively
(a) Primary constriction
(b) Secondary constriction
(a) 4.0A, 3.0 , 0.1mm (b) 1.0, 3.0, 4mm
(c) Satellite
(c) 0.1mm, 3.0 , 4.0A  (d) 0.1, 3.0, 4.0
(d) (b) and (c)
156. Which technique, other than electron microscopy
146. The small rounded knob like fragment in a
is used to study the fine structure of a molecule
chromosome lying beyond the secondary
(a) Plasmolysis (b) Chromatography
constriction is
(c) Crystallography (d) Obliteration
(a) Centromere (b) Kinetochore
(c) Satellite (d) Telomere 157. The first electron microscope was designed by
(a) Janssen and Hans (b) Robert Hooke
147. Membrane bound minute vesicles with enzymatic
(c) Knoll & Ruska
matrix present in both plant and animal cells are
(d) Schleiden and Schwann
(a) Microbodies (b) Microsomes
(c) Ribosomes (d) Plastids 158. Compound microscope was discovered by
(a) Zacharias Janssen (b) Robert Hooke
148. The cell organelle which facilitates locomotion in (c) Leeuwenhoek (d) Dujardin
certain eukaryotic animal cell is
159. Cell was first discovered by
(a) Cilia (b) Flagella
(c) Centrosome (d) Centriole .
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Leeuwenhoek
E (c) Dujardin (d) Janssen
149. The cell organelle which helps in oxidative M

phosphorylation is . 160.
L Robert hooke wrote a book entitled
(a) Enquiry into plants (b) Micrographia
(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria
(c) Historia Plantarum (d) Cell
(c) Ribosome (d) ER
161. Bacteria were first discovered by
150. Energy transducing cell organelles in a cell are (a) Robert Hooke (b) Janssen
(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria (c) Leeuwenhoek (d) Robert Brown
(c) Ribosome (d) (a) and (b)
162. Amembranous cell-organelles in animal cells are
151. 90 percent of the volume of the mature plant cell (a) Ribosomes, vacuole
is occupied by (b) Ribosomes and lysosomes
(a) Cytoplasm (b) Nucleus (c) Ribosomes and centromere
(c) Vacuole (d) Cell membrane . (d) Centrosome and Ribosomes
Biology IB The Unit of Life
163. Prokaryotic cell differs with eukaryotic cell in not
. 175. Proplastids form
having (a) Leucoplasts (b) Chromoplasts
(a) Nuclear membrane (b) Mitochondria (c) Chloroplasts (d) All
(c) Plastids (d) All 176. This pigment is abundantly present in blue-green
164. Cell theory is not applicable to algae
(a) Viruses (b) Viroids (a) Phycocyanin (b) Phycoerythrin
(c) Prions (d) all the above (c) Fucoxanthin (d) Mixoxanthin
165. Similar characater between prokaryotic cells and 177. Circular DNA, RNA fragments and 70S ribosomes
eukaryotic cells is are seen in
(a) Cell wall composition .
(a) ER
(c) Chloroplast
(b) Mitochondria
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(b) Presence of slime layer. E
(c) Composition of plasma membrane
(d) Nature of nucleus
. 178.
L After fertilization one of the following changes is
noticed in the ovary of Capsicum and potato.
166. Common cell wall material in primary wall, (a) Chromoplasts conversion to chloroplasts
(b) Chloroplasts conversion to chromoplasts
secondary wall and middle lamellum is
(c) Leucoplasts conversion to chromoplasts
(a) Cellulose (b) Suberin
(d) Leucoplasts conversion to chloroplasts
(c) Pectin (d) Lignin
179. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
167. The framework of secondary cell walls is made by
up of (a) Chloroplasts (b) Chromoplasts
(a) Cellulose (b) Pectin (c) Mitochondria (d) E.R.
(c) Lignin (d) Suberin 1 80 . The term 'mitochondrion' was given by
168. Living structures passing through the cell wall at (a) Benda (b) Schimper
the region of primary pit fields are called as (c) Altmann (d) Kolliker
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Microtubules 181. Krebs cycle takes place in
(c) Cytoskeleton (d) Plasmodesmata (a) Matrix of mitochondrion
169. Only primary cell wall is present in the cells of (b)Stroma of chloroplast
(a) Transfer cells (b) Xylem fibres (c) Thylokoid of Chloroplast
(c) Meristematic cells (d) Sclereids (d)Cristae of Mitochondrion
170. Secondary cell wall is present between 1 82 . Mitochondrion is semiautonous cell organelle
(a) Primary cell wall and middle lamellum due to the presence of
(b) Plasmamembrane and primary cell wall.
(a) 70S Ribosomes (b) Circular DNA
(c) Meristematic cells
(d) Tertiary wall and plasmamembrane
(c) Cell wall (d) Plasma membrane
M 183. Number of oxysomes per mitochondrion is
171. Which of the following is a function of cell wall ?
(a) Absorption (b) Secretion
(a) 104–105 (b) 102–103
(c) Protection (d) All (c) 10 –10
6 8
(d) 108–109

172. The thickness of plasma membrane is 184. Endomembrane components are

(a) 6.5 nm (b) 75 nm (c) 7.5 nm (d) 65 nm (A) ER (B) Mitochondria
(C) Repository of cell (D) Chloroplast
173. The component of cytoplasm with 7-10% is
(E) Suicidal bags of cell
(a) Protein (b) Lipid
(a) A, B, C and D
(c) Carbohydrates (d) Oil
(b)Except 'A' remaining all
174. Amount of lipids in cytoplasm is (c) A, D, E
(a) 1-2% (b) 2-3% (c) 3-4% (d) 7-10%
. (d) A, C, E


The Unit of Life Biology IB
185. Densely stained structure near the nucleus is
. 1 96 . Nucleoli were discovered by
(a) Lysosomes (b) Ribosomes (a) Sutton (b) Fontona
(c) Golgi complex (d) Bioplasts (c) Hertwig (d) Watson
186. The term Endoplasmic reticulm was given by 197. Nucleolus is absent in
(a) Kolliker (b) Schimper (a) Bacteria (b) Yeast
(c) Altman (d) Porter (c) Mammalian RBC (d) (a) & (c)
187. Following cell organcelle is involved in the 198. Name the nucleic acid in nucleolar organizer which
formation of cell plate is involved in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA is
(a) Peroxysomes (b) Chloroplast (a) m-DNA (b) S-DNA
(c) ER (d) Golgicomplex .
(c) n-DNA (d) r-DNA
188. Trimorphic cellorganelle is E
M 199. Number of centromeres present in acentric
(a) Suicidal bags of cell (b) Paladae granules .
(c) Plasmasome (d) Golgi complex (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 0
189. Hydrolysing enzymes are present in 200. Anthocyanins impart the following colours
(a) Nucleoplasm, peroxisomes (a) Blue (b) Pink
(b) Lysosomes, peroxisomes
(c) Violet (d) All the above
(c) Glyoxysomes, nucleoplasm
(d) Lysosomes, nucleoplasm. 201. The term polytene chromosome was suggeted by
(a) Balbiani (b) T.Painter
190. Polymorphic cell organells are
(c) Kollar (d) Kolliker
(a) All semiautonomous cell organells and
lysosomes 202. 2H 2 O 
 2H 2 O  O 2
(b) Lysosomes and peroxysomes The above reaction is catalysed by an enzyme
(c) Suicidal bags of cell and exclusive produced by which of the following cell organelle
semiautonomous plant cell organelle
(a) Glyoxysome (b) Peroxisome
(d) Endoplasm reticulm and chloroplast.
(c) Lysosome (d) Speherosome
191. Universal cell organelles are
203. The chromosomes associated with sex
(a) Ergosomes (b) Palade granules
determination are known as
(c) Peroxysomes (d) (a) and (b)
(a) Determinant chromosomes
192. Peptidyl transferase enzyme is present in the (b) Super numerary chromosomes
following ribosomal sub-unit in chloroplast. (c) Accessory chromosomes
(a) 30S (b) 50S (c) 40S (d) 60S (d) Allosomes
193. Polysome contains . 204.
V Number of chromosomes found in the
(a) One m-RNA with one paladae granule E
pollengrain of maize is
(b) One m-RNA with many lysosomes
(c) One m-RNA with many Ergosomes
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 30 (d) 40
(d) Many m-RNA with many lysosomes. 205. Lampbrush chromosomes are special type of
chromosomes found in
194. The shape of nucleus in human neutrophils
(a) Bilobed (b) Tetralobed (a) Salivary gland cells of dipterans
(c) Trilobed (d) Spherical (b) Gonadal cells of reptiles
(c) Amphibian oocytes
195. Fungus with multinucleate condition is
(d) Brain cells
(A)Mucor (C) Vaucheria
(B) Spirogyra (D) Rhizopus 206. Shape of prokaryotic chromosome is
(a) A, B (b) B, C (a) Rod shape (b) Circular
(c) A, D (d) C, D . (c) L shape (d) Sac like
Biology IB The Unit of Life
207. Balbiani rings are the structural feature of
. 218. Wall layer of a typical plant cell composed by
(a) Lampbrush chromosomes cellulose and xylan is
(b) Polytene chromosomes (a) Primary cell wall (b) Secondary cell wall
(c) Allosomes (d) Autosomes (c) Tertiary cell wall (d) All the above
208. Mixing of paternal and maternal chromosomes is 2 19 . True sexual reproduction is absent in
called (a) Bacteria (b) Blue-green algae
(a) Apospory (b) Fertilization (c) Mycoplasma (d) All the above
(c) Apogamy (d) Apomixis 2 20 . Cell wall was first observed by
209. Polytene chromosomes were discovered by (a) Robert Brown (b) Robert Hooke
(a) Muller (b) Hofmeister .
(c) Schleiden (d) Robert Hill
(c) Balbiani (d) Waldeyer E
221. The cell structure consisting of trimorphic protein
components is
210. Folded Fibre Model of chromatin was proposed .
(a) Cell wall (b) Glycocalyx
(c) Cell membrane (d) Middle lamellum
(a) Dupraw (b) Kornberg
(c) Thomas (d) All the above 222. Physical property of cytosol is
(a) Tyndall's effect
211. According to folded fibre model, the diameter of
(b) Brownian movement
chromatin fiber is
(c) Irriability (d) (a) & (b)
(a) 30 A° (b) 230 nm
(c) 230 A° (d) 23 A° 223. The phase reversel property of cytoplasmic matrix
212. The size of the largest chromosome in Trilium (a) Osmosis (b) Plasmolysis
(a) 42 microns (b) 22 microns (c) Cyclosis (d) Deplasmolysis
(c) 52 microns (d) 30 microns
2 24 . The structural components of endoplasmic
213. Identify the giant chromosomes reticulum are
(a) B-chromosomes (a) Cisternae (b) Tubules
(b) G-chromosomes (c) Vesicles (d) All the above
(c) Polytene-chromosomes
2 25 . Leucoplast does not contain
(d) Q-band chromosome
(A) Chlorophylls (B) Carotene
214. The following century is usually considered as (C) Xanthophylls (D) Anthocyanin
"Classical period of cell biology" (a) Except D (b) AB only
(a) 18th (b) 19th (c) 20th (d) 21st (c) BC only (d) ABCD
215. Cell lineage (or) cell inheritance theory was
proposed by
. 2 26 .
The two subunits of ribosomes get associated
in the presence of the following ion
(a) Schleiden (b) Schwann M
(a) Mg +2 (b) Ca+2 (c) Fe +2 (d) Fe +3
(c) Rudolf Virchow (d) (a) & (b) . 2 27 .
Tonoplasm is made up of
216. The basic principle of chromatography is (I) H2O
(II) Metabolic bye products
(a) Sedimentation coefficiency
(III) Secretory substances
(b) Partition coefficiency
(IV) Excretory materials
(c) Centrifugal (a) I only (b) I, IV only
(d) All the above (c) I, II, IV only (d) I, II, III, IV
217. Major cell wall material present in the cell wall of 228. Algae with multinucleate, haploid condition is
fungal cells is (A) Mucor (B) Vaucheria
(a) Cellulose (b) Suberin (C) Spirogyra (D) Rhizopus
(c) Chitin (d) Cutin . (a) A, B (b) B, C (c) B (d) C, D
The Unit of Life Biology IB
229. Arrange the following cells in an ascending order
. 239. Thickness of the cell wall is increased by a process
based on their size. called
(i) Mycoplasma (ii) Ostrich egg (a) Intussuception (b) Apposition
(iii) Human RBC (iv) Bacterium (c) Gelatinization (d) Precipitation
(a) i, iv, iii, ii (b) i, ii, iii, iv 240. Increase of the following results due to
(c) ii, i, iii, v (d) iii, ii, i, v intussusception is
230. Structural, functional and hereditary unit of all living (a) Surface area (b) Thickness
organisms is (c) Permeability (d) Flexibility
(a) Nucleus (b) Protoplasm 241. Highly rigid cell wall in the following is
(c) Cell (d) Gene
(a) Suberised wall
(c) Cutinised wall
(b) Lignified wall
(d) Primary cellwall
231. Single, circular, naked, coiled DNA molecule of a E
prokaryote represents M

(a) Nucleoid (b) Chromosome

. 242.
L The structure that acts as intercellular cementing
substance and binds adjacent cells together is
(c) Heterokaryon (d) Plasmid (a) Desomosome (b) Primary cellwall
232. The study of cells is evolved into a branch of science (c) Middle lamellum (d) Secondary cellwall
with the 243. Which of the following is a wrong statement
(a) Discovery of a cells by Robert Hooke (a) Pit cavity is uniformly wide in a simple pit
(b) Publication of micrographia (b) The thick middle portion of middle lamellum
(c) Invention of microscope by Zacharias Jannsen crossing the borderd pits is called torus
(d) Discovery of bacteria by Leeuwenhoek (c) The diameter of the pit chamber gradually
233. The scope of cell theory was extended by decreases towards Lumen of the cell in simple pit.
(d) Secondary wall is absent in meristematic cells.
(a) Schleiden & Schwann
(b) R. Virchow 244. The cell wall is not involved in
(c) Robert Hooke (d) Corti (a) Absorption (b) Secretion
(c) Translocation (d) Osmoregulation
234. Living cells having a distinct cell wall were first
discovered by Leeuwenhoek are 245. Regarding simple pits, the true statement is
(a) Bacteria (b) Cork cells (a) Secondary wall arches over the pit chamber
(c) Blue green algae (d) Mesophyll cells (b) Diameter of pit chamber is uniform throughout
(c) Diameter of pit aperture is bigger than that of
235. Middle lamellum is chemically rich in
pit cavity
(a) Suberin (b) Pectin (d) They are formed over the primary pit field only
(c) Chitin (d) Lignin
246. Find out the incorrect statement
236. Cell plate which transforms into middle lamellum .
V (a) Growth by apposition is particularly obvious
is secreted by E
in secondary walls
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Golgi complex
(c) ER (d) Phragmoplast
L (b) Thin areas in primary wall are called primary
pit fields
237. Thin areas in the primary wall are called (c) Pit membrane of bordered pit pair has torus
(a) Pits (b) Primary pit fields in the centre
(c) Plasmodesmata (d) Torus (d) Deposition of secondary wall keeps pace with
cell enlargement
238. Frame work of plant cell wall is formed by
247. Phragmoplast is derived from
(a) Cellulose microfibrils
(b) Pectin (a) Spindle apparatus
(c) Mucopeptides (b) Spindle fragments
(d) Cisternae of golgi complex (c) Cell plate
. (d) Middle lamellum
Biology IB The Unit of Life
248. Viscous fluid of living cell was called “sarcode” by
. 258. Circulatory movements of cytoplasm are seen in the
(a) Kolliker (b) Von Mohl (a) Staminal hair cells of Rheo
(c) Dujardin (d) Purkinje (b) Leaf cells of Hydrilla
249. Most accepted nature of protoplasm is (c) Cells of onion pealing
(a) Particulate nature (b) Sol - Gel nature (d) pith cells
(c) Alveolar nature (d) Fibrillar nature 259. Unidirectional flow of materials around a large
250. The seat of a number of biologoical process in a central vacuole of the cell is called
cell is (a) Circulation
(a) Nucleolus (b) DNA (b) Brownian movement
(c) Protoplasm (d) Plasma membrane .
(c) Rotation (d) (a) and (b)
251. The jelly like substance in a cell was identified by E 260. Universal cell organelles (found in all living cells) are
(a) Corti & Fontana (b) Dujardin .
L (a) Ribosomes
(c) Mitochondria
(b) Plastids
(d) Vacuoles
(c) Robert Brown (d) Purkinje
252. Outermost living limit of a plant cell is 261. Universal smaller sub unit of ribosome is
(a) Cell wall (b) Plasma membrane (a) 30S (b) 40S (c) 50S (d) 60S
(c) Cytoplasm (d) Tonoplast 262. Enzyme found in ribosomes which is essential for
253. Which model explains selective permeability of peptide bond formation is
plasma membrane ? (a) Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
(a) Sandwich model (b) Peptidyl transferase
(b) Fluid mosaic model (c) RNA polymerase
(c) Trilamellar model (d) Peptidyl hydrolase
(d) Unit membrane model 263. These are regarded as “protein factories”
254. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane differs (a) Golgi complex (b) Ribosomes
from trilamellar model in (c) Nucleoli (d) Microsomes
(a) Having proteins 264. Of the following which one is classified on the
(b) The arrangement of phospholipids basis of sedimentation co-efficient ?
(c) The arrangement of proteins (a) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) The absence of proteins (b) Ribosomes
255. According to sandwitch model the thickness of (c) Nucleus
each protein layer and the bilipid layer, respectively (d) Golgi complex
(a) 75 and 35 A° (b) 35 and 75 A°
(c) 35 and 20 A° (d) 20 and 35 A° . 265.
Cell organelles which can be seen only with electron
microscope are
256. Presence of bilayered lipid in the cell membrane M (a) Plastids (b) Mitochondria
was first reported by .
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(a) Singer (d) Ribosomes
(b) Nicholson 266. Lipochondria and Idiosomes are the alternative
(c) Davson and Danielli names of this cell organelle
(d) Corti and Fontana (a) Mitochondria (b) Lysosomes
257. ER extends from (c) Golgi complex (d) Elaioplasts
(a) Middle lamellum to plasma membrane 267. Cytokinesis is inhibited if the following becomes
(b) Tonoplast to plasma membrane non functional
(c) Nuclear envelope to plasma membrane (a) Phragmoplast (b) Ribosomes
(d) Primary wall to secondary wall . (c) Lysosomes (d) Dictyosomes
The Unit of Life Biology IB
268. Plastids were first reported by . 280. Conversion of fats into carbohydrates is a part of
(a) Schimper (b) Sachs (a) HMP pathway (b) Glyoxylate cycle
(c) Leeuwenhoek (d) Benda (c) EMP pathway (d) TCA cycle
269. Plastids found in roots of Taeniophyllum are 281. In the leaves of C3 plants, peroxisomes are involved
(a) Chromoplasts (b) Chloroplasts in a process called
(c) Leucoplasts (d) (b) & (c)
(a) Respiration (b) C3 cycle
270. Which of the following is described as cell within (c) C2 cycle (d) C4 cycle
the cell or prokaryotic cell within a eukaryotic cell?
282. Biogenesis of the organelles concerned with
(a) Nucleus (b) Ribosome
translation of genetic message occurs in
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(a) Nucleolus
(b) Nucleosome
271. Mitochondria were first discovered by M

(a) Altmann (b) Kolliker .

(c) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
(d) Ribsomes
(c) Benda (d) Schimper
272. In mitochondria, electron transport occurs in the 283. The term chromosome was coined by
(a) Cristae (b) Matrix (a) Meischer (b) Hofmeister
(c) Ribosome (d) All the above (c) Flemming (d) Waldeyer
273. More mitochondria would be found in 284. Heterochromatin differs from euchromatin in
(a) Meristematic cells (b) Epidermis (a) Chemical nature (b) Degree of staining
(c) Companion cells (d) Xylem parenchyma (c) Activeness of genes (d) (b) and (c)
274. Repository of cell is 285. The term "nucleolar organizer" refers to
(a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast (a) Organizing site of nucleolus in a specific
(c) Lysosome (d) Vacuole chromosome
275. The pigment found in vacuole that imparts blue, (b) Karyosome
red or violet colours is (c) Chromatin reticulum
(a) Carotene (b) Anthocyanin (d) Genetically active chromatin
(c) Xanthophyll (d) Phycobilins 286. Nucleus is often described as "cell brain" because
276. Suicidal bags of a cell were discovered by (a) It is located in the centre of the cell
(a) De Duve (b) Fontana (b) It is shaped like that of brain
(c) Palade (d) Golgi (c) It controls and coordinates various metabolic
277. Digestion of foreign particles within the cell by activities
lysosomes is called .
(d) It can divide and give rise to new nuclei
(a) Autolysis (b) Autophagy E 287. Differential stainability of a chromosome is called
(c) Phagocytosis (d) Heterophagy .
(a) Heiroglyphics
278. What is untrue about lysosomes? (b) Heteropycnosis
(a) Polymorphic organelle (c) Heterosis
(b) Bring about autolysis (d) Idiogram
(c) Carry out intracellular digestion 288. Organelles involved in the protection of cell from
(d) Formation of cell plate microbes and effect of H2O2 respectively are
279. The cell organelle that reduces the number of other (a) Lysosomes and glyoxysomes
cell organelles is (b) Peroxysomes and glyoxysomes
(a) Mitochondrion (b) Elaioplast (c) ER and golgi complex
(c) Lysosome (d) Golgi complex
. (d) Lysosomes and peroxysomes


Biology IB The Unit of Life
289. The protein necessary for the organization of
. 300. A plant having two genomes and four
ribosomal subunits are synthesized by chromosomes is
(a) Golgi complex (b) Peroxysomes (a) Ophioglossum (b) Haplopappus
(c) Ribosomes (c) Pisum (d) Allium
(d) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 301. The term nuclesome was coined by
290. Chromosome theory of inheritance was proposed (a) Oudet (b) Nageli
by (c) Kornberg (d) Fontana
(a) Schleiden and Schawann 302. Histone octamer acts as the core of the
(b) Beadle and Tatum nucleosome. The type of histone which is not a
(c) Sutton and Boveri
(d) Nageli and Hofmeister
component of octamer ?
(a) H2A (b) H2B (c) H4 (d) H1
291. Chromsomes are the
(a) Physicasl basis of heredity
. 303.
Number of H 1 proteins associated with a 10
nucleosomes in chromatin fibre is
(b) Physical basis of life
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12
(c) Chemical basis of heredity
(d) Dynamic centres of the cell 304. A chromosome with centromeres and arms in
292. Diagramatic representation of karyotype is 1 : 1 ratio is
(a) Biome (b) Idiogram (a) Metacentric (b) Sub metacentric
(c) Genome (d) Heiroglyphics (c) Acrocentric (d) Telocentric
293. Ends of chromosomes exhibiting polarity and 305. A telocentric chromosome of metaphase consists
offering stability are known as of
(a) Knobs (b) Chromomeres (a) One centromere, one arm, two chromatids
(c) Satellites (d) Telomeres (b) One centromere, two arms, two chromatids
294. Size of chromosome can be measured easily in (c) One centromere, one arm, one chromatid
(a) Metaphase (b) S - phase (d) One centromere, two arms, one chormatid
(c) Telophase (d) Interphase 306. The ratio between Histone ‘2’ and Histone ‘1’
295. V- shaped anaphasic chromosome is associated with eukaryotic DNA, respectively ?
(a) Metacentric (b) Sub - metacentric (a) 2 :1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) Acrocentric (d) Telocentric (c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1
296. Plant showing highest number of chromosomes
307. Chromosomes were first observed by Hofmeister
belongs to
(a) Fungus
(c) Pteridophyte
(b) Algae
(d) Angiosperm .
(a) Tridax (b) Pisum
E (c) Tradescantia (d) Oryza
297. Chracteristic diploid chromosome complement of M

an organism is called . 308.

Chromosome morphology can be best studied
(a) Idiogram (b) Linkage group during
(c) Karyotype (d) None (a) Interphase and prophase
298. The haploid chromosome number in sugarcane is (b) Prophase and Metaphase
how many times greater than diploid number of (c) Metaphase and Anaphase
maize ? (d) naphase and Telophase
(a) One (b) Three (c) Two (d) Six 309. The ratio of centromeres, kinetochores, DNA
299. Number of genomes in a tetraploid plant having molecules in a metaphase chromosome
24 chromosomes is (a) 1 : 2 : 2 (b) 1 : 2 : 1
(a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 24 (d) 4 . (c) 2 : 2 : 2 (d) 1 : 1 : 2


The Unit of Life Biology IB
310. If a diploid chromosomal number of plant “A” is
. 317. (A) : Membrane transport occurs through the
doubled for once gives the haploid chromosomal carrier proteins.
number of plant B and haploid chromosome (R) : The transport by carrier proteins is always
number of plant ‘C’ is equalent to the diploid passive.
chromosomal number of plant “D”. Identify the
318. (A) : Nature of lipids present in the outer and inner
correct sequence of plant names
side of the single layer of fluid matrix is same.
(a) Oryza sativa, Nicotiana tabaccum, Zea mays,
(R) : Oligosaccharides are attached to external
Saccharum officinarum
surface as well as inner surface of lipid in cell
(b) Pisum sativum, Zea mays, oryza sativa, Allium
(c) Saccharum officinarum, Gossypium hirsutum, . 319.
(A) : Cell membranes show fluidity.
Oryza sativa, Nicotiana tabaccum E (R) : Fluidity of cell membrane is due to presence
(d) Zea mays, Saccharum officinarum, Nicotiana .
L of proteins.
tabaccum, Oryza sativa 320. (A) : There is no repair mechanism in the
311. Find out the correct sequence in decreasing order biomembranes.
of chromosome number of the following (R) : Biomembranes are permeable.
(A) Egg cell of Zea mays 321. (A) : Primary cell wall is first formed true wall
(B) Microspore of Oryza sativa layer of the cell wall.
(C) Synergid of Allium cepa (R) : Some cells possess only primary wall in the
(D) Secondary nucleus of Pisum sativum cell wall.
(a) DBAC (b) DABC 322. (A) : Leucoplasts perform photosynthesis.
(c) BDAC (d) CADB (R) : Leucoplasts consists photosynthetic pigments.
312. The amino acid ‘Arginine’ is rich in 323. (A) : Leocoplasts give rise to other types of plastids.
(a) H2A, H2B (b) H3, H4 (c) H1 (d) H1, H2A (R) : Chromoplasts do not get changed to other
313. The aminoacid ‘Lysine’s is rich in types of plastids.
(a) H2B, H3 (b) H2A, H2B 324. (A) : Pyrenoids are associated with chloroplasts of
(c) H3, H4 (d) H2A,H1 algae.
314. The ratio of H1 and H3 proteins in chromatin is (R) : Pyrenoids store starch.
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 325. (A) : Cristae are infoldings of inner membrane of
(R) : Electron Transport occurs in mitochondrial
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct E 326. (A) : Ripe tomatoes are red.
explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct
(R) : Pericarp of ripe tomatoes contain lycopene.
327. (A) : Thylakoids contain chlorophylls.
explanation of (A)
(R) : CO 2 fixation occurs in the matrix of
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) Both (A) are (R) wrong.
328. (A) : Endoplasmic reticulum is present in all types
315. (A) : Larger cells are more efficient.
of cells.
(R) : Surface volume ratio is more in large cells. (R) : ER is present in both prokaryotic &
316. (A) : Plasma lemma foldings in bacteria are called Eukaryotic cells.
mesosomes. 329. (A) : ER connects two adjacent protoplasts.
(R) : Plasma lemma foldings also occur in fungi. . (R) : ER forms desmotubules.
Biology IB The Unit of Life
330. (A) : Nuclear membrane reappears during
. 341. (A) : In Haplopappus the number of genomes is half
metaphase. to the number of chromosomes in a haploid
(R) : Nuclear membrane is formed by vesicles of cell.
the ER. (R) : Diploid Chromosome number of
Happlopappus is four.
331. (A) : ER forms cistrnae of golgicomplex.
(R) : ER gives rise to lysosomes. 342. (A) : All secondary constrictions are stainable.
(R) : Plasmosomes are produced by secondary
332. (A) : Acrosome helps in fertilization.
constrictions of the chromosomes.
(R) : Acrosome is formed by ER.
343. (A) : A species maintains specificity and stability due
333. (A) : Glycoproteins are formed by conjugation of .
to its nucleolus.
proteins with carbohydrates. E
(R) : Karyotype is not constant for a species.
(R) : Most of the complex carbohydrates are
synthesised by golgi complex.
. 344.
(A) : Trillium has the biggest chromosome.
(R) : Trillium has biggest nucleus.
334. (A) : Lysosomes are formed by golgicomplex.
345. (A) : Chromosomes are physical units (basis) of
(R) : Golgi complex forms cell wall.
335. (A) : Primary lysosomes are derived from golgi (R) : Chromosomes are chiefly concerned with the
complex. transfer of genetic traits from one generation
(R) : Primary lysosomes contain hydrolytic to the next generation.
346. (A) : Protoplasm shows repsonse to stimulii.
336. (A) : Cell organelles are separated according to (R) : When light is focused through protoplasm
their density in ultra centrifugation. the path of light can be traced.
(R) : Cell organells are separated by centripetal 347. (A) : Protoplasm is an active centre for various
forceses created by ultra centrifugation. biochemical ractions.
337. (A) : Nucleolar organizer regions are absent is (R) : Protoplasm exhibits Brownian movement
prokaryotes. and Tyndall effect.
(R) : Secondary constrictions are absent in 348. (A) : Presence of ribosomes is a must in all living cells.
prokaryotic chromosomes. (R) : Ribosomes are the only organelles concerned
338. (A) : In prokaryotes one end of chromosome with protein synthesis and proteins are the
fuses with other end to form circular chief organic component of protoplasm.
chromosome. . 349.
(A) : Polyribosomes produce several copies of
(R) : Histones are absent in prokaryotic E polypeptide of the same type.
339. (A) : In telocentric chromosome spindle fibres are
L (R) : Polysomes translate the same t RNA.
350. (A) : Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain their
attached to both sides of the centromere own genetic material.
during cell division. (R) : They are considered as semiconservative cell
(R) : Centromere is present at one end of organelles.
chromosome in telocentric chromosome. 351. (A) : Ribosomes are the primitve and smallest cell
340. (A) : Super helix around nucleosome is formed by organelles, found in all types of living cells.
double helical DNA. (R) : Ribosomes are non membrane bound cell
(R) : In a nucleosome the core is wrapped by two organelles and are concerned with amino acid
turns of ssDNA. . synthesis.


The Unit of Life Biology IB
352. (A) : Ergastic substances are formed in metabolic
. 364. (A) : Phosphorylation occurs in both chloroplasts
activities of protoplasm. and mitochondria.
(R) : Ergastic substances are living substances. (R) : Cytochromes are found in both chloroplasts
and mitochondria.
353. (A) : Lysosomes are formed from ER and Golgi
365. (A) : Mitochondira, lysosomes and ribosomes are
abundant in meristematic cells.
(R) : Golgi complex is formed from ER. (R) : Lysosomes are called 'suicidal bags' during
354. (A) : Heteropycnosis is shown by chromosomes starvation.
after staining. 366. (A) : Centrosome is found in animal cells at the
(R) : Uneven coiling of chromonemata in proximity of nucleus.
chromosome refers to heteropycnosis. .
(R) : Dictyosomes are sub units of Golgi complex
E in plant cells.
355. (A) : Nucleus is referred to as the "dynamic center" M

of the cell. .
L 367. (A) : Idiosomes are active during cytokinesis.
(R) : Plant cells undergo cytokinesis by cell plate
(R) : It can perform the functions of all the cell method.
organelles. 368. (A) : Plant cell becomes turgid when kept in
356. (A) : Lysosomes are polymorphic cell organelles. hypotonic solution.
(R) : Lysosomes cause autolysis of cell contents (R) : Fluid-mosaic model supports the
during starvation. differentially permeable natue of plasma
357. (A) : Vacuole posseses some nonphotosynthetic
369. (A) : Ergosomes are not self-replicating particles.
(R) : Peroxisomes are membrane bound vesicles
(R) : Anthocyanin pigments are present in that contain oxidative enzymes.
chloroplasts. 370. (A) : Chromosomes were first seen by Hofmeister.
358. (A) : Protoplasm is called "the physical basis of life". (R) : Chromosomes are referred to as "physical
(R) : Hollow compartment like structures in cork basis of heredity".
tissue were the first discovered cells.. 371. (A) : All types of chromosomes are rod shaped
during metaphase.
359. (A) : Both clockwise and anticlockwise streaming
(R) : Chromosomes assume characteristic shapes
of cytoplasm can be observed in the staminal
during anaphase due to bending at
hair cell of Rheo discolour. centromere.
(R) : Abundant substance in cytoplasm is proteins.
372. (A) : SAT chromosomes have terminal trebent
360. (A) : Protein synthesis is faster in prokaryotes than beyond secondary constriction.
in eukaryotes. .
(R) : SAT chromosomes are found in all eukaryotic
(R) : Transcription and translation occur E
simultaneously in prokaryotes.
361. (A) : Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds.
. 373.
L (A) : Monocentric chromosomes have one
centromere only.
(R) : Peptidases are found in the larger sub unit of (R) : SAT chromosomes have secondary
Ribosomes. constriction.
374. (A) : Anaphasic telocentric chromosomes are single
362. (A) : All Plastids are interconvertible.
(R) : Sprouting potatoes are found in red colour. (R) : Telocentric chromosomes have no
363. (A) : Chloroplasts produce both energy and food centromere.
material. 375. (A) : Allosomes are found in reproductive cells and
(R) : Mitochondria produce energy but not food somatic cells.
material. . (R) : Allosomes have sex determining genes.


Biology IB The Unit of Life
376. Identify the A, B, C and D parts of the given . 378. Identify the parts A, B, C and D

(a) A=Perimitochondrial space

B=Outer membrane
D=F0 – F1 – complex
(b) A=Matrix
a) A = Margo b) A=Torus B=Cristae
B = Torus B=Pit cavity C=Paladae granule
C = Pit membrane C= Pit membrane D=Oxysomes
D = Torus D=Pit aperture (c) A=Matrix
c ) A=Pit membrane d) A=Pit border B=Mesosome
B=Pit border B = Pit membrane
C=Pit aperture C =Margo
D=Margo D=Pit aperture D=Paladaegranule
(d) A=Matrix
377. Identify the A, B, C and D parts of the given
diagram. B=Oxysome
379. Identify A, B and C

(a) A = Stroma
B = Site for light reaction
C = Periplastidialspace .
V (a) A=Primary wall
D=Matrix E
M B=Secondary wall
(b) A=Matrix
B= Thylokoid
C=Middle lamellum
C=Stroma (b) A=Middle Lemellum
D=Lumen B=Primary Wall
(c) A=Periplastidialspace C=Secondary cell wall
B=Stroma (c) A=Secondary cell wall
C=Lumen B=Middle Lamellum
D=Stroma lamellae
C=Primary Cell wall
(d) A=Periplastidial space
B=Site for dark reaction (d) A=Secondary cell wall
C=Non-appresor region B=Primary cell wall
D=Stroma lamellae . C=Middle lamellum
The Unit of Life Biology IB
380. Identify A, B and C . 383. Identify the diagram and label the parts A-F

(a) A = Secondary constriction

B = Primary constriction (a) Diagram =T.S. of Flagellum
C = satellite A = Plasma membrane
(b) A = Primary constriction .
B = Peripheral double fibril
B = Centromere E C = Intramonolet bridge
C = satellite
(c) A = Primary Constriction
L D = Radial spoke
E = Central singlet fibril
B = Satellite F = Central sheath
C = Nucleolar organising region (b) Diagram - T.S. of Cilia
(d) A=Centromere A=Plasma membrane sheath
B=Secondary constriction B=Peripheral doubled fibril
C=Trebent C=Interdoublet bridge
D=Central singlet fibril
381. Identify the chromosome with one arm and
centromere situated at its terminal region E=Central sheath
F=Radial spoke
(c) Diagram = T.S. of Cilium or Flagellum
(a) (b) A=Plasma membrane sheath
B=Peripheral doublet fibril
C=Interdoublet bridge
D=Central singlet fibril
E=Radial spoke
F=Central sheath
(c) (d) (d) Diagram = L.S. of Flagellum
A=Plasma membrane sheath
B=Central doublet
382. Identify A, B, C and D
C=Inter doublet bridge
D=Central singlet fibril
E=Central sheath
F=Radial spoke
E 384. Identify the labelled parts


(a) A=Outer cell wall (b) A=Karyotheca

B=Chromatin B=Chromosome Nucleosome
C=Nuclear pore C=Plasmodesmata a) A= Linker DNA b) A=Core DNA
D=NOR D=Nucleolous B= H1 B= Linker DNA
(c) A=Karyotheca (d) A=Karyotheca C=Core DNA C= H1
B=Chromatin B=Chromatin c) A=Super helix DNA d) A=Octamer
C=Nuclear pore C=Nucleolus B=Octamer B= Linker DNA
D=Nucleolous D=Nuclear pore . C= H1 C= H1
Biology IB The Unit of Life
Match the following . 390. Match the following
385. Column -I Column-II Type of cell Shape of the cell
A) Chloroplast I) Karyolymph A) Red blood cells 1) Branched and long
B) ER II) Kinetochore B) Epithelial cells 2) Biconcave
C) Mitochondria III) Thylakoid
C) Nerve cell 3) Long and narrow
D) Nucleus IV) Cisternae
D)WBC 4) Elongated
V) Cristae
A B C D A B C D 5) Amoeboid
(a) III IV V I (b) I V IV III A B C D A B C D
(c) I III IV V (d) III II I V (a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 2 3 1 5
3 86 . Column-I Column-II
V (c) 5 1 3 2 (d) 2 1 3 5
A) Centriole I) Suicidal bags of cell
. 391. Match the following with reference to shapes of
B) Lysosomes II) Oxidation of fatty acids
different bacteria
C) Peroxysomes III) Protein factories
D) Ribosomes IV) Cell division Column-I Column-II
V) Power houses of A) Coccus 1) Comma
cell B) Bacillus 2) Spiral
A B C D A B C D C) Vibrio 3) Spherical
(c) IV I II III (d) III IV II I D) Spirochaete 4) Rod/Column
387. Study the following and identify the correct match
Plant Chromosome No. (a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 2 4 1 3
A) PEN of Gossypium I) 12 (c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 3 4 1 2
B) Male gamete of Oryza II) 78 392. Match the following.
C) Root cell of Saccharum III) 24
D) Generative cell of Nicotiana IV) 80 Type of cell Shape of the cell
A B C D A B C D A) Typical eukaryotic cell 1) About 0.1 µm
(a) I II III IV (b) II I III IV B) Typical bacteria 2) 0.02 - 0.2 µm
C) PPLO 3) 10 - 20 µm
388. Column-I Column-II D) Viruses 4) 1 - 2 µm
A) Cell-theory 1) Sutton and Boveri
B) Protoplasm theory 2) R. Virchow
C) Cell lineage theory 3) Schleiden (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 1 3 4 2
D) Chromosomal theory 4) Hertwig (c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 3 4 2 1
a) A=3, B=2, C=4, D=1
b) A=3, B=4, C=2, D=1
393. Match the following.
c ) A=1, B=3, C=2, D=4 E List-I List-II
d) A=1, B=3, C=4, D=2 .
L A) Stroma 1) Site for respiratory
389. Match the items listed in Column-I with
appropriate items from Column-II B) Matrix 2) Extension of plasma
Column-I Column-II membrane
a) Cristae i) Flat membrane sacs in C) Mesosome 3) Site for dark reaction
stroma D)Cristae 4) Extension of cell wall
b) Cisternae ii) Infoldings in mitochondria 5) Site for F0–F1 particles
c) Thylakoids iii) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi
(a) a=ii, b=iii, c-i (b) a=iii, b=ii, c=i (a) 3 1 5 2 (b) 3 1 2 5
(c) a=i, b=i, c=iii (d) a=iii, b=ii, c=i . (c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 1 3 5 2


The Unit of Life Biology IB
394. Study the following Lists.
. 398. Study the following Lists.
List-I List-II List-I List-II
A) Physical basis of heridity 1) Lysosomes A) Endoplasmic 1) Synthesis of primitive
reticulum cell organelles
B) Physical basis of life 2) Ribosomes
B) Dictyosome 2) Beads of chromatin
C) Universal cell organelles 3) Protoplasm C) Plasmosome 3) Superimposed coils
D)Sucidal bags of the cell 4) Golgicomplex of chromatin
5) Chromosomes D)Nucleosome 4) Origin of dictyosomes
Choose the correct match 5) Pectin synthesis and secretion
A B C D A B C D The correct match is
(a) 5 3 2 1 (b) 4 3 2 5 .
V (a) 4
5 2 1
(b) 4 5 1 3
(c) 3 4 5 2 (d) 1 2 3 5 E
(c) 5 4 2 1 (d) 5 3 1 2

395. Study the following Lists. .

399. Study the following Lists.
List-I List-II List-I List-II
A) Phycoerythrin 1) Blue green algae A) Golgi complex 1) Lysosome production
B) Ribosomes 2) Peptide bond formation
B) Phycocyanin 2) Brown algae
C) Endoplasmic 3) Secretion of lipids
C) Fucoxanthin 3) Ripe tomato reticulum
D) Lycopene 4) Red algae D)Peroxysomes 4) Synthesis of phospholipids
5) Green algae 5) Hydrolysis of fats
A B C D A B C D Correct match
(a) 1 3 5 2 (b) 2 5 4 1 A B C D A B C D
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 3 2 1 4 (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 2 1 5
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 2 1 4
396. Study the following Lists. 400. Study the following Lists.
List-I List-II List-I List-II
A) Protein synthesis 1) Peroxysomes A) Kinetochores 1) Beyond the
B) Autolysis 2) Golgi complex secondary constriction
C) Phospholipid synthesis 3) Mitochondria B) Primary constriction 2) Present either side of
D) Cellulose synthesis 4) Lysosomes
C) Satellite 3) Divides the chromo-
5) Paladae granules some into arms
A B C D A B C D D) Secondary constriction 4) Binding site of spindle
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 5 4 2 3 fibers
(c) 4 3 5 1 (d) 5 4 1 2 .
5) May act as NOR
397. Study the following Lists. E
M (a) 2 3 1 5 (b) 2 5 3 1
List-I List-II .
(c) 2 4 3 5 (d) 4 2 1 5
A) Repository of cell 1) Nucleus
401. Study the following Lists.
B) Cell within a cell 2) Ergosomes
List-I List-II
C) Primitive cell organelle 3) Peroxysomes
A) Chromosome 1) Oudet
D)Cell brain 4) Mitochondria B) Chromatin 2) Waldeyer
5) Vacuole C) Nucleosome 3) Sutton and Boveri
Identify the correct match D) Chromosomal theory 4) Flemming
a) 5 4 2 1 b) 5 4 1 2 (a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 2 4 3 1
c) 4 2 3 5 d) 1 5 3 2
. (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 1 4 3


Biology IB The Unit of Life
402. Study the following and identify the correct match.
. 408. Which of the following organisms completely lack
Cell Secondary wall material cell wall, they are the smallest living cells known
A) Xylem vessel I) Suberin and can survive without oxygen? (2010)
B) Cork II) Lignin (a) Mycoplasma (b) Euglenoids
C) Fungal III) Cutin (c) Slime moulds (d) All of these
D)Epidermal IV) Chittin 409. Small disc shaped structures at the surface of the
A B C D A B C D centromeres that appear during metaphase
(a) IV III II I (b) II I IV III are (2009)
(a) Kinetochores (b) Metaphase plate
403. Study the following Lists. .
(c) Spindle fibres (d) Chromatid
E 410. In some organisms, karyokinesis is not followed
List-I List-II M

A) Endoplasmic 1) Polymorphic cell .

L by cytokinesis as a result of which,multinucleate
condition arises leading to the formation of
reticuolum organelle
synctium. The perfect example for this is (2009)
(a) Appearance of furrow in cell membrane
B) Plastid 2) Trimorphic cell organelle
(b) Liquid endosperm in coconut
C) Golgi complex 3) Dimorphiccell
(c) Sexual reproduction
(d) Fertilization
D) Lysosomes 4) Packagingcell organelle
Identify the correct match 411. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in (2009)
A B C D A B C D (a) Grana (b) Pyrenoid
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 3 1 2 4 (c) Stroma (d) Both (a) or (b)
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 4 2 3 1 412. Which of the following abnormalities results from
an unnatural presence of a Barr body that it would
normally not have (2009)
AFMC (a) Turners syndrome (b) Down's syndrome
4 04 . Which of the following is present both in (c) Klinefelter's syndrome
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? (2012) (d) All of the above
(a) Mitochondria (b) Endoplasmic reticulum 413. The "Cri-du-chat" syndrome is caused by change
(c) Ribosomes (d) Nucleus in chromosome structure (2009)
405. Extranuclear DNA in the cytoplasm is found inside (a) Deletion (b) Duplication
(2012) (c) Inversion (d) Translocation
(a) Golgi bodies (b) lysosome . 414.
Lysosomes are the reservoirs (store houses) of
(c) mitochondria (d) vacuoles E
(a) Hydrolytic enzymes (2007)
(b) Secretory glycoproteins
406. The person with turner's syndrome has (2011) .

(c) RNA and proteins

(a) 45 autosomes and x sex chromosome.
(d) Fats (or) sugars (or) ATP
(b) 44 autosomes and xy sex chromosomes.
(c) 45 autosomes and xyy sex chromosomes. 415. In an animal cell, protein synthesis takes place (2007)
(d) 44 autosomes and x sex chromosomes. (a) Only on the ribosomes protein in the cystosol
(b) Only on ribosomes attached to nuclear
407. Barrbody is present in (2010)
envelope and endoplasmic reticulum
(a) Sperm (c) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well
(b) Ovum as in cytoplasm
(c) Somatic cell of female (d) On ribosomes present in the cytosol as well as
(d) Somatic cell of male . in the mitochondria
The Unit of Life Biology IB
416. In polytene chromosomes dark bands are visible.
. 427. The production and storage of energy in
These bands are formed by the aposition of mitochondria increases during (2001)
(a) Protein particles (2006) (a) Seed germination (b) Dormant seed
(b) Chromomeres on chromonemata (c) Ripening seed (d) Seed maturation.
(c) Nucleosomes (d) None 428. Which of these is absent in anaerobic bacteria(2001)
417. Number of chromosomes in Down's syndrome (a) Cell wall (b) Cell membrane
is (2005) (c) Mesosomes (d) Ribosomes
(a) 46 (b) 47 (c) 48 (d) 49
429. Most abundant lipid in the cell membrane is (2001)
418. Contractile vacuole is absent in: (2004) (a) Cholesterol (b) Phospholipids
(a) Sporozoa (b) Sarcodiana .
(c) Glycolipids (d) Cerebrosides
(c) Zooflagellate (d) Slime moulds E
430. Power house of the cell is called (2001)
419. Cellulose is a polymer of (2004) .
(a) Nucleus (b) Ribosomes
(a)  - cellulose (b)  -Glucose (c) Mitochondria (d) Golgi complex
(c)  -Fructose (d)  -Fructose
431. Number of lenses present in compound
420. Which one of the following remain absent in microscope is (2000)
prokaryotes? (2003) (a) One (b) Two
(a) Nuclear membrance (b) Ribosome (c) Three (d) Four
(c) Cellwall (d) Plasma membrance
432. Which of the following is the phosphorylating unit
421. Bright colour of petals, is due to presence of (2000)
(2003) (a) Oxysome (b) Mesosome
(a) Chloroplast (b) Anthocyanin
(c) Peroxisome (d) Mitochondria
(c) Chromoplast (d) Leucoplast
433. Cristae help in (2000)
422. Golgibody arises from (2003) (a) Respiration (b) Transpiration
(a) Plasma membrance (b) ER (c) Photosynthesis (d) Photo-oxidation
(c) Vacuole (d) Chloroplast
434. 80% of the cell has (2000)
423. Integral proteins of cell memebrance occur (a) Minerals (b) Water
on /in (2002) (c) Protein (d) Carbohydrates
(a) Inner surfaces
(b) Outer surfaces AI I M S
(c) Phospholipid matrix 435. Na+/K+ pump is associated with (2012)
(d) Inner and outer surfaces (a) passive transport (b) active transport
424. Which of the following represents klinefelter's .
(c) osmosis (d) imbibition
syndrome? (2002) E 436. Photorespiration shows formation of (2012)
(a) xx (b) xo (c) xy (d) xxy .
L (a) sugar but not ATP
(b) ATP but not sugar
425. In which of the following there is no defect in the
sex chromosomes? (2002) (c) both ATP and sugar
(a) Turner's syndrome (d) neither ATP nor sugar
(b) Down's syndrome 437. The microscope usually used for seeing living cells
(c) Colour blindness or tissues is (2012)
(d) Klinefelter's syndrome (a) compound microscope
426. The term nucleolus was coined by (2001) (b) electron microscope
(a) R.Brown (b) R.Hooke (c) phase contrast microscope
(c) Bowman (d) Hanstein
. (d) light microscope


Biology IB The Unit of Life
438. Theory of `saltations' was given by (2011)
. 447. What is common between chloroplasts, chromo-
(a) G Mendel (b) Hugo de Vries plasts and leucoplasts? (2008)
(c) JBS Haldane (d) HJ Miller (a) Presence of pigments
439. The percentage of cell surface that is impenetrable (b) Possession of thylokoid and grama
(c) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids
for ions is (2011)
(d) Ability to multiply by fission - like process
(a) 1% (b) 99.9%
(c) 90% (d) 73% 448. (A) : A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour
(R) : A membrane is a mosaic (or) composite of
440. Satellite of chromosome is (2011)
diverse lipids and proteins (2008)
(a) Rich in RNA and deficient in DNA (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
(b) Rich in DNA and deficient in RNA
(c) Rich in protein (d) Lacks DNA
of A.
E (b) A and R are true and R is not the correct
441. The property of semipermeability belongs to
L explanation of A.
(c) A is true, R is false. (d) A is false, R is true
(a) Cell wall (b) Plasma membrane 449. The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consists
(c) Mitochondria only (d) None of the above of short sequences of (2007)
442. Which one of the following is the best stage to (a) Thyamine rich repeats
obser ve the shape, size and number of (b) Cytosine rich repeats
chromosomes in a cell (2010) (c) Adenine rich repeats
(a) Interphase (b) Prophase (d) Guanine rich repeats.
(c) Metaphase (d) Telophase 450. Cellulose, the most important constiuent of plant
cell wall is made up of (2007)
443. Holandric genes are located (2010)
(a) Branched chain of glucose molecules linked by
(a) Both in x and Y - chromosomes
(b) Only in Y - chromosome  , 1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branching
(c) Only in X - chromosome (b) Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked
(d) Only in autosomes by  , 1, 4 glucosidic bond
(c) Branched chain of glucose molecules linked
444. Microtubules are absent in (2010)
by  , 1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branching
(a) Mitochondria (b) Flagella (d) Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked
(c) Spindle fibers (d) Centriole by  , 1, 4 glycosidic bond.
4 45 . Which of the following four cell structures 451. (A) : The true nucleus is generally absent in E.coli
is correctly matched with the accompanying and other prokaryotes
description (2009)
(R) : An undifferentiated, un-organised fibrilar
(a) Plasma membrane - Outer layer of cellulose
or chitin, or absent
nucleus without any limiting membrane is
E observed in prokaryotic cells.(2007)
(b) Mitochondria - Bacteria like elements with inner M
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
membrane forming sacs containing chlorophyll .
of A.
found in plant cells and algae. (b) A and R are true and R is not the correct
(c) Chloroplasts- Bacteria like elements with inner explanation of A.
membrane highly folded. (c) A is true, R is false. (d) A is false, R is true
(d) Golgi apparatus- Stacks of flattened vesicles.
452. Genes represent in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic
446. Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells cells, are found in (2006)
are found in (2008)
(a) Mitochondria and inherited via egg cytoplasm
(a) Mitochondria and inherited via egg cytoplasm
(b) Lysosomes and peroxysomes
(b) Lysosomes and peroxisomes
(c) Golgibodies and smooth endoplasmic reticulm
(c) Golgi bodies and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Plastids and inherited via male gamete . (d) Plastids and inherited via male gamete.


The Unit of Life Biology IB
453. In which one of the following combinations . 459. Three of the following statements regarding cell
(a–d) of the number of the chromosomes is the organells are correct while one is wrong. Which
present day hexaploid wheat correctly represented? one is wrong ? (2005)
(2006) (a) Lysosomes are double membraned vesicles
Combination Monosomic Haploid Nullisomic Trisomic budded off from Golgi apparatus and contain
(a) 21 28 42 43 digestive enzymes.
(b) 7 28 40 42
(b) Endoplasmic reticulm consists of a network
(c) 21 7 42 43
of membranous tubules and helps in transport,
(d) 41 21 40 43
synthesis and secretion.
454. What is common between chloroplasts, (c) Leucoplasts are bound by two membranes, lack
chromoplasts and leucoplasts? (2006) .
pigment but contain their own DNA and
(a) Presence of pigments E
protein synthesizing machinery.
(b) Possession of thylakoids and grana
(c) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids .
L (d) Sphaerosomes are single membrane bound and
are associated with synthesis and storage of
(d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process
455. In prokaryotes, chromatophores are (2006)
460. DNA is present in (2004)
(a) Specialized granules responsible for colouration
of cells (a) Chromosomes and dictyosomes
(b) Structures responsible for organizing the shape (b) Chloroplasts and lysosomes
of the organism (c) Mitochondria and chloroplasts
(c) Incusion bodies lying free inside the cells for (d) Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulm
carrying out various metabolic activities
(d) Internal membrane systems that may become 461. Plasmodesmata connections help in (2003)
extensive and complex in photosynthetic (a) Cytoplasmic streaming
bacteria. (b) Sychronous mitotic divisons
(c) Locomotion of unicellular organisms
456. (A) : Eukaryotic cells have ability to adopt a variety
(d) Movement of substances between cells
of shapes and carryout directed movement.
(R) : There are three principal types of protein 462. (A) : A cell membrance shows fluid behaviour.
filamentsactin filaments, microtubules and (R) : A membrance is a mosaic or composite
intermediate, filaments which constitute the of diverse lipids and proteins. (2003)
cytoskeleton. (2006) (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct of A.
explanation of A. (b) A and R are true and R is not the correct
(b) A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
explanation of A.
V (c) A is true, R is false
(c) A is true, R is false. (d) A is false, R is true M (d) A is false, R is true
457. In which one of the following would you expect . 463.
(A) : Rheo leaves contain anthocyanin pigments in
to find glyoxysomes? (2005) epidermal cells
(a) Endosperm of wheat (R) : Anthocyanins are accessory photosynthetic
(b) Endosperm of castor pigments. (2003)
(c) Palisade cells in leaf (d) Root hairs (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A.
458. Many cells function properly and divide mitotically (b) A and R are true and R is not the correct
even though they do not have (2005) explanation of A
(a) Plama membrane (b) Cytoskeleton (c) A is true, R is false
(c) Mitochondria (d) Plastids
. (d) A is false, R is true


Biology IB The Unit of Life
464. A chromosome with centromere at one end is
. 472. (A) : Cell wall is not found in animal cell
called (2002) (2001)
(a) Telocentric (b) Metacentric (R) : Animal cells are covered by cell membrane
(c) Excentric (d) Apocentric (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A
465. Which of the following organelle is related with
(b) A and R are true and R is not the correct
photorespiration (2002)
explanation of A
(a) Peroxisome (b) Chloroplast
(c) A is true, R is false
(c) Mitochondria (d) Lysosome
(d) A is false, R is true
466. The phagocytosis was first of all seen by (2002)
(a) Huxley (b) Haeckel . 473.
Rough E.R differes from smooth E.R due to the
presence of (2000)
(c) Matchnilkoff (d) Darwin E
M (a) DNA (b) Nucleus
467. (A) : Organisms are made up of cells (2002) .
(c) Ribosomes (d) Enzyme.
(R) : Cells are structural units of living organisms.
A cell keeps its chemical composition steady 474. Chromosomes with equal arms are called
within its boundary. (2000)
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation (a) Metacentric (b) Telocentric
of A (c) Acentric (d) Polycentric
(b) A and R are true and R is not the correct 475. Glycolysis occur in (2000)
explanation of A
(a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
(c) A is true, R is false
(c) Parenchyma (d) Sieve tube cells
(d) A is false, R is true
476. Which of the following is enucleate at maturity
468. A prokaryotic cell lacks: (2001)
(a) True nucleus
(b) Nuclear membrane (a) Companion cell (b) Meristematic cell
(c) membrane bound organelles (c) Parenchyma (d) Sieve tube cell
(d) All of the above 477. Electron microscope was invented by (2000)
469. Which of the following is a single membranous (a) Robert Hooke
structure (2001) (b) Knoll and Ruska
(a) Lysosome (b) Nucleus (c) Pasteur
(c) Mitochondria (d) Chloroplast (d) Schwann and Schleiden
470. Barr-body in mammals represents (2001) 478. Which disease has xxy chromosome constitution
(a) One of the two 'X' chromosomes in cell of (a) Down's syndrome (2000)
female .
(b) Turner's syndrome
(b) All heterochromatin of male and female cells E (c) Klinefetter's syndrome
(c) 'Y'-chromosome of male
(d)All hetero chromatin of female cells. .
L d) Okazaki syndrome
479. Cell wall is absent in (2000)
471. (A) : Power house of cell is mitochondria (a) Amoeba (b) Chara
(c) Yeast (d) E.coli
(R) : ATP is produced in mitochondria
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct 480. Double membrane structure of cell are (2000)
explanation of A. (a) Nucleus (b) Chloroplast
(b)A and R are true and R is not the correct (c) Mitochondria (d) all of these
explanation of A. 481. Hydrolytic enzymes are found in (2000)
(c) A is true, R is false. (a) Peroxisomes (b) Lysosomes
(d) A is false, R is true
. (c) Lepdosome (d) Lomasome.
The Unit of Life Biology IB
. 488. What would be the number of chromosomes of
482. Which one of the following is correctly matched? the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 chromosomes
(2012) in its root tip cells? (2011)
a) Passive transport of nutrients – ATP (a) 63 (b) 84 (c) 21 (d) 42
b) Apoplast – Plasmodesmata 489. Important site for formation of glycoprotein and
c) Potassium – Readily immobilization glycolipids is (2011)
d) Bakane of rice seedings – F.Skoog (a) Golgi apparatus (b) Plastid
483. Which one of the following does not differ in (c) Lysosome (d) Vacuole
E.coli and Chlamydomonas? (2012)
490. Peptide synthesis inside a cell takes place in
(a) Ribosomes .
V (2011)
(b) Chromosomal organization E
M (a) Mitochondria (b) Chromoplast
(c) Cell wall .
(c) Ribosomes (d) Chloroplast
(d) Cell membrane
491. Which one of the following structures between
484. What is true about ribosomes? (2012) two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway?
(a) The prokaryotic ribosomes are 80S, where “S” (2010)
stands for sedimentation coefficient
(a) Plasmodesmata
(b) These are composed of ribonucleic acid and (b) Plastoquinones
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) These are found only in eukaryotic cells (d) Plasma lemma
(d) These are self-splicing introns of some RNAs
492. Single celled eukaryotes are included in (2010)
485. Nuclear membrane is absent in (2012)
(a) Protista (b) Fungi
(a) Penicillium (b) Agaricus
(c) Archaea (d) Monera
(c) Volvox (d) Nostoc
493. Which one of the following has its own DNA ?
486. Select the correct statement from the following (2010)
regarding cell membrane. (2012)
(a) Mitochondria (b) Dictyosome
(a) Na+ and K+ ions move across cell membrane (c) Lysosome (d) Peroxisome
by passive transport
(b) Proteins make up 60 to 70% of the cell 494. The plasma membrane consists mainly of (2010)
membrane. (a) Phospholipids embedded in a protein bilayer
(c) Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads (b) Protein embedded in a phospholipid bilayer
towards the inner part. (c) Proteins embedded in a polymer of glucose
(d) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was .
proposed by Singer and Nicolson E (d) Proteins embedded in a carbohydrate bilayer

487. Which one of the following conditions correctly . 495.

Algae have cell wall made up of (2010)
describes the manner of determining the sex in (a) Cellulose, galactans and manans
the given example? (2011) (b) Hemicellulose, pectins and proteins
(a) XO type of sex chromosomes determine male (c) Pectins, cellulose and proteins
sex in grasshopper. (d) Cellulose, hemi cellulose, and pectins
(b) XO condition in humans as found in turner
496. Satellite `DNA' is useful tool in (2010)
syndrome, determine female sex.
(c) Homozygous sex chromosomes (xx) produce (a) Organ transplantation
male in drosophila (b) Sex determination
(d) Homozygous sex chromosomes (zz) determine (c) Forensic science
female sex in birds. . (d) Genetic engineering


Biology IB The Unit of Life
497. Plasmodesmata are (2009)
. 504. The legnth of DNA molecule greatly exceeds the
(a) Locomotory structures dimensions of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. How
(b) Membranes connecting the nucleus with is this DNA accommodated? (2007)
plasmalemma (a) Super - coiling in nucleosomes
(c) Connections between adjacent cells (b) DNase - digestion
(d) Lignified cemented layers between cells (c) Through elimination of repetitive DNA
(d) Deletion non - essential genes
498. Cytoskeleton is made up of (2009)
(a) Callose deposits 505. Select wrong statement from following (2007)
(b) Cellulosic microfibrils (a) Both chloroplast and mitochondria have an
(c) Proteinaceous filaments .
internal compartment, the thylokoid space
(d) Calcium carbonate granules E bounded by the thylokoid membrane

499. Middle lamella is composed mainly of (2009) .

L (b) Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain DNA
(c) The chloroplast are generally much larger than
(a) Muramic acid (b) Calcium pectate
(c) Phosphoglycerides (d) Hemicellulose
(d) Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain an
500. In germinating seeds fattyacids are degraded inner and an outer membrane.
exclusively in the (2008)
506. Which one of the following is not a constituent of
(a) Proplastids cell membrane? (2007)
(b) Glyoxysomes (a) Glycolipids (b) Proline
(c) Peroxisomes (c) Phospholipids (d) Cholesterol
(d) Mitochondria
507. In the hexaploid wheat, the haploid (n) and basic
501. Vacuole in plant cell (2008) (x) number chromosomes are (2007)
(a) Is membrane - bound and contain storage (a) n = 21 and x = 21 (b) n = 21 and x = 14
proteins and lipids (c) n = 21 and x = 7 (d) n = 7 and x = 21
(b) Is membrane - bound and contains water and
508. What would be the number of chromosomes in
excretory substances
the cells of the aleurone layer in a plant species
(c) Lacks membrane and contains air
with 8 chromosomes in its synergids (2006)
(d) Lacks membrane and contains water and
(a) 16 (b) 24 (c) 32 (d) 8
excretory substances
509. A major break through in the studies of cells came
502. The two subunits of ribosome remain united at a
with the development of electron microscope. This
critical ion level of (2008)
(a) Copper (b) Manganese .
is because (2006)
(a) The resolution power of the electron micro-
(c) Magnesium (d) Calcium E
scope is much higher than that of the light
503. Keeping in view the 'fluid mosaic model' for the .
structure of cell membrane, which one of the (b) The resolving power of the electron microscope
following statements is correct with respect to the is 200-350nm as compared to 0.1-0.2 nm for
movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid the light microscope.
monolayer to the other (described as flip-flop (c) Electron beam can pass through thick materials
movement) (2008) where as light microscopy requires thin sections.
(a) Both lipids and proteins can flip - flop (d) The electron microscope is more powerful than
(b) While lipids can rarely flip - flop, proteins cannot the light microscope as it uses as beam of
(c) While proteins can flip - flop, lipids cannot electrons which has wavelegnth much longer
(d) Neither lipids, nor proteins can flip -flop . than that of photons.


The Unit of Life Biology IB
510. Cri-du-chat syndrome in humans is caused by the
. 517. A woman with 47 chromosomes due to three
(2006) copies of chromosome 21 is characterized by :
(a) Fertilization of an xx egg by a normal (2005)
y-bearing sperm (a) Down's syndrome (b) Triploidy
(b) Loss of half of the short arm of chromosome 5 (c) Turner's syndrome (d) Super femaleness
(c) Loss of half of the long arm of chromosome 5
(d) Trisomy of 21st chromosome. 518. According to widely accepted "fluid mosaic
model" cell membranes are semi - fluid, where
511. The main organelle involved in modification and
lipids and integral proteins can diffuse randomly.
routing of newly synthesized proteins to their
In recent years, this model has been modified in
destinations is (2005) .
V several respects. In this regard, which of the
(a) Mitochondria (b) Endoplasmic reticulm E
M following statement is incorrect? (2005)
(c) Lysosome (d) Chloroplast
(a) Proteins in cell membranes can travel within the
512. A student wishes to study the cell structure under
lipid bilayer
a light microscope having 10 x eyepiece and 45 x
(b) Proteins can remain confined within certain
objective. He should illuminate the object by which
one of the following colours of light so as to get domains of the membrane
the best possible resolution? (2005) (c) Proteins can also undergo flip-flop movements
(a) Yellow (b) Green in the lipid bilayer
(c) Blue (d) Red (d) Many proteins remain completely embedded
within the lipid bilayer.
513. Centromere is required for (2005)
(a) Transcription (b) Crossing over 519. When a freshwater protozoan possessing a
(c) Cytoplasmic cleavage contractile vacuole, is placed in a glass containing
(d) Movement of chromosomes towards poles marine water, the vacuole will: (2004)
514. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in (2005) (a) Increase in number (b) Disappear
(a) Grana (b) Pyrenoid (c) Increase in size (d) Decrease in size
(c) Stroma (d) Both (a) and (c) 520. Flagella of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
515. Barophilic prokaryotes: (2005) differ in (2004)
(a) Grow Slowly in highly alkaline frozen lakes at (a) Type of movement and placement in cell
high altitudes (b) Location in cell and mode of functioning
(b) Occur in water containing high concentrations (c) Microtubular organization and type of
of barium hydroxide movement
(c) Grow and multiply in very deep marine .
V (d) Microtubular organization and function
sediments M

(d) Readily grown and divides in sea water enriched . 521.

L Extranuclear Inheritance is a consequence of
presence of genes in (2004)
in any soluble salt of barium.
(a) Mitochondria and chloroplasts
516. Protein synthesis in an animal cell occurs (2005)
(b) Endoplasmic reticulm and chloroplasts
(a) Only on the ribosomes present in cytosol
(c) Ribosomes and chloroplast
(b) On ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as
(d) Lysosomes and ribosomes
in mitochondria
(c) Only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear 522. In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the
envelope and endoplasmic reticulm (2004)
(d) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well (a) Outermembrance (b) Inner memebrance
as in cytoplasm.
. (c) Thylokoids (d) Stroma


Biology IB The Unit of Life
523. If you are provided with root-tips of onion in
. 531. No. of Barr bodies in xxxx female (2001)
your class and are asked to count the chromosomes, (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
which of the following stages can you most 532. Extra nuclear chromosomes occur in (2001)
conveniently look into? (2004)
(a) Peroxisome, ribosome
(a) Metaphase (b) Telophase (b) Chloroplast and mitochondria
(c) Anaphase (d) Prophase (c) Mitochondria and ribosome
524. Chromosomes in a bacterial cell can be 1-3 in (c) Chloroplast and lysosome
number and : (2003) 533. Microtubules are absent in (2001)
(a) Are always linear (a) Mitochondria (b) Flagella
(b) Can be either circular or linear , but never both
within the same cell .
(c) Spindle fibers (d) Centriole
E 534. Lysomes are the reservoires of (2000)
(c) Can be circular as well as linear within the same M
cell .
L (a) Hydrolytic enzymes
(b) Secretory enzymes
(d) Are always circular
(c) RNA and proteins
525. Which of the following in a correct match (2002) (d) Fats (or sugar or ATP)
(a) Down syndrome - 21st chromosome 535. The cell organelle involved in the glycosylation of
(b) Sickel-cell anaemia-x-chromosome proteins is (2000)
(c) Haemophilia-y-chromosome (a) Ribosomes
(d) Parkinson's disease-x-and-y-chromosome (b) Peroxisomes
526. In fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane (c) Mitochondria
(2002) (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
(a) Upper layer is non-polar and hydrophilic 536. In an animal cell, protein synthesis takes place (2000)
(b) Polar layer is hydrophobic (a) On the ribosomes present in the cytosol
(c) Phospholipids form a bimolecular layer (b) On the ribosomes attached to nuclear envelop
(d) Protein form a middle layer and endoplasmic reticulum
527. Ribosomes are produced in (2002) (c) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well
(a) Nucleus (b) cytoplasm as in cytoplasm
(c) Mitochondria (d) Golgibody (d) On ribosomes present in the cytosol as well as
in the mitochondria.
528. Which of the following exists as more than one
537. Extra nuclear DNA are located in (2000)
but less than five in number in a chromosome
(2002) [JIPMER 2002] (a) Lysosomes and chloroplast
(b) Golgi complex and ribosomes
(a) Chromatid (b) Chromomere
(c) Centromere (d) Telomere .
(c) Chloroplasts and mitochondria
(d) Ribosomes and mitochondria
529. Male xx and female xy sometime occur due to E
M 538. During cell division, the spindle fibres get attached
(a) Deletion (2001) .
to the condensing chromosomes at a highly
(b) Transfer of segments in x and y differentiated region. This region has (2000)
(c) Aneuploidy (a) Chromomere (b) Chromocentre
(d) Hormonal imbalance (c) Centriole (d) Kinetochore
530. In which animal, dimorphic nucleus is found 539 Mongoloid idiocy in human beings - caused by
(2002) the trisomy of chromosome 21 is also known as
(a) Amoeba (a) Down's syndrome (2000)
(b) Trypanosoma gambiense (b) Turner's syndrome
(c) Plasmodium vivax (c) Klinefelter's syndrome
(d) Paramoecium caudatum . (d) Tay - sachs disease


The Unit of Life Biology IB
. 550. The term nucleosome was given by Outdet, Oluis
540. Quantasome are present in (2012) and Olius called these particle as "nu" particles,
(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria which histone is absent in nucleosome ? (2011)
(c) Golgi body (d) Lysosome (a) H1 (b) H2 (c) H3A (d) H4
541. In mitochondira, enzyme cytochrome oxidase is 551. In SAT chromosome, SAT (satellite terminal part
present in (2012) of chromosome beyond secondary constriction.
(a) Outer membrane It contains (2011)
(b) Perimitochondrial space (a) DNA (b) RNA
(c) Inner membrane (d) matrix (c) repetitive DNA (d) none of these

542. Which of the following plant cells is not

. 552.
Centrioles (microcentrosome or cell centre) is
surrounded by a cell wall ? (2012)
(a) Root hair cell (b) Stem hair cell .
(a) Microtubular and membraneless
(b) Absent in Amoeba, red algae, blue-green algae,
(c) Gamete cell (d) Bacterial cell
conifers and angiosperm and made up of a
543. Which of the following cell organelles stores peripheral triplet microtubular
hydrolytic enzymes? (2012) (c) Basically locomotary and their role in spindle
(a) Centriole (b) Lysosomes formation is secondary
(c) Chromoplast (d) Chloroplast (d) All of the above
544. Which of the following cell organelles is associated 553. A mutation in bacterial resutls in non-formation
with photorespiration ? (2012) of mesosomes. The expected result will be (2011)
a) Mitochondria b) Peroxysome (a) Only cell division will occur
c) Chloroplast d) All of these (b) Only replication of DNA will occur
(c) Only karyokinesis will occur
545. The thickness of unit membrane is (2012)
0 0 0 0 (d) All of the above
a) 20 A b) 35A c) 55A d) 75A
554. The major role in formation of new species from
546. A structure known as peroxisomes is associated old species is played by (2011)
with (2011) (a) Autoploidy (b) Allopolyploidy
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Respiration (c) Bolth (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(c) Photorespiration (d)Photo phosphorylation 555. A structure known as peroxisomes is associated
547. The diagrammatic representation of a chromosome with (2010)
is known as (2011) (a) Photosynthesis (b) Respiration
(a) Idiotype (b) Karyotype .
(c) Photorespiration (d) Photo phosphorylation
(c) Homotype (d) Holotype M 556. The diagramatic representation of a chromosome
548. When an F1 individuals is crossed with its either of .
is known as (2010)
the two parents. Then it is known as (2011) (a) Idiotype (b) Karyotype
(a) Test cross (b) Back cross (c) Homotype (d) Holotype
(c) Reciprocal cross (d) Monohybrid cross 557. Thread like structure that are composed of the
549. Chromosome present in prolonged prophase in nuclear DNA of eukaryotic cells and the carrier
the salivary glands of Drosophila are (2011) of genetic information. These structures were
(a) Polytene known as chromosomes. The term chromosomes
(b) B-chromosome was given by (2010)
(c) Lampbrush (a) Waldeyer (b) Balbiani
(d) Supernumerary chromosomes . (c) Purkinje (d) Sutton


Biology IB The Unit of Life
558. Chromosomes present in prolonged prophase in
. 568. How many chromosomes are present in ovum of
the salivary glands of Drosophila are (2010) women? (2009)
(a) Polytene (a) 22 + X (b) 22 + Y
(b) B-Chromosomes (c) 44 + X (d) 44 + Y
(c) Lampbrush
569. T-Schwann and M.Schleiden were (2009)
(d) Supernumerary chromosomes
(a) Dutch biologists
559. Salivary glands chromosome were discovered by
(b) Austrain biologists
Balbiani (1881) from salivary glands of larva of
(2010) (c) German biologists
(d) English biologists
(a) Chironomus
(c) Silkworm
(b) Drosophila
(d) Lac worm
. 570.
V Which of the following is responsible for the
560. In SAT chromosome, SAT [satellite] is terminal M mechanical support, protein synthesis and enzyme
part of chromosome beyond secondary .
transport ? (2009)
constriction. It contains (2010) (a) Endoplasmic reticulum
(a) DNA (b) RNA (b) Mitochondria
(c) Repetitive DNA (d) None of these (c) Cell membrane
(d) Dictyosome
561. Material exchange through nuclearpore is facilitated
by (2010) 571. The protists have (2009)
(a) Lamina propriya (b) Lipid layer (a) Membrane bound nucleoproteins lying embedded
(c) Nucleoplasm (d) Nucleolus in the cytoplasm
562. The term nucleosome was given by outdet, Oluis (b) Gene containing nucleoproteins condensed
and Olius called these particle as "nu" particles together in loss mass
which histone is absent in nucleosome (2010) (c) Nucleoproteins in direct contact with the rest
(a) H1 (b) H2 (c) H3A (d) H4 of the cell substance
(d) Only free nucleic acid aggregates
563. The base of oxysome is also called as (2009)
572. Bacteria do not possess: (2008)
(a) F5 particle (b) F6 particle
(c) F1 particle (d) F0 particle (a) Capsule (b) Ribosome
(c) Mitochondria (d) Plasmamembrane
564. Which of the following organ has single
membrane? (2009) 573. The shape of chromosome is determined by
(a) Nucleus (b) Cell wall (a) Centrosome (b) Centromere (2008)
(c) Nucleolus (d) None of these (c) Chromomere (d) Telomere
565. Centromere is a part of: (2009) . 574.
V Biologically most resistant plant material is(2008)
(a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria M (a) Lignin (b) Cutin
(c) Chromosomes (d) Endoplasmic reticulum .
(c) Suberin (d) Sporopollenin
566. The desmosomes are concerned with (2009) 575. Which of the following techniques other than
(a) Cytolysis (b) Cellular excretion microscopy is used for the study of cell? (2008)
(c) Cell division (d) Cell adherence
(a) Plasmolysis (b) Maceration
567. Barr body in mammals represents (2009) (c) Chromatography (d) Auto - Radiography
(a) All the heterochromatin in female cells
576. What will be the gametic chromosome number in
(b) One of the two X-chromosomes in somatic
a cell, if somatic cell have 40 chromosomes?
cells of females
(c) All the heterochromatin in male and female cells
(d) The Y-chromosomes in somatic cells of male . (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40


The Unit of Life Biology IB
577. The most abundant elements in protoplasm are
. 585. Chromosomes in a bacterial cell be 1-3 in number
(a) Carbon, sodium, and hydrogen (2008) and (2008)
(b) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (a) Are always circular (b) Are always linear
(c) Nitrogen, carbon and oxygen (c) Can be either circular of linear, but never both
within the same cell
(d) Carbon, phosphorus and oxygen
(d) Can be circular as well as linear within the
578. Nucleolus is the site for the synthesis of (2008) same cell.
(a) DNA (b) m-RNA 586. Mitochondria often seen aggregated around
(c) t-RNA (d) Ribosomes (2008)
579. Which of the following statement is not true .
(a) Food vacuole (b) Contractile vacuole
(2008) E (c) Water vacuole (d) All of these
(a) Animal cells never contain chloroplast unlike . 587.
The main components of plasma membrane are
many plant cells (a) Lipids and proteins (2008)
(b) Animal cells contain ultrascopic chloroplast (b) Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates
while plant cells contain microscopic chloro (c) Lipid only
plast (d) Proteins only
(c) Plant cells have cellulosic cell wall, while animal 588. The blood cell which shows phagocytosis is
cells do not (a) Monocyte (b) Barsophil (2008)
(d) Plant cells have central vacuoles while animal (c) Eosinophil (d) Platelets
cells do not 589. A man and a woman, who do not show any
580. Chromosomal aberration is due to (2008) apparent signs of a certain inherited disease, have
(a) Aneuploidy (b) Polyploidy seven children [2 daughters and 5 sons). There of
the sons suffer from the given disease, but none
(c) Physical effects (d) All of these
of the daughters are affected. Which of the
581. What used to described as Nissl's granules in a following mode of inheritance do you suggest for
nerve cell are now identified as (2008) this disease? (2007)
(a) Cell metabolites (b) Fat granules (a) Autosomal dominant
(c) Ribosomes (d) Mitochondria (b) Sex-linked dominant
582. Quantasomes are found in (2008) (c) Sex-limited recessive
(d) Sex-linked recessive
(a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
(c) Lysosome (d) Endoplasmic reticulum . 590.
Centromere is required for
(a) Transcription

583. Lysosomes are formed by (2008) E

M (b) Crossing over
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum .
(c) Cytoplasmic cleavage
(b) Mitochondrion (d) Movement of chromosomes towards poles
(c) Golgi membrane 591. Protein synthesis in an animal cell occurs (2007)
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(a) Only on the ribosomes present in cytosol
584. Gastric vacuoles are analogous to the (2008) (b) On, ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as
(a) Peroxisomes in mitochondria
(b) Alimentary canal of higher animals (c) Only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear
(c) Mouth of higher animals envelope and endoplasmic reticulm
(d) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well
(d) Liver of higher animals
. as in cytoplasm.
Biology IB The Unit of Life
592. A woman with 47 chromosomes due to three
. 602. Nucleated RBC is present in (2005)
copies of chromosomes 21 is characterised by (a) Man (b) Rat (c) Frog (d) Rabbit
603. In which part of mitochondria does ATP synthesis
(a) Down syndrome (b) Triploidy occur ? (2005)
(c) Turner syndrome (d) Super femaleness
(a) F1 (b) F0 (c) Cristae
593. AIDS is caused by HIV that principally infects (d) Inner membrane of mitochondria
604. The thylokoid in chloroplast are arranged as
(a) All lymphocytes (b) Activator B-cells (2005)
(c) T4 lymphocytes (d) Cytotoxic T-cells
(a) Inter connected disc (b) Inter connected sacs
594. The main organellae involved in modification and .
V (c) Stacked discs (d) None of the above
routing of newly synthesized proteins to their E

. 605. A person who is trisomic for twenty first pair of

destinations is (2007) L
chromosome suffers from (2004)
(a) Mitochondria (b) Endoplasmic reticulm
(a) Klinefelter's syndrome
c) Lysosome (d) Chloroplast
(b) Down's syndrome
595. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in (2007) (c) Turner's syndrome
(a) Grana (b) Pyrenoid (d) None of the above
(c) Stroma (d) Both (a) and (c)
606. The basic unit of chitin is (2004)
596. Acrosome is formed by (2006) (a) N-acetyl glucosamine (b) Glucose
(a) Nucleus (b) Golgi apparatus (c) Galactose (d) Fructose
(c) Mitochondria (d) Carbohydrates
607. Phospholipids are (2004)
597. Cell membrane in animals is composed mainly of (a) Amphipathic (b) Amphibolic
the molecule of (2006) (c) Hydrophobic (d) None of the above
(a) Lipids (b) Proteins
608. RBC's are nucleated in: (2004)
(c) Lipids and proteins (d) Carbohydrates
(a) Man (b) Rat
598. Which one is single membrane cell organelle? (c) Frog (d) Rabbit
609. 2n-1condition represent (2004)
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondria
(a) Tetrasomy (b) Trisomy
(c) Lysosomes (d) Chloroplast.
(c) Monosomy (d) Multisomy
599. Pigment anthocyanin is located in (2006)
(a) Chloroplast (b) Chromoplast 610. 2n -1 condition is called (2003)
(c) Cytoplasm (d) Vacuole. .
(a) Trisomy (b) Monosomy
E (c) Nullisomy (d) Tetrasomy
600. Cell theory was propounded in 1838-39 by M

(2006) . 611.
Protein synthesis in an animal cell, takes place
(a) Schleiden (2002)
(b) Schwann (a) Only in the cytoplasm
(c) Schleiden and Schwann (b) In the nucleolus as well as in the cytoplasm
(d) Virchow (c) In the cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria
601. Protists are (2005) (d) Only on ribosomes attached to nucleus
(a) Unicellular and prokaryote 612. Mitochondria in middle piece of sperm is called
(b) Multicellular and eukaryote (2002)
(c) Unicellular and eukaryote (a) Ring centriole (b) Spenniochondria
(d) Autotroph or heterotroph. . (c) Chondrisome (d) Mitochondria


The Unit of Life Biology IB
613. Among the following monosomic aneuploid is .
(a) Klinefelter's syndrome (2002) 26) c 27) c 28) b 29) d 30) c
(b) Edward' syndsome 31) d 32) d 33) d 34) c 35) c
(c) Down's syndrome
36) b 37) b 38) d 39) c 40) b
(d) Turner's syndsome
41) c 42) d 43) d 44) c 45) b
614. Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are absent in(2002)
(a) Eukaryotic plant cells 46) d 47) a 48) b 49) c 50) c
(b) Eukaryotic animal cells 51) d 52) d 53) a 54) c 55) d
(c) Prokaryotic cells
56) b 57) c 58) b 59) a 60) d
(d) None of the above
615. Ribosomes are produced in (2002) V
61) b 62) c 63) b 64) c 65) a
(a) Nucleus
(c) Mitochondria
(b) Cytoplasm
(d) Golgibody
L 66) c 67) a 68) a 69) c 70) b
71) c 72) d 73) c 74) a 75) b
616. Maternal inheritance is due to the genes present in
(2001) 76) b 77) d 78) a 79) b 80) b
(a) Lysosome (b) Nucleoplasm 81) a 82) b 83) c 84) a 85) b
(c) Nucleus (d) Mitochondria
86) c 87) c 88) c 89) d 90) c
617. Oxysomes are located inside (2001)
91) b 92) c 93) a 94) c 95) a
(a) Golgi body (b) Lysosomes
(c) Plastids (d) Mitochondria 96) b 97) c 98) d 99) d 100) d
618. 2n - 1 condition is (2001) 101) c 102) d 103) c 104) c 105) d
(a) Nullisomy (b) Monosomy
106) a 107) d 108) c 109) d 110) a
(c) Trisomy (d) Tetrasomy
111) b 112) d 113) d 114) c 115) b
619 The exchange of one part of a chromosome to
the other part of same or another chromosomes 116) c 117) b 118) b 119) a 120) c
is called (2001)
121) c 122) c 123) b 124) a 125) c
(a) Linkage (b) Translocation
(c) Mutation (d) Inversion 126) b 127) c 128) a 129) d 130) c
620. Ribosome of bacteria, mitochondria and 131) c 132) c 133) b 134) c 135) d
chloroplasts are of (2000) 136) a 137) b 138) a 139) a 140) b
(a) 30 s type
(c) 80 s type
(b) 70 s type
(d) 50 s type
141) d 142) b 143) a 144) b 145) b
M 146) c 147) a 148) c 149) b 150) d

151) c 152) d 153) b

01) b 02) c 03) d 04) a 05) a 154) c 155) c 156) c 157) c 158) a
06) c 07) b 08) b 09) b 10) c 159) a 160) b 161) c 162) d 163) d
11) a 12) a 13) d 14) d 15) d 164) d 165) c 166) c 167) a 168) d
16) d 17) d 18) a 19) d 20) d 169) c 170) b 171) d 172) c 173) a
21) c 22) d 23) a 24) c 25) d 174) a 175) d 176) a 177) d 178) d
Biology IB The Unit of Life
179) c 180) a 181) a 182) b 183) a 330) d 331) b 332) c 333) b 334) b
184) d 185) c 186) d 187) d 188) a 335) b 336) c 337) a 338) b 339) b
189) d 190) c 191) d 192) b 193) c 340) c 341) a 342) b 343) d 344) c
194) c 195) c 196) b 197) d 198) c 345) a 346) b 347) b 348) a 349) c
199) d 200) d 201) c 202) b 203) d 350) c 351) c 352) c 353) b 354) c
204) b 205) c 206) b 207) b 208) b 355) c 356) b 357) c 358) b 359) b
209) c 210) a 211) c 212) d 213) c 360) a 361) c 362) d 363) b 364) a
214) b 215) c 216) b 217) c 218) c E 365) b 366) b 367) b 368) b 369) b
219) d 220) b 221) c 222) d 223) c .
370) b 371) b 372) c 373) b 374) c
224) d 225) d 226) a 227) d 228) c 375) b 376) c 377) c 378) b 379) d
229) a 230) c 231) a 232) c 233) b 380) d 381) d 382) c 383) c 384) a
234) a 235) b 236) b 237) b 238) a 385) a 386) c 387) c 388) b 389) a
239) b 240) a 241) b 242) c 243) c 390) b 391) d 392) a 393) b 394) a
244) d 245) b 246) d 247) b 248) c 395) c 396) d 397) a 398) b 399) d
249) b 250) c 251) a 252) b 253) b 400) a 401) c 402) b 403) c
254) c 255) d 256) c 257) c 258) a EXERCISE - IV
259) c 260) a 261) a 262) b 263) b 404) c 405) c 406) d 407) c 408) a
264) b 265) d 266) c 267) d 268) c 409) a 410) b 411) a 412) c 413) a
269) d 270) c 271) b 272) a 273) a 414) a 415) d 416) c 417) b 418) a
274) d 275) b 276) a 277) d 278) d 419) b 420) a 421) c 422) b 423) d
279) c 280) b 281) c 282) a 283) d 424) d 425) c 426) c 427) a 428) c
284) d 285) a 286) c 287) b 288) d 429) b 430) c 431) b 432) a 433) a
289) c 290) c 291) a 292) b 293) d 434) b 435) b 436) d 437) c 438) b
294) a 295) a 296) c 297) c 298) c .
V 439) b 440) a 441) b 442) c 443) b
299) d 300) b 301) a 302) d 303) b M

304) d 305) a 306) d 307) c 308) c

L 444) a 445) d 446) a 447) d 448) a
449) d 450) d 451) a 452) a 453) d
309) a 310) d 311) a 312) b 313) b 454) a 455) d 456) d 457) b 458) d
314) a 459) a 460) c 461) d 462) b 463) c
EXERCISE - III 464) a 465) a 466) c 467) c 468) d
315) d 316) b 317) c 318) d 319) c 469) a 470) a 471) a 472) b 473) c
320) d 321) b 322) d 323) b 324) b 474) a 475) c 476) d 477) b 478) c
325) c 326) a 327) b 328) d 329) a
. 479) a 480) d 481) b 482) c 483) d


The Unit of Life Biology IB
. 554) c 555) c 556) b 557) a 558) a
484) b 485) d 486) d 487) a 488) a
489) a 490) c 491) a 492) a 493) a 559) a 560) c 561) c 562) a 563) d
494) b 495) a 496) c 497) c 498) c 564) d 565) c 566) d 567) b 568) a
499) b 500) b 501) b 502) c 503) b 569) c 570) d 571) a 572) c 573) b
504) a 505) a 506) b 507) d 508) b 574) d 575) d 576) b 577) b 578) d
509) b 510) b 511) b 512) b 513) d 579) b 580) d 581) c 582) b 583) d
514) a 515) a 516) c 517) a 518) a 584) b 585) a 586) b 587) b 588) a
519) d 520) c 521) a 522) c 523) a
V 589) b 590) d 591) b 592) a 593) c
594) b 595) a 596) b 597) a 598) c
524) d 525) a 526) c 527) a 528) d

529) d 530) d 531) c 532) b 533) a 599) d 600) c 601) c 602) c 603) a
534) a 535) d 536) b 537) c 538) d 604) c 605) b 606) a 607) b 608) c
539) a 540) a 541) c 542) c 543) b 609) c 610) b 611) c 612) c 613) c
544) d 545) d 546) c 547) b 548) b 614) c 615) a 616) d 617) d 618) b
549) a 550) a 551) c 552) d 553) b 619) b 620) b





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