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2024-05-23 Calvert County Times

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County Times
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024


Public Hearing Set for

Proposed Tax Hikes

Two Subdivisions
Get Go-ahead

Report Shows Slowing

Growth in Calvert


Thursday, May 23, 2024 Calvert County Times 2



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Major residential developments approved Calvert County celebrates Memorial Day


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3 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

Public Hearing Set for Income, Property

Tax Hikes
School Board to Get Maintenance of Effort
By Dick Myers Start when July 1 comes, and all paid by – $50,000
Staff Writer the savings in pay-go and the use of fund • Cut All Workshop pay (50 percent) in
balance.” the Department of Instruction – pro-
The Calvert County Board of County According to the county, the maintenance fessional learning outside of the school
Commissioners on May 21 voted to move effort this coming year is $2 million less day and no curriculum work outside of
forward with plans to raise real estate taxes than the current year. the school day – $460,030
by four cents per assessed $100 and increase Commissioner President Buddy Hance • Cut all Workshop registration fees (50
the income tax rate from three percent to 3.2 said at the May 16 budget hearing, “We are percent) for all depts excluding grant
percent. Both proposals will be subject to a in a little bit of a pickle,” referring to the funded – professional learning out-
June 4 public hearing after which the com- state cut to education funding and the $5 side of the school day and no curric-
missioners are expected to approve the bud- million shortfall in tax revenue form the ulum work outside of the school day.
get for the next fiscal year beginning July 1. Cove Pt. LNG plant. 225,000
The commissioners also voted to adopt But the commissioners” vote on Hart’s • Deans (12) – $1,044,000
the remainder of the proposals recom- motion leaves the school system in quite a • District-wide Furlough Day – $700,000
mended by Director of Finance and Budget pickle. School Superintendent Dr. Andraé • IEP Facilitators (3) – $261,000
Bruce Miller to close the budget gap and Townsel said at the budget hearing that they • Increase Class Size to 25 Grades
balance the budget. had just negotiated a contract with support 1-2 (approximately 20 positions)
Commissioner Mike Hart was the lone staff. With that and a ratified contract with – $1,740,000
board member to vote against the tax the teachers, Townsel said an additional $6 • Limit Dual Enrollment courses Commissioner Mike Hart
increases. But Hart after the vote proposed million would be needed from the county on – $50,000
another motion that was approved unani- top of the $10 million ask from the county • Middle School Athletics – $100,000 revenues. She said, “Because it was missed,
mously. It was “the budget prepared for in their budget. • Offset Bus Contractor CPI escalators taxpayers like my parents and myself are
adoption on June 4th include funding the Townsell rattled off a list of cuts thar by 3.3 percent – $611,000 going to have to make up shortfall that they
board of education at MOE, or Maintenance could be expected if the county didn’t pony • Reduce General Instructional did not create. Our public school system
of Effort, which is $152,250,152 with the up the extra monies, which now they are Assistants Positions (1.5) – $60,760 is going to face the possibility of layoffs,
2023 |
state $22.6 million cutREGISTRATION
to education being OPEN!
funded by the Board of Education’s fund
proposing not to. The cuts are.
• AP Pathway Reduction – Pay for 5
• Reduce High School Secretary posi-
tions (4) – $200,000
reduction in staffing, and educators leaving,
creating even more vacancies throughout

Maryland Senior Olympics

balance. And then a single step and a
one-percent cola for county employees.
AP courses following CCR attainment
or Limit to 5 AP courses per student
• Reduce additional middle school
positions at CMS/SMS/MCMS (9)
– $783,000
our schools. Now, who is going to pay?”
She said of Townsel’s cuts, “If he is
forced to do so, many of those cuts on the
WELCOME TO THE 2023 SEASON • Reduce additional unfilled counselor slides, he cannot unilaterally decide to do.
vacancies (3) – $261,000 They are subject to collective bargaining.
M A R Y L A N D S E N I O R O LY M P I C S • Reduce Assistant Principal Positions Also, there were some new cuts on those
(3) – $261,000 slides that I’ve never seen before tonight.”
• Reduce Assistant Supervisor of President of the Special Education

Construction (1) – $110,000 Citizens Advisory Committee Joseph
• Reduce Bus driver hours from 8.0 to Cornier said some of Townsel’s cuts were

20232023 2023
7.0 – $960,000
Reduce Central Office Part-time
against the Americans with Disabilities Act
and could leave the school system open to
For men and women aged 50-plus. Out-of-state participants welcome. Custodian (.5) – $25,000 costly legal challenges.
Olympics Air Gun .......................................................... June 22
• Reduce Central Office Specialists (3.5)
– $304,000
Sheriff Ricky Cox spoke in support of the
men and women in his department. H said
SEASON SEASON Archery ......................................................... Sept. 28
• Reduce Central Office Instructional his agency is not keeping up with the pay
Badminton ...................................................... Sept. 7 Supervisors (2) – $174,000 of surrounding jurisdictions.
Basketball 3-on-3 ................................... Aug. 10-11 • Reduce GT teaching positions (4) He said, “Tonight I’m just asking to fully
Basketball Skills ....................................... Aug. 10-11 – $348,000 fund the sheriff’s office. I’m asking for the
Billiards .........................................................Oct. 5-6
• Reduce IT Staff (3) – $275,000 men and women to get the step and [cost of
Air Gun July 27 Racquetball Sept. 6 &7
Bocce .............................................Sept. 12 & Oct. 4
Archery June 24 Road Race 10K Aug. 19-20 Oct. 8
Bowling ....................................................
• Reduce the additional Pre- living adjustment] that they deserve because
Badminton Cornhole .........................................................
Sept. 9 Road Race 5K Oct. 13 Sept. 2 Kindergarten Instructional Assistants they work hard out there.”
& Registration Basketball 3 on 3Cycling 10kAug.
Basketball Skills Cycling 5k
Aug. 26
1 June 24
5 Oct. 7 •
(13 positions) – $676,000
Reduce the Online Learning Program
The proposed budget includes a proposed
300 percent increase in capital connection Disc Golf ........................................................ July 20 to only Music Appreciation, Health fees for water and sewer, making Calvert
Billiards Oct. 13 Softball Sept. 9
Diving ............................................................ Sept. 29
Call 240-777-4930 or
Bocce Oct. 5 & 6 Swimming Sept. 9 I and Health II, Spanish 1 and II in the most expensive of neighboring counties.
Golf ................................................................Sept. 30
Bowling Horseshoes Aug. 28 & 29 Table Tennis
.................................................... Sept. 7 June 3
Summer School. No longer offer Jim Schaeffer from Shafer Homes said
“TO PARTICIPATE Cornhole Pickleball ..................................................
Oct. 1 Tennis May 16-19Aug. 17-19 Foundations of Computer Science he grew up in Calvert but lives in Anne
Air Gun Air IS GunTO WIN!”

Air Gun July 27
July 27Racquetball
27 Racquetball Sept.Sept.
6 &7 6 &7 Sept. 6 &7
Archery Archery June June
24 24Road Cycling
24 Race
10K 10K
Road Time Powerlifting
10KRace 10K Oct. 8Oct. 8 Oct. 8.....................................................July
May 3 Track and Field 14
Aug. 5 & 6 ($7070) in summer school – $21,210 Arundel, he said because of the high cost
Badminton Badminton Sept.Sept.
9 9Road
9 Race
Cycling 5KRoad
5K5KTime Racquetball
Race 5K Sept.Sept.
Trials 2 2 ................................................
Sept. 27
June Trap Shoot
Sept. 4-5
July 29 • Reduce Warehouse Staff (1) – $55,000 of housing in Calvert.
& &Registration
& Registration Basketball
3 on
3 on 3 3 onAug.
&3 Aug.
26 26Sand Aug.Sand
26 Volleyball
Sand Volleyball
24 245k
Sept. 11
7Oct. 710k
Aug. 31
Sept. 22
Aug. 27 • Shift middle school laptop program “There’s been quite an anti-growth or
Registration in grade 6 from 1:1 ratio to 1:2 ratio anti-development push in Calvert for quite a
Skills Skills Aug. Aug.
26 26Shuffleboard
26 Shuffleboard Oct. Oct. 7 Horseshoes
Billiards Billiards Oct. 13
Oct. 13Softball
13 Softball Shuffleboard
9 9 Sept.
Sept. 99 Walking Events Sept. 28
................................................ Aug. 5 & 6
l Call
Call 240-777-4930
or or or
Bocce Bocce Bocce Oct. 5Oct.
& 65 & Oct. 5Pickleball
&6 Swimming Softball 9 ...........................................................
Sept.Sept.May 18-20
9 Sept. 9 Dates subject to change Sept. 7
– $245,000 while. I think that housing and property, I saw
Bowling Bowling Aug. Aug. 28 & 28
29 &Aug.
28 &Table
29 TennisTable TennisSoccer 38v8
June June 3 ..............................................
June 3 Aug. 17-18 • Total $10,000,000 property and income were the top producers
IS TO Call
IS WIN!”IS240-777-4930
TO WIN!”TO WIN!” CornholeCornholeor email
Cornhole Oct. 1Oct. 1Tennis
1 Tennis Swimming
Aug. Aug.
17-19 17-19.......................................................
Aug. 17-19 Sept. 7 During the public hearing, Dona Ostenso, for revenue in Calvert County. I think it’s time
10K Time
3May 3Track
and3 Field
Fieldand Field
Aug. Aug.
5 & 65 & Aug.
6 5&6
Table Tennis ...................................................July 27 president of Calvert Education Association, for a smart growth plan in Calvert County.”
5K Time
7 7Trap
Trap 7 Shoot
Trap Shoot July 29
July 29 July 29
Tennis ..................................................... Sept. 27-29
Golf Golf Golf Sept.Sept.
11 11Volleyball
11 Volleyball Aug. Aug.
27 27 Aug. 27 which represents the teachers, reacted to the
Track & Field .............................................. Aug. 3-4
HorseshoesHorseshoes Sept.Sept. 9 9Walking
Walking Events
Aug. Aug.
5 & 65 & Aug.
6 5&6
Trap Shooting .............................................. June 29
proposed cuts She laid blame on the county
PickleballPickleball May 18-20
May 18-20 May 18-20
Dates Dates
to change
changeto change
Triathlon ..........................................................June 2
staff for not following up on the LNG tax
Volleyball ................................................ Aug. 24-25
Walking Events .......................................... Aug. 3-4
Wii Bowling ................................................... Sept. 16
Dates subject to change
Thursday, May 23, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 4

Approvals Advance Report Shows Slowed

Two Major Growth
Residential Projects School Enrollment Predicted to Rise
Planners Vote Was 4-3
By Dick Myers “This year, the county’s spring adequate
Staff Writer public facilities report indicates that only
Mount Harmony Elementary is over capac-
Growth is slowing in the county accord- ity at 107.5 percent and therefore closed for
ing to the Calvert County Public Schools final recording of residential subdivisions
Educational Facilities Master Plan for and residential site development plans.
Fiscal Year 2026 that was released May 9. Northern Middle School and Northern High
The plan is chock full of valuable statistical School are just below the ordinance thresh-
information about the county. old by a razor thin margin at 99.6 percent
Director of School Construction and 99.9 percent respectively.”
Shuchita Warner told the school board on As to birth and death data, Warner reported,
May 9, “The county’s population estimate “Unfortunately, the 2022 data is not yet
for 2024 is 95,7078, an increase of 938 resi- available from Maryland Center for Health
dents over the calendar year from last year.” Statistics. If we receive this information prior
She said, “You will notice that the number to finalizing the FMP report, we’ll certainly
of building permits in 2023 declined by 23 include that information in the final EFMP,
percent from 2022 figures. This is the low- but the 2021 data does show that although
est number of permits issued in the last nine both birth and death rates increased that year,
years and represents a significant decrease the death rates were slightly higher.”
from 2015 when 299 permits were issued. The Warner said, “Calvert County Public
number suggested a combination of the inter- School enrollment did increase slightly in 20
Chris Gadway John Toohet est rates that we’re experiencing combined 23- 20 24 school year. Therefore, it now com-
with increasing home prices could be a factor. prises around five percent of the total enroll-
By Dick Myers ping center at Fox Run either in the morn- Data from Maryland Department of Planning ment before it used to make generally around
Staff Writer ing or the afternoon waiting for 30, 40, 50 indicates that between 2021 and 2022, residen- four percent. So that has gone up a little bit.
school buses to come out onto Route 4 and tial sales in the county decreased by 27.4 per- CCPS enrollment is projected to grow very
The Calvert County Planning Commission to put an additional 400 to 500 cars also in cent, and the annual median price increased by slowly over the next 10 years, still not having
has given approvals for the next step in the the morning or the afternoon coming and 6.4 percent, making Calvert the seventh most recovered from pre- pandemic levels. “
process that will lead to two new major res- going at the same time, I just foresee that expensive county in Maryland and the most Current enrollment is 15,301, and she
idential developments. Both were on razor as being a major congestion issue, getting expensive in southern Maryland. In 2023, predicts an increase over the next 10 years
thin 4-3 margins. out onto Dares’s Beach Road from the high based on data from Maryland Association of of 402 students. “So, it’s quite modest.
Magnolia Ridge in Prince Frederick school as well as out onto Route 4 from Fox Realtors, the median sales prices increased by This is based on the increase in birth rates
Town Center will have 164 townhouses Run Shopping Center because I’ve literally another 2.4 percent to $425,000. obtained through the Maryland Department
and 96 multifamily units in two buildings. sat there and seen that light take four cycles, Warner observed, however, “There are a of Health Division of Vital Statistics, cou-
It is on 30.37 acres on Fox Run Boulevard, sometimes five, to get the amount of traffic number of high density attached dwelling unit pled with trends that are noted and captured
a new road connecting the existing access out onto Route 4 adding an additional, pos- subdivisions progressing through the planning in the Educational Facilities Master plan.”
roads into Calvert High School and Calvert sibly 500 cars traveling in and out of there stages within the county. As these advance in The plan reflects the construction of a
Middle School. It intersects with Dares on a daily basis.” the queue, permit activity may increase again.” new Northern Middle School, and she said,
Beach Road and an access road into Fox The developer’s representative said stud- Warber said, “The county has an APFO “It does include future major projects at
Run Shopping Center. The May 15 vote ies deemed the traffic situation to be ade- or adequate public facility ordinance, which Calvert Elementary, Calvert Country, and
was for subdivision approval. quate once Fox Run Boulevard is completed. does restrict development within the county, Mount Harmony Elementary, as is reflected
Lusby Villas, according to Planner III The Lusby Villas project is proposing partly by looking at enrollments within the in the CIP that was approved by the board
Olivia Vidotto, has frontage on Lusby to add a second ingress/egress point along school as a percentage of its capacity based on in October. We do know that the commis-
Parkway and Rousby Hall Rd (MD 760). Lusby Parkway, which prompted Gadway their calculation count. The county restricts sioners are considering pushing out our
It is located at 11770 Lusby Parkway and to seek another traffic study. development by closing school zones, but projects, however, we don’t know if that is
consists of 26.23 acres. The proposal on McQueen said, “The second egress that only for a period of six years. This is our happening. So, for the basis of the EFMP,
May 15 was creation of one buildable lot you’ve added to the original one goes in opportunity to get a project if we need to in this is what we are showing.”
for the proposed project. front of the shopping center to a road where the CIP and react to that A PFO decision. It’s The Educational Facilities Master Plan
Lusby Villas is a proposed multi-fam- you have to make a right. There’s no ability essentially their way of throttling down and a is being circulated for a 30-day review and
ily residential development project that to make a left. Now you’re adding another planning tool that they use. Therefore, based the school board will vote on it next month
received conceptual site plan approval egress to the same problem, to the amount on the county’s capacity calculation for a and then forward it to the state for approval.
from the Planning Commission on March of cars going out in front of the shopping school zone, the final approval of a residen-
17, 2021, for 276 multi-family dwelling center. The other thing, this egress that you tial subdivision can be delayed up to six years.
units and associated community amenities. added, you’re looking at the back of the

Tree STump removal

Commission member Chris Gadway led shopping center.”
the opposition in both cases, largely over The developer’s representative said add-
concerns about traffic. Members Wilson ing another access point would create no
Freeland and James McQueen joined him additional traffic on Lusby Parkway.
in opposition. Acting Chairman Gregory Another unresolved issue for the project Call for stump
Kernan broke the tie in each case. Later involves the vacant property across Lusby ALL
removal to prevent
in the meeting John Toohey was elected Parkway intended for a village green.
chairman for the next year. Deputy County Attorney John Mattingly
ED regrowth and
Gadway argued the traffic studies for says a memorandum of understanding restore a smooth
each project were outdated and the approv- between the county and the developer landscape. We will
als should be withheld until they were 20 years ago was illegal and needs to be beat anyone's price!
redone in accordance with the county’s revised. Gadway said that was reason to
adequate public facilities ordinance. delay the approval. Commercial and
Staff recommended approval in each The developer noted thar didn’t have Residential
case, subject to sone conditions which the anything to do with the one-lot subdivi-
majority adopted in their approvals. sion approval being sought.
For Magnolia Ridge, Gadway said, “I’ve
had the displeasure of sitting in the shop-
Free Estimate • 410-474-2377
5 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

Calvert Receives Zoning Update

Broadband Award Includes Higher Than
Governor Wes Moore has announced $19.6
million in Fiscal Year 2024 awards through
a new Maryland Department of Housing
initiative, which provides financial assis-
tance to local jurisdictions to advance the
state’s digital access efforts.
Expected Growth
and Community Development program to “Access to high-speed internet is essential By Dick Myers radius around the town centers.
help more Marylanders access high-speed, to building equitable pathways to economic, Staff Writer To ameliorate the higher growth number,
affordable internet. Calvert will be receiv- educational, and social opportunities for all Cook offered the suggestion to reduce the
ing $1.1 million. Marylanders,” said Maryland Department A study has concluded that potential growth density of that one-mile radius to either two
The Home Stretch for Difficult to Serve of Housing and Community Development allowed in the draft of the county zoning units per acre or one unit. Adopting the two-
Properties is administered by the depart- Secretary Jake Day. “These funds will help ordinance update is much higher than unit density would bring the growth num-
ment’s Office of Statewide Broadband/ the Office of Statewide Broadband partner believed. Director of Planning and Zoning bers down to the current number. Reducing
It will provide internet access to approx- with local governments and internet service Mary Beth Cook said at a May 15 joint them to one unit would allow for approxi-
imately 2,400 unserved Maryland house- providers to close critical, ‘home stretch’ session of the county commissioners and mately 11,000 new units.
holds in its first round. gaps in their broadband infrastructure to planning commission that the draft would Cook said the overestimate of the growth
“To leave no one behind, we need to get provide that essential access for unserved allow for 29,320 new units compared to in the draft ordinance could be as much as 50
everyone online – especially those who homes in their communities.” 17,960 in the existing zoning ordinance. percent. “I threw out 50 percent. Maybe we
have been historically beyond the reach Home Stretch for Difficult to Serve “We were shocked. We never imagined could come up with some numbers that could
of traditional efforts to narrow the digital Properties funds help address distance from it was going to be that high. So immedi- get us closer to reality basically.” she said.
divide,” said Gov. Moore. “By moving in broadband infrastructure or other geographic ately we regrouped and worked on some Cook said staff is working towards
partnership, we are extending broadband issues that may discourage an internet ser- options,” Cook said. presenting a second draft of the zoning
access to more Marylanders, meeting peo- vice provider from delivering broadband Cook admitted it could be an overestimate ordinance update, after which both the
ple where they are, and creating new path- service. In the first round, 18 jurisdictions because it does not take into consideration planning commission and county commis-
ways to prosperity for all.” received awards and every jurisdiction that steep slopes and the necessity of water and sioners will hold public hearings, with the
Home Stretch for Difficult to Serve applied for the program received funds. sewer service to achieve those numbers. planners then making their recommenda-
Properties is part of the department’s new ini- The Office of Statewide Broadband works But on the other hand, the study con- tions to the commissioners.
tiative to serve remaining Maryland house- to ensure that all Maryland households have ducted by Deputy Director of Planning She noted it could be ready for public
holds without internet access. As of April 2024, access to broadband through its programs Carolyn Sunderland and the county infor- hearings in the fall. “We’re not rushing it
21,000 Maryland households are unserved. to expand infrastructure and increase digi- mation technology staff does not consider and we’re going to take the time we need
Awards for the second program under the ini- tal equity. Since the office was created in potential population increases within the to get the document right. In addition, just
tiative, Home Stretch for Public Housing, will 2017, it has invested more than $270 million town centers, which Cook said would be to let the public know we’re continuing to
be announced in the coming weeks. into broadband infrastructure and programs. determined during the update process for accept public comments up and through
American Rescue Plan Coronavirus Those efforts have provided high-speed inter- each town center. until the public hearing is closed.”
Capital Projects Fund, both programs net access to an estimated 52,000 previously Most of the growth included in the
are the newest additions to the Office of unserved homes and businesses statewide. increase comes from the allowance for four
Statewide Broadband’s Connect Maryland units per acre in the area of the one-mile

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Thursday, May 23, 2024 Calvert County Times COPS & COURTS 6


During the week of May 6, 2024 – May smoking device things at cars along Morrison responded
12, 2024, Calvert County Sheriff’s Office (crack pipe). A pas- NB Rt. 4 causing to the Safeway
Deputies responded to 1,869 calls for ser- senger, Shannon them to slam on located at 80 W.
vice throughout the community including, Marie Seals, 38 their brakes. Upon Dares Beach Road
but not limited to: of California, MD, arrival, contact was in Prince Frederick,
• Check Welfare / Mental Health: 50 advised she had pre- made with Brendan for the report of
• Disorderly: 20 scription medication Christopher Meyer a theft. The com-
• Domestics: 17 concealed in her bra. Swope, 31 of no plainant advised a
• Motor Vehicle Crashes: 41 A search of Seals fixed address, who couple walked out
• Patrol Checks / School Checks: 915 Shannon Marie Seals revealed 12 pills of Brendan Christopher was observed throw- Emily Brooke Bailey of the store with a
• Suspicious Persons / Vehicles: 22 prescription medi- Meyer Swope ing objects into the basket full of gro-
• Traffic Complaints: 65 cation with no valid documentation. Seals travel portion of Rt. ceries passing all points of sale. Contact
• 911 Hang Ups: 68 and Weems were transported to the Calvert 4 causing multiple vehicles to swerve lanes was made with Emily Brooke Bailey, 31
• ARRESTS: 27 County Detention Center and both charged to avoid getting hit. Swope was advised not of Prince Frederick, who confessed to the
with CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis and to throw objects into the roadway during rush theft. The total value of stolen property is
CDS Violation: CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. hour traffic. Swope became disorderly and $192.41.
24-37134 On May numerous cars passing him slammed on their
10, 2024, at 1:30 Damaged Property: 24-36492 On May brakes while observing his actions. Swope Weapon Violation:
a.m., DFC Crum 7, 2024, DFC Huy responded to the 3100 continued to yell at deputies while jumping 24-37880 On May
initiated a traffic block of Beaver Dam Road in Chesapeake in the roadway. Swope was transported to 12, 2024, Cpl.
stop on a vehicle Beach, for the report of damaged property. the Calvert County Detention Center and Bowlan responded
following a traffic The complainant advised an unknown sus- charged with Disorderly Conduct. to the Quality Inn
complaint. The vehi- pect had keyed the victim’s 2007 orange located at 255 Lore
cle was observed Harley Davidson Motorcycle parked outside Theft: 24-36351 On May 7, 2024, M/DFC Road in Solomons,
Steven Michael driving at unsteady the residence. The seat to the motorcycle Burgraff responded to the 2700 block of for the report of a
Vandevander speeds, swerving was missing and the cycle’s gas tank had Cove Lake Street in Lusby, for the report suspicious vehicle.
into the opposite lane been tampered with. The estimated value of a burglary. The complainant advised Nicholas Logan Tayman Upon making con-
of traffic, and driving into the grass onto an of damaged property is $2400.00. sometime between midnight and 5 a.m., tact with the driver,
embankment. Upon making contact with the an unknown suspect entered a shed on the Nicholas Logan Tayman, 27 of Ridge, a
driver, Steven Michael Vandevander, 55 of Disorderly: property and stole five dirt bikes to include digital scale, an open container of alcohol,
Prince Frederick, a strong odor of alcohol 24-36349 On May a 2014 KTM 200 SC-W, a 2016 Kawasaki and a marijuana cigarette were observed in
was emitting from his breath; cut straws and 7, 2024, Deputy KLX 140, a 2017 Yamaha YZ 85, a 2016 plain view. Further investigation revealed
an open alcoholic beverage were observed Baxter responded Yamaha PW 50, and a 2007 Yamaha TTR- that Tayman attempted to remove two large
in plain view. A vehicle search revealed sev- to CalvertHealth 90. The estimated value of stolen property bags of cannabis (totaling 134 grams) from
eral Suboxone strips throughout the vehi- Medical Center is $15,500.00. the vehicle. A vehicle search revealed a
cle with no prescription. Vandevander was located at 100 loaded Glock-style handgun, a bag of can-
transported to the Calvert County Detention Hospital Road in Theft: 24-37551 On May 11, 2024, Master nabis, one THC product, and 41 plastic
Center where he was charged with CDS: Prince Frederick, Deputy Burgraff responded to the 10200 bags. Tayman was placed into custody and
Possession-Not Cannabis. Elijah Jah Hetmeyer for a disorderly block of Tickle Lane in Lusby, for the report transported to the Calvert County Detention
subject. Contact of property destruction. The complainant Center where he was charged with a Loaded
CDS Violation: was made with Elijah Jah Hetmeyer, 26 advised a side entry garage door window Handgun in a Vehicle, CDS: Distribution
24-36690 On May of Chesapeake Beach, who was extremely had been broken and a Toro push mower had with a Firearm, and Possession/Distribution
8, 2024, members of irate and cursing causing a disturbance in been stolen. The estimated value of dam- of Cannabis Packing.
the Calvert County the hospital’s waiting room. Hospital staff aged property is $400.00. The estimated
Sheriff ’s Office advised deputies they wanted Hetmeyer value of stolen property is $400.00. Editor’s Note: The above arrests are not an
Drug Enforcement trespassed from the property. Hetmeyer indication of guilt or innocence as the cases
Unit initiated a traf- was transported to the Calvert County Theft: 24-37606 On May 11, 2024, DFC have not been adjudicated.
fic stop on a vehicle Detention Center where he was charged Huy responded to the Victoria Station Pond
for an expired regis- with Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the in Owings, for the report of a theft. The Anyone with information about these inci-
Shamal Ulysses Weems tration. Investigation Peace, and Trespassing: Private Property. complainant advised sometime between dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at
revealed the driver 7:30 p.m. and 7:45 p.m., the victim’s fishing (410) 535-2800 and reference the case num-
Shamal Ulysses Weems, 48 of California, Disorderly: 24-36493 On May 7, 2024, at rod was stolen. The rod is described as all- ber provided. Citizens may remain anony-
MD, was operating the vehicle with a 5:12 p.m., Cpl. Robshaw responded to the white with a white/gray camo reel and a deer mous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’ feature on the
suspended license. Further investigation area of Rt. 4 and Apple Way in Dunkirk, for antler symbol on the handle. The estimated Calvert County Sheriff’s Office mobile app.
revealed K9 Rico conducted a K9 sniff of a disorderly subject. The Calvert Control value of the stolen property is $300.00. To download, visit
the vehicle resulting in a positive alert for Center received several calls advising a share/a39520678 . Tipsters may also email
narcotics. A vehicle search revealed a glass white male with a beard was throwing Theft: 24-36715 On May 8, 2024, Deputy

7 LETTERS Calvert County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

In Memoriam, 53,
JoAnn Canning
Born in D.C moved to: Forestville, Upper
Marlboro, and then Dunkirk, with a
summer home in Point Lookout. JoAnn
was a profesional model from age 16
to 21. She then joined her husband in Bring back the water park
Fort Gordon, GA. She began working The Chesapeake Beach Water Park is closed paradox!
in the Upper Marlboro courthouse in for the 2024 season while the Mayor and Mayor Pat Mahoney says the park is
1975. She is survived by her husband, Town Council of Chesapeake Beach have a unsafe to open this year. There is no public
Robbie Canning from North Beach, her master plan of “reconceptualizing” the water evidence of existing code violations or iden-
daughter Lisa and son Scott, his wife park to remove elements of the water park tifying imminent dangers. I spent a lot of
Theresa and grandsons, Justin Canning that are attractive to tourists. time there last summer and was never aware
and Chris Olson. The 2023 rates for the 3-month season of any safety hazards. Without documenta-
were so outrageously priced; well, you tion of massive structural failures, condemn-
Everyone who met you was awed by decide. Season rates for a town resident ing the water park and “reconceptualizing” a
your classical Italian Beauty and ever family package (four guests) was $485, a complete redesign of the water park would
eternal elegance and grace. Calvert County resident family package be a complete waste and an abuse of the
(four guests) was $1450. (Calvert Countians town’s taxpayer dollars.
You said to move on, but that was not
are considered tourists?) The equivalent Have current and past administrations
the case.
price (four guests) at Six Flags in Bowie neglected to maintain and upgrade the
No one could forget your oh so lovely would be $236 for over 100 attractions, infrastructure? The highest and best use of
face. 131 acres and a 6-month season. The post- taxpayer dollars is to upgrade and maintain
age stamp of land that the park occupies is what we already have.
Our time together was so very short in years. owned by the Board of Commissioners of I want SUMMERTIME JOY in
Calvert County. County residents should Chesapeake Beach — Smell the salt air
Bringing me nothing but an outpouring of tears. pay the same rate as town residents. Why while floating around the lazy river, flying
were the 2023 rates changed? The town says down the slides, and splashing around in the
These words are mine. Not Shakespeare, Sir Francis Bacon, Robert Frost it was to cover costs. One could infer that pools…AGAIN!
or even Yeats. These are my own words expressing timeless feelings and its intention was to fail. I stand in opposition to “reconceptualiz-
thoughts. The town conducted a survey before the ing” the water park. Why close the water
Happy Birthday announcement of the “reconceptualization” park for years and burden the taxpayers with
“The Ides of March” master plan which returned almost 2000 an unnecessary multi-million-dollar project
Love, Robbie Canning. responses, many of which were in favor of that will take decades to recoup.
the water park. The results of the survey are If you agree, voice your opinion and
explained by town officials. Respondents email
want a water park that is “accessible and
affordable, instead of a tourist attraction”. Gail Harkins
Other than declaring we don’t want tourists, Chesapeake Beach
that doesn’t make sense and is an obvious

‘We all need privacy’

The school bathrooms at Northern Middle Third, the bathrooms are always out of
School need to be remodeled. There are order. Last week one bathroom was closed
many reasons why they are bad but there are two out of five days. This is a significant issue
three problems that affect the bathrooms the because bathrooms are important to everyone.
most. First, the bathrooms are very messy. To sum up, the bathrooms at Northern
You can always find paper towels in sinks Middle School should be remodeled because
and anything you can think of on the floors. the bathrooms are messy, the stalls do not
I believe that students should be cleaner and lock and because the bathrooms are always
that our janitors should do a more thorough breaking down.
job cleaning up the bathrooms.
Second, the stall doors on the bathrooms do Sincerely,
not lock. Many of the students find this a prob- Concerned NMS 6th grader
lem because we all need privacy while we go.

LOCAL ADVERTISERS YOUR ONLINE If you would like to submit a Letter to the Editor,
please include your name & town of residence.
& ST. MARY’S COUNTY P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636

Inside and outside, by hand. Residential specialists serving the
MERCHANDISE local area full-time for 30 years. Locally owned and operated.
Working owners assures quality.
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Thursday, May 23, 2024 Calvert County Times CALENDARS 8

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, May 23 Sun, May 26 Anime Night 10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard,
Saturday, June 15, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
JobSource Mobile Career Center Sunday Afternoons with Poppie Calvert Library Fairview Branch
Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings For this 28th annual event, the NAACP antic-
Calvert Library Southern Branch Calvert Marine Museum 6-7 p.m. ipates thousands of visitors to this free cel-
13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. ebration. If you are interested in sponsoring
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tweens/Teens in grades 6-12 invited. this event, please contact us at naacpcalvert@
Make your Sunday afternoon memorable by Come hang out with friends and other fans or
Stop by to visit the JobSource Mobile coming to visit with our very own Pop Star of anime. We will watch anime, talk about
Career Center for your job search needs! “Poppie,” our Virginia Opossum. You can our favorite manga and sample some books, Community Appreciation Day
Get job counseling and resume help, join the Poppie paparazzi in the museum use art supplies for anime creations, and try
search for jobs and connect with Southern lobby with one of our educational interpret- some Japanese snacks410-257-2101. https:// Hallowing Point Park
Maryland JobSource. 410-326-5289. https:// ers, learn all kinds of fun possum facts, and Sunday, June 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. visit our Museum Store for possum fan gear.
Since the welfare of our animals is our pri- The Calvert County Department of Parks &
Literary Bites mary concern, Poppie’s ability to visit with Thu, May 30 Recreation (CCPR) is sponsoring this free
her adoring public may occasionally be sub- event open to people of all ages.
No Thyme to Cook or Zoom ject to change on short notice. Reading Buddies Community Appreciation Day aims to
6-8 p.m. foster a sense of unity, pride and gratitude
Calvert Library Southern Branch within our community, by acknowledging
Join Calvert Library to discuss and digest Mon, May 27 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons the diverse talents and hard work of our
a culinary novel. This month we’re reading 6:30-7:30 p.m. community members and to thank them for
“The Hundred-Foot Journey” by Richard Wm. B. Tennison Holiday Public Cruise their positive impact and continued support.
Morais. Register to sign up for a free ticket At this event, elementary-aged children The event will feature a variety of activ-
to attend virtually. 410-535-0291 or 301- Calvert Marine Museum will do fun activities and read out loud to ities designed to entertain and engage
855-1862. 2 p.m. teen volunteers. Teen volunteers can earn attendees of all ages, including live music
one service learning hour for participat- and interactive games. Families, friends and
Celebrate Memorial Day with a leisurely ing. It’s a great way to socialize and build neighbors are invited to come together in
Fri, May 24 one-hour sightseeing cruise on the river reading confidence! 410-326-5289. https:// a festive atmosphere and enjoy the beauty
aboard the Wm. B. Tennison, a log-built of Hallowing Point Park, located at 4755
On Pins & Needles bugeye. Capacity allows for 40 guests. Cost Hallowing Point Road in Prince Frederick.
is $9 for adults and $5 for children, infant Little Minnows: Marsh Detectives parksandrecreation@calvertcountymd.
Calvert Library Prince Frederick through 12 years. gov or 410-535-1600, ext. 2649.
850 Costley Way Calvert Marine Museum
1-4 p.m. 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. NARFE Annual Picnic
Wed, May 29
Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, For preschoolers ages 3 – 5, with an adult. Cove Point Park
crocheting or other project for an after- Reading Buddies This program focuses on one of the muse- 750 Cove Point Rd, Lusby
noon of conversation and shared creativ- um’s three themes. Join us for story time and Thursday, June 20, noon
ity. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// Calvert Library Prince Frederick a craft, available while supplies last. Sessions 850 Costley Way are 25-40 minutes. Sign up at the Admissions Calvert County Chapter 1466 of NARFE
6:30-7:30 p.m. Desk when you arrive. For more information (National Active and Retired Federal Employ-
Rooftop Car & Truck Cruize Nite visit ees Association) will be having its June meet-
At this event, elementary-aged children will ing and annual picnic. Members, guests, and
4165 Mears Ave., Chesapeake Beach do fun activities and read out loud to teen federal employees or retirees are welcome.
4 to 8 p.m. volunteers. Teen volunteers can earn one (1) Upcoming Please RSVP to
service learning hour for participating. It’s Chicken will be provided by the chapter.
On the rooftop of the Rod ‘N’ Reel park- a great way to socialize and build reading Juneteenth Community Celebration
ing garage by the Bay. DJ tunes. FREE. confidence410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
866- 313-5596. Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey or service in its news coverage.

Advertising To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Staff Writers make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/

County Times
Dick Myers edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Guy Leonard submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
Contributing Writers receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Ron Guy, Ken Lamb, Shelby Opperman, lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Dave Spigler
Calvert County Times & EVENTS
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Calvert County Government will be responsible and accountable to all citizens of Calvert County; provide high quality, effective and
efficient services; preserve Calvert County’s environment, heritage and rural character; foster opportunities for responsible and
sustainable residential growth and economic development; and support Calvert County’s essential institutions and keep them strong.


Meetings are open to the public and are subject to change. The new Student Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee will be charged
Due to an unforeseen power outage, the Calvert County Board of with making recommendations to improve the learning environment and
County Commissioners was required to adjourn its May 21, 2024, ensure the safety and security of students and staff.
meeting early and unable to address certain business items set The committee will consist of members appointed
forth on the May 21, 2024 agenda. The BOCC will hold a special by the BOCC to potentially include, but not limited
meeting on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 10 a.m. to discuss. to, representation from:

Public Hearings • Sheriff’s Office

The Calvert - St. Mary’s Metropolitan Planning Organization • BOCC/Calvert County Government
Public Meeting • Calvert County Public Schools
Tuesday, May 28, 10:30 a.m. • Faith-based and nonprofit organizations
Apply online at
Proposed Real Property and Income Tax Increases
Public Meeting
Tuesday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. LOCAL PRODUCE, SAVORY MEATS,
Find more information about all Boards and Commissions at BUY LOCAL ALL BEAUTIFUL PLANTS TASTY TREATS
SUMMER LONG AT Now is a great time to
get involved! Call 410-535-1600, ext. 2201 with any questions.


Memorial Day
County Government Offices Closed
Monday, May 27, All Day
Learn more at
Community Appreciation Day
Sunday, June 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 911 RECRUITMENT
Hallowing Point Park Calvert County Emergency Communications is looking
4755 Hallowing Point Road, Prince Frederick for highly motivated, people-oriented candidates to
Join us for a day full of various activities, join the team. Make a difference in your community
entertainment and fun for people of all ages. and in people’s lives. For more information and to
view available job postings, visit us online at



Starting July, ride any Calvert County transportation bus FREE! Are you a homebound disabled adult or senior
Learn more at who wants to stay connected in today’s digital What you’ll get:
world? Register for a free Chromebook today!
� Must live in Calvert County
Home delivery of a new
� Have a disabled adult or senior participating Chromebook
in homebound programs
� Must have a household member that is a Simple setup instructions,
participant in an assistance program perfect for all levels

To register, fill out the online form: Informational flyers


Find all of our social media accounts online at
FACEBOOK YOUTUBE calvert-county-government
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 23


1. Lunatic 1. How one feels
7. Doctor of Education 2. American Nat’l Standards Institute
10. Able to make amends 3. Information
12. Tight-knit group 4. Licensed for Wall Street
13. Gland 5. Keyboard key
14. Intestinal pouches 6. Born of
15. Fungal spores 7. Choose to represent
16. Erstwhile 8. Small European freshwater fish
17. Engine additive 9. Everyone has their own
18. Nasal mucus 10. Line from the center of a polygon
19. Fit a horse with footwear 11. Lebanese city
21. Consumed 12. Type of watercraft
22. Settle 14. A way to twist
27. Larry and Curly’s pal 17. Soviet Socialist Republic
28. Basketball’s GOAT 18. Greek island
33. Exclamation of surprise 20. Medical practitioner
34. Made tight 23. __ DeGaulle, French President
36. Before 24. Partner to “oohed”
37. Actor Nicolas 25. Atomic #52
38. Not hot 26. Santa’s helper
39. Talk 29. Rapper __ Rule
40. Pledge 30. Month
41. Abandon a mission 31. Word formed by rearranging letters
44. Trims by cutting 32. Nullifies
45. Aspects of one’s character 35. Young woman ready to enter society
48. Boxing GOAT’s former surname 36. Unemployment
49. Holy places 38. Weight unit
50. Body art (slang) 40. Formal party
51. Attributes 41. Computer language
42. Residue formula in math
43. Duty or responsibility
44. Part of (abbr.)
45. Time zone
46. Body part
47. Nucleic acid

22 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times CALENDARS 21

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, May 23 Fri, May 24 ing, and life at Point Lookout during these The Commission on Aging provides the
time periods. Commissioners of St. Mary’s County with
Lecture: Life of Garret van Sweringen HomeSpun CoffeeHouse—Open Mic advice and assistance concerning county
of St. Mary’s City programs and resources offered for the
Christ Episcopal Church Parish Hall Mon, May 27 senior residents of St. Mary’s County and
Historic St. Mary’s City Zach Fowler Rd., Chaptico how to work with the community to develop
18751 Hogaboom Ln., St. Mary’s City 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony awareness and understanding of the prob-
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. lems and concerns of the senior population.
Acoustic musicians of all skill levels are American Legion Post 255
Garret Van Sweringen, born 1636 in The warmly welcomed to perform their favorite 13390 Point Lookout Rd., Ridge
Netherlands, was among the colonists of tunes. Doors open at 7 pm with performances 11 a.m. Tue, May 28
17th-century St. Mary’s City and became beginning promptly at 7:30 PM. Admission
one of Maryland’s most influential cit- is $8; performers are admitted free of Memorial Day Celebration Registration Opens: Family Archery
izens—innkeeper, coffee house owner, charge. Contact Chris Dudley in advance Workshop
alderman and sheriff. He is the ancestor of ( to sign up as Summerseat Farm
thousands of Americans, including at least a performer. Info:, 26655 Three Notch Rd., Mechanicsville Historic St. Mary’s City
four governors of Maryland. Researcher Noon to 4 p.m. 18751 Hogaboom Ln., St. Mary’s City
Teun van der Vorm takes us into the fasci- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
nating life of Garrett van Sweringen and the Memorial Day Service
successful search for his ancestors. Sat, May 25 Designed for families looking for a creative
The speaker, a genealogical & historical Patuxent River Naval Air Station way to have fun and learn a new skill while
researcher who lives in Rotterdam, regu- Timeline Event—Colonial to Civil War Test and Evaluation Hall spending time together. Participants of this
larly publishes in genealogical magazines. 10 a.m. workshop (minimum age 7) will learn the
In the past three years, he has worked Point Lookout State Park basics of this ancient sport. No experience
with great dedication to portray the life of 11175 Point Lookout Rd., Scotland Commission on Aging needed; equipment will be provided.
Garrett Van Sweringen and find his ances- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. See info & register at: www.
tors in The Netherlands. Info: 301-994- Garvey Senior Activity Center
4370 or This event will feature volunteers demon- 23115 Leonard Hall Dr., Leonardtown registration-opens-for-archery-workshop/
lecture-van-sweringen/. strating weapons, uniforms, civilian cloth- 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Cricut Crafts: St. Mary’s County Library If you find all 10, you will receive a chal- brary on Saturday, June 1 from 1 – 2 p.m.
Vinyl Designs for Signs Closed for Memorial Day lenge coin! To participate in the adven- Enjoy tea and snacks while discussing
Come learn more about the library’s All locations of the St. Mary’s County Li- ture, you will need to download the Geo- the series. Make a craft, listen to mu-
Cricut Maker and practice cutting ad- brary will be closed on Monday, May 27 caching app and create a free account. sic, and get excited about the newest
hesive vinyl to apply to wood signs at in observance of Memorial Day. All loca- The app will show the approximate lo- season of of the show with fellow fans!
Leonardtown Library on Friday, May tions will be open regular business hours cations of geocaches in the area and Register on
24 at 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. This introduc- on Tuesday, May 28. track your progress on this adventure.
tory, in-person class will cover how to All caches—while hidden—are clearly SPARK: Storytime in the Park
use an electronic die-cutting machine Genealogy: Digging Into the marked with the name “SMCL Geocache Join the Mobile Library for an all-ages
called the Cricut Maker to make clean Census to Find Your Ancestors Adventure 2024” in transparent, plastic storytime in a different park each week
and precise cuts on adhesive vinyl and The U.S. Federal Census has been con- containers. As a cache seeker, you must followed by bubbles, music, and more!
transfer that design onto a wooden sign ducted every 10 years since 1790. Federal abide by any park hours and all other The Mobile Library will be open for li-
board to take home with you. Partici- and state census records contain valu- rules and regulations. Please do not tres- brary services as well. This activity will
pants will also learn the basics of Cri- able information about your ancestors. pass or damage public or private prop- take place outdoors on Mondays from
cut Design Space, the software used to Learn about locating census records, erty. To redeem your coin, visit Leonard- 9:30 - 11 a.m. Participants should bring
create endlessly customizable designs. what information was collected, and how town Library. There is a limited supply blankets or chairs for comfort. Please
No experience necessary, all materi- that information can help you piece to- of coins. One coin per household, on a register once per family group for a
als provided. After learning the basics, gether your family history at Leonardtown first come, first served basis. Thank you reminder e-mail or inclement weather
you’ll be able to return to the Leonard- Library on Tuesday, May 28 from 5:30 – 7 to PAXSpace Inc. for providing the chal- notice. Walk-ins are welcome! Please
town Library Makerspace during open p.m. Register on lenge coins! check the park schedule and register
hours to use the Cricut on your own to on
create whatever you can imagine! Visit Geocaching Adventure Bridgerton Ball
the Makerspace website to see open Ready for adventure? Starting on June 1, Don your finest regency inspired apparel
hours and learn about all it has to offer! St. Mary’s County Library has hidden 10 and come celebrate the release of Brid-
Register on secret caches around St. Mary’s County. gerton season three at Charlotte Hall Li-
20 OBITUARIES St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

In Remembrance
Continued from page 19 Audrey Woodburn, Tucker Redmond,
Dexter Redmond, Daniel Deaderick,
William Woodburn, 88 Kylie Deaderick, Laina Deaderick, Cassi
Deaderick, Tommy Deaderick, Trent
William Robert Starnes, and Aurora Starnes.
Wo o d b u r n S r. , Contributions may be made to the
“Tommy”, 88, of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of
Leonardtown, MD, Waylon Woodburn: Metro DC Chapter,
passed peacefully 4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 35,
at his residence on Bethesda, MD 20814-3304 and/or ACTS
May 16, 2024, sur- (A Community That Shares) P.O. Box 54,
rounded by his lov- Bushwood, MD 20618.
ing family. Born on Condolences may be made to the family
January 31, 1936, in Pearson, MD, he was at
the son of the late Albert L. Woodburn and Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-
Bertha A. (Stone) Woodburn. Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
In addition to his parents, William is Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
preceded in death by his loving wife, Ann
Marie Woodburn, “Bebe”, whom he mar- Ray Gaskill, 66
ried on April 11, 1955, his son-in-law,
Johnny Marshall, and his 11 siblings, Edna Ray Edgar Gaskill,
Bell (Paul), Bus Woodburn (Hilda), Kenny Jr, 66, passed away
Woodburn (Ruth), Elaine Ryan (Harry), on May 19, 2024 at
Amy Tiburzi (Jim), Edwin Woodburn his son’s residence
(Bobbie), Ralph Woodburn (Evelyn), in Leonardtown,
Creighton Woodburn (Anne), Raymond Maryland. He was a
Woodburn (Mary Agnes), Millie Babcock resident of St. Mary’s
(Bob), and Audrey Simmons (Paul). and Charles Counties
He is survived by his five children, Tommy for over 50 years.
Woodburn (Natalie) of Leonardtown, MD, He was born on
Gennie Marshall of Chaptico, MD, Laura December 7, 1957 at the Naval Academy
Superior (Dennis) of Leonardtown, MD, in Annapolis, Maryland and is the son of
Bernie Woodburn (Sharon) of Leonardtown, the late Ray E & Clara B (Pritt) Gaskill, Sr.
MD, Peggy Cianflone (Mark) of Hollywood, “Big Ray” was a proud, life-long truck
MD, ten grandchildren, 11 great-grandchil- driver, member of the Teamsters and
dren, and his sister, Mary Hughes (Roy), of drove for Embassy Dairy and Safeway
Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Albertsons) culminating in a position as
A lifelong St. Mary’s County, MD resident, Head Security Guard at the Seafarers Harry
he enjoyed farming, gardening, caring for his Lundeberg School of Seamanship where he
animals, listening to bluegrass music, playing was once a student.
cards, and watching sports, especially enjoy- He was an avid sports fan with football
ing his children and grandchildren’s athletic being his favorite. Even at an early age he
events. In younger years, he played softball loved having a good fire going and one of
and was inducted into the Softball Hall of his biggest joys was sitting around a blaz-
Fame in 1987. A devoted Catholic, he was ing fire with family and friends after a good
a member of the Knights of Columbus St. barbeque. He had a wicked sense of humor
Michaels Chapter and a support member with witty comebacks. He loved to fish and
for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He took spend time on or near the water. One of his
immense pride in the work that he accom- favorite hobbies included tooling around the
plished over the years as a Master Carpenter, yard on his riding mower.
Road Constructor, and Heavy Equipment He is survived by his sister Debbie Gaskill
Excavation Operator Foreman, develop- Patridge of New Braunfels, Texas, his three
ing positive structures for this community. beloved sons and their wives, Ray E (Bobby
However, his greatest love was for his wife Jo) Gaskill, III, Blaine R (Amber) Gaskill and
and family, and he will forever be affection- Connor P (Alice) Ryan and his six wonder-
ately remembered as “Paw and Pop.” ful grandchildren whom he adored, Andrew
The family will receive friends on Tinsley, Keith Gaskill, Makenzie (Kenzie)
Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 5:00 PM to Gaskill, Savannah (Fern) Gaskill, Blaine
8:00 PM with prayers recited at 7:00 PM (Bub) Gaskill and Addison (Addie) Gaskill.
in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, A celebration of life will be held on
Leonardtown, MD. A Mass of Christian Friday, May 24, 2024 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm,
Burial will be celebrated on Friday, May at The Fenwick Inn, 41685 Fenwick Street,
31, 2024 at 11:00 AM in Holy Face Catholic Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Church, Great Mills, MD, with Rev. Scott In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
Holmer officiating. Interment will follow in may be made to SMAWL, P.O. Box 1232,
the church cemetery. Serving as pallbear- Leonardtown, MD 20650.
ers will be his grandsons, Jason Deaderick, Condolences to the family may be made
Joshua Deaderick, Casey Woodburn, Mark at
Starnes, Corey Woodburn, Mark Cianflone Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
and his granddaughters T.J. Redmond, Home, P.A.
Taylor Superior, Sarah Woodburn, and Kara
Cianflone. Honorary pallbearers will be his
great grandchildren, Waylon Woodburn,
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times OBITUARIES 19

Larry Forte, 67 ciated by Rev. Alex Wyvill, a close friend venture on bus trips to nearby casinos and Will and Dove; and many extended family
of the family. shows, with her close friends. We all know and friends. In addition to her parents and
Lawrence (Larry) In lieu of flowers, the family requests how she enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, and framed husband, Mary is also preceded in death by
Angelo Forte, 67, of donations be made to Hospice of St. Mary’s, each one. Word searches and coloring were her brothers, Lawrence M. Hammett Jr. and
Drayden, MD, passed P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 her favorite the past years, as she was not John Richard Hammett.
away at his home and St. Mary’s Ryken’s Scholarship Fund: able to travel as much. In the spring and fall, Family will receive friends for Mary’s
while surrounded by Development Office 22600 Camp Calvert she was often pulling weeds and mulling in Life Celebration on Wednesday, May 8,
his immediate fam- Road, Leonardtown, Maryland. her flower beds. She was an avid sports fan, 2024 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., with prayers
ily on May 12, 2024 Condolences to the family may be made and her schedule was built around the times recited at 7:00 p.m., at St. Aloysius
after a short battle at of the Orioles and Ravens games. Catholic Church, 22800 Washington
with cancer. Arrangements made by the Brinsfield Her family was her greatest joy and she Street, Leonardtown, MD 20650. A Mass
Larry was born on September 8, 1956 Funeral Home, P.A. loved to spend time with them. of Christian Burial will be celebrated by
to Lawrence Joseph and Ellen Josephine She was a member of St. Aloysius Catholic Reverend David Beaubien on Thursday,
Mastrogiacomo Forte in Jersey City, New Mary Wathen, 91 Church and Parish, where she provided her May 9, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Aloysius
Jersey. After graduating from Floyd E. children with a strong Catholic education. Catholic Church. Interment will follow at
Kellam High School in 1974, he went on to Mary Ramona Mary is survived by her children: Patricia Charles Memorial Gardens.
study and work at Tidewater Community Wathen, 91, of Ann Johnson (Tommy) of Hollywood, MD, Serving as pallbearers will be her
College, later finishing with a Bachelor’s Hollywood, MD M. Phyllis Greer (Ed) of Leonardtown, grandsons: Derek Greer, Braden Johnson,
Degree in Computer Science at the passed away on May MD; John W. Wathen III (Michelle) of Jonathan Wathen, Ryan Wathen, Dillon
University of Maryland University College. 1, 2024 at MedStar Fredericksburg, VA; Robert Hanson Wathen, Gavin Wathen and Aaron
Larry worked as a contractor at Veda, St. Mary’s Hospital Wathen of Lexington Park, MD; Edward Wathen. Honorary pallbearers will be her
Incorporated supporting the NAS Patuxent in Leonardtown, Lawrence Wathen (Michelle) of Valley great- grandchildren.
River (PAX) E-2C/D Systems Test and MD with her loving Lee, MD; William David Wathen (Laurie) Memorial contributions in Mary’s name
Evaluation Laboratory (ESTEL) in the late family at her side. of Aynor, SC; and George Alfred Wathen may be made to Hospice of St. Mary’s,
1980s and early 1990s before becoming a Born on October 30, 1932 in Pearson, (Pearl) of Hollywood, MD; 12 grandchil- P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or
civil servant for the Government. Larry sup- MD, she was the daughter of the late dren: Derek Greer, Melissa Johnson, Angela a charity of your choice.
ported the ESTEL for over 30 years, retiring Lawrence Matthews Hammett, Sr. and Haak; Braden Johnson; Jonathan Wathen; Condolences to the family may be made
as the Technical Director. Alberta Catherine Coombs Hammett. Christa Wathen; Ryan Wathen; Dillon at
In 1991, Larry married his sweetheart, Mary is a lifelong resident of St. Mary’s Wathen; Brianna Wathen; Gavin Wathen; Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
Gabrielle Zarouba. Larry and Gabrielle County and a 1951 graduate of St. Michael’s Vanessa Wathen; Aaron Wathen; 16 great Home, P.A.
went on to have two children, Lawrence E. Catholic High School in Ridge, MD. On grandchildren: Evan, Zachary, Peyton,
(Sarah) and Christopher J., and three grand- August 18, 1956 she married her beloved hus- Yanni, Ava, Lilly, Braden, Asher, Neveah,
children, Bernadette, Louis, and Josephine. band, John Wellington “Jack” Wathen, Jr. at Austyn, Chloe, Marcus, Amiyah, Alayah, Continued on page 20
In 2019, Larry retired, and spent his time Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church
writing code for his drones and helping his in Lexington Park, MD. Together they cele-
friend with his model airplanes. He enjoyed brated 34 wonderful years of marriage before
getting together with his friends and former his passing in 1990. She was employed for six
coworkers for lunch. Larry loved spending years as a telephone operator for Bell Atlantic
time with his grandchildren and taking care and then took on the role of being a devoted
of his mother. wife and loving mother to her children. After
Larry was predeceased by his sister, Gina she raised her children, she returned work
Marie, and his father, Larry. He is survived part-time as a cashier for 24 years.
by both his mother Ellen, and his brother She was an excellent cook and enjoyed
Joseph (Stacy). hosting family and Holiday dinners, which
The visitation will be held at Brinsfield was nothing short of a small feast that
Funeral Home, 22955 Hollywood Rd, always included family favorites, stuffed
Leonardtown, MD 20650 on Wednesday, ham, and chicken salad. She was very lively,
May 22, 2024 from 5:00pm to 7:00p.m. enjoyed socializing with others and rarely
with prayers recited at 7:00p.m. A Mass of sat down. She loved to dance, play BINGO,
Christian Burial will be held at St. George and travel on occasions. Some of her favor-
Catholic Church, 19199 St. Georges Church ite destinations, were her trip to Las Vegas,
Road Valley Lee, MD 20692 on Thursday, as she loved the penny slot machines. She
May 23 at 11:00a.m. with interment to fol- enjoyed her tour of Grand Canyon, Niagara
low in the church cemetery. It will be offi- Falls and Dollywood. She would often

Thank you Lord for

Doug Delahay Woodburn
5/12/2000 - 8/3/2019
"love you pumpkin"

Words cannot say

We miss you everyday
Through the month of May
We remember your Birthday
18 OBITUARIES St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

In Remembrance To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Marian Ann Blair, 87 Tim Cameron, 60 For Tim: ects, and a member of high-level commit-
Our lives go on without you tees at Marquette University (1976-2016).
Marian Ann Blair, M a r k Ti m o t h y But nothing is the same A priority was the supervision of the Jesuit
87, of St. Inigoes, Cameron “Tim”, 60, We have to hide our heartache International Scholars program which since
MD passed away of California, MD, When someone speaks your name 1983 brought more than 100 young Jesuits
peacefully on raised in Hollywood, from developing countries to pursue gradu-
May 10, 2024 MD, passed away Sad are the hearts that love you ate studies at Marquette University and then
a t S t . M a r y ’s on May 13, 2024 in Silent are the tears that fall return home to become leaders there. He
Nursing Center in Leonardtown, MD Living here without you co-authored 43 articles and 21 abstracts in
Leonardtown, MD. just one day after a is the hardest part of all the use of nuclear magnetic resonance to
She was born on cancer diagnosis. study ferromagnetic materials and proper-
April 6, 1937 in Leonardtown, MD to the Born on October 29, 1963 in Leonardtown, You did so many things for us ties. He was University Delegate to Argonne
late Benjamin Osborne Unkle and Marian MD, he was the loving son of Bernard Your heart was kind and true Universities Association 1977-1982. From
(nee: Bohanan) Unkle. Franklin Cameron Sr., “Frank”, and Catherine And when we needed someone 2000-2010 he was a member of the Medical
Marian Ann was raised in St. Mary’s Jeanette Abell Cameron, “Jeanette”. We could always count on you College of Wisconsin’s institutional review
County and was a boarder at St. Mary’s In addition to his parents, Tim is survived board that regulates medical research for
Academy, graduating in 1954. It was at by his brother Frank Cameron Jr. and sis- The special years will not return the college. He moved to St. Camillus Jesuit
St. Mary’s Academy, that she met James ter-in-law Sue Cameron, sister Julie Burgan When we are all together Community in 2016 to care for his health.
Matthew “Matt” Blair, Sr. They married at and brother-in-law Jim Burgan, sister Maria But with the love in our hearts He was preceded in death by his parents
St. Michael’s Catholic Church on November Gassie and brother-in-law Ed Gassie Jr. You will walk with us forever Thaddeus and Frances (Greenwell) Burch
10, 1956, celebrating 54 wonderful years of Tim is also survived by his nephews, Nick and his brothers Rev. Francis F. Burch, S.J.,
marriage before his passing in February 2011. Cameron and girlfriend Sheila Meaders, The family will receive friends on and Thomas K. Burch. He is survived by
She and Matt enjoyed dancing, boating Kirk Cameron, Zack Cameron, Austin Wednesday, May 29th, from 10:00 AM to his nieces Julia, Margaret, and Karli, his
and travelling. She enjoyed travelling with Darling, and Jake Darling, his niece Dani 11:30 AM at Mattingly-Gardiner Funeral nephew Soren, and numerous cousins in
her daughters, especially to celebrate her Walker and nephew-in-law Roger Walker. Home in Leonardtown, MD, where a funeral and around St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
birthdays. One of her greatest pleasures was Tim also leaves behind his three great-neph- service will be held at 11:30 AM with Father He donated his body to medical sci-
her grandchildren and great-granddaughter. ews, Camden Walker, Maxwell Walker, and Ray Schmidt officiating. Interment will fol- ence. Memorial Mass at St. Camillus Jesuit
Marian Ann enjoyed dinners with relatives Jameson Walker, who loved him very much. low at St. Mary’s Queen of Peace Cemetery Community on June 3 at 11:00 a.m. His cre-
and friends, in particular her girlfriends Tim was a lifelong resident of St. Mary’s in Helen, MD. mains will be buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery
lunch group. She was a lifelong member of County and attended St. John’s School and Pallbearers will be Nick Cameron, Kirk in Milwaukee.
St. Michael’s Catholic Church, and a mem- Leonardtown High School. Tim was a Cameron, Zack Cameron, Dani Walker,
ber of the Ladies of Charity of St. Michael’s. skilled carpenter who took pride in his work Austin Darling and Jake Darling. David Berry, 73
She was a supporter of the Alzheimer’s and loved to put his skills to use for his fam- Honorary pallbearers will be Roger
Association, and supported many human- ily, whether it be building or remodeling Walker, Camden Walker, Maxwell Walker, David L. Berry, Jr.,
itarian charities. their home, replacing their roof or adding a Jameson Walker, and Sheila Meaders. born on April 25,
Marian Ann is survived by her daughters: beautiful deck. But Tim’s true passion was The family would like to invite friends 1951, in Harrisburg,
Terrie Harney (Ron) of Pisgah Forest, NC, being a waterman. He felt at home and at and family to Bowles Farm in Clements, PA, passed away on
Susan Dudley (Bob) of Hollywood, MD and peace on the Chesapeake Bay and its tribu- MD for fellowship immediately follow- May 11, 2024, in
Betsy Blair (Hector) of Hampstead, MD; taries. This is a passion he shared with his ing the graveside service. Please join us to Leonardtown, MD,
brother, Bennie Unkle (Leona) of Virginia dad who was his best buddy and sidekick. celebrate Tim’s life and share your special surrounded by fam-
Beach, VA; grandchildren: Bobby Dudley If your phone was ringing before the sun memories of him. ily. David took great
(Emilie), Eric Dudley (Ashley) and Sarah came up, it was Tim asking you to go fishing In lieu of flowers, please consider con- pride in being a hus-
Dudley; great-granddaughter, Blair Dudley. no matter how cold it was. His family and tributing to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation band to Elizabeth Berry, father and grand-
In addition to her parents, she is also pre- friends reaped the benefits of his bounty. at father to his four children, Danielle (Sari,
ceded in death by her husband, James He found the most joy in sharing the beau- Condolences may be made to the family Ashleigh, Jeffrey), Kimberly (Christopher),
Matthew “Matt” Blair, Sr. and her son, tiful rockfish or crabs that he harvested. He at Douglas (Cameron, Alex), and Andrew
James Matthew “Jimmy” Blair, Jr. made every holiday meal and every family Arrangements provided by the Mattingley- (Ja’Mi), and numerous other family members.
Family will receive friends for Marian gathering even more special by providing Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation While the family was always his top pri-
Ann’s Life Celebration on Monday, May 27, and cooking the fish, crabs and oysters. He Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. ority, David also took pride in being called
2024 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., with prayers at would patiently pick crabs so he could get AZC Chief Petty Officer David Berry, and,
4:00 p.m., at Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., his mom to prepare the best crabcakes in the Thaddeus Burch, 93 after 20 years of service, retired from the
22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD county (true story). But even more than that, Navy. He then went on to work for the St.
20650. A Mass of Christian Burial will be he made every gathering special with his Rev. Thaddeus J. Mary’s County Government at Planning and
celebrated by Reverend Peter Giovanoni gregarious personality and sense of humor. Burch, S.J., was Zoning and retired in 2013.
at 11:00 a.m. at St. Michael’s Catholic He was the loudest one in the room, and called to eternal life The love, values, and memories that
Church, 16555 Three Notch Road, Ridge, he loved to make people laugh even at his on May 14, 2024 David leaves behind will continue for gen-
MD 20680. Interment will follow in the own expense. In Tim’s younger days, he was in Wauwatosa, WI. erations. Fair Winds and Following Seas.
church cemetery. an exceptional baseball player, coached by He was 93 years A service will be held at Grace and Peace
Pallbearers: Rayner Blair, Bennie Unkle, none other than his best buddy and sidekick, old, a Jesuit for 75 OPC on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 1:30
Tommy Unkle, Ricky Blair, Matthew Ridgell, his dad. He also worked the tobacco fields years and a priest PM, with light refreshments following. A
and Brian Tarleton. Honorary pallbearers: on his grandparent’s farm alongside his for 62 years. Born in Celebration of Life will be held at the fam-
Bill Bailey, Joey Blair, David Unkle, John dad and his brother Frank. Tim was an avid Baltimore, he entered the Society of Jesus in ily home on May 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM. If you
Bohanan, Phil Cooper and Emerick Norris. Ravens fan even though his dad preferred 1948 and was ordained a priest in 1961. He would like to attend, please contact the family
Memorial contributions may be made in the Redskins. It kept things interesting and earned a bachelor’s degree and license in phi- for more details. An interment will be held at
Marian Ann’s name to St. Mary’s Nursing lively. Tim was also an avid Orioles fan. losophy at Bellarmine College in Plattsburg, Arlington National Cemetery at a later date.
Center, 21585 Peabody Street, Leonardtown, Tim and his father could always be found NY, a bachelor’s and a license in theology at In lieu of flowers, the family asks that
MD 20650 and St. Michael’s Catholic watching the games together and it tended Woodstock College in Maryland, and a mas- you consider donating to one of the many
School, P.O. Box 259, Ridge, MD 20680. to be loud because of their shared passion ter’s degree and Ph.D. in physics at Fordham Veteran Organizations and sending the fam-
Condolences may be made at www.brins- for sports. Tim took great care of his mom University. He taught at Scranton Prep ily your fondest memories of David. and dad; he chauffeured them to wherever (1955-1958) and at St. Joseph’s University, Condolences may be made to the family
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral they wanted or needed to go and always Fordham University, and the University of at
Home, P.A. brought them food from the restaurant of Connecticut from 1969 to 1976. He was pro- Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-
their choice. He had his struggles in life but fessor, physics department chair, dean of Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
was a genuinely kind and loving soul. the graduate school, director of special proj- Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times COLUMNISTS 17

of a Aimless Mind by Shelby Oppermann Should estate plans be
A Thankful, Grateful Day equal...or fair?
I just want to say thank you to every- When you’re creating your estate plan, your biggest priority may be taking
one who came out to the Strawberry care of your family — your spouse, grown children, grandchildren, and other
Festival this past Sunday; our parish- loved ones. And as you think of where you want your assets to go, you also
ioners at Christ Church Chaptico all may be thinking about how to be fair — but is that the same as treating every-
agreed that it was one of the best festi- one equally?
vals ever. The cloudy, drizzly morning In estate planning, “equal” doesn’t always mean “fair.” Let’s consider some
gave way to a beautiful sunshiny day. factors that can help explain the difference:
We sold out of quite a few desserts, • Need – It’s highly unlikely that the individuals you want to include in
which is always a good thing because your estate plan — especially your adult children – have the same fam-
that way we don’t have much left to ily and financial situations. For example, you could have one child who
take to church refreshments for the is extremely successful and has no children of their own, while another
following Sunday. You helped us with child earns much less income and supports three children. Clearly, your
our waistlines. Thank you to our parish two adult children have vastly different financial needs — so, you need
administrator, and all the church volunteers who worked hard and very fast to to consider whether you want to treat them equally or fairly. If you decide
make it a success. The photo along with the column is of our sweet 90 years young you want to treat them fairly, you may want to divide your assets in a way
Betty Fuqua who came and volunteered in the kitchen which is why Betty stays that provides more help to the child who needs it most.
so young. When I asked for strawberry pies I had no idea so many would make • Abilities – You may well have some assets that you believe are more
multiple pies all the way up to 8 pies each for a few. All the strawberry shortcakes, suitable for one child over another. This can be especially true if you are
sliced sweetened berries, ice cream, and strawberry quarts were sold-out as well. planning on passing on a family business. If you know that one child is
We had amazing vendors and crafters this year – I bought a few things, and still the most capable of running the business or has been primarily involved in
have to purchase something from Joanne the basket lady as a gift. And I have the the business, then you may want to give that child control as a next-gen-
cutest flowerpot turtle to put out in my fairy garden from another amazing ven- eration owner. Yet, this may not seem fair to another child, who might
dor. And if you missed inhaling the aromas and buying some of Bugeye Coffee also express interest in the business, so you may want to look for ways
Roasters coffees then you can find Bunny and Michelle and their husbands the to provide this child with enough assets to help make the overall inher-
roasters at Bugeye Grill on Solomons Island. It was really nice to have Michelle itance more equal.
at the festival since we’ve known each other since 1st grade back in Clinton. • Practicality – In some instances, you might think you can meet both the
This year was a worrisome year for obtaining strawberries because of all “fair” and “equal” criteria. Suppose, for instance, that you have a cabin
the rain we had. I need to give special thanks to Mike Stauffer who arranged or other vacation home that you think two of your children could share.
for me to get beautiful strawberries from Joel Stauffer and Irvin Zimmerman In theory, this joint ownership might sound good, but in practical terms,
who between them came through with 2/3rds of the strawberries we needed. it could cause problems. Are both children equally willing and capable
Thank you for picking in the rain. I hope you visit our Loveville neighbors for of paying taxes and upkeep on the cabin or vacation home? What if one
your produce needs. And on a side note, Irvin Zimmerman and family off of child wants to sell their share? And then, there’s the question of who gets
Friendship School Road had a whole front yard filled with beautiful handmade to use the property at various times of the year. All these issues should be
chairs and picnic tables. I didn’t think I’d get my fellow strawberry hunter Amy resolvable, but they can also cause great stress within the family.
to leave. I looked around and there she was over at the picnic tables. And thank There’s no simple formula for solving the fair-versus-equal dilemma. But
you to Southern Maryland Produce, who in their new location at the old St. keep this in mind: Communicating your wishes to your loved ones while you
Mary’s Landing, helped us with the last flats we needed to have enough for all are drawing up your estate plan can help reduce confusion — and hopefully
our amazing desserts. I hope you frequent their produce business too. And it lead to fewer hard feelings — when you are no longer around. By their nature,
was fun to know that they are originally from Clinton like Michelle and me. fairness and equality issues related to estate plans can trigger a range of emo-
Everywhere I went at the festival it seemed I ran into people who were reg- tions, and addressing these feelings beforehand can help provide a great service
ulars year after year. We so appreciate all who come and help us raise money for your loved ones.
for the three charities we support: Hospice, ACTS, and The Clements Cuties You might also find that some objectivity can be valuable. That’s why, when
Foundation. I enjoyed meeting some of my husband’s pool customers whom I creating your estate plan, you may benefit by working with a team of profes-
normally just speak to on the phone. It’s nice to put a face to the voice. sionals, including your legal, financial and tax advisors.
And I don’t know where we would be without Mike’s Bar-B-Cue and their When developing your estate plan, you might well strive for equality and fair-
delicious, barbecued ribs, chicken, brisket, and my favorite sliced pork barbe- ness but above all, you want to get things right. And careful planning, open com-
cue sandwiches. Louise Hatcher started barbecuing for us for the Strawberry munication and appropriate guidance can help go a long way toward this goal.
Festival 30 years ago with her first husband Mike. And after Mike’s passing,
Louise continued on when she met her husband Dave. The legacy continues This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward
now with Katherine and PJ taking over the family barbecue business from Jones Financial Advisor.
Louise and David. Some people don’t even come to the Strawberry Festival Edward Jones, Member SIPC
for the desserts – they come for the barbecue. Contributed by David McDonough
I appreciate my dear friend Greg who arranges the live music for the day Financial Advisor at Edward Jones
and keeps me straight and on course for the festival. Thank you to the Bushmill Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302
Band, and to Greg and his lovely wife Debs, who are the duo Folk Salad, for Leonardtown, MD 20650
keeping everyone’s toe’s tapping throughout the day. Dan and Diana arranged 301 997 1707
for their other bicycle enthusiasts to do a ride to the festival – thank you for that.
I always give thanks for my husband even when he says he doesn’t want to hear
another word about Strawberry Festival because he has heard it since January
and for the last 22 years that I’ve been in charge. But of course, Robert is still
there for me for everything though. Lastly, thanks to our Priest Father Peter
Ackerman, I really think that extra blessing you added in for me at the altar the
Sunday before the festival was an added bonus for a great festival. Thank you.
To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Please send your ideas or comments to:
or find me on Facebook.
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Thursday, May 23, 2024 County Times 7

Stars and Stripes Festival Highlights

Memorial Day Weekend
Chesapeake Beach Event Named for George Owings
By Dick Myers Family Fun Day at Kellam’s Field. The
Staff Writer theme for this year’s event is “The Fallen”
in honor of the brave men and women who
The 13th Annual Stars and Stripes Festival gave their life for the freedoms we enjoy.
in Chesapeake Beach this Saturday, May “The Town of Chesapeake Beach is proud
25, will feature the beginning of a new tra- to host a Patriotic Parade on May 25th, at
dition. The festival will now be known as 12 p.m., starting at Kellam’s Field! Show
the George W. Owings, III Stars & Stripes off our Nation’s colors through colorful
Festival in honor of the late Maryland vet- floats, wagons, marching bands, community
eran’s secretary and delegate, who passed groups, and more to showcase our American
away last October. The festival this year will pride. We invite you to come dressed in your
also feature a Memorial Day parade, follow- best Red, White, and Blue attire in honor
ing the traditional remembrance at Veteran’s and respect for our Fallen Heroes.
Memorial Park. “Families, community groups, and resi-
Mayor Pat Mahoney told The County dents of all ages are welcome to participate,
Times, “First and foremost, George was a observe, and enjoy a fun-filled day celebrat-
big friend of the Twin Beaches all of his Chesapeake Beach Veteran’s Memorial Park ing our Fallen Heroes and the freedoms we
life. And he’s given to both towns over and enjoy every day as a result of their sacrifice.”
over. But also, George was the Secretary of back and look at the memorial service that jumped at the chance to come to Chesapeake Mahoney said of why the town started
Veterans Affairs. George was our state dele- we had at the American Legion post for Beach and honor his friends. the Stars and Stripes Festival, “One of the
gate. But I would say, basically, George was George in December, if you heard the way Mahoney observed, “In fact, in speaking unique things about this town and the county
one of us. George was a beach kid, made Governor Hogan spoke of him, Governor with his staff, they said, it’s Larry’s birthday, as a whole is we’re very patriotic. We built
good. He was obviously a patriot. He loved Hogan was in true tears that day. There’s but Larry wanted to make it clear, no matter a veteran’s park right in the middle of town,
the flag. He loved veterans. He loved his tears and then there’s real tears, and he was what his plans are that day, he’s wiping his right down from the American Legion Post
country. So it was very easy for us to make in real tears that day. He was definitely slate and he will be there.” 206. We welcome veterans and veteran fam-
that decision.” choked up and like the rest of us, just really In addition to Hogan, Major Brandon ilies to live here. It’s the fabric of our town.
Former governor Larry Hogan will be on missed George.” Temple will speak at the ceremony that And so, when we had those brainstorm, I was
hand to honor his veteran’s secretary and to After Owings death, Hogan said, ‘“He begins at 10 a.m. at the veteran’s park. on the council then, it was just a joyous way
dedicate the event in Owings’ name. was a dedicated public servant, tireless According to the town, “The event will for us to celebrate those that gave, that made
“Governor Hogan had a special relation- advocate for our veterans, father, grandfa- begin with the Town’s annual memorial cer- the ultimate sacrifice, right here in town.”
ship with George, who worked for him for ther, and close friend.” emony at the Chesapeake Beach Veteran’s
eight years as his secretary. But if you go Mahoney said the former governor Memorial Park and will lead to our annual

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Thursday, May 23, 2024 County Times 5

Remembering Astronauts Michael Smith and

Dave Brown
By Dave Spigler sayng “Spiggy, I have bad news to report! I
Contributing Writer just learned I was selected for the Astronaut
Program and will be receiving orders to attend
Each year The County Times writes a story training in Houston very soon!?!” My gosh
for Memorial Day, which commemorates was this a big surprise as he never mentioned
those in the military who have lost their lives he was being considered for this new role! It
in the line of duty in service to their country. was a “grin and bear it moment” for me. I hated
Astronauts Michael Smith and Dave Brown that we would not enjoy some plans we had
were two such service members. discussed for when he settled into a place here,
Recently, Cable News Network [CNN] but I thought I would be able to tell my friends
featured a four-part documentary over two I was best friends with an astronaut one day!
weekends on the horrific loss of Space So here I am sharing the details of my short
Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. This relationship with this wonderful gentleman.
tragedy was the second major accident in We followed his progress through this new
NASA’s long history in space exploration training and were very excited to hear he was
and, like the Challenger explosion in January, selected as a Mission Specialist for flight
1986, these devastating events had direct ties Capt. Michael Smith Capt. Dave Brown STS-107 onboard Space Shuttle Columbia.
to our area as crews on both of these flights Sadly, Dave’s dog died a few days before lift-
had men who were previously assigned to the of Medical Services at the Naval Hospital at I learned he had never married as he had so off. We know this took some of the excite-
Navy’s Test Pilot School [TPS] here at NAS Adak, Alaska. Following this tour, he received many goals to achieve with his chosen career ment out of the flight for Dave but the seven
Patuxent River. Viewing this documentary orders to sea duty with Carrier Airwing Fifteen that he had not had time for relationships. He members of the crew launched safely on
brought back many sad memories for many aboard the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson later confessed “he had not met “Ms. Right” January 16 for a 16-day flight dedicated to
of us who knew these gentlemen. I was priv- in the western Pacific. It was during this tour as yet!” [I later learned he met a woman while conduct research and science studies. And
ileged to have gotten to know one very well. he was recommended and accepted for pilot training as an astronaut in Houston that he like millions of Americans who followed this
We became good friends before he left Pax training, the only Navy Flight Surgeon to be really liked]. He spoke lovingly of his parents flight, we watched anxiously that Saturday
for training in Houston. Both of these bright selected in over ten years. Even more remark- up in Arlington, VA. He was an only child morning as Columbia headed back to Cape
men were talented Naval aviators who quali- able, Dave graduated number one in his class! and his parents were elderly and he was now Canaveral. And we watched in horror as this
fied for our country’s difficult space program. He then commenced training and carrier able to visit with them often. But his greatest special mission unfortunately ended 16 min-
They were very down to earth individuals qualification in the A-6E Intruder and received attention was his dog that was truly his best utes short of touchdown. It is a memory that I
that appeared normal in every way with no orders to the Naval Strike Warfare Center at friend. We agreed that once we found the right will never forget. We lost six great Americans
indication of the heroes they would become. Fallon, Nevada and served as the Strike Leader property and had his planes here, he would and one Israeli that morning including Dave,
First let me speak of Captain Michael Attack Training Instructor and Planning take me up one day and teach me how easy it Commander Rick Husband, Kalpana Chawla,
T. Smith. Captain Smith, was a graduate Officer. He later qualified on the F-18 Hornet, is to fly a small plane! Pilot William McCool, Laurel Clarke, Michael
of the US Naval Academy Class of 1967 a fighter aircraft made famous in the motion And then I received a phone call from Anderson, and Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon.
and became a Navy jet pilot. He later grad- picture “Maverick.” In 1992, Dave went to sea him, a call I will never forget…he started by May they rest in peace.
uated from TPS and was chosen as one of aboard the USS Independence as a member of
three Mission Specialists assigned to the attack squadron VA-115. At this point he had
Challenger flight. He was a skilled naval avi- logged over 2700 flight hours of which 1700
ator who was well liked and respected by all hours were performed in military high-per-
during his tour of duty here. A large spectac- formance aircraft. In 1995, Dave reported to
ular mural titled “Naval Aviation in Space” NAS Patuxent River as the Flight Surgeon at
painted by local artist George McWilliams the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School.
was dedicated to Captain Smith and the At the time I was serving as the Deputy
Space Shuttle Program in 1986. The mural Aircraft Maintenance Officer at a Test and
was displayed above the front entrance of the
Naval Air Station’s Officer’s Club for years
Evaluation Squadron now known as VX-20.
I also held a part time job as a realtor with a
and was later relocated to the Patuxent River
Naval Aviation Museum upon demolition of
large Southern Maryland Real Estate firm. I
often received referrals for military person-
the Club building in 2018. This 12x22 paint-
ing is a “must see” at the Museum located
nel being assigned to NAS Pax and through a
friend, I met Captain Dave Brown and learned THEIR LIVES IN
next to the north gate of the air station. he was looking for a property to relocate his
I was especially saddened to relive the
Columbia disaster as Captain Dave Brown
two private aircraft. He presented me with
a real challenge and we spent many weeks
was a good friend of mine who I completely
admired for his special talents and wonder-
scouring potential sites in St. Mary’s, Calvert,
and Charles Counties. There were a few air-
ful personality. He was a joy to be around strips in lower St. Mary’s that offered homes
and always displayed a smile for everyone either on or nearby the airstrips. We looked
he met. A multi-talented individual, he was at many homes located close to St. Mary’s
one of a very few medical doctors ever to airport, and investigated potential properties BRYANS ROAD
qualify for Naval aviation flight training,
earn the Navy Wings of Gold and become
up in Charles County and across the river in
Calvert. We were close to making an offer
designated as a Naval Aviator.
Dave grew up in the DC area and was an
for a home on an airstrip in Lusby that had a
large carport suitable for parking both of his
only son. He graduated from Yorktown High
School in Arlington, VA. and went on to earn
airplanes. Dave needed just a more time…
We spent days swapping “sea stories” about Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance
a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology
from the College of William and Mary in
our Navy adventures and places overseas we
had visited. I learned he had been a gymnast
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Medical school in 1982. He later joined the was well known by the folks there who often
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University of South Carolina. He was sent to one with the same kindness and friendliness AN INDEPENDENT AGENT REPRESENTING
Flight Surgeon training and upon completion he showed me. I grew to admire Dave as one ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
of that training was assigned as the Director of the nicest people I had known. Over lunch
4 County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Thursday, May 23, 2024 County Times 3

Waugh Remembers Losing Comrades to War

By Guy Leonard flight were flying over an Iraqi town when
Staff Writer they noticed a flashing light in the middle
of a traffic intersection; Waugh continued to
Dr. Steve Waugh, a former state senator fly in a circular pattern and notice the light
for both St. Mary’s and Calvert counties followed them.
remembers becoming a Marine attack pilot It was an anti-aircraft gun, he realized.
flying AV-8B Harriers back in 1988. “He was shooting at us,” Waugh said with
In just two short years the country would a laugh. “Can you imagine what it must be
be at war with Iraq over its invasion of Kuwait like to shoot at an enemy and have abso-
and many of Waugh’s comrades would be lutely no effect?”
sent over to serve in combat in that conflict. But the gun still posed a danger, Waugh
It was decided he should not go, since he said, so he dropped ordinance on it, taking
and his wife were about to start a family. it out.
Waugh said he was angry at not being “You don’t feel bad about that,” he said.
involved in what would become known as Flying the Harrier was a dangerous task in
the First Gulf War. and of itself, since its vertical takeoff- and-land-
But it wasn’t long before he started seeing ing could be unstable and unpredictable.
pilots he knew, his friends, being paraded “I’ve had my hand on the ejection lever
on Iraqi television as prisoners of war after Steve Waugh, standing, fifth from left three times in the Harrier,” Waugh said.
being shot down in combat, he said. “I’ve had a couple of times in that plane
A little over a decade later, in March of — friends of Waugh’s had died in training In the second invasion of Iraq, Waugh where I said to myself ‘OK, I die.’”
2003, it would be Waugh’s turn to fly in accidents. would be a senior officer in his AV-8B The Harrier had an accident rate several
combat. One had crashed and died while trying Harrier squadron — a lieutenant col- times greater than that of the F/A 18 while
Operation Iraqi Freedom was his last over- to land, while one had died in an infantry onel — providing close air support to in Marine Corps use.
seas deployment in the Marine Corp, he said. training exercise when the vehicle that Marines on the ground during the war. Waugh looks upon his own time in com-
It was here he would lose friends like they were in turned over and killed many When Marine infantry did not need Harrier bat as just a small piece of the overall war
MSgt. Ken Hunt, a Marine who was Marines, Waugh said. support, he and his comrades took to the effort he was involved in.
wounded in an IED [improvised explosive It was a poignant reminder, Waugh said, air to seek out targets of opportunity and He has referred to it in the past as “rolling
device] attack and who later died while in that service members risk their lives on the job destroy them. in, releasing weapons and rolling out.”
hospital back in San Antonio, Texas. every day whether they are in combat or not. AV-8B Harriers are aircraft capable of “For me it was pretty clinical,” Waugh
“He was a wonderful guy,” Waugh, who Waugh said he has lost 24 of his friends taking off vertically and landing just the said.
runs a defense contracting business in St. while they were in military service. same by the use of directional nozzles on What stays with him, though, is the mem-
Mary’s, said. “He was a great leader, a great “They were mostly aviators, but a few the side of the aircraft instead of the normal ory of those who served and gave their lives.
Marine.” others, too,” Waugh said. “Whether they lost exhaust ports on the back of a jet aircraft. “There are a lot of people to remember,”
But Hunt wasn’t the only friend and ser- their lives in combat or on a training exer- He destroyed enemy fuel trucks and tanks Waugh said. “It’s about their sacrifice and
vice member Waugh lost. cise they all still paid the price. as well as arms and fuel caches in the desert, what we do to make it worth it.”
Even before the First Gulf War — known “We would not be where we are today Waugh said.
as Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm without them.” In one instance he and members of his

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2 County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024


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Thursday, May 23, 2024 County Times 1
A Special Pull Out Section


County TimesSt. Mary’s County • Calvert County

16 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

MedStar St. Mary’s

Earns Prestigious
Magnet® Recognition
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital has become program,” said Dawn Yeitrakis, MS, BSN,
the fifth MedStar Health hospital to be RN, NEA-BC, vice president and chief nurs-
Magnet® recognized for its excellence in ing officer of MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital.
nursing care. Presented by the American “The journey to this moment has been one
Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), of discovery and incredible growth and this
Magnet Recognition is one of the highest recognition highlights the great work our
and most prestigious distinctions a health- nursing and hospital team does every day.”
care organization can achieve in the United MedStar St. Mary’s was recognized by
States with fewer than 10% of hospitals the ANCC with eight exemplars—one for
nationally holding the designation. Structural Empowerment and seven for
“We are honored to be named a Magnet- Exemplary Professional Practice. Exemplars
Recognized hospital,” said Mimi Novello, underscore exceptional performance in the
MD, MBA, FACEP, president and chief various elements of the Magnet model.
medical officer of MedStar St. Mary’s “This Magnet designation is not just a
Hospital. “We have an incredible team that recognition of past achievements,” said
has embraced the principles of Magnet to Yeitrakis, “it is a commitment from our
build a culture of exceptional quality and team to continue to excel and innovate our
care. I am extremely proud of the amazing nursing care. We are steadfastly dedicated
care provided at our hospital every day and to continuing to improve patient care as well
the tremendous dedication of our staff.” as the overall healthcare experience for all
To achieve Magnet Recognition a hospi- those we serve.”
tal must demonstrate excellence in nursing
leadership, clinical practice, innovation, About ANCC’s Magnet Recognition
and patient outcomes. Hospitals must meet Program
and exceed national standards for nursing The Magnet® Recognition Program—
practice and create an environment of pro- administered by the American Nurses
fessional growth and commitment to con- Credentialing Center, the largest and most
tinuous improvement and innovation in prominent nursing credentialing organiza-
nursing practice. tion in the world— identifies healthcare
Research shows Magnet-recognized hos- organizations that provide the very best in
pitals typically provide a higher quality of nursing care and professionalism in nursing
patient care, including lower mortality rates practice. The Magnet Recognition Program
and increased patient satisfaction. Magnet serves as the gold standard for nursing
hospitals also experience lower turnover and excellence and provides consumers with
lower rates of dissatisfaction among nursing the ultimate benchmark for measuring qual-
staff. The recognition is also directly linked ity of care. For more information about the
to a hospital’s ability to attract and retain Magnet Recognition Program and current
qualified, highly educated nursing staff. statistics, visit
“Our team has worked very hard to meet net to learn more.
the standards of the Magnet recognition

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Clements, MD PAX Sound of Freedom awarded 12 Quilts of Valor (QOV) on May 18, 2024, at Trinity Lutheran Church in
Lexington Park. PAX Sound of Freedom is the local chapter of Quilts of Valor for St. Mary’s and Charles Counties.
Shown in the photo, left to right, are: Heidi Marlatt (Army - 17 years), Joseph Russell (Air Force - 20 years),
Christopher Schumacher (Navy - 21 years), Shannon Romero (Marine Corps - 4 years), Salvador Marcus Romero (Marine Corps - 20 years), Jeff Turner (Navy - 25 years), David Whiteman (Navy - 4 years), Russell
Savoy (Air Force - 22 years), Anthony Dittami (Navy - 24 years), Ronald Ansell (Air Force - 27 years), Jenette
Thompson (Air Force - 22 years), and John Thomas Clinkscales, Jr. (Air Force - 23 years).
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 15

Naval Air Station Patuxent River News

Navy Advances Development of Air Force’s
New Joint Simulation Environment
Engineers from the Naval Air Warfare Center NAWCAD is leading the DOD’s effort to
Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) successfully scale the capability across the services. The
installed core software in the Air Force’s warfare center installed enemy air systems
future Joint Simulation Environment (JSE) at Nellis in 2023 and will enable F-35 and
facility at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada F-22 operations this year.
bringing the service closer to operating its Navy and Air Force fighter pilots will
own next-generation training and test facility. begin training together in NAWCAD’s JSE
Nellis is the Air Force’s premier training this summer, and the JSE is now part of the
and test center for advanced combat aviation. DOD’s formal curriculum for its tactical
“The Joint Simulation Environment is the weapons schools. This includes the Navy’s
only training range where tactical aviators TOPGUN and Air Force’s 6th Weapons
can fight like they would in real air com- Squadron, who currently train in the JSE
bat,” said NAWCAD Executive Director, at the warfare center’s Patuxent River
Steve Cricchi. “NAWCAD’s JSE is capabil- headquarters. NAWCAD’s JSE also trains
ity advantage helping American warfighters domestic and allied fighter squadrons sta-
keep pace with the changing character of war- tioned across the world as pilots fly more
fare—its importance cannot be overstated.” sorties in the JSE over a week than they
The JSE’s core software includes the can on open-air ranges in a year. The com-
digital elements that make up the facil- mand surpassed more than 1,000 F-35 pilots
ity including simulated variables like “NAWCAD’s JSE is critical to advancing digital test and training range made up of trained in the JSE in March 2024.
weather, the electromagnetic spectrum, air superiority and improving service interop- cockpits, domed simulators with 4K projec- NAWCAD will incorporate additional test
surface and subsurface platforms, enemy erability,” said NAWCAD JSE Director tors, and aircraft software. NAWCAD’s JSE and training cockpits including the F/A-18
aircraft and weapons systems. The soft- Blaine Summers. “Standing up robust, enables tactical pilots to fly wartime scenar- Hornet, EA-18 Growler, and E-2 platforms in
ware also includes weapons systems like multi-platform training and test capabilities at ios in a near-exact virtual environment, and its Patuxent River facility, and deploy its sec-
the Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Nellis underscores our Navy’s commitment aircraft developers to push air systems to ond training system onboard a Navy carrier,
Missile, AIM-9 Sidewinder, Small Diameter to partnering with the Air Force.” extreme limits beyond the safety constraints USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), this year.
Bomb, and more. The JSE is the DOD’s next-generation of open-air ranges.



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Yellow Mustard Instant Potatoes FINAL PRICE
/$BBQ Sauce
FINAL PRICE Gevalia K-Cup Coffee
CoffeeMix Seasoned Salt
Mac & Cheese SeasoningMix
Cheesecake Pickles SALE PRICE Chips

2 24/$3 2/$6

2 4 7

2 4.48
2 4
4 2 2.98 2.98

2 5
3.98 4.98
2/$5 4.48 2.78 22/$/$75 6 5
5.48 /$ /$ /$

3 /$
6.98 8.98 2/$6 /$ $

1.00 1.00



30-Oz., THURS
Miracle Whip
16-Oz. SUN
A1 New York
16.5 To 19.25-Oz.
Heinz Mashup
Buffaloranch Or 8-Oz., Selected
Kraft Grated
12-Oz. Cans, Selected
12-Pack Faygo
700-mL, 6-Pack
Deer Park
20 To 24-Oz., Selected
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
Van Camp’s
6-Oz., Selected
Pam Cooking
38 To 39-Oz., Selected
22 23 24 25Marinade 26 27Mayochup 28 Sauce
FINAL PRICE Steakhouse Parmesan Cheese Soft Drinks Water FINAL PRICE
Monday - Saturday 7am to 9 pm
Pork And Beans Spray Canned Vegetables

3.98 3.98

5.98 4.98

2/$4 FROM 5.48

5 3.48to 7 pm 2/$5
8 am
May 22 THRU May 28 2024

15-Oz. No Beans Or Selected 1.5-Oz. Cups Or 4 To 4.1-Oz., Selected 4.9 To 5.57-Oz., Selected 5.75 To 12.4-Oz., Selected 14 To 18-Oz., Selected 6-Oz. 8-Oz., Regular Or Less Sodium 2.12 To 3.5-Oz., Selected 16-Oz., Selected 6 To 18-Oz., Selected
12 LETTERS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

‘A community league in the truest sense’ A flawed voting process

Thank you SMCYO, a great community ball playoffs and Tee Ball All Star Games. On May 14th, Maryland held its primary residents could not be heard concerning
baseball league. As we move towards the Thanks for the hours you spent making sure election. One that I wish more Americans this important position. Post election voter
end of the spring youth baseball season and every team and player has the gear they would participate in their civic duty. As numbers for the 2024 primary have not been
into the heat of summer, I wanted to take need, including speedy delivery of a left most of you know, the primary in Maryland posted yet, another flaw in the system, so the
a few moments to send a big Thanks You handed catcher’s mitt less than a day after is a closed primary. That means each party impact of unaffiliated voters is unknown.
to all the folks in the St. Mary’s County the player decided he wanted to try catcher! decides which candidates to be on the bal- This is 2024 and everything is done elec-
Youth Organization (SMCYO) for another Thanks to all the Coaches who put in the lot in the general election against the other tronically, final numbers should be available
great season of Tee Ball and Baseball! My hours to teach the kids how to be good ball party’s selection. In principle, I agree with within 3 days after the election. But that
children had an absolute blast this season, players, and importantly, how to be good this system as I feel each party should select flaw is not my point. The point is probably
and are already on the lookout for when teammates. From the cold and rainy days their candidate of choice. The Independent about a 1/4th of primary voters could not
Fall Baseball sign-ups open! For those who in March up until the heat of June, you’ve or “Unaffiliated” voters are not allowed to have a say in who should be serving on the
might not be familiar, SMCYO is a recre- worked to keep alive the kids’ enthusiasm participate in that selection. I even agree bench of the Circuit Court. To me, that is
ational youth baseball league in St. Mary’s and love for the game. You’re teaching all with that concept. extremely flawed and should be corrected.
County. It’s a community league in the tru- parts of the game to every kid, and giving Where I differ is, I do not believe Judicial If the state of Maryland doesn’t want to hear
est sense, locally founded and locally run, each one the chance to explore their inter- Offices should be considered “partisan” the voice of the citizens that are not party
singly focused on youth baseball in and for ests and talents, and the value of your work politics. Unfortunately, at all levels of gov- affiliated for Circuit Court Judges, then do
St. Mary’s County. Teams put together by can’t be overstated. Thanks to all the other ernment, our justice system is far too influ- not allow for the cross party selection of
locality means that kids (boys and girls) parents who took the time to get your kids enced by partisan politics. All you have to judicial candidates. The other option is to
can play on teams with their neighbors and to practices and games, find lost hats, and do is watch what is currently happening at make judicial positions the same as school
classmates, at parks close to home. The re-tie cleats. You’re kind. You’re welcom- the national level to understand that. But board, non-partisan. The last option is to
work done by the league to honor team ing. And you’re exited for the kids to have let me get back to my point of the flawed remove judicial candidates from the primary
preferences means that family friends, the chance to play. As my daughter’s team voting system. On the primary ballot this ballot and only have them on the general
pals from 4H, siblings, cousins and all can cheers after every Tee Ball Game, “Thanks year was the selection of candidates to election, when all voters can vote.
grow and play together on a team over the Mom and Dad!” So for all those reading choose our Circuit Court Judge. In the case Please do not interpret this has a slight
years. My kids have made amazing friends this, if you’re looking for some fun watch- of St. Mary’s County we had two republi- against our local election board. They do
and learned to love the game of baseball in ing Tee-Ball and Youth Baseball, SMCYO can candidates vying for the position. The great work within the system they are
an atmosphere that is friendly, inclusive, League Championships and the Tee Ball incumbent, placed there by Gov. Hogan given. It is the system that is flawed not
and focused on growth and achievement in All Star Game are on June 8th at Baggett was running against another local resident. our local employees.
the sport. A special thanks to the Board of Park; and if you’ve got some kids that want Again, both are registered republicans. So If you think the independent voter isn’t
SMCYO for all the work you do to make to learn, grow, and play with their friends in theory, during a closed primary, the regis- crucial, then why do all the presidential can-
each season the best it can be for each kid. and neighbors through America’s Favorite tered republican voters should have selected didates want that vote? It is because the inde-
Thanks for rescheduling around rain-outs Pastime, take a look at SMCYO. Fall base- the candidate they wanted to be on the ballot pendent voters have an impact on the results.
and making sure we can get as much base- ball sign-ups open soon, and I know I’ll be in November. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the Now, you might be thinking this would be
ball as possible during the season. Thanks signing my kids up again. Great Baseball, case. The Democrat voters were able to cast a great non-partisan issue for our commis-
for the work you put it scheduling base- and a Great Community. their ballot also for the same two candidates. sioners, our state delegates and state sena-
So if both parties were able to vote for the tors to take up to ensure more Marylander
same candidates, why couldn’t the indepen- voters can be heard. Unfortunately, they
dent voter have a voice? would probably consider this a minor
The official State Board of Elections point and are too busy plotting on ways to
response to my inquiry was quote “Except increase our taxes and fees. In my opinion,
for board of education and retention elec- that is all they care about, power and money
tions, all offices including judge of the cir- and a forced two party government. Change
cuit court are partisan elections in Maryland in Maryland voting laws is way overdue.
“unquote. They did not answer my question One can only hope that one day; we will
as to why democrats could vote for repub- remove judicial positions (and law enforce-
lican candidates or vice versa. ment) away from partisan politics and let
According to the Board of Elections, ALL voters decide. That would remove
YOUR ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR CHARLES, there are 16,756 registered “unaffiliated” another flaw in the system that many feel
CALVERT, & ST. MARY’S COUNTY or independent voters in St. Mary’s County is already rigged.
as of 2022. (2024 numbers are not avail-
able to the public) That is a lot of voters Thank you,
and equates to approx. 22% of all registered Ron Verbos
voters. That’s right almost 1/4th of county

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS If you would like to submit a Letter to the Editor,

please include your name & town of residence.
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636
EMPLOYMENT County Times St. Mary’s County • Calvert County


Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 11

Deputies Make Jury Convicts Man for

Arrests Following Kidnapping and False
Stolen Vehicle Pursuit Imprisonment
On Monday, May 20, 2024, at approxi- stolen vehicle and four additional vehicles. State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling announced
mately 1:30 a.m., a motor vehicle was sto- Three suspects, aged 15, 16, and 22, were today that a St. Mary’s County Jury found
len from a Great Mills, Maryland residence. transported to the hospital for precautionary Joshua Terrell Trippett, 28, of Lusby,
At approximately 2:47 p.m., Deputies from measures. Additionally, occupants of the Maryland, guilty of kidnapping and false
the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office other involved vehicles were transported imprisonment for an incident that occurred
(SMCSO) attempted to initiate a traffic stop to local hospitals for non-life-threatening on November 16, 2023.
for the stolen vehicle at the Three Notch injuries. “The defendant kidnapped a car deal-
Road and Mechanicsville Road intersec- The investigation into the stolen vehicle ership employee under the guise of a
tion in Mechanicsville. The vehicle opera- and motor vehicle collision is ongoing. vehicle test drive. He drove dangerously
tor refused to stop and continued traveling Anyone with information about the sto- and refused to return to the dealership
north on Three Notch Road to elude police. len vehicle or who may have witnessed the despite the victim’s multiple pleas to do
The stolen motor vehicle caused a motor collision or any events leading up to it is so. The defendant maliciously exploited the
vehicle collision on Three Notch Road near asked to contact Deputy First Class Max employee’s good faith. Preying on the trust
Golden Beach Road. Schell at 301-475-4200, ext. 8161, or Max. of others is reprehensible, and I hope the
The motor vehicle collision involved the verdict brings the victim a sense of justice,”
said State’s Attorney Sterling.

Lexington Park Man

The defendant faces a maximum penalty of
30 years in prison and will continue to be held Joshua Terrell Trippett
without bond pending a sentencing hearing.

Arrested in Hit and Run

Detective Andrew Burgess of the St. Proctor prosecuted the case on behalf of the
Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office was the citizens of St. Mary’s County.
lead investigator. The Honorable Joseph M. Stanalonis
Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah presided over the case.
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, Deputies from
the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office
responded to a call for a motor vehicle
accident with injuries in the 21000 block
of Great Mills Road. Several witnesses
reported the operator of one vehicle had
fled the scene of the accident on foot. ON NEWSSTANDS EVERY THURSDAY & ONLINE AT COUNTYTIMES.NET County Times
Upon arrival, deputies discovered a
head-on collision involving two vehicles.
The operator of the at-fault vehicle was
confirmed to have left the scene. Witnesses
provided information to the deputies, who
then, through a subsequent search, located Philip H. Dorsey III
Attorney at Law
and identified Patrick Shawn Daly Jr., 35,
of Lexington Park, as the driver who fled.
The driver of the second vehicle sus-
tained injuries and was transported to
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital for treatment. Patrick Shawn Daly, Jr.

County Government
Operations for
Memorial Day -Serious Personal Injury Cases-
All St. Mary’s County Government St. Andrews Landfill
(SMCG) administrative offices will be • The Animal Adoption & Resource LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
closed on Monday, May 27, 2024, in obser-
vance of the Memorial Day holiday. Offices
The following SMCG operations will be TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493
will resume normal operating schedules on open on May 27:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024. • Great Mills Pool (11 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
The May 27 closure includes: • Wellness & Aquatics Center (6 a.m.
• All three St. Mary’s County Libraries – 12 p.m.)
(Charlotte Hall, Leonardtown, and • The St. Clements Island Museum,
Lexington Park) Piney Point Lighthouse Museum,
• All three Senior Activity Centers and the Old Jail Museum (open for
(Garvey, Loffler, and Northern), and visitors from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
there will be no home-delivered meals • The Wicomico Shores Golf Course
• The St. Mary’s Transit System (STS) and Riverview Restaurant
• Department of Recreation & Parks For more information on SMCG pro-
indoor programs and facilities (exclu- grams and operations, please visit: stmary-
sions below)
• The six Convenience Centers and the
10 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

Legal Notices High School Teacher


The Leonardtown Mayor and Town Council will hold a public hearing on
Monday, June 10, 2024 at 4:15 pm at the Town Hall, 22670 Washington
Street, Leonardtown, MD to hear comments on Resolution No. 2-24 request By Guy Leonard the end of the year and will not worry them-
for Annexation of three parcels of real property owned by Cedar Lane Senior Staff Writer selves about an English teacher they likely
Living Community III, Inc., as follows: 1) Tax Map 40, Grid 6, Parcel 71, Tax do not even know.”
Identification No. 03-036065, consisting of 25,894± square feet of land; 2) Tax Kenneth Rountree, a teacher of British lit- Rountree said the message was written so
Map 41, Grid 1, Parcel 220, Tax Identification No. 03-017044, consisting of erature and mythology at Chopticon High that other teachers would “be prepared” in
3.9100± acres of land; and 3) Tax Map 40, Grid 6, Parcel 133, Tax Identification School recently announced that he was a case of questions from students.
No. 03-040186, consisting of 1.3400± acres of land, which properties are transwoman and wanted to be referred to as “I only ask that you request students refer
contiguous and adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the Town of Leonardtown. Sinead Rountree by both students and staff. to me in the same manner of respect due to
“I have known that I was a trans woman for any staff member in this building.”
All interested parties are encouraged to attend or to submit written comments by quite some time,” Rountree wrote in a letter to In the letter Rountree stated their pre-
3:00 p.m. on June 10, 2024 to the Commissioners of Leonardtown, P.O. Box 1, staff and students. “I will occasionally dress ferred pronouns were she/they.
Leonardtown, MD 20650. Special accommodations will be made for persons with differently, and will be asking to be referred to When asked about what restroom facili-
disabilities upon request. as Ms. Rountree or just Rountree by students,” ties Rountree could use as well as any dis-
the teacher wrote. “You [other teachers] may cipline towards anyone who did not refer to
By Authority: Laschelle E. McKay, Town Administrator either call me the same or Sinead if students them as they wished, Superintendent Dr. J.
are not around. Scott Smith gave a curt answer.
“I fully understand that people will slip up “All of our buildings have dedicated private
and call me by my legal name, but I appreciate staff restrooms for use by staff members only,”
COMMISSIONERS OF LEONARDTOWN you making the effort.” Smith told The County Times. “All students
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Rountree made the announcement near are held to the student code of conduct.
the end of the school year, after students “SMCPS is federally mandated to comply
The Leonardtown Mayor and Town Council will hold a public hearing on who took the British literature class had with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Monday, June 10, 2024 at 4:30 pm at the Town Hall, 22670 Washington Street, become used to calling him Mr. Rountree. in part, prohibits discrimination in the work-
Leonardtown, MD to hear comments on Resolution No. 3-24 request for “It’s only natural that students might place on the basis of sex. In 2020, the Supreme
Annexation of a parcel of real property consisting of 19.51± acres of land shown have questions,” Rountree wrote. “Though Court held that this protection also extends to
on Tax Map 41, Grid 1, Parcel 195, Tax Identification No. 03-016781, and owned I might be changing the way I dress and the discrimination based on sexual orientation and
by Alfred S. Mattingly and Joan C. Mattingly, which property is contiguous and way [to which] I’m referred, the details of gender identity in Bostock v. Clayton County.
adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the Town those questions will largely be private. That is SMCPS’s official statement.”
“I think most students are worried about
All interested parties are encouraged to attend or to submit written comments by
3:00 p.m. on June 10, 2024 to the Commissioners of Leonardtown, P.O. Box 1,


Leonardtown, MD 20650. Special accommodations will be made for persons with
disabilities upon request.

By Authority: Laschelle E. McKay, Town Administrator

If you would like to place a legal notice,
please call the County Times at 301-373-4125
or email
Same-Day Preview Starting 6:30AM
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Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 9

MetCom Mull
Solutions for Failing
Septic Systems


An example of a package plant for waste water treatment

By Guy Leonard per day.

Staff Writer The package plants, which are miniatur-
ized versions of their much larger counter-
There are communities of small size through- parts designed to services whole cities or
out St. Mary’s County that are miles away towns, can be staffed for just two to three
from the nearest public water and sewer ser- hours per day to ensure they function,
vices, yet some of the septic systems con- according to MetCom.
tinue to fail as they age and the Metropolitan The veterans home plant, Erichsen said,
Commission (MetCom) has been looking for was “very quiet” and “non-invasive,” while

ways to solve the problem for years. Commissioner President James “Randy”
At a joint meeting between the coun- Guy, who had also seen it in operation, said
ty’s public water and sewer service pro- the ponds into which the plants discharged
vider and the Commissioners of St. Mary’s treated water that “was as clear as could be.”
County this week, a potential solution was Package plants necessitated having the
presented. sludge they removed from waste water dis-
“Package treatment plants are really good posed of elsewhere.
for small communities and individual proper- “It’s not just the physical plant,” Erichsen
ties,” said MetCom Executive Director George said. “You have to be able to dispose of it.
Erichsen. “If you look at all of the communi- “When the sludge gets generated at the end
ties we’ve identified… they all qualify.” you have to have a place to dispose of it.”
Erichsen said a package treatment plant The sludge would have to disposed of in
is currently in use at the Charlotte Hall either a landfill, Erichsen said, or applied
Veterans Home to provide service. to a site.
There are 20 such communities, Erichsen “They typically last 50 years as long as
said, spread throughout St. Mary’s that could they are well maintained,” Erichsen said of
benefit from package plant usage there. the package plants.
The systems are easy to install, he said, Package plants are self-contained and
are odor free and can be adjusted to handle pre-manufacture, he said.
sewer flows as low as .002 million gallons
per day or as high as half-a-million gallons


Inside and outside, by hand. Residential specialists serving the
local area full-time for 30 years. Locally owned and operated.
Working owners assures quality.
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8 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

County to Move Survey: Blue Crab

on Skate Park Numbers Down Again

By Guy Leonard said Maryland DNR Fishing and Boating

Staff Writer Services Director Lynn Fegley. “However,
the continued relatively low recruitment
The state’s latest numbers on the native numbers warrant a closer look at our
hard crab population show another drop in approach moving forward.”
female crabs and crabs as a whole across Dean said he and other watermen would
Nicolet Skate Park the Chesapeake Bay region. watch closely what the state would do next.
Local watermen in St. Mary’s County are “I’m sure they’re going to have meetings
By Guy Leonard tum of the projects. “Hopefully, we’ll get reporting that crabbing right now is slow on it,” Dean said. “Our new regulations
Staff Writer all that together soon for our final construc- going indeed. don’t go into effect until July 1.”
tion proposal [for Chaptico].” “Nobody’s doing very well right now,” The study reported that consecutive
County-owned skate parks — located at Nicolet Park will receive the first of the said John “Willy” Dean, president of the years of low juvenile abundance prompted
Nicolet Park in Lexington Park and one renovation work, though, Shepherd said. St. Mary’s County Watermen’s Association. the Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment
soon to be located in Chaptico — are set to That work will be to expand the existing “It’s slim pickings.” Committee to plan a new stock assess-
get improvements now that the county has park out to Bunker Hill Drive, Shepherd Currently the native crab population are ment for blue crabs, which will begin this
received funding from the state to the tune said, and then the renovation work will shedding, Dean said, and as such are not summer. The new assessment will allow
of nearly a quarter-of-a-million dollars. begin. “potting well.” fishery managers to take an in-depth look
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County Shepherd explained that, in the final fis- Moreover, cool winds from the east at their understanding of the ecology of this
approved an application for the funds back cal analysis, the county would be paying have lowered temperatures in the water species, how it is modeled, and whether
in March from the state’s Program Open about 10 percent of the cost for the total and recent rains have reduced its salinity. the reference points used for management
Space and the state’s Board of Public Works project while the state would be paying Crabs tend to thrive in warmer, salty water. should be revised.
approved the request at its May 1 meeting. about 90 percent. “We’ll see what happens after this latest Mandy Bromilow, DNR’s blue crab pro-
The county agreed to accept $274,000 “So, a 90/10 split; that’s a heck of a shed,” Dean said. “There’s an old water- gram manager, noted there has not been
of the funding in addition to the $850,000 deal,” said Commissioner Mike Hewitt. men’s saying about that wind that the east an overall reexamination of the data that
already budgeted with county tax payer The facility at Chaptico Park already is least and the west is best.” contributed to the 2011 stock assessment
money in the capital construction budget, has a BMX track, Shepherd said, and The Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Winter on blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay.
according to county finance documents. the prospect of adding a skate park there Dredge Survey, a cooperative effort between “We haven’t had a real evaluation of
The total cost to renovate the Nicolet was an exciting one for local recreation the Maryland Department of Natural the assumptions we have in the model,
Park location, to include a new concrete opportunities. Resources and the Virginia Institute of Marine and there are new analytical methods that
skate pad, and build the one at Chaptico “There are bikes, skates and skateboards Science (VIMS) was released May 22. could be applied to the data,” she said. The
Park is $1.2 million. at Nicolet Park,” Shepherd said of the mul- It estimates there are 317 million blue stock assessment is set to be completed and
“We are well on our way,” said Arthur tiple uses at the Lexington Park location. crabs in the Chesapeake Bay in 2024, com- published in March 2026.
Shepherd, director of the Department of pared to 323 million crabs last year. In the meantime, the Chesapeake Bay
Recreation and Parks regarding the momen- The number of spawning age female Stock Assessment Committee will review
crabs decreased from 152 million crabs in the survey results for this year and provide
2023 to 133 million crabs in 2024, but is still their scientific advice for management.
REDUCED! $519,900.00 well above the management threshold of Following their advice, DNR will begin
FOR SALE in Mechanicsville! 72.5 million crabs, according to a statement discussions with the state’s Blue Crab
27255 Farmington Court from the Department of Natural Resources. Industry Advisory Committee to provide
This beautiful rambler sits on 3 acres on a private The threshold indicates whether the female guidance concerning management options
corner lot in a cul de sac. It is over 3,200 square
feet finished including a fully improved base- crab population is being overfished or not. for 2024 that promotes the health and sus-
ment. Newly painted & renovated 4 bedrooms, Adult male crabs also experienced a tainability of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab
3 full baths, roomy primary bedroom with his & slight decrease from 55 million crabs in population and its fisheries.
her walk in closets and large en suite bathroom,
all new stainless steel kitchen appliances. New
2023 to 46 million crabs in 2024. The Winter Dredge Survey has been
flooring throughout, granite counter tops, sepa- The number of juvenile crabs in the conducted cooperatively by Maryland
rate dining room, gathering room has cathedral Chesapeake Bay has been below average and Virginia since 1990, and the results
ceiling & wood burning fire place which leads out for the past four years, but rose to 138 mil- are reviewed annually in an effort to have
to a new 30' deck - perfect for get-togethers.
lion juvenile crabs in 2024. Blue crab repro- consistent management efforts across the
duction is naturally variable and influenced jurisdictions. Throughout the survey, biol-
BILLY FITZGERALD - “MR. LISTER” by many factors such as oceanic conditions, ogists use dredge equipment to capture,
O: 301-884-7000/1-800-MRLISTER available nursery habitat, predation, and measure, record and release blue crabs at
C: 301-481-3378 other environmental impacts. 1,500 sites throughout the Chesapeake Bay
37601 Golden Beach Road Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 “An increase in juvenile recruitment is from December through March.
certainly welcome news, and the stock and
GONNA SELL GIVE US A YELL - WANNA BUY GIVE US A TRY population as a whole remains healthy,”
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 7

Commissioners Pass
Tax Increase with
Operating Budget

Commissioner Eric Colvin Commissioner Mike Hewitt

By Guy Leonard income tax rate to 3.2 percent.

Staff Writer “Although it wasn’t unanimous, every
single commissioner up here spent time
With the passage of the fiscal 2025 bud- working on the budget,” Colvin said. “And
get this week by a majority vote of the from here we move on, we’re one board, we
Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, resi- move forward.”
dents will see their income tax rate increase Colvin said the budget was “forward
to the maximum allowable under state law. looking” and that it supported education
Four out of five commissioners voted to and public safety.
increase the income tax rate to 3.2 percent “It is a good budget,” Colvin said. “It
in order mostly to raise revenue to increase wasn’t an easy budget; it’s a fiscally con-
teacher salaries to match the requirements servative budget… in that we took the steps
of the state’s Blueprint for Education, which we needed to take and we minimized the

requires base teacher salaries to reach impact on our residents.
$60,000 by 2026. Though the property tax rate remained the
Commissioner Mike Hewitt was the
lone commissioner to vote against the tax
same at .8478 per $100 of assessed value but
with increased property value assessments —
Sell it - Buy it
increase; he had been against the increase
throughout the late budget process.
sometimes as high as 25 percent higher this
year — increases in property tax payments
The entire fiscal 2025 budget is $330.1 are virtually assured for most home owners. Tri County Livestock - Special Goat & Lamb Auction
million, with $134.3 million going to the In all property tax revenue is estimated to
county Board of Education. increase by $3.2 million to $133.6 million Wednesday, May 29, 2024 – 6 pm
Hewitt did vote to approve tax increases in the new budget. Animal check-in begins 8:30 am (9033 Glock Place, Charlotte Hall, MD)
for the volunteer fire departments in Ridge, Hewitt disagreed with Colvin’s assessment. Downsizing/Retirement Auction
Leonardtown and Mechanicsville to 5.6 “I didn’t vote for this one, it doesn’t mean For Stephen & Sarah Fisher
cents per $100 of assessed value. that I don’t support everything in it,” Hewitt
Farm Equipment, Household, Antiques/Collectibles & More
The sheriff’s office received the second said. “I made it known I do not support a
largest portion of the county’s operating bud- tax increase. Monday, May 27, 2024 – 9:00 am
get at $66.5 million, while the Department “I still believe times are too tough; we still 27772 Woodburn Hill Road – Mechanicsville, MD
of Public Works and Transportation received need to get through this Presidential election Auction Managed & Terms by: Family of Stephen and Sarah Fisher.
$25.4 million. to find out which way this country’s going.” Payment: Cash, Good Check. No Credit Cards. No Buyer’s Premium.
Commissioner Eric Colvin said the bud-
get process was not an easy one this year; Online Auction – Family of Bubby Knott
he was the one who proposed increasing the
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Men’s Health Day:
6 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Blueprint for Wellness

The Department of Aging & Human Services
is pleased to offer the third annual

Men’s Health Day: A Blueprint for Wellness!

Garvey Senior Activity Center
23630 Hayden Farm Lane - Leonardtown, MD
Saturday, June 1, 2024
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Pre-Registration is strongly encouraged.
Register at

Promoting Prostate Health
Presented by: Hillary McDonald, PA-C, Chesapeake Urology Associates
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Planning Ahead
Advance Health Care Directives, Hospice Services, and more!
Presented by: Rachael Okun, LCSW-C, Hospice of St. Mary’s County
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Mission BBQ Lunch provided - 12:30 p.m.
Informational Displays & Health Screenings include:
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital - Blood Pressure and Body Composition Screenings
Lions Club - Vision Screenings
St. Mary’s County Health Department
St. Mary’s County Recreation & Parks

For more information, contact Sarah Miller

Phone: 301-475-4200, ext. 1073 - Email:
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 5

Hollywood Housing Project Approved

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

In a split vote the county planning com-

mission approved a concept site plan for
an 18-town house project on Mervell Dean
Road in the Hollywood Town Center, over
some community opposition to the project
over traffic congestion concerns.
Among the conditions for the approval of
the project from the planning commission
was to have the Board of Zoning Appeals
approve a variance to allow the developer
of the project to reduce the required amount
of open space from 50 percent of the lot
area to 20 percent to allow for more parking
space there.
The owner of the project and the site is
FDR Holdings LLC, represented by Jay
Hopson of J. Hopson Consulting, LLC.
The project consists of 3.7 acres in the
residential mixed-use zone on K and R Way
just off Mervell Dean Road; Hollywood is Artist’s rendering of the planned townhouses
outside the county’s main development dis-
trict of Lexington Park but is its own coun- ning board hearing. who want to get off of Route 235 headed north, seen rapid growth in the past several years
ty-designated growth area. The hearing for the project was continued Wood said, only adding to the traffic conges- and is already a compact community; there
Rick Benefield, owner of FDR LLC, from March. tion on the narrow community road there. are also plans to build several shops behind
said the developer had taken some of the “I’ve lived in that area for almost 40 Lillian Mattingly, though, said she liked the the popular Bruster’s Ice Cream shop there.
planning commission’s suggestions to years,” said Hollywood resident Rick Wood, idea of a “walkable town center” and believed Five members of the planning commis-
improve the project site, to include more speaking on the project. “I’m very familiar the project could be beneficial in providing sion voted to approve the concept site plan
sidewalk and curbing as well as a bus stop with the traffic…my biggest concern is kids affordable housing for young people looking while one member, Joe Van Kirk, voted in
and increase the size of the project’s play- in the neighborhood walking up to the dollar to make St. Mary’s County their home. opposition.
ground area. store or the ice cream place. “My only concern is overdevelopment,” The board chair Howard Thompson
“We believe we had a pretty good shot “The county’s going to have some big Mattingly said. “Putting a 10-pound sack in abstained from the vote.
at the appeals board for that reduced open responsibilities on that county road.” a five-pound box.”
space,” Benefield said at the May 20 plan- Mervell Dean Road is often used by people That section of Mervell Dean Road has
4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024
Thursday, May 23, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 3


Town house project approved in Hollywood


Crab numbers down again St. Mary’s celebrates Memorial Day


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St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, May 23, 2024

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St. Mary's
County Times
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024




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