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TeamRichey (2019 12 Week Competition Prep)


2019 TeamRichey Cycle Week 1 Day 1 (TEAMRICHEY #1683)

And we are now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Welcome to the Post
Open Cycle! We’ve got a lot of fun planned for you all over the next few weeks, and
even had Cody and Caroline go head to head on today’s Met-Con to give you all an
idea of what you’re getting into. How far can you guys get in the 17 minute window?
1. Warm Up – For Completion
Weakness Warm Up
Row 2k

2. Lift – For Weight

Zero Bounce Deadlift
4×4@70-80% of 1RM

3. Metcon – For Reps

AMRAP 17 Minutes
Climb the Ladder
2 Overhead Squats 115/75lbs
1 Bar Muscle Up
4/2, 6/3, 8/4, etc…

4. Gymnastics – For Time

Row for Calories

5. Extra – For Completion

Bent Over Barbell Row
Banded Hamstring Curl

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 1 Day 2 (TEAMRICHEY #1684)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
3 Rounds
:60 Goblet Squat Hold
Run 200m
10 Strict Pull Ups

2. Lift – For Weight

Squat Clean
EMOM for 17 Minutes
1 Rep at 70-80%

3. Metcon – For Reps

Every 5:00 for 15:00
Row 750/600m
30 KB Snatch 53/35lbs
Max Box Jump Over 30/24″ in remaining time
(Score is total Box Jump Overs)

4. Gymnastics – For Time

Death by Chest to Bar (2x)
Minute 1 – 2 CTB
Minute 2 – 4 CTB
Minute 3 – 6 CTB

5. Extra – For Completion

Seated DB Strict Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Calf Raises

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 1 Day 3 (TEAMRICHEY #1685)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
10 Minute Steady Bike
Floss Ankles and Quads

2. Lift – For Weight

Back Squat
5×3 @80%

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 20 Minutes
Run 200m
20 Push Ups
20 Sumo DLHP 75/55lbs

4. Gymnastics – For Time

50 Muscle Ups
EMOM including 0:00 complete 10/8 Calories on C2 Bike Erg

5. Extra – For Completion

DB Bicep Curls
Banded Leg Ext

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 1 Day 4 (TEAMRICHEY #1686)

Did you know that we have a Handstand Walk template? If you struggle with this
movement and with pieces like the gymnastics work today you may want to consider
giving this template a look over.

1. Warm Up – For Completion

Move Steady Through
Row 500m
40 Empty Bar OHS
Row 500m

2. Lift – For Weight

Power Snatch
Touch and Go

3. Metcon – For Time

3 Rounds
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs
30/25 Calorie Row
20 GHD Sit Ups

4. Gymnastics – For Completion

Every 2:00 for 17:00
50′ HS Walk
Complete each length as fast as possible

5. Extra – For Completion

Bench Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Banded Lat Pull Downs
Romanian Deadlift

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 1 Day 5 (TEAMRICHEY #1687)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 1 Day 5
1. Warm Up – For Completion
4 Rounds
10 Calories on Bike
10 Push Press 75/55lbs

2. Lift – For Weight

Front Squat
3×8 @70%+

3. Lift – For Weight

Push Press
Build weight over sets

4. Metcon – For Completion

Every 4:00 for 32:00
600/500m Row

5. Gymnastics – For Completion

8 Rounds
15/10 Calorie on C2 Erg*
1 Legless Rope Climb
(Use 10/7 Damper, stand and pedal)

6. Extra – For Completion

Banded Tri Extensions
Split Squats

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

“Plain and simple, there has to be a reason for this madness. Either you’re well aware of
the commitment it takes to succeed in this sport because you’ve done it, or witnessed it.
There are too many weeks, days, sessions, workouts, reps, sacrifices, and so on to do it
for no reason, or potentially even worse, a trivial reason. Many of us are momentarily
motivated by defeat, envy, FOMO, and Instagram followers. The moment these pursuits
fail us are the moments we need motivation the most.”
Whether your Open went how you wanted or not you always have a choice: you either
achieved your goals and are moving on to the next level, or you didn’t and have no
choice but to learn and get better.

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 2 Day 1 (TEAMRICHEY #1688) April 7, 2019

1. Warm Up – For Completion

Weakness Warm Up
Run 1 Mile

2. Lift – For Weight

Zero Bounce Deadlift 5×3
@70-82.5% of 1RM

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 9 Minutes
9 Thrusters 135/95lbs
17 Toes to Bar
15/9 Calories on C2 Bike Erg

4. Gymnastics – For Reps

AMRAP 4:00 x 3
Rest 2:00
45/35 Calorie Row
Max Rep Push Ups in remaining time
(Score is total Push Ups)

5. Extra – For Completion

Bent Over S-Arm DB Row
Banded Hamstring Curl

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 2 Day 2 (TEAMRICHEY #1689)

1. Warm Up – For Completion

3 Rounds
17 HS Shoulder Taps
250m Ski
6 Strict Ring Dips

2. Lift – For Weight

Power Clean to Push Jerk
Touch and Go

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 15 Minutes
5 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs
10 Ring Dips
15/10 Calorie Ski

4. Gymnastics – For Time

3 Rounds
30/18 Calories on AAB
30 Pull Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

Standing Barbell Strict Press
Calf Raises

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 2 Day 3 (TEAMRICHEY #1690)

For the best, bouncing your hang cleans will help make fairly quick work of the barbell
and running at a respectable pace will be the difference. If you see yourself getting
buried by this weight, consider using 135/95lbs and rip through this piece at the intensity
we expect.
1. Warm Up – For Completion
10 Minute Steady Run
Floss Shoulders and Hips

2. Lift – For Weight

Back Squat
5×2 @90%+

3. Metcon – For Time

5 Rounds
Run 200m
10 Hang Squat Cleans 185/175lbs

4. Gymnastics – For Time

Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Bar Muscle Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

Barbell Bicep Curls
Banded Leg Ext

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

There may not be a better time to grab one of our 15+ weakness templates and start it
up through this Post Open Cycle. From squatting to muscle ups, handstand walking ups
to rowing, we’ve got you covered with one of our detailed programs designed to kill the
little devil on your shoulder that says “we hate that movement, let’s avoid it”. Head over
to our Weakness Templates page and see why a Pro subscription is worth every penny
for these templates. KTB.

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 2 Day 4 (TEAMRICHEY #1691)

1. Warm Up – For Completion

Move Steady Through
400m Row
30 Light RDLs
400m Row

2. Lift – For Weight

EMOM for 17 Minutes
1 Rep at 70-80%

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 16 Minutes
50′ DB Front Rack Lunge Steps 50/35s
17 Lateral Burpees over your DBs
3 Strict Muscle Ups

4. Gymnastics – For Time

3 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
6 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
9 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
17 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
18 Toes to Bar
15/17 Calorie Row
21 Toes to Bar

5. Extra – For Completion

DB Bench Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Banded Lat Pull Downs
Good Mornings

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 2 Day 5 (TEAMRICHEY #1692)

1. Warm Up – For Completion

3 Steady Rounds
10 Box Jumps 30/24″
10 Strict Pull Ups
10/7 Calories on AAB

2. Lift – For Weight

Front Squat
5×3 @80%

3. Lift – For Weight

Split Jerk
Build weight over sets

4. Metcon – For Completion

Every 5:00 for 25:00
30/18 Calories on AAB
Max Effort

5. Gymnastics – For Time

“Tommy V”
21 Thrusters 115/75lbs
17 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
6. Extra – For Completion
DB Skull Crushers
Reverse Lunges

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

“Whether the transition took longer than I remember, I honestly cannot say, but with this
shift in thinking our new obsession was born. The conversation seemed to instantly
change from how hard can I make this workout, to how easy can I make it.”
The evolution of our sport has introduced a whole new level of strategizing and gaming
that has pulled us away from our most foundational roots of “how hard can I really push
myself today?”. While there is a time for strategizing, many of us have forgotten what
true intensity feels like.

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 3 Day 1 (TEAMRICHEY #1693) April 14, 2019
1. Warm Up – For Completion
Weakness Warm Up
100 Calories any Bike

2. Lift – For Weight

Zero Bounce Deadlift 4×4 @72.5-82.5% of 1RM

3. Metcon – For Time

3 Rounds
500m Ski
21 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
21 Bar Facing Burpees

4. Gymnastics – For Time

50 Strict HSPU
Each break, complete 30 Double Unders
10 Minute Cap (add :01 per rep not completed under cap

5. Extra – For Completion

Bent Over Barbell Row
Banded Hamstring Curl

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 3 Day 2 (TEAMRICHEY #1694)

“Even though most will not complete the Pull Ups in one set, this piece should still be
considered a Sprint. 90% effort of the first 400m, 2-3 sets on CTB, all out with
everything you have left at the end.”

1. Warm Up – For Completion

3 Rounds
:60 Goblet Squat Hold
Run 200m
10 GHD Sit Ups

2. Lift – For Weight

Squat Clean
Every :45 for 9 Minutes
1 Rep at 72.5-80%

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 10 Minutes
10 Goblet Hold Box Step Overs 70/53lbs 24/20″
10/7 Calories on AAB

4. Gymnastics – For Time

Run 400m
60 Chest to Bar
Run 400m

5. Extra – For Completion

Seated DB Strict Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Calf Raises

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 3 Day 3 (TEAMRICHEY #1695)

With a nasty triplet of barbell cycling, toes to bar, and burpees, you’ll want to be as
efficient as you can to get through this with intensity. We all know how taxing it is on the
core with this combination of movements. Here are some tips from Drew to help with
your efficiency.

1. Warm Up – For Completion

10 Minute Steady Row
Floss Elbows and Calves

2. Lift – For Weight

Back Squat
4×5 @75%

3. Metcon – For Time

Hang Clean and Jerk 135/95lbs
Toes to Bar
Lateral Bar Burpees

4. Gymnastics – For Time

3 Rounds
20/17 Calories on AAB
Max Set of Ring Muscle Ups
Rest 3:00
(Score is total Muscle Ups)

5. Extra – For Completion

DB Bicep Curls
Banded Leg Ext

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 3 Day 4 (TEAMRICHEY #1696)

We don’t see these very often, but the pegboard is something you should get familiar
with if you aren’t already. Here are some basic tips to help with your gymnastics work

1. Warm Up – For Completion

Move Steady Through
500m Ski
30 Light Hang Power Snatch
500m Ski

2. Lift – For Weight

Power Snatch
Touch and Go
(Heavier than last time)

3. Metcon – For Completion

Every 4:00 for 32:00
400m Run

4. Gymnastics – For Completion

Every 3:00 for 15:00
60 Double Unders
2 Pegboard Climbs

5. Extra – For Completion

Bench Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Banded Lat Pull Downs
Romanian Deadlift

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 3 Day 5 (TEAMRICHEY #1697)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
3 Steady Rounds
17 Goblet Squats w/ :02 pause in bottom
16 HS Shoulder Taps

2. Lift – For Weight

Front Squat
3×8 @70%+

3. Lift – For Weight

Push Press
Build weight over sets

4. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

Every 3:00 Until Failure
3 Rope Climbs
10/7 Calories on C2 Bike Erg
10 Front Squats 165/175lbs
Add 20/10lbs each round

5. Gymnastics – For Time

5 Rounds
20′ HS Walk
HS Walk Up Ramp / Down Stairs
20″ HS Walk
HS Walk Up Stairs / Down Ramp
Rest 3-5 Minutes

6. Extra – For Completion

Banded Tri Extensions
Split Squats

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

“The event, crowd, location, sponsors, prize purses, and overall experience will be
exponentially better than before, and all you need to do to get on board is change your
perception of what your Regional competition is. If you can do that, every point below
should light a fire under your ass and make you more excited than ever to compete.
We’re excited, and you should be, too.”

The game has changed, but our purpose and mission certainly has not. We’re still 100%
committed to pulling the very best out of each and every one of you, and hope you’re as
committed as ever to the process.

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 4 Day 1 (TEAMRICHEY #1698) April 21, 2019

1. Warm Up – For Completion

Weakness Warm Up
Row 2k

2. Lift – For Weight

Zero Bounce Deadlift 5×3 @75-85% of 1RM

3. Metcon – For Time

10 Squat Snatch 155/105lbs
30/18 Calories on AAB
50 Pistols
30/18 Calories on AAB
10 Squat Snatch

4. Gymnastics – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 10 Minutes
Max Sets of 10/7 Unbroken Push Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

Bent Over S-Arm DB Row
Banded Hamstring Curl

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 4 Day 2 (TEAMRICHEY #1699)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
3 Rounds
:30 HS Hold
250m Ski
15 Push Press 45/35lbs

2. Lift – For Weight

Power Clean to Push Jerk
Touch and Go
(Heavier than last time)

3. Metcon – For Time

3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
25 KB Swings 70/53lbs
20 Burpees to 6″ Target

4. Gymnastics – For Time

5 Rounds
250m Ski
20 Pull Ups
Rest 2:00

5. Extra – For Completion

Standing Barbell Strict Press
Calf Raises

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 4 Day 3 (TEAMRICHEY # 1700)

The Met-Con today is going to sneak up on some of you, as it’s going to require quite a
bit of upper body stamina for the best time. With handstand walks showing up frequently
and becoming a required skill to be competitive, we hope that you all take advantage of
the Handstand Walk Weakness Template.

1. Warm Up – For Completion

10 Minute Steady Run in Vest
Floss Shoulders and Hips

2. Lift – For Weight

Back Squat
5×2 @90%+

3. Metcon – For Time

3 Rounds
100′ Farmers Carry*
100′ HS Walk
30 Goblet Squats 70/53lbs
*Carry 100+/70+ in each hand

4. Gymnastics – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 7 Minutes
Max Sets of 5 Bar Muscle Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

Barbell Bicep Curls
Banded Leg Ext

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

“If you prepare you body to move more easily and efficiently through range of motion
during your training day, there should be a lot less wear and tear on your joints and
Are you maximizing every minute of your time before you train? Odds are, there are a
few minutes here and there that you know could be better spent prepping your body for
movement. Small things are big things, and over time they add up to be the difference
between where you are and where you wanted to be.

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 4 Day 4 (TEAMRICHEY #1701)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
Move Steady Through
1k on C2 Bike
40 Empty Bar OHS
1k on C2 Bike

2. Lift – For Weight

Every :45 for 9 Minutes
1 Rep at 72.5-80%

3. Metcon – For Time

10 Rounds
5 Deadlifts 275/185lbs
5 Strict HSPU
25 Double Unders

4. Gymnastics – For Time

3 Rounds
1k C2 Bike*
21 Toes to Bar
*Damper set to 10/7

5. Extra – For Completion

DB Bench Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Banded Lat Pull Downs
Good Mornings

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 4 Day 5 (TEAMRICHEY #1702)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
3 Steady Rounds
200m Run
8 Hang Squat Clean and Press 95/65lbs
30 Double Unders

2. Lift – For Weight

Front Squat
6×2 @85%

3. Lift – For Weight

Split Jerk
Build weight over sets

4. Metcon – For Completion

Every 6:00 for 30:00
1000/850m Ski

5. Gymnastics – For Reps

4 Rounds
:60 Sandbag Hug/Hold 150/100lbs
:90 Max Effort Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
(Score is total Rope Climbs)

6. Extra – For Completion

DB Skull Crushers
Reverse Lunges

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

ICYMI, some big changes are coming to TeamRichey Athletics. We’ve said it before
and we’ll say it again; we’ve always believed that driving force behind TeamRichey
Athletics is the community of TeamRicheys – you all. We are still as dedicated as ever
to sending the best of the best to compete at the highest levels in our sport, but for the
rest of us it has to be about coming together as a community – about building small
TeamRichey communities in your gym and perpetuating the TeamRichey culture. The
next step in building the greatest community on earth starts May 6th with TeamRichey
WOD. See you then.
AGOQ ATHLETES! Beginning Monday, you will be starting your de-load/prep week in
preparation for starting the AGOQ workouts on Friday. We will provide daily instructions
on the top of the Blog for both Blog followers and AGOQ Competition Track followers,
so be sure to read everything on top the blog each day as some pieces will have moved
or have been modified. Good luck team!

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 5 Day 1 (TEAMRICHEY #1703) April 28, 2019
1. Warm Up – For Completion
Weakness Warm Up
Run 1 Mile in a Vest

2. Lift – For Weight

Zero Bounce Deadlift 4×4
@75-85% of 1RM

3. Metcon – For Rounds and Reps

AMRAP 10 Minutes
Climb the Ladder
10/8 Calories on C2 Bike Erg
3 Push Press 115/75
10/8 Calories on C2 Bike Erg
6 Push Press
10/8 Calories on C2 Bike Erg
9 Push Press

4. Gymnastics – For Time

5 Rounds
8 Deficit HSPU 4″
200m Run

5. Extra – For Completion

Bent Over Barbell Row
Banded Hamstring Curl

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 5 Day 2 (TEAMRICHEY #1704)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
3 Rounds
:60 Goblet Squat Hold
200m Row
7 Burpee Box Jumps

2. Lift – For Weight

Squat Clean
Every :30 for 6 Minutes
1 Rep at 75-80%

3. Metcon – For Time

5 Rounds
17/10 Calorie Ski
17/10 Calorie Row
17 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
Rest :60

4. Gymnastics – For Time

Burpee to 6″ Target
Strict Pull Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

Seated DB Strict Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Calf Raises

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 5 Day 3 (TEAMRICHEY #1705)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
10 Minute Steady Bike
Floss Ankles and Quads

2. Lift – For Weight

Back Squat
3×7 @70%

3. Metcon – For Time

Run 400m
30 Thrusters 95/65lbs
Run 400m
20 Thrusters
Run 400m
10 Thrusters

4. Gymnastics – For Time

20 Muscle Ups
50/40 Calorie Ski
20 Muscle Ups

5. Extra – For Completion

DB Bicep Curls
Banded Leg Ext

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 5 Day 4 (TEAMRICHEY #1706)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
Move Steady Through
400m Run
30 Light Good Mornings
400m Run

2. Lift – For Weight

Power Snatch
Touch and Go
(Heavier than last time)

3. Metcon – For Time

5 Rounds
10 DB Squat Cleans 50/35s
10 Chest to Bar

4. Gymnastics – For Time

4 Rounds
HS Walk
“3 Cone Drill”
Rest as needed
Complete the famous 3 cone drill on your hands following the same pattern athletes
typically perform on their feet. 2 Rounds should be turning right and 2 Rounds turning

5. Extra – For Completion

Bench Press
1 Set for Max Reps
Banded Lat Pull Downs
Romanian Deadlift

2019 Post Open Cycle Week 5 Day 5 (TEAMRICHEY #1707)

1. Warm Up – For Completion
4 Steady Rounds
17 Wallballs 20/14lbs
6 Strict Pull Ups
17 Calorie Row

2. Lift – For Weight

Front Squat
3×8 @70%+

3. Lift – For Weight

Push Press
Build weight over sets

4. Metcon – For Completion

Every 4:00 for 32:00
1000/850m C2 Bike Erg

5. Gymnastics – For Reps

3 Rounds
30/18 Calories on AAB
3 Legless Rope Climbs

6. Extra – For Completion

Banded Tri Extensions
Split Squats

2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Protocol

We put together a brand new rest day template complete with a printable checklist so
that you all can really make the most out of your active rest days. These days can go a
long way in managing your body and mind during this stressful 5-week period. To
download the checklist, click here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Checklist
The full rest day template includes detailed information on what we are looking for in a
complete Rest Day. If you are looking for the full Rest Day Template, you can download
it here: 2019 TeamRichey Athletics Rest Day Template (Available for Pro and Complete
subscribers only)

AGOQ Primers – Click TeamRichey #AGOQ Primers



2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 1

1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
3 Steady Rounds:
10 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups
10 Calories on Bike
2. Strength
Find a 1RM Strict Press
3. Oly
Find a 1RM Front Squat
4. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
7 Front Squats 225/155lbs
1 Gasser (Sprint 100m out and back)
5 D-Ball over Shoulder 150/100lbs
Rest :90
Score is fastest and slowest time
5. Bitch Work
Row 2k
6. Gymnastics Accessory
Death by Handstand Walk
Minute 1 – 5′
Minute 2 – 10′
Minute 3 – 15′
Set up a turn around spot when necessary.

TeamRichey 1754
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady through
30 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs
20 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees over Rower
2. Oly
3 Attempts at Max Rep Touch and Go Power Clean to Push Jerk
Rest 3:00 between efforts
Scores are best set AND total reps across 3 sets.
3. Conditioning
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
4. Bitch Work
Run 10k
5. Gymnastics Accessory
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Max Sets of 3 Strict HSPU
Score is number of Unbroken sets of 3 completed.
6. Strength Accessory
3 Rounds:
Max Effort Front D-Ball Holds
Rest as needed between efforts
Scores are best single effort and total time across all 3 holds.

TeamRichey 1755
We are often asked why we don’t front squat often in our strength work. The countless HUGE PRs we
have seen you all post answer that question emphatically. Here is our good friend Thomas Wu with a
good looking 15 pound PR. We are very impressed with the results thus far in our 2019 assessment
period and are really looking forward to seeing what our TeamRichey family can accomplish this year.
Keep up the great work!

2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 3

1. Warm-up
Floss Achilles/Calves
3 Steady Rounds:
15 Push Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups
Run 200m
2. Oly
Find a 5RM Bench Press
3. Conditioning
3 Rounds
Run 800m
25 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans 205/145lbs
4. Bitch Work
Bike 100 Calories
5. Gymnastics Accessory
For Time:
4 Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 2:00
3 Legless Rope Climbs
Rest :90
2 Legless Rope Climbs
Rest :60
1 Legless Rope Climb

TeamRichey 1756
No matter what is listed on the blog each piece demands 100% intensity to get better. There is no better
way to set up for that than the 2019 Assessment Period. Prepare mentally and physically for each piece,
no excuses. Then go at it with everything you have so that you know exactly where you stand and how
much work you need to do this season. Here is Nick Blum crushing the legless rope climb interval from
TeamRichey #1755. Great work!
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Bike
Steady Through
20 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
20 Box Jumps
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2. Oly
2016 Regionals
Snatch Pyramid
10 Squat Snatch 185/135lbs
8 Squat Snatch 205/145lbs
6 Squat Snatch 225/155lbs
4 Squat Snatch 245/165lbs
2 Squat Snatch 265/175lbs
11 Minute Cap
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 7 Minutes
10 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
3 Bar Muscle Ups
4. Bitch Work
100 Bar Facing Burpees
5. Strength Accessory
3 Rounds:
Max Effort Overhead Sandbag Hold
Rest as needed between efforts
Scores are longest and shortest efforts.

There a lot of great things happening down at Lonestar CrossFit in London, England. Here is Giovanni
Contreras getting after the max touch and go clean and jerks.
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 5
1. Warm-up
Floss Quads
(Just above the knee)
4 Steady Rounds:
8 Empty Bar Thrusters
Run 100m
2. Oly
Find 1RM Jerk from Rack or Blocks
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 6 Minutes
9 Thruster 115/75lbs
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
4. Bitch Work
Shuttle Sprints
For Time
0 yards to 10 yards
10 yards to 0 yards
0 yards to 20 yards
20 yards to 0 yards
0 yards to 30 yards
30 yards to 0 yards
4-5 Attempts to find fastest time
Rest as needed between efforts.
5. Gymnastics Accessory
3 Rounds:
Strict Ring Dips
Complete 1 Strict Ring Dips
Rest :30
Complete 2 Strict Ring Dips
Rest :30
Continue on until a set is failed
Rest 5:00 and repeat 2 more times starting from 1 rep
Scores are total reps in the best and worst rounds.
6. Strength Accessory
Max Distance Farmer’s Carry in 4 Minutes
70/53lb KB in each hand.

We see you guys out there crushing The 2019 Assessment Period. We are rewarding your hard work by
doing a little hard work of our own. We spent a lot of time making sure these shorts would be your favorite
workout shorts. We believe you’ll be doing the bull dance, feeling the Flow, working it.
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 6
1. Warm-up
Floss Elbows
3 Steady Rounds:
17 Goblet Squats
24 Calorie Row
2. Oly
Find a 1RM Back Squat
3. Conditioning
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds:
1:00 Wallballs 20/14lbs
1:00 Sumo DLHP 75/55lbs
1:00 Box Jumps 20/16″
1:00 Push Press 75/55lbs
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Rest
4. Bitch Work
Row 5k
5. Gymnastics Accessory
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Max Sets of 4 Strict Pull Ups
Score is number of Unbroken sets of 4 completed.

Remote Coaching athlete Matt Wahl has been working with us for a while. He has always struggled with
his squatting and made a huge commitment to prioritizing it. When he started he could barely squat 335
pounds and only slightly if at all below parallel. Here he is hitting his longtime goal with a 405 lb back
squat. Great work bud!
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 7
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Run
Steady through
10 Squat Cleans 95/65lbs
10 Push Press 95/65lbs
20 Walking Lunge Steps
2. Oly
EMOM until failure
6 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Squat Clean and Jerk 225/155lbs
Add 10/5lbs each minute
(Both movements in same minute)
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 15 Minutes
50′ Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 50/35s
3 Rope Climbs
Bike 20/17 Calories
4. Bitch Work
Flight Simulator
Unbroken Sets of Double Unders
You must stop and reset each set
If you fail a set, you must start that set over and complete it before moving on.
5. Strength Accessory
Dumbbell Overhead Squat
3 Attempts for a Max Set on each arm 70/50lbs
Rest as needed
Scores are best set on R-Arm and L-Arm.

We love our garage TeamRichey. Here is Dana Bird with an awesome home set-up and a little
improvisation getting after the Met-Con from TEAMRICHEY# 1759. It goes to show that whether you
have all the equipment or not, all it really takes is the desire to get the work done.
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 8
1. Warm-up
Floss Wrists
3 Steady Rounds:
10 Banded Good Mornings
:20 HS Hold
10 Calorie Bike
2. Oly
Find 1RM Power Clean
3. Conditioning
Deadlift 225/155lbs
Handstand Push Ups
4. Bitch Work
Run 1 Mile
5. Gymnastics Accessory
TeamRichey Muscle Up Test
(not for faint of heart)
1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 (scaled)
For Time – Unbroken

As the 2019 Assessment Period keeps rolling along, it is clear that you TeamRichey mean business.
Team TeamRichey athlete Jordan Cook is out to show that he is willing to give everything to getting back
on top. Here he is with a 1:40 Diane. Did anyone out there beat him?
2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 9
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady Through
10 Snatch Balance 95/65lbs
20 Box Jumps
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2. Oly
3 Attempts at Max Rep Bodyweight Overhead Squat
Rest 3:00 between efforts
Scores are best set AND total reps across 3 sets
3. Conditioning
For Time:
300 Double Unders
200 Air Squats
100 Push Ups
50 Burpees to 6″ Target
4. Bitch Work
TeamRichey Machine Tri
3/2.5k Ski
6/5k Bike
3/2.5k Row
5. Strength Accessory
Sotts Press Ladder
EMOM until failure
3 Reps from behind the neck
Add 10/5lbs until failure

2019 Cycle 1 Test Week Day 10
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
4 Steady Rounds:
10 Kettlebell Taters 53/35lbs
Run 100m
2. Strength
Find a 3RM Deadlift
3. Conditioning
Squat Cleans 135/95lbs
Ring Dips
4. Bitch Work
3 Rounds:
Sprint 400m
Rest as needed
2 Rounds:
Run 400m w/ 80/50lb Sandbag
Rest as needed
Scores are best 400m and best 400m with Sandbag
5. Gymnastics Accessory
AMRAP 7 Minutes
15 Chest to Bar
(In Sets of 5)
Run 100m
(50m out and back)

2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 1

2019 Cycle 1 Training starts NOW! The boys from HQ break it down for you. If you are serious about
laying the foundation for a successful 2019, do not miss the podcast.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you TeamRichey crushing 2019.
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
3 Steady Rounds:
10 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups
Row 250m
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @70%
2B. Strength
Dumbbell Bench Press
Neutral Grip
3. Conditioning
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
15 Chest to Bar
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
10 Clean and Jerk 155/105lbs
4. Bitch Work
10 Rounds:
Row 500/400m
Rest :60
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Ring Dips
Rest as needed between all 17 sets
6. Strength Accessory
5 Rounds:
100′ Farmers Carry
Unbroken AHAP
Rest as needed

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Bike
Steady through
30 AB Mat Sit Ups
20 Banded Good Mornings
20 Light Dumbbell Overhead Squat
2. Strength
3. Oly
Pause Power Position Snatch Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Drop and Reset
4. Bitch Work
Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes
Bike 15/9 Calories
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Conditioning
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
17 Toes to Bar
8 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35lbs
6 Muscle Ups
6. Gymnastics Accessory
Handstand Hold
Nose and Toes OR Freestanding
8 Rounds
:20 On :40 Off
7. Strength Accessory
Weighted Pistols
Perform 10 Reps on same leg, switch legs each set (3 sets per leg)

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11Day 3
1. Warm-up
Floss Achilles/Calves
3 Steady Rounds:
15 Push Ups
10 Goblet Squats
Run 200m
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @80%
3. Bitch Work
4 Rounds:
Run 1 Mile
Rest as needed.
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
8 Rounds:
4 Front Squats 225/155lbs
8 Bar Facing Burpees
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Pull Ups
Control the decent each rep.
6. Strength Accessory
Box Jumps
Work up to Tall Box Jump, then complete 6×3 @80%+

We have quite a nice little Met-Con on the menu for TEAMRICHEY #1766. Seth and Drew sit down for a
round table discussion of the training piece to help you get the most out of it. Good luck!
2019 Cycle 1 Week 11Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Ski
Steady Through
20 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees to 6″ Target
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @85%
3. Conditioning
For Time
25 GHD Sit Ups
15 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
20 GHD
15 Power Snatch
15 GHD
15 Power Snatch
10 GHD
15 Power Snatch
(either hang snatch or push this TnG)
4. Bitch Work
7 Rounds:
Run 100m
Walk back to start slow for rest.
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Push Ups
Each set of 5 must be Unbroken.
6. Strength Accessory
Romanian Deadlifts
Increase weight slightly each set.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Quads
(Just above the knee)
3 Steady Rounds:
15 Light Push Press
Run 200m
2. Strength
Strict Press
1 Rep every :90 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Power Position Clean Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Drop and Reset each rep
Hang Clean (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Drop and Reset each rep
Jerk the last rep
4. Bitch Work
Row 200/150 Calories
:20 Sprint
:40 Slow
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Kipping Ring Dips
Rest as needed
5b. Strength Accessory
Weighted Hip Extensions
Rest as needed

2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 1

1. Warm-up
Floss Elbows
4 Steady Rounds:
10 Goblet Squats
20 Calorie Row
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @72.5%
2B. Strength
Press Grip Bench Press
5×5 @ 80%+ of 5RM
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 15 Minutes
Row 300/250m
21 Overhead Squats 75/55lbs
4. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Bike 2/1.5k
Rest :60
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Toes to Bar
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Waiter Walks
100m x 6
70/50lbs or More
(3 each arm)
Rest as needed.

Cycle 1 is about choices. You can choose to put your lifting under a microscope and make drastic
improvements. Or you can just try to go heavy, neglect the little things, and end up getting left behind.
Austin and Max go through an OLY session to show you what it should look like.
2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Run
Steady through
10 Banded Good Mornings
20 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
20 Calorie Bike
2. Strength
3. Oly
Pause Power Position Snatch Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Heavier than last week.
4. Bitch Work
6 Rounds:
Row 25/20 Calories
Rest 2:00
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Conditioning
4 Rounds:
15 Deadlifts 185/135lbs
60 Air Squats
170 Double Unders
6a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Handstand Push Ups
Unbroken Sets
If it’s too easy, add a very slight deficit.
6b. Strength Accessory
Seated Dumbbell Press
4×10 AHAP

We are back with another Round Table Discussion. Drew and Matt discuss the best way to approach the
Bitch Work for TEAMRICHEY #1770.
2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 3
1. Warm-up
Floss Wrists
3 Steady Rounds
10 Kettlebell Taters
:20 Handstand Hold
5 Strict Chest to Bar
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @82.5%
3. Bitch Work
30 Minute Steady Run
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds
30/18 Calories on Bike
20 Dumbbell Snatch 70/50lbs
30 Pull Ups
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Handstand Walk
40’x 7
As fast as possible
Rest as needed
6. Strength Accessory
Dumbbell Front Rack Lateral Squats
Alternate sides each rep

2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady Through
10 Kipping Ring Dips
20 Box Step Ups
:60 Wallsit
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @87.5%
3. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Ski 200m
Rest 2:00
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Run 400m
24 Wallballs 20/14lbs
17 Handstand Push-Ups
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Muscle Ups
EMOM for 17 Minutes
Either 1, 2 or, 3 Reps OTM depending on your current abilities
5b. Strength Accessory
Good Mornings
3×20 @95/65lbs
Rest as needed

Big ups to Hank Rizzotte and Connor Wilsbach going full KTB on Ski intervals. Great work boys!
2019 Cycle 1 Week 7 Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
4 Steady Rounds
10 Kettlebell Swings
Run 100m
10 Heavy Wallballs
2. Strength
Strict Press
2 Reps every 2:00 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Power Position Clean Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Drop and Reset each rep
Hang Clean (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Jerk the last rep
4. Bitch Work
Run 3 Miles
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
GHD Sit Ups
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Back Rack Walking Lunge Steps
50′ x 6
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 8 Day 1

TeamRichey Remote Coach Dex Hopkins and his athlete Nate Lambert got a chance to meet face to face
at our TeamRichey HQ Camp in August. While the program is written to address the needs of all
competitive athletes, it is vital to apply it in a way that specifically meets your individual needs. Our remote
coaches do that and much more.
1. Warm-up
Floss Hips
2 Steady Rounds
15 Light Push Jerk
10 Box Step Ups w/ bar on back
Bike 1k
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @75%
2B. Strength
Press Grip Bench Press
5×5 Heavier than last time
3. Conditioning
4 Rounds:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Row 500/400m
Max Rep Clean and Jerk in remaining time 155/105lbs
Rest :60
4. Bitch Work
Ski 5/4k
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Horizontal Ring Rows
Rest as needed between sets.
5b. Strength Accessory
Muscle Snatch
Touch and Go
Rest as needed between sets.

Jonathan Heighes shows us with his 510-pound double last week.
2019 Cycle 1 Week 8 Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady through
20 Toes to Bar
20 Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts
20 Calorie Ski
2. Strength
3. Oly
Pause Power Position Snatch Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
1 Rep @ 90%+
Heavier than last week
4. Bitch Work
EMOM for 20 Minutes
17/8 Calories on Bike
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
2 Rope Climbs
14 Alternating Pistols
40 Double Unders
6a. Gymnastics Accessory
7 Rounds:
Plank Holds
Rest 1-3 minutes between holds.
6b. Strength Accessory
Single Leg Squats
3×17 on each Leg
Build weight through all three sets
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 8 Day 3
1. Warm-up
Run 1 Mile For Time
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @85%
3. Bitch Work
4 Rounds:
Row 2k
Rest 3:00
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
7 Front Squats
11 Bar Facing Burpees
15 GHD Sit Ups
Increase weight each round
FS Weights: 155/105lbs 185/135lbs 225/155lbs 255/175lbs 275/185lbs
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Bar Muscle Ups
Use a little Kipping as possible to complete these sets of 3. The more strict the better.
Rest as needed.
6. Strength Accessory
Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
3×10 on each Arm
Build weight through all three sets
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 8 Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Run
Steady Through
30 Kettlebell Taters
30 Burpees to 6″ Target
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @ 90%
3. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Run 50m
Rest 2-3 Minutes
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
AMRAP 4 Minutes
40/24 Calories on Bike
20 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups in remaining time
Rest 2:00
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Tabata Flutter Kicks
17 Rounds
:20 on :10 off
Difficulty can be manipulated be speed of kicks.
5b. Strength Accessory
Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 8 Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
3 Steady Rounds:
15 Light Push Press
10 GHD Sit Ups
Run 200m
2. Strength
Strict Press
3 Reps every 3:00 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Power Position Clean Warm Up
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Drop and Reset each rep
Hang Clean and Jerk (above knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
1 Rep @ 90%+
If Jerk is limiting factor on weight decision, then disregard the Jerk.
4. Bitch Work
Bike 15/17k
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Knees to Elbows
Rest as needed
5b. Strength Accessory
Pendlay Rows
Choose one weight across all 4 sets
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 9 Day 1

1. Warm-up
Floss Hips
4 Steady Rounds:
10 Goblet Squats
20 Calorie Row
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @77.5%
2B. Strength
Press Grip Bench Press
5×5 Heavier than last time.
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 8 Minutes
4 D-Ball Cleans 150/100lbs
4 Bar Muscle Ups
4. Bitch Work
30 Minute Run
5 Rounds:
2 Minutes around PR Mile Pace
4 Minutes Slow/Steady.
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Ring Dips
Rest as needed between all 9 sets.
5b. Strength Accessory
50′ Farmers Carry x 7
Unbroken AHAP
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 9 Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady through
10 Banded Good Mornings
20 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
40 Double Unders
2. Strength
3. Oly
Pause Low Hang Snatch Warm Up
(Above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Drop and Reset
4. Bitch Work
10 Rounds:
Ski 500m
Rest :60
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Conditioning
AMRAP 17 Minutes
Climb the Ladder
3 Sumo DLHP 115/85lbs
3 Chest to Bar
30′ Handstand Walk
6 Sumo DLHP
6 Chest to Bar
30′ Handstand Walk
9,9,30′, etc.
6a. Gymnastics Accessory
Handstand Hold
Nose and Toes OR Freestanding
8 Rounds
:30 On :30 Off
6b. Strength Accessory
Weighted Pistols
6×17 (Perform 10 Reps on same leg, switch legs each set. Heavier than last time.)

2019 Cycle 1 Week 9 Day 3
1. Warm-up
Floss Ankles AND Calves
3 Steady Rounds;
10 Lateral Squats w/ Kettlebell
30′ Handstand Walk
10 Horiztontal Ring Rows
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @87.5%
3. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Row 150m
Rest :60-:90
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
21 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs
17 Ring Dips
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Pull Ups
Control the decent each rep.
6. Strength Accessory
Box Jumps
Work up to tall Box Jump, then complete 5×5 @80%+

We have often been asked about swimming and how it should be used in your training. Over the last
year, we have made it a point to figure out more about an often overlooked area of our sport. Our newest
article pulls data from our athletes as well as personal experience.
2019 Cycle 1 Week 9 Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Bike
Steady Through
10 Kipping RIng Dips
20 Box Step Ups
:60 Wall Sit
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @92.5%
3. Bitch Work
6 Rounds:
Run 300m
Rest 5:00
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
AMRAP 20 Minutes
6 Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
17 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
18/17 Calorie Ski
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Push Ups
Each set of 7 must be Unbroken.
5b. Strength Accessory
Romanian Deadlifts
Increase weight slightly each set.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 9 Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
4 Steady Rounds:
10 Good Mornings
Row 300m
2. Strength
Strict Press
1 Rep every :90 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Low Hang Clean Warm Up
(above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Hang Clean (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Jerk the last rep
4. Bitch Work
Bike 10/8k
1 Minute Hard Effort
2 Minutes Recovery/Steady Pace.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Kipping Ring Dips
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Weighted Hip Extensions
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 10 Day 1

We have steadily crept up to as heavy of a percentage as we have ever done on a 5×5 Back Squat. Drew
and Gabe go over the piece to help you gear up for it.
1. Warm-up
Floss Wrists/Forearms
2 Steady Rounds
15 Heavy Wallballs
10 Overhead Med Ball Lunge Steps
Bike 1k
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @80%
2B. Strength
Press Grip Bench Press
5×5 Heavier than last time
3. Conditioning
6 Rounds
8 Thrusters 135/95lbs
8 Bar Facing Burpees
4. Bitch Work
Row 5k
Row 200m Fast/Aggressive
Row 300m Stready/Recovery
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Toes to Bar
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Waiter Walks
50m x 8
100/70lbs or More
(4 each arm)
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 10 Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Run
Steady through
10 Strict Ring Dips
20 Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts
30 Calorie Bike
2. Strength
3. Oly
Pause Low Hang Snatch Warm Up (Above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (Below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Heavier than last week
4. Bitch Work
Shuttle Sprints x 6
For Time
0 yards to 20 yards
20 yards to 0 yards
0 yards to 40 yards
40 yards to 0 yards
Rest 3:00
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5. Conditioning
For Time
50 Wallballs 20/14lbs
10 Muscle Ups
40 Wallballs
8 Muscle Ups
30 Wallballs
6 Muscle Ups
20 Wallballs
4 Muscle Ups
10 Wallballs
2 Muscle Ups
6a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Handstand Push Ups
Unbroken Sets
If it’s too easy, add a very slight deficit.
6b. Strength Accessory
Seated Dumbbell Press

5×10 AHAP

2019 Cycle 1 Week 10 Day 3
1. Warm-up
Floss Hips
3 Steady Rounds
17 Light Dumbbell Thrusters
8 Strict Pull Ups
Row 250m
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @90%
3. Bitch Work
Bike 5k
Rest 2:00
Bike 4k
Rest 2:00
Bike 3k
Rest 1:00
Bike 2k
Rest 1:00
Bike 1k
Increase your 1k split time slightly each interval.
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds For Time:
10 Deadlifts 275/185lbs
2 Legless Rope Climbs
20 GHD Sit Ups
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Handstand Walk
As fast as possible
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Dumbbell Front Rack Lateral Squats
Alternate sides each rep.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 10 Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Bike
Steady Through
30 KB Swings 53/35lbs
170′ Handstand Walk
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @92.5+%
If you made all your lifts at 3×3 last week, increase the weight.
3. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Ski 15/10 Calories
Rest :90
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
21 Handstand Push-Ups
21 Kettlebell Snatch 70/53lbs
Row 500m
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Strict Muscle Ups
EMOM for 17 Minutes
Either 1, 2 or, 3 Reps OTM depending on your current abilities.
5b. Strength Accessory
Good Mornings
3×25 @95/65lbs
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 10 Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
3 Steady Rounds:
10 Empty Bar Strict Press
17 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
2. Strength
Strict Press
3 Reps every 2:00 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Low Hang Clean Warm Up
(Above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Drop and Reset
Hang Clean (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Jerk the last rep
4. Bitch Work
6 Rounds:
Run 1700m
Rest 2:00
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
GHD Sit Ups
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Back Rack Walking Lunge Steps
50′ x 6
Heavier than last time
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11 Day 1

1. Warm-up
Floss Quads just above Knee
4 Steady Rounds
10 Light Kettlebell Thrusters
20 Calorie Row
2A. Strength
Back Squat
5×5 @60%
2B. Strength
DB Bench Press
Neutral Grip
Heavier than last time.
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 20 Minutes
6 Power Cleans 225/155lbs
3 Rope Climbs
Run 800m
4. Bitch Work
Ski 20 Minutes
After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Horizontal Ring Rows
Rest as needed between sets.
5b. Strength Accessory
Muscle Snatch
Touch and Go
Heavier than last time
Rest as needed between sets.

Seth and Drew are back with a Round Table Discussion to give you some tips for the OLY work today.
2019 Cycle 1 Week 11 Day 2
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Run
Steady through:
10 Banded Good Mornings
20 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
40 Double Unders
2. Strength
5×1 @ 75-80%
3. Oly
Pause Low Hang Snatch Warm Up
(Above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Drop and Reset
Hang Snatch (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
1 Rep @ 90%+
Heavier than last week.
4. Bitch Work
5 Rounds:
Row 40/30 Calories
Rest 3:00
Full effort each interval.
After completing 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following
5. Conditioning
AMRAP 15 Minutes
50′ Farmer’s Carry 70/50lb Dumbbells
50 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Push Press
6a. Gymnastics Accessory
Plank Holds
:60 x 10
Rest 1-3 minutes between holds.
6b. Strength Accessory
Single Leg Squats
4×17 on each Leg
Build weight through all three sets
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11 Day 3
1. Warm-up
Floss Shoulders
3 Steady Rounds:
7 Snatch Balance 95/65lbs
40′ Handstand Walk
10 Horizontal Ring Rows
2. Strength
Back Squat
4×4 @70%
3. Bitch Work
EMOM for 25 Minutes
Bike 10/7 Calories
Steady slow pace the remainder of the minute.
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
4 Rounds:
17 Power Snatch 135/95lbs
17 Overhead Squats
17 Ring Dips
5. Gymnastics Accessory
Bar Muscle Ups
Use as little Kipping as possible to complete these sets of 4. The more strict the better.
Rest as needed.
6. Strength Accessory
Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
3×17 on each Arm
Build weight through all three sets
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11 Day 4
1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Bike
Steady Through
10 Kipping RIng Dips
20 Box Step Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @75%
3. Bitch Work
Run 40 Minutes
Steady pace, as slow as it takes to be comfortable.
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
AMRAP 5 Minutes
30/18 Calories on Bike
10 Squat Cleans 185/135lbs
Max Calories on Bike in remaining time
Rest 3:00
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Tabata Flutter Kicks
17 Rounds
:20 on :10 off
Difficulty can be manipulated be the speed of kicks.
5b. Strength Accessory
Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift 70/53’s
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Week 11 Day 5
Saturdays are the one day per week in Cycle 1 where all pieces are mandatory. They are listed in
the recommended order.
1. Warm-up
Floss Elbows
4 Steady Rounds
10 Kettlebell Taters
Ski 10 Calories
2. Strength
Strict Press
5 Rep every 3:00 for 17 Minutes
3. OLY
Pause Low Hang Clean Warm Up
(above knee)
4×3 @ 40-60% 1RM
Jerk the final rep of each set
Drop and Reset
Hang Clean (Below knee.)
Every 2 Minutes for 17 Minutes
1 Rep @ 90%+
If Jerk is limiting factor on weight decision, then disregard the Jerk
4. Bitch Work
Bike 24 Minutes
:90 Minute Fast/Aggressive
2:30 Minutes Steady/Recovery
5a. Gymnastics Accessory
Knees to Elbows
Rest as needed.
5b. Strength Accessory
Pendlay Rows
Choose one weight across all 4 sets.
Rest as needed.

2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week Day 1

We asked and you all delivered. It was awesome to see the weight you all moved on your 1RM squat
retest. What we were even more impressed with was the improvement in the overall quality of the squats
we saw. It is obvious you all have been working hard to clean up your movement as well as get stronger.
When those two things align, you are quite dangerous. Let’s keep it going!
2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week is here. You all have worked extremely hard this cycle. Think back across the
last 6 weeks to all of those times you wanted to quit, but didn’t. Remember all of the things you thought
you couldn’t do but proved yourself wrong. You are stronger, fitter, tougher, and a little bit crazier. This
week is your chance to prove it. Approach each piece with confidence and intensity. KTB!!
1. Warm-up
3 Steady Rounds:
17 Goblet Squats
24 Calorie Row
2. Strength
Find a 1RM Back Squat
3. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
7 Front Squats 225/155lbs
1 Gasser (Sprint 100m out and back)
5 D-Ball over Shoulder 150/100lbs
Rest :90
Score is fastest and slowest time.
4. Bitch Work
For Time:
100 Bar Facing Burpees
5. Gymnastic Accessory
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Max Sets of 4 Strict Pull-Ups
Score is total number of unbroken sets of 4 completed.

2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week Day 2
1. Warm-up
3 Steady Rounds
5 Snatch Balance 95/65lbs
20 Walking Lunge Steps
10 Toes to Bar
2. Oly
3 Attempts at Max Rep Bodyweight Overhead Squat
Rest 3:00 Between Efforts
Scores are best set AND total reps across 3 sets.
3. Conditioning
Squat Cleans 135/95lbs
Ring Dips
4. Bitch Work
For Time:
Bike 100 Calories
5. Strength Accessory
Max Distance Farmer’s Carry in 4 Minutes
70/53lb KB in each hand.

2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week Day 3
1. Warm-up
4 Steady Rounds:
10 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups
10 Calories on Bike
2. Strength
Find a 1RM Strict Press
3. Conditioning
AMRAP 15 Minutes
50′ Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 50/35s
3 Rope Climbs
Bike 20/17 Calories
4. Bitch Work
For Time:
Run 10k

2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week Day 4
1. Warm-up
Steady Through:
20 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
20 Box Jumps
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2. Strength
2016 Regionals
Snatch Pyramid
10 Squat Snatch 185/135lbs
8 Squat Snatch 205/145lbs
6 Squat Snatch 225/155lbs
4 Squat Snatch 245/165lbs
2 Squat Snatch 265/175lbs
11 Minute Cap
3. Bitch Work
TeamRichey Machine Tri
3/2.5k Ski
6/5k Bike
3/2.5k Row
4. Gymnastics Accessory
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Max Sets of 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Score is number of Unbroken sets of 3 completed.
5. Strength Accessory
3 Rounds:
Max Effort Front D-Ball Holds
Rest as needed between efforts
Scores are best single effort and total time across all 3 holds.

The last day of 2019 Cycle 1 Re-test week is here. Do your best to close it out on a high note. You all
have worked extremely hard this cycle. Think back across the last 6 weeks to all of those times you
wanted to quit, but didn’t. Remember all of the things you thought you couldn’t do but proved yourself
wrong. You are stronger, fitter, tougher, and a little bit crazier. This week is your chance to prove it.
Approach each piece with confidence and intensity. KTB!!
2019 Cycle 1 Retest Week Day 5
1. Warm-up
4 Steady Rounds
10 Kettlebell Taters 53/35lbs
Run 100m
2. Strength
Find a 3RM Deadlift
3. Conditioning
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
4. Bitch Work
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
5.Gymnastic Accessory
Death by Handstand Walk
Minute 1 – 5′
Minute 2 – 10′
Minute 3 – 15′
Set up a turn around spot when necessary.

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