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TEZPUR - 784028::ASSAM

Memo No. TU/FIN/CIR/2023-24/ Date: 12.02.2024
The competent authority is pleased to allow reimbursement of
Children Educational
Allowance (CEA) / Hostel Subsidy to all regular employees of the Univer
sity, as per the
recommendations of the 7th CPC vide Gol O.M No. A 27012/02/2017-Estt.
(AL), dated 16th
July 2018.

A) Childr en's Educa tional Allowa nce:

The fees/expenses will be reimbursed, per child (maximum upto two childre
n) from Nursery
to Class XII including classes eleventh and twelfth held by Junior Colleg
e (i.e., + 2 stage)
or schools affiliated to Universities or Boards of Education and two years
Diploma Course in
Polytechnics. However, it may be noted that CEA and hostel subsidy can
be claimed upto 12th
class from the Nursery level, which is two classes before class-I.

The amount for reimbursement of CEA is Rs.2,250/- (fixed) per month

per child (maximum
two children) as per the academic year of the child (i.e., from Januar
y, 2023 to December,
2023 if the child is studying under Assam State Board Curriculum or
from April, 2023 to
March, 2024, if the child is studying under CBSE/ICSE Curriculum).

B) Hostel Subsi dy:

Hostel Subsidy is payable from Nursery to Class XII including classes

eleventh and twelfth
held by Junior College (i.e., + 2 stag~) or schools affiliated to Univer
sities or Boards of
Education and two years Diploma Course in Polytechnics @ maxim
um Rs. 6, 750/.- per
month or the actual expenditure incurred (i.e., from January, 2023 to Decem
ber, 2023 if the
Child is studying under State Board Curriculum or from April, 2023 to March,
2024, if the child
is studying under CBSE/ICSE Curriculum) and is residing in a hostel.
Reimbursement is
admissible up to the maximum of 2 children.
The above rates/celling would be automatically raised by 25% every
time the Dearness
Allowance on the 7th CPC pay structure goes up by 50%.
The Hostel Subsidy and CEA cannot be claimed concurrently, and the
Hostel Subsidy is
admissible only in respect of the child studying in a residential educational
located beyond a distance of 50 kms from the residence of the claimant.

*Reimbursement will be made on submission of certificate issued by

the Head of the
Institution for the period/ year for which claim has been preferred. The
certificate should
confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic
year. In case such
. certificate cannot be obtained, self-attested fee receipt(s) including
e-receipt(s) can be
produced as a supporting document to claim CEA. Reimbursement will be
done once a year,
after completion of financial year.

The claimant should submit the BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE (at Annexure

8) from the Head of
(at Annexure A) positively on or before 1st March 2024, in both cases
where the child is
studying under Assam State Board curriculum or under CBSE/ICSE curricu
lum for processing
of the bills. However, in case of HOSTEL SUBSIDY the amount of actual
expenditure incurred
by the claimant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex should
be mentioned.
Memo No. TU/FIN/CIR/2023-24/ Date: 12.02.2024
Copy to:
1) Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor.
2) Registrar, TU for kind information.
3) All Deans/HODs for information and with a request for wide circulation among
staff members.
4) All Officers, for information.
5) Section Officer (Entitlement) for information and necessary action.
6) Web Master, Tezpur University for display in the University Web Site.
7) Concerned File.

(CMA Dr. . . Mishra)

Finance Officer
Annexure ‘A’




I hereby apply for the reimbursement of Children Education Allowance for my child/
children and relevant particulars are furnished below:-

1. Name of the Employee :

2. Employee ID :
3. Designation :
4. Office/ Department :
5. Name of Spouse :
6. If spouse is employed, State whether in
Central Govt., PSU, State Govt. (give details) :
7. Designation, Office of spouse :
8. Bank Account (SBI) :

9. Details of all the children of the employee:

Sl. No. Sequence Name DOB Age

1. 1st Child
2. 2nd Child
3. 3rd Child

10. Details of all the children for whom CEA/Hostel Subsidy claimed:

Sl. No. Sequence Name DOB Age

11. Academic year, Name of School/Residential School and Class in which children studied:

1st Child 2nd Child

12. Distance of Hostel of child from residence of employee ( in case Hostel Subsidy is

13. Amount of CEA/Hostel Subsidy already received up to previous quarter:___...

14. The Academic year for which CEA /Hostel Subsidy is applied now: ..

15. (a) Whether the child for whom the CEA is applied for is a disabled child: YES/NO

(b) If yes, indicate the nature of disability:

(c) Date of disability certificate.

(d) Indicate the percentage of disability:

16. Whether the Bonafide certificate from Head of Institution has been attached : Yes/No.

17. For Hostel Subsidy, the Bonafide certificate Form mentioning the amount is attached:

18. If Yes at Item No. 17, Amount claimed for Hostel Subsidy:……………….

19. (i) Certified that the fee/amount indicated above had actually been paid by me.

(ii)Certified that my wife/husband is/is not a Central Government Servant.

(iii)Certified that my husband/wife Sri/Smt:………………………………… is presently working

as : ……………………… in ………………….. (name of the Organization) and that he/she shall not
apply/has not applied for the Children Education Allowance for the child mentioned above.

(iv) Certified that I or my wife/husband has not claimed this re-imbursement from any

other source and will not claim the same in future.

20. Certified that my child in respect of whom reimbursement of Children Education

Allowance is applied is studying in the School/Jr. College which is recognized and affiliated
to Board of Education/University.

21.The information furnished above are complete and correct and I have not supressed any
relevant informaion. In the event of any change in the particulars given above which affect
my eligibility for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance, I undertake to intimate
the same promptly and also to refund excess payments if any made. Further, I am aware
that if at any stage the information/documents furnished above is found to be false, I am
liable for disciplinary action.

Signature :

Name :

Design :

Office/Dept :

Date :


Sl. Emp. ID Hostel Amount Remaining

Name of employee CEA Amount
No. No. Subsidy Paid amount

Passed for payment Rs. _______________

Jr. Acctt./ Assistant/ S.O Dy. Registrar (F)/ F.O

Annexure ‘B’


This is to certify that Master/Baby/Mr./Miss …………………………………………. Roll no………………….

Admission No……………………………… son of Sri/Smt……………………………………………………………. is a
bonafide student of this school and studied in Class……….……. during the financial year
………………………….. and as per School records his/her date of birth is ………………….………………..
in words……………………………………………………………………………………………………. This is to also
certify that the above named child had studied in this school in the previous academic
He/She bears a good moral character.

** During the year Master/Baby/Mr./Miss…………………………………………………….. had resided in

the residential complex (Hostel) of the school and paid an amount of Rs………..……………..
toward boarding and lodging in the residential complex.

This Institution/School is affiliated recognized by

…………………………………………………………………………… and the affiliation/recognition Number
Signature Head of the
(with Stamp and seal)

**(Strike out it is not applicable)

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