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(United Nations) Recommendations On Payments For E

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Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses

and International Lakes



New York and Geneva, 2007

The UNECE secretariat gratefully acknowledges the funding by the Swiss Federal Office for
the Environment (FOEN).
It also acknowledges the contribution provided by the members of the Water Convention’s
Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management and the work of the drafting
group which prepared the Recommendations.
The drafting group was chaired by Ms. Sibylle Vermont (Switzerland) and composed of
Ms. Andrea Almasi (The Netherlands), Mr. Anantha Kumar Duraiappah (United Nations
Environmental Programme), Mr. Thomas Grottker (Germany), Mr. Tomasz Juszczak (Liaison
Unit of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe), Ms. Eszter Kovacs
(Hungary), Ms. Elena Kreuzberg (Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia),
Mr. Sergiy Moroz (WWF), Ms. Elina Nikkola (Finland), Ms. Daniele Perrot-Maitre (World
Conservation Union- IUCN), Mr. Christopher Prins (UNECE Timber Committee secretariat),
Mr. Tobias Salathe (secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands), Mr. Attila Tanzi
(Italy), Mr. Gerardo van Halsema (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations),
and Ms. Francesca Bernardini, Mr. Rainer Enderlein and Mr. Dieter Hesse (UNECE


The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United
Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities,
or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.



Sales No. E07.II.E.12
ISBN: 978-92-1-116965-2

Ecosystems provide a wealth of services that are fundamental for proper environmental
functioning and economic and social development. While the demand for these services,
including provision of clean freshwater, is continuously increasing, the capacity of
ecosystems to provide such services is hampered by their ever-growing degradation which
diminishes the prospects of sustainable development.

Protecting and improving our future well-being requires wiser and less destructive use of
natural resources. This in turn involves changes in the way we make and implement decisions.
Above all, we must learn to recognize the true value of nature and capture it in decision-
making. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment accumulated an overwhelming body of
evidence that makes the economic case for conservation over short-term exploitation.

The Recommendations on Payments for Ecosystem Services in Integrated Water Resources

Management are an innovative policy instrument under the UNECE Convention on the
Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes: they indicate the
measures to apply to integrate into sustainable development policies the value of services
supplied by water-related ecosystems – such as forests and wetlands – as well as to provide
compensation for such services. Thus, the Recommendations will improve the overall
framework for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems and their services
by present and future generations.

In recent years, innovative financing mechanisms – and more specifically payments for
ecosystem services (PES) – have become crucial for addressing failures in environmental
management. PES make it possible to internalize environmental costs and benefits in decision
making. When financial resources to address serious environmental concerns are limited, PES
can generate additional resources, redirect funds to environmentally friendly technologies and
sustainable production patterns, create incentives for investment, and increase private-sector
involvement in environmental protection. PES have the potential to improve the quality of
decision-making and facilitate the integration at all levels of relevant policies (e.g. agriculture
and forestry, urban development, water, energy and transport).

Experience has shown, however, that PES can contribute to more sustainable management of
resources only if specific conditions are met. Therefore, the Recommendations are based on
good practices and lessons learned in the implementation of PES and provide step-by-step
guidance for their design and implementation: from how to determine whether ecosystems
can provide the necessary services to solve existing water management issues, to how to value
such services in order to make informed decisions and optimal choices, to how to balance the
requirements of economic efficiency with broader societal and equity objectives.

I therefore trust that the Recommendations will give valuable guidance to policy makers and
other stakeholders in the achievement of the targets of the Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation and the Millennium Development Goals, as well as in the implementation of
National Sustainable Development Strategies.

Marek Belka
Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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The Recommendations on Payments for Ecosystem Services in Integrated Water Resources

Management were adopted by the Parties to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and
Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) at their
fourth meeting (Bonn, 20-22 November 2006). They are the product of much work under the
Convention and were developed through a remarkable participatory process which involved
experts from different backgrounds, from national authorities, international organizations and
non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

In the UNECE, work on the ecosystem approach to water management dates back to the ‘90s.
The Guidelines on the Ecosystem Approach in Water Management (UNECE, 1993) promoted
the idea that water resources should not be managed in isolation from other ecosystem
components, such as land, air, living resources and humans, present in a river basin. The river
basin was thus considered as an entire ecosystem. The protection, restoration and sustainable
use of its components are essential for the sustainability of water resources management.

The ecosystem approach is also firmly embedded in the Water Convention itself and Parties
decided to focus efforts on this topic in their workplan for the period 2004–2006. The present
Recommendations are based on the outcome of two seminars carried out during this period:
the first on the role of ecosystems as water suppliers (Geneva, 13–14 December 2004) and the
second on environmental services and financing for the protection and sustainable use of
ecosystems (Geneva, 10–11 October 2005).

On the basis of the conclusions and good practices illustrated in the two seminars, a drafting
group, which included water, forests and wetlands experts, legal experts, economists and
development specialists from national authorities, international organizations, research
institutes and NGOs, prepared a draft of these Recommendations which were further
improved by the Convention’s Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management
before adoption by the Parties to the Water Convention.

The Recommendations consist of a set of strategic, rather than technical, recommendations

for the various steps involved in the establishment and operation of various schemes for
payments for ecosystem services and a set of other annexes, which are of a technical nature.

The Parties to the Water Convention considered the adoption of the Recommendations as a
first step and agreed that future work should focus on their practical implementation and on
the assessment of their applicability and effectiveness. They therefore decided to include in
their workplan for 2007–2009 the development of capacity-building and awareness-raising
activities and the development of pilot projects for the implementation of the
Recommendations in transboundary river basins in the UNECE region. They also decided to
review at their fifth meeting the experience in the application of the Recommendations and, if
need be, to update them in the light of the practice and lessons learned.

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Foreword iii

Preface v

Introduction 1

I. Objectives 1

II. Definitions 2

III. Scope 3

IV. Water-related ecosystem services 3

A. Water management problems and links with ecosystem services 3

B. Economic analysis of water-related ecosystem services 5

V. Establishment and operation of PES 8

A. Basic conditions and core principles 8

B. Stakeholder involvement 9
C. Types of PES and financial arrangements 10
D. Legal and institutional frameworks 11

VI. Accompanying measures 13

A. Information needs analysis and monitoring 13

B. Awareness raising, communication and strengthening of capacities 14
C. Research needs 16
D. Financing 17

Annex I Guidance for the decision-making process in PES establishment 19

Annex II Valuation of water-related ecosystem services 25

Annex III Types of PES arrangements and financial arrangements 33

Annex IV Examples of PES schemes applied in the UNECE region 37

Annex V Recent decisions of high-level meetings in support of PES 47

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Payments for ecosystem services (PES) have the potential to be an environmentally effective,
economically efficient and socially equitable tool for implementing integrated water resources
management (IWRM). PES schemes complement other approaches, such as command-and-
control and structural measures.

The Recommendations brought forward in this document reflect good practices in order to
support Governments at all levels of decision-making (global, regional, transboundary,
national and local) in the implementation of PES. They also address joint bodies, such as
international river and lake commissions, and other appropriate institutional arrangements for
cooperation between riparian countries.

These Recommendations should also guide other actors, such as suppliers and users of
ecosystem services, in the protection, restoration and sustainable use of water-related
ecosystems and the establishment of PES.

One of the Recommendations’ basic functions is to serve as a point of reference, particularly

until such time as Governments have adapted their national legislation and applicable bilateral
and multilateral agreements on transboundary waters.

These Recommendations were specifically prepared to assist Governments, joint bodies and
other actors in the UNECE region. However, they could also be applied, as appropriate, in
other regions.

The Recommendations are not legally binding, and they do not supersede the legal obligations
arising from the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and
International Lakes (Water Convention) or other agreements on transboundary waters.

Governments and other actors are encouraged to apply the Recommendations according to
their needs and conditions.


The main objective of these Recommendations is to provide guidance on the establishment

and use of PES to implement IWRM through the promotion of the protection, restoration and
sustainable use of water-related ecosystems at all levels, from local to transboundary.

The Recommendations are intended to provide guidance in the further implementation of the
provisions of the Water Convention and its related Protocols to prevent, control and reduce
impacts, whether transboundary or not, on the environment, including human health and
safety, taking into account biodiversity conservation and restoration.

These Recommendations specifically intend to support the establishment of well-designed

PES schemes and thereby to:

(a) Raise awareness among all stakeholders, including landowners, land users and
water users, of the benefits of using PES to protect, restore and sustainably use
water-related ecosystems;

(b) Improve the quality of, and facilitate the integration of, relevant policies at all
levels and sectors pertaining, among other things, to agriculture and forestry,
urban development, water, energy and transport, thereby promoting efficiency,
effectiveness and equity;

(c) Take into account the value of ecosystems and contribute to the establishment
of markets for ecosystem services (see annexes II and III); and

(d) Broaden and diversify the financial basis for ecosystem protection, restoration
and sustainable use.

The Recommendations also intend to improve the overall framework for the protection,
restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems and their services by present and future
generations. They are an important contribution towards achieving the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), the targets of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and
more generally the recommendations of Agenda 21. They also contribute to achieving the
goals of multilateral environmental agreements, such as the Convention on Biological
Diversity, and promote synergies and interlinkages among them.


For the purpose of these Recommendations,

“Ecosystem” means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and microorganism communities

and their nonliving environment interacting as a functional unit. Ecosystems vary from
relatively undisturbed ones, such as natural forests, to landscapes with mixed patterns of
human use and ecosystems that are intensively managed and modified by humans, such as
agricultural land and urban areas.

“Water-related ecosystems” means ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, grasslands and

agricultural land that play vital roles in the hydrological cycle through the services they

“Ecosystem services” means the benefits people obtain from ecosystems. These include
provisioning services such as food, water, timber and fibre; regulating services that affect
climate, floods, disease, wastes and water quality; cultural services that provide recreational,
aesthetic and spiritual benefits; and supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis
and nutrient cycling.

“Water-related ecosystem services” means such services as flood prevention, control and
mitigation; regulating runoff and water supply; improving the quality of surface waters and
groundwaters; withholding sediments, reducing erosion, stabilizing river banks and shorelines
and lowering the potential of landslides; improving water infiltration and supporting water
storage in the soil; and facilitating groundwater recharge. Water-related ecosystem services
also include cultural services, such as recreational, aesthetic and spiritual benefits of forests
and wetlands.

“River basin” means the area of land from which all surface runoff flows through a sequence
of streams, rivers and possibly lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta, or

the area of land from which all surface runoff ends up in another final recipient of water, such
as a lake or a desert.

“Sub-basin” means the area of land from which all surface runoff flows through a sequence
of streams, rivers and possibly lakes to a particular point in a river, normally a lake or a river

“Payments for ecosystem services (PES)” means a contractual transaction between a buyer
and a seller for an ecosystem service or a land use/management practice likely to secure that

“Local” refers to all relevant levels of territorial unit below the level of the State.

“Institutional arrangements” means arrangements among legal persons having public

responsibilities or functions or providing public services. Such legal persons include national
and local ministries and agencies, joint bodies for transboundary cooperation, and institutions
of regional economic integration organizations.


These Recommendations apply to payments for water-related ecosystem services.

They mainly deal with forests, wetlands and grasslands as the main ecosystems, which can
provide water-related services. Other ecosystems, such as agricultural land and urban areas,
also affect the water cycle within the basin and are referred to.

The Recommendations laid down in this document cover the following types of PES
schemes: public, private (self-organized) and trading schemes. These schemes are described
in section C of chapter V and in annexes III and IV.


A. Water management problems and links with ecosystem services

In river basins, their sub-basins or the recharge areas of groundwaters, various water uses may
compete or even be in conflict with each other, thus creating management problems,
particularly if water is scarce and/or its quality is deteriorating. Knowledge about economic
development patterns is important for understanding how water management problems may
worsen in the future. Examples of water management problems include competing forms of
water use in a country (e.g. drinking water, water for industry, water for irrigation, and water
for the maintenance of ecosystems’ functions) and differing upstream-downstream interests of
riparian countries (e.g. hydropower production in an upstream country and irrigational water
use or navigation in a downstream country). Examples also include the adverse impact of

Synonyms commonly used for basins and sub-basins are “catchment” and “watershed”.
The term “payments for ecosystem services” is not universally adopted. Depending on the cultural and
political context, other terms such as “recompense”, “compensation” or “reward” may be used. PES projects are
also referred to as “improved management of hydrological resources” or “reciprocal arrangements”. PES are
sometimes called “incentive-based cooperative agreements”, “stewardship payments”, “compensatory schemes”
or even “performance payments”.

flooding on human health and safety; the effects of excess nutrients, heavy metals and other
chemicals in surface water or groundwater on drinking-water use; the effects of pollution by
hazardous substances, such as pesticides, on aquaculture; and the effects of suspended and
bottom sediments on hydropower production.

To address these water management problems, existing ecosystem services or their

enhancement can be helpful. Water-quantity-related ecosystem services, such as flood
protection and water regulation (run-off, infiltration, retention and storage), could be provided
through forestation, conservation agriculture3 and flood plain restoration. Water-quality-
related services, such as curbing water pollution, could be provided through extensification of
(agricultural) land use, integrated pest management; pollution quotas and conversion or
restoration of natural land cover. Other water-quality-related services, such as water
purification services, can be provided through wetlands’ restoration or creation and paddy
cultivation. “Bundling” of services may also be considered: for example, water-related
services of forested land can be bundled with carbon sequestration; and services of wetlands
and flood plains can be bundled with biodiversity services of these forms of land use.


1. Water management problems in a given basin, sub-basin or groundwater recharge area

including threats to water quantity and quality, should be identified and listed. All relevant
data should be collected, including data on areas of high nature value (e.g. areas that are
especially able to deliver ecosystem services). This information is usually available, for
example, as part of river basin management plans as well as monitoring and assessment

2. The next step is the search for information to find out what was done in the past to
address these water management problems and to ascertain what has worked and why a given
solution failed. After that, it is necessary to decide which problems should be addressed first.

3. Once priorities have been established, an analysis should be made to see through
which measures or combinations thereof these water management problems could be
addressed, i.e. exclusively by command-and-control, by command-and-control in combination
with an ecosystem solution (e.g. enhancing ecosystem services through changing land
use/management practice), by water construction work (e.g. building dams and dykes), by
construction of drinking-water filtration plants, or by other appropriate combinations of
command-and-control with ecosystems’ services and structural measures.

4. If ecosystem services could contribute to solving the water management problem(s), a

number of additional activities, outlined below, should be undertaken to lay the groundwork
for the establishment of PES.

5. The geographical location and size of the various forms of land use in a basin, such as
water bodies, forested areas, wetlands, grassland, agricultural land and urban areas should be

Conservation agriculture refers to a range of soil management practices that minimize effects on
composition, structure and natural biodiversity and reduce erosion and degradation. Such practices include direct
sowing/no-tillage, reduced tillage/minimum tillage, non- or surface-incorporation of crop residues and
establishment of cover crops in both annual and perennial crops. As a result, the soil is protected from rainfall
erosion and water runoff; the soil aggregates, organic matter and fertility level naturally increase; and soil
compaction is reduced. Furthermore, less contamination of surface water occurs and water retention and storage
are enhanced, which allows recharging of aquifers.

identified. Existing land use inventories and soil maps are very helpful in this regard, and the
use of geographic information systems could be considered.

6. A further sub-division of land use forms into hydrological units may be necessary.
These units are relatively small areas within a river basin that are characterized by a certain
type of soil (e.g. sand, silt, clay), a certain type of land use (e.g. coniferous forest, broadleaf
forest, pasture, cropland) and a certain groundwater level (e.g. groundwater level within the
reach of roots). As hydrological units of the same type have similar hydrological behaviour
related, for example, to infiltration, evaporation and water storage, they help to clarify the
“hydrological relations” in river basins and are one of the preconditions for determining
whether ecosystem services in a given situation can be enhanced by changes in land use,
restoration of ecosystems or by management practices.

7. The biophysical relationships (i.e. the interactions in a basin between water, flora and
fauna, soil, climate, landscape and the human population and settlements) should be analysed
to the extent possible, and the water-related ecosystem services available in the river basin
should be identified.

8. It is important to remember that ecosystems services change with time under the
influence of factors such as vegetation growth and hydro-meteorological conditions. The use
of average data (e.g. mean annual data on precipitation, evapotranspiration, run-off) and/or
maximum and minimum values are often insufficient to describe biophysical relationships
and ecosystem services, particularly those related to flood control and groundwater recharge.
Therefore, real-time data are needed.

9. It is also important to remember that scale effects are important. For example, the area
of the basin/sub-basin and/or the area covered by a given form of land use is relevant for an
assessment of flood protection services from forest ecosystems or the effect of extensification
in agriculture on water quality. The effects of land use changes will be more pronounced if
small sub-basins are considered; in large sub-basins or even transboundary basins, such
effects may not be observed easily. In these cases, models to simulate the effects of changing
land use or management practice are useful.

10. Apart from scale effects, the specifics of the hydrological regime in basins and sub-
basins in arid and semi-arid areas should be taken into account. The effects of a change in
land use (e.g. afforestation and rehabilitation of wetlands) or management practice on the
quality and quantity of water-related ecosystem services are more evident in the upper
mountainous parts of the basin, where the runoff is formed, rather than in the arid or semi-arid
lowland parts.

11. Inter- and intra-sectoral cooperation are necessary to gather the needed information,
including information about economic development patterns to estimate future pressures on
water resources. Such cooperation is crucial for optimizing societal benefits.

B. Economic analysis of water-related ecosystem services

Economic analysis is an essential tool for efficient decision-making regarding the

establishment of PES schemes (see section C of chapter V and annex III). It provides a
coherent framework that allows a comparison of the costs and benefits of changes in water-
related ecosystem services in an integrated manner. It also provides a framework for assessing
the distributional incidence of these costs and benefits among relevant stakeholders and the

compensation which may be necessary to make sure that projects (such as a change in land
use) and the associated use of PES schemes do not cause inequitable outcomes.

Cost-benefit analysis is the traditional tool for guiding decision-making in such matters.
However, depending on the information available and the overall circumstances of the
evaluation, other analytical tools like multi-criteria analysis,4 cost-effectiveness analysis5 and
cost-utility analysis6 may also be useful and appropriate. These tools should be considered
within a medium/long-term timeframe, which should be defined.

An economic analysis is a multi-step process that should involve:

(a) The identification of the relevant water-related ecosystem services (see section
A above);

(b) The identification of the major stakeholders (see section B of chapter V);

(c) The assessment of the net benefits of changes in water-related ecosystem

services that would result from a change in the use or management of the
ecosystems; and

(d) The analysis and assessment of the distribution of costs and benefits among
major stakeholders and the design of any necessary compensation packages.


1. Once the ecosystem services that can address existing or future water management
problems have been identified (see section A above), the next step is to value the changes in
the identified ecosystem services – that is, to weigh the total net benefits associated with
specific scenarios (e.g. the conversion of cropland into grassland, or afforestation). Various
valuation methods are available (see annex II), but uncertainties surrounding valuation
outcomes may be large and require a precautionary approach (such as setting a safe minimum
standard) in the decision-making. A precautionary approach is also mandatory in view of the
risk that a change in ecosystem management may create irreversible effects. It is also
important to find out whether valuation studies have been made in the past in the same area
and for the same services, so that the outcome of previous studies can be used for
comparisons and, possibly, for the transfer of benefits. This requires close examination of the
previous studies and their overall economic, social and environmental context.

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool for a complex situation where overall preferences
among options have to be determined and where each option accomplishes several desirable objectives selected
by decision-makers. For each option there are predefined “criteria” (e.g. environmental and social indicators)
which help to achieve the option. The measurement of these “criteria” need not be in monetary terms. The key
output is the scoring, ranking and weighting of these options based on expert judgement. MCA is especially
helpful in a context where the monetary valuation of environmental and social impacts is not possible.
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) allows selection among alternative strategies to achieve a given
environmental objective by comparing the costs of each strategy (measured in monetary units) with its
environmental impact (measured in physical units). It allows ranking of policies (or projects) based on cost-
effectiveness ratios in the context of a fixed budget, with the important implicit assumption being that all of these
policies (or projects) are worth undertaking or that at least one of the projects must be undertaken.
Cost-utility analysis (CUA) is a tool used to guide decisions concerning the allocation of health services by
comparing their costs with the associated health effects in terms of additional life years. But these health effects
are converted based on some measure of the personal preferences of (or utility for) persons to be treated (quality-
adjusted life-years, or QUALY).

2. In carrying out a valuation exercise, it is important to keep in mind that:

(a) Scale effects are important. Valuation studies for small sub-basins often
underestimate ecosystem values on the scale of the entire basin, because not all
of the downstream effects are considered. However, the larger the size of the
relevant water basin, the more difficult it is to assess the economic value of
ecosystem services, and the more caution is needed when using results from
model simulations of land use changes;

(b) The results of ecosystem valuation studies are site-specific but could be
informative for other locations in the same basin or in a different basin;

(c) The values of many water-related ecosystem services can often be estimated
only by means of indirect methods of valuation, because the services are not
traded in actual markets. Depending on the method applied, the economic
valuation of the same ecosystem service in a given water basin may therefore
vary, even though the assessment is based on the same set of environmental
and other data. Therefore, if possible, a range of values from different
methodologies should be used. This may be comparable to the application of
scenario techniques;

(d) Some ecosystem services cannot be easily measured or quantified because the
necessary scientific, technical or economic data and/or the necessary budget to
carry out a comprehensive and detailed valuation study are not available. In
such cases, it may be necessary to adopt values from similar studies, adapting
these values to local conditions using appropriate benefits transfer
methodologies applied in other studies. In any case, the resulting values need
to be treated with caution, and the sensitivity of recommendations to changes
in these values derived from benefits transfer procedures should be examined;

(e) Ecosystem benefits that are related to attributes such as human life and safety
or are of cultural or religious significance cannot be easily integrated into the
economic valuation process. Ecosystem valuation may be inappropriate for
addressing issues and qualities that cannot or should not be valued in monetary
terms, because doing so can raise serious ethical questions.

3. Comparison of the net benefits of maintaining the status quo with the net benefits
associated with the alternative scenarios provides the basis for deciding whether any of the
scenarios is worth implementing. The latter will, in general, be the case when the change in
net benefits is positive and sufficiently large, taking into account the precautionary principle.

4. It is important to identify who would benefit from the change in ecosystem services
and who would bear the costs (i.e. how the costs and benefits would be distributed among the
various stakeholders using the services). Concurrently, one can address the issue of project
financing and the need for compensation of those groups whose access to natural resources or
water-related ecosystem services will be restricted. This assessment should allow for
participation by all stakeholders.

5. Valuation should assist stakeholders in negotiations concerning the use of water-

related ecosystem services and in reaching an agreement on the price of these services. These

negotiations should, to the extent possible, be an expert-informed process driven by potential
market partners, taking due account of social and political circumstances.

6. As the value of ecosystem services can change over time, the earlier assessment may
need to be revised periodically.


A. Basic conditions and core principles

PES schemes are context-driven (tailored to the context of the specific basin or sub-basin
under consideration), as their design is influenced by the ecological, social, economic and
institutional conditions prevailing in the area where the scheme is to be implemented. There
are basic conditions and core principles for the successful establishment and operation of

(a) Basic conditions

1. To promote the establishment of PES, political support should be created and

maintained at all levels and across all sectors. Political support is also needed to adapt
legislation, institutional arrangements and policies, where needed, and to provide an attractive
political and legal environment for the private sector’s participation (see section D below).

2. Potential buyers and sellers should be identified and their willingness to pay and sell,
respectively, should be ensured.

(b) Core principles

1. The design and implementation of PES schemes should be considered as an adaptive

learning process, taking into account lessons learned from other PES schemes.

2. The contracting parties to a given PES scheme should strive for environmental
effectiveness by making sure that the PES scheme contributes to the sustainability of the
water-related ecosystem services targeted by the scheme.

3. The contracting parties to a given PES scheme should strive for economic efficiency
by making sure that the PES scheme is designed and implemented in the most cost-effective
manner. This would include ensuring not only that the net benefits are maximized in the
economic analysis, but also that the transaction costs of implementing the PES scheme are
minimized. Contracting parties should explore the possibility of taking advantage of any
synergies among ecosystem services by creating PES for bundles of ecosystem services (e.g.
bundling services related to carbon sequestration or eco-tourism with services related to water
retention and regulation) in order to minimize transaction costs.

4. The contracting parties to a given PES should make sure that no social inequities arise
from the scheme. They should ensure that no stakeholders are left worse off in absolute terms
socially than before the PES were implemented, and that the social welfare relative
distributive gap between stakeholders is no greater than it was before the PES was

5. Transparency should be ensured throughout the design and implementation of any
PES scheme in order to promote trust between service sellers and buyers. Sharing of
information and stakeholder participation in decision-making are imperative for a successful
negotiation of PES contracts. The responsibility to ensure compliance with these principles
lies with the entity, which administers the PES scheme.

6. The contracting parties to a given PES scheme should also ensure that payments are
made only if the agreed terms of the contract are respected.

7. The above steps require monitoring of the ecosystem services (see section A of
chapter VI). They also require mechanisms to be built into the PES scheme that allow for a
revision of the PES contract.

8. Countries’ fulfilment of obligations under transboundary and international agreements

should not be conditional upon a payment for services provided by upstream ecosystems.

B. Stakeholder involvement

Policies, programmes and PES schemes are multi-stakeholder affairs involving national and
local governments, community groups, individual landowners, commercial enterprises, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) and donors. Making decisions on the most appropriate
measures to achieve the objectives of river basin management plans, including the protection
of water-related ecosystems, also involves balancing the interests of stakeholders. Therefore it
is essential that the decision-making process be open to scrutiny by those who will be
affected. Furthermore, transparency contributes to enforceability. The greater the transparency
in establishing objectives, deciding on measures and reporting on achievements, the more care
stakeholders will take to implement decisions in good faith, and the greater the power of the
public will be to influence decision-making and implementation, whether through
consultation or, if disagreement persists, through dispute settlement procedures and courts.


1. Policymakers should create favourable conditions for a dialogue at all levels and
should facilitate public participation in decision-making, including at the local level, where
most action takes place, thus building trust, ensuring ownership and improving cooperation.
At the same time, public notification and public participation should be ensured already at an
early stage of PES development, when all options are open and effective public participation
can take place.

2. A shared vision of the desired conditions for water and other related natural resources
needs to be developed. Multidisciplinary teams should be set up and local consultations
organized, both involving user groups and other stakeholders, to draw up such a shared
vision, embedded in strategies for ecosystem protection, and help with implementing water
management plans.

3. Involving all stakeholders, including women, ensures ownership,

upstream/downstream solidarity and the integration of local experience and traditional
knowledge. Thus benefits for local populations, including indigenous people, and effects on
economic and social development can be better demonstrated.

4. It is important to recognize that the private sector can make an important contribution,
not only financially but also by sharing its wealth of practical experience. Commercial
enterprises are important buyers of ecosystem services, as when hydroelectric companies buy
“water flow and sediment-free waters” through payments of user fees. They play intermediary
roles and provide ancillary services, such as fund management services.

5. In the case of transboundary waters, participation in the work of joint bodies should
not be restricted to the Parties to bilateral and multilateral agreements on transboundary
waters. Competent NGOs and the private sector should be encouraged to participate. Joint
bodies thus become a platform for dialogue and joint action to ensure the protection and
restoration of ecosystems and can better serve as a forum for the exchange of information on
existing and planned uses of water and related installations that are likely to cause
transboundary impacts, as is stipulated in the Water Convention.

C. Types of PES and financial arrangements

PES schemes have emerged in a multitude of forms related to the contractual arrangements,
the methods of charging and payment, and the participation of contracting parties, namely the
buyers and sellers of ecosystem services. The general classification of PES distinguishes the
following major types of PES schemes: public schemes, private (self-organized) schemes and
trading schemes.7 The type of buyers, i.e. States, public/private utilities, business or others,
will influence the type of PES and the type of financial arrangements.

Public schemes are schemes in which a municipality or a local or national government acts as
the sole or primary purchaser of a specified ecosystem service or, more commonly, a related
land use or management practice. Public schemes may operate at the local or national level. In
private (self-organized) schemes, both buyers and sellers are private entities (companies,
NGOs, farmers’ associations or cooperatives, private individuals). Private self-organized
schemes are typically local schemes. Trading schemes refer to the establishment of markets in
which established rights (or permits) and/or quotas can be exchanged, sold or leased. The
existence of a strong, well-defined and functioning legal and regulatory framework is a
prerequisite for trading schemes to operate.

Public and private PES schemes may adopt different financial arrangements regarding the
compensation to sellers and the collection of buyers’ contributions. The six most common
financial arrangements include (for sellers) direct compensation, investment or development
funds, and land purchasing and (for buyers) customer-charged payments, lump-sum
contributions and tax-based contributions (for details see annex III).


1. Governments should develop explicit policies and strategies for the development and
implementation of PES schemes in their diverse forms in the water, environment/nature,
agriculture/forestry and (public) utilities sectors. These policies and strategies should also
refer to the establishment of PES and other measures to improve ecosystem services under
existing and future river basin management plans and IWRM plans (whether transboundary or
not), wetland management plans and national forest programmes.

See annex III for a more detailed description of types of PES and financial arrangements and annex IV for
examples of PES.

2. Governments should facilitate PES by issuing guidelines relating to the content and
registration of PES contracts and entities that manage PES. PES should be considered an
incentive for transboundary cooperation and a means for implementation of transboundary
agreements; joint bodies could act as the entities that manage PES in a transboundary context.

3. To facilitate the participation of public utilities in PES schemes, Governments should

issue specific policies, strategies and guidelines governing their public utilities’ participation
in PES schemes as potential buyers of ecosystem services.

4. Governments should encourage the establishment of private schemes by acting, where

possible, as facilitators and mediators between potential buyers and sellers in the
establishment of private PES.

5. To attract the participation of (public) utilities and private industry, Governments

could provide tax incentives (or exemptions) for financial contributions by these utilities and
industries to PES schemes.

6. The type of financial arrangement should be clearly stipulated in PES contracts. In the
case of direct compensation to sellers, the PES contract should stipulate (a) the land use,
management practice or service that is paid for by the PES; and (b) the established rates for
that specified land use, management practice or service.

7. Governments should issue norms for minimum finance standards and practices, which
PES should fulfil (e.g. balance of income and expenditure accounts, the maximum percentage
of income that transaction costs may constitute).

8. Governments should make sure that the above guidance does not impose detailed or
specific restrictions on the contents of PES schemes and contracts that may unnecessarily
restrict or scare off potential buyers and sellers contemplating entering into PES

D. Legal and institutional frameworks

To facilitate the establishment of PES, legally binding environmental standards, judicial and
compliance review mechanisms, enforcement procedures and appropriate institutional
frameworks should be provided. This is without prejudice to the use of existing or future
informal arrangements.


1. For the establishment and operation of PES, Governments should establish appropriate
legal frameworks at the national, transboundary and international levels. Appropriate
institutional arrangements at the national and local levels as well as joint bodies, such as
international river and lake commissions, at the transboundary level should support these
legal frameworks.

2. Provisions for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of water-related

ecosystems should be incorporated into national laws and regulations, transboundary water
agreements and, where appropriate, other international agreements.

3. Legislation should recognize the role of water-related ecosystems in water
management, taking into account the fact that water-related ecosystems are both water users
and genuine suppliers of ecosystem services.

4. Legislation should be drawn up and applied to reduce fragmentation between, and

improve coordination among, government departments and institutions. This requires a clear
definition of the shared responsibilities of institutions responsible for, inter alia, planning,
water, environment, nature conservation, agriculture, forestry, economy and finance.

5. Legislation should ensure access to information and a participatory approach for the
involvement of all stakeholders in decision-making.

6. Sectoral recommendations and regulations should be harmonized in order to reduce

conflicts of objectives and counterproductive incentives. Recommendations and regulations
that subsidize overuse of natural resources and, consequently, lead to decline of ecosystem
health should be repealed.

7. Recommendations and regulations should ensure individual and communal

property/usufruct rights/permits for groundwater, surface water and land. Supportive
legislative action should cover formalization and registration of rights, land use registers,
coordination among departments in allocating rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

8. Governments should review and, where appropriate, amend their legislation to ensure
that there are no obstacles to the establishment of PES in all their diverse forms and scopes.
Existing recommendations and regulations that may restrict the participation of public utilities
in PES schemes should also be amended.

9. Public law, contract and corporate law, and procedural law should all provide a clear
framework for the establishment and implementation of PES. Governments should issue
guidance on the legal requirements which PES contracts have to meet in order to conform
fully with the country’s corporate and contract law.

10. Governments should issue guidance regarding the law under which a PES
management entity should most suitably be registered in order to be recognized as a corporate
entity that can issue and administer the PES contract; the legal/institutional form(s) the entity
may take; and the requirements it has to fulfil under the law.

11. Governments should encourage the establishment of private schemes by ensuring that
no legal obstacles deter private entities from entering into contractual arrangements to sell or
buy ecosystem services or their derived land uses and management practices.

12. When embarking on or promoting trading schemes, Governments should ensure that
the preconditions for the legal and regulatory framework – that is (a) clearly defined quotas
and rights/permits, and (b) their economic transfer – are met in their legislation as well as in
their natural resources management environment. To safeguard the principle of social equity,
Governments may set specific regulatory limits and caps on trading.

13. Dispute arising in connection with the interpretation or application of legal agreements
implementing PES, whether subject to national or international law, may be submitted to a
competent court or tribunal. Therefore, PES administrators should have legal personality for

them to have locus standi8 before domestic courts or arbitral tribunals. When, subject to
international law, consideration should be given to the possibility of submitting disputes
thereof to arbitration under the 2001 Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional
Recommendations for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Natural Resources and/or the
Environment. State Parties should ensure the enforcement of awards rendered under such


A. Information needs analysis and monitoring

Developing and implementing a PES scheme tailored to the specific basin or sub-basin under
consideration and evaluating its socio-economic impact principally requires two sets of

One set of information is related to the functioning of ecosystems and ecosystem services,
depending on land use or management practice (see section A of chapter IV). Under the
Water Convention, numerous guidelines on monitoring and assessment of water and water-
related ecosystems9 have already been developed which help in setting up such monitoring
systems, based on a thorough analysis of information needs, taking into account stepwise
approaches if money is scarce.

The other set of information is related to the design, operation and supervision of PES
schemes; the effectiveness of the ecosystem service(s) provision of the PES (the ecosystem
impact); and the economic efficiency and social equity (the socio-economic impact). Such
information is essentially needed to facilitate compliance by sellers with the agreed service
provision or land use practice. Such type of monitoring has proven to be one of the most
critical aspects of PES schemes, yet it is often very limited or even absent. Monitoring of, and
monitoring under, PES schemes also tends to be severely restricted due to cost considerations,
as monitoring costs increase transaction costs, which, when high, can easily undermine the
economic viability of the PES scheme itself.


1. The monitoring of ecosystem services (e.g. the effectiveness of the agreed land
use/management practices in delivering improved ecosystem services) should be recognized
as one of the most critical aspects of establishing and operating PES. It is needed to ensure the
sustainability of PES, since in the long term buyers may not be willing to pay for a service
that has not been measured or proven to exist.

2. Monitoring of the compliance of sellers with the agreed terms of the PES contract
should be considered a minimum requirement and a prerequisite for PES schemes.

Locus standi means that a given subject has the legal capacity (a) to bring a case before a court as a plaintiff
or claimant, and (b) to be brought before a court as a defendant.
See, for example, the UNECE Guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers,
Groundwaters and Lakes, available at;; and

3. The establishment of monitoring systems for ecosystem services should follow the
approaches set out in the “Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary
Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters”, including an information needs analysis, developing an
information strategy, monitoring and data collection, data management and assessment, and
reporting and information utilization.10 These steps may be adapted, as appropriate, to the
specificity of monitoring ecosystem services, particularly regarding the involvement of the
appropriate institutions and people, the securing of long-term funding and the use of stepwise
approaches, if resources are scarce.

4. Surveys can give preliminary insight into the functioning of the water-related
ecosystem. The use of low-cost monitoring techniques and of bio-indicators should also be
considered. Local knowledge of the river basin may help in selecting alternative techniques.
In the end, monitoring of biophysical relationships and ecosystem services may require
remote sensing, modelling and other decision-support systems.

5. Establishing participatory monitoring and evaluation systems with service providers

and buyers may be cost-effective alternatives worth exploring and supporting for (small-scale)
local PES schemes.

6. Information needs for the design and establishment of PES schemes should be
carefully identified and specified for the selected PES scheme. To specify information needs,
the information users and the information producers should interact closely. This information
needs analysis should lead to clear requirements to monitor/gather information on the
economic and social impacts, including poverty impacts, of PES schemes. Information needed
on socio-economic aspects includes not only income data but also data related to equity,
poverty, livelihoods, conflicts, land tenure and land markets, and local economies.

7. Any information needs analysis should be made, and the resulting monitoring/data-
gathering systems should be developed, in partnership with institutions that will use the
monitoring results for PES management.

8. The exchange of data and information among upstream and downstream populations,
national institutions and other sectors, also in a transboundary context, is crucial and should
be free of charge. Reasonable charges for collecting and, where appropriate, processing data
or information may be made if the data/information is not readily available.

9. Mechanisms such as clearing houses are to be set up to provide local managers with
appropriate information on the protection, restoration and sustainable use of water-related

B. Awareness raising, communication and strengthening of capacities

Policies, strategies and action are shaped through an informed exchange among all
stakeholders on the ecosystem approach as a development opportunity and on the benefits that
water-related ecosystems can provide to upstream and downstream populations.

To convert the principles of the ecosystem approach into policies, strategies and action, and to
set up and implement PES schemes, awareness raising, better communication and capacity

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of
Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters, .New York and Geneva, 2006. Available at:

building are needed. For example, suppliers need to know the value of their ecosystem
services and how much buyers are willing to pay for them. Potential beneficiaries need to
know the value of these services and the conditions for continued provision. Environmental
education and training programmes can be helpful in building capacity and stimulating public
demand for action.

Increasing awareness and understanding of the linkages between ecosystems and the services
they can often provide at a lower cost than infrastructure development is important for society
at large, for policy makers and for the potential beneficiaries. Taxpayers and water users will
be more willing to pay if they know what the payment is intended for and how much they will
benefit from ecosystem protection. Greater awareness of, and understanding by, all the
concerned parties, including the public and the mass media, is also essential for establishing
trust as one of the premises underlying PES schemes.


1. Governments should ensure capacity building with regard to PES in the relevant
institutions, in particular local institutions, and joint bodies. Training programmes on the
protection, restoration and sustainable use of water-related ecosystems are also needed as part
of local and national action programmes.

2. The results of the valuation studies and the economic analysis of water-related
ecosystem services should be disseminated as widely as possible in order to raise awareness
of alternative and innovative ways of water management. This includes measures to attract the
media for information dissemination.

3. Decision-making should involve public participation. This requires that the public be
informed about environmental matters, including the protection, restoration and sustainable
use of water-related ecosystems.

4. Information should be directed at all levels of society and not merely at those who are
already aware of the situation, as is often the case. In particular, efforts should be made to
address the younger generation, who are the decision makers of the future.

5. Water engineering, water management and economic curricula should be broadened to

develop awareness and skills regarding the protection and sustainable use of ecosystems,
including innovative financing mechanisms, and specifically PES.

6. Governments at the appropriate levels should promote initiatives, such as pilot

projects, to increase awareness among children from all types of schools regarding water-
related problems and ecosystem services. This could include partnerships between “upstream”
and “downstream” schools to work on water-related ecological problems.

7. Governments at the appropriate levels should also encourage and support NGOs,
associations and other groups in efforts to set up or contribute to the setting up of clearing
houses, the organization of “green schools”, the holding of thematic competitions,
contributions to dedicated websites and other innovative ways to promote a basic
understanding of integrated water resources management, the benefits of wetlands and forests
for upstream and downstream populations, the protection, restoration and sustainable use of
these ecosystems, and the benefits of establishing PES.

8. Governments should draw on the expertise of international organizations in
developing the capacity required to design and implement PES.

C. Research needs

Governments, including the Parties to transboundary water agreements, should intensify and
promote scientific research carried out by public and private research institutions regarding
the biophysical relationships in river basins, the valuation of ecosystem services and the
establishment and operation of PES. Pilot projects should also be initiated. This requires
allocation of sufficient funds.


1. To better understand the roles and functions of water-related ecosystems and their
ability to provide a specific service, research is needed on the relationship between vegetation,
soil types, geomorphology, landscapes, land use and management practices.

2. With respect to flood protection services from forest ecosystems and the influence of
other ecosystems in the basin, research and pilot projects should be promoted to simulate the
effects of land use changes on medium-sized basins (of approximately 500 to 1,500 km²). The
time-dependent flood protection services of forests and effects of other ecosystems can be
quantified with an interlocking system of hydrological, hydraulic and economic computer
simulation models.

3. Research is also needed on the role and functions of groundwater-dependent

ecosystems, such as wetlands, particularly in relation to groundwater recharge, water
purification and the ability of these ecosystems to temporarily store water.

4. Research and pilot studies to estimate the economic values of water-related ecosystem
services should be promoted in order to make stakeholders and political actors aware of these
values and thus improve the quality of political decision-making. Research should reveal the
change in economic benefits caused by a change in the ecosystem service provided, rather
than the static or stock value of ecosystems as it was in the past.

5. In line with the basic conditions and core principles for PES (see section A of
chapter V), further research is also needed on the design of equitable PES schemes as well as
the reduction of transaction costs.

6. As eco-tourism is an important service of some water-related ecosystems, research

should reveal the benefits generated by healthy water-related ecosystems. There is a need for
better understanding of which stakeholders would profit from eco-tourism and which
stakeholders should invest in maintaining ecosystems healthy and attractive to eco-tourism.
Research should also highlight the profit generated by healthy water-related ecosystems to
eco-tourism entrepreneurs (such as providers of accommodation, food and guiding) and the
payments, which these private companies make for these services, for example, in the form of

7. International organizations as well as the public and the mass media should play a role
in bringing together and disseminating the results of research.

D. Financing

Political actors, decision makers and managers are increasingly aware of the capacity of PES
schemes to mobilize local financial resources through a direct provider-user relationship, and
they increasingly recognize the enormous achievement represented by putting ecosystem
services at the centre of natural resource management.


1. Parties to transboundary water agreements should urge international financial

institutions and regional organizations to allow the establishment of PES schemes or to carry
out pilot projects.

2. In addition to the establishment of PES schemes and pilot projects, funds obtained
through GEF, the World Bank and bilateral funding agreements should be used for the
protection, restoration and sustainable use of water-related ecosystems.

3. Given the private sector’s important role as a potential buyer, its participation in
funding public schemes should be explored, particularly in cases where a municipality or a
local government decides to undertake and finance upstream activities to improve ecosystem
services, such as safe drinking water or a sustainable water flow.

4. For PES schemes to be sustainable, it is important that, even if donors support the
setting up of the scheme, they do not provide funds for its core functioning.

5. PES should be viewed as a valuable financing mechanism for implementing national

sustainable development strategies and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and achieving the
Millennium Development Goals.

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Annex I


Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are a new approach to internalizing the positive
environmental externalities associated with ecosystem services. They involve financial
transfers from the beneficiaries of these services (i.e. those who are demanding them) to
others who are conducting activities which generate these environmental services (i.e. are
supplying them). These payment schemes can be designed and introduced in a context where
there are already well-defined and measurable links between a certain activity (or
conservation practice) and the quantity and quality of ecosystem services. They can also be
introduced in a context where there is a change in conservation practice (e.g. land use) which
will lead to a change cum improvement of ecosystem services.

Although PES schemes can be linked to poverty alleviation strategies, their major objective is
to achieve a given environmental goal at least cost, using the market price mechanism.

Part I of this annex presents a flow chart illustrating some questions to be answered and
analyses to be carried out before deciding on the establishment of a PES scheme. Part II
broadly sketches an integrated framework for analysing the impact of a particular project (e.g.
a change in land use) on the quantity, quality and value of ecosystem services and the
establishment and operation of PES schemes. The focus is on water-related ecosystem


Figure 1 presents a set of questions that have to be addressed and analyses that have to be
undertaken in the process of deciding whether the establishment of a PES scheme is feasible
and useful.

Any decision to go forward with a PES scheme will be based on an imperfect understanding
and measurement of the complex biophysical interrelationships of ecosystem processes in a
river basin. As a result there will be some uncertainty regarding the scale at which a given
management practice or change in land use could provide the desired ecosystem service(s)
over a given time horizon.

The flow chart does not represent a rigid sequence of decisions to be taken as a means of
establishing a PES scheme. In practice, the decision procedure is not a linear process, given
the relationships between the main issues to be addressed. (Examples are the mobilization of
political support and the identification of buyers and sellers of ecosystem services.) Also,
some issues to be dealt with at an earlier stage will reappear at later stages (illustrated by the
differently shaped text boxes in the chart) but may then have different priority.

Although it is desirable for an economic analysis to be at the core of the decision-making

process, in practice, lack of political acceptability, obstacles created by the policy process and
legal requirements can be important constraints that may prevail over economic and/or other
considerations. In any case, there are basic conditions and core principles for the
establishment and operation of PES schemes (see chapter V of the main body of the
Recommendations), and these include that PES schemes must be politically acceptable and
that there must be an explicit demand for a given ecosystem service.

Figure 1. Major issues in the process of establishing PES

Are there any significant water management problems in the river

No Identify problems and risks (e.g. by using
basin? diagnostic analysis of environmental
problems, including analysis of rights and
responsibilities of stakeholder groups).

- Analyse past experiences and the

Can ecosystem services help to at least partly address these water effectiveness of measures (e.g. policy
No management problems? Can these problems be solved or measures, laws/regulations,
mitigated by means of a project such as a change in land use or economic/financial instruments) and
infrastructure solutions.
management practice? - Check available information, including
results of scientific research.
- Make use of local knowledge and habits.


- Quantify ecosystem services (based on

biophysical analysis, hydrological models,
Do the costs and benefits of the PES scheme compare favourably etc.).
with those of feasible alternative projects (e.g. an infrastructure - Carry out a valuation of ecosystem
solution)? services (based on cost-benefit analysis,
multi-criteria analysis, cost-effectiveness
analysis, cost-utility analysis).

Organize dialogue about the main
Is a PES scheme politically acceptable, or can political support be
features of the PES mechanism and
mobilized? related opportunities and risks.

Are there any potential buyers and sellers of ecosystem services? Conduct stakeholder analysis to
identify the main beneficiaries and
No service providers.

Can negotiations between potential buyers and sellers be

Consider an awareness-raising campaign
successfully concluded?

(e.g. to change willingness to pay and/or

willingness to accept).



- Create an effective and efficient legal and

PES schemes are not an organizational framework for the operation
option, at least for the of the PES scheme.
time being. - Ensure effective monitoring of contract
compliance and flexible adaptation of the
PES scheme to changing economic and
environmental conditions.

The following is a broad sketch of an integrated framework for analysing the impact of a
specific project (e.g. a change in land use) on the quantity, quality and value of ecosystem
services and the establishment and operation of PES schemes. The focus is on water-related
ecosystem services.

First step: Project evaluation

What is the main issue?

- Gauge the net benefits (i.e. benefits less costs) of the project and compare them with the
net benefits of maintaining the status quo.

What are the main requirements for this analysis?

- Identification of relevant water-related ecosystem services in the river basin;
- Identification of major stakeholders (providers, beneficiaries, local/national authorities,
- Assessment of the impact of the project on the quantity and quality of relevant water-
related ecosystem services;
- Valuation of changes in ecosystem services related to the project;
- Assessment of distributional incidence of costs and benefits on major stakeholders.

What are the main tools?

- Quantifying ecosystem services: biophysical analysis, hydrological models;
- Valuation of ecosystem services: cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis, cost-
effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis.

Second step: Examination of the feasibility of a PES scheme1

What is the main issue?

- Establishment of an effective market for water-related ecosystem services by creating a
financial transfer mechanism that ensures compensation of activities which supply these
services by other activities which demand these services.

What are the main conditions to be met?

- Quantification of the link between a conservation activity (e.g. type of land use) and the
water-related ecosystem services;
- Clear definition of environmental services to be provided;
- Identification of actual/potential demand for these services;
- Willingness to pay of the actual/potential beneficiaries of these services;
- Willingness to accept of actual/potential suppliers of these services;
- Identification of potential supplementary sources of financing for the PES (including
start-up and management costs) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the scheme.

What are the main tools?

- Biophysical analysis;
- Consultation and negotiation mechanisms;
- Cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis.

It is assumed that the project has been deemed worth carrying out.

Third step: Institutionalization of the PES scheme

What is the main issue?

- Creation of an effective and efficient legal and organizational framework for the
operation of the PES scheme.

What are the main requirements?

- Adaptation of the framework to a specific local economic, social and environmental
- Review and, if necessary, reform of relevant existing regulatory and fiscal provisions;
- Existence of well-defined property and tenure rights (for land use and forestry resources);
- Setting up a cost-effective governance structure for a financing, payment and monitoring
- Involvement of all major stakeholders;
- Establishment of (collective) contracts between providers and buyers of ecosystem

What are the main tools?

- Regulatory and fiscal legislation;
- Property and tenure rights;
- Consultation and negotiation mechanisms;
- Pilot projects.

Fourth step: Operation of the PES scheme

What is the main issue?

- Ensure effective monitoring of contract compliance and flexible adaptation of the PES
scheme’s operation to changing economic and environmental conditions.

What are the main requirements?

- Monitoring of contract compliance (service provision, land use, payments);
- Cost-effectiveness (minimize transaction costs);
- Regular review of the scope for improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of the
PES scheme.

What are the main tools?

- Adequate human, financial and technical resources;
- Capacity-building (at the local, national, transboundary and/or regional levels);
- Technical assistance;
- Socio-economic analysis.

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Annex II


Valuation studies play an important role in the design and implementation of PES. They
provide information on the economic value which individuals and society place on
environmental assets and changes in ecosystem services. Valuation studies also help in:1

• Assessing the overall contribution of ecosystems to social and economic well-being;

• Understanding how and why economic actors use ecosystems as they do;
• Assessing the relative impact of alternative actions so as to help decision-making;
• Making the wide range of services provided by ecosystems comparable to each other,
using a common metric.

Conducting a valuation study is neither conceptually nor practically simple. However, the past
decade has seen substantial progress in developing the conceptual framework and valuation
techniques for environmental cost-benefit analysis.


The valuation of ecosystem goods and services is based on the concept of total economic
value. In the context of these Recommendations, the total economic value of ecosystems
encompasses the value of goods and services that ecosystems are generating or will generate
in relation to water.

Total economic value is divided into two main categories: use values and non-use values.
Typically, use values involve some human “interaction” with the ecosystem service, whereas
non-use values do not.

A. Use values

Use values can be broken down into direct use values, indirect use values2 and option values.

Direct use values are derived from the actual use of ecosystem services for a given purpose.
They include, among others, use of forests (e.g. for logging, collection of fuel wood,
medicinal plants, recreation) and use of wetlands (e.g. harvesting reeds for construction and
other uses, fishing). These direct uses can involve both commercial and non-commercial
activities, with some of the latter often being important for the subsistence needs of rural
populations in low-income regions or countries. In general, the value of services of different
ecosystems in existing markets is easier to measure than the use value of services derived
from transactions in non-existing markets. This may be one of the reasons why policymakers
often fail to consider these non-marketed uses of ecosystems in development project

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2003), Ecosystems and Human Well-Being (Washington D.C.: Island
Press) (see
The distinction between indirect use values and non-use values is ambiguous. A recent OECD study divides
use values only into two subgroups: actual use values and option values. See chapter 6 in D. Pearce et al. (2006),
Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment (Paris: OECD).

Indirect use values refers to indirect benefits derived from ecosystem services that are related
to the maintenance and protection of natural and human systems, including maintenance of
water quality and flow. These indirect benefits include, for example, groundwater recharge,
flood control and storm protection, carbon sequestration, nutrient retention and microclimate

Option values refer to the value placed by individuals on preserving an existing ecosystem
service in order to maintain the option for them to use it in the future.3 This includes, for
example, the valuation of the option of future availability of medicinal plants for drugs and
pharmaceutical uses.

Bequest value refers to the willingness to pay for preserving the environment in a given state
for the benefit of the next generation or future generations, thereby leaving them the option to
make use of the ecosystem services according to their preferences.4 Bequest values may be
particularly high among the local populations using a wetland, reflecting a strong preference
to see the wetland and their own way of life that has evolved in conjunction with it passed on
to their heirs and to future generations in general.

B. Non-use values

Benefits can also be derived from the conservation of ecosystem services “in their own right”.
This non-use or passive value is traditionally referred to as existence value. The existence
value reflects individuals’ willingness to pay to ensure the continued existence of a given

The existence value is different from the “intrinsic” value. By definition, the latter does not
depend on human preferences; therefore, economic valuation is not possible. But individuals’
notions of intrinsic value could nevertheless be reflected in their willingness to pay, and it is a
challenge for the valuation exercise to make explicit this possible influence on the
individual’s valuation of the existence of the ecosystem.


A number of techniques have been developed to value the environment using information
derived from existing or hypothetical markets (see figure 2). The principal distinction is
between revealed preference methods and stated preference methods. Revealed preference
methods rely on observations of people’s actual behaviour in a real-world context. In contrast,
stated preference methods reflect people’s responses in a hypothetical market context. Use
values are typically estimated via the revealed preference method, but stated preference
approaches can also be employed. Non-use values, however, can only be estimated by stated
preference methods.

Some classifications (e.g. OECD, 2006) consider option value to be a type of use value, as it focuses on the
willingness to pay for preserving the option to use the environmental asset in the future.
Some classifications (e.g. OECD, 2006) place bequest value in the category of non-use value given that it
reflects the willingness of individuals to pay for not using the environmental asset.
The following websites provide useful technical documentation on the various valuation methodologies:,, and


Revealed preferences Stated preferences

Existing markets Surrogate markets Hypothetical markets

Market analysis Hedonic prices Contingent valuation

Production Travel costs Choice experiments
function/productivity Defensive
method expenditures
Contingent valuation

Figure 2. Approaches to economic valuation

A. Revealed preferences

Within revealed preferences, there are two major groups of techniques: the first group uses the
existing markets to find the values of ecosystem services, while the second group uses
surrogate markets to find the corresponding values.

Existing markets

Some ecosystem products (e.g. timber or fish) are directly traded in existing markets. Their
values (i.e. the consumer and producer surplus) can be estimated on the basis of the existing
market prices and the changes in quantities demanded in response to variations in prices.
Other ecosystem services (e.g. provision of clean water) are used as intermediate inputs in the
production process – for example, for irrigation of agricultural land or for processing purposes
in industry. Changes in the quality of water (or other environmental inputs) affect the price
and quantity of outputs produced. The benefits of changes in the quality of the ecosystem
good can be estimated in terms of changes in market variables related to the specific industry
(i.e. productivity, factor costs and net revenues from sales). This valuation approach is known
as the productivity method or the production function approach.

Surrogate markets

Most environmental goods and services are not traded in actual markets. Revealed preference
methods therefore focus on estimating the value of implicitly traded non-market
environmental goods and services (i.e. in surrogate markets), based on actual purchasing
decisions by individuals and households for products that either are substitutes for or have a
complementary relationship with the environmental goods and services. The main valuation

methods used in this context involve the estimation of hedonic prices, travel costs and
defensive expenditures.

The hedonic price method aims at determining the impact that a specific qualitative
environmental characteristic of a given market good has on the price of this good. The basic
idea is that these qualitative characteristics are implicitly traded via the market good. The
technique has been applied mainly to the property market in order to determine the impact on
property values of various features of houses, including environmental qualities such as air
pollution, water pollution, noise, and distance to recreational areas.

The travel cost method strives to value the use of natural areas or specific locations for
recreational purposes. The main underlying assumption is that the recreational value is
reflected in the monetary costs incurred by individuals for travelling to these areas.

Defensive expenditures are part of the avertive behaviour of individuals and households
designed to cope with the effects of adverse environmental externalities (e.g. noise, air
pollution, water quality). An estimate of these expenditures can be seen as a lower bound of
the value of the benefits that would be created if the negative externality were removed. A
typical water-related example of these expenditure types is water purification devices such as
filters for drinking water.

B. Stated preferences

The second group of techniques is stated preferences methods. These methods have to be
used for the estimation of non-use values related to ecosystem services, namely in cases when
the costs and benefits of a particular ecosystem service cannot be inferred from observed
behaviour in existing markets. The only possibility is to use direct surveys of individuals to
estimate their willingness to pay for changes in the provision of these services.

The traditional approach, the contingent valuation method, allows gauging, on the basis of a
set of specific questions, the willingness to pay (or willingness to accept payment) for a
hypothetical change in the provision of a certain ecosystem service such as water quality.

Another survey-based approach, choice experiments (or choice modelling), involves the
ranking, scoring and selection by individuals of a set of well-defined environmental attributes,
including their monetary costs. This makes it possible to value multidimensional changes in
ecosystem services and related environmental policy options.6



The context within which valuation of ecosystem services occurs, its purpose and the
appropriateness of a given methodology are the key considerations when valuation studies are

Choice experiments were used to assess water supply options for the Australian Capital Territory. The
objective of the choice experiment study was to examine community preferences relating to various options for
meeting the water demands of the area’s growing population, while focusing attention on resulting
environmental costs. The study examined five policy options, including damming, water recycling and demand
management, and assessed community preferences relative to (a) water availability for household use, (b) water
quality, (c) the cost of water to households, (d) the impact on the aquatic and riparian environment, (e) the
maintenance of animal habitats, and (f) the impact on the urban environment.

undertaken. Table 1 summarizes the methodological framework for the valuation of
ecosystem services.

Table 1. Valuation of ecosystem services: when, why and how7

Approach Why do we do it? How do we do it?

Determining the total value of To understand the Identify all mutually compatible services
the current flow of benefits contribution that ecosystems provided; measure the quantity of each
from an ecosystem make to society service provided; multiply by the value of
each service

Determining the net benefits To assess whether the Measure how the quantity of each service
of an intervention that alters intervention is economically would change as a result of the
ecosystem conditions worthwhile intervention, as compared to the quantity
without the intervention; multiply by the
marginal value of each service

Examining how the costs and To identify winners and Identify relevant stakeholder groups;
benefits of an ecosystem are losers, for ethical and determine which specific services they
distributed practical reasons use and the value of those services to that
group (or changes in values resulting
from an intervention, such as a change in
land use or management practice)

Identifying potential To help make ecosystem Identify groups that receive large benefit
financing sources for conservation financially self- flows from which funds could be
conservation sustaining extracted using various mechanisms


Economic valuation studies rarely take into account the functioning state of ecosystems.
Standard economic valuation methodologies derive ecosystem service values based on
marginal analytic methods that assume relatively intact and stable ecosystems.8 However,
ecosystems are dynamic and stochastic9 systems which can shift to entirely new states of
equilibrium.10 There may therefore be a need for a periodic re-evaluation of the costs and
benefits of providing the various ecosystem services in a river basin.11

Another important issue is the aggregation of individual values (preferences) to determine

overall societal values (preferences). There is a risk that the values of some individuals,
especially the disenfranchised, will be marginalized in the aggregation process. A
considerable body of recent literature therefore favours adoption of a discourse-based
approach to valuation of ecosystem services.12

Based on the work of S. Pagiola and others, for example, the publication by Pagiola, S., von Ritter, K., and
J.T. Bishop, J. T. (2004), Assessing the Economic Value of Ecosystem Conservation, World Bank Environment
Department Paper No. 101, published in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy and IUCN.
Limburg, K. E., O’Neill, R.V., Costanza, R., and Farber, S. (2002), Complex systems and valuation.
Ecological Economics 41: 409–420.
See the example on modelling stochastic ecosystems in annex V.
Holling, C. S. (2001), Understanding the Complexity of Economic, Ecological and Social Systems.
Ecosystems 4: 390–405.
See also the section on research needs in section C of chapter VI of the Rules.
Wilson, M. A., and Howarth, R. B. (2002), Discourse-based valuation of ecosystem services: establishing
fair outcomes through group deliberation.

While the methodologies for determining monetary values in cases when goals are limited to
economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness are comparatively well developed, there
is also a need to consider issues related to distributional justice or equity, that is, the
distribution of benefits and costs among different groups of persons affected by the project.

In addition to the more fundamental concerns regarding the use of economic valuation
methodologies, table 2 highlights some common pitfalls to avoid when carrying out a
valuation study.

Table 2. Avoiding common valuation pitfalls 13

Advice for action Rationale

Use net benefits, not gross benefits Failure to consider the costs involved in using
resources (the cost of harvesting products, for
example, or the cost of piping water from its source
to the user) results in an over-estimate of the value of
ecosystem services.

Include opportunity costs The costs of an action (e.g. change in land use or
management practice) are not limited to the out-of-
pocket costs involved in implementing it. They also
include the opportunity costs resulting from forgoing
the benefits of alternative actions (or inaction).
Omitting opportunity costs makes actions seem
much more attractive than they really are.

Do not use replacement costs …unless you can demonstrate (i) that the
replacement service is equivalent in quality and
magnitude to the ecosystem service being valued;
(ii) that the replacement is the least costly way or
replacing the service; and (iii) that people would
actually be willing to pay the replacement cost to
obtain the service.

Do not use benefits transfer …unless the context of the original valuation is
extremely similar to the context you are interested
in. Even then, proceed with caution. However, it is a
good idea to compare your results to those obtained

Do not use value estimates based on small changes Economic value estimates are not independent of the
in service availability to assess the consequences scale of the analysis. Value estimates are almost
of large changes in services availability always made for small (“marginal”) changes in
service availability, and should not be used when
contemplating large changes.

Be careful about double-counting Many valuation techniques measure the same thing
in different ways. For example, the value of clean
water might be measured by the “avoided health care
costs” or by a survey of “consumers’ willingness to
pay for clean water”. However, the consumers’
willingness to pay for clean water is due to (at least
in part) their desire not to fall sick. Thus, these two
results should not be added, if they are, the value of
clean water would be over-estimated.

Slightly adapted from Pagiola et al. (2004) (op. cit.).

Advice for action Rationale

Do not include global benefits when the analysis is More generally, only consider benefits (or costs) that
from a national or local perspective affect the group from whose perspective the analysis
is being undertaken. Including benefits, which are
primarily global in nature in analysis undertaken
from a national perspective is a particularly common
mistake, and results in an over-estimate of the
benefits to the country/local area.

Adjust for price distortions …when concluding the analysis from the perspective
of society as a whole, but not when conducting the
analysis from the perspective of an individual group.

Avoid spurious precision Most estimates are by necessity approximate. Round

the results appropriately, avoiding excessive
precision. When there is substantial uncertainty,
report the results as ranges.

Submit results to sanity checks Are the results consistent with other results? Are
they reasonable in light of the context?
Extraordinarily results are not necessarily wrong, but
must be checked carefully. Extraordinary results
require extraordinary proof.

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Annex III



A. Public schemes

Under public schemes, a public entity (e.g. a municipality, a local government or a national
government) acts as the sole or primary buyer of a specified ecosystem service or, more
commonly, a related land use or management practice. This public entity also acts as the
administrator and executor of the PES scheme. Not only do the funds originate from public
entities, they are also administered and paid out by the public entities to the service providers
cum sellers. Typically, public schemes target water-related services to secure water supply
(water-quality and water-quantity services), flood protection and erosion control through the
provision of financial compensation or incentives to induce land users to refrain from
changing practices or to change to specific practices.

Public schemes may operate at the local or national level.

Local public schemes are PES schemes in which municipalities or local governments fund,
administer and pay for ecosystem services in a specific “local” part of a basin that will yield
specific water-related benefits at the local level.

National public schemes are equivalent to subsidy mechanisms of national Governments.

However, in the case of PES, government financial incentives are directed towards specific
ecosystem services that are deemed to be beneficial not only at the local level but also at the
national level. The distinguishing characteristic of a national public scheme is that it concerns
a PES that is applicable sector- and nation-wide. The financial incentive for the specified land
use or ecosystem service is applicable to anyone who can apply/provide it, and not dependent
on the locality it is offered. National public schemes thus tend to be river-basin independent.

B. Private (self-organized) schemes

In private (self-organized) schemes, both buyers and sellers are private entities (companies,
non-governmental organizations, farmers’ associations or cooperatives, private individuals).
Private (self-organized) schemes are typically local schemes where the buyers and sellers
have been able to identify an agreed ecosystem service and negotiate and settle upon an
agreed price. The buyers make payments on a voluntary basis by commitment to the
stipulations of the agreed contract.

The distinguishing feature of private schemes is the manner in which the PES contract and
funds are administered and disbursed. In private schemes, this is typically taken care of by a
PES administration (or management) entity (either registered as an NGO or trust fund) that
has been established specifically to manage the PES. These PES management units administer
the PES contracts with buyers and sellers, collect the funds from buyers, disburse the funds to
sellers, and hold them accountable for their service provision. In practice, PES management
entities may prefer to outsource the collection and disbursement of fees and monitoring to a
fourth (specialized) party, usually against a service charge.

Public-private schemes, a specific subset of private schemes, in principle have the same
features as a private scheme, except that the buyer (or one of the principal buyers) is a public
utility (e.g. a municipal water-supply company or a public power utility). The feature which
distinguishes public-private schemes from local public schemes is the role of the participating
public utilities in public-private schemes. This role is limited to that of providing funds to the
PES schemes in the role of a service buyer, just as any other private buyer would do. This
means that the utility is not involved in the administration and management of the PES
contract, as in local-public schemes, but participates as a contracting party of service buyers.
In public-private schemes, the PES contract is thus administered by a third-party PES-
management entity in the same manner as in private schemes.

C. Trading schemes

Trading schemes refer to the establishment of markets on which established rights (or
permits) and/or quotas can be exchanged, sold or leased. For example, environmental
pollution quotas for nitrate, phosphorus and/or salt discharges may be sold or traded by low
polluters to high polluters. Also within the realms of water management, trading schemes can
be very promising mechanisms for effectively trading, banking or leasing water quantities
among urban/industrial, agriculture and ecosystem users/uses. A prerequisite for trading
schemes is a strong, well-defined and working legal and regulatory framework that (a) clearly
defines the pollution quotas or water rights/permits; and (b) allows and enables the
(economic) transfer, whether temporarily or permanently, of these among different users and
uses, including nature or ecosystems.


A. Financial arrangements for sellers

Direct compensation

Direct compensation to sellers (i.e. ecosystem service providers) is the most frequently
applied financial arrangements in PES. In most cases, compensation (or incentive) rates are
set and defined for a specified land use or management practice, which is deemed to deliver
the desired ecosystem service, per unit of hectare (e.g. US$/ha). A PES scheme may adopt
different rates for different classes of land use or management practices that are valued to
provide different degrees of ecosystem services. Alternatively, the scheme may compensate
specific practices (e.g. non-application of nitrates, restrictive mowing or draining) or
ecosystem indicators (e.g. number of flora and fauna species per ha, provision of habitat for
specified species).

Investment or development funds

Alternatively, PES schemes may establish a development or trust fund instead of issuing
direct compensations to sellers. In such cases, the payments collected from the buyers are
accumulated in a trust fund, which in turn is deployed by the PES schemes in investing in
practices or activities enhancing ecosystem services. The advantage of this mechanism is that
(a) the PES funds can be deployed in a variety of ecosystem service practices and activities;
and (b) the mechanism provides the flexibility to adapt investments as opportunities and
needs arise. The associated disadvantage is that buyers committed to financing the trust fund
do not explicitly know what types of services and benefits they will receive in return. This
disadvantage can be partly overcome by having buyers become the trustees (or members of

the board) of the trust fund, through which they are granted authority to make decisions
regarding the deployment of the funds.

Land purchasing

Land purchasing is, strictly speaking, not a PES payment but an ordinary market transaction.
It is, however, frequently used in PES schemes as an additional, single-transaction means to
enhance the ecosystem services demanded. In such cases, the land acquisitions are made with
the explicit purpose of enhancing the ecosystem service. Typically, converting the land use
back to low-use or natural vegetation enhances such services as water retention and improving
water quality. From a PES point of view, land purchasing has the advantage of diminishing
the transaction cost of otherwise required direct compensation to land owners. The
disadvantage is that PES thereby becomes a competing land user that seeks to out other land
uses/users; it is thus not suitable in all socio-economic contexts.

B. Financial arrangements for buyers

The financial contributions of service buyers to PES schemes, whether public or private, may
take different forms.

Customer-charged payments

Participating utilities (e.g. water supply and electricity companies) and, to a lesser extent,
industries (e.g. the beverage industry) may charge their PES contributions directly, and
explicitly, to their customers. In general, this is done by charging an explicitly set premium
for electricity or water supply which is then used to fund the utility’s PES contribution. This
method is frequently applied by public utilities, which usually research and/or negotiate the
PES premium with their customer base.

Lump-sum contributions

Alternatively, participating buyers may contribute annual lump sums (or even one-off
payments in case of trust funds). These contributions may (a) be set arbitrarily as an outcome
of negations under the PES agreement, reflecting how much buyers are willing to pay and
how much funding is needed to acquire enough services; or (b) be set as a fraction of the
turnover or profit of participating utilities or industries.

Tax-based contributions

Public schemes may be financed through taxes. However, to qualify as a “payment” and be
different from ordinary subsidies, the tax must be explicitly raised and spent for the purpose
of the ecosystem service to be acquired.

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Annex IV


Parts I–III of this annex describe PES schemes used in the UNECE region.1 Part IV gives an
introduction to the establishment of PES schemes for preventing and mitigating adverse
impacts from floods, using approaches to simulate the effects of land use changes on
stochastic flood protection services from ecosystems.


A. Public PES scheme at the local level

The New York City–Catskill watershed management programme (see table 3) is a striking
example of a public payment scheme. The Catskill and Delaware watersheds provide 90 per
cent of the water consumed by the city of New York. As the quality of water decreased in the
1990s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required that all surface
water be filtered, unless safe water could be provided under natural conditions. It was
estimated that building a filtration plant would cost US$ 6 billion to 8 billion and its yearly
operation US$ 300 million to 500 million. Instead of building a filtration plant, the city
authorities decided to invest US$ 1.5 billion over 10 years in a watershed programme to be
administered by the Catskill Watershed Corporation, a non-profit organization. The
programme is based on improvements in farm and forestry practices in order to reduce water
pollution. The PES scheme was initiated with money from the city of New York, the state of
New York and the Federal Government. Now the scheme is financed by a tax included in
New York water users’ bills.

Table 3. Example of a local-level public PES scheme

Project summary

Title of the project New York City–Catskill watershed management programme

Type of PES Public payment scheme (local scheme)
Significant water Microbial pathogens and phosphorus in surface water requiring special
management problem treatment by municipal water-supply company
Water-related ecosystem Provision of high-quality drinking water for New York City (NYC) through
service natural filtration rather than construction of a new filtration plant
Purpose of the project Improvements in farm and forestry practices to significantly reduce the presence
of microbial pathogens and phosphorus in the water
Supplier Upstream forestry landowners, farmers and timber companies
Buyer NYC municipal water-supply company
Source of funding Additional taxation on NYC water bills, NYC bonds, trust funds set up and
financed by NYC

The descriptions are based on an earlier work by Danièle Perrot-Maître and Patsy Davis, Esq. (Case studies
of markets and innovative financial mechanisms for water services from forests, May 2001).

Types of instruments (a) Compensation to landowners (subsidies to farmers and forest landholders for
any additional costs associated with the adoption of good management
practices; government grants logging companies additional logging permits in
return for improvement of forest management services; property tax reduction
for better land management practices)
(b) Property transfer (distribution of government-owned land development
rights to farmers and landowners in exchange for agreements to follow good
management practices; government’s purchase of conservation easements from
private landowners that require retirement of certain ecologically significant
land from production; purchase of hydrologically sensitive land)
(c) Development of markets (new markets for non-timber products; timber
product certification)
Amount of payment Dairy farmers and foresters adopting good management practices were
compensated with US$ 40 million, which vowed their additional costs.
Foresters who improved their management practices (e.g. by using low-impact
logging) received additional logging permits for new areas. Forest landowners
owning 50 acres or more and agreeing to commit to a 10-year forest
management plan were entitled to an 80% reduction in local property taxes.
Laws/regulations A number of Federal, state and local regulatory changes were necessary to
implement the programme: (a) The US Environment Protection Agency’s
agreement to waive the filtration requirement provided time to develop a cost-
effective alternative to achieving water quality. (b) A 10-year permit from the
State Department of Environmental Conservation enabled NYC to acquire land.
(c) The long-standing New York State Watershed Recommendations and
Regulations were revised to establish new standards for water facilities and
construction projects and require NYC review and approval of activities with
potential adverse effects on water quality.
Role of the public sector Though NYC led the project, both the Federal and state governments provide
financial and technical assistance. The US Department of Agriculture provides
technical assistance and financial incentives to farmers under its Farm Bill
Conservation Program. New York State grants financial help to the
Conservation Enhancement Program, and the State Department of Conservation
conducts water-quality research and nutrient monitoring.
Equity concerns Farmers decided to participate in the programme because of their concern that
they might be put out of business by stringent command-and-control measures.
Many farmers had lost land when the New York City reservoirs were built, and
they were not willing to risk losing more land. Landowners who owned small
areas of forests were concerned because the 80% local property tax reduction
would benefit only those forest landowners with 50 acres or more.
Lessons learned for The approach used by NYC was cost-effective and politically acceptable, as the
designing similar systems cost of the programme was lower than the cost of the additional filtration plant,
and water users were willing to be taxed to support the cost of the programme.

The approach may not be applicable for catchment areas that are more
commercially and industrially developed and more densely populated than in
the Catskill/Delaware area.2

B. Public PES schemes at the national level

In Switzerland, precipitation generates drinking water to the value of about € 3,500 per
hectare of agricultural land. As intensive farming not adapted to local conditions is the main
cause of groundwater nitrate pollution, further measures were needed in addition to strong
legislation on water protection and agriculture; these include voluntary programmes
promoting extensification.

This was the case of the Groton catchment, which also supplies water to NYC. In this case, the city invested
in a new filtration plant because the high population density and the level of development in the area precluded
using any approach centered on the protection/enhancement of ecosystem services.

The objective of the PES scheme (see table 4) was to change management practice in order to
decrease nitrate pollution in groundwater, with an emphasis on groundwater used for drinking
water. As stipulated by the Federal Water Protection Ordinance of 28 October 1998,
authorities are required to initiate measures if the maximum level of 25 mg NO3/l is exceeded
in groundwater used for drinking water or intended as such. Based on article 62 (a) of the
Federal Law on the Protection of Waters, farmers taking part in a coordinated nitrate-
reduction project within the area of contribution of a contaminated drinking-water well are
compensated for the additional costs following contractually fixed water protection measures
which go beyond legal requirements and good agricultural practice and are sufficient to lower
the nitrate concentration below 25 mg/l (see below). The Federal State establishes the
conditions for compensation, while the cantons enforce the relevant measures (contracts with
farmers, payments and control/evaluation).

Compensation can be given in case of restrictions of exploitation and in case of new/required

investments or disinvestments, including income reduction due to the change of agricultural
practice, provided the measures go beyond legal requirements and good agricultural practice.
Financial support is allocated by a contract and a one-time payment per year during a
maximum of six years, after which the project is evaluated and required follow-up
activities/funding are examined.

Table 4. Example of a national-level public PES scheme

Project summary

Title of the project Nitrate strategy of Switzerland

Type of PES Public payment scheme (national scheme)
Significant water management Pollution of groundwater aquifers with nitrates, with priority focus on
problem groundwater used for drinking-water supply
Water-related ecosystem service Reduction of nitrate charges in groundwater and consequently of nitrate
input into the North Sea via the river Rhine; provision of high-quality
drinking water
Purpose of project Change of management practice in agriculture beyond legal requirements
and good agricultural practice
Supplier Farmers
Buyer Federal Government, cantons and water supplier
Type(s) of instruments Compensation for contractually fixed changes in agricultural practice
beyond legal requirements and good agricultural practice
Source of funding Federal government, cantons and water supplier
Amount of payment From € 130 per hectare and year for measures in open cultures to € 1,250
for enhancing the meadow’s surface
Laws/regulations Federal Law on the Protection of Water, Water Protection Ordinance and
Federal Law on Agriculture. The Federal State establishes the conditions
for compensation, while the cantons enforce the relevant measures
(contracts with farmers, payments and control/evaluation).
Role of the public sector Launching an information campaign “ActionN – Fewer Nitrates in
Water”, contacting all relevant institutions, holding farmers’ lobbies,
issuing newsletters and creating a website (
Equity concerns Apply to farmers located within the area of contribution of a
contaminated drinking-water well, who need to take water protection
measures which go beyond legal requirements and good agricultural
Lessons learned for designing At present, some 20 “local” projects are under way in a number of Swiss
similar systems cantons for a total of 3,000 hectares of agricultural land. Similar projects
could be carried out in Switzerland for a total of an estimated 50,000
hectares. More projects are in preparation.

C. Public PES schemes at the subregional level

The EU Common Agricultural Policy and agri-environmental measures (AEMs) are

incentives to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the environment on their farmland.
Farmers are paid in return for a service. They sign a contract with an official institution
(administration) and are paid for the additional cost of implementing such commitments and
for loss of income due, for example, to reduced production. The two main objectives are to
reduce environmental risks and to preserve nature and cultivated landscapes. AEMs go
beyond usual good farming practice (the legal obligations and levels of environmental care
that each farmer routinely has to comply with, compiled in “regional” codes submitted by
Member States to the Commission for approval).

Some AEMs concern productive land management, such as input reduction (reduction of
fertilizers and plant protection products, crop rotation measures, organic farming,
extensification of livestock, conversion of arable land to grassland, under-sowing, cover
crops, farmed buffer strips, prevention of erosion and fire and rotation measures, conversion
of arable land, and actions such as late mowing in areas of special biodiversity/natural
interest), genetic diversity, maintenance of existing sustainable and extensive systems, farmed
landscape and water use reduction measures. Other AEMs concern non-productive land
management, such as setting aside land, upkeep of abandoned farmland and woodland, and
upkeep and maintenance of the countryside and landscape features.

Table 5. Example of a public subregional PES scheme

Project summary

Title of the project Agri-environmental measures to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the
environment on their farmland
Type of PES Public payment scheme (subregional application for EU member countries)
Significant water Water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides
management problem
Water-related ecosystem Improving the quality of surface waters and groundwaters
Purpose of the project Change of management practice in agriculture

Examples of commitments covered by agri-environmental schemes: (a)

environmentally favourable extensification of farming; (b) management of low-
intensity pasture systems; (c) integrated farm management and organic farming;
(d) preservation of landscape and historical features such as hedgerows, ditches
and woods; and (e) conservation of high-value habitats and their associated
Supplier Farmers
Buyer Government authorities
Type(s) of instruments Farmers receive payments that compensate for additional costs and loss of income
that arise as a result of altered farming practices.
Source of funding EU taxpayers

Amount of payment After the 2003 mid-term assessment of AEMs, the average agri-environmental
payment was € 89 per hectare and year (ranging from € 30 to € 240), and for
organic farming € 186 per hectare and year (from € 40 to 440).

Apart from the above-mentioned payments, compensatory allowances are given in

less favoured areas (LFA) and areas with environmental restrictions (vulnerable
environments or areas of high ecological value). Such areas include mountain
areas and areas where the soil or climate limits the production. The 2003 mid-term
assessment of AEMs showed that the average annual compensatory allowances
for LFA amounted to € 2,319 per holding and € 71 per hectare.
Laws/regulations EU water-related legislation, such as the Nitrates Directive3 and the Water
Framework Directive,4 EU Common Agricultural Policy and agri-environmental
Role of the public sector Launching information campaigns, including substantive information on the
Internet (see, for example,
Equity concerns Applies to farmers who commit themselves, for a five-year minimum period, to
adopting environmentally friendly farming techniques that go beyond usual good
farming practice.
Lessons learned for The 2003 midterm assessment of AEMs showed that these measures had
designing similar systems improved soil and water quality, although it was difficult to quantify all their

In their rural development programmes for 2000–2006, EU country profiles list

agri-environmental measures among their main priorities; examples include
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. The enthusiasm
for AEMs varies among regions within a country. It depends on, among other
things, the farm’s structure, its size, the age of the owners, and their level of skills.


An example of a private (self-organized) deal comes from Nestlé waters’ practice in France
(see table 6). Nestlé, which owns the natural mineral water sources of Vittel in north-eastern
France, protected the spring catchment area, which was intensively farmed (with resulting
nutrient run-off and pesticide residues), by purchasing agricultural land and reforesting it. It
also reduced further non-point pollution by signing 18-to-30-year contracts with the local
farmers to reduce nitrate pollution by adopting extensive and optimal cattle-ranching practices
and replacing corn crops with alfalfa. The yearly payments are based on the opportunity cost
and the actual costs of technological change.

Council Directive of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by
nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC).
Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a
framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Table 6. Example of a private (self-organized) deal

Project summary

Title of the project Vittel S.A.’s payments for water quality

Type of PES Private (self-organized) deal
Significant water Nutrient run-off and pesticides
management problem
Water-related ecosystem Provision of high-quality mineral drinking water
Type of project Change of management practice
Supplier Dairy farmers
Buyer Nestlé Waters, which owns the natural mineral water sources of Vittel S.A. in
north-eastern France
Funding source Vittel financed all compensation payments and costs of technological and land
use change. The Government of France financed research to identify alternative
land management scenarios.
Types of instruments (a) Property acquisition
(b) Compensation for changing management practice
Amount of payment Vittel financed investment costs and paid US$ 230 per hectare and per year for
a period of seven years to cover the reduced profitability.
Laws/regulations The scheme was possible because existing French water legislation provided a
suitable regulatory framework and a framework conducive to enforcing
Role of the public sector Though no formal partnership was established between the private and public
sectors, the public sector played a fundamental role in implementing the
regulatory framework, ensuring the enforceability of contracts and granting
limited financial aid.
Equity concerns Equity was respected, as farms of all sizes had access to the PES. All farmland
in the sub-catchment is enrolled in the programme.
Lessons learned for When Vittel purchased Perrier and Contrexeville, it “exported” the approach to
designing similar systems these companies, considering (a) that the conditions at the Contrexeville springs
were similar to those of the Vittel springs; and (b) that the Perrier springs were
located in an area of vineyards and intensive wheat cultivation.

The scheme is feasible because of the limited number of farms and the high
profitability of the business.


In many rivers in the United States, increasingly high nutrient loads have had a significant
adverse impact on water quality. Government regulations have traditionally tried to control
water quality by establishing fixed standards for quality and/or fixed levels of allowable
discharge for particular pollutants from particular point-source polluters. Point-source
polluters are those who discharge nutrients from a precisely localized source (often an
industrial site or municipal sewage plant). To meet the regulatory standards for water quality,
point polluters often have to invest in expensive waste-reduction technology.

Legally set allowances for “discharges from non-point sources”, such as fertilizer run-off
from agricultural fields, have not been fixed. This is mainly due to the difficulty of measuring
or estimating pollution by non-point sources, which depends on such factors as the pathway
of the pollution, the type(s) of polluting substances, vegetation growth and hydro-
meteorological conditions.

As an alternative to regulation, nutrient trading has been instituted in several catchment areas
in the United States as a flexible, cost-effective and equitable way to comply with water-

quality standards and give non-point sources a financial incentive to participate in pollution

Table 7. Example of a trading scheme

Project summary

Title of the project United States nutrient trading

Type of PES Trading scheme
Significant water High nutrient loads in surface waters
management problem
Water-related ecosystem Improved water quality
Type of the project Nutrient trading to comply with water-quality standards and to give non-point
sources a financial incentive to participate in pollution control
Supplier Point source polluters discharging below allowable levels and non-point
unregulated sources reducing their pollution through, for example, adopting
ecologically sound agricultural practices
Buyer Polluting sources with discharges above allowable level
Sources of funding (a) Credit buyers(b) United States Government to finance transaction costs
required to implement the scheme
Type of instruments Trading of nutrient reduction credits among industrial and agricultural polluting
sources or among non-point sources (e.g. agriculture)
Amount of payment In south-central Minnesota, the cost of running a trading programme was
estimated at US$ 12 to US$ 15 per pound of expected phosphorus load reduction.
This amount was about two or three times the estimated unit cost of phosphorus
removal from municipal water treatment systems.
(a) Costs for trading appear to be higher than expected.
(b) Transaction costs associated with the design of trading mechanisms
(regulatory framework, information gathering, identification of potential traders)
and administrative costs (water-quality monitoring) may be higher than those
associated with traditional ways of treating water.
In fact, when incentive payments (US$5 to US$ 10 per acre) were included in the
above example, the cost rose to between US$ 48 and US$ 70 per pound. This
amount did not include transaction and enforcement costs or the costs of an
educational programme to encourage landowners’ participation.
Laws/regulations A strong regulatory framework is a prerequisite for trading. A monitoring system,
standards and trading Recommendations must be established to ensure that credits
traded are really associated with ecological improvements. A legal remedy must
be available to ensure that a credit traded by a polluter corresponds to a true
reduction in nutrient discharge.
Role of the public sector Although the exchange is between private entities, the public sector plays an
essential role. Trading requires both strong regulations and sufficient financial
resources to cover the associated high design and transaction costs; these
resources usually come from the public sector.
Equity concerns A trading scheme transfers the burden of management and transaction costs from
regulatory authorities to polluting sources (which can be point sources or non-
point sources). Since industry bears most of the burden while the agricultural
sector is the main contributor to the nutrient problem, it would arguably be more
equitable to treat and control agriculture as “a point source” and link the provision
of agricultural subsidies to ecological improvement. The main reason for
establishing trading schemes is that one believes it would be generally more cost
efficient and more effective than command-and-control measures. The approach
takes into account the different cost structures of the polluters and give them a
choice between reducing their pollution by changing their production technology
and paying those who reduce their pollution level below recommended levels, so
that the level of water quality requested by law is reached.

Lessons learned for Point source/non-point-source trading programmes have been used in the United
designing similar systems States for the Dillon and Cherry Creek Reservoirs, which provide about half of the
city of Denver’s water supply, and in North Carolina’s Tar-Pamlico catchment

Such trading appears to be feasible only in highly site-specific circumstances. The

use of water-quality trading schemes has so far been limited to highly developed



A. Simulation models

Flood protection is an important service that different ecosystems – forests and wetlands in
particular – provide within a given basin. These flood protection services are stochastic
services as they affect the probability of flood events.5

Such flood protection services of ecosystems can be assessed and valuated by means of an
interlocking system of hydrologic-hydraulic and economic computer simulation models,
illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 3. Interlocking system of hydrologic-hydraulic and economic models for

monetary valuation of flood protection services of ecosystems6

Ecosystems providing flood protection services have a measurable impact on the probability of flood events
in downstream parts of the basin. They have an influence on the quantity of runoff and the recurrence interval of
different runoff events – for example, a flood event expected every 50 years or every 100 years.
Provided by the MIRO Institute (

Quantifying the probability of flood events requires a two-step approach. First, the probability
of flood events under a given pattern of land use needs to be calculated by means of
hydrologic-hydraulic models (long-term simulation). Second, the impact of changing the
particular pattern of land use on the probability of runoff within the basin needs to be

The hydrologic-hydraulic models that use numerous time-related data, such as climate
variables and structural data on land use, soils and topography, need to be calibrated by
comparing calculated runoff with runoff measured at river gauges.

The simulation of land use changes provides a powerful tool for estimating the biophysical
impact of different types of land use, such as forests and wetlands, on the probability of runoff
in a given basin.

In a subsequent step, the monetary values of the flood protection service can be calculated in
order to establish a PES system. The economic model, capable of applying different methods
(see figures 2 and 3 and annex II), provides important information to upstream sellers and
downstream buyers.

To achieve economic efficiency, it is most important to reduce transaction costs. It is

recommended that sellers and buyers in a given basin establish “flood protection clubs”
comprising groups of upstream farmers and groups of downstream settlers, which
considerably facilitates negotiations on prices and contracts.

B. Application in a catchment area in Germany

The interlocking system of hydrologic-hydraulic and economic models described above was
developed for the basin of the river Vicht, located in the Eiffel Mountains in the western part
of Germany adjacent to Belgium. The main types of land use in the catchment area of
104 km2 were forests (55%) and grassland (31%). Eight percent of the catchment area was

The long-term simulation of precipitation-runoff events under the given pattern of land use
and employing properly calibrated hydrologic-hydraulic computer simulation models showed
close correlation with runoff measured at river gauges. The effects of changing land use on
the probability of runoff were also simulated.

These models can show how many hectares of grassland at different locations within the
catchment need to be converted into forests in order to compensate for the additional runoff
generated from paving one hectare of grassland. The economic values of such changes of land
use can be calculated by means of opportunity costs that indicate how much income from dairy
farming a farmer in the region loses by converting grassland into forests.

See Grottker T. (1999), Erfassung und Bewertung regionaler Hochwasserschutzleistungen von Wäldern –
dargestellt am Beispiel des Wassereinzugsgebietes der Vicht [Identification and evaluation of regional flood
protections services of forests – the case of the Vicht River catchment area]. Schriften zur Forstökonomie 19
(Frankfurt: Sauerländer).

Below are the lessons learned for designing similar systems:

(a) Simulating precipitation-runoff events and changes of land use is a powerful

tool and can be applied in any basin. It provides valuable information and
contributes to improved political decisions on land use within the basin.

(b) The stochastic ecosystem service of flood protection varies greatly from basin
to basin and within the same basin depending on both biophysical and
economic data. Thus, the results calculated for one basin cannot be assumed to
hold true for another basin.

(c) Land owners giving up farming have opportunity costs which need to be
compensated if trees are to be planted to provide flood protection services.

(d) The establishment of flood protection clubs of upstream farmers and

downstream settlers could be a feasible instrument for making payment
systems for ecosystem services work without high transaction costs, if the
institutional framework is provided by the Government.

(e) Pilot studies in mountainous areas with high rainfall should be carried out in
order to locate effective areas for establishing flood protection forests and
testing the instrument of flood protection clubs.

Annex V



This annex summarizes recent decisions by UN member States and, if applicable, the
European Community at high-level meetings supporting PES. For easy reference, relevant
text passages are emphasized in bold italics.


(Vienna, Austria, 28–30 April 2003)1

Paragraph 4 of the Vienna resolution 2 on “Enhancing Economic Viability of Sustainable

Forest Management in Europe”, the Signatories States and the European Community
recognizes “that forests provide a broad range of social, cultural and environmental values
to society, striving to improve the economic viability of sustainable forest management
through income generated from marketable goods and services as well as, where
appropriate, from revenues from currently non-marketed values ”.

With this resolution, the Signatories States and the European Community committed
themselves to:

“improve enabling conditions for the market-based provision of a diversified range of

non-wood goods and services from sustainably managed forests, inter alia, through
identifying and removing unintended impediments and setting appropriate incentives”
[paragraph 9];

“work towards common approaches to the practical application of the valuation of the
full range of goods and services provided by forests and contribute to existing
information systems, in cooperation with relevant organizations; incorporate the outcome
of these valuations in relevant policies and programmes” [paragraph 10];

“promote the use of innovative economic instruments for achieving forest related goals
and targets” [paragraph 17].


(Rome, Italy, 14 March 2005)2

The Ministers responsible for forests, meeting in Rome on 14 March 2005 at the Ministerial
Meeting on Forests to consider international cooperation on sustainable forest management,
including on forest fires, called on “FAO to further develop studies and assist countries, upon
request, in the design and implementation of projects on payment for environmental services
from forests as well as in the assessment of the various benefits (water, carbon, biodiversity)
of these projects”.


(New York, United States, 30 April 2004 and 11–22 April 2005)

Resolution 13/1 on policy options and practical measures to expedite implementation in

water, sanitation and human settlements in its paragraph 3 “calls upon Governments, and the
United Nations system, within existing resources and through voluntary contributions, and
invites international financial institutions and other international organizations, as appropriate,
working in partnership with major groups and other stakeholders, to take action as follows:
…concerning the means of implementation, mobilize adequate resources to meet the water,
sanitation and human settlements goals and targets, tapping both domestic and international
sources through a range of financing approaches, such as [paragraph x]:… Enhancing the
sustainability of ecosystems that provide essential resources and services for human well-
being and economic activity and developing innovative means of financing for their
protection [paragraph x, subparagraph (iii)].3


(Kampala, Uganda, 8–15 November 2005)

A. Resolution IX.3: Engagement of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in ongoing

multilateral processes dealing with water

In paragraph 20, the Conference of the Contracting Parties “INSTRUCTS the Ramsar
Secretariat to promote and implement, with Contracting Parties, relevant and key elements of
the decision taken at CSD13 on Integrated Water Resources Management, including inter alia
enhancing the sustainability of ecosystems that provide essential resources and
benefits/services for human well-being and economic activity and developing innovative
means of financing their protection; protecting and rehabilitating catchment areas for
regulating water flows and improving water quality, taking into account the critical role of
ecosystems; and supporting more effective water demand and water resource management
across all sectors, especially in the agricultural sector; and ALSO INSTRUCTS the Secretariat
to report to the 34th meeting of the Standing Committee on an action plan for the Convention
in promoting these themes in order for the Standing Committee through the Secretary General
to provide input to the CSD report-back session in 2008”.

See E/2005/29-E/CN.17/2005/12.

B. Resolution IX.14: Wetlands and poverty reduction

In paragraph 8, the Conference of the Contracting Parties, “FURTHER URGES all

Contracting Parties, bearing in mind the examples outlined in Ramsar COP9 DOC. 33, to take
or support action to….review and improve existing financing mechanisms and encourage new
thinking in finance institutions, such as the Global Environment Facility, for wetland
management to help address poverty reduction, and new ideas such as local agreements with
wetland communities to enable the maintenance of ecosystem benefits/services.”

In paragraph 10, the Conference of the Contracting Parties, “ENCOURAGES Parties to work
with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the Ramsar
International Organization Partners, national and international NGOs and others
to… undertake assessments of the economic, social, cultural and livelihood values of
individual wetlands and wetlands in general and the benefits/services they deliver, with a
view to enhancing sustainable livelihoods utilizing a wise use approach.”


(Geneva, Switzerland, 27 January 2006)

In the Preamble, the Parties to the agreement recognize, inter alia, the ”importance of the
multiple economic, environmental and social benefits provided by forests, including timber
and non-timber forest products and environmental services, in the context of sustainable
forest management, at local, national and global levels and the contribution of sustainable
forest management to sustainable development and poverty alleviation and the achievement of
internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium
Declaration” [preamble, paragraph f].

Article 1 states that the objectives of the agreements “are to promote the expansion and
diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally
harvested forests and to promote the sustainable management of tropical timber producing
forests by promoting better understanding of the contribution of non-timber forest products
and environmental services to the sustainable management of tropical forests with the aim of
enhancing the capacity of members to develop strategies to strengthen such contributions in
the context of sustainable forest management, and cooperating with relevant institutions and
processes to this end” (art. 1, paragraph q).


(New York, 27 May 2005 and 13-24 February 2006)

The sixth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests prepared a resolution which was
successively adopted by the Economic and Social Council.7 This resolution suggests, inter
alia, “(k) Further developing innovative financial mechanisms for generating revenue to
support sustainable forest management” and “(l) Encouraging the development of
mechanisms including systems for attributing proper value, as appropriate, to the benefits

United Nations Forum on Forests, Report of the sixth session (27 May 2005 and 13–24 February 2006),
(E/CN.18/2006/18 • E/2006/42(SUPP)), Economic and Social Council, Official Records, 2006,
Supplement No. 22.
Resolution 2006/49 on the Outcome of the sixth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests.

derived from goods and services provided by forests and trees outside forests, consistent with
relevant national legislation and policies.”


(New York, 16 to 27 April 2007)

The seventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests adopted a non-legally binding
instrument on all types of forests and prepared a draft resolution for adoption by the
ECOSOC. The paragraph 6(j) “Encourage recognition of the range of values derived from
goods and services provided by all types of forests and trees outside forests, as well as ways
to reflect such values in the marketplace, consistent with relevant national legislation and


(Nairobi, Kenya, 15-26 May 2000)

In Decision V/6 on the Ecosystem Approach, the Conference of the Parties endorsed a
description of the ecosystem approach and recommended the application of some specific
principles. Principle 4 states “Recognizing potential gains from management, there is usually
a need to understand and manage the ecosystem in an economic context. Any such
ecosystem-management programme should:

(a) Reduce those market distortions that adversely affect biological diversity;

(b) Align incentives to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use;

(c) Internalize costs and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent feasible.”


(Curitiba, Brazil, 20–31 March 2006)

A. Decision VIII/9: Implications of the findings of the Millennium Ecosystem


In paragraph 19, the Conference of the Parties states: “Aware also of the need to improve
knowledge of trends in biodiversity, and understanding of its value, including its role in the
provision of ecosystem services, as a means of improving decision-making at global, regional,
national and local levels, and also recognizing cross-scale interactions in ecosystems, urges
Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations, including scientific bodies, to increase
support for and coordinate research, inter alia, to improve: basic knowledge and
understanding of biodiversity and its components; monitoring systems; measures of

United Nations Forum on Forests, Report of the seventh session (24 February 2006 and 16 to 27 April 2007),
(E/CN.18/2007/18 • E/2007/42(SUPP)), Economic and Social Council, Official Records, 2007,
Supplement No. 22. This reference has been added after adoption of the Recommendations by the Meeting of the
Parties to the Water Convention.
9 This reference has been added after adoption of the Recommendations by the Meeting of
the Parties to the Water Convention.

biodiversity; biodiversity valuation; models of change in biodiversity, ecosystem functioning
and ecosystem services; and understanding of thresholds.”

In paragraph 21, the Conference of the Parties “requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice to take note in its deliberations of the linkages between
biodiversity and relevant socio-economic issues and analysis, including economic drivers of
biodiversity change, valuation of biodiversity and its components, and of the ecosystem
services provided, as well as biodiversity’s role in poverty alleviation and achieving the
Millennium Development Goals.”

B. Decision VIII/17: Private-sector engagement

In this decision, the Conference of the Parties notes, inter alia, “that contributions from
business and industry towards the implementation of the Convention and its 2010 target could
be facilitated by further work under the Convention to develop … (b) tools for assessing the
value of biodiversity and ecosystem services, for their integration into decision-making.

C. Other decisions

Two other decisions are in their entirety important regarding the establishment and operation
of PES. These are Decision VIII/25 (Incentive measures: application of tools for valuation of
biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions) and Decision VIII/26 (Incentive
measures: preparation for the in-depth review of the programme of work on incentive


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