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BAU Journal - Health and Wellbeing

Volume 1 Issue 3
Urban Health & Wellbeing Building Collaborative Article 17
Intelligence for Better Lives in Cities

ISSN: 2789-8288

October 2018


WALAA NOUR Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Department of
Architecture Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University, Egypt,

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NOUR, WALAA Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Department of Architecture Faculty
of Engineering, (2018) "PRINCIPLES OF URBAN QUALITY OF LIFE," BAU Journal - Health and Wellbeing: Vol.
1: Iss. 3, Article 17.

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Quality of life is a notion that has been discussed by philosophers, social scientists, economists conceded
with the question of how society should best allocate resources it has been widely used in a wide range of
contexts , including the gelds of international development, health care, political science, built environment,
education, reaction and leisure time social belonging. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question
of how can urban planning contributes to improving individual quality of life, introduce the nation of urban
quality of life that refers to the urban planning features that could enhance the individual quality of life,
which could be useful for planners and designers. Overviews of cities and their effect on people, presented
in handbooks in the area of environment behavior studies, often start by listing the positive and negative
traits of cities mainly in relation to density and opportunities on one hand, and crowdedness, pollution and
alienation on the other. Individual studies on single aspects of urban form and their impact on cognition,
affection and behavior and attitudes are also very plentiful, with several journals dedicated to this theme,
and a fast-growing international portfolio of cases and examples. Urban form is the setting where a
more complex sharing of responsibilities needs to occur because, as we will show, shaping, controlling
and being able to access the urban realm is signigcant for our well-being. Morphological structures and
control relationships that are capable of better integrating social processes, material form and spatial
organization can be found in the literature and require further investigation and development in the context
of contemporary urban design and sustainable living challenges. Cities are many things to everyone; for
the purpose of this chapter, we see them as grst and foremost sources of behavioral and experiential
opportunities, which other environments cannot offer. As such, we look at urban form as shaped by urban
design at three main scales: metropolitan, neighborhood and pedestrian. We then search for studies that
relate domains of QoL to each of these scales, including a focus on objective and subjective indicators.

Quality, urban planning, principles, cities, urban metabolism.

This article is available in BAU Journal - Health and Wellbeing:



1 Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University, Egypt

ABSTRACT: Quality of life is a notion that has been discussed by philosophers, social
scientists, economists conceded with the question of how society should best allocate
resources it has been widely used in a wide range of contexts , including the fields of
international development, health care, political science, built environment, education,
reaction and leisure time social belonging.
The purpose of this paper is to answer the question of how can urban planning contributes
to improving individual quality of life, introduce the nation of urban quality of life that refers
to the urban planning features that could enhance the individual quality of life, which could
be useful for planners and designers.
Overviews of cities and their effect on people, presented in handbooks in the area of
environment behavior studies, often start by listing the positive and negative traits of cities
mainly in relation to density and opportunities on one hand, and crowdedness, pollution and
alienation on the other. Individual studies on single aspects of urban form and their impact
on cognition, affection and behavior and attitudes are also very plentiful, with several
journals dedicated to this theme, and a fast-growing international portfolio of cases and
examples. Urban form is the setting where a more complex sharing of responsibilities needs
to occur because, as we will show, shaping, controlling and being able to access the urban
realm is significant for our well-being. Morphological structures and control relationships
that are capable of better integrating social processes, material form and spatial
organization can be found in the literature and require further investigation and development
in the context of contemporary urban design and sustainable living challenges.
Cities are many things to everyone; for the purpose of this chapter, we see them as first and
foremost sources of behavioral and experiential opportunities, which other environments
cannot offer. As such, we look at urban form as shaped by urban design at three main scales:
metropolitan, neighborhood and pedestrian. We then search for studies that relate domains
of QoL to each of these scales, including a focus on objective and subjective indicators.

KEYWORDS: Quality, urban planning, principles, cities, urban metabolism.

From an overview on recent trends in urbanization, we will introduce the notion of control as a key to
read the following text and in particular we will:
A. Contextualize the concept of control in relation to the fields of both quality of life (QoL) and urban
form. In fact, the literature in both domains shows that there is a mutually reciprocal relationship
between aspects of quality of life and urban spatial structure.
B. Review established and recent research on the relationships between QoL and urban form, structured
around metropolitan, neighborhood and pedestrian scales, which illustrates the centrality of control in
shaping our cities and allowing quality of life to be fulfilled within them.
C. Propose a conceptual framework for socio-spatial urban design, which is sensitive to the relative
importance of predictive/structural and loose/flexible urban elements in the production and
management of urban space, and their critical role in affording their users a sense of control.
D. Suggest the need for a reconceptualization of city form away from an assemblage of material and
spatial elements towards a more integrated sense of a city as a mutually defining socio-spatial system.

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Research on QoL started in the 1970s, in conjunction with the establishment of the journal Social
Indicators Review. Its area of investigation spans many disciplines, although its core sector of work is health.
Because of the wide-ranging scope of investigation in QoL, there is little agreement on its definitions and
approaches . Many have identified factors, domains, frameworks, and concepts to clarify and organize its
meaning. The World Health Organization recognizes that the study of QoL is at (financial status, employment)
and multidimensional. Developmental psychologist Ryff sees satisfaction with life not as contentment with the
achievement of a status.. The spatial organization of our urban habitat must be conducive to supporting and
sustaining us through these journeys. Greenbie offers perhaps one of the earliest attempts to develop an
understanding of spatial structure that is integrated with such fundamental human functioning. Citing World
Value Surveys and Gallup World Polls amongst others, which set out to measure QoL from thousands " many
components personal, social, economic, environmental Î which they then correlate, Montgomery (2013)
suggests how economic status, which for years was deemed the driving element for life satisfaction, is not
dominant and that indeed the most prosperous countries and cities in the world do not score higher in these
surveys. Rather, education, employment, location and social ties seem to do in turn, positively affect our
perception of health, being linked to the feeling of leading a positive and meaningful life.
Quality of life is a concept which in recent years has generated a great deal of interest, but it is not only a
notion of the twentieth century. Quality of life has been the focus of many studies but a consensus as to how it
should be defined has not been reached; it is a complex, multidimensional construct that requires multiple
approaches from different theoretical perspectives. There have been many attempts to define what constitutes
quality of life in the different disciplines. Quality of life is our ability to enjoy all that life has to offer. For
instance, the ability to walk, talk, see and feel all contributes to our overall quality of life. A quality life is a
life full of meaning and purpose.

Fig. 1 Quality of life

2.1 Quality Of Life Domains

Several analyses of the literature have identified domains that contribute to the overall perception of
QoL. From a review of almost 10,000 abstracts and 2,500 papers, identified 8 domains, each assessed
through 3 indicators, objective or subjective, for the study of QoL. Subjective views of QoL are linked to
cultural and contextual differences, and tend to be related to a smaller scale of investigation . Objective
indexes are useful at a mesoscale, and a combination of both is used at higher scales, such as national or
international surveys. Acknowledging that international comparisons are difficult, these surveys take into
account contexts by weighting them, thus revealing important cross-cultural commonly shared values .
Pacione suggested that liveability is a description of this sense of comfort, and represents the interaction
between people and place, involving social, economic, environmental and health-related factors . The
form and character of most places in the city modulate our interaction with others, and with the
environment as a whole, triggering emotional, cognitive, effective, and behavioral processes, on a
personal and group level.
DOI: 10.54729/2789-8288.1069 2

Fig. 2 Quality of life Domains Fig. 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs


Urban design as a distinct academic and professional area emerged in the late 1940s and 1950s from the
cultural cradle of the late Modern Movement in architecture, through the convergence of themes that, though
entirely internal to the Modern Movement of the times and initially proposed to expand and reform it ,
contained the seeds of a radical departure from it. By the early 1960s, themes including " historical built
heritage as an environmental (not just monumental) asset, social engagement within the area of urban design a
radical opposition to the principles; for example, around the role of design and the designer in society, the
origin of place identity . The parallel growth of cognate disciplines, such as ethology, psychology,
environmental psychology and urban anthropology, legitimized the development of urban design into a more
complex area, which found much of its inspiration and ideas in the desire to understand the relationship between
people and space. The urban design, that is those thinkers who shaped the foundations of the discipline as we
know and practice it today , were determined to understand critically place and the human experience within it
as a pre-requisite for design, conscious of the impact that design ideologies were having on quality of life
across the globe. Urban design today which studies and shapes the form of cities as complex, organized
systems of people, spaces and connection. It works in the past, present and future; it deals with individuals,
groups and society as a whole . This definition contains the notion that places do change in time, within or
without the remits of planning, suggesting that urban evolution is a founding principle of our discipline. Urban
design deals with structures and values in order to offer rich, coherent experience. It determines our interface
with the external world, modulating our interaction with others, our access to choice, and our bonds with space.
Moreover, urban design deals with the delivery of urban form, at different scales. In a metastudy of urban form,
Clifton suggested that this is the focus of many different disciplines, which use different scales of investigation,
have a different focus of interest and use different methods. We follow on from their classification of scales,
and focus our review on the (sub-)metropolitan, neighborhood and pedestrian scales.

Fig. 4 City form

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3.1 Urbanized Future

Urbanism is a very old term; it has accompanied the development of our cities for centuries, through
the skilled and at times grand and intentional, to the ad hoc and piecemeal intervention of development,
growth and refinement. Significantly different targeted, widespread, professional and coordinated
approaches to urban planning emerged to address a severe public health crisis only when industrialization
hit cities in Europe and North America in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries.
A new profession was born here that effectively divorced scales of intervention by separating architecture
from planning and thus created a gap in the layout and design of our cities. This became evident at a large
scale after WWII and has had a significant impact ever since on how we experience them. Thereafter, the
concomitant effects of both World Wars and the aging of the stock built.

3.2 Urban quality of life definition

Urban quality of life is not a simple term that has a clear or anagreed definition but is a complex
concept which might be defined by various disciplinaries. The term urban quality of life is not used to
describe some physical features but to describe all the relationship, the dynamics, and the reticular
relationship that exist between those physical features. Thus, the definition of urban quality of life is
network and complex rather than linear and very elementary.

Fig. 5 Urban quality of life

4. Principles of Urban Quality Of Life

4.1 The Metropolitan Scale

Intuitively, quality of life seems easier to relate to the more human scales of urban experience whereas
understanding which components of the wider city scale are influential is perhaps more obscure.
Nevertheless, we view cities as places with characteristics that enable us to distinguish one from another
and form images of them in our mind. This allows us to grow attached to them, organizing them as
referents, for directions, for narratives, and to move through them. However, although the effect on QoL,
at this scale, is harder to grasp, our experience of them is nevertheless important in the basic lifestyle they
allow us to have, not least because it is at this scale that the arrangement of communication networks,
land-uses, the distribution of services and access to them can either help or hinder our movement, and
generate positive or negative experiences.

4.1.1 Material Well-being

Bettencourt and West have calculated the increase in urban productivity, urban benefits and
negative externalities that accompany city growth, suggesting that these increase faster than
population growth, whilst the urban infrastructure required to accommodate such growth is much
slow. From an evolutionary perspective, this might suggest that cities can social and physical
through restless innovation, and the continuous production of creative solutions, geared towards
efficiency. The issue of efficiency, in both environmental and cultural terms, is crucial to
conceptualize and develop the fundamental strategic role of urban design. The fact that their scale
DOI: 10.54729/2789-8288.1069 4

has a rather consistent dimension seems to suggest that, even today, amongst all changes, urban
design should acknowledge such consistencies and respect them in new development.

4.1.2 Emotional and personal development

The morphological work above, which confirms the historic and geographic persistence of
coherent urban areas bounded by movement channels up to modern planning, suggests the
development of a rather spontaneous but balanced character within each of these areas,
proportional to their size (which is remarkably rather regular, in time and space). This was
consistent until large-scale professional planning started to predetermine the character of whole
areas from the outset, limiting the spontaneous development of the city. Interestingly, research
mentioned above has also shown that the organization of the main city elements, and the dynamics
within them, are remarkably consistent and predictable, even across socio-cultural processes of
diversification, migration and overall change. As such, they are robust and lasting. The degree of
organization that such elements allow their users changes substantially, according to both the
societal context (including policy and planning) and the physical form of places. form, place and
understanding, and therefore control, is key, making explicit that much of the contemporary
mainstream in urban design tends towards the delivery of mostly professionalized urban structure
thus limiting, and even obstructing, the more socially oriented levels of control (place and
understanding). These levels of control have a significant part to play in our capability for
emotional and personal development because this is where relationships between individuals and
groups most actively interact with material and spatial settings. The degree of organization
afforded in space is fundamental to how we inhabit and experience it. An overview of articles from
Landscape and Urban Planning over 16 years has identified a number of consistent human needs
in urban settings, valid across cultural differences and political contexts Urban residents
worldwide express a desire for contact with nature and each other, attractive environments, places
in which to recreate and play, privacy, a more active role in the design of their community, and a
sense of community identity. Having a degree of control at a metropolitan scale is a societal need
expressed through meanings. Castells defines urban meanings as an expression ,they are infused
in the city. Nevertheless, people change, and with them their values; the city also changes but on
different timescales, and yet needs to maintain congruence between meanings and form, to allow
coherence and a sense of place to develop. It is enough to think of recent social change in
developed societies, how substantial it has been within a relatively short timescale; from the early
1960s, more women started working, marriage occurred later in life, changing family size, and
reducing the number of households with children; life expectancy generally grew, and so did
disposable income, with a surge in the number of wealthy in retirement. Whilst these changes are
primarily societal, economic and cultural, they require physical adaptability to allow our
environments to be supportive, conducive, representative and enabling for our emotional and
personal development. Montgomery gives an interesting example: the typical image that has been
depicted in the media for years, that of the American family living in the suburbs, has recently
been substituted by more urban lifestyles (i.e. Friends, Fraser, Sex and the City). These Mental
libraries of stories contribute to changing our perception of what is desirable, helping us explore
life according to different urban rules and pace. The form of cities helps us develop and understand
ideals and models, and with them become part of systems of practices. The congruence between
form and these systems, some of which are unspoken, is key to our functioning as social beings.
It relieves us from stress and gives us confidence to use the city and its parts; Lewicka suggests
that the urban scale can participate in place attachment and deserves more attention by future
research. Urban form needs to be able to assimilate meanings over time; it is dangerous and costly
to expect urban form to help us substitute them every time society demands new ones. The notion
of control demands a more negotiative relationship between us and space, a creative, smaller-scale
combination of context and subject in which spatial arrangements interpret, absorb and help
develop social and cultural rules.

4.1.3 Interpersonal Relationships

Cities increase economic activity and productivity, but people flock to them as much for human
interaction as for that. This is a double-edged sword. We crave interaction, which we enjoy when
it is accompanied by our controlled ability to retreat from it. Moser calls urban behavior
paradoxical, in that individuals must cooperate socially to maintain their anonym. Urbanity must
function as a guide to manage social interaction. Despite their higher efficiency, big cities have

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been associated with a cultural bias that has long been studied in America. Recent investigations
show that big cities tend to score lower than small towns on three scales: poor neighborhood
quality, associated with housing conditions; home and neighborhood satisfaction with fair
neighborhood characteristics; and the neighborhood quality rating of older long-term residents
satisfied with their neighborhood, and young short-term residents not so satisfied with it. In all
these instances, small towns scored better than large cities but a variation in the cities studied
seems to suggest that those included were also those with a more generally uniform form of
neighborhoods, even across varying incomes, whilst other cities where the polycentric nature of
form was more evident did not feature. A significant obstacle to beneficial interpersonal
relationships in cities is criminality, one of the greatest sources of stress in urbanites. Fear of crime
limits our ability to go out (mobility) and interact with others (sociability), two key domains of
quality of life. It is also one of the main reasons why people leave the city (sometimes referred to
as suburban flight). Research shows that instances of crime and fear of crime are different, the
latter in fact not being the consequence of real risk, as summarized by Moser . Concentration of
crime is often higher in city centers, which being denser in activities tend to attract greater
densities of people; this can be explained on the basis of, amongst others, the principle of de-
individuation , which suggests that when the concentration of strangers is greatest, it is impossible
to identify the odd-one-out. The feeling of insecurity that is associated with fear of crime is linked
to the feeling of loss of sense of control and territoriality. Incivilities and aggressive behaviors are
heightened by physical form, with the sense of civic responsibility, the probability of intervening
when witnessing distress, and simple people-people interactions (i.e. looking at a stranger in the
eyes whilst walking) being reduced with an increase in density and the number of people around .
The concept of helpfulness has also been shown to be linked to city size. In general, it is higher in
smaller towns than cities, with 300,000 being the threshold above which there is no significant
distinction, and is affected by weather and noise levels (increases in both above certain limits
reduce it . Helpfulness can also increase in complex settings Î at least for women, not for men Î
and decrease with the number of people potentially there to help, explained as the overload
approach, similar to the deindividuation principle introduced by Rydin and Zimbardo. Urban
forms that allow for the performance of urban life through the establishment and maintenance of
unspoken behavioral rules have crucial implications for the nature of change and adaptability
within urban realms: an important concept in the delivery of urban social sustainability. Change
and adaptability in this context, and their relationship to resilient sustainable living, can be
captured through the conceptual lens of Forgiveness. Here, the action of forgiveness underpins a
conciliatory human-environment relationship uniquely able to articulate how environment can
Forgive human interventions and humans can Forgiven constraints that environment may impose.
The concept of forgiveness maintains that we will tolerate large amounts of discomfort if we have
what is most important to us. This is established within psychology but not in our relationship
with environment. The environment is an actor of forgiveness, part of a process of exchange and
thus significant as a means to explore connections that enable and constrain forgiveness . Such
connections become visible in human-environment relationships in how people develop
perceptions of relationships among themselves, society at large, and the wider natural world.
Consistent with this are ideas related to the struggle for recognition, which facilitates forgiveness
by connecting past experience with the present through " socially interactive need to experience
themselves as belonging, Recognized as a focus of concern, a valued contributor, or a responsible
agent, as central to achieving self-esteem (Honneth 1995). From this perspective, the attention of
urban design is beginning to shift from purely form towards patterns and the interpersonal
relationships that define them, supported in particular by recent debates criticizing the concept of
neighborhood as a physical entity associated with that of community . Whilst these still perceive
neighborhoods as important, they interpret them as fluid and variable, changing around
individuals, their interests and pursuits. Such fluidity does not negate the contribution of space to
shaping social interactions and collective behaviors; on the contrary, the latter seems to self-
organize around prominent spatial features, for example concentrations of shops and services. The
importance of this in the development of environmental competence was discussed earlier,
highlighting the significant role played by understanding the environment in terms of proxemic
sets. The concept of proxemic sets is resonant in the work of Spivak who considered the
environment to consist of a finite range of 13 characteristic settings, or archetypal places. Like
proxemic sets, which are primarily concerned with context defined in terms of the human-
DOI: 10.54729/2789-8288.1069 6

environment experience, archetypal places go beyond physical features and are defined in terms
of the human behavior that occurs in them.

4.1.4 Physical Well-Being

With research on the links between physical activity and chronic health developed since the
1970s , we have gained knowledge about the relationship between the sociopsychological
characteristics of individuals and exercise, urban density and exercise, and service distribution at
the community scale and exercise. More recent integrated approaches to both monitoring and
planning are providing important information on how to achieve healthy cities. This is crucial
given that, currently, the most widespread cause of preventable death is heart disease , and this is
associated, amongst other things, with weight. Research has shown that weight is linked to
inactivity, and inactivity to physical environments; the role of urban design is therefore becoming
increasingly important. Speck reports a bleak trajectory in the increase in obesity in the US, from
10% of its population in the 1970s to more than 30% today, with a further third of the population
being overweight. He then warns of predictions by the Center for Disease Control that one third
of all children born after 2000 will get diabetes, making this the first generation in America
predicted to live shorter lives than their parents. Physical activity has been found to have positive
effects on the control and reduction of obesity, and the studies of physical environments in relation
to their capacity to encourage such activity are growing in number and sophistication. This issue
will be dealt with in more detail in the Neighborhood and Pedestrian Scale sections.
If green open spaces, and particularly those with a naturalistic emphasis, are good for urban
inhabitants QoL, one of the main challenges in urban design is how sufficient amounts of green
open space can be accommodated as cities become ever denser and more compact. One
consequence might be to reduce the availability of land in urban centers for large tracts of green
space, generating instead a need to look to smaller types of public open space for respite and
escape. Central to this developing concept is the re-establishment of the street as the urban focus,
which provides a web of connections offering people a range of choices and experiences as they
move about. Streets, and their capacity to connect a diversity of outdoor rooms, may therefore
have potential as components of a reconceptualized urban park in the regenerated and rejuvenated
compact city. The idea of a network of small, restorative open spaces in an urban center has been
explored before in the context of urban planning, notably in a proposal by the American landscape
architect Zion in 1963, who suggested that New York citizens would be better served by thousands
of very small parks rather than a few larger ones. In the form he envisaged, but one of his pocket

4.2 The Neighborhood Scale

Neighborhoods are social clusters where interactions among members of the cluster are more likely
to take place, and in a stronger way, than those involving externals. As such, neighborhoods may occur
in space or even develop entirely in the virtual world. The dynamics involving both the Space of flows
and the Space of places in the network society of our times have been explored by Castells who maintains
the importance of the local form and function of places, where creative economies are increasingly reliant
on human face-to-face interaction to generate innovation, attract choice-makers and thrive . The social
and physical (spatial) dimensions of the neighborhood have undergone cyclical waves of attention and
neglect in the history of urban planning on one hand and urban sociology or anthropology on the other
since the beginning of the 20th century.
From an urban planning perspective, space has gained momentum in the past generation of
scholarship, with urban renaissance and place-making guiding the agenda for a sustainable future in the
age of urbanization, starting from the Urban Task Force to the wealth of planning and design guidance
published internationally. through the development of the discipline has emphasized the fixed spatial
relationship between location of services and gravitation of local social practices, taken as a whole, on
the grounds of a notional distance of 400 meters (or 5 minutes walk) from a center. This notion of
neighborhood needs review, to take into account the complexity of sociality in the information age, and
local communities expanding their role in relation to services, by becoming producers and not only
consumers of services in a way that involves entrepreneurship and innovation primarily in the local space
. New forms of inhabiting, from co-housing to LAT (Living Apart and Together), and working, with the
expansion of house-working and multiple-working, coupled with the crisis of publicly subsidized welfare
systems, are emphasizing the benefits of adaptability and resilience through local control, as opposed to
centralized planning-and-delivery, as an effective response to emergent societal needs.

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4.2.1 Material Well-Being

Speck suggests that home investment is about as local an investment as you can get. We use
investment (both economic and emotional) as a signifier of interest, commitment and sense of
control over our immediate space, as a starting point to discuss form and quality of life at a
neighborhood scale, in describing the modern Muslim city, identified the relationship between
ownership, use and control of space as central to the nature and quality of space. For him, every
space in a city is definable in terms of the relationships between the parties who own, control and
use it, and divided into five types - trusteeship, possessive, permissive, dispersed, unified, each
affecting the dynamics in the development, maintenance and transformation of the built
environment. When a space is owned, controlled and used by one single party (Unified form of
submission), maintenance is generally good, change is gradual and piecemeal, corresponding to
the usures needs, and the overall environment is socially responsive at the most basic level of
society. At the other extreme, the space is owned by a party (the state or the local authority),
controlled by another (the housing authority) and used by a third (the inhabitants), in a Dispersed
form of submission; here, direct control over the environment is removed from its direct user, and
maintenance is more likely downgraded, with limited emotional investment allowed . Together,
and with all the variations in between, these relationships explain the complexity and variety of
urban environments, also linking their form to management, use and maintenance.
In general, an earlier generation of modeling tools for optimizing the use of energy resources
throughout the production and consumption of houses is now complemented by efforts to analyze
the environmental performance of neighborhoods, in a more holistic understanding of zero-carbon
futures; these are being used to assess and plan, in contexts both to retrofit and to plan anew.

4.2.2 Emotional and Personal Development

Aspects of the social implications of neighborhood upkeep and the modifications and
adaptations that people routinely make to their surroundings is highlighted in work on the potential
of the back alley as a community landscape . Martin discusses the way different configurations of
boundary treatment affect social potential in American residential developments. When
boundaries are configured to achieve a balance of what Martin describes, the back alleys can be
transformed from being merely functional conduits into settings rich in social potential, capable
of encouraging and sustaining neighborly behavior in residents. Hidden-ness and revealing-ness
reflect that people, depending on mood and circumstance, sometimes wish to preserve privacy
whilst at other times choose to be more openly available for contact with neighbors. Martin links
the development of community spirit in residential settings with the extent to which the built
environment allows individuals to control when they wish to hide or reveal themselves as they
move about their daily lives. Boundaries of different heights and degrees of transparency, gate
orientation, location of outbuildings and bin storage, places for such control, allowing inhabitants
to position themselves according to how sociable or otherwise they feel. There is a question of
balance: infrastructures that facilitate too much hidden-ness may obstruct the sort of spontaneous
social encounters from which good neighborly relationships often develop, whilst those that are
too revealing can lead people to feel themselves oppressively overlooked. The ability to control
privacy and sociability is therefore a factor that may contribute to levels of neighborhood
satisfaction. Neighborhood satisfaction has been studied by many, with a focus on perceptive and
evaluative aspects; personal, social and psychological factors have been found to play a significant
part in satisfaction, with physical attributes Î generally considered through ratings rather than
measurement lagging behind in research. Overall, residential satisfaction is confirmed as a
complex matter, with perception and evaluation interrelated with physical characteristics.
Physical, social and cultural factors have been listed as playing a part in neighborhood and
residential satisfaction. Amongst the social ones, the fear of crime, the number of traffic accidents
occurring, the sense of neighboring felt, and the access to services have been studied. On the other
hand, research has found that these can be lessened through the use of good design and
maintenance; for example, lighting and well-maintained greenery can help lower the fear of crime
,Personal factors that have been found to affect such satisfaction are, amongst others, the past
experiences that we associate with a place; our adaptive behavior to and within such a place, that
is our tendency to grow fond of what we have, or the conditions we are given.
DOI: 10.54729/2789-8288.1069 8

4.2.3 Interpersonal Relationships

Public life is recognized as being key in modern life as it is within it that people learn how to
deal with complexity, understanding and using unwritten rules and codes of practice. Diversity is
crucial as it offers accidental and unlimited scenarios for life. Research reviewed in this area relates
our likelihood to establish and engage in social relationships, feel a sense of community and use
local facilities to well-being and focuses on the physical features in which such events take place.
Density and spatial configuration in relation to movement, access and distribution of services are
two of these features frequently cited .There has been much work on the study of the relationships
between density and social sustainability. Different cultures have different tolerances to density
and adopt different coping behaviors, while environments of different structure and density afford
different social relationships to form. The effects of density can be moderated through design by
working on the gap between actual and perceived density, with specific physical features
contributing to considerably lowering the latter, but contextual knowledge and solutions are

4.2.4 Physical Well-Being

Availability of choices to walk is an important part of human self-determination and is
significant for physical well-being. The correlation between physical inactivity and chronic health
problems has been studied since the 1970s, initially with a psychological and social focus on
individuals undertaking recreational activities. Only in the 2000s has the focus started to include
an integrated study of environmental correlates to physical activity. Physical activity, like diet,
operates at the individual scale. Physical inactivity is associated with a number of undesirable
health outcomes, including coronary heart disease, circulatory diseases, diabetes, and
hypertension. Future approaches to city organization and communication infrastructure conducive
to human quality of life should not only facilitate travel by walking, but also actively encourage

4.3 The Pedestrian Scale

Human quality of life, at least in relation to what we experience in routine daily life, rests heavily on
what happens at the pedestrian scale. This is evident throughout wide-ranging contributions to the
literature, from Jacobs in the 1960s through to Gehl and his contemporaries in the present day. In his
Cities for People, Gehl provides comprehensive accounts of the ways in which city spaces at the
pedestrian scale are intrinsically interwoven with human functioning and social processes at the level of
the individual and the collective. In addition to spatial organization at this scale, there is the strong
message that to access beneficial experiences in urban settings, people must have a measure of control
over what they choose to do and where they do it. Perhaps, therefore, more so than at the metropolitan
and neighborhood scales, provision of open space that is conducive to quality of life does not rely entirely
on the outcomes of professional design interventions. It seems that, at some very difficult point to identify
at pedestrian scales, a transition is needed whereby the kind of prescriptive ÐdesignÑ, as conventionally
understood in the mainstream of current practice, needs to gradually give way to enable patterns of user
occupation, control and adaptation to become more prominent in how the urban environment is shaped.

Fig. 6 The pedestrians scale

4.3.1 Material Well-being

In terms of urban design decision-making, material dimensions related to quality of life are
intimately tied to our capacity to become aware of spaces that we can own, control and experience

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responsibility for, and those where these apply to others in society. The literature shows that this
can be interpreted in terms of spatial attributes that allow us to become aware of the extent of
spatial containment, where boundaries between adjacent spaces exist, and the extent to which these
can be controlled in order that we can define and protect items important to our material well

4.3.2 Interpersonal Well-being

Active edges in urban settings are almost ubiquitously acknowledged in the literature for the
crucial role they play in encouraging and supporting social vitality and interpersonal relationships
in urban areas. Consequently, they are often acknowledged as integrations of social as well as
physical and spatial realms (Habraken 1998). If the socio-spatial nature of these marginal zones is
to be accepted, then two key challenges become explicit. The first is that delivery of these socio-
spatial margins Ðby designÑ can only be expected to go so far because professional design
disciplines, as they are currently configured, cannot adequately account for the breadth and
ambiguity of human behavioral and social functioning in spaces in entirely prescriptive ways
(Cuthbert 2007). Second, and related to this, is that these edge environments, active or otherwise,
currently fall between disciplinary interests. Despite several decades of recognition of their
importance to the social well-being of cities, there remains no environmental planning or design
discipline with a specific focus on edge design, management and socio-spatial nature.

Urban designs greatest contribution to quality of life spans across scales, from the city-wide to the
pedestrian and detailed one, through the distribution of basic services, the design of streets and blocks, and
their combination, in terms of walkability, intended as a complex term, inclusive of spatial convenience
(permeability), environmental quality (safety, appearance, interest, environmental comfort), and overall
legibility. Moreover, the modulation of density and complexity (of activities) encourages exposure to diversity,
the practice of social norms, the establishment of social networks, and engagement in civic activities .
Urban design should be intended as a process that, especially at neighborhood and pedestrian scales,
enables self-organization and modification through new forms of local space control. People-space
relationships are, indeed, reciprocal. We need a substantial shift in how we see ourselves as part of the world,
the city, and the neighborhood, in our personal, social and civic lives. Contextual pressures, from the
environment, the climate and its resources, to the scale and pace of urbanization, require a change in how we
make our choices. We might only just be seeing the end of a century in which choice was based on
accumulation, individuality, and substitution, and we might just be at the dawn of a time of awareness of legacy
and durability, and the convenience and affordability that they can offer. This requires learning how to move
from compartmentalizing our activities and environments to blending them for efficiency, so that both efforts
and effects contribute to more than their individual worth. Urban life is here to stay and indeed to grow at an
unprecedented pace, so we need to understand that the synergies it can offer hold a large stake in our well-
being. As the philosopher Berleant eloquently observed; What we need now is to reconceptualize our world in
a way that comes to terms with this, for what we do in the environment.


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- Robert W. Marans, Quality of urban life & environmental sustainability studies: Future linkage opportunities , Habitat
International, Volume 45, Part 1, 2015.
DOI: 10.54729/2789-8288.1069 10

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